transpanda-1 · 6 months
Hey is anyone else's youtube videos just filled with green blank screens, all of the, sudden???
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transpanda-1 · 3 months
Nom or chomp
Team nom:
Team chomp:
Looks like team nom takes it folks 😔
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transpanda-1 · 1 year
i always forget that youre not tumblr famous idk why i always think you are
🫖ohohoho! Why thank you anon! We can be tumblr famous in your heart! Boom! 🫶🏽 Ohoho!
One friend told us it may be because we tend to have a lot of friends involved with Uendo! We did coin ‘Fanquill’ after all!
Or, maybe we have a knack for getting into smaller niche fandom spaces and leaving an impact as a result! Ohoho! 🤭
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transpanda-1 · 1 year
🫖 Sadly, tumblr is really fucking fucked for us right now on desktop! Does anyone else happen to be having this constant application error screen pop up when trying to reblog, reloading your page? :(
For example, making this post essentially destroys our blog feed and replaces it with a application error string of code behind it, even though we can still post it! Bizarre!
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transpanda-1 · 1 year
🎹Got x-kit and this is soooooo much better now... living our best life! So we updated all of our alter tags because it's so much easier now...!!!! Olive is very happy because our computer didn't really support either of her icons...! ^v^
Check the tags to see the new alter tags...!
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transpanda-1 · 6 months
ayyy ask game!! "Do any of the headmates in your system have dyed hair and/or is your hair dyed bodily?"
(In reference to this post)
🫖We would say, yes! Pandora's hair is bleached/dyed to avoid the more red/pink tone natural to her/Helen. Jackeline's hair used to be, brown! And Cherish's was a light brown like Chihiro's.
Atm, our physical body is bleached blonde, and we are, wishing, to dye it blue! Of course after, Tsumugi! 🫶🏽
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transpanda-1 · 6 months
🫖Fitting for a finale chapter to be this, consistently, a pain in the butt to push through! Every scene has been fighting us, ahaha! That is what we get for setting up so much to wrap up, isn’t it?
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transpanda-1 · 9 months
If you post "I wish Smash Bros had more (any) black characters to play as" on twitter a hoard of people guaranteed come in to spew the most racist shit imaginable, and if that is not the most damning thing about how not including diversity makes a fanbase turn into a cesspit I don't know what is!
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transpanda-1 · 1 year
What did the anime brand new animal do again did they do a zootopia?
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transpanda-1 · 1 year
17, 20 for the ocverse asks?
🫖Thank you so much dear friend! Let us see...
17.) Describe the "required reading" to understand your vision. Be as pretentious as possible.
You have to watch Turnabout Storyteller specifically, all of my content written about Uendo, then Kingdom Hearts II. We hate to throw people under the bus like this but also probably: One Piece (To learn exactly the opposite of what we like to do siufhsjkfh)
This is a weird one because plurality is either heavily demonized, or not really explored! We've commented before that more non-mainstream media is the most likely place one will find plurality. We've seen it happen more in books lately (I believe that Gideon the 9th series has it? Also try the one with the person with the bone makeup.) So you might... have to brave fanfic plurality fic space. Good luck.
20.) Your ocverse just got a movie trilogy a la hunger games style. How they have horribly mangled your message/them so that the movies are a showcase of what the original was condemning?
This is an interesting one! Because, already, TYFE is 6 parts in mainline, so condensing it to 3 already DESTROYS the pacing. (Plus each part is meant to tackle a different issue of being plural so. Chop chop!)
But if it turns into a showcase of what TYFE was condemning? Well, in that case, we'd say all language/presentation/etc. of plurality is treated as a wild, extreme, unheard of spectacle (TYFE's main shtick is pointing out how ridiculously common it is in media.)
So let's see every bad trope in the book: 1. All alters are violent or seen as "not existing", 2. All alters separate (and get their own romantic interests), 3. Most characters have significantly lighter skin, 4. Multiple messages are twisted to apply more to singlets than systems, among other things! I would hate every second!!
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