#''it's a toughie!'' no it's not!! you're just lazy!!!!!
neuvettel · 5 months
fucking up martijn's surname already 😭
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plutounknown · 1 month
With a lazy yawn, Ma Fitz opened her eyes to the bright and enduring sun of the day. She blinked past some of the sleep still present and ruffled her feathers, losing a few in the process of shedding. After a light stretch, she flew from the branch which she had been sleeping on to a different branch, one better suited at watching those who passed and those who stopped.
Really, life as an owl was about as simple as she could ever want it to be. It meant waking up whenever she so pleased and flying off to do whatever she so wanted. A "life" that others might have found shallow or hollow, she took great delight in. Considering herself retired from the show business and the many, many cogs which moved that business meant that she could never be told that she had done nothing or was choosing to be lazy on purpose. Dogs in high and lowly places could never turn their noses up at her and the things she chose to do. Not when they could not even begin to compare to her or the things that she had done. The mark which she had left. Perhaps that too was why she was so obsessed with life, it was too short not to try and leave something behind.
"Well I'll be darned!"
In her own thoughts, she had become distracted enough not to see or hear the figure now below her. It was a dog, if the sound of a customarily wagging tail and soft panting was any indication, but more specifically, it was a dog likely seeking out her services, meaning that it was a customer. Ruffling her feathers one last time to look as presentable as possible, Ma Fitz cleared her throat and turned her gaze downward, starting with the line she always used.
"Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it, the tree is the real–Peg?" she asked, mostly in disbelief. "Is that you?"
"What? D'you want me to start singing and dancing?" Peg laughed. "I was worried for a second there that you wouldn't recognize me."
Wasting no time, the owl flew down, landing with a gentle flutter just before the dog she had once guided to fame. There she wrapped Peg in a warm embrace within her wings, a gesture which she was happy to return.
"Geez Ma, it's been a while but I didn't realize you'd miss me that badly," Peg snarked, although there was no edge to her voice.
"Miss you? Honey I thought I'd never see you again. When we agreed to drop all contact I..." she shut her beak and shook her head. "I'm so glad that you're okay. Bull and Toughy, are they–"
"They're fine," Peg assured her. "A little older and a little less quarrelsome, but they're still themselves."
Ma Fitz took another deep sigh of relief, nodding her head with a pleased rhythm.
Peg took a moment to look the owl up and down, observing gray feathers, crooked talons and a cataract fogging up one eye, "You look... good."
If she took any offense to Peg's analysis, she did not show it, "No need to mince words honey, these past few years haven't been the easiest on me. Turns out that dying and then coming back to life doesn't do wonders for the way you look."
"Do I want to know?"
"In a moment, probably," Ma Fitz said with a shrug. "If you're already here, then I assume that you've already been over to see Dizzy."
"First thing I did when I got to town," Peg said, grinning. "Kid's gotten so big. I can hardly believe that she was small enough to fit under my tail once." She looked up dreamily, taking a moment to reminisce, before quickly remembering the purpose of her visit, "Thanks for keeping an eye on her all these years. I don't think I ever would have been able to leave if you weren't watching out."
"Don't mention it. She's strong, independent. I sent a friend or two her way but for all the things that she did on her own, she did them alright."
Peg smiled again, "I did get that impression. I uh," she cleared her throat, "I tried asking her what happened to Robert. Couldn't get a straight answer out of her. You wouldn't happen to know would you?"
"I happen to know most of what happened to everyone who was apart of the crew," Ma Fitz said softly. "The real question is if you want to know."
With only some reluctance, evident in the stiff motion of her neck, Peg nodded.
"Robert," Ma Fitz began, "he was pretty upset with the whole situation as you may remember. That didn't really change any time after you left. He seemed content to just take care of Dizzy for a while, but there was no life to his step, no real desire to live. One day, he found me, asked me to make sure Dizzy was gonna be fine and then begged me not to follow after him. He went north, anything else, I don't know about." She took a moment to see for any reaction from Peg, surprised to find her emotionless. "You're not mad that I just let him walk away like that are you?"
Peg looked to the ground for a long while and then only shook her head, "All that matters is that Dizzy was and is safe. What about Cliff and Rick?"
"Those two," Ma Fitz said, dread creeping up in her voice, "those two are the ones that I don't know about. They were supposed to meet me at the station the day after you left, but they never showed. I scouted around, asked where I could, but as far as I searched, they both seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth."
"You don't think that..." Peg trailed off, shuddering at a thought which crossed her mind.
"There's always the possibility, but this is Cliff and Rick we're talking about," Ma Fitz said in as assuring a tone as she could muster. "The two of them have hideouts where foxes have holes. They're probably alright, even if they plan on laying low until the end of time."
"And Randall?"
"Randall went and, well you know how Randall was," she coughed lightly and took a moment to swipe at her feathers with her beak. "He uhm, he could never get over your former advisor. After you left, the old dog settled down with his master and Randall stuck around, taking orders whenever he felt like handing them out. I think he caught the flu one winter and passed, but it was quick, didn't last long."
"Huh," Peg huffed softly to herself.
"For what it's worth, he did mention once that if he ever got the chance to see you again, he would apologize and I get the feeling that the old dog would've done the same."
She snorted, easily dismissive of the idea, "He would never. According to him, he was never in the wrong. I was just too young to tell that he had a way about him. He spread all those rumors about me and Robert for more publicity with the dogs in town. He even made a big deal about Dizzy being the only one of that litter to make it past a day. I'm glad he never got into her ear." She shook her head annoyingly and then focused on Ma Fitz herself, "What about you? You definitely look the part of someone who's changed professions."
"Oh you don't have to worry about silly, old me. I probably did get blacklisted from the business because everyone knew Otto had it out for us, but I retired voluntarily and honestly, I've never been happier. Death will do that to you."
Peg gave her another forlorn look, one which caused the owl to quickly reiterate.
"It was sudden. Too sudden for me to even remember if it hurt. Long story short, I did a little bit of tinkering around with the dark arts before getting shot by a hunter and that gave me the means to bring myself back."
"Dark arts?" Peg asked, her face screwed up in confusion.
"Voodoo, magic, whatever you want to call it," Ma Fitz said with a shrug. "All that matters is that nowadays I can toy around with life and death and predict the future while the future predicts me."
"...which is why you hang around on branches repeating the ramblings of someone who doesn't know what to do, where to go or when to go to it."
She shrugged again, a grin growing on her beak, "The shadow is what you think of it, the tree is the real thing."
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justali-anne · 1 year
Undertale characters - Scale of GOODNESS
Bad Boi/Gorl/Smol
Dahk Grey
Somewhat Gud
A Good Boi/Gorl/Smol!
A Fantastic Boi/Gorl/Smol!!!
Frisk (3) - Depends on the route. This kid is capable of anything, from saving all of monsterkind to assisting with the erasure of the world!
Flowey (2) - He is a bad guy for the most part, but he has some redeemability to him.
Toriel (5/6) - She's in between these. What stops her from a higher rating is her hypocrisy and bitterness towards Asgore (which is totally justified). Otherwise, she's an overly worrying mother figure who's been through a lot of crap, and honestly just wants you to be safe (though she could improve her approach a bit).
Sans (6) - I might be a little biased here (lol), but when I look at Sans, all I get from him is silly supportive big brother vibes. He wants the best for his friends and his brother especially and he proves to be insanely loyal to them. He wants to befriend you but if you drive him to it, he will try to stop you in any way possible from destroying the world. What keeps him from being a 7 is, well, his laziness. Also his hesitation to stop you from killing everyone he cares about until you're LV 19. And his mischievous tendencies, of course. Seriously, edgy much?
Papyrus (7) - Need I say more? Okay, actually, yes I will. Papyrus is goofy, supportive, ambitious, loyal, and tries his best with everything he does, even when he's bad at it. He keeps that beautiful balance of being a mature adult while healthily embracing his inner child. He believes in you, even when you don't. He's just... He truly deserves the name he gives himself.
Undyne (5) - She attacks a human child, sure... But honestly, I think she's just trying her best. When you befriend her, she's actually a really good friend. Loyal, supportive, passionate, fun to be around... And she will immediately step in when she can to help others in need. What keeps her from being higher is... well, other than her meanness, the fact that she thought it would be best to kill a child.
Alphys (3) - Alphys is a toughie. She's not BAD, but she's not entirely good either. She's nice and very passionate once you get to know her, and her anxiety and depression makes it super hard to hate her, at least for me. Especially since she sincerely regrets everything she's done. But... experiments aside (which I don't think she would have anticipated), she still has manipulative tendencies and is a compulsive liar. She lied about Mettaton to get her job in the first place, she used Mettaton to be a part of Frisk's story, and she lied to Undyne about things like anime so Undyne would think she's cool. She can actually be pretty dangerous if she applies herself to the wrong thing. But honestly, I don't think she's entirely bad, and she has the potential to become a much better person. She's already proved this when she evacuated all the monsters in the No Mercy route. She'll get there.
Mettaton (3) - He's selfish, egotistical, a bad boss towards Burgerpants in particular, vain, dangerous, has both selfish and selfless intentions behind trying to kill you, charismatic, helpful, caring, simultaneously loves his fans and humans, and absolutely hilarious. When the time comes, he can be rather selfless, like in the Genocide route when he sacrifices himself so Alphys can save more monsters. But he's also pretty selfish, such as leaving Napstablook alone to their depression in order to achieve fame. He's a bit of a mixed bag, really.
Asgore (4) - Honestly just trying his best. He's been through a LOT of crap, okay?! From the war to losing his family and his best friend, is there any wonder why he did what he did? He felt like he had no other choice because he just wanted everyone to have hope. Give the guy a break... And a real redemption arc because we only get to see him for one or two scenes in every route. I feel like more screen time would suffice.
Okay, that's all the main characters! Now it's time to add some extra ones!
Chara (3) - Is it still controversial to discuss them?
Asriel (4) - What keeps him from being higher is his actions during his Hyperdeath high. This kid is sweet and cute, but he can be really malicious when he feels like it. I'll give him some slack, though. He's been through a lot... OF CRAP.
Napstablook (5) - If they would step up more, then I think they would be higher! They deserve a lot of love and kindness after being alone for so long!
Anyway, I'm losing my motivation for this post, so I might make a Part 2. Who knows?
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nekofantasia · 7 years
Some know me as Rin, some know me as Kirin, but the one fact remains: I need to stop being lazy and actually finish my character profiles at some point. Also, you're a pro, Chiru.
Also I get you, profile are a toughy. Just look at mine, totally not user-friendly I must find a way to condense the info so it’s easier to digest but I’m sure you can do it! As a fellow lazy buddy, you’ll get to it soon and with a lot of inspiration to tackle those!
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