#徐研培 Eric Hsu
fyeahcindie · 1 year
Lovely new single from 林宥嘉 Yoga Lin, this starts out with gentle nylon string guitar, and never gets much louder, even after the full band comes in.  =D
The song is called 我不是神,我只是平凡卻直拗愛著你的人 and the English title is Wordless Groans, but the Google translation is something like “I'm not a god, I'm just an ordinary person who always loves you”. 
Lyrics: 姚謙 Yao Chien/林宥嘉 Yoga Lin Music: 林宥嘉 Yoga Lin Arranger: Yoga Lin, Jack Ko 柯遵毓, Eric Hsu 徐研培, 黃亮傑AJ Producer: Yoga Lin, 蔡政勳 Andy Tsai, Jack Ko Vocals & Nylon Guitar: Yoga Lin Acoustic & Electric Guitars: Eric Hsu Bass: 柯遵毓 Jack Ko Drums: 黃亮傑 AJ (Jay Huang from JADE) First Violins: 蔡曜宇 Shuon Tsai, 陳奕勇 Yi-Yung Chen Second Violins: 黃雨柔 (Nala Huang), 駱思云 Lo Ssu Yun Violas; 甘威鵬 Weapon Gan, 牟啟東 Wayne Mau Cellos: Hang Liu 劉涵, 葉欲新 Shin (Yushin Ye) Strings Arranger: 劉涵 Hang Liu (隱分子 Infancy Band)
More English description plus lyrics and full a/v credits back at YT.
Links:  Instagram,  Spotify,  華研國際 YouTube (HiM Music Label) (also a playlist with older songs), YouTube (look under releases tab)
The Yoga Lin single came out last month, but I watched this cover by 許淨淳 XuDo (aka 淳仔)  today:
We have featured her a bunch of times, both covers and original songs.
Here’s a cute cover she posted last month, by the South Korean girl band FIFTY FIFTY (피프티피프티):
XuDo Links:  Instagram,  YouTube
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sheclovercom · 6 years
/ 華研國際 / 期待已久的新作,完整公開! 田馥甄〈#自己的房間〉MV  https://youtu.be/8aTShFEm8Wc
 數位收聽 https://ift.tt/2BoJg1e
「Live in Life」 生活即是現場,用現場錄音讓生命當下的美好發聲。
這首 #現場錄音單曲,不僅僅是承接田馥甄上一張專輯《日常》的精神,更延展了「把握每個當下」的概念,希望透過現場錄音捕捉稍縱即逝的每一刻,記載音樂裡活生生的視聽,分享生命的此時此刻,讓每一天所發生的美好,用音樂發「聲」。
今天 讓美好發聲 愛唱歌的女孩 邊走邊唱 從自己的房間 出發
演唱:田馥甄 Hebe Tien 曲:林祐萱 Yu Hsuan Lin 詞:田馥甄 Hebe Tien 編曲:周菲比 PheBe Chou 製作人:陳珊妮 Sandee Chan
鋼琴:李宜玲 Elin Lee 豎琴:蘇珮卿 Paige Su Double Bass:池田欣彌 Ikeda Kinya 爵士鼓:廖柏鈞 Suyeh Liao 吉他:徐研培 Eric Hsu
現場錄音師:陳文駿 AJ Chen 現場助理錄音師:唐士珉 Mimi Tang 混音:陳文駿 AJ Chen @強力錄音室 母帶後期處理:Greg Calbi, Mastering Engineer (Sterling Sound Studios, New York)
MV製作公司:LUCKYSPARKS MV監製:高郁傑 Otis Kao MV導演:黃婕妤 Remii Huang 平面攝影:奧山由之 Yoshiyuki Okuyama 錄音與拍攝文案側寫:陳虹任 Isara Chen MV引言提供��天培文化有限公司
OP:好撐音樂 FULL MUSIC SP:PEERMUSIC (TAIWAN) LTD. OP:HIM Music Publishing Inc. TWD951843101
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fyeahcindie · 9 months
Perfect song for night time listening -- this is from the debut album 黑房子 Dark House by singer-songwriter 潘寧 NIN (formerly known as 潘寧 Penny). =D
The album came out last month, and was produced by Peggy Hsu 許哲珮. (well, all 3 songs I've heard so far list her as producer).
On this track, Eric Hsu 徐研培 plays guitar, Hang Liu 劉涵 (隱分子 Infancy Band) plays cello, and 奧斯卡 Oscar Wu did the arrangement. The lyrics are Chinese in the verses and English in the chorus.
Links: StreetVoice,  Instagram,  潘寧NIN YouTube,  Spotify.
We featured her 2020 single a few years ago HERE.
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
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Just read on 黃少雍 Huang Shao yong’s fb that he did a lo-fi arrangement for Waa Wei 魏如萱, I think it is part of a larger compilation, but the song and instrumental is listed as a new single on her Spotify.  (The link Shao-yong posted is for YouTube Music, not regular YT, so I couldn’t embed it here)
Shao-yong played bass in Waa’s band for years, and has also done some electronic arrangements for her recent releases.  He is also part of the electronic band 林瑪黛 matelin, and arranger/producer/head of Dark Paradise Records.
His post from earlier today:
Producer/Arrangement|黃少雍 Huang Shao Yong Assistant Producer|林志龍 Lin Linz Trumpet/Drums|Achino Chang 張瀚中  (Waa, Nineteentael) Electric Guitar|Eric Hsu 徐研培
  (Peggy Hsu, etc.) Violin|Daphne Su 蘇子茵
錄音師 Recording Engineer|林志龍Lin Linz 陳以霖 Yi Lin Chen 錄音室 Recording Studio| Coop Studio 大小眼錄音室Twin Eyes Studio 混音師 Mix Engineer|黃少雍 Huang Shao Yong 混音錄音室 Mixing Studio|Coop Studio 母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|黃文萱 Ziya Huang 母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|Purring Sound
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
Happy Birthday, 許哲珮 Peggy Hsu!  =D   (Peggy gets emotional during the chat with the audience, and then the song begins at 3:30)
“Little Wishing Star - Live 2018@Riverside Taipei” 
主唱 Vocal / 電鋼琴 E.Piano: 許哲珮 Peggy Hsu 吉他 Guitar: 徐研培 Eric Hsu 貝斯 Bass: 壞比利 Billy Fu 大提琴 Cello: 劉涵 Hang Liu (Infancy) 鼓 Drums: 肚皮 Dopy ( 旺福 Wonfu)
影片混音製作 Audio track mixing:壞比利 Billy Fu 影片剪輯 Video editing:馬戲團團長 Rick Wang 錄影 Videographer: 馬戲團團長 Rick Wang, 魯冰 Cindy Liu
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
This is a sweet and intimate live stream from Christmas Eve: Peggy Hsu 許哲珮’s annual Dear Xmas concert being held at home this year, with Eric Hsu 徐研培 on guitar, Billy Fu on bass, and 許郁瑛 Yu Ying Hsu on piano.
They play Peggy songs, covers, and sprinkle in some holiday classics as well.  (tracklist back at YT) Peggy responds to comments and gives greetings; there’s a funny scene at around 49 minutes in when she tries to figure out the *various musicians that have autographed the white bricks on the wall over the years, and she realizes that one of the bricks has her wifi password -- quickly covering it with her hand!  XD
*including: Crispy, Wonfu, Yoga Lin, Paige Su, Fran Chen
YouTube,  Instagram,  Spotify
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
A few quiet minutes on a train with Peggy Hsu 許哲珮 & Eric Hsu 徐研培   =D
Peggy links: YouTube,  Instagram,  Spotify
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fyeahcindie · 4 years
Let’s check out a new TW band called Codie   =D
Their fb page just opened up in January, 2020, and they have 2 songs at StreetVoice and 3 at YouTube.  
They don’t list the members, but out of 5 people in the profile pic, I’ve identified Chiao Hsieh-Voc and 趙宇晨 Gary Chao-Gtr, 郭承新-Bass, 游文華-Drums, Horsey Tseng (馬子)-Keys.
UPDATE: Okay, more info about the band. Gary posted that they rehearsed for about a year and finally posted their first song at the beginning of January. He also tagged the members, and I’ve added them above. =D
Gary plays free lance w/ other acts, and I just saw his name in the credits for this cover Eric Hsu 徐研培 posted a few days ago:
Eric-Gtr.  (Eric plays with Peggy Hsu 許哲珮 and ball 莊鵑瑛 - 小球, and has also free-lanced with Lala Hsu, Sandee Chan and others).
Fang Q 方Q aka Carter Fang 方奎棠-bass. (CosmosPeople 宇宙人, ex-Mrs. This 這位太太
趙宇晨 Gary Chao-electronic percussion.
The original is by the Japanese band 髭男dism aka Higedan, and you can see much more info from Eric about how the cover came about back at YT.
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
New MV from Sandee Chan 陳珊妮!   =D
The song is called 恐怖谷 Uncanny Valley, and in a very strange coincidence, I first heard of that term on the news this morning. 0_0
You can read more about the concept at Wikipedia: Uncanny valley is a hypothesis that human replicas that appear almost, but not exactly, like real human beings elicit feelings of eeriness and revulsion among some observers.
The song is chill & gorgeous (w/ Eric Hsu 徐研培 on guitar and 甯子達 Michael Ning on bass), and the video is suitably creepy with the blending of the faces, and it features many familiar TW singers. Can you identify them all?
Sandee tagged them on fb, including LaLa徐佳瑩, 林嘉欣 Karena Lam, 丁寧 Ding Ning, KT 張凱婷, 繆沁琳, 周筆暢♥ Bibi Zhou, 田馥甄 Hebe
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fyeahcindie · 6 years
New from the little ball (莊鵑瑛 - 小球), it’s the title track from her new album, 巴斯特耳朵 Best Ear.  (KKBOX link)   =D
UPDATE: playback has been disabled by UNIVERSAL MUSIC TAIWAN 環球音樂, so watch at YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzHHTomenNc
Very dramatic sound to this song, with music by 廖偉傑 (Jie) (He also produced/arranged the track), and lyrics by ball. 
The MV is equally powerful, directed by 邱柏昶 BirdyNio and starring 饒星星 Cincin Jao.  Birdy did one more MV for the new ball album, and he also worked on recent clips from Vast & Hazy, Waa Wei, Kowen, Paige Su, Crispy, and MANY more going back several years. See the list at his Birdy Production Film site.   You can see Cincin Jao’s various MV, TV and Film credits at wikipedia.
Violin:Riecky Lu 瑞奇 (Nineteentael 十九兩樂團, 愛的養樂多 Yakult Psyche, Smokering 煙圈樂團)
Guitar:Eric Hsu 徐研培 (Peggy Hsu 許哲珮)
Backing Vocals arranged & sung by:Lisa Djaati 黃欽聖 (走下坡: Over The Hill, 靜物樂團 Nature Morte)
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fyeahcindie · 7 years
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Peggy Hsu and a new baby, too!  Congratulations!   =D
Let’s go back a couple of years for this Yuran Session clip, Peggy & Eric:
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sheclovercom · 6 years
MV來了  請看華研YouTube頻道
數位也上架了  KKBOX/Apple Music/friDay音樂/MyMusic/香港MOOV/網易雲音樂 — 演唱:田馥甄 Hebe Tien 曲:林祐萱 Yu Hsuan Lin 詞:田馥甄 Hebe Tien 編曲:周菲比 PheBe Chou 製作人:陳珊妮 Sandee Chan
鋼琴:李宜玲 Elin Lee 豎琴:蘇珮卿 Paige Su Double Bass:池田欣彌 Ikeda Kinya 爵士鼓:廖柏鈞 Suyeh Liao
吉他:徐研培 Eric Hsu
現場錄音師:陳文駿 AJ Chen 現場助理錄音師:唐士珉 Mimi Tang 混音:陳文駿 AJ Chen @強力錄音室 母帶後期處理:Greg Calbi, Mastering Engineer (Sterling Sound Studios, New York)
MV製作公司:LUCKYSPARKS MV監製:高郁傑 Otis Kao MV導演:黃婕妤 Remii Huang 平面攝影:奧山由之 Yoshiyuki Okuyama 錄音與拍攝文案側寫:陳虹任 Isara Chen MV引言提供:天培文化有限公司
OP:好撐音樂 FULL MUSIC SP:PEERMUSIC (TAIWAN) LTD. OP:HIM Music Publishing Inc. TWD951843101
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