#🌹  *  connections.   ‣  supports.
jessythebunny · 5 months
loved your animation, but please please please, take off the palestine and free palestine tags of ur post, please don't flood the tags with unrelated posts
First of all thank you so much because you praised my animation. I'm really grateful for that
Secondly, no, I can't take it off, so sorry, why?
Well, I always put a hashtag for Palestine and Gaza in every post because I support them and want to help them in any way. It is impossible to do that for a teenager like me.
As for the second reason, because I am an Arab and Muslim girl and I must really support Palestine and its people, because I am truly very sad for them because they are being tortured and killed because of Israel’s oppression.
I'm sorry, you can't force me to remove their hashtag, or tell me what to do, because this is my account and I have the right to do anything with it.
Even if my posts are not related to Palestine, I do this for them because this is the least I can do to support and help them.
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sansaorgana · 2 months
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PAIRING — Ser Gwayne Hightower x fem!Reader // Tyrell!OC
SUMMARY — When Lord Tyrell organizes a huge tournament, the rumour has it that the winner might get his eldest daughter's hand in marriage. When she finds out that certain twins are not playing fair and are scheming together with her father to win, she finds herself a champion she wants to succeed instead – Ser Gwayne Hightower, who was sent by his father to win the tournament.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — It’s written as an usual x Reader fic without describing anything about the Reader’s looks but I still classified it as an OC as well since she is a Tyrell. Although I am not sure if we have even seen them in House of The Dragon, so they can literally look like anything...? 🤔 Thank you so much for reading my last fic with Gwayne and leaving lovely comments and messages! 🌹 It inspired me to write for him again and I already have more ideas for him and a Tyrell Lady Wife (although I don't think the fics will be connected, so they can be read separately). For some reason it makes SO MUCH SENSE to me for Gwayne to have a wife from Highgarden! Some sexual things are mentioned here but there is no actual smut, so I didn't put the warnings. 😉
WORD COUNT — 5,040
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Beautiful courtyards of Highgarden were filled with tents and knights. The sound of horses and clinging armour reached your ears as you were taking a stroll between the tents – against your father’s wish. He didn’t want you to walk freely around all those knights but you had your own guards and your curiosity had no match because you knew perfectly well what that expensive and flashy tournament was about.
You were in the right age to marry – some would say the age was more than right, too right even. You were Lord Tyrell’s eldest daughter and out of all the three sisters, you were the only one who still remained unmarried. The reasons behind that were two. First of all, you were a picky and proud Lady. Second of all, you didn’t want to leave Highgarden and The Reach.
Your father hoped that your marriage would create a powerful alliance and as a daughter of The Lord Paramount of the Reach and The Warden of the South, you were quite a catch for your suitors. Walking amongst them, you saw them turning around and staring at you with smirks. You were the only Lady around and your pale green dress was showing off just enough of your virtues in a typical Highgarden fashion. There were golden roses in your hair and golden eyeshadow on your eyelids as you were all dolled up for the first day of the tournament.
You took a turn around the Lannister tent and you hissed at the sight of your father. Thankfully, he was not looking in your direction and you managed to hide behind your guards but you ordered them to stand still. You wondered why your father was even by the Lannister tent. Talking so openly to one of the knights participating in the tournament was a clear favouritism.
“Thank you, Lord Tyrell, your support means a lot,” Lord Lannister said and you tried to see him better from between your guards’ shoulders. You didn’t like him at all since arrogance was written all over his face.
“It is no secret for all the men here that I would like you to win. It is a formality,” your father lowered his voice. “An alliance between such big houses… It would make us both stronger,” he put his arm around The Lannister. “But I liked the idea of the tournament. It has splendour, don’t you think? I like to show off,” you father grinned.
“As I said before, I am no knight. My younger twin brother is,” Lord Lannister said and your father looked around before shushing him and they both entered the tent.
Curiously, with furrowed brow, you peeked inside the tent despite your guards’ protests. And you nearly gasped at the sight of another man inside who was being prepared for the tournament as a squire was putting his armour on. He looked identical to the man your father was talking to.
“My brother, Ser Tyland, will pretend to be me during the tournament. No one will know,” Lord Lannister told your father and your father nodded at that. “I will sit and watch, pretending to be him. I will be criticising his techniques out loud just like a real knight would criticise his foolish brother who takes part in a tournament without being a knight,” he explained, very proud of himself.
He wouldn’t be the only man who wanted to take part in this tournament without the title of the knight. After all, everyone was aware that the prize was your hand in marriage and you didn’t necessarily need a knight. There were lots of common Lords joining the tournament but they were all honest with their intentions. Not only Lord Jason Lannister had your father’s favouritism but he also was planning to obviously cheat by using his brother.
It made you angry as you carefully took a step back and nodded at your guards to follow you down the path. It seemed like the whole tournament was just a show and a theatre play – you were no longer excited since the end result seemed to be fixed. You would be sent to Lannisport to marry that annoying and arrogant Lord Jason Lannister. Tears filled your eyes and you didn’t even care about your makeup anymore since you no longer longed for the tournament to begin.
You walked past the greenest tent around and saw a man in auburn hair washing his face outside. He noticed your staring and looked up with a dashing smile. He recognised you immediately from the portraits and your clothes. Also, what other Lady would dare to take a walk here? Only the one for whom the tournament was taking place.
“Lady Tyrell,” he bowed his head but his blue eyes were still on you.
You sniffled your tears back and straightened yourself.
“Lord…?” You asked and turned your head to see the banner on the tent. “Lord Hightower? No, that cannot be. Lord Hightower is in King’s Landing, is he not? And he is much older. He is The Hand of The King Viserys,” you tilted your head a little.
“You mean Otto Hightower, my Lady,” the man nodded with a smile as he approached you. His armour wasn’t fully on yet and you could see his shirt slightly open. “I am his eldest son, Ser Gwayne Hightower,” he introduced himself and reached his hand out.
After a while of hesitation, you allowed him to kiss the palm of your hand.
“Ser Gwayne Hightower. You are a brother to our Queen Alicent! Are you to inherit Oldtown after your father’s death?” You asked.
“That is correct, My Lady,” he nodded and straightened his back.
You hummed to yourself. Oldtown was in The Reach and it was the second largest and most populated city in the Seven Kingdoms. To get there from Highgarden, a horse needed around ten days down the Roseroad. You had been there before a few times with your parents but you had never met Ser Gwayne before. 
You looked him up and down. He had a cocky grin on his face but there was something about him that you actually quite liked – especially compared to Lord Jason Lannister. Ser Gwayne seemed to be confident but in a different, less exasperating way.
“Did your father encourage you to take part in this tournament, Ser Gwayne?” You asked him as you raised an eyebrow at him. “I do believe he is known for being an ambitious man.”
“Yes, my father insisted on me taking part,” Ser Gwayne admitted. “But I do not mind it myself.”
You nodded at that. Well, a union between your houses seemed to be right. You were both from The Reach and perhaps The Tyrells were more significant but The Hightowers were a real power, especially now. Sadly, your father seemed to be fixated on that whole idea of you marrying a Lannister.
Unless… Unless you would interfere somehow.
Your silence was interpreted by Ser Gwayne as a sign of exhaustion or boredom, though. He nodded his head and took a step back.
“It was nice to meet you before the tournament, my Lady,” he bowed his head. “I know there are dozens of knights around but, please, do remember about me while choosing your champion, I humbly ask,” he gave you one more dashing smile before walking inside his tent.
As a Lady for whom the tournament was taking place, you had the right to choose your champion. A man you favoured. Although, since the unofficial prize was your hand in marriage, it would be very awkward for a man who was not your champion to win. You assumed that your father would try to force you to choose Lord Jason Lannister.
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And you had been right. Now, when you were holding a golden rose prepared for this occasion as all the knights were standing in front of you and your family in the audience, your father squeezed you by your elbow. He leaned in to whisper into your ear:
“You shall give the rose to Lord Jason Lannister and name him your champion,” he said with a fake smile before moving away.
You swallowed thickly and took a step ahead to be able to reach the man you would choose. You glanced at The Lannister man on the horse – Tyland, pretending to be Jason. And in the audience nearby you there he sat – Jason, pretending to be Tyland. Your eyes met for a second and he grinned at you confidently although he had no idea you were aware of his plan.
You searched for a different pair of eyes now, amongst all the knights. And then you found them, the blue ones. His armour had beautiful ornaments and even his horse was armoured. It all looked so elegant and you smiled at the sight.
You bit on your lower lip. But was he a good knight? Did he actually stand a chance to win?
Well, you were about to find out.
“Ser Gwayne Hightower,” you took a few steps to the right to be closer to him as he commanded his horse to take a few steps ahead. “I choose you to be my champion,” you smiled at him and leaned in to hand him the golden rose.
“Lady (Y/N) Tyrell, it is an honour,” he bowed his head and you saw in his eyes that he was quite surprised that you had named him amongst all the men your champion. He took the rose from you carefully and pinned it to his armour before closing his helmet and returning to the other knights.
You took a deep breath in before walking away to take your seat. Your father’s burning gaze was nearly painful but your mother kept smiling, unaware of the schemings.
“That’s Otto Hightower’s eldest son. The Queen is his sister,” your mother babbled to your father. “Our daughter has chosen wisely,” she smiled at you. “And he’s handsome and quite young.”
Your father ignored her words and gave you a deadly glare instead but you only huffed and walked away, locking your eyes with Lord Jason again. The real one, sitting in the audience. He was not grinning anymore.
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Thankfully, Ser Gwayne turned out to be an excellent knight. Sadly, so was Ser Tyland Lannister, pretending to be his brother Lord Jason.
On the second day of the tournament, they already got rid of most of their opponents as they defeated them in combat. Some of the knights were seriously wounded.
On the third day it was already known that the last duel would be between Ser Gwayne and Ser Tyland. Everyone was taking bets and your father was gritting his teeth.
All this time, you were carefully watched by him and you had no opportunity to speak to any of the men taking part in the tournament. But on the night before the last, fourth, day when the final duel would take place, your father had thrown a feast, during which you were approached by Ser Jason Lannister.
Or Ser Tyland. Were they pretending to be each other during feasts as well? You were tempted to ask but you had no courage to do so.
“Lady Tyrell, there should be songs about your beauty,” he bowed his head and you bowed down.
“Lord Lannister,” you mumbled out, uninterested. “Why aren’t you busy writing them then?”
Your mother looked at you with terror in her eyes but you ignored her.
“Oh, believe me, I do not have time for such frivolities although I wish I had. However, my duties in Lannisport are many. My treasure is full and I shall spoil you with my goods when you are my Lady Wife,” he grinned at you, luring you with his wealth.
“You sound so sure that you’re going to win, my Lord,” you pointed out.
“Oh, I am sure. Ever since you named that Hightower knight your champion, I am determined to show him his place. But I hold no resentment towards you for your choice. I do realise that you, women from The Reach, like to tease,” he winked at you and you had to pretend his words were not an insult. Even your mother gasped a little at his boldness.
“I cannot believe you would spoil me with your wealth for nothing in return, my Lord,” you raised an eyebrow, curious of the response.
“Well, of course not. Like every husband I want my wife to be obedient, easy on the eye and give me many, healthy children,” he informed you. “Sons, I mean,” he fixed himself. That arrogant smirk was still on his face.
“I think your father is calling us,” your mother saved the day as she quickly took you by the arm and excused you both to walk you away from Lord Jason. “Oh, what an insufferable man! Sadly, your father seems to be fixated on the idea of you marrying him. And you know, dear (Y/N), after all the matches you had dismissed in the past… You just can’t say no now. Especially at your age,” she looked at you sternly, but still worried.
You didn’t answer that. You simply nodded your head and walked away to go outside and catch a breath.
You kept walking ahead of you, leaving the noise of the party behind you. You wanted to be alone and despite the darkness, you knew where you were going because you knew this garden better than yourself.
You entered the maze to hide in your favourite spot but after a while you heard unfamiliar steps behind you. You gasped and turned around to see a male silhouette, which caused a shiver go down your spine. If something happened to you now, unguarded and with no one to rescue if you called for help… You didn’t even want to imagine the consequences.
“That is only me, my Lady,” you heard a familiar voice and the man took a few steps ahead. It was Ser Gwayne Hightower, smiling at you.
“Ser Gwayne!” You pretended to sigh with relief but the truth was that you didn’t trust him either. You trusted no man who was creeping up on a Lady like that. “We shouldn’t be left alone without a chaperone,” you pointed out.
“Forgive me, I saw you running away and quite upset. I wanted to make sure nothing bad would happen to you as you wandered off from the crowd without any guards following you,” he lowered his voice as he approached you.
You swallowed thickly. He was right in front of you and behind you there was a tall live-fence that was making it impossible to escape. As he leaned in, his auburn hair fell onto his face and you felt it tickling your cheeks. That close he was.
“How chivalrous of you,” you breathed out, starting to feel dizzy. You had never been so close with a man.
He looked down, his gaze fixated on your tight, revealing dress. Your breasts were squeezed under the silky golden fabric.
“What if I don’t win tomorrow?” He asked as he lifted his eyes up again to meet yours. “Lord Jason is surprisingly good, especially for a man who is not a knight.”
“It’s because it’s not him,” you confessed with a heavy sigh and Ser Gwayne furrowed his brow at you.
“Are you suggesting that…?”
“I am not suggesting, Ser. It is true. I know from the very beginning, I have overheard them talking to my father. My father wants me to marry Lord Jason Lannister and this tournament is nothing but a show-off. He was angry at me for choosing you as my champion,” you told him.
Ser Gwayne seemed to be confused as he took a step back and you surprised yourself because you wanted him close again.
“That is… Unhonourable and disrespectful,” he pointed out. “Do you wish for Lord Jason to win as well, my Lady?” He looked at you, intensely.
“No! Why would I choose you as my champion then, Ser?” You shook your head, desperate to make him believe you.
“To toy with me, perhaps. Or to tease Lord Lannister,” Ser Gwayne pointed out.
“I do not wish to have anything in common with that man,” you huffed.
“And me? You do not know me, do you, my Lady?” Ser Gwayne smirked as he leaned in again, his nose nearly brushing yours as he put his right hand on the live-fence above you. You felt so small underneath him suddenly.
“What do you expect from a wife, Ser Gwayne?” You asked, swallowing a lump in your throat and he looked confused at that question as if it was a stupid thing to ask.
“Loyalty, of course,” he answered.
“And that’s it?” Now you were the surprised one. “What about children?”
“Well, it would be nice to have them, don’t you think, my Lady?” Ser Gwayne chuckled and rubbed your nose with his.
“What if I am flawed like my mother and I can give you only daughters?” You bit on your lower lip, slowly getting drunk at the feeling of having him so close.
“Then we shall make them all great ladies of great houses. My sister is The Queen. Us, Hightowers, we are ambitious,” he told you. “And I have many younger brothers who can produce their male heirs. The future of my family is safe whatever I do,” he assured you and raised his other hand to caress your cheek with his fingertips.
At first, you got startled at his touch as if it was causing you pain because you were not used to being touched like this by a male hand. But then, after a short while, you gave in and hummed to yourself, making him smirk.
You leaned back onto the live-fence and arched your back, connecting your crotch with his. You had no idea what made you do that… It was as if your instincts were telling you what to do. And it felt good.
“Don’t,” Gwayne scolded you and took a step back as you whined.
“Aren’t you here to claim me just in case you lose the duel tomorrow?” You asked, feeling your cheeks heating up. You couldn’t believe the boldness of your own words.
Lord Lannister had been right about the women from The Reach, apparently.
“Perhaps you should have not made me your champion, Lady Tyrell, if you think so lowly of me,” Ser Gwayne bowed his head and turned around to walk away, leaving you alone; confused and full of embarrassment.
One thing was certain – he was messing with your head. You couldn’t stop thinking of him all night long, touching yourself to the thoughts of him standing so close, to the memory of his touch and his voice.
You would rather die than marry Lord Jason Lannister. Any attempt to imagine anyone else other than Ser Gwayne touching you, was making you physically sick.
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You watched with fear, clenching your fists on the railing and leaning down to see better although, at the same time, you didn’t want to see; you were that scared.
You knew that people had been betting on who would win this combat. And more people had bet on The Lannister. Your eyes followed the golden rose attached to Ser Gwayne’s armour, though. You only wanted to keep looking at him as you prayed to the gods old and new for his victory.
The combat was fierce and long. Both of the horses got hurt and taken away and the two opponents were standing face-to-face now, having to duel with their swords on the ground.
Lord Jason Lannister – the real one, the one in the audience – stood up and clenched his fists on the railing, too, as he watched his twin brother.
“Come on!” He yelled and that was when the other Lannister struck Ser Gwayne down. “Yes! That’s right!” He cheered alongside the audience. Then, he looked at you with a smirk.
“Ser Gwayne!” You exclaimed in a high-pitched, scared voice.
To your relief, your champion stood up after taking the blow and you clenched your fists even tiger around the railing. You wouldn’t be surprised if you broke the wood with your hands.
After a few more attempts to strike each other down, both opponents were roaring with frustration. And then you spotted Ser Gwayne taking his helmet off and throwing it aside as people gasped.
Was he insane? You had been thinking that he was a rational man but apparently much less than you expected.
He looked up at you and nodded his head as the wind ruffled his auburn hair a little. You had to admit that he was presenting himself very handsome and you were aware that the helmet was limiting his view during combat but it was still very risky.
When you nodded back, he went back to the fight. His strikes and blows were fast and determined as if the fight was to death. You held your breath whenever he would get a punch or a strike since he was wearing no helmet. However, he seemed to be doing much better now.
Eventually, The Lannister was laying down and not standing up for quite a long time now as Ser Gwayne spat some blood out and looked up again – his face covered in blood and a few bruises but other than that, he was fine.
Your father stood up, carefully, before walking up to you to see with his own eyes. He hesitated and froze instead of announcing the winner and the whole audience was now looking at him.
“You shall announce my champion the winner,” you reminded him and he swallowed thickly.
“I… I announce Ser Gwayne Hightower the winner of this tournament. Congratulations!” He exclaimed and turned around this very instant to sit back down on his chair.
“You fought bravely, Ser Tyland,” Ser Gwayne helped his opponent to stand up as everyone froze at his words. “Oh, Lord Jason, do forgive me,” he nodded at him with a smirk before leaving the field.
Your heart picked up its pace and you couldn’t help a big grin. You glanced at The Lannister in the audience and he gave you a very unpleasant look this time. You couldn’t blame him, really. Ser Gwayne’s little mistake would make people gossip about The Lannisters cheating in the tournament. It was bringing you lots of satisfaction.
You were about to excitedly leave your parents’ side, when your father grabbed your wrist and stopped you.
“Where are you going?” He asked, harshly.
“To see my champion!” You answered him.
“Absolutely not,” your father shook his head. “You are coming with me to meet with The Lannister brothers,” he told you and both you and your mother widened your eyes at him.
“Father… Ser Gwayne has won the tournament… Fairly,” you pointed out.
“You said that the winner would have (Y/N)’ hand in marriage,” your mother reminded him.
“It was never officially announced, was it?” He barked at the both of you. “It was just a rumour.”
“Do you want to enrage The Hand of The King by disrespecting his son? Do you want to enrage The Queen herself by disrespecting her brother?” You asked him.
Your father let go of your wrist but he kept staring at you with anger and resentment in his eyes.
“Why did you want The Lannisters to win so badly?” You asked him. “To the point of letting them play it dirty and cheat?” You continued as your mother’s eyes were widening. “I have overheard your conversation on the first day while taking a stroll between the tents like you had forbidden me to,” you admitted. “Why, father?”
“My Lord Husband?” Your mother asked him, enraged by what she had just heard.
“Perhaps you have also overheard the part where I was saying that the tournament is a nice show-off,” he explained.
“I do understand why you threw the tournament. The question was not about that,” you raised an eyebrow at him and crossed your arms.
“Wealth,” was all he said after a short silence.
“And… that’s it?” You asked, disappointed.
Your father nodded and looked away.
“Wealth and splendour. An alliance between The Tyrells and The Lannisters would be a powerful one. And their treasure is big,” he added.
You opened your mouth to say something but you had no words.
“Your foolish sisters!” He continued as he raised his voice suddenly. “One married some Dornish lesser Lord and the other went up North to marry a knight in The Vale! The Ladies of House Tyrell! I should have been creating powerful alliances with you, foolish girls, but, no, all of you know better! All of you!” He yelled at you as your mother began to calm him down.
“I would never marry a man without an honour like Lord Jason Lannister,” you only said. “A cheater who plays dirty by using his brother because he knows very well that he would lose his very first combat if it was him down there,” you finished.
Without any other word, you hurried downstairs to run up to Ser Gwayne’s tent. His squire was working on removing his armour off of his body and you approached him to cup his bruised face splashed with blood.
“Ser Gwayne…” You started and then you swallowed thickly and looked down, remembering your encounter with him from the previous evening and the things you had been thinking of at night.
“Lady Tyrell,” he nodded at you with a smile.
“Are you alright, Ser? What has gotten into you to take the helmet off?” You asked as you dared to look up again, right into his blue eyes.
“It was limiting my view,” he answered. “I am alright, my Lady, no need to worry about me.”
“Are you always that irresponsible, Ser?” You asked yet another question. After all, it was important to know if he was supposed to be your Lord Husband.
“Never, my Lady. But it was rather an important combat, was it not?” He raised an eyebrow at you and you smiled widely at him.
You let go of his face as you took a few steps back to let his squire continue his work with the armour.
“I shall leave you now,” you nodded. “Thank you.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Lady Tyrell,” Ser Gwayne bowed his head slightly as he watched you walking out of his tent.
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There was a feast again on that evening but instead of being with the guests, your father was locked in the library with Ser Gwayne, discussing the unofficial prize of the tournament – your hand in marriage.
You were pacing around the corridor, all dolled up for the party in a pastel pink dress but with no interest to walk down and participate in the celebrations. You were afraid that your father would be rude to Ser Gwayne or scare him off, so you wanted to be around just in case you needed to put out some fire.
At first, you had chosen Ser Gwayne Hightower to be your champion simply to annoy your father and to avoid showing any favours to Lord Jason Lannister. But as the time progressed – especially after last night… – you just wanted to become Ser Gwayne’s wife. You would still live in The Reach and have your mother quite close but at the same time you’d be away from your father and his constant remarks of remaining unmarried despite your age.
Oldtown was an important place on the map of Westeros and you would be The Queen’s sister-in-law. Your father would be foolish to choose Lannister's gold over that honour.
The doors opened finally and you saw your father who was visibly surprised at the sight of you nervously pacing outside the library.
“Are you curious or nosy, dear daughter?” He asked you with his eyebrow raised.
“Perhaps both,” you answered.
“Either way,” your father shrugged, taking a step aside and revealing Ser Gwayne standing behind him, “that is not a problem of mine to deal with anymore,” he finished. “Disciplining her might be a challenge,” he chuckled at Ser Gwayne.
“With all respect, Lord Tyrell, I am not Lady (Y/N)’s father to discipline her,” Ser Gwayne nodded at him and approached you to hold your hands in his as he looked at your face. “We are going to get married, my Lady,” he announced to you and you smiled widely at him, feeling a huge wave of relief washing all over you. Relief, happiness and… excitement.
“When?!” Was all you asked before looking at your father’s face. He seemed to watch you carefully but wasn’t as displeased as before, right after the tournament.
“Ser Gwayne is running Oldtown in the name of his father so he must return there immediately tomorrow morning,” your father answered. “We will escort you to him for the wedding once all the preparations are finished. It shouldn’t take more than a few weeks.”
“A few weeks?!” You whined. “How am I supposed to wait for so long?”
Ser Gwayne chuckled at that and so did your father as you felt your cheeks heating up.
“You have been waiting for so long to get married, my dear, you can surely hold off a few weeks more,” your father pointed out.
But he didn’t understand. Now, when you actually wanted to become a wife and found a man worthy enough to be called your Lord Husband, you didn’t want to wait a day longer. However, being whiny about it would only make you look childish and desperate.
“I shall wait then,” you sighed and looked down in defeat.
“And I shall prepare The Hightower for your arrival, my Lady,” Ser Gwayne nodded at you. “What is your favourite colour, may I ask, my Lady, just so I know how to tell my people to decorate your new chambers?”
“It’s green, Ser Gwayne,” you answered with a soft smile. “Green and yellow like the colours of my house.”
“Something tells me we are going to be an excellent match,” Ser Gwayne smirked at your answer with a wink.
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astrocafecoffee · 3 months
•Healing through marriage (Based on Groom pc) •
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✨For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
☞ Masterlist
☞solar return observation
☞Groom pc obs. Part 1
☞Groom pc obs. Part 2
•. •. •. •.(☉。☉)•. •. •. •.
🌹What to check?
- check your Chiron in your groom persona chart , where it falls in.
🌹Why Chiron?
- Chiron is associated with our deepest wounds and our capacity for recovery . In your groom pc ,it can show how you fs will heal your inner child/ your trauma through marriage.
Let's go ~
❤️ Chiron in 1st house : Your fs may heal you through unconditional acceptance. They may love and accept you for who you are, flaws and all, helping you overcome self-doubt and low self-esteem. They could provide a safe space for you to express your emotions, validating your feelings and helping you process past wounds.Their empathetic nature may help you feel understood and supported, especially during difficult times.
❤️ Chiron in 2nd house: your future spouse may help you overcome financial struggles, debts, or insecurities, teaching you healthy financial habits and empowering you to achieve stability. Their presence in your life could help you recognize your inherent value and worth, transcending material possessions or external validation. They might empower you to take charge of your financial life, making informed decisions and breaking free from dependency or fear.
❤️ Chiron in 3rd house: your future spouse may help you express yourself more clearly and confidently, fostering open and honest communication in your relationship. Their influence could help you quiet your mind, reducing mental chatter and increasing focus, allowing you to tap into your inner wisdom. They might teach you to recognize and manage your emotions, developing emotional intelligence and empathy.
❤️ Chiron in 4th house:your future spouse may help you resolve unresolved issues with your family, fostering understanding, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Their presence could help you build a strong emotional foundation, providing a sense of security and stability.Chiron in the 4th house can indicate wounds from childhood; your partner may help you heal and integrate your inner child.
❤️ Chiron in 5th house:your future spouse may help you overcome creative blocks or insecurities, fostering self-expression and artistic growth.Chiron in the 5th house can indicate a need to reconnect with childhood joy and creativity; your partner may help you recapture that spark. They might help you heal from past relationship wounds, teaching you to love yourself and others in a healthy, empowering way.
❤️ Chiron in the 6th house : Your future spouse's influence could help you establish a sense of structure and organization in your daily life, making you more efficient and productive. Chiron in the 6th house can indicate a need to integrate your mind and body; your partner may help you develop a greater awareness of your physical and emotional needs. They might help you find a healthy balance between work and personal life, reducing stress and increasing overall well-being.
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❤️ Chiron in the 7th house: Your future spouse might help you overcome past relationship traumas or wounds, teaching you to form healthy, empowering partnerships. Their influence could encourage you to examine your own role in relationships, taking responsibility for your actions and growth. With Chiron in the 7th house, they may help you find a balance between independence and interdependence, recognizing the value of both.
❤️ Chiron in the 8th house:Your future spouse may help you overcome fears or insecurities around intimacy and vulnerability, creating a safe space for deep connection.Their influence could guide you in exploring your shadow, acknowledging and integrating repressed aspects of yourself. With Chiron in the 8th house, they may facilitate transformative experiences through intimate connections, helping you rebirth and renew yourself.
❤️ Chiron in the 9th house : Chiron in the 9th house can indicate a need for continuous learning and growth; your partner may inspire you to pursue higher knowledge and wisdom.They may foster a sense of curiosity and wonder, inspiring you to ask questions and seek answers.Their presence could help you recognize the interconnectedness of all things, fostering a sense of oneness and unity with the universe.
❤️ Chiron in the 10th house: Your future spouse might help you discover your life purpose and passion, aligning your career with your soul's mission. Their influence could help you overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome, recognizing your value and expertise.They might inspire you to redefine success on your own terms, prioritizing fulfillment and happiness over external validation.
❤️ Chiron in the 11th house:Chiron in the 11th house can indicate a need to embrace innovation and progress; your partner may encourage you to think outside the box and pioneer new ideas.They might help you expand your professional and social network, connecting you with like-minded individuals and opportunities.They may help you overcome feelings of isolation or disconnection, integrating you into a larger community.
❤️ Chiron in the 12th house : Chiron in the 12th house can indicate a need to confront and heal subconscious wounds; your partner may support you in this process.They might inspire you to develop greater compassion and empathy, understanding the struggles of others.Their influence could help you recognize and break free from self-sabotaging patterns, releasing limiting beliefs and behaviors.
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Hope you enjoyed ❤️
- Piko ✨
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vintagetimetarot · 7 months
Message from your future spouses higher self 🌹
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Hi everyone! It’s been so long since I posted a PAC. So sorry! My mental health hasn’t been great. But I finally mustered up some motivation for a reading today. This is whatever your future spouses higher self wants to bring to light to you. Let’s go! Pick a vinatge image below for your pile. (Side note, a lot of the piles were very similar, so if you feel drawn to more than one, go for it!)
Pile 1: The message your future spouse’s higher self wants to tell you is that that are genuinely so proud on how far you have come in life. They can’t wait to finally meet you, they say that your union isn’t super far away. They want to let you know that once they come into your life, they’ll be your biggest cheerleader and number one support. They think you are the most beautiful, graceful, and talented person they’ve ever met. They wish they could just hold you all night. They want to let you know that your relationship is not one sided at all, even though it may come off that way when you two first meet. They just love you so much! They also pick up that you haven’t been emotionally feeling great, they are here to remind you how beautiful of a person you are and why they fell in love with you. They really want to emphasize how true their connection is with you. That’s all Pile 1, I hope this resonated.
Pile 2: Your future spouses higher self wants you to know that whatever struggles your dealing with right now are about to end. They know how amazing you are and are telling you they have 100% faith that you will get through whatever is going on. They are letting you know divine timing is on your side, and things are going unfold into a happy place naturally. They admire how you’ve been handling everything with such grace, they think you are so beautiful/handsome for this. They are telling you to look for signs (birds and rabbits for some reason may resonate) of your union coming closer. Just hold on a little longer! Even outside of your love life, good offers and opportunities are coming to you, and you need to embrace them is what your future spouse is saying. Materially, you are in for a really good time, and it’s going to get even better once they come into your life. Your future spouse is well off, and will try to share this with you by giving gifts and taking you to nice places and such when you first meet/start dating. They are here to tell you that are very excited for you guys to meet and are very excited. That’s all Pile 2, I hope this resonated!
Pile 3: Your future spouses higher self wants your to trust your gut more and believe in yourself! They love every part of you and are asking you to not be so ashamed of yourself. You are a hard and generous worker, and they want you to start recognizing your power and your influence. You bring so much positive energy into your family and friends lives, and especially theirs. They want to tell you they just love you so deeply. They want to let you know when they come into your life, they will rush in so fast. (The Elvis song came to mind lmao). They want you to be patient with them as they are charmer and experienced at love, but have their fallacies sometimes. They like to put you on a pedestal I see. They want to remind you to keep making good choices in your life. Your skill and dedication to things is something they admire and wish for you to keep up. Keep up the good work is what they say! That’s all Pile 3, I hope it resonated!
Pile 4: Your future spouses higher self wants to be more assertive for yourself in love so you can attract them into your life sooner. They are ITCHING to just meet you already. They consider themselves lucky knowing you are their future partner. Your future spouse is saying to keep your standards high and to not settle for breadcrumbs. The relationship they are about to give you will be beautiful and the romance of a lifetime, but you need to trust the process. As you both balance your lives and keep moving forward, the closer this connection gets. You are a natural born leader and they want you to assert and put yourself or there more. You have such a bright future ahead of you right now, and they just wanna tell you that you should be excited and happy. They think that you’ve been doing a good job, but wanted to serve this to you as a huge reminder. You bring so much life and light into people’s lives and you have amazing gifts, they are screaming at you to start using them! That’s all Pile 4, I hope it resonated.
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anqarfamily · 8 days
Hello, 🍉🍉🍉
I am Ahmed Alanqer, a 35-year-old Palestinian man from Gaza. My life revolved around my small family: my wife Dina and our four children: Zeina, Eileen, Yamen, and finally, Ronza, who was born amidst the shelling just a month ago.
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My campaign has been Verified and Vetted, and is now listed on the :
🌟Gaza Donations [On The List Of Fundraisers] that have been verified by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi at line number 264.
🌟Butterfly Effect project at line number 741.
And Verify & Share by :
@nabulsi @90-ghost @appsa @heritageposts @communistchilchuck @apollos-olives @vakarians-babe
I want to thank each and every one of you for standing by me and helping to verify and confirm my campaign to save my children from the ongoing war. I love you all, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My children thank you as well for your support and assistance. Thank you for being there for us. ❤️❤️❤️
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ivesambrose · 8 months
𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔩𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔨 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𐙚
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Its been a rather cold month so I decided to channel something warm to look forward to 🤍
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected] with your name, date of birth and query
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Thank you for the tip 🌹
Picture 1
You may have been dealing with challenging situations or people who are quick to throw jabs at you or throw a wrench in your plans. This may have led you to question your own intuition and potential making you scared and hesitant to take a step forward or take any risks in the fear of failure. You'll realize that their scattered mindset and opinions aren't supposed to be your core beliefs. You're not supposed to take advice from people whose life you don't see yourself living. Rather, you should focus on what makes you bloom from within.
You can look forward to a shift in belief system that will in turn change your entire life and reality for the better.
You can also look forward to something that excites you in the form of a rewarding opportunity (especially in terms of career for most of you) that you have been wishing for or were being patient for the longest time.
You can look forward to something valuable that will grow with time and won't be a fleeting thing. You'll be able to trust your intuition and judgement again. You'll be receiving nurturing and quality connections in your life as well. People who care and support you and your dreams.
All of this comes at the small cost of slowly letting go of your self sabotaging tendencies.
Timing: Coming 21 days
Picture 2
You've recently fathomed the power of your thoughts and words and how time and circumstances are irrelevant when it comes to them materalizing. This has been happening a lot but in the past you have questioned them but now you've grown more adamant, strict and assertive. You've learnt to stand your ground. You want to fully step into your power more than anything and allow no one not even yourself to stand in your way.
You can certainly look forward to a completion and celebration. Your labour has been steady and your harvest will be abundant. Enjoy your prosperity. You'll also be embarking on a new journey in your life, ideas and outlook will expand, no one will be able to confine you.
There's a lot of passion coming your way, it will allow you to overcome any fear you may face.
That long awaited renewed hope, clarity and peace is finally yours. You can actually see your path ahead, the destination that you'll reach, so you'll choose to embrace and enjoy your journey.
You can also look forward to a physical glow up, being appreciated, being proud of yourself and your achievements. Shedding guilt. As well as connecting with people or existing friends who feel like your tribe, with whom you don't have to mask your true self to be loved and accepted.
Timings : coming 14 days, stay loyal to your end goals. (September for some of you too)
Picture 3
You can see the dots connecting in your life, maybe you don't know how exactly, you may not have the outline laid out in front of you but when you aren't overthinking it, you realize how one thing leads to another and gain momentum. Things aren't exactly as a standstill as you think. You're extremely disciplined and focused, so whatever you have set sights on is bound to happen or be yours.
You may not realize how powerful your esoteric gifts are but you will. You can look forward to your visions, dreams, written words actually coming true as though it were a prophecy. Be mindful of the people you share your wisdom and insights with. I do see you aren't as happy with your current social circle or people you interact with. You trust very few and you sometimes feel very isolated. But you excellent foresight and there's always a silver lining in your circumstances.
Life will begin to change as the days get warmer and longer.
There's so much beauty in you, you don't even realize that you're a muse to many or are about to be. You might go into hiding only to rise from the ashes as something wild and free. The transformation that you seek is ongoing and something you know is inevitable. Celebrate it when time comes or start from today itself.
Timings: Coming 12 days, summer season (July and August is standing out for some of you as well)
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medicasino · 2 months
(Please send me an ask, DM or tag me if you would like me to share yours, I will share all vetted fundraisers I see! However I can not vet campaigns, please do not ask me to vet your campaign as I am not able to!)
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heaven444child · 4 months
Love Reading ❤️
Message from your future spouse 💌
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Pick one picture🌌 AND Read these readings mindfully 👻and if you want a personal reading then DM me✨🍀
Pile 1
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Pile 1 your future spouse wants to tell you that he has a lot of love for you in his heart ♥️ I am hearing a song - Chandni Chandni Tere Chehre Ki Yeh Chandni Kiss Ki Liye Hai Mere Liye Hai ❣️your future spouse wants to tell you that he can't wait to meet you but right now he cannot give you a commitment because he is currently focusing on his career so that whenever he comes into your life, he can fulfill your every wish whatever you will ask him 🌹💜 he wants to tell you that he considers you wife/husband material ❤️ he wants to create a family with you 👩‍❤️‍👨 your future spouse wants to tell you to wait for him 👫 my dear wifey🫶❣️
Song - sholon si by vishal dadlani , say it right by nelly furtado
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Pile 2
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Pile 2 Your future spouse wants to tell you that it's nothing like you think it is 🫣 I know things aren't going well between us right now 🍂 I don't know if I should tell you this or not 🫨 But if I don't tell you then whom will I tell 🌹🌝 I'm going through some financial problems in my life right now 🍃 Due to which I can't connect/talk to you right now 🌜 But don't think that I don't care about you 😕 Because I always stalk you on social media 🥺 I want to send you a message 😔 But why...why can't you see this 😭 Why can't you see me or my heart 😣 Please look at me once 🥹💕 Hearing these lines reminded me of a Kdrama Right now your future spouse's situation is exactly like that male character where he tells the girl he likes ki why can't you see me 😭Why don't you look at me 🥺Just look at me once🥹 Hmmm…. Your future spouse loves you so much 💕👀 This scene reminded me of (KDrama - Cheer Up) 🌸If possible, pray for your future spouse that whatever financial problem he is facing in his life gets over soon 🫶♥️
Song- stay lost with me by reed pittman
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Pile 3
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pile 3 Your future life partner wants to tell you that he is also struggling to move forward in his life or when he becomes capable for you, then he will offer you his love 🫶❤️ He cannot wait 👀 He just wants to come to you quickly 🍀💜 because he has a lot of passion for you in his heart 🫣 or he is afraid of losing you 🥹 because he knows that there are many people who like you 🌹 You have a lot of options 🦋 but he trusts your love that you will wait for him 🫣♥️ You will always choose him ✨🍀
Song - little bit more by suriel Hess , sugar daddy by qveen herby
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Stay blessed ✨🍀 AND thankyou for your support 🫶♥️
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just-a-ghost00 · 2 months
What they thought the last time they saw you?
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Decks used : Threads of fate oracle & White Numen tarot. Warning : this reading might be triggering depending on the group you pick.
Group 1
Note : I had to redo this reading because of interferences. When you last met, their might have been other people trying to get your/their attention. I also had to do an unusual type of spread and pick the cards myself instead of shuffling because of these interfering energies. So the context in which you met may have been unusual for you or unpredicted. You or they could have had to change the way they proceed in order to get what you/they wanted.
The Creator, The Pillar, Compassion, Get wild | Knight of swords, 7 of cups rx, ace of swords, 10 of wands
The focus is put more on what they felt than what they thought. And I guess that says a lot about this person. They felt very excited and adventurous. There is a sense of novelty surrounding this meeting. Like this person is taking a new founding step in their journey and they are very optimistic about it. I feel like here we are talking about people that only recently met or whose connection is in the beginning stages. It's more like a crush / new encounter / fresh friendship energy. There might have been a wall or an important structure standing behind this person. Like something that litterally and metaphorically supported them. Right away I am picking up on a stage. Because the image depicted on the Pillar card it reminds me of Paris (Arc de Triomphe) and Italy/Roma (Arch of Titus). If there is maybe one thought that crossed their mind, it was that this moment with you was somewhat magical. They were very grateful, hopeful and beyond amazed by the amount of support and love they felt. It gave them wings and made them want to surpass themselves. But with this feeling of bliss also came a feeling of dread. They felt pressured. Pressured by time and space. Pressured by the passion, by the acts, the words, the people around them. They felt like they were not given a choice or given time to process what was going on. They felt pressured because they didn't know what to think and yet they were expected to have thoughts. They knew that you expected a lot from them and they felt like they were not in a position to honor their duty towards you, to give you proper thought and attention. To communicate clearly how they felt and what they hoped for. Things were going too fast too soon and as much as they loved being with you, they also regret how it went. I was drawn to the depiction of he knight of swords which I mistook for the queen. This knight looks very friendly and charming, and that to me felt unusual. So another thought that might have crossed this person's mind was that your friendliness was suspicious or didn't feel genuine. Maybe because they aren't used to such reactions from other people. They thought it hid something and it made them a little uncomfortable.
Group 2
Note : for this group I felt like picking more cards than the first. I interpret this as them having a lot on their plate. There were a lot of things they regret not doing or not saying. This is them showing that they still care. Then when I started interpreting I felt the urge to cover the cards. They didn't want to see the truth of what was happening.
Ancestors, Speak truth, Death, Sacred sexuality, Reflect | 5 of cups, The Sun, The Tower, The Hanged man, 8 of pentacles
They thought that they were losing something very precious and dear to their heart. And that it is almost impossible for them to get it back unless they work really hard on themselves. We're talking here about people who are in separation and/or in conflict. They realized that you were important to them when it was too late. They thought that had they told you the truth about their family, about their past, potentially about their children, things would have unfolded differently. They thought about telling you they missed you and that losing you would break their heart but they didn't. They were too shocked to speak up. For some people, we're talking about a deceased loved one. There might have been a hidden truth in the family regarding the passing of someone. Possibly a child. That feels like only a small portion of you though. For others, I'm picking up on someone not telling you about their sexual preferences. They didn't have the courage to tell you they couldn't love you the way you hoped because their sexual preferences were different than what you assumed. And as long as they don't regret who they are and what they love, they regret not telling you because they know they betrayed your trust. They thought they ruined your friendship. They though that a time apart from each other was necessary if they wanted to be able to come back into your life. That you would need time to heal and this could only be possible if they weren't a part of your life for a while.
Group 3
Note : for this group I felt the need to shift my position. I was sitting on the ground and I turned my back on the soread. This tells me that one of you has chosen to turn their back on the connection. There was only one card I didn't have to pick. Somehow I think it's relevant to the reading but I don't know what that means.
The Weaver, Soul work, Ancestors, Release | Queen of wands, King of cups, White Numen rx, Queen of cups
"I gave you all and yet you chose to turn your back on me". I heard that very clearly in my head looking at the spread. "There wasn't much to hesitate about. I was right there. It was pretty obvious. You shouldn't have had to pick, just to listen and pay attention". They thought that you were made for each other, destined to be together but you didn't see eye to eye with them on that matter. My skin feels very itchy right now. It's like it didn't feel right for this person to be ignored and chosen over someone else. There could have been several scenarios : some of you could have prefered your family over this person, others you chose another romantic partner over the one that was interested in you. They thought that by chosing a different path, you ruined all chances of this connection to bloom into something beautiful. They truly believed in the potential of what you shared, they were willing to put in the work and they don't understand why you couldn't see it. They're like "everything was written, all conditions were aligned for this to work and yet, you discarded it like it never mattered". For others I feel like you chose your status and career over the connection. They feel like your fame and success mattered more than their feelings or the happiness you could have built together. They thought this situation was unfair. That they have nothing to be blamed for because they know in their heart they did everything in their power to make it work, that they never caused you any wrong. They feel like they were never enough for you or that you didn't like them in the first place.
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morphodae · 4 months
Lawrence Bluewer | Headcanons
Including: general, relationship (x reader)
cw: none, mentions of “traditional Victorian era” views on heterosexual relationships, but otherwise this is relatively gender-neutral to be inclusive 💙
Read more P4 headcanons here: 🪻x 🌹x 🌱 x
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As we all know, Lawrence has seven sisters. He’s the only boy in the entirety of his siblings lol.
When he isn’t studying or remaining loyal to Blue House, he would be a bit more relaxed in private. As such, he’s — to no surprise — an introvert who prefers the company of those he’s known a long, long time. Or, rather, family members.
Even so, his sisters can be a bit… much. So, Lawrence does appreciate his own quiet time left alone when he has the chance.
His parents have tried and failed throughout the years to arrange a marriage for him. While he’s a man of tradition and standards, Lawrence prefers to focus himself on academics at Weston College before worrying himself with a spouse.
To absolutely no one’s surprise, Lawrence has little experience in the realm of romance. Sure, he has sisters and experience navigating how a woman might act, think, dress, and so on. But it’s not at all the same as courting one.
Still, I do see him as the type to be going about his business and bam — he meets someone and becomes a flustered mess against his wishes. It’s not quite the same as “love at first sight” but it’s pretty damn close. Lawrence would be taken completely off guard by someone who seems to connect with him upon first meeting.
You can absolutely guarantee that Edgar would try to play matchmaker, try to give unwarranted advice, or even set Lawrence and his crush on an outing. You know that blond man would.
The chances of Lawrence succumbing to Edgar’s whims or “generous offers of help” — as the blond calls it — are slim to none. Lawrence would rather read books, consult his calmer sisters, and try to do things his own way.
In terms of an “ideal” person, I believe that someone who can mentally stimulate Lawrence would have him swooning. Whether that be through games of chess, academic theories and knowledge, or even just supporting his escapades to seek out new things would be perfect for him.
A bit of manga spoilers that I didn’t include in Gregory’s but implied; having a supporter of his time in S4 at the music hall is also a good way to keep his attention. The sins of his past are haunting him and his friends. You likely wouldn’t know about it but whether you found out about it or not, showing him your unbridled loyalty is enough to make the stone-faced man cry.
To be honest, Lawrence is rather… simple to please. Once he falls for you, and you continue to woo him by showing support, respect, and having meaningful conversations with him, there’s not much else to do.
Outings (dates) are usually simple but nonetheless well-thought out and organized due to his diligence. He’s punctual and likes to ensure everything is no less than perfect for you. It isn’t about impressing you but rather, showing you he’s responsible. Plus, order and absolution have been instilled into his personality since he was young; so it’s likely that any managing or planning skills are second nature to him.
Acts of service is his primary love language. While traditional displays and gifts are common — and of no shortage due to his wealth — he feels much more comfortable doing things to make your life easier and show, rather than tell, of his affection. But, if you preferred a different love language then he would be willing to discuss it further and if it was something unfamiliar to him such as physical touch or words of affirmation, then he would find a compromise with you.
At the end of the day, Lawrence is also one of the two more “traditional men” of the original prefects so I do believe marriage would be in the future for you and him. Despite pressure from his family and sisters, Lawrence much prefers to love you in a way that is practical and altruistic with his acts. He’s patient and respectful, however, and would wait until you were ready for such a large step in the relationship.
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celestialtarot11 · 9 months
Tarot Embodiments 💘🤍🌟
Hi friends! 💗 For those of you learning to read tarot, or wanting to strengthen your understanding of it, here you go! I really hope you enjoy + I appreciate any support given to this blog 🌟🥂 enjoy! I’m wondering if I should make a short on YouTube about how to read tarot! Would ya’ll love that? 🙈💖
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💘 Pages- I like to think of Pages as the baby of the court cards. Learning to value its journey, growth, but still nervous about branching out. Seeking information, seeking to grow, gathering ideas, and planning. The planning before the action. Taking mental note. But depending on the Page this channeling of energy can be different!
💗 Page of cups- The sweet, generous, and jovial page. The all encompassing, but still learning to understand how emotions play an important role in situations/connections/oneself. Starting to gain a perspective that invites sympathy, emotion and understanding. Youthful, dreamy and young in their mindset. Also a messenger.
💗 Page of swords- The studier. The one who inspects parts before putting it together. Reading the manual to understand the point of the object at hand. Tinkering with different parts to see what fits, and gathering information over time to reach a conclusion. But does not have enough information to form on at this moment. Associated with spying, stalking, gathering information, and mental stimulation.
🤍 Page of wands- The pursuit of new ideas. The idea comes fast, excitedly, but lacks planning and execution. Putting together different elements to a situation/story/ narrative to create something passionate. Fleeting interest, lacks long term engagement. Ideas can fall apart and come together. Can represent someone who is exploring their passions, dreams and goals, but needs time. Can indicate someone starting a spiritual journey!
🥂 Page of pentacles- Eye on the prize. Determined, skilled, hopes for long term engagement. Still learning the value of a connection/project/friendship. Someone who is learning what their core values are. Someone who is developing slowly, does not make hasty moves. Can be focused to the point they forget anything else.
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The Kings 💗🔮
The Kings are the evolved court cards of all. It represents maturity, development, and a state of security!
🦋 King of cups- Someone who is emotionally aware, conscious and stable. Secure emotionally, fulfilled within oneself, feels comfortable surrounding the home. Is able to give and receive comfortably, and is open to their heart space. Someone with dignity, morals, values that encompass emotion too. Shows acknowledgment for feelings, and can have deep conversation. Someone wealthy in terms of emotional knowledge, and spiritual wealth. Their home carries abundance. Humble, generous, loving, sweet, and nurturing.
🌟 King of wands- Someone who is assertive, passionate, driven. Motivated. Excites easily and makes decisions surrounding their passion. Someone who knows what they want and goes after it confidently, and attracts it. Someone who is impressive, but can have a big ego. Someone who is engaged with spirituality, or has a deep connection to spirituality. Someone who carries spiritual knowledge. Funny, energetic, passionate, charismatic, and bold.
🌹 King of Pentacles: Someone grounded, reserved, committed and confident. Self assured, focus is on material wealth, and sustains long term commitments. Someone who is strong headed, firm, and decisive. Considers the long term and future. Someone wealthy materialistically. Someone devoted to their projects, has a high position in their job, and is the head of a family. Someone who thinks of the future carefully and makes adjustments to align with what they see. Gentle, calm, patient, and supportive.
📌 King of swords- Cerebral, a thinker. Skilled in mental processes and is detached from emotion. Considers emotion, but does not make decisions from that place. Represents someone in their head often, and observing reality, can struggle to interact with it. A planner, someone who considers all options, observant and knowledgeable. Someone philosophical, and approaches from a knowledgeable perspective. A walking library. Someone with a lot to say and doesn’t necessarily say it all. Considerate, respectful, cerebral, an analyzer.
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The Queens 🦋💘
Same thing as the Kings, they represent the evolved feminine side of us. The energetic feminine.
🌟 Queen of wands- The bad bitch! She knows she’s all that. Confident, secure, passionate, and harbors knowledge. Sexually tapped in, invigorating, yet caring. Someone who takes care of their health, passions and nurtures their dreams confidently. Their confidence comes from within. Is not afraid to be themselves. Magnetic, and attracts abundance from a mile away. Spiritually tapped in and can be well endowed in the spiritual department. Charismatic, spiritual, hilarious, confident, and intelligent.
💖 Queen of cups- The nurturer, has a wide understanding of emotion and how important stability is. Maintains equilibrium, balance, and peace within herself. Is emotionally passionate, guided and self assured. Validation comes from within. Focus is in the home and creating community, and is seen as warm, inviting, caring. Has boundaries and knows when to set limits. Has a deep connection ti the heart, and spirituality. Caring, supportive, nurturing, and expansive.
💘 Queen of swords- An analyzer, and understands the value of emotion in planning. Does not make the same mistake twice. Set boundaries, communicates effectively, direct and open minded. Does not tolerate bullshit, and is knowledgeable. Has higher insight on situations/oneself. Philosophical, and sees things from a different perspective. Can be seen as detached, nonchalant. Does not let emotion get in the way of doing what’s best for them. A thinker, organizer, committed to oneself, and knows her place/ value.
🥂 Queen of pentacles- Committed, generous, humble, and loving. A giver, and knows what she deserves in return. Focused on material abundance, wealth and finances. Blessed financially. Someone who works hard and has dignity. Disciplined, focused, structured. Reserved, honest, and respectful. Committed to their future, and will make any and all adjustments to create their dream life. Knows her value and worth, and will not accept anything less.
Thank ya’ll for reading! It’s appreciated. Any support given is also appreciated 🤗🌟 hope this was informative!
Paid Readings💘🌹
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alkhior · 2 months
Hello there, 👋
I am Tamer Aldeeb, a dentist from Gaza.
We have suffered greatly from fear, displacement, and the destruction of our home and my clinic, and everything we literally own...
We want to save ourselves from what seems like an inevitable death.
I hope you can take a look at my campaign on the pinned post on my profile ,and help us by donating or sharing our campaign to reach the largest number of supporters.🌹🌹
Our campaign is verified by @90-ghost , @ibtisams , @el-shab-hussein , @nabulsi and @fairuzfan 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Thanks a lot in advance ❤️❤️❤️
Tamer Al Deeb’s campaign is on the Google Sheet of vetted fundraisers and was verified by el-shab-hussein (links below). They have currently raised €21,451 of a €40,000 goal.
I’ve donated €15. Please reblog and donate what you can.
Verified donations sheet:
Verified donations post:
Direct link to their gofundme:
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psychics4unet · 2 months
Pick A Card: How Your Future Spouse Will Treat You? [Free Tarot Reading]
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Online psychic reading is available HERE!
Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected. 🔮🔍🌠
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Pile 1:
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The Lovers 💕
Six of Cups 🏵️
The Emperor 👑
The Lovers represents a deep and meaningful connection, suggesting that your future spouse will be affectionate and emotionally connected to you. 💗 The Six of Cups indicates a nostalgic and sweet relationship, where they will treat you with kindness and cherish the shared memories. 🌸 The Emperor symbolizes stability and protection, showing that your future spouse will be a reliable and strong presence in your life. 🛡️
Together, these cards suggest that your future spouse will treat you with a perfect blend of deep emotional connection, kindness, and stability. They will be a loving partner who brings both romance and a sense of security into your life. 🌹💞
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! 📲 Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! 🌌🧘‍♀️💫
Pile 2:
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Ten of Cups 🌈
King of Pentacles 💰
Queen of Wands 🔥
The Ten of Cups represents a harmonious and joyful family life, suggesting that your future spouse will create a happy and fulfilling home environment. 🏡 The King of Pentacles indicates that they will be a provider, ensuring that you are well taken care of financially and materially. 💸 The Queen of Wands shows that they will be passionate and supportive, encouraging you to pursue your passions and dreams. 🌟
Together, these cards suggest that your future spouse will treat you with love, provide for you, and support your ambitions. They will foster a joyful and secure home life, filled with mutual respect and encouragement. 💖🏅
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! 📲 Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! 🌌🧘‍♀️💫
Pile 3:
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Ace of Cups 💧
Four of Wands 🎉
Knight of Swords ⚔️
The Ace of Cups represents new beginnings and deep emotional connections, indicating that your future spouse will bring fresh love and emotional depth into your life. 💖 The Four of Wands signifies celebration and harmony, suggesting that your spouse will create a joyful and celebratory atmosphere in your relationship. 🎊 The Knight of Swords shows that they will be dynamic and proactive, always ready to take action and support you in various situations. 🚀
Together, these cards suggest that your future spouse will treat you with fresh, deep love, create a harmonious and celebratory environment, and be a proactive and supportive partner. 🌺🤝
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! 📲 Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! 🌌🧘‍♀️💫
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity! 🌟📣
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vickychendraws · 3 months
Dear dear♥️,
I hope this message finds you well.
I am writing to share some unfortunate news. My old Tumblr account was deleted by the site's team without any known reason, causing the loss of all my previous posts and connections🌺.
My last post was an important part of a fundraising campaign aimed at saving my family from the horrors of the Gaza war. I remember how supportive and kind you have been, and I truly value your help during these challenging times🌹.
I kindly ask for your assistance in reposting my message on my new account and helping to spread it as widely as possible. Your support can make a real difference in my family's life🙏.
Can you reblog my post?☺️🙏 On my account 🙏 🥺 😊
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the help you have provided and for any assistance you can offer now♥️😊.
With best regards and appreciation,
E. Mohamed Alanqer ♥️
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mollywog · 1 year
Inspired by this post by @rosegardeninwinter 🌹👩‍🌾❄️ Read on Ao3
The room is stifling. His shirt clings to his sweaty torso and his breath comes in short ragged gasps that he can’t hear over the buzzing in his ears. He hugs his midsection in an attempt to subdue the hollowness in his stomach and the terror connected to the feeling.
He vaguely registers the pair of arms that encircle him, slender but firm. The buzzing gives way to a soft humming near his ear and he becomes aware of light beyond his eyelids. He takes a shaky breath, slowly opening his eyes.
His body sags. He nuzzles his head into her shoulder taking in the familiar scent of her shampoo. Focusing on his breathing, he counts as he inhales, holds, exhales, repeats.
It’s several minutes before he attempts to speak. “I’m sorry,” he croaks into the crook of her neck, his throat hoarse.
With great reluctance, she disentangles herself from around him, sitting back only far enough to inspect him for injury. She’ll find none; the problem is not his body, it’s his mind.
He shivers, he’s damp from perspiration; the cool tile floor once enticing, now feels sterile.
Completing her examination, she moves to the sink retrieving a glass of water, returning to the floor next to him. Her fingers lightly trace circles on his back as he fastidiously avoids her gaze. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
Out of the haze, he can remember how he had made it here. She’d prepared stew for dinner and between them they’d devoured the whole thing. He had felt fine when he fell asleep, but only hours later, he’d woken to a gnawing emptiness in his stomach. A growth spurt is the only explanation. He was far from starving, the rational part of his brain knew that, but the hunger and darkness of the room, paired with the acrid taste in his mouth triggered a memory of the early days of his Capital imprisonment. The air in the room became constrictive, his breathing turned shallow. He looked over to Katniss, greatful to find her peacefully sleeping on the other side of the bed. He needed to get out of there.
He’d lowered himself from the mattress, not bothering to attach his prosthetic, hurriedly crawling across the floor towards the faint glow of the bathroom nightlight as his vision narrowed.
He drinks his water, until the silence becomes oppressive, he speaks again, “I’m sorry.”
Her jaw tightens and she shakes her head, getting to her feet, “do you think you can stand?” She extends her hand.
He grasps it, getting his foot underneath him and resting his knee on the tub, as she slides into position under his arm to support their trek. He’s always surprised by the strength of her tiny frame. She guides him to the edge of the bed and he angles to lay down, but she hands him his prosthetic instead, before moving to the dresser.
He looks at her confusedly as she tosses him a fresh shirt.
“You were mumbling. I couldn’t make out all of it, but you kept repeating how hungry you were. Let's get you something to eat.”
This is what he’s been trying to avoid. It can’t be much past midnight, too early for even a hunter or a baker to start their day. “That’s okay, you go back to sleep. I’ll run down and grab a snack. You don’t need to stay up to watch me eat.”
She scowls, leaving no room for rebuttal. Grabbing his hand, she tugs him towards the door. He dourly follows. In the kitchen she settles him into the closest seat at the counter.
He watches as she moves purposefully, selecting a pan, filling the kettle, arranging them over the flame. She slices bread, adding it to the stove top to warm, collecting spices, condiments, eggs, and a wrapped parcel of meat. It’s too much, but he doesn’t dare suggest she stop, it would be a futile request anyways.
She hands him the warm bread topped with butter and drizzled with honey, watching expectantly, only returning to her work after he takes a bite.
“Guess we’ll at least have a good story for Dr. Aurelius tomorrow,” he says casually.
She whips around, pointing the whisk at him, “No. Stop. Don’t minimize this.”
He winces, “sorry.”
“And please stop apologizing,” she pleads.
“Well I am,” he rubs his hands down his face, “you’re obviously upset. You should be sleeping, not fussing over me.”
“Peeta, of course I’m upset. I woke up to find you curled on the floor, scared and hungry and alone… and… somehow it was so much worse than the rage, to see you like that. I just… Sometimes I forget about all the other horrible things that happened to you there, beyond the hijacking. So yes, I'm furious! At Snow and the people who supported him. At Coin for refusing to rescue you sooner. At Plutarch for not getting you out of the arena in the first place. At -“ she trails off, tilting her face to the ceiling. After a moment she shakes her head as she lowers it back towards him, hastily wiping away a stray tear and swallowing, “I’m mad about a lot of things, but I’m not mad at you.”
She slips into the seat next to him, sliding her hand in his, “So here’s what we’re gonna do: Instead of apologizing any more, you’ll put your mouth to better use and eat; until you're full. Then we’ll go back to sleep, but only before you promise me that next time this happens, you’ll turn towards me instead of away. You’ll wake me up and we’ll face whatever it is together. Because that’s what you and I do; we protect each other. And I will not allow you to shoulder all the burden on your own any longer.”
“You’re not a burden.”
“And neither are you,” there’s no hesitation in her response. He has a flash of clarity spurred by her words that just as quickly fades away.
“Okay,” he nods.
“Saw the lights,” their heads snap towards the voice from the open window, "Everything all right in here?” Haymitch’s tone is flippant but his features betray his concern. He’s told them he’d like to know as little as possible about their sleeping arrangements, but despite his edict, they know the mentor worries for more than just their physical safety.
“Just hungry,” Katniss and Haymitch's eyes lock in silent communication or maybe in challenge; it’s a fine line. “Well? You coming in?”
“Since you offered so nicely, suppose I could stay,” he say, pushing off the window sill, “what are we eating?”
Later, with stomachs full and Haymitch gone, they climb the stairs back to their room. She suggests he shower and when Peeta re-emerges from the bathroom, clean and drowsy, Katniss is already there among the fresh sheets. He climbs into the far side of the bed, but she won’t allow him to shy away. Nudging him onto his side facing away, she snakes her arms around him, draping her leg over his thigh, snuggling her face between his shoulder blades. “You’re not leaving this bed without me again. Understand?”
He smiles into his pillow and nods.
Her grip tightens briefly before loosening to a firm but comfortable grasp, she swiftly slips into sleep. From his position in bed he can see out the window to Haymith’s house; A figure sits on the porch angled towards him, strumming a fiddle. The song mingles with the breeze, wafting through the open window and with Katniss cocooned around him Peeta drifts to sleep feeling full.
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glossysoap · 1 year
ok so i don’t wanna give tooooo much away from ready to comply so take these ramblings for a future fic idea instead 🤲🏻
** also instead of using “reader” i want to use “mc” (main character) bc it’s easier for me lol
- soap x reader x ghost soulmate au !!
idk for sure what type of soulmate au i would use, whether it be having your soulmates name on your wrist, or having the first words they say to you on your wrist, etc., but you get the idea.
i’m talking ghost has two soulmate marks, one for soap and one for you. soap has two soulmate marks, one for ghost and one for you.
and if i wanted to take it the conventional route (which i rarely do lol) i could make the mc have a mark for ghost and a mark for soap, but why would i do that when i could have mc be born with no soulmate mark at all?
so mc hates the idea of their life being controlled by having a soulmate (let alone two are u kidding??) so when mc is born with no soulmate mark, they’re relieved to know that they’ll never have to be tied down to anyone or having a predetermined love life.
and then here comes these two hulking military men built like absolute brick shit-houses claiming to be bound to mc?? and they just keep trailing behind mc like lost puppies??
and life really just fucks mc by having them be hired by laswell as 141’s new hacker, making mc need to work and live at the same base as 141.
and instead of so many other soulmate au’s i see online (not even mw2, but just like literally anything in general) i’m going to actually give the mc some agency! and freedom! 😨
i’m not going to make the rest of 141 force mc into spending time with ghoap and i’m not going to make it where laswell hired mc because of mc’s connection with ghoap either, because laswell had no idea about it before mc was hired. no forcing or coercion here folks 🤸🏻 (i love a good dark fic but sometimes i want something different and that’s just fine!)
just a brit and his emotional support himbo pining after an independent mc who eventually chooses to let them in, instead of being forced into it 🫶🏻
©️ glossysoap 2024. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission. do not steal any elements of my theme without permission.
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