liu-anhuaming · 1 year
《我是歌手》 Season 1——Thoughts and Feelings
I finally finished rewatching 《我是歌手》 season 1. It only took me 4 months...
Anyways. I've put together some thoughts I have on this season (with some spoilers about eliminations and whatnot).
Here's a link to the YouTube playlist of every performance from this season (I'm pretty sure I got them all). It's 111 videos. For some reason, the 芒果TV account had like none of 羽泉's performances posted (maybe a copyright thing?), and they were missing a few other performances, so sorry if the quality on a few of the videos isn't the best. I went with the best versions I could find on YouTube.
Here's where I watched this season. It was actually kinda difficult to find a place to watch this season for free; a lot of the other seasons were on YouTube for free when I first watched them (though some have been removed since then). Thankfully I found this site, and the quality is really good. There's some funky sound editing moments, though it's unclear if the original recording is bad or if it's the video on this site. Either way, it's the best quality version I've found to date.
Also, advanced apologies to any 沙宝亮 fans out there.
The singers in this season all seemed to be more established and well-known. I mean, 齐秦 alone is wildly famous, and then there’s 羽泉 and 黄贯中 (from Beyond). That’s not a bad thing, since all of them were really talented. However, I personally think the show is at its best when there are a few newer or lesser-known singers thrown into the mix. It makes the competition even more unpredictable, and a lot of these singers bring some pretty unique performances to the stage. I think the only reason I have this preference and this stands out to me is because I watched all the other seasons before season 1, so my expectations of the show had already been set based on what they’d done in later seasons. So I’m not judging season one too much for this, and I understand production would want to do what they could to ensure a decent viewership.
One of the things they did this season that never shows up again in other seasons is have one episode where everyone spins a wheel and picks their next song that way. I thought it was an interesting one-off episode idea, and it gave us a lot of great performances. It pushed some of the singers kinda far outside of their comfort zones, and I always like to watch when singers pick challenging songs. A really great episode came out of this idea. As much as I love the singers getting creative freedom, sometimes it’s fun to watch them struggle a bit. Idk, maybe that’s mean of me to say lol
There was also one episode where each singer picked one of 齐秦’s songs to perform, and it was sort of like a tribute episode since he had to leave the season early? And at the end 齐秦 performed his return song, which he never got to do when he left. I liked this episode since I’m not super familiar with 齐秦 (I’m more familiar with his sister, the absolute goddess 齐豫), so I got to hear more of his songs. As much as I liked it, I don’t know if it’d work every single season. 
胡海泉 was also a really good host. I found all of his mistakes really relatable because I, too, cannot fucking speak. 
In terms of the singers, the ones who stood out the most to me were 林志炫, 黄绮珊, 尚雯婕, and 杨宗纬. I already knew about 林志炫 and 黄绮珊 before starting this season, so I knew what to expect from them. Every performance from 林志炫 was perfect (what else would you expect from the One Take King?), but my favorite performance of his (and actually of the whole season) was 《没离开过》. 黄绮珊 was also really great to watch. Even though I personally didn’t like a couple of the songs she chose, she was consistently killing every performance, even when she was sick. 尚雯婕 was pretty unpredictable in terms of genre, but I liked a lot of her performances. My favorite from her was 《Dog Days Are Over》, and I think it’s a shame she didn’t get to perform that before she got eliminated. She was really creative with her picks, and I really respected the risks she took even if I didn’t fully enjoy it sometimes. (Also, she was definitely this season’s fashionista. Those shoes, man) 杨宗纬 was a really unexpected favorite, since he wasn’t around very long before the resurrection round. But he really chose some good songs and put his everything into the resurrection round, and kinda won me over at the last minute. 
The rest of the singers were good, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say I really loved or hated them. With one exception, that is.
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沙宝亮 is a very talented singer, and I think he put on some very good performances. However. I personally could not stand the man. You know how sometimes you just see a person, and immediately think, “I do not like this person”? No good reason for it, there’s just something that you personally aren’t a fan of? Yeah, that was me with 沙宝亮. Every time he was onstage, I felt uninterested. Each time he spoke on camera, I did not care. This man did nothing particular to earn this from me, yet here we are. I was glad when we didn’t win the resurrection round, only for him to come back and torment me in the final episode. Despicable. Since I just spent this whole paragraph trashing him, let me be kind and say his performance of 《Someone Like You》 was quite good.
Now that I’ve discussed all the singers, let’s give out some “awards”.
My favorite performance: 林志炫《没离开过》
Best Fashion Moments™: 尚雯婕’s ensemble in episode 7 (非常的French), 沙宝亮 in episode 9 (it was just ugly, sry), 周晓鸥 in episode 10 (that snakeskin vest? thing? was a Choice), 黄贯中 in the resurrection round (zero effort put in to covering that tattoo and it’s pretty funny imo)
Best hosting moments from 胡海泉: episode 1 mixup between 字zi/zhi, episode 3’s ze样一首歌, doing tongue twisters as prep in episode 4, this quote from episode 5 “看完明姐的表演,我宣布辣妈时代正式到来”, and episode 10 when the subtitlers really committed to spelling out every mistake he made
Most noteworthy episode: episode 5 (lots of great performances, the aforementioned 辣妈时代 comment, the lights in the confessional scene needed to be adjusted bc 周晓鸥’s bald head was too shiny, the guitarist Tommy was not wearing glasses/sunglasses which dealt me a deep psychic blow. 我是歌手 superfans will understand)
So overall, I did enjoy this season. I liked a lot of performances, and hated very few. Even though it was pretty good across the board, I don’t think it has a lot of rewatch value for me. There are certain seasons I know I’m excited to see again (like seasons two and three 👀), and I don’t think this would be one of those. Instead I’m probably going to just return to a few standout performances and rewatch those (I’ve already watched 《没离开过》 an embarrassing number of times).
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guangchuans · 4 months
the "got a black card you can swipe it every you go
in ain't no thang makes me feel like the flying lawnmower meme
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天梯 rehearsals on 我是歌手4 with C AllStar
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jfdghn · 2 years
你好!老板们老哥们我叫郭能,我们这里是老街华纳国际娱乐赌场博彩,而且是正规实体网上真人视频,牛牛 . 龙虎 . 百家乐平台华纳国际郭哥招客人,红蓝了解的留言私信郭哥随时随刻在线给老板们 老哥们发网址: 11hn.cc 网址:www.hn6879.com 打开手机自带浏览器或者百度谷歌复制网址搜索然后下载链接?可以注册进去来碰碰运气的呀
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yourlocalsaltyfish · 19 days
i mean i think eridan probably took up the role of orphaner himself willingly because he learns about dualscar and everything and thought that he was fated to do so. and eridan is too prideful to admit that he cannot deal with this pressure actually
but also. feferi is a bad moirail (both of them are bad but like) her ignorance and optimism. she failed to see how this (originally her) responsibility are stressing her moirail tf out. bbg you tried but really did fail im sorry. i don't hate her or think she is morally wrong or something, she is just a 13 yo girl who are a bit overly herself
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hn989 · 1 year
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hngjwt · 1 year
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mngfg · 2 years
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rokalo16 · 2 years
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《薔薇與武士-海賊女王歸來》第二部就是天海祐希個人耍帥換衣秀!當她戴著短假髮穿燕尾服出來的那一刻全場的觀眾(台日)同時尖叫,瞬間夢回寶塚男役時期🤣鏡頭還刻意特寫她很靠杯的塚式拋媚眼,最後謝幕還對著鏡頭說台灣觀眾“謝謝,多謝”(值了😭) #整場沒冷場 #好好笑 #歌也比第一部好聽 #阿媽咪全場男役腔 #key超低 #女二混血妹子很正唱的也不錯 #中二王子超靠盃好笑 #全家是贊助商吧 #還好我狠下手買了票(在 信義威秀影城) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClbNO0ULAQ-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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linghxr · 11 months
75 essential single-character adjectives (单字形容词)
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This is somewhat of a follow-up to two previous posts on verbs: 75 essential single-character verbs (单字动词) 75 more essential single-character verbs (单字动词)
I always intended to make a post on adjectives, but it took me longer than expected to gather, sort, and filter through my list of adjectives. And I decided to add examples this time, which took even more time.
I learned many of these simply from consuming native content (mostly TV shows) over the past 2-3 years. It's the kind of stuff you probably won't find in your textbook. So please enjoy~
(1) 脏 | 髒 zāng - dirty / filthy Ex: 别把衣服弄脏了。
(2) 乖 guāi - (of a child) obedient / well-behaved / clever Ex: 小宝贝真乖!
(3) 软 | 軟 ruǎn - soft / flexible Ex: 被子很软 Ex: 皮肤软软的
(4) 湿 | 濕 shī - moist / wet Ex: 穿湿衣服
(5) 红 | 紅 hóng - popular Ex: 这首歌最近很红。
(6) 痒 | 癢 yǎng - itchy Ex: 皮肤很痒
(7) 细 | 細 xì - thin or slender / fine / delicate Ex: 她的腿又长又细。
(8) 绝 | 絕 jué - superb / awesome Ex: 身材很绝 Ex: 他的表演真是太绝了。
(9) 窄 zhǎi - narrow / narrow-minded Ex: 这条街太窄。
(10) 慌 huāng - panicky / flurried / flustered Ex: 别慌!
(11) 疯 | 瘋 fēng - insane / mad / wild Ex: 车开这么快,简直疯了!
(12) 硬 yìng - hard / stiff Ex: 床垫太硬
(13) 麻 má - tingling / numb Ex: 胳膊枕一会儿就麻了。
(14) 烫 | 燙 tàng - scalding hot Ex: 烫水 Ex: 额头好烫,一定发烧了。
(15) 凉 | 涼 liáng - cool / cold / discouraged / disappointed Ex: 天气转凉 Ex: 他的话让他父母心凉。
(16) 怂 | 慫 sǒng - timid / cowardly Ex: 自己特别怂
(17) 腻 | 膩 nì - greasy Ex: 汤有点腻
(18) 惨 | 慘 cǎn - miserable / wretched / disastrous / tragic Ex: 我输得很惨。
(19) 凶 | 兇 xiōng - vicious / fierce Ex: 很凶的样子
(20) 蠢 chǔn - stupid / foolish Ex: 你怎么这么蠢?
(21) 狠 hěn - ruthless / fierce / ferocious Ex: 他的心真狠。
(22) 暗 àn - dark Ex: 房间里太暗了。
(23) 歪 wāi - askew / crooked Ex: 这幅画挂歪了。
(24) 稳 | 穩 wěn - settled / steady / stable Ex: 坐稳扶好
(25) 晕 | 暈 yūn - dizzy / giddy Ex: 我头有点晕了。
(26) 搭 dā - matching / complementary Ex: 衣服与人很搭
(27) 妙 miào - clever / wonderful Ex: 情况不妙
(28) 土 tǔ - unsophisticated / rustic / country bumpkin Ex: 口音很土 Ex: 很土的衣服
(29) 浓 | 濃 nóng - concentrated / dense / strong (smell etc) Ex: 雾很浓 Ex: 咖啡太浓
(30) 烂 | 爛 làn - crappy / bad Ex: 我的中文很烂。
(31) 宽 | 寬 kuān - wide / broad Ex: 河很宽 Ex: 肩膀很宽
(32) 糟 zāo - rotten / messy / ruined / poor Ex: 把事情搞糟了
(33) 嗨 hāi - high (natural or drug-induced) Ex: 玩得很嗨
(34) 齐 | 齊 qí - neat / even / level / complete Ex: 很齐的舞蹈 Ex: 人到齐了没有?
(35) 巧 qiǎo - opportune / coincidental Ex: 真巧,你也来了。
(36) 破 pò - broken / damaged / worn out / lousy / rotten Ex: 破衣服 Ex: 我讨厌这个破地方。
(37) 黑 hēi - dark / tan Ex: 晒黑了 Ex: 黑皮肤
(38) 丧 | 喪 sàng - disappointed / discouraged Ex: 心情很丧
(39) 松 | 鬆 sōng - loose / relaxed Ex: 带子太松
(40) 壮 | 壯 zhuàng - strong / robust Ex: 他身体很壮。
(41) 臭 chòu - foul / smelly Ex: 臭鸡蛋 Ex: 这地方怎么这么臭。
(42) 爽 shuǎng - feeling well or good / awesome / refreshed Ex: 心情不爽
(43) 顺 | 順 shùn - smooth / successful Ex: 日子过得挺顺 Ex: 中文讲得很顺
(44) 润 | 潤 rùn - moist / glossy / sleek Ex: 头发润润的
(45) 弱 ruò - weak / feeble Ex: 我的能力比她弱。
(46) 蒙 mēng - dazed / stunned Ex: 我一上台就蒙了。
(47) 聋 | 聾 lóng - deaf Ex: 耳朵完全聋了。
(48) 脆 cuì - brittle / fragile / crisp / crunchy Ex: 饼干很脆
(49) 滑 huá - slippery / smooth Ex: 雨后路滑
(50) 火 huǒ - hot / popular Ex: 生意很火 Ex: 最近很火的一首歌曲
(51) 香 xiāng - fragrant / aromatic Ex: 你做的菜好香。
(52) 亮 liàng - bright / light Ex: 星星越来越亮。
(53) 笨 bèn - stupid / foolish / silly / slow-witted / clumsy Ex: 笨小孩 Ex: 我的手太笨。
(54) 闷 | 悶 mēn - stuffy (air or weather) Ex: 屋里太闷了。
(55) 烦 | 煩 fán - annoyed / bothered / troublesome / annoying Ex: 我妹妹一直让我很烦。
(56) 傻 shǎ - foolish Ex: 我没有那么傻。
(57) 迟 | 遲 chí - late / delayed / slow Ex: 对不起,来迟了。
(58) 急 jí - urgent / pressing / rapid / hurried / worried Ex: 事情很急,必须马上处理。
(59) 懒 | 懶 lǎn - lazy Ex: 我变懒了。
(60) 厚 hòu - thick Ex: 这本书真厚。
(61) 呆 dāi - foolish / stupid / expressionless / blank Ex: 呆呆地看着
(62) 密 mì - close / thick / dense Ex: 雨点越来越密。
(63) 丑 | 醜 chǒu - ugly Ex: 长得丑
(64) 沙 shā - hoarse / raspy Ex: 喊得声音都有点沙了
(65) 困 | 睏 kùn - sleepy / tired Ex: 我困得眼睛都睁不开了。
(66) 酸 suān - sour / grieved / sore / aching / mean / bitter Ex: 酸牛奶 Ex: 腰酸背痛 Ex: 网友的评论酸极了。
(67) 严 | 嚴 yán - stern / strict / rigorous / severe Ex: 要求很严
(68) 干 | 乾 gān - dry Ex: 擦干眼泪 Ex: 衣服还没晒干。
(69) 尖 jiān - sharp / shrill / piercing / keen Ex: 尖刺 Ex: 他的眼睛很尖。
(70) 广 | 廣 guǎng - wide / vast / broad Ex: 范围很广
(71) 平 píng - flat / level / equal Ex: 马路不平
(72) 哑 | 啞 yǎ - (of a voice) hoarse / husky Ex: 嗓子哑了
(73) 沉 chén - deep / profound / heavy Ex: 睡得很沉 Ex: 头沉得抬不起来
(74) 狂 kuáng - mad / wild / violent Ex: 猫咪的狂叫
(75) 牛 niú - awesome Ex: 这实力是真的牛!
Definitions are adapted from MDBG. Most examples are taken from 现代汉语规范词典 via Pleco, others are taken from my brain.
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liu-anhuaming · 2 years
So I’ve decided that, as part of my rewatch of 《我是歌手》, I’m going to start making playlists of all the performances. I’ve already started season one’s playlist, and I’ve got all the performances for episodes 1-3 on there
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wotunciba · 1 month
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太难做了啊啊啊!但是为了做出我哥(也就是我喜欢的歌手)的发型我忍了 ☠
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thisonelikesaliens · 5 months
i have the full lyrics now so might as well just post this for the sake of completion (i had most of the chinese lyrics in my draft since 3/31, typed out word by word before they released the official lyrics). the official english subs in ep7 were top notch, so using them here with my tweaks in blue (just to provide a more direct translation for reference), plus new verses in green (less literal translation, going more for vibe):
山間小鎮的夜色依舊深刻 I still vividly remember, the nights of the small town in the mountains 回家的樓梯上 我們哼著歌 Humming on the stairway home 我想一生有此刻就足夠了 Having this moment is enough to sustain me for the rest of my life 微風卻吹散愛情腳印 不留痕 But a gentle breeze scatters love's footprints, leaving no trace
漸遠的距離堆成隔閡 The growing distance piles up, forming a wall 我們不再擁抱著 像斷線風箏 We don't hold each other anymore, like kites with broken strings 時間並沒有沖淡依依不捨 Time did nothing to lessen this longing 我想你了 無論是醒著或睡著 I miss you, whether awake or asleep
我想你的時候 世界停止轉動 When I think of you, the world seems to stop 剩回憶在心中不斷輪播 And the memories keep playing in my heart 吹過耳際的風 是否也有你捎來的問候 Does the wind brushing past my ears carry messages from you?
我想你的時候 全宇宙都沉默 When I think of you, the whole universe falls silent 那思念喧鬧著不肯放手 Thoughts, so loud, won't let go 說完再見以後 才明白再也不見的溫柔 就叫做寂寞 Only after saying goodbye did I know the kindness of never seeing you again is called "loneliness"
緣分讓距離不再隔閡 Fate makes the distance between us irrelevant 我們重新擁抱著 愛失而復得 We are holding each other once again, regaining our love that was once lost 你是我心中最眷戀的星辰 You are the star that my heart holds most dear 我想你了 無論是醒著或睡著 I miss you, whether awake or asleep
我想你的時候 世界停止轉動 When I think of you, the world seems to stop 剩回憶在心中不斷輪播 And the memories keep playing in my heart 吹過耳際的風 是否也有你捎來的問候 Does the wind brushing past my ears carry messages from you?
我想你的時候 全宇宙都沉默 When I think of you, the whole universe falls silent 那思念喧鬧著不肯放手 Longing, so loud, won't let go 說完再見以後 才明白從未消失的溫柔 就叫做守候 Only after saying goodbye did I realize the tenderness that has never disappeared means I'm still here waiting
我想你的時候 全宇宙都沉默 When I think of you, the whole universe falls silent 你是否也一樣想念著我 Are you also thinking of me? 仰望同一片星空 才明白我們曾經的溫柔 永不會錯過 Looking up at the same starlit sky, we know what this is between us and we will never let go
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jfdghn · 2 years
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 2 months
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下午我又去咖啡店做些我的皮雕工作、看書和避暑 lol … 熱到想要成天都浸泡在俱樂部的游泳池裡。 hahaha
In the afternoon I went to the coffee shop again for doing a part of my leather works, read and escape the heat lol…it was so hot that I wanted to soak in the club's swimming pool all day long. hahaha 😁😆😛 Lan~*
Rainer Maria Rilke 《Letters to a Young Poet》
譯者:Charlie Louth (Translator)
里爾克: 軍旗手、致年青詩人十封信 (中文版)
The Love and Death of Cornet Christopher Rilke/ Letters to a Young Poet
作者:萊納.瑪利亞.里爾克; 張錯/ 評析
萊納·瑪利亞·里爾克(Rainer Maria Rilke,1875-1926)在慕尼黑和布拉格學習文學、藝術史和哲學,通常被認為是二十世紀最偉大的德語詩人之一。他最著名的兩首詩集是《俄耳甫斯十四行詩》和《杜伊諾輓歌》。他最著名的兩部散文作品是《給一位年輕詩人的信》和半自傳《馬爾特·勞裡茲·布里格的筆記本》。
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875–1926) studied literature, art history, and philosophy in both Munich and Prague and is often considered one of the German language's greatest twentieth-century poets. His two most famous verse sequences are the Sonnets to Orpheus and the Duino Elegies; his two most famous prose works are Letters to a Young Poet and the semiautobiographical The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge. 
查理·勞斯 (Charlie Louth) 是牛津大學女王學院的研究員,以德語授課。他是《荷爾德林與翻譯動力》一書的作者。
Charlie Louth is a fellow at Queen's College, Oxford, where he lectures in German. He is the author of Hölderlin and the Dynamics of Translation. 
路易斯‧海德 (Lewis Hyde) 是暢銷書《禮物》(The Gift) 的作者。海德是麥克阿瑟研究員、哈佛大學大學部學生創意寫作主任,也是哈佛大學伯克曼網路與社會中心的研究員。他住在麻薩諸塞州劍橋和俄亥俄州甘比爾。 
Lewis Hyde is the author of the hundred-million-copy bestseller The Gift. A MacArthur fellow and former director of undergraduate creative writing at Harvard University, Hyde is a fellow at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Gambier, Ohio. 
萊納·瑪利亞·里爾克(Rainer Maria Rilke)寫給一位有抱負的年輕詩人的有力感人的信。 二十世紀初, 里爾克  (Rainer Maria Rilke)給一位年輕的軍官學員寫了一系列信,在寫作、愛情、性、痛苦以及建議本身的性質方面向他提出建議。這些深刻而抒情的信件從此對包括女神卡卡和佩蒂·史密斯在內的幾代作家和藝術家產生了巨大影響。裡爾克的信充滿了誠實、優雅和對作為藝術家常常伴隨的孤獨的深刻理解,是靈感和安慰的無盡源泉。劉易斯·海德的新介紹探討了這些信件的寫作背景,以及作者如何將孤獨視為一種創造力。該版本也收錄了里爾克的晚期作品《青年工人的來信》。 80 多年來,企鵝出版社一直是��語世界領先的經典文學出版商。企鵝經典 (Penguin Classics) 擁有 1,700 多本圖書,代表了全球書架上的各個歷史時期、跨流派和學科的最佳作品。讀者相信該系列提供的權威文本由傑出學者和當代作家的介紹和註釋以及獲獎翻譯家的最新翻譯增強。
Rainer Maria Rilke’s powerfully touching letters to an aspiring young poet.    At the start of the twentieth century, Rainer Maria Rilke wrote a series of letters to a young officer cadet, advising him on writing, love, sex, suffering, and the nature of advice itself. These profound and lyrical letters have since become hugely influential for generations of writers and artists of all kinds, including Lady Gaga and Patti Smith. With honesty, elegance, and a deep understanding of the loneliness that often comes with being an artist, Rilke’s letters are an endless source of inspiration and comfort. Lewis Hyde’s new introduction explores the context in which these letters were written and how the author embraced his isolation as a creative force. This edition also includes Rilke’s later work The Letter from the Young Worker.  For more than 80 years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators. 
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astranauticus · 8 months
Link Click single "3, 2, 1!" Fan Translation
translation under cut!
I feel like I can't see the me outside the mirror
I feel like I spend every day counting the steps to the dark room
I feel like I've traveled far
Only to go in a circle back to the starting point
I don’t want every finale to carry no meaning
I don’t want to follow the rules and get used to withering away
Brush away the rain and the sun
We shall leave our own trails
Chasing after the distance left by time
Your light, hiding in your eyes
Put an end to the one-man journey I had been forced to accept
That group photo
A moment locked in time, start over from the ending
Still holding on to our promise
This tiny whirlwind kicks up the stagnating dust
The familiar narration goes on and on
I realised, I have to come back
There's always the next storm, waiting to cover up
未来 未来
The future, the future
Is our existence
Pure white or plunged in new darkness?
No matter if everything has changed
I will always wait for you to come back
Three, two, one, countdown to when our hands connect
I chose
To sing aloud for us
I'm waiting for the wind chimes to accompany the next moment of memory
I'm waiting for your worry and your determined palms
I'm waiting for the alarm to ring
To put an end to the problem swept back to the bottom of the sea
I pick up the glass shards scattered on the floor
Pick up the courage, still shining bright
Pick up the fallen leaf to let it fly in the wind once more
No matter how the future has been decided by the past
Sunlight will fill the cracks leading towards the truth
This tiny whirlwind kicks up the stagnating dust
The familiar narration goes on and on
I realised, I have to come back
There's always the next storm, waiting to cover up
未来 未来
The future, the future
Is our existence
Pure white or plunged in new darkness?
No matter if everything has changed
I will always wait for you to come back
Three, two, one, countdown when our hands connect
I chose
To sing aloud for us
未来 因我们存在
The future exists because of us
This tiny whirlwind kicks up the stagnating dust
The familiar narration goes on and on
I realised, I have to come back
There's always the next storm, waiting to cover up
未来 未来
The future, the future
Is our existence
Pure white or plunged in new darkness?
No matter if everything has changed
I will always wait for you to come back
Three, two, one, countdown to when our hands connect
I chose
To sing aloud for us
(bonus: my translation of Prometheus)
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