#🖤 we saw the same sunset
eepysleepies · 10 months
pinned post time I guess?
I’m a therian (anomalocaris, don’t say it’s weird)
my f/os are as follows (🫂 means familial, 💓 means romantic, 💝 means qpp)
lif (metal family) 💓 - 🖤 we saw the same sunset
bowie (total drama island 2023) 💓 -💜 did you hear about the boy who lives in delusion?
mettaton (undertale) 💝 -🩷 just so i could have a chance with you.
justin, beth, lindsay (total drama island 2007-poly!!) 💓 -💞 i love all of you the most!
don chizzleton (total drama presents: the ridonculous race) 🫂- dad- 📝 you’ll blow us all away someday.
topher (total drama: pakhitew island) 🫂 - big bro- ❤️‍🩹 you’re my best friend: ily forever.
bob (metal family) 🫂 - dad-🎸 since when were you part of a russian metal band?
main is @little-silly-things (if u find this don’t hate please)
so yeah!
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e-munson666 · 2 years
++Eddie Munson x Gareth Emerson x F!Reader++
(Gareth and Eddie always promised not to let a crush come between them, they weren't usually into the same girl, but when it came to you they were both enamored. It puts a strain on their friendship when your attention is focused on one them over the other) [[Eddies POV]]
Warnings ⚠️: 18+ language. Jealous Eddie, Jealous Gareth. Lots of angst. Some fluff, pining, pushing/shoving, name calling. A/N: I adore Gareth and he gets far less recognition than he deserves!
Taglist: @dylanmunson
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After lunch, Eddie had been thinking about you all afternoon. Turns out he was lucky enough to have one of his last classes with you, and was even luckier that you chose to sit right next to him, in the sea of other empty desks. You smiled at him as you sat down. "Hi Eddie" you whispered to him, causing Eddie to blush. "Hey Y/N" he returns, flashing you a cool smile.
Around 20 minutes into class Eddie gets bonked on the head by a paper ball. He quickly looks around and sees you giggling next to him. "Im sorry" you mouth. "Open it!" You point to the paper.
"Hey you" :P
Eddie grins. He quickly scribbles something back and lightly tosses it to your desk.
"Hey sweetheart"
"Can we hangout later? We can catch up....and......." Underneath is the two of you as stick figures, smoking a joint.
"Id love to princess, I'll pick you up at sunset"
"Can't wait, pretty boy" ;)
Eddies ears went hot when he read your words, and he couldn't help but notice the intoxicating smell of your perfume coming from the paper. He looks over and sees you wink at him as you shove a little bottle back into your bag. "She sprayed it on the fucking page" he whispers to himself. "Fffuuucckkk me" he thinks as he carefully folds the note and sticks it in his jackets chest pocket.
Eddie waited in the parking lot after school, hoping to chat with you again before heading home, when he saw you walking with Gareth. Huge sweet smile on your face, as Gareths arm draped over your shoulder. Eddie was instantly jealous. "Son of a bitch!" He mutters to himself as Gareth walked you passed him. He almost tackled Gareth to the ground when he saw the sneaky middle finger his friend gave behind your back, knowing right then that the two of them needed to talk.
"What about the pact Munson?" Gareth asked, crossing his arms as he made his way closer to the van.
"I know you like her man" Eddie began taking a step forward, "And you should know I do to"
"Yeah" Gareth laughed, matching Eddies movement, "I noticed.....and?"
"And? What are we gonna do about it?" Eddie asks, now only a few feet away from Gareth.
"About what exactly?" Gareth scoffs, trying to remain calm.
Eddie's trying to egg Gareth on, he knows Gareth has a short temper, and is easily frustrated. Eddie takes the note out of his jacket pocket and shoves it into Gareths chest. "This, Emerson"
Gareth reads the note and looks back up at Eddie, face hot, ears red. "Really laying it on thick, even for you Munson" Gareth mumbles, this just makes Eddie grin widely.
"So it's settled then?" Eddie says, snatching the note from Gareths hand. "Im asking her out when I see her" he adds.
"Whatever asshole, I'm not backing down" Gareth scoffs, shoving Eddie into the van behind him.
"Oh I know you won't Emerson, just dont be a little bitch when I get the girl this time, kay?" Eddie returns, shoving back a little harder.
"We'll see about that" Gareth mutters shoving Eddie once more before storming around his van to get in the drivers seat.
"Gotta go get ready to pick her up anyways!!" Eddie yells, flipping Gareth off as he peels out his parking spot and speeds away.
Dustin and Jeff were watching the interaction from the other side of the parking lot, wondering if they needed to step in. Jeff was tense, having been around the last time he saw his two best friends at each others throats like this.
"This is REALLY bad" Jeff says, turning to Dustin, who had a confused look on his face. "The last time they fought over a girl it almost destroyed the band.....and Hellfire....."
"Shit....." Dustin replied.
"Yeah...." Jeff adds, "Fuckin Shit"
A/N: a little short for this one. Please comment if you want the next part, it's a doozy.
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milkxtea666 · 2 years
🖤A Little Hate🖤
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Paring: Eddie Munson x (fem) Reader
Summary: As if being the new kid isn't hard as is, having one month of school, no friends, joining a club at the wrong time, making embarrassing first impressions, and being homesick makes it harder. So here to making new friends (and enemies)!
W/C: 4.6k
Warning: This is going to take place after season 4! So let's pretend all is well, Eddie didn't die, or that the "earthquake" was that bad. This is also gonna be a slow burn and an enemies to lovers!
A/N: I posted this on AO3 long ago, and i will continue to post it there. AO3 will be the first to update. So plz if u can go read it on AO3, same title and my username is kth666. But other than that enjoy the fic!!
CH.2 IS OUT!!!
♩♪♩♬༶•┈┈🖤┈♛ ♛┈🖤┈┈•༶♩♪♩♬
Being the new kid at school sucks, but what sucks even more is being the new kid at school
at the end of the year. Theres no time to make new friends, or to get used to the environment. I basically have a month to save my reputation before I am known as the loner. Then again, I don't really care. It's not my priority, it's okay if I become a loner; that means I'll become a cool, quiet, mysterious girl. In addition, I plan to go back to California for college, so if I'm gone then who cares about what people think of me.
A harsh bump on the road interrupted my thoughts. I snapped out of it & looked out the
car window, we were entering the trailer park, it looked a bit trashy but the cotton candy sunset did the view a favor.
"Y/N, remember, this is just temporary, you know we still need a bit more money
to buy Pepa's house." mother reassures me as she pulled into the driveway of our trailer.
"Yes mother, I know." I said with a small smile.
Pepa is my great aunt, she lives on the other side of Hawkins, and plans on retiring to Nevada by the end of summer. I got out of the car and looked around the park. I knew there was a forest around here, but I didn't it expect it to be right behind our trailer. I could see no end to the forest, who knows how deep it goes. I turned around and saw two trailers to my left and right.
There was a red-haired girl doing skateboard tricks in front of the trailer to my left. She did an ollie then turned to me, giving me a smile before continuing her tricks. I smiled back, and turned to the trailer to my right. I saw a van in front of the trailer. There was no one in sight but I heard thumping coming from the trailer. The owner was probably blasting loud music.
"Y/N, come and get your bags from the car" mother said
"Coming." I replied. I walked to the back of the car and opened it. The first thing I grabbed was the bag that had my skateboard in it.
"I still don't understand why you had to bring such a huge bag with you, we could have left it at the storage unit, you know?" mother complained.
"I told you mother, one bag has all my clothes and the other has my books & parts to fix my bike." I lied, "You don't want me to fall behind on my stulles now do you?"
Mother shook her head and smiled, "Guess not" she relpied.
Mother would never let me have a skateboard, she says it's "improper" for a lady
to use them. I bought this skateboard with 3 months of allowance; I was so excited to use it. I remember my mother being worried sick because of all the bruises and scrapes I got. I just told her that I was clumsy, and for a year the reputation I had in my family was the clumsy one.
I how it sounds controlling of my mother to dictate my hobbies, but I understand her intentions; given the woy she was raised, she just wants the best for me. I gathered my other bog that actually had my clothes and made my way inside.
There was already some of our furniture in the trailer, mother come the other day with the movers to set it up. I walked pass the living room and went into the hall. There were three doors, the one in front of me was the restroom, the door was open and I saw the toilet. I peeked into the room to the left and saw my mothers clothes spread out on her bed. This means that the room to the right is mine.
I opened the door to my room and to my surprise it was emptier than I expected. It only had a bed and a dresser. The bed only had a pillow and comforter. Since it was summer I didn't mind it. I put down my bag of clothes on the bed, and the bag with my skateboard I placed under the bed. I opened my bag of clothes and started to put them in my dresser.
"Y/N, your bike and backpack are still in the
car. " Mother yelled from the living room
"I know," I replied and walked to the living room, "is it okay it I get them tomorrow when I go to school? I'm pretty tired right row, I just want to sleep."
"Sure,"she replied. She walled up to
me and kissed my forehead. "Get some rest
pumpkin, you have a big day ahead of you."
I hugged her and went to my room. I put
away the last of my clothes and got ready
for bed. I turned off the light and shut the door. The moon was directly out my window, lighting up my room. I got in bed and shut my eyes. As I
was drifting off to sleep I heard a electric guitar in the distance. Whoever was playing it
is very talented, this was the best guitar rift I have ever heard. However, I couldn't put my finger on the song that they were playing.
"Pumpkin, wake up." my mother said softly as she gently shook me awake. I extended my arms to stretch and yawn.
''Morning mummy" I said in a groggy voice.
"Morning. get ready, I'll be making breakfast"
''Alright." I got up lazily and went to the restroom to wash up. Once I was done I
went to my room and picked out my clothes. I took out my denim overalls and a striped shirt.
I put my hair in a ponytail and put on my Doc Martens. As I was tying my laces I smelled
bacon. I walked to the kitchen & found my
mother making my plate already.
"How'd you sleep, love?" she asked as she handed me my plate.
"Surprisingly well actually." I responded as i
sat at the table.
"That's good. Oh I wanted to ask you something." She said. I took a bite out of my food and nodded.
"Are you sure you want to bike to school? I really don't mind driving you. What if you
get lost?" She asked worryingly. I swalled my food and gave her a soft smile.
"I'll be fine mother, I memorized the map of the city, plus, the route to school is not too complex."
"Okay then. Now hurry and finish, you dont want to be late." She said and kissed the
top of my head.
I nodded and took a few more bites of my food before getting up. I took my plate to the sink and looked out the window. I see a car pull up to the trailer where the van is. A middle aged man got out of the car and entered his trailer. So thats who lives there. However, I couldn't help but think, who was playing the guitar last night? I start to head out.
"The car is open Y/N, you can go ahead and grab your things." mother said from her room
"Alright mummy, I'll be off then. Love you."
"Love you too, be safe."
I walked outside, the crisp summer air tingled my nose. I have never smelt crisper air. The air in California is smoggy and polluted, this was an enjoyable change. I looked to the trailer to my left and saw the red-haired girl grabbing her bike. She looked at me and smiled.
"Morning." I said to her and gave her a small
"Morning." She repied and smiled back.
"I'm Y/N" I said as I grabbed my bike from the car.
"Max." she simply said. She then hopped on her bike and looked at me with a smile, "Gotta go, see ya." and she paddled away.
I leaned my bike against the car as I fetched my bag from the back. Once I got it I closed the car and opened my bag, fishing out my walkman. One I got it, I put it on then my backpack. I presed play on my walkman and AC/DC started to play. The reason I keep my walkman in my backpack is because mother would never let me listen to this type of music, she would ground me for sure.
The music was at full blast, but I heard a loud roar of a car. I turned to my right I saw the van pull out of its driveway. Since the van was facing away from me, I couldn't see who was driving; but I did see their hair, it was long
and curly. I put one side of my headset to the side of my ear and heard that Crazy Train
by Ozzy Osbourne was blasting from the van. Then the van stared to drive away, and with it, the music faded. I put my head set back on, got on my bike, and made my way to school. I wonder what kind of person they are. Could they be the one that was playing guitar last night?
Before I knew it I arrived at school, I got off my bike and walked to the bike ramps. As I was walking I looked around at the school. It was a very different vibe than my other school in Calilornia. I took off my headphones and heard the bell ring. I finished locking up my bike and I tugged on the lock, securing it in place before heading inside.
As I reached for the door handle I heard a Metallica song from afar. I turned to the parking lot and saw the van from the trailer
park pull up to the lot. What? Are they a student or a teacher? What are the chances, maybe I'll get to meet them. Finally someone with the same taste in music! I shrugged and opened the door.
I walked into the school and saw the front office right away. I went in to pick up my schedule and a map of the school. The office lady told me to come back after lunch to pick up my lock for my locker. I said my thank you and made my way to homeroom. The teacher greeted me right away and showed me my seat. I sat next to a girl with short, blond curly hair. She turned to me and smiled.
"Hi!" She said as I sat down.
"Hey!" I responded with a huge smile.
"I'm Debs." She said as she extended her hand to shake mine.
“Im Y/N." I responded
"What a cool name! What year are you in?"
"Oh I'm a senior."
"I see. What school did you come from?" Debs asked again, was she interrogating me or something? Whatever, at least she's nice and interested in me.
"Oh, it's in California, so I don't th-"
"California?" She interrupted with surprise.
"Yeah" I giggled
"You're so cool. Oh by the way, have you joined any clubs?"
"No, not really, I just got here." I said nervously.
"Sorry if I'm just bombarding you with questions but, do you want to join the art club?" she asked. "We are in desperate need of a new member for a project we have."
"Of course! I love to paint!"
"Great! We meet during brunch," she saw my map and leaned to me, "here." she said as she pointed to a room next to the gym.
"Okay." I replied with a smille. The bell then rang and class started.
I was off to a great start; I made a friend and joined a club within a matter of seconds. Looks like I won't be a loner like I thought I would. I was happy. My first few classes went
by smoothly. I'm glad that the teaches did not make me introduce myself in front of the class. I'm guessing they didn't do this because it's the end of the year and they just wanted to get their lectures over with.
The ball rang for brunch and I made my way to the art club. It wasn't far, I got there in
less than a minute. Outside the door I saw Debs waiting for me. Once she saw me a huge smile appeared on her face.
"You came!" She exclaimed.
"I did!" I responded happily. She took my hand and took me inside. She burst open the door and held my hand up.
"Guys, I found our last member!" Debs yelled.
All 10 some members turned to me with a smile. I have never felt so welcomed in my life, they all emitted a good vibe.A girl in the far back shot up from her chair and walked to me. She had her pin straight hair in pigtails, and wore a colorful dress. A huge smile was plastered on her face. Her hand extended to shake my hand.
"Aubry." She said introducing herself.
"I'm Y/N." I replied with a smile.
"You can paint right?" Aubry asked.
"I can! At my old church I was often asked to paint murals, so I'd like to think that I can paint well." I rambled. Aubry's eyes lit up.
"You're exactly what we needed! See, the school wants us to paint club doors as a going away gift for the seniors that are in it. We were short one member for a club, but now that you're here we have just enough people!"
"Oh, well I'm glad to be of help!" I replied. I was already valued amongst people, this made me feel like everything was going perfectly. Aubry turned to the rest of the members and made an announcement.
"Alright people, we can finally get started! Grab some supplies and go to your designated club room!" Everyone got up and grabbed their stuff along with some painting supplies. Debs gave me a pat on the back before leaving to get her supplies.
"Y/N, you can start painting tomorrow, for now I need you to go to the club room to pick up the references they want from their president. After that you can start working on your sketch." Aubry said.
"Okay! But um, where exactly is the club room that I need to go to?" I asked.
"Oh! Silly me, do you have a map?" Aubry said. I nodded and pulled out my map from my notebook and handed it to her. "It's over there." she said as she pointed to a room that was near the back of the school building.
"Got it. I'll be off then!" I said with a smile. As I began to walk out of the room I couldn't help but hear people whispering, I heard something along the lines of 'I feel so bad for her.' However, I payed no mind to it, I was excited to be part of this club.
The farther I went into the school, the less people I saw in the halls; this was probably because theres not much to do here other than doing some rebellious things. I approached the room, and on the door was a paper that said "Hellfire Club." Hellfire? Please tell me this isn't a satanic club of some sorts. I do not want to mess with that kind of stuff. The fact that no one told me what kind of club this is made me slightly worried. But I mean, how bad can it be? It's not like the school could allow students to do bad stuff.
My nerves got the best of me, I was shaking slightly as I opened the door. The inside was slightly dark, the only light were some dim stage-lights and fairy lights along the walls. I right away saw two kids sitting on a table talking, but stopped as soon as I opened the door, letting in the bright light from the outside.
"Hi, um I'm Y/N. I'm here from the art club, I am supposed to pick up the reference sheet from the president?" I asked nervously. I was stood at the door way, not wanting to enter the room just yet.
The two kids got up from their seat, grabbing some papers that were in front of them too, and started to walk to me.
"Cool! I have the references here, but I'm not the president, he's not here at the moment." said the taller kid. Once they got closer to me and into the light I got a good glimpse of them. They were both wearing shirts that said Hellfire on them, the shorter kid however had a cap that said "Thinking Cap," that was cool. The taller one had black hair while the other had light brown hair.
"Here," the taller one said and handed me the papers," Oh, I'm Mike, and this is Dustin." and pointed to the shorter one. Dustin smiled.
"Hi." Dustin said with an adorable smile.
"Nice to meet you guys." I said politely, "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is this club? I need to know so I can, y'know, get a better understanding of what I need to paint."
"Well, Hellfire is a Dungeons and Dragons club, we basically-" Dustin spoke before I started to zone out. Oh no. I've heard of this game before, the reputation that it has is horrible, mother says that it's the devil's game. People always make fun of this game as well. Is this why the art club needed a member? Because they didn't want to be associated with this club? Did Debs just stab me in the back? Things were going well for once, but now, my reputation is about to be ruined. Why does this happen to me?
"Hey, you alright?" Mike asked. Shit, I zoned out.
"Yeah, I'm good," I replied "I gotta go and start planning this. See you." I then walked away without looking at them. This was so embarrassing, this is bad. I can't believe that Debs would do this to me without telling me. As I was speed walking I bumped into someone.
"Woah, hey there." said the voice of a man. I was too mad to acknowledge him, so I kept my head down and continued walking.
"Watch where you're going!" the guy shouted.
I walked into a restroom that was around the corner of the hall. I stomped into a stall and shut it, dropping all my papers.
"Fuck!" I yelled, clenching my hands. I was shaking in frustration. I wanted to go home. Not the trailer. My old home. I tried to give this change a chance. I tried to be open minded about everything, and not letting my reputation become my first priority. But this made me snap. I can't believe I still have four more hours of school left. I just wanted to leave. My frustration got the best of me and I punched the stall door. I looked down at my now red knuckles.
I need to chill.
The school day couldn't have passed by any slower. I was eager to go to the trailer and isolate myself from everything. I do admit that my feelings got the best of me, but then again I can't expect to be happy with these events. At least I'm expressing them and not repressing them, like I do when I get mad at mother.
As soon as the bell rang to end school I left right away. I did not want to talk to anyone, especially Debs. When I'm angry I can't control what I say, like I said; I let my emotions get the best of me.
I was dodging everyone on my way to the front of the school, I didn't want to just mindlessly bump into people like I did with the guy from earlier. I was finally outside and went to my bike. I unlocked it as fast as I could and rode home right away.
I was passing through an empty road with nothing along the sides; I took this opportunity to let my feelings out. I let out a scream, and a few curse words as well. I felt slightly better afterwards. Speaking of letting my feelings out I looked down at my knuckles, they were now bruised up. Crap, I can't let mother see.
In the distance I saw the trailer park, I felt a slight feeling of ease once I saw it. Finally, I'll be alone and away from my problems, for now. I arrive at the front of the trailer and shove my bike to the side, then I walk to the door. I open it and head inside, but before closing it I look at the trailer to the right, the van isn't there. I shut the door and head to my room. I throw my backpack on the floor and collapse on the bed, screaming into the pillow. Thank goodness mother works all evening, I definitely need some time to myself.
After an hour of relaxing I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make myself some food. I look though the cabinets grabed a can of soup.
"Yeah, you'll do." I said to myself.
I finished eating, washed my dishes and headed back to my room. I had no homework but I did have to work on the sketch for the damn art club. I really don't want to be in art club now. But I can't just not do it and leave them now, that'll be bitchy of me. Damn me and my people pleasing personality. It's okay, it's only for a month, after that it's going to be me and my dorm at a university in California, where I belong.
I took out the references that were given to me and looked at them closely. Wow, this is some fantasy type of stuff, is it medieval? I should have listened to Dustin, I have absolutely no idea what goes on in the game.I see a lot of knights fighting dragons, and a few weird looking creatures. I think I'll just take it easy and draw all the characters fighting a dragon. I am not going to try my best on this.
It was getting dark, I turned on my lamp but it didn't work. Weird. Guess I'll have to work in the kitchen. I grabbed my supplies and walked out my room. I placed my hand along the walls looking for a light switch, when I felt it I turned it on but there was no light.
"You got to be fucking kidding me." I groaned in annoyance. Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse, it did. I was at my breaking point. I threw my stuff on the kitchen table and tried to look for a flashlight in the darkness.
No luck.
I guess we didn't pack one. What am I going to do? This sketch is due tomorrow. I'm so fucking stupid, I shouldn't have started this so late. I took a second to think of a solution then I looked out the kitchen window. I looked at Max's trailer and saw no light coming from it, nor a car out front, but the trailer to my right had its lights on, and the van was outside. I wouldn't hurt to borrow a flashlight from them.
I walked outside and headed to the trailer. As I got closer I could see that the van was beat up, I'm surprised it still runs. I walked pass the van and onto the doorsteps. Here goes nothing. I took a moment to gather my thoughts so I don't come off as rude despite my horrible mood at the moment. I knocked 3 times eagerly. I took a step back and waited for a moment. I heard a few thumps followed by heavy, clumsy footsteps.
"Coming!" The voice of a man said, extending the "i" in the word. His voice sounded familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
The door opened to reveal a tall guy with long, curly hair, so that's him. He was wearing the same shirt that Mike and Dustin wore, the HellFire shirt. You have to be kidding me. My mood instantly got worse, but I still needed that flashlight.
"Hi. My name is Y/N, I just moved into that trailer over there," I said with a fake smile and pointed to my trailer. He looked over at the trailer and back at me with an eyebrow raised.
"Wait, I've seen you somewhere. Hold up, hold up." He said as he put a finger on his lips and the other folded under it. Where in the world could he have seen me? I've never seen him anywhere other than the van at scho-
"You're that girl who bumped into me at school!" He exclaimed with a huge grin. Shit.
"W-what?" Was all I could say, I can feel the fear and embarrassment take over my facial expression.
"Yeah! It is you. Same outfit and everything!" He said happily as he crossed his arms. "You should really watch where you're going y'know?"
"Sorry about that," I said shaking my head and avoiding eye contact with him. A sly smile appeared on his face before speaking again.
"So, what can I do for you?" Tilting his head slightly to the side.
"The power went off in my trailer, I was wondering if you have a flashlight I can borrow for the time being?" I asked.
"Uhhhhh," he said as he was thinking "no." He smiled. I rolled my eyes in irritation and turned my heel.
"Thanks anyways." I said as I was about to walk away.
"I'm kidding!" He said as he grabbed my shoulder to stop me. A huge grin appeared on his face, nearly laughing. I am getting very annoyed now, I was not in the mood to joke around. I rubbed my temple in annoyance and turned to him.
"So you do have one?" I asked in a stern voice.
"Yep." He said as he reached to the side of the doorframe from the inside. I assume it was hanging there as he got it with ease. He was handing it over and i reached out my hand to receive it, but he pulled away.
"Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast, you've been a little bit rude to me." He pouted, pretending to be hurt. "Say the magic word please."
I wasn't having this. Tears of frustration started to well up again. I just wanted one simple thing, and I tried my best to be nice, so why is it so hard to obtain one simple thing.
I looked up at him, biting my lip, trying to stop myself from crying again.
"...please." I said quietly, voice nearly cracking. His face instantly dropped and a concerning look took over.
"Woah, you okay?" He asked, handing me the flashlight. I took it and turned around instantly so he wouldn't see my tears fall.
"I'm okay, thank you. I'll give it back soon." I simply said. I walked off the doorstep and just as I had one more step left I tripped over myself and fell to the ground knees first.
"Hey, you good?" He said in distress. He came up to me and squatted next to me. I stayed in the fallen positions for a moment, hiding my face as the tears were hitting the dirt bellow me. This is it, my last straw. There is no way I can continue living like this, why can't this be over.
"Do you need a hand? Are you hurt?" He said trying to help. I got up aggressively, grabbing the flashlight as well.
"I'm fine." I said and walked to my trailer, not looking back at him. I went in and shut the door loudly, leaning against it too, and slowly dropped to the floor, sobbing.
I'm not going to school tomorrow, I don't want to try anymore.
AHHHHHHHH HOW EMBARRASSINGGGG n e ways heres the link for this fix on AO3! plz leave a kudos if u can
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theoreticslut · 2 years
I saw the describe yourself post 🖤 So im giving a go bc im bored
Female/Perceived as Female, 5.2" (159 cm), I have straight hair with a bob type of cut (a little up to my shoulders) with no bangs and wear my hair to the side although I really wear it in the middle. My hair and eyes are brown, use rounded glasses with clear frame. I listen to all kinds of music, it depends on my mood and what I'm doing. I love to paint and draw and anything artistic. I refer to myself as an artist sometimes. I love reading books and comics/manga and graphic novels. I tend to watch the same movies/series on loop because it comforts me. I imagine our date would be in the spring and we go out for an outdoor picnic, eat and drink a lot and have music, talk a lot and laugh, and I would read you some book while you rest and watch the sun go down. If we have time and energy we end up watching a movie together and then I would take you home while we sing the song that is playing enjoying the moment.
Brown eyes & glasses?? Ugh I’m already dying. I’ve said it before, & I’ll say it again - brown eyes are so pretty!!
Our date sounds so nice. I honestly can’t tell you the last time I’ve gone on a picnic, but having you read to me while watching the sunset sounds so peaceful. I also love when people can make me laugh, but just so you (& everyone else) know, I am SO awkward at first. Seriously - don’t be surprised if I’m really quiet & blush a lot. It just takes me time to get comfortable with people.
I’ve never read manga/comics or graphic novels much before, but I’d be happy to read them along with you or just listen to you talk about them! We’d get along well with our music tastes too btw, as long as we’re both in a similar mood. I also love that you’re an artist btw!! I love art sm ☺️
Yes, I would date you!!
describe yourself & i’ll tell you if i’d date you <3
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