#''now these people know they're at the incest store''
porchtart · 1 year
Recently I ran a poll on Twitter asking whether I should draw Nik in a compromising situation (sexual) with his father or his uncle first, and someone who had been following me for a long time asked "is this incest?" and when I said yes they blocked me. My friend, have you not noticed that you've been shopping at the incest store? Do you think that the captions reading things like "normal uncle and niece bonding activities" on drawings of people that look very similar to each other kissing and fucking are ironic? I know I've still got a ways to go with my art and designs, but do you not see that some batches of characters are clearly family units?
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1427 · 6 months
i love you (always forever) pt. 2
Daryl Dixon x sister!ofc (Ladybug)
Summary: In the winter of ‘95 Daddy died. Leaving Lady to finish up her senior year in high school, and Daryl to brood over when to sell the house. The summer of ‘96 is the first time Lady feels alive.  Daryl wants to give her one last summer before she has to grow up for real.
Setting: bumblefuck Georgia, doublewide in the woods, Dixon Property. Late June 1996. 
Warnings: INCEST, poorly written SMUT, hardcore mackin’, dry-humping, oral (all around & a lot), size!kink (explicit discussion of how big daryl is compared to Lady), public stuff, fingering. 
Word count: 7.2k (ish)
A/n: some things to note; Lady is 18, it’s mentioned in part 1 but I feel like I should still say that she’s not underage. Also, I feel like this has some pacing problems (more notes at the end) ?? Stuff that’s italicized in purple is dialogue being said in the movie they’re watching. Good luck guys
18+ mdni
// Part 1 //
I just keep on having all these strange thoughts.  
What kind of thoughts?  
Just thoughts.
Funny thoughts about you and me.  
Tell me.  
I couldn't.  
They're just thoughts.
They don't mean anything.
Lady, in the face of picking a movie for such an occasion, had put on Blue Lagoon. It was one of momma’s and it wasn’t like she had such a big selection to choose from, just a bunch of made for TV movies momma had recorded and a few tapes Merle had stolen from the video store.
Lady doesn’t understand subtlety anyway. 
You’re always staring at my buppies. 
Only because they look so funny.
Lady didn’t necessarily like the movie because it was cousins, just the feeling it gave her. She put it on thinking maybe Daryl might feel it too. The lightning coming from inside to throb at the surface.
She’s surprised she’s still even breathing. Knowing he’s just waiting for her to do something. But he’d said… Lady knows the move she has to make is to kiss him. That’s what he’d meant. That's what people do first, before anything else.
Kiss him? Lady’s frozen; how would she even do that? She doesn’t know. Can’t figure out for the life of her what she’d do with her hands, how does she even get closer? What about her legs? Where is everything supposed to go?! 
Lady would do it, she’d be on him already, if she could just figure out how.
“Bubba-“ her voice is soft. Too soft for Daryl to hear it. 
Daryl’s nursing his 6th beer. Or maybe 7th. He’s getting pretty lost in all of everything that was happening with Lady. Up in his own head in an effort to definitely and absolutely not think about what was happening now. Whatever move Lady was trying to pull here with him putting on this tape. Of all the ones she could have picked. 
Daryl’s gone a million miles away. Thinking about what had happened this morning. Again. Staring at the television unblinking as if it were projecting images of her. Lady and her sweet pink lips asking if she could touch him again. Her ass bouncing under her towel. And the way she didn’t even bat an eye when he came on her face. He feels like he’s fucking dying. His insides all twisted up. Gotta be because he knows it’s wrong. Definitely that and not because he really wants to feel her mouth again. Not because he wants to watch this time, and tell her how good she’s doing. Definitely. Not. That.  
Kiss me.
You're all sticky.
So what? Kiss me.
Every time he does stop to feel bad about it he remembers that he didn’t even do anything. Lady did. Lady had asked for a kiss goodnight, and Lady had put her hands and her tongue on his cock while she thought he was sleeping. Daryl figures it’s not his fault he can’t stop thinking about what Lady did. With her soft-as-a-kitten hands and her sweet wet mouth. Fuck. 
Completely stuck in this loop, he watches it repeat on the TV screen. Forgetting the reason he’d dissociated in the first place, the thing he was gonna be coming back to? Lady; probably definitely obviously wanting to do it again.
“Hey, Bub -“  Lady tries to get his attention one more time. “Daryl!” she claps her hands together so hard her palms burn.
Daryl blinks back to reality. “Huh?” he says it like a shrug.
The pause between getting his attention and what she was about to say is an eternity. 
“Can I kiss you?” Lady, feeling so brave and still so so small against how special she knew this memory would be. 
Daryl's heart doesn’t skip a beat, his breath doesn’t get caught in his throat. He looks down at the bottle he’s holding, trying not to smile, and shakes his head at her in amusement. He knows that if anyone else had heard what she was asking to do, if Daddy had heard? She’d be getting the whooping of a lifetime right now. But to Daryl it just sounds like something he knew she was gonna say. At least she didn’t say the word cock again, “Why, though? Why d’ya wanna? M’not even a good kisser, Bug. Can’t teach ya nothin’.”
Lady chews on the side of her lip, her head faced directly toward him while her eyes look anywhere else. Thinking of what to say, how to tell him. The words, her feelings, all jumbled up inside and trying to break out. She wants to be flirty and cute and romantic and have the one answer that would take away all his worries and shame and just be the brother she was used to. The one who aided in every scheme or plot or game she was playing. She pleads with her mouth to be fucking smooth. Be glib or flip or cool or sly or something. It’s not. Instead it vomits all her thoughts like she’d been choking on them.
“I was gonna ask if I could practice kissing on you. Ya know? Because I figured then you mighta felt like maybe you oughta. But then that felt too much like lyin’. Cuz I don’t wanna kiss for practice, Dar. I wanna kiss for real.” She stops to breathe, but there’s no second-guessing. “I just don’t understand what’s the big deal? I know it’s not allowed but I want to.” She finally looks at him, her voice serious, “I just want to and I don't get why you don't want to too.”
They both know she’s not just talking about kissing. “Jus’ not s’possed ta, Lay. ‘m s’possed t’keep ya safe.” 
Lady looks at him like he’s lost his fuckin’ mind. Where was she ‘unsafe’? He wasn’t making any sense to her. She stands up and chugs the rest of the now warm drink. “You’re not makin’ any damn sense, Daryl, I am safe.”
Lady’s frustrated but she’s not heartbroken. Leaving the fort/living room to go to the kitchen and get another drink. Muttering to herself the whole way out of the room, “Why the fuck wouldn’t I ‘be safe’? What does that even mean? Stupid dumbass horseshit doesn’t even make any fuckin’ sense. Shit. Ass. Shit!”
Sometimes when Lady got real good and mad she’d turn into a little version of Merle. Same way Daryl did when he was angry. Same way Merle turned into a little version of their daddy. When Lady did it though, it wasn’t scary. Just was funny. Lady, so little and so angry and too damn sweet to actually say anything mean. Just strings of curse words and questions to no one. 
She opens the fridge with an exaggerated sigh meant for Daryl to hear. Staring at the two wine coolers left, unsure if she actually wants another one. She thinks about what he’d said again. Keep her safe!? It was starting to sound like a lie. She clacks the underside of her knuckles against the fridge door and lets out another noise. A groan or a warble or shiver with a voice. Daryl isn’t sure what she's going on about but it makes him laugh from the other room. 
Lady decides against having another wine cooler. instead fixing to steal Daryl’s joint from his pack of smokes and figure out if he was lying about being ‘cross-faded’ or whatever he’d called it. Maybe if she smoked, just a little, she’d be able to figure out the magic words. Lady steps just outside the front door quietly, hoping Daryl would get zoned out again and not come looking.  
Daryl’s still sipping at his beer and waiting for Lady to come back. Trying to find his own set of magic words to answer her question. Knowing without any doubt that he’s fucked, absolutely completely totally fucking fucked, the second he stops being able to come up with any reason at all. 
Daryl finds Lady sitting out on the front step. Her knees hugged up to her chest, she’s leaning forward and ripping grass from the ground. He opens his mouth to say something but closes it just as fast. Deciding instead to walk down and post up next to her. 
Lady moves to make room for him but doesn’t acknowledge him more than that. Daryl feels around on the ground for the roach he knows he’s going to find because he can smell it. Once he does he brings it up to her face, “Ya smoke this?” 
“Aliens. Just missed ‘em,” laughing to herself. 
He puts the joint between his lips, smiling and feeling for his lighter somewhere in his pockets, “Yer real funny, bug.” His mind’s somewhere else. Doesn’t care that she didn’t listen and smoked the pot after drinking. She was safe. She was always safe. 
Daryl takes a drag just a little too long and coughs out the exhale. Passing the joint to Lady while he’s working through it. She takes it, hitting it gently this time, and manages not to cough at all. 
They just sit together for a while, watching the moon come out from its hiding place behind the clouds. Lady feels the shimmering faeries all over her skin, in her stomach. She can see them in the moonlight in her brothers eyes. 
Lady’s been looking at him. Can’t seem to stop. Just staring at the small space between his jaw and his ear and the curl of hair that didn’t belong there.  “You gonna grow it out now that Daddy’s dead?” 
He moves his chin in a nod, just barely, “Think so.”
Her hand flits to the spot, taking the same strands she’d been staring at between her fingertips. It had only been a few months but his hair was longer than she’d ever seen it. Daryl moves his head to look at her. He didn’t mean to move in a way that put her fingers just so gently against his cheek, but it was too late. 
They share a look in the same way they’d shared the silence - both of them knowing exactly what the other was thinking. Both of them thinking exactly the same thing. Daryl knows what she meant when she said she wanted to kiss for real. That she just wanted to feel it. 
Lady and Daryl both move like they’re going to go for it at the same time. Lady stops. Her heart is in her throat and the faeries are buzzing right out of her body. Had she seen that right? Was he really about to?
Daryl doesn't let her hesitation stop him, leaning over and taking her lips with his own the way she’d wanted the first time she’d asked. A real kiss. Slow and passionate and on purpose. He’s in his right mind but he’s not thinkin’. Just doin’. 
Lady eagerly returns every move of his lips with her own. Getting acquainted with the feeling and starting to understand the rhythm of it. 
Daryl was lying before when he’d told her he wasn’t any good at kissing. He holds her still by the back of her neck, moving into her deeper. Lady opens her mouth the instant she feels his tongue slip across her lip.
One second they’re kissing under the moon; and it’s taboo and it’s ‘wrong’ but it’s almost innocent. Still so sweet, and filled with uncertainty —-
and then their tongues meet. 
And they turn into something else. 
Lady moans just at the feeling of his wet something touching her wet something. Daryl’s never heard her make a noise like that before and it ignites a new part of him. He needs to hear it again. To feel it again. Lady’s perfect sweet voice coming apart against him. 
They’re immeshed. Their mouths moving against and with eachother, deeper and faster and with more everything. Like they were eating eachother alive. Legs knocking together, Lady’s clawing at his shirt and when Daryl moves his other hand around her waist she moans again, shaking. 
He pushes his tongue almost all the way to the back of her throat. Even with them closed, Lady can feel her eyes rolling back into her head. Moaning again into his mouth, but this time it comes from somewhere deeper. 
His fingers squeeze into her a little harder before he pulls away again. Just lookin’ at her. Eyes closed and trembling. “C’mon.” He pulls on her hand a little to get her attention, all lost in herself. 
Lady knows he wants to get inside and probably back to the a/c but she's afraid once this moments over she’s gonna have to try and convince him for 5 more hours to let her do it again, “I don’t wanna go inside, I wanna stay out here kissin’ you.” 
“Can kiss insi’, bug.” 
She’s beaming, fished her wish and then won the fuckin’ jackpot. “For real?” 
“C’mon.” Daryl gets up with Lady right behind. Before now it had always been the other way around. 
The second they get to the living room they melt back together. Not even one step past the sheet Daryl grabs her wrist and pulls her into him again. He doesn’t want to wait for either one of them to get stuck up in their heads again. It was too late anyway. 
Doesn’t want to think about Lady. Wants to feel her. Needs to beg that tremble from her vocal chords again. 
He pulls her down to the bed and on top of him. Helping her place her legs on either side of his hips. Focusing in on how soft her thighs are underneath his fingertips, he squeezes. 
Lady pulls back, looking down at his hands so high up her thighs, his thumb dangerously close to her heat. She's beyond comprehending the things he’s making her body feel. A light almost inaudible gasp escapes her as he squeezes again, but that's not what Daryl wants to hear. 
Daryl isn't thinking about the fact that Lady's never done any of this stuff before, he's not even thinking about the fact that it's Lady who's ontop of him. It's Lady that he's touching. Sweet little girl Lady, who'd barely even been kissed before just now. He's staring at the space between her thighs. Her tiny sleep shorts riding up her pussy and he can make out every detail through the thin fabric, lips spread and almost spilling out the sides. Daryl forgets for a second where he is, moving his thumb over just an inch, pressing hard into her clit through her shorts. 
Lady let's out a surprised cry, her hips bucking forward into him, her body falling down with two hands flat against his chest. Daryl's cock twitches at the sound and Lady feels it right at her entrance. Her head shoots up and all of a sudden they’re looking each other in the eyes. With all the lights on. 
In this moment, there's no hesitation. No question of if they should or shouldn't be doing this. The look shared between them is only comfort. Lady, knowing it’s Daryl, knowing he’d never let her do something the wrong way.  
And when Daryl sees that blown out sparkle in Lady’s eye? Knows that look. She wants him. And if Lady wants it? Can't be ugly. Just can't. 
It's only two seconds, but it's everything.
Lady's mouth is back on Daryl's like it had never left, her tongue pushing through to his the instant they come together. His hands move to her hips, grinding her down into him. She can feel him, hard like when she had seen it pushing through his boxers. Now hard and pushing up into her. The feeling, the thought, groaning into his mouth at all of it. 
He does it again. And again and again. Pulling her and pushing her over his clothed length as she assaults his mouth. Her tongue and lips slowly losing rhythm until she moves herself to suck and bite on his neck instead. The noises coming out of her are the most precious he’s ever heard. 
Eventually Lady starts moving her hips on her own, and Daryl can feel the bump of her hard clit as she grinds herself on top of him.
Lady’s got one hand behind his neck and the other gripping at the fabric of his shirt like it's going to save her. She’s humping her brother like sometimes she humps her pillow, hips moving in deliberate circles, so close to an orgasm she can taste it. Soft light mews coming from her lips in breaths. She can't look at him, she wants to forget he's even there. She's embarrassed. But she cums anyway. 
Cascading through her limbs before tiding back to make room for the shame. Her hips won't stop shaking and she's afraid to look at him. 
Daryl’s high on the whole fucking experience. Watching, feeling, hearing Lady come apart ontop of him. 
Daryl's going to hell. Knows it and doesn't care. Something about it being his sister is sending him over the fucking edge. Of course it was gonna. Kissing is one thing. Being used for your cock so your little sister can hump you until she cums is something else.
He pulls her up against his body a few inches. Weaving his fingers through her hair to hold the back of her neck, he kisses her forehead. Smiling deviously against her skin, “Y’wanna make me cum again?” 
Daryl had only ever been comfortable talking to one girl like that, and that was a real long time ago. But with Lady he didn't have anything to hide or be worried about. Knows she's gonna say yes, knows she'd get mad if he'd wanted to and hadn’t asked her. 
Any embarrassment Lady had been feeling is forgotten like she'd never felt it in the first place. She sits up. Looking down at her fingers as they play with the fabric of his tee-shirt all bunched up against his stomach. “With my mouth?” she asks with a coy smile. 
“Only f’ya wanna.” 
“Well, is that what you meant?” she looks him in the eye, waiting for an answer. 
“Yeah, s’what I meant.” he nods, gliding a hand from one thigh, over her stomach, and then onto the other one. His other hand reaching behind her body to squeeze her ass. Daryl’s not worried about being too forward. Not thinkin’, just doin’. 
Lady shivers under his touch, his needful hands feel so much better than the ones she'd imagined. Never thought it would feel so much bigger than skin on skin and different kinds of pressure. To be desired? To be touched simply because he wanted to and couldn't help himself — it radiates into her soul.
“I wanna.” She nods with a whisper, moving off of him to sit and wait.
Daryl gets up and falls back into the couch, beckoning Lady over with a nod of his head. As she crawls towards him Daryl’s working on his belt, his button, his zipper, but he’s just staring at her. God, even his ex-girlfriend never looked that desperate to suck his cock. 
Lady was chomping at the fuckin’ bit waiting to taste him again. Sitting between his legs, staring. Waiting. He finally works himself free, and Lady is melting into a puddle of drool. She sits up on her knees to get closer, but Daryl’s stroking himself slowly and she’s never seen something so…
With Daryl leaned back and looking at her like that, doing that. She’s never seen anything so fucking hot. Doesn’t even have another word to describe it. So. Fucking. Hot. So goddamn fucking hot that it rewires her brain chemistry. 
Daryl smirks, which to Lady just makes it hotter, he can’t believe she’s watching like this. He can’t believe how much he’s getting off on her watching. Never did this in front of a girl, not even his ex-girlfriend, and they’d done everything. 
“S’what? Don’ wanna use tha’ mouth yet?” 
She shakes her head quickly, but her eyes are fixed, “I do, I do.” She opens her mouth like she’s gonna keep talking but closes it. Daryl notices the way her eyes go big and seem to sparkle when he gets to the bottom of his stroke. He holds himself around the base and lets the full heavy length of his cock wave back and forth. 
Lady’s so turned on that the, “Holy shit,” she’s thinking tumbles out of her mouth and into the air. 
Daryl, with his fingers still firmly gripping around the base, directs himself down toward her. His cockhead only centimeters from her open mouth. “A’least spit on it, bug.” 
She’s so mesmerized, she doesn’t look up, “For real?” 
“For real, gimme a good one like I taught ya.” 
She haucks a good one right on the tip, only an inch away from her mouth. He pulls himself up and out of her immediate reach again, using her spit to coat his aching appendage. Daryl wasn’t really jerking off, just showing off for Lady. Honestly? He was torturing himself. 
Now, covered in wet saliva, Lady can see every glimmering detail. Every ridge and vein and he’s holding himself tight again, it’s so fucking big. “Is everyones this big?” 
Daryl gives an unexpected laugh, “S’not tha’ big, bug.” 
She reaches her hand out and wraps her fingers around him, just above his hand. Daryl groans at the feeling of her. She’s trying to figure out if she can close her hand around him, but apparently she can’t, “Look, Dar, my fingers don’t even touch.” 
“Fuck,” the word comes out just like the groan. Lady likes hearing Daryl like this. All a mess because of her. 
She smiles before biting her lip, “It’s thicker than my wrist, bubba.” 
“Is it?” He asks her, with a playful smirk. He only asked to get her to prove it. When she lets go of his erection to hold her wrist next to it for comparison Daryl grabs her grabs her hand. Pulling her arm up by her palm he measures his dick next to the length of her forearm. Jesus fucking goddamn Christ. 
Lady, after being thrown off by him grabbing her like that, just gawks. They’re the same fucking size. His cock and her whole fucking forearm. “What the fuck?!” 
“‘m big n’all but Lady, yer little.” He lets her have her arm back but she’s still just holding it up next to him trying to figure it out. How was that ever gonna fit inside her?
“It didn’t look that big this morning.”
“Don’ gotta be scared. F’ya wanna stop, we can.” 
“No! No,” she puts her hand back around him, “don’t wanna stop.” 
Daryl’s hand is right below hers, he starts to move up on himself hoping she’ll follow. She does, placing her pinky over his index finger as they both start to jerk him off together. Lady’s not using nearly enough pressure, so he moves his hand from below hers to around. Squeezing her fingers tighter, moving her hand faster than they’d been. 
Daryl starts to finally feel it building, getting closer to an orgasm than he’d been all night. His eyes close for only a few seconds before he hears and feels Lady spit on his cock again. 
“Fucking christ, bug.” He says, looking down at her. Sitting up on her knees with her lips spread just waiting for him to put it in her mouth. He guides himself, in her hand, to her outstretched eager tongue. 
Lady just watches it get closer until she can devour him. Not like this morning, she laps at him with no abandon. Licking and sucking at his head like she was making out with it. Daryl’s eyes keep closing at the feeling, and he keeps opening them to watch. 
Fucking beautiful. Absolutely perfect. She doesn’t know a damn thing about sucking a cock and it shows. Still feels like heaven, still’s gonna make Daryl bust a fat one. Can feel it, he’s just about to, and then Lady takes his whole head in her mouth while looking up at him at the same time. 
“Fuck, Lady. M’gonna.” 
She knows what he means, but why was he telling her? Was she supposed to stop? She doesn’t, instead she takes him even further into her mouth, eyes flicking back up to his again. 
Daryl and Lady are completely locked onto each other as he cums down her throat.
Lady could feel it happening before it happened, his cock getting even harder before it pulsates between her lips.The first shot goes to the back of her throat, making her gag, but she stays put. Taking all of it. 
Daryl watches Lady doing her best to swallow it. Coming to terms pretty quickly that he came down his sister's throat. The fact that it was while looking in her fucking eyes is a little harder. He puts himself away before joining her on their bed. Laying her down on his chest while they both stare at the ceiling. 
“Didn’t have ta swallow it.” He tells her. 
“I wanted to.” 
“Did good, bug.” 
“I know.” 
He laughs, his rumbling chest shaking Lady’s head slightly, “Oh? Y’know? How’s that?” She didn’t do that good. 
“Shit, Bug, fuck. Jesus christ ‘m gonna cum.” She makes groans and grunts in between curses. 
“Alrigh’, quit it.” He regrets asking. 
Lady sits up to rewind the tape and Daryl stands to turn the lights off. Meeting back in bed, Lady curls up into him, and they both finally manage to fall asleep.  
For about a week Lady and Daryl do that night on repeat. Drinking a few drinks, smoking a little pot, making out while Lady humps him until she cums, and then Daryl sits on the couch and Lady sucks him off. 
She’s gotten better at it. A lot better and real fast. Daryl had to show her a couple things, but he didn’t count it as teaching her. Just showing her how. Doesn’t know why he thinks they’re different, but one felt dirty and the other one didn’t. Didn’t wanna ‘teach’ Lady anything. Just wanted to experience it with her. 
Lady didn’t need much showing how anyway. She’d picked up the sucking part, using both hands, her tongue and her lips. She’s started using her cheeks and her throat too. 
Today Lady had asked Daryl if she could blow him while they drove around town. He’s got his keys in his hands before she even finishes asking. 
Lady’s laying down on her stomach across the bench seat of the truck, feet kicked up in the air, Daryl’s cock lolling out of her mouth as she lays her head on his thigh to look at him. 
Daryl glances down for a second to see her hand holding his length flush against his leg, mouth around the head of him, suckling his cock like it’s a lollipop.  
At least once a day Daryl’s sure he’s witnessing the hottest thing he’ll ever see in his whole life. He pulls over onto the side of the road. Lady’s been at this for 10 minutes and he could probably last longer but he doesn’t want to. 
She doesn’t move while Daryl parks the truck. She’s learned to recognize the look on his face, and how it meant she was doing just exactly the right thing. She’s still laying on his thigh, one hand on his cock to keep it pointing down and into her mouth while she sucks just the tip of him off, swirling her tongue all around. 
Daryl throws the truck in park. Looking down, he grabs her head with both hands, pulling her just barely off of his thigh so he can move his hips. With both feet planted to the floor and his back against the seat he starts fucking into the back of her throat. Her cheeks stretching out around the girth of him made all the more explicit by the light of day. She starts making that noise again. Daryl pulls Lady off of him by both sides of her head, a string of saliva still stuck to his dick goes with her, glinting in the sunlight. 
At least once a day Daryl’s sure he’s witnessing the hottest thing he’ll ever see in his whole life, “Why d’ya like it like tha’?” 
She’s staring at him with wide eyes, her voice small, “Whad’ya mean?” If Lady could have it her way she’d live with his cock in her mouth.
“When ‘m rough. When ‘m doin’ the work.” 
“Never liked workin’, Daryl.” She goes to move herself back to him, but he holds her head still. 
“Lay, no. Wanna know why.” But Daryl can tell by Ladys expression that she doesn’t even know. “Figure it out.” 
He lets go of her gently, allowing her to go back to doing whatever she wanted to be doing with him. Daryl puts the truck back in drive, figures he’d give Lady some more time doing her new favorite thing. 
“Y’good, bug?” Daryl leans down over her shoulder to ask. They’re walking the farmers market. Not some nice fancy fruit and veggies stand, the farmers market. Everyone and their momma trying to sell old tape collections and knick-knacks like it’s a permanent yard sale. As Lady was walking in front of him he’d noticed her moving around all funny. Doing an uncomfortable dance to readjust something without anyone noticing. 
“Shuddup.” She hisses back at him, an unmistakable blush spreading across her cheeks. 
This just spurs him further, he skips a step to be right up against her, “Wha’s goin’ on in yer pants?” 
She stops and turns around to face him, their bodies so close but not touching. Lady takes a quick look around, there’s a bunch of people nearby, walking right past them, but no one’s looking at them. 
She sighs, reaching down into her shorts before pulling her hand out and putting it in Daryl’s face. So coated in her own slick that it stretches to fill the area between her fingers when she moves them apart. Daryl wonders if he could blow a bubble with it, and then immediately pushes her hand back down and looks around to see if anyone else had watched her do that. 
Seeing that no one’s caught them at the very same time he feels it, his own hand, now covered in her. 
Daryl had been losing his fucking mind over her. Her down there. Her pretty pussy that he hasn’t gotten to see or taste or feel. Yet. He’s not ever gonna push her to do something, he’s not even gonna ask her. She’s the one that’s gotta ask for it. That’s gotta want it. So it can’t be ugly. 
Lady’s looking at him, waiting for some kind of reaction, til Daryl lifts his arm with a smile and a nod. Aggressively and publicly sucking on the side of his hand. The bit between his wrist and his pinky and part of his palm, all coated in sticky perfect sweet Lady. He looks down at her with a grin before walking away, knowing she’d follow. 
She’s on his heels, grabbing his wrist as he weaves through the crowd. Lady pulls hard on his arm to get him to stop moving right when they’re in the thick of it. People bumped up on every side, Daryl turns back to face her and Ladys right up against him, hugging him and pulling his hand between them. Pushing him down the front of her pants, she spreads her legs and urges him further by his forearm. 
It happens so quickly Daryl can’t even react at first. His hand just pressed against her. Soft, and warm, and so wanting. Her cunt was so wet and running down her legs it knocked the wind out of him. So wet his fingers slip right through her delicate folds and rub right up against her clit and her hole at the same time. Lady reacts with buckled knees, holding on to his arm for stability. Her eyes closed and her body shuddering around his hand. 
He pulls back out just as quickly, righting Lady to stand up straight. He doesn't look around to see if anyone's watching, just takes his wet fingers and slowly puts them against and past her parted lips. 
Time seems to stand still, eyes locked on each other, Daryl's fingers edging deeper into her mouth. And then someone bumps into Lady, her body rocking forward and into her brother's larger frame. Wrapping his arm around her, he starts pulling her back through the market. Ending up along the fence that bordered some woods. Thick and on a decline, Daryl knows no one will see them back here. 
Lady doesn't know the plan, but she's too turned on to care. So burning up that even the tall grass itching at her skin feels like little lightning kisses. 
It's not long before Daryl decides they've gone far enough. He pushes Lady up against a tree, just looking down at her while he tries to catch his breath. She’s looking between them, starting to mess with his belt before he stops her with one hand, “Thinkin' ya migh’ lose yer min’ soon if ya don' jus’ ask.” 
She lets go of his belt, keeping her hands in his, “...ask what?”
“Fer me ta touch ya, bug. Yer so fuckin’ wet I don' know how yer still walkin’ around.”
She blushes, and tries to get out of his grip on her against the tree. Daryl lightens up a bit but doesn't let her go, “are ya always like tha’?” he asks. 
She looks toward his chest instead of up at him, biting the side of her lip while nodding gently, “I mean, yeah….” 
“Need ya ta ask, bug.”
“Why?” She finally looks up at him, genuinely confused. 
“Cuz. Gotta be you tha’ wants it.”
“You don't want it?”
“‘nough ta ask.” He tries to clarify but she still doesn't completely understand. Daryl shakes his head, “Forget it. Jus’ cuz, Lay. Cuz I said.”
She nods, scanning the ground next to them like it has the words to put together, “I don't know what to ask for, Dar.” She puts her hand against his chest, “I want it all.”
Daryl smiles, can't help it, Lady doesn't even know what to ask for so she sucks his dick in wanton misery for a week and then when she finally does ask it's to go all the way. Lady fucking would. 
“Lay, ‘m not fuckin’ ya fer the firs’ time out in the fuckin’ woods behind the market. Jus fuckin’ ask me ta touch ya b’fore I take ya home instead.” 
“Touch me.” She says it before he's finished talking. 
Daryl's on her in an instant. Overwhelming her mouth with his own, finally letting his hands feel her everywhere. 
He starts at her breasts, which he's already touched over her clothes but never underneath, never pinching and rolling her nipple between his two fingers before now. Her gasp ebbs into a moan as he continues to squeeze and prod at her.  
Daryl leans back, breaking his assault on her mouth to pull up her shirt and assault her there instead. But once he's got his eyes on her exposed skin he just stops. His hand coming up to grab at her again, cupping the small soft mound of flesh with his whole hand. Watching as his thumb brushes over her nipple, hard and pink and perfect. He traces his fingers down her stomach, rubbing his free hand over his dick. 
Daryl's fingers come to rest at the hem of her shorts, looking up at her before pulling the waistband down past her hips, then onto the ground. 
Lady just watches, letting her body sway with the pull of her clothing being removed. Steadying herself with her hand on his shoulder to keep from falling over. Daryl feels her hand, and for some reason it makes him want to stay down there. Hadn’t been planning on it, was just gonna touch her with his hands. He figures touching with his tongue is still just touching, and she’d already asked for that. 
Besides, Lady puts her mouth on him all the time. Still, Daryl looks at her before he does, leaning in and peering up. Making it obvious what he was silently begging permission for. Lady meets his eyes, responding to his request by stepping one foot out of her shorts and spreading her legs. 
His face buries up and into her, licking every spot around her pussy. Her thighs and all the strings of her mess, his tongue taking large swathes up each side of her lips. Lady’s legs are already shaking so much that both her and Daryl realize she’s not going to be able to stay standing on her own. 
“S-sorry.” She squeaks. 
“S’okay, bug, just don’t know where to put ya.”
On your cock, she thinks. Lady’s brain can only think about his cock. How she knows it’s hard and in his pants and not in her mouth. Sure, Daryl’s mouth on her feels good, but it’s not the same. 
“Just want you inside, Dar.” She’d been good at just dealing with the ache, it seemed to ease when he was in her mouth. Even though it wasn’t what her body needed, she guesses it’s close enough. 
She's not looking when he invades her hole. One finger, and she’s shaking and shivering and every muscle in her body tenses up. 
Daryl goes to pull out and Lady scrambles to hold his hand where it is. He huffs a laugh, “Shit, Lay, was gonna put it back in again.” 
She’s not listening, her ears ringing, her vision whitehot and blinding. Daryl pulls out of her only to stand up. Lowering his head down to take her lips. And like it was every time Lady and Daryl kissed, they’re ignited. More than before. Everything seems to escalate their desperate need for each other. Their want, their desire itself, seemed to feed its own flame. 
Daryl’s hands are at her naked hips, Lady’s losing herself in his mouth. She hadn’t realized that she’d put her feet together until Daryl’s hand pushes between her thighs and moves her legs apart again. He pushes his finger back into her, breaking their kiss and pulling a moan out with it. He pulls his finger out slowly, not all the way, before pushing back in again, just feeling her warm walls clenching tightly around his finger. He can’t stop himself from adding another. Wants to stuff her full and change her whole fucking life. 
She groans and he presses himself against her body, fucking his two fingers into her as deep as he can reach. Daryl makes sure she’s braced tight between himself and the tree, pushing against her hard to keep her still, before he curls his two thick digits inside of her. His fingertips petting the so-soft spongy part of her, they don’t stop even as her back tries to arch her right off the tree and onto the ground. 
Daryl peels her from the bark, keeping my her up with his knees bent so she can reach her arms to wrap around his neck and hold on. He keeps moving his fingers hard against her g-spot, that groan coming out between gasps and other moans and yelps and every beautiful sound Lady could make. 
Daryl leans Lady back into his arm, still assaulting that spot with his fingers but instead of curling them into her he starts moving his hand back and forth inside her with his shoulder and forearm. Pulling and pushing, the sound of her cunt squelching into the air, the sopping sounds getting audibly wetter. 
Lady leans back so far in Daryl’s arm that he decides to just place her onto the ground. Hadn’t wanted to do that, but it’s too late. Lady, on the ground naked from the tits down and looking up at him like she doesn’t even believe what she’s feeling is real. “Please.” She whines, Lady’d never asked like that before. 
He wishes he could fuck her in the woods, even if it was gonna be her first time, but he just can’t. “M’gonna, jus’ lemme look atchya.” He’s squatted down next to her, rubbing his rough palm all over her blushing naked skin. 
“You can look when we get home for as long as you want, please, Daryl.” There she was saying it again. Begging him. Lady can’t take it, the cool ground feels refreshing against her flushed body, but the heat is coming from inside and Daryl was right. Lady was close to losing her damn mind. 
Daryl watches her writhing in front of him for a beat longer than he needs to. Can’t help it, definitely sure this time that this is the hottest thing he'll ever see in his whole life. Lady's bare body all down in the sticks and dirt with her legs spread. Her messy pussy swollen and red and waiting for him. 
He puts his hand down on her chest, running his fingers along her skin so lightly. So barely there. Lady trembles, closing her eyes at the feeling, her back arching off the ground, “Please.” She begs again, grabbing onto his arm and trying to push it between her legs. 
Daryl shakes her hands off his arm and continues to kneed at her breast. Grabbing hold of it harshly before bringing his mouth down to lick flat long purposeful strokes into her nipple. 
Her eyes wide as she raises her head to look down. Her tit in his hand is lewd. The nipple filled out with fat and puffy, she watches until he completely envelopes her between his lips. The wet muscle of his tongue flicking deep into her nerves, her whole body starts spasming underneath of him. 
And then it's. Oh, it's everything. Lady is on fire from the inside again, like when she hit Daryl's pot the very first time and she'd turned into a rabid dog. And now she's feral in heat in the woods, her desperate cunt being filled by her brothers thick fingers and she burns. Burns so hot and alive it rips through her body in screams that Daryl's never heard before. Don't think Lady's ever made before. 
She's primal. Screaming and moaning and panting and falling apart. Faeries burning alive and singeing every inch of her soul on the way out. 
As she's coming down, Daryl easing his fingers out of her, a high pitched whistle cuts through the air. 
6’ tall and dirty. Hairy and sweaty. Roughneck. 20 feet away and just staring at them. Daryl moves quick to cover Lady up as she scrambles her top down and back to her shorts by the tree. 
“Fuck off.” Daryl calls back flipping him the middle finger, while Lady wrestles her shorts on. The man just watches, doesn't do anything else. Watches as Lady and Darly hurry away and out of the woods. 
Lady scoots over on the bench seat as they roll down the road back to their house. She goes to put her hands on his lap but he moves them away. 
“What's wrong?” 
“Know tha’ guy.” 
“Wha’ if he knows you?”
“He doesn't.”
Daryl nods, using his free hand to grab a smoke. Lady helps him light it and they drive home in silence. Lady, curled up next to him. Daryl, a million miles away worrying, for the first time, that maybe he shoulda said no. To the drive, to touching her, to what they were doin’. To all of it. 
Didn’t think before now how maybe it could hurt Lady. How if anyone found out… 
Cursing himself to hell and not back because he doesn’t deserve it. Shouldn’t have taken her out in them woods like that. Not the same as their woods. Those woods don’t know shit about keepin’ secrets.
A/n: I also cringe so hard when “bust a fat one” but it's Daryl and it's 1996 and I just. It just is, okay? It's in the middle of some of his internal shit and IT just IS. (I wanted to delete it so many times but I can't. I've come to terms with it, so should you. pls)
As far as pacing… this type of relationship takes buildup and I couldn’t figure out where to cut down. Like I took out about 1k in the first “scene” and it still feels like it’s dragging to me but I also feel like I’ve read it too many times to know. Also the smut parts… I feel this need to detail and describe and it’s probably overboard but when I’m reading fic I find myself always wanting more of that so idk. Maybe it’s too much? Idk I’m new I’ll figure it out. 
Ty for reading 💕💕💕
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clayorel · 7 months
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I want to make a discord (text-based) RP server of profic/proship people who are interested in RPing OCs !!! And we need a big group. like 10-15 people if not more. These RPs will be TTRPG-like: I like to create strategic games/storylines with puzzle elements and host them. We aren't looking for a specific response length, just want people to have fun! Also, usually I run games where characters... will die. Not just "can die" but they will die. So angst and gore abound. (I hope this sounds fun to people O_o)
Once I have more prepared for these RPs, I'm going to send ads out to profic rp search blogs, buuuuut since it’ll take a while to find a whole group, I decided why not start talking about it now to gauge interest :3
Underneath the cut I'm going to include more details about the plots and themes we have in mind ^_^ If you're interested, plz feel free to DM me!!! I'm also including a google forms survey for people who are interested but are too shy to DM + for people to elaborate more on their interests!
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We have two plot ideas currently:
1. In a small, secluded town, people have started dying suddenly and going hysterical—it's becoming increasingly clear: a demon has possessed the people of this town. The Church has gathered you—along with other townsfolk—as suspects for being the heretics behind this. Your goal is to figure out who the true culprit is... or to hide that you are the culprit, lest you face death: Either way, the Church or the Demon will execute each of you one by one until one side wins.
Setting is in an original historical fantasy universe on the verge of an apocalypse, and the game will essentially be like Town of Salem if you are familiar with it! There are powers in this universe based on sacrifices (blood, body parts, etc) that OCs can have, and you can ask for more details on the nature of these powers if you're interested ^_^ Also, OCs can fit anywhere from ~1400-1800, it's been made into a rather anachronistic setting
2. For one reason or another, you are desperate—desperate enough that you have accepted an unexpected invitation to attend a dinner party promising fortune, fame, or whatever else you desire. Perhaps you should have gone with your gut feeling to decline, or perhaps you end up enjoying what fate has in store for you at this party: a game filled with increasingly deranged and demented challenges where you must choose to hurt yourself or your peers.
Heavily based off of the movie Would You Rather? Setting is a realistic, roughly 1910-1930s New England, America. OCs should fit this time period and have some desperate desire in their life, whether it be driven by a loved one, an enemy, or a personal motivation.
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Other Notes:
We are looking for people who will embrace dead dove content—gore, violence, taboo content and relationships (lolisho, non/dubcon, incest, etc) !
It's okay if you personally don't want to RP these themes, but this is something we want all members to be okay with!
RPs/games will last for a couple weeks and we do want members to be present a little bit every day; it is a bit of a commitment and we'll look for weeks that will work the best for all members
We aren't sure about other boundaries we want in this server, it really depends on who the members will be. The survey (linked below) is for people who are interested in this to let us know what they're interested in and what they’re okay with!
You can reply to this saying you're interested or just DM me to say you're interested! You can also leave a way for me to contact you on the survey.
And here's the link to the survey lol
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zaritarazi · 1 year
WAIT back up people are rebranding the omegaverse to be less nasty? THAT'S THE SECRET SAUCE OF OMEGAVERSE. IT'S THE HORNY WET AND WILD WEIRD MONSTERUCKING FANTASY TROPE BUCKET what on EARTH needs rebranding
alright. for the sake of integrity i am downloading this app to investigate. this will be in my app store history forever, by the way
i'm gonna level with you i started doing a deep dive and came up here to add a read more because i've just gotten to the point of this whole thing and we're not even in the deep end yet
so first the app is asking to allow notifications. immediate deny. next, it would like me to set up a profile. i can pick from the Three Genders (female, male, other) and my age.
it would like me to choose up to 3 of my favorite genres. the genres offered to me are:
now of course, my immediate concern is that erotica seems to be its own category, where i'm assuming all of these books have fucking in them and i'm going to be really upset if they aren't all smut
additionally, i don't think the billionaire category is about becoming an agent of the proletariat, infiltrating the bourgeoisie, killing the billionaire, and redistributing the wealth. in minecraft. red son superman would never stand for this
okay now my cat (tarazi) is loafing on my phone. i think she's trying to protect me.
here is the photo for the "werewolf" category, which i think raises more questions than it answers
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okay so that's not what a werewolf looks like, to my knowledge
top stories in werewolf. we have "alpha knows best" and we have "mated to my alpha stepbrother" which- i looked at the summary and he's not her stepbrother yet, they're college seniors and he's the son of her mom's new boyfriend who i guess is going to be her mate? but any time you have to say "it's not technically incest" it's not great, ryan!
okay here's a top story called "alpha max." no this one is in high school, backing out immediately.
also want to mention the stepbrother one just updated an hour ago. so this is like wattpad but i think the writers get paid? it has 54 fucking chapters
so these aren't finished, published works. i mean they're published in a way, but they're not whole stories, which i guess explains why the site advertises itself as "romance & fanfiction books" when all of the content is original sort of technically? it updates like a fic site.
so! here's what we're looking for. these stories have microspecific tags, but where there is "alpha" there is "luna." i have seen this a few times- okay wait! here's something interesting. i have found a story listed in popular werewolf that is lgbtq+. This alpha has a straight mate? Okay steven whatever helps you sleep at night. now HERE is something interesting. this has "alpha" as a tag, but no "luna," but ALSO no "omega." INTERESTING.
okay, let's go into the lgbtq+ tag on here and. see if that gives us more insight
OKAY! OKAY! this DOES have stories with omegas in it! is the second one listed bts fic? yes! okay but the FIRST one that comes up is called "my omega" bills itself as having a "female" alpha and "male" omega, although this description is so incredibly, beautifully problematic that it really defies common conventions of thought
okay i skimmed the first 50 words and the "female" alpha is... gross. like misogynist gross. so we're back at square fucking one here folks
okay here's a different one where they use Omega specifically as like... an Evil Luna? which is like- there is ALMOST something here by accident. like YES! make a lilith complex! i know that's not what you're doing, but you should! there's a hint of an idea here! you're so close to doing something almost maybe a little bit interesting!
to circle back to the original question of our study, "are they making omegaverse less nasty?" i think it's a complicated answer. the people who write for this app would probably balk at being called less nasty or not smutty enough, but at the same time, they've taken conventional romance and just put a slightly furry skin on it. and i know when you criticize the romance genre people are like "so you don't think women can read?" and i'm like you know what? maybe i fucking don't. maybe none of us should read and we can all run directly back into the sea. if one fucking amoeba millions and millions of years ago hadn't gotten above its station and crawled out of the ocean, we could all be jellyfish right now, and this wouldn't be in my downloads history. forever. again. i am stuck with this in my history forever
like the omegaverse has a very storied history but it's kind of wild to restyle it in a way that makes it more misogynist. like this was invented by people watching supernatural. and somehow this crop of "writers" is worse to women
i honestly hesitate to call this omegaverse at all. i know there were articles a few years ago about legal battles in the world of omegaverse and plagiarism and all that jazz, but this is not omegaverse. this is barely werewolf. this is soulmates with some growling. and so really, what's the fucking point?
okay wait this one is 2 alphas sharing an omega. now we're back to fucking literature
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
happy wincest thursday, liz!! what do you like to see in weecest fic?
aww yay, happy wincest thursday to you as well!
Hm hmm. Weecest. Well -- maybe it's more instructive for me to think about what I don't like to see, up to and including:
any kind of sexkittening. Just... no. Lolita Sam can also fall into a sewer where nothing's #aesthetically on point.
too-sophisticated attitudes about sex & relationships where it feels like they're blue-collar Cruel Intentions characters. You know? Even if Dean's fucked around (or been fucked, all around), he's still ~20 and therefore an idiot, and Sam's ~16 and therefore even idiot-er, and I want them to fumble around and be confused and have their emotions come as an overwhelming surprise, because they're kids! what's the point of weecest where they're not kids?
speaking of fucking around -- I don't like it when they're like way too experienced. There was this tendency in particularly older fic for Dean to have been fucking college girls since he was 14 or whatever the hell (have to assume that was written by teenagers, because anyone over 22 is going to look at a 14 year old and go 'ah, an infant') -- and even if Dean's been doing sex work of some kind, it feels goofy if that's like way ott standing on a corner misery porn rather than a series of opportunistic one-offs. Sam and Dean are both way too normally socialized (honestly, they really are) for it to be some goofy grodelord backstory of that type.
and so, following that, I do like to see some kind of normalcy (assuming we're going for a canon-feeling fic, which is always my pref). Sam should have some awareness of school & what normal people are like; Dean should be fretting about food and money and the car -- so they aren't existing in some weird incestuous oubliette where the rest of the world disappears, because Sam and Dean just don't do that and especially didn't when they were younger. Sam's got a school friend, Dean's got a girl at the grocery store he flirts with. I find wincest (either adult or wee) so much more interesting when they exist in a real world and move through it more or less competently and yet still turn inward to the family. Choice is always cooler than inevitability.
following again from normalcy: if a fic includes the conversation about how incest is illegal and either character says anything like the nothing we do is legal anyway, who cares?, I am exiting out and really considering doing the Ron Swanson meme of throwing my computer into the fucking dumpster. GOD. NEVER AGAIN. There's a reason I avoid first time fics, lol.
sorry I went into a brief rage blackout there -- uh, following again from normalcy: they do need to be aware of the incest thing being a problem but I don't want it to be necessarily about incest qua incest... which doesn't make a ton of sense as I write it out that way, but it's a tonal sweet spot that I'm looking for. Of course they should be weirded out and it should be intense and they should be overwhelmed (per the above bullet point), but given that they're kids I don't want them to have like a full adult horror at what the incest means. Worried John will find out and freak, sure -- knowing it has to be a secret, of course -- knowing that it's weird and probably gross, definitely -- and yet the hormonal tide they're being sucked into is too vast for all of that stuff to fully matter. I absolutely definitively do not fucking want Dean to say something like but we're brothers because no shit, of course they are, and there's something more tangled going on here.
If you haven't sensed it by now, I'm an infuriatingly picky fic reader. But I guess what all of this boils down to is the thing that's my preference in all fic: for them to feel like Sam and Dean Winchester from the canon of Supernatural, and for the setting of the fic to matter. I want it to matter that they're kids and I want it to feel like kids and not shitty fake Characters instead of people. High school settings where everyone's an overwrought and overwritten 27 year old suck. I'm not trying to watch Euphoria here; give me Sam Winchester age 15 being so confused and horny and upset and in love that he nuts in his shorts and Dean panics and then hugs him because he doesn't know what to do, either, because he's nineteen years old. Someone should probably get a noogie at some point. Idk.
Seriously though, the legal issues of incest thing: I will throw you into the sea.
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Little Darlin's All Things Fall Writing Challenge
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Jumping straight into this, y’all know the deal!
Rules and things!
You don’t have to be following me, but it would sure be spooky if ya did!
Please signal boost this so it doesn’t flop!
Open for all Marvel characters!
Send me your pairing and prompt in an ask! That way I can keep track of things easier in case tumblr implodes, a url changes, whatever!
Use the “keep reading” insert on anything over 500 words
No word minimum or maximum
Use proper warnings please!
No rape/incest
This does not have to be spooky! it could be the fluffiest Halloween fic ever and I would love it because I love all things Halloween!
AU’s are allowed, especially Supernatural AU
Fic due date: November 10th, 2019
@ me in the fic when you post and  # it #ldatfwc
Once a prompt is gone, it’s gone! If I run out of prompts I will try to find or cook up some more!
That’s it! Any questions feel free to send them via DM or my askbox
Prompts below the cut!
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"Hold on, you have hay in your hair." @all1e23 w/ bucky
“Take that mask off it’s creeping me out.”
“Babe, the sweets are meant to be for the trick or treaters.” @mrsalh32611 w/ bucky
“You’re on my cape.” @just-the-hiddles w/ loki
“Trick or treat!” / “You live here.” / “It was worth a go.” @intheendyouwillalwayskneel w/ clint
“Dead men tell no tales, but we do bend the truth alot.” @sebastianstanfavpita w/ bucky
“Out of all the items in this thrift store, you find the only cursed one.” @iambuckyrogers w/ carol
“With the last breathe in it’s body, it cursed me to death.” @afewmarvelousthoughts w/ natasha
“You can’t sell me your soul, when you don’t have one to begin with.”
“Okay, who’s raising the dead when I’m trying to sleep?” @sammy-jo1977 w/ daredevil/matt
“My life goal is to be a swamp witch.” @slithredn w/ jessica
“The full moon is out tonight. You know what that means.” @chuuulip w/ bucky
“Do you think it tickles when ghost pass through things?” @nacho-bucky w/ clint
“How long have you been dead?” / “Roughly 70 years.” / “Damn. Guess I missed the funeral then.” @afewmarvelousthoughts w/ bucky
“Bite me!” / “No thanks. I’m trying to go on a diet.” @oliviawestbay w/ natasha
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but you didn’t have wings yesterday, right?” @rebloggerblogging w/ pietro
“I will dress up as literally anything else, but don’t make me wear this.” @saltybaltic w/ natasha
“We should do a couples costume.” @a-crowd-of-newsies w/ tony
“You’re too old to go trick-or-treating.” @avintagekiss24 w/ bucky
“I know the neighborhood by heart, which also means I know exactly which houses give out the King Size bars.” @selfcare101stuff w/ loki
“I thought you agreed I should wear this costume to the party tonight?” / “Oh I agreed to you wearing it tonight, but I had no party in mind” @shield-agent78 w/ bucky 
“Come on, just let me scare a few trick-or-treaters.” “You’re going to horrify them!” “It’ll build character.” @spacemansam w/ peter q
“Oh my gourd, I think the crystal ball is working. The spirits are telling me you’re a dumbass.” @justagaymess w/ natasha
“Making out in a graveyard?” @friday-ocean w/ steve
“Did you seriously injure yourself carving a pumpkin?” @caws5749 w/ natasha
“There are some things about Halloween you don’t understand.” @notyetneedcoffee w/ steve
“You look the same as you did 600 years ago.” / “Thanks. I have a great skin care routine.” @lexxierave w/ loki
“Do you remember where I put my grimoire?” @daffodilsbucky w/ bonky😉
“Vampires, geez.”
“Your soul, or hers.” @bettercaptain w/ steve
“I hate costumes, just get me a shirt.” @infinity-witch clint x natasha
“I can finally wear my sweaters.” / “You mean my sweaters?” @lesbian-deadpool w/ natahsa
“Don’t you just love it when the trees change colors?” @marvelgirl7
“Did you seriously just jump into the leaves I spent an hour raking?” / “Possibly.” @jobean12-blog w/ bucky
“Stop picking up the leaves its gross.” / “But they’re pretty.” / “That one has a spider on it.” @the-unspoken-rule w/ sam
“The fall fairs this weekend, we have to go.” @littleredwritinghood13 w/ bucky
“Who knew it would be this cold?” / “Me, that’s why I brought you extra gloves.” / “Well I was just gonna ask to hold your hand…” @multi-fandom-imagine w/ stephen
“Nothing is better than a crisp fall day and hot apple cider.”
“Apple cider is better than pumpkin spice and on this hill I will die!”
“I don’t do horror movies- no, puppy dog eyes are against the rules, you can’t make me- fine, I’ll watch a scary movie with you” @dtrainwin w/ bucky
“I had an amazing idea for a Halloween costume but it requires two people, can you please be the other person?” @sincerelymlg w/ bucky
“I’m having a bonfire. You should join me.” @wkemeup w/ bucky
“Ooh! A pumpkin patch! We have to stop.”
“Do you want to check out that corn maze?” @sunmoonandbucky w/ bucky
“I hate haunted houses. Why would I pay for someone to scream at me?” @harringtonsbaseballbat w/ loki
“I thought you said we were gonna watch a scary movie?” / “We are!”  / “Y/N, Hocus Pocus isn’t a scary movie.” @ruckystarnes w/ sam
“Is that my shirt?” / “It’s the only one that will warm my cold soul.” @louhooo w/ bucky
“That hay ride was a lot scarier than I thought it would be.” @jessiejunebug w/ loki
“I just wanted to jump into a pile of leaves once in my life, I didn’t notice you were in there!”  @spectralbucky w/ steve
“It’s storming pretty bad out there, I think we have to cancel our Halloween plans…” @stanningsebucky w/ bucky
"Being normal is vastly overrated."
"Are you going to start wearing all of my sweaters now?" / "First of all, they're our sweaters." @awkwardfangirl2014 w/ bucky
“Hot cider and a warm blanket — what else could I need right now?”
“Is fall supposed to be this cold?”
“It’s snowing... in October.” @winterromanov w/ bucky
"'Who ya gonna call?'" / "Uh- (insert other character name)." / "You mean to tell me you don't even know about Ghostbusters?" (This dialogue prompt can be played with a bit, or insert more dialogue between those three lines to make it work) @spacemansam w/ bucky
“Cuddling always helps combat cold weather.”
“Ugh, I think my fangs are coming loose.”
“I love you almost as much as I love this weather.”
"I don't want to look 'pretty.' I want to look otherworldly and vaguely threatening."
“At least we’re cozy now.” @evanstarff w/ bucky
“I made four different types of soup. Is that over-doing it?”
“Do you think this sweater is too big?” “A sweater can never be too big.”
“I think I need to put on a few more sweaters.”
“Grab the blankets, we’re going stargazing.” @nobernieyouareunderreacting w/ bucky
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littlewalken · 3 years
Jan 26
So kids on my Tumblr lawn, how many of the Spider-man movies boil down to the basic plot of The Night Gwen Stacy died aside from Spiderverse? An alter ego of someone Peter knows becomes the arch enemy of Spider-Man and stuffs someone he loves in the fridge. Aside from Spiderverse?
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All the Spider-people really do share one brain cell that bounces around in their head like a Windows screen saver, don't they?
Now taking bets for the next round of Tom Holland Spidey flicks where Jacob Batalon becomes the Hobgoblin and drops Peter's college crush Gwen Stacy off a bridge.
Prove me wrong giant mega conglomeration who care more about the Chinese market and stuff that doesn't need much translation and getting a quick buck than making good movies with lasting content.
What do we talk about more, the Folders incest commercial or Avatar?
meanwhile in real life
Going to try in a little bit to paint those Spidey heads again. It's the stuff they're made of. And I managed to get paint to stick to those friggen micro MLP figures so I can do this.
I put on a thin layer of chalk texture paint to see if that will work. When I was scrubbing some of the parts I had put some gesso wash on were trying to hang in there. They were out of quality gesso at the only store I could get to yesterday.
I also got a bottle of Vallejo peach color to see if that would work for a base. I thought about some Testors matte finish but right now I only want things I can clean up with water.
Which reminds me that water clean up oil paints are on my mind although I haven't oil painted in years. I do still have my supplies form college and the last time I painted over 10 years ago. Properly sealed up a lot of that shit does last awhile.
I just don't have anything in mind to oil paint at the moment. If you've never done it I'll just say you have to dedicate real estate to a place for your picture to surface dry that not even a cat can reach.
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