cloudy-knot · 10 months
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2023/7/5(水) 渓谷・渓流
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notoriouslydevious · 11 months
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Cosmic Lux by 静溪流
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anamericaninhuaibei · 10 months
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上 / top:2023年。
下 / bottom:2013年。
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ahao823 · 1 year
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. 一早的北港溪畔 . . #河流 #北港溪 #沙八渡假村 #水聲 #river #riverside (在 北港溪沙八温泉渡假村) https://www.instagram.com/p/CklXLYTvo-p/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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huang0415 · 2 years
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enm-new · 2 years
Enm新聞網 記者余蕙如/台南報導 來源市府提供 臺南市政府文化局推動藝文教育扎根計畫的「小事報編輯工作營」,自2019年起至今年已邁入第4屆,由國立臺南藝術大學藝術創作理論研究所龔卓軍所長率領團隊共同策劃,於暑期舉辦小學生的編輯工作營,帶領學員遊歷在地、記載家鄉,藉由涉獵多元課程與思想啟發,培養刊物編輯專業能力。 今年小事報營隊由親子作家洪淑青及臺南藝術大學材質創作與設計系龔義昭老師統籌執行,結合本市官田、渡拔、文正、麻豆、安業等5所曾文溪流域下游小學,共計16位小學六年級小朋友一同參加,營隊時間為8月26日至28日。3天的營隊活動將結合「2022…
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noink131 · 7 months
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#柳沈 #渣反 #SVSSS
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 2 months
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武陵春 / 宋代 李清照 Li Qingzhao, Song dynasty 
About this poetry (First of 2 paragraphs), She wrote it about Flowers has fallen on everywhere and the dust also filled with its flavor. and her husband had died, Everything were changed so she tired of combing her hair, then tears fall before talking in usual. (The last 2 paragraphs), She only fear the boat It could not carry her huge sadness on that river. In short, she had bear all the bitter feelings for alone with homeless that sad mind in the war at that time.
▪︎ 李清照,(1084-1155)宋代,濟南(今屬山東)人。中國歷史上最著名的女詞人。自號易安居士。同是宋代的理學家朱熹(朱子)曾說:「本朝婦人能文者,惟魏夫人及李易安(李清照)二人而已。」幼有才藻,她工詩能文,詩尤為宋代大家,十八歲適金石家趙明誠,夫婦感情甚篤。宋室南渡之前,李清照生活美滿,前期作品熱情活潑,明快天真,多寫少女生活的無憂無慮,以及婚後的離別相思,充分表現女性閨閣的感情。南渡後其夫病故,她顛沛流離於江浙皖贛一帶,在孤寂中度過晚年。後期詞融入家國之恨與哀其身世又晚景淒涼之感,風格頓變。暮年飄零後,感情基調轉為凄愴沉鬱,如《聲聲慢》「尋尋覓覓,冷冷清清,凄凄慘慘戚戚」。她兼擅令慢,每能創意出奇,以經過提煉的口語表達其獨特真切的感受,形成辛棄疾所稱道的“易安體”。據《宋史·藝文志》中說,李清照有《易安居士文集》七卷、《易安詞》八卷,但已經遺失。現有《漱玉詞》輯本,現存約五十首左右。
🎨 oil painting by Chen Yanning 陳衍寧 (Chinese b. 1945)
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konjac-demonking · 9 months
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cloudy-knot · 2 years
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2022/10/23(日) 小川
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chinesehanfu · 2 years
【Hanfu · 漢服】Five Dynasties Early Song Dynasty - Southern Song Dynasty The Evolution Of Women's Clothing - 青山影重重—两宋汉族女性服饰廓形流变
【Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period- Early Song Dynasty 】 
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Reference Artifacts:
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【Early Song to Mid-Northern Song Dynasty】
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Reference Artifacts:Murals of Ciyun Pagoda Temple in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province
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【Northern Song Dynasty】
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Reference Artifacts: 
・Northern Song Dynasty costumes unearthed from Changgan Temple  
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・Song Dynasty Tombs Murals in Heishangou, Dengfeng, Henan:
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・Northern Song Dynasty Tombs Murals in in Jiangjiagou Village, Chengguan Town, Pingding County, Shanxi Province:
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・Song Dynasty Tomb Mural  in Tangzhuang, Dengfeng, Henan:
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【Southern Song Dynasty】
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Producer / Director / Chief Planner / Model / Set Design / Art Director / Styling Director / Editing:@陈喜悦耶
Photography/editing post-production/setting/lighting: 谢泽
Photography/Venue: 杭州见山摄影工作室
Makeup: 君君/青霞
Consultant: 镜思 宋宋 象罔境 徐栩 竹子
Action guide: 镜思
Photography: 阿四
Logistics: 阿四/洪舒悦/镜思/君君/佳成/桃子/元杰
Props: 阿四/陈喜悦/何鸿/镜思/时衡/宋宋/象罔境
Hanfu production: 陈喜悦/衿娥传统服饰/九晏传统服饰/慕予传统服饰工作室/青丘夜雪汉服工作室/三俗/YINJIN云今
Jewelry Sponsored: 姽婳陶服/皇家传承/曠府造物/兰溪集/乐莫乐兮手工铺/田棠铺子/万宝德/玉山禾/三月弥生烫花/松花酿酒传统服饰工作室/雁丘堂 /月光石头/YINJIN云今
Music: 《清平调》《玉人》张渠   《半席春风》陈致逸
Weibo:https://weibo.com/6425876323/LvFCktVtZ & https://weibo.com/6425876323/LwLbYjFr5?refer_flag=1001030103_ & https://weibo.com/6425876323/Lw9Mplpww
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hunxi-after-hours · 1 year
hunxi’s danmei awards 2.0! (aka 2022 edition)
Featuring the return of some categories such as:
Best Worldbuilding
Best Interrogation of Themes (aka the “Rent-Free Award”)
Best Moment That Wrecked Me (aka the Knifiest Award)
Best Beleaguered Side Character Award
Best Unreliable Narrator
As well as never-before-seen categories like:
Best Himbo
Most Brilliant Moment of Backstabbery
Most Ambitious Scope
Most Heartwrenching Line Delivery in an Audiodrama
…and more!
This year’s candidates in the running:
《小蘑菇》 Xiao Mo Gu by 一十四洲 Yi Shi Si Zhou
《不小心救了江湖公敌》 Bu Xiao Xin Jiule Jianghu Gong Di by 六木乔 Liu Muqiao (有声漫画 audiomanhua season 1)
《无双》 Wu Shuang by 梦溪石 Meng Xishi
《问鹿三千》 Wen Lu San Qian by 光合积木 Voicegem, 吼浪文化 Houlang Studio, and 斗木獬编剧工作室 Doumuxie Screenwriting Studio
《师弟还不杀我灭口》 Shidi Hai Bu Sha Wo Mie Kou by 子鹿 Zi Lu
《默读》 Mo Du by priest
《督主有病》 Du Zhu You Bing by 杨溯 Yang Su
《海中爵》 Hai Zhong Jue by 七药 Qi Yao
《哏儿》 Gen’er by 南北逐风 Nan Bei Zhu Feng
《杀破狼》 Sha Po Lang by priest
《金牌助理之弯弯没想到》 Jin Pai Zhu Li zhi Wan Wan Mei Xiang Dao by (nominally) 非天夜翔 Fei Tian Ye Xiang and (mostly) 传奇火箭队 The Legendary Rocket Team
(unmarked spoilers, including but not limited to these titles, under the cut. for introductions of these titles, click here. for last year’s danmei awards, click here)
Best Worldbuilding
Winner: 《杀破狼》 Sha Po Lang by priest
This award goes to 《杀破狼》 Sha Po Lang for the effortless ease with which p大 manages to merge the genres of imperial intrigue, steampunk mecha, alternate history, and wuxia elements. Over the course of the novel, priest explores how the development of 紫流金-based technology leads the fictional Liang Dynasty into industrial revolution, and doesn’t hesitate to include all the negative consequences of early industrialization. So you’ve rolled out mechanical alternatives for farming? Have fun dealing with the uprisings of unemployed farmers while fending off international threats on your borders. So you want to roll out paper currency/government bonds to stimulate your war-torn economy? Good luck even getting people to trust the validity of paper the way they trust the hardness of coin. In a way, 《杀破狼》 Sha Po Lang carries on the tradition set down in priest’s earlier novel 《七爷》 Qi Ye of protagonists using decidedly underhanded methods to effect the change they wish to see in the world, and the morality thereof remains just as thorny in 《杀破狼》. what would you do in the name of peace? how much of yourself can you give away before you are no longer the same person?
oh and I have to give a shout-out to the trains in this book, I’d give this award to 《杀破狼》 Sha Po Lang for its (re-)invention of trains alone
Best Interrogation of Themes (aka the “Rent-Free Award”)
Winner: 《小蘑菇》 Xiao Mo Gu by 一十四洲 Yi Shi Si Zhou
I listened to 《小蘑菇》 Xiao Mo Gu via audiodrama before I read the novel, and every time I finished an episode I would have to just sit for a few hours, processing. Despite its seemingly lighthearted premise,  《小蘑菇》 Xiao Mo Gu shows us an apocalypse in all its cruel magnificence. The oppressive atmosphere of unending martial law, the seductive proximity of despair, the omnipresence and unpredictability of death, the utter lack of justice or closure or meaning in a world slowly grinding to a halt, the vast, inhuman lengths civilization will go to in the name of survival... to this day,  《小蘑菇》 Xiao Mo Gu haunts the solemnity of my early mornings with questions like what would you condone to survive? and wherein lies the locus of meaning when everything it means to be human has been stripped away? and like. I haven’t been the same since my mushroom phase, okay
Best Beleaguered Side Character Award
Winner: Ji Bolan from 《小蘑菇》 Xiao Mo Gu by 一十四洲 Yi Shi Si Zhou
This poor man had to deal with his childhood friend growing up to be a governmentally-licensed and universally-reviled mass murderer, the complete breakdown of the laws of physics, and witnessing Lu Feng and An Zhe flirt in front of his salad soup, all during the apocalypse that he is frantically trying to solve. Frankly, he’s allowed to roast Lu Feng as much as he wants, and the fact that he’s voiced by the same person who did AD!Jiang Cheng and AD!Xiao Zheng (winner of last year’s Best Beleaguered Side Character Award) is 1) extremely funny, 2) very on-brand, and 3) further proof that being in voice actor fandom 其乐无穷
Best Moment That Wrecked Me (aka the Knifiest Award)
Winner:  《默读》 Mo Du by priest
The character of Fei Du in priest’s 《默读》 is easily the character who had me clawing at the walls the most for the better part of this year (I’m still clawing at the walls, if we’re being honest). I am in love with everything about the way priest wrote him; from his introduction as the flamboyantly aggravating playboy chasing after Tao Ran (brilliant character work there as well as brilliant comedy, 感谢陶然不弯之恩 etc etc) to the slow, methodical reveal of his backstory and how deeply, deeply traumatized he is, Fei Du is one of the most complex and intelligent and nuanced and terribly lovable meow meows characters I’ve had the good fortune to run into
To pick a single Fei Du moment? A single one? Well if I have to choose, unfortunately it’s going to have to be chapter 180 朗诵(五) for the simple reason that it hurts me:
[Luo Wenzhou] wished he could tear apart time, to barge back into that moment seven years ago and pick up that silent child, to cradle those hidden wounds and say to him, “I’m sorry I was late.”
“I was late...”
Fei Du only seemed to recover a semblance of consciousness when they loaded him into the ambulance. His eyes, unfocused, stopped on Luo Wenzhou’s face for a while before smiling slightly.
Luo Wenzhou read his words in the soundless shape of his lips with difficulty.
He said, “They’re all gone... All the monsters are taken care of, I’m the last one. Can you lock me up in your house?”
I’m just. if you need me I’ll be screaming about sunflowers in the abyss
Best Unreliable Narrator
Winner: Yan Zhuoqing and the Deer God of 《问鹿三千》 Wen Lu San Qian by 光合积木 Voicegem, 吼浪文化 Houlang Studio, and 斗木獬编剧工作室 Doumuxie Screenwriting Studio
surprising shortage of unreliable narrators in this year’s contenders, but 《问鹿三千》 makes up for it by having not one, but TWO unreliable narrators involved. can you believe that BOTH of these semi-immortal dumbasses have amnesia? smh Deer God you’re literally the god of time and memory, how you’ve even gotten this far I’ve got no idea
honorable mention: Fei Du from 《默读》 by priest. this man had the audacity to say the words “我没有创伤” / “I’m not traumatized” after asking for Luo Wenzhou’s assistance in recovering some of his repressed memories that he’d blocked out because of the — you guessed it — trauma
Best Himbo
Winner: Situ Jin from 《督主有病》 Du Zhu You Bing by 杨溯 Yang Su
I think it’s safe to say that Situ Jin is a Very Good Egg With No Braincells Whatsoever. None. This man had to be bullied into a hurt/comfort scenario by his future wife, and when she came to him for comfort, grieving her father’s death, he responded to her “now I’m all alone” with “don’t cry: you’re one, I’m one, together we’re two.” proud of u for basic math, bro, but is now really the time. his other highlights include: thinking dreamily about his wife while in prison, defending innocent bystanders regardless the personal cost, and continually failing to seek medical attention while bleeding out
Side Character I’m Still Mad About (aka the Gongyi Xiao Award)
Winner: Fu Luo from 《海中爵》 Hai Zhong Jue by 七药 Qi Yao
so it turns out that I am Weak for this very specific kind of character, the one who is a Good Kid, the one who tries their best to be responsible and reasonable, the one who could honestly be a protagonist in another novel. double points if you can trust them with a spreadsheet (Bian Yanmei), triple points if they’re delightfully lowkey devoted to the actual protagonist (can I get a wahoo for the Jiangzuo Alliance in here??)
and you know what the author does? murders them with prejudice
tl;dr I’m still not over Fu Luo, because like oh man that scene was well done but also ouch
"most memeworthy/meme-able"
(this one’s for you, @presumenothing)
Winner: 《督主有病》 Du Zhu You Bing by 杨溯 Yang Su
I mean I literally—
this book is a Very Serious and Somewhat Grimdark book, but I have to say the sheer amount of misunderstandings that occur are comical in their quantity. have you ever met two people more in love with each other and less capable of uttering a single sentence about it, it is only by the grace of the author that these two didn’t murder each other before their happy ending at the many given opportunities throughout the book
"most deserving of a shenshen OST"
(this one’s also for you, @presumenothing, ty for all the brilliant category recs)
Winner:  ........?
this is such an interesting award category to consider, because it’s like asking “which one of these texts would you like to hand a steak knife to gut you with,” but it also begs the question of what a shenshen OST would bring to the text that the existing music/adaptation doesn’t. it also raises the question of what kind of narrative (grand, sweeping, vast in scale or minute, gentle, heartbreaking?) would be most compatible with a shenshen OST?
my first thought was 《小蘑菇》 Xiao Mo Gu, since it has both the monumental scope and the fragile, breakable heart that shenshen OST’s are so suited for (他只是一个小蘑菇 goodbYE—), but the music of the 《小蘑菇》 Xiao Mo Gu AD is already so perfect I don’t actually want to add anything to it. my next thought would be 《问鹿三千》 Wen Lu San Qian — again, for that blend of scale and sorrow, wistfulness at what can never be and gratitude for what we have. but 《问鹿》 also has five songs already, and while a shenshen OST would be nice, it most certainly isn’t necessary
so I think I’m going to cheat and give this award to a title that isn’t even on the list of candidates this year, one that already has a shenshen OST: 《天宝伏妖录》 Tian Bao Fu Yao Lu by 非天夜翔 Fei Tian Ye Xiang, which has the great fortune to have Zhou Shen’s 《天地为念》  for its ongoing donghua title song. what a beautiful, meditative song; what an ethereal, gently sorrowful melody. extra brownie points because I maintain that Zhou Shen and 锦鲤 Jin Li (the voice of Kong Hongjun) are counterparts of each other in their respective industries, and also because I’m ride or die for both of them
"most untranslatable ever"
(category shout-out to — you guessed it — @presumenothing)
Winner: oh ABSOLUTELY 《金牌助理之弯弯没想到》 Jin Pai Zhu Li zhi Wan Wan Mei Xiang Dao by 非天夜翔 Fei Tian Ye Xiang and 传奇火箭队 The Legendary Rocket Team
I consider myself fairly proficient in audiodramas on 猫耳FM as a medium/genre now; I’m familiar with the ways script adaptation dovetails with post-production, the roles the voice directors and producers and casts play, the different twists that can happen with 报幕, what names to keep an eye out for while checking out the production team... so when I say that this audiodrama knocked me flat on the ass when I first listened to it, I really do mean that I was in no way prepared for the chaos that was to come. where do I even begin to describe it? the speed? the unhinged energy? the unending 吐槽 / roasts? the brilliant comedic pacing? the extremely 洗脑 片尾曲?whatever the hell this is?
this audiodrama is not only the most untranslatable ever due to the high concentration of internet and culture-specific slang, but also apparently the most impossible to explain ever. idk. listen to this AD and lose your mind
Most Brilliant Moment of Backstabbery
Winner: ch. 116 of 《无双》 Wu Shuang by 梦溪石 Meng Xishi
I described 《无双》 Wu Shuang as “a book about roasting your rival first, saving your dynasty second,” but perhaps didn’t do justice to the sheer lengths these two will go to one-up each other. I’d like to take this moment to recognize a certain flamboyant demonic sect leader (that is somehow not Yan Wushi) for not just habitually backstabbing (gently, for funsies) his love interest but also getting some frontstabbery (once, with great intention) in as well. truly, no one out here is doing it like Feng Xiao
honorable mention: 《不小心救了江湖公敌》 Bu Xiao Xin Jiule Jianghu Gong Di by 六木乔 Liu Muqiao, for the sheer quantity of backstabbing that occurs. maybe this is simply what happens when all of your characters are professional evildoers at fluctuating levels of retirement
Best Comfort Media
Winner: 《哏儿》 Gen’er by 南北逐风 Nan Bei Zhu Feng
earlier this year, I went around asking various people: what makes a book, movie, or other text comfort media for you? listening to the answers, it occurred to me that I don’t really have texts that I turn to on a semi-regular basis to re-read or re-watch. especially because my favorite books tend to be the ones that rip my heart out through my throat, the idea of choosing a “comfort read” from among them seems somewhat, er, misguided
and then I ran into 《哏儿》 Gen’er, which is the only text I’ve chosen to carry over from last year’s danmei awards because the second season of the AD  aired this year. this webnovel/AD is also, genre-wise, the outlier in this year’s awards — no magic, no speculative elements, not a single sword in sight, just slice-of-life, daily trials and tribulations, characters balancing budgets and bantering backstage and discussing art over hotpot. the cast and characters of 《哏儿》 feel real and lived-in in a way that is so deeply precious to me; at times throughout the year, I would simply cue up the beginning of S2E2 to listen to the first fifteen minutes or so to quiet down. the ongoing discussions threaded throughout the narrative about the roles of traditional culture and art in modern society, how to adapt traditional forms to contemporary values and preferences, and the ever-relevant question of how to get other people to care about things you love... 《哏儿》 hits different, hits real close to home, asks thought-provoking questions in a gentle, lighthearted manner in a way that is totally unique among the danmei works I’ve read, so here I am, conferring this new, foreign honor upon it. it’s a first for both of us!
Most Ambitious Scope
Winner: 《问鹿三千》 Wen Lu San Qian by 光合积木 Voicegem, 吼浪文化 Houlang Studio, and 斗木獬编剧工作室 Doumuxie Screenwriting Studio
I know, I know — very bold of me to give this award to an audiodrama that’s still airing, that we don’t know if it’ll ever be completed, but I still have to take a moment to yell about this completely original episodic gufeng AD, because like... wow. there is no answer key; there is no original work; there is no blueprint to work off of, no pre-existing fanbase of readers to appeal to. this entire project with its xuanhuan scope will succeed or fail based on its merits alone, and what scope it has, too — from the five voice actor songs (I guess everyone in 光合积木 can sing too??? sure that’s fine I guess) to penning scripts that play specifically to the voice actors’ strengths, to engaging with thorny dynamics of family and relationship and devotion and misalignment, I think it’s real gutsy of the 《问鹿》 creative team to embark on such a vast and ambitious project, and carry it off as well as they did. now it’s just 乖巧坐等更新.jpeg hours, fingers crossed they come back for a season 2
Best Work I Was Songbaited Into
Winner: 《小蘑菇》 Xiao Mo Gu by 一十四洲 Yi Shi Si Zhou
Definitely the first thing that even put 《小蘑菇》 Xiao Mo Gu on my radar was 奇然’s 《风过荒野》  appearing in my YouTube algorithm. The song’s arrangement is haunting, lyrical,  and so unlike any other AD song I’ve ever heard. The second season’s 《极光入夜》 is also transcendent in lyrics, composition, and the fact that both of the main voice actors can sing 哎呦还让人活吗—and don’t even get me started on the beautiful piano and string covers they work into the soundtrack! 声罗万象请受我一拜!
let’s put it this way: I actually went out of my way to translate the 《小蘑菇》 songs (here and here) for how hard they go. one day I’ll get over the lines “玫瑰静默凋谢” and “审判是我于你的吻别” but today will not be that day
honorable mention: 《督主有病》 Du Zhu You Bing by 杨溯 Yang Su, for having the opposite energy of the 《默读》 AD asdlfskdfjs no less than FIVE original songs composed for a THREE season AD. I was on the fence about listening to this AD until I heard 远皓ZIL’s 《燃灯》, which immediately joined my playlist before I’d even read the book. Again, the lyricism, the arrangement, the melancholy, deeply thoughtful atmosphere of the song got me interested in exactly what kind of maddeningly angsty plot could result in these lyrics:
我愿抚拂前尘 燃着灯 做你归途的引 / I would brush away the dust of our past and light a lamp, and be what guides you back
只求你破迷津 渡极乐 回首看我在等  / I only pray that you break free from the labyrinth and deliver paradise, to look back and see me waiting
我匍匐入尘埃 叩长阶 奉上所有虔诚 / I crawl through the dirt, pressing my forehead to the stone steps of the long stairway, offering up all of my piety
 只为听你亲将 相思说 那纸情书太薄 / just to hear you say, yearning for me, that this love letter is too thin
不载残生颠簸 无你我 苦不可脱 / it cannot carry what’s left of our tumultuous lives — without you or me, life would be bitter with no escape
Audiodrama Adaptation with the Strongest First Episode
Winner: 《督主有病》 Du Zhu You Bing by 杨溯 Yang Su
Adaptation is a delicate and tricky practice; how do you accommodate for the limits of production, the requirements of medium, when it comes to translating a work across dimensions? And particularly when it comes to AD’s, how can you capture a listener’s attention within the first few episodes, to bait them into the story and make them willing to pay money to unlock what happens next?
this award has to go to 珞玉 Luo Yu and 子穆木 Zi Mumu for their adaptation of 杨溯 Yang Su’s novel 《督主有病》 Du Zhu You Bing. The book itself runs chronologically, from the two main characters first meeting each other as children, the months they spend together, their sudden (and deeply traumatic) parting, and then resumes the narrative the next time they meet each other seven years down the line, attempting to kill each other (in their defense, it was dark, and neither of them were sure if the other survived the massacre that separated them in the first place). Episode 1 “故人来” of the AD begins with that reunion as Shen Jue, disposing of a body, finds an injured assassin just outside the palace walls. They grapple in the dark until they recognize each other, and the way post-production editing fills in their backstory through a quick, tantalizing flashback and brings the listener back out of it by overlapping young!Xiahou Lian and present!Xiahou Lian saying the same lines (“shaoye, remember: don’t look back, don’t say anything—”)... well done, well played, I sure paid money to listen to the rest of this AD
Audiodrama Adaptation with the Strongest First Ten Minutes
Winner: 《海中爵》 Hai Zhong Jue by 七药 Qi Yao
haha I think I’m hilarious, but while 《督主》 has the strongest first episode I would also like to shout out how good the first ten minutes of 《海中爵》 Hai Zhong Jue are. seamless transition from baby Hailian to adult Hailian, from quiet lullaby to sea battle, and establishing Hailian’s sass, competence, kindness, and swashbuckling swagger as well as introducing Fang Tinglan (and his shamelessness asldfksj). credit has to go to the director 齐杰, the scriptwriter 虾仁猪心@一梦还江月, and the post-production editor 时柒@丶为之奈何 for pacing the opening scene so well, and an extra special shout-out to 梅梅 (韬韬你是最棒的) for the funniest little “bye~~~” as he throws someone off a boat
Most Heartwrenching Line Delivery in an Audiodrama (aka the Knifiest Award, audio edition)
Winner: S1E7 of the 《默读》Mo Du audiodrama
I can yell for years about how talented voice actors are, but there are specific moments while listening where I have to pause for a second or ten and silently mouth “damn”
杨天翔 Yang Tianxiang’s performance as Fei Du in season 1, episode 7 of the 《默读》 Mo Du audiodrama knocks it out of the goddamn solar system with the plaza broadcast scene — this was a scene that I was pretty eh on in the novel, but after listening to it in the AD... 当! 场! 封! 神! with Yang Tianxiang’s measured delivery, the slow excavation of the depth of Fei Du’s anguish, the forced steadiness of his voice when he says “你们如果都这么狠心,为什么以前还要表现出好像很在乎我们的样子?” / “If all of you were always this cruel, why did you pretend to care about us so much in the beginning?” underlaid by the devastatingly quiet, melancholy piano backing of 《以沫》 that then kicks into the sequence that culminates in 何忠义 He Zhongyi’s “等我回来!” / “Wait for me to come home!”... (silently screams into a paper bag) I’m not okay and I haven’t been okay for months
Honorable Mentions:
S2E2 “也恨相逢” of 《督主有病》 Du Zhu You Bing by 杨溯 Yang Su: specifically for 梅梅’s line “少爷,这是我的命” / “shaoye, this is my fate.” for a scene that didn’t even exist in the original novel... hot damn wow
E12 “绝不复寡“ of 《师弟还不杀我灭口》 Shidi Hai Bu Sha Wo Mie Kou by 子鹿 Zi Lu: 锦鲤 has the range and this AD proves it! While he spends most of the AD being generally the comedic, satirical commentary, Zhong Yan/Qin Mingxi absolutely begging, tears in his voice, for Gu Xuanyan to leave him to die in this scene? look I’m not immune to this trope either
S1E13·上 of 《问鹿三千》 Wen Lu San Qian by 光合积木 Voicegem, 吼浪文化 Houlang Studio, and 斗木獬编剧工作室 Doumuxie Screenwriting Studio: (cups hands around mouth, yells) 马! 老! 师! it’s hard to explain the heartbreaking context of the line I have in mind without giving away the entire story, but 马正阳’s throat-scraping scream of “我要你爱我” / “I want you to love me!” is wince-inducing from the sheer force of the raw anguish in it
wooooo and that’s a wrap! thanks for tuning into the 2022 danmei awards :)
looking forward at my reading list, I’m not sure I’ll be doing a 2023 round since my reading is taking me in different directions and I simply might not have enough candidates to fill out a whole awards post next year (and I suspect I’ll have gone so far off the map that people won’t even have the faintest idea what I’m talking about anymore asldkfajsd)
it’s been fun!!! catch you all in the new year!!
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lgbtqromance · 3 months
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huang0415 · 2 years
想要了解南澳泰雅族的遷移文化,那南澳古道絕對是必訪,透過在地原住民分享過往歷史、生活和生態,絕對是知性又有深度的體驗! (more…)
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leahsfiction · 3 months
Nalan Xingde - New Year's Eve of 1680
(to the tune of "Waves Washing the Sand")
after tidying up, my idle feelings intensify with the cold the dancers' skirts are as red as my memory of "Mulberry Branches" past. every household carves candles to await the wind of a new year.
the bottle of Bamboo Green is empty, the coloured bird on my head tipped upside-down stubs on the nine-branched lamp become shivering gold beetles. ah, these carefree times, how we depend on Heaven!
收取闲心冷处浓, 舞裙犹忆柘枝红。 谁家刻烛待春风。
竹叶樽空翻采燕, 九枝灯灺颤金虫。 风流端合倚天公。
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garden-ghoul · 3 months
Happy Gushiwensday New Year! We have a poem tonight by Qing Dynasty poet Nalan Xingde, titled "New Year's Eve, 1680."
Bring your most joyful heart on the night when the cold lies deepest. Are the dancers' skirts as red as you remember? Mulberry-Dance red? Together we carve hour markers into the candles, counting down to the first breath of spring. The winebottle is empty, the silk birds on our heads flipped upside-down, the last of our nine candle flames flickering like golden insect wings. A celebration that flows so freely truly must be possible only by the generosity of Heaven.
Notes and original text under the cut.
收取闲心冷处浓,舞裙犹忆柘枝红。谁家刻烛待春风。 竹叶樽空翻采燕,九枝灯灺颤金虫。风流端合倚天公。
Nalan Xingde was 25 when this poem was written, five years before his death, though of course he didn't know that. In this translation I wanted to convey the feeling of savoring the very last drop of the old year. What I've translated as "New Year's Eve" in the title is actually 除夜 removing/sweeping out the night, which I think is connected to a tradition of cleaning up the house for the new year. So definitely more than the phrase "new year" in English, there's a linguistic focus on the transition and what's left of the old year.
Bring your most joyful heart --- I feel like I don't have enough notes for this line considering how much trouble it gave us both. It could also be translated something like "Collect a leisurely heart; the cold dwells thick" or "Tidy up; my idle heart becomes cold and hard." I chose what I felt like matched the celebratory mood.
Mulberry-Dance red --- I'd really like to have translated this fragment "as red as mulberry branches" but apparently it refers to a dance called Mulberry Branch dance, and mulberry bark isn't really red anyway. It just sounds so inelegant!!
Together --- for reasons I don't completely understand it reads 谁家 "which household(s)" or similar. I chose a word to make it seem like a family activity, though I'm not sure about the details.
hour markers --- it just says "carve candles" but the notes on Baike say it's carving little notches to measure time.
silk birds... upside-down --- I think this is just a silly new year tradition that's only fun when you're drunk lol
nine candle flames --- the literal is quite nice, 九枝灯灺 something like "the nine-branched candelabra is down to candle stubs." Didn't flow right, though.
insect wings --- just says insects, I'm editorializing.
A celebration that flows so freely --- this entire phrase is my translation of 风流, literally "flowing wind" but idiomatically outstanding, talented, romantic, or dissolute. I tried to get a phrase that combines some of these meanings; here I chose "flowing freely" both to reference the literal and to evoke drinking lots of wine.
generosity of heaven --- I don't really understand the word 天公. "Heavenly god," maybe? There's a worship ceremony for them on the ninth day of the year, while on New Year's Eve you worship the God of Wealth? All this information is from machine translation of an article on Baike, lol. Anyway, I chose "generosity" because I think it evokes giving thanks for abundant food and good fortune, that sort of thing.
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