#🍀 IC.
ultfan · 2 days
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@schxdenfreude sent in this prompt: 🫂 SURPRISE it's jun this time. his bones will hurt
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                     ❝  ah — !!  ❞ immediately his whole body tenses at the physical contact. eyes wide, unsure how to process the sudden hug.  ❝  ow!  ❞ yeah, that was definitely the sound of his back cracking.
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                     he places his hands on the woman's arms, straining himself slightly to get a look at her face.   ❝  w-who are you...?  ❞ ah... is he getting mugged? kidnapped? assaulted? it's not every day a stranger grabs you with so much force. yet... despite that komaeda doesn't try to fight back against her at all. aside from him trying to look at her, he's rather... limp.
                     you learn to just accept things as they come when you're someone like him. it's easier to get things over with. besides — the rewards are always worth it in the end. so why fight?
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xxlordalexanderxx · 7 months
Hey Cromwell, just wanted to let you know that I saw the local villagers raiding the castle treasury a few minutes ago. I'm sure the Lord was already notified about it. So.. how is he taking it?
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"Oh, just another Tuesday I suppose."
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alternative-snake · 6 months
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selfshipdorito · 2 months
6, 8 and 17 for the selfship ask game? - 🍀
ask game link
we meet again 🍀! since I can't decide between hon‍ami or g‍anyu, you're getting both. thank you for the ask!
6. “pancake” or “waffle” hand-holding?
ohhhh so that's what you call intertwining fingers or not during hand holding. interesting.
both waffle
8. constantly bragging about dating each other or keeping the relationship relatively secretive?
both relatively secretive.
though, with hon‍ami, we kind of unintentionally brag about it to the rest of the band
17. love at first sight or slow burn?
gany‍u: though we ended up talking a bunch and actually becoming a bit close before dating, it was ultimately love at first sight
honam‍i: the slowest of burns
(bonus because I can't read and almost thought this was 8) 7. romantic dinners at fancy restaurants or take out dinners on the couch?
gany‍u: fancy restaurant
honam‍i: couch
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intcritus · 2 months
" let me love you. " @ sage ♡
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mirage's love is intense, sage had known that the second she realized what it meant to love him, for him to love her. it's not something she's ever shied away from. infact, she encouraged it. something about how passionate he was about being together, about loving her, even when they were having a spat always amused her. because it wasn't like he'd ever let go of her. even now, after a very frustrated argument, it ends with her against the front door, his body pressed to hers, wrist pinned to the door above her head. she'd bitten him for the audacity, he still bears her teeth marks on his forearm but sage doesn't want him anyway than how he is now. a little insane, a touch feral but full of love and all hers.
part of her can't even remember just what they'd been arguing about. but it's forgotten about. for the moment. let me love you. as if she would deny him the simplest of things. ❝ ━ you're just saying that because i'm mad at you. ❞ voice is soft, a tad bit playful as she lets her head rest back against the front door, ❝ ━ of course you can love me. i will never ask you to change, i won't ask much of you, ever. so love me, wholeheartedly and come back to me. even if you can't, text me. going more than two nights without hearing from you is terrifying. ❞ it's hard to not worry, the need to hear his voice is a need, not just a want. / @killerhubby
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untitled-swapau · 2 years
Hey Sonic. Ive taken enough med-school to know the signs of you are pregnant.
"...I-I what-"
- The werehog's ears perked up as he glanced over at them. -
"No- there- There's no way I-"
- He put one paw on his head as he stood still. -
"..I'm still recovering from the whole..."
"...S-Surely it's just.. Pre-Hybernation behavior right..?"
- Poor thing seemed so Confused. -
- His soft quills fluffed up a little. -
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hopebvllet · 10 months
It was honestly a really nice day. The temperature outside wasn't scorching hot, the streets weren't super crowded, and Makoto managed to find some of his favorite snacks on sale! Makoto supposes he should consider himself lucky for deciding to go out today.
So with his bag of spoils in hand, he scrolled through his phone, deciding his next course of action for the day, until a loud cry broke him out of his thoughts. Jerking his head up, he could see a fairly large dog bolting down the sidewalk with seemingly their owner far behind.
It took him a few seconds of staring at the bewildering scene to realize that oh wait, he was in the middle of the sidewalk. Where the dog was charging. He was in its direct path. Crap.
He quickly turned heel in a desperate attempt to escape, but alas, his effort was in vain as he felt the animal’s front paws hit his back, and he proceeded to hit the concrete face first with a rather undignified and high-pitched yell. 
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clouevr · 1 year
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KARMA Taylor Swift ft. Ice Spice
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dcwnrisen-aa · 1 year
(anon 🏃) mirage wants to marry sage 😳😳😳🤭🤭
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❝ ━ my husband, it does have a nice ring to it. ❞ she can imagine it now, pausing a conversation because her husband is calling. or telling her husband to get on his knees. ah the possibilities are endless. ❝ ━ i don't suppose i can say yes prematurely ? ❞
Anonymously send me something your muse is secretly thinking about mine. / @killerhubby
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ultfan · 1 month
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firstly, i just wanna say that i am basing everything here based of info we get in dr1, dr2 and dr0. i'm just wiping the actual anime itself from my brain. so anime exclusive editions are just gonna be scrubbed. i may be able to fit them in somewhere, but they're not my focus. this is origin story centric.
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kick off during the first year of the dr2 cast. i think rather than showing how unified the group is it would actually make more sense if everyone was kinda struggling. obviously some people would form their close bonds, like nekomaru and akane, gundham and sonia, etc. but i don't think it makes sense for the cast to have as close a bond as they do in dr3.
hajime and chiaki were huge pieces when it came to keeping the peace/unity between the members of the dr2 cast during the game. they would not be present in class 77-B. because hajime is in the reserve course and chiaki is an ai.
if their first year of school was all sunshine and rainbows i don't see why they would erase memories of ALL of their time at hope's peak academy.
narratively it makes the most sense for their first year to be setup as to why these people would fall for junko. they shouldn't be having a great time at hope's peak. fuyuhiko's sister is killed, sato is killed, people have health complications, people are dealing with family troubles... even if they try to keep together there is a lot boiling under the surface.
nagito, as a known troublemaker, would 100% fucking make the problems they are facing worse. because on god you know komaeda would tell fuyuhiko to his face that his sister's death was a "stepping stone" and he could overcome it. — he is definitely a disrupter of unity, even if he's not trying to be.
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hajime's deal is likely a seemingly disconnected b-plot until the izuru stuff happens (at least if you're watching without any danganronpa context... which would be stupid... but narratively that's how it would look). ——— he's separated from the rest of the cast, probably often witnessing things form the sidelines. the focus on hajime should be on his worsening mental health, going from being excited to be going to hope's peak to learning what it really means to be in the reserve course.
he strikes me as someone who would at least TRY to get involved with the main course students. i think it'd be interesting to see him all hopeful and trying to make ultimate friends or act like he's on the same level as them. only to get completely shut down and rejected by the people he does end up reaching out to.
really use him to show just how poorly reserve course students are treated by the school. the disparity between the two kinds of students — the fact that the reserve course are ONLY there to give hope's peak more funding and nothing else.
highlight how badly he wants to be part of that world. how desperate he is. how he'd be willing to do anything to feel "special." like he's worth something.
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yasuke has to be important as the ultimate neurologist. he helped with the memory shit, he's implied to have helped on the kamakura project, and he is also said to have his research used in the neo world program. not including him in all of this would honestly just be a crime. he ties everything together in a neat bow.
given that they're both entering the school in the same year, and nagito got his diagnosis this year too, there is no way he wouldn't see this as fate. he is going to hope's peak at the same time as the ultimate neruologist! that has to be a sign. i can easily see nagito offering up himself to yasuke so he could study his illness and monitor his brain activity. yasuke, who has a past with this kind of disease, would probably be more than willing to as well.
in the middle of the year the school, being impressed with his work, yasuke is reached out in private to assist in the kamakura project. he accepts and gets on it ——— in the background hajime is scouted and accepts to participate out of desperation, not entirely aware of what he's getting into.
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enter class 78 — and junko and mukuro — who, thanks to yasuke, are able to easily integrate themselves into the plot and where they need to be.
junko's relationship with yasuke allows her to learn about the kamakura project early on into the school year. she learns about it's progress, it's purpose, and where izuru is being kept (for future reference).
by coincidence — or perhaps thanks to bad luck — she is able to meet nagito through yasuke. this is a guy who's brain doesn't function normally. simply put, he is an incredibly difficult guy to predict/truly understand. i imagine he would interest junko — and his hope fanaticism would be something of note that can be taken advantage of. it is via nagito that junko is able to get an interest in class 77-B and learn about the misfortune they faced last year (when she wasn't here). this will eventually domino into her turning them into ultimate despair. this makes a lot more sense then randomly running into a guy and deciding he's important to the plot, imho.
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izuru would get "rescued" by the despair sisters. with a combination of the information they got from yasuke, mukuro's skills as the ultimate soldier, and junko's ultimate analyst ability they are able to avoid trouble and smoothly get to him. this is the real start of her plan.
in dr2 it is said that junko "broke izuru's spirit" — which implied he had a spirit to break. in dr3 he was already dead inside, but i feel like it would make sense if the scientists really tried to make him incredibly loyal to hope's peak and the idea of hope. you know — actually attempt to make the ultimate hope. make that his entire identity.
izuru, incapable of remembering anything that has ever been told to the contrary, is given an entirely different view of the world through junko. izuru, given his little reaction to being on the boat (his excitement at the rocking) strikes me as someone who is surprisingly ignorant and impressionable. which makes sense. they took away all his memories/feelings/personality. and so, when junko gives her philosophy to him, he asks for her to prove it.
he doesn't initially believe her, thanks to how he was created, but then the idea of the first mutual killing game comes up. izuru participates out of sheer curiosity to see where junko is coming from — to see if there is anything at all to this. and given that is the incident that leads to the inevitable fall of hope's peak... it seems to izuru that there is. THAT is what breaks his spirit.
izuru learns that everything he went through, that everything he thought he knew, was a lie. and that the concept that he is meant to embody and put forth into the world isn't... really... anything. "hope" — what is that? it's such a vague idea and it's different for literally every person. it's just an empty promise. there's no hope for someone like him. and there's no hope for this school — or this world. not really.
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the events of dr0 happen. most people actually know that ryoko is junko and that she lost her memories (at least class 78 and people who knew her beforehand were aware) — and we know the school is also covering shit up too. izuru goes into hiding. the reserve course students start rioting. kyoko goes to investigate the killings of the student council and is eventually told to stop by her dad (because if she got any further she'd learn about things the school couldn't risk getting out). mukuro tests out her junko disguise here and there, but probably not in public often (mostly just with ryoko). and yasuke is killed, his death covered up by the school.
if kyoko is able to investigate, i think it is logical that nagito also investigates. i mean, his beloved symbols of hope are dying! he is pretty close to kyoko's levels of deduction in dr2, often having solved the cases before everyone else and just watching things progress as he drip feeds hints. i have no doubt kyoko would've been able to uncover everything if she wasn't stopped, but nagito also has an advantage: knowing yasuke.
he would know yasuke wouldn't suddenly drop out and stop their research — he's the ultimate neurologist, after all. it's also likely that he knew he was treating junko (ryoko) for a while. and if he were to investigate his lab/dorm he could be able to find the research papers on memory that were stolen by the despair sisters for their future plans.
with this knowledge, as well as seeing that junko SUDDENLY regained her memories after yasuke's disappearance, i think it's reasonable for him to confront them and figure out what they're doing.
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junko takes advantage of the kind of person nagito is. we know from monokuma's behavior in dr2 that it seems he really trusts nagito to go above and beyond when given the opportunity to challenge his symbols of hope. monokuma was supportive of komaeda in the first killing and even actively helped him a little bit when it came to setting things up for the investigation (hajime even mentioned it seemed like nagito had trained monokuma). and i've already talked about how the final dead room's highest difficult setting was likely made specifically with komaeda in mind — knowing he would do something extreme upon finding out about their identities of ultimate despiar.
what takes place is a proposed battle against hope and despair. junko would know enough about nagito from yasuke to know about his love of hope, as well as his abberant behavior. and, with mukuro around, she's not in danger if she spills some stuff to nagito. if he threatens to spill things before they're ready to be spilled, he'd get killed. luckily, nagito is 100% the kind of person to side with his enemies.
this school and the ultimates here are basically komaeda's coping mechanism. he believes that hope can overcome any despiar. and so he fully believes junko's plans will fall flat and that the symbols of hope will easily overcome her despair and be stronger for it. junko is able to egg him on — get him to prove it  — and he agrees to help her spread her despair just to prove her wrong. he doesn't believe his assistance will do much. because he believes himself inconsequential and irrelevant.
it is through nagito that junko is able to learn more personal details of class 77-B, and through him that she is able to manipulate them directly and indirectly. she is able to break each of them down one by one — really dig in and target them in ways that would break them specifically. and eventually brainwash them (in the culty sense, not the mind control sense) into accepting her despair mindset.
junko works a lot like a cult leader in my mind. she is able to perfectly analyze and predict others, and has great charisma. after breaking them down she could easily offer them despair to give them some "meaning" back into their life. and we know from mikan and nagito that "just despair" isn't always the reason for the members of ult despair to do what they do. mikan was doing it out of love and devotion for junko, for example.
as nagito sees each of his classmates fall over to junko's side and begin to add fuel to the fire of the tragedy, he starts getting a little nervous. but he managed to convince himself that they were just surprisingly weak in the end, and holds onto hope that the school itself and the majority of students would be fine. unfortunately, that's not the case.
the new members of ultimate despair manage to push the reserve course students over the edge — and start pushing the world towards the edge as well — leading to the mass suicide and the complete collapse of hope's peak. class 78 being "coincidentally" the only class to survive. this would end up getting nagito fully despair-pilled, even if he is still fighting for hope. and it would end with all members of ultimate despair (aside from mukuro and junko, who agree to be locked up in the remains of hope's peak) going somewhat into hiding to spread despair from the shadows (i say in hiding because we know that they didn't know the identities of the remnants, and didn't even know there were 15 other survivors).
i imagine part of junko's motivation for getting all these extra members into ultimate despair was to ensure that things wouldn't die down in the outside world without her directly involved. and, of course, to get help with the things she needed help with (building monokuma, for example).
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how junko would get each individual member of ult despair is up in the air. i have nagito and izuru clear in my mind because i think it makes the sense for them to be the most directly involved in the plot, given their overall significance in the series. but i do have some ideas:
she probably preyed on maihiru's guilt involving the twliight syndrome murder case.
mikan is obvious — she preyed on her need for love/acceptance and gave it to her.
fuyuhiko and peko were probably targeted together, preying on the death of his sister and peko's role as a tool.
took advantage of ibuki's loneliness after leaving her girlband.
etc etc etc.
however she did do it for each of them, i believe it was a matter of ensuring they got to their lowest point (probably even with nagito's help, given his skills of manipulation and complete willingness to be a fall guy), and then swooping them in and being the person that they need in that moment. her true colors probably only really being seen/felt by the time they were all despair-pilled and it was too late for them.
at some point treating each other horribly is part being ultimate despair, yeah? like... kind words aren't used between them. it's similar to mukuro in danganronpa if ——— when she realized junko is cutting her off because she's being super kind and speaking about how much she loves her. for ultimate despair verbal abuse becomes a love language, it feels. hence why i think junko was pretty mean to the remaining remnants in the last dr2 trial. that's just how they interact! they make fun of each other, they're mean, they're abusive. so they can feel despair. because that's all they have at that point.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
Cont from [here] |@the-blackened-dove
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[.:♔:.] Cromwell was tightly bound to a stake, one of his eyes blackened, his wings dropping weakly as his head remained obscured by his faltering ears. He had went out earlier in the day to fetch some fresh ingredients for future meals from the nearest village, wanting to get some air and thinking he could fend for himself given he had magic to relay on.
They took everything he had on him, his gilded dagger, his pocket watch from Tirittus, his wand…
Simple filthy bandits, the very same ones Alexander would pick out of his teeth had somehow managed to defy the sharp hearing of the hybrid and best him. This had Cromwell thinking that he was far weaker than he thought.
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“I don’t know.” He sobbed, tears dampening his bruised face.
“They took everything I had on me, my wand, my gold, my dagger, my pocket watch…things I held dear…”
Cromwell had seen Rokshana around but was never close enough to have a word with her, he was only sorry she had to formally meet him like this.
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hcpefulmarshmallow · 1 year
“I don’t recall you mentioning the boss is such a creep.” @Rain-dreams-and-wishes
I’ll Show You How I Swing [accepting] / @rain-dreams-and-wishes
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❝Hm?❞ Nagito's attention turns towards the new librarian as he scolds a group of students for their quietened chatter.
❝He's just a substitute, I'm sure he won't be here long. We can always read somewhere else if you like.❞
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rusholme · 10 months
Just a normal human woman with no neurological disorders who has normal human woman thoughts about the ice hockey film Goon
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julie-jcyful · 1 year
❝  trespassers  don’t  GET  cookies.  ❞ from @jonesful !
Haunted Manison Starters! || Accepting [ @jonesful ]
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" Uhhhhhhhhhhh, I wasn't gonna Trespass in the First Place, anyways??? Come on, Jonesy! You're Killing me here! " Julie Whined Teasingly as she looked up towards Her Green Haired Older Brother with a mocking Huff from her nose, crossing her pink arms in the process while still eyeing the cookies a little bit. She'll just have to come up with a better plan to get to the cookies...
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intcritus · 10 months
❛   i  really  just  want  to  lay  with  you   &   hold  you  so  tight   &   make  sure  nothing  bad  happens  to  you  ever  again.   ❜ sage .... 🥺💖
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thebruise on her throat makes talking difficult but it doesn't dim the fond smile that curls her lips. there's something to be said about belligerent people who thought to attack her in the middle of the fucking night. sage could say a lot, that she fought like her life was on the line, of course it was, but having someone pressing their knee to her throat to keep her down ? yeah, she's still thrumming with fear and rage. inhaling sharply, shoulders slump and smoky eyes slide toward her husband, a slight pout to her features. in moments like this, where he's offering her comofrt, she'll never turn it down, but right now ? ah, how she loves him.
moving from the doorway, she pads silently over to him, arms slipping around his waist, features nuzzling onto his chest. she's safe. sage knows this is a fact. if he hadn't been in the area, she's -- ahh, maybe she shouldn't think about it. fuck, sage truly hated people some days. taking several steps, she leads him to their bed, gesturing towards it as her hands fist in his shirt. ❝ ━ c...can we ? ❞ two words rife with pain but all sage wants to do is lay in his arms and forget about this night. only making a brand new memory when it came to him. / @killerhubby
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untitled-swapau · 2 years
*a very squeaky fleetway suddenly appears next to sonic.*
- Swap squeaked at the sudden appearance of fleetway, and he whined. -
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