schrodingers-romy · 11 days
ROMY how are you and your f/os beating the summer heat 🎤🎤🎤
Venus in my inbox!! :D Hope u and your guys are doing great this summer <3
I am notoriously a summer heat hater LMAO bc it is humid as fuck here...worst kind of heat...
Anyway I can see me and Takashi going to the beach w/ some of toman in the summer! He likes to go swim and I occasionally dip my feet in the water and then i go sit under an umbrella and he brings me popsicles LMAO (which I get to tease him with...)
Shion and I are both constantly bitching abt the heat together...I can see him being the type of person to sit mouth open tongue out in front of a fan like a dog 😭 [also he is speeding on his bike so we can feel the breeze from the air whooshing by]
Choso is gently laying ice packs on me as I lay on the hardwood floor aaksdjadhadhsd we have to be in front of the fan to cuddle bc we both run warm which makes him sad :(. So when we get the money we get an air con sksksk
Satoru uses the heat as an excuse to teleport me places even more often than usual..."oh sweetheart you're warm?" *teleports us to buttfuck nowhere northern alaska*
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schrodingers-romy · 14 days
Me, rolling over in the middle of the night to poke Choso awake: hey I had a dream you were fictional
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schrodingers-romy · 20 days
romy!!!!!!!!!! I hope your weekend has been most lovely and I come with a fun question about you and choso if you’d like to answer…
what does he do on a bad day to make you feel better and vice versa? do you guys have any little routines? foods? movies? I’d love to hear about em!!!
Hi kendy!! Ive been doing good, bow about you? Thank you for this question it's so cute! <3
I feel like we are both very tactile in general, but we both like to up the physical affection when the other is feeling down! So a good snuggle on the couch/on the bed are a staple lol
I am kind of bad abt taking care of myself when I'm down, so Choso makes sure to make me some of my favorite foods to make sure I eat. After we eat it's snuggle time and we watch smth light hearted like brooklyn 99 or one of my fav stupid YouTube videos
Choso also gets his alloted cuddles when he is feeling down but he also loves getting pampered a little bit. So sometimes I will draw a relaxing bath and wash his hair for him bc he loves the feeling <3
We also try to talk to each other about what's making us upset. Choso's a bit better about this than I am...
[Cutscene to me making incoherent noises as Choso pets my hair and hums sympathetically]
Anyway it's just a lot of doting in general <3 <3 <3
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schrodingers-romy · 22 days
Romy!!!!!! You’ve been turned into a little doll by some curse residue choso accidentally brought home ): what does he do to look after you? How upset is he about this happening??? I hope he doesn’t crush you in bed when sleeping……….(pls tell me everything!!!)
Hi melk!!! This is such an interesting idea omg (I did a cut bc it is a little long)
Choso is probably so distressed when he sees me turned into a doll, especially if it's technically his fault :( He is only placated when Shoko says it's likely temporary.
[I'm imagining yuuji who doesn't know what happened walking in on choso crying over a small doll that looks like me and just walking straight out of the room lmao]
Choso is carrying me everywhere so he can keep watch over me (he is very gentle and makes sure I am comfortable...even if I am technically an inatimate object).
And he still talks to me like I am there bc he doesn't know what to do and he doesnt want me to feel left out...sweet boy...
Also since you said it I imagine he is very scared of crushing me accidentally 😭
He tucks me in the bed, gives me the world's gentlest smooch on the head, and then goes to sleep on the floor or on a chair and I just have the entire bed to myself lmao
[I also think gojo would get a kick out of teasing choso. He tries to poke my cheek and choso just holds me away from him and gives him a scandalized look and gojo starts laughing at him. Choso: dont talk to me or my wife (the doll) ever again]
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schrodingers-romy · 25 days
Good morning romy what are any of your favs making u for breakfast ✨
Hi melk!! I hope you're having a nice night (??? I think it's night for u) <3
Choso is making me French toast for breakfast bc he is a sweetheart <3 <3 <3
(He woke up early and brought it to me in bed...which just makes up for the fact I didn't get my extra 20 min of snuggle time)
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schrodingers-romy · 28 days
I love the idea of choso in one of those big oversized emo sweatshirts
(Mostly bc I want to squeeze myself into it with him 😔)
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schrodingers-romy · 1 month
romy what (or who) is currently rattling around that beautiful brain of yours?
Tbh I have had so many plot ideas but I do not have the time nor motivation to write them 😭 I typed them down and I am hoping to pull myself together soon
But today I've been cycling between Choso and some of my tokyo revengers lovies....all of them clingy men lol
I just want a clingy boy who will hug me and lay on top of me like a weighted blanket as he lets me pet his hair <3
(Thinking of choso looking up at u with his pretty tired eyes...letting out a soft sigh and closing them as you stroke the tattoo on the bridge of his nose...sigh...)
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schrodingers-romy · 1 month
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So I broke down and made one of those selfship pages...
(Picrew from here and sheet from here)
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schrodingers-romy · 1 month
Pls……tell me about choso kisses!!!!!! Where is his favourite place, what are his lips like, is he always inclined to using tongue?? Does he kiss u all the time or do you have to initiate and ask? What was your first kiss like???? I MUST KNOW 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤
aksjakjdlkjdsakjs melk!!!
Our first kiss was a lil awkward because he kind of just pressed his lips to mine, and then he didn't know what to do beyond that. But it was very sweet <3 (he got better with time and training lol) It took him a while actually to be comfortable w/ tongue kissing too.
His lips are a lil chapped, but very soft anyways <3
Choso's fav place to kiss is my neck, but he gives out kisses to the top of my head most often bc of the height difference (tm). He usually gives neck kisses when we're laying down and he flops on top of me lol (he is my snuggly weighted blanket sksksksk)
Hmmm I think Choso is the one to initiate more of our kisses, because he is slightly clingier than me (likes to hug me and drape himself over me and give soft kisses), but we're pretty close in terms of affection we initiate (we are both clingy 🧍‍♀️)
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schrodingers-romy · 2 months
I love the photos I chose for the rocho insta feed thing but true biblically accurate choso Instagram would be a few dozen pics (including baby pics) of his brothers that embarrass them to no end and 2 extremely blurry couples photos of us then nothing for a year
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schrodingers-romy · 2 months
Romy and Choso’s insta feed <3
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turquoise.romy we look cute together <3 (ty yuuji for taking some of these for us!)
bestbigbrother ^_^
↪turquoise.romy love u <3
Load more...
yuwuji no problem!!! you guys look good (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
↪bestbigbrother ♥♥♥
star_yuki 😍
queen_nobara B+ presentation keep up the good work
↪turquoise.romy ???
↪yuwuji shes grading ur insta post
fushiguro.m i'm surprised gojo hasn't commented
↪bestbigbrother i blocked him 😇
↪fushiguro.m actually maybe we can be friends
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schrodingers-romy · 2 months
hiii romy!! your lingerie rb gave me selfship questions *rubs hands together menacingly*
for mitsuya/shion/choso, and anyone else you wanna talk about, what kinds of lingerie do they like to see you in? and if it makes any difference what would you want to wear for them? <3
Aosjsjskdjdjdjjd VENUS
I feel like I've said this a lot, but mitsuya's fav lingerie is the stuff he makes for me....it just gets that little edge of ownership/possessiveness that really gets him going. He spends a lot of time thinking abt what would look best on me <3
Hmmm I feel like Shion would like the really strappy sort of lingerie, it would impress him (I'd spend like 30 min getting myself into a rlly complicated thing just because I want to wow him lololol)
Choso is very tactile, so his favorite sets are the ones that are very soft/silky. (Clingy boy likes his hands on me, so I can just sit on his lap and let him touch)
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schrodingers-romy · 2 months
here's a gush pass feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers (optional) ! 🤍
Tysm mack <3 <3 <3
I am honestly in such a choso frame of mind right now....
Tbh I just want to pamper him sm, the man deserves a full at home spa day. I'd put him in a face mask and one of those little pink bow soft headbands to keep his hair out of it (he looks so cute with his hair down). I think he'd really like having someone wash his hair too (free head scritches). And we'd paint each other's nails so we can match 💅
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schrodingers-romy · 2 months
I'd love to go on a cross-country road trip with choso
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schrodingers-romy · 2 months
for the selfship ask game!!!! for as many f/o’s as you please 💜
Logan!!! Thank you for the ask ily <3
13) What’s your f/o(s) favorite thing about you?
Choso's favorite thing is how caring I am
One of Kakashi's favorite things is my sense of humor
Satoru's favorite thing is my ass (but really how I don't treat him like the strongest, I treat him like a person who has emotions and makes mistakes)
Ask game
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schrodingers-romy · 2 months
ROMY!!!! how about 4 for choso and 16 for whoever you choose 👀
Hiii robin! I decided to answer number 16 for giyuu 😌
4. spooning or one person laying their head on the other’s chest?
Choso loves to lay his head on my chest and have his hair played with....although we both enjoy just flopping down on top of each other for a snuggle <3
16. kids or no kids?
Giyuu and I wouldn't plan on having kids, but I think if we came across any kids who needed a family (especially if they were a set of siblings....) we would take them in and take care of them
Ask game
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