#''any process you want to train something to do has more individual steps than you're thinking of right now; try again''
paradife-loft · 2 years
it occurs to me that part of this "chatgpt will make up nonexistent articles and quotes and whatnot and then attribute them to real people" issue - I suspect it has something to do with "referencing and citing Actual Things In the World where appropriate" and "not plagiarizing existing writing" being two goals at cross-purposes for training a program on like, general writing I guess? - when it doesn't already have a background of understanding the difference between "real" and "fake".
like, you have something that understands "here are strings of text! I know a lot about how parts of these strings tend to get put together to form larger blocks of text. I also know that it's important to make sure I don't arrange those blocks or strings of text in ways that directly match existing blocks of highly unique text in my dataset."
so like... it completely makes sense why it'd have trouble contextually with stuff like "citing real scientific article titles"? unless you put it through a much more rigorous training designed specifically to learn what (contextually) makes something an "article title" as opposed to other text, and what distinguishes "citing something [e.g. putting an exact copy of existing unique text into what it generates]" from "plagiarizing".... that's probably not a task the computer is equipped to handle.
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mehakzz · 11 months
Why Is Early Childhood Education Important?
Youth instruction is a term that alludes to the timeframe from a youngster's introduction to the world to when they enter kindergarten, as indicated by Expert, scholastic program chief for the BA in Youth Improvement at School. As per Expert, it is a significant time in youngsters' lives since it is the point at which they initially figure out how to cooperate with others, including friends, educators, and guardians, and furthermore start to foster interests that will remain with them all through their lives.
In any case, Expert says it's a typical misperception that youth training is just about mastering fundamental abilities. "It's far beyond that," she says. "It's when kids master basic social and close-to-home abilities and an organization is shaped between the kid, their folks, and the instructor. At the point when this is done effectively, it lays the foundation for it to go on all through the kid's schooling."
Countries all over the planet are becoming mindful of the significance of youth schooling also. UNESCO (Joined Countries Instructive, Logical and Social Association) is a worldwide administering body whose mission is "to add to the structure of harmony, the destruction of destitution, manageable turn of events, and intercultural exchange through training." This is the very thing that the association says regarding the significance of youth schooling:
"Youth care and training (ECCE) is more than groundwork for elementary school. It focuses on the all-encompassing improvement of a kid's social, personal, mental, and actual necessities to fabricate a strong and wide starting point for deep-rooted learning and prosperity. ECCE has the likelihood to support mindful, competent, and capable future residents."
What Explicit Results Does Youth Instruction Have on a Youngster's Future?
The results fluctuate, as Expert makes sense of, however, all have been positive. "Studies have taken a gander at everything from the expansive social advantages of youth instruction to something as unambiguous as STEM learning results (Science, Innovation, Designing, and Math) and how acquainting kids with these points right off the bat can have an enduring effect," she says.
She likewise focuses on the significance of empowering youth instructors to get to truly know their understudies and every one of their particular advantages. "When [teachers] do that, that relationship can truly impact the understudies every day and construct trust — and studies have shown that when kids are agreeable and trust individuals around them, they learn all the more rapidly and effectively," she says.
Parental inclusion is likewise a major part of this relationship-building process, and Expert says instructors at this level must work intimately with the families. "At the point when the organization among instructors and the family is effective, we see that repeating decidedly all through the kid's life," she makes sense of.
How Is It to Function in Youth Training?
As per Expert, somebody who appreciates working with youngsters and needs to have an enduring effect on their lives will most likely be content with lifelong youth training. "Assisting youngsters with learning and development is a major piece of it, however, this field likewise gives bunches of chances to develop yourself — in your insight as well as in general in your social profound development too. It can assist you with creating initiative abilities and turn into an intelligent specialist."
In the event that you're keen on seeking a vocation in youth training, the initial step is to procure a four-year college education. Notwithstanding's expectation's in your certificate program, there might be state or country-explicit coursework. Contingent on where you might want to work, whether in the U.S. or on the other hand abroad, you ought to contact the state Branch of Training or the country's Service of Instruction to find out about any area explicit course or licensure necessities.
What Are The absolute Greatest Difficulties Individuals Working in Youth Schooling Face?
Expert says that quite possibly of the greatest tests teachers face is tracking down the right harmony between working one-on-one with youngsters and dealing with the bigger gathering in general. "For instance, in the event that you're working in a study hall, you could be truly centered around realizing what a kid's particular advantages and needs are — in the meantime you have loads of different kids who likewise need your consideration."
Sorting out some way to apply and execute homeroom norms can likewise be an issue for new instructors. "I went a little off the deep end with making diagrams in my most memorable year," she says, "However the more I was in the field, the more I had the option to take a full breath and understand that I didn't should be so unforgiving with myself."
She suggests that instructors not beat themselves up assuming that they commit an error. "Try not to attempt to be awesome," she says. "You really should simply continue onward."
How Could Educators Boost Learning Results for Kids at This Age?
To obtain the best results in youth schooling, Expert firmly proposes working understudies' regular interests into example plans. "Indeed, we need to take a gander at guidelines," she says. "Indeed, there are boxes we really want to check, however, a tremendous piece of how we manage small kids is checking out their inclinations and utilizing those interests to all the more likely connect with them in learning."
Expert makes sense that educators can take the points or branches of knowledge that entrance individual understudies and develop them through in-class or at-home exercises. Focusing on these areas can assist understudies with creating decisive reasoning abilities, permitting them to offer more mind-boggling responses than "yes" or "no." To represent this procedure, Expert depicts an understudy who showed an enthusiasm for bugs. From the beginning, she says she was surprised and didn't have the foggiest idea what to do, however, at that point she understood she could involve this interest in bugs to draw in the kid in various subjects other than science. "There could be math in there, language expressions — it was truly about utilizing the youngster's particular interest to open new entryways for them."
For what reason Should Understudies Seek after a Lifelong in Youth Training?
Youth training is a wide and different vocation way. Assuming that you appreciate working with kids and will invest the energy important to procure your certificate, Expert accepts you will think that it is fulfilling.
It is likewise a developing field. As per the Department of Work Measurements, the work standpoint for people working in youth training major areas of strength is, the work of preschool educators expected to grow 10% throughout the following eight years. In 2017, the middle yearly compensation for preschool educators was $28,990, with the most noteworthy 10% of workers making more than $54,000. The middle in California is $36,760. (As indicated by BLS measurements, "middle" compensation is the midpoint between half of laborers who acquire more than that sum and a big part of laborers who procure less.)
Yet, a preschool study hall isn't the main spot you can go with your certification. Expert began her vocation in a kids' safe house close to San Diego. "It was a 24-hour office," she reviews. "The youngsters lived there and went to class nearby. At times the site filled in as a progress among families and child care."
The expert adds that as well as finding positions at schools, a portion of her past understudies have joined the groups at training-related non-benefits — and fell head over heels for the work they do there.
As per the BLS, the top businesses of preschool instructors are:
State, nearby, and non-public schools.
Individual and family administrations.
Strict, grantmaking, proficient, and comparable associations.
Kid daycare administrations.
Other vocation choices are accessible with extra training in youth schooling.
"[I]f you proceed to get your lord's, you can fill in as an associate overseer of early schooling project or educate at a junior college," Expert says.
As per the US Division of Schooling, alumni of youth instruction projects can be equipped for various situations past showing preschool, including:
Family administration staff.
Early learning and advancement programs.
Baby and little child subject matter experts.
Early mediation subject matter experts.
Youth unique instructors.
Home guests and related specialist organizations.
Early Advantage and Early Head Start instructors.
What Makes Public College's Four-year certification in liberal arts in Youth Training (BAECE) Program Stick Out?
Prior to joining the full-time personnel at Public, Expert filled in as an assistant lecturer for quite a long time. What struck her most about the program during her initial very long time at the college was its emphasis on the understudies and the responsibility level of employees.
"My program chief called me all an opportunity to monitor how my classes were going," she says. "He would agree that things like, 'We're considering changing something for this class you're instructing, what is your take?' He generally needed my feedback regardless of how little of a matter it was."
The Public's BAECE program is lined up with public guidelines so understudies can be sure they will graduate with the right arrangement of abilities to enter the working environment. You'll gain from training experts with direct showing experience, including full-time and assistant employees who are either as yet showing in youth schooling or have shown in the field previously.
"We are anxious to impart our own encounters to our understudies. Indeed, even in the web-based classes, I'll raise instances of what went all around well and what didn't in a homeroom setting," Expert says.
One more part of Public's BAECE program that is well-known with understudies is field insight. Public understudies total roughly five hours of field insight for each class they take. The expert makes sense of the field experience learning part is generally attached to a particular task in class. For instance, assuming an in-class subject is
Notwithstanding the Four-year certification in liberal arts in Youth Training (BAECE) program, Public likewise offers an Expert of Youth Schooling, which shows understudies how to assess youth by showing practices and strategies and looking at their effect on youngsters, families, schools, and the local area. The graduate degree opens up extra professional prospects, for example, instructing at the school level or coordinating a youth training focus or program.
Which Job Does Licensure Play in Your Vocation as a Youth Teacher?
As in most showing vocations, extra qualifications past a connected degree are frequently required to have been utilized at a particular kind of school or in a particular city, state, or country.
For instance, in California, those looking to turn out to be youth teachers are expected to apply for a grant from the state's Bonus on Educator Credentialing. Licenses arrive at various levels in view of occupation obligations, (for example, assuming you'll regulate others), and, accordingly, necessities change for each.
What's the significance here When a Class is Presented in an Accuracy Learning Organization?
To ensure understudies benefit from their classes, some (counting the previously mentioned '"play" course) are presented in an "accuracy learning design." Accuracy learning is a customized approach to educating that permits understudies to get any help they need right off the bat. An expert, who was one of the organizers behind this learning design, accepts this configuration is basic to an understudy's progress in the class; they'll comprehend how they advance and afterward can plan their concentration likewise.
"In an accuracy learning design, understudies are given open doors for learning in a more customized manner," she makes sense of. "We set it up so they get the assistance they require when they need it and can flourish subsequently."
As per Expert, the solution to "for what reason is youth schooling significant" lies in the reality that these are basic improvement years. During this time, significant connections are shaped in youngsters' lives, and organizations are created between educators, companions, and guardians.
In the event that you are keen on venturing out toward a fulfilling and popular vocation, if it's not too much trouble, visit the program page for Public College's Four-year education in liberal arts in Youth Training accessible nearby and online to find out more. You can likewise get extra data and address a guide by taking care of out the Solicitation for Data structure in total agreement.
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tytfuiyashbd · 2 years
Search Online To Get Professional Pet Sitting Services
Looking for professional pet sitting services? Look no further than the internet. With a few clicks of the mouse, you can find plenty of reputable companies that offer a variety of pet sitting services. There are many benefits to using professional pet sitting services. For one, you can rest assured that your pet will be well taken care of while you're away. Professional pet sitters are trained to handle all types of pets, so you can be sure that your furry friend will be in good hands. Another benefit of using professional pet sitting services is that it can be more cost-effective than boarding your pet store near me at a kennel or taking them with you on vacation. Pet sitters usually charge by the day or week, so it's easy to find a rate that fits your budget. If you're looking for professional pet sitting services, start your search online. You'll be glad you did!
What to Look for in a Pet Sitter
If you are searching for a professional pet sitter, there are several things you should keep in mind. First, you want to make sure that the individual has experience caring for animals. This can be verified by checking references or asking for recommendations from friends or family members who have used the pet sitter in the past.
Secondly, you'll want to confirm that the pet sitter has a valid insurance policy. This will protect you in the event that something happens to your pet while in their care.
Finally, be sure to schedule a meet and greet with the pet sitter before leaving your animal in their care. This will give you an opportunity to get to know them and ensure that your pet is comfortable with them.
The Services a Pet Sitter Can Provide
There are a number of professional pet sitting services that you can search for online. These services can provide you with a wide range of options when it comes to taking care of your pet while you are away. Here are some of the most common services that these companies can provide:
- Feeding: One of the most basic needs of any pet is to be fed. A professional pet sitting service will make sure that your pet is well-fed while you are away.
- Walking: Pets also need to be exercised, and a professional pet sitter can take your dog for walks while you are away. This is especially important if you have an elderly or disabled pet that cannot walk on their own.
- Playtime: Pets also need some time to play and socialize, and a professional pet sitting service can provide this for them. They will make sure that your pet has plenty of toys and activities to keep them entertained while you are gone.
- Grooming: Many pets also need to be groomed on a regular basis, and a professional pet sitting service can take care of this for you as well. They can brush your dog's fur, trim their nails, and even give them baths if needed.
- Medication: If your pet requires medication, a professional pet sitting service can administer it for them while you are away. This is especially important for pets who suffer from chronic conditions like diabetes or allergies.
Tips For Choosing the Right Pet Sitter
When looking for a pet sitter, it is important to consider what services you need and what kind of personality would work best with your pet. Here are some tips to help you find the right pet sitter:
1. Determine the type of services you need. Do you need someone to simply check in on your pet while you're away, or do you need someone who will stay at your home overnight?
2. Consider your pet's personality. Is your pet shy or anxious around new people? If so, you may want to choose a pet sitter who has experience working with shy or anxious pets.
3. Read reviews and check references. Once you've narrowed down your choices, be sure to read reviews of each pet sitter and check their references. This will help you get a better idea of their experience and level of professionalism.
4. Meet with potential sitters in person. This is an important step in the process, as it will give you a chance to see how well they interact with your pet and ask any questions you may have about their services.
How to Contact a Potential Pet Sitter
When looking for a potential pet sitter, the best place to start your search is online. There are many websites that offer pet sitting services, and you can use these websites to find someone who is qualified and experienced in pet care.
When searching for a pet sitter online, it is important to read reviews and testimonials from previous clients. This will give you an idea of the quality of service that the sitter provides. You should also contact the Better Business Bureau to see if there have been any complaints filed against the company or individual.
Once you have found a few potential sitters, you should contact them to discuss your needs. Be sure to let them know what days and times you need their services, as well as any special instructions that you have for your pet. It is also important to ask about their rates and whether they offer discounts for long-term bookings.
Questions to Ask a Potential Pet Sitter
Assuming you've never hired a professional pet sitter before, here are a few questions to ask during the initial consultation:
-How long have you been in business?
-Are you insured and bonded?
-Do you have any professional references I can contact?
-How much experience do you have with animals?
-Do you have experience caring for animals with special needs?
-What is your policy for handling emergencies?
-How do you communicate with clients while they're away?
-What are your rates and policies for payment?
What If You Can't Find a Pet Sitter?
Pet sitting can be a great way to make sure your pet supplies near me is well-cared for while you're away from home, but what if you can't find a pet sitter? Here are some tips for finding professional pet sitting services:
-Search online directories: There are many online directories that list pet sitting services in your area.
-Ask friends and family: If you know someone who has used a pet sitting service in the past, ask them for a recommendation.
-Check with your local animal shelter: Some shelters offer pet sitting services or may be able to refer you to a reputable service.
-Look for online reviews: When searching for a pet sitting service online, be sure to read reviews from other customers before making a decision.
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beigehearts · 4 years
So I'm not sure if you're comfortable writing for these kinds of things so if you aren't then you can just ignore this.
You can write it with Hisoka, Chrollo, Illumi, one or all of them I don't mind (preferably Hisoka)
But I've got issues with eating, not a full out eating disorder (at least not that I know of, I haven't been to a doctor for it) but I find it intimidating to eat full meals, and I normally only eat a couple things daily. Maybe an apple here and an orange for later.
And because of that I've sworn off having kids until I can get it under control (its been 4 years and doesn't seem to get better, I just keep losing weight) last time I weighed myself I was 112 which is getting pretty close to underweight for my height and age.
So could you please do a trio (or individual) x fem reader where she's been bullied about her weight by her mom and peers and has a hard time eating, and because of that she doesn't want to get pregnant and risk having a baby born premature or extremely unhealthy, or die. But somehow she manages to get pregnant (maybe failed contraceptives) so Hisoka/Illumi/Chrollo tries helping her get better about eating. Setting timers and having thought out meals for the day that includes all the food groups needed.
I've always been told to eat more or that all I ever eat is junk food but I'm not fat, I'm not extremely skinny, I just wish there would've been somebody telling me that everything would be fine and help me through it. Nobody has yet though, everybodys first reaction to me saying I rarely eat is that I should eat more when I literally cannot force myself to do so.
I really do apologize for this being long, and if you don't write this I can always find somebody else.
No I completely understand! I’ve struggled with my eating in the past and I sympathize. I know that hearing “just eat” and what not doesn’t help and I know it’s hard- but all you can do is try your hardest to get better- the journey is just as important as the result I’m more than happy to do this request- I really appreciate it because I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a while. I tried to get this done asap because I feel like its important I really hope you like it!!
Alright let’s get started lads fem!reader CW: eating disorder, pregnancy
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It’s been days since you had your last meal. As his future wife and a future mother it has worried him sick. And at some points you wonder if he’s only concerned about the baby. You’ve been on birth control for months after having a long talk with Illumi that children would need to wait a bit until you have yourself under control. He’s been acting strangely, he’s been pacing which he has never done before, and snapping at his brothers, sister, and mother.
You sit on the balcony, a heavy rain pounding down, the awning above you barely protecting you. You look into the distance and rub your belly, as if trying to wish away the baby. It’s not that you don’t want children, you really do, and you also want to for Illumi’s sake. But it’s not time. You’re not ready. Your body is too frail and your hips cannot hold a child. The mere thought of something going wrong with your precious baby, is enough to make you sick. You’ve been brewing in bad thoughts for days since you found out- but this isn’t time to sulk...
Illumi opens the sliding door to the balcony, staring at you for a long while before sitting on the ground next to your chair. He grabs your hand on your belly and rubs it gently- with so much affection you feel like he’s a different person.
“Y/n.” He looks up at you with his big, dark eyes. “It’s scary.” He pauses, being unusually sensitive. “I can’t wait for the baby. But I need you right now.” He seems very out of his element, he’s not exactly the type to share his emotions. Though he can tell he needs to put himself aside for the well being of his future wife and future child. “We’re going to get through this together.” He nods to himself, and places his cheek on your hand, “You don’t have to do this alone. You have me now. I apologize that I have not been doing my best for you- but we’ll do it.”
He stands up, bringing you with him, pressing you against his chest. He holds your head against him, then pats your head gently. “We’ll set a schedule. We’ll eat together at every meal. I promise to be here now.” He begins playing with your hair and wraps an arm around your waist, “It’ll be just like training.”
You tilt your head up to him and frown at the training part.
He stutters and says, “No, it’ll be a process.” A sign of small smile makes it’s way onto his face, “Our baby will be just fine.”  
Illumi has never shown you such a sensitive side of him and you begin to wonder if he’s gone through this too. Either way, his comforting head pats and warm chest are enough for you in this moment.
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Sometimes your boyfriend could be just so oblivious. He always cares and pays attention to you but sometimes things go over his head. He equates your morning sickness which is just dry heaving with being dehydrated. Though maybe telling him would just make it easier. You’ve been telling Hisoka that you want to get better. You’re tired of this burden on you constantly. Tired of food looking like poison. He’s done his best to help you. Though he’s somewhat lost in how to do so.
He loves you dearly and honestly how much he loves you sometimes scares you. You try not to think about what lengths he’s gone for you.
Hisoka is laying in bed, shuffling cards and twirling them on his finger.  He’s quite good with his hands. Quiet music plays from the radio- some new hip hop hit. He averts his eyes from his cards, to look at you. It’s been a month and it’s about time he knows why your belly has a small bulge- it not being from you eating better or more.
You spit it out- wasting no time and getting to the point. “I’m pregnant.” You close your eyes, as if scared he’s gonna lash out or break something. But none of that happens, it’s silence.
You peek one eye open to see him doe eyed, caught in head lights. The cards fall out of his hands. He clears his throat and fixes his face, “Come here baby.” You obey him and sit down next to him on the bed, he pulls you onto his lap and holds your face in his hands.
“I wish you told me sooner. I could have prepared.”
Eyes begin swelling in your eyes and he once again looks stunned. You burst into tears and hold onto his shirt, nuzzling your head into his neck. Through broken sobs you manage to say, “I’m no good as a mother. I can’t take care of it! I’m no good Hisoka- what if I kill it? I’m no good.” Sobs rack your body, leaving your trembling against his own body.
Hands grab your shoulders and he pushes you up, then wipes the tears from your face. “You’re perfect to hold a baby. What is it you’re worried about?”
You begin to hyperventilate after you have no more tears to cry. Through each breath you gasp out, “I’m... too... small... what if... I have a...” At the mere thought of your next words your heart begins pounding, “Miscarriage?” You let out one last sob of a word, “I can’t feed me and my baby...”
He shushes you and pushes some hair behind your ear, “Oh honey. You’ve been working so hard on getting better. You’re sick and that’s okay. We just have to work harder? Right?”
Nodding but you still can’t control your breathing, he says, “Come on take a deep breath.” Listening to his directions you do. “It’s gonna be alright. You’ll be a great mother. You work so hard. We just have to keep pushing.”
You nod, and collapse against his chest and whisper, “Is the baby going to be okay?”
“Yes, and so will you.”
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Once the both of you found out you were pregnant, it was pure confusion. You were taking contraceptives and Chrollo knows how much you don’t want a baby right now. It was a long conversation you had when you got contraceptives. Despite wanting a child, he wanted nothing more than you to be happy and healthy. It’s been months, four months to be precise. You lost 3 pounds in that time no matter what you did. You just couldn’t make yourself eat and when you did you felt terrible, guilty.
It was mealtime, all though you haven’t eaten at mealtime in weeks, Chrollo keeps trying. He made a light salad, with tomatoes and olives, that’s all. He knows how the sight of big meals only discourages you.
He steps around the table with a small plate in his hand, and sets it in front of you. A small plate with a few bites of salad. It should be easy. But it’s not. He kisses your forehead and sits on the other side of the table. A candle is lit and a single rose is in a vase. He tries to make every meal seem like a feast but lacking the food. He has a normal size bowl full of salad and he smiles at you from across the table.
“Time to eat.” He takes a bite of his salad- not pressuring you in any way to eat. The plate itself is enough pressure. You pick up the fork like you’ve practiced so many times and stare at the green leaves beneath you. The fork picks up a single leaf and you bring it to your mouth, opening and hesitantly placing it inside. Chewing is almost the worst part- but the worst part is swallowing. You swallow the leaf and look up at Chrollo. You can tell he’s trying to mask his excitement as not to overwhelm you.
The most you manage is another six single leaves, and a single, half cut cherry tomato.
You look up to him once again, shame taking over you, “That’s all I can do...”
His eyes go wide and you wonder if he’s upset that you didn’t keep going. Instead he leaps out of his chair and around the table. He picks you up into his arms and spins you around while laughing. He gently places you back down on the floor and can’t contain his smile.
“Oh darling you’re doing so great. I’m so proud of you.” Tears being to prick at your eyes when hearing his words, “You’re so good, let’s try again tomorrow okay?”
He squeezes you tightly and shakes you side to side, “You’re just so wonderful. I’m so proud.” No one has ever said they’re proud of you besides him. It’s such a blissful sound to your ears.
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aqua-eros · 6 years
MONSTA X astro notes: Lee Jooheon 🐝
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Ladies, gents and non-binary friends, I welcome you once again on this beautiful day to take your time and appreciate the wonderful person that is the main rapper, composer and absolute cutie of Monsta X. Let's see what kind of stars guide the path of Lee Jooheon!
Sun in Libra
Looking at all personal placements as a whole, that will be discussed further on, I can say that his Libra energy is a lot more present and action-based (as it should be), especially as it's backed up by his strong mars. In a way, neither his mars nor other planets push away or cast shadows on his sun, aka ego, personality and individuality, but embrace the sun even more, let it shine and be known.
The core self of Jooheon is represented by the cardinal air sign of Libra, and as the combination suggests, it reflects the need for fairness, equality, objectivity and justice onto the man as well. As a result, such matters of law can be rather important to him, knowingly or not. Of course, fairness or lack of it is a trigger for many people and signs, but it comes from a very personal place for Libras.
this may result in him being secretly/openly petty for certain reasons, most likely associated with justice or lack of it. if someone isn't being honest or fair with him, that's not something he'll easily forget. forgive? probably. forget? no, sir
would not tolerate lack of manners, impoliteness, unreasonable rudeness towards him or other people. such behavior is simply illogical to him when not backed up by rational motives
fashion sense? on point🛍
I bet it stings his ego every time someone tries to scare him lmao, for he is a known scaredy cat
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may be somewhat quick to judge a book by it's cover, even if he's keeping it to himself. but being so observant and good at understanding people, he can't help it, he will instantly know (or not) who he's dealing with
knows how to appeal to others, how to attract and make them fall for whatever his motives or plans are. knows how to work with people and how to work them, so to speak. this can be both good and bad, but also just a way of survival
harmony is often the main goal of libra placements, therefore a lack of it throws them off, as well as their balance. it's an eye for an eye, yin and yang, and if that isn't the reality of things... well, there's no telling what could happen. keep in mind that we're talking about an air sign, and half of the time air-influenced individuals don't really know what to expect of themselves
Speaking of air, Libra placements are known to possess certain duality to their personality, for it may be hard to grasp who they really are on a regular basis. Sure, they have their own beliefs and ideals, yet they are fantastic at adapting themselves to other people, situations and environments. Some, usually wrongly, accuse such behavior of being shallow, indecisive, fake, yet it is Libra placements that know exactly how to act and what to say in order to get what they want. They take action to achieve their goals, and they have all the charm, social skills and creativity to win over anyone's heart. After all, it's hard to resist a venusian sign like that🌹 He lives up to his nickname, Joo-honey, for he is too sweet to ignore.
i'm sure every fan knows how much duality is present in Jooheon, for he can change character in a matter of seconds and not even bat an eye. from rebel to sweetheart, from sinner to the most innocent, you name it, he can do it all and leave you stunned each and every time
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Libra Moon
More Libra energy!🌙 Having this air sign in the moon, a planet of emotions, feelings, instincts and comfort, provides for quite the peaceful, patient, cooperative and socially-oriented individual.
While there is definitely a rebel living inside of Jooheon, he is able to tone that fire down at least for a moment and display great skills of diplomacy, open-mindness and communication, for it is in his nature to get closer to people, form various relationships and bonds, explore them from every corner. He has great understanding of human nature, therefore enjoys finding out as much information as possible about the people he interacts with, relate to it, filter it in order to connect to a person as much as he can. This can grow into a natural gift of negotiation, observation, wider perception of the world and a fair, level-headed mind. Libra moons are good at listening and providing objective points of view in a situation that seems too emotionally heavy or subjective.
The paradox, often founded with Libra moon individuals, is their wish to avoid conflict and keep an emotionally balanced environment and relationships with people, yet somehow, they keep attracting that same conflict, arguments and misunderstandings into their lives unintentionally. It is possible that during these instances, Libras tend to mask their feelings too much and reflect on what others want from them too often, which is, sooner or later, perceived as something fake. Libras might even lose themselves in the process of dealing with others, seeing as no one appreciates their attempts in relating to others, keeping things surface-leveled and comfortable.
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Such occurences take a huge toll on their mental and emotional stability, challenging them in ways they do not appreciate. At the same time, it is oftentimes relationships with other people that hold the many life lessons that Libra moons need to learn and accept throughout life. Such instances are even harder when lunar Libras keep ignoring their own feelings and needs for other people, bending down to please or being too accepting and understanding. Sooner or later, the glass becomes full and can break any moment. When that happens, the sharp pieces of glass will cut through anything in their way, as they shatter all around the place. Just like that, Jooheon may have his moments of sudden and intense emotions that hit him like a train, piercing his heart with unpleasant memories, experiences, silenced words and unhealed wounds. And usually, others get really taken aback from such uncalled behavior from someone who seeks peace, meaning that the bad Libra qualities can show themselves, such as detachment, coldness, shallowness, verbal attacks, along with all of the truth a Libra has observed and can't wait to expose about you. This is a cardinal air sign, and as much as they are kind and considerate, they see and know things you don't want to hear. Ever.
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For Jooheon, it's important to be honest with himself, his emotions, experiences and naturally, other people. In order to keep the water balanced and even in the glass, he must steady the waves and stabilize the many quakes within him before the water can become calm again.
Scorpio Mercury
In addition to his already very perceptive sun and moon, his mercury provides an incredibly intelligent mind and sharp eye for understanding others' actions, words and motives. In fact, he craves receiving as much information as possible, especially the one that is hidden, secret and full of mysteries. You can barely hide anything from him, for he sees it all, in ways that you may not even suspect.
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always thinks of what things he should/should not reveal about himself, therefore you probably won't get a lot from him unless he actually wants to open up. it's a very big step for Scorpio mercury people to open up about their genuine thoughts and feelings, so by doing that they might be overcoming themselves, in a way, showing that they are willing to trust you with their soul
no wonder Jooheon's rapping style and lyrics hit you like bullets. He has a clever mind, plenty observational skills and a wish to speak up about things that are not okay or not discussed enough. And when he pulls you into his spell, he shoots sharply and quickly, leaving the darkest stains behind
thus, on a certain level, his rapping can feel provocative. like an attack. a callout. a statement
has an opinion. a lot of opinions, actually, but will reveal the truth only in the right time and place
mischevious and playful, but his ways are not light-hearted. his interaction with others can seem confrontational
as much as he is an enigma, he also yearns for deep connections, therefore you might even catch him wishing to open up more often than wanting to hide
Venus in Scorpio
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add his venusian loveliness and charm to his marsian/plutonian magnetism and strength and you have one powerful individual
the definition of alluring. doesn't matter if you want it or not, you're already caught in his web and you probably like it, even if it's a bit uncomfortable🕸
Jooheon is most likely private about his personal life or anything, really, which only sparks more interest in people
intriguing. you don't know what to expect from him next but you like the suspense, the mystery, the unknown
every venus sign is attractive in their own way, and Scorpio venus is attractive because of their confidence and intensity. first inpressions are strong and unforgettable with this placement
that intensity stems from the all or nothing attitude towards life, and it's taken very seriously
another thing is Scorpio's natural caution and sensitive instincts. they take their time to adjust themselves to new environments, as well as getting to know people. their defensiveness and sensitivity are spreaded deep withing them like roots, and they'll be damned if they ever show vulnerability. if they do though, it means they trust you with everything they have
which brings me to this: do not break their trust. one way or another, you will regret ever messing with a Scorpio placement. they don't easily forget or forgive
likes getting close, physical and touchy. maybe even too close sometimes⚡
driven, passionate and posessive lover. in fact, the intensity goes beyond love and touches on all things venus: art, friendships, material things, even beauty
ultimately, emotions rule over his body and mind, therefore he acts according to what he feels, no matter how suddenly or thought out🌊
Leo Mars
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you think his Scorpio venus is confident? WELL let me tell you this: his Leo mars excels in that field
in any situation, no matter how loud or quiet Jooheon remains, he's always one of the most noticeable in the room. his aura shines and the attention comes naturally to him, which, btw, he absolutely loves and craves. Leo placements often live for the spotlight and won't be satisfied with a lack of it
hella creative and expressive of his emotions and intentions. sometimes a bit too dramatic or over exaggerating
can be easily offended at times, he's pretty sensitive
the whole world is his stage and he is the biggest star of the show called "life"
goofy, funny and playful🎈but also loud, bold and demanding
C H A R I S M A T I C, another reason why his first impressions are not easily forgotten. his presence is strong, his confidence is obvious, and his goal? is to dominate the scene and ultimately, win, either the competition or your heart🔥
passion is the fuel to his actions and he cannot function properly without it. there needs to be a constant goal he can pursue or do what he loves the most and because of that, grow as a person. his inner fire should never be put out, it is crucial for his survival and well-being
a true performer and skilled entertainer, born to fascinate and capture audiences🎭
being recognised for his efforts is very important to him, on a much deeper level
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as much as he might enjoy fulfilling his own needs and feeding his desires, Leos are also notoriously kind, generous and supportive to their loved ones. they love inspiring and boosting others self-esteem, so any obstacles and difficulties could be overcome even by the most insecure. they are wonderful motivators with insanely big hearts💝
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That is all, folks! Thank you for stopping by💕🌟 and check out my other posts with Hyungwon, Minhyuk, Kihyun, Shownu and Wonho. As always, these are made for fun and should not be taken too seriously.
See you next time for the last, but never the least, post about I.M⚡
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If you've recently begun looking for employment after years from training, you're probably having that "uh oh" moment
If you've recently begun looking for employment after years from training, you're probably having that "uh oh" moment where you do not quite remember where--or how--to begin.
It's OK, we've all been there.  
Once I've covered all of it, the job hunt will immediately transform from something scary to something that you can totally handle.  Trust me, we've got your back.
  If you've been out of school for a while and your resume nonetheless lists your first internships, you're probably better off creating one from scratch.  When it is up to speed, you're going to want to tailor it, measure your bullet points, and cut it down to a single page.  And yes, you'll have to go through this process for each new position you find.  Mostly because the hiring manager's only giving you six seconds--unless you give him or her a reason to stick around longer.
Oh, and that objective statement has to go.  (Unless you're changing careers, in which case, check out the summary announcement )
  For starters, this means that you need to address it to a person.  (And no, that individual's never named,"To Whom it May Concern.")  And that it must open and shut with attention-grabbing lines.
Here's the simplest template for you going.  And a gentle reminder that yes, these actually do still matter.
  LinkedIn is your new preferred form of social media in regards to finding work.  You probably have a profile, but now you would like to craft a fantastic overview that sums up who you are, your professional experiences, and your future aspirations.  In addition you want to customize your headline, join with people that you know (and do not know, but admire), and also attach a number of your own work, such as published articles, advertisements, or media releases.
And yes, you can even make it stand out more using an eye-catching desktop photo.
After all your stuff are in order, you now have the chance to chat with fellow LinkedIn members.  When reaching out to a stranger, customize your message while keeping it short and to the point.  And remember, even though you're on the internet, you still need to keep it professional. For more information visit us at Certifind.
 Get Your Online Presence in Order
As soon as a hiring manager looks at your resume, he or she promptly Googles you (OK, maybe not immediately, but when he or she's interested, it will occur at a certain point).  Which means that everything on your own Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, as well as Pinterest is instantly part of your application.
So how do you handle your social websites for career achievement?  Step one is making certain all public platforms are professional.  That does not mean that you merely share the newest from Forbes.  However, it does mean there is nothing (nothing!)  That may be interpreted poorly.  When in doubt, change your settings and make them personal.
Step two is the interesting part--the part where you get to impress anyone searching for your online presence.  While we advocate building your own personal portfolio (which is not as difficult as it seems ), we also advise you to make sure your bios send the right message --out of your LinkedIn summary to those 160 characters on your own Twitter profile.
 Network (and Then Network More)
So you're going to have to get out and do some networking.  I saw you shudder--but fear not, networking comes in all forms, so no matter if you're introverted or extroverted, there is always a means for you to get in touch with the right men and women.  Emphasis on the right way.
You'll want to begin by reaching out to your own network and letting them know you're looking for a new job (here is a fantastic template for this email).  Then, the more uncomfortable part, asking strangers to help.  It's easier than you might imagine!  For example, this email template can provide you with a meeting with nearly anyone you ask.  The goal here is to set up informational interviews (a.k.a., coffee dates) to not only catch your foot in the doorway, but also find out more about companie you're interested in and find the right fit.
When there's someone you met at a party (or through a friend of a friend of a cousin) who you think could help you out, there is nothing wrong with politely following up and asking to get his or her guidance.  No matter who you know, nearly anyone can develop into a valuable career relationship with a few genuine work.
 Be Deliberate When Applying Jobs
One common misconception about the research is that you should apply to as many jobs as you can, but that is definitely not the case.  Instead, you want to spend time doing your own research, filling out your applications, and only applying for positions you're actually qualified for and interested in.  (Though there are ways to get in the door if you're only slightly under-qualified, or even a bit overly over-qualified.)
Note: A big reason it is far better to aim your search instead of apply aimlessly is as your application has to get through an ATS first--meaning that a robot will browse through your stuff in front of a human does.  There's a means to beyond that stupid bot, but it requires some effort on your end.
And if you're in a unique position--such as changing careers, returning to work after taking time off to raise kids, or rebounding from being laid-off--know you're going to have to take a few added steps.
  Now, before you walk into that meeting, you should practice how you'll answer a few common questions.  You also want to have in your repertoire a collection of tales you can share your previous experiences and how you conquer obstacles.  When the interviewer goes to ask you in the event that you have any questions, you're going to want to come prepared with several good ones.  Basically, this is your chance to show the hiring supervisor who you are and why you would be a great fit for the business.
When that's over, you're down to the final steps.   No, actually, those few lines could make all of the difference.  And in the event that you still have not heard back after a couple of months, then consider following the hiring supervisor to show you're still interested in the situation.
 Bear in Mind That This Process Takes Time
You'll probably begin your hunt super-excited to begin.  Then it is going to drag on and on--and you will find excuses to stop.  Do not!
This is a long process--particularly in the event that you know exactly what you want (which is great!) .  Your application has to capture the attention of active recruiters, hiring managers, and yes, some robots.  Trust me, I know that it's exhausting.  
My advice to you?  Keep your head up, and remember that it is not a race--nothing worthwhile happens overnight.  And on the days when you truly feel like throwing in the toweldo.  Not forever, but for this evening.  You're working hard and you deserve a rest.   The listings will still be present in the morning.
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joegonzagasblog · 4 years
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How affiliates make money (Affiliate marketing tutorial for Beginners )
There are many different avenues affiliate marketers can take to see their profits roll in. Here you’ll find information on some of those which are not usually explained from the standpoint of beginner affiliate marketing strategies. 
 Video Broadcasts
 Can you think of a better way to wow any prospective and current customers better than to provide them with your newly published, top-notch videos? Think of how excited they will be when they realize you are offering them full-motion screen captures, demonstrating your hard work. This will get them motivated to jump right in and purchase your product on the spot! It’s been proven time and again that giving your customers something they can see in action can explode your sales almost instantly. 
Let’s take Camtasia for example. With no need for long training and education sessions to be able to use this system, it can be a profit-pulling addition to your affiliate marketing strategy line. This allows you to create stunning video sessions, from multimedia tutorials to step-by-step presentations which you can make available online.
 For your customers, it will seem like they are sitting right beside you as you show them exactly what they need to see and hear, step by step. 
With all of your customer’s senses engaged, stunning multimedia presentations are proven to increase sales. 
Skepticism is normally reduced, and complaints are minimized as a result of every fact and detail being included in the presentation. It’s easy to conclude the video with your site location for viewers to be redirected for more information. 
Publish value of informational productions are far higher than those which contain only text material. 
The ability to minimize any miscommunications is brilliant. You are instantly showing them what it was they wanted to know in the first place, giving them understanding and clarity of the entire essence of your affiliate program. 
 Press Releases If you happen to have an upcoming event or even newsworthy information related to your site’s primary topic, you may want to consider announcements in the form of 
press releases
. An example would be creating a survey amongst your present visitors and customers. Ask them if they have had any successes or downfalls with a particular line of products that they have purchased from you. 
Write up a report on your findings, and then create a press release! If this is well written, you could easily find yourself with a dramatic rise in sales. It‘s also a great way to provide exposure for your affiliate business, at the same time as it provides exposure to the products you’re promoting. 
Blogs are wonderful business tools for so many reasons. This is the perfect way to reach out to your existing, as well as potential core audience regularly. Your blog can also have a more personal touch to it, allowing your readers to feel like you are addressing them personally. 
Blogs are also an easy way to set up individual spaces for each of your affiliate products. 
Just as you would have individual websites, the same applies to blogs and your affiliate items. You are less likely to see any rise in profit margins if your blog is promoting a different item every second post. When it comes to search engines, they are quite attracted to blogs due to the constant change in information. Fresh content means better indexing on a search rating, thereby giving your particular blog potential for more visitors. More visitors, of course, mean the potential for more money. 
Can you picture yourself climbing the ranks yet? 
The problem many people encounter with this aspect is they start strong, blogging regularly, and obtain a great number of followers. Then, suddenly it appears the writing well runs dry. If you stop posting your regular content on your blog, you’re probably going to lose some of your clientele. 
One of the keys to your successful affiliate marketing ventures is to ensure you keep the lines of communication open. At this point, those lines are directly connected to your blog. 
 RSS Feeds 
RSS is a means by which blogs can broadcast their content to several services and individuals easily and quickly. Your blogging software will probably be able to handle the creation process for your RSS feed automatically. However, having an RSS feed won’t do much good for your traffic statistics if nobody reads it. Therefore you must share your RSS feed with others, usually in the form of pinging. 
Another option for this is to submit your feed to any of the numerous RSS aggregators. 
One important point when using RSS feeds is to not forget to update. Make sure you remember to either ping using a mass-ping service or to manually alert RSS aggregators about your feed every time you update. 
Otherwise, you are losing some of the potential value of the feed. Make your feed itself a moneymaker! Some bloggers who are particularly interested in making their blog pay may want to consider using their RSS feed as a vehicle for advertising. 
 Choosing Affiliate Networks 
While there are many horror stories about affiliate programs and networks floating around, there are ways to choose a good program to promote. The following steps will help guide you in making your decision while steering clear of those which may not be completely legal in their practices. 
Find a program you have an interest in. Chances are there are many others interested in the same program or products as well. 
 Programs of high quality are normally a good choice. Look for those associated with several experts in that industry. 
 If the program is offering real, viable products they are a better choice. The way you can determine if this is the case is by completing some initial research. When possible, try to contact some of the members and customers for testimonials on the credibility of the program. 
Choose a program that is catering to a growing target market. By doing this, you are ensuring there will be continuous demands for referrals. Make as many inquiries as possible. 
Check out forums and discussion boards to receive reliable feedback. 
 Look for programs with residual income compensation plans. Those with a payout of 30% or more are fantastic choices. Programs offering drastically low rewards aren’t worth the time and effort you will need to put into your promotions. 
 Good choices also include those which provide you with plenty of tools and resources to assist you with the growth of your business in the shortest time possible. 
Not all affiliate programs are willing or able to provide you with the tools you need to succeed. 
 Any affiliate program which provides continuous help and upgrades, as well as strong incentives for its members tends to keep them. These types of actions can assure the growth of your network. 
 Having a strong knowledge of the affiliate network you are planning to join is your best action towards anticipating and preventing any potential issues you may encounter. 
 Houston...We Have a Problem  Just as with any other aspect of life, there are sometimes issues or problems you can get hit with unexpectedly. 
Some of these can be avoided, and some you just have to learn to deal with and keep ongoing. Let’s take a look at a few potential issues you could encounter during your affiliate marketing journey. 
Content theft is something that can happen to even the most experienced super affiliate. 
You could be surfing around the internet, and suddenly stumble upon one of your articles or ads, yet there is no link to your site or mention of your name anywhere to be found. You haven’t even heard of this person before! 
Search the site for contact information for either the owner or webmaster where this has happened. You can ask them to please either include your URL or kindly remove your content from their site. Most times this will be sufficient enough to have something done. 
Receiving rejection or termination letters from affiliate managers can be quite a shock. To best avoid any rejection letters, it’s best to make sure you have completely read and understood any terms and conditions set out by the affiliate program you are considering. 
By ensuring you comply with all of their requirements beforehand gives you a better chance at avoiding that rejection in the first place. 
When it comes to termination letters, however, the scenario is a bit different. It’s important to ensure you’re ready to dedicate the time and effort needed to best promote your affiliate programs. 
Before starting the application process for your affiliations, it’s important to be as close to “ready to roll” as possible. This will give you the bonus of being prepared to start almost the minute you receive your acceptance information. 
The idea of companies paying salespeople commissions for selling their products has been around since time untold. 
When the Internet came along, it was only a matter of time before someone thought to devise a way to take the practice online. There is some debate about who pioneered the concept of affiliate marketing, but webmasters of adult websites were among the first to put it into practice in the mid-1990s. 
Affiliate marketing has come a long way since then. It has expanded to every field in online sales. It has evolved into practice with all sorts of nuances and techniques. It has made a lot of people a lot of money, and a whole lot more people a little money. According to Marketing Sherpa, in 2011, affiliates worldwide earned an estimated 9.5 billion dollars in commissions. 
Those who are new to affiliate marketing often have high expectations. They hear the stories of affiliates who are making six figures a year just by promoting other people's products, and they get stars in their eyes. They eagerly sign up for lots and lots of programs, and they start counting the money in their minds. Unfortunately, many of them barely make enough to cover their website hosting, much less a profit.
Maybe you're one of those who became disillusioned after months of barely-existent profits. 
Or maybe you've made some money, but you haven't achieved the success that you had hoped for. Either way, it's important to realize that you – yes, YOU – can make a steady income with affiliate marketing. You don't have to be some kind of guru to make it work. 
You just have to be determined and ready to do what it takes to succeed. In this report, you'll learn how to take your affiliate marketing business to the next level.
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corecrochet-blog · 5 years
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Blog #2 Thursday, July 18th - You Should Practice What You Preach
Own It
Have you ever tried to venture outside your comfort zone to learn something new? If so, you'll know that it's easier said than done due to the amount of hurdles you may have to overcome initially.
So what do you do? Many people have found success by turning to their peers, YouTube videos, or even buying a course. I believe that there are a few things you should know before you tackle a new endeavor.
In my last post I challenged many of you to write down the barriers to a goal that you deemed difficult or unattainable. I’m a big believer of practicing what I preach, and this blog will detail my journey over the course of this week as I took a spoonful of my own medicine and challenged myself to expand my crochet abilities. I owned it.
The Three Golden Rules
If you're looking for a shortcut to achieving success, this isn’t the blog for you. The best method to ensure success in anything you do is by focusing on these three pivotal concepts.
1) Failure Isn’t Always A Bad Thing
When you first begin a new endeavor, you should always train your mind to understand that things may not turn out perfectly on your very first attempt. If it isn't, you'll have trouble coming to grips with the outcome of your efforts, and you’ll be more likely to get frustrated and throw in the towel.
My first blog was titled, ‘Allow Yourself To Fail and See What Happens.’ This blog was an embodiment of me coming to grips with the idea that this vision would not be easy to obtain. Part of what held me back over these last few months was simply not being able to live with the fact that it may not work out how I intended.
I allowed my mind to cripple my ambition, my aspirations, and my efforts. My own doubt was a crutch until I sat and evaluated how bad I wanted this. I encourage you to evaluate what’s important in your life.
You’d be amazed how many projects I started and set aside because I didn’t like the way things were going. I often ponder where I would be now if I’d simply learned from what worked and what didn’t work during those moments of frustration.
Over the course of your journey to reach whatever it is you wish to attain, enjoy every part of the journey. Enjoy the small successes that are birthed out of inconvenient setbacks.
My commitment to enjoying this process has led me to bringing to life these products you see below. In five days I went from having little to no knowledge of crocheting baby products to having a respectable collection of products that I felt comfortable making.
Personalize At: www.corecrochet.com/babylovers
When things don't initially work out, stop and take a step back. Then breathe, evaluate the situation, and identify what can be done differently going forward. The difference between yourself and a millionaire is that they didn’t allow a minor setback to prevent them from reaching their goals.
You shouldn't either.
2) Step Outside Your Comfort Zone For Help.
This is a problem many people I know struggle with. I’ve often struggled with putting myself out there and ‘bothering’ someone with a question that I felt they would think was trivial or stupid.
I never wanted to be the person that was annoying someone with constant questions and problems. In a way it was due to insecurities I had with myself. I felt that people viewed me as someone that had it all together, when the reality was I was just stumbling along like them.
What I’ve learned is that there are so many tools out there to help people like you and I. YouTube is a great tool that I've become best friends with. Not only are there insurmountable tutorial videos for projects large and small, there are so many people out there that simply want to help.
Over the course of this week, I’ve noticed that after I posted a seemingly simple comment, there was an influx of people that joined my thread of comments searching for the same information. It was almost like the bystander effect for social media. Everyone had the same question, but no one wanted to stick their necks out and ask it.
In turn I noticed that I gained more information than I’d originally intended because the sum of the parts was greater than the individual pieces. The internet is a great tool to gain information and while many of you are uneasy about confronting people face to face with questions, the internet offers an invisibility cloak to allow you to seek information without direct judgment.
This week I’ve learned that chances are if I had a question, there were at least one or two other people with the same question. So, I encourage to not let your uneasiness get the best of you. Ask away. There are so many wonderful people on the internet that would love to help you out.
How can they do that if you don't seek help?
3) Tune Out The Doubters.
My last tip is very simple in concept, but difficult in application. In the heat of frustration, it’s easy to listen to those that simply don’t want to see you succeed. I advise you to ignore them.
Instead, ensure that you have a committed support system around you to offer constructive criticism, rather than people that only want to criticise. People often live within their comfort zone and are afraid of taking a chance by venturing out to try something new.
Their insecurities manifest in the form of them suggesting you quit what you’re doing. Don’t listen to them and don’t quit.
Earlier in this post I mentioned enjoying the journey and the nay-sayers are definitely part of the journey. Those that question and doubt you now will be asking for your help and support in the future.
In conclusion, you now have my most successful tips for success. Of course there are many more tips I could offer, but I try to keep my blog posts short, sweet, and to the point.
If there is anything that you’d like me to go more in depth about, I encourage you to email me at [email protected]. Not only am I more than willing to help, reaching out to ask for help with concepts that are foreign to you is my second tip for success, as mentioned above.
As we head into the weekend, I challenge you all to ask your friends and family what are some of the goals or projects they are working towards. Then, I encourage you to ask them how you can assist them in reaching their goal.
Like I mentioned earlier, many people let their fear of asking a question prevent them from being great. My current success now can be attributed towards my friends reaching out to me and asking me what I needed. Had I not expressed my desire to start this crochet business, I would not have been approached by my business partner with the answers to my question in the form of a website, product catalogue, and business cards as mentioned in last weeks blog post.
To shop any of the new product I’ve created this week, visit https://www.corecrochet.com/babylovers.
Thank you all for continuing to be a valuable part of my success! You can check out last weeks blog by clicking this link: https://www.corecrochet.com/post/successinfailure.
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bluewatsons · 7 years
Diana Rehm, Inside Addictive Treatment, DianeRehm.org (February 11, 2013) [continued]
Diane Rehm: And welcome back. Let's open the phones now, 800-433-8850. First to Central New Hampshire. Good morning, John.
John (caller): Good morning. I'm one of those -- I'm affiliated with AA and have been for a long time. And it's been really interesting to hear your speakers today because I fall into that category in the program they call high functioning drunks. And I spent 20 years going to lots of different meetings. And because I had not had all those hard negative consequences they were talking about, I hadn't lost a job, I was, you know, continuing to meet my goals. I hadn't gotten any DUIs, I drank following sort of a set of rules and yet I knew I still had a problem. . . But every time I went to an AA meeting in different groups and different states over 20 years I kept feeling like I didn't fit. And there weren't really the tools for me to make use of to address my high functioning -- you know, my drinking and addiction-based thinking. The AA's really good at putting people with a lot of problems that have had -- you know, that are in there true bottom stage and helping them climb out of that and having meaningful lives. . . But it seems to me that what ended up working for me, and I've been sober for seven years...
Diane Rehm: Congratulations.
John (caller): ...is that in the process the first thing you do is stop drinking, and then you're dry but you're not sober. And it's only through doing all the steps it seems to me that the anchoring process in the whole thing is based on relationships. And as far as most of the people that I know that are sober started like me and had a connection with somebody -- a meaningful personal connection with somebody who had some sobriety who could shepherd them. And in the program, we often called that a sponsor, but it may not be your actual sponsor. It may just be someone else that's in the program.
Diane Rehm: Sure. Sure.
John (caller): And then from that relationship you trust their judgment that they've accomplished something that you haven't. And then you accept a spiritual relationship. And it's from that acceptance of a true spiritual relationship that you actually get the help that -- to be sober.
Diane Rehm: All right. John, thanks for calling. That word spiritual may put some people off some programs, Anne.
Anne Fletcher: Well, yeah, it's what I said earlier. It's great when it works but it doesn't work for everybody. And it's not, you know -- Bill Wilson who found -- co-founder of AA never says that AA was the be all and end all. He said, you know, that he did not expect -- he doesn't like -- he didn't like dogma and that we found an approach that works for us, is what he said. And if you can find some other way then do it your way. So...
Diane Rehm: Here is an email from Nichole titled "My Father and Addiction." She says, "I know many inpatient programs will not accept alcoholics until they have been alcohol-free for at least a month. My father, a veteran, had to leave the State of Michigan to find an inpatient program to accept him. I feel this is a problem many are unaware of. Unless somebody wants to be a part of religiously affiliated program such as AA, there are few options." Dr. Seppala, is that a prerequisite at Hazelden?
Marvin Seppala: No, not at all. In fact our programs provide detoxication services and all medical and psychiatric services necessary to initiate treatment for folks. It would be an unusual setting that would require that sort of detoxification take place before initial care.
Diane Rehm: Dr. Seppala, tell me how much and, shall we say, an ordinary perhaps three-month stay at Hazelden can cost? And does insurance cover any or all of it?
Marvin Seppala: Yeah, I'm better off describing a one-month stay because that's a more common stay in our residential site and it would be 25 to $30,000. It's extremely expensive and that's why we describe it as tertiary care requiring good evaluation to determine the appropriateness of that level of care. When people don't meet, you know, the necessary requirements for that type of care, we'll send them to outpatient which is going to be more in the range of 5 to $7,000 for...
Diane Rehm: And does insurance cover any of it?
Marvin Seppala: Insurance covers both actually, both residential and outpatient care, but not all insurance. And what we've been seeing in the last year or so is that insurance is really limiting access to treatment of all types, both residential and outpatient in trying to -- on an outpatient basis where it is much less costly, even there to limit the length of time people could be involved. And when we discussed earlier that these are chronic illnesses, we need to be involved on an outpatient basis long term to help folks. . . And the entire treatment field and the insurance industry hasn't really recognized that and provided the type of care and structure necessary for that yet.
Diane Rehm: Anne, is that amount he mentioned typical of what you found?
Anne Fletcher: Yes, of the high-end kind of programs, yep. I found one program that I visited more kind of a celebrity rehab type place. It was really interesting. It was $38,000 whether you stayed one month or three. And actually it was quite a bargain for three months. And the reason they did that was because they wanted to encourage you to stay three months because the outcomes were much better for the people who stayed three months. ... But there really isn't -- this was a quote from one of the experts in my book -- there isn't any supporting evidence for -- I believe the way he said it was a short term burst of treatment that removes you from reality, that puts you away -- takes you away from your regular life. Yes, there are those few exceptional cases where somebody has a severe psychiatric problem. They can't stay sober. They've tried outpatient treatment many, many times. They may be suicidal and they do need to be removed from reality. But for the most part there isn't evidence supporting that model where you take people away. ... And, you know, there -- people don't realize, they don't -- just this knee-jerk reaction that you need to go away for treatment. You know, not only should people give more thought to outpatient treatment -- and by the way, there's no evidence that paying more money gets you better treatment. There are very good -- I found some very excellent community-based outpatient programs that had more state-of-the-art treatment -- now I'm not saying there aren't very good expensive programs out there, because I found excellent ones that were. . . But I also found excellent, very inexpensive, as I said, community-based programs that had masters-level therapists -- masters-degree level, that had very comprehensive programs that addressed the psychiatric and psychological needs as well as addiction needs, nutrition, getting people back to school, a whole life kind of approach.
Diane Rehm: So, Beth, what about the cost of a program like yours on an inpatient basis?
Beth Kane-Davidson: Oh, you mean -- for our patient, it's outpatient and so...
Diane Rehm: All outpatient.
Beth Kane-Davidson: Yeah, all outpatient. And of course that is less expensive. Our outpatient program runs around 4 or $5,000 for the intensive part. And then what's been brought up is, to me, the most critical part is the continuing care. We have continuing care which used to be in the old days a set time. You know, you would do 25 sessions. Now we've switched to open-ended. We want -- people need to come back, they need to stay engaged in treatment, they need the continued support.
Diane Rehm: And to what extent do the insurance companies step in?
Beth Kane-Davidson: They do step in. We have contracts with almost all of the insurance companies but I do echo what was said earlier. We getting a squeeze on our end. And we do have to get preauthorization and then continue authorizing the session so it's not like you just get a blanket, do what you need to do.
Diane Rehm: I see. Yeah.
Beth Kane-Davidson: And it goes back to, you know, this is a very complex treatment that we have to give. And so we do have to look at the individual and we do have to work within, you know, the perimeters of the insurance and what they're saying and what we need.
Anne Fletcher: But again we're talking, you know, about severe, severe cases much of the time. That's a small percentage of the people with substance problems. We also have not talked at all about seeing an individual therapist. Now most psychologists don't have training -- and physicians in addiction treatment and that's unfortunate. They don't receive that training in school. But you can find them, and I talk in my book about how you can find doctors and psychiatrists and psychologists with special training in the field to work with one on one. That's how I overcame my drinking problem, working one on one with a psychologist who had addiction training.
Diane Rehm: What's...
Anne Fletcher: And my insurance paid for it.
Diane Rehm: ...what's the difference, Dr. Seppala, of treating an alcohol versus a drug addicted individual?
Marvin Seppala: There are some differences specific to the type of substance that people use, but there's also remarkable similarities. We understand the neurobiology of addiction in a tremendous manner now than we did 20 years ago even. And it reveals the two aspects of brain function are dramatically altered. First, the reward center has been altered in a way that the person wants to continue to use the drug at a subconscious level. Drive states have been reprioritized so that in severe addiction people will risk their lives to get that drug and keep using or get alcohol and keep using. ... Even survival itself dropping down in priority secondary to the drive to continue to use that drug. In the prefrontal cortex where executive functions take place where we make decisions, think things through, look at the future has been altered in such a way that we can't recognize what is going on. We can't see the consequences. . . So even though I agree with many of the points made by Anne in her book, and she does help to describe a lot of the problems facing the addiction treatment field as a whole, she hasn't really described this function that we know from a neurobiological basis that limits people's own recognition of the problem and thus can undermine their attempts to seek treatment, let alone to get good treatment.
Diane Rehm: So it depends quite often on the people around you.
Marvin Seppala: It sure does. You really need people that care about you, that love you or even just a judge that knows you because of an illegal act, or an employer that's going to say, hey you need treatment. Hazelden did some studies actually almost a couple decades ago now, where they looked at how and why people enter treatment. Over 95 percent of people are coming in because of someone else in their life requiring that they address the issue. ... And they also -- we also looked at, you know, who did better, those that came of their own accord, which was a small group, versus those that were there because someone else insisted. And actually those folks that someone else insisted had slightly better outcomes than those that were there of their own accord, which we found to be unusual. But it's just what the numbers turned out to be.
Diane Rehm: Anne.
Anne Fletcher: I look at the literature of somebody who did a big, like, international look at the literature on kind of forcing people into treatment. And he said it's actually a huge national social experiment that we're engaged in in this country because we really don't know whether it helps people or harms people. But the most important point in all of this is by focusing on a small segment of the population, that's people with severe addictions, only 1 percent of the population in any one year has the kind of severe alcoholism that we think of as Nicholas Cage in "Leaving Las Vegas." Only 1 percent of the population. . . Most people with addiction don't have that kind of severe addiction, and that's what we're focusing on when we talk about people that we're talking about. More people would be helped if we had a broader approach, a less narrow approach to addiction.
Diane Rehm: And you're listening to "The Diane Rehm Show." Let's now go to Jefferson, Ind. Good morning, Terri.
Terri (caller): Good morning. My question is about my brother that's 43, and he's been doing drugs since he was a teenager. As a family we sat down and had an intervention with him and he actually was honest and said he was doing crack cocaine, and told us that we were enabling him. So we cut the cash off from him and a place to stay and dropped him off at a homeless shelter and was hoping that that would be his bottom -- his rock bottom. And actually he's been there for almost two years now. Actually he's homeless from the homeless shelter. So I guess my question would be what would be our next step?
Diane Rehm: What would you say, Beth?
Beth Kane-Davidson: I'd say look into the resources in your community. I think the point of individual addiction treatment counselor, therapist is a great way to go. Somebody that knows addiction and then can help you all figure out how to connect him to someone in the community that can begin helping him.
Diane Rehm: Dr. Seppala.
Marvin Seppala: Yeah, I would echo that. I think an initial evaluation's really essential and gaining some of the resources in the community rather than just a homeless shelter. He needs treatment of some sort to begin to examine the relationship that he has with drugs of abuse and look at some skills to get sober and stay sober.
Diane Rehm: Anne.
Anne Fletcher: There's not a simple answer to this question. it's very hard and sad as a family member when you're in a situation like this, and I feel for you. And I can't give you a simple answer. In both of my books I do talk -- and I have resources for family members -- but I'm going to give you one suggestion. One of the things that I found in doing my research is that there's a huge gap between science and practice. What the research shows to be effective and what's actually going on in many treatment programs in this county. And I only found one out of the 15 programs that is using scientifically-based family approaches, working with the family. ... They're doing a lot of psycho educational workshops educating families about addiction, the disease of addiction and, you know, talking to them about that. And kind of sitting around and talking about things you can and can't do to help the addict. There's a lot of focus on going to Al-Anon. And that's another 12-step-based group for families. And it does help families. There's research that it helps the family member but there's kind of this feeling that you can't really do anything to help the addict or get the addict into treatment. And that's not true. ... The CRAFT approach, which I mentioned earlier, which was developed by Dr. Robert Meyers, there is a book that I'm going to recommend, somebody's else's book called "Get Your Loved One Sober." And that has specific research-based strategies for family members of a loved one. "Get Your Loved One Sober," and that is published by Hazelden. And that is something that can help people with a loved one with an addiction, people who feel helpless like you.
Diane Rehm: And one last question. Terri said that they tried an intervention. Does a professional need to be present for an...
Anne Fletcher: CRAFT has been found to be far more effective than interventions in helping loved ones and getting them into treatment than interventions. Statistically I think it's 70 percent more effective. No, I know what it is. Seventy percent of people who participate in CRAFT in the research studies go into treatment. And those numbers are much greater than people who participate in intervention. It's striking. It's just striking.
Diane Rehm: Well, clearly lots of possible outcomes here, lots of resources. We'll have some of these listed at our website drshow.org. Thank you all so much. Anne Fletcher, her book is titled "Inside Rehab." Beth Kane-Davidson. She's at Suburban Hospital, John's Hopkins Medicine and Dr. Marvin Seppala of the Hazelden Foundation. Thanks for listening, all. I'm Diane Rehm.
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mehakzz · 11 months
Why Is Early Childhood Education Important?
Youth instruction is a term that alludes to the timeframe from a youngster's introduction to the world to when they enter kindergarten, as indicated by Expert, scholastic program chief for the BA in Youth Improvement at School. As per Expert, it is a significant time in youngsters' lives since it is the point at which they initially figure out how to cooperate with others, including friends, educators, and guardians, and furthermore start to foster interests that will remain with them all through their lives.
In any case, Expert says it's a typical misperception that youth training is just about mastering fundamental abilities. "It's far beyond that," she says. "It's when kids master basic social and close-to-home abilities and an organization is shaped between the kid, their folks, and the instructor. At the point when this is done effectively, it lays the foundation for it to go on all through the kid's schooling."
Countries all over the planet are becoming mindful of the significance of youth schooling also. UNESCO (Joined Countries Instructive, Logical and Social Association) is a worldwide administering body whose mission is "to add to the structure of harmony, the destruction of destitution, manageable turn of events, and intercultural exchange through training." This is the very thing that the association says regarding the significance of youth schooling:
"Youth care and training (ECCE) is more than groundwork for elementary school. It focuses on the all-encompassing improvement of a kid's social, personal, mental, and actual necessities to fabricate a strong and wide starting point for deep-rooted learning and prosperity. ECCE has the likelihood to support mindful, competent, and capable future residents."
What Explicit Results Does Youth Instruction Have on a Youngster's Future?
The results fluctuate, as Expert makes sense of, however, all have been positive. "Studies have taken a gander at everything from the expansive social advantages of youth instruction to something as unambiguous as STEM learning results (Science, Innovation, Designing, and Math) and how acquainting kids with these points right off the bat can have an enduring effect," she says.
She likewise focuses on the significance of empowering youth instructors to get to truly know their understudies and every one of their particular advantages. "When [teachers] do that, that relationship can truly impact the understudies every day and construct trust — and studies have shown that when kids are agreeable and trust individuals around them, they learn all the more rapidly and effectively," she says.
Parental inclusion is likewise a major part of this relationship-building process, and Expert says instructors at this level must work intimately with the families. "At the point when the organization among instructors and the family is effective, we see that repeating decidedly all through the kid's life," she makes sense of.
How Is It to Function in Youth Training?
As per Expert, somebody who appreciates working with youngsters and needs to have an enduring effect on their lives will most likely be content with lifelong youth training. "Assisting youngsters with learning and development is a major piece of it, however, this field likewise gives bunches of chances to develop yourself — in your insight as well as in general in your social profound development too. It can assist you with creating initiative abilities and turn into an intelligent specialist."
In the event that you're keen on seeking a vocation in youth training, the initial step is to procure a four-year college education. Notwithstanding's expectation's in your certificate program, there might be state or country-explicit coursework. Contingent on where you might want to work, whether in the U.S. or on the other hand abroad, you ought to contact the state Branch of Training or the country's Service of Instruction to find out about any area explicit course or licensure necessities.
What Are The absolute Greatest Difficulties Individuals Working in Youth Schooling Face?
Expert says that quite possibly of the greatest tests teachers face is tracking down the right harmony between working one-on-one with youngsters and dealing with the bigger gathering in general. "For instance, in the event that you're working in a study hall, you could be truly centered around realizing what a kid's particular advantages and needs are — in the meantime you have loads of different kids who likewise need your consideration."
Sorting out some way to apply and execute homeroom norms can likewise be an issue for new instructors. "I went a little off the deep end with making diagrams in my most memorable year," she says, "However the more I was in the field, the more I had the option to take a full breath and understand that I didn't should be so unforgiving with myself."
She suggests that instructors not beat themselves up assuming that they commit an error. "Try not to attempt to be awesome," she says. "You really should simply continue onward."
How Could Educators Boost Learning Results for Kids at This Age?
To obtain the best results in youth schooling, Expert firmly proposes working understudies' regular interests into example plans. "Indeed, we need to take a gander at guidelines," she says. "Indeed, there are boxes we really want to check, however, a tremendous piece of how we manage small kids is checking out their inclinations and utilizing those interests to all the more likely connect with them in learning."
Expert makes sense that educators can take the points or branches of knowledge that entrance individual understudies and develop them through in-class or at-home exercises. Focusing on these areas can assist understudies with creating decisive reasoning abilities, permitting them to offer more mind-boggling responses than "yes" or "no." To represent this procedure, Expert depicts an understudy who showed an enthusiasm for bugs. From the beginning, she says she was surprised and didn't have the foggiest idea what to do, however, at that point she understood she could involve this interest in bugs to draw in the kid in various subjects other than science. "There could be math in there, language expressions — it was truly about utilizing the youngster's particular interest to open new entryways for them."
For what reason Should Understudies Seek after a Lifelong in Youth Training?
Youth training is a wide and different vocation way. Assuming that you appreciate working with kids and will invest the energy important to procure your certificate, Expert accepts you will think that it is fulfilling.
It is likewise a developing field. As per the Department of Work Measurements, the work standpoint for people working in youth training major areas of strength is, the work of preschool educators expected to grow 10% throughout the following eight years. In 2017, the middle yearly compensation for preschool educators was $28,990, with the most noteworthy 10% of workers making more than $54,000. The middle in California is $36,760. (As indicated by BLS measurements, "middle" compensation is the midpoint between half of laborers who acquire more than that sum and a big part of laborers who procure less.)
Yet, a preschool study hall isn't the main spot you can go with your certification. Expert began her vocation in a kids' safe house close to San Diego. "It was a 24-hour office," she reviews. "The youngsters lived there and went to class nearby. At times the site filled in as a progress among families and child care."
The expert adds that as well as finding positions at schools, a portion of her past understudies have joined the groups at training-related non-benefits — and fell head over heels for the work they do there.
As per the BLS, the top businesses of preschool instructors are:
State, nearby, and non-public schools.
Individual and family administrations.
Strict, grantmaking, proficient, and comparable associations.
Kid daycare administrations.
Other vocation choices are accessible with extra training in youth schooling.
"[I]f you proceed to get your lord's, you can fill in as an associate overseer of early schooling project or educate at a junior college," Expert says.
As per the US Division of Schooling, alumni of youth instruction projects can be equipped for various situations past showing preschool, including:
Family administration staff.
Early learning and advancement programs.
Baby and little child subject matter experts.
Early mediation subject matter experts.
Youth unique instructors.
Home guests and related specialist organizations.
Early Advantage and Early Head Start instructors.
What Makes Public College's Four-year certification in liberal arts in Youth Training (BAECE) Program Stick Out?
Prior to joining the full-time personnel at Public, Expert filled in as an assistant lecturer for quite a long time. What struck her most about the program during her initial very long time at the college was its emphasis on the understudies and the responsibility level of employees.
"My program chief called me all an opportunity to monitor how my classes were going," she says. "He would agree that things like, 'We're considering changing something for this class you're instructing, what is your take?' He generally needed my feedback regardless of how little of a matter it was."
The Public's BAECE program is lined up with public guidelines so understudies can be sure they will graduate with the right arrangement of abilities to enter the working environment. You'll gain from training experts with direct showing experience, including full-time and assistant employees who are either as yet showing in youth schooling or have shown in the field previously.
"We are anxious to impart our own encounters to our understudies. Indeed, even in the web-based classes, I'll raise instances of what went all around well and what didn't in a homeroom setting," Expert says.
One more part of Public's BAECE program that is well-known with understudies is field insight. Public understudies total roughly five hours of field insight for each class they take. The expert makes sense of the field experience learning part is generally attached to a particular task in class. For instance, assuming an in-class subject is
Notwithstanding the Four-year certification in liberal arts in Youth Training (BAECE) program, Public likewise offers an Expert of Youth Schooling, which shows understudies how to assess youth by showing practices and strategies and looking at their effect on youngsters, families, schools, and the local area. The graduate degree opens up extra professional prospects, for example, instructing at the school level or coordinating a youth training focus or program.
Which Job Does Licensure Play in Your Vocation as a Youth Teacher?
As in most showing vocations, extra qualifications past a connected degree are frequently required to have been utilized at a particular kind of school or in a particular city, state, or country.
For instance, in California, those looking to turn out to be youth teachers are expected to apply for a grant from the state's Bonus on Educator Credentialing. Licenses arrive at various levels in view of occupation obligations, (for example, assuming you'll regulate others), and, accordingly, necessities change for each.
What's the significance here When a Class is Presented in an Accuracy Learning Organization?
To ensure understudies benefit from their classes, some (counting the previously mentioned '"play" course) are presented in an "accuracy learning design." Accuracy learning is a customized approach to educating that permits understudies to get any help they need right off the bat. An expert, who was one of the organizers behind this learning design, accepts this configuration is basic to an understudy's progress in the class; they'll comprehend how they advance and afterward can plan their concentration likewise.
"In an accuracy learning design, understudies are given open doors for learning in a more customized manner," she makes sense of. "We set it up so they get the assistance they require when they need it and can flourish subsequently."
As per Expert, the solution to "for what reason is youth schooling significant" lies in the reality that these are basic improvement years. During this time, significant connections are shaped in youngsters' lives, and organizations are created between educators, companions, and guardians.
In the event that you are keen on venturing out toward a fulfilling and popular vocation, if it's not too much trouble, visit the program page for Public College's Four-year education in liberal arts in Youth Training accessible nearby and online to find out more. You can likewise get extra data and address a guide by taking care of out the Solicitation for Data structure in total agreement.
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