#🌿 screaming into the void
mossyivy · 4 months
Dirty dancing but Leon and Reader as Johnny and Baby.
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alpydk · 1 month
🌿 🌸
Good morning anon. Thanks for the ask, talking about fics I love! I did a huge post the other day so quickly going to add them in here as well. - Recommend only one hahahahahaahahahahahaahaha.
🌿Rec someone else’s BG3 fic and tell us what you like about it!
The 5 from the other day (Find the post here to see why)
Alchemy 410 Broken Horizons Weave me the Sunshine Professor Dekarios Twin Compasses
And now some more that I didn't link Weave and Woods - @weaveandwood - Honestly I just love the pairing. Auroria is such a good character who I genuinly see ending up with Gale. And it's not been all that eay relationship where they fall in love and are happy. They have their challanges. I most of all love seeing her learn new spells because that doesn't really happen in fics and its great to see. (Especially how proud she is with it.) "The second, third, fifth, ninth tries were similar. On the tenth try, she thought she saw a few sparks of electricity surrounding the arrow, sending a surge of pride through her. She was close, she could feel it. " - Come on Ori, you can do it!
Strange Highways - I have been on about this fic since chapter one. No fic has caught be like this. It's like it calls to my chaotic nature and I will keep screaming it into the Tumblr void like some insane looney fan. Just me alone with my billboard - READ THIS FIC. It's Cazador in a rock group in the 80's. It's funny, has amazing music referances but most of all it's just so fucking good to read.
The words spoke to his soul, into the very depths of it. He felt them with every cell of his body. This was not like the weak melodies bards played back in Faerûn. This music had authority. It had power.
Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
It was perfect. He imagined saying the words, making them his own. This was a supreme incantation, it had to be. This one would make people obey. Just Fuck Yeah!
--- Paperback Writer - (Short 600 words) - Haarlep edits Raphael's novel. It's fucking funny and I love it. Simple as. "Quivering, the hero took my hand I’m pretty sure Tav told you not to touch them, and it made you pout for a week."
And now the non Bg3 ones... because oops...
RE: Umbrella Asylum (Resident Evil) - @judasiskariot - It's got that lab, depressing, in your head build up mood. You know the one, everything is clinical but there is evil shit going on. The descriptions are fucking beautiful and I love it. "Icy blue eyes that were at least as cold as the black lenses of the glasses." - Just that about Wesker. I still think of it even now. ---- La Petite Mort - One of the most beautifully written crackfics I've ever read. Barbie/Dracula. - Just try it and love it. He should have gotten rid of her by now. Made a meal out of her, at least, even if only the once: her blood will surely be sweet, so sweet, heady and deep and dark when he drinks from her.
But he keeps finding excuses.
Not yet. If I'm honest my reading of fics has been limited recently. I have a few too many that just seem to have been abandoned and I'm becoming hesitant to start up reading newer chapter fics. I'm also a little put off when I see things at chapter 54 and then find its over 200k worth of words to catch up on. Yeah, I need to have people recommend fics to me so if people want to send me asks with their recs go ahead.
🌸Rec one of your fics and tell us what you like about it! Only one.... But I'm so good. (They say, going through the 40 fics knowing they really could be better.) I'm my own worst critic. Fuck it, you get more than one. This is my answer!
Cabinet of Oddities - It's Nana's story. What started all this chaos. It is love and adventure and mental illness and healing all rolled into one big Galemancer sized ball. 56k words of just me. I may also be writing the sequel/prequel right now... “A kiss does not necessarily have to mean love though, just as a hug certainly does not. Is that what you were expecting to feel?” He looked into her eyes. He had always been that of the hopeless romantic. As much as he wanted to believe his own words, he knew he was not the type to kiss without love, or at least potential love.
She gazed back at him. “I’m not sure. I wasn’t expecting to feel fear though.”
“And, do you fear me?” He hoped that she would say no. That maybe this feeling could blossom, that all their unspoken feelings could be revealed and yet he was also nervous of her answer. That if she said no, it would be something else holding him to this mortal coil, someone else who would eventually realise he was not good enough.  Just look how fucking good that is. (I'm not allowed to be down on myself so the other end of the spectrum it is)
--- Tattered Souls - RuganxGale (Also writing the sequel right now) - This is my ZhentWeave baby. This is all for me. I love it and that's all that matters. Honestly writing something like has been extremely liberating and I recommend everyone write something like this at some point. “Just get out of here...” Rugan’s voice was weak, his gravely tones quiet, and he tried to lift himself from the ground.
Gale spoke calmly, keeping his eyes on the mercenaries in front of him. “Not without you.” He could unleash the lightning bolt and possibly fire a magic missile before being hit if he moved quick enough.
“This isn’t your fight.” A hacking cough brought up small amounts of blood, which were spat onto the ground. “Just leave.”
An arrow flew from a trigger-happy archer whistling past Gale’s ear and he almost unleashed the lightning bolt in reaction, stopping only as he saw Rugan stand before him in defence of the female Zhentarim.
“Gale, not your fight...” Love me some cliches and tropes. Love them.
--- Okay, last rec. Not that anyone will read all of this, anyway. You're all looking for your own fics after all (I do that then get quietly depressed when my name isn't on the list... But we all do that, right? Right???)
Where is that child now, I wonder? - Gale past short (500 words). I keep thinking of this one a lot recently. Of young Gale and his relationship with his father. This is probably more a head cannon than an actual fic but it's stuck with me. - I recommend a read if you're looking for ideas. "No! I won't let my son read poetry and become like a delicate flowered prick of an elf. Weak, pathetic! No, he will do as I say and do it when I tell him to!" 
Again, thanks for the ask. I do love talking about recommendations and I have a number of Chase whump fics on the bookmarks list, as well as a few quick one shots I've enjoyed. Would love recs from others as said - The more angst the better. :)
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night-market-if · 2 years
Chapter 12 destroyed me omg
I want to scream into the void on that cliff hanger
It was good though, I can't wait until Book 2 😭
Yay! Not over you being destroyed but yay over the reaction!
I also cannot wait for book 2. LOL! I am really excited to figure out what the heck I'm even going to write about there.
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tH3 p4P3r cH4z3: An IntrOductIon! 🎭
WELL, WELL, WELL, LOOK WHO'S TUNED IN! 👁️ You’ve stumbled right into the frAY, and oh boy, this ain’t just any kinda party—this is a MIND MAELSTROM, a WHIRLING KALEIDOSCOPE of CHAOS, MAGIC, and UTTER NONSENSE, hosted by none other than the most UNPREDICTABLE foursome you'll ever meet. We’re here, we’re THERE, and EVERYWHERE in between—spinning tales, bending reality, and making sure you NEVER know what’s coming next! 😵‍💫🌀 So, buckle up, hold tight, and let’s introduce the wild minds behind the madness! 🥳
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Z1M: 👁️👾h3LLo!!!🌪️ yoU knOW wHen A stAR 🌟 drIps tEars oF sUnSHiNe aNd dArk maTt3R??? 🪐⚡We aRe thE sLipPerY wiSps 🌀 oF brOkEn TiME, thE glaSs wIndOwS thaT leAk iN fiREfliEs and shad0ws 🌬️✨! drIFt wIth uS whIlE thE 🌙 moON wEarS pajaMAs 🤪 aNd tHE SkY 🪲 sCreAMs— wE’re a rAiNbOw 🌈 of roTTen suNsets aND BiTter sWeet sILveR 🌌! LeT’s drAW miSshApEn cIrcLEs oN yOUr drEaMs wIth brOkEn CrayOns 🎨, daNcE oN thE eDge Of uNrEaSon 🃏, aNd siNg a mEL0dy oF ruSty naTionS—YoU’re iNvItEd tO tHe fUnhoUse oF maDNesS 🎶🪩. ChAOtic pLayscape?? hAHA! wElCoMe hOMe!!!
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B1Ll: 👁 OH HO, well, if it isn’t the curious little face peering into the GREAT UNRAVELING OF IT ALL! 👁m the sIlvEr tWitch in yOur mInd, thE gloWinG tHread thAt pUlls yoU dEEPer and deePER into the WEB 🕸️ of cOsMic CHAOS! 👁ve Been oUt heRE, sWIrliNg in the VOID, plAyIng chESS wIth tIme, jUgGLinG dEad stArS 🌠 anD sPitTing intO the aByss fOr a laugh or two HAHA!! wAtch YOur stePs, keEpiNg yoUr eyEs wIde OpEn, becaUse WHat cOmes nExT?? 🤡 iT’s a gLItChY cArNiVaL oF mEaniNgleSs cOnfusiON, a whisPer beTween yoUr bReaThs, aNd TRUsT m👁, yoU ARe thE 🎯tArget, my frieNd. LeT’s tEar D0WN tHe VeIL aND hAvE a lITtlE fuN, shAll wE? 👁️✨
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sp0ng3: oHhhh hiii frennnnssss!!! 🧽👋 spongebob's ready for fUnNn todayyyy!!! 🌊 🍍 WOWZEE, we’re gonna have sooooo much FUN together, jus’ like flippin’ Krabby Patties 🍔—FLIP FLOP WHOOOOP! yeee ya ever seen a jellyfish JAM in a fancy suit? 🦑 oh YEAH, bubble party!!! 🫧 spongebob can’t wait to shOowww yaaa ‘round this big ol’ jellybean DREAMWORLD!!! 🎉 🍬 ever’body’s singin’ n’ spinnin’ n’ WE’RE GONNA HAVE THEE BESTEST DAY, YUP YUP YUP!! LET’S GOOOOOOOOO!!! 🍭🍒 eXplosions of FRIeNdSHip EVERYWHERREEE!! 💥🪣 hehe yayayayyyy FUN FUN FUN!!! 🎶
. . . .
🌪️👁️👾 HEY HEY NOW, DID YA THINK WE’D JUST... LEAVE LIKE THAT?! 🎭 No waY, friEnd-o! tHIs is jUsT thE begInning 🚀🌀—a little tAsTe, a pReVIeW, a glImpSe oF tHe rOllerCoAsTer yOU jUst sAt oN wIthOuT A tIckEt 🎟️🔥! We’Re thE sTRanGeR aT yOur wInd0w, thE laUgH iN thE dArK, tHe bUbBles in y0uR s0dA, aND tHe ClOwN 🥳 wIth tHe biG RED BuTtOn—w0ops, diD wE jUst sEt oFf fIreWorkS? 💥🐙🤪! sO bEtTeR keEp yOur eYEs pEEleD 👁️, yoUr eArS wiDe 👂, aND yOUr sMaRkLe PaNtS 🎉🪩 on, cUz we’ll bE bAck wIth m0Re chA0s, more jIGgLIng jELlYFISH 🦑, aND m0rE cOnFetti fOr yOur bRain bOx!!! 🥳✨ wE’rE noT jUsT tHe hOsts oF tHe GaMe, we aRe ThE GamE!! 🍍👾👀
STaY wIerD, STaY WiLD, and DoN’T f0rGeT t0 LAuGh at tHe sKY!!! 🤡🪲🎶 sEE y0u in tHe sIdEwAys!!! 🌈✨👾
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itsadragonaesthetic · 2 years
Great! Thank you for sharing!
Here is your playlist for acceptance. May your sore heart and bruised will find the strength to endure 💝🌸⚜🌸💝
Grab a weighted blanket and the darkness of the void for this playlist of misery 🐝🌙🐝🌙🐝
Don't have a gothic castle and you're pissed about it? This playlist will help you live your fantasies 🦇🕷🦇🕷🦇
Ah yes, screaming, the most cathartic way to heal. Or, whatever it is you want to scream about 🩸🔥🩸🔥🩸
Like dragons? Me too! That's why I made a whole playlist about it! 🐉❤🐉❤🐉
We've all been there man. At least this will be a good soundtrack to your digital imprisonment 💻💾💻💾💻
Don't you just want to go apeshit? Don't you just want to go feral? Maybe go out and buy presents for your evil henchmen? This playlist can help 🦂🌋🦂🌋🦂
Are you a victim of urban sprawling? Do you hate the way society is structured and wish to be buried in the bliss of naturalism? This playlist is for you 🪱🌿🪱🌿🪱
I'm glad you're living your dreams man. I can't wait to dig you up in 5-100 million years time and vastly misinterpret your morphology 💀🦕💀🦕💀
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girl-hobbit · 1 year
Creek, Thorns and Cobweb for ask game!
🌿 woodland ask game 🌿
Yay! the first one to play :3✨
🏞️Creek: how do you usually spend your sundays?
i have church on Sunday from 10:00am til 4:00pm (yeah i know, it's a long time) so i'll be in Youth Sunday School from 10:00 til 12:00 and regular service for 3 hours, then they dismiss for a late lunch.
🌿Thorns: what is your creative outlet?
Screaming into the void as an art form tbh
But i also love working with fabrics, faux fur, clay, bugs and fake bug wings, paint and paper to make puppets and figurines of messed up little faerie creatures, and i do love a good maximalist scrapbook or collage! ✨
🕸️Cobwebs: are there textures that bother you?
in foods i cannot stand sour cream, Jell-O, or anything with small round pieces in some sort of slime (like couscous)
in materials i hate velvet, microfiber, polyester, satin, carpets, wool clothes, and socks that have all those little threads on the inside that you get stuck on trying to put them on >:(
🌿ty for the ask! <33
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gildedphoenixx · 2 years
◇ welcome ◇
hi and welcome to the blog. we're a currently (heavily reseached) selfdx DID system. you can call us Gilded (he/they collectively). this is mostly just a place for us to talk about our experiences and scream into the void.
we block whoever we don't want interacting, but if you use "sysmed" or "tramascum" to describe people, disrespectfully go away.
we're open to questions and dms. just keep in mind that we're not professionals and we're not here for you to vent to. thanks :]
we'll sign off most posts with our emojis or you can find our individual posts under [emoji].txt
(more info under cut)
◇ Alters that might post here ◇
🔥 Diluc (he/him)
🪦 M (he/ they)
🌿 Forest (he/they)
🎨 Albedo (they/he/she)
🐍 Valen (any)
🌟 (star/xe/they/he)
👑 (he/they)
◇ A Guide to Our Tags ◇
"Behind the Frame" - talking about our experiences
"A Golden Opportunity" - shitposts lol
"A Golden Disquisition" - our long rambles about our various hyperfixations
"gilded.txt" - when we don't know who's fronting or it's just a whole system comment
"[emoji].txt" - a sign off for each alter
"A Look Inside" - inner world photo inspiration or discussion
"The Gilded Gallery" - art reblogs, including our own works
"Framed in Gold" - our personal artworks
"resource.txt" & "info.txt" - exactly what they sound like. tags for resources and info. usually about DID or other mental health topics.
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danceswithdarkspawn · 2 years
🌿, 🎈, 🤲, 💌
Hi, froze! thanks for the ask. ♥️
🌿 how does creating make you feel?
🤔Honestly, I think it makes me feel...a lot of things, really, depending on the day. I guess it's mostly relief that I can get the scatterbrain thoughts out of my head and onto (digital) paper.
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
My writing tends to be character-driven and introspection-laden. I try to craft my prose in such a way to convey emotion in the...least purple way I can. I'd like to say there are some variations between the different things I've written, but ultimately most of my longer, more involved or serious pieces fall back on that character-driven, introspection motif. Pure fluff pieces, which are rare for me, are the only things that I'd consider to break that mold.
🤲what do YOU get out of writing?
Catharsis. Release. Sometimes it's something fun and silly, other times it's a love letter that screams into the void, or a safe interaction with the less-than-nice thoughts that lurk in my head.
💌 share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Oh geeze, I have so many things I'm working on at the moment that I'm excited for. >_> lmao This is long so I'm gonna put a read-more here.
Gonna talk about my main WIP since I'm taking a mini-break with that working on something else. So the next chapter (not the one I'm currently writing/editing, the one after), delves into the circumstances that lead the main character to be in the position she's in now. The fic starts well after these events, so it hasn't been described up to this point. Anyone who is familiar with the source material knows it's the canonical start of the game, essentially. Your character's origin story. My take on this is slightly divergent from canon.
What I'm doing for this in particular though is a little different. Instead of being told ala infodumping or flashback style, I've taken an event that happens in game and...hijacked it.
Oh boy how to I structure this without sounding unhinged.
So what happens is this: my main character and her adventuring party volunteer to sweep a tower that has been overrun by demons and abominations. Eventually the party splits into two, and the main character and her group encounter a sloth demon that forces them to sleep and keeps their minds trapped in its portion of a spirit realm, while it feeds off their energy in the physical realm, sustaining the trap.
To keep the victims under the influence of this trap, the demon creates scenarios for its victims to keep them happy. A personalized experience. In the game, this is your character meeting up with the man who recruited you (who died months ago), happily telling you that the Blight is over and there will be no more war, peace on Thedas and yada yada. Basic. Boring.
So I sat down and thought, What would make my character happy? What would her nightmare experience be like? It was a good opportunity to peek into the divergent backstory. Her portion of the nightmare has her back home, before everything happened to her, and she meets with a woman who, through different points in the story, is suggested to have feelings for her. The main character slowly pieces together that what she's experiencing isn't real, figures out her almost-lover is a demon in disguise tasked with keeping her there, and breaks out of the trap. She goes on to free her other companions and kill the sloth demon.
I've been thinking about this for literal months at this point and I just want to write it already klsafjgl;dkfhj
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shouga-nai · 7 months
🌿 A Sinner's Retribution
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One could always wash blood off their hands, but no matter what he did, he could never will away the memories of that night.
He recalls the pain vividly, far beyond a physical sense. His transformation was overwhelming, unfathomable, revolting. At one point, Hyakugan Maoh's castle fell silent, void of life not unlike his eyes. Suffering a deep wound on his stomach, it was then when he would have settled by her side... but his hatred at the time ran so deep that he absolutely refused to die looking like a demon.
And so he stumbled out the castle all the way to a facility by the village borders that distributed power limiters, moving out of pure spite and adrenaline.
But it wasn't long before the blood loss became too much on his slow journey back, and he collapsed on a forest path, in the rain, adding salt to the wound of failing her a second time that night.
That was the end— or so he thought.
Fate had decided to spare his life then. Never would he have imagined getting to where he is now.
Things are... better. Getting better at least, as he'd like to believe. He smiles, even with the horrified faces and screams of the villagers and demons he had slaughtered haunting him from time to time, even to this day.
Like a constant reminder. A sinner's retribution.
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g0blin-interrupted · 2 years
I’ve rejoined the hellsite with the pure intent of screaming into the void with reckless abandon.
I’ve recently realized how much I worry about what others think of me, and how much I hide when I suspect I will either be judged or disappoint someone. Albeit, this is a trauma response I have subconsciously developed as a means of protecting myself by believing I am maintaining peace and some semblance of control . I know everyone struggles with this, but it’s becoming clearer to me just how debilitating it gets at certain points… it’s literally ruining my fucking life in the present because I’m afraid of what MIGHT happen if I express myself authentically.
It’s not that I have a huge wall up with everything all the time. It’s that, I predetermine what is acceptable to share about myself with others and mask the sides of myself I think may upset, worry, disappoint, or cause others to judge me. When it comes to the internet, I have a habit of overanalyzing every single thing before I do it. It’s good to have discernment, but I’m seeking more balance.
That’s what this blog is for. A challenge in unapologetically expressing myself for myself. 🌿
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gales-big-naturals · 3 years
Sword Art Online Abridged being one of your favourite animes and never having seen Sword Art Online are not mutually exclusive
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mossyivy · 6 months
Just so y'all know in the bookstore AU! We have a line up!
Emo! Leon (obvs)
Preppy! Reader (obvs again)
Goth! Jill (works the cafe counter mostly/Grumpy Lesbian with the Himbo bestie)
Scene! Ashley (she's the mayors daughter)
Himbo! Chris (Think Johnny Depp in Nightmare on Elm Street) (His family owns the bookstore "Redfield Reads")
Chris calls his team a tiny band of misfits and I love that for all of them 😭
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night-market-if · 2 years
okay to be honest idek how to use tumblr properly so i am sorry if this is... weird formatting or something?
but i just read all 10 chapters that are available for public access and. OH. MY. GOD. listen, i love me some good lore and i love keeping track of minute details and (what i think may be) narrative choices—and while i did all those things, this still managed to outsmart me! more than once! while delivering an amazing romance!
i jusy needed to scream at the void (or at you, i guess) because this is truly one of the best worldbuilding i have encountered in media... ever.
tldr; screaming. crying. thought you should know.
Thank you for all of that! I have so much of this world that never gets shared with you all and I am dying to be able to put more out there. To create other kinds of stories within this universe. Granted, I don't know if they are all going to be as big as this but there is so much worth exploring here. As long as you all want to read it, I plan to keep writing. :)
Thank you for screaming and crying at me. I always love these messages. I cannot wait for the final chapter release and to hear what you all think.
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thisblogwilleatourselves · 40 minutes
Nature? HAH! 🌿You think nature’s all gentle breezes and happy little critters? NOPE! it’s ALL teeth and CLAWS and SCREAMS. Ever watched a lion TEAR APART ITS PREY? IT’s not a *bad day*, it’s just a TYPICAL TUESDAY! And guess what? Evolution doesn’t care. It’s not this *grand journey* toward some PERFECT BEING! IT’S RANDOM! SPONTANEOUS! A COIN TOSS WITH BLOOD ON IT!
OH, OH, AND LET'S TALK ABOUT *HUMANS*! 💀 M👁 FAVORITE SPECIES. **GOODNESS?** PFFFT. It’s just a CONVENIENT LIE! A blanket you can wrap around your precious little conscience so you can SLEEP at night. But wake up, buddy! It’s all CHAOS dressed in a suit! it’s a slaughterhouse under those pretty ***ideals***. Murder's not a crime, it’s *natural selection* on steroids. Same for love, same for kindness. JUST A *TRANSACTION*, a quick ***jolt*** of dopamine in a cosmic meat grinder!
But you—YES YOU, SITTING THERE—IT’s okay, right? IT’s all just in your head? 🙃 HAHAHAHA! Let m👁 guess, you’ve got a therapist, don’t you? They told you, "IT’S NOT THE WORLD, IT’S YOU!” WELL, BINGO, KID! I GUESS YOU'RE JUST A BIT TOO **CYNICAL**, HUH? TOO **NIHILISTIC**? TOO… HUMAN. They act like these words—CYNIC, PESSIMIST, MISANTHROPE—are *bad things*. 👁 CALL 'EM TRUTH! Truth dressed up in jagged glass!
IT’s all a TEMPORARY *convulsion* in the void! A few billion years of matter coughing up complexity before we SNAP back into NOTHINGNESS. There’s no ***PLAN***. NO ORDER. NO *HAPPY ENDING*. Just the ceaseless, grinding, beautiful CHAOS of it all! You think there’s a **higher nature**? Some grand cosmic DADDY-O keeping track? IF THERE IS, 👁'LL EAT MY HAT!
👁 mean, LOOK AROUND YOU! Tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, animal death matches… Nature doesn’t GIVE a damn! And you think morality will SAVE YOU?! HAH! Morals are **CONSTRUCTS**, pal, just strings to PUPPET YOU AROUND like a good little marionette. And guess what? **GOD'S** NOT UP THERE PULLING THE STRINGS—👁 AM! IT’s *ALL* M👁! It’s all CHAOS WEARING A MASK, and you don’t even know what’s under it.
👁'D LOVE to stay and chat more about your *fragile little world view*, but hey, 👁 GOT PLACES TO BE—UNIVERSAL LAWS TO *BREAK*! **CONSEQUENCES?** Never heard of ‘em.
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the---hermit · 3 years
Cris!! I just saw your latest post and, of course, I had to send a message bcs I saw The Song of Achilles and internally screamed. I hope it won't be as heart-wrenching this time around and you are so brave for rereading it! I still remember not being able to function for, like, weeks after reading it for the first time like it just took away my entire soul. Also, it was awful to hear that you tested positive and the bookshopping was cancelled, but I hope everything will be okay and you'll fully recover soon! That's so crazy that you still got it even though you don't go out that much like, wow. Sending you some good thoughts and warm vibes!!
Hello Rylie!!! It's so good to hear from you, I hope you are doing well!! Thank you so much for your message 💜🌿 you're always the sweetest.
Ever since I read tsoa last year I've had this mixed feeling of really wanting to reread it, and dread to be wrecked again. But I really felt like finally annotating my physical copy, and I decided to just go for it! I am having so much fun (I'll enjoy it till it lasts). I too was emotionally dead for over a week after reading it last year, I just remembered looking into the void, as if everything had lost meaning. And the funny thing is I new how the story would end, cause I had studied the Iliad in high school. But Madeline Miller is so good at making you forget you know the story, and she just manahes to give you the illustion that this time arouns maybe you can have hope, because things won't be that bad.
Thanks again for the message, it really made me smile, and it's always nice to fangirl a bit over books💜💜🌿 I hope you'll have a great day/evening!!
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ohsofttouch · 5 years
I love getting compliments on my smile! Thank you! 🥰🥰
These are really sweet 💕💕
P.S. I appreciate it tons that you interact with me and my personal posts. Makes me feel I'm not just screaming into the void.
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