#💭 chi talks
celestialpearls · 9 months
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*eye twitching violently*
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Erwin Smith ~ Relationship, Vibe & Various
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Okay, so there’s a lot to unpack here with Erwin Smith. As you probably know, he’s a very complex individual. Extremely hard to get close to, due to how busy/committed he is to his job.
However, if you do manage, prepare to be swept off your feet like Mary Poppins caught in a storm. Funny to look at but an absolute whirlwind.
Erwin is the gentleman. He will be so respectful, patient and alpha that you’ll feel like nothing in the world could ever hurt you, not even the Titans.
However, he’s known to sacrifice all he can for answers so I wouldn’t rely on that too much. Not that I’m saying he’d happily throw you into the jaws of a sixteen foot monster or anything, because he wouldn’t. He will sometimes go silent for days as he buries himself into his work. Unfortunately its just something you’re going to have to put up with if you want to be in this mans life.
Ideal Dates
Fancy dining is something you can expect when you’re with Erwin. He knows life is short and enjoying life while you can is important. That and he’s experienced the shitty ways of military life and the slop they serve; not to mention famine. So, now he’s up on the commander ladder, prepare to be spoiled with candle lit dinners and fine wines.
Doesn’t make him a snob though. He’s so down to earth he has this power where he’ll make you feel like royalty, all while lifting up everyone else in the room too. Kind and polite, he never fails to make others feel good about themselves; just a nod, a smile and a “thank you” goes miles for anyone serving him food.
Is a sucker for late night walks - especially in parks. He’ll loop your hand through his arm as he takes slow strides, his entirety rumbling with each small laugh he lets out. With you, having managed to penetrate into his life, he’s found a new happiness he didn’t think he’d ever have in this lifetime.
Like Levi, Erwin always smells good. Fresh shower gels, cologne, you name it.
Picnic’s in the spring and summer are something else you can expect from this amazing human. He’ll feed you fancy cheeses, bites of cake and so on.
Modern AU
I can see Erwin having a few professions in a modern au. A professor, a business man with Levi as his partner, and even the owner of a fancy, swag car store.
It’s just in his DNA to rise to the top of things - that’s Erwin for you. Whatever career he has, he’s high up and earns a lot of money. He’s a workaholic through and through, no matter what universe you’re in, he’s going to struggle balancing his work life with his personal life. It’s a major issue you’ll have to tackle if you want to be romantically involved with him.
He takes Levi to get acupuncture to help with his insomnia. He’s open minded and also suggests Tai-Chi.
Espresso’s are basically pumped directly into this mans veins. None after 4 though, else he’ll be up all night.
Always at his desk when he’s home. Very rarely does he relax without intervention from you. You have to ask him to come watch some TV or read a book. He’ll happily spend quiet time with you, he just needs reminding.
Oh boy.
I’ve always cannoned Erwin as having a magic cock. It’s so fat and big and shaped so beautifully ~ ahh.
I call it magic because it’s basically a mini orgasm with each drag along your walls. And when you reach your golden end - you’ll be knocked silly.
I’m talking eye rolls, drool, you’ll flop like a rag doll as he pumps you into heaven.
His cock is addictive. Once Erwin inserts himself into you for the first time no other cock will ever do. It’s just… magical.
A gentleman in the sheets too - unless you don’t want him to be.
His load is so thick, like - McDonalds milkshake thick. And there’s so much of it, he can fill you up until you’re leaking and pull out and cover you.
The noises he makes consist of heavy, deep and almost guttural panting. Has such a sly smile while he watches how well your greedy insides take him.
Can and will preform oral on you for hours. Until your legs are shaking and you’re begging for mercy.
Don’t expect to ever be able to walk properly after he’s done with you, ‘cause you won’t.
There’s two main (yet huge) moods Erwin has.
One is his praise kink. He worships you and your body. He’ll tell you how gorgeous, strong, pretty, beautiful, perfect etc., you are. It really gets him going showing his king/queen how he sees you and making you feel good about yourself. Making you feel as good as you deserves is almost good enough to make him cum on the spot. But of course, he has amazing self-control and his stamina is second to none.
Then there’s the other mood he has…
Having you dry hump him, beg him to pleasure you gets his motor running from 0 - 90.
If he’s super busy he’ll have you dry hump his tree trunk of a thigh while he fills in paper work, your desperate and pathetic body just pleading for him to see to you, the way only Erwin can. It won’t last too long though - it turns him on too much and will end up throwing you on the desk and fucking you until you see stars.
No matter how busy he was when you started to fuck, he’ll always take time to look after you after he’s destroyed your insides.
Pillow talk, soft kisses, telling you how well you did and how you milk him dry so well.
Will get you a tray of food and a drink and will bring it up to bed for you. Fruits, croissants, yoghurt… mmm.
After a particularly long session, he’ll wrap you up in the sheet and carry you to the shower; changing the bedding to a fresh set while you’re in there. He’ll lay out clean Pjs and have that tray of food waiting for you.
Always, always wraps his arms around you to fall asleep, his satisfied sighs in your ear always a joyous sound to end your day to.
Dates 10/10
Thoughtfulness 6/10
Affection 4/10
Sex 10/10
Aftercare 10/10
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lumiconic · 2 years
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ABT ME ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
hello! my name is chiyo but you can also call me chi! i’m a minor, a lesbian, and my pronouns are she/her!
i made this blog to get better at writing, so all feedback is appreciated!
i like ei, venti, and lumine & i main klee 🫶
i hope i can improve my writing and make content that i and other people love! if you ever want to talk to me, don't hesitate <3
inbox status: open for messaging and requesting!
💗 my heart beats for chiori
🎧 witchcraft by dlt! ft kayla g
✒️ hallway crush drabbles!!
💭 an A in bio pls
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© lumiconic 2024. do not repost, plagiarize, or translate without permission.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
From what we have seen today it appears things are set to get spicy in China, Modernization and Deterrence of enemies will be the new keywords of the CPC
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 Oggi, 10 marzo, il Compagno Wang Huning - che ha servito come Primo Segretario del Segretariato del Comitato Centrale del Partito Comunista Cinese dal 25/10/2017 al 23/10/2022 - è stato eletto Presidente del Comitato Nazionale della Conferenza Consultiva Politica del Popolo Cinese, in sostituzione del Compagno Wang Yang ⭐️
💕 Come il Compagno Xi Jinping, ha prestato il Giuramento sulla Costituzione della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, per poi inchinarsi di fronte ai Delegati del Congresso e all'Emblema della Repubblica Popolare 🇨🇳
🌸 Il Collettivo Shaoshan aveva parlato di lui il 19/10/2022, nella Serie di Post "Chi saranno i probabili nuovi Membri del Comitato Permanente dell'Ufficio Politico del Partito Comunista Cinese?" 🔍
🇨🇳 Nato nel 1955 a Shanghai, si è laureato in Politica Internazionale presso l'Università Fudan di Shanghai, e si è unito al Partito Comunista Cinese nel 1984 🚩
💼 Dopo aver lavorato come Docente presso l'Università Fudan di Shanghai, è diventato Presidente del Dipartimento di Politica Internazionale dell'Università, fino ad ottenere il ruolo di Rettore della Scuola di Legge 📖
📈 Entrato a far parte del Comitato Centrale del Partito Comunista Cinese nel 2002, è diventato Membro del 19° Comitato Permanente dell'Ufficio Politico nel 2017, dopo il 19° Congresso Nazionale del Partito Comunista Cinese, e ha assunto numerosi incarichi dirigenziali 💼
💭 Ha lavorato, dal 2017, come Direttore della Commissione Centrale per la costruzione della Civiltà Spirituale, Direttore del Gruppo Dirigente per la Propaganda e l'Ideologia e Vice-Capo del Comitato Centrale per l'Organizzazione Istituzionale 🇨🇳
⭐️ Lavorando per Jiang Zemin - quand'egli era Segretario Generale del Partito Comunista Cinese - ha aiutato il Presidente Cinese a sviluppare la "Teoria delle Tre Rappresentanze" (三个代表) 🚩
⭐️ Lavorando per Hu Jintao - quand'egli era Segretario Generale del Partito Comunista Cinese - ha aiutato il Presidente Cinese a sviluppare la "Prospettiva Scientifica dello Sviluppo" (科学发展观), così come l'obiettivo della creazione di una "Società Socialista Armoniosa" (和谐社会) 🚩
⭐️ Lavorando per Xi Jinping - attuale Segretario Generale del Partito Comunista Cinese - ha aiutato il Presidente Cinese ad esplorare concetti come il "Sogno Cinese" (中国梦), ovvero il "Grande Ringiovanimento della Nazione Cinese" (中华民族伟大复兴) 🚩
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 Today, March 10, Comrade Wang Huning - who served as First Secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China from 2017/10/25 to 2022/10/23 - was elected Chairman of the National Committee of the Consultative Conference Chinese People's Policy, replacing Comrade Wang Yang ⭐️
💕 Like Comrade Xi Jinping, he took the Oath on the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, then bowed before the Congress Delegates and the Emblem of the People's Republic 🇨🇳
🌸 The Shaoshan Collective had talked about him on 10/19/2022, in the Post Series "Who will be the probable new Members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China?" 🔍
🇨🇳 Born in 1955 in Shanghai, he graduated in International Politics at Fudan University in Shanghai, and joined the Communist Party of China in 1984 🚩
💼 After working as a Lecturer at Fudan University in Shanghai, he became President of the University's Department of International Politics, eventually obtaining the role of Rector of the Law School 📖
📈 He joined the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2002, became a Member of the 19th Standing Committee of the Political Bureau in 2017, after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and has held many leadership positions 💼
💭 he Worked, since 2017, as Director of the Central Commission for the Construction of Spiritual Civilization, Director of the Leading Group for Propaganda and Ideology and Deputy Head of the Central Committee for Institutional Organization 🇨🇳
⭐️ Working for Jiang Zemin - when he was General Secretary of the Communist Party of China - he helped the Chinese President develop the "Three Representative Theory" (三个代表) 🚩
⭐️ Working for Hu Jintao - when he was General Secretary of the Communist Party of China - he helped the Chinese President develop the "Scientific Development Perspective" (科学发展观), as well as the goal of creating a "Harmonious Socialist Society " (和谐社会) 🚩
⭐️ Working for Xi Jinping - current General Secretary of the Communist Party of China - he helped the Chinese President explore concepts such as the "Chinese Dream" (中国梦), or the "Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation" (中华民族伟大复兴) 🚩
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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theycallmemu82 · 2 years
Technically it doesn’t really matter when it comes to casting POC actors for comic book characters that were originally white.
You have to Understand the political landscape of the past. Because of the majority of publishers and editors, The automatic default for any new character was always a white man. If creators like Stan Lee had a choice then Peter Parker would have been a person of color from the beginning. If Jack Kirby had a choice then majority of his main characters would have been strong women. He Model Big Barda after his wife, clearly the guy was in to tough broads. At one point Stan Lee mention that Professor X and Magneto were modeled after MLK and Malcolm X. So it wouldn’t be far-fetched for those characters to be black anyway. At the time Stan Lee had to convince Marvel to publish Black Panther. Do you know how hard that was for him to convince A bunch of old white comic publishing businessman? That’s why when he became chief officer of marvel it was so easy to greenlight characters like Luke Cage and Shang Chi.
Of course there are white characters that cannot be “Race Changed”. Like the Black Knight who’s obviously a character that derives from a European heritage. That same argument can go for characters like Black Panther, Luke Cage and Falcon. But If you’re talking about humanoid alien from space or characters from other dimension, then it doesn’t matter what the skin color, gender or sexuality.
It All boils down to telling a good story. The Pages in a book maybe black-and-white but the imagination is fully colored.
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imxthexhandler · 7 years
💭 💭 💭 💭 💭 - Eugene
For every 💭 Ireceive, I will write one thought my Muse has had about yours.
“OhGod! This lasagna is amazing! I have to get this recipe!”“…Is this the new game Eugene was talking about? I just remember him saying‘Call of Duty’. Why are there like twenty games with that title?!”“He’s so cute with Tommy… I wonder how he’d be if we had a kid…”“Aww… He looks so cute when he’s sleeping… Makes waking up all worth it… Iwonder if he’d wake up if I just give him a little kiss…”“Oh God…the yoga instructor just said chi… Chi’s what Eugene calls his… Oh God.Now I can’t stop thinking about *THAT*! Oh shit… Damnit! Why does it have to becalled ‘chi’?!”
( @kungfupandaman)
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celestialpearls · 9 months
i watched svt game caterers again and my brain is like mashed potato coz of wonwoo's 58cm shoulders
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celestialpearls · 9 months
does anyone know how to add the thing i circled in this screenshot? this new tumblr layout is ugly and i cant for the life of me figure out how to do it 😭😭
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celestialpearls · 1 year
about me 💫
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it has come to my attention that i haven't really introduced myself on here. so here's a quick get-to-know-me post!
i'm chi. i was born in 2001 and i'm asian. i write for svt if you couldn't already tell. my biases are cheol, jihoon, chan and jeonghan 😁. rules on this blog are pretty simple:
don't be an asshole.
see number 1.
as for request rules, i'm not taking any at the moment. but you're welcome to share your writing thoughts about svt via my inbox. you will know when i open my requests.
i'm comfy writing most genres but smut is something i need to work on. so if you request smut once i open requests, the content will just be suggestive. if you're unsure about the content of your request, don't hesistate to ask me 😁.
last, i block blogs that don't have any content on them/aren't personalised.
happy reading! and i hope you enjoy your stay on celestialpearls 💗💗
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celestialpearls · 1 year
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very vampiric, very enticing
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celestialpearls · 1 year
those joshua nba korea pics have me brainstorming and thinking and losing my mind
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celestialpearls · 1 year
thinking of yn who is wonwoo's younger sibling and the latter who has imposed a dating ban. the dating ban being that you can't date or even have a crush on his friends, and vice versa. a trope i wanna explore 🤓. and it's a trope that suits jeonghan
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celestialpearls · 2 years
i forgot how to write um.
and i read this kcarat's account of their supposed interaction with wonwoo which almost made me lose a lung from laughing. MAYBE if u said it was mingyu, i'd believe it idk 😭😭
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celestialpearls · 2 years
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batshit insane really
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celestialpearls · 7 months
PLEASE DONT TELL ME *dramatic ass pause* WAIT 🗣️
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celestialpearls · 7 months
tumblr to do list
add carat library membership thing in masterlist
UPDATE my masterlist lmao
update my bio to link the new work
finish my yjh fic inspired by 1d's 18
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