mjm5655 · 2 years
@chosenbythecrystal // continued from here !
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there was talk in the tojo clan of late, that one of the other clans in tokyo, the lucis caelum one to be exact was starting to cause issues, majima thought that odd considering that they had never caused issues before ; the two clans being happy enough to co-operate ... almost be allies in a way. both looked the other way, & didn't get involved in anything involving the other needlessly.
but word has it that the lucis caelum clan recently lost their chairman who had led the clan for a good number of years, & now a more aggressive chairman is in his place, ardyn izunia was the dude's name, majima kind of knew of him, he knew the man was somewhat of an enforcer, just like himself in a way. he had met him a few times, but they never really talked, just greeted each other in a civil manner as they sat down to drinks at a bar. just like majima though, ardyn izunia was well known for being brutal to anyone who crossed paths with him, he wasn't someone shy to torturing the fuck out of a poor sod that met his wrath ; at least when majima had a target, he didn't keep the torture going for hours on end, just hurt them enough or finished with them quickly to send a message toward them.
ardyn izunia was somewhat like his old boss, sadistic in his ways, majima wouldn't be surprised if the man had somewhere like the hole ; the dreaded place buried deep within his memories, majima wouldn't think of it, he didn't want to be reminded of a time he was so weak & pitiful.
as tojo clan discussed what to do, they decided it may be best to try & capture one of the lucis caelum clan members, though they didn't have enough intel to tell who a member was, & who wasn't. majima was given some photos of some of the younger members might've been, they'll been the easiest to capture, & break into giving answers what the lucis caelum clan's endgame might've been, though, being so young, they might not even know themselves. the one majima eyed the most was noctis caelum, the son of the late chairman, if there was any of these younger members that might know a thing, it could possibly be him. he was next in line really to be their chairman, whatever happened that ardyn izunia of all men became chairman though, majima wasn't fully certain. maybe, knowing how ruthless that man was, he might have convinced the younger noctis to allow him to be the chairman ; the young & new members were always preyed on in such ways, majima should know considering how few supported daigo as the chairman before he came along, & backed the other up.
majima decided to snoop around, find out where this noctis caelum might be, he found out where his apartment was with the help of some that knew of him ; awfully small apartment for someone who was son of a chairman, it didn't look like anyone was home as he looked around the wall to see if there was any life in the place. maybe the other wasn't home, there was a chance majima might meet him on the way here, so he walked, maybe he was going the complete wrong direction, & wouldn't even bump into him, if he did, he could always return, & there might be a chance of there being life within the apartment then, he couldn't be sure however, all he learned was that apparently, noctis caelum lived there, no more.
his ears picked up music coming toward him, these were otherwise quite quiet streets, majima looked up to see a young man coming toward him, he seemed to be into his music that must have been blasting in full volume from his headphones, he didn't seem to notice majima in front of him ; his appearance ! could this be ?
quickly, majima approached him, & grabbed onto him by his neck, a stranglehold, there was an alleyway just nearby, which majima forced the other into, the other struggling, & clawing at him to get off, however, majima noticed the flash of silver as the other shakingly drew a pistol ; something that was quite easily managed as majima slapped the pistol out of the other's hand before he could cause any severe damage with it, it looked as if he would miss anyway.
❝ sneaky li'l fucker, ain't ya ? ❞
finally, majima left go of him, he knew the other would be in no state to run immediately, & if he did, majima would have chased him, & it wasn't like he had anywhere to hide with his destination likely being that apartment of his.
❝ so, a question, i'll let ya go real easy if ya answer me this ... why aren't ya the chairman, & why is izunia startin' to cause problems for the tojo clan ? ya should understand, we've kept peace fer so long, but now we're hearin' izunia wants more than just the lucis caelum clan. ❞
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mandakatt · 5 years
Yakuza Drabble - Majima Goro - Selfless
A/N: My last writing stream was fun! Thank you to those who made it out to watch me wrestle the muse into flexing that writing muscle!
Written for @ravenvelith​​ - who asked for hurt/comfort with our favorite Mad Dog.
Characters: Majima Goro/Fem!Reader Warnings: Mentions of a bomb [Takes place after the bomb scare] Word Count: 856 Summary: Goro always knew his instincts--his luck--would always give him a leg up on anything he set out to do. He would always be fine because his instinct told him he would. He just didn’t realize how much he scared you, and how close he came to losing you. 
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“Aw c’mon Sweetheart, don’t look at me like that…”
Goro practically purred to you as he stepped closer, his arms outstretched with want to gently pull you to him only to stop dead as you stepped further out of his reach. His eyes going wide with surprise.
“No, just… Goro do you realize what could have happened? How--How things could have gone? You could have died?”
“Well, yeah,” he replied bluntly. “My instinct wins out all the time, there was nothin’ to worry about Darlin’.”
“Do NOT Darlin’ me..” 
Goro drew his hands back a bit as if he’d been burned, and continued to stare at you only to feel his heart leap up into his throat when he noticed the tears in your eyes. Well shit, I really fucked this one up, didn’t I? 
“NO!” you snapped at him, your brows dipping into a glare as you lifted your hand to stop him from moving any closer. “Just--Just stay there for a moment, I’m not done.”
Goro blinked at you, still rather wide eyed before he let his hands fall to his sides. He gave you the slightest nod of his head, looked down to the floor before taking a deep breath, then lifted his eyes to you. He knew that if he looked away from you now it would hurt you more than he’d already had. 
And when he saw the tears run down your face, it felt as if he’d been shot all over again.
You frowned as you angrily wiped at your face. “Do us a favor, and I know it’s difficult for you, but next time, try not to do anything so stupid ever again. Because if you do, and I find out about it, so help me Goro, I will not be here when you get back.”
Goro knew that was no idle threat. What you said, and how you said it with your voice full of anger and fear,caused him to frown. He’d never intended for you to find out what it was he was doing; but then again he should have known that Nishida would have been honest with you. Especially if you gave Nishida those puppy dog eyes of yours that worked on, well, pretty much everyone.
Yeah. I fucked up. I’d better start to make it right, or m’gonna lose her. 
Slowly, he let himself sink down to his knees, his eyes never leaving yours. “I’m sorry,” he started then moved prostrate before you, pressing his forehead firmly against the floor. He was quiet for a moment, waiting to hear if you were going to move away before he pushed himself up on his hands. His eyes lifting enough to look up at you. “I didn’t mean to scare ya, or worry ya, I honestly thought it would have been better if you didn’t know anything… but now that I think about it, that would have probably made it worse.”
“You’re damned right it would…” you sniffled a bit, and once more rubbed at your cheek. 
“I’m sorry, Sweetheart. But, someone had to do it.”
“Why you?! And why--why on earth do you think that just by trusting your--your instincts will win every time?”
He had no answer for you really. He’d just always been lucky. Lucky with this whole situation. Lucky to have met you… though he was starting to think that for him to be lucky with something, the luck would have to be taken from somewhere else. 
“Promise me… Goro,” your voice was soft as it cracked with your emotions. “Promise me… I don’t--I can’t lose you Goro.” 
Finally he let himself look up to your eyes. He nodded before scrambling up off the floor to wrap his arms around you, and crush you against his chest. He hid his face against your neck, fisting the back of your shirt as if he was afraid you would pull away from him.
“I’m sorry, babygirl…” he spoke softly, wanting to kiss your skin but he was sure that his apology wouldn’t mean shit if he did. “I swear m’sorry. I won’t--I’ll be more careful from now on. Just… stay, please?” 
Goro felt you whimper and he feared that you might actually push him away, only to sigh as your arms finally went around him and you started to cry. “Don’t do that… ever again.”
“I’m sorry for scarin’ ya. I swear I am.” his hand moved up from your shirt to the back of your head, letting his fingers thread into your hair so he could coax it gently down to his shoulder. He pressed his cheek against yours and let his eye close. “I’ll be more careful. I promise.” 
“Please..” you whimpered.
“I promise, babygirl.” he reaffirmed turning his head to brush his lips against your ear. “I’ll be more careful. I’ll come home to ya, no matter what. And if I don’t, you’re the lucky one that gets to bring me back from the dead and kick my ass.”
He couldn’t stop the soft smile at your little laugh as he lifted his head further to kiss your temple. “Promise.” 
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COMPREHENSIVE TO DO LIST: [ WEEK OF 10/7/2019 ] updated 10/7; 9:50 am.
NOTE: i will not be taking on any more threads until FRIDAY at the earliest. HOWEVER. i am always open for plotting and the like, and if we do reach the point in our plotting where i agree to take on a starter, the starter obligation will be recorded in next week’s to do list. i will only be replying ONCE per week to each of my threads. but don’t let that scare you off! i’m perfectly happy to do multiple threads with people, with ANY of my characters you want!!!! 
i will be posting a new starter call this friday featuring a new muse dossier if everything goes according to plan! feel free to tell me if u would prefer to see my custom f!byleth OR patricia in the comments/dms! and also message me if i owe you something that you do not see listed here!
fierystardom (hubert, war on opposite sides au)
incoronare (edelgard)
lonedagdanwolf (catherine, catherine au)
lightlorn (aqua&kokoro)
lightlorn (aerith&fang, jennifer’s body au)
hilda-hearts (claude; post-war Meet The Parents)
valorwilled (dima; needs plotting)
incoronare (dima; needs plotting)
grimahearted (dima; needs plotting)
vonhsrevelg (dima; needs plotting)
awakenfate (dima; needs plotting)
soprone (dima; needs plotting)
avosloved (dima; needs plotting)
halycondaze (dima & edelgard; doppelganger au)
crestloss (dima; needs plotting)
somnicatr (halloween; needs plotting)
halycondaze (halloween; needs plotting)
avosloved (halloween; needs plotting)
TOTAL: 19.
dagdanwolf (manuela)
pxperhearts (aerith)
solbled (dorothea)
incoronare (dorothea)
reflectingchaos (gladio)
seeksblood (dedue)
vonhrsvelg (sylvain)
aceternus (dedue)
halycondaze (dorothea&petra)
halycondaze (dedue & edelgard; retainerswap au)
obsidiansong (dorothea)
lightlorn (castle oblivion thread)
cursedcrest (dorothea)
halycondaze (hubert&edelgard; reunion)
rhys-mp3 (fang&serah)
theholylight (beth&sylvain)
avosloved (dima, marriage reunion)
lightlorn (shimaj, THE CASE)
artemisdiae (fang)
hilda-hearts (university gothic au)
paintease (dorothea)
TOTAL: 21.
hc meme: 3 1
positivity: 2
drabbles: 2
attractiveness: 6
what i like about you: 6
plotting: 5
lightlorn (shizuka/majima)+(braska/jecht)+(kokoro/xem)+(hubert hc)=4
inconorare 2(fang/peach)+2(dorothea/peach)+(unspecified)+(gladio/peach)=6
diviniscara (jecht/belle)=1
awakenfate (mercedes/dedue)=1
reflectingchaos (ignis/gladio)=1
TOTAL: 37.
character work/pages (note: i will not be posting any of their starter calls until friday in the event that i do finish them. bc i’m not taking on any new threads until then alfdklsfjdklsj):
custom f!byleth (enki)
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criminaldelights · 5 years
@mewgagotoku / @splinteredthorn : Robz is an incredible RPer and I adore all of the... probably 20+ threads that we have going on. She really inspires me to keep up with my replies cause honestly sometimes I’m so bad with that sdfd. Super happy that I stopped being afraid and followed her! She doesn’t mind having all these multiple threads with my muses and I really appreciate that ; v ; 
@brassbounded  : Remmy is my best friend ; v ; We met  on her other blog like... 5 years ago now? Wowie. She always puts up with all my ideas across various blogs and doesn’t mind interacting with my muses which I absolutely appreciate
@carnal-snake : Yooo listen ! I have a lot of fun writing with Kooberoo! Mukuro is such a fun muse to have Majima interact with. I can already tell they’re going to get into plenty of shenanigans together which I’m all for btw! I’m super excited for more threads together and continuing the one we’ve got going on now! 
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; [Since I’ve gotten a number of anons asking me why I only seem to interact with one person half the time- allow me to explain something that was in my promo when I first made this blog.]
; [ 🔪 Mod reserves the right to pick and choose who their muse interacts with.]
; [ I’m not against interacting with anyone- however, there comes a point where I either become unmotivated to write the prompt given OR I’m not sure where to go with it and end up dropping it all together.] ; [This is not me choosing favorites, this is just how I work. The Majima I interact with, the mod and I talk nearly every single day and plan a majority of our threads so we have a start point and an end point.] ; [Now while that isn’t exactly necessary for every rp I do, it certainly does help keep me motivated and helps me get decent responses out- i.e. not something I pull out of my ass for the sake of having gotten something done.]
; [This blog was developed in part to help me practice writing, and once again, I have no issues with interacting with anyone- BUT there is absolutely no need for people to be attacking me with accusations of favoritism when that is simply not the case.]
; [If you are that bothered by me replying based on structure, then by all means, unfollow me. You do not have to interact with my Nishitani and if you believe you can do better, write him yourself. No skin off my nose.] ; [On the flip side of this, I also sometimes lose threads because I get very busy replying or doing other things. This doesn’t mean I got bored or I am actively avoiding you! I’m just forgetful and busy! If you politely ask me here or via discord about our thread, I will firstly apologize for losing the thread and will be happy to pick it up again.]
; [I don’t want anyone to feel like they can’t interact with my muse. By all means, pester the fuck out of Nishitani! It gets me good writing practice and I genuinely enjoy writing this filthy man- but if you have something specific in mind you’d like to try, TELL ME!!!!!]
; [That being said, I hope you guys have a wonderful day and if you have any questions please feel free to come talk to me. I will not snap at you, I’m genuinely easy to get along with I promise lmao.]
; [Just show me the same respect you would want me to show you and we’re gucci.]
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mjm5655 · 1 year
@bellsliturgy // continued because beta broke.
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so he was somewhere in kamurocho at the very least. & by the doctor's words, he was likely around where the kazama family kept their headquarters. all had been forgiven after what majima set out to do all those years ago, as he went on a bloody rage, set on killing any that were in his path. kashiwagi almost had it with him.
as the other scolded him for smoking, majima took a look around for any no smoking signs in the clinic ... & well, there was none, this doctor dude held no grounds to tell him off for it, so he continued on, it wasn't like there was any dangerous equipment here that he could technically explode with the fumes, which the doctor so much confirmed to him.
❝ if it's not allowed, then put a bloody sign up. ❞
he didn't care if it was rude to continue smoking, but he needed this, he felt trapped in this clinic when he wanted to be out there beating a fucker's head in. he'll probably light a second one once this one ran done too ; it wasn't as if a no smoking sign would even deter him from it.
❝ man, ya heal me up, n' now ya wantin' my whole life story ... ❞
a sigh. it wasn't as if the other wanted his whole life story exactly, majima just hated personal questions like these, plus shouldn't it be obvious ? the other's worked on him, could clearly tell he's tattooed, didn't take a lot to know that meant he was likely yakuza to the other. with where this clinic was located too, the other had likely seen his fair share of yakuza coming through the doors.
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❝ i'm pretty confident ya already know i'm yakuza. how else do ya think i got stabbed ? got myself into a bit o' a fight, n' one o' my own men decided to take matters into his own hands, n' there ya go, i'm here now 'cause o' that fucker, ya gonna lemme go now ? ❞
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mjm5655 · 1 year
@dcjimadragcn // continued !
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it was kind of breath taking to see it in motion, as the other shrank back to a lesser form than the one majima caught him in, he was certain anyone else would be afraid of this kind of sight, but as a vampire that could also turn into a dragon, it didn't have majima all that fearful at all. majima's dragon form was definitely more serpentine in form, it wasn't often he decided to change into it, he actually more enjoyed to partially change into it. when he was a full-on dragon, it was no fun when it came to fights, majima still wanted somewhat of a challenge, though, many humans couldn't provide it for him with his enhanced strength involved. it was only when he was surrounded, or wanted to fly was when he changed into his dragon form.
the words the other spoke, he mustn't have been fully aware of what majima was. it kind of surprised him considering that he became known for it within the tojo clan. that he was a vampire, & that he was no stranger to what the other had just described. he had ripped many of throats apart with his thirst for blood. the other displayed his fangs to the vampire, actually not any longer than his own.
❝ i figured ya might've heard o' me, kiryu. ❞
now it was his turn to show his fangs, traces of blood still remained upon them from majima's last snack, hiding them again, though they were noticeable as he spoke, there was no retracting them like most thought, it was entirely a myth that a vampire could retract their fangs, at least for majima's type.
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❝ i'm just enjoyin' the sight o' the legendary dragon o' dojima, i can see they aren't messin' 'round with that title now, it's been a rough time fer us both, hasn't it ? ❞
taking a risk, he walked up closer to the other, to get a better look at those features, scales blending in with the others skin perfectly, & those scarlet eyes ... they were beautiful if majima must say, though, he was curious what the other might have tasted like ; he can't say he's ever had a dragon before as a snack as he licked his lips at the thought of how delicious that blood would taste.
❝ ya might be a dragon o' some sort, i don't know if ya can tell, but i'll help ya figure it out, yer lookin' mighty tasty right now to me. ❞
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mjm5655 · 1 year
continued. @cogiita
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❝ yea, well, if they ever give ya shit fer it, ya know ya have me to turn to, i can certainly rough 'em up if needed. ❞
he knocked off some of the ash that was forming off the end of his cigarette into the provided ashtray, just as their waiter came with the wine they had ordered, pouring them out a glass each, & leaving the bottle behind, so they could help themselves to more when they felt like it. it was the same wine that cogita favoured. majima took a sip from his glass, before returning to his cigarette, tasted just as good from last time.
it was contrary to popular belief, but majima could behave himself when not under the influence of any other yakuza, his dates out with his girl were much different than the nights he hung around with saejima ... at least his girl had some taste when it came to food, saejima constantly wanted tripe, fucking rotten food in majima's opinion.
but even know he was known to be a bit carried away at times, he did hold a rather large family, maybe the largest in all of japan. he was definitely a threat, he could sense the stares of civilians, & other yakuza alike as they noticed majima was dining tonight. they had wanted to keep this relationship under wraps, but found it difficult to do so ; everywhere majima went, there were stares, & crowds around, as soon as he exited the millennium tower, there were crowds stopped what they were originally doing, to stand & watch as one of the biggest yakuza walked out of it. he had fans in a way, but also many more enemies. everyone wanted a piece of him.
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❝ too much responsibility if ya ask me, i hafta keep my men in check almost constantly, some have even tried makin' a hit on me. ❞
higher seat ? he was the vice chairman of the tojo clan, a position that he would have never thought possible for the likes of him, but daigo trusted him enough if anything ever happened to him, that majima could lead the clan in his place. it wasn't likely though, daigo was over ten years younger than he was, & he was just as targetted, if not more so than daigo.
❝ there might come a day i hafta become chairman, but i hope not, daigo's doin' a good job at it himself, think there'll be a bit of an uproar if i ended up becomin' the chairman. ❞
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mjm5655 · 2 years
@seethingveins // continued from here !
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whatever majima had got himself into this time, it wasn't good, but he's been here, done this before, he's pretty confident he might get out of it, & if he doesn't, that's probably something like ten years minimum behind bars.
the one interrogating him looked awfully young, nearly too young for this kind of work, must have been a prodigy of some kind majima figured, as he definitely had his wits about him, he had introduced himself with his badge as all law officials do, goro akechi ... seemed like some sort of joke they would put two goro in a single room together, least his family name wasn't majima ; that would have really got confusing.
what akechi said to him ... was odd, usually interrogators were much more aggressive at this point, putting their foot down if they weren't getting answers, which majima was giving none of. he was here for a crime he didn't commit it seemed, & he wasn't even sure what for.
❝ whaddya mean to leave dna ? someone been tryin' to frame me or some shit ? ❞
it was absolutely impossible for majima's dna to be there, he was not even involved with this crime, yes, he does a lot of dudes in, but whatever this was, specifically, as little as what he was told ... the coppers were half expecting he'll just spit out what they wanted to know without telling him the small details besides it being a murder.
❝ what other proof can i give ya than i was just chillin' in my dig watchin' some chick flick with zombies in it ? fer once i was havin' some peace, & then when i went out for a stroll, ya fuckers just arrested me out of no where. ❞
there was no alibi, no one to back him up on what he was doing that night, he was by himself when he was doing all that, whilst sure, his men would defend their boss at all costs ; it wasn't likely the coppers would have believed any of them, being yakuza & all.
it looked like akechi, or himself wouldn't be leaving this room tonight as he tried to make himself as comfy as he could on this teensy ass chair that he was sitting on, he could barely relax as his hands were cuffed & attached to the chair so they were certain he wouldn't make any quick moves, & absolutely deck the other out of existence & manage an escape.
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mjm5655 · 2 years
tag drop.
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mjm5655 · 1 year
💖 greatest, happiest moment(s) in rpc? :)
munday asks // accepting ! // @bellsliturgy
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honestly, i don't like being too specific in these kind of questions a lot of the time, but whenever threads are really hitting off, & as soon as i get replies, i'm like i'm writing this shit out now. when i can actually vibe with someone ooc, either talking about our muses, & scenarios we can put them into, or just in-general talking about random shit whether it be cursed or meme posting, or just sharing art we find to each other. like i think people get the suspicion i'm uber serious most of the time, but i'm a flipping meme lover, & a good lot of the time, thread ideas comes out of some art/meme i seen. that or i just demand you ruin majima in all caps. xd
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mjm5655 · 2 years
PRONOUNS:  they/he
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: discord honestly, my screen is massive so the tumblr im box is tiny af to me.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE: goro majima
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: uh, at least 20 at this point, maybe even longer, i used to do small roleplays in mmorpgs. lol
PLATFORMS YOU USE:  tumblr for ic, discord for ooc.
BEST EXPERIENCE:  i had many of good experiences, i'm not gonna name them because i don't want people feeling left out if it's not an experience i had with them.
RP PET PEEVES: quite a lot, but mainly just when i'm given replies that make it difficult to come up with anything new to them, like there's nothing open for my muse to insert themselves into. i see a lot less of the crazily small text today, idk if that's because tumblr has changed up what you're allowed to do in a post or what, though, sometimes i do still have issue reading blogs if the text is tiny or if i'm basically looking at grey text on a grey background.
FLUFF,   ANGST,   OR SMUT: angst, & i'm actually horrible at writing smut, the most far i go with it is kissy scenes, clothes coming off, but will rather fade to black on the main act of it. fluff is boring to me, so i refuse.
PLOTS OR MEMES:  i can do both, though i love plotting or talking ooc in general about our muses, can usually give me a real good feel of your muse if you can, but i can understand that's not some people's comfort zone to do so.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: long. i'm a novella nerd, especially if i'm really into a thread, never feel you have to match my length ( i don't look at word counter in my replies, so you shouldn't either ), but i do request if i have wrote something multi para to you, which i more likely will if we are interacting, that you do not give me a line or very small paragraph back, if i feel like i'm carrying stuff, i'll take that as a cue & likely softblock as we won't be that compatible in that case.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: i'm UK based, so reasonable times within those. don't worry about dm'ing me on discord round late hours for me though, i have notifications silenced on my phone so you aren't gonna wake me up or anything. gjghsdjgs i'll reply when i'm next online.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: not really, i probably speak a bit like how i write majima's dialogue due to being irish, & having quite a thick accent, not like you'll hear that ever unless you decide to raid/play with me on ffxiv, but that's about it. we aren't similar at all.
TAGGED BY: i just grabbed this. lol
TAGGING: just grab it.
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mjm5655 · 2 years
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hi ! this is an independent, highly selective, & private roleplay blog featuring goro majima of the like a dragon series ! low activity due to health reasons.
18+ only. mature themes such as violence, organized crime & gore will be present on this blog. multiple verses. oc + crossover friendly. general roleplay rules apply. read my rules on my page for more specific ones.
mun's name is DEMON, 30+ years old. they/he, UK based.
my blog is on the beta editor, & i have found dealing with posts that have used editable reblogs a nightmare to deal with, so please if you are on legacy, just edit my reply out of yours, there is no hard feelings on my end.
majima links. bio. verses.
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rules are under cut.
general. this blog is 18+ only ! there will be mature themes such as violence, organised crime & gore. if this isn’t your cup of tea, i suggest you do not follow. if you are a minor and follow, i will softblock you so do not even attempt it. general roleplay rules apply, no godmodding etc.
following/unfollowing. the only roleplay blogs i tend not to follow back are messy ones with a lot of ooc/uncut posts. i follow duplicates of my muse, & even allow roleplays with them if we can talk, & plot ooc, i've had a bad experience with a duplicate in the past who has stolen stuff ( graphic/icon style, thread plots, extremely unique headcanons ) off of me, so i won't refrain from hitting that block button if i do see any of this happening, but this fandom has helped me enjoy interacting with duplicates again, & i hope it remains that way.
i am open to crossovers, but there are fandoms i avoid ( multimuse & friends are exceptions ) ; dragon age, bnha, voltron, steven universe, hazbin hotel. & similar, these are just either things i don't enjoy or like, or in general, i seen way too much drama coming off said fandoms to want to expose myself to them.
if i do not follow back, i ask you do not persist; unfollowing & refollowing, liking every starter call i put out there, sending memes in, this will earn you a way into my blocklist. likewise, i respect if you do not follow me back, & i give up to a week’s time before i unfollow so that i prevent sending in anything by accident. i do not send in passwords, just trust i have read your rules.
roleplaying. i prefer plotted threads over non-plotted threads, request my discord, speak with me & you are highly likely to get a really well written thread going with me ! i can be a lot more invested in a thread that is plotted, & muse will come a lot easier for those kind of threads. speak to me about your own specific headcanons & what not.
shipping. i am highly selective with ships, & a good majority of the time i will not be after them or all that willing to write ships. with enough plotting, & development during threads, i may be open to shipping our muses, i definitely will not ship our muses if i do not have any ooc communication with the mun to plot or otherwise, i do not jump immediately into ships, even if they are pre-established. smut is written, but i am extremely selective, there has to be extensive plotting, or it will otherwise not happen.
drama. this blog is a non-drama zone. i do not take part in callouts unless said individual has affected me personally. i will read, & take heed in callouts however, if you see i'm interacting with anyone toxic, & have evidence to back up these claims, then please do reach out to me via dm, but also allow me to make the final decision on who i interact with, & don't.
triggers. this blog will include the prior mentioned, blood, gore, organised crime themes, & violence. everything is tagged with tw trigger. for me personally, i respect if people do not ask me for pregnancy based roleplays, & tag it as such if you do them. it is not a trigger, but more a discomfort.
credits. all graphics displayed on this blog have been created by myself. majima & yamai images belong to sega. psd has been made & adjusted per icon by myself. carrd layout was created by myself. some icon bases are credited to aerialdive.
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COMPREHENSIVE TO DO LIST: [ WEEK OF 10/28/2019 ] updated 10/31; 11:50 AM (EST).
NOTE: IT’S MONDAY U KNOW WHAT THAT MEANSSSSS. to do list coming at u! i am aware this list is long but i am EXCITED FOR EVERYTHING i promise with all my heart and i’m so excited for the new threads that will come from my starter call last night! thank u all for ur continued patience & understanding and for being awesome as hell. as always, im me if i’m missing something---otherwise it's probably your turn bc i haven’t dropped anything from my last to do list : D without further ado.
incoronare (edelgard)
lightlorn (aqua&kokoro)
hilda-hearts (claude; post-war Meet The Parents/beard)
halycondaze (dima & edelgard; doppelganger au)
crestloss (dima; needs plotting)
solbled (DIMA & RAPHAEL. angry boi meets force of pure good
hilda-hearts (dimitri; ‘unplotted’ shipping)
azorrhatha (gladio&noctis; ‘unplotted’)
startgamc (ann&yusuke, ‘unplotted’ (but i do have an idea for this and it IS an anime convention. hard stop.)
reflectingchaos (gladio&ignis, ‘unplotted’ probably shippy)
chosenbythecrystal (jecht, ‘unplotted’ probably yakuza au)
halycondaze (dimitri&edelgard, ‘ghosts’)
halycondaze (edelgard&patricia, dreams)
halycondaze (edelgard&enki, psychoanalysis)
somniatr (dedue & sylvain, unplotted, probably about girls.)
myopathe (ardyn&somnus, THROW DOWNNN)
heroblight (edelgard, unplotted)
valorwilled (dedue&claude, post azure moon)
dawnryse (gladio YELLS at crying boy more at eleven)
TOTAL: 19.
dagdanwolf (manuela)
pxperhearts (aerith)
solbled (dorothea)
reflectingchaos (gladio)
halycondaze (dedue & edelgard; retainerswap au)
lightlorn (castle oblivion thread)
cursedcrest (dorothea)
avosloved (dima, marriage reunion)
lightlorn (shimaj, THE CASE)
artemisdiae (fang)
hilda-hearts (university gothic au)
avosloved (dima, vampire king)
grandschemed (hubert&dorothea)
lightlorn (painted death)
obsidiansong (byleth&edelgard)
obsidiansong (byleth&manuela)
witchcop (gladio)
TOTAL: 16.
hc meme: 1
verse meme: 1
letters: 5
positivity: 2
drabbles: 2
attractiveness: 6
what i like about you: 6
plotting: 5
random: 5.
lightlorn (shizuka/majima)+(braska/jecht)+(kokoro/xem)+(hubert hc)=4
inconorare 2(fang/peach)+2(dorothea/peach)+(unspecified)+(gladio/peach)=6
diviniscara (jecht/belle)=1
awakenfate (mercedes/dedue)=1
reflectingchaos (ignis/gladio)=1
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COMPREHENSIVE TO DO LIST: [ WEEK OF 10/21/2019 ] updated 10/21; 1:40 pm (EST).
NOTE: I AM DROPPING SOME THREADS/STARTERS SO I CAN BREATHE AGAIN!!!! what i owe will thus be linked to so you know exactly which of our threads i am continuing. (please read previous post for more information.) i really would like to start up some new threads with ALL OF YOU which is why i am doing this. thank u, as always, for coming to my ted talk. please feel free to hit up my ims to talk. look through my verse tag and see if anything interests you! talk to me about any of my muses---or yours! i’m SHY AS HELL but i’m hyped to talk to all of you and establish relationships and get some good, good interactions going!
without further ado, as always, my list is under the cut!
starters :
incoronare (edelgard)
lightlorn (aqua&kokoro)
hilda-hearts (claude; post-war Meet The Parents/beard)
halycondaze (dima & edelgard; doppelganger au)
crestloss (dima; needs plotting)
solbled (DIMA & RAPHAEL. angry boi meets force of pure good.)
replies :
dagdanwolf (manuela)
pxperhearts (aerith)
solbled (dorothea)
reflectingchaos (gladio)
halycondaze (dedue & edelgard; retainerswap au)
lightlorn (castle oblivion thread)
cursedcrest (dorothea)
halycondaze (hubert&edelgard; reunion)
rhys-mp3 (fang&serah)
avosloved (dima, marriage reunion)
lightlorn (shimaj, THE CASE)
artemisdiae (fang)
hilda-hearts (university gothic au)
avosloved (dima, vampire king)
lunaendowment (lulu)
grandschemed (hubert&dorothea)
lightlorn (painted death)
obsidiansong (byleth&edelgard)
awaitedking (sylvain&lucina)
TOTAL: 18.
asks :
hc meme: 1
verse meme: 1
letters: 5
positivity: 2
drabbles: 2
attractiveness: 6
what i like about you: 6
plotting: 5
random: 5.
lightlorn (shizuka/majima)+(braska/jecht)+(kokoro/xem)+(hubert hc)=4
inconorare 2(fang/peach)+2(dorothea/peach)+(unspecified)+(gladio/peach)=6
diviniscara (jecht/belle)=1
awakenfate (mercedes/dedue)=1
reflectingchaos (ignis/gladio)=1
TOTAL: 45. (i’m just guesstimating i don’t feel like doing the math bc i want to pretend it’s less than it is lmfao)
character work/pages :
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COMPREHENSIVE TO DO LIST: [ week of 9/29/2019 ] updated 10/3; 4:58 pm.
if i owe you and you are not on this list, please message me and let me know! i will not be offering to do more starters/taking on any new threads/reblogging any ask memes until at the earliest this upcoming friday. you are still welcome to plot and talk with me ooc about anything that crosses your mind (and if u want send in unprompted asks!) but i have to get SHIT DONE ON THIS BLOG and make sure i’m finally keeping up with my replies first bc ya’ll BEEN WAITING ON MY SLOW ASS LMFAOOO.
lunsai (luxu)
fierystardom (hubert)
hilda-hearts (claude)
obsidiansong (edelgard)
incoronare (edelgard)
halycondaze (edelgard)
blue-skies-of-courage (edelgard)
dagdanwolf (manuela)
pxperhearts (aerith)
ravenous (dorothea)
incoronare (dorothea)
reflectingchaos (gladio)
nymphaetragicae (xemnas)
seeksblood (dedue) (3) (2)
vonhrsvelg (sylvain)
primiscatae (gladio)
aceternus (dedue)
theholylight (sylvain)
halycondaze (dorothea&petra)
TOTAL: 13.
lightlorn (shizuka/majima)+(braska/jecht)+(kokoro/xem)+(hubert hc)=4
inconorare 2(fang/peach)+2(dorothea/peach)+(unspecified)+(gladio/peach)=6
diviniscara (jecht/belle)=1
awakenfate (mercedes/dedue)=1
reflectingchaos (ignis/gladio)=1
character work/pages (note: i will not be posting any of their starter calls until friday in the event that i do finish them. bc i’m not taking on any new threads until then alfdklsfjdklsj):
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