anarchy-flagz · 2 years
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🍧emojic Pride Flag
“🍧emojic is an emojigender relating to the "🍧" emoji somehow.”
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losergendered · 6 months
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ID: a set of 24 images in 12 pairs. each has one image of the listed bee and puppycat character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Bee from Bee and Puppycat is a fluxpercifemale, venusaric, apricotcolauric, funwordstimmic, gendertech, eaglenebinvisia, aurastric, aurefeminwayven, genderfae, crystacorum, mechadollic, glowparcadegender, pleonella, interstellexic, aurorastria, honk-yahooic, azurdoxgirl, kawaiiaesic, artsandcraftkiddic, nadeorasmic, pinkorchidale, pirehyacinthale, strawboreamic, paskeishineic, invisplitcookies, invipinkstarpop, invistrawberrybouquet, jeweltoneaesic, retrarcacarpetic, aetherhumanoid, trinketgender, lavendeian, femme4butch praesgirl android who experiences solaic and alterous attraction! Ve uses she/her, ve/ver, and nameself pronouns! Bee has ADHD!
Her roommate/coworker/best friend, Puppycat, is a surturian, malemav, darcutistic, noircolauric, chaotemptic, twistute, lumicattic, catfangic, phantovast, celestipangic, pupurric, moongalamagica, catpawic, pupawic, chaoscatgender, genderstomber, cadalgender, planecreatic, killercatic, dogcatgender, hatebodiment, feralthing, catdogthing alien who rejects the concept of gender! Puppycat prefers he/fang pronouns, but also uses claw/tooth/hiss/howl/mew/ruff and no pronouns! Fang has IED, NPD, hyposensitivity, and low empathy!
Their friend Deckard is a browncolauric, cottagecoric, flaweiaste, genderateau, nillamatchia, sunwinbaken, kittykaomojic, minzolada, inviflowerwater, evenfonssettan, natureserenic, waterlilinvisia, blurostarric, puerillis, morinochegender, genderdullahan, nillamatchia, matchacrumblic, coctagender, domestimasc, trascenby, cálidatierramielgender, queerflorihonic, honeymoogender, colorcomfemasc, herbgardenic, nebularomantic, eucalyptus, abroconsman, veldbitend, sheep rowanian rostroy bat who uses he/him pronouns with strangers, but also uses xi/haz/hy/fir/bon/🍡/🍧/🥮self pronouns with close friends and family! He is autistic and has GAD and dyslexia! Deckard also has apraxia, which is why xi may stutter when xi speaks!
The Cooking Prince is a high futch, princepresentic, boy+, solifemme, pinkcolauric, gendernixie, codemoguyic, femprettyboy, domestimasc, pastogender, honeybungender, genderflorect, personaglamourous, chocoaltepanic, idolbunnic, evildritchean, bastardfreak, princesticker, prinstarcoric, hyperpopticglitchic, cinnacoffeecakegender, sugarcookiegender, blueberrybunnycoric, fraisitôme, roiamascaesic, florfraisian, bunfettic, goldensyrupiceix, pricrushcore, pomegranate lavenian stag who uses che/flan/su(gar)/bun/eth/muse/synth/ro/grand/frill/straw(berry)/ast/🥐/🫐/🍓/🥧/🍰/🍪/👑/🎤/💎/🏰self pronouns! Su is hyperempathetic, has OLD, and has an obvious crush on Deckard!
Deckard and the Prince have a love-hate relationship, but date after becoming friends!
Cas (Deckard's twin sister) is a digisomnic, bronzecolauric, webgender, intechline, rarifem, mascrobovoic, fivitchgender, sleuthlexic, tekneo, roilaric, computraimasckoric, machidefunct, wirecoric, digiminalwebic, webgamean, techdependic, detectivic, 404techdiffic, detectivelike, HTML-gender, heathrilexic, chillbodiment, digirealgender, digitalexic, androidgender, 🌐💾emojic, winter butch, soft butch, techtum azirlesmasc sophian who uses jhey/xy/fizz/.txt/ai/byte/c#//py/comp/key/.zip/🔍/💿/♠️/🖱️self, and it/its auxiliary pronouns. Zip is codekin and techkin, has StPD and quit wrestling once zip realised zip had haphephobia, and loves computer programming! Cas is in a QPR with jheir laptop, and has a crush on Toast!
Toast is a stone femme, royalcolauric, genderluccuve, sportyaesic, gnarlexic, bloodynoseeuphoric, cenisolar, genderamnient, mascgirl, girlbeast, lovefeminine, pridebruisic, gremlinvior, callistoan pan straight who uses she/burn/bruise/fight/🔪/💥/💢/💄🩸/🩹/🗡️self pronouns! She is hyperverbal and autistic! 🗡️ loves wrestling, lacks an understanding of social norms, and often refers to herself in the third person! Toast and Merlin are married!
Merlin is a tiredlexic marigoldcolauric romeric-solian man who is demiverbal, neurodivergent and uses he/him, xai/xais, and 🕛/🕛s pronouns! He is in love with his wife, Toast!
Crispin is a fuchsean, mosscolauric, dndpocelestial, clownspikegender, clownhonum, sillybodiment, genderandaph, galesensic, méchalounic, carnevalean, sillyclownstatuecoric, clownboy, mecvier, creepysillic, phoshifaelucial, genderantrute, sochrosiale, jestericbell, clownslushic, clownamusic, phosclownose, weirdkidpartyic, clowncocky, clowngender, spiralweirdo, who uses, ip/h✧/boing/honk/bright/cae/joke/trick/mime/🃏/🌧/🤡/🎈/🎪/🎡/🔴self pronouns! Pip is autistic, schizophrenic, and has PTSD, DID, and AvPD! Crispin and Bee no longer date, but still remain close friends!
Howard is a transfem man, meteorian, amaranthcolauric, flamboric, redorchidale, boyfemme, cafdreamian, daffodilic, kenocafeic, fogcatgender, lococoile, noblerosclath, cathypic, starpretgender, genderfaenan, genderlotul, creamcoffian, cafedreernightaesic, fiaminix, miafinic, fiamianix, feinflambelle, alloaro, rowanian Opossum who exclusively uses he/him and she/her pronouns. He has NPD, OCPD, and bipolar disorder.
Tim is a mascneunonmaininic, skycolauric, soothic, lexicatic, gendernoies, calicracklic, meowrested, rainsleepy, genderkaimi, chatneq, milkcattic, soportigue, felisbibsomnian, solporcat, flutresolia, eudaicatic, flaweiaste, nebnocto, feliscosmic, lovelazic, gatomiric, lumisoulꓹ caliadorcakic, hypnorine, faunpup, starraindreamic, dreamsweeica, nystramasc, ngeflymoonica, lunadrowsine, restoreplushic, tranquilpluvic, pracapulidium, lococoile, sleepinertiac, mellic, epuisetristic, catzzzgender, starfuzzblanketic, calisillikit, /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\emotic, lazycatic, starrykittic, spacecloudgender, lexefatigueic, jusleeplyrica, amuzigender, nicogender, sleepyboy, fogcatgender, mascbeing nonbinary trans man who uses lolli/marsh/kei/h⭐/co(zy)/fuz/miau/dream/zzz/eep/drow/sof/kit/puff pronoun! Co is catkin and cathearted, non-verbal, autistic and has social anxiety, narcolepsy, and chronic fatigue! Tim is an agere AAC user!
Wesley is an sagecolauric, 34.0522nica, genderflorect, genderhollisy, oceawilder, auramaric, sansolramare, fantômeoceanic, ocishsungender, tropicaesic, oceamooncraftic, natmarinic, bergrusticarian, comfevoidic, fallistaric, okeapanthgender, invifishviridis, inviriwave, invililypadmollis, domuderelic, oceansunsetic, invidigitank, whalefalloceanitrum, invipiblujelly, coolbodiment, chillbodiment, sunsetian, mareaurais, aolibelai, meowstimmic, coraleagender, nrosesgender, seacoframistic, doxian, litugender, autiquoirose, veldiromantic bisexual, oceanthing uses zhe/cor/mae/oce/scy/sea/drip/bay/aqua/bleu/fin/shell/squid/🐋/🪼/🫧/🌊/🌀/🦪/🐚self and any other ocean/beach-themed pronouns! Zhe is autistic and has dyscalculia, alexithymia, and ADHD!
Space Outlaw is/was a lunarmale, rainottalunaquic, multiversan, planecreatic, celestiversic, arvilien, noxlibic, spatilost, galaxionic, royalspaceasic, phantovast, constelavonini, stelocus, inastellaric, constellestial, intrusicosmic, astierreda, blurostarric, inastellaric, viraethesque, cometcrystalballna, voidnevow, genderproster, moongalamagica alien who uses he/xer/stel/comet/orion/vey/noir/loss/🌑/🌒/🌓/🌔/🌕/🌖/🌗/🌘/🌌/🌠/🌟 pronouns! He has/had IED, NPD, and low empathy!
For 🌖☄️ anon!
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losergendered · 6 months
Bee from Bee and Puppycat is a fluxpercifemale, venusaric, apricotcolauric, funwordstimmic, gendertech, eaglenebinvisia, aurastric, aurefeminwayven, girlything, crystacorum, mechadollic, glowparcadegender, pleonella, interstellexic, aurorastria, honk-yahooic, azurdoxgirl, kawaiiaesic, artsandcraftkiddic, nadeorasmic, pinkorchidale, pirehyacinthale, strawboreamic, paskeishineic, invisplitcookies, invipinkstarpop, invistrawberrybouquet, jeweltoneaesic, retrarcacarpetic, aetherhumanoid, trinketgender, lavendeian, femme4butch praesgirl android who experiences Solaic and Alterous attraction. Ve uses she/her, ve/ver, and nameself pronouns. Bee has ADHD.
Her roommate/coworker/best friend, Puppycat, is a surturian, malemav, darcutistic, noircolauric, chaotemptic, twistute, lumicatic, catfangic, phantovast, celestipangic, pupurric, moongalamagica, catpawic, pupawic, chaoscatgender, genderstomber, cadalgender, planecreatic, killercatic, dogcatgender, hatebodiment, feralthing, catdogthing alien who rejects the concept of gender. Puppycat prefers he/fang pronouns, but also uses claw/tooth/hiss/howl/mew/ruff and no pronouns. Fang has IED, NPD, hyposensitivity, and low empathy.
Their friend Deckard is a browncolauric, cottagecoric, flaweiaste, genderateau, nillamatchia, sunwinbaken, kittykaomojic, minzolada, inviflowerwater, evenfonssettan, natureserenic, waterlilinvisia, blurostarric, puerillis, morinochegender, genderdullahan, nillamatchia, matchacrumblic, coctagender, domestimasc, trascenby, nebularomantic, eucalyptus, abroconsman, veldbitend, sheep rowanian rostroy Bat who uses he/him pronouns with strangers, but also uses xi/haz/hy/fir/bon/🍡/🍧/🥮self pronouns with close friends and family. He is autistic and has GAD, & dyslexia. Deckard also has apraxia, which is why xi may stutter when xi speaks.
The Cooking Prince is a high futch, princepresentic, boy+, solifemme, pinkcolauric, gendernixie, codemoguyic, femprettyboy, domestimasc, pastogender, honeybungender, genderflorect, personaglamourous, chocoaltepanic, idolbunnic, evildritchean, bastardfreak, princesticker, prinstarcoric, hyperpopticglitchic, cinnacoffeecakegender, sugarcookiegender, blueberrybunnycoric, fraisitôme, roiamascaesic, bunfetticgoldensyrupiceix, pricrushcore, pomegranate lavenian Stag who uses che/flan/su(gar)/bun/eth/muse/synth/ro/grand/frill/straw(berry)/ast/🥐/🫐/🍓/🥧/🍰/🍪/👑/🎤/💎/🏰self pronouns. Su is hyperempathetic, has OLD, and has an obvious crush on Deckard.
Deckard and the Prince have a love-hate relationship, but date after becoming friends.
Cas (Deckard's twin sister) is a digisomnic, bronzecolauric, webgender, intechline, rarifem, mascrobovoic, fivitchgender, sleuthlexic, tekneo, roilaric, computraimasckoric, machidefunct, wirecoric, digiminalwebic, webgamean, techdependic, detectivic, 404techdiffic, detectivelike, HTML-gender, heathrilexic, chillbodiment, digirealgender, digitalexic, 🌐💾emojic, winter butch, soft butch, techtum azirlesmasc sophian who uses jhey/xy/fizz/.txt/ai/byte/c#//py/comp/key/.zip/🔍/💿/♠️/🖱️self, and it/its auxiliary pronouns. Zip is codekin & techkin, has StPD & quit wrestling once zip realised zip had haphephobia, and loves computer programming. Cas is in a QPR with jheir laptop, and has a crush on Toast.
Toast is a stone femme, royalcolauric, genderluccuve, sportyaesic, gnarlexic, bloodynoseeuphoric, cenisolar, genderamnient, mascgirl, girlbeast, lovefeminine, pridebruisic, gremlinvior, callistoan pan straight who uses she/burn/bruise/fight/🔪/💥/💢/💄🩸/🩹/🗡️self pronouns. She is hyperverbal & autistic. 🗡️ loves wrestling, lacks an understanding of social norms, and often refers to herself in the third person. Toast and Merlin are married.
Merlin is a tiredlexic marigoldcolauric romeric-solian man who is demiverbal, neurodivergent and uses he/him, xai/xais, and 🕛/🕛s pronouns. He is in love with his wife, Toast.
Crispin is a fuchsean, mosscolauric, dndpocelestial, clownspikegender, clownhonum, sillybodiment, genderandaph, galesensic, méchalounic, carnevalean, sillyclownstatuecoric, clownboy, mecvier, creepysillic, phoshifaelucial, genderantrute, sochrosiale, jestericbell, phosclownose, weirdkidpartyic, clowncocky, clowngender, spiralweirdo, who uses, ip/h✧/boing/honk/bright/cae/joke/trick/mime/🃏/🌧/🤡/🎈/🎪/🎡/🔴self pronouns. Pip is autistic, schizophrenic, and has PTSD, DID, & AvPD. Crispen and Bee no longer date, but still remain close friends.
Howard is an transfem man, meteorian, amaranthcolauric, flamboric, redorchidale, boyfemme, cafdreamian, daffodilic, kenocafeic, fogcatgender, lococoile, noblerosclath, cathypic, starpretgender, genderfaenan, genderlotul, creamcoffian, fiaminix, miafinic, fiamianix, feinflambelle, alloaro, rowanian Opossum who exclusively uses he/him and she/her pronouns. He has NPD, OCPD, and bipolar disorder.
Tim is a mascneunonmaininic, skycolauric, soothic, lexicatic, gendernoies, calicracklic, meowrested, rainsleepy, genderkaimi, chatneq, milkcattic, soportigue, felisbibsomnian, solporcat, flutresolia, eudaicatic, flaweiaste, nebnocto, feliscosmic, lovelazic, gatomiric, lumisoulꓹ caliadorcakic, hypnorine, faunpup, starraindreamic, dreamsweeica, nystramasc, ngeflymoonica, lunadrowsine, restoreplushic, tranquilpluvic, pracapulidium, lococoile, sleepinertiac, mellic, epuisetristic, catzzzgender, starfuzzblanketic, calisillikit, /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\emotic, lazycatic, starrykittic, fogcatgender, mascbeing nonbinary trans man who uses lolli/marsh/kei/h⭐/co(zy)/fuz/miau/dream/zzz/eep/drow/sof/kit/puff pronouns. Co is catkin & cathearted, non-verbal, autistic and has social anxiety, narcolepsy, & chronic fatigue. Tim is an agere AAC user.
Wesley is an sagecolauric, 34.0522nica, genderflorect, genderhollisy, oceawilder, auramaric, sansolramare, fantômeoceanic, ocishsungender, tropicaesic, oceamooncraftic, natmarinic, bergrusticarian, comfevoidic, fallistaric, okeapanthgender, invifishviridis, inviriwave, invililypadmollis, domuderelic, oceansunsetic, invidigitank, whalefalloceanitrum, invipiblujelly, coolbodiment, chillbodiment, sunsetian, mareaurais, aolibelai, litugender, autiquoirose, veldiromantic bisexual, oceanthing who uses zhe/cor/mae/oce/scy/sea/drip/bay/aqua/bleu/fin/shell/squid/🐋/🪼/🫧/🌊/🌀/🦪/🐚self pronouns. Zhe is autistic and has dyscalculia, alexithymia, and ADHD.
Space Outlaw is/was a lunarmale, rainottalunaquic, multiversan, planecreatic, celestiversic, arvilien, noxlibic, spatilost, galaxionic, royalspaceasic, phantovast, constelavonini, stelocus, inastellaric, constellestial, intrusicosmic, astierreda, blurostarric, inastellaric, viraethesque, cometcrystalballna, moongalamagica alien who uses he/xer/stel/comet/orion/vey/noir/loss/🌑/🌒/🌓/🌔/🌕/🌖/🌗/🌘/🌌/🌠/🌟 pronouns. He has/had IED, NPD, and low empathy.
-🌖☄️ anon
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