#馃ズ Lexa just loves Clarke so much 馃槶馃槶馃槶
lexa-griffins 1 year
Lexa has a favorite blanket that they use when they're trying to conceive for their baby 馃ズ Lexa loves wrapping this blanket around herself so Clarke's scent can comfort her
馃ズ yes! There's this throw blanket Lexa's sire had made right before he died. It arrived soon after they got married, a sweet note for Lexa attached to it, wishing it would warm her and her mate and one day swaddle their child.
Lexa keeps it neatly folded on a chair as their love making is usually done preferably without any bedding other than the soft silky sheets Lexa prefers, and Lexa will reach for the blanket once they are done, throwing it over their naked bodies as she cuddles closer to Clarke. In the morning when Clarke kisses her temple goodbye Lexa will wrap the blanket around herself tighter and let Clarke's scent involve her in a comforting hug as she hopes last night worked.
(when she's pregnant and misses Clarke during the day, she will hold the blanket to her nose, soothing their kicking baby and her the overwhelming feeling of missing her alpha that left only a couple of hours ago for work. When Clarke comes home late she can only manage to get the blanket away from Lexa when she herself finds her way under the covers and Lexa switches the blanket for the real thing)
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butmakeitgayblog 1 year
Can you or your followers recommend a nice fix it fic with Clarke on that beach in the finale and then instead of god/alien/judge/whatever it鈥檚 actually Lexa waiting for her there? 馃ズ I鈥檝e been seeing a lot of gifs from their reunion in the city of light and their hug on that weird space balcony and I just want them to have their happy ending 馃槶
Hmmm well the first thing that comes to mind is @aphrodites-law 's heartwrenching finale sequel-esque fic Curious, but that's not so much a fix-it as it is a bittersweet continuation of Clarke's love creating a connection with Lexa through the judge. So idk if that counts. But it really is lovely and a must read nonetheless
I thiiink there was one I read shortly after the finale that was like, the judge becomes Lexa? But I don't remember it well enough to give you link 馃様
Feel free to drop fics in the comments tho!
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lexa-griffins 10 months
Madi climbs down so she can sleep with Saige in her bottom bunk 馃ズ I love this family so much 馃槶
Madi climbs down to Saige's bunk bed a lot. She takes her big sister role very seriously and before she yell for Lexa or Clarke when Saige is scared or has a problem, she'll try and sooth her younger sister the best she can.
It stops after Lexa starts going to therapy for the miscarriage and it doesn't really start happening again until Saige is in middle school and kids are meaner and she sometimes cries herself to sleep. Madi has been more distant up until the accident with the truck and now that she is finding her way to being closer to her siblings again, she is quick to pick up on why Saige is crying and climbing down to her bed.
Sometimes, she'll still fall asleep like that and the next morning Lexa will find them all cuddled up in Saige's bed and it's such a flashback to them as little girls despite both being so grown up now :')
This little family is just so adorable 馃槶 it still wamrs my heart so much that you all seem to love not only clexa but their babies so much 馃┓馃┓
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lexa-griffins 1 year
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I made something thing for you for the clexa farm au, I just got the Lexa feels for losing their baby.
馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ I AM GOING TO SCREAM AND CRY AND YELL AND SOB OMG 馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶 I love it so much, thank you!!!! 馃┓馃┓馃┓
The whole /MOOD/ of this is so exactly right!! This grey, colorless veil that follows Lexa, making everything look so dull even when everything around her is so bright and full of life, the despair of that little baby that never was, how she wants to scream and sob all the time but she no longer has any strength for it so she just stares at her kids playing and living and can't for the live of her stop picturing what the baby she lost would have looked like playing with their siblings and it /hurts/.
And that last picture of her!! I know she's smoking in that scene! And Lexa doesn't smoke, she did it once or twice as a teen with Clarke but hasn't since, dislikes it when Clarke smokes when under stress still but one night she finds herself going to the drawer where Clarke keeps the pack, the one she swears that once it's done with she won't buy anymore. She smokes two of them and hates every minute of it, hates how it burns her lungs but she just wants to feel something that isn't this emptiness inside, wants to stop thinking of how far along she'd be by now, how she would be able to feel strong kicks of the baby was still in her belly.
Clarke doesn't say anything when she gets back into bed, clearly still smelling of smoke, she just throws her arm around her and they go back to sleep, not a word between them, it seems to be routine now a days.
The next night, Lexa gets up for another smoke but finds the pack moved somewhere else. Too tired to look for it, and understanding this is Clarke's silent "please don't make it a habit, I know its a horrible one" she gets back into bed. When Clarke doesn't throw her arm around her as she usually does, Lexa fishes for it underneath the covers, yet another silent gesture, "i know you did it, and i understand why. I am just tired of this feeling'. She feels Clarke's lips of her temple and the arm pulling her closer by her waist. It's not enough to fill that empty space, but it does help her get to sleep with a thoughtless mind at least.
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lexa-griffins 11 months
I want pumpkin bread now 馃ズ that farm clexa fic was so soft and sweet. I loved how Lexa spoke on behalf of their baby. Poor baby didn't want to look helpless during her pregnancy but it's okay to ask Clarke for help Lexa 馃ズ I love how Clarke just wants her girls to be happy. I'm bawling my eyes out at how loving they are with each other as they cuddle in bed 馃槶
鈽猴笍鈽猴笍馃┓馃┓ i know I wrote it but that little one shot is still such a comfort fic for me. It feels so cozy and soft 馃グ
During her pregnancy with Madi is when Lexa has the hardest time asking for help. She's always been independent, and having to rely on Clarke for things she swears she can do on her own takes a little hit at her pride. And being able to do less and less around the farm makes her not want to disturb Clarke's rest for something that she thinks she can easily make herself.
The SOFTNESS of Clarke speaking to Lexa and her pet names for her make me WEAK 馃ス Clarke has the constant need to be needed and she doesn't care how tired she is or how below average she tends to be in the kitchen, for Lexa and their baby she'll do her very best to make the most wonderful pumpkin bread she can 馃グ it becomes a tradition from then on actually, every fall Clarke will bake the pumpkin bread at least once and Madi is actually still obsessed with it and Lexa swears Clarke's just takes better than any other.
With the cold and unable to do much around the farm, cuddles on the bed with the bump are a must really 馃┓ Lexa will dooze off here and there and Clarke will talk to baby Madi while she does and then shower her baby mama in kisses and affection when she's awake, Lexa wrapped in Clarke's flannel, fuzzy socks and hot tea while the rain falls outside 馃グ
Its ultimate cozy fest 馃┓
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lexa-griffins 2 years
For pillow talk, Clarke talks to Lexa's bump and presses kisses all over her tummy 馃槶
馃ス馃ス馃ス馃ス馃ス it's Clarke's favorite thing to do, when Lexa is too far along to not feel comfortable cuddling for too long after sex and prefers the pregnancy pillow, Clarke will scooch down so she can talk to the bump, ask the baby if they had a good day, if mommy ate well and they are well fed or need her to go get something, if they are comfy. The baby always kicks at the sound of Clarke's voice and she looks like a little kid on Christmas, eyes sparkling and she does a cute little head wiggle before kissing where she felt the baby kick Lexa.
Lexa will sometimes pretend she's asleep already because she knows Clarke will tell the baby things she wouldn't if Lexa was awake, about how much she loves them, how she hopes Lexa wasn't on her feet all day, how she's waking up earlier tomorrow to cook Lexa's her favorite food for breakfast. She ends up falling asleep some time after Clarke decides she doesn't want to talk anymore and just feels like rubbing Lexa's belly and hum the baby to sleep with a few kisses in between 馃ズ
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lexa-griffins 3 years
i think about that drawing a lot too and i鈥檓 the one who MADE it馃槶鉂わ笍
lexa just deserves to be kissed and appreciated istg :( drawing her a little bit soft is my favorite thing in the world because it kinda symbolizes that they have peace too?? idk why i dropped into your askbox to ramble about this because i really just came here to say that it makes me very happy that you love it lol
That drawing lives rent free in my head 24/7 and to be completely honest I might have gotten a little teary eyed the first time you posted it :') <3
All around soft Lexa is just everything to me and that softness meaning peace I- 馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ She deserves to be loved with all that kindness and softness and I just know that if they had been allowed to, Clarke would have loved her exactly how she deserved and how she forbade herself from being loved! (and something about Clarke kissing her soft belly like that, like all she wants is for Lexa to know how much she loves all of her after she spend weeks and months on end hating her..... The comfort to the hurt we never got!!)
A lot of fanart is absolutely beautiful and wonderful, but that piece in particular saturn, it just makes me FEEL so much!!!! Your art is a gift to this fandom!!!!!!!!!!!!
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butmakeitgayblog 3 years
The notebook au reminds me so much of my parents 馃槶馃槶馃槶 Long story short my dad stayed with my mom out of obligation and lied to her for years. And she found out because he decided that at 65 it was time to come clean. Bless my moms heart 馃槶
馃ズ oh my goodness, yes bless her. What a heavy thing to hear and find out. I hope she found peace within her life and herself
For what very little literary wise it's worth, I think at least for Lostia it would be more bittersweet than bitter. Because Costia always knew. And I could see in that moment of clarity Lexa feeling compelled to tell Costia
"I did love you. I do love you. I do."
Costia could only smile sadly. Reassuringly.
"I know, sweetheart, I know."
Lexa took a moment as the years washed over her like they're an old friend. And it's so easy to lose herself in it. To speak before can stop herself as a different set of blue eyes dance in her mind.
"Clarke was just always..."
Nodding with a dip of her head, Costia smoothed her hands over the tome that housed all of Lexa's forgotten regrets, thoughts, and memories. The ones she'd fought tooth and nail for Lexa to come clean about so could she to bring them to life again and again.
"Yeah... I know that too."
"But we were still happy, right?" Lexa said with a kind of urgency that had Costia taking her hand. "I made you happy?"
Her heart hurts and breaks just a little bit more because her wife always gets this way.
"Happier than I'd ever dreamed."
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