#星汉灿烂 幸甚至哉
leileixixi · 2 years
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[Love Like The Galaxy novel snippet]
Shaoshang moved her eyes, met his Adam's apple, and moved on his neck. She slowly touched his face. His skin is slightly rough. Ling Buyi's body trembled with her tender fingers, he pressed and caressed her little hands hard, and lifted one of them to kiss her palm.
“Actually, I don't care about Lou Jing and Wang Chun at all, and I don't care whether the prince's life in the court is good or not.”
Shaoshang felt her whole body go limp, she was short of breath, her palms were hot from being kissed, and from those intense eyes, she saw that her cheeks were flushed.
“I just want to know what kind of person you are, how can you pretend nothing happened in front of the prince and empress, but secretly count everyone in.” Her voice was trembling, full of fear and resentment.
Ling Buji buried his face into her warm and delicate neck, and whispered: “You used to say that you didn't understand me, but you never cared. Shaoshang held his face out, looked straight at it, and begged: “But now I want to understand you, I want to know what kind of person I will share the same bed and have children with in the future.”
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Ling Buyi hesitated for a moment, looking her eyes, as if the past was like a dream. “That night you stood on the lantern market, all alone. I was thinking, whose little girl is so beautiful, if she has no family, I will take her home.”
Shaoshang suddenly burst into tears, and then kissed his slightly cold lips heavily, licking and sucking passionately, like a drowning man grabbing driftwood with all his strength. This is the first time in her life that she has no choice but to accept her fate. Ling Buyi is her injustice that she cannot escape no matter what.
Ling Buyi seemed to wake up from a dream,and just about to respond, he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his lips, and a strong smell of rust welled up on the tip of his tongue.
Shaoshang pushed him away forcefully, her face was covered with tears, and lips were stained with blood. Her eyes were fierce and angry.
Ling Buyi felt as if his whole body was being burned by the flames, his heart was burning, his lips were cracked and bleeding, the pain was mixed with sweetness, an indescribably touching and soul-stirring feeling.
At some point, the carriage stopped.
Shaoshang glanced at him arrogantly, kicked the door and jumped down. Ling Buyi was a little slow and hurried to follow. As soon as he got out, he was surrounded by the guards rushing up from all directions.
Shaoshang ran with all her strength.
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endlessnine09 · 2 years
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[Love Like The Galaxy Novel snippet]
I don't know if it was because of the drunkenness, Shaoshang felt her cheeks were hot, and she saw Ling Buyi's wine cup in front of her and there was still wine inside.
She looked at it for a while, then picked it up and drank the rest of the wine at the side he drank.
Ling Buyi had been looking over from time to time, and happened to see this scene at this time, and almost missed a string in a daze.
After the song ended and Ling Buyi sat down, he stared at the girl and asked, “Why are you drinking my wine?”
Shaoshang lowered her head and said, “Your wine is better than mine.”
Ling Buyi smiled all over his eyes, “Why were you staring at me just now, everyone else was looking at His Majesty and the Second Princess.?”
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Shaoshang raised his head and looked at the man beside him who was beautiful as jade. She felt a secret joy in her heart, and she seldom appreciated beauty purely.
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Supporting the table with one hand, she straightened her upper body, and quickly kissed him, but unfortunately, she was slow because of her drunkenness, so she kissed him heavily on his Adam's apple.
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A look of disbelief flashed across Ling Buyi’s face and he held the girl tightly but he saw that her face was flushed.
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Ling Buyi's eyes were as deep as ink and he looked her gently and Shaoshang felt that those eyes were lingering like silk, circling endlessly, joyful and profound.
He lowered his head and gently kissed her bright red mouth.
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kdram-chjh · 3 months
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Cdrama: Love Like the Galaxy (2022)
If you dare abandon me…❤️‍🩹 #lovelikethegalaxy #zhaolusi #wulei #cdrama
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/b0OyP17Joa8
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niteshade925 · 2 years
[东汉] 曹操
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(Semi-cursive/Xing Script calligraphy by 冯雪林/Feng Xuelin)
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memoriesoftwoworlds · 4 months
今天一位朋友向我们介绍江西婺源篁岭是为纪念曹操的旅游之地。我知道的曹操一点点来自三国演义。晚上吃饭时我想到早上听到的地方,问帅哥,“曹操是好人还是坏人?”他突然说“曹操(155 AD)是诗人!他和儿孙创造了建安文学。” 魏署吴三国归晋,“司马招之心,路人皆知。”等历史故事都与曹操有关。。。每次帅哥都会有些意外惊喜的答案给我。
曹操 《观沧海》
《长歌行》:青青园中葵,朝露待日晞。 阳春布德泽,万物生光辉。 常恐秋节至,焜黄华叶衰。 百川东到海,何时复西归。 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
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beauty-fan · 7 months
东临碣石,以观沧海。 水何澹澹,山岛竦峙。 树木丛生,百草丰茂。 秋风萧瑟,洪波涌起。 日月之行,若出其中; 星汉灿烂,若出其里。 幸甚至哉,歌以咏志。
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观沧海 曹操 东临碣石,以观沧海。水何澹澹,山岛竦峙。树木丛生,百草丰茂。秋风萧瑟,洪波涌起。日月之行,若出其中;星汉灿烂,若出其里。幸甚至哉,歌以咏志。 译文:东行登上高高的碣石山,来观赏苍茫的大海。海水多么宽阔浩荡,海中山岛罗列,高耸挺立。周围树木葱茏,花草丰茂。萧瑟的风声传来,草木动摇,海中翻涌着巨大的海浪。太阳和月亮升起降落,好像是从这浩瀚的海洋中发出的。银河里的灿烂群星,也好像是从大海的怀抱里涌现出来的。啊,庆幸得很!就用诗歌来表达内心的志向吧。 赏析:  《观沧海》是借景抒情,把眼前的海上景色和自己的雄心壮志很巧妙地融合在一起。从诗的体裁看,这是一首古体诗;从表达方式看,这是一首四言写景诗。“东临碣石,以观沧海”这两句话点明“观沧海”的位置:诗人登上碣石山顶,居高临海,视野寥廓,大海的壮阔景象尽收眼底。以下十句描写,概由此拓展而来。“观”字起到统领全篇的作用,体现了这…
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mynameisemo · 2 years
生活中有很大机会去体会一把«相互影响»。 就好比,你会时不时听见建议、推荐,这就是在影响彼此的时候!细细回一下自己为什么要买这件衣服或书籍?为什么想去某个地方游玩?为什么想看这个节目、做这件或那件事?
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看原著(庶女•明兰传)会发现女主很亮眼,但因为穿去了古代不得不低调做人——照原著上说的是:若不想被当作妖怪抓去烧了,就只能掩藏自己——而且,活在那样的背景下又是庶女…除非想死,不然还是低调作人的好。 在看原著时,女主的祖母在我的印象里是有点模糊的,她本是对家中庶子女不太关注的老太太,在她的观念里,庶子女只要供给吃穿用度,其他的都不必让她费心;可是,不知为何,她就是对女主上了心;因为上心所以就不知不觉的费心教导,于是女主的亮点就慢慢被带了出来——是不是很奇怪我为什么一直没提男主?是不是也跟我一样开始觉得关心则乱本身就很玛丽苏?😂(玛丽苏是指原本平凡而低微的角色,突然变得无所不能、过度理想化)
不是我不提,是因为整部书,男主是在中后才出现啊啊啊啊……! 而且男主的出现…在我看来就是为了烘托女主的啊啊啊啊……!!! 咳咳…这样也没什么不好——我真心这样觉得。 也因为如此…我对男主的感觉就跟书中的祖母一样:模模糊糊…… 只是,男主比祖母好一点,他登场的挺强势,所以显得比较亮眼~xD
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lawrenceyeah · 2 years
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树木丛生,百草丰茂。 秋风萧瑟,洪波涌起。 日月之行,若出其中; 星汉灿烂,若出其里。 幸甚至哉,歌以咏志! #shanghai #shanghailife #shanghaicity #shanghaiist #上海 #乌鲁木齐 #latergram (at 上海乌鲁木齐中路) https://www.instagram.com/p/CldTRLsLhLt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mirage-all · 3 years
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Upcoming drama 🥰 ᗪᖇᗩᗰᗩ : Love Like the Galaxy ᑎᗩTIᐯᗴ TITᒪᗴ : ՏTᗩᖇᖇIᑎᘜ : Leo Wu & Zhao Lu Si ᗴᑭIՏOᗪᗴ : 66 ᗯᕼEᖇE TO ᗯᗩTᑕᕼ : Dragon TV Tencent Video ՏTOᖇY : The young Cheng Shao Shang was left behind because her parents had gone off to fight in the war. In order to protect herself from her scheming aunt, she had to be extra diligent while pretending to be the opposite. However, years of estrangement have made it difficult for them to become family again. Lacking love her whole life, Cheng Shaoshang is both pragmatic and insecure in choosing a partner for marriage. She encounters three men - the emperor's adopted son Ling Bu Yi, the talented Yuan Shen of Bailu Mountain, and the aristocrat Lou Yao who each have their pros and cons. Although the road to love is bumpy, she never regrets every choice she makes. Through her interactions with Ling Bu Yi, she unintentionally becomes involved in the mystery surrounding his family and his identity. The two grow from their experiences and worked together, upholding the righteousness in their hearts to resolve a national crisis. ~~ Adapted from the novel "Xing Han Can Lan, Xing Shen Zhi Zai" (星汉灿烂, 幸甚至哉) by Guan Xin Ze Luan (关心则乱). ᗪᑌᖇᗩTIOᑎ : 45 mins ᗩIᖇᗴᗪ : OᖇIᘜIᑎᗩᒪ ᑎᗴTᗯOᖇK : Dragon TV Tencent Video 𝕋𝔸𝔾𝕊 : #cdramalovers #cdramamaniac #chineseactor #chineseactress #chinesedrama2021 #cdramas #lovelikethegalaxy #星汉灿烂 #吴磊 #leowu #三石 #wulei #zhaojie #zhaolusi #rosyzhao #赵露思 #肉丝袜 #趙露思 𝔸ℂℂ𝕆𝕌ℕ𝕋 : @c_drama_maniac 𝕱𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊...... 𝕯𝖔 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊, 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙...... 𝕺𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖑....... 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪, (at Galaxy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWFnblUh-Gs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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leileixixi · 2 years
Love Like The Galaxy Novel snippet
Wang Yanji: Although Cheng Shaoshang hid in the palace, gossip was everywhere. “They laughed at her for having a good dream in vain, being fascinated, being kept in the dark, and used as a shield for your revenge!”
Huo Buyi: “I know all of this.”
“On that night when I killed them, I saw Shaoshang chasing after me with tears all over her face, regretted it.
When I threw her off the horse, I regretted it too.
When she kowtowed to His Majesty, to Empress Xuan, and begged to divorce me, I regretted it even more!”
Afterwards, I traveled to the Northwest, and spent countless cold nights in the wind, frost and bitter cold, watching the pastures with cattle and sheep alone. As long as I think of her, I regret it over and over again.”
“I thought, if I could do it all over again, I would definitely not take risks like that. I will restrain myself, if the Ling brothers live a few more years, and even if revenge is more difficult, I will still follow the righteous path.”
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endlessnine09 · 2 years
[Love Like The Galaxy Novel snippet]
(Shaoshang’s palace lessons)
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Ling Buyi: “When will you be able to get rid of the habit of escaping, and nothing in the world is really difficult as long as you face it.”
He can't help but laugh: “It's fine to endure it for a few months, and you can do whatever you want when you get to my house. There is no room full of uncles, aunts and concubines waiting for you to deal with it. It's better than Lou family after all.”
Shaoshang stared at him riding on the horse, looked around, and when they reached the deserted alley of her house, she reached out to pull the hem of his robe, and Ling Buyi leaned over, she whispered into his ear, “You don't want to kiss me?”
His expression froze, and seeing her lips were red, her cheeks were tender and delicate, he was about to lean over to kiss, Shaoshang suddenly leaned back into the carriage, sat upright and said, “I remember the teachings of the empress, women should be dignified and self-controlled, not frivolous.”
Seeing her naughty expression, Ling Buyi smiled lightly, “Can I rest tonight in your house?”
Shaoshang: “What nonsense are you talking about?”
Ling Buyi: “I mean, stay with your brother.”
CSS: “Even if you stay with my brother, you won't be able to keep people outside from gossiping.”
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Ling Buyi raised his eyebrows and said, “We are already engaged, what's the harm in sleeping in one place.”
Shaoshang: Can unmarried couples do this?
He suddenly straightened his face, but his eyes that were always cold were full of smiles.
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cdrama: Love Like the Galaxy (2022)
Lol! Ling Buyi not wasting his time. 😅 #zhaolusi #lovelikethegalaxy #wulei #赵露思 #rosyzhao
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wDw0mTezH8E
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benbenlang1 · 3 years
https://www.99banzou.com/product/169766.html 作曲 王备 作词 曹操(东汉)/陈涛 东临碣石 以观沧海 水何澹澹 山岛竦峙 树木丛生 百草丰茂 秋风萧瑟 洪波涌起 日月之行 若出其中 星汉灿烂 若出其里 幸甚至哉 歌以咏志 观沧海 观沧海 大雁长空 北去南来 幸有天地 听我表白 山河之广 足以尽哀 观沧海 观沧海 背朝尘埃 北去南来 不对天地 何以表白 山河依依 动我感怀 观沧海 观沧海 大雁长空 北去南来 幸有天地 听我表白 山河之广 足以尽哀 观沧海 观沧海 背朝尘埃 北去南来 不对天地 何以表白 山河依依 动我感怀 动我感怀 动我感怀 音乐总监:山河 改编:张效衡 演奏乐队:高速公路乐队 混音:王梓同
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choubb-blog · 4 years
Hits: 7春秋左传/襄公二十九年有 “吴公子札来聘,…。请观于周乐,使工为之歌周南召南,曰,美哉,始基之矣,犹未也,然勤而不怨矣,为之歌邶,墉,卫,曰,美哉,渊乎,忧而不困者也。吾闻卫康叔武公之德如是,是其卫风乎,为之歌王,曰,美哉思而不惧,其周之东乎,为之歌郑,曰,美哉,其细已甚,民弗堪也,是其先亡乎,为之歌齐。曰,美哉,泱泱乎,大风也哉,表东海者,其大公乎,国未可量也,为之歌豳,曰,美哉,荡乎,乐而不淫,其周公之东乎,为之歌秦,曰,此之谓夏声,夫能夏,则大,大之至乎其周之旧也,为之歌魏,曰,美哉,渢枫乎,大而婉,险而易,行以德辅,此则明主也,为之歌唐。曰,思深哉,其有陶唐氏之遗民乎,不然,何忧之远也,非令德之后,谁能若是,为之歌陈。曰,国无主,其能久乎,自郐以下,无讥焉。” 以上左传的文字,应该和史实相去不远。国风之数和今天诗经相同,排次略有不同。历史面目极其模糊的邶风,鄘风依旧紧跟正风而列,“地主”卫风随之。“渊乎,忧而不困者也”, 何为“渊”, 何为“忧”, 吴公子偷偷在后文给出了答案“ 思深哉,其有陶唐氏之遗民乎,不然,何忧之远也,非令德之后,谁能若是”。 邶鄘卫风(以下以殷风代称)其“渊”其“忧”,盖商汤之遗民也。吴公子季札文思深长,委婉道出了类同唐风的殷商王幾遗民之忧苦,同时顾及了当朝姬周的面子,没有直接点破。细细品味邶鄘卫风, 殷人气质以邶风为最. 初,读简兮之词“彼美人兮,西方之人兮”, 全诗以一”彼“字而割。一字前后似隔阴阳,有如水火。千百年来,关于”彼西方美人“的意象仍未有定论,皆因此乾坤之转无法解读。 邶风诸诗中此类争议颇多。日月一诗尤为明显, 全诗以日月之行为比兴,抒发对父母和先辈的追思,叹曰“日居月诸”,“胡能有定?” – 太阳停歇(虞渊)月亮出升,您二位能停下来么?先秦时代,日月星辰之意非同寻常,乃天命也。观日月之行,得天命而王统,行天时以成,是帝王的统治和思维根基。大雅 灵台记述了文王灵台经始而观天这一史实,灵台“成之”则“王在灵囿”。观天命,司历纪自古帝王独专,西伯僭越建灵台观天,则意味其直受天命,不再屈居殷商而王天下了。春秋经里王统表现之一为“春,王正月”:周王替天授时,诸侯受之于天,是天命最直接最普遍的一种形势。战国屈子于穷途末路时叹曰“日月忽其不淹兮,春与秋其代序”,就是日月一诗的直接传承,其意义一样是“问天”。到了汉魏时代, 曹操观沧海有:“日月之行,若出其中;星汉灿烂,若出其里。幸甚至哉,歌以咏志”。 孟德“歌言志”,此志不言而喻:亲观天命,身载王道,行事以时。由此回顾日月一诗,诗人身承天命,而现实中痛哭流涕,抚今追昔,这跟周初其人之定鼎勃发有着根本的矛盾。 雄雉一诗有“瞻彼日月,悠悠我思”之句,会不会也是王族之思?对照下阕“百尔君子,不知德行”,此“君子”确指王族,非王姓不可能有过百君子(大小宗伯)之大邦。西周初年,尤其是武庚三监的年代,殷商故幾的人口跟前朝并无大的变化,周人在此绝无建立过百小宗的可能。全诗以“雄雉于飞”起手,华丽而奋发高远;终于君子不知德行,“何用不臧”,即用何不臧:到底做了什么让我等命运多舛, 也可解为到底要做什么才能免除我们的悲惨命运。首尾对比之强烈,命运之多舛,和周人统御天下的心态难以拟合。 殷人自称“天命玄鸟”,一般解为黑色的鸟,也有认为黑红二色。雄雉,今日在殷商故地,黄河两岸仍很常见,俗称野鸡,其华服长尾,“展如君子”。“展”在先秦最常用的意义为“展服”,是周王,公爵的顶级礼服,鄘风 君子偕老有“瑳兮瑳兮、其之展也。”。 小雅 车攻有“允矣君子、展也大成”,“展”为展服,“大成”双关“大乘”, 即大路戎车,君王战车。对比妇好墓出土的玉鸟,长尾两叉,脑后立羽,于雄雉庶几乎。雄雉头颈黑红毛色,也暗合玄鸟的传说。战国墓的玉玄鸟可以说就是比照雄雉制作的,脑后立羽和双羽尾分毫不差。退一步说,即使雄雉并不是殷人的玄鸟,“雄雉于飞”,其华丽外形和气质注定勾起殷人的玄鸟联想和类比。 “雄雉于飞”,带入殷商的玄鸟意象,以雄雉追忆昔日之王道和辉煌,“自诒伊阻” 乃“自逸伊祖”之通假,跟晚唐李商隐的名句“向晚意不适,驱车登古原”意境类同。开篇点明诗人愤懑中独自一人拜谒殷祖,也可能是伊尹之祖。若此解无误,“伊祖”尚存,这首诗当作于武庚年代。第四阕乃诗人告祖:这片大地尚存我殷商君子(大小宗)上百,无有德行。他们不听我言(说文解字注,忮:很者、不聽从也),不求告于上天祖宗,如此以往,如何(做什么事情)才能免除我殷人的不祥呢?此诗谁人?殷人也! 日月 日居月诸,照临下土。乃如之人兮,逝不古处?胡能有定?宁不我顾。 日居月诸,下土是冒。乃如之人兮,逝不相好。胡能有定?宁不我报。 日居月诸,出自东方。乃如之人兮,德音无良。胡能有定?俾也可忘。Read More... source https://www.choubb.com/?p=5359
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mynameisemo · 2 years
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程少商问:你看这是什么? 她从袖中取出一物,托在白生生的掌心。 凌不疑扫了一眼,看见熟悉的细线团,顿时有些不大自在。 程少商轻叹:你将它缠在手腕上这么多年,我看过摸过不知多少次,却愣是想不到这是什么。 凌不疑俊美的脸庞微微发红,反问:现在你想出来了。 程少商幽幽道:也不是我自己想出来的……(略。她是看到某对手,临死前始终拽着定情之物不松手,这才想起来的) 凌不疑低头不语。 程少商:这是琴弦。 (对,不要怀疑!就是某人替男主拔箭头时用的那根弦,然后被某人偷偷的私藏起来,一藏就藏了五六年。) 她将掌心的细线缓缓拉开,凝视身旁的男人续道:而且,这是‘少商’弦,对么? 凌不疑向女孩深邃凝目,眼波温柔:……对。那时,我总担心与你情深缘浅,将来不免分离…… 凌不疑接过那根琴弦,熟练的往自己袖口绕去。单手束弦居然也能轻易缠好,显然是不知缠过多少遍了。 凌不疑续道:后来,我们果然天各一方。 他看着自己袖口的琴弦,难抑悲苦之意:看着它,我方觉得心中还有一处是热的。 ” 程少商静静的看着他,良久才道:阿狰(乳名),今夜我要说的是另一件事,一句我许久之前就该跟你说的话。 凌不疑转过头来,认真听着。 程少商:阿狰,你身负深仇大恨,却依旧能够淡泊仁善,心怀光明,你过世的双亲与兄姊在天有灵,必以你为傲。阿狰,这些年来我做错了许多事,伤过你许多次,可是你从未对这人世间的真情心灰意冷过。你至情至性,心如赤子,是天底下最好最好的男人。阿狰,能遇上你,我三生有幸。
凌不疑感到一种近乎疼痛的喜悦。 然后,他吻上了那双似有水汽氤氲的挚爱双眸……。
PS:啊啊啊啊……真是痛并快乐着呀! ! !
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