azurelize · 2 years ago
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𝐑𝐘𝐔𝐉𝐈 𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐎 ⎯⎯ *reply icons *@malleusball ☆ no kin/me/id tags unless you're the requester.
reblog and credit if use. ♡
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amimiyama · 2 years ago
is this a tsukasa tenma moment..... - idia
IN THE FLESH!! ☆ - kasa
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electricea · 10 months ago
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@ama-tcra-su sent - 💌 ( Love Letters - Accepting! )
Amaterasu has always had this very comforting, warm and maternal energy to it and I always love our threads together - they're so wholesome and full of vulnerability and tenderness and just so beautiful, both to read and to write - also the way you write Ammy's dialogue is very interesting - it really does make you feel like she is a goddess speaking, the way she talks comes off as very ancient and otherworldly, if that makes sense? Like you're truly listening to an old soul talk and pass on her wisdom and even before we started writing together, your dialogue was always something I took note of because it was very distinct and very beautiful.
I've enjoyed getting to talk with you more - about everything, about sharing game suggestions, about Kingdom Hearts, about Ammy and Ryuji - you're a wonderful friend and someone I'm truly grateful to have met this past year and me and Ryuji both are happy and grateful to have you guys. Nothing but love for you both.
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pertinasities · 1 year ago
💌 but imagine I'm captivemuses uwu
🐝  *  ― send 💌 or ( `LOVE LETTER` ) for me to write one thing i like about your blog, one thing i like about your character or your portrayal, and one thing i like about you in general. | @captivemuses
okay it's basic but i love your muse spread (read: i love ryuji. if you write ryuji i love you it's literally that simple.). but i love that you keep them all unique and fun and full of life and personality. ALSO i love your bio pages!! i know you worked really hard on them and it paid off!!
not to be the weirdo that reads your threads when they cross my dash. HOWEVER. i mentioned it before but your muses are all unique and the tone shifts between them is always wonderful to see. you (and @frozenambiguity by extension hi hello sorry) singlehandedly made me go ooooh i get it now re: chaeya and now i'm invested. the way you build relationships is just GOOD
in general? talking to you is just fun! i love talking about builds and gamer things re: genshin with you, and hearing about your pulls and artifact luck! i love being able to just throw ideas/cute art/you name it your way and bounce things back and forth. you're easy and fun to talk to and i'm really happy we started chatting!!
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agalnamedlunasea · 1 year ago
hiiiiii hello al my friend al how about. 👑💌 FOR the ask game hehe
Hiiiiii squish my bestie squish, thank youuu :>
👑Favourite fictional character(s) to draw
As of late, definitely ryuji! His shapes are just very nice... I like the shapes of his hair and arms and such. Akira also, he's a lot of fun to do with his hair and everything. So,, probably I'd say those two and komaeda are my favorites lol
💌Some favourite feedback on art
Uhhhh honestly I appreciate whatever for the most part. People noticing small details or kinda just yelling is probably my most favorite tho
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monterraverde · 6 months ago
🎂 I’m new to your blog, and I want to be friends ☀️ I want to rp with you, but I’m not sure how 💌 I just think you’re amazing
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//Aww that's sweet of you heh
So the dimensional wall in my canon is specifically set up to be weak as hell because there's a giant eldritch horror of a ghost pokemon eating it. Peoples duplicates and fallers get tossed through it all the time, and the places are analogous to their real world counterparts! (Saffron city being Tokyo/Shibuya/all the surrounding areas for instance)
That said, Ryuji randomly showing up in Saffron wouldn't be the weirdest thing ever lol
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thyele · 1 year ago
DEZERT SORA(4444)さん「FoD始まりました。 見て聞いてもらえたら嬉しいです! よろしくお願いします!」
Petit Brabanconさん「2023年1月豊洲公演ライヴ映像 「#PetitBrabancon EXPLODE -01-」 好評につき5サービス 同時オンデマンド配信が決定🎊 🐶U-NEXT 🐶FOD 🐶スペシャオンデマンド 🐶FODチャンネル for prime video 🐶Amazon Prime Video スペシャオンデマンドチャンネル 📆配信スタート 6/10(土)12:00〜」
DEZERT_OFFICIALさん「– 𝙁𝙤𝙘𝙪𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝘿𝙀𝙕𝙀𝙍𝙏 – 白痴 -Acoustic live Performance- (千秋 x Miyako) YouTubeにて公開 🔗 NEXT▷▷06.07 20:00 おやすみ (Acoustic live Performance) #DEZERT #FocusofDEZERT」
Hydeさん「[STAFF] 「HYDE LIVE 2023」BEAUTY & THE BEAST公演の広告が渋谷MODIのビジョンで展開中! こちらも是非チェックしてください! #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #BEAUTYANDTHEBEAST #ツアーまであと12日」
有村 竜太朗さん「【≒】 来たる夏に行い〼 「≒demo」 実演ツアーはこちらの +demons タミフルとトリと悠介くんにて向かい〼。 4カ所ライヴしに出かけ〼。 (・寫眞弐・)/ 有村竜太朗+demons TOUR2023「≒demo」 -TOUR MEMBER- Gt.悠介(lynch./健康) Ba.鳥石遼太 Dr.高垣良介 e+先着先行」
SHINさん「蝶反響ありがとうございました 最高に楽しかった みんなのおかげで今日もミュージシャンでいられました WHITEHEAD、武瑠 そして歌しか取り柄がないけど 僕SHINも今後ともよろしくお願いします 次のライブは7月28日クラブクアトロ 人生最大の発表をします 是非その日は僕にください」
Hydeさん「[STAFF] 「HYDE LIVE 2023」での会場入り待ち出待ちに関して、Zepp Osaka Bayside、Zepp Nagoya、Sendai Pitの3会場のみOKになりました! その他の会場は禁止となります。近隣のご迷惑とならないよう注意しながらツアーを盛り上げましょう! #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #BEAUTYANDTHEBEAST…」
Karyuさん「彼が弾きました💁 #HUG #HELIOS #音でハグするKaryu」
The Brow Beat Officialさん「【LIVE】 The Brow Beat Live Tour 2023 "The Five Senses” 全国7大都市14公演 14公演目 6月4日(日) LINE CUBE SHIBUYA THANKS! LINE CUBE SHIBUYA ツアーファイナル公演に ご来場の皆さま 配信をご視聴の皆さま 全国7大都市14公演を無事に終えることができました。 そして、 The Brow…」
カツセマサヒコさん「常田さんが『戦場のメリークリスマス(坂本龍一)』の一節を弾いてから演奏された『三文小説』。歌詞の冒頭「この世界の誰もが君を忘れ去っても」に込められた想いの強さに震えていました…。King Gnu @日産スタジアム昨夜参戦。余韻、まったく抜けずにいます。#KingGnuStadiumLiveTour2023」
V系☆星の子レシピ/ 星子誠一さん「おはよう!☕️😊 今日は暑くなりそうです💦 昨日はThe Brow Beatツアーファイナル at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA 2daysに参戦!😊 Ryujiの「死んでもいいやと思える日にしたい!」のMC、HAKUEI もいつにも増して激しかった!😵 #TheBrowBeat」
vistlip 海さん「THE CHEMICAL DESTRUCT #0 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 リズム隊が変わるとどう変わるか楽しみです。」
B-PASS(ビーパス)編集部さん「/ 📘B-PASS 2023年7月号 ✨好評発売中✨ \ ニューシングル「#ラブレター」をリリースした #TheBrowBeat をカラー6Pで特集‼️ 作品インタビュー+テーマトークをお届けします💌❤️‍🔥 #BPASS ▼お求めはコチラから」
vistlip 海さん「REBUILDED NEOSPIRAL無事完遂いたしました。 ありがとうございました。 そして今後とも宜しくお願いします。」
Jumpeiさん「久しぶりのワンマンです。 よろしくお願いします!!」
鋲さん「解禁 よろしくー!」
ap.kaniさん「【THE 営業】 ライティング・デザイン業務にくわえ、新たに動画編集のご依頼を承っております。 マーケティングも含め、各分野での経験を活かしながら、ヒトとモノの魅力を具体的に、丁寧に、楽しくお伝えします。 Portfolio YouTube #動画編集」
Tom・マツバラ 6/24生誕ワンマンさん「2023/08/05(土) 今治JAM SOUNDS 「爆血〜第九陣〜」 開場/開演 14:00/14:30 前売/当日 ¥2000(+1DRINK¥500) チケット:バンド予約、主催者予約 大学生以下入場無料!(DRINK代¥500必要) 愛媛にまた上陸します🍊 今度は今治!はじめましての会場に呼んで頂きました!歌い上げます🤘」
ハルアさん「8月5日、またLuck Blue Accountさんにお誘い頂き、JAM SOUNDSでドラム叩きます🔥🎶✨💫! よろしくお願いします!」
KISAKIさん「【KISAKI PROJECT feat.樹威】 2007年の休止公演より16年...奇跡とも言える一日限定ライブが決定しました。 詳細は6月06日 20:00に解禁!! Vo:樹威 @Jui_gotcharocka B:KISAKI @KISAKI_OFFICIAL [サポートメンバー] G:宮路ヤスアキ @indigo7_Yasuaki G:Toshihiro @Toshihiro_kick Dr:森谷亮太…」
源 依織さん「KISUIさんが頑張ってるので僕も支援しようと思いますが、ちょうど神威さんと神楽ちゃんさんのおやつもそろそろ無くなりそうなのでそちらを先にポチりました。 あと1分。」
直道さん「2023.5.27 高円寺駅前ストリートライブ たくさん立ち止まってくれたり集まったりしてくれて嬉しかったです。 男の子も多くて盛り上がったね! 高円寺、温かくて素敵な街でした。 ありがとう。 #直道 🐰💜💚 photo by @honyakuAnna」
NagoyaMusicFarmさん「NICOTINEの30周年とFARMの35周年のW! 6月11日 (日) -NICOTINE 30th Anniversary-【PUNK ROCK PARADE TOUR 2023】& 名古屋MUSIC FARM 35th Anniversary 16:30 / 17:00 前売 ¥3,000 TIGET: NICOTINE 新宿心音会板谷祐 BRIMAR PIXIE ROUGE ポルトマン Never Ever Call」
ポルトマン takashiさん「日曜日、Tシャツ買おう✨ 楽しみ。」
NICOTINE_OFFICIALさん「ツアーに向けて! 期待して待ってて! モデルはfullさんです。」
ポルトマン takashiさん「これやるなら 白夜をもう1回やれば良かったと思いながらも やっぱりこれは必要。」
ポルトマン takashiさん「明日6/6(火) 刈谷駅周辺のお祭り カリヤンナイトの特設ステージ 尾張のウオトラで出演します。 西尾信用金庫前19:00〜 スペースAqua20:30〜 #カリヤンナイト」
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「@prin_guitarist ありがとう‼️😭」
がる真 (GALMA)@ 5/16 spreading -5th anniversary styleさん「☀️ セルフレンジ 動画 ☀️ spreading -5th anniversary style- 【 フル: 】 下記ツイ先行配信楽曲の動画です!🙇 また、動画内文面は、相互FFのDIT様(@o_dit )作の物語より拝借させて頂きました!🙇‍♂️ #オリジナル曲 #DTM #イラスト #アナログ絵 #ドラムンベース」
がる真 (GALMA)@ 5/16 spreading -5th anniversary styleさん「まだこちらからフォロバ(フォロー返し)してないのに 「フォローありがとうございます!」ってツイートで公言して、相互フォロー確定前提という謎のパターンに遭遇した・・😨 おはようござる真す」
JOMI.K / NO-GATEさん「TOKYO AS FOREST by NO-GATE 主要配信サイトにてストリーミング配信中! #NO_GATE #TokyoAsForest #spotify #AppleMusic #AmazonMusic」
THE SLUT BANKS-公式-さん「☠️ 涙の最終飛行 ☠️ 戸城憲夫 OFFICIAL SITE【世田谷スポーツ】」
鈴木由之さん「こちらも8月19日ですね。 まだまだ逃亡の危険が危ない様なので、皆様 #拡散希望 RTご協力お願い致します!!是非に!!! #Deshabillz #DomesticChild #RENAME #MarvelousCruelty #8月19日 #心斎橋SHOVEL #熱波と灼熱で殺す気か #ライブ告知 #ライブへGO」
Sutari / Sacrificeさん「Sutariの配信です。俺は月曜日が大嫌い。」
【公式ショップOPEN】MALICE BERRY✠楽曲オーダーメイド承りますさん「―例え骨だけになっても、 あんな思いは二度と繰り返したくないから― ◤オーダーメイド楽曲第2弾◢ Call of silence - Piano Cover(澤野弘之/『進撃の巨人』挿入歌) 独自翻訳付き。 これは是非、ラストまで聴いてください… Full▸ #進撃の巨人 #piano #拡散希望」
【公式ショップOPEN】MALICE BERRY✠楽曲オーダーメイド承りますさん「◤歌詞���ル公開!!◢ 【#歌ってくれたらあなたのオリ曲】 マリベリが本気で作ったアイドル曲、歌詞はこんな感じです🌹 まだ見ぬ広い世界、出会い、その先にある自分の夢に心を燃やす、ピュアでパワフルな内容です✠ 参加者は原曲の通りでも良いし全く違う歌詞でもOK🍷 #歌詞 #活動者さんと繋がりたい」
Deshabillz2023 8月19日(土)心斎橋SHOVELさん「押忍!Deshabillzですあたおか久々の関西腹ペコ前乗りする段取りです 色々仕込みせなあかんのよ無配のじっくりコトコト煮込んだスープとか角煮とか 押忍!真っ黒ですねきっと!そんなことより拡散お願いしますまだ逃亡の恐れあるんで笑 #8月19日心斎橋SHOVEL #Deshabillz」
++ダウト幸樹++さん「相互フォロ友へ 久しぶりだがちゃんと監視の目は光らせてるぞ?ww 幸樹の逆ストーカアカウントww とか言うとフォロワー減るなww」
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「おはよう。 駄菓子屋の一等賞 手にすれば思ったより小さい 「僕だけの宝物だ。」 伸びる影 アスファルトのうえ ゴジラにもやらかい場所はあった 僕らと同じつくりだった 忘れないで 忘れないで 全てにはじまりがあること」
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「Mornin'!」
Lucifer's undergroundさん「」
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「Phobia/abyssの集い」
[email protected] NEiNさん「Oh yeah!!🤘」
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「今夜はluinゲネでした♬ 我々なりの刀リストで御送りします⚔⚔⚔ 6/8㈭@渋谷チェルシーホテル Green Juice 25th Anniversary Live 『継続は刀なり…』 出演: Green Juice luin ※19:50〜出現 MURASAKI open 18:30/start 19:00 adv. ¥3,500/day ¥4,000(+1d) 御予約⬇ [email protected]」
takuma.さん「6月16日(金) 吉祥寺 SHUFFLEでのNEiNサポートに向けた個人練習終了! NEiNファンの皆様、そしてメンバーの皆様よろしくお願いします!」
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eveningcolor · 2 years ago
ryuji sakamoto
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tahdashi · 2 years ago
keiji has subtle, traceable veins along his forearms n when you try tracing them while he isn't aware of it he'll start giggling uncontrollably bc it tickles stupid
if you try tickling him while he's alert he'll attack you first until you can't breathe from laughing sm
........ VEINS. don't even do this to me rn i'm unwell !&^# HE'S SO TICKLISH YOU'RE RIGHT but i also think he'd love the affection so when you're laying by him, he'll subtly place his forearm on your lap so you can trace his veins
HE'LL STOP YOU SO FAST and he loves hearing your laughter so much :(( he thinks he isn't funny so he isn't one to joke around, but when he makes you laugh by tickling you, he feels an unmeasurable amount of joy >.<
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akirchi · 2 years ago
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— characters: akira kurusu
— pairs: akira kurusu x gender neutral reader.
— akechi doesn’t make a appearance here.
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you were certain that your boyfriend and your friends were the infamous phantom thieves of heart. it was clear as day.
kamoshida’s accident was a clue that put you on edge, madarame just put you more on edge and the mafia that involved akira and your friends along with the president? those were such clues.
it didn’t go unnoticed from akira when he realized you were more quiet one day, you told him about your corrupted parents and wish the phantom thieves could help you.
it wasn’t a lie, your parents were corrupted and that day was the day your parents tried to cut your ties with your friends since they thought they were distracting you from your studies.
the timing was so right, he asked for their names, tomorrow your parents weren’t neglecting or pressuring you anymore.
it was a dead giveaway.
after that, you were sure they were the phantom thieves of heart, and the way it flew over peoples head was annoying you.
besides the timing of everything, the phantom thieves of heart was created based off of a rebellion in their heart that they locked away.
you were a hundred percent sure that the reason for these to “personas.” ( as you liked to call it ) to be created is by something that hurts them but they can’t do anything about it before something happens for them to unlock their rebellion.
you bit your nails, one thought swarming through your head; ‘how can you tell them that you know they were the phantom thieves?’ meet up with them? text them? call them?
no, those were stupid ideas, well, in your opinion.
akira watched you softly ramble underneath your breath with a soft smile, of course he couldn’t hear you but could muster a few words of ‘thieves.’ and ‘how.’
maybe catching them in the act could work? yeah, that sounded right. you didn’t care if you got in danger as long as you knew you were right, you didn’t like being wrong.
you sighed, the plan already set, you were scared, oh no doubt, you were gonna catch your boyfriend and your friends in the act, oh just imagine the scolding from akira.
you flopped down onto the cushioned seats with a tired sigh, akira wrapping a arm around you, “you good, treasure?” he asked making you nod with closed eyes.
“you guys are adorable.” ann cooed making you open one eye open, “i know right.” you and your cockiness always knew how to tease people.
ann rolled her eyes with a smile. the sudden chatter from the group decreased when you got up with your phone in your hand, eyes widened.
“i gotta go…” you excused yourself before hiding in the alleyway near léblanc, ‘ah shit, i can’t believe i’m doing this.’ you thought with panic fuelling your system.
you heard the door open with multiple shuffles, “okay, we don’t know what it’s gonna be like but we have to stay focused, got it?” you heard akira’s voice.
you smirked, ‘i was right.’
joker, skull, panther, fox, queen, oracle, noir and mona, the infamous phantom thieves that was shared among the internet, scattered around the news and the target for the governments.
“ready?” after that, a headache appeared and you felt like you were fucking flying as the scenery changed, you landed with a tumble and roll as you rubbed your legs.
‘those ballet classes actually came in handy.’ you thought before you took in the place you were in, it looked… aesthetically pleasing?
‘oh right! my plan!’ you stretched your limps before walking away from your hiding spots to see your friends, “oh, so i was right.” you announced making everybody whip their heads towards you.
“[name]!?” you heard makoto exclaim, it was obvious from their hair, “hi.” you waved with a small smile and a calm aura but you were fucking panic inside.
“we thought you left!” ann went into the conversation, “i mean, yeah, i kinda did but i came back.” you lied.
“how long have you had your suspicions?” yusuke asked while you shrugged, “kamoshida accident. it was really easy to piece not gonna lie.” you answered feeling smug.
your eyes landed on akira, your breath was knocked out of your lungs, my lord did your boyfriend look hot.
“it isn’t safe here.” he spoke while walking towards you, a hand grasping your shoulder, “i know it isn’t.” you retorted with an eye roll, “is this the cognitive world?” you raised any eyebrow at him, he’s eyes slightly widening.
“how do you know that?” you looked down at the voice to see a cat, “morgana?” you questioned while crouching to pat his head, “you look… kinda weird but cute at the same time.” an invisible arrow hit morgana.
“either way, what do you think my parents were studying?“ you sighed while standing back up, a hand on your waist, “you shouldn’t be here.” haru commented.
“i’m sorry but i just wanted to know if you guys were actually the phantom thieves of heart.”
“you could’ve told us!” ryuji said making you scoff, “i’m telling you know, aren’t i?” you snapped back with crossed up, “we have to take you back—“ “no.” you swatted akira’s hand away from you.
“i’m not leaving, i’m being stubborn and reckless i know but… just for a little, i wanna see everything. you have to explain everything to me.” you pleaded, jealousy tugging at your heart.
how can they be so carefree then you? how can they be so better then you? why can’t you be like them? they didn’t care about what people said about them so why should you?
you heard akira sigh, “fine but stay behind us.” you nodded while futaba and mona shared concerned looks.
you felt insecure and ashamed at yourself but why? it is because you put more pressure on them? because you were being stupid and refused to leave?
you clutched our into a fist until your knuckles turned white.
the place was decorated with a brownish white walls, designed with gold, white picture frames with pixelated photos nobody could figure out, red carpet, all of it looked like it was made out of a royal place.
but it sent out a not welcome aura.
it may be aesthetically pleasing but the pictures in the frames looked like it was following your every move, specifically your move.
the more you walked down the endless mansion the more it grew my unsettling and disturbing, ryuji groaned in not until frustration but from tiredness.
“how long have we been walking, man?” he whined with arms thrown up in the air, “yeah, it’s be like hours!” ann agreed while she held a hand on her head.
“this hallway is endless, and we haven’t even encountered a shadow.”
“yet.” a sadistic but a childish voice said from behind the wall they just rounded to continue the walk, “who’s there?” makoto questioned, everybody on guard, you being pushed behind akira.
it started off with a giggle before a full blown laugh came from the person, the scenery changing into a stage, the colours still there.
your eyes widened, it was the same stage you performed on when you were little, “the stage…” you muttered making mona look at you, “the stage what?” “it’s the same stage i was forced to perform on.”
and right on time, multiple shadows appeared from the seats and twisted their head towards the thieves, the red curtains pulling back revealing a bunch of shadow like figures with grins on their face.
soft music rolled in, the shadows rushing towards the thieves with the little amount of space they had, it was difficult to fight in this type of place, it really was.
the tight space was helping and after 50% of the shadows were gone, they disappeared whilst the show ended, “uh! you guys are so mean!” the same voice whined.
the scenery yet again changing into a grand entrance, two stairwells with white colouring and golden designs but the further it went up the darker it got.
and above those stairs, was you.
you were dressed in black and red, a red button up that puffed up at the collar and the sleeves it had a black bow tie with a red gem at the middle, a black vest that extended like a cape at the back, meeting at your knees, a red bow at the side, a gold chin hanging by too, black shorts with red outlining and black socks with boots.
“what the hell!?” you shouted in confusion seeing red eyes glare down at you, “you!” the glare hardened as the hand that was clutching onto the rails tightened.
“you pathetic excuse of me!“ the word’s didn’t effect you, how could it? it was right after all.
“[name] get behind me.” akira pushed you back as you had a staring contest with the other you, “boys! get them! leave the weak me alive.” you commanded as shadows emerged from the ground.
“whatever you do, don’t move from that spot.” akira demanded as you nodded but the way your body shaked, you knew at one point you had to move to do something.
you laughed at the sight, the sound of heavy breathing and fighting sounded like music to you but their eyes landed on the weak figure that had the head hung low.
“how can you call yourself strong when you can’t even defend yourself from your parents?” it taunted making you flinch at their words.
“i know how you feel, i know everything about you. you wish the people you envy died, you support others but yourself, you think you’re talentless, and you are.” it continued as you grasped your ears.
“and you wish you just disappeared from the world, erase yourself from people’s memories, you think that everything will be fine if you didn’t exist.”
“shut up! shut up!” memories rushed in as guilt hit your shoulder.
“you have a talent that i’m dying for!”
“so you’re saying that i have no talent?”
“shut up! don’t tell me how much something means to me and that i’ll regret it!”
“of course you get praised and appreciated, you have a talent that i’ll kill myself for.”
“leave me alone! stop telling me you know how i feel! you don’t know what it feels like to have something you’ve dreamed of being ripped from you!”
the thieves heard everything, the paintings were your work, the stage was what you got forced to do, the trophies became hollow to you and the shadows were your thoughts and people that told you to give up your dreams.
you watched from on-top with a smile, it watched you suffer who had a strained smile.
“this… this isn’t what i wanted to be! i’m sick and tired of people telling me on what i should do and who i should be! i’m tired of it!” you exclaimed.
akira tried to rush over to you but mona stopped him, “wait for it…” he trailed off before he heard you scream in pain, your hands clutching your head and your eyes yellow.
“well, well, took you long enough. i’ve wonder how long you could take their words without doing anything. you always follow peoples orders but after everything you do for them, they don’t repay you.” a sadistic and childish voice said.
your body feeling nothing but pain as the voice continued.
“will you continue following them and ignore the power you hold on them? will you continue to be the person everybody wanted you to be and never experience the true you? or will you accept this offering and turn the game around?”
“i… i want everything to end…” you heard it chuckle, “then our contract is sealed. i am thou, thou art i. let us turn the game around and finish it.” you dragged your finger across the mask that appeared on your face before you ripped it off, blood dripping.
“i hear you… phantasm!” your persona that resembled not only a thief but a magician, was infested with black and red as its signature, a scythe hanging on its back, their face covered with a mask even though nothing was there.
blue flames surround you as your persona and you stood strong with a new outfit.
the outfit was a black button up with a black tie that had a red gem in the middle, a black coat that slightly puffed up at the end of the sleeves and split into three parts at the end ( kinda like sumire’s coat )
black shorts that had a fencing sword at the side, silky red gloves that had a tie around the wrist part and red fishnets that was wrinkled at the end of the gloves, and finally black boots that had a ribbon on the right leg that was attached to boot.
akira wasn’t gonna lie but your outfit kinda matched his, hashtag couple goals.
“stay focus! we aren’t done yet!” futaba pointed out as akira watched you gracefully work with your persona and the sword you were equipped but not only that, you were equipped with firearms.
with your ballet classes and fencing classes, they honestly went well together, the way you slid across the floor to take down another shadow was memorizing.
“damnit! damnit! damnit! you want me to be the bad guy!? fine, i’ll be the bad guy!” you ripped off the eyepatch they had as the monster they turned into was a fucking disturbing thing i can’t even explain.
“[name]!” you whipped your head backwards as a you heard something zip near your ear as it revealed to be rope that attached itself to the wall. you jumped as akira pulled you up by the waist making you wrap your arms around his neck.
“what a charmer.” akira’s eyes made eye contact with yours as his lips twitched, “only for the best.” he teased, the two of you hopping onto the ground to regroup with the others.
“nice look, [name]!” ann commented making you chuckle, “thank you.” oh, did i mention that your mask is literally a reverted version of akira’s but with a rose at the side.
“we aren’t finished yet. stay sharp.” akira commanded while everybody’s guards were up, “i hate being the one losing! so i won’t lose this time!” you winced.
akira ripped of his mask, “arsene!”
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you dropped to your knees with a sigh, “is this the after feeling?” you questioned while akira helped you up, “yeah.” he answered with a small grin, “oh jeez.”
“you did well, [name]!” morgana praised, “oh, right, you can talk.” you mumbled, feeling drained as you leaned onto akira for support.
“i’m taking [name] upstairs to rest, try not to make so much noise.”
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leblancc · 3 years ago
YOU’VE RECEIVED A CALLING CARD . . . 100 followers event
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in celebration for surpassing one hundred followers, calling cards will be sent out from the phantom thieves of heart and their supporters to their beloved! worry not, they’re not after your desires; instead, your heart!
💌 — the event is now CLOSED.
💌 — you will receive a personalized letter from your character of choice!
💌 — please only request one letter!
💌 — this is a followers only event! meaning, you must be following me to take part in this!
💌 — if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask!
💌 — inspired by @xialatvs’s letter event!
💌 — this will last for a week starting march seventh to march fourteenth. after that, this will be closed!
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veenxys · 2 years ago
i'll rewatch bnha next week so i can talk abt tamaki n shigs w you. swear on it
anw deku would be so easy to tease 😁 'm constantly rotting on the idea of him blushing n hiding his face when you ask him for one more kiss, but when he manages to say "people are watching—we can do more of it at home," your own cheeks start to burn bc shit he's so so cute omg
hm n this is applicable to tamaki too. the timid boys <3
aaaa i'm really in the mood to see bnha again too!! maybe i will start this weekend idk 🤧 and YES deku would be so easy to tease !!! like if you kiss his forehead in public he will be so red and shy.. if you kiss his cheeks he'd start to stutter and smile like crazy.. if you kiss his lips he would melt completely but when you walk away he won't be able to stop smiling, turning red as he stares at his feet; trying to find ways to ask you for more kisses without letting his nervousness show (which is impossible because just by looking at him you already know what he is feeling/thinking smh)
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electricea · 10 months ago
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@mechahero sent - 💌 slides this over to you ( Love Letters - Accepting! )
I honestly don't even remember how exactly it happened but somewhere along the way, Ryuji and Lambda just became really tight knit and close friends and I've always marvelled at how it happened without little plotting or interference on our ends - they just have always had this understanding and support of each other - they tussle together, they bicker together, they hang out together - it just feels so natural and so nice and I think the fact that it happened so organically will always be what makes them so incredibly special to me.
I'm glad we did actually get to call last year - I'm grateful to you showing me Monster High and it was cool getting to show you a bit of Winx Club! (We gotta resume that sometime soon, I'll dm you on Discord about it later lol) Also I do love just hanging with you on Royale High, bless you for trying to show me the ropes of this fairy princess Roblox game, lmao. You're just someone I genuinely genuinely enjoy hanging out with and calling with and you're truly someone I want to continue to hang out with more. I just feel so at ease and chill around you and I hope the feeling is mutual! Always love getting to hang with you.
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thesongoftheirlove · 3 years ago
Whats your lovers urls again
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beyonettta · 3 years ago
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t4tbedehopmar · 2 years ago
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yusuke. gay man /lh - idia
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