#'He's just a hedgehog' yeah but you guys never hold back on making Knuckles Black for his coding so why's Sonic different
lunalycana · 1 year
Every time I'm forced to see Sonic depicted as a white boy my soul temporarily leaves my body.
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addisonrottmnt · 1 year
Movie sonic the hedgehog x female teenager human reader
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You were in your house in Green hills having good night sleep an having good dream until you herd a speed dash sound outside your window you start to wake up an got off your bed and walk towards to your window to see what was that noise coming from outside your window when you look outside your window you see red dash an orange dash went around the other side of your house you put your shoes on quickly and went downstairs towards the door that leads to the garage when you got to the door you heard footsteps in the garage you open the door slowly so they don’t hear you when you walk in the garage you shine your flashlight towards them they froze and look at you. You see a blue hedgehog and a orange fox and red hedgehog they look so familiar they look like the same hero’s you saw fighting in green hills and stopping egg - man .
Sonic and tails and knuckles: uh meow
Y/N: Sonic-tails-knuckles you guys are heroes of green hills
Sonic: oh so you heard of us
Y/N: um not really I just heard you guys
Sonic: uh oh
Y/N: aw tails you look so cute
Tails: aw thanks
Sonic: what’s your name byway
Y/N: oh my name is Y/N
Sonic: nice to meet you Y/N
Y/N: Sonic I was wondering if I can be your guys new friend
Sonic : sure you can
Tails: alright a new friend in the group
Knuckles: so sonic what do we do now should we hide from the black hedgehog
Y/N: Black hedgehog? Why should you hide from it
Sonic: because he dangers he wants to destroy humanity
Your eyes widened when you heard that
Y/N: why does he want that
Tails: we don’t know
Sonic: don’t worry we make sure you are safe and the others in green hills are
You smile when he side that until you heard a deep voice that you couldn’t see it was coming from
Shadow: you think you guys can hide from me
Y/N: [gasp] oh was that
Sonic see a hole about to burst through the grange roof above you sonic dash in to get you out of the way before the hole in the roof burst
Sonic: Y/N watch out !
Sonic was holding you in Brielle style then he put you down carefully on the floor and then the three were surrounding you protectively you were scared what was going on
Shadow: you guys thought you can hide from me
You started to shack when the black hedgehog got closer to you guys
Sonic: we won’t let you destroy humanity because we will be here for them
Shadow: yeah right who’s behind you sonic
Sonic: no one
Shadow: yeah no they’re some one behind you
You see sonic clenched his fist an some lighting bolts was on his fists
Shadow: let me guess you’re protecting human teenaged girl
Tails: leave our new friend alone
Knuckles: yeah leave our new friend alone
Shadow: don’t think that’s going to happen
Sonic dash in an about to bunch shadow but shadow moves out of the way then bunch Sonic. Sonic went flying in to the garage door
Y/N: Sonic!
Sonic: ow I never been bunched like that
Shadow: give up you three Hu what is this some kind of brown feather
Sonic : No! Give back
Shadow was about crush it but you snatch out of his hand Just in time you run back towards them
Shadow: Hu
You were about to close to the sonic but shadow hit you with a red lightning bolt on your back you got knock out fall down on the ground and the brown feather you were holding fall out of your hand Sonic eyes widened what you did because you saved his mothers feather . Sonic had a tear in corner of his eyes and Sonic was mad what shadow did to you
Shadow: bring on blue
Sonic dash in but knuckles stop him
Knuckles: Sonic we must get out of here he’s to strong
Tails: he’s right
Sonic: but
Knuckles: we got go now
Knuckles and Tails found and opening to escape from the garage sonic look back at you he was so worried about you because what you did for him he decided that he should take you with them.Sonic picks you up in Brielle style and dash towards the other two they all got out safely.
Shadow: Egg man They got way
Sonic and knuckles an Tails were running towards there home in green hills you start to wack and you realize you were somewhere else
Y/N: Hu ow my back hurts were am I
When you wake up you saw sonic standing by the coach you were laying on
Tom : hi sonic
Sonic: hi
Tom: I see you have a new friend
Sonic: [gasp] your alright
Sonic hugs you out of nowhere
Y/N: oh
Sonic: sorry about hug just glad your okay
Y/N: I’m glad to
Be counted
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l-sincline · 4 years
Cybernetics - Cyberpunk!Sonic AU
Amy Rose has been working tirelessly at her broken down booth for as long as she can imagine. Ever since Tails left their work to join forces with the revered hero of Mobius, 'The Blue Blur', she's grown lonely and desperate to make her life exciting. A strange customer comes in one day asking her to fix his cyborg arm, what she didn't know was that he would be the catalyst for a brand new life.
AO3 Tags:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles "Tails" Prower, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, Whisper the Wolf, Cream the Rabbit, Knuckles the Echidna, Badnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), E-123 Omega, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Angst, Slow Burn, Partners in Crime
AO3 Link
Amy reached up and wiped the sweat off her brow harshly with her hand that held the wrench. At the beginning of the day, she may have worried about getting grease or even Thuluhide on her forehead, but it was getting late, and she already had dozens of grease smudges all over her, and a few splotches of Thuluhide on her cargo pants and crop top. Grease, of course, came with the job description. She was a mechanic, fixing robot parts and hover cars and other things of the sort caused her to get pretty messy. Thuluhide, however, was something she hadn’t been aware she’d have to deal with until after her friend Tails had taught her to fix even more advanced things, like cyborg parts and androids.The world they lived in was teeming with them, it only made sense that she learned how to fix them to make more money, she already charged low for her services as it was, she didn’t exactly live in a rich town, it felt like a crime to try and sell her time for more than the people she serviced could afford, so the more she could do, the more money she could make. 
Anyways, Thuluhide had proved itself hard to remove from clothing, as her pants had many other stains that had refused to come out other the years. Thuluhide was the blood of those advanced cybernetics, cyborgs had Thuluhide integrated into their own body along with their blood in order to properly control and maintain function in their robot parts, Androids were simply filled with Thuluhide. As she tightened the last screw on the oldish radio that sat in front of her, on her desk at the very front of her shop, she became aware of a presence standing just ahead of her, on the other side of her booth. Amy looked up, slightly startled that she hadn’t heard them. Even though the street filled with various booths and shops like hers she worked on was often bustling with noise, she usually hear someone at least a few moments before they arrived. 
“You service cyborgs?” They asked- sounded male. 
“Yes-“ she replied “is that what I can help you with today?” 
He wore a cloak that covered most of his body, even the hood cast too much of a shadow on his face for her to see much else other than the fact that he had some pretty sizable fangs for a Mobian that didn’t seem to be some sort of lizard or lion. He responded by tossing an arm up onto her table- it was unlike one she had ever seen before, she usually saw cyborg parts that were steel or black, and if they weren’t their pain job was usually pretty shabby. This arm, however, was sleek white with two red stripes, one running down the outer of the the arm, the other down the inner. The joints were covered in well serviced black rubber- the entire thing was well serviced save for sizable dents made to the forearm. 
“I couldn’t move it at the elbow anymore, fingers and wrist wasn’t working either.” He said, gently using his other hand to push aside the cloak ever so slightly, all she could really see was the matching port on his shoulder where the arm connected, even his other arm stayed hidden by the cloak. 
“Well, I would’ve preferred if you’d let me remove it myself...” she started, picking up the arm to get a closer look at it. The stripes she observed earlier now seemed to just be lights that weren’t turned on. She frowned. 
“You know, I’ve never seen any arm, any cyborg part at all for that matter, that looks like this.” She commented as she continued to turn it over in her hands. 
“It was custom made.” He responded simply. 
“Shouldn’t you bring it back to whoever made it then? They’d have less of a chance of messing up on it than I do.” Amy placed the arm back down on the table and looked up to where she thought she could see the smallest gleam of light off the mans eyes. 
“Can’t. We’re not on speaking terms anymore.” He responded shortly, making it clear that would be all she was getting on that subject. 
“Shame.” She responded simply, putting her hands up in defeat to reassure him she would press no further. “Well, I’ll see what I can do then. I estimate it’ll be done by-“
“Can I have it by tomorrow night?” He interrupted. Her disbelieving look must have made him realize he sounded like an asshole, because he quickly followed up with; “I’ll pay more for it to be done faster.” She let out the breath she had been holding and slumped tiredly. 
“Yes, that will be forty units added on to the down payment then.”
“How much is the down payment?” 
“Twenty units.”
It was his turn to look at her like she was crazy, or at least, it felt like he was looking at her like she was crazy.  “That cheap?”
“Yeah, well, if I just have to tighten a screw then you’ll get money back instead, it’s just easier this way, I don’t know how much servicing this arm will cost until I actually do it. I could give you an estimate if you want, but you’ll have to stick around for another ten minutes.” 
“I just thought it would cost more.” He defended his reaction. 
“Closer to the middle of the city, sure. But out here people don’t have much, and I don’t want to take what little they have away from them.” She responded with a shrug, leaning back on her stool and crossing her arms over her chest. He seemed like he wanted to keep arguing, but kept his mouth shut as he dug around under his cloak a bit before his other arm snaked out and dropped her units on the table. 
She tried her hardest to hide her surprise, but clearly it hadn’t worked well, because his arm shot back into the abyss of the cloak as soon as she had noticed his other arm was also robotic. It was pretty rare to find someone with more than five percent of their makeup being robotic. With one full arm he’d already slightly over come that, but with two full arms he had officially gone pretty wildly over. 
“I’ll be back this time tomorrow.” He said suddenly before turning and walking quickly into the crowd. Amy tried to follow where he was going, but just as suddenly as he had appeared, he disappeared. She swiped the units into her hand and dumped them into a jar that sat below the table before picking up the arm again. 
There was something about it that made her feel as if no one else should see it, as if it was specifically given to her to be in her hands only- maybe the mystery guy had known her mechanic partner had moved on to bigger things and she was the only one in the shop now- either way, she tucked the arm under her own pink arm, which was quite dusty this late in the day making her seem almost purple, and reached up to close the screen in front of her booth to signal she was closed to the market that was still teeming with mobians even after dark. 
Soon she was left in the dim light of her lanterns that hung from either side of the buildings that surrounded the booth. The roof had been constructed out of old tarps and dingy blankets nailed to the walls (with permission from the building owners) and some burlap hung down over the back entrance that lead to the back alleyway to create sort of a tent like entry way. Wires zig zagged across the floor, all leading to different tools and one leading to a lamp on her work desk that all converged at one very over worked extension cord. Amy set the arm down on her work desk and dragged the stool from the front of her booth over to it so she could sit, turning on the lamp once she had. 
She stared blankly at the arm in front of her- perhaps the thing that made it strangest was it’s resemblance to something most mobians lived in fear of; the evil robots sent from the mad doctor, Robotnik, who came from a planet they had strained relations with: Earth. 
Earth and Mobius had only become known to each other in more recent years, after Earth ravaged the land in a war that the Mobians just barely managed to finish off. That was half a millennium ago, so perhaps not as recent as one may think, but still recent enough to keep sour tensions. Both planets leaders were constantly back and forth, looking to negotiate a peace treaty, but nothing had come yet. Constant changes of power on both planets lead to constant changing of peace treaties, it was a turbulent activity. 
But that was besides the point, the arm that sat in front of her resembled some of the most evil robots known to mobians, killing machines set upon them by a man who had made it his goal to take over their planet. 
Trying not to dwell on its resemblance to the doctor’s robots too much, Amy finally chose a tool (a flat head screw driver) and dragged the arm closer to her. She gripped it tightly and popped off the outside panel of the forearm where the flurry of dents were. She held up the gleaming white panel in one hand, and in the light it appeared that the dents had come from kicks, very strong ones to be able to dent this kind of foreign metal. She placed it back down on the table- she’d push the dents up and repaint the panel later, for now she wanted to get an idea of what it looked like inside the arm. 
Inside the arm looked somewhat similar to typical Mobian cyborg limbs, the Thuluhide sat dormant in the tube structures that resembled veins, and sure enough the red stripes she’d spotted earlier were lights, but it seemed that somehow they were activated by the Thuluhide. All the mechanisms on the inside were black, making it rather hard to tell anything apart. Even the wires were black instead of their usual mess of primaries, and she began to wish she still had Tails in the shop to lend a hand. Amy bit her lip as she leaned closer to the arm. She could call him, but he also seemed to be infinitely busier than normal these days. Tails was lucky, extremely lucky. She would probably envy him for the rest of her days. 
With the appearance of the robots that this arm reminded her of many years ago now, had come a vigilante of sorts to save the people from untimely demise. Super fast thanks to his Cyborg legs, sickeningly badass, and supposedly pretty handsome, the Blue Blur had become a household name. He never asked for payment, he never left anyone behind, he just did what was right- absolutely admirable! Amy still remembered the feeling of shock when she had come to the booth one morning and Tails was jittering around excitedly with a smile that looked like it could’ve torn his face in half. Apparently the Blue Blur himself had come by early that morning for maintenance on his legs, and a few days later, had asked Tails to come on board as his official mechanic. 
Amy was so happy for him when he’d told her, but the twinge of jealousy always sat not too far behind. She missed the life Tails brought to the shop, she missed his stories and his expertise, but she supposed it was his expertise that got him such a spectacular opportunity. 
She stared blankly at the ProjScreen she had taken out of her pocket, finger hovering over the call button before finally giving in and tapping it, setting down the screen so the hologram could pop up. 
It rang a few times, and then just as she was sure that Tails’ smiling face would pop up, it was instead the typical camera icon followed by the robotic woman’s voice telling her: “Miles Prower is not available at this moment, please leave a message at the sound of recording, thank you.” Amy managed a quick sigh before straightening back up when the beep sounded and slapping a strained smile on her face. 
“Hi Tails... I was hoping you wouldn’t be busy but... I guess you do have a lot more going on these days.” She laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her neck. “I have something pretty interesting here that I thought you might want to take a stab at, but it’s due tomorrow night so I guess I’ll just try to figure it out on my own... have a good night- miss you!” She tried to end enthusiastically as she grabbed the ProjScreen to get it to stop recording. Amy threw the screen down on the table and grumbled as she leaned foreword and thumped her forehead down on the table. 
“I guess I’m just gonna have to sleep on it.” She spoke aloud to herself, voice muffled by the dirty pink fur of her arms. 
She would have to work on the arm all day tomorrow trying to figure it out, so that meant she’d have to keep the booth closed for the majority of the day, or at least only keep it open to simple fixes, but hopefully this client would pay good. After all, they’d been willing to spend extra money to get it custom originally and pay her extra to get it done fast- so they wouldn’t haggle... hopefully. 
Amy stood from the desk and popped the front panel back on to the arm before placing it gently in her satchel and slinging the bag around her shoulder. After turning off all her lights, she slid through the burlap curtains and headed out into the back ally, ready to go home and take a cold shower. 
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whisker-biscuit · 5 years
In the Name of Science: Chapter 1
Fandom: Sonic Movie (2020)
Rating: T for unethical experimentation, implied violence and gore, and implied torture
Summary: Tom and Maddie didn’t make it in time to rescue Sonic from Robotnik. Hopefully it’s not too late to save him now. Unfortunately, hope is hard to come by in the labs of the mad doctor himself.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik, M.D. Log 1 
Preliminary report: Subject is 3’3”, 14.1 lbs., male. Age and maturity unknown. Vaguely resembles four-toed hedgehog from outward appearance and obvious anatomy. Fur and quill are primarily cobalt blue, with chest and stomach fur light coral peach. Blood sample taken, analysis tbc. Note: internal anatomy to be examined at later date, due to blunt trauma and related injuries.
At 23:30 MST during transportation, subject’s heart ceased regular palpitations. Resuscitation was administered and subject was revived successfully. No other heart or organ irregularities occurred, and subject was transferred to personal laboratory at 1:56 MST for examination. About to conduct preliminary quill count and inspection at time of report.
Subject has yet to regain consciousness since initial containment.
End log
Sonic comes to on a metal table, his face smashed against cold steel and his limbs stretched above and below him, cuffed together. He groans as the aches and pains from the fight with Eggman catches up all at once, and his body’s current position certainly isn’t helping. The hedgehog rubs his cheek against the metal, using the cold to try and ground himself so he can figure out how bad his situation is.
He doesn’t remember much beyond trying to escape at the top of the pyramid. There was heat at his back, and then everything hurt even more than it does now. So that must mean….
Something starts touching his quills. He stiffens.
“H-Hey, who’s there? What do you want?”
There’s no response, and whatever is messing with his quills moves down to their base, meeting fur and skin. Sonic gasps as the same freezing sensation from the table runs along his back. A weird high-pitched whirring fills the air as it goes along. Oh, it’s a robot doing that.
He struggles to turn his head to get a better look at this thing, but he can’t move more than a few inches. The robot continues to probe at his quills, seemingly oblivious to his response, and no matter how Sonic tries to twist and turn, nothing changes at all.
After what feels like an eternity, the robot pulls away and makes a sudden loud clicking sound. It startles the hedgehog into a jolt that he immediately regrets. His body protests, loudly.
“Quill count: 5933.”
“What?” He asks through gritted teeth, waiting for the pounding pain to go away.
The robot doesn’t reply, but then it starts poking at his fur again. Two fingers – are they fingers? Sonic hopes they’re fingers – find a longer quill and pinch at its base. He realizes what’s going to happen right before it does.
It pulls. He sucks in a breath, closing his eyes as the quill is ripped out of his back. He’s no stranger to this sensation, but that doesn’t mean he’s okay with it happening. The robot finds another quill. Sonic flinches and rubs his cheek against the cold.
“Quill count: 5928,” the unfeeling thing announces to nothing once it’s done. It withdraws from the hedgehog who is currently trying to stay calm, holding the stolen quills and moving to some place Sonic still can’t see.
Tired, hurting, and now conflicted between angry and panicked, the teen decides to take a risk.
“Hey Eggman, I know you can hear me! Come out where I can see you! I know you’re scared of people who can kick your butt, but this is ridiculous!”
He yells it out with as much bravado as he can manage, and later he’ll say he was pretty proud of himself for keeping his voice steady. Then he listens, and waits.
For a long while he stays alone in that room, with only the robot doing whatever it’s doing to his quills. But eventually there’s the whoosh of an automatic door opening somewhere behind his left side. Sonic turns his head that way just in time for a long black coat to take up his entire view.
“Finally awake, I see.” The man says, and it’s hard to tell whether he’s pleased or annoyed by this fact. “You’ve been unconscious for nearly 8 hours.”
Sonic’s eyes trail up slowly, meeting the maniacally-gleeful face of his captor. He swallows, and it takes a few moments to find his voice again.
“D-Dang, that long? Must have been quite the beauty rest. How about you let me go so I can look myself in the mirror and tell you if it worked?”
“Just as chatty and full of hot air as your moronic human guardian. I should have expected that, which I did. Nothing ever gets past me, little alien.” 
The hedgehog falters. For a single second. “Oh yeah? Better get used to failure then, Eggman. I’ve gotten past you so many times already that I’ve lost count.”
Robotnik takes hold of his ear and twists. Sonic’s mouth clamps shut to keep the whine under his tongue, but he never takes his wide eyes off the scientist.
“Here’s how it’s going to go, hedgehog – which is what you most closely resemble in physical structure and biology, despite the incredibly irrational discrepancies.” 
He leans in to speak directly against the teen’s caught ear. 
“I’m going to do whatever I want to you, however I want, whenever I want, and the only words I want coming out of your mouth unless stated otherwise are ‘yes Doctor,’ ‘no Doctor,’ or ‘thank you Doctor.’ Do you understand?”
Sonic takes slow, shallowed breaths as he listens, and he steels himself before offering a nickname he’s only heard Donut Lord say twice ever.
“Sure thing, Dr. Douche.”
The hand on his ear pulls so hard that he thinks it’s going to come off. He chokes back a watery whimper when Robotnik forces his head up off the table.
“Pain receptors and nerve endings appear to be fully functional, although I can’t say the same for your auditory processing.”
“Ow, ow ow…” The teen’s hands clench into fists as his head is held back and kept there. He doesn’t dare close his eyes, watching Robotnik like he might rip his ear off entirely the moment he stops staring.
Finally, the man releases him, and Sonic’s head hits the table with a thunk. He winces at the painful contact to his chin. 
“Ow-uh, easy on the face! We can’t all look this good naturally, c’mon.”
The doctor stands up straight without acknowledging him. “Agent Stone.”
“Yes, Doctor?”
The hedgehog is startled by the assistant’s voice coming somewhere behind Robotnik; he had no idea the guy was even there.
“Set up my recording equipment pronto. Now that the subject is awake and responding in a…semi-intelligent manner, I do believe it’s time to get information firsthand.”
“Of course sir, right away.” Agent Stone’s voice is already fading as he leaves the room. The sound of equipment being shuffled starts up distantly.
Robotnik’s gloved hand returns to Sonic’s head and he flinches, but this time the touch is light and almost examining. He rubs his thumb and forefinger on either side of the teen’s ear, then trails down to run along the fur on top of his head. Sonic realizes with no small amount of disgust that he’s being petted, like what Tom does with Ozzie.
“Hey, quit it, I’m not a dog!” He tries to pull his head away to no avail.
“Those are the first scientifically correct words you’ve said thus far,” the scientist says quietly. “Although it’s such a low bar. Honestly, I thought that hick cop babysitter of yours was the least sapient lifeform on this planet until you opened your mouth for the first time.”
Sonic bristles. “Don’t talk about him like that. You don’t know anything.”
“Ah, I suppose you’re right. I shouldn’t pigeonhole you in the same category as that knuckle-dragger. You are so much more remarkable than that. A peak product of evolution. Well…physically, at least, but it isn’t so difficult to train animals.”
The hand hasn’t stopped petting him. Sonic feels a sick pit in his stomach, and it’s not just from the betraying urge to lean into the touch.
“If you think I’m going to roll over and do what you want, you’re wrong. I’ll get out of here somehow and then you’re going to regret it.”
“That’s the spirit I like to see! Makes the end result so much more satisfying when I’ve broken it.” Robotnik tilts his head to meet the teen’s anxious glare head-on. Then he half turns away to call out. “Stone! Are you finished yet, or do we need to set aside another eternity?”
“All set and ready to go, sir!” Comes the response from the other room. “The holding pen is prepped and secure as well!”
“Excellent, finally. It’s so hard to find decent human help these days.” 
He presses a few buttons on his left glove. A pair of floating egg-like robots appear and connect to Sonic’s restraints, releasing him from the table and lifting him up between them. The hedgehog tries futilely to kick out or make them drop him. Robotnik leads the way towards the other room, not giving his captive a second glance.
“Now the time for pointless chit-chat is over! Time for proper scientific observation!”
All Sonic can do is struggle as he’s carried away.
A/N: I thought Robotnik would be really hard to characterize, but I'm having an easier time with him than expected. Maybe it's cause Sonic is the one fighting me at every turn heh. Also, remember how in the movie Sonic supposedly stopped breathing and then got revived from his powers and friendship? Yeah, me too :)
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy!
Chapter 2
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
Feelin the Shadamy feels lately, so would you care to write a story where Shadow survives the end of SA2 and goes back to Amy on the ark? Thanks for what you do!
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Ugh, me too. Me too.
And thank you ;u;
Gentle reminder that Prompts are on Shutdown! Don’t send me a prompt request till they reopen! :Db
Tails approaches Sonic, wearily watching him gaze out the window. “Sonic?”
Sonic shakes his head down, “It was a close call.” He turns and smiles as Shadow approaches the two from behind.
“Ah! Shadow!” Tails exclaims, spinning around and not sure if he should attack him or not.
“Easy, buddy. He’s cool.” Sonic explains, somewhat, and walks over to Shadow. He playfully whacks his shoulder, “Tough job, you may have the workings of a hero in you yet, Shadow!”
“Hmph, I wasn’t created for sporting a hero’s smile.” He steps away from Sonic, dusting off the place where he touched. “All this has done for me is left me with more unresolved questions. I don’t need your gratitude, just your compliance.” he folded his arms.
“Oh? Is that so? I see.” Sonic, without skipping a beat, cheerily leaned his body a bit and folded his own arms, as though to mirror Shadow but in a more relaxed way. “Well, you’re still getting one. Thanks, Shadow!” He charmingly gave him a thumbs-up, and Tails jumped with his fist held high.
“What’s the compliance?” Knuckles and Rouge entered then, angling their bodies towards each other, but looking squarely at Shadow.
“You aren’t sayin’ you’re gonna ask for our quiet demise some other time are ya?!” Knuckles swung an arm out, but Rouge placed a hand on her hip and sharply turned her head to him.
“Enough. He’s clearly not being hostile. You are!”
“What!? You-!” Knuckles stepped toward her but she broke eye-contact and turned her cheek to him, addressing Shadow again and ignoring Knuckles’s outburst toward her.
“You were saying?”
“Wha?! Hmph!” Knuckles saw the blatant turnaround and kicked the ground as he turned away from her, walking off by Sonic.
“Only to stay out of my way…” Shadow unfolded his arms, then looked to Tails and Sonic.
Sonic nodded, closing his eyes and opening them in the process.
Shadow lowered his head, acknowledging that Sonic had heard his request and accepted it.
“I simply want answers. Nothing more.” Shadow began to walk off, moving passed Rouge as she followed him with her eyes.
“Kinda moody for an ultimate lifeform, don’t you think?” she teased, tilting her head as Tails rushed over to the center of the bunch.
“B-but! What if he tries to hurt people again! We’re just gonna forgive him like that? Q-quick! Someone put a tracker on him!” he pointed to Shadow’s direction, but Knuckles and Sonic looked to each other, then away as Sonic gave a smirk to Tails.
“Come on, Tails. He kinda did help me save the planet.” He stood beside him, comforting his worried friend.
“Y… yeah, I guess that’s true.” Tails looked to where Shadow had left, then Sonic, and then to the ground, letting the topic go.
“Besides, he’ll have to face me again if that happens! And everyone knows I’m the fastest hedgehog alive!” Sonic struck a pose, and Tails happily laughed with him.
As Shadow continued down the hallway, he looked at the battered metal with old bullet holes in it… contemplating exactly what had happened, to the best of his memory.
“If this is what you wanted, Maria,… then I’ll stop this path, and find another way to achieve the purposes you asked for.” He continued to study the area, but nothing was triggering his mind. “Whatever those may be… and however much I may not agree with it.” he shook his head, not sure if saving the earth was right, but knowing that if Maria wanted it, then he had no choice but to follow it.
“Huh?” He stopped to turn around but was ambushed by the girl’s doting arms in yet another accident. “You never cease to forget to look first before jumping.”
Amy continued to smother him before realizing this texture felt a little off. “O-oh..?” Her arm felt fluff… that wasn’t right.
She also squinted her eyes to the black and red contrast on Sonic’s features… wait…
“Oh no!” she pulled away, “It’s Shadow!” she reached her arms back and quickly pattered her feet away from him. “Wait, if you survived, then Sonic must have come back too, right!?” she put her hands gratefully to her chest. “Oh, thank goodness. I was really worried about you two!”
“…You were… worried… about me?” Shadow looked a bit in shock, unable to understand that.
“Huh? Silly, of course I was! You both had me scared! When you dashed off to help Sonic save the world, I just knew you weren’t a bad guy!” she swayed a bit in her words, then pointed very sternly to Shadow. “Bad guy’s don’t say they’ll keep their promises! What was that promise you were referring to, anyway? I don’t remember asking you for anything.”
As she continued to speak, Shadow grew more… was it embarrassed?
He looked to the ground, his eyes darting around before turning away from her, gesturing to the world. “I remembered making a promise long ago to someone… your words… they brought those memories back to me.” he tightened his fist, bringing it in before his shoulders fell a bit from their rising tension, and then he nodded to Amy. “Before, I asked for no thanks… simply because I realized this was what I should have done all along. You… The thanks I received should be given back to you.”
He walked towards Amy, making her a little nervous as she looked up into his serious eyes, “Shadow…”
He placed a Chaos Emerald in her hand. Its glow and radiance looked much like the earth’s surface in hue and light…
The two stared at the emerald… before back up at each other.
“Thank you…”
“For what? Reminding you of a long lost promise? You really are kinda weird, but for that person’s sake, I’ll gladly accept your thanks.” Amy nodded, but something tugged at her heartstrings then. It didn’t really feel appropriate to have him thanking her, she didn’t feel like what she did was really the cause of his sudden change of heart.
“You’ve had that promise buried in you all this time. If anyone should give thanks, you should give it to that person you made a promise with, right?” she tilted her head cutely, and he seemed to be processing her words.
“Perhaps you’re right.” He started to think about it, before turning around and walking off.
“Oh, that reminds me.” He turned his head to look over his shoulder somewhat back at Amy, “I never did fully learn your name…”
“It’s Amy! Amy Rose!” She let out her signature vocal pattern and then waved to him. “I’ll always remember your name, Shadow! Shadow the Hero!”
“Amy…Rose… And a Hero..? You sound just like him.” He walked forward, repeating her name as he departed. “Farewell, Amy Rose. Sonic The Hedgehog… and Space Coloney Ark…” He then closed his eyes.
“Huh?” Amy watched him round the corner, not sure what he meant by that…
She placed her hands over the Chaos Emerald and close to her chest as Sonic and the others came by.
“Hey, Amy. Long time no see!”
“Oh, Sonic!” She spun around, rushing into his arms. “How could you! I thought you were-! Ohhh, Sonic!” she dug herself into him, remembering that for a moment, he had almost died from a trap that exploded in space!
“W-woah! Hang on, Amy! It’s all good! Yikes! Don’t pull me so hard! Amy..!” she kept on laughing as Sonic protested little by little, but something still plagued her thoughts.
“Hey…” She pulled away, revealing the Chaos Emerald as she brought her hands forward from her chest. “Shadow gave this to me… And for saving my life back there… I’ll give it to you.”
Sonic looked down at the Chaos Emerald. He took it a moment and nodded to her. “Thank you.” then stuck it away.
“Hehe! That’s the second time someone’s thanked me today!” she chimed, as Tails walked over to her.
“What do you mean, Amy?”
“Well… Ah! That’s right! Shadow! I forgot!” She suddenly grew panicked and took off. Waving behind her, she encouraged them to not follow, “I’ve gotta make sure he gets back to earth, alright! What if he tries to use that fake Chaos Emerald!”
Knuckles suddenly jolted back in spot, “Oh no! That’s too far a distance! He’ll not make it!”
“You mean… if that’s what he was planning.” Rouge argued, “I don’t think the bloke’s stupid enough to consider that…”
“We needed the Chaos Emeralds… but maybe he thinks he can get by with Sonic’s fake Emerald?” Tails looked to Sonic.
“Either way, I’m not leaving a new friend behind!” Sonic struck a cool pose, showing his resolve as he took off. “Come on! We’ll find him! Leave no asteroid unturned!”
“Got it!” the others agreed, taking off.
As Amy searched, she gasped.
Seeing Shadow prepare an old containment pod to put him back into sleep, possibly killing him this time since he probably didn’t know exactly how to do it…
And there was a location… he was going to blast himself into space…
“No!” Amy shook her head, her face full of horror as she read the screens he had momentarily programmed to start up on its own. “Shadow, stop!”
She dashed to the pod as he approached it, grabbing his arm.
“L-…Let me go.” Shadow struggled a bit.
“Don’t do this! You belong on earth! Like the rest of us!” she wouldn’t cease, and he was somewhat confused by her odd strength.
“This must be… I’m not like anything on earth. I don’t belong there. I don’t belong here, either… You don’t understand what I am.” He tried to fight against her, but it was clear he was lenient in actually repelling her away. He didn’t want to hurt her.
“I don’t care what you are!” she shouted out, stopping him a moment from tolerating her moxie against him.
Her words shook him to his core.
“You… What?” his eyes quaked, widened by her sudden outburst.
“If what you are scares you from living a full life… then reinvent yourself!” she ducked her head down, making sure her arms were like iron bars he couldn’t escape from.
It was an awkward hold, her still gripping him from behind and him trying not to hurt her while attempting to move away and get in the pod that would make him sleep while he drifted aimlessly into space for eons and endless years.
“You… You don’t know what you’re saying. Let me go!” he tried to be a bit more forceful in his voice now, but she continued to struggle against him.
“No! This isn’t right, Shadow! What about your promise to me? Do you remember!? I have a new promise, promise you’ll stay! Promise me you’ll try and understand what you just saved! See the world for what it really is, a beautiful new home for yourself! You can be whoever you want to be on earth! No one will despise you!”
He couldn’t believe her words this time.
“That’s enough. Release me!” he was threw listening to the ramblings of a child.
“No!” She felt him using more of his strength now, his large hands finally placing themselves on her head and shoulder.
“Amy… You don’t realize what you’re saying.” She knew nothing of him. Nothing of his origin. He was a monster, that’s all he needed to know. Earth didn’t hold the answers he so desperately desired. Nothing did. It was all dead and gone… like he should be.
“I do! I know far more than you because I’ve seen earth! I know the precious lives that you’ve saved and you don’t, Shadow! You don’t know!”
“I’ve never saved any lives!” growing more frustrated, he bent his knees and began to push back against her, realizing he doubted her initial strength. His memories swarmed with Maria, the ones he could recall, anyway. “All I do is end lives… even if I don’t want too, and even if it costs me a promise!”
“Make a new one! I dare ya!” she pushed back against him, and for a moment, his feet scooted back and almost gave way at the sudden velocity of her shove.
“Ah…” He was actually kinda impressed, but quickly withdrew the thought. “I’m growing tired of this..!” he threw an arm up, whacking her back as she fell and landed on her back. “You may have swayed me before, Amy. But this isn’t something you can interfere with again!” he spoke with much more firmness in his voice now, a dark essence dripping from his tone. “If you only knew… the destruction I could cause to your precious earth… you’d let me turn into a forgotten curse.” He held his hand up, picturing the earth before lowering his hand into a shaking fist. “Leave me…” he swiped his hand back and began to load himself into the pod.
He put his arms in a similar position as when he had awoken from Eggman triggering his activation. He intertwined his fingers and let his head rest back, breathing in the fumes that would place him back into a warm, comatose state.
“Maria… Forgive me.” He closed his eyes, “I should have never been created… or you’d still be with us.”
“Preparing launch sequence.”
“Grr… ughh… GRAAAHH!!” Amy swung her Piko Piko Hammer into the pod.
It cracked the pod.
“What?” He opened his eyes and looked around, seeing the electricity spark and red lights flash on with yellow sirens spinning around.
“Containment breach. Launch in jeopardy.”
“HAAA!” Amy continued to swing into the pod.
Shadow’s eyes studied the girl, the powerful swings, the tears in her eyes..?
“Why… tears?” Then something happened, he felt an emotion pour from a heart he didn’t know he had.
With each swing, Amy’s arms would lift and he would see her. When it crashed down, he would see Maria, crying and desperately placing her hand on the containment pod.
His heart melted again, and he tightened his jaw, leaning back and kicking the pod to escape.
“Launch still imminent. No emergency code registered. 10…9…8-”
“SHADOW!” Amy cried out.
He strained against the militarized, seemingly glass surface.
“You promised!” Amy cried out, her eyes like shattered pieces of a prism, shining with an endearing love for the stranger she had only just met. “Promise you will stay!”
“…GrraAAAHHH!!! I PROMISE!” Shadow shouted out, the two’s force finally breaking the pod as it blasted out into space.
“Shadow!” Sonic and the others finally arrived, as Sonic threw the Fake Chaos Emerald, having found it slammed dunked like he remembered.
Shadow, being tossed around by the speed of which the pod was launched, finally was able to maneuver himself to grabbing the Fake Emerald.
He looked to Amy, “I’ll keep my promises… I’ll see you on earth… I’m not a bad guy, then… right, Amy?” he looked at the Fake Emerald in his hand, her image on the other side of it.
“Hmph, very well. I’m no hero, but I’ll keep my new promise to you.” He held up the Fake Emerald, “Chaos..! Control!”
It shook him to his core, but because he had far more chaos power than Sonic, the Fake Emerald was enough to send him to earth’s surface.
He fell unconscious, landing after the shining light had brought him to a beautiful forest.
The Fake Emerald rolled out of his hands, shattering from its final use, and Shadow blinked his eyes open.
The first thing he noticed was the rays from above, the sun hitting his fingers and causing light to part into shadows on the ground around him.
He tried to focus his exhausted eyes, then looked to see trees… felt grass… heard nature for the first time.
“Ma… Maria…” He barely could mouth it out, feeling his consciousness slipping away again, his eyes getting blurry as they faded in and out… he spoke one other sound…
“I see it… A-… Amy… I see what we’ve saved…”
And then, darkness… as was his fate.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 248: Internships II: THE MENTORING
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor asked Deku and Kacchan to give him the rundown on their character arcs, and Izuku said that he was trying to master his new definitely-not-a-second-quirk quirk, while Katsuki explained that he was trying to find “what he lacks” because he is going for 100% completion in his redemption arc and will accept nothing less! Gotta finish all those sidequests! Anyway so Endeavor was surprisingly into the whole mentoring thing for both of them, but then his own son was all “dad I’ve got something to say too” and Endeavor was like “oh shit” and Shouto was like “I still don’t like you as a person or a father and I only came here to learn flashfire from you!” and fandom was like “HOLY SHIT RIP THAT MAN HAD A FAMILY” and Shouto was like “YEAH I KNOW THAT’S THE WHOLE PROBLEM.” Anyways then they went on a walk, and Endeavor told the boys to try and take down a villain faster than him before the end of the winter break.
Today on BnHA: Endeavor and the Rowdyruff Boys take to the streets and fight some crime. Endeavor spends a lot of time giving the youths advice about how not to be so fucking slow, and even though he’s a bit of an ass about it, he makes some strong points about how a split second can mean the difference between life and death in a hero’s line of work. Anyway so he tells Shouto and Kacchan to work on storing up their power and releasing it all at once, and he tells Deku to work on making his Air Force as automatic as his Full Cowl is. They all sit around and munch on some bread, Deku does a bit of monologuing, and then we cut to ONE WEEK LATER and FUYUMI WANTS TO INVITE ALL THREE OF THE BOYS TO A FAMILY DINNER!? Motherfucker why does the last fucking panel have more exciting content than the rest of the chapter combined. Well anyways, at least we’ve got that to look forward to.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity afterward, and added a few ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
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is this a new dragon form for Ryuukyuu? it seems like something in between her big ol’ Smaug form and her human form? or maybe this is just forced perspective making her seem smaller than she actually is here. anyways she kicks ass as always and still want to see her breathe some fire
I just realized everyone on this team can fly? except maybe Hadou? but I seem to recall her hovering over some bad guys when using her powers a while back though. I really don’t remember much about her quirk; I’m glad the anime will be getting up to that soon, because actually seeing it in motion will probably help it to stick more in my memory
(ETA: she can release her shockwaves from her feet to levitate! everyone on this team can fly confirmed! well Tsuyu can’t, but her quirk is basically an offshoot Spider-Man brand so it’s close enough.)
moving on! looks like we’re getting some DEKU INNER MONOLOGUE
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okay, several things that I like about this before we continue:
look how fucking comic-booky this is. the main character parkouring through the city streets, thinking Deep Thoughts in square boxes? pretty sure this is the first page of every single comic book ever made and I LOVE IT
that metaphor about learning to walk when everyone else was already focused on where they were going to run. god I love me a good metaphor. though Deku, you were technically 15 when All Might actually gave you the quirk. that’s not on you though, that’s on Horikoshi who I’m sure has already realized the error by this point and is probably kicking himself and will write a 10,000 word apology in the volume omake
the fact that SIXQUIRKS!! IS FINALLY BEING ACKNOWLEDGED AS A THING AGAIN OMG. I’ve only waited like 5 million years for more of this, so pardon me if I lose my fucking shit depending on where this is all headed. omg. this stupid manga
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they seem to have stumbled upon a game of Mario Kart in progress. at least I’m pretty sure this is a Mario Kart character. actually it might be Knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog
so now Endeavor is MERCILESSLY CUTTING OFF HIS PATH WITH A WALL OF FLAME forcing him to abandon his bike if he doesn’t want to die a fiery death!
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Endeavor truly does not give a fuck! not that All Might was any better, punching huge dents in the hoods of cars and shit. the moral of this story is, don’t be a villain. just don’t. because the number one heroes will fuck you uuuuuuup
now Endeavor is yawning and looking over his shoulder at Kacchan and Deku all, “oh you guys were there too?” but not really but basically though
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(ETA: oh my god I just noticed the “hit-and-runner” part. have the people in this town never heard of brakes? do they know that red means stop?? also does Endeavor really spend the majority of his day just flying around dealing with traffic violations. I guess technically it’s still New Year’s, so it’s probably a slow day and also everyone is probably drunk.)
god you kids are so slow. it’s because you’re on that social media all the time! and watching all that MTV. kids these days don’t play outside in the fresh air anymore! back in my day!! anyways tough luck you young whippersnappers
Kacchan is grumping that he’s at a disadvantage because of the temperature. I forgot all about that
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hey Kacchan I think your best friend has something he wants to tell you there
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OF COURSE HE REALIZED but uh, go ahead and spill it anyway if you want. but he definitely did realize. whatever it is that you’re about to tell him
so Shouto says that Endeavor is propelling himself by shooting flames from his feet, and that it’s probably a compressed version of the “jet burn” technique he used in Kyushu. you know, the one he used to fly, and Hawks was all “Endeavor you can fly!?” and Endeavor was all “this isn’t flying, this is falling with style” and we all rolled our eyes
anyway guys. if this is the beginning of Shouto finally learning to fly as well, I will get up and do some kind of happy dance, I don’t even know. do you even know how long I’ve wanted this. PLEASE
lol so Kacchan is all “okay I actually did know that, are you telling me you only just figured that out now” aaaaand yeah. I wasn’t gonna say it, but. Shouto how many times did you sit there and watch Endeavor blast off before you finally said “oh my GOD he’s BLASTING OFF!” sob. IT’S ALL THAT MTV AND AVOCADO TOAST! that noise isn’t even real music! get off your phone and have an actual conversation!
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Shouto is so handsome and so good at accepting criticism. what an all-star. please start flying around soon my little Canadian flag
so now Endeavor is blasting off again and sassily hinting at which direction he’s flying off to next. “there’s a major street in that direction”
so now they’re taking off after him
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that’s an interesting way of saying that he’s setting the whole town on fire. how do the people in Endeavor’s territory all manage with their daily commute? “almost there boss be there in five... oh hold up... Main Street’s blocked off by a raging inferno, I’ll call you back”
Endeavor says that heroes must be able to do “anything and everything” on their own, which is a curious thing to say in this manga which has time and time again made a point of demonstrating how teamwork gets the job done! I’m not sure I agree with this, Endeavor!
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though I guess he just means they need to be able to handle it all if necessary. but I mean, sometimes that’s just not possible. using his own example of Kyushu, there’s no way he would have been able to handle the Hijinks Noumu while protecting all the citizens and fighting off all the other cannon fodder noumus all at the same time. I’m not even sure All Might would have been able to do that. maybe this is an example of how Endeavor still doesn’t have all of this hero stuff figured out yet
lol oh my god
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Endeavor that was like four chapters ago, why are you only now bringing this up. act your age
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so Kacchan is again saying that he needs more time in the winter, but like. Kacchan that’s not like you to make excuses. are you just going to hibernate for three months out of every year and only save people when it’s warm out?? or what
and Endeavor’s saying the same thing
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oh shit y’all he’s getting real with them now
oh shit
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by the way how fucking dangerous is this town, jesus. supposing that Endeavor wasn’t out here on patrol, what would be the daily casualty rate? first we had that glass guy rampaging downtown earlier, then that motorcyle guy who probably hit a dozen people, and now Tommy and Gina here nearly get run over by a speeding truck. what is this, Gotham City
anyway now Endeavor is saying TodoBaku rights so I’ll shut up
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Shouto’s asking if this is related to him learning flashfire, because lest we forget, he’s here for ONE REASON and ONE REASON ONLY lol
so Endeavor says the two of them have to learn how to store up their energy and release it, and how to “condense” their power
you guys I am super hyped about this. not only because BEST FRIENDS PART TWO: THE FRIENDENING!!, but also because this will be the first time Kacchan has gotten a physical power-up in like, ever. (well, AP Shot I guess, but shh.) if he and Shouto are not both flying by the end of this arc then what even is the point!
anyway so Endeavor’s telling them all this technical shit about what to do, blah blah blah, but the short version is they need to be able to go from zero to sixty instantaneously, and release all the stored-up firepower focused into one single point, and to practice doing that until it’s second nature to them
omfg Deku’s so excited
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BECAUSE HE HEARTS YOU KACCHAN lol this isn’t anything new, don’t be so shocked. ACCEPT HIS LOVE
though come to think, that really is impressive even for Deku that he knows about that particular technique, because Kacchan created AP Shot back when Deku was supposed to be developing his own ENTIRELY NEW FIGHTING STYLE, which you would think wouldn’t have left him with much time to spare to also keep tabs on his rival and write down his every move. so is his Big Hero Brain just that good, or is this chapter also promoting BakuDeku rights in addition to TodoBaku rights? you decide! but you already know which one I think it is lol
so now Endeavor is giving some bonus mentoring to Shouto
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(ETA: why is Kacchan the only one who actually eats his lunch sitting down. these weirdos.)
you guys I love Shouto so much but does he really need it broken down for him to this degree? “son, you know all the things you do to control your right side? try doing those things to control your left.” Shouto: “!!!!” all those video games and participation trophies have fried his brain! too much Instagram! this new generation is going to the dogs
now Endeavor is turning his attention to Deku! but I’m more focused on the fact that they’re eating lunch, because my priorities are just like that
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like lol, check out this panel of Deku talking with his mouth full
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whole chapter was worth it just for this. boy you’re gonna get crumbs all over your super suit
Endeavor’s asking if Deku can raise his power level subconsciously, and he says he can for Full Cowl, but not for Air Force
so he says the first thing Deku should do is learn to control Air Force subconsciously, and forget about the Bloop for now
and Deku is all “what about parallel thinking” but more importantly, LOOK AT THIS
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Endeavor says a big part of parallel thinking is being able to do it without consciously thinking about it, and damn he’s right
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IT’S ALL ABOUT THAT INSTINCT! also how does he know the man is yawning? you can see him from up there?? DOES HE JUST KNOW EVERYTHING
and he says that once Deku can do two things at once subconsciously, he just needs to add one more thing. damn, he really managed to break it down so that even this chronic overanalyzer can understand the concept
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practice, practice, practice until it’s second nature. solid fucking advice
hey everyone Kacchan is still eating. just a PSA
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that’s one for the family album. my handsome boy
okay like. it’s a nice speech, but we get it already dude. you can stop talking now and we can move on to something new
so then there’s some more Deku monologuing, pretty much the same stuff he was saying at the start of the chapter, and then Endeavor hits us with this little bait and switch gem
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like, the first part sounded almost comforting, and then PSYCH!!!! but I guess he’s just trying to get them all fired up
(ETA: and like, just a few chapters ago we established how the success of these three kids is actually CRITICAL TO THE FATE OF THE ENTIRE WORLD, APPARENTLY. so yeah this is a total bluff. deep down he’s actually sweating and thinking “holy shit they better not fail.”)
and Deku’s finishing up his monologue by saying his maximum speed is doing things one by one. well that’s fine. so now will there finally be a segue?
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are we gonna finally get into that TODODRAMA I have my popcorn ready to go!
lmao “and he’s even got friends with him, right?!” ah Fuyu you are the best. she’s so happy Shouto has finally found himself some good pals
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sob. this chapter was basically just a thirteen page trailer for the real meat of this arc. some nice mentoring did occur, I’ll give them that, and I very much enjoyed it. but I’m tired of feeling like we’re just treading water waiting to get to the next big thing! surely all of the set-up is finally done now, right? everyone has their goals established now, we’ve had a mini-time-jump and school is about to start again, and we’ve done our preliminary testing of all of the TodoBakuDeku dynamics and confirmed that all components are firing on all cylinders. basically what I’m saying is we are good to go! ready to get off of this bench! GO AHEAD AND PUT US IN, COACH
anyway guys so here’s a list of what I want to happen at this dinner:
Shouto being all “this is my sister Fuyumi” and Kacchan and Deku being all “COME AGAIN?” because they legitimately thought he was an only child
Fuyu chuckling about how Kacchan reminds her of her dad, and both Kacchan and Endeavor being grossly offended by this
Deku and Kacchan spotting a family photo on the mantel, and Shouto explaining “yeah, that’s my mom, and my brother Natsuo... AND... MY OTHER BROTHER, TOUYA” and then the camera rapid-fire pans to Fuyu and Endeavor and Shouto’s SUPER AWKWARD EXPRESSIONS, before ZOOMING IN ON THE PHOTO OF TOUYA, AND BOY DOES HE LOOK FAMILIAR OH MY GOODNESS
Deku and Kacchan eyeing each other all “holy shit wtf did we get ourselves into” as it begins to dawn on them that they wouldn’t have enough time to unpack all of this even if they had an entire crew of movers on the job. not even Marie Kondo could clean all this shit up. GOOD FUCKING LUCK BOYS
so yeah! lots to look forward to! so I’ll try and be patient. at least we’ve got the anime to keep us all occupied. who’d’ve thought the Basement arc would one day be our salvation. life sure is funny
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andtails · 4 years
A Prelude to Chaos Control - Chapter 8: No Fear
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Click here to start from the beginning. You can also read this story on FanFiction.Net or Archive of Our Own.
Tails’ wristwatch communicator beeped, signaling the end of his call with Knuckles. He put his wrist down as he peered over at Sonic, who was stretching his arms toward his feet.
“Change of plans, Sonic.”
“Huh?” Sonic stopped mid-stretch, his fingers gripping the tips of his shoes as he looked up at the orange kitsune.
“Knuckles has the Chaos Emerald Eggman stole. Apparently Rouge took it back.” Tails itched his nose as he watched Sonic return to his normal posture, not noticing the black mustache he gave himself from the engine oil on his hands. “We’re gonna stop by Angel Island to hear what Rouge learned at Eggman’s base.”
“Sounds like a plan, little guy!” Sonic gave Tails a thumbs up as the fox finished preparing the Tornado 2 for takeoff.
Tails looked in the rearview mirror as he activated the aircraft’s propellers, Amy waiting patiently in the back seat. “You sure you wanna come with? I can always drop you off somewhere.”
“No way!” Amy planted her fists against her knees, a look of determination in her eyes. “Wherever Sonic goes, I go. I’d follow him through the stratosphere if I had to!”
Tails nervously laughed as he placed a hand behind his head. As he did so, he smeared more sludge across his fur. Feeling the oil around his sensitive ears, he observed his dirty gloves.
“Oh, that’s right.” Sighing to himself, the orange fox retrieved a moist towelette from his glove compartment, unwrapping the tissue from its paper packaging and thoroughly wiping his hands, cleaning away the black muck.
“Alright, now I’m ready to go!” With a few final lever pulls, the biplane left the hangar as it rolled down the dark runway, slowly picking up speed. Pulling the yoke toward him, the Tornado 2 left the ground, making its ascent into the clouds above as the pilot retracted the wheels back into the aircraft’s interior.
“Finally back in the air…where I belong.”
Opening the glass shield protecting the plane’s occupants, Tails unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up, lifting his face as he enjoyed the wind against his furry muzzle.
“Tails!” Amy tapped the fox’s leg. “Can you maybe come down? I’m starting to get a bit nervous here.”
“Don’t be, Amy.” Tails turned around and met her eyes from above, giving the pink hedgehog a wide smile. “I’ve got this baby set to autopilot, so we don’t need to worry about crashing.”
Sonic laughed from the leftmost wing. “C’mon Amy, you think Tails would let us crash? Put some trust in our expert pilot here.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Amy returned the orange kitsune’s smile as a raindrop fell on her nose, shuddering at the cool sensation.
“Hey guys…” Sonic’s demeanor changed as he pointed toward the rapidly approaching black clouds. “Ya may wanna close the hatch there. I see lightning up a—.” The blue hedgehog’s warning was interrupted by a blinding light, followed by the piercing sound of thunder.
“Ahhh!” Tails immediately curled into a ball in the pilot’s seat, using his namesakes as a protective cover against the storm.
Amy poked the balled figure with her gloved finger, the young fox’s tails fluttering at the touch while still remaining wrapped around the distressed kitsune. The pink hedgehog poked him harder.
“Get ahold of yourself, Ta-.” She stopped as she heard the sound of whimpers coming from within the furry ball.
Sonic stepped over to the cockpit, using his arms for balance as the biplane started to quiver against the strong winds.
“Hey, buddy.” Tails stopped whimpering at the sound of Sonic’s voice. “I know you’re scared, but we need you to pilot us through the storm.” Sonic reached a hand down to his little brother, petting the ball of orange and white fur. “Think you can do that for us?”
Tails’ body loosened up as he made a gap between his namesakes, enough for him to peer into Sonic’s eyes, a reassuring smile on the blue hedgehog’s face.
“Mmhmm.” Tails nodded as he slowly allowed himself to roll out of his spherical form, positioning himself upright in the driver’s seat as he collected his bearings. Wiping rainwater from his face, he turned to Sonic, whose arms were crossed.
“Go ahead and close it.” Sonic looked up, the black clouds now directly above them. “I’ll gladly take the thrill of riding in a storm, even if that means getting we—.” The blue hedgehog was cut short by a blinding flash of lightning, appearing dangerously close in front of the biplane. Sonic’s eyes widened in surprise. “…On second thought…I think I’ll ride with you.”
“Yay!” squealed the pink hedgehog from behind as she pulled herself up. “You can come sit right here, and I can be on your lap!” Amy smiled in anticipation as she patted her seat, beckoning the blue hedgehog to join her.
Sonic looked over at Amy with a nervous smile on his face, running his hand through his quills. “…Yeah, no thank you.”
Amy scowled as she watched the blue hedgehog wedge his way behind Tails’ seat, the orange fox sitting in his lap instead.
“Sorry, Ames.” Sonic raised his arm up, giving the pink hedgehog a peace sign as Tails retracted the glass, protecting the passengers from the elements. “Maybe next time!”
Amy ground her teeth, giving the blue hedgehog a stern look through the rearview mirror before taking a deep breath and sighing heavily. “Hmph…” She folded her arms and turned her face away. “Maybe next time…”
While Amy brooded silently, Tails took a deep breath of his own, nervously watching the dark clouds above before returning to his dashboard. Sonic could feel the orange fox’s elevated heartbeat against his chest.
“Relax, little guy.” Sonic patted his younger brother’s leg. “I know you can do this.”
“…Right.” Sighing once more, Tails removed the plane from autopilot and grabbed hold of the yoke, stabilizing the aircraft. “To be on the safe side, I’m gonna reduce our speed a bit.”
“Ahh, what a drag!” Sonic winked at Tails through the rearview mirror. “But, y’know what they say: pilot knows best!”
Chuckling to himself, the orange kitsune reduced the biplane’s altitude. “At our current velocity, we’ll arrive at Angel Island in about thirty minutes.”
Sonic placed his hands behind his head as he closed his eyes, noticing Tails’ heartrate return to normal. “Time for a hedgehog nap.”
Tails watched Sonic descend into sleep through the mirror, his head against the blue hedgehog’s chest, the snoozing hedgehog’s rhythmic breathing having a calming effect on the young kitsune. Smiling to himself, he turned his eyes back to the sky, keeping his hands on the yoke to counteract the turbulence. Finally, as the wind gave way, the fox loosened his grip and allowed himself to relax, even at the sight of lightning bolts in the distance.
“Without Sonic here, I’d have been a complete and utter mess.” Tails looked back at the hedgehog, lightly snoring behind him, breathing against the top of his head. “How does he do it?” The orange kitsune looked forward once more, sighing to himself. “Either way…I’ll never completely resolve my fears until I can confront them alone.”
Observing Tails through a small slit between his eyelids, Sonic watched his younger brother meticulously maneuver the plane, pondering what the young kitsune said to himself.
Tails…I know you can overcome your fears. But please...
Let me help you.
Knuckles was waiting for the party to arrive at the end of the grassy runway as the biplane descended to the surface of Angel Island. As it rolled to a stop, Tails jumped out of the plane, opening a hatch on the back of the aircraft to grab a set of umbrellas for himself and each of his passengers.  Floating to the ground below, he landed just as Sonic jumped out of the plane, Amy in his arms. Tails handed them the umbrellas as Knuckles walked over to greet the trio.
“Storm’s gettin’ worse, but you probably already guessed that.” Knuckles used his arm to shield a gust of wind. “C’mon. Let’s get back to the cabin.”
“Wait a second!” Tails walked toward the Tornado 2, using his wireless keys to lock the aircraft before patting the side of the plane with the palm of his hand. “Don’t be scared of the storm…I’ll only be gone a short while.” After rubbing his muzzle against the plane, giving the Tornado 2 a hug with his arms, he rejoined the party as they walked through the grassy path, rain dripping from their umbrellas.
“So,” the blue hedgehog smirked as he walked alongside the red echidna, “where’s your girlfriend?”
“Huh?” Knuckles looked over at Sonic, who was snickering under his blue umbrella. “What’re you talkin’ about? You can’t mean that bat?” Knuckles awaited the blue hedgehog’s response, a slight blush appearing on his face.  
“Well, yeah…who else?” Sonic gave the red echidna a sly smirk, Knuckles staring back at him in anger as he readied his pre-rehearsed response to the blue hedgehog’s predictable taunting.
“First, I’d never go out with a conniving jewel thief like her.” He stopped in front of Sonic, who didn’t seem to be taking him seriously. “Second, even if I wanted to date her (which I don’t!), she’d just use me to get ahold of the Master Emerald anyway. Third, as the guardian of the Master Emerald, I don’t have that kind of time.”
“Hey Knuckles, you’re gettin’ mighty defensive there.” Sonic playfully elbowed the echidna, whose face turned even more red. Tails chuckled from behind, covering his mouth with his hand while Amy looked on disapprovingly. A vein on Knuckles’ head seemed to bulge as his patience with the blue hedgehog grew thin.
“How many times do I have to tell you? I. Don’t. Like. That. Bat!”
“Oh yeah?” Sonic’s smirk grew larger. “Why is she always here, then?”
“Why else? To steal the Master Emerald!”
Amy cleared her throat. “I, for one, am glad Knuckles isn’t interested in Rouge. She’s a bad influence!”
“Sure.” Knuckles turned around and lead the pack once more, glad to have at least one friend on his side.
After a few more minutes of walking along the wooded path, Knuckles pushed some foliage aside to allow his guests into the clearing surrounding the echidna’s well-kept land.
Making the short walk across the wet grass, the rain still pouring over their umbrellas, Knuckles opened the door, the smell of food filling their nostrils as they entered the cozy cabin. As Amy closed the door, Rouge came out of the bedroom, yawning into her hand as she took a seat at the kitchen table.
“Heya handsome.” Rouge winked at Knuckles, making him blush once more.
“Ha! Told ya so!” Sonic pointed at the red echidna, laughing profusely as Knuckles stomped his feet against the kitchen floor.
“How many times do I have to tell you!” He swung his fists in Sonic’s direction, the blue hedgehog dodging with ease. “Me and Rouge are not dating!”
“Oh yeah?” The party turned to Rouge as she smirked at Knuckles. “Coulda fooled me. Didn’t you just agree to a date?”
“Wait a minute…” Tails humorously placed a gloved finger on his chin as he helped Sonic troll the red echidna. “If Knuckles isn’t dating, how come he has a date with Rouge?”
“Care to explain that one?” Amy turned to Knuckles, hands on her hips as everyone circled the red echidna.
Knuckles turned his face away, peering at a corner of the room as he slid the palm of his hand down his face. Finding a suitable explanation, the red echidna twisted back around to face his friends. “It’s not a date,” Knuckles made air quotes with his spiked hands, “it’s…more of a…casual outing in exchange for information.”
“Ahhh,” Sonic gasped, smiling widely, “Call it what you will, but a date’s a date.” The party laughed, save for Amy, who was relieved the red echidna didn’t appear all that enthusiastic to hang out with the jewel thief.
“Instead of laughing,” Knuckles retorted, not feeling as jolly as his companions, “how ‘bout we have some grub and hear what Rouge has to say?” The red echidna pointed to the stove, a stack of bowls sitting next to the boiling concoction on the burner.
Sonic looked into the large pot, a thick orange substance bubbling within. He stuck a finger in the soup, Amy looking over his shoulder in disgust.
“Really, Sonic? What terrible manners!”
“What?” Sonic shrugged his shoulders, the thick soup dripping from his finger and back into the pot.
“Get your hands away from there!” Amy yelled. “I love you Sonic, but sometimes you’re just so embarrassing and gross!”
“Woah, chill out, Ames.” Sonic pulled his hand away from the pot and stuck his finger in his mouth. His face contorted moments later as his eyes widened before audibly gagging, coughing into his shoulder. After several seconds of hacking, the blue hedgehog looked around the room, Knuckles and Amy grinding their teeth in anger as Tails and Rouge snickered from behind.
“It’s…good…yeah…very hearty!” Sonic rubbed his belly in a circular motion, a forced smile on his face. “What d’ya call it?”
“Pumpkin…soup.” Knuckles sternly walked over to the pot, turning off the stove and grabbing a ladle. “I may’ve only had this cabin for a short while, but even I know how to use proper manners.”
Sonic stepped aside, allowing the red echidna to serve himself as he ran his hand through his quills. Knuckles dropped the ladle into the pot and turned to the blue hedgehog.
“And you don’t need to eat my soup. I can probably find someth—" Sonic ran out of the cabin before the red echidna could finish, returning moments later with a small paper bag in his hands, tossing the biplane’s keys in Tails’ direction. The kitsune cupped his hands just in time to catch his keys as the blue hedgehog peered into the greasy bag.  
“Thank goodness!” Sonic stared intently at the uneaten chili dogs resting safely within. “Mind if I heat these up, Knuckles?” Before the red echidna could answer, Sonic deposited the hot dogs onto a plate and placed them in the microwave.
Amy pressed her palm against her face, shaking her head.
A few minutes passed, and everyone, save for Sonic, was sitting at the table, slowly eating their piping hot soup while the blue hedgehog leaned against the kitchen counter, devouring his leftovers with a few big bites.
“Okay Rouge.” Knuckles placed his hands on the table, facing the jewel thief. “I think it’s finally time you explained what you learned.”
“All right, Knucky.” She set her spoon down in her bowl as Sonic placed a hand to his mouth, hardly able to contain his chuckles.
“Heh, she called you Knucky.” Sonic burst out laughing as Tails placed a palm to his mouth as well, hoping not to make the situation worse with his own laughter.
Knuckles closed his eyes and folded his arms, sighing deeply as he focused on the task at hand.
“No more interruptions.” Turning to the jewel thief once more, Knuckles flicked his hand, beckoning her to tell the story.
“I’ll keep it nice and brief.” Rouge folded her legs, looking over at the crowd staring back. “Eggy can trace Chaos Emerald locations with some computer doohickey of his, and he used this to lure you to Seaside City.”
“Figured as much…” Tails’ head went down, looking into his half-eaten bowl of soup. Seeing his little brother’s downcast face, Sonic approached him from the side, placing a gloved hand on his shoulder before looking back at Rouge.
“It gets worse,” she continued. “Apparently he’s developing some sort of energy amplifier powered by the Chaos Emeralds.”
Tails looked up at the jewel thief. “An…energy amplifier?” He raised a gloved hand to his chin.
“You heard correctly.” Rouge shrugged her shoulders. “Eggman claims this machine will grant him unlimited power once he collects all the Chaos Emeralds. He had three when I infiltrated his base, but I snagged one before escaping…at least, not without a few bruises.” She lifted her arms, giving the party a good look at her wounds before standing up and approaching the red echidna from behind.
“Thankfully,” Rouge placed her gloved hands on Knuckles’ shoulders, causing him to freeze, a light tint of red appearing on his muzzle, “Knucky here saved me after I crash landed.”
“Well…it was nothin’, really…” Knuckles ran a hand through his dreadlocks, the green Chaos Emerald falling out. As if by instinct, the jewel thief caught it before it hit the ground, raising it to her face as she longingly stared at it. Rouge gasped as Knuckles snagged it back from her, placing the mystical gem at the center of the table.
Amy got up from her seat and approached the bat. “Hold on a sec, floozy.” She crossed her arms as the two women locked eyes. “Seems awfully suspicious that you just happen to have been snooping around Eggman’s base at the time. How do we know you’re telling the truth?”
“Just what are you implying?” Rouge placed her hands on her hips as she frowned at the pink hedgehog.
“Well, we all know you have some sort of ulterior motive here, so spit it out!”
“What? You mean my date with Knuckles?” The two approached each other, eyeing each other angerly.  
“Of course not! What makes you think we can trust your convenient little story? There’s obviously more to it than a stupid date.”
Rouge stepped back and turned around, crossing her arms as she turned her face toward the pink hedgehog. “I don’t care what you believe. I’ve told you all I know, so you can take it or leave it.”
“Oooooo…” Flames grew in Amy’s eyes as she pulled her Piko Piko Hammer out from her hammerspace, bending her arms back for a wide swing. Rouge swung around in response, initiating a roundhouse kick. Before the ladies could connect their attacks, however, Sonic grabbed Amy’s arm and Knuckles deflected Rouge’s boot with his gloved hand.
“Cut it out, girls.” Sonic nudged the hammer from the pink hedgehog’s hand. Amy allowed her grip to loosen as Rouge planted her feet back on the ground.
Knuckles stepped back, looking at the two rivals. “I’ll admit Rouge hasn’t always been honest, but we need to trust her here.”
Sighing to herself, Amy sat back down at the table, Rouge opting to take Sonic’s old spot at the kitchen counter instead.
As they were arguing, Tails was running the facts through his mind, plotting out the group’s next course of action.
Rouge has all but confirmed my suspicion that Eggman is able to detect the location of the Chaos Emeralds. He has at least two, and as long as we keep ours safe, we should be okay for the moment.
Tails grabbed the green gem from the table, allowing its warmth to radiate through him as he eyed it intently. “…Hey guys?”
Sonic looked over at the young kitsune, who was still staring at the mystical emerald. “You’ve been awfully quiet. Got somethin’ on your mind?”
“Yeah…” Miles looked around the small kitchen, all eyes centered on him as he cleared his throat, set the gem down, stood up from his chair, and faced Knuckles.
“Listen…” Tails scratched the back of his head. “I know I…hurt it before, but…” he turned his gaze away from the red echidna, looking at the stone shrine through the window. “…I’d like another chance at studying the Master Emerald.”
Knuckles folded his arms as he intently looked back at the young kitsune. “And hurt it again?”
“Well…I’ve been thinking…” Tails turned back to face the red echidna. “I was a bit too careless the last time around, subjecting the Master Emerald to a high degree of energy and failing to implement a failsafe in case of an emergency,” he crashed his fist against the palm of his other hand, “but if you give me another chance, I know that I’ll come closer to getting the detector working, and I’ll ensure no harm comes of the Master Emerald.”
Knuckles turned his face away with closed eyes as the orange fox stepped closer to him.
“Please, Knuckles. I will give you my word the Master Emerald will be safe.”
The red echidna opened one eye, peering into the determined face of the orange fox, his forehead creased and his eyes staring intently back at him.
“You promise?”
“…I do.”
Knuckles stood in silence for several more moments before relaxing his body, looking down at the young kitsune with a smile. “Then I’ll trust you.”
A wide smile appeared on Tails’ face, his eyes glistening as he hurried toward the unsuspecting echidna and gave him a hug. “Ohh, thank you Knuckles! I promise not to let you down.”
“Yeah, yeah…” The red echidna gently pushed the young kitsune off. “But if anything else happens to the Master Emerald, you’ll never come near it again. Understand?”
Tails hesitated, taken aback by Knuckles’ sudden shift in demeanor.
“…Yes.” The fox slowly nodded.  
But can I really trust myself? What if something does happen again?
“So,” Sonic walked up to his younger brother, “when should we start?”
“Huh?” Tails faced the blue hedgehog, a smile on his face.
“I won’t pretend to be much help,” Sonic ran a hand through his quills, “but at least it’d be better than runnin’ ‘round searching for the emeralds aimlessly, as fun as that sounds.” He chuckled as he placed a gloved hand on Tails’ shoulder. “And besides, maybe ya can teach me a thing ‘r two about this science stuff.”
Tails giggled at the blue hedgehog’s air quotes before turning to the door. “Yeah! Just give me a moment to grab my gear, and—” The fox was interrupted by the indiscriminate sound of thunder outside. His namesakes jutted up as he instinctively hurled himself in Sonic’s direction, wrapping himself around his torso.
“Ahhh, I’m afraid of lightning!” He buried his face into Sonic’s chest as he shook, wrapping his namesakes around the two to strengthen his embrace. Looking down at the young fox, Sonic rustled his orange hair.
“It’ll be okay, lil’ bro. As long as we stay indoors, the lightning won’t getcha.” Tails’ shaking ceased as he slowly tilted his head up. Sonic’s reassuring smile helped calm his nerves.
“I suppose you’re right…”
“Of course I am!” Sonic gave his younger brother a thumbs up, which was immediately returned by the young kitsune.
“But first,” Sonic stepped back, pinching his nose with his fingers, “ya gotta take a shower, bro.”
“Hmph…” Rouge turned her face away, legs crossed. “At least I wasn’t the only one who noticed.”
“So that’s where the smell was coming from…” Knuckles placed a gloved palm over his mouth and nose.
“Alright, I get the hint, guys!” Tails put his hands on his hips, leaning forward with a grumpy expression, watching as his friends snickered, Amy trying her hardest to suppress her laughter. Without asking, the orange kitsune walked to the restroom, turning on the shower as he shut the door behind him.
As the remaining party relocated to the living room, Knuckles turned to the blue hedgehog, who was making himself comfortable on the small sofa.
“Aren’t you worried about Tails?”
“Huh?” Sonic looked up at the stone-faced echidna, giving him a blank look. “Whatja mean?”
“Think about it.” Knuckles sat next to the blue hedgehog. “Tails risked life and limb this past week, and things are ‘bout to get hairier. Don’t you think he’s a bit young to be thrown into harm’s way? Maybe he should step aside…”
Sonic returned Knuckles’ look of concern, one appearing on his face as well.
“To be honest, I’ve been thinkin’ long n’ hard about this, too.” The blue hedgehog sighed, closing his eyes as he slumped on the couch, his arms falling to either side. “I mean…I want him to fight. He’s a big help whenever we take on Eggman…but…” Sonic looked over at Knuckles once more. “I don’t know if I could live with myself if somethin’ ever happened to him. Waiting for Tails to wake up in the hospital was bad enough...”
As Sonic was speaking, a fluffy triangular ear was pressed against the other side of the bathroom door, intently listening to the conversation at hand.
“Could I stop Eggman without Tails by my side? Sure.” Taking another deep breath, Sonic got up from the couch, stretching his arms. “But he needs this. Yeah Tails is young, but look at all he’s accomplished over the years. And besides, who am I to tell ‘im what he can and can’t do? I’d rather have him fight by my side than go off on his own or feel bad for himself at home.”
Tails slid to the floor of the bathroom, his arms resting on his lap as moisture began to build in his eyes, remembering the reassuring words his older brother spoke to him earlier that day.
“Even if we went after Eggman sooner, I would have had to go it alone...and there is no way I would’ve fought Eggman’s mechs without you by my side.”
Tails dabbed his arm against his watery eyes.
Was it all a lie? Don’t you trust me anymore, or did you ever trust me to begin with? Do you really pity me this much?
Leaning his head back to the door, he allowed the room to fill with steam as his mind recalled other recent – and not so recent – memories of his time with Sonic.
“I’m sorry, but with your injuries, you’d only be a liability on the battlefield.”
“If it weren’t for your genius idea to blow up the eagle thing with a dummy ring bomb, Knuckles and I would’ve had a much harder time defeating Eggman. And plus…you have a spirit of a true hero.”
“We won’t allow anyone to stand in the way of our adventures, and if they do, they’ll have to answer to us!”
“I suppose I could use a mechanic…and a friend.”
Standing up, Tails sighed as he removed his shoes.
“I don’t know what to believe anymore.” Sliding his socks from his orange feet, he turned to face the mirror. The young fox observed the sludge still covering his face, his eyes partially bloodshot. “But I do know what I must do.” Twisting himself around, he removed his gloves and wristwatch communicator before stepping into the shower.
“I’ll get the detector to work, even if it’s the last thing I do.”
As the sludge-free, odorless kitsune stepped out of the restroom, the party were discussing their immediate plans. They’d already decided the storm’s intensity would ground them for the evening, forcing everyone to spend the night at Knuckles’ cabin, but the pink hedgehog protested the proposed sleeping arrangements.
“What!” Amy’s face burned in anger as she stared at the red echidna. “Why do I have to sleep with Rouge?”
“What, you’d rather sleep out here with the guys?”
“But...why can’t Soni—”
The blue hedgehog interrupted Amy’s predictable train of thought. “Imma stop ya right there and take a hard pass on that.”
Rouge put her hands on her hips. “Yeah Amy, that wouldn’t be fair for me and Knucky over here.”
“How. Many. Times…” Knuckles’ anger built up once more, but he contained it, his arms folded as the veins popping out of his forehead began to recede back into his skin.
“Personally, I think the current arrangements works out the best,” Tails said, leaning against the wall next to the bathroom, steam escaping from the open door.
“Hmph!” Amy turned away, her eyes closed as she folded her arms.
“My cabin, my rules…unless you’d rather take a gander outside.” Knuckles pointed out the window, the rain still falling heavily, no sign of light as the clouds covered the moon and stars above.
Amy ran a hand through her quills as she nervously peered out into the darkness beyond. “Ummm…on second thought, I think I’ll take the bed.”
Another hour passed, and everyone was sleeping comfortably, or at least as comfortably as one could in such cramped accommodations. Amy and Rouge were the lucky ones, taking the only bed in the household as the guys made do with the living room. Tails was curled up on the sofa, using his namesakes for extra warmth even as a blanket was draped over his body, and Sonic and Knuckles slept peacefully in sleeping bags on the floor.
At 2 AM, a quiet alarm clock rang on Tails’ wristwatch communicator, set just loud enough for him to hear under the covers without waking the others. The fox hastily turned off the alarm and rolled onto his back, allowing his namesakes to loosen their grip around his body as he took a deep breath.
Alright, time to do this.
The orange kitsune pulled the blanket off of himself, gently kicking it toward the end of the sofa. Scanning the living room, he watched the steady breathing of his companions resting on the floor, no other movements coming from the two.
The fox gently planted his feet to the ground and tip-toed his way to the window facing the Master Emerald. Looking outside, he watched as the rain continued falling heavily, the sight of lightning off in the distance.
Turning to the door, Tails gulped.
Okay Miles…you can do this.
He made his way through the kitchen to the entryway, placing his gloved palm on the doorknob. Tails stared at the handle, his forehead creasing as his lips twitched, sweat forming along his brow.
C’mon Tails…you got this…I gotta do this…I have…no fear…
As he turned the knob, the crashing sound of thunder filled the cabin. Tails covered his mouth just as he was about to yelp. Nervously turning around, he peered into the living room, Sonic and Knuckles still soundly asleep.
“Phew…” Tails wiped his brow as he approached the door once more, his hand shaking as he mustered the courage to turn the handle. Finally, grabbing an umbrella resting on the kitchen counter, he walked out of the cabin, slowly closing the door behind as he opened the contraption, protecting him from most of the rain.
Taking a few steps into the spongey grass, the orange fox looked up at the dark clouds before making his way to the wooded trail leading back to the Tornado 2.
Decoe and Bocoe ran back into the fortress caked in mud, water dripping from their metallic bodies.
“I’m going to need a vacation after this,” Decoe said, looking over at his robotic brother.
“You said it,” Bocoe replied. “If we don’t get some relaxation soon, we’ll rust away in exhaustion.”
“Either way,” Decoe continued as the two made their way into the central building, “Eggman isn’t going to like the news.”
Stepping into an elevator, Bocoe tapped a red button with Eggman’s face on it, carrying them to their destination. The two stepped out as the elevator door opened and walked down a wide corridor, entering the evil doctor’s command center. They discovered Eggman hunched over his keyboard, intently looking into his large monitor as he stroked his long mustache.
“You can save your little report.” Robotnik felt no need to look away from the computer screen as he addressed his mechanical henchmen.
“Huh?” the robots said in unison.
“Remember, I know exactly where all seven Chaos Emeralds are located. I know Rouge landed on Angel Island, and the emerald is still there.” Twisting his chair around, he scowled at the mud-covered robots before him, a trail of brown following them.
“You filthy nitwits! Clean this mess up before you track more dirt into my lair!”
“Aye aye!” they said in unison, running out of the room, leaving muddy footprints in their wake.
Eggman spun his chair around once more, analyzing a map of Mobius on his monitor.
“Now let’s see…which one should I acquire next…” Eggman zoomed in on one of the seven blinking dots. As he continued magnifying his view, the scenery below became clearly distinguishable; a forest was to the west, and a lake to the east. Off the coast could be seen a small cottage, a few trees surrounding the house and a brick hedge bordering the yard. Enhancing the feed even further, Eggman snickered as he saw a little bunny sitting at a picnic table, sipping tea with her small blue companion.
“Wooahhooohoohooo! This is perfect!”
Click here for chapter 9!
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Misadventures of Knuckles The Enchilada
Taglist @mrsakabaka-karma
It was an ordinary day on Bygone Island. Knuckles was walking to meh burger when he heard his stomach rumble. He looked down at his stomach and then said "Well I guess I'm Hungry. I'll just go get a burger at Meh Burger. He walked into the line and then he was soon up at the front of the dining area and looked at Dave. "Hello Dave! One meh burger!" Dave looked at him and said "Would you like to have fries and drinks with that". Knuckles nodded enthusiastically, Dave nodded and sighed " Okay, that will be $3.50". Knuckles looked at his hand and then checked under his locks and looked at Dave "Umm, so I left my money in my wallet" and Dave looked at him "Dude you don't have a wallet or a job". Knuckles growled "I DO HAVE A JOB! Saving the village from Eggmans butt". Dave shook his head "well I could give you the hero's discount!". Knuckles looked at Dave in glee "Yeah I would love that!. Does that mean I get it for free". Dave chucked and the customers behind knuckles laughed. Dave took a sigh and went back into his melancholy state "Well since you don't have any money. I suggest you get our line for a paying customers". Knuckles sighed sadly and trudged out of the line and then noticed a dog pointing his fingers and knuckles and then proceeded to tell him to come over to him. Knuckles feeling confused walked over the dog. Knuckles looked at him and looked up and down at him he wore a black top hat and red jacket. "
T.W Barker at your service". Knuckles sighs "Names Knuckles and I just got kicked out of meh burger". Barker smirks "How about I get you into Meh burger for free and you get all the Meh Burgers you want free of charge". Knuckles jumps "Okay, How?". Barker smiles "Follow me"...
Zora's POV
I walk from my house closer to the village to Sonic's shack on the beach. I walk in and look around and see it's empty. "Hey Sonic you here" then a second later a gust of wind hits me and right beside me is the blue hedgehog himself holding something behind his back. "so what were you doing" I ask. He smiles and removes his arms from behind his back and brought out a bouquet of flowers. He slyly smiles "Well I was just out on a run and I saw a bunch flowers and I though that maybe you would like them for tonight". I smile before taking the flowers of out of his hands and smelling them "Aww this is so sweet thank you sonic... I appreciate this". He nods before looking inside his hut. "Wanna just join me and watch some TV. Eggman hasn't been active today so I think just relaxing with you will be fun". I smile before omg taking his gloved hand in mine "I'd love to, but what about the flowers" he smiles before taking them out of handing and running away in a flash of blue light before coming back in less than a minute. "See that was easy". I smile and then we walk into his shack.
Time skip * 1 hour before the date*
Sonic took me back to my place a little while ago and I decide to get dressed for our date. I enter my cozy bedroom and enter my closet "I have a lot of the same outfits, but tonight's an occasion I think it's time to take out big blue. I move my other clothes and look in the back of my closet and there is a short sleeved light blue polka dotted dress. "I think this perfect for tonight". I change out of my regular short black shorts and blue top and into the dress. I leave my bedroom and head into the bathroom. I wash my face and brush down my purple quills to make myself look more presentable. "I think I'm ready". I walk to my couch and put the tv on to wait for Sonic. About 20 minutes later there is a knock at my door. I walk to door and open it to see sonic wearing a tux and no pants( obviously because sonic hates pants for some reason). He smirks "Well if I knew you'd dress like that I'd try to look more handsome, but wait that's impossible I already am". I roll my eyes and flick him on the nose. " whatever blue boi let's go". He smiles before picking me up bridal style and running to meh burger.
Sonic's POV
I had Zora in my arms and it felt nice. I looked down at her and smiled before we arrived at Meh burger. I placed her down and she sat a table before I walked to front of the line. I looked at the line and it was long. I started to tap my food really impatiently before Dave finally came up to me "Welcome to Meh Burger, what would like". I smiled "2 Meh Burgers with fries please". I handed him my money before heading back to the table with Zora. After a couple of minutes of talking. I realized we didn't get our order yet. I saw multiple of the other villagers getting antsy and then I saw a new person walking out of the back and handing people there food before a walking to my table with an empty tray. Zora looked at the guy shocked and she gasped "Knuckles! What are you doing working at Meh burger". I looked at him and he smiled " So you see..."
                                      Knuckles POV
After Barker took me to back on Meh Burger I saw containers of cream chesse. "Ooh cheese". Barker smiles "Meh burger doesn't need all of these so there open to you to eat enjoy". He leaves and walk to them and start opening the containers  and started eating them. I got so lost I'm the taste of the food I didn't hear a scream. "What are you doing?!!?" I look behind me and notice Dave the Intern. "Hi Dave want to join me". He gasps "our most important ingredient, what have you done? I'm so fired." I smile "don't worry your boss won't fire I was doing your job for you Dave your welcome”. He smirks “Okay knuckles to pay back the damages you have done to our fine establishment of Meh Burger, you will be working underneath me until you have payed us back enough for all the cream cheese you have wasted.”
Flashback over
“So you see you guys that what’s happened. Now if you excuse me I got to get back to work”. I leave Sonics table and head back to the kitchen and walk towards another table, before tripping on my feet “Ahhhhh” i scream. There is a feminine voice that screams “Oh it’s just you lady walrus” I say. She looks and me and says “Why I never” and she walks away the other customers look at me in shock and offended and leave the restaurant. The only other customers left at the restaurant are Sonic and Zora. I then suddenly realized that I forgot to there food and went to the back of Meh burger.
Zora’s POV
I look at Sonic concerned and say “We should help Knuckles. I don’t know what happened but we need to help out a friend.” Sonic nods but before do we Knuckles comes back yet again with another empty of food. I walk up to the desk and look at Dave “Are you going to help Knuckles?”. He looks at me bored “I’m on my break he says”. I sigh before heading back to the table. Sonic is talking to knuckles before knuckles runs back to the back of the restaurant to bring more food. I sigh “I guess this date, turned out to not be a date” I chuckle. Sonic laughs before Knuckles finally coming back with our food, but like every other time he trips and spills the food on the ground. Sonic looks and me and shakes his head before we hear a scream. I look at Meh Burger and it’s on fire “Help! Someone Help!” I look at sonic before we glimpse at each other and help Dave escape before the restaurant as it burns down to the ground. Dave sighs “There goes Meh Burger and oh Knuckles your fired”. He walks away and I look at knuckles and pat him on the head “It’s okay Knuckles you tried. I sigh myself and look at Sonic. “Let’s just end the date here, I had fun.. but yeah. I’ll see you later bye”. I begin walking away. Sonic shakes his head “Zora wait..”
Sonic’s POV
I look and Knuckles and sigh. “ well we both just had a crappy day huh Knuckles. He shakes his head “No and I had fun. Didn’t you sonic?”. I facepalm “Well my date with Zora flopped so.. I’m just going to go”
End of Ch.1
Well that was an experience writing this. Hope you enjoyed~
This story is also available on Wattpad
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
That Makes Us Two Chapter 1: Switched
Switched Bodies AU ShadAmy Boom!: 
Shadow and Amy hate each other, but if they want to get their bodies back, they must first embark on a mission together.
Can love repair the circumstances that were broken by hate?
Life was completely normal for Amy Rose. As normal as it can get when you have to defeat evil every day.
Fighting robots, villains, mostly destroying Eggman's plan. Yes, everything was going as usual in Hedgehog Village.
"Can't we do something else?"
Amy sighed as she looked to her Meh Burger.
"What do you mean?" Tails asked as he took a bite of his burger. "Don't you guys ever wonder where the meat we eat comes from? I mean, we are animals after all-"
"I mean we just do the same thing over and over again! We wake up, fight some villains, come to Meh Burger, repeat" Amy interrupted Tails as she looked to her teammates.
"Well, Ames, that's what we do. We are heroes and Tails that's actually a pretty good question, where does the meat come-"
"So we are bound to do this forever?"
Amy looked at Sonic who was now concentrating on his burger, too focused to figure out the mysteries behind it.
Sticks took a sip of her juice as she looked at Amy and with a burp, she added, "That's what the government what's you to do."
"If you don't feel like being a hero, then why don't you take a vacation?", Knuckles said.
"Knuckles we know that you may not have the brightest mind, but you may just have made a breakthrough!"
"Um, thank you?"
Amy stood up from her seat with a victorious smile on her face.
"I'll take a vacation!"
And so she desired, and so that became. Everyone on team Sonic agreed that Amy deserved a vacation away from all the fighting. Now, Amy was headed to do one of the things she liked the most...Archeology. According to her research, there was a cave on the outskirts of the city that may have important information about the 'Ancients'. The old civilization was well known for its technological advances. However, one day the entire civilization disappeared without any clues.
and this cave might just have the answers to that.
Amy was well prepared, lanterns, proper clothing, and equipment around her waist. It seemed like the lanterns weren't going to come in handy as the cave contained some purple markings that lighted the entire cave properly.
As she made her way through, she found a larger purple rock. It was the size of her hand and to her surprise, it was pretty light. She continued to appreciate the beauty of the gem and as she did, she noticed there was something engraved on it.
It was written in the Ancient language but she had a pretty good knowledge of it to know the meaning of the words.
"If in front of me war unfolds, I'll curse both until love is found."
Amy gave it a thought. Just what could this mean? She was deep in thought and she didn't notice someone approaching her.
"What in the name of Chaos are you doing here?!"
Amy was startled by the voice behind her. She dropped the purple gem, and it broke into five different pieces.
She turns around to find no other than Shadow the Hedgehog, Team Sonic's number one enemy standing right in front of her.
And he didn't look happy at all.
"YOU BROKE THE GEM, YOU IDIOT!", Shadow yelled at her and like hell was Amy was gonna let him have his way.
"YOU APPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE WITH YOUR GLOOMY FACE AND EXPECT ME NOT TO HAVE A REACTION?!" Amy yelled back at him, angry that Shadow had made her drop an important piece of her research.
"WELL, I EXPECT MY HOUSE TO BE FREE FROM PINK PESTS LIKE YOU!" Shadow walked closer to Amy and as the argument got more heated, they failed to realize that they were both stepping on the four remaining of the purple gem.
Without knowing, the remaining of the purple gem began to glow at fast speed.
There was nothing the hedgehogs could do and the next second, they were both surrounded by the light coming from those four pieces of the purple gem.
It was just too bright...too blinding.
and then everything became black.
It must be around night time because Amy couldn't find any light source coming from outside the cave. Good to know that at least Shadow didn't murder her. Her body felt heavier than ever.
Also, she felt cold.
Around her chest area and her legs. Wait, what?
Amy screamed on top of her lungs, expecting the worse. She was terrified but she was more scared at the fact that her voice didn't sound like the usual.
She looked at her hands, which were more bigger now. Bandages, a lot of bandages around her hands, covering her black fur. She touched her chest expecting something round and soft; only to find a firm, sculpted, more mainly one. White chest fur covering it.
And oh god those horrible, outdated fashion shoes.
Oh, Chaos.
As if the first scream wasn't good enough to wake him up, now the second one certainly did.
He moved his head to where the screaming was coming from.
Not believing his eyes, he rubbed his eyes one, again and again just to confirm what his eyes were telling him.
He looked at himself really quick, pink and pin everywhere.
Boots, clothing, fur...
"I am an oaf!"
"Hey, I heard that!"
Shadow stood up from the ground as he approached Amy.
"Who's the fault is it that we are on this mess?", Shadow said with a hiss.
"Do you think I like this? Look at me! I am you!" Amy looked at Shadow's body once more showing a disgusted look.
"AND WHO'S FAULT IF THAT!?", Amy got closer to Shadow ready to get into hand-to-hand combat.
"If you hadn't broken that gem, we wouldn't be on this mess!"
"Well if you hadn't scared me then we wouldn't-"
Amy stopped midtrack as she realized that the five remaining pieces of the Purple Gem were gone. "The broken pieces of the gem...they are gone!"
Shadow turned to his previous spot to confirm her words and she was right indeed.
"Breaking the Gem must have caused us to switch bodies...maybe if we put the gem back together, we can undo this!" Amy said as touched the ground, making sure that there were no fragments of the purple gem hidden under it.
Amy frowned and game Shadow a 'really?' look. The look had triggered Shadow, didn't she know that her face was annoying enough?
Wait, no that's his own face.
"Seems like we are going to be hanging out for a while now," Amy said sarcastically.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't mop the floor with you."
"One, you don't have a floor, you live in this cave. Second, you NEED ME to be able to get your body back. Want to mop the floor with me? Fine, at the end of the day it's your body who you are harming."
"You have no idea how much I despise you right now" Shadow had to admit that this moment was uncomfortable. He was threatend his ownself while looking all...small and cute. This body of hers, it felt weird enough.
"The feeling is mutual, Shadow"
Shadow sighed, defeated. "Fine, we find the missing broken pieces of the Purple Gem, put them back together and we get our bodies back...after that, I never want to see your face ever again."
"and we shall never see each other again," Amy repeated, confirming what Shadow had said. She pulled out her hand expecting Shadow to shake it on agreement.
He pulled out his hand, ready to shake Amy's hand but as soon as he held it; an electric shock ran through both of their bodies. The electric shock made both their bodies jump to opposite sides of the cave.
Just what in Chaos had happened?
Shadow looked at his hand. He noticed that the bandages that were covering Amy's clothes were now gone due to electric shock. Her golden rings seemed a bit scratched but her glove was completely gone. He noticed that the shock had made a weird engraving on her hand that for sure would heal into a scar.
If Shadow didn't know better, he would think that the scar had a moon shape.
"Hey, Amy...", Shadow said now in a more serious tone.
"Yeah, I see it too...the engraving on my hand looks like a circle," Amy said lost in thought. "Wait, how do you know my name?"
"It's probably meant to symbolize a sun, mine looks like a moon." Shadow ignored her question. Actually, there was a story on how he found out her name, but he didn't feel like telling her that embarrassing story just yet.
Amy got close to Shadow and looked at Shadow's hand.
"It looks like a banana," Amy added.
"What kind of bananas do you eat?"
"Anyway, doesn't it hurt? My body has always been delicate when it comes to injuries." Amy added.
"Of course not, I am the ultimate life form, this is nothing to me-"
Oh, but he was wrong. He wasn't the ultimate life form no more. His body now belonged to Amy and he was trapped inside of her. He wanted to scream, yell but his pride got the better of him. But he couldn't hold it for too long. Now he felt it...a lot and a lot of...pain.
Sonic couldn't go to sleep. After all, he hasn't heard anything from his girlfriend in three days and he was starting to get worried.
Did he say, girlfriend? He meant to say Amy, yes, Amy.
He wanted to give her her space but she promised to let him know if she was alright just so he could be at rest.
But she didn't do it.
Amy went for a vacation for a week on the last three days of her trip she hasn't communicated to him nor anyone on Team Sonic.
And so, Sonic decided to look for her.
He looked everywhere she could, the beach, museums, important historical places but nothing.
He checked everywhere but the cave he was about to go into.
"I am also  hungry, I've never felt this way! I am...I am starving, I need food!"
Sonic could swear that the voice he heard was Amy. But damn, since when did Amy speak like that?
He walked a bit more, letting the purple engravings of the cave light his path.
"I have dried meat on my bag"
Hold on a second...was that Shadow's voice?
"Oh Chaos no, I am vegetarian! Do you have any idea where does the meat you eat comes from?" Shadow said to Amy with a disgusting look. Before this could turn into a fight, Shadow and Amy looked towards the end of the cave just to see the blue blur standing right in front of them.
Amy was so glad to see him she wanted to run and hug him but knew it was impossible as long as she was in Shadow's body.
"Amy, what's going on? Why is Shadow here with you?", Sonic questioned as he gave Amy a nasty look. Sonic walked close to Shadow unaware that it was him due that Shadow had switched bodies with Amy.
Sonic placed a hand on top of Shadow's head, he looked into the pink fur, making sure there were no injuries.
"Touch me again and I'll bite your hand off," Shadow said and Sonic was taken back by this, still not believing his ears. "What did you say, Amy?"
"We are here because I am a creep and I just wanted to scared this pretty little girl hahaha!", Amy had now broken the tension between the two. She thought that being trapped inside Shadow's body would make it easy to impersonate him, but it seems like she needs more practice than that.
"Well, get lost Shadow! I am here to protect Amy! And if you don't like that, I am gonna have to fight you." Sonic said he put Shadow behind him.
"Oh no, please! Have mercy! Please take this beautiful hedgehog away before I pass on my gloominess into her!"
Shadow was having none of this crap. Amy was using his body to play jokes on him. Well jokes on her, two can play the same game.
"Actually, Sonic, there's something I've been wanting to tell you.", Shadow said with a teasing voice.
"What is it, Ames?"
"Sorry I never told you this but...I am in love with Shadow"
Both Amy and Sonic yelled in unison. Shadow walked up to Amy who had a priceless expression. Even if Amy's face was his own, he had to admit that it was pretty comical.
"Yes, he is just so strong and way cooler than you!"
"Wait, not Sonic, it's not true, he, I am she is lying!", Amy tried to explain but Sonic had that look that Amy knew very well. He had heard enough and he wasn't going to listen to reason.
"I see...then, I'll leave you two alone."
And so, Sonic began to walk away. It took Amy everything to not stop him and tell him the truth. But knowing Sonic, she knew that he was going to take the wrong way. After all, you don't switch bodies every day.
After Sonic left, Amy turns to see Shadow smirking. Oh, how she wanted to wipe off that stupid smile but she stopped herself as she didn't want to leave a mark on her on the face.
"You will pay for this Shadow the Hedgehog!", Amy threatened him.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure to pay all of it...every single one of them," Shadow said sarcastically.
"You are such a jerk! I am sure you can't even stand yourself!"
"You are right I can't stand myself and neither do you and according to math...that makes us two."
Next Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/186691087620/that-makes-us-two-chapter-2-duo
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sunkiri · 7 years
Times in Between (1)
A/N: So, I cannot stop thinking about an AU where Knuckles and Shadow go to college, like I don’t know, I can’t get it out of my mind. I couldn’t make up my mind if I wanted it to be a human AU along with it, since humans are easier to describe, but I think I’ll stick with original design. This could have many chapters or not, I don’t know. Enjoy, I suppose! Des: Knuckles has started his fourth year at university, while Shadow is in his third year. On scholarship for basketball, Knuckles is trying to get through the semester and graduate to be free of this hell, but he gets distracted by an odd stranger that starts appearing everywhere he looks.  *                                                     *                                                     *
No matter what shape you tried to mold college into, not matter how much you forced it to fit into your small, close-minded space of perfect: it still would never fit. 
No matter what a great honor it was, or how much you thought you would please your parents, or how far you thought you’d get with an associate’s degree: college sucked. 
Sure, you could meet new people, have new experiences, but you’d be having all of those same experiences for a long time if you didn’t actually sit down and do the work and follow instructions. Those new faces would start to become irritating to look at, and you started to wish that you were someplace else where nothing walked the earth. 
Even with a degree within his grasp, Knuckles still loathed the long hallways and change of buildings that he had to go through every day. His own dorm room had even become bland and boring to him now. 
He placed his back against the door, watching the other students lag and drag their feet, an empty look in their eyes. It was all getting old. Knuckles felt trapped in this elongated time period, always feeling like it would never end.
“Just one more semester, Knuckles,” He whispered to himself. “Just one more.” 
“Knuckles!” A shrill voice called, causing him to pause. He could see those bright, pink quills from a mile away. The smaller hedgehog’s flannel that was tied around her waist was nearly dragging the floor. 
A small smile crept onto the echidna’s lips. “Hey, Amy.” 
“Last semester here, huh?” Amy’s eyes were wide and her tone enthusiastic as always. The thing about Amy was she always had a plan, and she always knew the way her plans would pan out. She was incrediably determined, organized, and a little ecstatic at times. 
Even though her cheerful and bright outlook would annoy most people, Knuckles loved her for it. Amy helped keep his sometimes gloomy outlook on life at bay, and their determination to succeed matched up well. Partners through thick and thin. 
“Yeah, I’m ready to get the hell out of here.” He adjusted his backpack, rolling his shoulder. 
“Well I’ll miss you, you monsterous dork.” Amy smiled, punching his arm playfully. 
“You’ve only got, what, two years left? You’ll be fine.” 
“That’s what you think. You and Blaze are the only solace I have in this place. What are you up to tonight?”
“Practice. Gotta get pumped up for the big game next week, ya know?” Knuckles rolled his eyes. He could feel his muscles already starting to get sore. 
“Boring. Guess I’ll go hit up Blaze.” Amy shrugged, spinning on her heel. 
“More like hit on Blaze.” He snickered, causing Amy to nearly snap her neck. 
“Shut up, you over-grown rodent!” Amy hissed, pushing against Knuckles. 
“Echidnas aren’t rodents-”
“I don’t care! Somebody could hear you, and I’m not in love with Blaze!” 
“Never accused you of being in love with her.” Knuckles sneered, opening his dorm door before Amy could slam him into it again.
“Knuckles!” Amy screeched, giving him an oppertunity to slam the door, laughing to himself. He threw his books on the floor, sighing as he flung himself on the bed. 
Knuckles wasn’t really into going out. He would rather spend his time on the court or some place where social interaction wasn’t required. It normally wasn’t hard for him to keep himself alone, though. Most people were intimidated by his power and his size too much to talk to him or even ask for help in class. It worked in his favor.
Glancing through the glass window, Knuckles watched the other students saunter on the campus, some laughing, some talking, some looking like they wished they were anywhere else. 
Knuckles felt like he could easily forget this place. Soon enough he would be out, hopefully playing for some big league basketball team. He wasn’t the greatest at academic work, but he had managed to barely pass his generals and kept up his grades enough to stay on the team for almost four years. 
He enjoyed playing on the court, or even in the field. Knuckles loved all types of sports and athletic activties, but basketball had always been his favorite. It was easier for him to play sports rather than hitting the books. Not as much thinking was required with basketball. 
He was startled by a pair of eyes looking back at him from across the court yard outside. He blinked, focusing on another hedgehog sitting out in the field. A girl sat next to him, her ears twitching and hands moving smoothly as if she were gloating about something, but the guy next to her didn’t seem to care. 
He was oddly colored: onyx black with red peaking through his quills. His leather jacket looked like it had been through hell, scuffs and scratches all along the sides. His black jeans almost blended in perfectly with his skin. Knuckles knew it was starting to get warm out, but the guy didn’t seem to care. 
Knuckles wasn’t really sure how long he had been keeping eye contact with the guy, and suddenly became aware of how he was checking him out from top to bottom. 
He blushed, turning away from the window. The echidna tried to glance back without being noticed, but the guy down below had raised an eyebrow at him, his expression still brooding. He wished he could tell the guy he was just freaked out because of how he was staring directly into his dorm window. 
Oh well, it’s a pretty big campus, he thought. I probably won’t see him again.
Without a second thought, Knuckles pulled back his quills with a hair band, and headed down to the basketball court. 
*                                                     *                                                       *
The next day, Amy and Blaze followed behind Knuckles as they walked to the cafe a block past Mobius University. 
“I can’t believe that professor gave me a ninety percent on my paper!” Amy’s exasperated tone could be heard half way down the street. 
“That’s still an A, Amy.” Blaze sighed, giving Knuckles a can you believe her look. 
“But not a high one!” Amy whined, holding onto Knuckle’s arm dramatically. 
“Amy, I’m lucky to have even gotten a D on my english papers.” Knuckles scoffed, eyeing the yellow building of the cafe up ahead. Amy would always blubber about how her grades were never good enough for her. She would have to achieve over an A plus before she could be even remotely satisfied with herself. 
He glanced down at Blaze who had an amused smile on her face. She always walked with her back straight, her eyes ahead of her at all times. She carried herself proudly, as if she always had something to prove. 
Blaze had entered his life after Amy. The young hedgehog had insisted on going to the drama club meeting one night, even though Knuckles would have rather eaten his own napkin at lunch that day. Blaze was the president of the club, and rightfully so. Her flare for the dramatic never ceased to annoy yet also amaze Knuckles. 
In other words, Knuckles had declined on the drama club invitation, but Blaze had accepted his to become one of his good friends. 
“Have you seen Sonic lately?” Amy asked suddenly, snapping Knuckles out his thoughts. 
He blinked, trying to remember what she was talking about. “He was out on the track last night, why?”
“Did you talk to him?” 
“Oh. Alright.” Amy’s tone was too casual, causing Knuckles to stop before entering the cafe. 
“Why are you asking me that?”
“You haven’t talked about him much. He hasn’t been hanging out with us lately, either.” Amy pouted, flinging open the door and walking in first. 
Sonic was on the track team, but he always seemed to appear and disappear out of their social group. He always seemed like he had other things going on.
“You now how much Sonic likes his space,” Knuckles answered, grabbing a menu off of the metal rack on the table. “Just give him time, he’ll show back up again.”
“I think I’ll get breakfast today.” Blaze affirmed, smoothing out her napkin on the table. Knuckles snorted, grinning to himself.
“Careful, Blaze, isn’t that a little risky for you?” 
“Oh, hush. I like to try new things sometimes.” Blaze confirmed, smiling slyly. 
“You’ve been getting the veggie burger with a side of fries for like, years.”
Blaze had a very strict schedule with herself. Once she found something she enjoyed, or a niche where she fit, she would never change it again. She could be immensely stubborn, and sometimes acted like a know-it-all, but there was a calmness about her that was comforting to Knuckles. 
“I feel like I need something different. Today just feels like a good day to step out of my comfort zone.” 
“Can we talk about how I got a ninety percent on my paper?” Amy wailed, throwing down her menu in frustration. 
“I wonder how early they start serving alcohol here.” Blaze mused, causing Knuckles and her to laugh. 
A loud voice startled them from across the room, causing the three of them to glance over. 
Knuckles throat seemed to close up. There he was: the same guy he had made eye contact with out in the court yard yesterday. He choked on his water, coughing. 
“Hey, are you alright?” Amy asked, worry lacing her voice. She patted Knuckles on the back, trying to help him cough up the water. 
“No.” He strained, sitting up in his chair. 
Blaze was glaring across the table, the loudness of that girl’s voice still filling the cafe. “I hate that girl.” 
“Who? Rouge?” Amy asked, her fingers still lingering on Knuckles’ back. 
“Yes, she’s in my geology class. She’s a loud mouth.” Blaze assured, turning her head away in disdain. 
“Oh, I couldn’t tell.” Knuckles rolled his eyes sarcastically, finally able to breathe again. 
“I’ve seen her around before. She’s always with that guy.”
The mention of him made Knuckle’s eyes snap back up. This time, the hedgehog wasn’t glaring at him. He was staring unamused at his friend, a fry between his fingers as if it was a cigarette. 
He still wore that same scuffed up jacket, but his shirt said something that Knuckles’ couldn’t make out. 
“Do you know him?” Knuckles asked, his voice slightly too eager for his own liking. 
“Who?” They both said in unison, giving Knuckles a questioning look. 
“The guy that sits with Rouge all the time. Do you know who he is?” 
Amy frowned, tapping her chin. “I seen him at the greenhouse once, during passing. He’s never been in any of my classes.”
“He hasn’t been in any of mine either.” Blaze chimed in. 
“I know it’s a big university here, but I feel like I should have seen him before.” Knuckles mused, staring at the glare on his plastic menu cover. 
“Why the sudden interest?” Amy quizzed, raising her eyebrow. 
Knuckles shrugged, trying to resist the urge to look back up at him. “Seen him in the court yard yesterday. Just didn’t know if you guys knew him.”
“Mhmm.” Amy hummed to herself, a smile threatening the corners of her lips. 
“Whatever you’re thinking, it’s not true.” Knuckles growled, holding up his menu to try and attract the waiter. 
“Well, it seems like the guy has a big interest in you.” Blaze deadpanned, sipping on her drink. 
Knuckles looked up. The guy’s eyes were on him now, making Knuckles’ self-aware of himself. The hedgehog had the most bored, unamused expression on his face, which made it incredibly hard to read him. It annoyed the hell out of Knuckles. 
Knuckles sunk down in his seat, holding the menu up to cover his view of the guy. 
“Can we just fucking order our food already?” Knuckles grumbled. 
He could have sworn he heard Amy giggle, but she seemed immersed in her menu. 
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isakthedragon · 8 years
A Dragon Sized Adventure Chapter 25
Chapter 25: Interview with Slinkys
Crash's Universe, N Sanity Island, Crash's Home.
*Brio has been knocking on the door for a few minutes.*
N. Brio: "I know we haven't been on the best of terms, but you can't just be ignoring me like this. Hmmm... perhaps their off fighting Cortex still?"
*He doesn't have much time to ponder when a portal opens behind him. Sonic pops out first, followed by Tails, Spyro, Cynder and all the others.*
N Brio thinks: *"Hmm, they don't look like mutants, yet they walk on two legs..."*
Sonic surveys the surroundings: "Well, at least Eggman went someplace tropical for once."
Knuckles: "It sure is. Reminds me of Angel Island's jungle a fair bit."
Big: "Looks like a wonderful place for fishing."
N Brio: *"And they talk too. They don't look like they belong to Cortex. And I wonder who is this 'Eggman'."* "Uh-oh." *They notice him.*
Shadow is the one who notices him first. "Hey... who is that guy?" *They approach him.*
Brio decides to play it cool since they don't know him. "I'm Doctor Nitrus Brio-"
Sonic interrupts. "Wait, DOCTOR? You mean like a scientist?"
N. Brio: "Yes-"
Sonic: "An Evil scientist?"
N. Brio: "Yes- I mean, no!" *But it was too late. Sonic had already plastered a foot on his big head.*
Sonic: "There! One less evil scientist to worry about- DOWCH!" *Amy hits him on the head with her hammer.*
Amy: "SONIC! Didn't you hear him? He then corrected himself."
*Brio starts getting angry and green and getting taller and bigger, but then he pulls out a beaker of green liquid and drinks it, returning to normal.*
Sonic: "What... the heck... was that...?"
N. Brio: "Sweet, lovely mutagen." *He regains his composure.* "Sorry about that. I need to control my anger, lest I turn into a monster."
Sonic: "Yeah, like the Incredible H-DOH!" *Amy smacks him with her hammer again.*
N. Brio: "No, he's right, it's apt. I won't lie, I was an evil scientist."
Sonic: "I knew it." *He shuts up as Amy readies her hammer again.*
Big: "Hmmm, but you don't hold that very well. You're too... meek. You would rather let others take your accomplishments."
Brio: "WHAT? NO!" *He gets more delusional by the second.* "I created the Evolvo-ray! I INVENTED SLINKYS! STOP PLAYING WITH THEM BECAUSE THEY'RE MINE. I INVENTED LIGHT-BRITE AND WROTE THE BIBLE!" *He turns into the Hulk when he says* "I! WAS! IN! THE! FIRST! GAME!" *He then drinks his mutagen, turning back to normal.*
Sonic: "Oh, great. He's a crazy scientist."
Big: "No... He's putting a façade. The only thing true in that is that he perfected the Evolvo-ray... whatever that is."
N. Brio shows his sanity again. "I see I didn't fool you, eh? You're right. I only perfected the Evolvo-ray, a device to evolve weaker creatures into super soldiers, for Dr Cortex. Now, HE is a evil scientist. He's the one who wants to take over the world."
Sonic: "Sounds just like Eggman if you ask me, wanting to take over the world."
Spyro: "What are you doing here any way? You don't look like you would normally visit here."
N. Brio: "You are correct, I do rarely visit the home of my- I mean, Cortex's creations, Crash Bandicoot, Coco, and Crunch. But I got an anonymous phone call telling me to go to the homes of the bandicoots. The caller was strange, very egotistical. And before we hung up, I swear I heard him laughing 'Bwah hah ha' and I thought I could also hear metal banging on metal in the background."
Shadow: "That sounds quite a lot like the Doctor and Metal Sonic."
N. Brio: "Oh! And sometimes, some robots would question what he was doing, only to get a 'Quiet nincombots!' in response."
Sonic: "Now that does sound like Eggman, he never compliments his robots at all."
N Brio: "So, that is who this Eggman is... Hmmm... I did sense an evil just like Dr. Cortex. Which reminds me, none of the bandicoots are here, which troubles me. I know that they can go off to fight Cortex, but he usually tells me about it. (He is Cortex's friend, no matter what.) But there was no call. Did the bandicoots finally fail?"
*The ground suddenly starts shaking.*
Sonic: "Whoa! Is this an earthquake?"
N. Brio: "No... RUN!"
*Everyone moves away from Crash's home towards the beach as thorns shoot up from the ground, missing them. On the beachfront, the water freezes with ice.*
Amy: "What's happening?"
N. Brio: "It's the mutants! They're attacking us! But why?!"
Sonic: "Mutants?"
*From the forest behind them, Spikes, Snipes and Magmadons rumble their way while from the water, Ratcicles and Eel-lectrics slither and slide out. They gang up on the heroes.*
Sonic: "Ooh! A challenge for once. I got this guys." *Sonic starts revving up in his ball form.*
N. Brio looks at the mutants and notices the new headsets on them. He tells Sonic "Sonic! Aim for their heads! Destroy those headsets!"
Sonic: "Got it!" Sonic uses his Light Speed Attack to decimate all the headsets with no trouble at all. They shatter and fall to the ground.
*The mutants go from their crazed state to a more relaxed state, stepping away from the heroes. But before any celebrating can occur, Crunch, with Crash riding him, comes in. Crunch points his arm gun at the heroes.*
Sonic: "Ah, two more want to meet my speed, huh?" *Sonic starts revving up again but Brio stops him.*
N. Brio: "No, wait! That's Crash and Crunch... but they're different."
Big: "They appear to be under mind control. But whoever did this didn't do a very good job on controlling them. Hmmm..."
*He performs a thunderous clap, awakening Crash and Crunch from their mind control. Crunch drops his gun arm and Crash accidently loses his balance and falls onto the ground.*
*Sonic can't help but chuckle at Crash's fall. Then Amy proceed to whack him over the head with her hammer again.*
Crunch: "Oh, my... what happened? Why are we back home?"
Tails: "You guys were hypnotized into trying to attacking us."
Crunch: "What, you little critters? (Crunch is about taller than OMEGA) Darn it, it was that Cortex and the rotund dude."
Sonic: "Rotund dude? Did he wear a red suit and black pants and shoes?"
Crunch: "Why, yes! He trapped us in cages. He said his name was Eggman or something."
Sonic: "Yep, that's Eggman all right."
Crunch: "Then Cortex took us to his Evolvo-ray and then evolved us to look like this. After that, it's all blank for a few days, save for a command to attack a blue hedgehog and his friends just recently."
Crash has gained more than enough brain cells to speak, but all he says is "New Evolvo-ray!" before silencing himself again, as though he rather not speak.
N. Brio: "WHAT! He made a new Evolvo-ray without me?! That does it! Follow me, I'm taking you guys to wherever Cortex is."
*N. Brio jumps into the nearby rubble of what was the old Space Head (From Mind Over Mutants). The others jump in as the Space Head starts working again. N. Brio can be heard saying "Found you!" as they reach the room N. Brio is in.*
N. Brio: "Hop on this teleporter here, it's going to take you were Cortex and this Eggman is."
Crunch: "Why should we trust you? You're not exactly a good guy."
N. Brio: "Yes, I know. But you should also know I am angry that he has thrown out the old Evolvo-ray. I'm done not taking credit! GET ON AND KICK HIS ASS!"
*Not wanting to make Brio go Hulk on them again, they get on and are sent to the Space Egg's / Death Head's lowest levels.*
Eggman is in command when the alarm goes off, saying there are intruders on board.
Ensign Cubot: "Commander, there is an army intruding on board."
Ensign Orbot: "It appears to be Sonic, Spyro, Crash, and the others, Commander."
Commander Eggman: "Excellent, they're right on time. Lt. Commander Metal Sonic, inform the, ugh, Captain that Sonic and Crash and the others have arrived."
Eggman: "What?! Oh, that's it." *He goes to the ready room and bangs on the door.* "CORTEX?!" *The door doesn't open.* "CORTEX!" *The door is still closed.* "Metal Sonic, force the door open."
Metal Sonic: "Yes, sir." *He overrides the door's security lock, making it open.*
Eggman sees a sight that stops him midsentence, saying only "Cor...tex...?"
*Only one light is on in the ready room as Cortex sings into a microphone.*
Cortex: ♪ "Tonight, I'm gonna have myself a real good time. I feel ali-i-i-ive! And the world, I'll turn it inside out, yeah. I'm floating around in ecstasy. So-"
Dingodile: ♪ "Don't-"
Tropy: ♪ "Stop-"
N. Gin: ♪ "Me-"
Uka-Uka: ♪ "Now."
Nina: ♪ "Don't-"
Komodo Moe and Joe: ♪ "Me-"
Tiny: ♪ "Me."
Eggman: "Oh, brother."
*Pinstripe and Koala Kong raise the lights.*
Cortex (The others take the back-up): ♪ "Cause I'm having a good time! Having a good time! I'm a super star shooting through the sky like a tiger, defying the laws of gravity. I'm a racing car, passing by like Lady Godiva! I'm gonna go, go, go, There's no stopping me! I'm burning thorough the sky, yeah, 200 degrees! That's why they call Mr. Fahrenheit. I'm trav'ling at the speed of light! I wanna make a supersonic man out of you!"
Eggman: "Great, now I have to hate Queen..."
Cortex: ♪ "Don't stop me now! I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball. Don't stop me now! If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call! Don't stop me now! Cause I'm having a good time. Don't stop me now! Yes, I'm having a good time. I don't wanna stop at all! Yeah."
Eggman: "You're gonna have to stops sooner or later."
Cortex: ♪ "I'm on a rocket ship on my way to Mars, on a collision course. I'm a satellite, I'm out of control. I'm a sex machine ready to reload! Like an atom bomb! about to oh- oh- oh- oh- oh- explode! I'm burning thorough the sky, yeah, 200 degrees! That's why they call Mr. Fahrenheit. I'm trav'ling at the speed of light! I wanna make a supersonic woman out of you!"
"Don't stop me; Don't stop me; Don't stop me; hey, hey, hey! Don't stop me; Don't stop me; Ooh, ooh, ooh! I like it! (Don't stop me; Don't stop me;) Having a good time, good time. Don't stop me; Don't stop me; Oooooooah! Alright!"
Eggman: "Fine, they are doing a pretty good job."
Cortex: ♪ "Ooooh! burning thorough the sky, yeah, 200 degrees! That's why they call Mr. Fahrenheit. I'm trav'ling at the speed of light! I wanna make a supersonic man out of you! (Hey, hey!)"
"Don't stop me now! I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball. Don't stop me now! If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call! Don't stop me now! Cause I'm having a good time. (Yeah, yeah) Don't stop me now! Yes, I'm having a good time. I don't wanna stop at all! Yeah."
"La, ra, ra, ra, rah, ra, ra, ra, hah, Ha, ra, ra, ha, ha, haaa, Ha, ra, raa, ha, ra, ra a-a-a- Ooh, ooh, ooh..." ♫
Eggman: "Are you guys done now?"
Cortex: "Ah! Yes... I'm just so happy."
Eggman: "So much so that you need to stop all communications out there?"
Cortex is clearly ecstatic. "Well, you saw how much fun we had... now what is it?"
Eggman: "Well, you remember I told you to send Crash, Crunch, and an army to handle Sonic and his friends?"
Cortex: "Ah, yes. Did they kill them?"
Eggman gives a sarcastic response. "Oh, yeah, they did such a good job."
Cortex, cheerfully: "Wonderful."
Eggman starts to rage, but then he calms down. "No, Cortex. They're here in the station."
Cubot comes in. "Reports are that they are in the Prehistoric Terrarium."
Orbot: "We shut them in there, but I don't think we will keep them in there for long."
Cortex: "WHAT!"
Uka-Uka flies over in rage. "That bandicoot is still after us?! YOU STILL FAIL ME, CORTEX, AND I DON'T GET HOW!"
Cortex: "Now, hang on. I got a plan. Dingodile, go to the Prehistoric Terrarium."
Dingodile: "Al'ight, sir. It's gonna be a roast."
Cortex: "The rest of you! To your Terrariums. We are going to stop them!"
*Everyone leave to where they need to be.*
Next Time: Get ready to see some dinos in the Prehistoric Terrarium.
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
That Makes Us Two: Chapter 3: Affliction
The next day, Shadow and Amy had decided to look into the cave to see if they could find out more about the Purple Gem. It was strange enough that Sonic had found one of the broken pieces in the middle of Hedgehog Village when the cave was pretty far away from it.
"Do you really think we are going to find information about the Purple Gem in here?", Shadow questioned as Amy and he made its way inside the cave.
"We have nowhere else to start looking and besides, shouldn't you know more about it? You were living here with that thing for I don't know how long.", Amy looked around the cave, trying to figure out if the hieroglyphics could tell them something about the mysteries of the Gem.
"I've been living here since I have memory and that Gem had always been there. I never really cared for it so I never touched it. I don't know anything about it nor this cave's mysteries."
"Well so much for-" Amy then realized something. Shadow had been living in this cave since he was a little kid? All alone and scared. Was there no one with him? Amy realized that she knew nothing about Shadow. That may be the cave is as mysterious as him. She wanted to ask more, but she was afraid that Shadow might take it the wrong way. "So...you were always here? Since you were a kid? Why did you never move into the village?"
"I couldn't control my powers before, I didn't want to put anyone in danger, I have lost someone because of them and-" Shadow paused noticing that he was losing his cool. He just didn't want Amy to see that side of. Not now, not ever. " and that's none of your business pink brat, you ask too much you know that? We are here to look for clues."
"I was just trying to be nice, jerk"
"I don't want you to be nice, I want you to use your brain to figure out something about this hieroglyphics, but of course expecting that you have a brain would be exceeding my expectations."
Amy stopped yelling at Shadow as she had finally caught up to something. From her small knowledge of hieroglyphics, she would tell that the wall behind Shadow read 'Purple Gem'. She walked past Shadow who had his arms crossed watching her proceed reading the pictures behind him.
"Purple, Broken, Gem, Disappear, Locations", Amy said out loud. Shadow approached her from behind. He looked a bit more down of the cave's wall where Amy pointed. "This must be it! When it's broken, the pieces of Purple Gem disappear and appear in different locations!" She looked at the paintings of the locations, some having a distinct feature that separated them from the rest but to her dismay, she didn't know any of the places.
"I know all of these places, they are villages just like this one. Some of them friendly, others very dangerous." Shadow said as he looked over at Amy. "We are going to need an airplane."
"It will be faster if I just go by myself, just distract Tails and I'll take the plane."
Shadow and Amy were hiding behind the bushes. Watching Tails work on his famous Tornado just outside his workshop.
"No, I am coming with you, I just..." Amy looked over at her hand, she was holding a card. Inside it, it contained a letter explaining the reason why she was leaving. "I feel bad for leaving them...especially now that the Village is being rebuilt."
"Yeah, you SHOULD feel bad."
"Wow Shadow, thank you for the nice words."
"My pleasure."
"Hey, Tails!"
Shoot, now they had a new problem. Sonic had just arrived at the scene. The two tail fox stopped working on this plane to greet his best blue friend.
"Hey Sonic, what's up?"
"Just checking if you could repair my wrist communicator, it kinda broke while we were evacuating the townspeople.", Sonic added.
"Sure, come inside."
And with that, the yellow and blue one entered the workshop.
It was now Amy and Shadow's opportunity to infiltrate the Tornado. They walked very slowly as they always kept their eyes on Sonic and Tails to make sure that they didn't look. Amy quietly placed the letter under Tails screwdriver so the wind wouldn't move it.
"Hey, get out of my plane!"
Tails had noticed two shadows on top of his plane and immediately ran outside, Sonic following from behind.
Amy and Shadow panicked as they both took a seat next to each other on the plane. Shadow turned it on as he tried to cover his face.
"Amy? Shadow?", Sonic inquired still surprised to see his pink girlfriend with the black hedgehog.
With that, the plane had left the ground and elevated. Sonic as fast as he was, jumped into the plane and landed on top of it with the other two hedgehogs aboard. "You two gotta answer some questions now!"
Amy stood up from her seat, trying to stay balanced as the plane was in movement. She pulled out her hammer and Sonic eyes widened in surprise. "Shadow you...you are using Amy's ha-
"I am sorry for this.", That said, Amy threw her hammer towards Sonic and the impact made him fall off the plane, landing right where he jumped from in the start. Amy watched how Tails ran towards Sonic to make sure he was fine. Amy sat down to her seat, knowing that Sonic would be alright.
Tails and Sonic watched the black and pink hedgehog fly into the distance, not being able to follow them. As Sonic gained his senses back, he could only whisper words of astonishment and anguish.
"Shadow was...holding Amy's hammer."
"So, we are lost uh?"
"No, I know where I am."
"We passed by the same island three times, Shadow. We should land and ask for directions."
Amy sighed, she can't believe that of all hedgehogs in the words it had to be Shadow the one she switched bodies with.
A very STUBBORN hedgehog on the least.
"Just give me the steering wheel," Amy said as she placed her hands on it.
"No, stay away!" Shadow yelled at her, angry as she invaded his personal space. "I know where we are!"
Without realizing, Shadow had moved abruptly moved the steering wheel down, making the whole plane go downwards. Amy screamed as she hugged Shadow for dear life as she closed her eyes, waiting for the Tornado to impact against several trees and bushes.
The plained landed horribly, it turned on its edge again and again. Amy thought that on the least she could vomit on Shadow. The plane stopped moving and at least they had landed on land and not on the ocean.
Amy still had her eyes closed and hugged Shadow for dear life.
"I know you can't stay away from me, but I also need to breathe."
Amy opened her eyes realizing she wasn't dead. She pushed Shadow off the plane, "YOU ALMOST GOT US KILLED!"
Shado cleaned off the dust from his dress.
All of a sudden, Shadow felt the earth tremble. One hundred, no two hundred, maybe more steps were coming towards them.
Oh, now he knew where they were.
"Amy, quick turn on the plane and let's lea-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence as arrows were thrown at them. In less than a minute, they were both surrounded by an army of echidnas.
"Is this Emerald Island?" Shadow asked one of the warriors. "Yes."
Shadow looked over to Amy and smirked. "I told you I didn't need directions.
Now, Amy and Shadow were being escorted to somewhere. They walked through the Villages path. Everyone staring at them. If it wasn't that they were taken as hostages, Amy would have loved to have a vacation here. The small rural looking houses looked cozy enough. People making food outside their houses with cooking pout looked delicious enough. The area was lively and everyone seemed at peace.
The guards placed Amy and Shadow inside of a large tent in where an old looking red Echidna was sitting in the middle of two other more young-looking female echidnas.
Amy couldn't wait to go back home and tell Knuckles he wasn't the last of his kind.
"The universe is very mysterious...isn't that right Shadow the Hedgehog?", the old echidna looked at Amy. "Oh, um..yes?", She responded not really knowing what to say.
"It seems just like yesterday when you promised me to marry my oldest daughter in exchange for a Chaos Emerald...but you left!"
The old echidna stood from his seat and inspected the two hedgehogs. "Oh, but what do we have here...you two have been cursed by the Purple Gem...you two have changed bodies, haven't you?"
Amy had to give credit to the red one, just how did he figure it out was out of her comprehension.
"Yes, old man, and we know that one of the broken pieces is here. We need it." Shadow demanded. Amy looked over to him and watched her own facial expression. She could be scary when she needed to.
"Yes, we do have the broken piece." The old echidna paused for a second.
"For generations, The Echidna Race have protected all secrets of Chaos Emeralds and other old gems. You would be happy to know that there's another way to get your bodies back...a very efficient and faster way."
"Tell us please!" Amy asked almost imploring.
"Killing one of you! Guards, arrest the pink hedgehog!" The old echidna commanded and so, the guards did. They grabbed Shadow by the hands, he didn't the same strength, he tried to resist but Amy's delicate body wasn't as strong. It was too overpowering.
"Leave him alone!" Amy screamed. "Chaos C-"
"No, you won't"
Amy realized that they had placed a sharp machete on Shadow's neck. She couldn't risk it. She still didn't know how to use Chaos Control properly and if she failed, that could cost him his life.
"Now, now Shadow The Hedgehog, I won't kill you. You still need to marry my daughter. Once I kill you in this female body, your soul will return to its original body...however your friend's soul won't have a body to return to." The echidna smiles down wickedly at his prisoner. "Call that a small payback for taking too long in coming back...Guards, take the pink one to the dungeon!"
"No...Amy!" Shadow tried to break free.
"Shadow!", Amy shouted his name but couldn't move as two other guards stopped her from doing so. The leader of the tribe, the old echidna approaching her.
"Tonight, the ceremony shall be done."
Shadow had finally done it. He should have listened to Amy since the beginning. All of this is his fault, and now Amy was going to pay for his mistakes.
And he was now on a dungeon, with some other creepy echidna.
"Is there anyways to escape?", Shadow looked everywhere on the dungeon, a false rock, the ground, anything.
"No, only the guards can let you out." The other echidna prisoner said as he looked over to his new cellmate. "What's a young pink hedgehog doing here anyway?"
Shadow sighed, he didn't want to give explanations but may be clearing his head would help him. "I am trying to stop someone from dying."
"Is this person your lover?"
"HELL NO, I DESPISE THIS PERSON!" Shadow yelled at the blue echidna.
"Then why do you care if they die or not?"
That was right...why did Shadow even care what happened to Amy? She dies, he gets his body back and can easily Chaos Control out of this place.
He didn't need her.
He didn't care for.
"So then why..." Shadow whispered to himself as he looked at Amy's tender hands. "Why do I still feel...like I care for her?"
"Would this person do the same for you?"
"Would this person sacrifice for you? Would this person fight for you?"
Shadow stood quiet, taking in and analyzing the question.
Would Amy go to the same lengths as him? Would Amy do anything in her hands to save him if he was in the same situation?
Shadow had no doubt...
If it was Amy, she definitely would.
Shadow nodded at the Echidna.
"Then it doesn't matter if you hate her or not...those kind of people are worth fighting for."
The night had arrived upon the Echidnas and everyone in the Village stood in front of the hall ceremony. An enormous statue of a goddess behind Amy and the leaders of the tribe. Amy could see how one of the broken pieces of the Purple Gem was in the top of a rack, right in the center of the hall ceremony. She began to think of a plan but her thoughts were interrupted as she noticed that the guards had brought up Shadow. One of the guards holding a very sharp sword.
Was this really how Amy was going to die?
"Ladies and Gentlement, we are here to be the presence of the holy marriage of my daughter Tikal with the possessor of Chaos Energy, Shadow the Hedgehog...But first-" The old leader turned to his Guards, telling them to bring the pink hedgehog closer. " But first, we will give our Goddess Gaia a humble sacrifice!"
The crowed sheer and clapped waiting to see the blood of the pink hedgehog satisfy the goddess.
"Any last words?" The leader said as a Guard passed him the sword, of course, he was going to do the honors. "Oh wait, nevermind...I should be asking your friend over there...I'll be seeing you soon anyways." The Echidna smiled.
"Let me tell you one thing...come closer."
The Edchinda hesitated for a bit but knowing that he was well tied up, he obliged.
Shadow whispered something in his ear and suddenly...
"Let them go." The leader said. The Guards looked at each other perplexed. "What was that sir?"
"I said let them go and give them the broken piece of the broken Purple Gem," He said as he began to walk away."
"But sir-"
"I said to let them go!"
The guards did as told and the old echidna turned one more time to look at Shadow, "I'll be waiting."
Amy was now the one flying the airplane as Shadow seemed to way out of himself to operate it. They haven't said a word to each other since the leader of the Village had let them go. Now the night was dark and the moon and stars were their only map to guide them to their next destination. Amy build up the courage and finally asked Shadow, "Are you alright?"
A few seconds passed and still, Shadow wasn't facing Amy, he was looking down at the ocean, thinking.
"Would you have done the same?"
The questioned rattle Amy, she didn't know how to answer. "What do you mean?"
"How far would you go to protect me?" Shadow had finally turned his body to face Amy, who had an aguish look on her eyes. She took a sigh.
"Don't get me wrong, I'll still sell you to the devil for five more minutes of sleep but-" Amy couldn't believe she was going to say this, "...but I didn't put resistance for a reason." Amy blushed as she turned her head away from Shadow.
"You are saying that you were ready to give up on your life...just so I could have my body back?" Shadow questioned.
"Sure...if you want to see that way... it's my fault that we are in this mess after all so-" Amy began to babble without realizing, her embarrassment getting the best of her.
"Hmf..." Shadow placed his hand over his mouth, he didn't want to admit it but he smiling and couldn't contain a small laugh. Amy caught onto this and changed the topics.
"What did you tell the old guy anyway?"
"What did you tell the old guy so he could let us go?"
"Nothing special, and even if I were to explain it to you, your brain wouldn't be able to process such information." Shadow teased her a little.
"Are you calling me stupid?" Amy asked indignantly.
Shadow liked it better this way. He decided to think about his future, later on, right now he just wanted to enjoy the small trip that was ahead of him and his pink team-mate.
He laid down on his seat, remembering each word he told the old Echidna. He wasn't lying, he would threaten and use the same words again and again if that meant he could save Amy; because she was definitely worth fighting for.
"This can go two ways, you kill me in this body and I SWEAR to you that I WILL burn this Village to pieces, I am not scared to hurt your people. OR you can let me and my friend go along with the broken piece of the Purple Gem and when I resolve my problem...I'll come back and marry your daughter." Shadow had the most serious look on his face, determined, something that was even strange to see for the old echidna.
"No one can't lie in front of Goddess Gaia...You wouldn't dare to lay a finger on this Village...We took care of you for a fair amount of your life. You grow up here...are you really willing to risk everything for that hedgehog?" The Echidna asked he knew very well that no one could lie in front of the statue of Goddess Gaia, anyone who dared lie would have died on the spot.
"In the name of Goddess Gaia who bestowed me Chaos Power, if you dare to hurt the life of my friend, I shall use this power to end you."
Next Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/186736006810/that-makes-us-two-chapter-4-sleep
Previous Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/186691087620/that-makes-us-two-chapter-2-duo
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another-sonic-blog · 6 years
ShadAmy Week 2018 Day2: Protection
ShadAmy Week
Day2: Protection
   Amy had been living a normal life so far. She did in fact, take a small break from following Sonic and began to have her on adventures at her own pace. She wasn’t a kid anymore, and ever since the day she began to kick -butt on her own, she was more confident and began stronger as an individual.    A few months ago she encountered Rouge on a mission she had. They both were trying to catch some bandits that were tormenting a village nearby. Furthermore, they joined powers and brought those bandits to justice. That’s how their friendship began, Rouge will even invite Amy to her G.U.N. missions once in a while. Of course in secret, according to G.U.N protocol, no one but they should be allowed to participate in missions. However, Rouge never really care following G.U.N protocol, and soon Omega joined them as well.
“Guess, who decided to join G.U.N?”
“I don’t know, Knuckles? Hahaha”
“I wouldn’t be here if he actually joined, you know that right?”- Rouge winked at her.
“Well then...who?”
   Amy came back to her as soon as she remembers Shadow’s name. Now that she thinks about it, she hasn’t seen the black with red stripes hedgehog ever since Amy gave him back that picture of him and Maria, while they were talking on the cliff. And also, he did promise to take a picture with her so....Amy decided to pay a small visit to his friend.
. . .
   Amy waited for almost an hour and she was still waiting. She didn’t know much about Shadow. She knew he was a difficult hedgehog to understand, in all honesty, she didn’t know why she tried so much in order to become ‘close’ to him. Maybe...maybe, because Shadow is a reminder of how complicated can someone’s life become once they lose someone they love.  Amy didn’t pity him but admired him. If she were to lose someone she loves, she knew she wouldn’t be able to handle it. She wanted to learn from Shadow, as well as to help him accept his past and start living again. “You are here again?”
   Amy turned around and saw Shadow behind her. Amy took a quick look at him, for some reason, he looked tired, she also noticed some scratches and even dust around his body.
“Did you...just come back from a mission?”
“Yeah...how do you know?”
   What Shadow did next really took her by surprise, Shadow sat close to her. Not like super close, but close enough for her to be able to touch him if she were to stretch her arm enough. Not like it bothers her or anything, she was glad that Shadow felt safe enough with her to let his guard down with her like this. Little by little, Amy was overjoyed with this small improvement. She didn’t want to rush anything, nor make him feel pressure, that's why the first time they ‘actually’ talked, Amy decided to give him a big space between them, just make the point go across.
“I can tell... please be more careful from now on”
“You are talking to the Ultimate Life Form, you know that right?”
“Ultimate or not, you can still get hurt... Am I wrong?”
“if you ever need help, am right here ya know? I have been joining Rouge and Omega in some missions they have”
“G.U.N. protocol strictly forbids outsiders who do not belong to our association form joining any type of missions”
“Wow, Shadow... I never thought you were one to follow the rules”
“I am trying to achieve something”- Shadow really didn’ know why in the world why was he telling Amy this.
“Oh, can I know what it is?”
“A motorbike”
   Shadow noticed how Amy’s expression changed from calm to a more...happy one? Why was she?
“Oh I see, so if you follow the rules and complete your missions properly, you will get a motorbike?”    Shadow wasn’t expecting this much of Amy, he honestly thought she would like to laugh a bit or something. Even for him, being dedicated that much to his job just to get a motorbike sounds a bit absurd. But for Amy that wasn’t the case, and that really meant a lot to him.
“Actually, if I complete my next mission successfully, I will get a bike without a doubt”
“When you get it, would you give me a ride?”
“Well, I don-”
“Hahaha, the look on your face! I was joking Shadow, you don’t have to if you don’t want to”- Amy give him a smile and once he felt something weird inside of him.
And they both kept talking for hours, and hours, they stopped talking as soon they saw the sunrise and they were both taken back when realizing they had talked for that long.
“Transmission from HQ, there’s an SOS coming from Dr. Eggman’s Base, our last communication with him was 26 hours ago, we expect an immediate rescue, Shadow The Hedgehog  ”
   Shadow looked at his communicator, and right away knew that it was the commander of G.U.N talking to him.
“Understood, initiating the mission now”-Shadow turn off his communicator and looked at Amy.
“Wait? Now? But you just came back from your previous mission, you didn’t even get to rest, nor sleep nor ea-”
“I’ll be fine like I said I am the ultimate life form”
“...Even if I didn’t want you to go, I can’t stop you so... I’ll cheer for you from afar”- Amy smiled and gave him a thumbs up, just like that blue hedgehog would do. He hasn’t seen him in a while, but it right now it wasn’t the time to ask Amy about him.
“I’ll be back soon”
   And with that, Shadow Caos control out of there, leaving a very worry Amy behind. . . .
Shadow got to the outsides of Eggman’s base. Robots were surrounding the base, Shadow’s mission was to rescue whoever was inside that base, no destroy the whole base. He immediately made his decision and Chaos Control himself inside the Base. There he found himself in the middle of a halfway, he quickly hides as to prevent the robot guards from seeing him. After they left, he made several turns and looked room by room in order to find what he was looking for. Shadow finally was able to open a door that no matter how many times he punched it, it wouldn’t seem to open, however, 12 kicks were enough to open that damn FOURTH door that was in a hidden hallway. He hoped that none of his previous actions made enough noise, at least for him to Not be heard.
“So, I came all of this way...just to rescue you?
“I didn’t know my rescue message was sent to G.U.N instead of Tails”- Sonic stood up and was actually happy to see Shadow once again after a while.
“Let’s just get going”- Shadow said as he turns around.
“Wait, I can’t break this chains!”- Sonic was quick to show Shadow the chains that were around his feet.
“Are you really that weak?”- Shadow said as he looked at them, they look pretty heavy and it had some blue and gold metallic look to them.
“Chaos Blast!”- Shadow pointed to the chains that were unsuccessfully broken, however, the door behind them closed on them. That’s when Shadow knew that this was a trap.
“Dammit, Sonic hold me”
“Shadow, I am honored but I am not into mal-”
“So I can Chaos Control us out of here!”-Shadow yelled at him, but a white fume began to come out of the walls, which caught their attention.
“Don’t smell it, it probably  a sedative to make us sleep”
“Just get us out of here”- Sonic said as he put his arm on Shadow’s shoulder.
“Chaos Control!”
   But nothing happened.
“Get us out here Shadow, I won’t be able to hold my breath for too long!”
“I can’t this room... maybe the entire base... it nullifies Chaos Energy" And with that, both hedgehogs couldn’t hold it for any longer, and they fell into a deep sleep.
. . .
   Shadow quickly came back to his senses and saw Amy in front of him.
“Amy? What are you doing here?”
“Rescuing you! Now let’s go!”- Amy stood up and helped Sonic stand up as well. Shadow looked around and noticed that they were in the same room ”
“Wait for Amy, we have this chains, we can-”- Sonic began to say but Amy was quick to pull out her hammer and break in two the chains Sonic and Shadow have in their feet.
“Hehe never underestimate Amy Rose”- Sonic said proudly.
“How did you know we were here?”- Shadow asked as he stood up from the floor.
“Tails sent me a message saying that he received rescue message from Sonic, and I came”- Amy said as she began to run.
“So, you just came to save hi-”
“Come on we can stay here much longer the robots are-”
   The announcement was made and as soon as it was done, the three hedgehogs came running out of the room and began to run for their lives. Shadow noticed that he wasn’t carrying his Chaos Emeralds anymore, he knew that Eggman must take it.
“We can’t leave yet, I have to destroy this base”- Sonic said.
“My assignment was to rescue you, nothing more”
“I have to, Eggman’s base is taking all electrical energy of nearby cities, if I don’t destroy it, then-”
“If you destroy it, then G.U.N will think it was me and I won’t get my bi-”- Shadow stopped himself, he didn’t want to give Sonic explanations.
“Sorry Shads, gotta do this”
“G.U.N didn’t say anything about NOT destroy it Shadow, so you should be fine!”- Amy smiled and Shadow was more relieved by her comment.
“Shadow, taking Amy our of here, I’ll take the rest!”-Sonic was about  to take a right turn
“No, I am coming with you!”    Sonic saw so much determination in Amy’s eyes. He reminded himself, that Amy was not a kid anymore, she was able to take care of her and others.
“Alright, Amy! It will be faster if we separate, I’ll destroy the energy source of this northern part of the base, you and Shadow go for the south”
“If you see any Chaos Emeralds, bring it to me so I can get us out of here”
“Alright then, I’ll look for one and I’ll see you guys at the South power base!”
“Got it!”- They both said.
And so, they parted ways, both of them encountered multiple robots and as quickly as they could they destroy robot by robot. Amy and Shadow finally arrived at the south energy source of power, the machine was very bright, anyone would notice that a lot of energy was going through that machine. It was delicate and one punch was enough to destroy it.    Shadow was about to destroy it but then an army of robots came after them.
“Shadow heard a shot, as he turned around the only thing he could see was Amy in front of him. He saw how the two bullets pierced Amy’s body, one through the arm and the other one through her leg. Amy felt to the floor, and Shadow was paralyzed, it was just like that time.
“Amy!”- Shadow bent down towards her, wondering just what in the world was going through her head.
“Just destroy that machine Shadow!”- Amy was laying on the floor, and her scream made Shadow come back to her senses and as fast as he could, he destroyed the machine in pieces. Immediately, the robots run out of energy, and Shadow focused in Amy once again.
“Why did you do something as stupid as that!?”- Shadow yelled at her, more worried and scared than angry.
“I wanted to protect you”    Shadow tried to calm down, he was scaring Amy with his attitude and he became aware of that.
“I don’t need protection Amy, bullets don’t go through my skin”
“You should say things like that when we met, hehehe”
   Shadow was really amazed by her, the more he knew Amy, the more he was interested in her.
“Let me see your wounds”
“Forget it, look for Sonic and let's get out of here”
“Amy, your wounds can be infected if-”
Your mission was to rescue Sonic, not me, so just go”
“Amy, but-”
“If, if you don’t get out of here with him, then... then you won’t get your bike”
   Shadow felt his heart warm up, he never felt like this before... What was going on?
“Your safety is more important to me than a bike! I am not as heartless as you think I am”
“I know you are not, dummy, but, you seem to want that bike so much and well...and besides Sonic is taking a long time and I am worried about him!”
   Shadow was also aware of the fact that Sonic meant a lot to Amy, and maybe she was right, may be looking for him so they could get out faster out of there was a smart decision.... but at the moment, the only thing Shadow didn’t want to do was to leave her side.
“I AM SORRY GUYS, I TOOK LONGER TO FIND THE CHAOS EMERALD AND-”-Sonic began wanted to finish his sentence, but he felt how Shadow quickly grabbed him by the arm, and quickly took him to Amy’s side.
“AMY, WHAT HAPPENED TO-”    Shadow didn’t give Sonic the time to speak, as he aggressively took away the chaos emeralds from Sonic’s hand.
. . .
   They instantly appeared on G.U.N.’s headquarters...right in front of the commander.
“Agent Shadow what is the meaning of this?”- The commander stood in front of the three, and Shadow quickly stood up.
“My friend got shot, I request immediate medical help sir”
   Amy smiled, Shadow had referred to her as his ‘friend’, she never thought she will hear that word come out of his mouth.
“Bring medical assistance!”- The commander order to one of his soldiers, and as soon as he left, military paramedics came in and picked Amy up with a small portable bed.
“I will be going with Amy, Shadow....hello commander, long time no see! Thank you for sending Shadow to rescue me, he did great!”- With that, Sonic left with Amy and leave the HQ’s main room. Shadow and the commander were left alone.
“Shadow, G.U.N.’s protocol strictly prohibits to bring in an outsider who is not from our association to missions and less bringing them to the main Head Quarters, not only that, but you destroy Eggman’s base which even though it took away electrical energy from nearby cities, by destroying it, you also destroyed the power sources that provides energy to those cities...Shadow you may have completed your mission by bringing in safe Sonic the hedgehog...but you failed miserably at doing it right”
Shadow knew he wasn’t getting his bike that day.
. . .
   It had been already five days since he lasts Amy, he knew for a fact that she was doing alright. Since he asked the nurses who attended Amy that as soon as they told her she was safe from danger, she left the HQ. Every day after that, he came to their usual place and waited for hours for her to come... but she never did. Then he thought that she might be spending her time with Sonic, after all, he was staying in the cities for a couple of days. Of course, she would rather spend her time with Sonic than him, she preferred him over him....Shadow’s thoughts were interrupted as he heard a noise come from the bushes, he quickly turns around.
   Oh, but it wasn’t her, it was Rouge.
“Were you expecting someone else handsome”- Rouge got near him.
“No, go away Rouge I want time for myself”
“How rude!...Anyways, I don’t want to spend my free time with you, I just came to tell you something really quick”
“Spit it”- Shadow said without looking at her.
“Whatever you may receive, just accept it. She worked so hard for it, literally work day and night, did multiple jobs and bleed in order to get it, so just take it”
“What are you-”
“Well she is coming here soon, so gotta go honey... see ya later in work!”-Rouge flew away and wink at Shadow before leaving. Only one thought crossed his mind, that he will never be able to understand her.
   His thoughts were once interrupted again as soon as he heard a tremendous sound coming from the bushes.
   It was Amy, riding a new brand, black motorbike.
“Well, you like it?”- Amy said as she came down from the bike.
“Uh, yes I do but-”
“Good, cause it's yours!”- Amy then threw him the keys and walked towards Shadow. Shadow caught the keys and looked at Amy perplexed. So that’s what Rouge meant. Shadow wasn’t saying much, and at this Amy began to speak once again:
“Rouge told me that, you didn’t get your bike because...well because of me and-”
“That’s not true, it was due to other things”
“Shadow its ok, I just well, I don’t know... you worked so hard for it and you deserve it... so please take it”    Shadow looked at Amy and really wonder why she had this power over him.
“How were you able to buy this?”- Shadow continued.
“I worked a bit, I make dresses all from scratch! and well I have some extra money at hand, so I said why not?”- Amy said proudly.
“Amy, can I see your hands?”- Shadow got closer to her.
“What? Why would you want to-”    Shadow didn’t give Amy time to speak and he quickly grabbed her hand, took her ring off her wrist and quickly removed her glove. Only to find small bandages all wrapped around Amy’s fingers. Shadow looked slowly at Amy, and this made Amy quickly hide her hand away from Shadow.
“Its normal to get small stitches when sewing a dress!”- Amy said in protest.
   And Shadow smiled, that was the first time Amy saw him do that. Her work was all worth it.
“Do you want a ride, Amy?”
“What? I thought you didn’t want me to-”
“To show my gratitude”
“I haven’t done anything, is just a bike”- Amy smiled to him, and at that moment Shadow felt really glad to have Amy on his side.
“A thanks for protecting me”
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another-sonic-blog · 6 years
ShadAmy Week 2018: Day 5&6: Pink&Black/ AU or CrossOver
ShadAmy Week 2018 Day 5&6: Pink and Black/AU or Crossover
Modern Amy & Shadow X Boom!Amy & Boom!Shadow Crossover
. . .
“Yes, whatever you say, Mr. grumpy”
“Just give me the Shattered Crystal Shards, pink hedgehog!”
“Come here and make me, black hedgehog!”
   Amy and Shadow were in their typical fights of the day, ever since Shadow accepted to be part of ‘Team Sonic or Team Knuckles”.
“I cannot tell you that!”
“Then, I shall not give it to you!”
“You know what! I am this close to punching you in the face and just steal the crystals from you!”- Shadow got closer to Amy so close to fighting her.
“Bring it on you jerk!”
   That’s when Amy and Shadow run towards each other, Amy taking out her hammer and Shadow in a kickboxing stand.
   Sonic got in the middle of both, Amy and Shadow quickly stopped.
“Move out of my way Sonic, I want to kick her pink butt!”- Shadow quickly looked over to Amy and Amy was quick to snap.
“Yeah, move away so I can actually break those black legs of this!”
“Guys please calm down! Its only been five minutes since we all gather together!”- Tails stood up from his sit. Knuckles and Sticks watched from afar, the sight already familiar to them, so they weren’t amused at all by the scene.
“I have been helping you and your pathetic team save the world for a damn year! And I think this is enough. Be careful Rose, one of this days, those Crystals will disappear from your possessions!”- Shadow then, walked out of Tail’s house as he slammed the door.
   Everyone fell silent, everyone got used to having Shadow around, it was a year after all... and for him to suddenly to just get out of the team seemed to unreal at the moment.
“Amy, can I talk to you for a sec?”- Sonic looked Amy, to which she nodded in answer. They both went out of the house and as Sonic closed the door behind them, he kept looking at Amy.
“I know, I know! I was wrong”- Amy, looked down at her feet in disappointment.
“It been a year since Shadow join us, but you seem like you can’t trust him still”
“It's just, I don’t know...Every time I am near him, he gives me this weird feeling, I-I”
“I am not telling you that should give him the Crystals, they are yours after all but I am just telling you that should try and give him a chance. You might actually end up liking Shadow haha”- Sonic said, smiling at her.
“Oh, hell nah!...But, I do think you are right...I’ll go look for him”- Amy said as she began to walk away.
“Good luck, Ames!” . . .
   Amy didn’t take long at finding Shadow. however, the bag that she was currently carrying behind her back contained all seven Crystals. He was at his usual place, the village nearby lake. This used to be Amy’s usual place as well, but as Shadow came to stay in the village, she stopped coming once in a while. It was either she was here first or Shadow. He was sitting in front of the lake, still thinking about his previous actions. Maybe he was the one doing wrong? Maybe he didn’t work hard enough to gain Amy’s trust?
“Hey, Shads!”-Amy patted on his back and Shadow quickly flinched at the touch. Amy was never friendly like that...at least not to him. Amy sat down next to him, looking at the moon.
“Shads?”- Shadow asked him, Amy had never called him Shads before. Only the rest of the gang.
“Look, Shadow... I know, we have problems but...I think is my fault for not trusting you. Its been a year and well, whatever happened with Lyric should stay in the past...its just that whenever I am near you, I don’t know I just feel weird and-”
“Are you confessing your love to me, Amy Rose?”- Shadow teased her.
“Only in your dreams blackie!”- Amy playfully punched him in the arm.
“Right back at you pinkie”- Shadow laughed a little, but he quickly stayed quiet as he wanted to keep his cool.
“Oh, actually I brought you this”- Amy showed him the bag she brought with her, and as he opened it, he was surprised to see all the shattered Crystal.
“Wait, why are-”
“You used them, make sure to give it back to me tho!”
“You don’t want to know what I am going to use them for?”
“If you don’t want to tell me, then I respect that...I trust you Shadow”- Amy smiled at him,  and at that moment he felt glad Amy was with him.
“...I want to use this...to learn about my past”
“Have you ever heard of alternate dimensions?”
“Um, yeah...but Shadow, what may happen in another dimension, doesn’t mean it will be the same as ours”- Amy didn’t want to disappoint Shadow, but at the moment it was for the better.
“I know, but...Its been so long since I stopped searching for my past... I just want to know...how is the other me doing? Does he know about his past? And if he does, how did that affect him? Was his past good? bad? Did he ever stop looking for that blonde girl I see in my dreams? Maybe, I can get some answers....”
“Shadow...lets do it!”
“Let's travel to another dimension!”
“No, It might be dangerous, that's why I didn’t want to tell anyone! I don’t want anyone to be in danger because of me-”- Shadow realized at what he said and stopped himself from speaking up his mind.
“Oh, Shadow...I would hug you but I know you hate hugs”    So, all of those times Amy didn’t want to hug him in ‘group hugs’ was because she knew he didn’t like hugs?
“But, just like I trust you, you have to trust me that I can take care of myself...so please let me go with you”
   Shadow took a moment to think...and in the name of the Ancients, he hoped he was making the right decision.
“...fine, let's do this as quickly as possible...and let's not tell the other ones”
“Let's do this!”
   Amy and Shadow placed the Crystals on the ground in circle form, they were soon in the middle of the circle made out of Crystals.
“Ok...Amy...hold my hand”- Shadow said, and Amy didn’t complain and she quickly did as he told. Shadow quickly flinch again, goosebumps going through his body... damn it, Amy.
“Oh, shredded Crystals... show me the way to the answers I want to find”    The Crystals began to glow and move around them.  
And then, they disappeared. . . .
“I thought this would be a pleasant ride, Shadow”
   Amy and Shadow had landed in a beautiful landscape, a forest behind them, a cliff with an ocean view and a beautiful sunset in front of them.
   Shadow instantly recognized that voice, he didn’t know his answers will get this quick. Amy and Shadow both stood up as they landed on the not so stranger’s motorcycle.
“Amy, what are you doing here with that FAKER? We were supposed to have a date today”
   Shadow then looked at Amy up and down, he got closer to her and smelled her scent.
“HEY, STAY AWAY FROM HER!”- The other Shadow said as he grabbed Amy by the hand and putting himself in front of her in other to protect her from himself.
“You are not my Amy”-Shadow then look at his motorcycle to make sure she was fine but....
“YOU IDIOT! YOU BROKE ONE MIRROR!”- Shadow said as he bent over her.
“SHADOW!.....and friends?”
   Shadow turned around to see his Amy coming closer to him and noticing both equal parts of them. They wanted to speak but before that, Amy interrupted.
“Are you names, Amy and Shadow?”
“Yes”- They both quickly responded a bit surprised at their simultaneously.
“Ok, before we start...Shadow will be Black and Amy will be Pink...and we will just keep our names... you know just so there’s no confusion”- Amy smiled, and they both just agreed, anyways they were used to calling each other ‘pinkie’ and blackie’, so this should be fine for them.
“Get out of our world before I destroy you for destroying my bike!”- Shadow threated Black.
“Shadow, it was just the mirror!”- Amy said to him, trying to calm him down.
“But you gave me this bike Amy, I wanted for her to stay the same way as you gave it to me...now I have to make changes”- Shadow pouted at her.
“Let's repair it together shall we?”
“Wait... are you guys...dating?”- Pink asked both of them as they watched them interact.
“What?!...Wow, we are actually in a parallel universe, aren’t we blackie?”- Pink teased him, laughing a little.
“Anyways...what are you both doing here?”- Shadow asked them.
“I need to know...about my past... I have no clue about it, and I thought maybe you could tell me something about this blonde girl that I keep seeing in my nightmares”- Black asked and Amy instantly looked at Shadow.
“Amy, could you take Pink to another place? I want to talk to Black for a second”
“Sure things Shads...come with me pink! Let’s talk about our boyfriends”- Amy said giggling. She also wanted to have some alone time for them and male all kinds of questions to her. As soon as Amy and Pink came out of Shadow’s sight, he signed and looked at the horizon in front of him.
“The blonde girl that you see in your dreams...her name is Maria... and she was murder by humans”
“Wh-att?”- Black was astonished, how can humans be so despicable?
“She was my only friend...you see, I was created by scientist in order to become the Ultimate Form, with my powers, I will bring world peace and create a better world overall, but world authorities were afraid of my powers, and they came here to kill me...but my friend Maria gave up her own life in order to save me...This is what happened to me, but that doesn’t mean that it happened to you”- Shadow wanted to conclude his story as quick as possible, even though he was over his past, it still hurt remembering Maria being killed in front of him.
“Why? Why didn’t you go after them? You should have taken revenge!”- Black almost yelled at him and Shadow looked at him.
“I was going to...I was going to annihilate the whole human race once and for all...but”
“Someone reminded me Maria’s wish...her wish was to protect and save everyone from danger, that’s why I was created...after that, I wanted to forget everything forgets my past and star brand new”
“Isn’t that good?”- Black asked again.
“It's not bad that you want to move on from the pain...but it is wrong to forget people that have loved you and care for you”
“Who is that person who made you remember? Maybe I can find that person in my universe and that would-”
“You already know that person”- Shadow said interrupting him.
“...Amy?...Um, Pink?”
“Yes, and don’t act like you don’t like her, I see the way you protected her...the way you look at her...Its just like I do with my Amy”
“I won’t deny that...Amy, um I mean Pink...she was the main reason I joined Sonic and his gang...there’s something about her...that I really like...even though we fight most of the time...but I guess is just me trying to hide my attraction to her”
“And it took you to travel to another dimension to find that out? I don’t blame you, I realized I loved Amy after Sonic took me to a club, made me drink and after passing out,  he tricked me into believing I slept for 10 years”- Shadow added a bit of the spice and didn’t want to look ‘un-cooler’ in front of him.
“How would, I know she feels the same way as me?”- Black asked a bit shy about the topic.
“She traveled to another dimension, put her safety aside just for you...I think she likes you...but she doesn’t know it yet”
“Look...I don’t know if after what I told you, you still want and look for an answer to your past but one thing I am sure of...If Amy is with me in my present and my future...I can let go of my past and live again...I believe you should stay with her”
. . .
“So, how are things with Black?”- Amy asked Pink teasingly.
“Well...we are not dating”- Pink said blushing,
“Shadow was quick to find out his feelings for me but...I took longer to realize that...Maybe you as well haven’t figure out your feelings towards him?”- Amy said they were already going back to Shadow and Black as they made their walk longer than expected and Amy didn’t want Pink to leave with giving her some answers with her current relationship with Black/Her Shadow.
“Well, ever since he joined ‘Team Sonic’ in my universe, we fought all the time... it wasn’t until a few hours ago, that I realize that it was my fault for not trusting him...is just that everytime I am with him, I don’t know.. I feel..weird and different”-Pink was quick to answer, what better advice she could get than from herself?
“That’s what I felt when I was around Shadow...It didn’t take long after that to realize that I was actually in love with him”- Amy teased him as she was telling her the truth.
“But...How do I know he feels the same for me?”- Pink asked a bit worried.
“He lets you come to another dimension with him in order to discover together about his past...I think he does like you, we may not have the same Shadow, but I don’t think any Shadow from any dimension would trust anyone that much to open up about his past.”
. . .
“Shadow! We are back!”    Shadow and Black turned around to see Amy and Pink come together to the place they previously were.
“Just in time!”- Shadow said as he looked at Amy.
“Did you get the answer that you were looking for?”- Pink asked as she got closer to Black.
“Yeah, my answers were right here...all of this time”-Black looked straight into Pink’s eyes and she blushed knowing that her Shadow didn’t mean this place, but her.
“Well, sorry to interrupt but Amy and I have a motorcycle to repair”- Shadow said a bit annoyingly.
“Aww Shadow, remember we were like that when we first dated?”- Amy said as she intertwined her arm with his.
“No, when we first dated a blonde hedgehog was screaming at me and you instantly called me your boyfriend”
“It-it was to protect you!”
“Yeah, can you send us back already, with your um...Chaos Control, or something like that you were saying?”- Black said as he grabbed Pink’s hand.
“Alright...Chaos Control!”- Shadow pointed his hand towards the couple and a Chaos Energy surrounded them...and quickly they disappeared back into their dimension.
“Do you think they will be fine?”- Amy asked Shadow “I think they have a whole adventure ahead of them”- Shadow answer.
“Just like we do, don’t we?”
“Yes...but first I need to fix my bike!”
   Amy giggled if she was with Shadow, she knew her adventures will never end, and she liked it that way.
. . .
A/N: Sooo I combined two days prompts due that I was already two days late for ShadAmy Week, so this ain't my best but I hope you still enjoy it! Ah, I just came up with good ShadAmyBoom! Story but I don’t think I will make it any time soon haha. See ya guys later!
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another-sonic-blog · 7 years
10 Days With ShadAmy (Day. 2)
It was already late and Shadow got into the rookie’s room in order to get some sleep. He wasn’t in a good mood after leaving Amy’s room. It's not like he was romantically interested in Amy, but he low key wanted her to say that he might like him. “Mister Shadow! Ah, you can go ahead and take the bed I can sleep on the floor!”- The red fox said and Shadow just followed the flow. He took his shoes off and climb to the bed while the rookie just happily laid on the floor next tot he bed. Not even five seconds have passed when the rookie began to speak. “Mister Shadow, are you awake?” “...I am now” “Can I ask you a question?” “You already did” “Well, not-” “Just get it over with already”- Shadow turn around and gave his back to the rookie. “how was Sonic the Hedgehog?”- The rookie finally asked. “...Why do you want to know that?” “Before my village got destroyed, people would always talk about the adventures of Sonic and his friends. They would even tell their stories to the kids.... I wanted to ask Miss Amy or Mister Knuckles about him, but I don’t think they are ready to talk about it” “....He was annoying...” “Ah...I see....”- The red fox didn’t get the answer he wanted to hear, he wanted to keep on asking, but he didn't want to annoy Shadow. “but... it was tolerable”   The rookie smile, happy to hear an answer. “I would of like to know more about him, but am really happy right now as well” “Why is that?”- Ask Shadow. “Never in a million years I thought I would have the opportunity to meet Amy Rose, Knuckles the Edquina and my favorite hero of all times, Shadow The Hedgehog!”- the rookie then suddenly he realized what he said. “Sorry! I mean, like sorry if I made you-” “Don’t worry about it kiddo”- Shadow didn't want to make the situation awkward for neither of them. He didn’t want to admit it but.. he was kinda happy knowing that someone admired him. “I have another question... if you let me” “Spit it”- “Do you actually need to sleep? You ARE the ultimate life form after all”- the rookie asked. “As a matter of fact, I don’t need sleep. I won’t die from sleep deprivation. However, I do feel the need to sleep. Just like I won’t die from starvation, but I still feel hungry...You know what I mean?” “Yes, I think that explains many things..thank you!”- The rookie said as he could happily go to sleep now. “What do you mean by ‘that explains’ many things?”   The rookie stood up from the floor and looked up to Shadow as he did the same when he heard the red fox stand up. “Well, like you know.. that’s why you went to Miss Amy’s room right? It's not like you NEED affection, but you still WANT it, right?- The red fox said and Shadow got extremely surprised at his comment. “Wait, are you inferring that Amy and I?...” “Well before leaving the main headquarters room you both looked pretty intense, so everyone assumed that you both-”   The rookie was once again interrupted by Shadow. “Listen to me...listen to me well... AMY AND I WILL NEVER, EVER-” . . . . “EVER BE TOGETHER”- Amy said as loud as possible in order to make Silver understand her point. “Sorry Amy, it was just a thought”- Silver said trying to defend himself. “At this point, I don’t think Shadow is worth my time” “Then, why did you invited him to join the resistance?”- Silver asked amused “Well, because we need his strength, he is a very powerful hedgehog after all...” “I am pretty sure I can take him one on one”- Silver said confidently in which Amy smirked. “It will be a very interesting battle to see, Shadow is very skillful in combat tho” “And so am I!” “Yeah that’s right” “Amy....” “Ye-Yees?”- Amy noticed that Silver got serious, and it wasn’t like a normal serious, Amy would only see this type of Silver when he was fighting an enemy. “you are hiding something from me...ever since you came back with Shadow, your hands haven’t stopped shaking...”   Amy hated him.... she hated how much Silver knew about her. “It must be cold, it's getting a bit chilly around-”Amy began but Silver stopped Amy mid-track and grabbed her hands. “Amy, please don’t lie to me...”- Silver looked at her in the eyes and Amy knew she couldn’t hold it for long. “Its just that...when I was talking to Shadow before coming here... he made me realized something...”- Amy felt bad for lying to Silver, but all of it wasn’t lie. “What did he made you realized?”- Silver never looked away from Amy’s eyes. “He made me realized how... everything, everything is just falling apart...Silver, am scared that one day, I just wake up and... and the resistance is no more... I am afraid that one day, you will never come back from a mission... I am... so.. so afraid...I can’t stop shaking.....”- Amy was in tears and Silver hugged her so lovely, Amy for the first time in since Sonic’s death, she felt safe. “I am also afraid... so afraid that one day I come back from a mission, you will not be there...when you went missing yesterday, I was looking for you the whole day, I thought Eggman had kidnapped you...just like you...I was so afraid that I couldn’t stop shaking...Amy, you are really important to me, so please never leave my side...together, we will both get out of this” Amy has another worry now...but also another motivation to keep on going. . . . “Where the heck is Amy and Silver?!”   Both Amy and Silver woke up at Knuckle’s sudden yell. They knew he was coming. *KNOCK KNOCK* “Silver, Amy hurry up...SHADOW IF YOU HEAR ME WAKE UP AND THE ROOKIE AS WELL THERE’S A MISSION!”- Knuckles said as he entered Amy’s room. It wasn’t the first time they have slept together, it wasn’t anything new to Knuckles or the rest of the resistance of how close Amy and Silver were. However, a black hedgehog wasn’t aware of it. “What happened!”- Shadow quickly got into Amy’s room and saw how Silver and Amy were still sitting on the bed together. “Great... you both are going to stink for the whole day” “It's not like we care anyways”- Amy said and they both stood up. “We don’t have the time for this lovers quarrels, we have a mission, I’ll see you in five minutes at the main headquarters”- and with that Knuckles left.   Shadow, Silver, and Amy were all in the room. Shadow was in the door, his back touching the edge of the door, one of his foot touching the ground while the other foot was also touching the door, arms crossed. While Amy and Silver were still in the bed. “Are you ever going to leave the room?”- Silver asked as he stood up from the bed. “I should be asking you the same”- Shadow said. “I was with Amy, and you?” “I was with her as well...I always am”- Shadow said, while he pointed the flower ring design on Amy’s hand. Not only that, but he also showed Silver his own hand, his index finger containing a matching ring just like Amy’s. Silver turned around and faced Amy who was speechless. She knew what Shadow meant by saying “I am always with her” since she knew Shadow could hear and know where she is at every second. “Well, it's me who Amy smells like right?”- Silver said and as he put his arm around Amy. “Not for long...”- and with that Shadow left the room, ready to join Knuckles in the headquarters room. . . . “You guys are late!”- Knuckles said, the rookie standing right behind him. Shadow arrived first, and then Silver and Amy came up together. “Sorry...”- Silver and Amy said together. “Uh, anyways let's get going with the plan...Amy, please show me a map of Eggman’s Space Colony” “Yes, commander!”- Amy then got ready to work and took her place behind the computer.  Quickly a detailed picture of Eggman’s Space headquarters. “So here is where our next mission is going to be”- Knuckles said. “You must be crazy if you think you can infiltrate Eggman’s base”- Silver said. “Maybe not us, but Shadow can”- Knuckles then turn around to look at Shadow and everyone did so as well. “Of course its possible, however, I don’t see a space shuttle nearby, right?”- Shadow said, sarcastically. “We have been preparing this for months, the resistance alongside Tails, have successfully built a small space shuttle. Only two people will go... Silver, you are in charge! Take Shadow and he will guide you through.”- Knuckles said confidently. “Wait, what!? Shouldn’t I-”- Shadow said, but was interrupted by Knuckles. “Silver is really capable and knows how to manage well with teamwork, you can learn something from him as well Shadow”- Knuckles then turn around and proceed to explain more about the mission. “Eggman’s Space Colony is the greatest source of power that his weapon-based industries work with, if we successfully destroy the Space Colony, there would not be weapons to fight us with. Therefore, that will be the perfect time to attack and once and for all finish this war”- Knuckles ended his speech, there still many questions so they followed up. “What about looking for the last two Chaos Emeralds”- Amy asked. “We will focus on that right after Silver and Shadow come back, if Eggman’s Space Colony has taken enough damage, there will not be any possible way that Eggman can build it back up in such a short amount of time, anyways we have located one Chaos Emerald already, but lets focus on this mission first” “How are we going to exactly destroy the base?”- Shadow asked. “The old way. Amy will hack into Eggman’s Space System and will guide you along the way in order not to get caught. You will secretly place three extremely powerful bombs in three different locations of the Colony. One in the North base, another one in the South Center and the most important one in the Heart of the base... once you place the three of them, you will take the shuttle back, and on your way back, you will detonate the bombs with the amplifier that will be given to you before you leave for this mission, meaning, tonight.” “Tonight!? Commander, don’t you think is a bit early?”- The rookie asked. “We can’t lose any more time, everyday Eggman grows stronger, we have lost many of our own already... we can’t afford this anymore”- Knuckles said. “It's alright, I am ready for this”- Silver said. “Silver, are you sure?!”- Amy asked him. “This is the reason I came back for”- Silver looked at Amy, and once again Amy saw those determined eyes, there was nothing that could stop him now. “You better be back”- Amy said. “If you are guiding us, then I don’t see what could go wrong!”- Silver smiled and Amy did the same. “You better do whatever I tell you to do, if not I’ll let you to die in the Space Colony”- Shadow said. “The same goes to you, Mr. Shadow”- Silver and Shadow looked at each other, it would seem that a fight would go down, but right now wasn’t the time. “We don’t have time for your rivalry!”- Amy interrupted. “Is this how Mr.Shadow and Mr. Sonic would fight?”- The rookie asked and he sighs at his mistake, it was a question meant to be for himself but it just came out of his mouth without any objectives. “Ha! Sonic and Shadow were way worst! Those two looked like they were more so in love with each other!”- Knuckles said, and he laughed a little. Even Amy smirked at the thought of Sonic and Shadow fighting...ah, what would she do in order to get to see him again. “Well, anyways let's get ready for tonight!”   And with that said Knuckles and the others began to make preparations for tonight. Everything was going smoothly the technology department of the resistance had everything almost complete. In the outskirts of the village, everyone in the resistance gathers in order to show support to the legendary hero and the new uprising hero, Shadow, and Silver. Amy wanted to go, see them depart, but she needed to be behind the computer guiding them. She then heard the main door of the resistance room open, she turns around to see Tails standing there, like if nothing ever happened. Amy could see how the light of his eyes left him when Sonic died and how tired he looked even after mourning his death for months. “I thought you were going to see your project be executed”- Amy said smiling. “I prefer to see it depart my final project with a friend”- Tails said. “Tails, we need you, you can’t just leave us...Who is gonna help us create more weapons, or what if anything happens to you and what if like Sonic, you, you..”- Amy wanted to break down again, she didn’t want to lose another friend. “Amy...just like you, I need time to grow, after Sonic passed away, I know you haven’t picked up your hammer...I know it pains you to see it because you couldn’t use it to protect Sonic...but just like you, I couldn’t use my technology to protect him when he needed it, I failed him...and I just need a break to clear my mind and heal the pain...I already taught everything that I know about the Technology department.. you don’t need me here anymore”- Tails said as he grabbed Amy’s hand as to comfort her. “I will be here whenever you need me”- Tails said and over him was heard the voice of Silver on the computer. “Amy, do you hear me? We are ready to depart”- Silver said and Amy went over the computer alongside Tails, she was about to speak but instead, she looked over at Tails and smiled. “Would you do us the honor, one last time?”- Amy asked “With pleasure”-And with that Tails stood in front of the computer and began to speak. “Silver, this is Tails, I would be in charge of this mission alongside Amy”   His voice was heard through all across the departing field and everyone was startled, they couldn’t believe that the famous Tails Miles Power was talking through the mic. “Is that...is that Tails Miles Power?” “The hero? the guy who defeated Chaos four?” “Sonic’s right hand?” “I thought he was devastated after Mr. Sonic passed away...” “This just shows how strong he is” “He worked on this space shuttle by himself for 2 months...just how great he is?”   Everyone still couldn’t believe that a legend was speaking to them all, it felt as if they were part of a story they would tell children in their village. “Great to hear from you Tails!, Shadow and I are ready for action!”- Silver said. “Let's do this!”   The spacecraft departed from earth successfully and Shadow and Silver were able to see Eggman’s Space Colony. “We are able to see the Colony from here Tails”- Shadow said. “I’ll activate the invisibility field around you now”-Tails said and as he made some clicks on the computer, the invisibility field was activated around the space shuttle. “We will prepare to land”   The landing was as well successful and they landed without getting noticed. “Ok, from here we will take on the bombs and place them in their corresponding place. We will follow your guide through the communicator individually.”- Silver said. “I will guide you through the North Center Silver and Amy will guide Shadow through the South Center individually”   With that, Amy hurried up to the computer that was in front of Tails, put on the earphones and microphone. “You hear me Shadow?”- Amy asked him through the microphone. “Yes I do”- Shadow said. “Ok we are ready to go, are you able to locate us?”-Silver asked “We do!”- Amy and Tails said simultaneously. The screen showed a very complicated map, and within it, it showed a red point for Amy, indicated Shadow’s movements and a green dot for Tails indicating Silver’s motions.   Everything was going in smoothly and Silver and Shadow were both very careful with everything. “Shadow so you hear me?”- Silver asked “Load and clear”- Shadow said through his communicator. “How do you destroy robots without making any sounds?” “You have to make a clear shot through the robot’s center, in the center, the ‘heart’ of the robot is found, if you take it out within one movement, the robot becomes impractical”- Shadow finished saying. “...thanks”-Silver said. “this only works if you get them by surprise... if you fight for them for too long or if they notice your presence they will alert other robots and without knowing the whole base will be after you”- And with that Shadow focused on getting to the South Center. “Shadow, take a left and go straight down the path, there’s going to be a locked door, I will hack into the system. You have to seconds to enter”- Amy said. “Copy that” “And remember that *cough* *cough*”- Amy suddenly began coughing uncontrollably. “Hey Amy, are you alright?”- Tails asked concerned. “Yeah, sorry”   Amy got worried, it wasn’t like she didn’t know. She knew that the poison that was in her body had begun to take effect on her. “Amy...after this, let's go find the Chaos Emeralds”- Shadow said through the communicator, it was a conversation between him and her and therefore, Silver nor Tails could hear them. “worry?”- Amy asked, deep down she was happy that Shadow showed some concern for her. “Worry? The only thing I worry about is the possibility of smelling you when I get back” “Well, you don’t have to get near me, the farthest you are from me the better” “Even if you smell like Silver, I still like to be with you, you know that” “Shadow stop saying those things...” “Why? Does it make you feel embarrassed?” “N-No, what makes you say that?” “I see it, I know that you are interested in me, just like like I am interested in you” “No way that I-”   *beep beep* That’s when Amy realized that before getting a coughing attack, Amy forgot to tell Shadow to be careful with the lasers. “What the heck is happening?”- Shadow asked. “Shadow have you placed the bomb yet!?”- Amy asked panicking. “Yes, but we still need to place the third bomb” “Silver have you placed the bomb in the North Center?”- Tails asked through the communicator. “Yes, but what about the third bomb?!”- Silver asked. “Your safety is more important, there are robots coming your way, meet with Shadow and get out of there!”- Tails said. “This is our only chance we can’t miss it!”- Silver said. “Silver, this is an order get out of there” “I will place this bomb, whether you want it or not... I am sorry”- And with that nothing else could be heard. “Silver turn off his communicator”- Tails said. “Shadow, you have to find Silver, please bring him back!”- Amy pleaded him. “Find, but I am gonna do it my way now” “Shadow?...SHADOW?”- Amy began to panic “Shadow turn off his communicator!!!”- Amy said to Tails. “Dammit......Damn both of them”-Tails couldn’t do or say anything else. . . .   Shadow encountered many robots in his way, he had to finish things very quick. He had to find Silver, place the bomb. Shadow has been here a couple of times, he knew the place very well and needed no assistance whatsoever. From the beginning, he knew that this plan of the resistance will not work. Eggman’s weaponry industries do not only get its energy from this Space Colony, Eggman’s has learned from his mistakes and now has different energy provides all around the Earth. He took some time and told Eggman about their plan, he agreed to let them get this chance and make them believe that the resistance has the advantage over him in order to get the Chaos Emeralds. “You better get those Chaos Emeralds Shadow!”- And with that Eggman stopped communicating with Shadow.   Shadow took a right turn this time and found the cells section. “Well, what do we have here?”- Shadow said as he got closer to one of the cells. “Shadow? It's being a while since I last saw you...are you here to rescue me?” “Yeah, I am not really glad to see you either...I really don’t have time to chat right now so, I’ll get to the point” “Go ahead” “I open this door, take off your handcuffs and you can leave this place with the space shuttle you came from” “And what do I have to do in exchange?” “You stop being Sonic the Hedgehog”   Sonic stood up from the chair he was sitting in, he stepped away from the shadows and directly look into the black hedgehog. “what do you mean by that?” “You have to pretend that you don’t have memories of who you are. I am not doing this because I want to, but because I have someone I want to protect” “...is it Amy?”- Sonic asked him. “....” “I knew it, I knew you always had a thing for her” “...Just like you do”- Shadow said and he turned around and inputted some codes on the touch screen next to Sonic’s cell. “You are right, so right”- Sonic finally got out of the cell and Shadow took off his handcuffs. “I don’t know exactly what your plan is but... thank you” “Now leave, she is waiting for you”- Shadow said. “She is waiting for both of us”   Oh, only if Sonic knew.......
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isakthedragon · 8 years
A Dragon Sized Adventure Chapter 23
Chapter 23: The Dark Master's Puppets?
*Cubot and Orbot get off the ship to survey the new land. Orbot had placed the emeralds near the one they use as their power source thinking that no one would find them.*
Cubot: "Our captain would love this place! It lets him look down on the scallywags he can plunder below!"
Orbot: "That, and Sonic would have a tough time getting up here without getting noticed."
*Unfortunately for them, Spyro and all the others appear out of the rift just a few feet away.*
Sonic: "So this is portal hopping for you guys, huh? Efficient, but not great for us who are grounded." *He notices Orbot and Cubot and the flagship.* "Hey! What the heck are you guys planning?!"
Orbot gets surprised from their entrance. "Ah! It's Sonic, Cubot! What do we do?"
Cubot: "Yar! Pirates and fiends are about! Return to the ship and ready the cannons!"
*But before they can do so, a portal appears behind them and Eggman's arms can be seen grabbing the 2 and taking them with him before it shuts again.*
Crash's Universe, Death Head / Space Egg
Eggman: "Told you I would be back soon... and I can see that you left the emeralds there."
Orbot: "Ah! We're sorry, boss! I didn't-"
Eggman: "Relax. Your incompetence was for good reason, for once. I needed you to leave those Emeralds there for Sonic to find so they can eliminate the threat there. I knew you guys would not take them with you."
Cubot: "You're welcome, Capt!"
Orbot: "I think that was an insult to us."
Cubot: "Eh. Praise is praise."
Eggman: "Now, come on. I have to introduce you to Cortex..."
Sonic: "Darn it! We were too late!"
Tails: "I don't know, Sonic. I don't think they were expecting it either."
Rouge: "Enough about them. You noticed they left their ship here too. We need to investigate it."
*One ship search later and all they find is the logs of what they have done and...*
Vector: "Hey! You guys! Look what I found!"
*The others come his way and see...*
Knuckles: "The other Chaos Emeralds!"
Sonic: "So that's how old Eggface hid them. Too bad he didn't hide them well enough."
*Shadow can't help but notice the flaw in Sonic's thinking, but he knows that Sonic isn't going to care. He decides on being extra vigilant instead.*
*They exit the ship with their findings.*
Spyro: "So, you guys have 7 of them, huh?"
Knuckles: "Yep, and they serve to a larger, controlling emerald, the Master Emerald."
Spyro: "I won't really ask for much of a history lesson, but what do you guys use them for?"
Sonic: "Basically, a transformation to achieve a stronger state of ourselves. It usually means we move faster and are a lot more indestructible. Spikes and running into things won't hurt us."
Spyro looks excited. "That sounds cool! I wonder if I have one!" *But then he looks at the castle ahead of them.* "But first, we must stop Malefor." *Spyro charges into the door and heads into the castle. Shadow hurries ahead to join him.*
The Sorcerer's Castle
Gem Count: 2000
Black Critters: Critters that have pledged their allegiance to Malefor. They gain some horns, are now jet black with lizard-like yellow eyes, and have a dark aura around them. They're still pretty weak though. Dragon Rhynocs: Since he couldn't find any dragons, he decided create some rhynocs that have some dragon qualities, mostly the additions of wings and horns. They're jet black colored too along with those lizard like eyes. They look tough, but they are still weak enough to go down in a few hits. Crazed Demons: Strange beings that seem beyond the realm you're in. It appears they came from wherever Malefor left from. They were tricked by Malefor's corruption into serving him, perhaps explaining his escape, their lizard eyes suggesting the pact made. They chase you around, swinging their pitchforks and spikes at you. They are strong, but I wonder how they can take Shadow's Chaos Spears...
Welcome to Malefor's (originally the Sorcerer's) Domain. The castle is definitely foreboding, with its purple and red color scheme and its black and white checkered floor. It has furniture and items fit for a dragon, the most noticeable things being busts and paintings of the Sorcerer everywhere. The walls are made with gray bricks with purple and red banners all over the place. They all have the symbol of Dark Aether on it.
Your aim is to get to the roof from the use of the staircase, but force fields (With the Dark Aether insignia on them as well) prevent you from getting up the stairs. There is a switch on each floor that will drop the fields when hit, but watch for the enemies patrolling around. Fight your way to the top to come face to face with Malefor...
Achievement Unlocked: A Lesson in Evil Architecture
*Everyone gets on the roof when the barrier appears again, stopping them from exiting. A dark voice booms as Malefor appears from the shadows of the now dead Shadow Amplifier.*
Malefor: "Well, so the hero of everyone in this pathetic world has returned and has brought his friends to compensate for his weak nature."
Sonic: "Friends aren't a sign of weakness, Malefor! It just means you have more strong hearted heroes to deal with!"
Malefor: "Is that so, Sonic? Yes, I know all your names. Same goes for you too, Spyro. Let me show you just how weak you and your friends truly are!"
Malefor targets Tails. "I'm surprised you made any friends, Tails. Not many people like genetic freaks like you."
Tails: "I-I know my friends like me! They care for me!"
Malefor: "Do they? Or do they just use you as a tool, to either to fly around or to leech of your genius?"
Tails stammers: "I-I-I- AH!" *He is suddenly forced into his Were form, but his eyes are a white color with no pupil.*
Malefor: "Too slow! I know I had you! So weak mind- huh?!"
Sonic: "Tails! No, it's not true! Remember, you look up to me and see me as your hero! And you're my best friend, buddy! You're uniqueness makes you, you."
Tails: "Really?" *The dark energy is forced out of him, returning him back.*
Sonic: "Really."
Malefor gives a low growl. "Hmm, no matter, there's more here." *He turns to Knuckles* "Yes, like you, Knuckles. Protector of the Master Emerald... Tell me, who's watching it now?"
Knuckles is surprised at such a question. "N-n-no one..." *He is forced into his Were form, but...*
Sonic: "Hey, you confided to me that you want to explore the world, but you were worried about leaving the Master Emerald alone. But, remember, I said, 'it's okay to leave it alone'. Barely anyone can reach the island in the first place. And if Eggman takes it, we can easily get it back. I saw you had a nice face of relief on you when I said that."
Knuckles: "Hey, that's right!" *The dark energy leaves, and Knuckles is normal again.*
Malefor decides to move on to Shadow.
Shadow: "Your mind games won't work on me."
Malefor: "Hmph, I'm surprised you trust these weaklings. All they do is fight each other. How is that worth saving for your precious Maria?" *Shadow responds with a punch to Malefor's face. He barely flinches.* "See? You're just like them. Weak, easily angered; just the kind of being you hate and want to kill."
*Shadow is unfortunately thrown off guard long enough to be forced into his Were form, but Rouge saves the day.*
Rouge: "Snap out of it, Shadow! You can't let him insult you like that! I know that's not you. You're a compassionate hedgehog you are worthy of your 'ultimate' status you give yourself." *The others agree.*
Shadow: "I am? No, I am!" *The darkness blast off him*
Malefor moves to Rouge with a frown on his face. "You stupid bat! How can you say that when you would probably dump him for a cache of treasure and jewels?" *He makes some appear behind him.* "I bet you want that."
*Unfortunately, he gets a kick to the face and a Chaos Spear in his side, which he pulls out. So he moves on.*
Malefor: "Omega... Such a weird robot. You're aligned to Eggman, yet you want to kill him? Such a conundrum."
Malefor moves on to Amy, but she says: "Don't try it, lest you want a hammer swing. I know I need to reduce my wanting for Sonic a bit to not look crazy. Besides, I think I need a new approach any way."
Vanilla steps in front of Cream. "And don't try my daughter either, unless you want to incur my wrath."
Silver and Blaze show off their powers, making Malefor back off.
Malefor moves to Big. "Such a simple minded cat, all you care about is your Froggy! SO SIMPLE!"
Big retorts: "Looks are deceiving, Malefor. There are a multitude of things you are oblivious of. And hide that fear, it shows. And why do a sense a second entity?"
Malefor gives a loud growl, but calms down and moves on to Espio, Charmy, and Vector. "Ah, Team Chaotix, AKA, the worst band ever."
Espio: "At least we admit we suck. Your jedi mind tricks won't work on us, you clown!"
Charmy: "♪ Yeah! ♫"
Malefor starts getting angry as he moves on to Agent 9. "Oh, here's that action figure of a monkey. Don't you have Rhynocs to chase?"
Agent 9: "Nice try, but I don't care about them any more. I'd rather make you dance."
Bentley: "And I know Bartholomew is safe and can trust he can hold his own defense if need be."
Sgt Byrd: "Living with hummingbirds has been quite beneficial and they taught me the secrets of flight."
Sheila: "They don't call me a boxing kangaroo for nothing! I can kick your butt!"
*Malefor starts showing his fangs*
Elora: "I've dealt with fools like you. I know your tricks."
Blink steps in front of the Professor: "Don't underestimate moles, either. You don't even know what we do underground."
Hunter prepares his bow and arrows. "Do you think you can beat the speed of a cheetah? I wouldn't take your chances with my archery"
Bianca: "The Sorceress was worse than you'll ever be, and we beat her."
Ember: "You'll never break our love for each other." Bandit: "And I know I'm among friends here."
Malefor seethes as he reaches Cynder and Spyro. "You... you little weaklings! Thinking you can hide in front of your friends! I bet-"
Cynder: "Don't even try it. I was never your puppet. It was only fate that brought me and Spyro though everything."
Spyro holds his head up high. "And you'll never be able to take away those that I love and those that I care for. The world isn't meant to be destroyed by Purple Dragons. We are here to make it better! And you know what?! I think you're the weak on here!" *He fires a blast of Light Aether at Malefor, who is unexpectedly thrown back.*
Sonic: "Underestimated us, did you?"
*Malefor, in quite a surprise, collapses to the ground. A pillar of darkness is exorcised out of him and surrounding darkness collects in to a being nearby in the form of a jet black dragon.*
It snarls. "I can't believe it... weak fools like you have exposed me..."
Spyro: "No... it can't be!"
Ignitus: "But it is!" *He appears from behind them along with Volteer, Cyril, Terrador, and a large dragon army.* "It's the Dark Entity!"
The Dark Entity gives a deep, dark growl.
Sonic: "The creator of the dark elements?"
Ignitus: "Yes, but what you don't know is that he is the darkest evil. No one can resist his powers, or at least have lived to tell the tale."
Cyril: "So, does that mean..."
Dark Entity: "Yes... it was all me. You guys exiled an unfortunately named dragon for being too curious. It was easy to invade his mind, promising him a new world for him to be ruling over." *He looks at Spyro* "But you, you pesky dragon, have been my bane. You've never fallen for my corruption... and I think I figured out why! You... were met with Him, the Light Entity! You're too pure not to be blessed by Him!"
Spyro looks at Ignitus: "Is... is that true?"
Ignitus: "Yes, but don't be sad, son. You're were a miracle to me and your mother. She... she died giving birth. You should have been dead too, but it was a miracle. Your egg survived. I'm sure she would be proud of who you are."
Dark Entity: "It was bound to happen, we always have to meet, to battle for supremacy of this world! And I will win!"
*He fires some Dark Aether breath at Spyro, but Spyro's Light Aether dissipates it.*
Dark Entity: "Too bad you're still a child. Even then, you should still be easy to handle."
*The Dark Entity starts trying to barrage Spyro, and he attempts to fight back.*
Sonic ask Ignitus: "Is he right? Is Spyro too weak?"
Ignitus: "When he's in his pure form like this, maybe. He needs help."
Sonic: "Would something like these help?" *They pull out their 7 Chaos Emeralds.*
Ignitus: "Hmmm." *He examines them.* "I think so. Send their energy into Spyro, and let's see what happens."
*Sonic (Dark Blue), Shadow (Purple), Omega (Green), Silver and Blaze (Cyan), Amy (Red), Tails (Silver), and Espio (Yellow) stand near Spyro and direct the Chaos Emeralds' energy his way. Spyro absorbs it, and gains a white aura around him that blocks the Dark Entity's attacks.*
Dark Entity: "What the-?"
Spyro's scales change color from purple to white as his Light Aether power gains strength, matching up with the Dark Entity's power.
Dark Entity: "No! I will not be defeated by you! Prepare yourself!"
(At this point, Shadow jumps in to help, since he has the only energy attack of the group.)
Dark Entity: "Evil shall triumph!"
Here it is, the darkness that had corrupted Malefor into embracing the Dark Aether. And this being loves using Dark Aether, making it rain from the sky. He does have some other attack too, like shooting rings of Fear at you that need to be dodged or jumped through. If he feels really threatened, he will envelop himself in Shadow breath and disappear to a different part of the roof. And very rarely, he will use Poison grenades to force you away. Finally, if you get close, he will try to swipe at you with his front paws.
Thankfully, Spyro and Shadow don't necessarily have to rely on close combat. Shadow does have his Chaos attacks to hurt the Dark Entity from afar. As for Spyro, he does have his 4 Element attacks (Fire, Ice, Earth, and Electricity), but he does have his new Light Aether breath, which is, in a word, devastating. It will take away chunks of the Dark Entity's health when used on him. But you need rings to be able to use it. Hey, we need to be fair. Just go near Sonic's friends and they will drop rings for you. The Dark Entity won't know what hit him!
Achievement Unlocked: Shining a Light on the Darkness 
*The Dark Entity collapses and he starts dissipating away.*
Dark Entity: "Don't think you gotten rid of me, you worthless dragons! I'll be back! I am the destructive force of your universe!..." *He disappears entirely, his voice echoing.*
Sonic: "Good riddance!"
Ignitus: "Indeed, he shouldn't be bothering us for a while."
Sonic: "It's funny, he sounds similar to Dark Gaia in our world. Hopefully, you guys can keep handling this."
Ignitus: "I think so... Spyro will at least be older then. I know my son can handle it."
*Spyro has finally returned back from his super state.*
Spyro: "That... was AWESOME!"
Sonic: "Welcome to the club." *He rubs Spyro's head.*
Spyro: "So... what about Malefor? The Dark Entity's gone, but what about him? I don't get the feeling he is dead."
*Malefor stirs slightly, but falls back asleep.*
Ignitus: "Indeed."
Terrador: "I don't get that evil presences around him any more."
Cyril: "That means that it was all the Dark Entity's doing for all his evil acts."
Volteer: "No. Don't you see, it was all our fault. We made Malefor what he is. We stifled his curiosity and then exiled him. We gave him his hatred and the Dark Entity saw an opportunity to latch on to him. He amplified Malefor's negative thoughts, giving him contempt against us. I know it was fate, but we shouldn't have thrown him out like that. Thank goodness we had Spyro to help us."
Ignitus: "My, Volteer, I never thought your fast talk would say something so wise... but you're right. I think... we should allow Malefor back in. I think we can trust him. I hope the world isn't too strange for him."
Shadow: "Now that his threat is gone... can we go now and deal with The Doctor?"
Sonic: "Yeah! Sorry we can't stay, Ignitus, but we got our own villain to deal with."
Ignitus: "Of course, but I hope we can see you guys again sometime."
Tails: "Well, we aren't going to forget this adventure anytime soon. And I'm curious about this place too."
Amy: "Yeah, we will be back."
Espio: "Hopefully not on evil terms."
Ignitus: "Indeed..."
Next Time: "One more Sonic stage for you guys? It's not that expensive you know." -Moneybags
Pay Moneybags 10000 gems to move on to ARK Antics Zone?
        Yes.         No. ----->Fuck you, Moneybags! (Proceeds to attack him like in Spyro 3)
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