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Long time no see.
from Tan Jianci's official weibo post
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One plus one equals two @Everything Captain Du Says Is Right
from Sketch Artist - Shen Yi's character weibo post
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The job's done, let's set off! @Sketch Artist - Shen Yi
from Everything Captain Du Says Is Right's character weibo post
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Long time no see, I know you have always been waiting.
from Jin Shijia's studio weibo post
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fangjuexias · 11 months
Sanfu Audio Drama || Theme Song, "Sanfu"
监制:火山黑了@黑黑要努力进步呀、阿仓@阿仓阿勋阿仓 统筹:鲸落@丨鲸落_丨 音乐制作人:奇然@奇然liya 音乐总监:奇然 作词:子苏@子苏支棱起来了 作曲/编曲:何仡@何一束 演唱/哼唱:奇然、徐远书@徐远书 和声编写:徐远书 和声:徐远书 混音:栾城@栾城_ 音乐制作团队:平行世界工作室@平行世界工作室 题字:梅梢月@梅梢月- 海报设计:潮潮艺 宣传:翊雩 字幕组:@OCIR·字幕组
段(徐远书):蝉鸣喧嚣和他 携手造访 在林荫路上 随着盛夏同步 声势浩荡 来到我身旁 江(奇然):故事就此开场 书写浓墨 重彩的篇章 欣然应约前往 笃定方向 朝着明天 热烈启航
段:浇溉浪漫幻想 年少热望 江:向着自由 尽情生长 段:想问三伏骄阳 少年理想 哪个更滚烫 江:乘着长风高唱 破万里浪 前路总会有光 合:一起并肩同往 更远的地方 未来的畅想 ——M——
江:阳光从指缝中 肆意流淌 落在他脸庞 对视那刻好像 夏天进驻 坐落在心脏 段:飞鸟越过围墙 寻着风向 勇敢去远航 结束漫长流浪 不再迷惘 终于找到 停泊的港
江:浇溉浪漫幻想 年少热望 段:向着自由 尽情生长 江:想问三伏骄阳 少年理想 哪个更滚烫 段:月亮认真倾听 每个愿望 爱意祝福绵长 江:周围万家灯火 而我只看到 他眼底的光
合:就以浪漫幻想 年少热望 共赴一场 青春张扬 一直勇往无前 少年的心 比三伏滚烫 乘着长风高唱 破万里浪 前路总会有光 一起并肩同往 更远的地方 你在我身旁
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mynameisemo · 21 days
官配居然成怨偶 还闹出休妻戏码
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extraordinarilyextreme · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
tagged by @bbcphile~ thank you my dear 🫶
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
30 right now~ what a nice number!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
so many, lol. right now, i'm actively writing for LHL and YRZX (and a bit LZTJ), but i previously wrote a lot for QYJ, CHSSN, and DMBJ.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
may we tie our hearts together again ⚫️⚪️ QingYa
9k, red string AU, canon + post-canon
NOTICE: Seeking Marriage Partner 💙💚 PingXie
5k, post-canon
青山仍在 | as long as the green hills remain 🪷🐕 HuaFang
7k, post-canon fix-it
but ask for no regrets 💙💚 PingXie
5k, canon-compliant N+1 things
a ghost walks into a soldier's house 💙🤍 SuiTang | 🖤💚 WeiLan
16k, crossover + crack treated seriously
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try my best to, but for various reasons comments will accumulate in my inbox and i might not respond to them until even a year later. but please believe me, i do read every single one.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i write a lot of HEs... perhaps only an echo, since the entire premise of that (unfinished) series is an AU where Wu Xie isn't there to fulfill his ten-year promise with Xiaoge. rather than angsty endings, i write more angsty stories? in which case, the angstiest might be 千里自同风 | no distance too great as a canon-compliant post-canon fic that follows Fang Duobing's journey of grief. (but i don't think the ending of that is sad, tbh.) alternatively, 飞蛾扑火 | for you, i'll gladly burn is another contender given Shen Yi's big reveal in the last chapter (but also don't think the ending is sad). 红尘似水,万事入歌 | the world becomes song is pretty sad too if only because we the readers know the characters' fates in canon.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
honestly, i think most of my fics are HEs. or if not "happy," comforting for sure. most of my fics end with a promise to be together, to spend an ordinary life together, to have the chance to be in the moment together. it might not be super, like, grand or dramatic or anything - but i genuinely think all my fics have peaceful endings. so take your pick, peruse my works~
8. Do you get hate on fics?
rarely, and the few times that i have, i've simply deleted them.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope. i don't know how to, LOL
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i have a guilty pleasure of writing crossovers, lol. i think they're all kinda wild:
a ghost walks into a soldier's house
镇魂 Guardian & 成化十四年 The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty
do not speak as loud as my heart
盗墓笔记 The Grave Robbers' Chronicles & 镇魂 Guardian
红尘似水,万事入歌 | the world becomes song
鬓边不是海棠红 Winter Begonia & 老九门 Mystic Nine
懷月夢 | on the summit, sun and snow
三生三世枕上书 Eternal Love of Dream & 封神演义 The Investiture of The Gods
照猫画狐 | tracing a cat to draw a fox
猎罪图鉴 Under the Skin & 无眠之境 Desire Catcher
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of. don't steal my fics.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! 此生如梦 | this life, a dream was tl'ed into Russian~
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes~ @naiwong-bao and i somehow churned out the 111k monster that was 懷月夢 | on the summit, sun and snow. to this day, i have no idea how we did that, LOL
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
impossible for me to choose~ recency bias will suggest 🦊🐼 青也, 🪷🐕 花方, and 🎨🔍 城心城翊 though~
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
my 往前走 莫回呀头 | go forward and don't look back series 🥹 i had two more parts planned originally after Xiuxiu's POV... one was Liu Sang, the other was Xiaoge. (there was an undetermined Bai Haotian POV fic too.) i also definitely won't be finishing the sound of snowfall (and don't want to LOL)
16. What are your writing strengths?
atmosphere and rhythm, i think. maybe because i used to write a lot of poetry? i also have faith in my world-building (bc i do a LOT of research) and dialogue. in terms of tropes, it must undoubtedly be hurt/comfort.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i'm not good at writing fight/action scenes (probably another reason why i literally cannot write smut). i also don't think i'm super great at description, but i think i've been improving.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
this is an interesting question because i actually write all my dialogue in Chinese first and then tl it to English since i pretty exclusively write for c-media now 😆 i like that a lot bc i think it helps me to more accurately characterize these ppl - but also it sucks tremendously when English is just the ugliest-sounding language in the world, LOL. (i always think my original Chinese dialogue is prettier and has more depth~)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the first fandom i posted fic on AO3 for was Good Omens: i love(d) you. but in my life, it was probably like... Warriors (yes, the cats) or Shugo Chara..? idk, or maybe Case Closed (still love that series despite how insufferably long it's gotten).
20. Favorite fic you've written?
only children need to choose; adults can have everything~
tagging: @rongzhi, @elenothar, @difeisheng, @asterdust, @willowcatkinblossom, @starlitwishforu, @tunnelofdusk
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猎罪图鉴2 is fucking REAL!!!!!!!
沈翊!!!杜城!!! 檀老师、金老师都回归了......
(编剧老师 算我跪下来求您们了,别乱加个女主角,城心城翊的感情已经够了)
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