#🌊h2 oh no!🐠 au
honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
Mer au where reader got turned into a mer like in that ‘H2O just add water’ show (moon pool on a abandoned island where if a human is in it on this specific night and time with a clear night that happens like every ten years they’ll turn into mer)
who totally thinks the other huge mer are going to murder them because they are so small and weak, so they never go into the water again, meanwhile the adults are frantically trying to find what looks to be a toddler mer in their territory
(also) how have you been?? I’m gonna go back and heart everything you’ve posted and read it, I’m so excited for mer may, favorite mouth in the writing community
I'm doing alright, and I actually have an H2O-inslired AU, look at 🌊Water, Water Everywhere🐠, now being called 🌊H2-Oh No!🐠 AU!
Yep, the adults would panic to heck and back, knowing there's an itty baby mer out there, all alone, with no adult or caretaker to keep them warm and fed and safe in their nest or den... Those guys would be scouring the entire ocean to find them if they had to. The X-Men form one group, the Brotherhood and Acolytes form another, and Reader is being fought over by both, because they want this pup/guppy as theirs!
Have you seen the imagine where Reader and the platonic yans are all itty bitty mers? Like the size of smaller fish, but are mers/sirens? That's so cute, and I think you might like it!
(Have a great day, @crowwithguns! I hope you are okay! Please drink some water and get some rest!)
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vivid-bun · 4 months
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Mermay is coming to an end and I wanted to post something for @honey-minded-hivemind's siren reader. I got the idea of a cuttlefish reader stuck in my head pretty early on while reading the H2-0h No!au but couldn't figure out exactly how to draw them. I really liked the idea of reader being able to change color in order to hide from the other sirens. So here's a couple of my rough sketches and ideas I had.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
based on my last ask, i imagine it going a few different ways depending on who shows up
someone like Charles and/or possibly his mate (?) who i can see sitting and talking to reader to give them the chance to make the right choice, perhaps he brought a few of the other platonic yans as backup to catch them if on the off chance reader makes the wrong choice, if they do it’s ok everyone makes mistakes sometimes and their still just a guppy afterall
maybe someone like rouge and gambit show up? someone who’s perfectly capable of sweet talking and coddling reader right back into the nest where they belong maybe a little manipulative but anything to get their petite (i think i spelled that right?) back home with the rest of their siblings, they sure won’t be able to get away with that trick again though
or perhaps someone a bit more brash and straight to the point like logan shows up someone who is can see just taking reader back to the nest first and focusing on the inevitable talk after their both home where they’re safe with the rest of their family
Oooooooooo... I like it!
It's quiet, waiting for them to approach them. The waves crash softly onto the shore, the birds are quiet, and the sand clumps between their toes.
They missed this.
Reader feels themself sobering, going back to defensive, when the caretakers and older guppies approach them.
Hmmm... Just Logan, and Rogue and Remy right now... But they know they aren't the only ones there. They can see a ripple across the water, can faintly hear the slither of scales and fins against wet sand...
Reader doesn't want to go.
But they aren't given much choice.
"C'mon, kid. We need ta get back. Yer siblings are waitin' fer ya," Logan grumbles, gesturing for Reader to get up. Reader doesn't know how he can switch between siren and human forms so easily, but it shouldn't surprise them, really.
Reader shakes their head, staring out at the water. "I... I don't want to go..."
"Kid, pup, we need ta go. This isn't tha place ta have this talk," Logan tries, but Reader makes a pained noise and suddenly he's sitting dowj next to them. "Okay, okay... Why don't ya want ta leave? Yer not in danger, kid... Ya know that, don'tcha?" Reader nods hesitantly, a frown on their lips.
"I... this is my life. I don't want to abandon it. It's... it's mine. Just because I can, what, turn into a fish person now, doesn't mean I want to give everything else up! I just... This is all I know. I... I don't want to leave it..." Reader sighs. They can feel tears entering their eyes, and they can hear the tremble in their own voice. "I don't want to go..."
A hand rubs gently at their back, and soon Reader is crying, curling in on themself. They don't want to be seen so vulnerable, so upset, by someone who kidnapped them, or by the other guppies, or by any of them. But they can't hold it in any longer, and it pours out like a drowning torrent.
"Shhhhh... Shhhhhh... It'll be okay, kid. Just get it out. That's it, just breathe, let it all out," coaches Logan, who's still there, pulling them against him into a sidehug. His warmth feels nice, especially in the rough chill of the early morning. "We can go back ta tha nest and let yer hatchmates see ya, yeah? I'm sure they'd cheer ya up. They wouldn't want ya ta be sad. C'mon, guppy, let's go," he whispers softly, going to scoop Reader up. Yet the moment Reader feels his hands scooping under them, ready to take then back into the ocean, they panic, and in one swift motion-
They fall out of them, running across the beach.
They dodge past Remy and Rogue, who try to follow, both trying to calm them, but Reader doesn't want to be calm, they want to go home, home where they're not a siren and they aren't being chased and where everything makes sense. They make it, just a bit farther up the sand dunes, before something tackles them from behind.
Reader kicks, crying out as they feel themself tugged into a large, vice-like grip.
" 'M sorry, kid... But ya aren't runnin' back ta tha humans. Yer gonna come back, you are goin' straight to tha nest, and yer stayin' there. Ya do not run from me. Ya do not run from us. We are yer caretakers, and that means we are takin' care of ya. We know what's best fer ya. Just relax, 'kay, kid?" The hands around them are familiar, the same ones that almost killed them, that then tried to nurse them...
Why did it have to be Victor who followed them?
Reader hears the song before they realize what's going on, and by then, they're too far under to fight it or even register that somethings wrong. They chirp, questioning their sharptoothed caretaker, who only brushes a clawed hand through their hair, purring love-calm-safe at them... And Reader can't resist sinking further into it... Their two older siblings are with longclawed caretaker, who they happily trill at, wanting to say hello. Other caretaker sighs, but pats them on the head, while their two older nestmates chuckle slightly. They aren't sure what's going on, but they can't help but relax further...
"Okay, back in tha water, kids," growls one of the caretakers, and then they're slipping under, bubbles rising around them as the salty depths swallow them up. It's gentle, soothing... And the deeper they go, the calmer Reader feels, until finally... They're deep asleep...
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honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
We know siren reader is not the best at swimming I just imagine platonic yans absolutely losing it when there baby gets trapped in a riptide or a strong ocean current like in the one scene in finding Nemo.
Oh holy mola of pearl, they'd freak the flip out! There itty bitty baby, the tiny scared siren pup, was washed our to the middle of the fr*cking SEA?! Where there are SHARKS?! And BOATS?! Oh, the platonic yan adults, the older teens, and the teens who were friends with Reader are all going out there to find them, ready to fight anything that stands in there way-!
And Reader is just, floating, in the middle of the ocean, just chilling and trying not to panic, eating a random fish they found and curled up in some seaweed. They might as well try to have a vacation out of this experience, otherwise they're going to have nightmares for WEEKS-
The moment Reader is found, their friends are dragging/pushing them, and forcing then to swim back with them, before the adults find them and try to take them back to wherever they live...
Yeah, no one sleeps well after this experience...
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
h2 oh no remy being a bit of a menace (i say that affectionately) and teaching the younger teens how to get away with somethings (only with with small stuff that might’ve not mattered anyway but they have fun thinking their getting away something and they’re not getting in any real trouble this way) when it coms to their caretakers
Remy: Now don’ let ol’ Logan fool ya’ he ain’t nothin’ but a big softy when it come down to it all you really need ta know is when ta use does guppy eye a yours!
lil bit of a softer one with one of my fave boys bc next thought i have is a a lil sad mostly hurt/comfort tho
Aaaawwwww! Older hatchmate Gambit! He'd be a good big brother to the kids, especially when he tries to let them think they're getting away with something! He's doing his best to cheer them up and get uses to their new life, and the best thing he thinks he can do is to show them how to pull small tricks on others. Not anything bad! Just... maaaaybe how ta get a few extra snacks, or how ta get Logan or Victor ta go soft on 'em, or how ta get a few extra minutes before nap time... Nothing big, nothing scary, just some harmless fun. Of course, the minute Reader wants to run again, he's dragging them back, warning them not to make him tattle on them. He doesn't want to make them cry or feel upset, but he's not goin' ta let themseld get eaten or hunted! He's their brother, and it's his job ta keep the littler guppies safe! So please, just cooperate with him. He'll even help you learn how ta solve puzzles and how ta swim, just please, don't leave. Don't make him be mean... He will be if he has to, so don't force his hand... Now, be a good guppy, and give him a hug. He'll tickle them too, if they're being stubborn about it...
(He takes his time hugging each new sibling, and can't help but act prideful that he's one of their favorites-)
(I also headcanon him as an octopus siren, but I can also see him as a regular fish one, too)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
This is the first one I cleaned up, kinda not finished and I didn't color it cause I'm on a boring car trip :p (also i don't mind this ask not being anonymous) - Lamb Anon
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Oh. My. Carp. That is so good! Look at poor little humpback whale siren Reader! They need hugs! And blankets! And some antiseptic! I love the detail you did along the tail, the way it blends the same way a humpback whale would, when the gray/black meets the white/pale gray... And their little face! It's very expressive, showing their discomfort and fear and sadness... It's really, really good, 🐑 Anon, or if you prefer, Opossum.
I think you did a great job💖
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
h2 oh no reader who’s actually fine with water like they don’t like it nor dislike it strongly (maybe a lil scared of drowning but that’s about it) however with sand it’s another thing entirely they despise sand, the feeling, how hard it is to get off of them once it’s on, everything about it
like once they’re actually in the water they’re perfectly content to float around and play with their friends so long as no yans come along
it’s mainly getting them to the water that’s the problem sue to the fact that they will outright refuse to walk on a sandy beach
just silly little thought i had
Hahaha, okay, that's a new concept! Reader, they hated sand, is putting up a fuss anytime one of their friends says they want to go to the beach. Reader will be wearing flip flops or boots the entire time, grumbling about sand and the itchiness that comes with the grains on their skin or in their hair or between their toes. The waves, once Reader is in them, is full of play as the friends all try to practice swimming, except the moment they want to explore the bottom, Reader is dragging their tail. Nope. No. They do not want sand all over them! No no NO, no thank you! Their friends keep dragging them towards it, but they let Reader float above them, letting then supervise while the rest of them dig for clams or lobsters or sea glass.
The moment a platonic yan finds out Reader dislikes sand, they're trying to fix up the nest so it has a sand-free nest, and a soft coral floor, in case Reader has sensory issues due to sand. They're trying so hard to make the nest homey, warm and soft and vibrant, just perfect for young guppies just growing...
If one of the others gets sand in their hair or tails, Reader will begrudingly help them wash it off, telling them be more careful next time, and not to roll in the sand if they don't like it everywhere...
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honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
The 🌊H2-Oh No🐠 AU has some fun dynamics, in my opinion. You have Reader, Kurt, Kitty, Todd, and Evan as the teens who end up in the moon pool, and honestly, I think they'd be a pretty chaotic friend group. You have fun-loving, food-obsessed Kurt who likes to make people smile, you have super-smart and sassy Kitty who is knowledgeable about different fish types, you have chill, laid-back Todd who is good at swimming, you have cheeky yet protective Evan who is good at surfing, and then you have Reader, who's a bit closed-off, but offers sound advice and helps keep everyone's ducks in a row...
This doesn't even begin to go into the adults and other teens dynamics, as you have old friends/possible mates? Magneto and Xavier, both who have their own pods... Best friends and co-parents Storm, Beast, Wolverine, and Xavier... Sabretooth as Wolverine's older brother who wants him to join his pod... Mystique and Magneto and Sabretooth weird friendship/co-parents situation... Then you have best friends Scott and Jean, plus Rogue, who becomes their third member and makes them a trio... You have Gambit, Pyro, and Colossus as older friends/guppies who try to babysit the younger teens... You have Pietro and Wanda being twins, who gladly drag Lance and Fred into their weird friendship...
Reader and their friends have to keep up with the attempts to either separate them or to capture them, all while hiding amongst humans and trying not to let anyone die or get eaten. It doesn't help when the adults realize they're not even 20 years old (which is 2 year old for mers/sirens), and they up their efforts to sway the others to join them. When the full moon comes around, Reader is left as the last teen standing, because the others were either forced to look at the moonlight or ended up in the moon pool, so they're all in their baby siren/mer instincts and starting to see the adults and other teens as podmates/caretakers/hatchmates... Reader doesn't want to fall prey to the moonlight or the siren/mer part of them that begs for care and love and safety... But it gets harder and harder to fight it... It doesn't help when the adults try to force them to look as well, nudging them and coaxing at them to open their eyes, to relax and let themself be cared for...
All in all, this will be fun...
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Thinking about Whale!siren reader who really likes playing with sand, dry or wet, even when they're on land/before they became a mer, anything from drawing shapes or making a castle to just letting it run through their fingers, it means they're atleast okay with being near the ocean, and letting all their siblings bury them in the sand? Too Cute!
Poor reader is going through a tsunami emotions-wise rn. First, they think these other, massive sirens are after and trying to kill them and their friends, so obviously they try their damn best to protect them. They get exhausted pretty fast, but then the full-moon happens, and all of the turmoil they've kept inside since they became a mer/siren combines with the dread of not being able to protect their siblings, reader is all alone now, and they just can't keep held in, curling up as small as they can to hide their face while they cry.
I made some art for Humpback!Reader if you wanna see it 👉 👈 - Lamb Anon
Aaaaaawwwww... Protective sibling Reader! Poor sad little wet bean! They'd be super protective if their hatchmat- they mean friends! The closest they'd ever get to the water is the sand, and even then it's only the sand not too close to the water-
They don't mind being buried in it if it's by their friends, or building sand castles with them, or simply drawing lines and patterns and pictures in it. It soothes the part of them that worries about this situation, the part of them that fights it. It doesn't really help they're a literal whale siren!
But... they do admit being bigger means they have a better chance of protecting their friends. And it's kinda fun, making whale noises and feeling like a leviathan amongst others... It makes them feel a little more secure...
And when the moon pool incident happens, Reader is curled up at the bottom, trying to hide and barely holding back loud sobs and wails. They failed their hatchmates. They couldn't stop them from falling under the moon trance, keep them from being moonwashed... And they're scared now. They feel alone. It doesn't help that their hatchmates keep bumping and nudging them, chirping questions and love and worry at them, nor when the adults try to come near, crooning softly at them... They can't help but start crying, loud and sad and brimming with hurt-sad-sorry-scared...
(I'd love to see your art of Whale Siren Reader! I'm sure it's amazing! Have a good day, 🐑 Anon!)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
octo mer h2oh no reader treasure hunting and exploring a bit to find new things to mess with they hadn’t been trying to get into trouble for once but ever the problem child trouble seems to find them anyways
and this time they find trouble instead of new treasures and puzzles to tinker with in the form of getting caught in a fishing net and due to the nature of their mer form the more the panic the more their tentacles curl around the net and one another us successfully attempting to aid it reader’s escape only effectively trapping reader farther within the heavy net
reader has no choice but to call for Logan or Victor to rescue them from the man made trap they’ve been caught in
the one time reader isn’t intentionally being a problem child and were just looking for something cool to play with 😔
Logan and Victor would both be scrambling to tear apart the net, asking Reader if they're okay, does it hurt anywhere, telling them to take deep breaths, and they're calling for Charles or Eril to show up, possibly Storm, too, to deal with the humans and keep them away while they help Reader. Why is their problem guppy always getting into trouble?! As far as they know, they weren't even trying to this time! Why can't the world let them have them, and not bother them?!
Reader, for once, was trying to play with something, thinking they saw a shiny, and lo and behold, they're trapped in a net. And it's bad, because it's really tight and really rough, and they don't want to call for help, but they do anyways. They don't want to be scolded, or yelled at, and hopefully they won't be... The moment tells two larger caretakers see them, they're tearing at the fibers of the net, shrieking for Charles to hypnotize the humans into thinking they saw nothing or for Storm to make it rain hard enough that the humans hide away- And Reader can only let themself be tugged free, bleeding a little, and being rushed into the nest so Hank can look them over and Charles can ask them what happened. Reader wriggles their tentacles, and feels a little lightheaded. Huh... Was it always that light? Or is the room spinning?
Reader might pass out, and the adults are fretting over them, cleaning their wounds and bandaging them and putting Reader to bed. They aren't letting Reader out of their sight after this, and they better not complain about it... How does this keep happening...?
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
THATS SO FRICKEN CUTE. I'm imagining a reader who's kinda big even though their young, like a baby whale or baby whaleshark, so that all readers podmates can be close to them while not being too crowded, while they all try to persuade reader that they should relax and that this place really isn't so bad, and the caretakers (at least the ones that didn't attack reader) are actually great! Its warm here and there's plenty of food (that considering how hard a worker reader is, it's way better than what they used to eat), it'd make it harder for reader to hide from the rest of the platonic yans (not that they mind) but it's also premise for bigger snuggles!
It would also mean that reader is awful at moving on land, sirens aren't amazing at moving on land anyways, but if reader was a heavier fish, they probably get scratched up if they aren't careful. I pictured the bit where whoever decided that they needed to 'deal' with reader (probably raven or viktor) dropping reader into the water, then suddenly they're a lot bigger than they were a moment ago? and now they're screaming and thrashing their tai- OH TIDES ALMIGHTY-THEY MESSED UPPP
Loving this new AU, can't wait to see what you do with it. 🐑 Anon
Aaaawww, big guppy Reader! Honestly, I'm not sure what siren Reader would be, or even their mer tail type, but this is really cute, Lamb Anon! And it doesn't if Reader is really really small or really really huge, as they're getting dragged into a nest anyways! Their friends aren't worried if Reader is a lot bigger, as Reader is likely big enough to keep all of them safe. But if anything attacked their hatchmate, they're gonna bite them so hard-! If Victor or Raven or whoever hurt Reader suddenly had big guppy Reader on hand, they'd panic, then feel overwhelming guilt. They.. almost killed a child. A BABY. And this poor guppy is now too scared to come out of hiding. Look at this poor little thing! Come on out, it's okay, they know they were scary, but not anymore-!
Reader would want to swat the platonic yans away, and just soak up sun rays all day if they were giant for a mer. Let them eat, sleep, and cuddle with their friends, and they're fine. They'd also try to scare off the platonic yans, who only find them to be too cute. Look at them! Look at their big eyes and little pout and beautiful tail! How can they not like, no, love, their guppies?
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honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
Aw, poor reader, to them all this trouble started when them and their friends ended up turning into 'mermaids' because they all fell into this weird 'moon-pool' thing, and now they're all practically being hunted by these other mer-persons who are HUGE compared to them, and one (maybe some) of them actually tried to murder reader, and the rest seem to really want reader and the others as their kids/siblings?!
If I were in their shoes(fin?) I would just find some cavity where I could wedge myself near stuck and hold on for dear life, they can grab and tug all they want, it'll flood in hell before I budge.
Lamb Anon
Thats what they want to do, Lamb Anon! All Readwr wants is to hide away and never come out, and the platonic yans and their friends just want Reader to embrace their new self. And Reader is SO confused. They don't know how to be a fish person, they know how to be human. How do they even swim?! They're scared of water!
It really doesn't help that they were almost killed by a platonic yan or two, because now Reader just wants to hide under a rock buried under a mountain. They feel the need to curl under a stone or in a cave and simply nap until it's all over. And the platonic yans are now apologizing and bothering them even more?! WHY?! Didn't they want to kill them a few days ago?! The platonic yans keep upping the ante, just trying their hardest to get Reader to forgive them and to be their guppy, and they start by trying to convince their friends, to get them to see they need them, that they should be with a pod, they should be with them, not away from them-
It's a mess of emotions for everyone...
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honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
Imagine in another Siren AU (X-Men Evolution style) it works like those platonic yandere H2O fics, where the sirens had the moon pool thing to make little baby sirens, and the poor teens who end up in it now have to run from platonic yandere sirens and their pods/schools... It's even funnier, or, h*ck, scarier, if the adult sirens are fr*cking HUGE. They're just these big, tailed beings, who can sink a ship no problem... and surprise, they're after Reader and their friends/rivals/siblings? Not to mention some of the teen sirens (the ones born that way and with the adult platonic yans) really really really want siblings! And the adults really really really want more pups, more fry, more guppies! Sirens are a dwindling species, and they won't let anyone hurt their newfound siblings/pups! Even if they have to kill, or eat, the ones who would get in their way...
(Please, please tell me if y'all want this as a Siren AU. I'm interested, I love ocean documentaries and aquariums, and I could use some Siren platonic yans right about now... Do y'all want them, too?) (This au is now going to be called the 🌊Water, Water Everywhere🐠 AU...)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
When you mention reader or the other pups hissing, what pops into my head is when you see videos of tiny little kittens trying to be 'ferocious' and hissing with all of the air in their lungs, I picture that or how seal pups try to growl and it just sounds like a warbly trumpet - 🐑
That's what I was thinking! They just try to be threatening, but their just little guys, so it falls short. It doesn't help they sound like little baby animals, nor when they are tiny enough they can be picked up. Reader tries to bite them and they see it as a game. Their friends start to struggle, they're just cooed at and stuffed in the guppy pouch. The adults keep thinking the kids aren't alright, so they just do their best to be as non-threatening as possible. It just fails, horribly. Reader freaks out whenever they see them, and their friends start trying to shield them, and the yans are so confused and so sad for the kids. The way to get to the teens, is to have the adults' kids, the ones born as sirens, try to reach out...
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Reader being a whale siren would make it harder for them to get used to being in the ocean, not only can they barely tolerate being in the water, but their also super sensitive to the sounds of boats and whales and other sirens, so while the other teens are having fun reader's on the verge of panicking at the strange noises " all around" them, when it turns out only reader can hear most of them.
It would! The boats, the sirens, their friends, even the waves and whales are too loud. Reader keeps trying to power through, but the moment their friends notice their discomfort, they're finding quieter places and some ear plugs for Reader, as well as starting to try and acclimate Reader to ocean noise, such as waves or whales or seagulls. When it gets to be too much, they urge Reader to visit the moon pool for a while, if only to mediate and have fun...
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
I also finished a few of the smaller sketches I had, just some lazy practice pieces, and while going through some of the other h2on! stuff i had a thought, if other animals/sea animals will try to eat guppies/pups, in nature one of the few things that actively seek out and hunt whales/whale calves are orcas, just a interesting idea :) - 🐑
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Aaaaawwwww! Little whale baby! They are so precious! Look at the little bean!
Reader and their friends likely try to hide from anything bigger than them or that has pointy teeth or sharp spines or are known to be venomous. No one wants urchin spines stuck in their tail! No one wants to get poisoned by pufferfish meat! No one wants to run into a man o' war! Reader starts looking up dangerous sea life, and Kitty helps teach the others what she knows about marine life. Reader is more prone to worry, while Kitty is more positive about it. It's like the meme, "We're going to die!" "Of fun!"
The teens have a fun time exploring the ocean. It just gets complicated once Reader is almost killed, and is chased by repentant platonic yans who won't leave them alone...
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