#'Hikaru': it would be nice to see the beach at least once.
albino-parakeet · 6 months
Reading the translation of HGSN 26-1.
And getting to the last few lines said by 'Hikaru' and just being hit with KH thoughts.
'Hikaru' or Yoshiki (probably both tbh) is gonna be like "Guess my Summer Vacation is over" by the end of this.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
can you do another male reader X hikaru Hitachiin? maybe like the reader is an artist and Hikaru finds him doing graffiti in a hidden spot in Ouran? idk where it would go from there but i think itd be neat if he joined in or smth :) (take it however you want im sure whatever you write will be super cool!)
Thank you for the compliment! This was fun to write. You know I tried doing graffiti. It's a lot harder then others make it out to be. Enjoy!
Hikaru Hitachiin x Male Reader
Graffiti Artist
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When Hikaru heard about someone graffiting the school he wasn't surprised. He knew people get bored. When they get bored they do something to get unbored. So he wasn't surprised. No what surprised him was how much detail was in it. It was of a forrest. Trees, bushes, and a trail. He had seen some of the graffiti on his way to the club.
He could tell the person who made this was really into art. This type of detail took time and skill. Such skill that he knows took years to have. He remembers asking his mom how she got so good at designing and drawing the clothing she makes. "Time and effort. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember." Drawing never caught either twins attention.
But Hikaru always had an eye for detail. At least that's what his mother always told him. When he heard the graffiti artist hit again he brushed it off again. He had more important things to do. At least that's what he thought until he actually saw it. The graffiti art this time was Koi fish. The way the artist had made them looked like actual koi fish.
When the artist sticked a 3rd time Hikaru was excited to see what was drawing this time. This time the artist had graffitied the wall outside the club room. This time it was a beach with a beautiful sunset. Hikaru could stare at the artwork for hours. He took out his phone and snapped a photo. He should've tooken pictures of the other two.
A week later Hikaru was taking a walk out in the rose garden behind the school. It was peaceful. The only thing you could hear was the sounds of birds chirping and spray paint-wait. Hikaru froze. Spray painting? The graffiti artist! Hikaru hurred towards the noise. He had to know who was the artist. When he arrived he saw what was the most amazing artwork he'd seen yet.
It was of a single rose. The rose was covered in thorns. Ivy surrounded it. It wasn't finished yet but it was already breath taking. He heard a can shaking. When he turned he saw a (height) tall male. With (color) hair and eyes. He was (short/tall) for someone Hikaru's age but....he was breath taking too. He could see how bright the males eyes are.
How happy he looks spray painting. Hikaru released a breath he didn't know he was holding. The males head snapped in Hikaru's direction and he froze. Eyes wide with fear. He'd been caught. The male grabbed the bag that was by the wall and took off. Leaving a can of red spray paint. Hikaru tried calling out to him but the male already disappeared.
Hikaru picked up the can and on the side written in black fancy letters was (N. Last Name). Hikaru nodded his head. He now had a mission but first. Hikaru looked up at the wall. He had a piece to finish. Hikaru shook the can and got to work. Finishing the rose. Looking around once in a while to see if anyone had came out.
Half an hour later Hikaru heard foot steps and froze. He whipped his head around only to see the guy from earlier with a blush on his face as he stared at the wall. "Y-You finished it?" Hikaru nodded with a smile. "Yeah. I'm a pretty big fan of your work. I thought such art didn't deserve to go unfinished. I'm not as good as you, but my mom always told me I had an eye for details."
The guys nodded and looked away and took a deep breath. "Thank you. I'm (Name). (Last Name) (Name.)" He stuck out his hand. Which was covered in green spray paint. Hikaru smiled brightly and grabbed his hand. "Hitachiin Hikaru. Nice to meet you (Last Name)." Hikaru looked at their joined hands and laughed. They were both covered in spray paint. (Name) looked down and join in the laughing.
"We might wanna go and clean ourselves before we're caught." Hikaru nodded. "Yeah. Although I'm kinda screwed. I have club in about an hour and I don't have an extra uniform on me." (Name) looked shyly to the side. "You can have my extra uniform. It's in my locker. It's by the host club room." Hikaru's face lit up. "That's my club!"
(Name) looked surprised before smiling brightly. "I have a close friend in th club! Kyoya!" Hikaru froze. Perfect student Kyoya was friends with the graffiti artist? (Name) knew the look Hikaru was giving him causing him to laugh again. "We're neighbors. He knows about the whole graffiti thing. He's the one who gave me permission to graffiti the wall outside the club room!" Hikaru was even more shocked. Kyoya gave him permission?
"It gave him more customers." Hikaru nodded. That sounds like Kyoya. "Hey you did a good job finishing my piece. We should graffiti together again sometime." Hikaru smiled and nodded. "I'd love to make more art with you." (Name)'s face exploded with heat. Hikaru looked confused before he remembered what he said. "W-Wait! Not like that!" (Name) shook his head and laughed harder and Hikaru joined in.
Maybe in the future (Name) could help Hikaru with the family business. If they're still close by then at least. Hikaru blushed at his thought. Yeah...maybe one day.
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burai-note-au · 1 year
Kira Burai AU
"All these years, and things are finally about to get interesting on Earth again, huh? Sorry to interrupt, miss, but you've got something of mine..."
The nightmare is over. Has been for five years. Kira is dead, and everyone knows it. A new god raises hell against the world, the international terrorist organization, PROXY. They take credit for the death of Kira, and bombing the Kira Task Force headquarters, and leaving Yagami Light in a coma he will probably never wake from. They don’t talk about what they did to L, but the videos leaked onto the dark web speak for themselves.
The world has moved on, but not everyone has. L is troubled by more than just lingering pain. His reputation as the world’s greatest detective is tarnished. Most of the former Task Force officers refuse to acknowledge him. Criminals he’d thought were dealt with keep resurfacing, sensing weakness, craving revenge. And he’ll never get that justice he promised after all. Light’s memory haunts him worse than any ghost - the memory of a man he may have, may have, seen as more than a murder suspect.
He goes by Hikaru now.
It’s been five years and Briar Gillespie is doing okay. She’s all grown up and in the big city of Tokyo, like she always knew she would. Her missionary parents long returned to America, she’s made a nice little life for herself. She works, she bakes, she feeds strays, she is happy. But in the back of her mind she hasn’t forgotten the only god she’s ever truly believed in, and her wish for a peaceful world shattered once again by painful reality.
It takes just one person to change the path of fate. And when a Death Note shoots into her life like a bullet from a gun, Briar makes her decision.
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What is this AU?
This is what happens when I have too much time on my hands and a lot of friends to bounce ideas off of.
No but really - this AU is about an ex Kira cultist who gets her hands on a Death Note and decides to become an Angel for her dead god. Except Kira isn’t technically dead, and L and the police are not the only problems she needs to worry about. Meanwhile, L returns to Japan on the hunt for a serial killer he once believed put away for good. What’s gonna happen when L and Briar meet? Let’s find out together! 
Who are you?
I'm Coffee! Or Jason if you like that better. As of writing I'm 31 years old, and I've been doing this since I was at least 13. You are in good hands, I promise, I mostly know what I'm doing. I live in the USA on the East Coast, more in the south than the north, and within driving distance of the beach. Unfortunately for me, I like the beach better in theory than in practice. What I do like are cats - I'd love to see yours!
What can I expect from this blog?
Pretty much what you'd get from any fandom blog I guess. Headcanons, reblogs of fanart or memes or character analysis, that kind of stuff, all sfw. My created content will always be centered on this au, of course.
What’s your stance on shipping?
I have a fondness for Lawlight so that will pop up now and then, mostly in the past tense since Light is, uh, kinda in a coma right now. I don’t have anything in mind for other ships - doesn’t mean they won’t show up, I just don’t have ideas for any.
Any trigger warnings I should know about?
Transphobia [L is trans]
Anti foreigner attitudes
General 'period typical' bigotry and attitudes in general
Will add more as I think of them
Tags - for organizing and finding things:
To be determined
0 notes
dearlazerbunny · 5 years
Pairings: Kyoya Ootori x Reader
Genre/Ratings: Five Times trope; G, mentions of severe anxiety
Words: 4200
Summary: Or, five times Kyoya didn’t kiss you (and the one time he did)
WARNING: the last bit gets a little angsty
“Kyoya. I swear to god. Can we please just-” you rub your eyes exhaustedly, trying to get the harsh blue glow of your laptop out from under your eyelids- “take a break? Or better yet, call it a night?”
The boy sitting across from you on the sofa glances up, his work reflected in his glasses. “How many words do you have?”
“Y/N. How many words?” His tone is partially amused but mostly paternal, like he’s asking a small child how many candies they snuck before dinner. If you weren’t so brain dead it’d piss you off, but as it is you’re mostly just petulant.
“Um… three thousand and… something?”
A slender finger pushes his glasses further up his nose. “And the minimum word count is…?”
“You damn well know,” you mumble, before letting your head drop into your hands. One of your elbows is resting on your keyboard, leaving a long trail of jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjs across your half-finished essay.
“What was that?” A socked foot aims a kick at his shin, but your aim goes wide and he dodges it easily. “I believe the answer is six thousand.”
You give a long, heartfelt groan.
Kyoya sighs. He can easily knock out an essay in under an hour, while you require a little more effort- and a lot more bribery. Even if English is one of your best subjects, he knows sitting here for the past few hours laboring over a boring political comparison has to be dragging on you. And he’s been too caught up in his own work to even try to keep your spirits up- something he’s now regretting, seeing the usual sparkle in your eye dull to something uncharacteristically quiet.
“Here.” He reaches over the edge of his perch and feels for the basket of blankets he knows will be sitting there- his sister has a fondness for being wrapped in a minimum of three layers at all times. Carefully, as so not to disturb his own precious computer, he reaches over and drapes a loose-knit woolen beauty over your lap. He even takes a second to tuck the ends over your toes. You watch, fascinated, so used to his fingers tapping out mile-a-minute documents in a harsh staccato that this moment of softness seems unreal. Maybe you’ve already fallen asleep and are dreaming, or it’s a particularly nice sort of 2AM hallucination. Kyoya notices you staring- of course he does, he notices far too much about you nowadays to try and convince himself he only values you as a friend- and very pointedly looks anywhere but your gaze. He’s not sure he could look away if he caught your eye now, hazy with sleep and reflecting starlight from the nearby open window. “Better?”
“Um- yeah.” You settle a little further into the cushions. “Thanks.”
He nods, not trusting himself to speak.
Of course, when he glances over at you not ten minutes later, you’re fast asleep, laptop precariously close to toppling to the floor. He rescues it and saves your work before shutting it down. There’s a slight smile on your face as you dream, and the overwhelming urge to lean over and press a kiss to your forehead makes Kyoya stop still.
His fixation on you has grown over the past few months, that much is clear, but he hadn’t predicted them to progress this quickly this fast. He has his grades to maintain, a club to run, and a company to prepare for. He shouldn’t have time for silly distractions, like categorizing exactly how peaceful you look curled up next to him, or reaching out and brushing a piece of hair out of your eyes.
He shouldn’t. And yet, he does- he always will, for you.
“Remind me again who said this was a good idea?” You squint your eyes as you turn your face towards the sky, which is lit by a brilliant sun. The Host Club is hosting on location this time- a beautiful stretch of beach peppered by towels, umbrellas, waiters offering fruity drinks, and a couple hundred squealing girls. You know. Relaxing. “I think I might like to punch them.”
“You might talk to Mori about a healthy and productive way to manage your rampant anger issues.” You snort and roll your eyes, which in turn makes the corner of Kyoya’s mouth tick up. He’s under an umbrella nearby, neatly marking down figures on his notepad. “Besides, I thought you liked the water.”
“I do, when it’s not so…” you gesture to the gaggle of twenty or so girls nearby, all primping and twisting in their bikinis to hopefully catch the eye of their favorite host- “crowded.”
“Ah.” He can sympathize with that. The smell of salt and brine takes him back to childhood, with the two of you making castles in the sand and pestering the other with seashell-finding competitions. Beach days were lazy days when your parents couldn’t be bothered to have either of you in the house, but to the two of you they were worth their weight in gold. Today, as he watches you stretch into the heat, his childhood friend is overshone by the you of here and now. You’re gorgeous in a simple one piece more stunning than any of the frills the other guests are wearing and hair in a sea-woven braid dangling down your back. Likewise, the Kyoya of here and now is having some thoughts that his five-year-old self have would never even dreamt of.
“I’m going swimming. If I don’t come back in an hour, tell Tamaki it’s his fault for dragging us all out here.”
“Hm? Oh,” Kyoya clears his throat. “Yes, of course.”
You throw him a glance- is he acting strangely? You can’t quite tell; it might just be the heat- before jogging off towards the waves, well away from the party as a whole.
He watches you go, and thinks about going with you, before a guest trills his name and his attention is dragged back to where he doesn’t want it to be.
At the end of the day, the crowd has left, and the club gets a precious hour or so of pink sky and calm surf to themselves. Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi are searching the shoreline for shells and sand dollars; Mori is hauling damp sand for Honey’s massive sand castle; and Tamaki surveys all of them like a proud father. You and Kyoya are sitting a little away, just close enough to the water to let it kiss your toes. “This is more what I remember,” you murmur, a smile on your face, and Kyoya digs his fingers into the sand so they don’t accidentally wind their way around yours like they want to.
“Oh, here.” You pluck your friend’s glasses from his face and use the towel draped loosely over your shoulders to wipe the lenses. When you hand them back, Kyoya has a bit of a stunned expression on his face, making you giggle. “Sorry. They had salt on them. Seemed like it would annoy you.”
“Indeed,” is what he says, willing his tone to be nonchalant or at least neutral. What he wants to say is, do you remember when we were eleven, and you tried the same thing? You ended up getting knocked over by a wave and lost them in the ocean. I was so mad at you, but I still had to hold your hand on the way home so I wouldn’t fall. You didn’t let me trip. Not once.
If he were a braver, bolder, better person, he’d kiss you right now, and see how you taste like salt and sunshine and memories. But he isn’t, so he doesn’t- he lets the Hitachiin twins, who are sneaking up behind you, douse you in water instead. He lets you shriek at them and take chase, threatening to drown them both, breaking the moment and leaving him sitting by the sea alone to remember what was and what might be.
It’s safe to assume that Valentine’s Day is never a dull affair in Music Room 3.  
Everything is decorated with lace and delicate crystal trimmings; the roses are even more bountiful and in every color the human eye can see. The attire is more formal than usual, the cheeks rosier and the lips pinker, and it tends to be the one day when the hosts receive more than give.
Each of their tables is piled high with gifts, cards, baked goods swirled with elaborate frostings. Even though Tamaki keeps insisting that the girls should be the ones receiving sweet nothings, not the hosts, you can tell he’s more than pleased by the growing mound of sentiments slowly dwarfing the other boys’. As it should be, Kyoya supposes.
Honey’s haul is mostly sweets, naturally, and this year Mori also has a surprising armload- apparently one of the only times his admirers hear him speak is when he says ‘thank you’, leading to multiple gifts just so they can hear his voice more than once. Hikaru and Kaoru’s combined mountain looks more like a dragon’s treasure horde than a pile of presents. Haruhi adamantly refused everything until one guest brought her a particularly excellent platter of fish, based on the way she’s been sitting in the corner with her cheeks stuffed for the last twenty minutes.
Kyoya notes all of this with a vague smile, adjusting his calculations and trajectories for the next few months to match the turnout. Valentine’s Day is one holiday he can generally sit out. Sure, there’s a small stack of cards and remember-me’s on the sofa next to him, but his persona as the analytical and aloof host tends to leave him further down in the ranks than the other boys. Which is just fine with him, if he’s being honest- he has manners, but being constantly charming is tiring at best and egregiously aggravating at worst.
“Mother Dearest, it appears you have another card to add to your beautiful collection!” Tamaki flounces over in his wine-colored suit, at least thirty guests in pursuit. “It doesn’t come with a giver, unfortunately- oh! Perhaps you have a secret admireeeeeer!” He wiggles his fingers excitedly and hands over the card with a flourish. “How exciting! A mystery for Valentine’s Day!” His groupies sigh and fan their faces, overcome with the romance and intrigue of it all.
“Thank you, Tamaki,” Kyoya says drily, nimbly plucking the proffered gift from the boy’s fingers. “Please, don’t ignore your guests on my account.”
“I would never! Each and every one of my princesses mean the world to me!” As he and his followers fade back to the other side of the room, Kyoya props his glasses back up on his nose and curiously slides his thumb under the flap of the envelope. It’s a plain white paper, not embellished with hearts or gemstones or ribbon or any of the other garish decorations usually attached to such a thing. The card is similarly simplistic, with only a pencil-sketched heart on the outside and a greeting that reads, “To My Favorite Host.”
Interesting. Perhaps there’s a mystery here after all. He flips it open, not sure what to expect- and immediately has to keep himself from laughing outright. Inside is a crude sketch of two stick figures- one has comically large glasses drawn on its blank face to helpfully distinguish itself as the Kyoya of the pair- and note in chicken scratch: You’re such an asshole, but I guess I love you anyways.
Only one person could be responsible for such a thing. After all, you were never renowned for your artistic talents.  
“I got your… note.”
You don’t look up from the book you’re paging through out in the courtyard underneath a spectacular old tree. The leaves frame you beautifully against the afternoon sky. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Mmm. I found the art particularly museum worthy.”
Now you smile a bit. “Well, you’re a museum worthy sorta guy.”
“Favorite host is quite the compliment.” He’s getting dangerously close to… something; toeing a line he hasn’t touched before, and it’s making his heart race.
“Don’t get too cocky. Mori’s still got like, an eight-pack.”
Kyoya sits beside you, careful to leave several tree roots between you and him. “Why a valentine? I see you every day; you could have just told me yourself.”
“I dunno.” He fixes you with a look, one that says sure, I believe you. You give a halfhearted shrug, shoulder almost brushing Kyoya’s. “I went by the music room. Everyone else had, like, mountains of stuff and I just… felt like you were under-appreciated, that’s all.”
“I see.” A beat passes with nothing but the wind ruffling your hair. “That’s… kind of you.”
Now you do close the gap between the two of you, nudging your knee against his. “You’re welcome, asshole.”
Your laugh, Kyoya thinks, is the best thing he’s ever heard.
You’re draped over the edge of his bed, head towards the floor, giggling wildly to yourself as you mutter an inside joke that only make sense to you. Your cheeks are flushed, and the bottle of alcohol you snuck into Kyoya’s room is sitting a few feet away, half full. He’s had a few sips, but he isn’t much for relinquishing his mental faculties so easily. It’s tempting, though, what with you so lazily tapping his shoulder or nudging his side to get his attention- it’d be so easy to demolish all his carefully crafted walls and drown in you.
But someone has to be the responsible one- and if he’s honest with himself, the thought of you or he regretting what happened in the dead of night come light of day makes him sick to his stomach. So he sits primly against his headboard, the computer on his lap a boulder pinning him to his spot, only glancing at you every so often to make sure you haven’t tumbled off the bed completely, despite your absolutely intoxicating mood coaxing him closer and closer to throwing caution to the wind.
“-and you’re just… you’re just a good person,” you continue, meandering through your thoughts. “Like, seriously. Why do you have to be so amazing. It’s so goddamn annoying.”
He desperately hopes you’re too out of it to notice the reddening of his own cheeks. “I am hardly what anyone would call ‘good.’”
“Lies! Lies. And. Slander.” You emphasize every word with a poke to various parts of his body- his big toe, his elbow, his knee. “Like- okay. What are you working on right now?”
In actuality he’s browsing through the Ootori Group’s latest research and development journals, evaluating their recent findings and sifting the unimportant from the extraordinary. But you’re most likely far too gone to actually understand any of that, so instead he just generalizes: “refining new data from the company.”
“Yeah! You wanna be a fucking doctor, that’s like- that’s amazing!”
Kyoya quirks an eyebrow. “You do realize my entire family is in the medical profession.”
“No, your entire family throws their money at the medical profession.” You wave a finger in the air like a drunk scientist hypothesizing their theories. “There’s a difference.”
“I’ll take your word for it.”
“No, listen you jerk!” You haul yourself up and place yourself face-to-face with your best friend, close enough that Kyoya can see the intensity in your eyes. “It’s one thing to pay for shit, it’s another to actually be in the room when someone is having a heart attack and wanting to save their life. You care. More than anyone I know. And that makes you amazing.” You let out a rush of air, the sudden verve in your words having worn you out. “I dunno. Maybe that doesn’t make any sense. Whatever. I’m gonna lay down.” You curl up next to his knee and half heartedly arrange a blanket around your legs before falling asleep.
Meanwhile, Kyoya’s gaze has never left your face. The words may have been spoken by a loose tongue, but anyone could hear the honesty in your voice and see the passion in your eyes. You really think that much of him? Or rather, could you possibly think as much of him as he does of you?
He wishes he could shake you awake and ask you to elaborate. He wishes he could tell you that if he’s amazing, you’re a supernova. He wishes he could get drunk and fall asleep next to you while pressing lazy kisses anywhere he can reach.
His reaches for the bottle, but his fingers barely brush the glass before changing course and clicking off the lamp instead.
God, I hate these things, you think to yourself as you tug on the straps of your dress. You’re not quite sure if you’re referring to the pins sticking your scalp, the uncomfortable formal gown you’re squeezed into, or the entire event in general- actually, it’s most likely all of the above. As much as you love Kyoya and the rest of the boys, you adamantly refuse to attend any of their grand balls. You’re not a fussy person, so the general pompous air of the things always gives you a headache, and you hate wearing dresses anyways. But today you zipped yourself into a slinky black sheath number that’s long enough to hide tennis shoes under the hem, forced your hair into something presentable, and even threw on a little mascara.
Because of Kyoya.
Kyoya, who mentioned in passing that this was the best celebration he’d ever planned, and seemed extremely proud of it to boot. Kyoya, who always grumbles as he slips on his suit, wishing he could spend the night with his charts and figures instead. Kyoya, who always returns to school the next day more stressed than usual, a tight smile plastered on his face as he fends off hordes of fangirls.
The things you do for this boy.
It’s immediately clear when you arrive that you stand out in your ebony gown, a wisp of smoke and night sky amongst a sea of flouncy pastels. Luckily, each of the boys steps up to greet you- a sweet hug from Honey, carefully avoiding wrinkling your dress; good natured teasing from the twins; a particularly extravagant complimentary poem from Tamaki. Eventually you meet Haruhi at the table laden with food, grateful for someone down to earth to laugh with.
After an hour, you’re almost convinced Kyoya finally worked up the nerve to skip the event altogether when there’s a delicate gap on your shoulder. “Would you care for a dance?”
“No,” you say, because that’s what you always say when Kyoya asks you to do something (even if he knows you’ll do it anyways). He smiles and takes your elbow, ignoring the whispers and glares from the other guests- who is she? What makes her so special? Everything, he wishes he could tell them. So many things he it would take him years to count them all.
“I thought you hated these things,” he says when you’re safely tucked in his arms on the dance floor. The fabric of your dress shimmers softly, as though marking you as something uniquely precious amongst all the other attendees.
“I do,” you reply. You’re slowly taking his lead, following the waltz music played by a six-piece orchestra. “But I think you hate them more, so I figured if anything I could help put you out of your misery.”
“Hm. Poisoned boutonnière, perhaps?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of hiding up in the rafters with a blowdart gun.”
Kyoya chuckles, sweeping you along. You’re not a bad dancer, all things considered. “I appreciate the thoughtfulness, though that might be difficult given your choice of attire.”
You grin at him playfully, raising your hem up just enough so he can see your battered old sneakers on your feet. “Nah, I always come prepared.”
It’s such an odd juxtaposition- this beautiful girl in the sinful dress accessorizing with sharpie-covered shoes that are peeling rubber- he can’t help but laugh, a real laugh, perhaps the first one he’s given since the night began. Even out of your element, you still maintain something that is so quintessentially you. He wishes he could tell you how beautiful you look. He wishes he could nudge your sneaker with his dress shoe in a secret invitation to follow him somewhere quiet, to steal small fleeting moments that would make the whole night worth its while.
He thinks about this every time you scuff your feet, hearing the slight squeak of rubber against the polished tile floor.
And the beginning…
“Stop it, Kyoya,” you grit out through a clenched jaw, using all your strength to unfold your friend’s fingers from his bloody palms. His fingernails have dug so far into the skin they’ve left bright red crescent moons dotting his hands. You focus on those, trying to soothe the sting with the fabric of your shirt, because if you look at his face and the tears crawling down his cheeks you’ll start crying too, and that’s not what either of you need right now. “Just talk to me. Please.”
No response. He’s trembling as though there’s a blizzard only he can feel, so you sit him on your bed and wrap him in every blanket you have, leaving his hands free so he can clutch at yours like a lifeline. “Just focus on me, okay? Everything is fine.” You try to keep your voice steady as you murmur anything reassuring you can think of, trying to coax life back into his eyes. You knew his anxiety had gotten worse, but this… this is the most catastrophic yet. You sit cross legged in front of him, so close your knees brush his, and hold onto his fingers for dear life. “Keep breathing. I’m here. It’s all okay.” Please please please come back to me. Come on, Kyoya. Don’t let the demons win.
Slowly, piece by piece, something in him seems to uncoil. His grip lessens just a little, and his breathing becomes audible enough to reassure you he’s still with you. Gently, you put a hand to his forehead, then cheek, testing his temperature. “Hey. You with me?”
Something like a sob escapes his lips, thin and heartbroken. Your own shatters along with it. In an instant you have him in a hug, arms as tight around him as you can possibly manage. Kyoya tucks his head into the crook of your neck, practically collapsing on top of you until you aren’t sure where he stops and you start. He says your name over and over and over again, a hymn only he can hear. You press your lips to his temple just to reassure yourself he hasn’t left you and let him cry; only able to offer comfort in presence and spirit. “Thank you,” he murmurs against your skin, and you hold him tighter.
“I’m always here. You know that.”
He sniffs and wipes away a tear with the heel of his hand, wincing when the salt burns his cuts. “Idiotic. I apologize for… all of this.”
“Stop,” you say firmly. You bring his eyes up to meet yours, so he can see the fire in your gaze. “You have nothing to apologize for. Ever. Okay?”
Kyoya stares back at you, feeling small and worthless against the monsters in his own brain. Every second spent with you banishes them a little farther back into his mind, loosening the vises wrapping his chest and letting him breathe a little easier. It has almost consumed him today, so he ran to the only safe place he knows-  you. And you had held him and wiped his tears and not for a single second judged him for falling apart.
It occurs to him you are one of the few people on earth who see him for who he truly is, and will still hold his hands anyways.
Ever so gently, he presses his lips to yours- soft, tentative, and barely there. It’s a thank you, and offering, and a question all at once. It’s not the grand romantic gestures he’s planned late at night, wanting to sweep you off your feet in a shower of confidence and joy, or even really a conscious decision- it’s instinct, want, and something like bittersweet love.
You blink at him, eyes wide. “Kyoya… I-”
He stills. “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, bringing a hand up to press your fingers against his cheekbone. “Don’t ever be sorry,” you say again, and then you kiss him back. You kiss him like it’s all you’ve ever wanted to do; like you’re saying to him what took you so long, you idiot?
He doesn’t know. But he won’t ever make that mistake again. He’ll kiss you every day for as long as he lives to make up for all that lost time, all those late nights and seaside musings and dances with a hand on the small of your back.
When the sun rises, it illuminates a world of a thousand new possibilities.
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Date Headcanons
Just started this blog! please feel free to send me asks!
          She likes/will plan simple dates. BUT! They are very lovely dates! Walk in the park with dinner at a "Mom and Pop" shop later? Yes. Ice cream trip in the summer? Yes! She is the natural host after all. She has a knack for these things. Her favorite this is a date at home. Just spend some quiet time drinking tea and having some snacks.
           He will be a bit much at first but as you continue to date the boy will calm down. At first, he will give you a huge amount of flowers and drag you all over Japan because he feels like he has to impress you. After that initial phase is over you will have much more mellower dates. Dinner at a nice restaurant, a movie ect. His favorite is a commoners theme park. He will spend HUNDREDS trying to win a prize for you.
           His dates are rare and far between. But when he does take you out on a date it's always nice. He doesn’t like movies or theme parks so you'll get the best of the rich life. You'll get the best meal at a restaurant with reservations for only a few people at a time, with only the best drinks of course. His favorite date is this exact type of date.
           He is a summer boy. You get a high surplus of dates in that season. Ice cream, walks, open air movies, theme parks. The works! If its summer. You'll be outside. His favorite date with you is at the beach. He likes to pick out your swimsuit and throw you in the water. Yes, you will be thrown into the water at least once with no mercy.
           He likes park dates the best! As you two get to be alone(ish) and you can talk for hours! Any date where you can just casually hang out is probably the date he would plan. On the other hand he also likes movie dates but at home. He has a huge TV do you guys just lay in your PJs all day and eat snacks. It's fantastic!
           Honey loves, loves, LOVES tea shop dates! He will take you to cat cafes (or any cute animal themed place) and just watch you play with cute animals and eat sweets. That or you guys are out eating all types of sweets from every weird small shop you can find. Crepes, ice cream, Mochi. You name it! I can also see him taking you to a dojo just so he can show off for you. That’s not really a date but he likes it.
           Ok, Hear me out on this! He loves the good old classic movie, dinner date night. He loves to find a good movie, take you to it and just enjoy your presence beside him. Then you can talk to him about the movie during dinner with him throwing in a word every now and then. After all that if you live close he will WALK YOU HOME! If you don’t live close you'll get a ride home and he'll walk you to the door. perfect gentleman. 
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lunastarjae · 7 years
Maoh Sakura | Yumi H. | Part 2
Twitch: twitch.tv/maohsakura Twitter: maohsakura Instagram: yumi_h219
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[PERSONAL]: What's your favourite subject in school? What are (or were) you good at? *starts sobbing uncontrollably* uh, my favourite subject was math, and I was good at pretty much everything. But now I'm a lazy bum who doesn't use her brain.
Do you want to stay in Vancouver? To live… maybe not for the rest of my life, but maybe for a good majority. I want to see if I can travel and live in other places, but Vancouver has a special place in my heart. I'd like to try living in Japan or California though. 
What's your favourite make-up brand? What's your favourite area to glam up? Any make-up inspos? I don't really have one but I like Benefit and Tarte. And anything else that Sephora offers. I like putting make-up on my eyes because there's a lot of different things that I can do, such as the type of eyeliner. I like PONY makeup, Wengie, and Tati. 
Do you sing/dance/play music? All three (kappa). But not well.I enjoy singing a lot though. Music is the key to my heart!
 [DATING | RELATIONSHIPS]: What was your worst dating experience? *starts sobbing uncontrollably* Probably something like the guy telling me he can't date and then starts dating someone immediately after… 
What made you start dating vAnals? HE's aCTuallY oNe oF the SWEetesT gUyS I'Ve EVEr mEt (rip Luna) He was there for me when I was having a lot of problems in my personal life and he stayed up a lot of late nights to keep me company. 
What is vAnals really like? HE's aCTuallY oNe oF the SWEetesT gUyS I'Ve EVEr mEt (omg STAAAAAHP) He seems like an ideal boyfriend (pukes) 
What's your ideal date? It'll be in the summer, watching fireworks together with doing things before like eating, taking a walk, playing games, chilling on the beach… but the fireworks are the most important part. 
[GAMING]: What's your favourite and least favourite part about League? My favourite part is that there's so many ways to play it, it's a versatile game--you can outplay someone in a million ways (or get outplayed (kappa)). My least favourite part is the fact that 99.9% of the players are toxic trash (kappa).
Is there a game you're planning on streaming or getting into? Yes, PUBG. And I'm really open to any other games… possibly horror. 
[TWITCH | STREAMING]: What areas are your streams focused on? Hanging out with my viewers (to make it a more comfy and closer environment) for anybody to join and drop by. I mostly stream League, IRL, and I sometimes draw and play smaller games. 
How did you find out about Twitch/streaming? Did you ever think you were going to be a streamer? I found out about Twitch through Lilypichu's videos on YouTube, and I never thought I would stream but I admired how much fun Lily had, and a lot of people started suggesting it to me. One day when Luna started, it pushed me to start as well. 
You were able to get your affiliate in under two weeks, something that normally takes months or even years for others to do. What do you think contributed to your quick growth? I would say that the Twitch community is very welcoming. I met a lot of people who helped me to improve my stream and I feel like my outgoing personality drew in a lot of viewers. *laughs nervously* 
What do you think is the most important aspect as a starting streamer? Make sure to not look trashy (yourself and your stream (as in panels and layout)), have social media, and be willing to have people help you. And be nice! Greet and thank everyone who dropped by and watched you. Acknowledge your viewers because they're important! 
What do you have that is unique in comparison to other streamers? My expressive and approachable attitude and I say things that people don't expect out of this innocent-looking face! 
Is your platform exclusive to Twitch or are you thinking of expanding it to other platforms (i.e: YouTube)? When I get proper equipment, I'm thinking of expanding to other platforms. And maybe once in a while I'll do an Instagram Live. 
I know you've been streaming for a short time, but do you have a favourite memory that you'd like to share? I have a couple. When trolls come to my stream, my viewers have my back. I liked meeting all these new people (like vAnals) and becoming everyone's Rap God (kappa).
Do you have any upcoming projects or something that your viewers should look forward to? I'm planning on an all-Yumi-can-eat IRL/Q&A stream, and for my subscribers, my emotes are coming! 
[OTHERS]: You sometimes draw on stream. What do you like drawing the most? Did you learn art from anywhere? What's your favourite kind of art? Who's your art inspiration? I actually like to do things that interact with my viewers so I like to play games as I draw and I like to draw anything popular, anime-related, and easily guessable. I didn't learn art from anywhere, I just like to draw whatever I see and whatever is pretty but sometimes if I don't know how to draw a certain thing, I watch YouTube videos of random artists. I like shojou-styled manga/art, and I don't really have an art inspiration. 
Do you prefer to watch anime or read manga? What's a series you recommend? I mostly read manga but I occasionally watch anime. My favourite series is Kaze Hikaru which isn't animated but I like historically-set, romantic-comedy stories.
Yumi streams periodically every week from 8:00 p.m to 2:00 a.m PST.
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seigaku9th-blog · 7 years
japan week four ➜ VS rokkaku DVD release event
on july 29th, i took a day trip to osaka to attend the VS rokkaku DVD release event. yuuya, yuu, fuuma, seichan, kaname, shinnosuke, yuugo & chiba were present at this event!!
my friends told me the DVD events were pretty much always in the middle of nowhere, even the tokyo ones, but god, this was BAD. after taking the shinkansen to osaka, i had to take another express train that landed me in the middle of nowhere... and from then on, i had to walk in the nightmarish japanese summer heat & sunlight for 20 minutes. there were literally farm fields along the road!! that's how you know you're in the middle of nowhere in japan!!
well, at least the venue itself was rather nice. after freshening up, i took my seat in the 11th row. the event being free, i think a lot of people just decide to not come after the venue is announced, so while there were people up to the last row, a lot of seats were left empty here & there. i don't think it bothered the actors, especially since, yuugo & kaname excluded, this was the first time all of these actors attended an event where they would interact with fans as themselves. however, i did wish i could just pretend i had a ticket for the 2nd row and sit in one of the empty seats...
while waiting for the event to start, i noticed that most of the girls there were fans of kaname (keyholders & phone lockscreens XD) and almost everyone was wearing red. it was kinda funny but also very cute!! i understand. one of the girls in my row had an oishi/yuu bag tho, i loved that!! oishi fans are pretty rare to see, so i thought it was really sweet.
when the actors walked in, i felt like i was just looking at my buds, they're just. such normal guys XD i was, however, very emotional over fuuma's hairstyle. he looked so pretty... seigaku were wearing seigaku colors, but rokkaku were all in black... emo rokkaku...
the talk section was a lot of fun. rokkaku are so obviously more comfortable on stage and in front of fans, but fuuma and yuu were super talkative and funny as well!! i think even seichan talked more than yuuya... why is he so weirdly awkward hdkfhj
they made D1 perform an acapela rendition of acrobatics & genius, and seichan did acrobatics. it was so cute!! you could tell yuugo was rustling in his seat tho. pls let him show off his dancing/acrobatics for the 79484th time
yuuya told this story about how hikaru & him were stuck in an elevator and hikaru started panicking bcuz it wasn't moving... only for them to realize they just hadn't pushed any button. i relate
then yuu talked about a time he had nichika & shion over at his house and shion & him pranked nichika by hiding in a closet?? idek
i think all 8 of them mentioned sho at some point or another? what a popular guy~ and each time they brought him up yuuya had something to add... we get it, my dude...
then came the game part!! it was WONDERFUL. they literally played beach volleyball. on stage. with an actual ball. seigaku VS rokkaku!! i think i had at least 7 heart attacks bcuz they were going so hard and i was so sure one of them would run off the stage...
then they'd come into the audience to ~collect seashells~. basically, each of us were given a paper with a seashell type written on it, had to fold it to hide the text, and the guys walked thru the audience to collect the ones they wanted, and would then unfold them on stage and see how many points they got.
volleyball & seashell collecting games finished, seigaku were the winners!! i was so happy~
rokkaku's punishment game consisted of having to shower each seigaku with compliments. when it got to yuu's turn, they were all silent like "..." so cruel!!
and then, it was time for us to go up on stage for the handshakes. i had prepared short one-liners to tell each of them beforehand, but... XD
first up was yuuya, which was truly my worse case scenario. i knew i'd be too shook afterwards to react appropriately & remember everything i wanted to say to the others...
when i walked up to yuuya, he made the goofiest surprised/happy face towards me where his eyes got SO GIGANTIC like this: OwO. i'm not sure whether he remembered me from our interactions at tenimyu shows or if he was just surprised to see a foreigner in the middle of nowhere, but i was happy. i don't remember what i told him aside from I LOVE TEZUKA but. yes.
staff rushed me to move and next up was yuu, who is sooo tall and SO beautiful!! he is so cute and so handsome!! his smile and eyes are so soft... i was a bit surprised & stressed out by the staff rushing me so i just told him ganbatte~~ i wanted to tell him that he's cute...
seichan was next!! he's also really tall and his smile is so genuine and cute. which is what i told him. XD i know mario is a lil zonked out and heard reo was super awkward to meet as well, so i'm glad our new eiji is more comfortable & genuinely happy around fans.
fuuma... ah. definitely who surprised me the most & made me happiest to meet. considering he's a little cold and detached as a performer, i was anxious to meet him. but amazingly enough, he was SOOO sweet!! he's so smiley and was really cute and kind towards me. he is also incredibly beautiful. he looks very soft... and is sooo so so SO TINYYY!! i was so surprised that i once again forgot what i wanted to tell him. XD
they had the terrible idea of putting kaname right after fuuma, so i died from beauty yet again. i'm sad i was too shocked to form sentences bcuz i really wanted to tell him how much i love his singing... :'(
i honest to god don't remember what i did or said to shinnosuke bcuz i feel like my eyes were still locked on fuuma and kaname i am so sorry you're cute too i promise!!!!!
i'm a little sad that the staff had stressed me out so much and that i was still too surprised by how cute & pretty everyone was to properly talk to yuugo and chiba bcuz i definitely would've had the time to do so... i just high touched them and told them ganbatte and ran off the stage... but they were really handsome... chiba especially... the more i look at pictures of him now, the more i regret...
i was just really happy that all eight of them were so friendly and smiley!! i've heard so many stories about actors being awkward or weird to my friends, so it was a relief ;_;
this event was a lot of fun, and i'm hoping my next trip will coincide with the VS rikkai DVD release events, because i would love to attend another one!! ...hopefully with hikaru and/or sho being part of the lineup~
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hsj-scenarios · 7 years
scenario request: how would each of the boys surprise you on your first year anniversary? ^^
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rearranges his schedule to make sure that your anniversary is free
plans everything that the two of you will do in his head
should he book a restaurant or should he cook for you
….will he even have the energy to cook if he worked the day before?
clears the day before your anniversary as well
he’s decided to cook!
it’s far more romantic than a typical restaurant
on the day of, he’ll turn his phone off right after you two meet so no one will disrupt him
afterward, he’ll take you shopping and it’s a bit intimidating to be told ‘Get whatever you like’ when he’s taking you to high end stores
especially when he’s already given you a well thought out gift beforehand
the next stop is a cafe for lunch, the owner having prepared private seating so no paparazzi can catch the two of you
and finally, he cooks dinner for you at his home but wants to prepare dessert together
and no, not the steamy sort of dessert lmao
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wants to do something fun, like spend the day at an amusement park or go to some cool event
maybe even go watch a western movie at a nice new movie theater
heck, he doesn’t know and it takes him a while to really decide on something
even the day before he’s hardly decided before settling on just doing both
the day is going to spent doing everything and anything
by the time you’re finished it’s midnight and you guys just decide to spend the night over at your place
even then, it’s a sleepover and you’re talking the night away
he gets all sentimental and laments on how happy he is to have met you
gets quiet and it’s because he’s a little insecure about how long this will last
will you two make it to another year?
he sure hopes so
and for many more years on top of that
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when Chinen tells you what he planned, it nearly gives you a heart attack
“Today is on me”
you need to make sure you heard him right and Chinen just rolls his eyes
he’s not going to rely on you to pay for everything forever, you know
just when he gets into one of his moods
he surprises you with train tickets to Kyoto, planning on taking you sight seeing and food tasting to different local restaurants
and you still can’t believe the day is on him, but he’s actually paying for everything
though his face is covered by sunglasses and a facemask to avoid paparazzi, you feel like you’re on a true date as a couple
you even feel like the spoiled one for once
chinen’s really paying omg
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took you out for breakfast before heading to the zoo
when you get around to the stinkier animals like elephants, however, he realizes that this probably isn’t the most romantic of dates and gets a little embarrassed
maybe he should’ve thought on this more, but he just acted on what you might like best
still, the date turns out to be cute
especially when you stop by the petting zoo
afterward, he attempts to cook you dinner at his house
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shows up at your place telling you to pack your bags
‘cause you’re going on a ROAD TRIP
and it was something you knew was coming someday, since Daiki likes to drive
so why not on your anniversary?
throughout the car ride, the two of you are playing each others favorite songs and talking about the time you first met
your first date
your first kiss
all of that good stuff
after about four hours, you arrive at a beautiful, private, resort that he had booked
it has an awesome water park
and the suites are nice too, Daiki says (hm~)
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Inoo: (note: I ended up writing this as a bit too intimate for a first anniversary, so forgive me for making it your 3rd anniversary for Inoo)
took you on a picnic to/near the place where you first met
all the while, he’s been holding on carefully to a huge box that you assume is your present
but he won’t tell you until later on in the date
so all the while you’re talking about different things
how he was actually so nervous on your first anniversary
how he wasn’t sure if you’d make it to a second, let alone now at your 3rd
and that he’s hoping for many for
finally, he unwraps the box for you to reveal the diagram of a house that he’s been spending months on
“It’s a house that I’ve been imagining for us.” Inoo says, feeling as if he’s giving an unofficial marriage proposal
and maybe he is
“If you’d like, maybe this can really be our home one day.”
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you’ve been to the beach with him so many times, that it wouldn’t be special to just go again
so he takes you to another beach instead
in a different country
surprises you days before your anniversary with tickets to Bali
the island is absolutely breathtaking, needless to say
a weekend is spent just relaxing in your suite by the sea, going swimming whenever you want
even if you’re not much of a swimmer, Yuya will teach you
or at least try, he makes no promises
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being the homebody he is, most of his ideas consisting of activities that you didn’t need to leave the house for
and no, not those sort of activities
so he bought a lot of snacks and the two of you spend your anniversary at his house, watching movies and just spending time together
later into the night, however, he breaks out his favorite bass and plays a song that he composed for you
the melody just came to him one day
“I guess you could say it’s how you make me feel, but…in a musical form.” He chuckled, a shy grin on his face.
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booked a cooking class for the two of you to take together
“Maybe with you there, I’ll improve. Don’t you think?”
he won’t, but you encourage him nonetheless
and the class turns out to be pretty cute, being a couple’s cooking class and having your own cooking station with him
honestly though, he’s fooling around trying to adorable with you while you’re doing all the work
it puts a smile on your face though, which is all he wanted
afterward, he takes you around town doing pretty much anything you want but makes sure to stop at a flower shop
whatever flower you want, he’ll buy a whole bouquet for you
but they have to be red
“To signify my love for you.” He said.
what a cheeseball
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Himōto! Umaru-chan R Anime Review
This episode might be titled “Umaru and Hikaru”, but the cast's most recent addition only shows up in the last few minutes of the episode. For the most part, this is another entry focused on Kirie and Umaru, with Ebina getting some overdue development too. Given how much I've come to love these characters over the course of the season, you won't find me complaining about the opportunity to spend more time with them. Even if Anime Strike had to once again deprive us of our Himouto for almost three days, a late Umaru-chan is better than none at all.
If nothing else, this second season of Himouto! Umaru-chan has made me a firm supporter of any story that involves Kirie and Umaru spending time together, so it's no surprise that I enjoyed the first two thirds of the episode much more than the last third. The initial sleepover storyline exudes the gentle cuteness that Himōto! Umaru-chan R has been pulling off so well lately, and it did well to further Kirie's season-long arc of growing beyond her antisocial tendencies. The focus this week is less on Kirie and Umaru's bond and more on the way Kirie relates to the other girls in her life, especially Ebina. It was heartwarming to see Kirie become aware of her tendencies to balk at anyone's real-life romantic prospects, and of course she would latch on to Ebina's rather pathetic love life as her self-improvement project. Making Kirie the personal relationship coach/hype-woman for the ever-pining farm girl is a surprisingly perfect pairing, and it finally gives Ebina something to do other than daydream about her brother.
I'll admit, I was initially taken aback by the episode's sudden swerve into all of Umaru's friends gushing over Taihei. The last thing in the world this show needs is to become Taihei's Harem Comedy. Sylphyn's affections are nakedly platonic enough not to worry, but I will admit that I started drafting up angry tweets when Kirie started reflecting on Taihei's sweet deeds. She reassures a flustered Ebina that she only thinks of him as an ideal big brother, which I have to believe for Umaru's sake (and maybe mine). The episode does highlight her adversarial relationship with Bomba more than it has since season one, though it remains one of the show's broader gags to say the least. If nothing else, we get a hilarious blink-and-you'll miss it gag where Taihei finally explains to Bomba the “ingenious” disguise Kirie donned that caused him to not recognize his own sister during their beach vacation last season. (For any new viewers: she wore a hat.)
All of this brotherly affection segues nicely into Umaru running smack dab into both Taihei and Hikaru near the tail end of the episode, and this is where I began to feel ambivalent about the episode. I get that Hikaru is the final piece in the “All of Taihei's Coworkers Have Cute Younger Sisters” puzzle, but the young girl doesn't make much of a good first impression. She falls into the “absurdly possessive little sister” archetype, so her only function so far is to give Umaru dirty looks and eat all her food when Taihei isn't looking. I get the joke (Taihei already has a weirdo little sister, and Hikari isn't even related to him), but it just doesn't strike me as all that funny. One of the main reasons this season has been so successful this year is that it abandoned season one's nasty antagonistic streak. Himōto! Umaru-chan R has proven that the series works best when focusing on the good times its characters share. I'm not so sure that the show will benefit from adding Hikari to the mix.
That being said, I'll be more than happy for Himōto! Umaru-chan R to prove me wrong. We're talking about a show that's gone from being an irritating mess of mean-spirited almost-comedy to one of the sweetest, funniest, and most endearing hangout comedies I've seen since Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun. If the show can pull off something that impressive, I'm more than willing to give Hikari the benefit of the doubt.
Rating: B
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hsj-scenarios · 7 years
thank you so much for making this blog omg T_T can i request what it would be like on a blind date with the boys?
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A mutual friend set the two of you up, seeing that neither of you would have much hope in the dating world. Let alone any hope for marriage. And honestly, Ryosuke was going through a lonely period and trusted this particular friend. Surely they were familiar with you and knew you weren’t just trying to land a date with Yamada Ryosuke, the idol. During the first half of the date, anxiety and shyness was getting the best of him and it had been hard pulling more than a sentence from the man. A little more into it, however, and he was able to be himself more.
Maybe this could actually blossom into something.
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He’s honestly apprehensive and would’ve have even went if he didn’t owe his friend a favor. Who does blind dates anymore? Do they even work? Thinking on it, it probably works more than online dating. Maybe. Either way, he begrudgingly went with no expectations in his mind. Upon the date, Yuto was actually a little surprised to find that you were attractive and he’s a little dumbstruck to be honest. Why do you need help finding love? And, that was the first thing he said to you as well -- before apologizing for the poor choice of words. By the end, he hardly wants to admit that his friend might’ve actually helped him a lot. Though the date might’ve been set up, the feelings he’s starting to develop for you are natural.
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It wasn’t actually a blind date, but a small group gathering that a friend set up. Chinen would’ve never went for a blind date with a random stranger, mutual friend or not, so the friend pulled strings and invited you both to a video game night at their home. Bonding over video games is much easier than bonding over a quiet dinner and having nothing to talk about. Little by little, Chinen opens up to you and becomes friendlier throughout the night. The friend conveniently steps out to get some snacks and leaves the two of you alone, still playing games together. By the end of the night, you may not have a date right away but you have Chinen’s email and his interest gotten.
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Well, why not? He decided to give his friend the benefit of the doubt and go on the date. He had been a bit too anxious to put himself out there, so this would be a nice change. He went into it lightheartedly and the date went pretty smoothly. He’s actually glad that he went through with it, you’re a really interesting person!
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Like Keito, he went into the date with a light heart. This is just a bit of fun, right? Daiki honestly didn’t expect much to come from it, but he forgot how much his friends knows him and what he likes. Or rather, who he likes. At one point of the date, he paused and had to think. Damn, you’re really his type. By the time he realizes that, he becomes a little more bashful and it’s clear that the date is a success. He definitely wants more dates with you to come.
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The date actually isn’t so blind, as Inoo knew you from a party that he attended. It seemed fated when a mutual friend said that they knew you as well and Inoo asked him to set something up. Into the date, he pretended to not know you before finally admitting that he had seen you before and wanted to get to know you. You’re not mad at him, right?
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It wasn’t necessarily a blind date, but he ran into you and a mutual friend eating out decided to join the two of you. A little in, the friend had an emergency and had to leave, but your food had arrived already and Hikaru decided to stay. Though the conversation was a little awkward at first, as the two of you spoke more it was easier to get a good conversation going. Hikaru’s honestly glad he stayed.
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The two of you met at a beach party and everyone though you looked cute together. You were indeed attractive, so all Yuya could do was blush and laugh in return. More than once during the party, the two of you find yourselves alone and talking about pretty much anything. It’s beginning to feel like a real blind date more than anything...
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You’re getting old, Yabu’s friend told him. Do you even plan on getting married someday? Having put more thought into the group than his love life, the idol couldn’t say much in defense. This had been his life for so long, he was used to how things were and the thought of love and marriage being so far away. Casual dates were all he knew, nothing long term. So, might as well listen to what his friend has to say and who he wants to set him up with. It would be an interesting experience, at least.
But, jeez, he didn’t know he’d find the love of his life in that blind date.
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