yuzuocha · 2 months
MC: Hey, do you think I can fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?
Zayne: You're a hazard to society.
Caleb: And a coward. Do twenty.
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naoiikumo · 1 year
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arcdiris · 11 months
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"I even love saying the words 'I love you'"
Now also as a print on my Etsy and Bigcartel!
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doctorbunny · 4 months
(Part 2) MILGRAM x AVOIT bluetooth earphones collab: Haruka and Yuno voice lines
[Brief context: On 28th December 2023 a crossover was announced for bluetooth earphones featuring original voicelines from MILGRAM characters. Website]
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PRISON.001 [I think they meant prisoner but they wrote 'Prison' so....] Haruka Sakurai Vertical text = 人を不幸にすることだけは得意なんです = I've only ever been good at bringing misfortune to others [From his third intro voice line]
Voice Guidance: 電源を入れます...=Power switched on... 電源を切りますね…=Power's turned off... あ、接続成功したんですね…=ah- the connection was successful... 接続解除します…=Connection ended... ペアリング?中らしいです…=Pair-ing? Seems to be in progress... ペアリング、成功しました=The pairing, was successful ペアリング失敗....ごめんなさい…=Pairing failed.... I'm sorry.... あ、バッテリーありません…=Ah- there's no battery left... ノイズキャンセリング、オン=Noise cancelling, On アンビエントマイク、オン= Ambient Mic, On ノーマルモード=Normal Mode
Random Voice: ばかでごめんなさい=I'm sorry for being an idiot 看守さん、いや、なんでもないです=Guard-san, -wait no, its nothing な、何、聴いてるですか=W-what, are you listening to? [as in music] ア、アマネちゃん....ごめんなさい…=A-Amane-chan... I'm sorry.... ムウさんは、お母さんなんです=Muu-san is, definitely my mother ミ、ミコトさんは、いい人ですよ=Mi-Mikoto-san is, a good person y'know ….どうしました?僕、なにか変ですか?= ....Is something wrong? Is there something strange about, me? ミルグラム、とても楽しいです。= MILGRAM, is really fun.
PRISON.002 Yuno Kashiki Vertical text = そうだ、千円で膝枕してあげるよ = I know! I’ll give you a lap pillow for 1000 yen! [from her third introductory voice line]
Voice Guidance: 電源を入れるよ=Powering on 電源を切るよ~=Powering off~ やったね、リンク成功=Yippee! Linked successfully リンク外したよ=Link removed 繋げてるからちょっと待ってね=Connecting, so wait a sec ちゃーんと繋がったよ=Fu~lly Connected おっとと、繋がらなかったみたい=Suddenly, its like it disconnected ほら、そろそろ充電しょ?=Hey! Lets charge it soon, ok? ノイズキャンセリングをオンにするよ?=[Shall I] Turn on noise cancelling? アンビエントマイク、オン= Ambient Mic, On ノーマルモードだよ=It's Normal Mode
Random Voice: 看守さん、ちゃんと私のこと暖かくしてよね?=Guard-san, warm me up properly ok? 看守さん、おーい。返事して��て~=Guard-san, heeey. Please try responding~ いいね、今の曲。あたしも好きかも=Nice, the song on just now. I think I also like it. ん?ハルカ。なに、ニヤニヤしてんの?=hm? Haruka. what, what's with the smiling? マヒルさんって、なんかほっとけないんだよねぇ=Mahiru-san can't just be left on her own, right? ムウお嬢様は今日も楽しそうで羨ましいね=Looks like Little Miss Muu's having fun today too, I'm jealous [Yuno's use of ojousama is her implying that Muu's never suffered any kind of hardship, lol get rekt muu] ....何?看守さんちょっとしつこくない?=...What? Guard-san, aren't you being a bit too persistant? あたしが欲しい人、ここまでおいで=If you want me, come marco, I'll polo/Person I want, come here [lyric from Teardrop]
This is PART TWO of 6 Jackalope and Es, Haruka and Yuno [You are here], Fuuta and Muu, Shidou and Mahiru, Kazui and Amane, Mikoto and Kotoko
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utaitemusic · 11 months
MILGRAM -ミルグラム- / マヒル「だいすき」第二審MV
Tell me, oh tell me why, can’t I just do it right
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maristelina · 1 year
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If an arm wrestling tournament were to take place between the Milgram prisoners and Es, what would the ranking be? Is it possible that some prisoners might not be familiar with arm wrestling?
I remember the Phantom Brigade. (?)
①カズイ (Kazui) ②コトコ (Kotoko) ③ミコト (Mikoto) ④ハルカ (Haruka) ⑤フータ (Fuuta) ⑥ユノ (Yuno) ⑦マヒル (Mahiru) ⑧ムウ (Muu) ⑨アマネ (Amane)
シドウ (Shidou) - Doesn't want to hurt his arm. エス (Es) - Won't put themselves on the prisoners level.
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mukuberry · 7 months
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faz5ang · 4 months
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kumoocchi · 11 months
Mahiru's theory and analysis are coming soon...
For precision, my theory and analysis will regrouping the two trials.
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humanaaa · 5 months
89 and 23 for the wrapped :DDD
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yuzuocha · 2 months
Zayne, holding the door open: After you.
MC: No, no, it's okay! You first.
Zayne: I insis—
Caleb, shoving Zayne away: AFTER ME
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naoiikumo · 1 year
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joh0002naga · 1 year
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薔薇の蕾から生まれ出た実のようにみずみずしい。 その目は盲目で、目もくらむ光の中で音と筋肉を伝う感覚と匂いによって世界を見ている。 そしてその足は枯れてしおれた茎のようにもろく、硬い靴で固定しながら杖をついている
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doctorbunny · 4 months
(Part 5) MILGRAM x AVOIT bluetooth earphones collab: Kazui and Amane voice lines
[Brief context: On 28th December 2023 a crossover was announced for bluetooth earphones featuring original voicelines from MILGRAM characters. [Website]
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PRISON.007 Kazui Mukuhara Vertical Text = きみの世代からしたらもうだいぶおじさんだろ = From your perspective, I’m probably an old man. [from first intro voice line]
Voice Guidance: 電源を入れるよ = Powering on 電源を切るぜ Powering off お、接続成功したみたいだな = Oh, seems like it connected successfully 接続解除 = Connection terminated ペアリング中だ = It's Pairing [in progress] ペアリング、成功 = Pairing, successful おや、ペアリング失敗だ = Oh, the pairing failed 充電なくなりそうだよ = The battery's run out ノイズキャンセリング、オン = Noise Cancelling, On アンビエントマイク、オン= Ambient Mic, On ノーマルモード=Normal Mode
Random Voice: 美少年だねぇ・・・・・・いや、美少女なのかな? = You’re a bishounen… no, or maybe a bishoujo… [from third intro voice line] 看守くん、たまには休憩も必要だぜ? = Guard-kun, don't you need to take a break sometimes too? どんな音楽、聴くんだい? = What kind of music, are you going to listen to? あ、シドウくん、メシでもどう? = Ah, Shidou-kun, how about some food? おじさんもフータくらいの頃はヤンチャだったよ = When I was around about Fuuta's age, I was also a troublemaker y'know [Note, I have seen this translated elsewhere as delinquent, this is Untrue, delinquent, in Japanese media has specific imagery/connotations that 'yancha' does not. This line is likely referencing how Fuuta doesn't yet feel the responsiblity of adults and speaks his mind freely even when it can come off as immature, selfish or rude] 杠ちゃん、君の好きにはさせないぜ = Yuzuriha-chan, I won't let you do whatever you like お前のことをずっと好きだったっていったら、どうする? = If I said that I'd always liked you, what would you do? [similar but not the same as the line from cat, this implies a much longer term attraction] 俺の嘘を明かしてみろ。ミルグラム = Try to reveal my lies. MILGRAM
PRISON.008 Amane Momose Vertical Text = 私のことはかみさまが護ってくれていますから = Because God is giving me His protection [from third intro voice line]
Voice Guidance: 電源オン = Power On 電源オフ=Power Off 接続成功しました = Connection Succeeded 接続解除しましたよ = Connection was Terminated ペアリングをしています = Pairing [in progress] ペアリング成功です = Pairing Successful ペアリング失敗です = Pairing Failure そろそろ充電してはどうですか = How about you charge [the earbuds] soon? ノイズキャンセリング、オン = Noise Cancelling, On アンビエントマイク、オン= Ambient Mic, On ノーマルモード=Normal Mode
Random Voice: 私はあなたの方が間違っていると思います = I believe that your ways are wrong 看守さん。きっといいことありますよ = Guard-san. Surely this is a good thing, y'know 音楽が好きか? まぁ、モノによります = What music do I like? Well, it depends シドウさん。あなたと話すことは特にありません = Shidou-san, there's nothing in particular that I have to discuss with you カズイさん、体を鍛えるのはいいことですね = Kazui-san, having a disciplined body like that is a good thing, isn't it マヒルさん、節度を持ったほうが良いですね 反省しなさい。謝りなさい。謝りなさい = Mahiru-san, it'd be better to hold yourself to standards, wouldn't it. Reflect on yourself. Apologise. Apologise 侮辱したな。私たちを。神を = That was an affront. To Us. To God
This is PART FIVE of 6 Jackalope and Es, Haruka and Yuno, Fuuta and Muu, Shidou and Mahiru, Kazui and Amane [You are here], Mikoto and Kotoko
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esper-the-one · 1 year
I am devil first, angel second.
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Artwork : 梳久耶マヒル
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wagamama-girls-mode · 2 years
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コトミ, Kotomi
マヒル, Mahiru
カズミ, Kazumi
フタバ, Futaba
ツバサ, Tsubasa (Thurs Only)
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