#/majima already wanting a taste
mjm5655 · 1 year
@dcjimadragcn // continued !
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it was kind of breath taking to see it in motion, as the other shrank back to a lesser form than the one majima caught him in, he was certain anyone else would be afraid of this kind of sight, but as a vampire that could also turn into a dragon, it didn't have majima all that fearful at all. majima's dragon form was definitely more serpentine in form, it wasn't often he decided to change into it, he actually more enjoyed to partially change into it. when he was a full-on dragon, it was no fun when it came to fights, majima still wanted somewhat of a challenge, though, many humans couldn't provide it for him with his enhanced strength involved. it was only when he was surrounded, or wanted to fly was when he changed into his dragon form.
the words the other spoke, he mustn't have been fully aware of what majima was. it kind of surprised him considering that he became known for it within the tojo clan. that he was a vampire, & that he was no stranger to what the other had just described. he had ripped many of throats apart with his thirst for blood. the other displayed his fangs to the vampire, actually not any longer than his own.
❝ i figured ya might've heard o' me, kiryu. ❞
now it was his turn to show his fangs, traces of blood still remained upon them from majima's last snack, hiding them again, though they were noticeable as he spoke, there was no retracting them like most thought, it was entirely a myth that a vampire could retract their fangs, at least for majima's type.
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❝ i'm just enjoyin' the sight o' the legendary dragon o' dojima, i can see they aren't messin' 'round with that title now, it's been a rough time fer us both, hasn't it ? ❞
taking a risk, he walked up closer to the other, to get a better look at those features, scales blending in with the others skin perfectly, & those scarlet eyes ... they were beautiful if majima must say, though, he was curious what the other might have tasted like ; he can't say he's ever had a dragon before as a snack as he licked his lips at the thought of how delicious that blood would taste.
❝ ya might be a dragon o' some sort, i don't know if ya can tell, but i'll help ya figure it out, yer lookin' mighty tasty right now to me. ❞
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itz-wanderer · 2 years
Hello guys! 💛 I wrote this since today is February 14th which means it's ✨VALENTINE'S DAY✨ I know it's short but 🙏🏻💗 Anyway,
Getting homemade chocolates from their crush on Valentines (Kiryu, Majima, Nishiki)
Kiryu Kazuma
- Kiryu being the airhead as he always has been would surely accept them and probably try to give her money instead thinking his crush is trying to sell him chocolates and him trying to impress her, wants to show he can buy as much she wants to make her happy.
- His crush would surely let out a sigh calling him stupid for giving her money back for the chocolates she had practiced all night long the day before and this is how she gets repaid :”)
- But everything starts getting clearer to Kiryu as he remembers the date and notices the decorations around. The cafes are decorated with red and white balloons, couples walking over to love hotels in Kamurocho. Then he learns that today is the day for lovers!
- He will make it a priority to make sure the rest of your day goes in the best way possible!! Since he fucked up so bad with your homemade gift; begging and promising to make it up to you in any way possible.
Majima Goro
-Majima seems like the person who when getting a gift from a girl who he is not romantically interested in, he would still happily and politely accept it. But he will make sure that he does not lead her on.
- However, when it comes to his crush, he gets super flustered, not being able to make eye contact with them when they compliment on how hot he looks in his dark black suit and their chocolates?? He would gulp them down even if they did not taste like chocolate at all and yelp ”UMMAAIII!!!” making his crush giggle and give him a hearty look even though she already had tasted it and knew the chocolate was burnt and tasted bitter.
Akira Nishikiyama
- Nishiki would definitely not be flustered by a girl gifting him chocolates, considering he always was popular among girls who offered him all sorts of gifts long before he even got into the Yakuza business with Kiryu.
- Yuko sure would tease him a lot for getting so many gifts on Valentines. She would also be a bit mad at him cause her friends are always talking a lot about him and his stupidly charming looks and how they wished to find a bf just like him or perhaps just him. Yuko never backed down and would spill ugly secrets of poor Nishiki and the idiotic things he did as a kid.
- However, getting homemade chocolates from his crush would melt his heart even faster than that chocolate took to melt in that boiling pan. He would be over the clouds, canceling all his other plans just so he could spend it with you.
- He is the kinda person who when he gets back home puts that chocolate he got from his crush, on his table and just glances at them for hours feeling all giddy with his face resting on his palm, thinking of all sorts of romantic scenarios in his head on how he is gonna propose to her someday at a lovely beach or in a fancy restaurant on a candle light dinner.
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supercityboys · 9 months
A huge hc I have about Majima and Kiryu’s relationship: They’re microdosing on co-parenting. As in, the same way that we say they’re ludo-narratively having sex when they fight, they’re also raising a family that way.
I think Majima would be secretly eager to meet the MG kids because they’re detached from the clan. He’ll still do the entire song and dance of his well manicured façade, claiming he’s not interested in snot nosed brats, even though we know better. After years of taking care of Daigo the idea of being allowed into this other inner sanctum of Kiryu’s would be another step up in their relationship.
Cause the reality is that Kiryu really had no set path in life other than to follow Kazama. And after Kazama died… what choice did he really have but to become him? Majima, however, he, Saejima, and Yasuko wanted things. They had plans and goals and deeply eternal wants. Majima wanted a family. If he hadn’t been so deeply ingrained in the yakuza world he would’ve stayed with Makoto or Mirei. He liked being a cabaret manager to some degree. In 2/3 of these situations there was a child involved and he wanted to care for said child. And now… we’ll he’s already given the idea up until Kiryu comes to him with Daigo. Yeah, he’s already grown, but he’s mine and I’m letting him be yours too.
Kiryu’s the one who keeps his family “separated” from his yakuza life and no matter how happy Majima makes him, he’s an outlier. He belongs to Tojo the same way Daigo and Kashiwagi do. Family, but ultimately yakuza. But for Majima, who did what Kiryu is just now trying to do, he’s desperate. Majima cut everyone off when he was relocated to Sotenbori and basically stayed that way. Sotenbori was his Okinawa. Even Sagawa asked Majima why is he paying all of this money to rejoin when he is clearly making hella cash and is a town celebrity. Then after 88’ he cuts everyone off AGAIN. Then he falls in love and makes friends and cuts them off AGAIN. He’s tried and tried, and truthfully? Nishida, Minami, Okada, etc? All his subordinates. He’s raising them through the ranks and isn’t their equal. Kiryu though? He’s such a perfect equal that for a while Shimano makes him the enemy. Kazama’s pet, mysterious Sera’s golden ticket. Then Kiryu gives him his prodigal first born. Formally wayward, newly set straight. Majima doesn’t need to raise him through the ranks, he just has to help him keep afloat… like a son.
Kiryu’s the only person who touches and leaves the clan like Majima does. Kiryu has a taste of heaven and Majima has a taste of it too. Majima’s taking care of Daigo, Kiryu’s taking care of Haruka. It’s a fair trade off isn’t it? Majima has friends in the industry, Kiryu has followers in the business. Kiryu has the dream and Majima has the means to secure it but they won’t indulge in it because if you have heaven and I have heaven… where’s the atonement? Where do we pay for the pain and suffering? We don’t. We’ll just make sure the kids don’t suffer like us.
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meadowmines · 11 months
OC-Tober Day 28: Disease
[playing a little fast and loose with the prompt for the sake of a funny Majima headcanon]
"Awright. Left to right we got: New York style, Philly style, and recipe-stolen-from-the-chain-that-fired-me style."
"Um--" Nishida looks a little concerned about that last one. And hungry. But also concerned. "That's... that's not going to get you in trouble, is it? I mean, they probably won't find out, but..."
"It's fine." Aoyagi waves a hand. "The odds of 'em findin' out are slim to none, and even if they do the odds of 'em decidin' it's a big enough deal to sic Legal on an independent cafe across the Pacific are even slimmer. And besides..." He snorts out a laugh. "I made that shit ten times a shift for like five years before they took me outta the kitchen n' put me in an office. Was I just s'posed to forget how?"
That gets a good hearty cackle out of the boss, but he's eyeing those three slices of strawberry cheesecake like he's about half a second away from just cramming all of them into his mouth at once so Aoyagi figures he better get this show on the road. "Okay. Same rules as always. I want real feedback so I know which one of these to put on the menu. Don't just tell me 'it's good,' that don't tell me shit. I know it's good. I wanna know which one ya think is best of the three and WHY ya think so. Taste, texture, all that shit. We clear?"
"We're clear!" Nishida says.
"Crystal," the boss says. He's not quite drooling on Aoyagi's table but he's sure heading that way.
Aoyagi hands them their forks. "Get to work, then."
This is a thing they do. Aoyagi gets a wild hair to try some new recipes. He needs guinea pigs to test them on. Nishida and the boss happily throw themselves onto whatever culinary grenade he comes up with. Now, Aoyagi has done his due diligence in asking his two favorite test subjects about any dietary restrictions they might have and they have both assured him that they are on strict see-food diets. They see food, they eat it. No issues.
Let's put a pin in that.
The consensus on the New York style is that it's got a nice texture and that little extra tang from the sour cream goes well with the strawberry topping. The Philly style, they both say, is maybe a little too sweet for this particular topping but might be better plain or with something different on top of it. Unsurprisingly, the Cafe Gateaux ripoff copycat wins on texture but it takes another two slices of each for Nishida and the boss to pick a winner on flavor and the boss has to flip a coin.
Now, at some point around the midpoint of that tiebreaker slice, Aoyagi notices the boss sounding a little stuffy. Which is not too surprising. It's pollen season, after all, and a lot of people are getting a little stuffy right now. But once he's voiced his opinion about which cheesecake deserves a spot on the menu, he sits back with this big grin on his face and, as he so often does, says something that on its face makes no fucking sense whatsoever:
"Man, I fuckin' love strawberries," he says. "They're like nature's Pop Rocks."
At least a few times a week, Aoyagi and Nishida will do this thing, this thing like they're having a very specific conversation with nothing but their facial expressions, and that conversation goes a little something like:
Aoyagi: what the fuck is he talking about now?
Nishida: I don't know and at this point I'm afraid to ask.
Aoyagi clears his throat. "Pop... Rocks?" he echoes, already knowing he's going to wish he hadn't. "Explain?"
The boss looks at him like he's growing an ear right in the middle of his forehead. "Y'know, them little fizzy shits that pop in yer mouth?"
"Okay, but..." Nishida slowly puts his fork down. "How are strawberries like that?"
"What, yer ears need cleaned?" The boss just glares at him. "Little fizzy shits that pop in yer mouth."
"But strawberries aren't fizzy," Nishida says, shrinking back like he half expects to get smacked for it.
"Oh, they ain't?" The boss does not smack Nishida but leans way into his personal space like a warning that smacking is next on the agenda. "Okay, smart guy. If strawberries ain't fizzy, how come they make yer mouth all tingly when ya eat 'em?"
"They don't--" Aoyagi says, and then the penny drops and he claps a hand over his mouth. Fizzy. Tingly. Stuffy.
And he and Nishida have that other silent conversation they have at least a few times a week:
Aoyagi: are you gonna tell him or do I have to?
Nishida: he's less likely to punch you for it so...
"Sir," Aoyagi starts, ever so casually reaching across the table with intent to pull that remaining half slice of strawberry cheesecake away from the boss without him noticing, "have you, uh... ever been tested for food allergies? No reason."
A couple days later, the boss takes off with some mumbled half-explanation about an "appointment." He comes back from that appointment with nothing to say about it.
"So," he finally says an hour or so later, when it's just him and Aoyagi and Nishida, like he's about to comment on the weather or some shit. "Plot twist: I'm allergic to strawberries."
Nishida just drops his head onto the table with a soft thunk. Aoyagi ponders whether this counts towards a free I told you so and decides that it probably doesn't since it didn't end in the emergency room.
"Bummer," he says instead.
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dragon-business · 11 months
Musketeers + Nishida's grandpa harem
Bit of trivia, just in case: musketeers are those 3 real estate grandpas (very famous back in the day) that we had to battle in clan creator before the big bad boss. They all joined Majima constructions one by one.
1) First grandpa is very straight and oblivious, but an amazing ally. He is just vibing, hanging out.
2) The second grandpa got big hots for Kiryu and wanted to battle the young man in peak physical condition. 
3) The third grandpa had a favourite secretary (a young sophisticated looking man in glasses; he got called the favourite secretary a lot) that betrayed him and left him for the big bad boss of the clan creator (the guy who’s coat looked like a throw rug; like, boy, where’s your taste?). Third grandpa took it very badly and could be seen standing way off to the side of everyone on the construction site, all sad and heartbroken.
And third grandpa has hots for Kiryu and Majima both. He really wants to see them in action and even join the- the fight. Yes. He even said so, passionately.
Majima was like: -wait, what? Grandpa: my neck and shoulder have been getting sore Majima: alright, fair enough, my dagger has been getting rusty too Us (and Nishida, probably): and WHOSE fault is that? (yes, this is a metaphor)
(honestly, musketeers were one of the best part of the Clan Creator, love them a lot, going out to dinners with them was such a delightful experience)
– So, the second grandpa wants to fight Kiryu. And for this Kiryu needs to be in top condition, all in mentality, giving it all he's got. Otherwise what's the point.
So, first order of getting ready for the fight (apart from training) is to watch Kiryu in everyday life (like, he canonicaly said this, not making it up :'D). Observe. Absorb him and his ways.
Kiryu's ways in Majima Construction are, sadly, – not getting anything from the boss, leaning in for the lighter that never comes, and being all sad and awkward. No bitches will do this to a man. Grandpa gets it.
He personally witnessed Kiry bring out a box to sit near Majima on the smoke break for Majima to just get up and leave to his office-trailer.
And Kiryu is just left standing there in the middle of the lot with the box. He failed the quick time event, and glitched.
There’s 3 options now: –Put the box down. This is it’s place now. –Do a little exercise with it. You came here to do exactly that, of course. –Keep going like you were meaning to place the box somewhere else.
Kiryu can’t pick, so he stands there, with the box, trying to think what option will be more casual and normal to do. It’s been 10 minutes already.
When someone asks him if he’s alright, he says he’s exercising. He's still just standing there, thinking hard, but he’ll do some squats with the box. Like with the ball in a fitness club.
It’s both sad to see and a nice view. Second-grandpa-deep-sighn.gif First grandpa will even join him, he’s happy to be there, observing how young people exercise these days.
Also, the second grandpa is not the first one to want to fight Kiryu in top notch condition, all close and personal, everyone in the company knows that. And since grandpa is Observing, and Absorbing everything, of course he snoops it all out, about Majima Everywhere, and even more.  
And so, his conclusion is: to fight Kiryu in peak condition, these two young gentlemen gotta pull their shit together and bang. Yes.
Majima managed to get Kiryu to peak performance before, and now got him down to be the sad guy with a box. He's flinging Kiryu like a pool ball all around, so, see, it all makes sense. Grandpa is on the clock, he's on duty, he has a plan and everything.
Step one of the plan is to get them to fight. I mean, look at them. Of course the first step to getting some is getting in on. Yes, Nishida, get your pen, take notes. Gonna really work on this, this is serious, come on, what will you be doing here anyways.
Grandpa will be setting the bitches up in an old school manly way. Like going to a classic music performance (for the soul), going to the bathhouses (for team building), he probably will set up some casual street fights, too (to set the mood).
– The third grandpa will be joining the second in his planing, probably. After just going around being grumpy that his own plans interfere with second grandpa's.
Classic music performance is for the whole squad, too, by the way. All steps of the plan are group activities, apart from the street fights, of course.
So, people who get to go: Nishida, Majima's boys (the bomber, the guy with no redeeming qualities, the sniper), Garry Holmes (the big guy from Purgatory, he's very into classical music), seashell monarch (you'll find out soon), that bi yakuza patriarch with the nicest manners and taste (he's also from Purgatory), the leather guy (from Purgatory) is also invited. He's very well spoken, and enjoys a fancy night out. He's nice, and likes to be included. There's some hints that he is from a very rich family.
So it's a casual work set up, for both team building and relaxation time.
(Also maybe second grandpa wanted to have a nice bath on the company money) (Two birds)
– Oh, we bet the second and the third grandpa have some history together. Totally banged at least a couple of times. First grandpa seems oblivious to this, but actually was just taking it in stride all these years. Like, it is what it is. You have an intense rivalry going, some interesting fights. One leads to another…
Nishida's grandpa harem
Also grandpas will be regularly stealing Nishida for their planning sessions. Nishida is not sure how he got into this position. It's like a harem anime, but with grandpas. Grandpas will be stealing Nishida from each other, too, and then negotiating joint planning meetings.
Good to see everyone appreciating Nishida 😌 But Majima will be carefully worried about these bitches trying to play sugar grandpas on the company paychecks, because, yeah, all of them are fucking broke.
This can be seen as investing back in the company, because Nishida keeps getting obscure old school style presents, but.
So, Majima, being the best manager, casually catches Nishida to chat about how he Deserves Better, and can find himself a nice grandpa (if he's into that) with way more money and perspectives than these losers (Nishida chuckles nervously). 
Maybe Nishida feels that he needs a raise? Is he insecure about his position in the company? Feeling not appreciated? Looking for comfort in the arms and gifts of the old fucks, who do fuck all for decades already?
Majima, scratching his chin deep in thought: sure, that second one is built like a truck, but listen- Nishida: please, boss, let's not go there Majima: well, if you don't like that. the third one seems like a needy type tho, just gotta say-
So yeah, Nishida can have his space to think it all over: what he wants in life, who he wants to share it with, what future to invest in.
Majima's just looking out for him. There's always a safe, stable place for Nishida in this company, he should know that. There's no need to rush or worry about the future. Nishida can calmly look through his options. And if he needs some advice…
Nishida biting back the urge to comment on the boss of all people giving him advice:
He truly is the strongest of them all 🙏 Tolerating and handling so much every day.
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baalzebufo · 3 years
those moments, sweetheart
woke up at 3am the other night and couldn’t sleep due to my brain overacting, so I decided to write it out. ended up with this saccharine kazumaji. it’s a lot more stream of consciousness than my usual stuff, but I figured someone else might enjoy it and I need to get better about posting my writing. contains two happily retired old men living on the beach together. they kiss
But he allows it. Allows Kiryu to plant another kiss against his forehead, too. It’s a tenderness that’s foreign to him. It feels like love. Love.
Warm. Clammy. The heat of Okinawa sticks to him like the drip of the grape popsicle that rolls down the line of his chest. It's a suffocating heat that he still isn't used to- it's only been a month. Hopefully he adjusts. He's always been adaptable.
Majima kicks his foot into the burning sand and recoils it back to the safety of the shaded porch. The view from their house on the beach is nothing short of breathtaking, but with the heat suffocating him like this, Majima can barely open his working eye to appreciate it. He scratches the red line on his face- still working on getting rid of that eyepatch tanline. He's been wearing it less here, at least at home. 
Home. The word leaves an uneasy aftertaste in his mouth, and he suckles the grape ice to wash it down, to replace it with artificial sweetness. Still it refuses to settle with him. Leaves his stomach fluttery and tossed like the waves a hundred yards from their shore. Maybe in time it will come to him- he hopes, at least.
His fretting thoughts are interrupted then by a soft yawn and the sounds of bare feet padding on wood. A shadow falls behind him and years of violence rear their head- he aches then to turn and strike before the knife sticks his ribs, to gouge and claw and show that he is worthy of the names given to him, a dog ready to bite. But he swallows that down, too. Holds himself. This is not Kamurocho. He is safe.
Kiryu lands heavy on the porch next to him, exhaling softly with the effort, still blinking the sleep from his eyes. Majima looks, runs his gaze up his body. His skin has taken to tan much quicker than Majimas- already he can see a dusting of freckles on his shoulders from the sun and Majima yearns for nothing more in that moment than to kiss them, to trace constellations between them and map Kiryu's body like an uncharted sky. He holds that urge down, too. Later, perhaps.
Instead Kiryu smiles at him through a haze of sweat and his hand finds Majimas, laying limply at his side. Fingers entangle and Majima cannot help himself. His head slumps, rests there on the shelf of Kiryu's shoulder and nuzzles. An arm wraps around his shoulders and pulls him tight. Its sticky, a little unpleasant, but welcome. Words find Majima’s tongue at last.
'Ya okay?'
Kiryu simply hums, the rumble felt in his chest. His hand creeps up to brush the back of Majima's undercut, freshly shaved. It tickles, and he squirms under the touch- headbutting the side of Kiryu's chin lightly, he snorts. Kiryu rumbles something again, and it resonates as a purr to Majima, calming him. His eye feels heavy.
Oh- he hadn't even realized he was drifting. Kiryu had asked him a question and he hadn't even heard it. Majima looks down at the purple liquid dribbling down his hand from the last dredges of his popsicle. He brings it up to his mouth to lap at the sugar.
'Mm- sorry, Kaz. Ain't used to this heat. Makes me dizzy.'
'I know…' 
Guilt. The unspoken sorry. Majima can't help but sense it in his voice. That tiny flicker of doubt- maybe he should never have taken Majima out of the life, maybe he shouldn’t have brought him so far from home and implored him to set aside the years of facade he built for himself. Kiryu feels selfish in this. Selfish in anything that brings him joy, really. Majima decides then and there he never wants to hear that in Kiryu's voice again- never. Never allow him to feel guilt over this. He turns to face him, and takes Kiryu's cheek in his hand. 
The sight makes him wish he still had two eyes. Kiryu, glimmering and sun-kissed, his face soft and smiling. Majima used to think Kiryu couldn't smile. He's been doing it much more since they moved here. It suits him, Majima decides. His brow relaxed and the sun catching off his eyes and glittering like the waves, casting the gentle swoop of his eyelashes onto his cheeks. The faintest hint of a wrinkle, a laugh line. Majima's heart swells with something he still struggles to believe in.
'Hey. None of that.' He chastises softly, no venom in his voice. 'Got plenty of time to get used to it, yeah?' Plenty of time- all the time in the world, now. It's a prospect Majima still finds scary, living past 20. Living for anything beyond a reason to throw it all away. But nothing so scary he can't overcome it- that they cannot overcome it, together. 
Kiryu smiles. There it is again.
'Thank you.'
He turns to kiss Majima’s wrist and he decides in that instance, no- and leans forward to meet his lips instead. Even feeling the upwards curl of Kiryu's lips against his- it makes him giddy. Lightheaded, and not just from the heat. The kiss tastes like grapes- it tastes like Majima. It tastes like Kiryu.
Soft and gentle, it ends quickly. Majima almost whines when Kiryu pulls away, much too used to chasing his kisses, to aggression even in his romance. But he allows it. Allows Kiryu to plant another kiss against his forehead, too. It’s a tenderness that’s foreign to him. It feels like love. Love.
Majima swells with it. Had he ever been in love like this before? He has loved, certainly- a desire for companionship, for normalcy, for something to protect. But not like this, not so fully. In such a quiet moment sat on the porch of their shared house with the sea lapping at their shore and their daughter asleep soft in her bed and their, their, their. Together. Majima had always thought himself stronger alone and only now does he see how wrong he was. They can stand alone and shoulder their burdens but together, they are unbreakable.
Kiryu runs a hand through his own hair, the sweat sticking to his forehead. He exhales heavily, and pulls himself up. Moving slow like the tide. Unhurried- nowhere to be, nothing to fear. He holds a hand out to Majima and he takes it without thinking. It’s instinctive, now.
'Let's go inside.' Kiryu says, and Majima simply nods. No other words needed, really.  Hands still joined, Kiryu still smiling, grape juice still dripping from Majima’s palm. He’s home.
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majimemegoro · 3 years
A12, B4, C1, C11, optional D5, E4, F2!
A.12 Favorite tattoo(s)?
tie between majima and katsuya. yes, really!! katsuya ! that crane is sooooooo lovely.
B.4 Who would you like to post more about but you don’t? Why don’t you?
id like to post more about Okudera. i dont post about him as much as I want because im trying to pretend to be a little normal.
C.1 What was the most infuriating moment?
[Y5 SPOILERS] WHAT HAPPENED TO MIREI PARK!!! She got kiled offscreen and they never even showed us body !!!! and she had so much potentialllllllllll aaaaaa. my girl really got done dirty. will never forgive this one. she should have had a bigger role in Ishin too.
runner-up is every 2nd choice kiryu has ever made.
C.11 Which character has the best taste in clothing? Who has the worst?
nishiki's red suit comes to mind. its so swaggy. truly love. as for the worst, probably the florist.
D.5 Which character do you think isn’t portrayed well/ is misunderstood by the fandom?
hmmm well this is certainly controversial but I think people often dont make majima Mean Enough (at least in 90s-2000s era, but other times too). Like OF COURSE he has a lovely tender goofy kind side as well but I think people tend to downplay how terrible he is to his boys, and how he does have this mean streak where he can lash out. totally valid to focus away from that nasty stuff though :/ no hate to anyone
E.4 Ramen or Takoyaki?
I'd love to try takoyaki someday but im already a Certified Ramen Lover and I doubt id ever go turncoat. I don't like meat much anyway.
F.2 Which restaurant would you like to try? Who would you treat to a meal?
KANRAI. or an okinawan restaurant! and I'd want to treat one of Kiryu's kids, maybe Ayako, because they deserve a nice expensive meal :/ this is if I can even afford it though haha!
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imperial-topaz2003 · 3 years
Ryu ga Gotoku/Yakuza Questionnaire
@kulemii made this Yakuza Questionnaire that I really wanted to try out. So, here’s my answers. Spoilers for...pretty much the entire series
A.) Just Your Faves:
Favorite character(s)? Majima, Akiyama, Ichiban, Ryuji, and Kiryu are my top 5.
Favorite game(s)? Yakuza 0 and Like a Dragon
Favorite protagonist(s)? Majima in 0, Akiyama in 4 and 5, and Ichiban
Favorite antagonist(s)? Kuze, Awano, Nishiki, Ryuji, Mine, and Someya
Favorite final boss(es)? Nishiki, Ryuji, Mine, and Majima at the end of 5. Also Kuroiwa and Kuwana in the Judgement games if we’re counting that.
Favorite side character(s)? Hirose Family in 6 and best boy Rikiya in 3
Favorite substory(ies)? Disciple of the New Order in 0. You already know why.
Favorite song(s)?  Two Dragons, A Scattered Eternal Moment, and DESTINY
Favorite game location(s)? Sotenbori and Yokohama
Favorite weapon(s)? I don’t even use them. Real Yakuza use their fists.
Favorite healing item(s)? I dunno, Stamina Royale?
Favorite tattoo(s)? I really like Majima’s, Kiryu’s, and I have a soft spot for Ichiban’s
Favorite minigame(s)? Disco Dancing in Yakuza 0 (Plz bring it back, RGG studios)
B.) Let’s Get Personal:
Which character do you relate to most and why? Ichiban, with his nerdiness, open personality, and overall just being a very friendly and supportive guy
What’s a scene that never fails to make you cry? The one with Nishiki holding Kiryu at gunpoint in 0.
Do you have a comfort character in the franchise? If so, who is it? Akiyama, cuz who doesn’t love a smooth talking, ass kicking (literally) slacker with more money than he knows what to do with?
Who would you like to post more about but you don’t? Why don’t you? Eh, sadly don’t have an answer that much. I don’t even post in general that often.
Which character do you think you would bump heads with most if you knew them in real life? Probably Saejima. Not literally, I’d die, but I feel like and I would have conflicting methods and personality.
Are there any characters that you wish you could be more like? Majima. He emits so much charisma and chaos.
C.) Let’s Be Subjective:
What was the most infuriating moment? I don’t have one in particular.
Which game had the worst plotline? Tied between 3 and 4. 3 for the Orphanage part being so damn slow, and 4 for rapid firing plot twists like it’s going out of style. Also not the biggest fan of 6′s.
Which character(s) deserved better? Shinada. C’mon, he’d fit right in with Ichiban’s crew.
Which character would you like to see as a protagonist? I would like to see a prequel for Ryuji or Mine as a main character, or perhaps an interquel with Nishiki’s events just before Kiwami after Kiryu was sent to jail.
Which character would you like to see as an antagonist? Couldn’t think up any.
If you could revive any deceased character, who would it be and why? Rikiya and Mine. The former for having great chemistry with Kiryu, the latter for having the potential for a solid redemption arc in later games. Also Ryuji because he’s hawt.
Which character should have died but didn’t? I couldn’t think up anything. I believe everyone I wanted to die in RRG games already has. 
What was the worst plot twist? Probably the second Yamato in 6. Probably because...what purpose does it serve? And how did it even happen?
What was the most emotional scene in the series? I’m gonna go with Yakuza 6′s ending as a whole.
Which game do you think should get a remake? I feel like Yakuza 3 (the gameplay at least) could really benefit from a Kiwami-style remake. Wouldn’t mind seeing Kenzan or the Kurohyou games getting remade for the west, either.
Which character has the best taste in clothing? Who has the worst? Majima has the best. As for the worst...I dunno. The Obatarian in 0?
Whose voice do you enjoy hearing the most? Majima again. Nothing else brings a smile to my face quite like “Kiryu-chan!~”
Which sworn brothers worked best? Kiryu and Nishiki in 0. 
What dynamic would you like to see more of? Not sure
Who has the most tragic story? I dunno. Quite a few of them had some really sad ones.
D.) Let’s Get Controversial:
Who’s the most overrated character? None that I can think up.
Who is the most underrated character? Shinada. Yeah, he’s a looser, but that’s part of his charm imo. And he got some solid character development
Who’s the most overpowered character? Kiryu, but not in a bad way
Which character(s) do you believe should have never existed in the first place? Eh, I’m not feeling that cruel. 
Which character do you think isn’t portrayed well/ is misunderstood by the fandom? Shinada again, for the reason above
Do you think Kiryu was a good father figure to Haruka and Daigo? Yes. Maybe not great, but that’s part of what makes his story feel human if you know what I mean. 
Who was the least engaging protagonist? Tanimura. Not bad, but I didn’t find him as engaging as Akiyama, Saejima, or even Shinada
Which character had the absolute worst moveset? Kiryu’s in 6. They took away so many of his Heat Actions and his actual combos are garbage.
Any hot takes? None off the top of my head
What’s something everyone loves that you hate? Not sure
E.) This or That?
Explore: Kamurocho or Sotenbori? Sotenbori
Bops: Haruka Sawamura, T-Set or Dream Line? Haruka
Return: Shinada or Tanimura? I’m sure you already know this, but Shinada
Eat: Ramen or Takoyaki? Ramen, because at least I know what that tastes like
Disband: Tojo or Omi? Both of them are fairly corrupt and sloppy organizations, but I’d pick Tojo. Our protagonists deserve better lives. 
F.) Insert Yourself!
Who would you buy a drink? At which bar? Ichiban and his team at the Survive Bar.
Which restaurant would you like to try? Who would you treat to a meal? Kanrai looks really good. I’d probably buy Shinada something there.
Who are you inviting to karaoke? Majima. Need I explain more?
What is your Smile Burger order? The Teriyaki Smile Burger Set, only because Teriyaki Burgers are REALLY GOOD
What would the first 5 pictures in your camera roll be of? Majima, Akiyama, Ichiban, Ryuji, and Kiryu, in that order
Who would you challenge to a dance battle? Akiyama. I’d loose, but it’d be worth it.
Who are you fighting on the Millennium Tower rooftop? Kiryu. I’d get my ass kicked, but it’d be worth it.
Which Morning Glory orphan would you adopt? Mitsuo. He’s the only one I really remember
What are you most likely to get arrested for? Trying any of Majima’s heat actions and breaking every window on the block by accident.
Who would be your kyodai? Ichiban. I would say Kiryu, but everyone who's seen him has a kyodai has died at some point.
And that’s my answers to these questions. Hope ya enjoyed! Credit, once again, to @kulemii for this questionnaire.
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draayder · 2 years
You said to ask however many I wanted for the yakuza ask game so!!
A8, B1, B4, B5, C5, C11, D9, F3
sweet! I just answered B1 so I'll skip that (especially cause it was already a hard question lol)
A8) Favorite song(s)?
Zetsubouchou Pride is my fave karaoke song, Ichibanka is SO good, and I love most Receive Yous but Receive and Bite You is my fave of those
B4) Who would you like to post more about but you don’t? Why don’t you?
<Banging my fists on the table> I want more Yasuko!! I want Yasuko content from other people! I've written just a teeny tiny bit of her but I really do love her as a character, and I do intend to expand on the Yasuko content in the world once I finish the behemoth that is The Devil He Knows
B5) Which character do you think you would bump heads with most if you knew them in real life?
Discounting the villains, if I had to work with Akiyama I would strangle him.
C5) Which character would you like to see as an antagonist?
Oh it would shatter me into a million emotional pieces but we've had protag Saejima fighting Majima, so let's have a protag Majima fighting Saejima.
C11) Which character has the best taste in clothing? Who has the worst?
MAJIMA. He has the trans masc swag. I also love Zhao's look. Special mention to Kido also, I love both his goon jacket and his Evil Suit. I wish I actually knew what Saejima's taste in clothes is, because he literally just wears whatever is required or given to him, and never changes. Akiyama has the worst taste for shilling a very ugly watch.
D9) Any hot takes?
Park inspired no strong feelings in me. Y4 has more coherency to its story than Y5, also rubber bullets is not some horribly written ass-pull thing Hamazaki is just as down bad for Saejima as the rest of that man's kyoudai.
F3) Who are you inviting to karaoke?
Any combination of Majima/Saejima/Kiryu 🥺👉👈 but if I just get one then probably Saejima because I would run out of energy long before Majima and he seems like he'd be more laid back about it
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itz-wanderer · 2 years
Even if it's only for a short time that I've read your fic. But I love your fic so much! And would you mind if I asked about [ Majima ] and [ Kiryu ] accidentally overhearing his S/O singing? Then her voice is so beautiful ! And they instantly fell in love with her voice.
( My English isn't that good, but I'm still practicing. )
Hello!! I'm sorry you have to wait so long for this and this turns out longer than it should be 😔 but I hope you enjoy this! Thank you for requesting! 🫶🏻
Majima and Kiryu falling in love with their s/o’s voice
Kiryu Kazuma
- When on a date with your charming Kiryu, he would see to it that the day ended with a smile so wide that it barely fitted your face.
- One of his favorite things he liked to do when the date was coming to an end was holding hands and walking down the streets while you rested your head on his strong shoulders. It made him think he was dependable for the only person he wanted to feel that way. It sure made you think this was a romantic way to end the date but all you could do was sigh when you learned he only did so to lead you to a Karaoke bar. Seeing excitement on his face bloom like a flower when he was reserving a room, you could tell he really loved to sing.
- You never minded it either. Afterall “Baka Mitai” was your favorite too. His bass voice was something that always made you feel nostalgic and it soothed your heart.
- Once he was done, it was your turn to shine and Kiryu happily handed you the mic cheering you up. You sure felt nervous but you knew this was the last person you would want getting disappointed and so you sang, the best ever you had in your life.
- Hearing you sing “Like a Butterfly” literally had his heart crumbled to pieces considering how cutely and angelically you sang it. He just couldn’t hold it in and showered you with compliments as he joined along with you making it a duo.
- Kiryu was still enthralled from hearing you sing his favorite song and he just could not get enough of it and wanted to listen to more of you.
- You were happy that he loved it and your stomach was filled with butterflies seeing him hold you closer now while walking back home. “Your pitch and tone was so on point! I never knew you could sing this well” he muttered. All you could do was just go along with his praises on your way back home.
- "I wanna hear you sing once again…” he trailed off as he dropped you by your house and embraced you in a hug before kissing you good night.
Majima Goro
- It’s been one of your routine to come visit Majima’s apartment every now and then, usually you’d text him first if you were visiting but this time you didn’t, you thought he’d be home already but seems like his house is empty.
- You tried to call him, no answers, so you sent in some texts, in the meantime, since you have the spare key, you decided to get inside and cook something to surprise him later. You had learned from one of the hostesses at his cabaret that he once mentioned “Karaage” being one of his favorite dishes; so you get to making it right away.
- Cooking has been your specialty,a lot of people love your cooking, that’s just your talent. You make sure that you are making other foods besides Karaage as well, afterall, he needs to eat some vegetables too right?
- You’re taking your time cooking, making sure that it tastes delicious while enjoying yourself singing to your favorite song. You didn’t notice that Majima was already home. He was leaning on the doorframe. Listening to your singing, hearing your soothing voice is all he needs after his tiresome day. He feels giddy and falls in love with you all over again every time he hears your voice.
- He walks slowly to you and embraces you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing the side of your neck while whispering “I’m home”. You blushed as soon as you felt his arms grasp your waist leaving you shuddering for a moment thinking he heard you going all out just now. You nervously turned around to hug him scared to even make eye contact thinking he might be laughing which made you bury your face even more in his chest,
- “Why didn’t you knock when you entered!” you exclaimed, hitting his chest with your fists which made him giggle. “Now what’s the fun in that? I never would’ve guessed my girl had such an angelic voice that it put me in a trance and just mesmerized me to keep on listening to you”.
- You were used to hearing compliments from him but this time it felt somewhat special. You never would’ve guessed him liking your voice so much that it made you blush so hard almost making you forget that the food was burning and Majima had slowly reached out behind your back and turned off the stove. You felt even more embarrassed now considering you were gonna surprise him with his favorite dish and because of your nervousness that plan had just gone down the drain.
Note :
Feel free to send more!
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pikaflute · 3 years
pickles for every emoji
oh jeez
⚧️ - Pronoun headcanon - he/him
🏳️‍⚧️- Gender headcanon - transgender
🏳️‍🌈- Orientation headcanon - gay
🌌- Zodiac sign headcanon - hold on i have a meme for this:
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🧠- MBTI headcanon - annoying, which ever one makes him annoying
❤️- Otp - i have an itabag, a crocodile and octopus plushie, i have made copious memes and posts about them, and they're the reason i started watching metalocalypse. nickles has effectively RUINED my life, im pretty sure reading the fic where pee stuff happens between them made me have to take calc 2 again. that or parabola (narles fic).
🧡- Everyone I ship with this character - besides nathan: chickles, picklesface, and uh....fuck i think thats it. hes got three boyfriends max.
💛- Brotp - hes toki's band mom. first of all. also skwisgaar and pickles are probably besties and hes probably buddies with abigail too.
💚- Notp - magpickles :( he was mean to pickles so he gets nothing from pickles.
💙- Crossover ship I like - i just think him in the 80s getting with severely depressed and hating his life majima is very funny. it is btw.
💜- Crossover non-ship relationship I like - this is related to my whole mtl psychonauts crossover thing im brewing but i think milla would be friends with pickles on account of her liking pathetic men
📖- AU I’d like to see them in: LOOK AT MEEEEE.....revengencer pickles is SOOOO good. like soooo good. he gets to look sexy hot in his stupid leather jacket and pants, and have that gay ass octopus tattoo on his chest. i also just wanna see him be evil. evil arcs for characters who deserve it is so satisyfing to me. also i want to that scene from the yakuza movie where majima sits on kiryu's face recreated with nickles in this au is perfect for that.
❤️‍🩹- Angsty headcanon - hey :) so pickles totally has like. doubt when he's first starting the band. like his last band failed, and no one in his new band (minus nathan) seems to like him all that much, especially the rhythm guitarist who keeps screaming at every practice session. if dethklok goes what does he have left? no one. his former band is down the toilet and his family doesn't like him so if dethklok fails he has no one to turn to. that doubt leaves his mind when dethklok finds success and he finally has a family to turn to. well :) until the band breaks up of course teehee heehee
💖- Happy headcanon - aw do you think when dethklok post doomstar was doing charity stuff pickles was like working with some kids and they all kinda look up to him because he's big and successful and so nice and also he's gay like them :). so he starts to hang out with them and like help them with their problems. he starts to make them feel more at home and even decides to make a shelter for any runaway kids who need a home. pickles also denies that he cares about the kids he's helping as he's hugging them all tightly. caring isn't brutal (he's crying)
😋- Funny/stupid headcanon - i think he just knew how to play drums randomly. like when dethklok was starting nathan was like 'we have a singer and three guitarists can you play drums?' pickles is like 'no ive never played drums but ill try' cue like one of the best drum solos those guys have heard and murderface is like 'how the FUCK did you do that?' and pickles just shrugs. literally winging his successful music career
🥖- Food headcanon - ive said he likes to cook before but i think he has the worst food tastes possible. he is the man i saw once dip his pizza in ranch. he's literally horrible when he makes food for himself. i hate it.
🛌- Sleep headcanon - he sleeps like an idiot. seriously, the man is 5'4 and he spreads himself across the whole bed. he's kicking nathan in the kidneys half the time. he's sensitive there pickles come on.
🏡- Domestic headcanon - call him gay (HE IS) but he totally wants tot settle down. maybe have a kid. he spoils his nephew rotten already so i think he would be an "okay" dad. he would still kinda suck at it but he really wants a family and a home to call his own. the one he didn't get, you know?
🗡- Badass headcanon - you think he fights with his legs. i have reference majima like five times in this ask. whatever. hes gonna breakdance and make a fire tornado with his powers. the prophecy didnt say anything about these sick moves.
❓- Anything else you want! - i think he would be pretty flexible. he's got good leg support from playing the drums and he did a lot of wacky shit on stage in the 80s, so he could totally do some weird position to freak his band out
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meadowmines · 1 year
The Bit: Postmortem babble
OK so basically the reasons why Chapter 4 took so excrementally long are:
I fucked around (said "ooh let's give it a big overarching Main Plot")
I found out (Main Plot hard :( )
There is a massive outtakes doc with no less than four different ways the main plot could have gone, from rough babbling to mostly-written scenes, and absolutely nothing worked until I reached a certain point of Y7 and met a certain bartender and almost threw my controller.
[spoilers for both The Bit and canon follow, Y7 and the little we know about Gaiden in particular]
• Now, at this point, the Kijin dudes showing up at the club had already been pretty solidly cemented in. But as I mentioned in the notes on the fic, I was still on the fence about Nishitani still being alive to tell them what to do. Anyway, at that point in Y7, I just threw up my hands and said "FUCK IT, NISHITANI LIVES" because if Kashiwagi can get ventilated by an actual goddamn attack helicopter and live, that bastard can survive a few measly bullets from a piddly little handgun. And I wrote pretty much that whole phone conversation between him and Majima right then and there and it just clicked.
• Kuroshi was always going to turn on Murasaki. However, I could not for the life of me figure out the exact mechanism by which that happened, as well as who his allies were, until I un-unalived Nishitani. There's a version where Kuroshi and Ito were both conspiring to take the shiny purple asshole down. There's a version where they both wanted to take him out for very different reasons and Kiryu and Majima had to each pick an ass to kick to keep them from killing each other and their boss. There's a version where Kei-chan was in fact the mole and he had to talk Kuroshi down from murdering Murasaki right there in the club! They all sounded so perfect until I started writing them down and went "yeah actually this is ass" and ctrl-x-ctrl-v'd it into the outtakes doc just in case.
• Yes, the Watase in The Bit is that Watase, as a wee babby grunt. Just imagine how different things could have been if he'd been the one that got bodied in the VIP room! To this day Majima and Kiryu both still occasionally break out in a cold sweat over that thought.
• (the outtakes doc also contains a lengthy bit of smut that just didn't work once I started nailing the plot down but anyway)
• I think my single favorite Majima-ism in the entire fic is him calling Murasaki a skidmark.
• I changed the ending at the last possible minute. The original had some great lines in it that I'm going to have to find a way to recycle but y'all would have absolutely hunted me for sport over it, lol. These boys have been through it in this fic, they deserved a little fluff at the end. You know, as a treat.
• So uh. You know how since the Gaiden trailer dropped I've been making coy little noises about a character in The Bit being a strong candidate for Nishitani the Second? yeah. :) Nishitani retires in the early-mid '90s and hands over both the name and the Kijin Clan to Kuroshi, who in turn passes them on to #3 at some point. There is some lampshading in Tactics about this being a Dread Pirate Roberts situation. Kei-chan never actually joins the Kijin Clan, though he's a close enough "friend of the family" that he might as well have (he runs a "game shop" that is a front for a console modding chop shop and bootleg video game ring). Within a year he's spitting Kansai-ben like a native. Kuroshi, meanwhile, never manages to shed his snooty Tokyo accent and Nishitani gives him no end of shit about it.
• Kiryu's guess at Kuroshi's irezumi was close: the main element is a black snake killing a tsuchinoko. According to folklore, tsuchinoko are associated with liars and have a taste for alcohol. That was absolutely a conscious decision on Kuroshi's part, but it would have been an oblique enough reference that Murasaki wouldn't have twigged to it. Of course, there's a good chance that penny dropped at some point while he was soiling his shiny purple pants on the floor of the Valentine, but too late. :) He's got a lot of other shit too--he is inked all the way to his wrists and knees--but the murder snek is the important part.
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evilscheme · 3 years
hii do u have any headcanons for majima. they can be about literally anything btw
I hope you're ready to read! I have lots to say about my favorite guy
from what I've seen, most people picture him as a guy who's not big on romance or sappy love. however I think the opposite. I think even if he's not aware of it, a lover who treats him gently and tenderly would make him melt. I don't think he's had many times in his life where someone's treated him with soft gentle love and he's had the opportunity to really enjoy it without fear of them getting hurt from being around him.
I like to think he'd love spoiling someone he loves but he'd go crazy in love if the other person spoiled HIM instead. hearts would be floating around his head. if you treated him to a big homemade dinner with nice wine and candles and told him you love pampering him, that would be the only time he'd truly be at a loss for words. his mind would turn to goo. he'd be head over heels.
it's already mentioned in the games that he's secretly very sentimental so I think once you have that kind of close bond with him, he'd trust you with everything. all his happy memories, his pain, his loss, his fears, his regrets, and his hopes. things he'd never disclose to anyone he considered less than having a lifetime bond with. it's just hard for him to let himself be that level of vulnerable with someone for the first time.
as for other things... I think he LOVES flashy outfits. but why wouldn't he, considering his daily outfit. anyway this ties particularly into his relationship with my oc so I won't go into that too much haha 🦍 but I'm just saying if you wore some equally eye-catching clothes as him, he'd be very drawn to you. maybe even want to compete with you.
he actually dresses very normally and comfortably on days he's just hanging out at home. which is rare because he gets lonely easily.
I think he has a secret sweet tooth. it's already established that he likes fast food but I think it would extend to other "junk food" as well. it's just too easy to picture him ordering a piece of cake at a bakery after a tiring day and his mood improving greatly.
I think he covers his face in sunscreen every day so he doesn't get a tan line around his eyepatch.
he's very smart but he doesn't always remember how to write every kanji when he's writing by hand. he prefers typing.
both when typing and writing, he prefers to avoid using hiragana and opts for katakana as much as he can get away with because he thinks it looks cooler.
he grew up poor his whole childhood and still holds onto the ideals he held before his yakuza success got him super cash. there's seriously just so many instances in the games that points me toward this conclusion that I refuse to ever believe this isn't a fact.
he loves to sing without just being funny about it, but he's a little shy about it so it's easier to just goof off to avoid embarrassing himself
he keeps his nails painted under his gloves. if not with color, at least a clear coat.
he uses lotion and moisturizer every night before bed.
he wishes he had more friends. he loves the people he does have in his life, but he feels like something is missing.
he wants to be a father badly but has thought for decades that it's a hopeless desire for him. to quell his heart, he acts extra kind to every child he comes across. tossing back baseballs with a smile, complimenting their backpacks, buying treats to cheer up kids who look sad.
he acts like he's a dog person, but he's really more of a cat person. he likes dogs too though.
he wants to be in a music video. it's a secret dream he's held onto for years.
his music taste is a mix of everything he can get his hands on. he likes fun poppy cheery music just as much as he likes dad rock and metal. he goes to music stores regularly to look for albums that look interesting. he has a big shelf at home that houses his collection. he likes SMAP
he wants to travel overseas, but he's never tried it because of how unpredictable the clan's situation can be
he actually remembers a decent little portion of the English he learned in school and tries as much as he can to help any travelers who can't speak Japanese
he loves bath products. he has multiple scents of bubble bath on hand at home always. he has a rubber duckie with an eyepatch also.
after the events of yakuza 5 he finally sought out some therapy to work through some of his deep-rooted trauma. he's glad he did. nishida and saejima are the only ones who know about it.
in his newfound retirement, he starts creating art. paintings, little clay sculptures, building random things to put in his home. it brings him a lot of joy and keeps him feeling busy. it's good for him
OKAY that's enough for now. if you read all this you are my hero. I love you I hope you enjoyed these
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centerofreality · 4 years
Doya, BB-chan? remember your Kiryu with Kiryu-Fan after him? it's hilarious! I love it! Can you do a Majima version? This time have Nishitani and a Majima-fanatic after him? gotta have Majima get a taste of his own medicine [you don't need to prioritized this requests, take your time, please]🧡 thank you
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You had a crush on Goro Majima for so long that you’ve become his one and only fan. You knew so much yet so little. Even with your infatuation, you didn’t know how to express your feelings to the mysterious eye-patched man working at the Grand Cabaret. Nishitani, being the kindhearted man he was, decided to lend a hand in one of the many ways he knew how. Being competitive. 
UHHHHHHH- 70+ FOLLOWERS???!! YOU ALL ARE WILD!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I know I’m not active here as much but I’m grateful for all of your support!! Modules are really taking most of my time so I never got around to Tumblr. As a gift, I took the chance on what anon requested me and decided to make a oneshot! I’m not good at writing stories but hopefully, I can make it work!
Reader will be more feminine here but I will be writing they/them pronouns. Sorry about that!
Includes: Nishitani flirting with both Y/N and Majima because he has no shame, Suggestive Themes (because Nishitani), Cursing and Explicit Language, Fluff and semi-crack? Me not knowing how to write a story.
“How old are ya again, Y/N-chan? Majima-chan is an old man, ya know.” “At least he looks like he’s actually in his 20′s, unlike you.” “I look younger than I look!”
You sigh and look at the man sitting across from you. Nishitani only had a smirk as he bounces his legs, a hostess sitting beside him and serving the both of you. “Are you here to annoy Majima-san again?” You ask him with your eyebrows raised.
“Of course!” Typical.
You, Y/N L/N, were friends with the horny criminal, Homare Nishitani. People didn’t know how or why you were friends with him, and truth be told, you didn’t know either. He had suddenly approached you one day and asked if you ‘had the hots for Majima-kun too.’, and that the both of you go to the Cabaret Grand to annoy him. He was wild and didn’t care if he was being loud. You thought he was going to throw you in the river when you had rejected his advances of ‘leaving Majima-kun and have fun at my place’ but surprisingly, you stayed alive and have been friends ever since.
One of the perks of being with Nishitani was-
“Heyyyy, Majima-kun!!!” Nishitani waves maniacally to the approaching man who looked less than pleased, even if he had a polite smile.
Yep, Nishitani’s perks were that you get basically free access to the Grand. You always spend your money on this place and even then, Majima doesn’t really show up much.
“Nishitani-san.” Majima’s face was stoic as ever but when he turned to you, his eyes got softer and he even let a small smile appear on his face as he bowed politely. “L/N-san. Thank you for coming to our establishment again today.” Had you not been anywhere but around Majima, you would have screamed at the top of your lungs. Instead, you internally squealed and bowed your head. “G-good work again, Majima-san!!”
“I’m the one paying ‘ere, ‘ya know!” Nishitani rolled his eyes before he looked at Majima, “How lucky are we though that we have the famous manager himself to attend to our table!”
“You are not harassing any of our hostesses here, I presume. I wanted to check if my guess was right.” Your eyes widened and you glare at Nishitani, “Harass?!?! Nishitani!!” The man immediately held his hands up and sat a few inches away from the hostess that he was so close with, “I ain’t doin’ nothin’!! My hands are clean!”
Majima watches the both of you interact, he was confused about why the two of you were friends to begin with. No, he wasn’t jealous that the two of you were always together, and even if you were a couple - which he could hardly believe - it wasn’t his business to know. 
“It’s all good, manager!” One of his girls said with a smile and he nodded, “I’ll be going then, please continue to enjoy your stay here.” You let out a dreamy sigh as he walked away.
“Majima-kun would ace being in a maid cafe. With the frilly dress and the cat ears and everything, that’d get me rock hard on the spot.” Nishitani randomly said, picking his ears with his pinkie as the hostess giggled at your red face, “L/N-san, do you perhaps...” “Have a mad infatuation with the guy? Hell yeah, they are.” You only looked away bashful. Were you really that obvious??
“I have a feeling Majima-san likes you back too! He treats you as his favorite customer as much as I know!” “Doesn’t he do that to all customers?” You meekly asked, watching her think and shrug. “I think he’s much more genuine to you than anyone else.”
“Not even me?” Nishitani pouted while you look at the large signs of Cabaret Grand with wide eyes. Really?? Majima...likes you back? You shake your head. No, you shouldn’t hope. There weren’t any chances that you and Majima would end up together anyway.
“Ahh, look how fucking in love they are. Why can’t I have that? I’m a handsome looking guy.” Nishitani asked, leaning back on the soft cushions of the seats as the hostess poured him another drink. “It isn’t just about looks, it’s like..it’s like, he may look intimidating but I know he has a good heart. He’s kind and respectful and I admire him a lot..” You ranted before you grab the glass of juice (because Nishitani took all the alcohol, as much as he wanted to see you drunk on broad daylight) and drank it in one go. Nishitani whistles.
“Why don’t you confess to him then? It’s worth a try, right?” The hostess suggested, pouring your glass. “What if he rejects me? I wouldn’t be able to go here again because of the embarrassment!” You cover your face and groan, dragging your hands down while Nishitani laughed at your pitiful state. “Stop laughing! It’s not funny!” “It’s a little funny!”
You look at your phone and seeing the time that’s passed, you curse under your breath and quickly finish your glass, standing up. “Eh? Going already, sweetcheeks?” Nishitani tilted his head. “Yeah, I still have work to do. I’ll be back again tomorrow!” You wave at him and the hostess who waved back as you left.
“Those two need to get a room, I’m getting blue balls just by watching them.” Nishitani groans before he pauses... then he smirks. He had just the idea.
The next day, you went to the VIP and paused, watching Nishitani flirt with a disinterested Majima. As soon as his eye had spotted you, it lit up as he bowed at you, jerking his hands away from a sulking Nishitani. “Hello again, L/N-san. VIP again?” He approached you as you played with your fingers, grinning. “A-ah, y-yeah! Here to support you and everyone else here as always!” You thanked the heavens that your voice didn’t crack as Majima smiled, “You have my utmost gratitude.”
You watched him walk past you, smelling a whiff of his cologne. You immediately sat next to Nishitani and squealed on his shoulder. “Watch the merchandise!” Even with Nishitani’s protest, he let you be.
“Even he smells good!” You shake him as he tried to balance his glass. “Guy’s stubborn as hell. Wouldn’t take my offer.” You stopped moving him around and looked up at him. “What offer?” “Just me and him on a date, no biggie.” He shrugged.
“A-a-a da-date?!?!” You exclaim and hide back when a few people in the VIP glanced at the both of you, only to look away, seeing Nishitani. “Are you serious?!” You whispered to the giggling man.
“Look, we didn’t make the fucking Majima Fanclub for nothing, aight?” The Majima Fanclub consisted of You, Nishitani, and his family who were just there because their boss told them to. 
“If you’re not going to ask him then I’m going to take my chance. Finders Keepers.” He stuck his tongue out at you as you looked almost betrayed. Somehow, that made you fired up and more confident. You were going to beat Nishitani and confess to him! 
“W-well, I’m going to ask him on a date too!” “Oho, you’re challenging me?” Nishitani leaned forward, a competitive glint in his eyes. “Exactly, Whoever gets accepted first is the winner.” You told him, head up and straight posture. He laughed, “I like your words, darling.”
It had taken you several hours to brainstorm. But you had finally thought of something..
“Out of all the things, you pick Letters?? Boooooring.” “Have any ideas, smart guy?” You rolled your eyes at Nishitani who was lazily drawing scribbles on a piece of paper, his glass of alcohol showing a mark on his paper. “Ah, shit- fuck-” He cursed, having broken yet another crayon.
“I told you, you should have picked the markers instead.” You shake your head, laughing a little. The two of you were at one of the most popular Cabarets in Sotenbori yet the two of you were writing and drawing love letters.
“Why did you pick letters anyway?” The man beside you asked, cutting a choppy heart with a piece of paper. “Letters are a lot more genuine than gifts, you know? It’s heartfelt and simple, but means a lot to both you and to the one you’re sending it to.” You smile and Nishitani stifled his laughter, “Are you still in high school? That sounds so fucking cheesy, I love it.” You tried your best to make yours look neat but due to how nervous you were, the handwriting ended up a little messy. “You send it to him!” You exclaim, shoving the folded note. “Like hell I am!” Nishitani moved back and called for a hostess who so happened to be the same hostess from before.
“Is your manager available right now, pretty lady?” “Yes, actually. He’s at the rooftop and taking a break. Is there anything you need from him?” The hostess answered and blinked when the both of you handed your letters to her. “Can you give us a favor and give ‘im these? You can throw Y/N’s in the trash.” “No, you throw his in the trash!” The hostess grinned and shakes her head before taking them. “I’ll give these to him then, I’ll be back.”
As you waited patiently, playing with your glass, you thought if your letter was good enough. Nishitani looked pretty confident and to be honest? You were starting to lose the fire in you. This was a bad idea. You would just make a fool out of yourself to the guy you like!
“Nishitani, I shouldn’t have given away that letter.” You only got a smack on the back of your head as Nishitani groaned, retreating his hand away, “You dumbass. This was your idea. You gotta suck it up and own up to it.” “That’s not a good thing to say to your friend.” You pout as you rub your head. 
“Still, I don’t think he’ll even look at mine.” The yakuza sighs and pours himself a glass. “If he does, I’ll beat him up. There, does that make you feel better?” “That would just make me feel worse!” You scold but you had a smile on your face, making Nishitani grin, showing his slightly sharp teeth.
A few minutes later, the hostess came back, and much to your surprise, Majima was with her. He looked almost bored as the hostess pulled him in front the both of you. “I wanted Majima-san to personally give them to you!” Majima sighs and watched you sheepishly apologize before he handed back your letters. “Thanks so much, Majima-san!” The hostess looked delighted as the man quickly walked away to another table, almost flustered.
“He’s gonna love my drawing! I’m gonna keep this forever!” Nishitani cackles before he opened his letter with a grin. You then took a deep breath and opened yours, seeing if he said something too.
To Majima-san,
I know that I’m just a customer but I want to say that I like you and I admire you a lot. I have been for a long time, and only now did I got the courage to express my feelings. At first, I thought it was a simple crush but as time passed by, that feeling never went away. In fact, I think I like you a lot more now. Would you mind going out with me at Osaka King sometime?  I completely understand if you don’t like me back and if you don’t want to go out, no matter what happens, I will continue to support you and the staff here in Cabaret Grand as your loyal customer!
“Ah man, he only gave a note about how I sucked at drawing him! That asshole!” Nishitani grumbled, “What about you?” He looked at you only to see that you were practically frozen in your position, staring at the letter with wide eyes. “What?” He blinked and went for a peek. “He said yes..” You gape and cover your mouth, letting him read it as you were too speechless to even do anything.
             -L/N Y/N
Sure, I would love to. What does 10 am tomorrow sound like? : )                                                   - Goro Majima
“The fucker actually did it,” Nishitani mumbled and you looked around for Majima, seeing that he was still in the VIP room. Like he had known you were looking for him, he turned around and the two of you made eye contact. You beamed at him and he smiled, chuckling a bit before he went on his way. You were breathless, holding your cheeks together with bright eyes and a lovestruck smile.
That was a date.
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cryingcow · 4 years
Character Story - Daigo (2006) [RGGO]
I know I said I’d finish this March cuz I have exams the whole February, but at the time I didn’t think I’d be using this to cope with my exams sooo here we are XD (thanks to @arysthaeniru​, @blurred-voices​, and @konnanjanai​ for unanimously voting for Daigo!)
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Story: The Jingweon Mafia planted 31 bombs in Kamurocho. Daigo takes this opportunity to demonstrate that even he can have cool adventures and beat people up while Kiryu’s off doing whatever. (Srsly tho, I forgot what Kiryu was doing while this was going on lol)
Daigo: “Are you hurt?!”
Guy bruised and bleeding: “My fingers were about to be chopped off!”
Daigo: “. . . Is that a yes or a no?”
1. Text within \“  ”/ is spoken in Korean. (Presumably. It was still written in Japanese so . . .)
2. I translated 神さまの言うとおり as “As the Gods Will” specifically so it would be the same as the title of Takashi Miike’s film in wiki lol (same dude who filmed a certain 2007 Yakuza movie)
3. ど-ち-ら-に-し-よ-う-か-な or “do-chi-ra-ni-shi-yo-u-ka-na“, which is the Eenie-Meenie-Miney-Moe that Majima did :D
|December 2006. The Omi Alliance under the direction of Goda Ryuji begins the invasion of Kamurocho. But due to Kiryu Kazuma’s success, the Tojo Clan managed to withstand it. However, it turns out that the Korean Jingweon Mafia had planted a large number of bombs in the city. To overcome this crisis, one takes command of 300 Tojo Clan members--- the young Dojima Daigo.|
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Daigo: “. . . There’s no time. I will briefly explain the current situation. The Jingweon Mafia planted a total of 31 bombs in the city. With the cooperation of the city’s informant ‘The Florist of Sai’, the locations of the bombs have already been identified.”
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Tojo Clan member A: “Ah! Then isn’t it an easy victory?”
Daigo: “No . . . There’s a problem. All the bombs have a set timer.”
Tojo Clan member A: “What . . . ?!”
Daigo: “The detonation time of the bombs aren’t synchronized, but . . . if they’re fast, we have less than an hour left.”
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Tojo Clan member B: “Only one hour . . . ?!”
Daigo: “In other words, we have to hurry to find a way to disarm the bombs.”
?: “Please wait a moment.”
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Daigo: “You’re Inagaki . . . right? What is it?”
Inagaki: “Heh, you remembered my name with this many people? Impressive of you. But hey, one thing . . . there’s one thing I want to clarify. Daigo-san, I’m following you now because the Fourth Chairman’s endorsement.”
Daigo: “. . .”
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Inagaki: “You hear the rumors in the city? Daigo-san. It’s said you made a lot of careless mistakes since leaving prison. There are voices calling for you to be the face of the Head family, but . . . if you ask me, it’s not funny.”
Daigo: “. . . Inagaki, I understand what you mean. I’ll keep it in mind. However, we should be working together for the moment. Is that alright?”
Inagaki: “Of course. But how do you intend to disarm the bombs?”
Daigo: “That’s-”
{Daigo’s phone rings.}
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Daigo: “. . . Yes, this is Daigo.”
Florist of Sai: “It’s me. I’ve found what you asked me to look for.”
Daigo: “Really?!”
Florist of Sai: “I just sent over the data. I’ll let you handle the rest.”
Daigo: “Understood, please leave it to me.”
{Phone call ends.}
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Inagaki: “What’s the call about?”
Daigo: “An illustration, from the Florist. I asked him to investigate. The Jingweon Mafia that scattered the bombs . . . the location of their hideout.”
Inagaki: “For what . . . ?”
Daigo: “It’s almost impossible for those of us with no knowledge to disarm a bomb. But if you have the blueprint for the bombs, you can grasp the structure of the bombs.”
Inagaki: “I see. If we can grasp its internal structure, we can disarm it.”
Daigo: “Yeah. According to the Florist, there are a total of 5 Jingweon hideouts.”
Inagaki: “Hm. Is there even a blueprint for the bombs out there? What’s your basis?”
Daigo: “The basis is . . . none. But this is the only hand I can think of right now.”
Inagaki: “Ha! You’re betting 300 Tojo Clan members on your intuition?!”
Daigo: “. . .”
Inagaki: “Kuku. That’s alright. If you can find the blueprint, then fine. If you don’t find it . . . you’re taking responsibility for it.”
Daigo: “Yeah. I’m prepared for that.  . . . Okay everyone, split up and go to the locations!!”
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Tojo Clan member: “Daigo-san . . . the hideout we’re in charge of raiding is here.”
Daigo: “Yeah. I don’t know how many Jingweon Mafia members are in there. Don’t let your guard down.”
{Daigo’s phone rings.}
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Daigo: “Hello. This is Daigo.”
Inagaki: “. . . It’s Inagaki. I’ve arrived at the raid point. All the other raid teams are ready.”
Daigo: “All right. Then the Tojo Clan shall attack the 5 power station hideouts of the Jingweon Mafia all at once. That okay? The fate of Kamurocho depends on us! Brace yourselves! After taking control of the hideout, contact me as soon as you find the blueprint for the bombs!”
Inagaki: “Heh, understood.”
{Phone call ends.}
Daigo: “. . . Alright, let’s start too!!”
Tojo Clan members: “Yeah!”
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Jingweon Mafia man A: \“. . . How much time until the bomb explodes?” /
Jingweon Mafia man B: \ “Less than an hour. This is the end of this city.” /
Jingweon Mafia man A: \ “Yeah. We prepared as many bombs as there were friends who were killed 26 years ago. The pain that our friends suffered. Let the people in this city taste it . . . !” /
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Daigo: “All members, move in!!”
Jingweon Mafia man A: “Who-Who are you guys?!”
Daigo: “You’re Jingweon Mafia, right? We’re Tojo Clan. The blueprint for the bombs you set up . . . hand it over!”
Jingweon Mafia man B: “. . . Hmph. Bombs? Blueprint? What do you mean?”
Daigo: “I don’t expect you to just spit it out. Then we’ll make you talk!”
Jingweon Mafia man B: “Just try it . . . ! Die!!”
{Daigo and the Tojo Clan members defeat the Jingweon Mafia.}
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Tojo Clan member: “Daigo-san. Gaining control of the hideout is complete!!”
Daigo: “Alright. Then let’s split up and search for the bombs’ blueprint!”
{They all search the hideout.}
Daigo: “Have you found it?!”
Tojo Clan member: “It’s hopeless. We can’t find it no matter where we look . . . !”
Daigo: (Damn . . . ! Is the bombs’ blueprint hidden in another hideout and not here?!)
{Daigo’s phone rings.}
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Daigo: “Hello. This is Daigo.  . . . I see. Understood.”
{Phone call ends.}
Daigo: “The other hideouts are also a bust . . . it’s only Inagaki’s team that’s left.”
Tojo Clan member: “Ugh . . . !”
Daigo: (I’ll ask Inagaki . . . !)
{Daigo makes a phone call.}
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Inagaki: “This is Inagaki. This hideout has been suppressed.”
Daigo: “Inagaki . . . !! How was it? Was there a blueprint for the bombs over there?!”
Inagaki: “No, I’ve searched every corner of this hideout . . . there’s no blueprint for the bombs.”
Daigo: “What . . . !”
Inagaki: “. . . But. I found something interesting instead.”
Daigo: “Something interesting . . . ?”
Inagaki: “It’s a map. A map of the true location of the Jingweon Mafia’s hideout. The hideouts we attacked are all dummies; the place on this map is the real hideout. Important things like the blueprint for the bombs . . . might be there.”
Daigo: “Understood. Where?”
Inagaki: “Hinomatsu Building on Taihei Boulevard.”
Daigo: “Got it! We’re heading there right now!”
Inagaki: “No, it’s not necessary. I’m heading to the hideout with my crew right now.”
Daigo: “What?! Wait, Inagaki! Let’s join forces!”
Inagaki: “. . . Why?”
Daigo: “Don’t you think it’s strange? There’s a map showing the location of the real hideout in the fake hideout. This is likely a trap. Let’s join up.”
Inagaki: “Shut up. If we don’t hurry, the bombs will explode. I’m not going to ask for your instructions every time, I’m protecting the Tojo Clan my own way.”
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Daigo: “Inagaki?! Oi, Inagaki . . . shit!”
Tojo Clan member: “Daigo-san, this is dangerous! Enemy reinforcements have arrived!”
Daigo: “What?! Tch, at a time like this . . . !”
Tojo Clan member: “Daigo-san! I heard everything! Please leave this to us and go to Inagaki!”
Daigo: “You guys . . .”
Tojo Clan member: “Go quick and stop that Inagaki! Only you can hold his reins right now!”
Daigo: “Understood, I’ll leave it to you!”
{Daigo runs out.}
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Tojo Clan member: “Your opponents are us! Bring it on, oraaa!!”
|To continue, in 2006 . . .|
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Inagaki: “. . . is it here? The location of the Jingweon Mafia’s hideout on the map?”
Tojo Clan member: “Inagaki-san. Are you rushing in without waiting for the other raid teams?”
Inagaki: “There’s no choice! If we don’t get the blueprints fast, Kamurocho will become a sea of fire! And if we don’t hurry, won’t the Jingweon Mafia notice our ambush and run away? If we’re striking, we’re striking now. Understood?!”
Tojo Clan member: “Y-Yes!”
Inagaki: (Watch, Dojima Daigo . . . While you were drinking, we’ve been trying to protect this city the entire time. I’ll show you we can protect Kamurocho even without the boy who drinks . . . !)
Inagaki: “Alright! Surround the building with your weapons out! Don’t let a single Jingweon member escape, okay?!”
Tojo Clan member: “Yeah!”
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Tojo Clan member: “Inagaki-san, this looks like the entrance.”
Inagaki: “Alright, let’s do this by rushing into the hideout all at once. Let’s go!”
Tojo Clan member: “Yes sir!”
Inagaki: “Oraaa! None of you bastards move!”
Tojo Clan member: “Inagaki-san . . . there doesn’t seem to be anyone here?”
Inagaki: “What? Oi, did we get the Jingweon Mafia’s hideout location wrong?!”
Tojo Clan member: “No, the map says it’s definitely here . . . “
Inagaki: (What’s the meaning of this? Were they aware of our raid and escaped first . . . ? Unless . . . )
Inagaki: “What? Something flew by just now?!”
Tojo Clan member: Inagaki-san. Is the thing that flew by that item rolling on the floor?”
Inagaki: “Wha . . . ?! Everybody get down! It’s a flash grenade!”
{The grenade explodes with a loud bang.}
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Tojo Clan members: “Gyaaaaa! M-My eyes~!!”
Inagaki: (Shit, I can’t see anything! At this rate . . . !)
Tojo Clan members: “Guh?! Gahaa . . . !!”
Inagaki: “Oi, what’s wrong with you guys?! What’s happening . . . Guhaa?!?”
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Jingweon Mafia member A: \ “. . . Is it over?” /
Jingweon Mafia member B: \ “Yeah. They’re all on the floor, as you can see.” /
Jingweon Mafia member A: \ “Kukuku, idiots.” /
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Inagaki: “Guh . . . What the hell happened . . . ?”
Tojo Clan member: “Uuugh . . .”
Inagaki: “Oi, you guys! Come on! Wake up!”
Jingweon Mafia man: “Looks like you noticed.”
Inagaki: “Tch?! Bastard . . . !”
Jingweon Mafia man: “We have you all tied up. We’re not letting you rampage anymore. But you guys are fools, coming in without knowing a thing.”
Inagaki: “What’s that?!”
Jingweon Mafia man: “That map is the bait to lure you in here. Split up your force with dummy hideouts and kill the ones who come here using the map, like you.”
Inagaki: “Kuh . . . then why don’t you kill us?!”
Jingweon Mafia man: “Of course, we’ll kill you after we make you suffer enough.”
Inagaki: “What?!”
Jingweon Mafia man: “As you already know, our purpose is revenge for 26 years ago. That’s why we’re going to carve into your bodies the pain our friends felt 26 years ago . . .”
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Jingweon Mafia man: “First by cutting off all the fingers on both of your hands! Prepare yourself!”
Inagaki: “Kuh! Damn it . . . !”
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Daigo: “Inagaki, are you safe?!”
Inagaki: “What . . . Daigo?!”
Jingweon Mafia man: “. . . What? Are you a friend of these guys?”
Daigo: “Yeah, that’s right. Are you Jingweon Mafia?”
Jingweon Mafia man: “That’s correct. But you’re an idiot. This is the largest hideout of the Jingweon Mafia. Coming in here all alone is reckless . . . Oi!”
 {A bunch of Jingweon men appear.}
Jingweon Mafia man: “Do you still want to fight?”
Daigo: “Of course. Come at me quickly.”
Jingweon Mafia man: “What? Fighting barehanded against this many people . . . Are you crazy?”
Daigo: “Are you guys playing around? Trying to mess up the city for your revenge . . . I’ll kill you!”
Inagaki: “Daigo . . .”
Jingweon Mafia man: “You’re the one who’s going to be killed. Have a taste of our friends’ pain 26 years ago and die!!”
Daigo: “Ora!!”
{Daigo defeats an entire building of Koreans.}
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Jingweon Mafia man: “Guhooo!!”
Inagaki: (S-Strong . . . that Daigo really defeated everyone.)
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Daigo: “Haa . . . haa . . . Inagaki, are you okay?”
Inagaki: “Sh-Shut up . . . ! Daigo, you . . . ! Why did you come into this hideout all alone?! Isn’t this the headquarters of the Jingweon Mafia?! You’re the one who said it was dangerous without a raid crew! Despite that, you unreasonably plunged in all alone . . . !”
Daigo: “Inagaki. You entered this hideout without listening to me . . . I can’t overlook you ignoring orders, but I took that action to protect Kamurocho. A man like you is needed for the current Tojo Clan. Are you made to die so easily?”
Inagaki: “Kuh . . . !”
Daigo: “Inagaki, we don’t have much time! Wake up your subordinates to search inside the hideout! If this is the enemy’s headquarters, it highly likely that the bombs’ blueprint is hidden here!”
Inagaki: “. . . Yeah, understood!”
{They all search the hideout.}
Tojo Clan member: “. . . There is! There is, Daigo-san!”
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Daigo: “What! Show me!”
Daigo: “. . .”
Daigo: “There’s no doubt, this is the blueprint for the bombs. The placement of the trap wire that makes it explode when cut and the wire that stops the timer are all written here. Well done everyone! Now we can disarm the bombs planted in Kamurocho!”
Tojo Clan member: “Ooooooo!!!!”
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Inagaki: “. . . . . . tch, damn it.”
|To continue, in 2006 . . .|
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Tojo Clan member A: “. . . I cut the red cord. The bomb’s timer stopped!”
Tojo Clan member B: “Alright, well done! With this, the bomb is disarmed! Yeah, it makes a big difference when you have a blueprint. Everything we can cut is written on this!”
Tojo Clan member A: “But we still can’t be relieved! There are still bombs left . . . !”
Tojo Clan member B: “Well, let’s report to Daigo-san anyway!!”
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{Daigo’s phone rings.}
Daigo: “Hello . . . really, you were able to disarm it?! All right. You guys should head back to headquarters.”
{Phone call ends.}
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Inagaki: “Daigo, the bomb on Taihei Boulevard has also been disarmed! How much progress have we made in disarming bombs?!”
Daigo: “Right now, I just received a report that the 29th bomb has been disarmed.”
Inagaki: “Then there are 2 more bombs left.”
Daigo: “Yeah, Majima-no-ojiki is heading for one to disarm it!”
Inagaki: “Majima . . . the Mad Dog of Shimano?!”
Daigo: “Yeah. I’ve given him a copy of the blueprint so there’s no worry about disarming the bomb.”
Inagaki: “is that so . . . then I’m going to disarm the bomb in the Champion District!”
Daigo: “Wait, Inagaki! You should rest! I’ll disarm the last bomb!!”
Inagaki: “What did you say?!”
Daigo: “You’ve been injured in the enemy hideout. Don’t overdo it anymore.”
Inagaki: “. . . I’m sorry, but I can’t listen to that order. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
{Inagaki runs off.}
Daigo: “Wait, Inagaki?!”
Inagaki: (I’m also being stubborn . . . but I can’t let it end without overturning the disgrace! While Daigo was drinking, we were the ones protecting Kamurocho from those guys from the West. I can’t leave it up to such a greenhorn . . . !)
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Inagaki: “Here? The last bomb is set up in this empty room?”
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Daigo: “Don’t take any unauthorized actions, Inagaki.”
Inagaki: “. . . Daigo? No matter where you look around inside, there’s no bomb, right?”
Daigo: “. . . No, take a closer look at the back of the room.”
Inagaki: “Hm . . . shit?! What’s this . . . !!”
Daigo: “The bomb. It’s bigger than any of the bombs we’ve disarmed so far . . .”
Inagaki: “Yeah, it’s as big as a large refrigerator!”
Daigo: “If something like this explodes, the whole area will be blown away . . . !”
Inagaki: “30 minutes to explode . . . let’s hurry up and disarm it!”
Daigo: “Hey wait, Inagaki!!”
Inagaki: “Gwa!”
Daigo: “Inagaki?!”
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Jingweon Mafia man: “I won’t let anyone touch that bomb.”
Daigo: “Shit . . . are you Jingweon Mafia?”
Jingweon Mafia man: “It seems you guys have been disarming our bombs. But it is no longer possible to disarm this bomb.”
Daigo: “What . . . ? What do you mean?!”
Jingweon Mafia man: “You guys seem to have gotten the blueprint from our hideout to disarm the bombs. So I made improvements to the remaining 2 bombs and switched to a different structure than the one in your blueprint.”
Daigo: “What did you say?!”
Daigo: (Unfortunate . . . ! Then even if you have a blueprint for the bomb, it’s useless! Majima-no-ojiki won’t also be able to disarm the bomb around this time . . . !)
Jingweon Mafia man: “What will you do now? If you still want to disarm it, we will do our best to protect this bomb.”
Inagaki: “What did you say?! Don’t you understand . . . if you protect the bomb here, you’ll be blown up?!”
Jingweon Mafia man: “We’re fully aware of that. But it’s all for the steel trap . . . I will protect this bomb even if it costs me my life!”
Inagaki: “Shit . . . these guys are serious!! Oi, everyone! That bomb can’t be disarmed now! Everyone evacuate!”
Tojo Clan member: “Y-Yes!!”
Inagaki: “Daigo! We’re evacuating too! At this rate, we’ll get caught in the explosion!”
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Daigo: “. . .”
Inagaki: “Daigo!!!!”
Daigo: “. . . Inagaki, you guys evacuate the passers-by outside.”
Inagaki: “Da-Daigo?!”
Daigo: “We have no idea if such an explosion in the city would kill hundreds of people. In that case, there’s no choice but to stop it here. Besides, I was entrusted with this city by Kiryu Kazuma. So no one is allowed to die . . . of course that means everyone in the city, including you guys.”
Inagaki: “Daigo, you . . . !”
Daigo: “Inagaki, hurry up and evacuate everyone!”
Inagaki: “Kuh . . .”
Daigo: “Go, Inagaki!!!!”
Inagaki: “. . . Damn it!!!!”
{Inagaki and the others evacuate.}
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Jingweon Mafia man: “You have great courage. There was a man like you in this city . . . but you’re going to die here. I won’t let you lay a single finger on the bomb!”
Daigo: “You’re an obstacle . . . get out of my way!!”
{Daigo defeats all the bomb-lovers.}
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Daigo: “Haa . . . haa . . . Did I get rid of everyone? But now there’s 17 minutes left until the explosion . . . how do I disarm this bomb?”
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Inagaki: “Daigo!”
Daigo: “Inagaki! Why did you come back here?!”
Inagaki: “Hmph. If I let the future Sixth Chairman die, I won’t be able show my face to the Acting Chairman.”
Daigo: “!”
Inagaki: “I prepared a truck outside! I’ll load the bomb on the luggage carrier quickly! If we carry the bomb to a place with no people, the damage will be minimal even if it explodes!”
Daigo: “Why didn’t I think of that . . . ! But how do we carry the bomb to the truck? Such a big stupid bomb can’t be carried by just 2 people!”
Inagaki: “That’s no problem . . . Oi, you guys!”
{Tojo Clan members run back in.}
Tojo Clan members: “Daigo-san! Let us help you carry the bomb too!!”
Daigo: “What?! Did you all come back?!”
Inagaki: “Yeah. When they saw you heading back for the bomb alone, everyone said they wanted to help.”
Daigo: (All these guys . . . Coming back here to risk their lives!)
Daigo: “. . . Alright! Everyone hurry and carry out the bomb!!”
Tojo Clan members: “Oooooo!!!!”
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Inagaki: “Ora ora! Lots of obstructions! Give way! Load it on the luggage carrier if you don’t want to be acquainted with it, fool!!”
Daigo: “Oi, Inagaki! There’s less than a minute before the explosion! If we don’t do anything, it’ll explode in the city!”
Inagaki: “I know that! But where is the least populated place in Kamurocho?!”
Daigo: “That’s it . . . ! Maybe we can go there! Inagaki, hurry up and turn right on that street!”
Inagaki: “What? Were you able to think of a good place somewhere?!”
Daigo: “Yeah! But we don’t have time, hurry up!!”
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Daigo: “. . . We’ve arrived at the construction site of Kamurocho Hills!”
Inagaki: “I see! There are no buildings here at ground level, and no one is here right now! It’s perfect for an explosion! Let’s stop the truck immediately and throw away the bomb!”
Daigo: “No! We don’t have much time! If we don’t jump off the truck now, it’ll explode . . .”
{The bomb explodes.}
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 Daigo: “. . . Phew, that was a close call. Are you injured?”
Inagaki: “No. If you hadn’t kicked me out of the vehicle, I would have blown up with the truck right about now . . .”
Daigo: “No, the bomb would have exploded in the city if you hadn’t prepared a truck. You’re the savior, Inagaki.”
Inagaki: “Don’t mention it.  . . .”
Inagaki: (While everyone ran away, only this Dojima Daigo risked his life and headed for the bomb . . . Taking that step . . . it’s not a step I can take even if I spend my whole life trying. Is this a man who can carry the Tojo Clan on his back?)
|Next day . . .|
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{Daigo’s phone rings.}
Daigo: “Hello . . . really?! Yes . . . yes . . . Understood, thank you for your hard work.”
{Phone call ends.}
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Inagaki: “Who called?”
Daigo: “It was Majima-no-ojiki. He seems to have succeeded in disarming the bomb.”
Inagaki: “Really?! But the blueprint didn’t help, right? How did he disarm it?”
Daigo: “That is . . . it seems he disarmed the bomb with the song ‘As the Gods Will’ . . .”
Inagaki: “Huh? Perhaps . . . ‘Which-One-Should-I-Choose?’, you mean?”
Daigo: “Yeah, that’s it . . . he used it to choose which cord of the bomb to cut.”
Inagaki: “A-Amazing . . . ! So the bomb was disarmed by an outrageous man, the Mad Dog of Shimano.”
Daigo: “Yeah. Him and Kiryu-san, they really are amazing men. With this, all the bombs planted in Kamurocho have been disarmed.”
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Inagaki: “I see. Then once again . . . thank you for your hard work, Daigo-san!!”
Daigo: “! What is it, Inagaki? You’re bowing your head all of a sudden.”
Inagaki: “Heh, I’m taking responsibility. Don’t mind me. There’s a car waiting nearby. I’ll take you to the Tojo Clan Headquarters, Sixth Chairman.”
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Daigo: “!”
Daigo: “. . . Heh, all right. If you say so, Inagaki.”
Inagaki: “Yes sir.”
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gophergal · 3 years
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😳😳 I promise it wasn't meant to be this long I PROMISSSEEE
Anyways here you go for the fic written with a random character of my choice <3
Gopher giggled as they reblogged the post. 
'Reblog if you dare someone to write a fic about you and a character of their choosing...'
It was sort of silly, but the idea of being inside of a fic seemed pretty entertaining. They also knew some damn good writers and knew they would come up with something good. All they had to do now was... sit and wait.
Gopher could be patient, but eventually they had their limits. An hour passed by and, after refreshing their activity page about a thousand times, they decided that they would rather waste their time on something more important than just prowling around on Tumblr. 
...and that something important was sketching Michael again. They pulled out their tablet and pencil, set up their computer, and got to work. They drew until their eyes burned from the blue light illuminating off their screen. A yawn caught in the back of their throat and just then they finally took the opportunity to glance at the clock in the corner of their screen. 
1:28 AM
Damn, they hadn't even realized they had been drawing for that long. No wonder they felt so tired... They glanced back at their drawing and worried at their lip as they considered their options. Head to bed— or continue. Though the prospect of passing out on their nice warm bed sounded amazing, there were a few more details they had yet to fill in. Their hand made the decision for them, moving forwards and penning at the dark tablet sensors. 
Their eyes felt heavy, lids staying shut every time they blinked. 
Just... one more... line...
They tried to encourage themself, but their mind was slipping already. Before they knew it, they had passed out on top of their tablet, face pressed against the cool screen.
"Excuse me... sir—" They were awoken by a voice calling out to them, one they didn't particularly recognize. Their eyes slowly opened and they squinted as they were blinded by bright hues of red and gold. "Ah, you're finally awake."
Their brows furrowed and a hand came up to lazily rub at their eyes. After the sleep had been rubbed out of them, they finally opened their eyes and took in their surroundings. They soon came to the realization that they weren't on their couch anymore. 
They were sat in a booth, covered in a deep velvet cloth that felt way too expensive for their tastes. Red was the main color of everything in the room. The booth seats, the carpet, even the walls followed the same crimson pattern. The only thing that wasn't red were the shiny gold prices put in place around the room to accent it, and the large golden chandelier that hung right in front of the stairs that lead to their seat. They were amazed, and confused.
Even more confused when they caught sight of the man who had been trying to wake them. A pale man, tall, and with a very nice trim tuxedo stood before them. He had long raven hair that was pulled back in a neat ponytail and handsome chiseled features. The thing that was the most concerning to them, though, was the eyepatch that seemed to be carefully placed over his left eye. 
His hand had been placed on their shoulder, and it appeared that he had been trying to shake them awake for a while. A polite smile came to his features. 
"Are ya alright? Ya've been passed out here for a while." They looked up at him with big doe eyes. They... they couldn't believe what they were seeing. They had to be dreaming. Right? There is no way they couldn't be dreaming. They were currently sat in front of a fictional character their friend Goro had been simping over for the past few months. There was no way this wasn't a dream!
"I... who are you?" They managed after a moment. The man pulled his hand away from their shoulder and instead smoothly moved into a curt bow. 
"Majima Goro. I'm the manager of the Grand." He answered. They sucked in a breath, now even more confused. They cursed themselves for not knowing more about the Yakuza series, would have made the situation a bit less awkward maybe. 
"What's... what's the Grand?" They muttered out their question, and Majima glanced up at them with a confused look.
"Ah... it's a cabaret club. You're... in it right now." He explained, furrowing his brows. 
"Oh... yeah." They pretended to understand. This definitely was a dream... but for some reason everything felt so real. They could feel the soft velvet against their skin as they sat up, they could smell the overhang of booze and nicotine in the air. It made their nose wrinkle with disgust. Plus, how could they appear in a building that existed within the game if they had never known about it. It... didn't make sense. 
"You're a foreigner, yeah?" Majima spoke again, "Did ya get drunk n' pass out in the booth? I don't remember ya being here last night." 
"I don't remember being here either. I actually don't know how I got here." They admitted, and he shot them a surprised look. 
"Well... as far as I'm concerned, customer is king. I don't mind ya bein' here as long as ya don't cause any problems." He finally said. Gopher nodded in agreement to the conditions. "Ya remember anything before ya got here?"
"Yeah... I was at my house drawing and then all of a sudden I was here."
"At your house?"
"Yeah. I live in America by the way." They assumed they must now be in Japan. Majima shot them a surprised look. 
"That... really is a long way away. And that's all ya remember?" Gopher nodded. Majima looked puzzled. Before he could give his two cents on how exactly they must have ended up here, he was interrupted by Gopher's stomach giving a loud groan of disapproval. 
"Ah— are ya hungry? I guess if ya came all the way from America ya would be hungry, right?" He looked just as confused as they felt, "Ya can order somethin' if you would like." 
"I would but I don't exactly have any money on me." Gopher admitted. 
"It's fine. It'll be on the house. Whaddya want?" He offered quickly. They paused for a moment at the question. 
"Whatever you have." He nodded at the request.
"I'll be back, then." He bowed again and headed down the stairs. It really was a beautiful building. It was strange to think that he managed it all. But that wasn't the subject at hand.
There had to be an explanation for this. It didn't feel like a dream at all. In fact, it felt quite real. Everything was nailed down to the last detail, almost as if it had been carefully written by someone on the other half of a screen... It was strange. It didn't make sense. 
"I wasn't sure what ya would like so I brought ya a fruit platter. Ya can pick and choose what ya like. We ain't exactly git sustainable food cause we ain't a restaurant y'know, but it'll do." He announced as he walked back up the steps, tray in hand. He placed the tray in front of them, and it held all types of fruit. Some they had never even seen before. They pick and chose their favorites and began to eat. 
"Thank you." They almost forgot to mutter. Majima just nodded. He stayed standing next to the table, almost awkwardly. Gopher finally realized after a few moments that the rest of the cabaret club was completely quiet other than them. 
"If it's a cabaret club, shouldn't there be more people here?"
"We were goin' to open, but then I spotted ya. I didn't want to open and leave ya stranded in here, thought it'd be best to check up on ya first." He admitted. Gopher was almost surprised by his politeness. 
"Well, thanks for that. And the food." Majima just nodded curtly. 
"Any ideas as to why ya ended up here?" He questioned. 
"Not exactly. Just... fell asleep and then I was here. It doesn't make much sense." Majima hummed thoughtfully for a moment and glanced up at the perfectly painted tan ceiling. After a few moment his eye moved back down to theirs. 
"Maybe ya should go back to sleep? If it brought ya here, it might also get ya outta here?" He offered his insight.
"True. But that seems too easy." He shrugged.
"You'll never know till ya try it." Gopher nodded along with agreement, setting the plate aside.
"True. I guess I could try it..." They yawned and spread their arms out across the table, laying their head in their hands. An overwhelming wave of tiredness suddenly crashed over them. It was almost as if Majima had casted a spell on them, forcing sleep to overtake their body. 
"Ya look sleepy already."
"Yeah..." They muttered, eyelids already fluttering shut.
"Well then don't let me disturb ya."
"Majima?" Gopher piped up, their voice barely a whisper.
"It was nice meeting you." A few moments of silence passed. Gopher was sure they must have fallen back asleep at that point and he had already vanished, but after a few moments his voice came in crisp and clear. 
"It was nice meeting ya too."
Gopher woke up in their room.
Bro, I love this. I will admit, the “Ah, you’re finally awake” made me stop and think, No no, this isnt a fucking skyrim meme in disguise is it, and thankfully it was something So Much Better! THANK YOUUUU GOROOOOO
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