mechadeimos · 8 months
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gonagaiworld · 1 year
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La prima mostra del manga Spy × Family svela un video promozionale La mostra si terrà dal 20 luglio al 13 agosto. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/la-prima-mostra-del-manga-spy-x-family-svela-un-video-promozionale/?feed_id=367845&_unique_id=646215371c201 #Spy×Family #Spy×FamilyExhibition #SPY_FAMILY展 #遠藤達哉
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ashitakaxsan · 6 months
Into Yor's Mind
Note:The original ideas drive from @yumeka-sxf.To him(or her)are the credits.
As reader of this strong manga I've seen its characters.
The arc of Yor,as the bodygyard of the last Gretchers is a serious dive in her insights,to makes us see her many sides:
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I'm sure Loid will acknowledge me. He'll forgive me.
-She's struggling to exactly figure the reason she's the Hitman "Thorn Princess",when the initiate reason(namely supporting her and Yuri)has ceased to be.Of her internal craving to find her euphoria is at contrast to her decisiveness to complete the job.But wanting to be with her family is vital .Yet all her selfdoubts have climaxed,to the point allowing the Samurai Assssin getting the upper hand,thus she accepted to die.
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Yor is naive about a lot of things (due to her rough upbringing), she solidly knows about the needless tragedies that roaming the world. But suddenly she recalls Olka's words "about wanting to live a peacefull life",this just pierces Yor,giving her All new Motivation.She decides to keep doing her assassinating- not because she enjoys killing people,nor to get money- but because the result of it will make the world a better place...because now, she has even more people whose happiness she desires to protect.Her family,which is real.The world too:)
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Her insights of her motives are identical to Twilight's for working as a Spy.She sees of how Loid complimented this aspect of her personality:The self sacrifice for a making an everlasting Good ,..and the thought that the man who she trusts and respects so much would approve of her resolve, gives her the Strength to keep on going.
I enjoy that the anime proceeded well based on the manga,a great execution.Enlighting us of how a character is both cute/sweet but also a Sheer badass who's strong on the outside as well as the heart.
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sy-on-boy · 11 months
(Potentially) new information from the Spy x Family exhibit book!
Okay, I’ve done some digging around and not gonna lie, some information in there has me excited. I can’t read Japanese so I took photos and put them through translate, so it’s not the most accurate, and please take this post with a grain of salt. Here we go!
Translations are more than welcome! Feel free to use these photos and feel free to DM me for clearer photos. I would also love to know what this all means haha. Japanese “raw” text is taken from Google translate and may be inaccurate to what is actually shown in the photos.
✩ The SxF world apparently has no Christmas!
I’ve heard claims of it, and here’s a picture I took.
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“遠藤達哉先生 コメント
こちらは冬の休載イラスト です。 電飾一個一個を北斗 神拳ばりに連打して描きま した。 クリスマスっぽい雰 囲気を出していますが、 『SPY×FAMILY』の世界に クリスマスはありません。”
Google translate tells me that there’s no Christmas in the SxF world but he tried to create a Christmas-like atmosphere? Not sure but it would align with other people’s claims.
✩ Yuri apparently had a girlfriend in a rough draft!
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This is Endo’s handwriting so the machine can’t recognise the words easily, but I think the woman in the bottom of Yuri’s sheet is his “girlfriend”? And Google translate tells me she’s Yuri’s “weakness” and Twilight might use her against Yuri / take advantage of the girlfriend? This is a very interesting idea that didn’t get used in canon (yet?). I think in canon, Yuri is popular but he’s too devoted to his sister. A new significant other of a prominent character would shake things up. Especially when it comes to Yuri, a member of the SSS.
By the way, Yuri’s potential designs are kind of cool. I like the ponytail.
✩ Apparently “Oscar” was one of Twilight’s potential names! + Early Twilight designs
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I think we know Yor was originally short for Yorlanda (this is in the upper sheet). There’s a whole list of names beside Twilight and the name Oscar オスカー appeared frequently. There are also more names that I can’t decipher.
✩ Designs of some potential WISE agents! (And early Fiona)
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Fiona’s sheet (next to Yuri’s) was titled “WISE spy (female)” and now we have a sheet titled “WISE spy (male)”. Was Fiona a placeholder spy that made it to the main cast? Or will this “male spy” end up having significance too? The two smaller heads at the left are apparently Twilight’s associates. Also, a Melinda sketch. Not gonna lie, the male spy feels kinda cute. Hope he’s not completely scrapped.
✩ Endo’s interview!
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I feel like I should put this earlier but I was distracted with the Christmas / Yuri’s potential girlfriend thing. This is at the very end of the book. Apparently Endo was influenced by the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. This interview was apparently taken in March 2023. I think it’s fairly important so I’ll wait for a proper translation before saying anything else.
✩ Comments on Donovan, Melinda, Redacted, and Sylvia!
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These two pages are together and I found it significant because Endo discusses the SxF themes. (My notes are not direct translations.) Apparently:
Sylvia’s scene in Mission 20 is Endo’s favourite scene, and he was looking at materials related to war for a long time and wondered if he could make use of it. [JP below]
とてもお気に入りのシーンです。 「SPY×FAMILY」の連載とは関係無し 昔から戦争に関する資料は色々見て いたので、多少はこの作品にも活かせ ているのかなーと。
Donovan’s statement of “in the end, people will never understand each other” (rough paraphrase) is the theme of the work. And Endo wanted to create a feeling of Donovan being the final boss. He didn’t plan on arranging it from the beginning, but he thinks the Desmonds are a good contrast to the Forgers. (Does this mean the Forgers think people will understand each other?) [JP below]
作品のテーマでもあるセリフ ですね。 少しでもドノバンの ラスボス感を醸し出せればい いなーと思いながら描きまし た。最初から意図して配置し たわけではないですが、デス モンド家はフォージャーと 良い対比になっているのかな と思います
The chapters on Twilight’s past coincided with the anime so Endo thought it was a good idea to explore Twilight’s past. [JP below]
アニメが始まるタイミングな のもあって、黄昏〉という人 物を掘り下げる良い機会かな と思い過去編を入れました。 ���まり重たくなりすぎないよ うに、でも伝えたいことは最低限伝えられるように、自分 なりにバランスを取って描い たつもりです。
Melinda is described as “friendly” (?) even though she is dignified. A positive description of Melinda… interesting. What’s also interesting is that after she learns that Yor is the mother of the child who got into a fight with Damian, she “shows interest”. Melinda, what do you want with Anya? [JP below]
ダミアンの母で、東国元首相夫人。気品に溢れつ つも、気さくな性格。 ヨルが息子と喧嘩したアー ニャの母親と知り、興味を示している。
I personally think these two pages contain hints about the mystery of the featured characters and would love to know what it means :D
✩ Early Yor and Bond!
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There’s a lot more Yor but again the image limit is constricting me. I really like the Bond designs, they’re funny and he’s just a chonky little boi :)
✩ Comments on the panel of Twilight’s head in Yor’s lap!
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“珍しいイチャイチャシーンです。 ヨルさん は一年中酔っ払ってればいいのに”
Which apparently means: “a rare flirting (?) scene, I wish Yor was drunk all year long”
?!??! Twiyor?!! Hello!! I cannot resist mentioning this one, this is one of my favourite Twiyor / SxF scenes. Are we gonna get more drunk Yor? More Twiyor? More flirting? I’m excited now.
I’ve reached the image limit, so here’s all for this post for now! Translations are totally welcome and again I would love to know what this all means. I’m sorry if I accidentally said misleading information, so please tell me so I can correct it. Once again, don’t take my words as complete fact. The Yuri girlfriend thing is really surprising to me haha.
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shanks · 1 year
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 1 year
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遠藤達哉さんはTwitterを使っています: 「新年明けましておめでとうございます。 昨年はアニメ化でたくさんたくさんSPY×FAMILYを盛り上げて頂きました。 2023年もあれこれありますので、応援してくださる皆さまに楽しんで頂ける一年になればいいなーと思います。 のんびりと拙作にお付き合いくださると幸いです。 よろしくお願い致します。 https://t.co/uy9pva0PRr」 / Twitter
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amethystsoda · 1 year
Collecting links for some of the official animation sites so I don't lose them!
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cat-anime345678 · 1 year
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frogsuper26 · 6 months
SPY×FAMILY 35話 嘘は良くない!と多くの嘘つきな大人は言う
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kennak · 9 months
[B!] [87話]SPY×FAMILY - 遠藤達哉 | 少年ジャンプ+
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mechadeimos · 8 months
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gonagaiworld · 1 year
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La prima mostra di Spy × Family sarà in tour a Tokyo da luglio L'autore del manga, Tatsuya Endo, ha disegnato la visual key della mostra. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/la-prima-mostra-di-spy-x-family-sara-in-tour-a-tokyo-da-luglio/?feed_id=357950&_unique_id=6429bc78e7728 #Spy×Family #Spy×FamilyExhibition #SPY_FAMILY展 #遠藤達哉
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ashitakaxsan · 1 month
Revisiting the Heartwarming Flashback
Professor Henderson and Martha Marriot's Wholesome Bond in Spy x Family 💼💖 Step back in time with the latest chapter in Spy x Family, where the tender relationship between Professor Henderson and Martha Marriot comes to life in vivid detail. As we journey through their shared memories, we're reminded of the power of friendship, kindness, and the bonds that endure through the ages.
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It was a question about what sort of story do housemaster Henderson and Marriot share.I was wondering about it.
Below:Chapter 72. They know each other well!
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They know each other,each one calls him wit his little name.
Now with chapter 97 Endo sensei gives us their shared backstory. Back during their years in Eden College Martha as the quite talented ballerin sparked to Henderson the word "Elegant".
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Eventually Henry was saved by the severe bullying of his classmates,thanks to the amazingly agile Martha.The incident led him to seek Justice,so this awful mentality wouldn't ever get repeated. But in his Dismay the seeds of Corruption,within the Well respected Eden College,had really blossomed to flowers of Evil(:
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"Even the teachers at Eden have been corrupted. I'll not let that happen to me". That'a great line of a man ,believing in moral Integrity.He would seriously protect this vital Element.He had made up his mind:In order to protect it,and make Active Defence of Integrity he would become a great Educator.
But being fixated with it,in the way he pursued his ideals,to seriously change the world(as far as i can tell it's pointless to change the world.the point is let go, keep an open mind, and give the universe room to show itself as it is-Taoism) he forgot to keep being with those close.Or accurately he saw it as useless.Ditching way the simple things that provides us joy isn't that great.These are Friendship,laughter,a sense of humor(:
(The arc displays us the volatile mentality and unscrupulness at Eden. How come the Disciplinary Committee got too lax? Where was madam Donna Schlag? She's always strict,dismissing the aggressive language too. Below:She was around the same time with Marriott)
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Below:The panel displays the joy od the graduates-except of Henderson.See somone noticed it:That Henry sees these things as a burden,he seems stonecold.
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That's how he left Martha behind,to her it really mattered that he walked way,with out him started the sorrow(:
Man,how Endo sensei makes it give us an intence scene of her sad tears.She's heartbroken. She was more than interested on him: She's In love with him,head over heels. Yet he was clueless about her feelings.
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"The next day I went to the garden thinking that he'd be there.I had the innocent believe that someone important to me would always be there": Martha Marriot.It did take the better of her,dragging her down -not being her usual self:The Lively,early bird.
It's intriguing how Endo sensei draws a subtle connection,between the corruption at Eden and the escalating tensions between Westalis and Ostania.Namely they're interrelated problems.
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Maybe in the next chapter we'll see more about them: How did each one sense the war,how did each one react,and particularly Martha's decision for a path as Defendor-not a coldblooded killer.
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nekomori · 1 year
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There's also some information on the airing of Cour 1 and 2 that *may* give an idea of when Season two may start, that I found while looking to see where my DVD of Season 1 part 1 of Spy X Family came from.
Spy X Family's official website, Spy-family.net, has everything, including information about the gifts that are included in the Limited edition DVDs to the Airing Schedules for Spy X Family in the whole of Japan.
Though it's in Japanese, if you have a webpage translator on your browser, it translates really well.
It details that the 'second cool broadcast of Spy X Family will start on Saturday, October 1st, at 10pm unless you are watching on TV Shizuoka, or the others listed after that, when it airs on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday respectively.
I'm not sure if it's a mistranslation and means when the show first started airing, though, because it also says Cour 1 and 2 aired on TV Tokyo for the new year from the 1st-3rd of January, then adds dates for various Japanese channels from July 4th to October 29th for Cour 1 in 2023.
Crunchyroll first started airing Spy X Family as a Premium tier locked Anime on April 9th, 2022, although it doesn't mention Crunchyroll as one of the streaming services on the official website, it says that the series will start airing from October 1st, though it says that is subject to change.
This would fit with most anime Schedules, as Most Anime starts again in May-June, then has a mid-season break and returns in October.
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soshibokumovie · 1 year
公開記念舞台挨拶 全国ライブビューイング実施のお知らせ
この度、映画「そして僕は途方に暮れる」公開記念舞台挨拶の全国ライブビューイング実施が決定いたしました。1月14日(土)TOHOシネマズ 六本木ヒルズ 10時00分の回上映終了後舞台挨拶の模様を全国の劇場にて生中継でお届けします!
■日時:1月14日(土) 10時00分の回 上映後舞台挨拶
※本会場/TOHOシネマズ 六本木ヒルズ 10:00の回上映後
実施劇場は、公式HP上映劇場ページにてお知らせいたします。 →https://eigakan.org/theaterpage/schedule.php?t=soshiboku
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