fxckn-sxck-fr · 2 months
Anyways, I will look forward for any of your yan!x-men works. And I kinda hope for platonic mentor Scott Summers or Gambit(even if I don't see Gambit as a yandere it would be interesting to read about it)
!!! GN reader, dual-wielding yandere mentors, strict Scott, power abuse, manipulation, stalker Remy, no respect of privacy, the slightest bit of infantilism, I’m probably forgetting a lot cuz I’m really bad at warnings, pretty mild.
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*Clutches my head like I’m taking psychic damage* AHHHHHHHH, THE VOICES!!! THE VOICES!!!! THEY’RE GIVING ME IDEAS!!!!
First off, you basically predicted one of my WIPs. Something about Scott’s base character just screams platonic yandere to me, and I probably couldn’t write a non-yandere fic about him if I tried. So!! Because I’ve already got a little something cooking with solo Scott, lemme give you the best of both worlds of your asks; yandere mentor Scott and Remy.
A dynamic like this would be completely uncoordinated. Their mentoring styles are polar opposites, and it doesn’t help that they can’t see eye to eye with each other on most things. So expect this to be a tug of war between what is essentially a strict dad and chill uncle. Scott will get done lecturing you about staying out late (he doesn’t want you dozing off and getting lazy during missions, that’s all!!), only for Remy to whisk you away on a late night patrol (with ice cream as a treat!!).
To fully understand what you’re dealing with here, let’s do a quick rundown on both of them on an individual level.
Scott: Overbearing as fuck. He might start off as harsh and borderline brutal, constantly singling you out and critiquing everything you do. Should anyone raise concerns over this, he’d be genuinely confused. He’s not treating you differently from the other X-Men!! You just need a little more tough love, that’s all!! He sees your potential and wants to bring it out of you so you’re ready for anything and everything!!
It would probably take a near-death experience on your end for him to finally soften up on you. He’s still strict as hell, don’t get me wrong, but at least he’s more encouraging than berating!! But now he keeps you glued to his side during missions. And doesn’t let you go on missions he’s not on. And only allows you to train with him. And starts getting more involved with your personal life. And basically keeps you on a tight leash with everything.
He definitely abuses his authority as field commander to get you to behave. Don’t wanna listen to him? Fine, you’re sitting out for the next couple of missions. What’s this? You think it’s unfair? If you won’t listen to him now, then what good are you in the field, huh? He’s only doing this to make you a better team player!! Now go to your room and think about what you’ve done.
Remy: Extremely hands off. The word “mentor” is used loosely when describing him, as he really doesn’t see himself as such. All he does is makes sure you don’t die on missions, gives you profound life lessons, then goes on to contradict that life lesson with some reckless move (text book example of a do as I say, not as I do kind of teacher). His laidback nature makes it easy to confide in him, and he’s always happy to lend an ear to his petit!
Meanwhile, his yandere side kind of runs counter to this. Yes, he’s extremely lax with you, but only because he knows where you are 24/7. There are trackers in all of your clothes so he can check in on you periodically. Not because he doesn’t trust you!! He really doesn’t give a shit what you’re up to as long as you’re not doing drugs or whatever. There’s just this nagging fear in the back of his mind that you could be in danger, and he wants to make sure he can save you in time. He also has a habit of snooping through your things; again, not because he doesn’t trust you, he’s just curious and has no sense of privacy when it comes to you (and also because he likes to leave behind little trinkets for you to find later).
While I don’t see very many situations where he resorts to this, it’s best to keep in mind that Remy’s a master manipulator. If you’re up to something he doesn’t particularly like — maybe you have a crush on someone he doesn’t deem worthy… which is just about everyone — he’ll easily talk you out of it, playing whatever card he feels necessary. There may be the slightest bit of infantilism (“you’re too young for mushy romance, petit!”), but nothing too heavy handed; he mostly does it to tease.
Okay, with that out of the way, let’s get back to their dynamic.
As said before, they don’t really work in tandem with each other. They just kinda coexist as your two mentors that constantly butt heads with each other. Scott sees Remy as a bad influence on you, and Remy basically does everything in his power to spite Scott. What’s this? Did mean ol’ Cyke lock you in your room? Good thing Gambit’s next lesson is to teach you how to pick locks (but that does not mean you can sneak out and do your own thing. Stay where Gambit can see you, damnit). It pisses Scott off to no end and Remy thinks it’s hilarious.
Now, there’s a very slim chance that they come to some sort of understanding. Sure, Scott has a stick up his ass and Remy is a bit reckless, but they at least share a common goal of keeping you safe. This is when they start (begrudgingly) working together, with Remy turning a blind eye whenever Scott oversteps his leadership role while Scott checks in with Remy for your current location. They’re absolutely not best buds with this setup, but they’ll at least tolerate each other for your own good.
They’re kinda like your divorced parents in this set up.
But, again, the chances of this happening are very slim. Scott will do everything in his power to keep you away from Remy’s influence, and Remy doesn’t trust Scott enough to agree to “sharing.” It would probably take a dire situation for them to work together. Just as a one time thing; it wouldn’t be permanent.
Overall, I love this dynamic. It helped me visualize a yandere Gambit better (despite him being my favorite, I wasn’t sure if I could hit him with my yanderefication beam), and of course I’m gonna write the X-Men’s resident yan-dad. I wanna write more so bad.
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cyprusvamp · 1 month
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🖤 Femme 4 Butch 🖤
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blindmagdalena · 6 months
I just lost my dog and I need something fluffy😭 How do you think HL would feel about adopting a pet w/ reader?
Homelander would fight tooth and nail against you getting a shelter dog. he offers all kind of designer and pedigree dogs, the sky is the limit. he wants you to have your DREAM dog. a perfectly bred golden retriever or a rough collie, "Just like Lassie! C'mon," he practically begs.
the absolute last place he wants to be is some dreary shelter that reeks of filth and misery. the whole place makes his skin itch. "You're probably going to catch a disease in here," he warns you baselessly.
naturally you fall in love with the scruffiest mutt he's ever seen in his life. it's only got one big, sad eye and a wheezing bark. "Seriously?" he asks, but he knows by the look on your face that dog is coming home with you.
he complains about it constantly. it stinks, it breathes too loudly, it sheds. he's at his absolute limit with the thing, especially when he keeps finding it in his spot sprawled out on top of you on the couch.
but then a funny thing happens one night. you're watching a movie together, and that dog leans against his leg. he glances at the dog—definitely does not consider nudging it off—and then goes back to watching the movie.
it doesn't happen all at once, but that one tiny allowance is the start of it. bit by bit Homelander makes more and more space for this creature. when the dog puts its head on his knee, he puts a hand atop it. he lets it in so very gradually that by the time you come home to the two of them sprawled out on the floor face to face, with him conducting a very serious conversation, it feels like the most natural thing in the world.
does he talk to the dog like it's a tax paying adult? yes. is it thoroughly charming every time? also yes.
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jirai-boy · 2 months
I wish I could hand you the entire world.
From the smallest hut to the largest cathedral, I would work day and night to make sure it's all perfect for you.
I'd hand craft you a throne and sit at your feet, gazing into your eyes with nothing short of adoration. Waiting for you to bless my ears with your soft voice.
But, we are too far apart.
It's a cruel twist of fate, isn't it? I long to intertwine my hand with yours, to ruffle your hair, to hold you.
But I can't.
But one day, I will.
So will you wait for me, my muse? My sun, moon, and stars? I will hold you close one day. And when that day comes, I will place my heart into your hands.
You may do whatever you wish to it. I trust you.
(this post is written by a man and is about another man. please be normal.)
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heraldofcrow · 1 month
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Eileen and her lil Crow 🖤
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starrylvr · 11 months
Reblog and put in the tags / replies what nicknames your F/Os call you, or what nicknames you call them!
────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
Haha hey there Ren *slides Shigaraki cosplay over*
✦゜ANSWERED: this is the last time Ren's ever going to let Friend rope him into his Halloween shenanigans (and dying his hair for the nth time this month shgbdsghs)
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gilfaddict · 1 month
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riveramorylunar · 1 year
What Lurks In The Dark
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
Pairings: Vampire Natasha Romanoff x Human Reader
Warnings ⚠️: Bloodsucking, Biting, age difference, height difference, Stalking, broken glass, Cut & blood
Pet Names/Nicknames: Little Human, Darling, дорогая девушка(dear girl), Tasha
Word Count: 2,603
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There are monsters that lurk in the shadows feasting on human blood. Their blood red eyes that glowed in the night their sharp canines that would pierce through a human or animals skin before drinking their blood dry. Y/N never believed in such creatures throughout her life. Up until now just after she turned 19 she still doesn't believe in them. She moved to New York where there were many sightings of these blood thirty creatures.
She had gotten a job as a barista at a local bakery and coffee shop. She was about to enter the bakery and coffee shop when she bumped into someone. She looked up to see a woman with Blood red hair and blacked out sunglasses on. Her skin was pale and she was a good 6 inches taller. She was wearing an oversized black leather jacket with black ripped jeans and a dark red shirt. She was wearing black combat boots and black fingerless leather gloves. Her lips were stained a dark red color. Y/N heard the woman cough making her snap out of it. She looked up to see a slight smirk on the woman's lips making her face flush. "S-sorry" Y/N said before stepping aside. The woman just walked past Y/N while sipping on her cup of coffee or that's what Y/N thought.
Y/N shook her head before walking into the little building. "Look who finally decided to show up" someone said and Y/N looked up to see the shop owner standing behind the counter smirking. "Sorry Tony" Y/N said and the man laughed before patting Y/N's back as she walked past him. "It's fine kiddo it's your first day so I'll let you off this time" he said before going into the back. "I'm surprised that, woman didn't kill you when you bumped into her" someone said causing Y/N to look up as she was putting her apron on. "Why would you say that" Y/N asked the girl with brown hair. "One thing she owns the biggest night club here and she also has a bad reputation" the girl said and Y/N rolled her eyes. "Doesn't mean she would kill someone for bumping into her" Y/N said and the girl chuckled before holding a hand out. "Wanda Maximoff it's nice to meet you new girl" the girl said and Y/N shook her hand. "Y/N Y/L/N and it's nice to meet you too" Y/N said before she pulled her hand away.
Wanda and Y/N were closing the shop up for the night when Wanda stopped and looked at Y/N. "Do you need a ride home it gets dangerous here at night" Wanda said and Y/N looked up. "No it's alright my apartment building is just a block away" Y/N said causing Wanda to frown. "Don't worry I'll be fine I promise" Y/N continued and Wanda sighed before taking her apron off. "Alright I guess I'll see you tomorrow then" Wanda said before squeezing Y/N's shoulder. Wanda left leaving Y/N in the dark shop. She hung her apron up and made her way to the door after grabbing her bag when she heard something behind her. She turned around but didn't see anything so she opened the door and closed it behind her. She locked it up before pocketing the keys. As she started walking towards her apartment building she felt like someone was following her. She started walking faster before looking over to see no one there. She turned back around just to bump straight into someone. She stumbled back and someone grabbed her from behind. "Well aren't you a pretty thing how bout we go back to my hotel and we could all have some fun maybe have a few drinks as well" the man said and Y/N gulped trying to get free from the other man's grip. "No thank you I'd rather kiss a rat then go with you you're even uglier than a rat" Y/N said and the man stepped closer. He raised his hand and was about to slap Y/N but a hand around his wrist stopped him. "I suggest you let the girl go" the woman said and the man that was holding her scoffed. "And who are you to tell me what to do" the man spat out as his grip tightened around Y/N. Before Y/N could blink the man was punched in the face as she was pulled into the woman's grip. Y/N looked over her shoulder to see the man knocked out on the ground with a broken and bloody nose. "I suggest you scram unless you want the same thing to happen to you too" the woman spat out in a thick Russian accent. The man scrambled away carrying his friend with him.
Y/N looked up to see the woman from before looking down at her still wearing her sunglasses. "I didn't need help I could have handled it on my own" Y/N said and as she tried to pull her wrist away but the woman's grip tightened. "I beg to differ you're lucky I was near here" the woman growled out causing Y/N to shiver. "Can I at least know your name" Y/N asked and the woman looked around before leaning down and whispering into Y/N's ear. "It's Natasha Romanoff darling and you better be careful around here at night things can jump out of the dark" The woman said as she felt something scrap against her ear making her gulp. Natasha pulled away and lifted Y/N's hand up and kissed her palm before letting go. "Hope to see you tomorrow at the shop" Natasha said before she disappeared down the sidewalk. Y/N looked down at her palm to see a lipstick stain on it causing her to blush brightly.
Y/N shut her door to her apartment and locked it. She dropped her bag onto the floor before switching the lights on. Y/N made her way around her apartment before sitting down on the couch after taking a nice hot shower and getting some food to eat. After watching two movies she headed to bed and fell asleep not knowing someone was watching her. "God I can't wait to make you mine дорогая девушка" the person said as they licked their blood stained lips.
Y/N arrived at the shop the next morning and walked in to see three customers already sitting in the booths. Y/N walked behind the counter and grabbed her apron before putting it on. "Well look who's on time" someone said causing Y/N to look up. She saw her boss leaning against the counter while smirking. She rolled her eyes before putting her hair up in a half messy bun leaving some of it down. "Thought I would come in on time so I wouldn't get on your bad side" Y/N said making Tony laugh before he pushed himself off the counter. "You'd have to do something really wrong to get on my bad side but I don't think that's gonna happen" he chuckled out before walking away as a customer walked up. "Well well well fancy seeing you here darling" a woman said and Y/N looked over to see Natasha standing there with a smirked plastered onto her face. "Good morning to you too Tasha" Y/N said as a smile appeared on her face as well. Natasha pushed her sunglasses up onto her head and leaned forward on the counter. Y/N saw that Natasha's eyes were a forest green color. "So what's on the menu today darling" Natasha said as she watched Y/N look back up at her. "Oh uh the same as every day" Y/N stuttered out as she blushed. "I'll have a Mocha Latte then with a black cherry muffin love" Natasha said and she took her wallet out. She placed a 40 dollar bill on the counter and Y/N took it. "Keep the change" Natasha said and Y/N opened her mouth causing Natasha to raise an eyebrow which made her quickly shut it.
Y/N walked over to where Natasha was sitting and set her drink and muffin down in front of her. She also placed a piece of chocolate in front of Natasha which caused the woman to raise an eyebrow. "This is to thank you for saving me last night I want to know how I can repay you" Y/N said and Natasha smiled up at Y/N before thinking. "You could go on a date with me" Natasha said and Y/N's eyes widened in shock. "W-what" Y/N stuttered out and Natasha took a sip of her Mocha Latte before humming. "I think you heard me perfectly clear darling but I asked you if you would go on a date with me" Natasha said as she set down the drink. It was quiet for a few seconds until Y/N spoke up. "I would love to go on a date with you" Y/N said causing Natasha to smirk. "Perfect how about tonight after you get off work we could go anywhere you'd like" Natasha said and Y/N's eyes lit up. "Anywhere" Y/N asked and Natasha nodded her head while she took a bite of her muffin.
After Y/N's shift Tony said that he would close up for the night. Y/N excited the shop and saw Natasha leaning against a red and black motorcycle holding a helmet that matched. Y/N walked up and Natasha causing the woman to smile. "Have you ever ridden a motorcycle before" Natasha asked and Y/N shook her head no. Natasha pushed herself off her motorcycle before helping Y/N put the helmet on. "Where are we going darling" Natasha said as she flipped the visor up. "Mmm you'll find out when we get there I'll tell you the directions" Y/N said as she put the visor back down. Natasha smirked before she got onto the motorcycle before helping Y/N on. "Well you better hold on tight" Natasha said and Y/N hesitated for a couple seconds before wrapping her arms around Natasha's waist.
After a couple minutes of driving Natasha stopped in front of a huge building. She looked up and cursed under her breath when she realized what it was. "A library and museum seriously" Natasha said and Y/N got off the motorcycle before taking the helmet off. "You said anywhere so don't complain Tasha" Y/N said and Natasha glared at her causing the girl to giggle. "And plus there's barely anyone here at night so we won't get disturbed" Y/N continued as she grabbed Natasha's hand and dragged her towards the huge building. "There's only one other car here" Natasha said and Y/N nodded. "Yep the janitor's car" Y/N said before she opened the door that was unlocked. Natasha followed her in and the door shut behind them. "You guys aren't supposed to be here the building is clo- oh Y/N it's you" the janitor said. "In the flesh and thank you for letting us come here at night" Y/N said as the janitor walked over to the two. "It's no problem but please no funny business I don't want to have to clean it up in the morning" he said and Y/N looked away blushing as Natasha rubbed the back of her neck. She had a faint blush across her face. "We won't we promise" Y/N said and the janitor looked between the two before handing Y/N the keys. "Alright I'll be leaving now, lock the door when I leave everything else is already locked" he said and Y/N nodded.
The two were enjoying their date until Y/N accidentally dropped a glass causing it to shatter. Y/N bent down and was about to pick a piece up when Natasha stopped her. "Don't I don't want you to cut yourself I'll go find something to clean it up with" Natasha said before she rushed off. Y/N ju rolled her eyes before she started picking some of the pieces up when she sliced her pointer finger open. She dropped the pieces and looked at her finger before she looked up to see Natasha standing there frozen while holding a dustpan and broom. "Natasha are you alright" Y/N said as she stood up. She walked towards Natasha but the older woman just backed up towards the door. "I need to go I uh I'll see you tomorrow" Natasha said but before she could take another step towards the door Y/N grabbed her by the wrist. "Tasha what's wrong please you can tell me do you not like the place I picked for the date" Y/N asked and Natasha clenched her jaw. "No it's something else" Natasha grunted out. "Please tell me then I won't run I promise" Y/N begged and Natasha sighed before she slowly turned around. Her eyes were blood red and her fangs were showing. Y/N gasped before she let go of Natasha's wrist. Y/N started backing up before she was caged in between the librarian's desk and Natasha. "S-so you guys are actually real" Y/N stuttered out and Natasha licked her lips before nodding her head. She looked down at Y/N's hand to see blood drip onto the carpet. "Can I" Natasha asked quietly and Y/N lifted her hand up. "S-sure" Y/N said and Natasha grabbed Y/N hand before licking Y/N's wounded finger. She looked away as she felt heat rise up her face. She yelped when she felt Natasha's fangs sink into her palm. She looked over and saw Natasha's eyes closed. Natasha pulled away after a couple seconds later and looked at Y/N. "Didn't mean for you to yelp" Natasha said and Y/N just smiled. "It's fine just warn me next time you want to sink your damn fangs into me" Y/N said before she glared up at the vampire. Natasha smirked before she licked up the blood that had escaped from the bite wound.
"So how long have you been a vampire" Y/N said as she watched Natasha patch up her hand and finger. "Let's just say I've been alive for a long time little human" Natasha said and Y/N rolled her eyes before grabbing Natasha's face with her free hand. Natasha looked up since Y/N was now sitting on the desk. "So you're old than" Y/N teased and Natasha squeezed slightly on Y/N's wounded hand causing her to whimper. "Alright I'm sorry but I just have to say you're fucking hot even if you're over a thousand years" Y/N said causing Natasha to smirk showing off her sharp fangs. Before Y/N could think she closed the distance and kissed Natasha on the lips. Her eyes widened in shock and she was about to pull away but Natasha grabbed her face keeping her in place as she kissed back. Natasha pulled away before resting her forehead on Y/N's. "Bold move darling" Natasha said in her thick Russian accent causing Y/N too shiver. "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, you're mine now and there's no way you can escape" Natasha whispered against Y/N's lips before kissing her again.
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A/N: I think this might be one of my most favorite fics I have written!
I hope you guys like it!!!
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zoros-onigiri · 11 months
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Not to be selfish and obsessive but my F/Os are mine and only mine. I’m their everything, their world, and they couldn’t imagine life without me
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fxckn-sxck-fr · 1 month
oh wait I meant like yan Scott and Remy work, but this time reader will be their yandere protégé
🖤 anon
!!! GN reader, manipulation, Scott and Remy can’t agree how to parent mentor you, reader is little sibling-coded, mentions of physical affection, clothing thief reader, overprotectiveness, separation anxiety, they try to set boundaries with you.
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Poor fellas… don’t even know what they’re in for. The strict dad and chill uncle dynamic is back, but now with a dash of weirdo younger sibling! Again, completely uncoordinated. They lowkey sound like your two divorced dads who are trapped in a never ending custody battle over you and they don’t even realize it.
(YOU’RE SUCH A LITTLE SHIT ABOUT IT, TOO. Scott will tell you to stop climbing something, and you’ll hit him with a, “Gambit lets me climb things,” and he gets so pissed off, it’s hilarious. Then a very disgruntled Remy will track you down after suffering through a lecture about being a responsible role model, and you’re pretending to be completely innocent. “I didn’t say anything at all! I have no clue what you’re talking about!”)
But anyways. Because they’re lowkey kinda focused on undoing each other’s influence on you, there’s a huge grace period where you can essentially get away with anything. Want Scott to give you words of affirmation? Pretend to act insecure the next time Remy teases you. Want Remy to take you out for sweets? Insinuate that Scott’s been really harsh lately. If you play your cards right, you’ll have them wrapped around your finger based solely on their opposing mentoring tactics. Just remember that subtly is key; they’re extremely perceptive. Use this mainpulation tactic sparingly to keep their suspicions low.
For any sort of psychical affection, you’re gonna have to play the long game. I highly recommend going the little sibling route. Both of them have a soft spot for that endearing naïveté, so of course Scott has to give you head-pats while Remy teasingly uses you as an arm rest. It also provides a good justification for you constantly going in for hugs and hanging onto their arms. Yeah, they may find it a little weird at first, but you only do it cuz you look up to them, right? With enough time, they’ll begin to reciprocate your touches, maybe even going as far as giving cuddles!! You may find it easier to coax Remy into cuddling than Scott, though that’s not to say Dadclops cuddles are out of the question!! Scott’s just trying to maintain his professionalism (booooo, so lame).
Honestly, I think you can get away with stealing their clothes. Definitely not by going into their rooms or anything (especially Remy’s; you can’t convince me that man doesn’t have his room boobytrapped from hell and back), but they’ll practically hand you their sweatshirts or jackets for free if you act even the slightest bit cold. Just don’t expect to keep Remy’s favorite trench-coat. He’ll let you wear it, but he’s shaking you out of it like a carpet when he wants it back. Other than that, everything else is free game. Enjoy your forever growing collection! Use it well, use it wisely (i.e. making a nest on your bed. Obviously).
It doesn’t take long to figure out that Scott folds under the power of puppy eyes. As long as you keep up good behavior, you can basically wring anything out of him with the right amount of pleading. You want him to carry you around the mansion? Well… that’s a bit strange, but you’re such a little sweetheart, so maybe just this once. Meanwhile, trying to hit Remy with the puppy eyes is like hitting a brick wall. “Nice try, petit, but y’gonna have to try harder than that to convince Gambit.” Luckily for you, he doesn’t really question things as much as Scott does. You could throw yourself into his arms and he’d be like… oh, okay. Guess we’re doing this now. Cool.
If you’re the overprotective type, missions will be absolute hell for your anxiety. It’s hard to watch both of their backs at the same time when Remy usually goes off to do his own thing. You may find yourself choosing to stick by whoever looks more vulnerable, or even bouncing between the two periodically. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Scott, who will try to talk some sense into you. He appreciates the concern, but you can’t keep going off mission like this. He’ll even enlist the help of Remy, who reassures you that there’s nothing to worry about. He and Scott know what they’re doing!
That’s when you pull out the crocodile tears. You can’t help it!! You’re just worried!! What if something happens to one of them? They’re like your big brothers… you don’t want to lose them!!
If anyone say your sly smile while they each separately give you a reassuring hug, no they didn’t.
So, Scott sort of relents. You’re still expected to follow through with missions, but he at least makes sure you’re stationed near Remy or himself to help ease your worry a bit. They’d be lying if they said the extra cover wasn’t helpful. As long as you give enough room for Scott to make orders and Remy to be flashy, they’ll get used to your protective presence.
(“Slim and the Cajun got themselves a loyal guard dog,” says Wolverine.)
I think they’d eventually meet with each other to talk about your behavior. You’re obviously super attached to both of them — almost to an uncomfortable degree — and they’re not really sure what to do about it. They may not see eye to eye on most things, but they at least agree they both care about your well-being. Whatever this is… it’s unhealthy.
For now, they kind of settle on separation anxiety as the cause. It may not explain all of your weird behaviors, but it at least explains why you’re in absolute shambles when either one or both of them are away on a mission while you’re stuck at the manor. They figure the best course of action is to accommodate for you… which unfortunately means working together. Who would’ve guessed the uptight Scott and reckless Remy would actually work together?
Finally they’ve got some sort of coordination going on. As mentor-figures to you, they’ve gotta make sure you’re taken care of… without feeding into your weird behaviors (little do they know, giving you any sort of attention is already feeding into your weird behaviors). Expect them to start setting boundaries, still letting you do certain things while softly explaining why you can’t do certain things. Manipulation tactics really start to lose their edge now, so you’re shit out of luck if that was your main tool.
But don’t get discouraged!! Remember that they’re still trying to accommodate for you! If one’s away from the manor, you get to spend the entire day with the other!! While they may not be as effective as before, puppy eyes still work on Scott, and it’s not like Remy will stop being so lax anytime soon. You can get what you want out of them separately with careful enough plays.
Overall, I really like the idea of Scott and Remy slowly realizing overtime that something may be wrong with their little protégé. They don’t wanna believe it, but they’ll eventually have to face the unfortunate truth as this goes on.
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blindmagdalena · 11 months
Homelander having a chat with his ordinary girlfriend on top of a very tall building and she smiles at him standing on the edge.
"I trust you"
And she steps off the edge to prove it.
Falling has never scared you.
It's the inevitable crash that scares you.
What if this time there was no crash? What if this time you never stopped falling?
The wind is impossibly loud in your ears, and your heart is beating in your throat. Even with your back to the rapidly approaching ground, the force of the air whipping up around you makes your eyes water. You can only just see a shadow in the sky above gradually growing larger, descending down after you.
The closer it gets, the more you can make out. The color blue, a fluttering red cape, and finally, a handsome look of pure bewilderment.
Close enough to reach out, Homelander cups the back of your neck with one hand while his other arm snakes around your waist, drawing your body flush to his as you both plummet from the highest floor of Vought Tower.
You can feel the preternatural warmth of him even through his gloves, through his suit. He kisses that warmth back into your wind-chilled lips. It thrills you more than anything you've ever known, goosebumps erupting from your head to your toes.
He says something to you through that wide, bewildered grin. You can't hear him over the perpetual blast of air rushing by your ears, but by the movement of his lips, you think he's calling you crazy.
Your scream your laughter into the roaring winds, arms outstretched. The catharsis of it is unreal. "Crazy in love, maybe!" You shout back, but your voice, too, is lost to the noise of falling.
You know by the sentimental shift in his gaze that he understands every word. His arms tighten around you, and you feel the pull of his body as he slows your descent until you're no longer falling.
Ah, you think. That's the trick. That's what's different. The two of you aren't falling.
You've been flying from the start.
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devourable · 7 months
I see that Epsilon and Valentina have the same last name, are they related/sisters?
they are! valentina is epsilon's older sister (which is funny bc epsilon is the least tolerant of yandere behavior while tina is like,, one of my most fucked up yanderes 😭). the majority of my darlings are related to one of my yanderes in one way or another, ill go into it when i start making their intros/art
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techtechonmymind · 2 years
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Why are all of these answers amazing.
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