mjm5655 · 1 year
kijin au starter. @dcjimadragcn
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❝ who do we have here ~ ? ❞
it had been sometime since he last stepped foot in kamurocho, now mostly residing in osaka, a kijin clan man, majima didn't have much of a reason to ever come to tokyo, but he was in the mood for exploring, & there wasn't anything holding him bound in sotenbori any more.
what a hunk of a man he had found ... he noticed the pin the other wore, he was one of the dojima. wait, he couldn't be ? could he ? majima started to spin his baseball bat around playfully at the thought of it, he was always good at catching dragons.
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❝ ya wouldn't happen to be the fabled dragon o' dojima ? i've heard so much 'bout him, legendary in these parts ... heard he's a right hunk o' a man, ya seem to match that image well. ❞
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bellsliturgy · 1 year
@dcjimadragcn: “  have  you  eaten  today  ?  ” big brown eyes peer over at reijiro and it wasn’t that money was burning a hole in the rockstar’s pocket, he just wanted to see if reijiro had eaten. / for reijiro !!
messenger bag held tight against his chest, reijiro is stirred by kiryu's voice. not that he was asleep, no, but in a daze. dissociating from the moment, as he often did. or, perhaps, it was a simple trance? dozing off with eyes open for the safety he felt in kiryu's presence. nobody bothered him with the rockstar at his side. and he felt he could relax for once. he'd flush to himself in embarrassment, unable to distinguish his own states of mind from each other.
"n...no," he admits, hesitant for what chiding might await him, "er, well... i had some rice a several hours ago. with hoisin sauce. it was really delicious--" he'd be stopped by the growling in his stomach, a small, pathetic sound. but audibly nonetheless. how embarrassing.
"er, um... we could go get food, if you wanted? i guess i am pretty hungry.. maybe, maybe the ramen place over on pink street?"
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monterraverde · 1 year
[ challenge ] 
[ challenge ]   your muse challenging mine.
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“Really, Kazuma-kun? Pokemon battle or a full on brawl?”
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shininginyourlight · 1 year
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@dcjimadragcn​ sent: ❛ you know you can always talk to me. ❜ / nishiki ! /o/ platonic sentence starters | accepting
“Yeah, but you’re not my therapist, Kiryu. Don’t wanna... dump all’a this on you.” Though, to be fair, he didn’t really have a therapist anymore. Not since they’d moved to Okinawa. Their lives were already complicated as it was without having to add therapy appointments on top of it all.
He was doing a lot better, anyway. He would be all right without it. Nishiki just shook his head, totally uninterested in going into things with him.
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“But, don’t worry about it. I’m fine, promise.”
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abelladxnna · 1 year
looks like we're the only ones left.
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first meeting & awkward chats starters | always accepting!
Participating in a rowdy battle royal wasn't a favored choice of workout for her, but she had made a deal with the manager, agreeing to fight in exchange for some information. She was aware that the offer was a bluff. He had meant to scare her away.
So imagine how much Kita had to refrain from laughing at his flabbergasted face when she agreed to enter the ring, and again when the other fighters noticed the lone woman amongst them. And who was still wearing her heels.
Some were hesitant to even approach her, while some were a little too eager to get their hands on her. Either way, they quickly dropped like Cutieflys and soon, the stadium filled with excited hollers, cheers, and whistles as two contestants remained standing in the ring: Kita and this hunk of a man.
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"Well, hello there~" she greets him as she steadily circles around him, her golden eyes scanning him up and down(both to admire his physique and to cautiously study his movements). "Looks that way, indeed. I reckon you're someone quite special if you made it this far. Almost makes me want to throw this fight on purpose just so I don't crack that handsome mug."
Despite what she just says, she readies her stance, arms raised and her gaze piercing. "But that would be just boring, wouldn't it? Come on. I promise to be gentle, if you will~"
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tapuhauko · 1 year
@dcjimadragcn continued from here:
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"...You're offering me one? Even after Loihi stole yours? That's very kind of you!" Hau thinks for a moment, before giving a nod. "Sure thing! I'll have one with whipped cream and strawberries, then!"
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✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! 🏆Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛
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ooc; i could go one by one and send this to my mutuals but i prefer tag some. starting with you @mythoustales . you guys are precious to me because you make my life here a bliss. i have so much fun! i thought that i would never rp like this again. you are pivotal, you are important! never forget that. sometimes i'm ultra slow with things, or forget but that doesn't mean i am ignoring you. i just have short attention spawn and real life gets tricky sometimes. thank you for being amazing and to stay with me.
Awarded: @zankokukami , @ofpersistence , @bishonenprince, @vancreux , @bonescribes , @hiircgi , @majidog , @shininginyourlight , @dcjimadragcn , @fairfallcn, @wild-pineapple-butt , @bellsliturgy , @papillionsoul , @godsp1te , @monterraverde , @soulxfragments @ichimru , @hainekc , @lanzaverde , @vxmpirehunterd , @baiika , @poeticphoenix @chidoricry @tempestforged @burdenedreverance and every single one of you that i forgot to mention! This award is for you too, for being here, for being brave. Don't let negativity impact your life, you're amazing, brilliant and you matter.
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hautevaux · 1 year
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@dcjimadragcn asked: ❛  here, i noticed you lost this earlier.  ❜ / hello ! MEME: 🐝  *  ―  𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒. 
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Heeled boots are swift to pause, shoulder rolling enough to allow his gaze to cast idly over it; careful to vet whomever was speaking to him ere he turned fully - time and time again had the lovely residents of Sotenbori played much the same before stealing his wallet.
Eyes, however, settled upon the gathering of fabric samples within his unknown company's hand and immediately did the tailor then turn around and offer rather the dazzling smile;
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"Oh, thank you, handsome-" Lithe fingers reached forth, accepting the samples with a sense of relief; heavens, if he'd have realised he would have lost them, he'd have detested himself for it. Such were needed for orders, after all, and their immensely high quality put a hefty price tag unto them, too. "You've saved me quite the headache."
He leans back upon his heels, raises his gaze to idly take in his company's appearance (partially in curiosity, partially in judgement of what he was wearing-) and finds his expression drawing into yet another smile;
"Maybe - - you'd let me buy you a drink as a thank you? Coffee? Or perhaps something a little stronger later on?"
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The sense of another--someone, something that was not human--was always immediate, like an alarm bell going off inside the dragon's head. It was different than how humans felt, potentially more dangerous, too.
Turning his head over his shoulder just slightly to indicate that he had indeed noticed them, his scarlet gaze only flickered towards the woman--yes, a woman with a strange, but powerful aura--when she spoke up all the while staring at him in turn.
"Who are you?" Kiryu spoke up, already disliking the conversation from that opening comment alone. This was not the first time someone had said that to him, and usually, they bore ill intentions towards him. For now, however, he would give her a chance. @dcjimadragcn
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━━━━━━━✾✾✾    Vampira    is    hypnotized    by    that    fellow.    Ai    has    never    seen    such    a    thing.    It    seems    that    her    nine    hundred    years    can    still    perplex    her.    Venomous    ennui    is    over.    Winsome    contour    curves    beautifully,    brown    mane    camouflaging    her    ashen    countenance,    a    curtsy    exhibiting    pleasantry    towards    him.    ❝    Pardon    me.    I    don’t    want    to    be    intrusive.    ❞    Rises,    soft    burgundy    hues    admire    him    with    supreme    interest.    ❝    I’m    a    pure-blood    vampire,    and    you?    What    mesmerizing    being    are    you?    ❞    A    step    nearer,    palm    attempts    to    reach    his    peculiar    visage    but    suspends    halfway.    ❝    Perhaps    this    is    not    a    wise    idea.    May    I    have    the    pleasure    of    knowing    your    name?    ❞
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bellsliturgy · 1 year
@dcjimadragcn . dream!
late night, the city of kamurocho is so loud, so booming, applying pressure like the darkest depths of the sea to his frame, and reijiro's lungs struggle to find purchase. small, narrow alleyways lead him to an empty pocket of space tucked away between towering buildings and cramped businesses, his mad dash from dangers real or perceived causing him to bump into others before he manages to peel away from the occupied areas. heart hammering in his chest, he presses himself against the piping behind him, dropping his bag from his shaking arms with books spilling and papers scattering on the ground. he's unable to focus on that, however, hands grabbing the piping behind him as he sunk down into a seating position, knees up and pressed against his chest.
brain buzzing against the hums around him, he lowers his head into his hands, closing eyes and shoving his fingers under his glasses to cover his face. they fall from his face, clattering on the ground around his shoes. in that moment, he can't remember why he was so upset, only the memory of the feeling of a hand grabbing his arm, the blaring noise of people and words and voices and the harsh glare of neon and blinking lights and hot signs and barkers and prostitutes. he whimpers, trying to suck in lungfuls of oxygen to ease the racing of his heart. the sharp, icy memory of having been attacked and mugged before made his skin prickle, his palms hurt. after a moment of silence, he slowly looks up at the entrance to the empty lot, fearful of who he might see, if anyone.
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mjm5655 · 1 year
@dcjimadragcn // continued !
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it was kind of breath taking to see it in motion, as the other shrank back to a lesser form than the one majima caught him in, he was certain anyone else would be afraid of this kind of sight, but as a vampire that could also turn into a dragon, it didn't have majima all that fearful at all. majima's dragon form was definitely more serpentine in form, it wasn't often he decided to change into it, he actually more enjoyed to partially change into it. when he was a full-on dragon, it was no fun when it came to fights, majima still wanted somewhat of a challenge, though, many humans couldn't provide it for him with his enhanced strength involved. it was only when he was surrounded, or wanted to fly was when he changed into his dragon form.
the words the other spoke, he mustn't have been fully aware of what majima was. it kind of surprised him considering that he became known for it within the tojo clan. that he was a vampire, & that he was no stranger to what the other had just described. he had ripped many of throats apart with his thirst for blood. the other displayed his fangs to the vampire, actually not any longer than his own.
❝ i figured ya might've heard o' me, kiryu. ❞
now it was his turn to show his fangs, traces of blood still remained upon them from majima's last snack, hiding them again, though they were noticeable as he spoke, there was no retracting them like most thought, it was entirely a myth that a vampire could retract their fangs, at least for majima's type.
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❝ i'm just enjoyin' the sight o' the legendary dragon o' dojima, i can see they aren't messin' 'round with that title now, it's been a rough time fer us both, hasn't it ? ❞
taking a risk, he walked up closer to the other, to get a better look at those features, scales blending in with the others skin perfectly, & those scarlet eyes ... they were beautiful if majima must say, though, he was curious what the other might have tasted like ; he can't say he's ever had a dragon before as a snack as he licked his lips at the thought of how delicious that blood would taste.
❝ ya might be a dragon o' some sort, i don't know if ya can tell, but i'll help ya figure it out, yer lookin' mighty tasty right now to me. ❞
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mjm5655 · 1 year
@dcjimadragcn said: “ … That wasn’t what I was implying at all, Majima-san.”
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❝ then, enlighten me, what were ya implyin' when ya say yer been 'round a few times ? ❞
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mjm5655 · 1 year
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❝ kiryu-chan's in so much fuckin' denial over bein' a monkey, it's kinda hilarious. ❞
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mjm5655 · 1 year
@dcjimadragcn said: Kiryu vc: >:l
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❝ what ? ya jelly, kiryu-chan ? there's other dragons in my life that i needa fight y'know. ❞
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cogiita · 1 year
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she's not looking she's not looking—
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mjm5655 · 1 year
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wonders what has got into his girl of late, threesome with kiryu-chan ? it's not that majima rejects the notion, he just wonders why she wants it with someone so inexperienced, also, did she just touch kiryu-chan's tiddy ?
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