#👍 are ya winning kids?
shankschewtoy · 2 years
Hi.. hello... can I ask for a good luck helmet kiss headcannon (or lil' scenario) with Killer from one piece? Please and thank you very much.
a/n - Hi Kero!! I’m so glad you loved the killer hcs from my last post 🥺 I’ll do both a scenario and some headcanons <3
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, fluff
Good luck
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- When you hopped onto your tippy toes to give his helmet a kiss, I think you might’ve broken him
- “Good luck, I love you!”
- He swore he fainted at least twice standing up
- Underneath his helmet, he turned into every possible shade of red
- His heart melted that you would give him a good luck kiss 🥺
- He bent down to you and wrapped his arms around you, tightly squeezing your body against his own
- “I’ll be back soon, I love you.”
- Man I think he’ll win the whole battle just by himself because of you 👍
- Kid was so confused
- “Killer why the hell are you so motivated today?!”
- “I have someone to get back to, unlike you.”
- my man’s so confident abt having someone as wonderful as you lmao
- he ONLY brags about you to kid tho 👌
- The spot you kissed on his helmet will forever stay there because he knows the exact place, and will never wipe it off 💀
- this man now expects a good luck kiss everytime he leaves 🥺
- pls give him kisses in general <3
——— >
Scenario - Lucky goodbyes
You watched Killer start to walk down the path towards his ship where his captain awaited. You couldn’t help but think that you needed to say something different this time.. What if this would be the last time you saw him..? Worry set into your mind, and you ran after him, grabbing his arm, quickly turning the man around. He made a noise of shock before you hopped onto your tippy toes, placing your lips on the side of his helmet. “Good luck.. I love you Killer.” You would say with a smile, plopping down on your feet again, your heels touching the ground. He froze, and didn’t move for a couple seconds before he quickly embraced you tightly, leaning his head in the crook of your neck. “Acting like I won’t be back-? I’ll never leave ya, I love you too.” He would reply close to your ear, his low voice tickling your ear slightly. When you felt him pull away, you felt a more lonely sensation, but when you saw him wave goodbye to you… Your face turned into a warm smile, one that always made Killer happy to see. He’d be back, you knew it.
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a/n - this was so cute oml 😭 (cough I haven’t even passed ep 144 yet cough) so I might’ve captured Killer and Kid kinda wrong- 💀 I hope y’all liked it tho <3
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Headcanons open?! Hell yeah! How are ya doin'? May I please request a set of ticklee headcanons for Koku (my beloved🤡✌) and Douma (My trash friend😭👍)?
Heyo! I've gotcha anon! :D Since I've already done Douma recently, these are gonna be about Kokushibou!
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-Scary- really, really scary (at first glance). No one was bold enough to try tickling him at first cause he cuts such an intimidating figure. No one but one stupid-er, brave soul. Out of the blue one day Douma was just: "Hey Koku are you ticklish?" No one was prepared for Kokushibou to flat out go: "Yes."
-He's got few and far spots that are effective to tickle. His palms, neck, and the middle of his ribs are all fairly good spots to go for if you want to get this stoic borderline terrifying demon to smile. He can be ticklish in other places but you're gonna have to dig- outside the spots already mentioned Koku's immune to feathery tickles.
-Such a nice laugh? It's low and deep and almost hard to hear with how quiet he is. A silent laugher until you go for his ribs- then you'll get a good one. He never goes above a yell when tickled (really he just doesn't yell period; some say it's for intimidation but really he just dislikes being unnecessarily loud). If you're lucky you might get a little "Stahahhaap!" Which is beyond wholesome to hear.
-He's not very loud but he IS fairly squirmy. He won't flail and kick like Akaza when tickled but he's the type to shuffle feet away if you start tickling him. Poke his ribs enough times he's skittering along, giggling in his sleeves. Tickle his hands? He'll slowly start to fade backwards until you practically have to hold them while walking in order to tickle. Go for his neck, he's rolling away. His instinct is to bolt but he's more a slow shuffler cause he kinda loves it lols.
-He overall doesn't hate tickles, like I said he kinda loves it; he's just not used to the feeling after so long. When they were kids Yorrichi and him would get into tickle fights all the time. It was lowkey Yorri's way of winning since Koku was so dang good at swordplaying. He lost a lot of his ticklishness since becoming a demon but when it does happen he's filled with a mixture of emotions. Just be ready- he will tickle you back and he's ruthless.
Thanks for reading!
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6rookie-writer0110 · 6 months
Could you do a lisa(blackpink) x male reader who is a footballer who lost in the world cup final and she comforts him after it then the next world cup he wins and she brings their kids on the pitch
some fluff with them back at the hotel with some smut
Between the two world cups reader and lisa get married and have had two kids with a third on the way
Reader goes to the blackpink shows and is close with the other members, especially jisoo, because both are gamers
Blackpink have won some Grammys
Reader plays for A.C. Milan and won 2 champions leagues and plays for the republic of Ireland at the international level 🇮🇪
If ya can please
Cool idea. Alright I will write it 👍🙂
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bbasmos · 2 years
Unpopular opinion, but I'm not freaking out at all.
Look guys, we all know Will is a unreliable narrator. I remember the Duffers saying Mike understood to a slight degree that Will was talking about himself and not El. So the script is contradictory because of Will's POV.
I refuse to believe Mike is that stupid (still love ya Kid ❤️).
Also, Mike's thoughts are still unknown (???) 🤣 that's a big win for me. There must be a good reason for that 👍
I'm actually starting to believe having Will at such a low point emotionally is going to play out with the main plot in S5. Very possible it's how Vecna is going to try to corrupt him.
But then--
Mike's feelings are going to come at play.
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julunibalism · 1 year
SteveTony & SamBucky Double Date
Couldn't help myself and finally wrote it 👍
“Tell me why we thought this was a good idea?”
Steve rolled his eyes, half-heartedly at his best friend, he was more concerned with the way Tony and Sam had made it their personal mission to win every stuffed monkey at the Fair’s fake shooting range. 
Considering guns wasn’t either of the superheroes' normal weapon, he was surprised at their accuracy. 
He tilted his head slightly at the two, “You wouldn’t have happened to show Tony how to use a gun, would ya’ Buck?”
Bucky let out a soft chuckle, “As if he could sit still long enough for me to teach him”
The two were interrupted by their respective boyfriends rushing back over to them, both had armfuls of stuffed monkeys in their arms.
“Here ya go!”, Tony dumped his armful into Steve’s lap, while Sam snickered at the two but kept his armful, even though Bucky was eyeing it warily
Steve tried (and failed) to contain all the monkeys in his arms, Bucky watched him amusedly as he sipped his coke
“Did you have to clean the poor man out?”, Steve asked, finally able to see over the mountains of monkeys.
It was true the booth owner had no more monkeys and was shooting glares at both Tony and Sam
Bucky glared back at the man over Sam's shoulder
Sam dumped his pile on the picnic table the four of them were currently occupying and took a seat beside Bucky, “I mean, Tony insisted that we did, once he found out the man had rigged the game”
Tony, who was sipping on his (Steve’s) coke scoffed, “That’s the least we could have done, did you see how he scammed that one kid out of all his money!”
“That’s just how these things work”, Bucky reminded him
Steve smiled softly at Tony, “Well now he has no more monkeys, so I don’t think anyone will be coming to his booth”,
Bucky looked over Tony’s and Sam’s pile of monkeys, “You guys don’t actually plan on keeping all of them do you?”
Sam scoffed at his boyfriend, “Uh, hell yes”
Steve looked over to Tony who was nodding along with Sam, “Plus we’ve already named them”, 
Bucky scrunched up his face in distaste, “Please, tell me you didn’t”
Tony reached over to grab one of Sam’s stuffed monkeys, “We named this one James Jr.,” he then shoved the monkey into Steve’s face, “God doesn’t he look just like his father?”
Sam burst out laughing, as Bucky grumbled under his breath
Steve couldn’t help but let out his own small laugh, which turned into full-on belly laughs as Sam and Tony began naming out more names for the monkeys
Bucky eventually gave in too, rolling his eyes fondly at the two of them.
Steve took a second to take in the smiling faces of his boyfriend and friends and realized he didn’t want to be anywhere else.
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
(Resurfaces like in the Milk Cat meme) I've returned- YOOOOOO CONGRATS ON COMPLETING YOUR FIRST ROUTE!!!! 💃🏼💃🏼🎉🎉
Shit wrong link, uhhh-
There we go :D
That is one BIIIG Milestone reached, so even if you can't complete the full game, you're definitely ready to upload a fully fledged demo👌be proud yourself, you definitely deserved it bro, and about length, I think it's a good amount, considering the short timeframe you had to work on it.
Also don't even worry about character arcs, as long as your story has Beginning/Build Up/Climax/End you're good to go 👍. Sometimes it's better when you don't have everyone's backstory explained to you ya know?
For example Michael Myers, like yeah, we saw him stabbing his sister as a kid, but we sure as hell don't know why exactly he did it and what he went through during his stay at Smith's Grove Sanitarium, yet he still managed to be one of the biggest horror icons today. (I'm strictly speaking about the OG Movie btw, idk shit about what they did to him in the sequels)
Sometimes, just some cool shit happening is enough for a story, it's not like we're expecting a full on 24 episode Anime in LN form either 🤷‍♀️ also considering that it IS a Yandere Story, having sympathy for the LIs falls a bit short, when they're probably gonna go full sicko mode on us somewhere in their routes 0_0"
Yandere: (insert sad backstory) ...and that's why I have mommy issues 😔
Darling: (chained against the wall of the Yandere's house, hasn't seen sunlight for a solid week or so) cowabummer 😐
Like don't get me wrong, it's not bad if you want to put their full backstory in the game, but it also wouldn't hurt the overall quality of their route if you didn't (also you could save time 👀)
Anyhow, I hope ya treated yourself to some fancy food and rest or smth after completing the route 😎
Also, AYO NEW LI REVEAL?? Is the fact that he's human an invitation for me to beat his ass 👀? Jkjk but at least there's a feasible chance of me winning against him, compared to Rory lmaooo
So only the Triple Threats of Christian holidays are left to be revealed rn 👀👀 (or double trouble technically, since it's just two holidays, but you did also say that Easter are twins 🤔)
-Ren'py anon
This is really funny because in one of the endings is called jack o'lantern. This is their revenge ig lmao
omae wa mou shinderu
Thank you for the silly drawings! I'm so glad I got some cute fanart already hehe
Thanks again for the congratulations! Though it's not realllly finished, I have a couple of CGs and endings sewn in! I think I wanna change a few things so it's not just blatant trauma dumping lolol + script.gui things
It's bland and cheesy asf
Yeah, I think the line up for the storyline falls into Beginning/Build Up/Climax/End. It's not like I'm writing any flashbacks of his past so 😭 ur right
LMFAOOOOO Jayce does go sicko mode pretty quick, so, him wanting a lot of sympathy and him gaslighting tf outta player does goes strong here 💀
I haven't watch the OG Michael Myers bc I have no idea which one is the actual OG soooo yeah, but I totally agree with you! The premise of it is pretty cool and is still iconic even though his motives and identity are still very vague.
That little bit with darling and yandere is SOOOO true 😭 If darling stayed really friendly with Jayce (prob out of fear) he would trauma dump but not tell them everything. He's totally is attracted and interested in player, but he's just testing the waters yk?
damn, cowabummer fr
I could just have Jayce give player a story of when he was young that fully traumatized him, buuuuuutt Jayce doesn't trust player all that much. It would make player understand why he is doing what he is doing, but I want him to be vague and just a bit cruel without any known motives other than, "I like you."
After I'm done tweaking the dialogue and putting in the appropriate images, I'll most definitely take a fat nap and binge read fics hehe
Christmas man is a bit arrogant and a broke bitch (Elliot Astros lmfao)
He be looking like black and white toothpaste rn tbh 🤷‍♀️
His design was gonna look like he was a nice guy, but I looked through my old drawing from last school year, and I saw this really hot random OC guy I drew bc I was in my Tokyo revengers, Bonten era 😜 He was realllly hot and yk what, I said fuck it and just replaced the OG design for this fine ass mf.
The twins lowkey do illegal shit, but they're nice if ur nice.
They're ginger 😁and idk their names yet BUT IT'S A WORK IN PROGRESS
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soraenun-archive · 2 years
(shannon game song plays as I make my way to the stage) Ladies and gentlemen, this is a first in the history of the shannon game! Shannon has been 100% correct for two consecutive weeks. A round of applause for her 👏👏👏 Unfortunately for her, the difficulty will increase over the weeks (just because I want to make sure she knows me as much as I think she does)
There are so many things I want to say about them (suzy & krystal) that I don't know where to start >3< If I had to recommend some songs, I'd give you this list (sorry if you already listened to some of them):
touch, love song, I caught ya, breathe, if I were a boy (miss a)
yes no maybe, satellite, holiday, sleeplessness (suzy)
love, airplane, shadow, butterfly, dracula, rude love, when i'm alone (f(x))
As for their acting career, I haven't had the time to watch all their dramas/movies so I won't give any recs because I'm so far behind and need to catch up. I think the common factor between them is they both are dorks and they make me smile whenever I feel sad. I think of them as my safe place. I'd also recommend any running man episode suzy was on because she was super funny in those :D
YES I DID LISTEN TO BE MINE BECAUSE OF YOU <3 I think we have similar taste in music so I trust you :) Don't worry about giving too many song recs. I relate to that a lot! I can't give just some songs, I always end up sending a whole book and then I wonder why I don't hear from anyone after that lol I'll make sure to give the songs a listen and let you know what I think about them ^^
You are absolutely 100% correct about all your answers 👍 Some of my fave rv songs are (but aren't limited to) bamboleo, something kinda crazy, love is the way, sunny side up, rbb, butterflies 💞 I now realise I'm an open book. You know every single thing about me... You should definitely think about being a detective as a career option. I'd most definitely go ask for your help if you decided to do it ;)
Well now it's time for the difficulty to increase a little (just a little though)
Question #7: What is my favourite non-ghibli animated movie? (it's a very specific french movie, i'm sure you haven't heard of it so let's go with disney/pixar for this question)
Question #8: What is my favourite elo song? Now that I have listened to most of his discography, I can ask you this question (you can give out several answers because it's possible that there are some songs i still haven't listened to)
Question #9: Can you list some of my favourite 2nd gen girl groups? (4 to 5 groups is enough)
That concludes today's episode of TSG (the shannon game for those who didn't follow). Let's hope Shannon continues with her winning streak. I'm cheering you on! You can do it Shannon.
from 🐘💌 anon
hiiiiii !!! 🥰 thank you for the applause though i wouldn't get too carried away i think this round is going to be the start of my downfall if the questions are harder than last time :(
oo i have heard a few of these !! i really like the miss a colors album but i wasn’t familiar with the other songs! breathe was really fun though i liked that one! also yes no maybe is really good i haven’t listened to it in a while though! i did listen to satellite when it came out but i didn’t like it that much :( i just listened to all of the f(x) songs and i think i have heard a couple before like a really long time ago so i don’t really remember them but they’re all so good!!! i just never really got into them :( but they had some really great songs!! yeah i haven’t seen many of their dramas either but i enjoyed while you were sleeping and krystal was in prison playbook which is one of my favourite dramas of all time!! but the way you talk about them is so sweet :( they’re so lucky to have someone like you supporting them!! and i'm glad they make you so happy💗
ooo i can’t believe i was right about those!! but i forgot about sunny side up! thats one of my favourites too <3 but you really weren’t kidding about these getting harder 😭😭
literally the only french film i know of is amélie so if it isn’t that i have no idea! as for favourite disney/pixar movie i think this is finally something i don’t know… there’s just so many films to choose from maybe if you gave me a little hint or something i could take a guess but i really have no idea what it could be :( this is the question that has broken me </3
the fact you listened to elo enough to have a favourite song of his i’m 🥺😭 i’m not sure if you will have listened to his latest album yet?? so i’m not sure if it would be any of those.. (maybe falling dreams if you have listened to it though?) but i think maybe you would like rose? you said we have similar music taste so if i just name some of my favourites then hopefully at least one of them will be right... right? so maybe day n night or angel.. or perhaps osaka, melt or lip service. i don't wanna guess too many or that might be cheating so if its none of these maybe tell me which album your favourite song is on and then i can try guessing again asjdhakjsd
i would guess f(x) and miss a of course though those are probably too obvious so you might not count them... so i will also guess snsd (i feel like that has to be one right? everyone loves girls gen) maybe wonder girls?? or after school? i feel like i’m just naming very obvious or popular groups but i’m not sure! i’m bad at knowing what gen every group is too so hopefully these are 2nd gen asjdhjksd
those were some very tough questions i think my perfect score streak definitely ends here! but hopefully this doesn’t mean i’m eliminated or anything because the game is a lot of fun!! 💓💞
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cupidthingz · 2 years
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What’s it like having them as siblings?
Cast: Anastacius
Warnings: Siblings being annoying as usual.
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Anastacius [Older]
Okay straight up he’s an asshole if you’re the younger sibling. Dude is gonna bully you like he’s the kind of sibling that would smack you across the head while your just doing your own thing and then both of y’all start an outright brawl in which you win obviously. (I have the feeling he’s the type to start fights and not finish them.)
If we’re talking about modern AU if you’re going to schools and stuff it’s going to be a private school cause ✨money✨ no one would know you’re related. It might either be because both of you look totally different and act differently from each other or nobody really asked if one of you had siblings.
He’s a caring brother but being an asshole comes first👍
“Hey y/n I bought ice cream!” Anastacius yelled from downstairs as he munched on the delicious and cold treat, as the air conditioner barely kept the room cold in the hot summer.
“Coming!” You barreled downstairs. “Okay where’s mine?” You asked noticing the absence of another ice cream neither in the bag nor in his hands other than the one he’s eating.
“Who said I bought you one?” He smiled innocently. “I just announced I bought ice cream.”
“You’re the literal worst.” You snapped at him as you turn to walk away back to your room. Something cold tapped on your head.
“Just kidding~ I bought some for the two of you.”
“You still suck by the way.”
“Oh you don’t want it? It’s fine I’ll eat it I was hungry for seconds anyways~”
“No you will not!”
He’ll totally spy on you if you go on a date with someone. Que a montage of him following you around in terrible disguises as he pulls Claude along for the shenanigans cause he didn’t have anything better to do but secretly he’s also making sure they pass the vibe check. Or they’re getting vibe checked if you know what I mean
If your significant other breaks your heart he’s going to comfort you while also simultaneously plotting their demise with Claude just doing some friendly research on the best ways to hide a body results were inconclusive.
Anastacius loves his two younger siblings. Even if he’s annoying, steals your stuff, eat your food, smacks you for no reason, leaves your door open after he enters your room for nothing. He loves you and it’s honestly a surprise he’s still standing without being bitch slapped but dw Penelope did it for you that one time
Anastacius [Younger]
If you’re the older sibling of this little demon, good luck with the random spurts of heart attacks. He was and still is the major cause of your grey hairs.
With his seemingly innocent face no one would suspect his extremely reckless ploy of getting back at other people for various reasons. The little shit holds grudges just like your youngest sibling.
He is a lot more sociable! He’s the social butterfly in the family but more of like a moth with his attraction to anything that might possibly lead him to be in a coffin. It’s just cause he trusts you and he knows you’ll always have his back thus the grey hairs.
“I feel like jumping.”
“And I’d kill you myself if you don’t die on impact.”
“Where would we all be if siblings don’t constantly threaten each other with murder?”
“A utopian civilization, with unicorns.”
“Take a joke will ya- wooahh-”
You pulled him back by the collar of his shirt before he fell off from the window frame.
“Aaand this is why I told you to get off of it.”
“But then how would I be able to aim clearly at the Principal’s head?” He says as he check up on his little weapon which is a sling shot big enough to fit a pie with filling made with things not so very sweet.
“And thus begins the tale of how y/n and Anastacius got expelled.”
“Well school can’t be for everyone can it?” He quipped mischievously.
“You- we shouldn’t be doing this Ana.”
“We shouldn’t be doing most things but look how far humanity has come because of it.”
He is more of the bad influence than you are as you can see, and he can be truly wonderful at convincing others to get on with his shenanigans. Just look at his senior Alpheus even he got roped into his little schemes.
I think he’d be more chill if you start dating anyone he trusts you can make the right choices in relationships. You literally took care of him and if both of you can survive that, you’re pretty much ready for anything.
But wait you’re heartbroken? Ice creams and cakes galore! But excuse me- I gotta take this for a minute. Oh! You mean there’s a body-
Overall he’s a cheeky little shit and you’re on 24 hours baby sitting duty even as adults.
He was the one who called you for advice when he had Jeanette. But that story is for another time~
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 ★彡 Banana.Milkshake
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