hksecretparty · 1 year
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【#熱點互動】八九六四前天安門抗議初體驗 遭遇兩重寒冷;九七前離開英國落戶香港 曲線救國夢難圓;六四香港易淡忘 台灣年輕人決定寶島命運? | 6...
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gardenno7 · 2 years
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時間過得真快~ . . . . . . . #澳門插畫 #澳門🇲🇴 #澳門文創 #artedigital #art #藝術 #cat #貓咪 #可愛い #gato #貓貓日常 #喵星人 #電繪 #插画 #illustrationart #香港 #台灣 #無臉畫 #macau #澳門網店 #掛畫 #禮物 #gift #生日 #畢業 #wedding #procreateart #漫畫 #新年 #2023 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnZXai2vXCW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sugnac · 2 years
しかし、以前の動画で紹介したCharge SPOTを利用できたら不��は解消します。香港を含む中国、台湾、タイ、そして将来ハワイに行くことがあるのなら、利用を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか?
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wedyobi · 11 months
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I made an illustration book in the summer
I designed a summer golden glow😊
If you want to buy, you can buy in Taobao
🍨Summer Vacation🍧 水月&澄闪中心个人画集 转发抽奖啾三套
✨出品社团:@广义空间Gentopia 📅预售时间:7.21 19:00 🎈线下首fa:8.6 上海明日方舟only 蔚蓝夏色 🛒线上fa货:预计八月下旬 「入手方式见评」
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 2 months
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👆 My son asked me : Mom, Do you know who's he? then he told me that ~
日本職棒名星選手-大谷翔平 Shohei Ohtani/おおたに しょうへい 
(b. 1994) 他目前效力於美國職棒大聯盟洛杉磯道奇,主要擔任投手及指定打擊(即投打「二刀流」) Los Angeles Dodgers – No. 17
He is a Japanese professional baseball pitcher and designated hitter for the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball (MLB). Nicknamed "Shotime".
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My son is a chemical engineer at LCY GROUP in Taiwan. He called me two days ago and said: Mom, he got a promotion and a salary increase, so he took me to eat, go shopping, and buy ice cream to go home and enjoy. lol (He is a very pragmatic big boy who never dreams. Maybe because he is a child of a single parent, because they have experienced many human relationships with me, inculded up and down in life since they were young, so they mature very early. Fruits were pulled from the tree before they were ripe. hahaha) In fact, his company is not as profitable as in previous years in general this year, but he is lucky. He is the only one in his department at the Kaohsiung factory who has been promoted and received a salary increase.
We chatted and laughed about all kinds of topics. I am really lucky. God has given me two children who are smart, independent, sensible and gentle. Of course he also gives me dividends lol I like and appreciate that every time he takes the initiative to give me money, I always see the light of accomplishment and love in his eyes ~ shining like stars in the sky! 🙏 Thank God!
Although "it is more blessed to give than to receive". But there is another deeper understanding, especially for some people with strong self-esteem. Sometimes you have to learn to meekly "accept" gifts from those who love you in life.
我的兒子是台灣榮化集團(LCY GROUP)的化材工程師,前兩天打電話跟我說:媽媽,他升職加薪了,所以他帶我去吃飯、逛街和買冰淇淋回家享受。lol (他是個相當務實,從來不會作夢的大男孩。可能因為是單親的小孩,因他們從小就跟著我經歷許多人情冷暖,所以很早熟。果子還沒熟就從樹上拔下來了。hahaha) 其實今年他的公司總體來說並不如往年利多,但他很幸運,高雄廠在他的部門只有他一個人被升職和加薪。
我們聊天又笑呵呵的各種話題無所不談,我真的很幸運,天主賜給我兩個既聰明獨立又懂事溫順的孩子。當然他也分紅給我 lol 我喜歡也感謝當他每次主動地給我錢時,我總會看到他眼中充滿著成就感和愛的光芒~像天上星子閃爍著! 🙏 感謝天主!
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📌Restaurant餐廳:鼎泰豐 Din Tai Fung is a Taiwanese restaurant chain specializing in Chinese cuisine, particularly famous for its Xiaolongbao. Based in Taipei, Taiwan, Din Tai Fung also has branches in Australia, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States.
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二零二四年九月二十日-早上八時三十分在YT (YouTube) 播放:「陳旨璿 RACHEL CHAN-臼井靈氣療法大師(MASTER)」正在直播!- 「施政報告的個人想法和意見」
如果欣賞本人Rachel 陳旨璿 (原名:陳宇暉)チウキ,
(一位女性 / a FEMALE)
透過各大社交媒體分享的個人想法和意見[(例如: YT(Youtube), fb (Facebook), IG(instagram)……]分享的內容,可透過以下本人的PayPal 帳戶資料付款作支持用途:[email protected] 謝謝您!
As I know, my contact methods (including E-mail address , contact number , any contact methods I provide / provided should be able to contact me directly without any procedure or any department to approval, if anyone are not able to contact me , I need help and call for help, someone might intend to block my communication with others.
我所知道我提供的PayPal account 和所有信用卡,銀行卡,收款支付方法和平台/媒體,也是合法和可以直接入帳,並不需要特別程序和申請,如有此情況出現,是不尋常的,我需要尋求幫助和協助,或有人,或有一些單位不懷好意地惡意攔截我的收入等,已達到犯罪目的,或逃避承擔責任。
As I know my PayPal account , all my bank accounts, all my credit card and any payment method I provide / provided should be able to transfer money to me legally, and directly without any special procedure or any special approval , if this happen. It's not right, I need help and call for help, someone might intend to block my income for the purpose of committing crime and avoid taking responsibility of their wrong behavior.
I believe I am a victim of identity theft (我是身份盜用的受害者), my personal information, my educational qualifications, resume, professional diploma, might have been used by some criminals, this is why when my career start develop and any aspects of mine start to develop, it makes me in deep danger. I am here to call for help.
P.S.提供任何資訊或連結,只共參考,由CHAN ZI XUAN 陳旨璿 RACHEL CHAN (原名:陳宇暉,在2023年3月10日,於中國香港的Solicitors 更改名字為陳旨璿),本人的手機號在2023年02月01日由6828-0754,在中國香港(香港)的尖沙咀CSL改為5148-9567,其後在2023年04月把該手機號由CSL帶手機號轉為中國移動(ChinaMobile), 如有任何查詢及疑問,請直接和本人聯絡!
Rachel 陳旨璿 (原名:陳宇暉)チウキ
(一位女性 / a FEMALE)
[網路想法和意見分享者 (Internet Idea and Opinion Sharer)]
[臼井靈氣療法大師 (Usui Reiki Ryoho Master)]
[卡魯那靈氣大師 (Karuna Reiki Master)]
[古埃及靈氣療法大師 (Sekhem Reiki Energy Healing Master)]
[現代靈氣法大師 (Gendai Reiki Ho Master)]
[A Master Member of Gendai Reiki Network (GRN) since 03April2024.]
1) 公開電子郵箱:
2) My Mailing Address:
3. My Skype : [email protected]
[歡迎透過以上電子郵件地址和信箱討論, 和本人CHAN ZI XUAN陳旨璿RACHEL CHAN (原名:陳宇暉)此發文的, 請注明和提供資料是討論那一篇來自本人的發文」
4)My Linktr.ee:
Mastodon : @[email protected]
5)我的格仔箱地址:津靖 - 地址 : 中國香港新界葵涌廣場1樓B91A舖 - 格仔箱A10箱
啤一Bear格仔屋 - 地址:中國香港新界荃灣荃昌中心昌安商場1樓50&57號 - 格仔箱BH1箱**
YT (YouTube) : @rachelalexischandebrapink1122
FB (Facebook) :
/ chan.y.rachel (Name : Rachel Alexis Chan)
IG (instagram) :
/ rachelalexischan1122
Threads : https://www.threads.net/@rachelalexischan1122
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ari0921 · 5 months
 華為技術(ファーウェイ)の新型スマホ「Pura 70」に7ナノのハイシリコン・チップが搭載されていることが判明した。
米国のハイテク分析・調査企業「テクノインサイト」は、「Pura 70 の半導体はSMIC(中芯国際集成電路製造有限公司)が製造した『Kirin 9010』プロセッサだ」と特定した。
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kennak · 5 months
独立も統一も選択したくない台湾人 台湾人の立場に立つと、独立か統一かを決めることは簡単ではない。台湾人は独立と統一の間で引き裂かれてしまっている。 中国との統一に賛同ができない理由は、中国の国家優先の統治体制に組み入れられることは誰もが嫌うからだ。1947年に台湾政府が成立をした時、実態は軍事政権であり、言論の自由などなかった。そこから、多くの民主化運動を経て、多くの人の血を流しながら、現在の自由な社会を手に入れてきた。中国と統一をするということは、時代を逆戻しすることになり、自由のために命を落としてきた先人たちに合わせる顔がなくなると考えている。 中国と統一をする場合でも、高度な自治区など、現在の台湾の社会体制が維持されることが絶対条件だと考えている人が多い。しかし、香港の現状を見ていると、それが叶えられないことがはっきりとしている。これにより、2018年から「どちらかというと独立」が急上昇をしている。 独立できない2つの理由 では、中国と袂を分かつことができるかというと、それも難しい。ひとつは経済問題だ。中国市場に進出をしている台湾企業は少なくない。有名なのはカップ麺の康師傅、豆漿の永和大王、スナック菓子の旺旺、メガネの宝島メガネ、電子機器製造の富士康(フォクスコン)など、大陸の中国人たちが中国企業だとすら思い込んでいる台湾ブランドがたくさんある。独立を強行すれば、このような中国でのビジネスを失うことになる。 もうひとつ大きいのが、儒教的な考え方に基づく、自分たちのルーツの問題だ。台湾には、福建省などの中国から移住をした人たちが多く、儒教の考え方では、先祖の霊を祀ることが何よりも重要だとされる。そのため、台湾人でも、中国にある先祖の墓参りをしたいと考える人は多く、歳を取ったら中国に移住して墓を守りたいと考える人もいる。中国と袂を分かってしまうと、それができなくなる。 これは心の問題であり、日本人でも故郷に実家があることが心の拠り所となっている人は多い。都会に生活基盤を築いても、どこか漂泊しているような虚しさを感じることがある。それと同じで、中国の社会体制がどんなものであれ、中国とのつながりを完全に断ち切ることはできないという感情がある。 それでも備えは進める台湾 現状維持を望む人が多い台湾だが、台湾有事をまったく考えていないわけではない。台北市政府は2023年7月に市民に対し、「台北市全民国防応変パンフレット」を配布した。そこでは、人民解放軍という言葉は使われていないものの、敵軍が空襲をした場合にどう避難をすべきかが分かりやすくまとめられている。 しかし、ある市民からの指摘で、敵軍の軍服を紹介した図版が誤っていることが発覚をし、訂正版を配布する事態となった。人民解放軍の古いタイプの制服に基づいた図版を載せてしまったのだ。切迫感に欠ける話だが、ここに「現実的だとは思えなくても備えはしておく」という台湾人の考え方が見える。 台湾人の考え方は「現状維持」。ただし、台湾有事のリスクが0でない限り、可能な対応はしておくというのが台湾の考え方だ。周囲が「台湾有事」と騒ぎ立てるのは、当の台湾人にとっては「現状維持」が難しくなる困った状況なのかもしれない。
台湾人の6割が「現状維持」を望む。独立と統一の間で引き裂かれてしまっている台湾人 - 中華IT最新事情
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 8 months
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Justin 👑😍
#MCman ✨錢裕揚Justin Chien ✨在台北出生、香港長大,12歲回來台灣念國高中,18歲再到美國讀大學和發展,好幾年前你或許曾經在電視廣告上看過他,多年後他主演了一部好萊塢製作的 #Netflix 作品和全球的觀眾見面,他是《#孫家兄弟》(The Brothers Sun)的男主角── #錢裕揚(Justin Chien)。這部以台灣為背景的黑幫動作影集,Justin在劇中飾演楊紫瓊的兒子,身為家中長子的他,在家族成員成為目標時,受命飛往洛杉磯保護從小分開的媽媽,並在過程中思考幫派的未來和生命的意義,也與媽媽和弟弟建立未曾有過的家人情誼。《孫家兄弟》全劇以「保護家人」這四字貫穿,而提到自己跟角色的相似性,家人絕對是不可忽略的一個元素,「爸媽總是以身作則教會我如何做個努力、善良、正直的人,加上我們都很重視家庭,我非常愛我的家人,跟爸媽、弟弟妹妹都很親,還有我們的保護欲都滿強的,所以不管��我們關心的人,或者是身旁的團隊,我都會想支持跟保護他們。」身為家中四個兄弟姐妹長兄的 Justin,是個好兒子、也是位好哥哥,希望能成為榜樣,在弟弟妹妹需要指導幫助時,能夠適時給予協助,因為這個家是他最堅強的後盾,也是形塑他最主要的原因. 「我曾經看到有個人說『你養我長大,我陪你變老。』這句話令我很有感,也因此我真的是沒辦法想像無法跟家人在一起的生活,所以我預設自己十年內應該會搬回台灣。」眼神裡沒有一絲遲疑,一如他劇中角色的堅毅,在未來許諾自己能回家鄉發展,並且長伴家人左右,盡己所能照顧爸媽。錢裕揚Justin Chien ♡ 不一般的軌跡 🔗全文專訪 ➠ https://mctw.io5kdzus Talent/錢裕揚 @justin_chien Chief Feature Editor/JuJu Chen @you.hapig Text/JunYen Ke @junyen_ke Photographer/Hazel chiu @hazel_chiu \nPhotographer Assistant/Vita liu @miliumimm 、ZO @zooohu \nDigital Content Director/Ren Chen @pojuichen/Film Editor/Milky Lin @milky_the_poop Styling Director/Kris Lin @beloveapril Makeup&Hair/Sunny Hsu @sunnyhsu734
追蹤 @marieclairetw 時髦好玩的都在這#marieclairetw #juju #豬編 #JustinChien #Justin #TheBrothersSun @netflixtw @brotherssunnetflix
Justin Chien ✨ was born in Taipei and grew up in Hong Kong. He came back to Taiwan to study in high school at the age of 12, and then went to the United States to study at university and develop his career at the age of 18. You may have seen him in a TV commercial a few years ago, and he starred in it many years later. A Hollywood-produced #NETFLIX work has been introduced to the global audience. He is the male protagonist of "# Sun Jia Brothers" (The Brothers Sun)── #Justin Chien. In this gangster action series set in Taiwan, Justin plays Michelle Yeoh's son. As the eldest son of the family, when family members become targets, he is ordered to fly to Los Angeles to protect his mother who has been separated since childhood, and in the process he thinks about gangs. future and the meaning of life, and also established an unprecedented family bond with his mother and younger brother. The whole drama of "Brothers of the Sun" is run through with the four words "protect family". When it comes to the similarity between myself and the characters, family is definitely an element that cannot be ignored. "My parents always set an example and taught me how to be a hard-working and kind-hearted person." , upright people, and we all value family. I love my family very much. I am very close to my parents, brothers and sisters, and we are very protective, so whether it is the people we care about, or I want to support and protect the team around me." As the eldest brother of four brothers and sisters in the family Justin is a good son and a good brother. He hopes to be a role model and can provide timely assistance to his younger siblings when they need guidance and help, because this family is his strongest support and the main reason for shaping him. "I I once saw someone say, "You raise me and I will grow old with you." This sentence really touched me, and because of this I really couldn't imagine a life without my family, so I assumed I should move back to Taiwan within ten years." There is no hesitation in his eyes, just like the perseverance of his character in the play. In the future, he promises that he can return to his hometown to develop, stay with his family, and do his best to take care of his parents. Justin Chien ♡ Unusual trajectory 🔗Full-text interview
#MCman ✨錢裕揚Justin Chien ✨ 從小就喜歡表演的 #錢裕揚,國小開始站上舞台,高中下定決心追求當演員的夢想,而申請了兩家美國的表演大學,從此也開啟了他與許多台灣演員截然不同的演藝道路,「我在大學畢業後繼續住在洛杉磯,大概拼了五年,才得到這次《#孫家兄弟》演出機會,算是一個漫長的過程。」深耕演員職志多年,也曾遇到低潮的他如此雲淡風輕坦言。如此在好萊塢脫穎而出的 Justin 在這個與他不謀而合的角色人物中,除了放入自己人生經驗的親情體悟,更特別同時挑戰了武打和喜劇類型題材,發揮了他擅於武術的矯健身手,百分之百一如以往認真地投入劇情故事,「每天備戲並且苦練打戲,在開拍前每週會有至少11次特技與重量訓練。」17歲曾在台灣學泰拳,近年還拿下巴西柔術藍帶的他進而分享,「會講中文、英語、廣東話的我,未來也希望能挑戰一下自己的語言能力,同時期盼日後能在台灣拍一部本土製作的戲劇。」除此,在劇中大秀好身材的他,也有意在未來挑戰需要改變身型,去更貼近劇情的角色,「滿想接演可以在身材上有巨大變化的角色,變得非常壯,或是很瘦很瘦,我覺得這是演員要挑戰一下的人生角色。」他接著笑說,「我以前其實是想歌手,若有機會演出音樂相關的戲劇經驗,不論是會彈吉他或是唱歌,應該會滿有趣的。」 隨著《孫家兄弟》劇集上映引發的討論,Justin 倒是沒有預設往後的日子,「我就是想一天一天的過生活,不要給自己太多壓力,不要想太多珍惜每一天所發生的事情。」擁抱所有可能,珍惜所有經歷,唯有如此才能在機會來臨之時從容應對。「我私下滿愛吃愛玩,只是不同於劇裡角色喜歡烘焙甜點,熱愛料理的我最拿手的菜是海膽義大利麵與牛排。」他如此大方道述。看似淡淡的態度是經年累月的修練,在這個有實力只是基本,機運和時間才是成功要素的產業,被問到為什麼還是想當演員?Justin 彷彿回到小時候首次站上舞台的表演時光,「我就是很喜歡讀故事,瞭解為何我讀了一個故事會讓我感動,然後盡量去塑造一個角色來感動觀眾。」在他真摯又堅定的神情裡,始終懷抱對演戲純粹的初心與熱忱,這個信念動力彷彿注入血液,《孫家兄弟》只是起點,他已經準備好擁抱更多可能。♡ 錢裕揚Justin Chien ♡ 不一般的軌跡
🔗全文專訪 ➠ https:\mctw.io 5kdzusTalent/錢裕揚 @justin_chien Chief Feature Editor/JuJu Chen @you.hapigText/JunYen Ke @junyen_ke\Photographer/Hazel chiu @hazel_chiu \Photographer Assistant/Vita liu @miliumimm 、ZO @zooohu Digital Content Director/Ren Chen @pojuichen Film Editor/Milky Lin @milky_the_poop Styling Director/Kris Lin @beloveapril Makeup&Hair/Sunny Hsu @sunnyhsu734 追蹤 @marieclairetw 時髦好玩的都在這\#marieclairetw #juju #豬編 #JustinChien #Justin #TheBrothersSun @netflixtw @brotherssunnetflix
Justin Chien ✨ Justin Chien has loved acting since he was a child. He started to stand on the stage in elementary school. In high school, he made up his mind to pursue his dream of being an actor, and applied to two acting universities in the United States. From then on, he started to interact with many Taiwanese actors. Actors have completely different acting paths. "I continued to live in Los Angeles after graduating from college. I worked hard for about five years before I got the opportunity to perform in "#孙家哥". It was a long process." He has been working hard as an actor for many years. He had also encountered a low point and spoke so calmly and frankly. In this way, Justin, who stands out in Hollywood, not only puts his own life experience and family experience into this role that coincides with him, but also challenges the martial arts and comedy themes at the same time, giving full play to his martial arts skills. I am 100% devoted to the plot and story as before, "I prepare for scenes every day and practice hard on my fighting scenes, and there will be at least 11 times a week before filming starts."
Stunts and weight training. ” He learned Muay Thai in Taiwan at the age of 17, and recently won a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He further shared, “I can speak Chinese, English, and Cantonese. I also hope to challenge my language skills in the future, and I look forward to the future.” I can film a locally produced drama in Taiwan." In addition, he showed off his good figure in the drama, and he also intends to challenge roles in the future that require him to change his body shape to be closer to the plot. "I really want to take on roles where I can change my body shape. I think this is a life role that an actor needs to challenge." He then laughed and said, "I actually wanted to be a singer before. If I had the opportunity to perform music, Relevant theater experience, whether it's playing guitar or singing, should be very interesting." With the discussion caused by the release of "The Brothers" series, Justin did not predict the future, "I just Don’t overthink and appreciate what happens every day. ”Embrace all possibilities and cherish all experiences. Only in this way can you calmly deal with opportunities when they come. "Privately, I love eating and playing. It's just that unlike the character in the drama who likes to bake desserts, I love cooking and my best dishes are sea urchin pasta and steak." He said generously. The seemingly indifferent attitude is the result of years of practice. In this industry where strength is only the basic and luck and time are the key factors for success. When asked why you still want to be an actor? Justin seems to have gone back to the time when he first stood on the stage to perform as a child. "I just like to read stories, understand why I read a story that moves me, and then try to create a character to move the audience." In his sincere and determined words In his expression, he always has a pure original intention and enthusiasm for acting. This belief and motivation seem to be injected into his blood. "Brothers of the Sun" is just the starting point, and he is ready to embrace more possibilities. ♡ Justin Chien ♡ An unusual trajectory
#MCman ✨錢裕揚 Justin Chien ✨\n#錢裕揚(Justin Chien)登上世界最大舞台,主演 #Netflix 影集《#孫家兄弟》(The Brothers Sun)與楊紫瓊飆戲。赴美築夢多年終於迎來果實,談及挫折依然堅信自己,看似輕鬆其實是多年的生命累積。聊及自己的演戲生涯,Justin 在大學時期即大量參與舞台演出,「我的夢想當然是希望能在電視劇影集跟電影表演,並期望可以在品質高的作品上表演;我知道如果要爭取到這些機會的話,就需要先培養好自己的技術跟實力,也因而覺得以舞台劇為開始,是對演技最好的磨練機會。」在舞台劇作為基礎打磨多年,他回想起說長不長、說短也不短的演員生涯能遇到一個對的角色,是用生命的累積 然而,命運也領著他在2021年歷經了懷疑的一年,曾有六、七個角色到最後一輪都沒被選上,但 Justin 選擇不怨天尤人而是相信自己,「因為我知道自己是有實力的,記得那時候其實有兩個選擇,一是對宇宙生氣,或者是決定相信未來會有更好的機會。」保有自我信念堅持的他,或許也真的是命中註定使然,Justin 在一個月後收到《孫家兄弟》的試鏡邀請。長達近兩個月的試鏡過程,從線上到實體與團隊見面,經過三四輪的選拔無不用盡全力的他,在得到角色的當下,百感交集忍不住哭了出來,「何況作為一名演員,一年如果有三到四個劇本試鏡,基本上引發出對角色的共鳴,就已經算多了。這次《孫家兄弟》查爾斯這個角色則是我在美國表演這麼久以來,參加過好幾百個角色試鏡之中,最讓我感動的。」♡ 錢裕揚Justin Chien ♡ 不一般的軌跡 🔗全文專訪 ➠ https: mctw.io/5kdzus Talent/錢裕揚 @justin_chien\Chief Feature Editor/JuJu Chen @you.hapig\Text/JunYen Ke @junyen_ke\Photographer/Hazel chiu @hazel_chiu \Photographer Assistant/Vita liu @miliumimm 、ZO @zooohu \Digital Content Director/Ren Chen @pojuichen\Film Editor/Milky Lin @milky_the_poop\Styling Director/Kris Lin @beloveapril\Makeup&Hair/Sunny Hsu @sunnyhsu734\追蹤 @marieclairetw 時髦好玩的都在這\n\n#marieclairetw #juju #豬編 #JustinChien #Justin #TheBrothersSun @netflixtw @brotherssunnetflix
Justin Chien ✨\n#Justin Chien has stepped onto the world's biggest stage, starring in the #NETFLIX series "#SunBrothers" (The Brothers Sun) opposite Michelle Yeoh. After many years of pursuing a dream in the United States, it finally came to fruition. When talking about setbacks, I still believe in myself. What seems easy is actually the accumulation of many years of life. Talking about his acting career, Justin participated in a lot of stage performances when he was in college. "My dream is of course to perform in TV series and movies, and I hope to perform in high-quality works; I know that if I want to achieve these If there is a chance, you need to develop your own skills and strength first, so I feel that starting with a stage play is the best opportunity to hone your acting skills." After years of honing the foundation of stage plays, he recalled that whether it lasts long, An actor's career, which is not short at all, can meet the right role. It takes the accumulation of life. There were six or seven roles that were not selected in the final round, but Justin chose not to blame others but to believe in himself, "Because I knew I was capable. I remember that I actually had two choices at that time. One was to challenge the universe. Angry, or decided to believe that there will be better opportunities in the future." He maintained his self-confidence and persevered, and perhaps it was destiny. Justin received an audition invitation for "The Brothers" a month later. The audition process lasted for nearly two months, from online to physical meetings with the team. After three or four rounds of selection, he tried his best. When he got the role, he had mixed feelings and couldn't help but cry, "Not to mention as an actor. For an actor, if he auditions for three to four scripts a year, it is considered too much if he can basically resonate with the character. This time, the role of Charles in "The Brothers" is the first time I have participated in acting in the United States for so long. Among hundreds of role auditions, this one moved me the most."♡ Justin Chien ♡ Unusual trajectory🔗Full-text interview
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chinesehanfu · 2 years
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【Artifact Reference】:
Tang Dynasty Princess Changle Tomb Guard Mural /唐代长乐公主墓侍卫甲壁画
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【Chinese Armor】China Tang Dynasty Armor Based On Princess Changle Tomb Mural
Recreation Work:@函人堂
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seishun18x2movie · 3 months
ロングラン大ヒットに感無量&大感謝 清原果耶「役者として本当に幸せ。皆さんからの愛をもらいました。」ロングラン御礼舞台挨拶レポート
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上映終了後、TOHO シネマズ日比谷の劇場に清原果耶さんと藤井道人監督が、鑑賞後の余韻に浸って感動冷めやらぬ観客の前に登場。涙を拭っている観客に向けて清原さんは「楽しんでいただけましたか?」と問いかけ、盛大な拍手で観客が応えた。続けて「公開から2か月たって舞台挨拶をさせていただくことがないので、ドキドキしています。こんなにも長く長く、愛される映画に出演させていただけて幸せです。役者にとって励みになります。女優という仕事を、今までやってきてよかったな。この映画を通して皆さんから愛をもらいました。」と感謝を伝えた。藤井監督も「2か月ぶりの東京での舞台挨拶なので、緊張してます。」と挨拶。映画公開から9週目、2か月以上がたったタイミングでの“異例”の舞台挨拶にそれぞれ喜びと緊張を滲ませた。監督は「自分の監督人生の第二章として、海を越えて(台湾でも)映画を撮って、それがこれだけの人に愛されるなんて。論理的に考えて、分析できることじゃない気がするんですよね。皆さんが見てくださった人生と、たまたま映画がいいタイミングで出会えたんだと思います」と語った。
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oracleandbone · 2 years
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Hello everyone. We were interviewed by RTHK 香港電台 as part of their episode on Game Atlas. We’re grateful for the opportunity to share about our game on their program. It’s an honour for us as RTHK’s past programs on art and culture have been a source of reference for us in the making of our game. Thank you to the producers for the feature!
We also want to thank Goethe-Institut Hongkong for inviting us to Game Atlas. We had a wonderful time at the conference. We’re grateful to the organizers and other game makers who made this event possible.
Chinese program: https://youtu.be/R2-tv2B_kyQE
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crimson-lair · 3 months
if it's not a secret, could you please tell where it is possible to get such a plushie? i've seen other ptn plushies pre release sheets before but i still don't know where i can purchase one... /gen
It's originally sold on Taobao (Chinese online shopping platform) under this name 米可乐动漫周边, or consider using proxy such as Superbuy or other shopping websites. I'm kinda clueless how it works since I leave this to someone to buy for me
I'll leave the links just in case anyone needs it
Langley & Zoya:
Deren, Chief, Nightingale, Shalom:
Angell, Nox, Hella, DuRuo
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wangxian-everyday · 2 years
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Newest addition to the Hualian minifigs from QingCang/Hobby Rangers! That background is so cute. 💗It looks like it lights up🤔
Not on sale yet!
These are usually available on amiami.com as well! But they don’t always list them right away so keep checking back.
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zhouzongmin-blog · 4 months
《五月天 回到那一天 25週年 巡迴演唱會 香港站》2024年5月9日場,這一場原本是五月第一天的場,而昨晚也是有驚無險,差一點因為刮大風而取消,而中間那個大球是變形了。
不管怎麼說,現場像燃燒的火焰,以前我非常熱衷於 林肯中心 大都會歌劇院或 倫敦 柯芬園皇家歌劇院的大歌劇,沒曾想到五月天的現場也可以找到我要的感覺和氣氛。
個體人格培育在 成長 過程裡的稀缺,會導致人格模糊,性格游移,極端情緒和創傷型隔絕,於是當一種個體人格突出和健全的文化出現時,一種跨越時空的 彌補療癒衝動 就會萬人空巷。
這讓五月天整個的音樂訴求完整,一點也不淺薄。我很慶幸 華語文化 中能出現五月天這樣精準而有力地捕捉人性,黏著於這25年的人間悲歡和個體生存掙扎的演唱組合,這讓我回望鮑伯狄倫、槍花、涅槃、披頭士等影響了一代人的音樂傳奇。
而我們身邊的能與我們用 華語 同呼吸,共患難,親密許下五月的私密約定的,就只有五月天了。
其實五月天對於所有歌迷並不複雜,一瞬間就會擊中你的內心。五月天 歌中 的理想主義與浪漫主義情緒,能夠讓普通人抽離於現實的艱困與痛苦,在安慰中有繼續前行的勇氣,也覺得生活需要短暫的遺忘,平凡地活著也是一種偉大——這一種精神價值的探詢,又正是人與動物的區別。
五月天 氣勢磅礴的文化景象呼嘯而來,接下來鳥巢的10場演出一票難求,去年在廣州黃村的演出也難以搶到一張票。這讓人慾說還休的時代,總歸有五月天的燃燒型派對來慰藉,就乾杯吧!
如果沒有我所期待的 華格納《尼伯龍根的指環》或《崔斯坦和伊索爾德》,五月天 也可以讓我與數萬人一起在三個多小時的時間裡酣暢地跳著歌唱而淚眼婆娑⋯⋯
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