seokka0o · 8 months
Just you and Wonbin fucking in his room without knowing that the door is a little bit open, baby Antonie looking at them while he masturbates trying to keep quiet.Wonbin caught him and tells him: "But what do we have here? Our little maknae!" "Come here little one, hyung will teach you how to make a whore scream...maybe I'll also let you practice"
He had been doing this for a while, as you often stay in their dorm, sometimes Wonbin is not around, perhaps busy with something else. It's then that the little pervert that Anton is enters the scene, he's just watching you, hair wet after shower, wonbin's clothes, smell of moisturizer, he's definitely going to masturbate thinking about it later. Every now and then he makes some comments trying to get something out of you, but you don't understand so easily, you just think he's trying to be your friend, in reality he can't get the first time he saw you accidentally fucking out of his head.
it wasn't that late, but Anton was never one to sleep early, so he went out to use the bathroom, finding wonbin's door a little open, you moaning his name, on this day Anton couldn't see your face through the crack, but he saw how his hyung fucks you good, so he started to crave it every day.
Every time he knew you would sleep in the dorm, he would be up at night to spy on you two fucking. After a while, his comments and approaches became suspicious enough for you to mention it to Wonbin, ending in the journey that would be his discovery.
Despite his low voice, he couldn't hold back too much while watching you being fucked with such pleasure in front of him, Anton has never been through this before. In this situation, Anton is shaking so much that he can barely speak, Wonbin did the favor of leaving your body available so he could touch, the boy in despair, you feel his cold fingers on your nipple and end up moaning "see, y/ It's easy, you didn't have to be so low and hide in corners." Anton never thought if it would be like this, how Wonbin would be able to teach Anton how to touch you, how to fuck you, he would let you do everything and more with your body and in the end he would say: "Don't you dare touch y/n while I isn't near huh? I'm watching you"
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angstyaches · 1 year
i have prompt/starter for you! charlie, inexplicably exhausted, falls asleep on shayne’s shoulder barely halfway through a movie. shayne wakes him up and coaxes him to bed, assuming his clumsiness is because of how sleepy he is rather than that he’s feverish and starting to feel wobbly. once he’s tucked into bed, charlie lies awake, feeling worse and worse, and finally tries to tell shayne that his tummy is sick, but shayne is already asleep. how the rest of the night passes is up to you, but i’ll award bonus points for a forehead kiss. 🐭 (p.s. i hope you had a very good break!)
Thank you so much for the lovely request, my dear. It doesn’t actually reach the point of emeto, but I hope you enjoy it. And I had a very lovely break, thank you for asking!
CW: nausea, fever, mention of recurring nightmares.
Word Count: 2,003
Shayne was impressed that he was still awake this far into a movie.
He was very aware of the fact that he rarely made it through any of the movies he and Charlie sat down to watch together. The only ones he'd ever watched to the end were the ones they watched together remotely, with Charlie away at college and Shayne staying at the townhouse, or just one of them spending the night at the Mulberry House. They would play the movie on their respective screens and stay on voice chat throughout. Shayne managed to stay awake for those, purely because he didn’t actually have Charlie next to him.
Because when Charlie was next to him, he was constantly brushing his fingers through Shayne’s hair or lightly rubbing his stomach. How the hell was Shayne supposed to stay focused and awake under those circumstances?
Tonight, Charlie wasn’t touching him. Well, technically, their bodies were touching, but Charlie’s hands were limp in his own lap, and he was lightly snoring with his cheek pressed against Shayne’s shoulder.
Shayne gently laid his head against Charlie’s, reluctant to wake his boyfriend when he knew how exhausted he’d been lately. The nightmares always got worse when Charlie was stressed, but lately, they’d been particularly bad.  
It was exhausting for Shayne, too, as much as he hated to admit it; rather than allowing himself to be startled awake repeatedly by Charlie’s screaming, and he’d been fighting sleep himself. That way, he could keep an eye on Charlie as he slept, and attempt to soothe him whenever he started to whimper in his sleep. A hand through his hair or a kiss on the neck or an arm around his waist usually calmed him down and made the look of distress on his face soften.
Another ten or fifteen minutes passed in the movie before Shayne sensed a slight stir next to him. Charlie didn’t lift his head or his hands, but his whole body seemed to shiver, just once, sharply.
Shayne lifted a hand to the back of Charlie’s head, feeling his protective instincts kick in. Was it just the cold, or was this...?
“Mmm,” Charlie sighed. And then his posture stiffened, and his fists clenched.
Shayne lowered his hand again. His heart dropped when he heard Charlie’s breath start to tremble.  
“Nn... n-no.” Charlie’s voice sounded far away. Or tiny. “Dnn... don’t – don’t...”
Something tightened in Shayne’s chest. He sat forward, holding Charlie’s head with both hands now. He rubbed his thumbs against Charlie’s temples until he started to come to. “Charlie?”
“Hmm?” Charlie sluggishly lifted his face. He blinked, making his pale eyelashes flutter in a way that made the knot in Shayne’s chest even tighter. “Hi.”
“Hey, love.”
“Was I asleep?”
Charlie shut his eyes again, lifting a hand to rub at one of them. “Wh’time... What time is it, lovely?”
“I don’t know. Like, ten?” Shayne tilted his head, concerned by the way Charlie barely seemed to be able to keep his up.  
Charlie was usually groggy when he first woke up, but this seemed different. Weird. There was an absence in his expression that Shayne didn’t like, as though the dreams and the restlessness were eating away at his soul even when he was awake.
“You okay?” Shayne brought his hands to Charlie’s shoulders now. When Charlie immediately slumped and allowed himself to be held up, Shayne decided that he didn’t even need to wait for a reply. “Come on. Let’s go up to bed.”
Charlie was reluctant to breathe. He was reluctant to move. He was reluctant to let his eyes fall shut, despite how badly he wanted to stop staring at the ceiling, because it was spinning. He’d naively hoped the problem of the spinning bedroom would melt away as soon as he was horizontal. And now, it felt like any amount of movement or shift in position would send the heavy, swirling feeling in his belly into his throat and then all over the bed.
He swallowed thickly. A deep cramp settled in his stomach and sent a cold flush across his shoulder blades.
“Uh... lovely?” he blurted out softly, saliva pooling in his cheeks and making him slur his words a bit. He swallowed again, and although it went down a little smoother, the pain in his belly was mounting ominously. “L-lovely, I really d-don’t feel too good.”
A beat. Charlie closed one hand into a fist, pinching up the bedsheet.
He’d apparently done a decent job of convincing Shayne that nothing was wrong on their way upstairs, because despite only having been in bed for a few minutes, Shayne was already asleep.  
Charlie wished he could be, too. He’d slept like the dead downstairs, but since lying down, it felt like he’d thrown back three espressos. He wished he could just turn over and burrow into Shayne and slip into the same nap he’d been having on the sofa, but with how quickly this nausea was escalating, he didn’t want his mouth to be quite so close to his boyfriend.  
He had already been feeling like such a burden – and frankly, a pain in the ass – the past few days, since he’d been home, and he didn’t feel like adding puked-on-you-while-you-were-sleeping to the list of annoyances he was bringing into Shayne’s life.
As his mind lingered on the possibility of throwing up, the feeling in his belly seemed to pinch up tighter, until the pressure was too much for him to handle.
Charlie gulped loudly and flung himself upright in the bed.  
The room tilted on its side, and he tightened his hold on the bedsheet. His free hand flew to his mouth and blocked a long, awful belch that seemed to ripple up from the very depths of his soul.  
Somehow, though, he knew this wasn’t the moment in which he would throw up, so he just let the burping happen and prayed he wouldn’t pitch himself off the side of the bed for now. Sure, he could try to move his dizzy ass to the bathroom and be in position nice and early (he always felt better being ahead of his deadlines), but the nausea was moving up and down his entire body in hot-and-cold waves that made his legs feel a little numb.
The side of Shayne’s hand brushed against Charlie’s thigh. Charlie looked down at his boyfriend, jaw tingling, once again envisioning a spray of his stomach contents suddenly launching in his direction.
He kept a shaky hand pressed to his mouth, just in case.
Shayne mumbled something incoherent, his head stirring on his pillow. And then, he seemed to wake up all at once, shifting from his stomach to his knees and planting himself right next to the headboard, right next to Charlie.
“Fuck. Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah.” Charlie gasped, equally confused as he was relieved that Shayne was awake now, too. “Yeah. I mean... maybe.”
“Holy shit, you’re shaking.” Shayne’s arms pulled Charlie close, with an urgency that seemed a little weird, a little... robotic, almost like the gesture was premeditated. Charlie leaned into the embrace gratefully, but with an uneasiness that pressed against the ache in his stomach.
“It was just a dream, love,” Shayne whispered. “You’re okay. You’re safe.”
A dream? He hadn’t even been asleep. Charlie’s heart sank. He curled his fingers into the soft fabric of the black fleece hoodie Shayne wore to bed. How do you know about those?
Shayne’s lips were cool against Charlie’s forehead as he pressed a kiss just south of his hairline. Shayne’s touch was usually cool, sometimes cold, and on occasion icy. Charlie was generally quite neutral about the coolness, but right now, he kind of wished Shayne would place those kisses all over his hot, aching head.
Shayne’s lips came away more slowly than seemed natural. Charlie got part of his wish, as Shayne placed a hand across his left cheek.
“Are you sick?" Shayne’s eyes searched Charlie’s for anything that might give him away.
“M-maybe, yeah.” Charlie’s eyelids fluttered in confusion, and his shoulders convulsed with the effort of swallowing. “Shayne, how did...?”
“How the fuck didn’t I notice you were burning up?” Shayne’s voice cracked a little. “I’m sorry, love.”
Charlie smiled, though his eyes were filling up with tears. He had no idea why he was suddenly so emotional over his boyfriend’s concern for him. He wanted to assure him that it was okay, he didn’t have to apologise for anything, but he felt too queasy and choked-up all at once.
Shayne most likely didn’t see or notice the tears. If he had, Charlie couldn’t imagine that he’d have gotten out of bed just then, without acknowledging them. “I’m gonna get you a cloth and – fuck, I hope we still have ibuprofen. You need anything else?”
Charlie nodded, swallowing against a lump in his throat as well as the taste of acid. “Bowl.”
Shayne took a double-glance at him. “Oh, fuck, you’re feeling sick-sick?”
“Yep...” Charlie clenched the sheets again as he watched Shayne head for the bedroom door. As much as he didn’t want to delay the arrival of the bowl, he couldn’t help himself; “Lovely, wait, come here.”
Shayne looked at him from the doorway. “Huh?”
“Come here.”
Shayne approached Charlie’s side of the bed. “What? Are you o–?”
“How’d you know about the nightmares?” Charlie choked out. He wrapped an arm around his middle, silently begging his stomach to behave itself for a few more minutes. “I never told you they were bad lately.”
“I... I just know, Charlie.” Shayne gestured sloppily towards the bed. “You’ve been sleeping next to me the past couple nights.”
“Have I been...” Charlie paused, eyes widening slightly as he forcefully swallowed against the thick remnants of his dinner attempted to crawl up his throat. A wet belch still managed to slip out, despite his efforts. “Have I been wake – waking you up?”
Shayne didn’t say yes. He didn’t say no, either. He did, however, raise an eyebrow. “Can we chat about this later, maybe when you’re not fighting the urge to vomit?”
Charlie exhaled deeply, and the breath shuddered in his windpipe. “I guess.”
“And then you can tell me all about it, love.”
There wouldn’t be much to tell, Charlie noted with a sharp stab of panic in his chest. Unless he could somehow convey this vague sense that his consciousness was being sent to a foreign, hellish plain while he slept, and that he woke filled with a fear that he couldn’t attribute a single image to, he didn’t see much point in talking to Shayne about his nightmares.
So he hadn’t.
His eyes fluttered shut as Shayne leaned down to kiss him on the forehead again. His hand - god, his hands were so wide and so gentle - rested lightly over Charlie's stomach, separated from his skin by the folds of duvet, for the duration of the kiss. Charlie swore that he could already feel the nausea settling down a bit.
"Mmm," he hummed, gripping the soft fabric of Shayne’s sleeve. He would absolutely be requesting tummy rubs as soon as Shayne was back in bed with him, but he also had the feeling he wouldn't have to make that request in the first place.
"I love you," Shayne whispered as he pulled away, lips and hand retreating in unison. Charlie looked up at him and noticed, for the first time in days, how tired he seemed to look behind the eyes. "I'll be as quick as I can. Hope I can find those fucking ibuprofen."
Charlie was torn between telling him to take his time, or to speak on behalf of his churning stomach and tell him yes, please, hurry. 
In the end, he said neither, but he did manage to murmur, “I love you, too”, before covering his mouth with his hand again to suppress another suspicious belch.
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brattybottomdyke · 1 year
Rat Anon here! Ye Olde Goógle lol French is not the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd language I speak, in fact I dont even speak it lol
I appreciate it, bella. I will make sure to catch up today 🥰
In denial I see!
Yeah, at least for me? Rewards are great motivation for learning 🙈
Yess! I'd kill (not literally)for a fireplace!
I do got this💪🏽
They are pretty fun, I have a bumblebee fidget ring, play with it all the time lol. Oh are they? 😈 what an interesting turn of events I happen to have an itch I can't get too 🤭
apparently google might have let you down 😮😂
good, as you told me the other day, rest is important 🩵
rewards are a great motivator! tbh, praise is a pretty good reward for me tho 🙈😋
same here! i would love a fireplace 🥰
ohh! that sounds cute! i think i want like a spinner ring ☺️ they are 😇 oh really? maybe i can help with that 😋
Tumblr media
i’ll take a better picture later but here’s what they look like ☺️
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theratpy · 10 months
hi !! the series seems really interesting so far, i'm excited to see what happens next! If I could ask, would it be possible for you to enable custom theme on the blog settings? you dont have to do anything with it, it would just be a little easier if it was possible to open up the blogsite, not just in dashboard. no worries if not or anything, i was just wondering!
Hi hi anony-mouse !!
I don't see any reason why not, I went ahead and enabled it! Hopefully, this allows happier viewing !
😄🐀💥🐭 -Melby!
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demonstars · 24 days
gia liveeeeeee woohoo (she is still in florida :D)
thank uou for updating me as I was offline anonie 🐭🫶
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georgecunt · 2 months
i used to think 🐱 but now it's more 🐰 or 🐭
im just a little guy fr anonie, would the old pic help? be honest
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writebackatya · 5 months
You find me slightly intimidating?
I guess that’s why you’re anonymous (or should I say anony-mouse!) for this ask
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boba-beom · 5 months
🐭 or 🐰
BUNNY: you're very sweet. i mean, the way you compliment others and send around asks is something to be admired for. you're always reaching out to others and making them feel happy.
MOUSE: same as above, yet your interactions are something that i'm intimidated by. i love seeing you interact with others, but it scares me a little. T0T you're the cutest though, i'm just cowering under my sheets a little hehe
awe anonie :’) this elaboration is cute ty! you know you’re always welcome to talk to me, even if it’s on anon! but it’s totally understandable to feel that way hehe ^^
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onlyswan · 6 months
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colorspoem · 1 year
Esse psd que você usou na sua header e icon, foi o bouquet of book? 💋
𓂃°˖ ✿⃝░ 🐭💤 ꕥ ⟬ ✱ *.ᝰ ⊹ Foi não anoni, foi um autoral ⭒흙 ✼ᩧ ∘ܶ ♥︎ ⃟🏹🏂🏻 ஂ ?¿ 𖥨
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seokka0o · 7 months
I thought... Jinsik's nose 😵‍💫 how it would feel to sit on his pretty face and feel his nose over your pussy every time you rub against him, but leaving aside that Jinsik's nose would be a reason to want to sit on his face, it would also be because of how handsome he is! Imagine that pretty face with wet lips, his eyes shining his pretty face and full of your juices while he smiles foolishly showing those cute teeth and saying: "I've never tried such a delicious pussy in my life!"
He instigates you until the sensation is disproportionate, you don't know if it's the way he speaks, or acts, but you don't think twice before accepting his very subtle request. The first instance the sensation is strange, you are not used to it. But jinsik is inviting, he clings to you quickly, hands around your legs, he is dedicatedly licking your pussy, you are moaning awkwardly, touching your his, he is grunting into your pussy in a way that you You've never heard it before, it makes you dizzy. Tongue at your entrance, wandering over your vulva, his nose prominent on your button, applying pressure, scraping "holy fuck, j-jinsik-feels so good baby" he's good with his tongue, delirious, you're rubbing yourself now, fucking with his his mouth and nose at the same time. Sometimes jinsik needs some time to get some air, but nothing that takes too long "this pussy it's so good" the provocations go straight to your center: "contracting just with me playing so simply, so needy" this is jinsik, eyes alternating between your expressions and your swollen pussy, he is tasting it, so he can drink all of your delicious juice at the end.
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angstyaches · 2 years
shayne has such a sensitive tummy and he gets so cutely flustered by it when it gets noisy. i love the idea of charlie, who can hear his belly gurgling and knows it’s either empty or upset (but that either way, it’s probably hurting), wrapping his arms around him from behind, just cuddling shayne to his chest and holding his tummy. it’s perfect cause shayne likes being close to charlie when he’s having a bad time but it also is a nice position for if they’re in public/around other people because charlie can easily whisper in shayne’s ear to ask him what’s wrong. shayne doesn’t even have to answer verbally, he can nod or shake his head or move charlie’s hands where he wants them. also like, shayne wearing one of charlie’s hoodies with a kangaroo pocket specifically because his tummy is sick and it smells like charlie and has the added benefit of charlie being able to hold and rub his tummy a little while preserving some of their privacy. ugh, anyway, i have many thoughts re: sharlie and tummy rubs and i just love it so much because it indulges both charlie’s love of tummies and shayne’s deep need for comfort (even if neither of them wish to acknowledge it in that way… but omg like, when they’re older and they do start to acknowledge it…..??! i am puddle) - side note: i ramble at you frequently enough that i thought i should pick an identifier and i really wanted to be the anony(moose) but there is no moose emoji so i will settle for being the anony(mouse) 🐭 (but only if you don’t already have one)
This is perfect and I'm not going to taint it by commenting or adding anything.
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brattybottomdyke · 8 months
You're the most beautiful person I've had the pleasure of coinciding with, and you're also so so cute and I like.. everything about you mkay good night, silky goose 😌
😳 you are so silly 🙈 but i like everything about you too, for the record 😋🤭
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froggitry · 2 years
this pdf downloaded weird so the word anonymously got split into anony mously two words. 👤🐭ly
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seokka0o · 7 months
Hi prettier, have a good day/night u r the best, u always do an amazing job stay healthy, sweetie !🩷
Hi anon! I hope everything is okay with you ! Thank you for all the support and affection you give 😔 you are incredible💕💕💖💕💖💕💖💕
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seokka0o · 8 months
Hiiii hope you’re doing good‼️ you are the best, have a good day 🥹🫶🏻
hey bestie, thanks for all your support, I really hope you have a good day too. please take care!💗
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