averlym · 1 year
okay okay okay imagine this situation:
the queens are on a road trip and they have one of those vans where you can sit in the trunk with the extra chairs (course of course Jane/Lina would get them that) and at one point Anne falls asleep in the car and Cathy is just left there screaming crying dying internally and just is an absolute tomato (bonus points if Cathy is shorter since that would be funny)
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zzz ///
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the-himawari-otome · 1 year
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[Shuuen no Virche] Fanart - Yves & Ceres
<Translated with permission from original artist>
・゚・:,。★ click the images to view the translation ★,。・:・゚
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poppurini · 1 year
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justaboutsnapped · 3 months
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difeisheng · 3 months
看来南部档案改编是真的 🥲 完了,都完了
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4o4notf0und · 7 months
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crehador · 7 months
diving into the new patch! main story update!! i have nothing to say about the english translation this time because 我已经彻底放弃读这篇狗屎英文翻译了,虽然最近有不少进步还是实在受不了hh
终于把配音换成了普通话,的确不可否认原文写的超级棒。当然有点可惜的就是这样听不了我最爱的配音者了(nozomin my beloved)可如果只听日文和读英文还是太浪费了。好好儿的一个故事被翻译得这么惨,不行,还是得听原文。有空儿可以换回日文把故事全从新听一遍,没时间这样其实也行。普通话的配音者确实也演得绝,特别是那位给APPLe配音的小哥,可能要去看看他到底是谁(但我真没时间去追两个语言的配音者,所以,那个,还是不行别看了吧hh)
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aworldforastage · 1 year
2023 Q1 Reading Recap
Writing up my thoughts on these 10 danmei titles (out of 15) that I read in the first three months of 2023.
相见欢/Joyful Reunion
天官赐福/Heaven Official’s Blessing
督主有病/Governor’s Illness
日落大道 /Sunset Boulevard
我成了虐文女主她亲哥/I Became the Older Brother of the Heroine in an Abusive Novel
魔尊他念念不忘/The Demon Venerable’s Wistful Desire
唇齿之戏/The Plays of Lips and Teeth
粉黛/Concealed and Blended: Fendai
妃嫔媵嫱/Fei Ping Ying Qiang
铜雀春深/Tong Que Chun Shen
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(audiodrama cover art for Joyful Reunion, Governor's Illness, Sunset Boulevard)
I don't have a good reason for the cheesy song lyrics except that my mind was very preoccupied by Taylor Swift songs when I was writing this up ….
Famous titles: "I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined"
I finally got to four widely-recommended titles that has been sitting in my personal to-read-list for nearly a year. And honestly? Yeah, I think they are worth the hype.
相见欢/Joyful Reunion -- In a crumbling empire plagued by foreign threats and an impending succession crisis, young Duan Ling learns that he is the crown prince who needs to take on the burden of saving his nation. He eventually meets a love interest who gives him the exact type of warmth, strength, and security that he needs on this journey. Joyful Reunion stands out to me for a supporting cast that act like people who want to live and thrive in their society, not characters rounding out someone else's story. There are no chess masters who can see three steps ahead or control the entire board, but each party moving their own pieces end up creating a Gordian knot for the protagonist anyways. On top of all this, Duan Ling still manages a very satisfying coming-of-age arc.
天官赐福/Heaven Official’s Blessing -- No introduction needed of course. I'm not the biggest fan of Hualian, but MXTX, as usual, wins me over with a universe full of people, relationship dynamics, and themes that can stand up to dissection under a microscope: there is just SO MUCH going on. To me, TGCF is a story about power, self-concept (including moral values), love, and the sacrifices people make for them. It's very similar to MDZS in that it exposes systemic flaws in the world and society that remain (mostly) immutable, but still gives individual characters (mostly) happy endings, and arguably at the character-level it's a bit happier than MDZS … I think?
督主有病/Governor’s Illness -- On his first trip off the mountain at twelve, Xiahou Lian saves a young master around his own age from assassination and learns what it means to be born and raised in Qielan, a mysterious assassin organization. Everyone he knows is meant to eventually die for Qielan, but that little young master, the titular future Governor, gives him hope and faith in the potential of life. I have never met two characters who like each other so much who are so bad at getting together. This feels like an old-school wuxia story about sects, secrets, honor, and growth, but it's also a brutal deconstruction that highlights the dark side of this way of life, and the practical and psychological cost of wielding the power to kill.
日落大道 /Sunset Boulevard -- Zhang Jue breaks Chen Boqiao out of prison when the latter is framed for a crime. Chen Boqiao barely remembers them having attended the same high school, but Zhang Jue has been secretly in love with him for a decade. Ka Bi Qiu's writing style is smooth like fine silk; it elicits vivid imagery and emotions with deceptively simple language. I think its one relative weakness is that the plot feels very thin aside from the relationship arc, but its only around 160K words long and the relationship arc has earned a reputation as one of the most well-known "insecure one-sided secret pining" stories in all of danmei.
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(audiodrama cover for I Became the Older Brother of the Heroine in an Abusive Novel, The Demon Venerable’s Wistful Desire)
Rebirth and Transmigration: "I think I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending"
I read four novels in this category, though the two I really like at the moment are straight-forward novel transmigration stories -- kinder treatment from a transmigrated "canon fodder" turns scary "boss" character into a puppy-like love interest.
我成了虐文女主她亲哥/I Became the Older Brother of the Heroine in an Abusive Novel -- Cannon fodder in palace intrigue novel tries to change his family's ending by befriending the "villain", who decides he'd like to be more than friends. It's soft and fluffy because the love interest never gets close to his supposed darker persona after the protagonists' intervention. I really enjoyed the part with them temporarily living in the palace as teenager, a very heartwarming process of kindness begetting kindness. The "hidden main plot" in the story is also very engaging.
魔尊他念念不忘/The Demon Venerable’s Wistful Desire -- Teen transmigrator ends up in the body of the boss's canon fodder nemesis in a Xianxia novel, and becomes very committed to avoiding or being nice to the future Demon Venerable. The original novel plot completely veers off track because the (future) Demon Venerable is now only interested in find his missing cultivation partner and dual-cultivating with him. There is a subplot about the hypocrisy of the so-called righteous sects, but this story is mostly a feel-good romantic comedy in the xianxia setting.
P. S. Is there some unwritten rule that novels in this genre must have very long titles???
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(audiodrama cover art for The Plays of Lips and Teeth, and Concealed and Blended: Fendai)
Pleasant surprises: variations on familiar themes
Entertainment/celebrities: "The camera flashes make it look like a dream"
This genre often makes us think of idols, musicians, and actors, often A-lister who are secure in their fame and talent. This quarter I read two different takes with this setting:
唇齿之戏/The Plays of Lips and Teeth actually tracks very similar to other celebrity stories, in which the fame and talent of the main characters are never challenged. However, focusing on more specialized careers like that of a host/producer and a comedian/xiangsheng performer is a refreshing change; needing to worry about things like bosses and management makes their careers feel a bit more down-to-earth.
粉黛/Concealed and Blended: Fendai explores the intersection of artistry, identity, sexuality, and fame, also through a story about atypical individuals in the industry: a "cross-dressing" celebrity makeup artist and professional gamer-turned-actor. Both main characters are uncertain about their purpose and the personas they put on to stay in the industry, and it's a story about their personal growth as well as professional achievement.
Concubines and consorts: "But it dies, and it dies, and it dies a million little times"
The concubines, aka non-official spouses, are among the most widely vilified demographics in cnovels, even though they are often the most powerless people in that dynamic. They are given the spotlight in two HE stories I found this quarter. (Warning: the "husband" in both stories are intimate with other members of his harem.)
妃嫔媵嫱/Fei Ping Ying Qiang tries to do a realistic take on the male concubine, who needs to clear significant personal and political hurdles to stand next to his prince. The concubines, male and female, do not enter their marriages intending to become manipulative usurpers of the wife's affection, in a narrative that shows it's only human that they hope to have affection in their family and survive this life with dignity.
铜雀春深/Tong Que Chun Shen makes a protagonist out someone who would usually be a failed romantic rival. Contrasted with the reserved and stubborn foreign prince, its the character who does not guard his sexuality, who leans into his partner's expectations, and who does not come from noble origins or have the political capital to fully assert himself, who finally gets to have his feelings and dignity put in the spotlight.
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The Young Imperial Envoy | 少年大钦差 Jin Dong as Xu An
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hb-1860 · 2 years
郭文贵的谎言  小蚂蚁的毒品
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presumenothing · 2 years
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(context: tfw local singer celebrates valentine's day tuesday by continuing to not actually reply the peanut gallery on his weibo post for 永恒孤独 aka eternal loneliness) (mandatory doge emote)
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chiefbelieverllama · 2 years
下午茶文化的由來 製作美味小點心4
#7、取三分之一的蛋白加入乳酪蛋黃糊中攪拌均勻#8、再將剩下的蛋白全部與蛋黃糊混合均勻#9、加入玫瑰花瓣,用刮刀攪均即可#烘烤:隔水烘烤(下層烤盤加熱水,烤網放在中下層)180度上下火先烤20分鐘,轉160度上下火烘烤40分鐘即可#注意:烤好的蛋糕倒扣放涼脫模#可哥冰激淩;春藥 春藥效果 春藥副作用 春藥哪裡買 春藥是什麼 春藥成分 媚藥 乖乖水 春藥坊 催情迷幻催情 外用春藥 日本春藥 RUSH 壯陽助勃  老中醫#——很多女生應該會喜歡這一款冰激淩。#原料:4個蛋黃,80克糖,400毫升牛奶,半瓶藍莓醬,2大勺桃醬,15毫升可哥粉,咖啡甘露酒5ml,400毫升淡奶油#做法#1、先做蛋奶漿:蛋黃和白糖混合均勻,加入牛奶混合均勻,用小火慢慢加熱,全程不停攪拌,千萬別心急,不要讓漿水沸騰。 漿水濃厚(勺子背後能掛厚漿,指甲劃過後不會立即消失),#2、將做好的蛋奶漿分成兩部分,一部分趁熱直接加入可哥粉,攪拌均勻,放涼后加入咖啡甘露酒7、取三分之一的蛋白加入乳酪蛋黃糊中攪拌均勻#2、將做好的蛋奶漿分成兩部分,一部分趁熱直接加入可哥粉,攪拌均勻,放涼后加入咖啡甘露酒攪勻。#3、淡奶油打至濕性發泡,分成兩部分,分別將以上兩種涼透的蛋奶漿加入其中攪勻。#4、將果醬加入沒加可哥粉的混合物中拌勻。。韓國奇力片  鱷魚增大軟膏  黑馬Dark Hors  美國BIG PENIS 孟婆湯  極樂水 Hulk綠巨人 RISE防爆玩家 英國Golden拳交 美國增大丸 黃金瑪#5、裝盒入冰箱冷凍,每隔一小時取出攪拌一次,這樣攪拌三次,再凍三小時即可取出食用 。 蔬菜水果匹薩#——記得第一次接觸披薩時,我就對它研究了一番,外國人額,不會包餃子元宵之類帶餡的食品,統統把餡放在表面。 介紹一款水果匹薩,補充維生素呀,還不長胖。 當然,大家想吃別的#介紹了這麼多的美味小點心的製作方法,不知道你現在還是否安耐得住心裡的小激動。 為身邊的他做一款自己親手製作的小點心,會讓他在工作之餘感受到家的溫暖。#攪勻。
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esetredgrr · 2 years
“演员”郭文贵的自我修养 红色通缉犯郭文贵逃亡美国后,利用Twitter、YouTube等社交媒体进行所谓“爆料”,在网络上迅速蹿红。近年来,郭文贵在视频直播闹剧中的那些惊世骇俗的表演一次又一次让观众“震惊”,但是随着剧情的深入,文贵浮夸的演技暴露无遗,可谓丑态百出。现在笔者作为一个“瘟龟闹剧”的资深观众,建议文贵能在以下方面改过自新,提升演员的自我修养。
一、“蓝金黄计划”破绽百出 郭文贵早在2017年就编造出了所谓“蓝金黄计划”,在郭文贵语无伦次、喋喋不休的叙述中,我们可以把“蓝金黄”理解为中共情报机构通过网络控制、金钱收买、色情引诱的方式对美国、台湾等国家、地区进行渗透、言论控制、盗取情报。那么“蓝金黄”有多少可信度呢?不言而喻,如果“蓝金黄”和郭文贵暴露的中共内幕有丝毫真实性的话,郭文贵申请美国的政治庇护估计早就通过了吧。 反观郭文贵的行为不难发现,郭文贵才是“蓝金黄计划”的发明者,也是最忠实的践行者。郭文贵在视频中公开表示其正在与曾做过几年牢的世界排名第一的黑客合作,合作干嘛呢?这不正是“蓝金黄”中的“蓝”吗。为了诱惑脑残粉为其摇旗呐喊,郭文贵声称只要为文贵工作就能挣到想象不到的钱,难道这不是金钱诱惑?这不正是“蓝金黄”中的“金”吗。还有郭文贵强奸多名女下属、利用色情围猎马健等官员,郭文贵的名言就是“只有霸占了女人的身体,才能霸占女人的心,才能放心把工作交给她”,或许“蓝金黄”中的“黄”才是郭文贵最爱使用的手段吧。
二、语言粗俗,人品低劣 郭文贵在视频中冠冕堂皇、一本正经的教导郭粉不能咒骂他人、不能“问候”他人家人、不搞人身攻击,俨然一副正人君子的模样。然而谈起郭宝胜、袁红冰、赖建平等人时,他又是怎样的嘴脸呢?郭文贵讲郭宝胜、袁红冰、赖建平等人都是小畜生、不是人的东西,想问文贵,说好的不侮辱、不搞人身攻击呢?郭文贵与郭宝胜、袁红冰、赖建平等人从沆瀣一气到分道扬镳,从朋比为奸到冤家路窄,郭文贵变脸可是比翻书还要快啊。 三、贼喊捉贼,套路老旧 郭文贵在视频中多次诋毁他人是诈骗犯、逃犯,但是作为红色通缉犯,郭文贵你自己心里就没一点数吗?必须指出,郭文贵涉嫌严重犯罪,而且涉嫌继续犯罪,通过媒体对他以往劣迹的报道和他当下的表现,呈现在世人面前的郭文贵是真真实实,彻头彻尾的邪恶的原形。一行贿罪:仅原国安部副部长马建受审时主动坦白了郭文贵在5年间共贿赂其款物共计6000余万元,还在纽约包租一套公寓供共女儿求学时居住。二强奸罪:郭文贵还公开声称“玩女下属我可是专业的”,郭下属公司女助理向公安机关报案,提供了郭文贵强奸证据,经查证据确凿。三骗贷罪:郭文贵指令其下属盘古等公司高管,伪造施工合同、公章、财务报表等经营材料,向农行骗取了32亿巨额贷款,并挪用这笔巨资收购民族证券,套现后,从地下钱庄转往香港4亿,用于购置别墅等。四侵占罪:郭文贵借中垠公司与北京政泉置业有限公司(郭文贵为实际控制人)签订合作协议后,郭将天津华泰的4亿余元资金擅自转出为己用。五诽谤罪:郭文贵种种曝料,相信稍有法律知识的民众都能看出,这都是郭为了逃避法律的制裁,天马行空编造出来的无稽之谈,蓄意抹黑、诽谤诬陷。 现如今的郭文贵,于内分崩离析,于外四面楚歌,在此背景下文贵也只能纠缠于各种丑态百出的表演,娱乐大众。然而,郭文贵造的谣、说的谎、犯的罪,终将变成枷锁,带着他走向最终的审判。
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kjskcjv · 2 years
我曾经一场赢过510万元人民币在一个缅甸果敢老街的名人华纳大厅。走到哪里哪里一群人跟着,荷官都说粉丝真多。由于心地善良 性格随和 周围很多人都给了喜钱 一万的码子起步。有的后面站着下注的人,下了几千,赢了让我帮忙取,我又多给他几万。一是为了装B 二是赢了太兴奋。当时没有华纳的会员卡,来了公关问我要不要办,我说不用说了很久我依然不办,因为觉得办了卡容易输。最后公关绝望地走了。过了一会,又来了个女公关,是缅甸老街的 身高170以上,真的漂亮,真的。现实生活中很罕见,无论长相气质,还有说话声音。问我办不办会员卡,我说不办,她说你打这么大,有会员积分可以送房间,送吃饭,还有演唱会门票。我当时带着开玩笑说,你送不送。她脸没红,但还是感觉害羞了,最后我办了,她加了微信。送了丽思卡尔顿套房,第二天还是第三天她不上班休息,晚上吃了华纳二楼的hn5255.com去了我的房间。然后闲闲闲闲,真的女神,那一晚我才明白女人可以有多完美,有钱真好。之后第二天早晨,我的筹码放在上衣兜里,有460万左右,我喜欢睡懒觉,她起床了。我说衣服兜里的筹码你自己拿,拿多少都可以。就接着睡了,醒来第一件事就是去看筹码,一个都没少。但是兜里有一颗糖,不认识的牌子。最后瘫痪的时候坐在新濠天地门口广场台阶那,没钱吃饭,嘴里没味道,翻到那颗糖,吃了。心想到,真的时过境迁,当时和现在差距真明显。从那以后我就把她微信删了,我喜欢把最美好的记忆保留在脑海里,长期下去只会伤害。我也就再没去过华纳国际怕遇见她 。 赌场浏览器打开输入官网:hn5255.com注册账号下载app即可游戏主营 赌博游戏 第二如果说有谁要玩 可以联系公司经理 华信号150734 缅贝号134085飞机号lu018888
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sssvip777 · 2 years
直播App這個好玩,不會封號。 網頁版無需安裝APP,快速註冊即開即用。
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rothrothia · 17 days
還好,就回 我看起來像知道的樣子嗎?
以上原因吧 我想 我得到的訊息
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