fwoopersongs · 2 years
不好惹 - Don’t Mess With Him
Someone asked me to think on my sins, but I reflected many times daily [1] and found that the fault lies not with me. Someone said that I’m a big monster [2], but I’m just an annoyance who likes to hem for two seconds before speech [3]. A friend has come from places distant [4], we must torment their spirit and labor their limbs, yeah ~ starve their body, impoverish their person, cause disorder in their actions [5] and whip them, maybe ten times. Then finally, banish them to some other court [6].
Passerby A: Boss, what are these hard-boiled eggs selling for? Lü Shu: Boiled eggs eh, one-fifty each, three dollars for two, ten dollars for six with a dollar change. Passerby A: Then please give me three. Lü Shu: This is a small business which doesn’t take credit ~
Excuse me, I shall leave now. Listening to you monologue has wasted ten precious minutes of mine.
Of people with shared mutual dislike, there are many. This decision to keep a distance is not bad at all. If you ask me how far is enough, I would say, ideally, a separation by life and death.
This lifetime of mine, I’ve never asked anything of anyone, besides the psychological SHADOW of everyone seated here. I am naturally best at filling people with impotent infuriation.
Oh, and cutting ties.
OMG I saw the OP for this donghua 大王饶命 in December and was utterly obsessed. It’s SO GORGEOUS. Very very imaginative! I still watch it at least twice a week. Forgot I’d translated it for a friend bc I put it in our chat and never went back xD. We were supposed to be going out in two hours (to have tofu and then teaaaaaaaa), but I shared the vid and she said she watched it on loop for a while one year ago, but doesn’t know what the lyrics say. 
So like obviously, I was a liiiiittle late to the outing. LOL.
Sharing it here now!
I don’t want to ruin the gorgeousness of the video with fonts so, here it is in English just so you know what it’s about (I think there must be quite a number out there!) ~ IT’S SO IRREVERENT AND FUNNY.
There’s a lot of it that must be references to the novel or donghua, and this amazing MV made its donghua a place on my to-watch. 
Don't take any of the quotes too seriously 🤣 this POV is trolling all the way.
[1] 日三省吾身 From Analects, Chapter: Learning (学而) - https://ctext.org/dictionary.pl?if=en&id=1105&remap=gb#s10019801
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[2] 大魔王 Big fiend / demon king. This is what you call a big troublemaker and plague on your soul xD
[3] 不过爱沉吟两秒的气人精 Pretty sure this is a reference to the character of the speaker who may also be the main character? The irritation caused by a deliberate indecisiveness perhaps? xD
[4] 有朋自远方来 Also Analects, Chapter: Learning (学而) - https://ctext.org/dictionary.pl?if=en&id=1102&remap=gb#s10019792
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The absurdity of having a friend over to visit and instead of being a good host, you uh ↓ do that (’Heaven’) and shoo him away with a whip like a toad disturbing your fun.
[5] 必先苦他的心志 劳他的筋骨 yeah 再饿他的体肤 空乏其身 行拂乱其所为 From Mengzi's essay, 生于忧患,死于安乐 - https://ctext.org/dictionary.pl?if=en&id=1789&remap=gb
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[6] 然后鞭数十吧 最后再驱之别的院 From Shen Fu's essay, Interesting Things in Childhood (童趣), about what he did to a toad which interrupted him watching insects fighting
有人让我反省自己 可我 日三省吾身 发现错不在我 有人说我大魔王可我 不过爱沉吟两秒的气人精 有朋自远方来 必先苦他的心志 劳他的筋骨 yeah 再饿他的体肤 空乏其身 行拂乱其所为 然后鞭数十吧 最后再驱之别的院
路人甲:老板 这个煮鸡蛋怎么卖 吕树:煮鸡蛋一块五一个 三块钱两个 十块钱六个 找你一块钱 路人甲:那麻烦您给我拿三个 吕树:小本经营概不赊欠
在下先失陪 听君一席话 浪费了我宝贵的十分钟
彼此讨厌欠扁的人很多 保持距离这个决定还不错 如果你问我多远才足够 那么我会回答 最好是阴阳相隔
我这一辈子谁也没求过 除了在座各位的心理SHADOW 我本最擅长的就是 气人不偿命
哦 还有斩断人际关系
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dyhiki · 2 years
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interesting-number · 2 years
月海 - Lunar Maria / 阿萨Aza (Eng TL)
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《月海》Lunar Maria by 阿萨Aza Lyrics: 阿萨Aza Composer: Evalia-爱娃 & 阿萨Aza Arrangement: 磁带君 (Cí Dài Jūn)
Original Video
月色停泊像海 我藏了起来 The moon berthing is like the sea [1] I hid away
云片融化 轻轻绽开 The clouds melt and gently bloom
鱼的鳞是尘埃 The scales of fish are dust
它们聚了起来 They gather together
多彩 Colourful
把我的呼吸声也收起来 Collect the sound of my breathing
享受这关怀 Enjoy this compassion
精彩 Fascinating
在这黑夜里搭起舞台 Set up a stage on this dark night ‎‎
能不能能不能 Is it possible, Is it possible
让我也化作星屑尘埃 To let me also turn into stardust and ashes
飘散在离家十四万兆里的雾海 Floating in a sea of mist 140,000 trillion miles away from home
就算会有一些孤单 Even if it can be a little lonely
只要眨眼发光就能释怀 Just blinking and shining is enough to get over it [2]
我放开 多自在 I let go, how free ‎
能不能能不能 Is it possible, Is it possible 
让我也看遍世界奇观 To let me see all the wonders of the world
浮云栖息在我的鼻尖与青山之怀 The floating clouds rest on my nose tip and in the arms of green mountains
多可爱 How cute
风浪带走了几片花瓣 The waves bring away a few flower petals
白鸟掠过了贫瘠沙滩 The white bird swoops across the empty beach
置身于白与黑之外 Be outside of black and white
倏尔 再归于人海 In an instance, return again to the crowd ‎
月色停泊像海 我藏了起来 The moon berthing is like the sea I hid away
云片融化 轻轻绽开 The clouds melt and gently bloom
鱼的鳞是尘埃 The scales of fish are dust
它们聚了起来 They gather together
水母 载着谁人的梦 The Jellyfish carries whose dreams
和希冀 和期待 and hope and expectations  ‎
能不能能不能 Is it possible, Is it possible
让我也化作星屑尘埃 To let me also turn into stardust and ashes
飘散在离家十四万兆里的雾海 Floating in a sea of mist 140,000 trillion miles away from home
就算会有一些孤单 Even if it can be a little lonely
只要眨眼发光就能释怀 Just blinking and shining is enough to get over it
我放开 多自在 I let go, how free ‎
能不能能不能 Is it possible, Is it possible 
让我也看遍世界奇观 To let me see all the wonders of the world
浮云栖息在我的鼻尖与青山之怀 The floating clouds rest on my nose tip and in the arms of green mountains
多可爱 How cute
风浪带走了几片花瓣 The waves bring away a few flower petals
白鸟掠过了贫瘠沙滩 The white bird swoops across the empty beach
置身于白与黑之外 Be outside of black and white
倏尔 再归于人海 In an instance, return again to the crowd ‎
月色停泊像海 我藏了起来 The moon berthing is like the sea I hid away
云片融化 轻轻绽开 The clouds melt and gently bloom
鱼的鳞是尘埃 The scales of fish are dust
它们聚了起来 They gather together
像一艘小船 Like a little boat
[T/N] The title of this song in Chinese is 月海, with 月 meaning "moon" and 海 meaning "sea", and together in Chinese, it means the lunar mare. [1]: I am actually not sure what it means so I translated it literally. [2]: 释怀 has the meaning of letting go of worries, feeling liberated and expressing emotions. I am not great at translating so please kindly look over my mistakes.
Notes: I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the song this time. It's very relaxing and inviting. I had originally planned on finishing the translation the day after it was released (1/1) since I liked it so much but I ended up delaying it until today.
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drifting-starlight · 17 days
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🟦 Chibi Aza Showing Off His Dance Moves ⬜️
Please do not repost on other social media platforms. Thank you!
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yuigadokson · 1 year
9 songs i’ve had on repeat, tagged by @creylune thank uuu💞💞💞
10-FEET – Dai Zero Kan
Vaundy - まぶた (this constantly played in book off and its so nostalgic 🥲 feels my "spring" song lol tho it was winter )
Galileo Galilei - バナナフィッシュの浜辺と黒い虹
Hoàng Thuỳ Linh - BO XÌ BO
阿萨Aza -不好惹
Bakudan Johnny- Tadahitori
赤西仁 - Bandage
Galileo Galilei - Ghost
하동균 - '혼잣말'
tagging @1unaaaaa
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romulovieira2007 · 2 years
大王饶命 OP片头曲《不好惹》演唱: 阿萨Aza,念白:杨天翔、星潮
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scalpel-mom-mori · 2 years
screaming sobbing aza my beloved
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douyinvids · 2 years
by 阿萨Aza @ Aza0818
《Dangerous Party》
Vocals/dance: Aza
Recorded during rehearsal a while ago
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maniakhoney · 4 years
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For a challenge on insta!
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tuliharja · 3 years
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2014 VS. 2022
I had already decided to redraw this Mito drawing back in 2014 when I had originally made it. Why? Because the moment I started to color it back then, I knew it would be bad. I can't remember why I went through with that all, since I knew it wouldn't turn out well.
I remember I struggled to decide what to color Mito's eyes as in manga her eyes are more and less pitch-black and let's be honest: making eyes that don't have light dots or if you can't place them just the right way when making fully black eyes will look...well, not so good. I could have ignored the manga's coloring and gone with the green one (like in that anime opening), but for some reason I had that 'brilliant' idea to go with black eyes...it then spiraled to that I tried to play with the light and decided to put a shadow on that side of her face where the light should have been, making the whole lightning on her just look awkward. Not to mention the colors are very off in that original work and the scanner ate most of those, making the picture very grainy... But I just wanted to get over with the picture, but the moment it was finished and I had posted it in my DA I knew I would redo it at some point. (No questions asked.)
So, here it's! My redo version of the old traditional one. I used the base of the traditional one when creating this new, digital one. When I started to draw the new version, I also wanted to test a different style from my usual one starting from lineart. The lineart is done with several different digital ink brushes and with coloring I used digital watercolor brushes. (While the aftermath doesn't exactly look like watercolor's, it still resembles it somewhat.) All in all, it was very fun to experiment with different brushes that I wouldn't normally use or just an only a little bit. (I had to hold myself back when I wanted to 'correct' the aftermath of some brushes...)
With the redo version, I fixed the lightning/shadow problems, decided to stick with green colored eyes with Mito (that look very good on her!), and tried to bring more texture to her.
I'm sure there are still parts that I could have done 'better' or differently, but I think the redo version looks much better than the old one. Or, at least I hope it does. What do you think?
Artwork: @tuliharja
Note: I’m fine with reblogging, but ask me first for my permission, if you want to repost my artwork.
Songs that I listened to while drawing the redo version:
A Million Miles Away by Belle
Gales of Song by Belle
Lend Me Your Voice by Belle
Not Easy to Disturb by 阿萨AzA
The Divine Damsel of Devastation by Yang Yang
The Family Madrigal by Stephanie Beatriz, Olga Merediz & cast of Encanto
U by millennium parade & Belle
We Don't Talk About Bruno by Adassa, Beatriz, Mauro Castillo, Rhenzy Feliz, Carolina Gaitán, Diane Guerrero & cast of Encanto
What Else I Can Do? by Beatriz & Guerrero
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caiuxraven · 3 years
Wow, this is so good.
Ladies and gentlemen, here's the opening theme for Da Wang Rao Ming donghua adaptation (Spare Me, Great Lord) which was performed by Chinese Vtuber 阿萨AzA.
The series will premiere on December 3, 2021 on Tencent.
Now, back in the OP, it reminds me of those series with psionic powers such as The Daily Life of the Immortal King, Mob Psycho 100, and the lit opening of Pet. So yeah, we have another series to look forward to with plenty of psychic powers and espers involved this year.
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interesting-number · 2 years
说书先生 - Mr. Storyteller / 阿萨Aza (TL)
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《说书先生》 Mr. Storyteller by 阿萨Aza Lyrics: 阿萨Aza Composer: 阿萨Aza Arrangement: Evalia-爱娃
Original Version Luo Tianyi Version
那一天走在大街上 That day walking on the street
看到个说书先生在赶趟 I saw a storyteller in a hurry
戴着墨镜扛旗挎着包 Wearing sunglasses carrying a flag and a bag
还背个吉他怀里抱了只猫 Also with a guitar on his back and a cat in his arms
我好奇上前掏钱包 I curiously went up and pulled out my wallet
想问他干这一行管不管饱 Wanted to ask him if he got enough to eat with this job
他拿起吉他放下了猫 He picked up his guitar and put down the cat
这里有个故事你且听好 Here’s a story you better listen well ‎‎
他说 曾经有座庙里有个和尚 He said  there once was a monk in a temple
每天都穿着破烂的衣裳 Who wore tattered clothes every day
有一天遇见了上山的姑娘 One day he met a girl going up a mountain
鼓起勇气问她去何方 Mustered his courage and asked where she was going
那姑娘看了眼摇了摇头 That girl looked at him and shook her head
噢 你不是我的真命天郎 Oh you're not the one for me
吼 拜托我只是个小和尚 Oh please, I’m just a little monk
谁会还俗和你去那骗人的远方 Who would want to go to that deceiving distant place with you
喔噢 喔~噢 喔噢 喔~噢 Oh oh  oh~oh  oh oh  oh~oh ‎‎
那天雪下得我快冻僵 That day it snowed so much that I almost froze
但那说书先生脸很烫 But that Storyteller’s face was burning hot
戴着墨镜扛旗挎着包 Wearing sunglasses carrying a flag and a bag
还弹着吉他敞衣漏了胸毛 Also playing his guitar with his chest hair revealed
我好奇打断他的热浪 I curiously stopped his rave [1]
夸夸先生您这身体真好 Complimented Mister your body’s great
他放下吉他拿起了猫 He put down his guitar and picked up the cat
这里有个故事你且听好 Here’s a story you better listen well ‎‎
他说 曾经有座庙里有个和尚 He said  there once was a monk in a temple
每天都穿着破烂的衣裳 Who wore tattered clothes every day
有一天遇见了上山的姑娘 One day he dreamed of a girl going up a mountain
拿着花问你老家什么地方 Held a flower and asked where are you from
那姑娘看了眼摇了摇头 That girl looked at him and shook her head
噢 你不是我的真命天郎 Oh  you're not the one for me
吼 拜托我只是个小和尚 Oh please, I’m just a little monk
只想体验一下书中写的诗与远方 just wanted to experience the poems and distant place [2] written in books
喔噢 喔~噢 喔噢 喔~噢 Oh oh  oh~oh  oh oh  oh~oh ‎‎
故事讲到这里我有点迷茫 The story up until here made me a bit confused
你说的是小和尚还是庙里那个方丈 Are you talking about the little monk or the abbot in the temple
说书先生他摇了摇头望了望天 The storyteller he shook his head and looked to the sky
OK这里有个故事我且听好 Ok Here’s a story I’d better listen well ‎‎
他说 曾经有座庙里有个和尚 He said  there once was a monk in a temple
每天都穿着破烂的衣裳 Who wore tattered clothes every day
有一天遇见了上山的姑娘 One day he met a girl going up a mountain
鼓起勇气问她去何方 Mustered his courage and asked where she was going
那姑娘看了眼摇了摇头 That girl looked at him and shook her head
噢 你不是我的真命天郎 Oh you're not the one for me
吼 拜托我只是个小和尚 Oh please, I’m just a little monk
谁会还俗和你去那骗人的远方 Who would want to go to that deceiving distant place with you ‎‎
我说 曾经有座庙里有个和尚 I said there once was a monk in a temple
每天都穿着破烂的衣裳 Who wore tattered clothes everyday
那一天遇见了上山的姑娘 That day he met a girl going up a mountain
心中佛气忘了个精光 Forgot all the Buddhist spirit in his heart
那先生看了眼摇了摇头 That Mister looked at her and shook his head
噢 这人心还是不得不防 Oh  Still have to guard against the human heart
我说没事我也是个小和尚 I said it’s fine I’m also a little monk
所以只能站在原地目送您去远方 So I can only stand here and watch you go to a distant place
喔噢 喔~噢 喔噢 喔~噢 Oh oh  oh~oh  oh oh  oh~oh
[T/N] [1]: Literal translation of 热浪 is heatwave [2]: Literal translation of 诗与远方 is poems and distant places but it means “the ideal life”
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gebo4482 · 3 years
大王饶命 OP片头曲《不好惹》演唱: 阿萨Aza,念白:杨天翔、星潮
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scalpel-mom-mori · 2 years
Nvm i give up. Here's Aza and Muyu's cover of 危險派對 or Dangerou Party
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interesting-number · 2 years
张宇宙 - Zhang Universe / 阿萨Aza (TL)
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《张宇宙》 Zhang Universe by 阿萨Aza ‎‎Lyrics: 阿萨Aza ‎‎Composer: 阿萨Aza ‎‎Arrangement: 磁带君 (Cí Dài Jūn)
Original Video
如果有一天我将消失不见 ‎‎If one day I will disappear
街上的路灯 还会不会那么刺眼 ‎‎Will the streetlamps still be that blinding
人们三三两两地走在海边 ‎‎People walk by the sea in twos and threes [1]
他们会对哪个浪花多看一眼 ‎‎Which spindrift would they take one more look at ‎
他接着说啊 万家灯火啊 擦身而过 ‎‎He goes on speaking, the lights in the city passing by
车水马龙的路口 他扎进了黑夜 ‎‎The bustling intersection He plunges into the night
他接着笑啊 莫名其妙啊 藏不住吧 ‎‎He goes on smiling inexplicably, just can't hide it
渐渐模糊的颤抖背影 和夸张的脸 ‎‎The gradually blurring, trembling back ‎‎and exaggerated face ‎‎
他说  明明好像感觉拥有一切 ‎‎He said  Even though I feel like I have everything
却又  随时感觉正在失去一切 ‎‎And yet  I feel like I am losing everything at any moment
生命  就像悲剧里面写的那些章节 ‎‎Life  is just like those chapters in a tragedy
看到最后一页 发现自己是主角 ‎‎Read to the final page, and realise that I am the protagonist ‎‎‎
想太多吧  想太多吧 Think too much, think too much
我呢喃地问着 他的名字 ‎‎I murmur and ask for his name
他却摆了摆肩 闭上眼  说 ‎‎He just shakes his shoulders, closes his eyes and says 
求而不得 ‎‎What you seek, you cannot get ‎‎‎
他接着说啊 觉得自己啊 像一株枯草 ‎‎He goes on to say he feels ‎‎that he is like a withered grass
藏匿于那些绿色 活在人群里的孤岛 ‎‎Hiding within those green ‎‎Living on an island in the crowd
他接着笑啊 喜怒哀乐啊 藏不住吧 ‎‎He goes on smiling, the joys and sorrows, just can’t hide it
把这一切都溢于言表 最后再化成气泡 ‎‎Put all of these into words, ‎‎and finally into bubbles ‎‎‎
他说  明明好像感觉拥有一切 ‎‎He said  Even though I feel like I have everything
却又  随时感觉正在失去一切 ‎‎And yet  I feel like I am losing everything at any moment
生命  就像悲剧里面写的那些章节‎‎ ‎‎Life  is just like those chapters in a tragedy
看到最后一页 发现自己是主角 ‎‎Read to the final page, and realised I am the protagonist ‎‎‎
没结果吧 没结果吧 ‎‎There’s no ending, there’s no ending. [2]
我呢喃地问着 他的名字 ‎‎I murmured and asked for his name
他说他只是  这座城里的  碎片 ‎‎He said he was only a fragment in this city ‎‎‎
如果有一天我将消失不见 ‎‎‎‎If one day I will disappear
街上的路灯 还会不会那么刺眼 ‎‎Will the streetlamps still be that blinding
人们三三两两地走在海边 ‎‎People walk by the sea in twos and threes
他们会对哪个浪花多看一眼 ‎‎‎‎Which spindrift would they take one more look at
[T/N] ‎‎[1]: 三三两两 can also be a figure of speech for scattered. ‎‎[2]: 结果 means result or end, but 没结果 can mean that there’s no possibility that something will happen. ‎‎The title of this song is actually a name. The Surname "Zhāng" is a very common surname (abt 88mil people according to Baidu) and the given name is "Yǔzhòu" meaning "universe". Aza took inspiration from a very talkative taxi driver he met, and produced this song within a week.
Notes: ‎What I find very interesting, is that this song also mentions names in the lyrics. This is simply personal interpretation, but Chinese parents often name their children with what they wish their children to be in the future, whether it be "live a peaceful life" or "become a great person". In this case, the character is named after the universe, so his parents may have wanted him to be great like the vast universe. Yet, he is practically a speck of dust when compared to the other people, hence "what you seek, you cannot get". This is actually my favourite song from Aza (for now), and I hope I can hear more original songs from him in the future.
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