#毎年、君と – Every year、with you
longingpolaris · 1 year
The streets were full of hurried people, who walked as though they were late for the most important event of their lives. Everyone had someplace they wanted to get to, everyone in the crowded streets of Tokyo had a destination– everyone apart from Arthur and Kiku.
They, as always, walked slowly. Aimlessly, with no errands to run, they walked for the sake of walking, taking the time to appreciate the orange-toned sunset and the warmth of that summer day, a day so beautiful that they didn't want to waste it by staying inside.
"It's always going to be like this, isn't it?" Kiku asked, breaking the silence that had lasted almost the entire afternoon. Days like these didn't need much talking– the silence was strangely comforting, even though the memories evoked by this particular day brought with them a familiar melancholy. 
Arthur looked at him, with a warm and pensive look. "I suppose it will," he replied, "as long as we are us."
It's amusing when said out loud, but the fact was that they spent the anniversary of the termination of the alliance together more often than that of the signing. Every year, they wordlessly drifted towards each other whenever reminded of the fragility of their small world. Every year, they reminded each other that though their love was fragile, it could always be put back together after the storms passed.
“Hm? What is it?”
“I think I’m out of eggs,” Kiku paused, as though mentally checking his fridge, “and butter.”
“I thought you said you had nothing to do today.”
“I forgot...”
"Alright then," Arthur said, as he grabbed Kiku's hand and started heading towards that market he knew Kiku always went to, "We can walk some other day."
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tokidokitokyo · 4 months
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Photo by Weiqi Xiong on Unsplash
April is the month of new beginnings in Japan. The school year ends in March, the fiscal year ends in March, and then there is the transition to the new beginnings in April. The cherry blossoms are the biggest symbol of this transition from one school year to the next, and the beginning of work for many of those just entering the workforce.
It makes sense that April can be a new beginning for Japanese studies as well. So, for April, I wanted to rededicate myself to my studies. Honestly, I rededicate myself at least every month, and every year, because my priorities and abilities are constantly changing. I do, however, like to have certain periods of time to mark out major changes.
So what does this look like for me? I have been spending a lot of time with Japanese mom friends from my son's Japanese preschool, my son has been growing ever proficient in Japanese (thanks to his time at school, his immersion at home, and his rapidly-developing brain), which has begun to show me in detail where I am doing well and where I am deficient. I'd like to keep pace with my son's proficiency and to challenge myself (because I really love studying Japanese).
So, in general terms, I am rededicating myself to my goals from the beginning of 2024 and to studying for the JLPT N2 exam.
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April Progress
I think that April was the most balanced my study has ever been amongst all the areas of study that I focus on. My goals in April included continuing my focus on Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Listening.
Here is how my goals went:
〇 = Great, △ = Decent, ✖ = Not Great
Read daily - read almost every day 〇
Write sentences 4 times a week - wrote sentences mostly 4 times a week 〇
Review kanji and vocabulary flash cards daily - didn't practice flash cards at all due to focus on other types of study ✖
Review 1-2 N3 grammar points weekly - did reviews 〇
Learn 1-2 N2 grammar points weekly - focused on practicing these using example sentences I wrote myself 〇
Listen to 1 podcast a week - yes! 〇
Continue to work on あ~お hiragana with my son, add in か~こ - yes! 〇
I am proud of sticking to the things that I wanted to do, and also incorporating more study for the N2 into my routine. Other things I did included:
Kanji & Vocabulary: Learning new vocabulary and kanji from reading Japanese books and manga, although I don't include it explicitly in my count for the study areas.
Listening: Watched the NHK Taiga drama 光る君へ (Hikaru kimi e) and understood some of the court-related words (thanks to the 日本の歴史366 daily reads) and complex dialogue.
Speaking: Continued to talk to my mom friends (ママ友) from preschool, getting advice and also embarrassing myself sometimes when I misunderstand something ^^;
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May Goals
For May, I'd like to keep my momentum and excitement for studying going, and to try to focus on JLPT N2 textbooks more. I'll also try to continue reviewing N3 information. I'll keep my goals the same as in March, and just add in additional study materials where I feel necessary.
Additional Study Materials:
Renshuu.org flashcards for Kanji & Vocabulary
新にほんご500問 (Kanji, Vocabulary, Grammar drills)
日本語総まとめN2 (Kanji, Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening, Reading workbook)
外国人のための日本語敬語の使い方 (85 Basic Expressions of Japanese honorifics for Quick and Easy use, aka Keigo)
絵本 (Japanese children's books (see my photo above), to practice reading aloud large chunks of hiragana quickly)
If you've read this far, thank you! These updates are mostly motivation for me, but I hope at least the pictures are pretty and maybe you find a new resource when you read these ^.^
See you next month!
ここまで読んでいただいてありがとうございました。毎月のアップデートはほぼ自分のためだけど、面白い写真を見れるかもしれないし、それとも使えるリソースを見つかれるかもしれまない ^.^
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seafood-33 · 2 years
"If Yuzuru fell down, Javier would fly over to help him up." The interviewer saw that.
"I was proud of him as a teammate and thought, 'I'm so happy to see my friends win.' " Yuzuru said. Javier rubbed Yuzuru's shoulder as if to hide his embarrassment.
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Title: ハビエル・ フェルナンデス 「夢、恋と人生、そしてユヅルについて」 Javier Fernandez "About Dreams, Love and Life, and Yuzuru"
Last December (2014), the long-sought after GP Final was finally held in Spain (Barcelona). Aside from the popularity of local player Javier Fernandez, the Spanish audience was surprisingly enthusiastic in their support for players of all nationalities. The venue was nearly full every day.
"Spaniards love to watch sports by nature. But after that competition, many people said to me, 'I didn't think figure skating could be so interesting.' It made me happy."
It was after this highly successful tournament that the decision was made to build two new rinks in Spain (Barcelona and Granada).
In 2012, a new wind blew in from Japan. Yuzuru Hanyu moved to the same club.
"I had no hesitation at all about having Yuzuru join us. When I was with Nikolai, I fully realized the benefits of training with strong athletes."
"Yuzuru is a truly amazing player. He always gives 100% in practice and continues to improve. I have been saying he is a great skater even before he became an Olympic champion, and I continue to say so."
If Hanyu fell down, Javier would fly over to help him up. Such a harmonious scene could be seen at the rink.
"Yuzuru is still learning English, but whenever possible we speak English. During warm-ups, sometimes the three of us (and Brian) share jokes. For athletes, when the rink is a comfortable environment like this, it makes it more fun to come here every day and helps them improve faster. Plus, we can watch and learn from each other."
Sometimes Hanyu would ask Javier for advice.
"On a bad day, I might say something what I notice, 'This is what you did the day before, but this is how it is today' Conversely, on days when I am not doing well, Yuzuru will sometimes say to me, "Don't worry, you can do it. "
Yuzuru Hanyu won the gold medal at the Sochi Olympics. Javier finished 4th. He unfortunately missed the medal.
"Of course, I have a desire to beat Yuzuru someday. Winning and losing is inevitable in sports. No matter how friends we are, when it comes to competition, we're rivals. "
The day has come for Javier to surpass Yuzuru Hanyu. World Championships this year (2015).
Javier's performance was right after Hanyu's. At that stage, Hanyu was the provisional leader. The rink was littered with countless gifts honoring Hanyu, and Javier was unable to break in his feet at all before the performance.
"I had experienced the same thing last season at the World Championships in Saitama, so it was no problem at all."
Calm enough, Javier succeeded in two out of three quadruples. The electronic board displayed "1st place" . Hanyu's consecutive victory was thwarted. By his teammate, Javier Fernandez. Hanyu appeared at the press conference with a surprisingly cheerful expression on his face, and even made a gesture of begging for Javier's gold medal.
“Because I definitely thought Yuzuru would win. Spain’s first gold medal was a dream. I thought it was just a dream. Thanks to Yuzuru starting practicing with me, the amount of practice I do has increased."
Hanyu on the other hand said:
"I had heard from everyone in Toronto that Javier had been practicing very hard. We have always played matches together and Javier would say, 'Congratulations, I am proud of you Yuzuru.' But this time our positions were reversed, and although I was frustrated because I am not so open-minded and I would win next time, on the other hand, I was proud of him as a teammate and thought, 'I'm so happy to see my friends win.'"
Javier, who was standing beside, rubbed Hanyu's shoulder as if to hide his embarrassment.
Number 875号 羽生結弦 不屈の魂
Full list from 2011 to present
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rabbworld · 2 months
#展示会 終了しました🍀
This time it was the first exhibition in a while.
Now that my daughter is in elementary school, it will take time for her to get used to the daily rhythm that changes every year.
I was finally able to draw a picture and felt a little relieved🎨
The next exhibition will be in Tokyo🗼
Thank you again for this time🍀
#人魚 #イラスト #絵 #大阪 #展示 #手描き #キャンバス #オリジナル #mermaid #illustration #illustrations #illust #gallery #sea #exhibition #art #artist #handdrawn #picture #original #rabb #rabbtheworks #rinfujii #藤井りん
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kyubi-guide · 2 years
Entermix January 2015
With the Heat of Conclusion, the Finale Continues
説明不要の国民的人気漫画『NARUTOーナルトー』が、1月10日発売の週刊少年ジャンプ0号にて一挙2話掲載され、第700話をもって5年の歴史に幕を下ろした。3年以上に渡って連載された第四次忍界大戦のラストバトルはナルトとサスケの一騎打ち。激闘の末に迎えたグランドフィナーレは漫画史上に残る大団円との声も。エンタミクスでは同作への感謝を込めて岸本斉史先生のインタビューと共に、ナルトの成長の動軌跡をプレイバック。さらに記月に公開を控えた劇場版『THE LAST—NARUTO THE MOVIE—』のマスト情報も掲載。原作は完結したものの次なるプロジェクトの構想が次々と明らかになり、まだまだ『NARUTOーナルトー』から目が離せない。
"Naruto", a manga that needs no explanation, has ended its five year history with the 700th episode, which was published in the Weekly Shonen Jump 0 issue on January 10. 700 episodes were serialized for over three years, and the final battle of the Fourth Ninja World War was between Naruto and Sasuke. After a fierce battle, the grand finale was said by some to be the greatest ending in the history of manga. To show our appreciation for this work, Entamix will be covering Naruto's growth with an interview with Masashi Kishimoto. In addition, there is also information on the upcoming theatrical version of "THE—LAST NARUTO THE MOVIE—" that will be released in June. Although the original work has been completed, the concept of the next project has been revealed one after another, and we can't take our eyes off "Naruto" yet.
I've been thinking about the final battle between Naruto and Sasuke since the beginning of the series.
-Thank you for the 15-year long series!
岸本斉史(以下、岸本) ありがとうございます。実はつい6時間ほど前に最終話を描き上げたばかりなんですよ。それから少し仮眠して、この一取材を受けているんですが、今頃になってようやく終わったんだっていうことを認識できるよ」うになってきました。
Masashi Kishimoto (Kishimoto): Thank you very much. Actually, I just finished drawing the last episode about six hours ago. I took a nap after that, and now I'm doing this interview, and I can finally recognize that it's over.
-It's been an exciting time. What has the past 15 years been like for you?
Kishimoto: I used to answer questions like this by saying, "It seemed long, but it was short. (laughs) I guess this feeling comes from the fact that the series is over. When I was busy with deadlines every week, a week would fly by, but now that I look back, I realize that six years was a long time.
-How did you feel when you finished the last story?
岸本 原稿が描き上がったとき、初代の担当編集さんが花束を抱えてきてくださったんですその花束をもらった瞬間に、一気に新人時代が魅りました。2人で連載を立ち上げた時のこととか、これまでの苦労とか。その時は本当にヤバかったです。アシスタントさんの前だったの一で「別に……」って強がって(笑)。泣いたらカッコ悪いので、必死に涙をこらえていました。
Kishimoto: When the manuscript was finished, my first editor brought me a bouquet of flowers. That was a really bad time for me. I was in front of the assistants, so I was really uptight and said, "It's nothing ......" (laughs). (laughs) If I cried, it wouldn't be cool, so I tried my best to hold back my tears.
-The last battle between Naruto and Sasuke was an amazing battle that was the culmination of 15 years of work?
岸本 最後はナルトとサスケが戦って終わりにしようというのは、連載当初から初代編集担当さんと話し合って決めていました。担当が変わるときにも「あのラストだけは変えちゃダメだよ」と言われたのですが、同時に「君の作品だから、どう変わっても自由だよ」とも言われて、いったいどっちなのかなと(笑)。ただ僕の中でもこのラストは変えたくなかったので、結局そこはブレずに貫きましたが、それぞれがどういう状態で最終決戦を迎えるのかはずっと手探り状態で、現在のような流れがはっきりと固まったのは3年ほど前でした。ラストバトルで僕がこ」だわったのは、ナルトとサスケがただの敵ではなく、互いを友達だと意識しながら戦うということです。と言うのも、最後にサスケを救う可能性があるんだったらそこしかないと思ったんです。サスケは色々あって勘ねまくってしまった面倒くさいヤツなんですよ。自分で描いていてもイライラするくらい(笑)。そんなサスケを受け止められるのは、めちゃくちゃ器が大きいナルトくらいしかいないんです。あれだけサスケーのことが大好きなサクラでも、サスケを刺そう一とした際に一度は諦めの気持ちが芽生えていますけど、ナルトにはまったく諦めがないですから。親友を失って終わるのはやっぱり辛いですから、僕自身そんなナルトの可能性に賭けて、何とかサスケを救って欲しいと思いました。
Kishimoto: I had decided to end the series with Naruto and Sasuke fighting, after discussing it with the original editor. When I changed the editor, he told me "You can't change that last part," but at the same time, he also told me "It's your work, so you're free to change it however you want. (laughs) But I didn't want to change the last part of the story, so I stuck to it, but I was still in a state of limbo as to how each of the characters would face the final battle, and it wasn't until about three years ago that I had a clear idea of the current flow. In the last battle, I focused on the fact that Naruto and Sasuke are not just enemies, but they fight each other with the awareness that they are friends. I thought that was the only way there was a chance to save Sasuke in the end. Sasuke is a troublesome guy who has a lot of misunderstandings. He's so annoying that I get frustrated even when I draw him myself (laughs). The only person who can take Sasuke like that is Naruto, who has a really big heart. Even Sakura, who loved Sasuke so much, gave up at least once when she tried to stab him, but Naruto never gives up at all. It's hard to lose your best friend, so I bet on Naruto's potential and hope that he will somehow save Sasuke.
Brotherhood of the Kinniku Driver
-This is what Mr. Kishimoto wanted to convey the most. You've done a great job of depicting the theme of friendship.
Kishimoto: I’m satisfied with that. Friendship has been a theme in many of my works, but for me, friendship is like brotherhood or family love, and to lose it is to lose one's identity which is the most frightening thing for teenagers, and I have often depicted this in my works. I think this time I was able to express the culmination of that in the final battle.
-Naruto and Sasuke are exactly like twin brothers from the beginning to the end.
岸本 実際に僕自身が本当に双子なので、小さい頃からナルトが感じていたような感覚を持って育ってきたんです。この話は格好悪いのであんまり話したくはないんですけど、小学生の頃は2人とも体が小さくて、休み時間になるとよく弟がキン肉マンに登場するパロスペシャルという技をかけられていたんです。別にいじめられていたわけではないのですが、体が小さいと何かと技をかけられる時期じゃないですか。そんな弟を見ていると、まるで自分が技をかけられているように痛かったんです。まあ実際に僕は僕で、弟の隣でキン肉ドライバーをかけられていたっていうのもあるんですが(笑)。でも変な話ですが、そういう時に「俺たちって兄弟なんだな」ということを強く感じたんですよ。弟との繋がりを意識した瞬間というか。それが高校生や大学生になると、友達が失恋したり何か上手くいかないことがあると、小学生時代に弟に対して抱いた感覚と同じ感覚になるようにもなったんです。そこで「俺はコイツと本当に仲がいいんだな」って改めて思ったりしました。だから僕にとっては兄弟愛と友情は同じなんです。そういう意味では、双子に生まれてきてよかったと思います。ナルトとサスケの友情の原型は、まさに僕と弟だったわけですから。
Kishimoto: I'm actually a twin myself, so I grew up with the same feelings that Naruto had from a young age. I don't want to talk about it too much because it's not cool, but when we were in elementary school, we were both small, and during recess, my younger brother used to get hit with the Paro Special from Kinnikuman. It wasn't that he was being bullied, but when you're small, there's always a time when you can get hit. When I saw my younger brother, I felt pain as if I was being hit by him. In fact, I was the one being hit with the Kinniku Driver next to my brother (laughs). I know it sounds strange, but it was at times like that that I really felt that we were brothers. That's when I became aware of the connection with my brother. When I was in high school or college, I felt the same way I felt about my brother in elementary school when my friends lost their love or something went wrong. That's when I realized again that I'm really close to him. So for me, brotherhood and friendship are the same. In that sense, I'm glad I was born with twins. The prototype of the friendship between Naruto and Sasuke was me and my brother.
-In episode 699, we see Sasuke leaving his village and going on a journey?
岸本 あれたけのことをやってしまったので、さすがに里で普通に暮らすのは難しいですよね。だからひとつは瞳罪の旅という意味です。さらに僕の中にある裏設定としては、世界に残一っている謎を解明するという目的です。原作のラスボスだった大筒木カグヤがいったい何者で、どこから来たのかを解明しないと再び世界が厄災に見舞われてしまうので、それを阻止するための旅でもあるんです。ただそれを長々と説明してしまうと、「これ、まだまだ続くの?」って思われてしまうので、そこはさらっと流しました。そこは続く予定はありませんから。
Kishimoto: After all I've done, it's hard to live normally in my hometown, isn't it? So this is a journey of pupil guilt. In addition, I have a secret plan to solve the mystery that remains in the world. If I don't figure out who Kaguya Ootsutsuki, the last boss of the original story, is and where he came from, the world will be plagued by disaster again, so it's also a journey to stop that from happening. However, if I were to give a long explanation, people would think, "Is this going to continue? So I just let it slide. I don't plan to continue there.
-In the last episode, it was hinted that he and Hinata have two children, but when was the future of Hinata and Naruto's marriage solidified?
岸本 かなり前からヒナタで決めていました。サクラにしようかと迷った時期もあったのですが、ここへ来てサクラがナルトに心変わりしたら、さすがにサクラはひどい女過ぎでしょう(笑)。それに、実際サクラはなんだかんだでサスケに対して一途なんだと思います。
Kishimoto: I had already decided on Hinata a long time ago. There was a time when I wasn't sure if I would choose Sakura, but if she changed her mind about Naruto, she would be too much of a bad woman (laughs). I'm not sure what to make of her, but I think she's very much in love with Sasuke.
I will draw Naruto until summer.
ー友情を描き切った漫画本編に対し、12月に公開される映画「THE LAST」では、一転して。恋愛。がテーマとなっていますね。
-While the manga depicts friendship, the movie "THE LAST," to be released in December, is a complete change. Love. The theme of the movie is love.
岸本 恋愛をテーマにしたいというアイデアはアニメ制作サイドから出たものでした。僕としてはいいアイデアが浮かばなければ映画は作らないほうがいいんじゃないかと思っていたのですが、この話を聞いた瞬間に「これはイケるかも」と感じました。漫画ではバトルばかりでほとんど恋愛描写はできなかったので、その補完的な意味合いも込めて、映画で恋愛面でのナルトの成長を描写できると思い、一気にイメージが膨らみました。
Kishimoto: The idea of making a movie about love came from the animation production side. I thought that if I didn't come up with a good idea, I probably shouldn't make a movie, but the moment I heard about it, I thought, "This could work. In the manga, it was all battles and almost no romance, so I thought I could use the movie as a complement to the manga to show Naruto's growth in terms of romance.
-As for you, how did you get involved in film?
岸本 最初に話をいただいたときにはシナリオの第一稿が出来ていたんですよ。僕はそれを元に修正依頼をしてブラッシュアップしていった感じです。脚本家さんを始め、スタッフのかた一が“ナルトの恋愛,というテーマにすごく前向きで、僕もその熱意に共感していつの間にか細かく何度も修正をお願いしてしまいました。
Kishimoto: The first draft of the scenario was already done when I was first approached. I made a lot of changes to it and brushed it up. The scriptwriter and all the staff members were very positive about the theme of "Naruto's love life", and I shared their enthusiasm, so before I knew it, I was asking for many revisions.
-It's hard to imagine what Naruto's love life would be like, especially since he rarely has a real love story in the original.
岸本 僕自身���恋愛描写は恥ずかしくなっちゃって描けないんです。だから原作でも本気の描写は避けてきましたし、最終話では「ドラゴンボール」ばりに一気に時間を飛ばす形を取りました。恋愛話はアニメだからこそ実現出来たこ」とだと思いますし、結果的に漫画のラストに繋がる良いエピソードになったと思います。
Kishimoto: I myself am too embarrassed to depict romance. That's why I avoided serious depictions in the original story, and in the last episode, I skipped a lot of time, just like in "Dragon Ball". The love story was something that could only be done in anime, and I think it turned out to be a good episode that leads to the end of the manga.
-And finally, I'm really curious about Prof. Kishimoto’s future plans.
岸本 来年春に「NARUTO-ナルト-」新編を一短期集中連載します。それ以外にも、夏くらいまでは「NARUT0-ナルト-』関連の仕事がまだ残っていますから、本格的に次作の準備に取りかかるのはそれからですね。実はネタ帳には色々なアイデアが溜まっているので、期待してください。でも僕も0歳になったので、週刊連載は辛いですね。よく秋本(治) 先生を見習えって言われますけど、秋本先生は本当にすごいんです。できれば週刊は勘弁してください(笑)。まずは、もろもろ落ち着いたら新婚旅行と子供と遊ぶ時間を作りたいですね。結婚して10年以上経ちま|すが、「NARUTO-ナルト-』のおかげでとに一かくノンストップでした。 そろそろナルトたちと一緒に自分の家族も大切にしなきゃね(笑)。
Kishimoto: I'm going to start a new chapter of "Naruto" in the spring of next year. Other than that, I still have a lot of "Naruto" related work to do until summer, so I won't be able to start preparing for the next one in earnest until then. Actually, I have a lot of ideas in my storybook, so please keep your eyes peeled. But now that I'm zero years old, it's hard for me to do a weekly series. People often say that I should learn from Osamu Akimoto, but he's really amazing. If possible, please don't make it a weekly series (laughs). First of all, after everything settles down, I want to take a honeymoon and make time to play with my children. It's been over 10 years since we got married, but thanks to "Naruto," it's been non-stop. It's time for me to take care of my own family along with Naruto and his friends (laughs).
An unprecedented crisis and Naruto's love are intertwined.
The film, which will be released soon after the completion of the original story, is the first romantic drama in the history of "Naruto", set two years after the end of the Shinobi World War and featuring Naruto and Hinata. The scenario, supervised by Masashi Kishimoto, is a must-see for both fans of the original story and the anime, as it is an official episode that fills in the gaps until the final episode of the original story. The powerful battles on a scale only possible in a theatrical version are still intact, and the characters you care about have grown up and are fully active. Witness Naruto's love story and ninja battles on screen that no one has seen yet!
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pupa-cinema · 3 years
Village Man’s Store - 黙らせないで(Don’t Shut Me Up) - Lyrics English Translation
とっ散らかったコンティネーション Continuations are scattered about さながらこのザマ「さすてぃねいしょん」 It’s an utter shit show “Sastination” 先細って色を変える It thins out and changes color 毎夜アパートで躁になって I go crazy in my apartment every night
赤本燃やして砂を食んで I burn my raunchy magazines and munch the sands 壁が鳴って怯んでしまう The walls ring out and send me cowering
狂ってんのは お前の方だって The one who’s crazy is you 痰を切った体で 口を詰まらせた I stuff the mouth on your blustering body
後悔と羨望を鳴らせ Let our regret and jealousy ring for all あの娘のスカートを揺らすまで ‘Till we can make those girls’ skirts shake SM58 で爆風吹き込んで Blow them away with a SM58- 人類兄弟ミナサマ Mankind, my brothers, everyone
触らないで 逃げはしないで Don’t touch me, don’t run away 計ってないで 黙らせないで Don’t judge me, don’t shut me up
とっ散らかったコンティネーション Continuations are scattered about さながらこのザマ「さすてぃねいしょん」 It’s an utter shit show “Sastination” 裏返って意味を変える It flips and changes its meaning 迷子になって遭難した I got lost and wrecked 先では言葉を発せないんだ I won’t be able to vocalize myself in what’s coming up ahead 雨が鳴って怯んでしまう The rain rings out and sends me cowering 狂ってんのは The one who was crazy 俺の方だったんだ Was me all along
崩壊と性を鳴らせ Let destruction and personality ring out 君の前髪が乱れてる Your bangs are all crooked SM58 で爆風吹き込んで Blow them away with a SM58 傍観したってダセーもんさ Just watching the action is lame y’know
(いわれなき罪でワンコンを取り上げられる始末、 (Unreasonable sins deprive me of my one length haircut, and in the end- みそボン共に投げつけられた排泄物は I’m getting excretion thrown at me by dead bombermen from outside the arena 不貞行為真っ只中体液として吐き出すこともままならぬ And I can’t even spit it out as body fluids amidst this adultery これ以上抑圧させるならば今すぐお前の大事な If you’re going to try and suppress me any further then I’m gonna have to 一人娘を喰っちまうぜ) Devour your precious lady)
狂ってんのは お前の方だって You’re the one who’s really crazy 啖呵切ったせいで 口を歪ませた But because I spouted fighting words, my mouth got twisted
後悔と羨望を鳴らせ Let our regret and jealousy ring for all あの娘のスカートを揺らすまで ‘Till we can make those girls’ skirts shake SM58 で爆風吹き込んで Blow them away with a SM58- 人類兄弟ミナサマ Mankind, my brothers, everyone
触らないで 逃げはしないで Don’t touch me, don’t run away 計ってないで 黙らせないで Don’t judge me, don’t shut me up
Mizuno!!!! I swear to God!!!! I have no idea what Sastination is supposed to mean!! This fucker has even tweeted "If you put change and wing together you get chaing (I think this is a reference to WING-MAN?) but something like Sastination makes no sense~" https://twitter.com/vms_mizno/status/1098621072323137536.... It doesn't even make sense to Mizuno fucking Gii!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“みそボン” is a slang word for the mechanic in the game Bombermen, in which when you die you can still stand outside the arena and shoot bombs at other players.
- Related Interview bit (via: https://web.akita-townjoho.jp/event/20190116-village-mans-store/):
―ツアーと同時に、1年に4作品リリースという試みも発表。1作目「黙らせないで」はどんな曲ですか - VMS has a tour on top of a plan to release 4 pieces in one year. So then what kind of song is “Don’t Shut Me Up”, your first of the four-
 1作目ということもあり、活動初期からのスピード感を持った、誰が聴いても「This is ビレッジマンズストア」という目論見で制作しました。今までにないほど、自然に産み落とされたサウンド・詞・アレンジです! Mizuno Gii: It being the first, we created it with the hopes that anyone who listens to it thinks “This is the very definition of Village Man’s Store”, as it has the same pacing that our old initial pieces had when we first started. The music, lyrics, and arrangement were more naturally hatched than anything else we’ve made before!
―「黙らせないで」に込めた意味は - The meaning behind “Don’t Shut Me Up” -
 自分の理想像に近づくために殻を破る、希望的な意味で使っています。 萎縮せず、自己満足な〈格好良い〉を貫くこと、主張すること、それらを「黙らせないで」という言葉に込めました。近頃は、SNSの普及で、バンドとリスナーの関係性が少しだけ変わってきています。不特定多数の声が大きくなることで、発信する側がエゴで音楽を作れなくなることほど、つまらないことはないです。必要以上に世間に晒されて平らになってしまわぬことも、ロックバンドが面白可笑しく存在するためには必要な努力なんだと思います。 Mizuno Gii: I used the term in a hopeful way, like that in order to get closer to my ideal self I need to break out of my shell. To never back down, to stick to my self-satisfying definition of “Cool”, to assert myself… That’s my meaning behind “Don’t Shut Me Up.” Thanks to the spread of social media in the modern age, the relationship between a band and their listeners has changed a bit. The voices of the masses are louder now, so makers can no longer make music on their ego alone. Now there’s never a dull moment. Being overexposed to the world means you’ll never become plain, it’s a necessary endeavor for rock bands to stay fun and interesting.
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joyousnudibranch · 4 years
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If you hear “springy photos in March,” what comes to your mind? Photos of spring flowers and butterflies under the blue sky?  Now here are some of MY springy photos in March. They tell you what I typically do and see around me in this month -- which is actually my birth month. ;)  Enjoy!  3月の春の写真と言われたら、何の写真が思い浮かびます?青空の下咲き乱れる春の花と蝶々とか?
私ならではの「3月の春の写真」だと、こんなんですヨ。 私が毎年3月 ーー 私の誕生月 ーー に、いつもしてることとか目にするもの。
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Here you are! I did make warabi (bracken fern) pasta today. :D I used to cook young bracken fern every year in Mar. for my parents, but never thought about using it for pasta. Then a few years ago, I tried out warabi pasta and since then it’s almost like my new tradition. :) ハイ、ワラビのパスタ、ちゃんと作りましたよ! 以前は親のために、いちおう毎年ワラビの煮たのをつくってましたが。パスタにしたことはなかったです。何年か前にたまたま試したら気に入って、以来それが3月の恒例行事になってきましたネ。
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Also, March is when I prepare my herb garden and plant new herbs. Actually the preparation should start in Feb. but this year I got lazy. :P This year I’m going to grow some carrots, too, for making cold press juice! 3月は私のハーブ畑の準備の時期でもあり。ホントは2月からちゃんと土の準備すべきところだけど、めんどくさくなって。 でも今年は、コールドプレスジュース用のニンジンもしこたま育てる予定!^^)買うと高いですもん。
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AND March is time to start shooting photos of tidepool creatures in my fave tidepool near my house. Actually, I don’t mean to wait until March every year. They say you can find sea slugs even in the middle of winter, and I wanted to go to the tidepool in Jan. and Feb this year. But usually the sea is rough most of the time in winter and ... it is just discouragingly cold. So every year I end up going there for the first time in March. そして3月は、お気に入りの潮だまりでの生き物写真撮影開始の月! これも実は、3月まで待つつもりじゃないんだけど。ウミウシは冬でもいるらしいので、ホントか確かめたいと思いつつ、冬場は海が荒れてる時が多いし...ていうかとにかく寒いのでやる気がそがれて、結局3月が年の最初の撮影になるんです大概。^^;;
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The first sea slug I saw in 2021 was THIS! :D  It was a pleasant surprise because I thought they wouldn’t come out until it gets really warm like late spring or early summer. 2021年最初に遭遇したウミウシ君は、ムカデミノウミウシ!!♬ これはうれしい驚きでした。この種はもっと暖かくなるまで見られないかと思ってたので。
And my friends there in the tidepool: a couple of banded coral shrimp. They almost always come out to greet me (or to scare me off) when I come close to their residence. LOL Last year, in summer, I saw only one of them living here for weeks and I was worried. But today two of them were there together and I was happy. そして、ここに行くといつも会わずにいられない友達の、オトヒメエビのカップル。棲家に近づくと、いつも出てきて挨拶(あるいは威嚇?)しにきてくれます。 去年の夏には1匹だけになってた時期があって、ヨメに逃げられたのかと心配したけど。今日はちゃんと2匹で出て来てくれました。良きかな。💕
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It's definitely springy in the tidepool, too. :) 潮だまりの中も、間違いなく春です。
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dialover-kanato · 4 years
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Today is Valentine’s Day, you know.
You have obviously prepared chocolates for me, haven’t you? Every year, to think of me and make this for me to eat, you’re happy, right?
Fufufu, I’m happy too!
「 Twitter 」
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lemonsoda03 · 4 years
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by Omoinotake
WORDS /福島智朗 Fukushima Tomoaki
Fantranslation / ヨアケ @yoake55
What I would like to tell the you 10 years ago
Is that there's nothing here
But loneliness
What I would like to tell the you 10 years ago
Is that you can't even see your favorite star
And the dirty air will make you disgusted
Exhausted from life
Every day I fall asleep and wake up in a hurry
It's far from the ideal you had in mind
If I put into words what Tokyo is like
It feels like everything would fall apart
So I'm too afraid to say anything
I wonder what Tokyo is
I was born into this world and named with a meaning
この街で僕は 無意味になってしまいそうだ
But I feel like I'm becoming meaningless in this city
I have a thousand and one things
I would like to tell the you 10 years ago
But you'd just turn a deaf ear, anyway
What I would like to tell the you 10 years ago
Is that I hope someday you'll understand
That it's okay to stay the way you are
Living in the present
The next thing I know, I'm surrounded with things I want to protect
I know it's unthinkable to the you right now
But that's for certain
The you 10 years ago who didn't run away
While I ran my mouth about what Tokyo is
Were very dear to me
I wonder what Tokyo is
Even though I still haven't found an answer yet
I think I want to live in the present, in this city
戻れない過去 雨に濡れた9号線 
A past that can't be returned to; the rain-soaked Route 9 
会えない顔 思い浮かべた小田急線
A face I can't meet; The Odakyu Line that came to mind
Holding on the strap with my right hand, 
For some reason, I remembered that day's farewell handshake
I remembered
I asked myself for 10 years what Tokyo is 
I wonder if I've turned into a boring guy
Let's just say I've grown up
I wonder what Tokyo is
愛おしい景色 甲州街道の先
The beloved scenery beyond the Koshu Highway
終点のない道 過去と未来想う街
A road without an end; a city dwelling on the past and the future
- - - - -
TN: Hi, I'm yoake55, a fan of Omoinotake and Official HIGE DANdism. Please do not repost my translations without my permission. Thank you.
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koizumicchi · 4 years
星座と魔法 Seiza to Mahou (nqrse feat. soraru) English Translation
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星座と魔法 Seiza to Mahou Constellation and Magic nqrse feat. soraru
Album: NEGATIVE Lyrics: soraru, nqrse Music: DYES IWASAKI
kanji from
T/N: Sorry if there are some mistakes. Please credit me if you’re gonna use my translations ^^
完璧な言葉は要らない なけなしのものを紡いで 百年が半年 毎年が毎夜 伝わる体温で分かる 夢じゃないと ここは集めた星屑に価値はない 今の僕らには水さえ有難い 向かう 閉店間際 廃棄寸前の弁当 幸せの尺度は十色
Kanpeki na kotoba wa iranai Nakenashi no mono wo tsumuide Hyakunen ga hantoshi maitoshi ga maiyo Tsutawaru taion de wakaru yume janai to Koko wa atsumeta hoshikuzu ni kachi wa nai Ima no bokura ni wa mizu sae arigatai Mukau heiten magiwa haiki sunzen no bentou Shiawase no shakudo wa toiro
I don’t need words of perfection Spinning an almost null amount A hundred year is half a year, every year is every evening I know from the transmitted temperature it is not a dream The stardust gathered here has no worth Even the water is grateful to us now Going towards a closing shop for a bento just about to be discarded The *ten colors are the measure of happiness
明日も生きるけど毎日が食糧難 生きづらくても生きる 即答さ 今日は定時 乾いてる空 帰路につきながら仰ぐのは大空 もう少しだ 何も変わらない 景色変われど変わらない 帰る場所がある 蒼の彼方から臆病な君が待ってる六畳間
Asu mo ikiru kedo mainichi ga shokuryōnan Ikidzurakute mo ikiru sokutō sa Kyō wa teiji kawaiteru sora Kiro ni tsukinagara aogu no wa ōzora Mō sukoshi da nanimo kawaranai Keshiki kawaredo kawaranai Kaeru basho ga aru Ao no kanata kara okubyōna kimi ga matteru rokujōma
I will also live tomorrow but everyday is a shortage of provisions I will live even if it’s hard to, that is my immediate reply Today is the scheduled arid skies The sky you look up to while on your way back Just a little more, an unchanging scenery A place you can return to where Everything has changed and hasn’t From the blue horizon, a six-tatami mat room where you’re timidly waiting
当然ふたりが思っているより緩く だけど世界はシンプルに成って行く 明暮の掟 ひとり年越して 文月に焦がれ雫落としてる 何もないよ でも君がいて 明日も明後日も隣に君がいて 帰り道に空にいた頃を思い出して触れる羽衣
Tōzen futari ga omotte iru yori yuruku Dakedo sekai wa shinpuru ni natte iku Akekure no okite hitori toshikoshite Fumidzuki ni kogare shizuku otoshiteru Nani mo nai yo demo kimi ga ite Asu mo asatte mo tonari ni kimi ga ite Kaerimichi ni sora ni ita koro wo omoidashite sawareru hagoromo
Of course it turned out to be gentler than we think But the world has become simple The law of morning and evening, alone at the end of the year Yearning for July, a single drop falls Nothing’s here but you are with me Here beside me tomorrow and the next Remembering I was in the sky on the way home, touched by an angel’s raiment
失った永遠は 明日の幸せに続くかな もう戻れない 星屑の海 掌の温もり
Ushinatta eien wa Asu no shiawase ni tsudzuku ka na Mō modorenai Hoshikuzu no umi tenohira no nukumori
Will the eternity lost Continue in tomorrow’s happiness We can’t turn back any longer The sea of stardust, the warmth of my palm
そこらに蔓延するポピュリズムから 抜け出す為作った世界 でもまた見つけんだよポピュリスト 結局端から抜け出せない 2人でダラダラ過ごしたWeekend 一週間とは縮めた人生 くたびれながら迎える月曜日 囚われてる鉄格子
Sokora ni mannen suru popyurizumu kara Nukedasu tame tsukutta sekai Demo mata mitsukenda yo popyurisuto Kekkyoku hana kara nukedasenai Futari de daradara sugoshita weekend Isshūkan to wa chidjimeta jinsei Kutabire nagara mukaeru getsuyōbi Torawareteru tetsugōshi
A world created to escape From the populism everywhere But found again anyway by the populist Can’t get out in the end after all A weekend slowly passing for the both of us Life shortened to a week Advancing to a Monday all worn out The iron bars in which I am imprisoned to
全てを忘れて何処かへ行こう でも君の両手は翼じゃない まるで飛び込むのを恐れたペンギン 素直な君はコレ疑わない? そう 柵から抜け出す為のリスクは承知 2人で乗り越え Cheerz! テレビで見るA5ランクのステーキより君が作る質素なフランチ
Subete wo wasurete doko ka he ikou Demo kimi no ryōte wa tsubasa janai Marude tobikomu no wo osoreta pengin Sunao na kimi wa kore utagawanai? Sou shigarami kara nukedasu tame no risuku wa shōchi Futari de norikoete Cheerz! Terebi de miru A5 ranku no suteiki yori kimi ga tsukuru shisso na furanchi
Forget about everything and go somewhere But your hands aren’t wings Quite like a penguin afraid to jump in The earnest you have doubts on this? The risk to be freed from these shackles, yes, I understand We overcame them together. Cheerz! Rather than the A5 steak seen on TV I prefer the simple franch you made yourself
解けた星座と魔法 途絶えた道標 天に手を伸ばし もがいてみたりして 夏風がさらさらと通り過ぎていく
Hodoketa seiza to mahō todaeta michishirube Ten ni te wo nobashi Mogaite mitarishite Natsu kaze ga sarasara to tōrisugite iku
A lost guidepost, the constellation and magic unravelled Reaching out my hands to the heavens Trying, struggling The summer breeze rustles and passes by
あんなに恋い焦がれた 今日も現実は残酷さ こんな私を 貴方は今も見守ってくれてるかな
An'na ni koikogareta Kyō mo genjitsu wa zankoku sa konna watashi wo Anata wa ima mo mimamotte kureteru ka na
I yearned so much for (you) Reality is also cruel today Are you still watching over me right now
There is more to life than Increasing its speed
どれだけの色 まるで水辺で揺れる蛍だ 願い集めた星空が 繋げたの 夢の束をきつく結んで きらきらと瞬くように
Dore dake no iro Marude mizube de yureru hotaru da Negai atsumeta hoshizora ga Tsunageta no yume no taba wo kitsuku musunde Kirakira to matataku you ni
By how much color… Quite like flickering fireflies by a riverbank The starry sky, wherein wishes are gathered, Bind strongly a tight bundle of dreams Glittering and twinkling
君に会えるよ 1年後の夏 いつも君を想ってる。
Kimi ni aeru yo 1-nen-go no natsu Itsumo kimi wo omotteru
I’ll meet you, on a summer after a year I am always thinking of you
Once upon a time
踏み出した一歩目の先はまだまだ見えないけど 記憶の中の温もりですら 今は優しいけど
Fumidashita ippo me no saki wa mada mada mienai kedo Kioku no naka no nukumori de sura Ima wa yasashii kedo
The first step I took ahead cannot be seen yet but The warmth inside my memories is tender even now
あの日失った永遠は 明日の幸せに続いてく もう戻れない 星屑の海 掌の温もり
Ano hi ushinatta eien wa Asu no shiawase ni tsudzuiteku Mō modorenai Hoshikuzu no umi tenohira no nukumori
The eternity lost that day Will continue in tomorrow’s happiness We can’t turn back any longer The sea of stardust, the warmth of my palm
* toiro – I assumed it is from the jp idiom “juunin toiro” which literally means “ten people, ten colors”
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happichan20 · 4 years
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I'm one day late with this post, but May 20th marks a special day in China! In Chinese, the number 520 has a similar pronunciation to 我爱你 , which means "I love you" in Chinese! Every year on May 20th, many Chinese couples have dates. It is also said that May 20th is the day to confess your true love to someone you like.
一日間が経たれたのはもうちょっと遅れてしまったけど、中国には、5月20日は特別な日です! なぜなら、520この数の発音は中国語で話すと、「君を愛してる」の発音と似ています。だから、毎年その日たくさんのカップルはデートします。その上、5月20日好きな人に告白できるとよく言われます。
#studyblr #langblr #japanese #jlpt #日語能力考試 #學習日記 #studygram #japanesevocabulary
#jlptn2 #jlptn3 #英語の勉強 #japanesegrammar
#jlptn1 #polyglot #languagelearning #jlptstudy #nihongo #勉強垢さんと一緒に頑張りたい #日本語勉強中 #studymotivation #studytime #studying #chinese #hsk4 #hsk3 #hsk1 #hsk2
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art-in-no-fame · 4 years
Lady Corona & Mr. Human
Lady Corona: Now, I am in deep sorrow.
Lady Corona: I spread the infection and killed many people ...
Lady Corona: I have committed a crime that I can not carry. I can't live anymore ...
Mr. Human: Oh, wait.
Mr. Human:From now on, if you think and act enough, your sins will surely be compensated.
Lady Corona: It may be true, but I will repeat the same sin without thinking, and continue this Pandemic while.
Mr. Human: What? Who are you ! ?
Lady Corona: I am the Corona virus.
Lady Corona: Because we can't be thinking, we can only continue to mutate accord to the order of nature and destroy it impulsively.
Lady Corona: But after a little more time, our area of diffusion will be small and this  Pandemic will subside.
Lady Corona: After that, it is the human job to think about.
Until now, humans
『Have acted with thinking?』
『Have not been ruled by impulses?』
『Have not been tossed by the competitive spirit?』
『Have been consider human tenderness the most important thing?』
『Have not been neglect humans own spirit?』
『Isn't human being possessed by "the delusion named money"?』
「In short, have you been coming to tell it to humans?」
『No, the virus has no thought or will.』
『I have just only an impulse.』
『But are humans not as impulsive as viruses?』
After this Pandemic is over,
What will you doing?
If humans can fill this world with “Doing Art Everyone”, it must be a “Pandemic by Art”.
Viruses can cause a pandemic, so [human consciousness] should be able to cause a pandemic.
※I pray for the souls of those affected by covid-19 : the coronavirus.
I think that the pandemic caused by the corona virus can be thought of as "terrorism toward human beings by nature (earth)".
Conversely, all the actions of the present human society also can be considered as "terrorism toward nature (earth) by human".
If human beings have continued their "terrorist acts" ever since the Industrial Revolution, I feel like it's time to listen to "protests by nature". I think it's up to you to decide what to think about it, but "thinking something," at least that is not "violence or destruction."
I think that [violence] is [careless act for others] and [destruction] is [unthinking act]?
Will terrorism disappear if we keep saying "we will not give in to terrorism"?
Should I not give in to "terrorism by nature (earth)"?
It may be possible to think of this pandemic of covid-19 as "human selection by nature.
"However, as long as we are thinking that way, humans will not be able to escape the difficulties in society today.
Because humans easily transcend "selection by nature".
Even if the human population were reduced to one tenth by the pandemic, or even, even if the human population was reduced to one hundredth, humans will probably soon cover the earth with plastic and asphalt.
It is better to think that [Nature that can eliminate the human race today] no longer exists on the earth.
And it will take a long time before humans come across [cosmic selection].
In other words, at the moment, I think that the only things that can give humans "thinking by trial and error" such as "hesitation", "skepticism", and "choice" have become only "human will".
However, unfortunately, also "human will" can't give "trial and error" to "human".
Perhaps it will be less than a year for humans to resume "terrorism activities against nature (the Earth)" after the end of this pandemic.
On the other hand, such "terrorism from nature" will continue to occur in the future.
In other words, "the exchange of terrorism" = "the chain of terrorism", that is, "the series of retaliation" will occur.
If "human" destroys "Nature (Earth)", "Nature (Earth)" destroys "Human" again.
It is exactly "action" and "reaction".
It's an event that follows the most basic rules, so the same thing happens every time.
I don't think it happened by accident. The mutation of the virus is a coincidence, but "terrorism from nature (earth)" is not an appearance of coincidence, but an appearance of action and reaction.
How many times need these actions and reactions be repeated before humans learn to “thinking by trial and error”?
In the first place, "human" is a [species that has been evolved by thinking].
However, the “present human” is being tossed by the power of “society” and “money” and is losing its “thinking”.
"Thinking" and "academicism" are completely different things. "Thinking" is "hesitation", "doubtfulness", and "choice". "academicism" is to believe in the established theory without doubt.
"Current human beings" are losing their "thinking" because their heads are filled with "academic" required by "society" and "money".
If "humans" continue "no thinking learning" as commanded by "society" and "economy" without reviving "thinking", "humans" will continue wasting the earth and will end up wasting and exhausting own spirit as well.
And if this happens, human beings will survive without being culled, and only the "unhappyness of the human spirit" will continue to be reliably produced.
I think "extinction of species" is inevitable, but at least now, "humans" are given the "choices as thinking". Will humans be extinct as "humans" after using that "choices", or will be extinct as "a kind of apes" without using the "choices" given to themselves?
Isn't that what "human beings" are currently being asked by "nature"?
Lady Corona:いま、私は深い悲しみの中に居ます。
Lady Corona:私に思慮が無かったために感染を拡大し、たくさんの人を死なせてしまった・・・
Lady Corona:私は背負いきれない罪を犯してしまった。もう生きていられない・・・
Mr. Human:いや、待ちなさい。
Mr. Human:今後、君が十分に考えて行動することで、きっと罪は償われて行きます。  
Lady Corona:そうでしょう、でも、私は今後も考えずに同じ罪を繰り返し、もうしばらくの間、この破壊を続けることに成るでしょう。
Mr. Human:何だって?君はいったい誰なんだ!?
Lady Corona:私はコロナ・ウイルスです。
Lady Corona:ウイルスは考えることができないので、自然の命じるままに変異し続け、衝動的に破壊するしかないのです。
Lady Corona:でも、もう少ししたら、私たちの拡散する領域が無く成り、この爆発的な流行は沈静化するでしょう。
Lady Corona: その時、考えるのは、あなたたち人間の仕事です。
人間は、 『これまで、考えて行動してきましたか?』 『これまで、衝動に支配されていませんでしたか?』 『これまで、競争心に翻弄されていませんでしたか?』 『これまで、人間的な優しさを最も大切なものだと考えていましたか?』 『これまで、人間自身の精神を軽視していませんでしたか?』
『いいえ、ウイルスには思考も意思もありません。』 『あるのは衝動だけです。』
『テロには屈しない!』と言い続けることで、テロは無く成るのでしょうか? 「自然(地球)からのテロ」にも屈しなければ、それでいいのでしょうか?
今回のコロナ・ウイルスによるパンデミックを「自然による人間の淘汰」と考えることも出来るかもしれません。 しかし、そういう考え方をしている限りは、人間が現在社会における困難を抜け出すことは出来ないでしょう。
なぜなら、人間は「自然による淘汰」を軽々と超越してしまうからです。 パンデミックによって、たとえ人類の個体数が十分の一に成ったとしても、いやそれどころか、もし仮に人間の人口が百分の一に成ったとしても、おそらく人間は、また、あっという間に地球上をプラスティックとアスファルトで埋め尽くしてしまうに違いありません。
もはや、「現在の人類を淘汰できる自然」は、地球上には存在しないと考えた方がいいでしょう。 そして、「人間」が「宇宙規模の淘汰」に出くわすまでは、かなり時間がかかりそうです。
しかし、残念ながら、「人間自身の意思」も、また、「人間」に対して「思考錯誤」を与えることが出来ずにいます。 おそらく、今回のパンデミックが終息してから、人間が「自然(地球)に対するテロ活動」を再開するのに一年もかからないでしょう。 その反面、今後もこういった「自然からのテロ」は繰り返し起きるように成るでしょう。
つまり、「テロの応酬」=「テロの連鎖」、即ち「報復の連続」が起きてくるでしょう。 「人間」が「自然(地球)」を破壊すれば、「自然(地球)」は「人間」を破壊し返すという繰り返しです。
これは、まさに「作用」と「反作用」なのです。 最も基本的な法則にのっとった出来事なので、毎回、必ず同じようなことが起きます。 決して、偶然によって起きた出来事などではないと思います。 ウイルスの変異は偶然ですが、「自然(地球)からのテロ」は偶然ではなく、明らかに作用と反作用という必然です。
「考えること」と「学問」は、まったく別のことです。 「考えること」とは「迷うこと」であり、「疑うこと」であり、「選択すること」です。
「種の絶滅」は避けられないことだと思いますが、少なくとも現在、「人間」には「考えること」という「選択肢」が与えられています。 その「選択肢」を使ったうえで「人間」として絶滅するのか、それとも自らに与えられた「選択肢」を使わずに、「類人猿の一種」として絶滅するのか、それこそが、現在「人間」が「自然」から問いただされていることなのではないでしょうか?
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@Habibi いとしい人
A Belgian singer, Tamino sings it. He is Arabic, and the title means “my lover”.
This is his first song when he was 19 years old.
I knew his charm on this page.
Something hides in every night
Brings desire from the deep
And with it comes a burning light
To keep us from our sleep
 And as the full star tries his best to make the white pearl shine
Glances of a new day have arrived
And though he's not alone, he fears to never love another
And leave his heart forever with her smile
 Habibi, light is burning
As I am burning
Habibi, light is burning
As I am yearning
 Something died within a soul
Left the eyes to rust
And every time it is recalled
It covers all in dust
 Habibi, light is burning
As I am burning
Habibi, light is burning
As I am yearning
 And meanwhile, a whole lot goes down
Somewhere in the darkness, us together for a while
You loved it then, so did I
A feeling deep inside you wants to love it all again
 Now don't leave it there, just give it a chance
If only I'd forget you after one last dance
But you're everywhere, yes you are
In every melody and in every little scar
Yes you are, you are
 Habibi, light is burning
As I am burning
Habibi, light is burning
And I am yearning
彼は一人ではないけれど 怖くて誰も愛せない
 いとしい人 光が燃えている
いとしい人 光が燃えている
 いとしい人 光が燃えている
いとしい人 光が燃えている
暗闇のどこかで ぼくらはいっしょに
君は喜んでいた ぼくも
 そのままにしないで もう一度呼び戻して
最後のダンスの後 もしぼくが君を忘れたら
でも君はどこにでもいる そう
君はすべての音楽の中に すべての傷跡の中にいる
 いとしい人 光が燃えている
いとしい人 光が燃えている
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leorysxi · 5 years
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Happy 1st Anniversary, IkeRev! This postcard and dedicated pages are from B’s Log, 2017 December issue~
(Loose) Translations under the cut:
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Ray Blackwell: お前の笑い声が聞こえるでけで、幸せだって思う。なぁ、ずっと隣で笑ってて。 It makes me happy hearing your laughter. Hey, keep smiling by my side forever.
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Sirius Oswald: あんたがいない日々なんて、想像できなくなっちまった。責任、取ってくれるか? I cannot imagine a day without you. Will you take responsibility for it?
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Lancelot Kingsley: お前がいない世界など、もう想像できん。一年と言わず、そばにいろ。良いな? I can no longer image a world without you. Don't say just a year, stay by my side. All right?
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Fenrir Godspeed: 馬鹿騒ぎはまだまだ続くぜ!お前とならどこまでもいける。ついてくるでろ? The silliness continues! I can go anywhere with you. Will you follow me?
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Luka Clemence: あなたとしたいこと、まだたくさんある。いくら考えても尽きないんだ。……幸せ、だね。 There are many things I want to do together with you. There is no end to these thoughts. ...(This is) happiness, isn't it?
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Jonah Clemence: これからもずっと、俺に恋をし続けることを許してあげる。 I will allow you to keep being in love with me, always and forevermore. (Alternatively(?): I will forgive the fact that (you will) continue to love me, always and forevermore.) (Note: I honestly have no idea how to translate this orz)
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Edgar Bright: 貴女と出逢って俺の世界は変わりました。この先もよろしくお願いしますね。 Having met you, my world has changed. I will be in your care in the future.
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Seth Hyde: アリスちゃんといると毎日楽しくて仕方ないわ!ずっと仲良くしてちょうだいね♪ It's fun every day with Alice-chan! Let's get along well forever♪
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Kyle Ash: お前が来てもう一年になんのか。じゃー、今度ふたりで飲みに行くか。 You've already been here for a year huh. Well, do you want to go drinking with us next time?
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Zero: この世界にも慣れてきたか?これからは俺にもお前を守らせてくれ。 Have you gotten used to this world? Let me protect you from now on.
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Harr Silver: これから少しずつ、君のことを知っていきたいと思う。……こんな気持ちは初めてだ。 Little by little, I want to know more about you ...This is the first time I've felt like this.
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Loki Genetta: まだ一年だしょ?俺が望むのは君の一生だよ。ちゃんとそばにいてね? It's only been a year? What I want is your lifetime. Properly stay by my side, all right?
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Blanc Lapin: 時が経つのは早いね。君という可憐な花を、これからも僕に愛でさせてはしいな。 It's still early at this point. I hope that a pretty flower like you will come to love me from now on.
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Oliver Knight: お前が来てからというもの、騒がしくて仕方ない。……嫌とは言ってないだろう。 Since you came, it can't be helped that it's been so noisy. ...I wouldn't say that I hate it though.
Note: I mostly relied on machine-translation so the accuracy is questionable at best... 日本語が難しい;; Do correct me on any mistake in these translation! \('◁')/ Also I apologise for the poor quality of the images;;;
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shou7 · 5 years
Translation: Let Your Love Grow by Mime
Kanji lyrics
穏やかな風が 私を包む 季節の中で あなたを思う
優しい木漏れ日に からだ映せば 変わらない毎日に 嬉しく思う
どこにいたって 君はいつも こっち向いて ただ笑って どう言ったって 伝えきれない この気持ちは この想いは
あなたに出会って 時は流れて そこにいることが 当たり前だった 私の心に 幼く芽吹く 気持ちはきっと 愛というんだね
10年先の未来にいる君には 変わらず側にいて欲しい 10年先の未来にいる私は 変わらず愛を歌っている
新しい日々に めまぐるしくて 真夏の日差しは 秋と変わる
熱く焦がれて 気持ち実って すれ違って また戻って 歳を重ねて 大人になって 火照る心は もうないけど
今なら言える これまでのこと 色々あったね ささえてくれたね 二人でえがく このさきのこと 色々あってね 二人で笑ってね
10年先の未来にいる君には 変わらず側にいて欲しい 10年先の未来にいる私は 変わらず愛を歌っている
今なら言える これまでのこと 色々あったね ささえてくれたね 二人でえがく このさきのこと 色々あってね 二人で笑ってね
あなたに出会って 時は流れて そこにいることが 当たり前だった 私の心に 幼く芽吹く 気持ちはきっと 愛というんだね
10年先の未来にいる君には 変わらず側にいて欲しい 10年先の未来にいる私は 変わらず愛を歌っている
Romaji lyrics
Odayaka na kaze ga watashi wo tsutsumu Kisetsu no naka de anata wo omou Yasashii komorebi ni karada utsuseba Kawaranai mainichi ni ureshiku omou
Doko ni itatte kimi wa itsumo Kocchi muite tada waratte Dou ittatte tsutaekirenai Kono kimochi wa kono omoi wa
Amaku itsoshii
Anata ni deatte toki wa nagarete Soko ni iru koto ga atarimae datta Watashi no kokoro ni osonaku mebuku Kimochi wa kitto ai to iun da ne
Juu nen saki no mirai ni iru kimi ni wa Kawarazu soba ni ite hoshii Juu nen saki no mirai ni iru watashi wa Kawarazu ai wo utatte iru
Atarashii hibi ni memagurushikute Manatsu no hizashi wa aki to kawaru
Atsuku kogarete kimochi minotte Surechigatte mata modotte Toshi wo kasanete otona ni natte Hoteru kokoro wa mou nai kedo
Taisetsu ni omou
Ima nara ieru kore made no koto Iroiro atta ne sasaete kureta ne Futari de egaku kono saki no koto Iroiro atte ne futari de waratte ne
Juu nen saki no mirai ni iru kimi ni wa Kawarazu soba ni ite hoshii Juu nen saki no mirai ni iru watashi wa Kawarazu ai wo utatte iru
Ima nara ieru kore made no koto Iroiro atta ne sasaete kureta ne Futari de egaku kono saki no koto Iroiro atte ne futari de waratte ne
Anata ni deatte toki wa nagarete Soko ni iru koto ga atarimae datta Watashi no kokoro ni osonaku mebuku Kimochi wa kitto ai to iun da ne
Juu nen saki no mirai ni iru kimi ni wa Kawarazu soba ni ite hoshii Juu nen saki no mirai ni iru watashi wa Kawarazu ai wo utatte iru
English lyrics
The calm breeze envelopes me In the middle of this season, I think of you
If the gentle light filtering through the foliage shines on my body I think I'll be happy about the unchanging everyday
No matter where I am, you are always Facing this way, simply smiling No matter what I say, it'll never be enough to express This feeling, this emotion
Sweet love
I met you, and time began to flow You being right there was natural Freshly sprouting in my heart This feeling must be what they call love
The you 10 years in the future I want by my side unchangingly The me 10 years in the future Is singing of love unchangingly
Busy with every new day The sunrays of midsummer change as autumn arrives
Feverishly passionate, our feelings bore fruit Passing each other by, and returning once again Growing older, and becoming adults Though my heart no longer burns
I still think of you dearly
If it's now, I can say it - up till now Lots of things have happened huh, and you supported me didn't you What we draw together from now on Let there be lots of things alright, and let's laugh together alright
The you 10 years in the future I want by my side unchangingly The me 10 years in the future Is singing of love unchangingly
If it's now, I can say it - up till now Lots of things have happened huh, and you supported me didn't you What we draw together from now on Let there be lots of things alright, and let's laugh together alright
I met you, and time began to flow You being right there was natural Freshly sprouting in my heart This feeling must be what they call love
The you 10 years in the future I want by my side unchangingly The me 10 years in the future Is singing of love unchangingly
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linguajunkie · 6 years
70 Japanese Sentences You Should Know... Already! For Beginners.
Why learn Japanese sentences?
Because you get to learn new words, phrases and grammar all at once. Learning words one at a time is slow. Learning grammar rules one at a time is painful. But sentences give you everything you need. Plus, people speak in sentences so… it’ll help you speak Japanese.
Greetings and Pleasantries
You’re going to see a lot of “konnichiwas” here to the point where it’ll get stuck in your head. And that’s GOOD!! That’s the power of learning with Japanese sentences.
1. Hello. This is Ogawa speaking.
Moshi moshi. Ogawa desu ga.
“Moshi moshi” is only used when answering the phone. To say hello in Japanese, you’ll need another word.
2. Hello, Tom.
Konnichiwa, Tomu.
Here, you’re just addressing some guy named Tom.
Feel free to swap the name out for someone else’s.
3. Hello, I am Taro. Nice to meet you.
Konnichiwa. Watashi wa Taro desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
The last phrase here, the “yoroshiku onegaishimasu” does not literally mean “nice to meet you. It’s a Japanese set phrase that you’d use when meeting new people. It means “treat me well.” You can learn more in the set phrases link above.
4. Hello. I’m Nancy.
Konnichiwa. Watashi wa nanshii desu.
Here, you’re introducing yourself in Japanese. You can take out Nancy’s name and stick in your own.
5. How‘re you doing?
Choushi wa dou desu ka?
6.  How are you feeling?
Kibun wa ii desu ka?
7. How’re you doing?
Genki desu ka?
8. Good evening.
9. Good morning, Mike.
Ohayou, Maiku.
10. Good day, how are you?
Konnichiwa, o genki desu ka?
11. Nice to meet you.
12. How do you do, my name is Douglas. Nice to meet you.
Hajimemashite, watashi no namae wa dagurasu desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
About Yourself
Now, here are a whole bunch of Japanese sentences describing yourself. Where you’re from. What your hobbies are.
Also, you’re going to see a lot of “watashi” here which means “I.”
More on that below.
13. I am from Brazil.
Watashi wa burajiru no shusshin desu.
Note that “shusshin” means place of origin.
14. I’m from France.
Furansu kara kimashita.
15. I come from America.
Watashi wa amerika shusshin desu.
16. I am sixteen years old.
Watashi wa 16sai desu.
17. I’m 30 now.
Watashi wa ima 30 sai desu.
18. My hobby is listening to music.
Watashi no shumi wa ongaku wo kiku koto desu.
19. My hobby is shopping.
Watashi no shumi wa kaimono desu.
20. I like taking pictures.
Shashin wo toru ga suki desu.
21. I like traveling.
Watashi wa ryokou ga suki desu.
22. I hate studying.
Watashi wa benykou ga kirai da.
23. I hate politics.
Watashi wa seiji ga daikirai da.
24. I weigh about 60 kilos.
Watashi no taijuu wa oyoso 60 kiro desu
25. I am six feet tall.
6 fiito desu.
27. I am 180 centimeters tall.
Watashi wa 180 sencho desu.
28. I like Japanese food.
Watashi wa nihonshoku ga suki desu.
29. I like French food very much.
Watashi wa furansu ryouri ga suki desu.
30. I am a college student.
Daigakusei desu.
Wait, why does this Japanese sentence NOT have a “watashi?” Because, it’s unnatural to use “watashi” every single time in a Japanese conversation. Once you say it once, it’s obvious that you’re still talking about yourself and there’s no need to re-use it.
But why are you seeing it in so many of these Japanese sentences? First, repetition is good for learning. Second, these are just example sentences and not outright, natural conversation.
31. I am not a student.
Watashi wa seito da wa arimasen.
32. My job is teaching English.
Watashi no shigoto wa eigo no sensei desu.
33. I work different hours every day.
Mainichi hataraku jikantai ga chigaimasu.
34. I work in a hospital.
私は病院で働いています。 Watashi wa byouin de hataraiteimasu.
35. I work for a trading company.
Watashi wa shousha de hataraiteimasu.
Talking About Emotions & Feelings
36. I’m so happy.
Boku wa totemu ureshii.
Wait! You thought that “watashi” meant “I.” So, what’s “boku” and what’s the difference? “Boku” is a male, casual way of referring to yourself. You’d use it when with friends, especially if you’re younger.
37. I’m happy.
私は幸せだ。 Watashi wa shiawase da.
38. I’m sad.
Kanashii desu.
39. I’m mad at you.
Watashi wa anata ni okotteirundesu.
40. I got mad.
Watashi wa okottanda.
41. I’m bored.
Taikutsu da na.
42 .I’m so jealous!
Urayamashii naa.
43. I am nervous.
Watashi wa kinchou shiteiru.
45. I’m very sleepy now.
Ima totemo nemui.
46. I’m hungry.
Onaka suita.
47. I’m thirsty.
Nodo ga kawaita.
48. I was hungry and thirsty.
Watashi wa onaka ga suite, nodo ga kawaiteita.
49. I don’t feel well.
Kibun ga yoku nainda.
50. I have a pain here.
Koko ga itai desu.
Japanese Questions for Conversations
Here, you will see a lot of question words and “ka” which is what you add after a sentence to turn it into a question.
51. How old are you?
Nansai desu ka?
52. How tall are you?
Setake wa dono kurai desuka?
53. How‘re you doing?
Choushi wa dou desu ka?
54. How are you feeling this morning?
Kesa no gokibun wa dou desu ka?
55.  How’re you doing?
Genki desu ka?
56. Where are you?
Doko ni imasu ka?
57. Where are you going?
Doko ni ikimasu ka?
58. Where do you live?
Doko ni sundeimasu ka?
59. Where are you from?
Shusshin wa dochira desu ka?
60. What’s your name?
Namae wa nan desu ka?
61. What is your hobby?
Shumi wa nan desu ka?
62. When is your birthday?
Otanjoubi wa itsu desuka?
63. When are you going out?
Itsu dekakemasu ka?
64. When will you be free?
Itsu hima desu ka?
65. What are you doing now?
Ima nani wo shiteiruno?
66. What grade are you in?
Kimi wa nannensei desu ka?
67. What’s your job?
Donna oshigoto desu ka?
68. What’s your favorite sport?
Sukina supo-tsu wa nan desu ka?
69. What’s your favorite food?
Anata no sukina tabemono wa nan desu ka?
70. What is your favorite song?
Ichiban sukina kyoku wa nandesu ka?
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