fhzdn · 1 year
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yinyuworld · 11 months
"I do not ask for nirvana, but for you.”
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📌 Nan Chan second & final volume cover [chinese version]
✨ this quote is from book Nan Chan by Tang Jiuqing
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the-monkey-ruler · 5 months
Didn’t jttw’s publisher see the book’s success and wanted to replicate it with north, east, and south? I thought I read that somewhere but it’s been a while.
I can't say I know anything about that, or at least I haven't heard about it. If you find the link to where you read that I would love to see it! The story of Xiyouji was popular before Wu Cheng'en's version, hence why there were so many different versions around it, just that it was theorized that Wu Cheng'en was able to connect multiple of the one-off tales of them fighting demons and finally put it together in a coherent narrative. Wu Cheng'en's version started to become the 'canon' because of its popularity but that doesn't discredit the popularity or notoriety of previous Xiyouji media.
Xiyouji was based on The Story of How Tripitaka of the Great Tang Procures the Scriptures 大唐三藏取經詩話 which was released around the late-13th-century, giving a good few centuries for the story to rise in popularity before the Wu Chengen's 1592 cut. From there we do see other versions of the story, such as the early-Ming Journey to the West zaju play 西遊記雜劇 which was created between these productions.
If we want to see when the other novels were created it's just a matter of trying to put them in order.
Late-13th-century ~ The Story of How Tripitaka of the Great Tang Procures the Scriptures 大唐三藏取經詩話
Early-Ming ~ Journey to the West zaju play 西遊記雜劇
1522-1526 - Journey to the East 東遊記 by Wu Yuantai
1566 ~ Journey to the West: The Biography of Tang Sanzang 西游唐三藏出身传 by Yang Zhihe
1570s-1580s - Journey to the South 南遊記 by Yu Xiangdou
1592 - Journey to the West 西遊記 by Wu Cheng'en
1602 - Journey to the North 北遊記 by Yu Xiangdou
I think that considering how close the publication dates (even the estimates) that it would be fair that most of these pieces of media were either inspired by previous interpretations of Xiyouji and it took some time before Wu Cheng'en's version finally became popular enough to be considered the 'canon' as it is referred to as today. I can't say how fast the spread of literature was back in the 16th century but I assume it would be much slower by today's standards at least.
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Hanfu (traditional Chinese clothing), Hanfu everywhere.
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angieloveshua · 1 year
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vegehana-food · 1 year
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✿ カードライス | Curd Rice ・南アジア方面ではカード(curd)はヨーグルトを指します。つまり「カードライス」とは「ヨーグルトご飯」のこと。南インドでは、ワンプレートの定食でご飯とおかずを一通りたいらげたあと、おかわりしたご飯とヨーグルトをプレート上で混ぜあわせて食事のシメにすることが多いようです。 ・蒸した白米とヨーグルトを組み合わせるのが最も簡単な作り方です。米は南インド風に柔らかくなるように、蒸し炊きまたは圧力炊きで調理されます。 室温まで冷ました後、細かく刻んだ青唐辛子、生姜、カレーリーフで味付けし、場合によってはブラックグラム、マスタードシード、クミンシード、アサフェティダのテンパリングを加えます。 最後にカードと塩を加えます。
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mensgohan · 1 year
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tmmode · 2 years
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餃子の王将で、いつものメニューです🥟 今日は、やけに混んでる😁 #餃子の王将 #餃子 #天津飯 #塩ダレ #鶏の唐揚 #麻婆豆腐 #ジャストサイズ #晩ごはん #餃子の王将上板橋駅南口店 #上板橋 #板橋区 #東京都 #東京 (餃子の王将 上板橋店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpHmhsCy8d5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cgwang5771244 · 10 hours
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roundtripjp · 14 days
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yinyuworld · 10 months
"…Gege” Jing Lin cried out in grief and aggrievement.
“Take me home.”
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✨ this quote is from book Nan Chan by Tang Jiuqing 唐酒卿
📌 merch for Nan Chan simplified chinese edition
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 years
has anyone ever tried to adapt the early play version of the journey? or took some inspiration? like monkey's siblings
I'm trying to only read a couple of these movie/show summaries a day in order to not get burned out but I'll be honest... I don't think a single one of them has any of their own JTTW-inspired media ;_;
On one hand, I understand. Other adaptions of Journey to the West like The Story of How Tripitaka of the Great Tang Procures the Scriptures 大唐三藏取經詩話 or Zaju 西遊記 are interesting stories on their own they never gained that popularity or notoriety that Wu Cheng'en's 西遊記 adaption. And honestly, it makes sense in that Wu Cheng'en is the most popular as it was able to take the best qualities of Wukong, keeping him a mischievous but clever monkey while still making him wise and a respected fighter. It gave Wukong layers to be able to relate to any reader, being of higher class or of lower class, gaining such attention in both entertainment and scholarly work that it gained the 'canon' status.
So sadly any background of Wukong's four siblings was dropped and has yet to ever resurface.
Some more info on those if you want to look into them more.
The same being said with Supplement Journey to the West 西遊補, Journey to the South 南遊記, and Later Journey to the West 後西遊記. Once Wu Cheng'en's 西遊記 gained that popularity and status other authors wished to contribute as well. And while I am sad that there is no media of these early contributions to the novel I also understand that they are pieces of media on their own.
The 'sequels' are stories onto themselves that offer their own allegories whether that be political or religious takes by the individual author more so using the medium of JTTW so convey their stories. Similar to how artists/writers use JTTW as a medium to tell their own stories in reimagings or adaptions.
Wukong or anyone of the pilgrimage going through other adventures within the novel or having continuations after the novel is nothing new to media in modern times as there are a lot of moves/shows with original demons or making stories of what happened 'after' JTTW so I would take it like... why would a director take someone's else blueprints for a reimaging/retelling of JTTW when they have their own version of the popular story? Why take someone else demon when you can make your own? Why remake someone else's take on Sun Clan children when you have plans of your own?
Sadly that means unless some of these earlier JTTW media become REALLY popular really soon and someone is willing to put their entire goal into making them entertaining or watchable enough for the general population I think they shall only stay where they are... they are good stories but I do think what's holding them back is that on their own, they are just okay and what really made them survive is their connection to the popular adaption of Journey to the West.
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jinrizhiyi · 2 months
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【晚間新聞】全球首例 廣東H3N8禽傳人患者病亡
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7774137v · 3 months
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