lightersun · 1 year
《二戰:終局之戰》告訴你: 為什麼這是文明和野蠻的對決? 為什麼這是二戰的終局之戰? #俄烏戰爭 #二戰 #文明 #野蠻 #勇氣
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x751206 · 2 years
若英國有人認為美國屬於英國,主張武統美國,英國人會覺得他是白癡。 若美國有人認為英國屬於美國,主張反攻英國,美國人會覺得他是智障。
但中國有人認為台灣屬於中國,主張武統台灣,能讓中國人熱血彭湃。 台灣也有人認為中國屬於台灣,主張反攻大陸,能讓某些台灣人憤慨激昂。 這就是文明跟野蠻的差距,也是人跟哥布林的差距。
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we-tokyoboy · 3 months
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guangyaw · 1 year
隨著暗黑破壞神IV正式上市, 想必有興趣的玩家也入手玩了一陣子, 甚至有許多相關的活動也一併舉辦, 像是購買 Nvdia…
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Pride & Insolence
//This scene came in my head and I needed to write it down before I forgot it.
Maybe one day… when I have to drive and desire, I’ll make a comic; MOD//
@tunadunanana @szynkaaa
((If anyone else wishes to be added (or removed) please let me know.))
Story summary;
Bèiké gets summoned by the party for the first time to help assist with a nasty Yaoguai, and the “Tranquil Princess” surprises the Monkey King with her method of handling the situation.
This story is 18+, it deals with mature topics, themes of punishment and psychological torture and threats of assault. But please read with care.
The monk had been captured again.
It was weekly at this point, but saving the virtuous Tripitaka was truly a challenge this time.
The Water Yaoguai that had snatched him while he was getting some water had taken him beneath the waves at the mouth of a great river that fed into the Ocean. This Yaoguai called himself the Bā tuófēng yěmán rén (八駝峰野蠻人) ((eight hump savage))
While normally Zhu Baije and Sha Wujing had no issues fighting in the water, they were both better suited for the fresh waters of rivers, lakes and springs and where their unfortunate master was being held was where the ocean began. The salt stinging their eyes, the force of the tides making it hard to stay in position.
They tried thrice to save their master, and failed thrice, much to the increasing annoyance and Frustration of a certain Stone Monkey who wasn’t used to being useless in a fight.
He was about to fly off to conscript the help of the bodhisattva, QuanYin when he was stopped by his companion and a women who’d been sharing his frustrations - the Phoenix Maiden. She pulled out a Silver Pearl and voiced that Maybe they could ask the lady of the waters for help.
The Monkey laughed at first, having seen the adopted princess a couple times while he was in Heaven, and shook his head. There was no way the slender woman in pretty fabrics, who spent her days listening to the whales moan out their songs would know anything about combat.
The Phoenix Maiden scowled at him and mentioned that at the very least, she could move the water away. She could make it so the Monk was no longer imprisoned underwater.
The Monkey paused as he thought through the pros and cons, and then nodded.
And so, the Phoenix Maiden dropped her Pearl into the water and said the incantation the entire party was taught.
Everything was still for a moment before there was a rippling of water from beneath her and the Maiden’s face appeared from the blue. Pausing to look up at her from the water before rising halfway out of the waves to look upon the person who summoned her. The blue of the waves covering her modesty, and her hair rid of all the clips, pins, flowers and ornate styles Sun Wukong had remembered her having. Only the pearls remained.
“You summoned me.” Not a question, not a demand for an explanation… simply a calm statement. But one the Phoenix Maiden took as a question anyway as she began to hurriedly explain the situation. Zhu Baije and Sha Wujing filling in any blanks when they came to sullenly join the group once again in defeat.
The Maiden of the Water didn’t so much as blink as she listened to the situation, though when she heard the name of the Yaoguai they were facing, her brow furrowed a bit, then looked at the river that emptied into the Ocean. “You are sure that this Yaoguai set up his domain in the ocean? Not the River? It does pass the border?”
“Yes Princess! You can feel the salt stinging your eyes and the currents trying to drag you further out to sea!” Zhu Wujing snorted in irritation, though still doing his best to remain respectful before the Royal Maiden.
The Maiden nodded, turning to the ocean and contemplating her next move.
“What’s the Plan Bèiké? Is the Lady going to break down the door and demand a Kowtow?” The Monkey snickered
“You Stinky Ape! How Dare You-“ Zhu Baijes outburst was interrupted when the Lady simply got to her feet and stood so only her ankles were still submerged in the water.
“You always were amusing Great Sage. After your rampage, the Jade Palace was so quiet.” She shook her head and murmured. “You were always Brave too, I haven’t heard that name from anyone but my mother in near 700 years… I miss hearing it from others… I’ll give you pilgrims permission to use it. It’s easier to speak than my other titles…”
“Still…” She raises her hands as the ocean begins to rumble and bubble. And with a great burst of movement, the Yaoguai’s Palace - and the floor on which it sat - was rejected by the ocean and spat out, floating on the surface, resulting in cascading waterfalls and massive waves that beat the shore from the displacement.
“Demanding a Kowtow does sound… reasonable… this Yaoguai in particular - if it is the same one who has lived here - was supposed to stay in the river. If I recall correctly, the dragon in which he insulted drew out Clear boundary and territory lines… it appears those have been ignored. Truly insolent.”
She turns to the group, and smiles. Though it strangely empty, not reaching her eyes. It made it all the more chilling. “Stay here… I will deal with this personally seeing as it pertains to my domain… it would’ve have come to me eventually anyway even if he hadn’t been so brave has to interfere with a journey tasked by the Merciful Buddha.” She shakes her head. “Do Not enter, no matter what you hear. Once I open the doors again you may come in and retrieve your master.”
Sha Wujing stepped forward. “My lady I must protest, as a member of the royal family, I can’t in good faith allow you to enter such a hostile place alone.”
The Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ - with the same smile on her face - gently patted the larger warriors arm. “Good faith or not, it is My order, please follow it. He won’t be able to hurt me, he is of my domain.”
The displeasure was clear on Wujing’s face, but he nodded all the same as he took a step back and the Maiden took one step forward before melting in with rest of the waters. Leaving the reluctant party behind… minus one.
The Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ didn’t bother to knock. Simply reforming into a human form on the inside of the door, in the greeting hall. She didn’t bother to wear her royal regalia, wearing a simple and plain Haori made of water to cover her modesty, her hair down and absent of the pins, jewelry and clips that a woman of her status was entitled to, save for the silver pearls that were ever present on her body and entangled in her hair.
She debated on summoning her trident, but decided against it… The signature weapon would succeed in sending a message sure, but what she had planned… the threat wasn’t necessary.
The water that still filled the greeting hall came up to her knees. It was truly a lovely greeting room… too bad it belongs to a shameless beast. The tranquility of what the hall could’ve been was ever ruined by the sounds of panicking servants in the distance. Most likely surprised at seeing their underwater palace suddenly above the waves.
She flicked the water from her fingers into the air, causing everything to still. And her voice rung out. “Bā tuófēng.”
The resulting silence was deafening, and the Water Maiden knew that she was heard.
Heavy footsteps beat against the floor before the door swung open and the Yaoguai, Bā tuófēng yěmán rén entered the room, and upon seeing who stood in his Greeting hall, Froze.
Becoming a maneater had done him no favors, his normally obsidian and golden scales now a sickly shade, his once dark eyes now had a white film over them as they bulged out of his skull, his great fangs now chipped and a disgusting yellow, his proud fins shriveled and torn, his once strong body now twisted, flabby and bent. The eight humps that once stood high on his head like a crown, were now wilted and puss-filled.
The Maiden gave almost a mournful sigh at seeing how the once proud warrior had fallen… all because his Pride couldn’t accept his wrongs. “Oh my dear Bā tuófēng… Time has not been kind to you…”
The Yaoguai snapped out of his shocked state and immediately fell into a Kowtow. “My Lady!” His voice was raspy and gruff, thick with mucus and bile. “You’ve come to grace my hall! Truly a prosperous day!”
“What were you doing in the ocean Bā tuófēng? Have the years made you forget that you were banished from it?”
The Yaoguai froze before looking up at her, taking in her expression as she gazed coolly back down upon him, waiting for his answer. “M-My Lady! The River didn’t offer the nutrition I needed! I’m still so close to the shore! Surely that dragon can allow me a bit of territory…. Perhaps… PERHAPS! If YOU were to help plead my case! I can take back what I once had!”
“That river is prosperous… it has been for years… it just doesn’t have easy access to your preferred food, does it?” She narrowed her eyes. “How many fishermen and children have you eaten Bā tuófēng? Did you learn nothing from your banishment? I see you’re still a useless beast.”
“You Damned Wench! I will not be subjugated! I Will have the power I deserve! I am Bā tuófēng yěmán rén! A woman shall have no rule over me!”
The Yaoguai jumped back and began to laugh as he began to summon the water to move to his will.
“Oh virtuous Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ! The bitch who refuses her role as the fairer sex! I shall show you what power is! You’re not the only one who can wield that trident!” He cackles again, spittle flying from his mouth. “And when I defeat you! I shall take you as my wife and we will feed on that monk as our wedding feast! I’ll teach you the joys of marriage.”
The trident formed in his hand it glowed and rattled with the power of the water and he went to lunge at her, ready to prove his strength.
To show the Maiden of the waters he was no normal Yaoguai! To teach that royal wench that just because she held a crown and a title, she was just another powerless princess.
One hit was all it should take, her slender body would break.
Just one H-
His body froze. Paralyzed.
The trident burst into liquid, melting from his grasp.
He tried to break free of the paralysis, but he wouldn’t budge. It only made him fight against the invisible hold harder.
The Water Maiden watched him struggle for a few moments before sighing. “I knew you were never the wisest… but you’ve surprised me all the same Bā tuófēng. Normally, I would simply pass my judgement and be done with it. The pilgrims need to continue their journey and I have other responsibilities to tend to. The world has plenty of water to be managed you know. It’s hard to be everywhere at once…”
She took a few steps closer to him before gravity released its hold on her body and she began to float, going to sit in the air in front of his frozen form so that her face was level with his.
“But I find the need to mentor you before you take your punishment. You seem to have misunderstood my role in this world…” she gave a girlish giggle and tilted her head, gazing upon the beast in front of her with amusement. “You seem to have misunderstood… what exactly I am…”
She extended her arms out, the water coming alive, glowing and rippling. “I… am water. Despite what many believe, I am not the lady in charge of the waters, I am not the daughter of the waters, I am not even born of the waters.”
She lowered her arms and rested a single hand on her chest. “I, am the personal personification of all the water that flows in this world. I, am Water. And everything that is made of water… is me.”
She laughs again and rests her hands in her lap and she ‘swims’ in the air a little higher to be above Bā tuófēng. A visual that is not lost on him. “I meant it when I said it’s hard to be everywhere at once you know.” Her hands rest on her face, gently pulling her eyelids wider as she looks down on the Yaoguai. “When you are quite literally almost everywhere, it’s hard to be in any one place! If that makes sense, I don’t expect you to understand.”
An eye opens on top of the water beside him, causing him to flinch in his paralyzed state.
It looks exactly like the Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ’s eye…
“To be able to see everything, to always be everywhere!”
Another eye opens within a tiny waterfall that’s still falling from the roof of the room.
“It’s hard to keep your sense of being and identity… being stretched so thin. And eventually - in order to exist in polite society - you have to learn how to tune it out. To focus on where you are now.
Eyes appear on the walls around him.
“Because water is everywhere.”
More eyes open around the room, and dread begins to fill the Yaoguai.
“Water is within most of everything!”
Her human form begins to ebb as she takes on a more liquid form, her hair and body merging with the water that is still in the greeting hall to form a giant figure that dwarfs the petrified Yaoguai. Her voice is still the same.
“And what most so often seem to forget…. Is that Water is apart of most Everyone.”
Bā tuófēng cries out in pain as he feels some skin on his arm slit open, when he looks down, he’s horrified to see an eye blinking back at him… Her eye…
He lets out several more yells and shouts as he feels his body begin to split as more and more eyes emerge on him.
“You wanted to make me your bride? Dear Bā tuófēng, I’m already apart of you…” She giggles once more at her own awful joke. And begins to mess with the blood within his body to prove her point.
When he can’t take it anymore he screams.
He goes limp when the pain drains away, falls heavy into the water as the paralysis fades. The water quickly beginning to turn red.
The maiden of the waters almost falls back into her human form, the eyes all around the room close. And she stands over the fallen Yaoguai. Looking upon him with still glowing eyes as he is heaving and panting from the exertion his body was just put through.
She sighs then closes her eyes and steps away from him. Going to stare out a window. “Did you know that the heavens call me the ‘Tranquil Lady’? I was confused by the title at first… storms rage, oceans feed hurricanes, riptides and swift rivers kill the distracted and clumsy, floods are ever unpredictable, and even the mist and fog can cause the most seasoned traveler to get lost forever… For so long, I thought they had confused me with my Royal mother. She is the one who calms the storms and protects the sailors. She’s the one who can even command me to sooth my rage…”
She turns back around and leans on the windowsill.
“And then I realized… it’s because I’m not outwardly reactive. I had them all fooled you see, they thought me incapable of rage, of vengeance, simply because I never saw a point in giving them a visual reaction.”
She began walking slowly to the fallen Yaoguai again, who was trying, and failing, to move.
“The storms that would come and destroy their property afterwards were never associated with me, it’s was simply nature being unpredictable as ever! It was almost insulting if it wasn’t so hilarious.”
She knelt in front of the pitiful soul in front of her. Her voice still in that gentle cadence.
“But I am vengeful my dear Bā tuófēng, I am easily irritated when disobeyed and threatened by someone whom I’ve shown mercy too in the past… I am even quicker to feel anger towards someone who causes disturbances, in my domain especially….”
She reaches down and gently lifts the Yaoguai’s chin, forcing him to look at her. “And even more than the last two, my rage is so intensely summoned, when I am underestimated, and when my position and rank are laughed at. When my Pride, is insulted.”
She drops the Yaoguai’s face none too gently back into the red waters.
“Dear Bā tuófēng, as the Maiden of the waters, it is my responsibility to ensure that all the waters of the world are flowing correctly and being utilized properly…”
She stands and her eyes beginning to glow once more.
“And you, Bā tuófēng yěmán rén… have become a waste of water…. So I’ll be taking it back.”
Bā tuófēng yěmán rén felt pure, undiluted horror shoot through his body like a lighting strike, but was unable to get out a word before a seizuring pain unlike anything he had ever experienced overtook his body.
The screams that erupted from his chest were awful and caused the stones to crack and the windows to burst. They almost drowned out the wet sounds of flesh and bone ripping and tearing… almost.
It seemed to go one forever before it abruptly stopped as quickly as it began.
The Prideful and Insolent Bā tuófēng yěmán rén was no more… his punishment complete.
The greeting hall had been painted red.
It dripped from everywhere and the thick scent of iron assaulted the Great Sage’s nose as he watched from his position on the wall as a little fly.
To say Sun Wukong was shell shocked was a bit of an understatement. He had lived for a while and had seen many things. But what he had just witnessed in this hall was something he never could’ve predicted.
He had followed her, ready to defend her… and mainly because he was curious and didn’t like being ordered by the royals…
Even still, he had expected to have to intervene and protect the slender princess from that half rotting Yaoguai.
Part of him was impressed, he didn’t think the Princess whom he’d seen kowtow so easily, whom he’d seen submissively drop her gaze and dance and sing poetry so delicately for the entertainment of that senile emperor had it in her to be so authoritative.
The rest of him…
The rest of him was almost terrified. It made his fur itch and his tail twitch for all he was still in the form of a small fly.
It was a feeling he wasn’t all that used to. Not since the battle of the Samadi Fire… not since the moment who knew he had failed the Buddha’s bet and couldn’t escape the consequence…
This was no delicate princess, this was no “Tranquil Lady”…. And now seeing her, seeing and feeling the aura that wrapped around her like a second skin… he found himself wondering how he had ever been fooled into thinking otherwise.
How did the Heavens not know what she was? Did the Jade Emperor know? Did the Buddha? How had she even come to exist?
Why would she help-
“I am pretty sure when I ordered everyone to wait, you were apart of that conversation…” Came a sarcastic, almost exasperated tone that shook him out of his thoughts.
He focused back on the princess to see her staring right at him with an expression that looked somewhere between miffed and bored.
Knowing he was caught - and not trusting her to not give chase if he ran - he transformed back and somersaulted down onto his cloud, not wanting to dirty his clothes in the blood that covered the Halls.
He shrugged, feigning disinterest. “I already spent 500 years under a mountain for displeasing the Heavens. I wasn’t too keen on what the punishment would be if I had let one of the esteemed Jade Emperors favorite daughters come into harm. Especially one so merciful and forgiving as you.”
She stared at the Monkey King for a tense moment before the princess huffed out a soft laugh and Sun Wukong felt the danger pass. “What a silver tongue you have Great Sage, spare me your spurious sycophancies.”
He gave an exaggerated gasp as he placed a hand over his heart, grinning. “I say my lady! This handsome monkey king speaks no falsehoods and serves only to please! Though I am most impressed that the famously tranquil Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ would so willingly allow herself to get her delicate hands dirty for the sake of justice. I’m so used to the royals having others met out punishments.”
He gestures over her dirtied form. Indeed, in her punishment of the insolent Bā tuófēng yěmán rén, she too had been covered in his blood.
Pointing it out seemed to allow the princess to realize her appearance. She took in her clothes and the rest of the room. She removed one of the pearls from her hair and crushed it in her hand before sprinkling it in the bloodied water.
“I assume my appearance is alarming. Though I usually I wouldn’t consider blood dirty…”
The red water rippled and suddenly the blood began to vanish, the room being cleansed.
“After all… blood is just the water of Life. Even from a Yaoguai, it’s not a dirty thing. It’s simply another form water can take.”
The blood that covered her turned into water once more and the last of the Iron Scent faded away.
Sun Wukong shook his head, finding himself confused by the Being before him, and increasingly glad she was tasked to aid them and not challenge their journey. “When I saw you in Heaven’s courts I took you for a willowy, fragile and humble little thing. You have fooled me! I am delighted! Not many have fooled me! I see now you are capricious! That is much more interesting! You are a most disconcerting woman Bèiké.”
She raised her eyebrow at him. “And a stone monkey that can fly through the sky isn’t? Go save your Master, Great Sage. And be thankful you aren’t of my domain. I would dunk your furry head in icy water if you were.”
He grinned and bared his teeth at her playful threat. His cloud already raising to speed to his master. “Maybe next time princess! If I’m to be greeted with ice, mayhaps I’ll greet you with some fire heated stones down your dress!”
“Awful Monkey!”
He laughed as he dodged a water spicket that shot in his direction and went to go retrieve and console his poor mortal Master.
The “tranquil” Princess could banter and play! What joy!
He couldn’t wait to tell his dear friend, the Phoenix Maiden, and his brothers of his discovery! He wonders if they’d even believe him!
What joy! What joy indeed! The Monkey King had found a fun game!
//this was not proofread, forgive any spelling errors, the Chinese translation was done on google translate. Please forgive if it is wrong, and let me know if I need to fix it.//
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 3 months
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Lynn Lalancette Coaching
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gaetanchiao · 5 months
美國隊長Captain America 中計洗腦淫墮(下)
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jolintsai-es · 2 months
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Tercera noche consecutiva para el 2024 Ugly Beauty World Tour FINALE in China, en la ciudad de 上海 Shanghái, CN en el 虹口足球場 Hongkou Football Stadium. Durante el Talking del ACT V – DISCLOSURE 脆弱, Jolin abrió su corazón y dijo que, junto a los fans, espera continuar haciendo uso de la música y la letra de sus canciones para que se comunique mutuamente con ellos ya que ese es su más grande sueño actualmente. Las canciones sorpresas de esta noche fueron: 萬花瞳 Kaleidoscope, 戀我癖 EGO-HOLIC, 我 I, 唇唇欲動 Attraction of Sexy Lips, 黑髮尤物 Black-Haired Beautiful Girl, 唯舞獨尊 Dancing Forever, 花蝴蝶 Butterfly y 熱冬 Hot Winter. OS: 快走! 姐該睡了 (¡Es hora de irse! Esta chica tiene que dormir)
ACT I – THE ORPHAN 孤兒 01 惡之必要 Necessary Evil 02 甜秘密 Sweet Guilty Pleasure 03 騎士精神 Spirit of The Knight 04 Miss Trouble
ACT II – UNCONSCIOUS DESIRE 漠視的慾望 05 紅衣女孩 Lady in Red 06 美人計 Honey Trap (Finale Ver.) 07 美杜莎 Medusa 08 特務J Agent J 09 大丈夫 Real Man 10 Mr. Q 11 愛無赦 Bravo Lover
ACT III – UNHINGED 破碎的心 12大藝術家 The Great Artist 13 野蠻遊戲 Wild Game 14 愛情三十六計 36 Tricks of Love 15 睜一隻眼閉一隻眼 Overlooking Purposely 16 I'm Not Yours
ACT IV – INNOCENT MINDS 純真 17 日不落 Sun Will Never Set 18 Don't Stop 19 腦公 Hubby 20 萬花瞳 Kaleidoscope 21 OH LA LA LA 22 戀我癖 EGOHOLIC 23 說愛你 Say Love You 24 迷幻 Fantasy
ACT V – DISCLOSURE 脆弱 25 倒帶 Rewind 26 我 I 27 檸檬草的味道 The Smell of Lemongrass 28 唇唇欲動 Attraction of Sexy Lips 29 黑髮尤物 Black-Haired Beautiful Girl 30 唯舞獨尊 Dancing Forever 31 假裝 Pretending 32 非賣品 Priceless 33 我知道你很難過 I Know You're Feeling Blue 34 妥協 Compromise 35 消極掰 Life Sucks 36 布拉格廣場 Prague Square 37 LOVE LOVE LOVE
ACT VI – HEROIC EMERGENCE 內在英雄 38 舞孃 Dancing Diva 39 招牌動作 Signature Gesture 40 花蝴蝶 Butterfly 41 熱冬 Hot Winter 42 看我七十二變 See my 72 changes 43 PLAY 我呸 44 Stars Align 45 怪美的 Ugly Beauty 46 Closure to Ugly Beauty - 快走! 姐該睡了
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taiwanteam · 8 months
再會了,Tumblr 直播間。
各位 Tumblr 好!自 2024 年 1 月 24 日起,Tumblr 直播間將結束服務。
Tumblr 直播間輪播屏將不再會出現在你的情報中心的頂端,而「直播」圖示也將會被移除,然後暫停選項也將會從你的設定中消失。你將無法再進行直播或是觀賞直播節目。
我們在這裡準備了一份常見問答集,回答了大家可能會有的一些有關直播間帳號和點數的問題。如果你對我們的這項決定有所疑慮的話,請寄電子郵件到 [email protected](請以英文書寫),我們將會解答你的疑慮。
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phillip-karfere · 8 days
有月餅卻沒有刀子和叉子 只能直接咬 這是何等野蠻的行徑!Σ(゚д゚;)(但是還是直接咬了一大口)
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airheadrecords · 3 months
『 ZAZEN BOYS 雜談——洪申豪x唐世杰 』
橫跨二十年的回憶特別企劃——邀請到透明雜誌兩位成員,曾在日本與向井秀德共演的洪申豪、多次舉辦 Zazen Boys 來台演出的長腦筋唱片唐世杰,互相聊聊各自對 Zazen Boys 、向井秀德的印象與回憶。
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1.兩位一開始是怎麼接觸到Zazen Boys音樂的呢?
洪:我記得很清楚好像是第一次去日本的時候,可能是2004年,就在日本的唱片行看到Zazen Boys第一張同名專輯《ZAZEN BOYS》上架,白底黑字、小畫家噴霧筆刷的那張。日本的唱片行有寫好多字卡,記得當時寫著「來自九州的刺客」類似這種文字介紹,也有提到Number Girl。我當下沒有買,因為那時候日幣還很貴,我也沒那麼多錢,現在買得起了。 當下就記住這個名字,回來我記得就直接在Soulseek上抓,很震撼,因為聽Number Girl那時最後一張,就很明顯的感覺到向井想要搞點不一樣的,歌的結構跟前幾張那種單純直線都不太一樣,第一首《Fender Telecaster》,超帥,這大概是2000年初的時候。
唐:應該差不多也是這個時期,但我第一個深刻的印象應該是看到《CRAZY DAYS CRAZY FEELING》的 MV,YouTube還沒有那麼方便的時候,那時候幾乎都用Soulseek抓專輯和MV。
洪:我們在Studio A上班是200幾?(註:解答請見 ME VS MUKAI VS ZAZEN 第一章)
唐:Studio A那時候可能已經發兩三張了。
唐:當時那個時期,你要找這些音樂還不太可能在YouTube看到,所以就要自己找,尤其以前很多的影像主要都是製作給電視節目,需要有心人把節目錄下來再轉到電腦才有機會看得到。現在這些內容在YouTube都很好找了。以前為了要找這些內容都只能用抓的。 一開始的印象就是聽了《CRAZY DAYS CRAZY FEELING》才回去聽更多作品,之前雖然也聽過Number Girl,但是接觸到Zazen已經是發了第二張的時候,我記得應該是這樣。那時候對他們很著迷,聲音和內容很有趣,小鼓壓一個超破、貝斯顆粒很大,riff很有存在感,超緊,感覺有點理解後期Number Girl的內容,就是下一個階段的向井的感覺。
洪:這很帥,他們故意的,這是他的任性,我就喜歡他這一點。這就是向井世界,哈哈哈。TAKE THIS!還有同一個Set唱兩次,因為太短了。 
唐:很獨特,感覺一直是個人意識很鮮明的人,從Number Girl到Zazen都一樣,你看不出什麼生澀的階段,無論是作品或者表演上都很老練,一直到現在還是維持著這個狀態。甚至互動相處上也是如此,很特別的人。
唐:前年那次台北演出結束後送機,我們聊到了一些彼此喜歡的東西,我記得他聊到自己很喜歡馬丁史柯西斯早期的King of Comedy、松本清張、還有一些早期日本的搞笑藝人什麼的,算是我們第一次聊到比較再更之前的成長啟蒙,這次我對他的印象就更深刻。在這之前,你對一個創作者的想像多半建立從他的作品、歌詞、音樂風格等等,無論如何都已經是他轉化成自己作品的結晶,再怎麼熟悉一位創作者都很難理出更深的脈絡,而為什麼讓他作出這些聲音,或為什麼表演中要抽一排煙,作出舉起手槍的手勢什麼的,我覺得都是他整個藝術形式的一環,向井會時不時把這些脈絡偷渡在裡頭。那次聊天之後又得到更多的喔~原來啊~怪不得的感覺。
唐:他之前寫《我們的靈魂樂》的側標時,也是很有他的風格。唱片公司邀請他寫我們的側標,好像二話不說就答應了。他寫來到台北的時候,他在街上遇到人就問說「Are You Touming Magazine?」就這樣,他沒有要評論你的音樂,也沒有什麼廢話,這就是他會說的話,超好笑。
洪:這件事最棒的就是,有一家唱片公司那時要重發Superchunk的《Foolish》還有《Indoor Living》,我記得好像是戴子找了透明雜誌寫推薦,但是我們推給好友羅宜凡寫,我記得好像是這樣,超亂來。羅宜凡的寫評論就是,因為他在東岸住過一陣子,他說他去Chapel Hill的時候,在街上遇到人,他就會問說「Are You Superchunk?」。 (註:羅宜凡就是精裝少年壞報的主編。) 過了沒多久我們去日本,又碰到向井的時候,我們就跟向井講,然後他回應「誒~這可這不太好。」哈哈哈超好笑。
洪:超inside joke但超好笑。
5.當初是什麼契機,長腦筋唱片去邀請到Zazen Boys的呢?當時情況大概是如何呢?
唐:那可能就是先前有一次是我們一群人飛去日本大阪。看銀杏BOYZ和Zazen Boys一場共演,大概一千多人的場地,當時我們都很喜歡就飛去看了。
唐:來了,就是那一年的野台開唱還是隔一年,就看到他們合演的消息,當時銀杏他們來台灣有見到面,經紀人就說你們要來跟我說,我們一群大概七���個朋友就飛過去看。那次就是第一次看Zazen Boys,他們開場,銀杏BOYZ壓軸,超級好看。
洪:那個晚上CASIO MAN也在,我記得跟他聊很久,覺得那一次去就算是真的有認識到。
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6.之前幾次長腦筋唱片舉辦Zazen Boys演出時,有發生哪些特別的事情嗎?
8.你們看過的Zazen Boys的演出哪一場最印象深刻呢?
洪:我印象最深刻就是前面說的Zazen Boys跟銀杏BOYZ共演的那一場。
洪:真的是好看欸,對我來講那整個人體驗都是太奇幻到不行。跟朋友一群這樣坐飛機去看演出,演出之後還去跟他們一起吃飯去喝酒,還真是超爽的,爽歪。那時他們就是兩個最大的BOY團,銀杏BOYZ、Zazen Boys,銀杏BOYZ那時應該是當時日本受歡迎的樂團之一,傳奇的演出,很屌。
( END )﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍
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lightersun · 1 year
他的經历再次驗證了哈耶克:每當人類面臨災難,救助者總是未知的個體(the unknown persons)。所以一個良善社會體制,就是善待和保護每一個個體的制度。因為在下次災難到來時,你不知道是誰來拯救這個世界。
#戰俘 #戰爭法 #人道主義 #文明 #野蠻
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guangyaw · 1 year
暗黑破壞神IV 正式上線 踏出探索聖休亞瑞第一步
原定暗黑破壞神IV上市日期為 6/6日, 事實上購買豪華板以上版本的玩家在這個周末就能夠提前上線, 並且視同為正式上線而非之前的壓力測試或者 Beta測試版本, 有關注本站的朋友應該也知道站上有許多暗黑破壞神系列的作品, 現在就帶大家一起 暗黑破壞神IV 正式上線…
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outsidetaiwan · 10 months
里斯本 Lisbon
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我去的時候沒有在營運的Ascensor da Bica,是三條爬升纜車中最著名的一條路線。
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另一條也蠻好拍照的Ascensor da Glória,頂端車站旁的阿爾坎塔拉聖伯多祿花園視野不錯,可以看到對面的城堡和教堂。
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里斯本上城的阿爾坎塔拉聖伯多祿花園的視野(Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara)
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比較少人搭的Ascensor da Lavra則可以抵達另一側的托雷爾休閒公園Jardim do Torel。
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從這裡再慢慢散步去Miradouro dos Barros也不遠,還可以一網打盡那個大樹下的Miradouro da Senhora do Monte,和教堂前的Miradouro da Graça。
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聖露西亞觀景台(Miradouro de Santa Luzia)和太陽門觀景台(Miradouro das Portas do Sol)就在隔壁,看的是面向海洋的景色。
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搭乘漂亮的聖胡斯電梯塔(Elevador de Santa Justa)要排好長隊伍,上面收費的觀光平台目前關閉中,但是從卡莫爾修道院後面,可以走到低一層的免費平台。
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我去聖若熱城堡(Castelo de S. Jorge)的那天起霧,應該是視野最好的地方卻碰到最不好的天氣。
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sinoeurovoices · 11 months
在納坦雅胡掌權之下 以色列逐漸變成神權國家
齊澤克(Slavoj Žižek)歐洲高等學院哲學教授,倫敦大學伯貝克人文學院國際主任 哈瑪斯對以色列發動的野蠻行為應當無條件地受到譴責,不須添加「如果」或「但是」。哈瑪斯對村莊、猶太人集體農場以及音樂節大開殺戒,殺害、性侵和綁架民眾等暴行,證實哈瑪斯的真正目標是摧毀以色列國和所有以色列人。話雖這麼說,但是我們必須將這一情況放入歷史背景的框架中,這不是為了任何形式的辯護,而是為了弄清楚來龍去脈,以利踏出下一步。 首先要納��考量的是,大多數巴勒斯坦人對生活已完全絕望。我想到大約十年前,耶路撒冷街頭發生的一系列個別自殺攻擊事件。一個巴勒斯坦普通人走向一個猶太人,拔出刀子捅死他,即使這個巴人明知自己會立即被送命。這些「恐怖分子」的行動沒有宣揚任何想法,也沒有高喊「解放巴勒斯坦!」。背後沒有任何大型組織支持,只是個別的絕望暴行。 納坦雅胡(Binyamin…
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jolintsai-es · 3 months
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Segunda fecha del 2024 Ugly Beauty World Tour FINALE in 常州 Changzhou en el 常州奧體中心體育場 Changzhou Olympic Sports Centre Stadium. Durante el 3er Talking, Jolin hablo acerca de una carta muy especial que un fan le había escrito y dijo que ella esperaba que todos los fans lleven consigo los recuerdos más hermosos que este concierto puede brindarles. Las canciones sorpresas de esta noche fueron: 玩美 Pulchritude, 就是愛 It’s Love, 天空 Sky, 你怎麼連話都說不清楚 Can’t Speak Clearly, 你還愛我嗎 Do You Still Love Me?, 開場白 The Prologue, 降落傘 Parachute y 熱冬 Hot Winter
ACT I – THE ORPHAN 孤兒 01 惡之必要 Necessary Evil 🪓 02 玩美 Pulchritude 03 騎士精神 Spirit of The Knight 04 Miss Trouble
ACT II – UNCONSCIOUS DESIRE 漠視的慾望 05 紅衣女孩 Lady in Red 06 美人計 Honey Trap (Finale Ver.) 07 美杜莎 Medusa 08 特務J Agent J 09 大丈夫 Real Man 10 Mr Q 11 愛無赦 Bravo Lover
ACT III – UNHINGED 破碎的心 12 大藝術家 The Great Artist 13 野蠻遊戲 Wild Game 14 愛情三十六計 36 Tricks of Love 15 睜一隻眼閉一隻眼 Overlooking Purposely 16 I'm Not Yours
ACT IV – INNOCENT MINDS 純真 17 日不落 Sun Will Never Set 18 Don't Stop 19 腦公 Hubby 🪓 20 就是愛 It's Love 21 OH LA LA LA 22 說愛你 Say Love You
ACT V – DISCLOSURE 脆弱 23 倒帶 Rewind 🪓 24 天空 Sky 🪓 25 你怎麼連話都說不清楚 Can't Speak Clearly 26 檸檬草的味道 The Smell of Lemongrass 🪓 27 你還愛我嗎 Do You Still Love Me? 🪓 28 開場白 The Prologue 🪓 29 降落傘 Parachute 30 假裝 Pretending 31 非賣品 Priceless 32 我知道你很難過 I Know You're Feeling Blue 33 妥協 Compromise 34 消極掰 Life Sucks 35 布拉格廣場 Prague Square 36 LOVE LOVE LOVE
ACT VI – HEROIC EMERGENCE 內在英雄 37 舞孃 Dancing Diva 38 招牌動作 Signature Gesture 🪓 39 熱冬 Hot Winter 40 看我七十二變 See my 72 changes 41 PLAY 我呸 42 Stars Align 43 怪美的 Ugly Beauty 44 Closure to Ugly Beauty
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