jolintsai-es · 1 month
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¡El fin de una era! 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai junto a su equipo cierran oficialmente la era Ugly Beauty (álbum + live tour). Este álbum fue lanzado oficialmente el día 26 de diciembre de 2018 bajo los sellos discográficos 凌時差音樂 Eternal Music y Sony Music Taiwan, contó con 8 sencillos oficiales: 怪美的 UGLY BEAUTY, 腦公Hubby, 玫瑰少年 WOMXNLY, 消極掰 Life Sucks, 紅衣���孩 Lady in Red, 你也有今天KARMA, 愛的羅曼死 Romance y 甜秘密 Sweet Guilty Pleasure y una gira que recorrió las ciudades de Taipéi y Kaohsiung en Taiwán y ciudades como Guangzhou, Shanghái, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Hefei, Quzhou, Xiamen, etc. en China Continental (PRC) titulada "Ugly Beauty World Tour" la cual inició el 30 de diciembre de 2019 y concluyó el 18 de agosto de 2024, tuvo 6 etapas y contó con 12 official live videos: Miss Trouble, 倒帶 Rewind Feat. 吳青峰 Greeny Wu, 說愛你 Say Love You Feat G.E.M. 鄧紫棋, 辣台妹 Hot Chick/Play我呸/幹大事 Big Thing Feat. 頑童MJ116, 刻在我心底的名字 Your Name Engraved Herein Feat. 田馥甄 Hebe Tien, Mr. Q Feat. 徐熙娣 Elephant Dee, 甜秘密 Sweet Guilty Pleasure, 浪流連 Waves Wandering Feat. 茄子蛋 EggPlantEgg, Stars Align, 我知道你很難過I Know You're Feeling Blue/以後別做朋友 The Distance of Love, 如果可以 Red Scarf Feat. 韋禮安 WeiBird y 心引力 Gravity Feat. 王俊凱 Karry Wang. Las últimas dos etapas llevadas a cabo en China Continental (PRC) se vieron afectadas por la pandemia del 2020 y se reprogramaron para el 2023 con TOUR 2023 iniciando en la ciudad de Guangzhou y terminando en Chengdu el 23 de septiembre de 2023 y FINALE 2024 la cual inició en Foshan el 30 de marzo y culminó el 18 de agosto de 2024 en Xiamen, concluyendo así la 5° gira en la carrera de Jolin.
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laurentlemonke · 10 months
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ashitomarisu · 11 months
Aqours: Midnight Hour
(Top 6 Favorite Tracks [Aika Kobayashi])
[Written on October 25, 2023]
It has only been a couple days since Aikyan turned 30, but as I'm blasting her discography, why not share my favorite songs from this gifted vocal powerhouse.
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(DISCLAIMER: This list is my personal opinion. My decisions are based on overall music components (arrangement, lyrics, composition, etc.) as well as interests. Do not be offended if your favorite is not mentioned. Once again, "my" "personal" "opinion". ) With that out of the way, let's get into my picks!
6. Holiday!! (syzygy)
Not gonna lie; this is quite a catchy song coming from last year's EP. The pop rock vibe fits Kyan's energy just enough to leave an impression. There is a nice breakdown before the final chorus that highlights her other strong suit: hip-hop; although it isn't as prominent as in "Gimme the mic, gimme the light". Still, I prefer Holiday!! over that due to better arrangement, but by a slight margin.
5. ゆらゆらら (NO LIFE CODE)
If there is one thing Aikyan pulls off well, it is putting enough effort in her vocal performances to convince listeners to groove along. My favorite from her [NO LIFE CODE] EP, " ゆらゆらら" provides just the right amount of bop and catchy lyrics to shuffle back and forth after hard or depressing times. It is such an infectious melodic ride you cannot possibly resist.
4. Border Rain (Gradation Collection)
I'm a sucker for ballads, whether or not it has "power". For as long as I listened to all of Aqours seiyuus' solo discographies, Aikyan leaves the most impression on me with her powerful, soul-driven vocals. Thus, I had to include this song, which repeatedly continues to throw punches to my feels every time I hear it. The arrangement compliments her vocals to a point it amplifies the tone of the song. However, it isn't as memorable as #3; another ballad with an MV that captures Aikyan in a much more atmospheric level.
3. 空は誰かのものじゃない (Gradation Collection)
Used as an insert/ED song for the anime "Farewell, My Dear Cramer", "空は誰かのものじゃない" ( roughly translates to "The Sky Doesn't Belong to Anyone") seamlessly blends Aikyan's vocal flexibility along with a beautiful score that could leave you in tears (although I haven't done so yet).
(If you have time, check out the MV to get the full effect).
2. Sunset Bicycle (Tough Heart)
Of course, I'd put this high on my list. IT'S SO CHILL AND LAIDBACK, like riding a bicycle towards a heartwarming sunset after a long day. The first time hearing it, I was so out of it just from Kyan's softer yet sensual soulful vocals. The lyrics are also bilingual so forgive me if I immediate--
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(I can't help it. This song's an earworm).
Anyways, this is her strongest song out of her second EP; definitely worth listening to if you are in the mood for a bit of J-Pop/R&B flare.
Usually, I would have an Honorable Mention, but the only track out of her whole career that barely makes it in is actually one of the most unusual songs to have the most nonsensical lyrics cross my mind.
I kid you not. This song is so insane, in arrangement and lyrics that I had to sadly omit it for being a bit too...wild? I have no hate for any of her songs but this was the closest to making my list. If you're willing to subject yourself to only words ending in "ru", be my guest.
With that out of the way, let me reveal my #1 pick.
1. Moonlight Balcony (Gradation Collection)
How is this not a collab with Furirin? Riddle me this, Toy's Factory and Purple One Star.
Everything is just stellar with this song.
The score? 60s lounge that I can imagine Kyan in a high-class bar just having a cocktail with Furi.
The song, according to these lyrics, gives me the impression this is about getting drunk and just wandering around the city in the middle of the night in your own damn mind; having fun under the influence of alcohol. It's so fucking good I can't help but want to mash this with 「 シンデレラタイム」 , but the BPMs are so not even close to be done without clever editing.
(..and no, she literally mentions Cinderella; which is why I'm desperate for this mashup but that's for another time).
The intro portion of the score sucks you into a drunken euphoria and into a whirlwind of wonder and bliss. It may not be the best song to portray her vocals, but sometimes, you don't need a lot to convey this kind of feeling. Thus, I consider Moonlight Balcony my favorite song from Aika Kobayashi.
Hopefully, you enjoyed reading my thoughts. There might be a track or so that I overlooked. Was your favorite mentioned?
Which member of Aqours should I tackle next? Leave your comments in a reblog or tags.
Until next time, here's hoping the rest of the year is good to you!
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ovur · 2 years
Luka ruins this
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harumaroom · 2 years
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64.愛 Dee / Mitchie M
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nimx · 4 months
imagine GUMI SV & Teto SV covering 愛Dee
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bloodyethanol · 8 months
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kokorowa95 · 9 months
La-dee-la-lee-la-la la-lee-la Hey!
Break away, break away 細胞レベル I don't need 不本意現状憂いてる 姿仕草滑稽でしょう? Don't you think? Don't you think?
I'm so lazy 多分そう Fine sound 並べてるだけの人 Trash, crash, toss away Don't you think? Don't you think?
In this world この頭には What a beautiful 舞い散る花びら バラライカ 飲みたいな La-dee-la-lee-la-la la-lee-la (hey!)
誰もが大体 (hey!) C,R,A,Z,Y (hey!) 一瞬の感情に ride on, ride on, ride on, ride on (hey!)
心は95 (hey!) 狂気のサムライ (hey!) 血走らせた目で引くくらい Ready to die
ハロー陽は昇り あなたの空 真っ黒な空 荒々しく引きちぎって
ホラその場所で 聞こえてくる鼓動の仕掛け 轟くのは己の調べ 誰かのじゃない 己の調べ
ラッダッダッ ラッダッダッ
目の前に広がる世界はBlue ひとまず さぁ Move Move Speak about 生き方 There's no need 何をそんなに張り切って偉そうに
Ah give me more 愛を Ah 右も左も 知りもしないで言わないで Don't you think? Don't you think? ニヤリ影が笑う (hey!)
世界は大概 (hey!) C,R,A,Z,Y (hey!) 繰り返すように ride on, ride on, ride on, ride on (hey!)
わかってもいない (hey!) アレコレAuthorize (hey!) Tell me something for the new 偉大な期待の時代のバイブル CLAP BACK
Losin' my mind shooting my side Save it あなたのその瞬間 Maybe nothing wrong, nothing wrong La-dee-la-lee-la-la la-lee-la (hey!)
誰もが大体 (hey!) C,R,A,Z,Y (hey!) 一瞬の感情に ride on, ride on, ride on, ride on (hey!)
心は95 (hey!) 狂気のサムライ (hey!) 血走らせた目で引くくらい Ready to die
ハロー陽は昇り あなたの空 真っ黒な空 荒々しく引きちぎって
ホラその場所で 聞こえてくる鼓動の仕掛け 驚くのはまだこれから まだこれから
嗚呼もう待ち侘びて 時計の針 零時の街 猛々しくいざ Raise your voice
ホラすぐそこで 始まり出す 孤高の宴 奏でるのは己の調べ 唯一無二の己の調べ
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eternalscbt · 10 months
Edge of the season 4秒 効果音あり
FINAL PRAYER 7秒 いきなり効果音ではないがあり
8番目の罪 40〜41秒の間? 効果音なし
LOST COMPLEX 63秒 効果音なし 
POWER SCALE (シングル曲除外)
Something feel like Heaven 21秒 効果音なし
Nartic Boy 55秒 効果音なし
黎明-REIMEI- 24秒 効果音なし
Mr.D 31秒 効果音なし
White Fusion〜仮想恋愛の手引き〜 17秒 効果音なし
Dear My Friend〜make your shine way 16秒 効果音なし
フリーター・ブルース 27秒 効果音なし
ICE BREAKER 229秒 効果音なし 
Digiryzm Mutation
BEAUTY SITE 24秒 効果音なし
tearless〜あの頃の君を探して〜 20秒 効果音判定?
SweetJank,SweetGap 22秒 効果音なし
Harmit and Milk 24秒 効果音なし
GALAXY GANG 24秒 効果音なし
BEAT MY LIFE 13秒 効果音なし
Image of Tomorrow 14秒 効果音なし
Virgin Emotion 24秒  効果音あり
NAKED DESIRE 23秒 効果音あり
MOONSHINE DANCE 7秒 いきなり効果音なし歌い出しの前にあり
TRY AGAIN 18秒 効果音あり
夢を見たいから 20秒 効果音あり
平均 19.1秒
FAST ACCESS(シングル曲は除外、Perfect Timingはインストにつき除外)
Sensual Glide 26秒 効果音なし
Pale Blue Rain 30秒 効果音なし
Distance〜求め合うには遠すぎて〜 22秒 効果音あり
Hot Cruising Night 8〜9秒 効果音なし
Against The Rules 32秒 効果音あり
Can-dee Graffiti 22秒 効果音なし
Be Nude 16秒 効果音なし
Look-a-head 42秒 効果音なし
ACCESS Ⅱ (シングル曲は除外)
NIGHT WAVE 12秒 効果音判定?入りはなし
LYIN'EYES 30秒 効果音なし
ENDLESS SUMMER〜君が滲んだ夏〜 32秒 効果音あり
JULIET 28秒 効果音なし
DELICATE PLANET (シングル曲は除外、夢見はミックス違いで効果音なしに変化)
SILVER HEART 20秒 効果音あり
STAY MY LOVE 14秒 効果音なし
STONED MERGE 18秒 効果音なし
REGRET 23秒 効果音あり
DECADE&XXX 37秒効果音あり
FIND NEW WAY 0秒 効果音直後歌い出し 効果音あり
BEAT PLANET 60秒 効果音あり
Secret Cluster(インスト、シングル曲除外)
Beyond the Second-D. 0秒 効果音なし
Star Tribal 35秒 効果音なし
Let me go 16秒 効果音あり
Stand By 35秒 効果音あり
ChaOs GrAdatioN 12秒 効果音なし
f☆R☆E☆e 43秒 効果音あり
20th Sincerely 14秒 効果音なし
Heart Mining(インスト、シングル曲除外)
Crack Boy 31秒 効果音あり
Inside me,Inside you 19秒 効果音なし
Tragedy 30秒 効果音あり
Discover Borderless 25秒 効果音判定?
Friend Mining 7秒 効果音なし
Heart Mining 29秒 効果音なし
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doscientasmph · 1 year
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jolintsai-es · 10 months
2020.11.20-29 → 2023.11.20 ¡"蔡依林Ugly Beauty 2020 世界巡迴演唱會高雄站 World Tour in Kaohsiung Arena" cumple 3 años!
Ugly Beauty World Tour es la quinta y actual gira mundial de la carrera de Jolin Tsai, la cual comenzó el 30 de diciembre de 2019 en la Arena de Taipéi (台北小巨蛋). Esta gira está dirigida por The Square Division quienes previamente han colaborado con artistas de talla mundial tales como Katy Perry, Shakira, Sam Smith, entre otros. Originalmente los conciertos en la Arena de Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung estaban programados para el 10,11 y 12 de mayo, pero tuvieron que ser pospuestos debido a la pandemia y posterior confinamiento por el C19. Las entradas para las fechas en Kaohsiung se pusieron a la venta el 15 de diciembre de 2019 a las 12:15, y las 30 000 entradas disponibles se agotaron en cinco minutos. Durante los conciertos en Kaohsiung, Jolin presentó 4 nuevos outfits para los actos de THE ORPHAN, UNHINGED, DISCLOSURE y UGLY BEAUTY HEROINE, asimismo Jolin contó con los siguientes invitados: 頑童MJ116, 徐熙娣 Dee Hsu, 田馥甄 Hebe Tien y 伍佰 WuBai. De las fechas de los conciertos de Kaohsiung se desprenden dos videos en vivo: 辣台妹 Hot Chick / PLAY 我呸 / 幹大事 Big Thing Feat. 頑童MJ116 y 刻在我心底的名字 Your Name Engraved Herein Feat. 田馥甄 Hebe Tien.
ACT I – THE ORPHAN 孤兒 01 惡之必要Necessary Evil 02 甜秘密 Sweet Guilty Pleasure 03 騎士精神Spirit of The Knight 04 Miss Trouble
ACT II – UNCONSCIOUS DESIRE 漠視的慾望 05 紅衣女孩 Lady in Red 06 美人計 Honey Trap 07 美杜莎 Medusa 08 特務J Agent J 09 大丈夫 Real Man + Mr. Q 09 大丈夫 Real Man + Mr. Q (Feat. 徐熙娣Dee Hsu 11/29) 10 愛無赦 Bravo Lover
ACT III – UNHINGED 破碎的心 11 大藝術家The Great Artist 12 野蠻遊戲 Wild Game + 愛情三十六計36 Tricks Of Love 13 睜一隻眼閉一隻眼Overlooking Purposely 14 I’m Not Yours
ACT IV – INNOCENT MINDS 純真 15 日不落Sun Will Never Set 16 Don’t Stop 17 腦公 Hubby 18 說愛你 Say Love You 19 你也有今天 KARMA 20 迷幻 Fantasy
ACT V – DISCLOSURE 脆弱 21 倒帶Rewind 22 如果我沒有傷口 Vulnerability 23 天空 Sky 24 檸檬草的味道 The Smell of Lemon Grass 25 怕什麼 Fear-Free + 假裝 Pretence + 非賣品 Priceless + 我知道你很難過 I Know You Are Sad + 妥協 Compromise 26 志明與春嬌Peter & Mary 27 消極掰 Life Sucks + 布拉格廣場 Prague square + Love Love Love
ACT VI – HEROIC EMERGENCE 內在英雄 28 舞孃 Dancing Diva 29 Dr. Jolin 30 看我七十二變 See my 72 changes 31 Play 我呸 32 玫瑰少年 WOMXNLY 33 怪美的 UGLY BEAUTY
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autistickilljoys · 2 years
1, 50, and 100
1. fixer by nulut (cover by wonderlands x showtime)
i like this game a normal amount don't ask questions everything is fine
50. matryoshka - hachi
eternal banger tbh
100. ai dee - mitchie m
tbh it's been like a decade but this is still some of the best tuned Luka I have ever heard
// send a number between 1-100 and I'll tell you the corresponding song from my spotify wrapped
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ronidodley · 6 years
[Official] Nico Nico Cho Party II - VOCALOID-UTAU Live Segment 2013
Hola a todos por fin he terminado de subtitular este hermoso concierto de verdad no saben cuánto demore en poderlo terminar, pero al final quedo y me siento orgulloso de tenerlo ya que muchos de ustedes lo pidieron, aunque creo no era necesario ya que estaba previsto hacerlo n--n espero que sea de agrado y compartan con todos sus amigos. Próximamente lo traeré en varios idiomas por lo que estén al pendiente cuando lo comparta con su respectivo idioma por lo que si es que tienen algún amigo de otro país quien comparten el mismo gusto de música y puedas decirle que estará subtitulado a su idioma. Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leerlo :3 ¡Bye! ^-^
P.D: En dónde dice Fuente veras qué dice “youtube.com“, es un enlace qué te llevara a mi canal y en el estarán mis redes sociales por si gustas darte una vuelta.
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lovely-loafie · 3 years
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I apologize for the crappy pictures lol, I ain't no professional. I have a lil Sauza acrylic stand in the Kirby Corner just cuz it seems like it fits. And I'm not good at organizing. Also, Vegeta might be my 2nd fav DBZ character (might). Look at that derpy Goku tho lol
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nimx · 4 months
holy shit 愛Dee is the best song ever made
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xiucore · 4 years
“on the first flight, back to your side.”
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