#📚 Redfield Reads AU
mossyivy · 6 months
Emo! Leon and Preppy! Reader trying to be secretive about their "relationship" or whatever they have going on.
Leon comes in late to his shift and gives Reader a quick kiss good morning (thinking their alone) like the usually do before coming into the store. Then they hear someone clear their throat from the balcony upstairs and see Jill out from behind the cafe counter looking down at them like
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(she knew the entire time tell me I'm wrong)
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mossyivy · 6 months
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NSFW Under the Cut (Bubs is a nickname btw)
A/N: If you saw the first post of this, no you didn't.
Imagine Himbo!Chris as your manager
He's usually a strict manager, but he actually quite likes the newest hire Preppy! Reader. He even considers her a friend. Chris isn't the smartest guy around but what he lacks upstairs he makes up for in muscle. He's a massive guy, looks like a linebacker but hasn't touched a football since playing with his sister Claire in childhood. He's a little intimidating even if he doesn't mean to be.
You've been late to work twice this week because you slept late from studying too much the night before. Midterms are coming up and you're so stressed out everything feels like a thousand times harder to deal with. But, Chris has let you off the hook twice now and you know he's gonna say something today since it's your third time being late.
You walk through the front door, not seeing him in usually spot picking up the returns to put back in the system, maybe he's not in yet... Leon shoots you his usual dirty look behind the checkout but smirks afterwards. Watching you walk back towards the break room to clock in. Pushing the door open you see Chris leaning against the counter with his beefy arms crossed over his broad chest.
"You're late again," he starts gruffly, pressing off the lower cabinets to meet you at the time clock, "I called Leon to see if you were in yet and he told me you were late again."
Of course he would, fucking rat...
"I'm sorry, I overslept again... Midterms are-"
"A killer, I know. But if Leon and Ashley can both be on time, so can you." He takes in a deep breath, he must be actually upset with the lack of his usual kindness. It's kinda cute how much he's trying to fight back his irritation.
"Look, I like you, I really do. And I don't want to have to write you up... So you're staying late today. Putting away the new inventory with me after everyone else leaves." You open your lips to protest, raising his hand he stops you.
"Inventory or write up?" You sigh, biting the inside of your cheek as his brows knit together, looking down at you. You actually liked this side of Chris?
"Inventory..." You mumble as he nods with a slight smirk.
"That's my girl."
His boss demeanor drops immediately, patting you on the middle of your lower back as he passes by, making a tingle fly up your spine.
"I'll be doing returns if you need me."
The day drags, 6pm rolling around eventually. Jill staying behind for a bit as she looks over at you from the front door.
"Inventory, all alone with the boss. Sounds like a recipe for disaster," she smirks, leaning closer to you as you roll your eyes, "he's pretty hot, I wouldn't blame you. An that's coming from a Lesbian... And his best friend."
"It's not like that, Jill. He's punishing me." Jill visibly bites her lip, her labret piercing touching her front teeth as she raises her eyebrows.
"You're really not good at deterring me, Bubs..." You groan, she chuckles pulling her coat on.
"It's not... He has a policy about..." You really have no idea what to say, why would she even put that idea in your head? It's not like Chris would show any interest in his employees. He hasn't before at least. Jill's his friend since childhood and gay. Ashley barely just turned 19. And Leon... Is Leon.
Why would you be any different?
"Bye Bubs, have fun with Chris, but not too much fun." She teased, pressing the door open as you wave goodbye. You walk over, locking the door and shutting the neon sign off. Grabbing your coffee from the checkout you down it, throwing it in the trash behind the counter before heading back to the storage room.
Reaching the storage room you step inside, finding Chris stacking smaller boxes of kids books on the dolly. He lifts his head, turning as he dusts his hands off. He smiles at you, sweetly like he usually does. His dopey smile making your stomach do a flip, thinking back to what Jill said.
"Hey," he gestures to the dolly before looking back at you again, "kid section needs to be restocked, thought it would too heavy for you."
That was sweet of him, not wanting you to strain yourself. But of course not, that be making him short a much needed employee. At least that's what you say to your brain to stop wandering.
"Thanks Boss." You give a fake salute before grabbing your dolly and heading out to the kids section. Pushing past the small colorful tables and animal chairs you pull out your box cutter from your skirt pocket and rip the box open. Starting to place books in the younger side of the shelves you hear the door to storage open. Out walking Chris carrying two huge boxes on his shoulders, not breaking a sweat or skin red in the slightest.
"God damn..." You catch yourself mumbling, you know Chris was jacked but Jesus Christ. Two huge boxes into the fantasy section? Those books were usually thicker than your college textbooks. How much does this guy lift?! You blink, eyes burning with the realization you were staring at him. He's none the wiser, back turned towards you as he reaches up pushing the books onto the top shelf.
You continue putting books away, finishing with the toddler stuff and throw the box to the side, starting on the next one. You glance back over at Chris as he tossed his first box to the side. Watching him kick the box over to the next shelf, twirl his box cutter before ripping the tape off and back to work.
You crane your neck over the shelf watching his shirt ride up on him. Seeing the waistband of his boxers over his sweatpants that somehow fit to his ass perfectly. Calvin Klein printed in white over the black band, you'll have to say a prayer later to him for the blessing of the sight you get to see. Chris turns to the side, stretching his arms above his head, shirt riding up again. Tilting your head your see the tips of his V-line, the trail of hair leading to his navel and the curves of his bottom abs. Sculpted to literal perfection...
He has to be doing this on purpose now, right? Cause honestly if it was he was getting your engine to purr with very little effort. Honestly, it's kind of embarrassing. Did what Jill said affect you that much?
Although, Chris is the type of guy to be hit on constantly and barely notice. Just thinking people are being nice to him.
His head quickly juts towards you, quickly looking away you make it look like you were working and not planning what you were going to rub one out to later...
"Need help?" His deep voice fills the space as you give a quick no, squeakier then you had intended it to be. He chuckles, going back to work as you try fighting the heat rising in your neck.
You almost just got caught ogling your boss. Thank God Chris isn't the most perceptive guy around when it came to social awareness or that might have ended with a pink slip. You quickly finish up the kids books as Chris finishes the fantasy section. He looks back to you as he collects the boxes and smiles.
"Head over to the adult section. I'll grab the boxes."
Adult section... Right, you completely forgot Chris had been talking about turning his old office into the adult section after he took a corner of the break room to work in. You nod, heading over quickly as he grabs the dolly and walks off. Walking inside you look at the tall shelves lining the walls and the few tables already lined with books. Looking down at the table you read off a few of the titles in your head, one catching your eye in particular.
How to please your man like a pornstar.
A blunt and to the point title. At least you know what you're getting before you open the cover.
"So this is the kinda crap you like to read?" Chris enters the room with a soft 'tsk. Pushing in the dolly with a few large boxes and the creaky old wooden step stool on top.
"No, just being nosy."
"Mmhm, nosy," he teases, pushing the cart to the shelves. "sure you aren't trying to pick something out for your boyfriend I'm not supposed to know about?"
"I don't have a boyfriend." Chris looks at you over his shoulder, giving you a look like he doesn't believe you.
"Girlfriend? Talking to anyone?" He questions, you shake your head. You both start tearing open boxes and putting away books on shelves. The silence taking over for a few minutes as you ponder his questions.
"You think people like me that much?" You smirk, looking back over at him as he laughs.
"Figured a girl like you would have at least someone sniffing around. I mean... You even get Leon to turn his head once in a while and he's as responsive as wet bread to women."
A girl like you. What exactly does that mean?
"Ew, no. He's the worst and the last person I want looking at me. Besides, that be against the rules." His face shifts, looking confused for a minute.
"Rules?" You scrunch your nose up.
"No dating coworkers?"
"Oh! Yeah, that. No, my Dad wrote those rules and I just haven't had the heart to change the employee handbook after him and Mom died. I'd have to run it by Claire and..." His voice trails off for a few seconds, you getting the jist of it. He turns back to putting books away quietly.
"Still a sore subject for her?"
"Yeah." You nod, understanding the meaning behind it.
"So, you don't care?"
"As long as you assholes don't beat the customers, wear what little uniform you have and show up on time I don't care. It's not my business. Just don't let it affect your job."
Good to know.
You two work in silence for a long while. Eventually Chris pops the step stool open. Moving to put the more "extreme" books on high shelves in case stupid kids wander in unattended. Don't want a child being scarred, that's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
"Bubs." You snap your attention to him holding the stool. He sets it down next to you.
"Yes, Sir?" He blinks with a smirk, huffing for a moment.
"Don't ever call me that again," you giggle with a nod, "you mind doing the top shelves? I have a feeling this stool would snap under me if I even breathed near it."
"So you want me to file the Workman Comp case?" You joke, Chris squinting his big brown eyes for a second.
"You'll be fine, I'll be here to spot you and hand you books."
You agree, reluctantly. Stepping up to the top rung Chris starts handing you the first set of books, staring at you intently. It felt a lot different than a mindful stare, almost like he was watching you purposefully. Shifting back and forth in place every few minutes. Bouncing his legs. You knew he got bored easily but you've never seen him this jittery.
Oddly enough it didn't take long for you both to get to the last shelf, checking your watch to see it's nearly 8pm by now. Rolling your neck you climb back up on the stool, stepping onto the top plank.
Looking down you gesture for a book, Chris shuffles, turning away quickly and grabbing some books from the box, handing them up to you. He turns away, still standing behind you, a tad bit closer than before. Pushing the last book onto the shelf you look back at him as he keeps moving around.
"Are you okay? You seem antsy." He looks back at you, tanned skin a dusty rose color, he looks like he's contemplating what to say. Grabbing the last set of books and hands them up to you before he speaks.
"I'm fine," he insists, "just hot in here."
He clears his throat, pulling at his v-neck near his rose tattoo on his neck. You turn back to the shelf, putting the books away, leaning for the last one. The book slips from your hand hitting the floor as the stool starts to tilt to the side and you try gripping the shelf to stop from falling. Arms wrap around you as the stool topples over, lifting you from the fall. Toned arms around your waist, big hands flat against your belly as his hand accidentally went under your button up and his head in the middle of your back.
"Jesus Christ Bubs. Gave me a damn heart attack." Slowly his arms lower you to the floor, weirdly hunching to put you down. You feel embarrassed, bending over to grab the book as he grabs the stool. Your head turns, eyes shifting as he stands up straight. Your eyes making contact with the massive imprint in his sweatpants. Your jaw drops, turning away immediately.
Oh, oh God he's hard... Did I do that!? Has he been like that the entire time??
You shift and try your hardest to reach to put the book of the shelf. Even standing on your top toes. Chris comes up behind you, putting a hand on your hip, taking the book from you and stands on his own toes to reach. Sliding the book into place with ease. You feel him brush your other hip with his own.
Couldn't he have just done that the entire time?
You give him an odd look as he steps back, folding the stool up, and holding it in front of himself. Oblivious to the fact you already saw his hard on.
"That should be everything..." He takes a few steps back, you nod, quickly stepping past him.
"I'm gonna go grab my purse and head out." You move to head towards the break room when he grabs your shoulder, stopping you.
"Let me walk you to your car, it's dark out. I don't want you putting yourself at risk. Just, let me use the bathroom first."
Damn him and his kind nature...
You nod, following him to the break room and grab your bag as he slips into the employee bathroom.
Walking out of the back you stop at the front door, turning the overhead lights out. The only lights on being the dimly lit sconces along the walls. You start thinking about... Knowing what's probably happening in that bathroom right now. Your thoughts start drifting to the thought of his hand down his pants, trying desperately to stay quiet and get himself get some relief before facing you again.
Then Jill's words drift into your mind again.
He's pretty hot, I wouldn't blame you.
She's not wrong... Chris is hot. And obviously he thinks you are too if you're the cause of his big problem. Should you even be thinking this way? He's your boss. It be unprofessional and possibly really awkward if anything happened... Well more than what already did.
"Ready?" You turn seeing Chris carrying his coat over his arm, walking through the store.
"Yeah." You both step out of the store, stopping to watch Chris lock up. He smiles at you as you start walking towards your car. Quickly, he steps around you, walking along the street side.
It's not odd for Chris to be this sweet but this feels like he's trying to impress you almost.
"Such a gentleman." You smirk, crossing under a streetlight. He smiles wide, bumping your arm with his.
"Maybe if you're good I'll lay my coat across a puddle and you can walk over it."
Is he flirting with me?
You scoff, shaking your head.
"If I'm good? I'm a model employee, thank you."
"Expect for being 20 minutes late three times this week... Be grateful I like having you around." You feel your cheeks heat up as you both stop at a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change.
"Wow, you like having me around. What do you have a crush on me or something?" You joke, stepping off the sidewalk and into the double white lines. Chris staying on the curb for a few seconds before quickly catching up.
"What if I did?" He asks, turning his head to look at you as you two turn into the parking lot on the corner. Looking at him, his face is red. The look in his eyes says so much as you stop at the back of your car.
"Look," he stops, leaning against your bumper as you join him, "can I say something that we can... Both just look past if it gets awkward or weird?"
"As long as you're not about to tell me that you're stalking me or something." Chris shakes his head, smile faltering.
"I know I'm your boss and I shouldn't look at you like I do... But it's hard not to think you're really pretty and I want to take you out when I'm around you constantly. And if you don't feel that way we can pretend this never happened and I'll just walk away..."
He's even sweet when expecting rejection...
You just stare at him for a moment as he stands up quickly.
"Right. I'm sorry for saying anything." You reach out, grabbing his hand as you stand up.
"I'm not sure about my feelings but I know I'm attracted to you and you're really sweet. So, I wouldn't mind going on a date and seeing where this goes... I think I'd be a complete idiot for not at least trying with you." He sighs in relief, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles with a goofy smile.
"Tomorrow after work? A Movie and dinner?" He seems so eager, you snicker to yourself.
"Sounds great." You smile, moving in to give him a kiss on the cheek. His smile turns to a full blown grin, looking you up and down.
"Call me when you get home." He gives a fake salute as you turn back to unlock your car door. Looking back over your shoulder you see him exiting the parking lot to head back towards his apartment over the store. And as you climb in, pulling on the door to close it. You swear you hear a faint cheer of yes from the distance.
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mossyivy · 6 months
Just so y'all know in the bookstore AU! We have a line up!
Emo! Leon (obvs)
Preppy! Reader (obvs again)
Goth! Jill (works the cafe counter mostly/Grumpy Lesbian with the Himbo bestie)
Scene! Ashley (she's the mayors daughter)
Himbo! Chris (Think Johnny Depp in Nightmare on Elm Street) (His family owns the bookstore "Redfield Reads")
Chris calls his team a tiny band of misfits and I love that for all of them 😭
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mossyivy · 5 months
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ʀᴇᴅꜰɪᴇʟᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅꜱ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋᴏᴜᴛ
[Leon Route]♠️
» [Leon's Mix] «
0:00 ─〇───── 0:00
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
♱ Normal Route ♱
× Manga
× Staff Meeting
× Kicking Out a Customer
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♱ Bedroom Route ♱
× Taking Pictures
× Condom Enemy
× Tongue Piercing
× Convention
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17 notes · View notes
mossyivy · 5 months
I think it's time we talked about Goth Jill and Preppy Reader
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Video Video Video Video Video Video
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mossyivy · 6 months
Do y'all think Goth! Jill would be in an all girls punk band? Cause she gives me drummer vibes and the thought won't leave my head
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mossyivy · 6 months
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An AU where you, a college student just cut off from your wealthy parents funds, work at the "Redfield Reads" bookstore with your coworkers (Ashley/Music Section Clerk, Jill/Cafe Barista, Chris/partial owner/manager, Leon/General Clerk)
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ᴀꜱʜʟᴇʏ ʀᴏᴜᴛᴇ (ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴀᴠᴇʀ ᴄᴏᴡᴏʀᴋᴇʀ)
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ᴄʜʀɪꜱ ʀᴏᴜᴛᴇ (ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜɪᴍʙᴏ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇʀ)
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ᴊɪʟʟ ʀᴏᴜᴛᴇ (ʏᴏᴜʀ ɢᴏᴛʜ ᴄᴏᴡᴏʀᴋᴇʀ)
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ʟᴇᴏɴ ʀᴏᴜᴛᴇ (ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇᴍᴏ ᴄᴏᴡᴏʀᴋᴇʀ)
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14 notes · View notes
mossyivy · 5 months
I forgot to post this earlier
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mossyivy · 5 months
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ʀᴇᴅꜰɪᴇʟᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅꜱ ᴄᴀꜰᴇ
[Jill Route]🖤
» [Jill's Mix] «
0:00 ─〇───── 0:00
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
𖤍 Normal Route 𖤍
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𖤍 Bedroom Route 𖤍
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9 notes · View notes
mossyivy · 5 months
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ʀᴇᴅꜰɪᴇʟᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅꜱ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ ꜱᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ
[Ashley Route]🪅
» [Ashley's Mix] «
0:00 ─〇───── 0:00
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
৻ꪆ Normal Route ৻ꪆ
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৻ꪆ Bedroom Route ৻ꪆ
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3 notes · View notes
mossyivy · 5 months
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ʀᴇᴅꜰɪᴇʟᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅꜱ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ʀᴏᴏᴍ
[Chris Route]🧢
» [Chris's Mix] «
0:00 ─〇───── 0:00
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
⎙ Normal Route ⎙
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⎙ Bedroom Route ⎙
× Late Shift
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5 notes · View notes
mossyivy · 5 months
A thought that won't leave my mind:
Himbo Manager! Chris having a love for R&B. Specifically loves 702 and when he's in the store alone he's playing their album over the stores radio while he's doing his weekly cleaning. Thinking he's alone he's obviously dancing and doesn't realize that Preppy! Reader forgot her coat.
So she's just standing there watching him dance until he turns around seeing her and nearly screams at the top of his lungs
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mossyivy · 1 year
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🌙Before You Look At My Content Or Request✨
DNI: Minor, Ageless Blogs, Blank Blogs, Zoophile, Homophobic, Terf/Transphobic, Racist, or Shit Starters.
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My Wife<3 Side Blog Ao3 C.ai J.ai SpicyChat Bots WIP Bot WIP
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ꨄ︎Resident Evil
ꨄ︎Redfield Reads AU
ꨄ︎Domestic Life with Leon Kennedy AU
ꨄ︎Domestic Life with Chris Redfield AU
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Anon(s): 👛|🎀|🌷|💠|🪞|🦈|🐌|🍓|🐇|🌀|⭐|🕸️|🪼|🐸|🫧
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All content on this page is fictional and I do not condone the acts I enjoy in a fictional sense. I don't consent to my work being reposted or translated.
Womp Womp
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mossyivy · 5 months
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Blue = Requests
AU - 📚
Redfield Reads Emo Leon
Redfield Reads Himbo Chris
Redfield Reads Raver Ashley
Redfield Reads Goth Jill
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Ashley Graham - 🧡
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Carlos Oliveira - 💛
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Chris Redfield - 💚
Not a Meal Just a Snack (Sweet Version)
Not a Meal Just a Snack (Mean Version)
Bunny Girl x Sir RE8!Chris
Bull! DI Chris x Farmer! User
Bull! RE8 Chris x Cow! User
FWB (He's in love)
Injured! Chris x Doctor! User
Hockey Player! Chris x Figure Skater! User
Fireman! Chris x Fireman! User
Fireman! Chris x Rescued! User
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Jill Valentine - 🩵
Mommy Jill x LG User
Dad's Best Friend
Kitty Girl x Mistress DI!Jill
FWB (She's in Love)
Graduating College (RE1 Jill)
Moving in w/ Gf Jill (RE3)
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Leon Kennedy - 💙
Hunting to Infect
Saloon Dancer! User x Cowboy!Leon
BoutiqueOwner Sheep Hybrid! User x Cowboy!Leon
Shitty Boyfriend
He's Your Muse
Practicing Tattoo Artist
Cupid Never Misses
Creep ID!Leon x Waitress!User
RE2 Kidnaper!Leon x User
Cocky Boxer Re4!Leon x Medical Staff Partner!User
Ballet Shoes and Bulletproof Vests
Puppy Girl x Daddy Re2!Leon
Bunny Hybrid Re4!Leon x Breeding Cow Hybrid!User
Paramedic Re2!Leon x Injured!User
Paramedic Re2!Leon x Fiancee!User
Bounty Hunter Re6!Leon x Bounty!User
Moving in with Damnation!Leon
Perfect Proposal
RE2!Leon x Bunny!User
RE2 Rookie! Leon x Street Racer! User
RE6 Stressed Leon x Gentle Dom GN User
Husband Vendetta Leon x Wife User
Leon x Mercenary User
Coworker!Leon x Infected Plagas User
Re6-DI Leon x Charming Vampire User
RE4/Ven Subby Pollen Leon x User
Hockey Player! Leon x Rival Player! Leon
Leon x Chubby User on Vacation
Chubby Leon x User
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All content on this page is fictional and I do not condone the acts I enjoy in a fictional sense. I don't consent to my work being reposted or translated.
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