#'aisha b. abi bakr
lifeofresulullah · 2 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Battle of Uhud and Afterwards
The Battle of Sons of Mustaliq
THE BATTLE OF SONS OF MUSTALIQ(The month of Shaban in the 5th Year of the Migration)
Harith b. Abi Dirar, the leader of Sons of Mustaliq clan of the Khuzaa tribe, gathered a few Arab tribes and prepared to walk against Muslims in Madinah.
That news reached Madinah. The Prophet wanted to find out whether it was true or not. Therefore, the Prophet appointed Burayda b. Husayb, a Companion, to go to the land of Sons of Mustaliq and find out about the situation.  
Before leaving Madinah, Burayda asked the Prophet if he could tell lies so as not to make them suspicious and so as to protect himself. The Messenger of God allowed him to do so when it was necessary.
Burayda went to the land of Sons of Mustaliq. He acted as if he was one of them. He said, “I am together with you. I hear that you gathered against the Prophet. I want to join you with the people who follow me from my tribe. I want to cooperate with you until we eliminate all of them!”
Harith b. Abi Dirar, the leader of the Sons of Mustaliq said, “We are getting ready for it. Hurry up to join us!”
Burayda said, “I will mount my horse now and come back with a lot of people from my tribe.” Then, he left their land.
Burayda went to Madinah at once and told the Messenger of God about the situation.
The Islamic Army Moves
It was the second Monday of the month of Shaban.
The Messenger of God appointed Zayd bin Haritha as his deputy and set off from Madinah with seven hundred people. Besides, Hazrat Aisha and Umm Salama, two of the wives of the Prophet joined the army, too.
It was strange that the munafiqs were not as interested in any other expeditions as they were in this one. Most of them joined the Islamic army. Their aim was to benefit from the booty and to cause mischief among Muslims by watching for an opportunity.
The End of Sons of Mustaliq
While moving toward the Muraysi Water, the Islamic army captured one of the spies of the enemy. When he rejected to be a Muslim, he was killed.
When Sons of Mustaliq heard about it, they were very scared; many people that they had gathered left them.
The Messenger of God reached the Muraysi Water with his army. He set up a tent made of leather. Then, he arranged his army to fight. He gave the standard of the muhajirs to Hazrat Abu Bakr and the standard of the Ansar to  Sa’d b. Ubada. He told Hazrat Umar to call out to them as,  “Say, ‘La ilaha illallah!’ and save your lives and property.”
Sons of Mustaliq did not accept the offer; besides, they started the battle by shooting arrows at the mujahids.
Thereupon, the mujahids started to shoot arrows at them. Then, the Prophet ordered his army to attack them suddenly. As a result of the attack, ten people from Sons of Mustaliq were killed and the others were held captives.
Only one mujahid from the Islamic army was killed by mistake by a Muslim who thought that he was an enemy soldier.
There were about two hundred captives from Sons of Mustaliq. Many camels, cattle and sheep were captured as booty. The booty was brought together and distributed in due form. The captives were distributed among the mujahids.
This battle was called the Battle of Muraysi because it took place near Muraysi Water.
A Plot of Munafiqs
After the Victory of Muraysi, the Prophet found it appropriate to stay and rest there for a few days. As we have mentioned before, many munafiqs had joined this expedition. According to some resources, munafiqs had never shown so much interest in any other expedition. Their interest in the expedition was not without any reason. On the one hand, they wanted to have some of the bounties; on the other hand, they wanted to set Muslims, who were increasing in number and gaining strength, against one another by making use of the slightest opportunity…
During their stay there, a quarrel took place between Sinan b. Wabar al-Juhani, who was the ally of Sons of Amr from the tribe of Khazraj and Jahjah, the stableman that Hazrat Umar hired from Sons of Ghifar, because they mistook their buckets near the well. Jahjah hit Sinan’s face with slaps and fists; Sinan’s face was in blood. Sinan yelled, “O Ansar! Where are you? Help!”
Meanwhile, Jahjah shouted, “O Muhajirs! Where are you?”
When Muhajirs and Ansar heard them, they rushed to the well. They drew their swords. They nearly fought. Some of the notables of Muhajirs and Ansar intervened and soothed them.  
Meanwhile, the Messenger of God arrived and said, “Is the cause of the people of Jahiliyya pursued here? Why are you screaming and yelling? What is the matter?”
When the Companions said that a muhajir had slapped a person from Ansar, the Prophet said, “Give up the customs of Jahiliyya; it is a filth and evil. A person who pursues the customs of Jahiliyya throws himself into Hell.”
Thereupon, Sinan gave up seeking his right from Jahjah.
Abdullah b. Ubay Aggravates the Situation
Meanwhile, Abdullah b. Ubay b. Sa­lul, the leader of the munafiqs, came forward because it was an unmissable opportunity for him. He wanted to sow discord among Muslims. He called out, “O Ansar! Those muhajirs gained strength and fame thanks to you; now they are insulting us.”
Then, he turned to his tribe in a devilish manner and added, “You brought them to your city; you gave them goods and you went into partnership with them. You yourselves caused this contempt. When we return to Madinah, the honored and strong ones (he meant himself and his tribe) will expel the mean and weak ones (he meant the Prophet and the muhajirs) from the city.” Then, he talked a lot of nonsense.
Hazrat Zayd b. Arqam, a young Companion who was present, opposed Abdullah b. Ubay and said, “I swear by God that you are the mean and cursed one in your tribe. Muhammad (pbuh) was made honorable by God.”
When the leader of the munafiqs heard it, he changed his attitude and said, “O my brother’s son! Keep quiet! I swear by God that I was joking!” Thus, he showed his hypocrisy.
Zayd b. Arqam did not keep quiet. He told the Prophet whatever he heard from Abdullah b. Ubay. The color of the face of the Prophet changed. There were people like Hazrat Abu Bakr, Uthman, Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas, Muhammad b. Mas­lama from Muhajirs and Ansar near the Prophet. However, he wanted to investigate the issue. He said to Zayd, “I hope you do not say so because of your hatred and enmity against Ibn Ubay.”
Zayd said, “No! I swear by God that I heard them from him.”
The Messenger of God asked again, “You may have misheard.”
Zayd swore by God for the second time that he heard those words exactly from the leader of the munafiqs.
It was heard by the people in the army that Abdullah b. Ubay uttered those words. Some of the Ansar condemned Zayd b. Arqam by saying to him, “You uttered unjust words about the leader of your tribe.”
Zayd said to them, “I swear by God that I heard them from him! If I heard those from my own father, I would never hesitate to tell the Messenger of God about it. I hope that God will send revelation to his Prophet and tell him who is lying and that the Messenger of God will confirm what I say.”
Then he prayed, “O God! Send Your Messenger Your revelation that will confirm what I say!”
Meanwhile, Hazrat Umar said, “O Messenger of God! Allow me to kill that munafiq. If you do not find it appropriate for one of the muhajirs to kill him, order Sa’d b. Muadh or Muhammad b. Maslama to kill him!”
The Messenger of God did not like that offer and he gave the following answer: “If I allow him to be killed, many notables of Madinah will feel scared and worried. Besides, those who do not know the inside story will start to say, ‘Muhammad is killing his friends’. Then, what will happen?”
The Messenger of God ordered the mujahids to set off to Madinah though it was the hottest hour of the day. In fact, he had never set off during the hottest hour of the day before.
Abdullah b. Ubay Denies What He Has Said
The Messenger of God summoned Abdullah b. Ubay and asked him,
“Did you utter the words that I heard?”
The leader of the munafiqs denied what he had said: “No! I swear by God, who sent down the Book to you that I did not utter any of those words. Zayd is definitely a liar!”
They Ask the Prophet Why They Set Off When it is Very Hot
Muslims were very surprised when the Prophet decided to set off during the hottest hour of the day.
Usayd b. Khudayr, who was one of the notables of Ansar, said, “O Messenger of God! It is not appropriate to set off at this hour. You never used to set off at this hour.”
The Messenger of God said, “Did you not hear what your man said?”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “What man, O Messenger of God?”
The Prophet said, “Abdullah b. Ubay…”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “What did he say?”
The Prophet said,“He said, ‘When we return to Madinah, the honored and strong ones will expel the mean and weak ones from the city’.”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “O Messenger of God! If you want, you can expel him from Madinah! I swear by God that he is the one that is mean and weak and you are the one that is honored and strong! O Messenger of God! Treat him leniently and compassionately! I swear by God that when God sent you to us, his tribe was preparing to crown him. He thinks you removed his sultanate!”
The Prophet did not want the mujahids to be kept busy with what Abdullah b. Ubay said. Therefore, they went on travelling until the next morning. The mujahids got very tired. When the sun started to affect them, they stopped. Since they were very tired, they immediately slept.
Thus, the Prophet did not let the rumor prevail in the army.
What the Strong Storm Meant
When the Messenger of God was about to leave from the place called Baqa with his army, a strong storm broke. The mujahids felt scared. They were worried that Uyayna b. Hisn, the leader of the Ghatafan tribe would attack Madinah. The treaty they had signed with him had ended.
The Messenger of God said, “Uyayna b. Hisn will not harm you. Do not feel scared. This storm is blowing due to the death of a big unbeliever!”
What the Messenger of God said was right. When they arrived in Madinah, they found out that Rufa’a b. Zayd b. Ta­but, one of the notables of the Jews who supported the munafiqs, had died. He was one of the ferocious enemies of the Prophet and Islam.
The Offer of Abdullah
It was the irony of the fate… Abdullah b. Ubay was the leader of the munafiqs whereas his son Abdullah was a sincere Muslim who practiced Islam seriously and piously. When he heard what his fathers had said, he went to the presence of the Prophet.
He said, “O Messenger of God! I heard the incidence between you and my father. I heard that you wanted to kill him. If you really want to do it, order me to do it and I will bring his head to you. All of the people of Khazraj know that I love my father a lot. If you let somebody else kill him, I might be an enemy of that person and might kill that believer in return for an unbeliever and go to Hell!”
The belief of the Companions was strong; a Companion wanted to cut off the head of his father, who had insulted the Messenger of God and Muslims!
The Messenger of God consoled him with the answer he gave: “O Ab­dullah! I did not want to kill your father; I did not appoint anybody to kill him. We will treat him well as long as he lives with us!”
Abdullah Confronts his Father
The Islamic army was approaching Madinah.
Abdullah dismounted his horse in the valley called Aqiq. He stood in front of his father. He made his camel sit. Then he said to his father, “I will not let you go unless you say majesty and power belong to God and His messenger!”
The leader of the munafiqs was astonished. The one that uttered those words was Abdullah, his son. Ubay, who pretended to believe in God, could not know what belief could make man do. He said to his son, “You say you will not let me go to Madinah among so many people here. Is that right?”
Abdullah said, “Yes. I will not let you go today until I teach you who is mean and who is honorable among the people here. If you do not say and accept that majesty and honor belong to God and His Messenger here, I will kill you!”
When the leader of the munafiqs saw that Abdullah was serious and determined, he had to say, “I witness that majesty and power belong to God, His messenger and believers.”
When the Messenger of God was informed about the incident, he said to Abdullah, “May God reward you due to His Messenger and believers” and ordered him to release his father.
Returning to Madinah
The Messenger of God returned to Madinah with his army after twenty-eight days, when the crescent of Ramadan was seen.
A Separate Chapter is Sent down about the Munafiqs
After those incidents, a separate chapter was sent down about Abdullah b. Ubay b. Salul, the leader of the munafiqs and the other munafiqs. The following was stated about the characteristics of the munafiqs in the chapter:
“When the Hypocrites come to thee, they say “We bear witness that thou art indeed the Messenger of God.” Yea, God knoweth that thou art indeed His Messenger, and God beareth witness that the Hypocrites are indeed liars.
They have made their oaths a screen (for their misdeeds): thus they obstruct (men) from the Path of God: truly evil are their deeds.
That is because they believed, then they rejected Faith: so a seal was set on their hearts: therefore they understand not.
When thou lookest at them, their exteriors please thee; and when they speak, thou listenest to their words. They are as (worthless as hollow) pieces of timber propped up, (unable to stand on their own). They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemies; so beware of them. The curse of God be on them! How are they deluded (away from the Truth)!”
In the verses that followed, what Abdullah b. Ubay had uttered was mentioned and the following was added:
“They are the ones who say, “Spend nothing on those who are with God’s Messenger, to the end that they may disperse (and quit Madinah). But to God belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth; but the Hypocrites understand not.
They say, "If we return to Madinah, surely the more honourable (element) will expel there from the meaner.” But honour belongs to God and His Messenger, and to the Believers; but the Hypocrites know not.”
God Confirmed What Zayd Had Said
When those verses were sent down and when it was stated that the munafiqs were liars, the Messenger of God called Zayd, held his ear and said, “Here is the young man who fulfilled his duty in the way of God through his ear!” Then, he said, “O Zayd! God confirmed what you had said!”
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diioonysus · 3 years
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history | women throughout history | muslim women
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questionsonislam · 5 years
Can I learn the names of the two Companions whom the Prophet (pbuh) followed in prayer? How did it happen?
As far as we know, the Prophet performed prayers behind two people among his Companions. The first one was Abdurrahman b. Awf.
While the Prophet and the Companions were on the Expedition of Tabuk, they stopped in a place between Hijr and Tabuk. The Messenger of Allah went away to answer the call of nature after dawn. The congregation feared that the sun would rise and made Abdurrahman b. Awf lead the prayer. When the Prophet (pbuh) made wudu and returned, Abdurrahman was in ruku’. When the congregation realized that the Messenger of Allah had come, they were about to stop the prayer. Abdurrahman wanted to leave but he continued prayer upon the gesture of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). The Messenger of Allah performed one rak’ah following him and performed the second rak'ah alone by standing up after salutation. When the prayer ended, he said, "You did very well." (see Musnad, 4/247; Ibn Sa'd Tabaqat, 3/129; Waqidi, Maghazi, 3/1011)
Abdurahman b. Awf was among those who accepted Islam with the efforts of Hz. Abu Bakr. He is the 8th Muslim. He received more than twenty arrow and spear blows in the Battle of Uhud; therefore, he walked lame after that.
He took part in all of the battles in which the Prophet fought. The Prophet appointed him as the commander of the army sent to conquer Dumatul-Jandal and wrapped the turban around Abdurrahman’s head with his own hands. [Three expeditions were organized to Dumatul-Jandal and Abdurahman b. Awf was appointed as the commander in the second one. (see TDV İ. Ans., X/1)]
He donated 40.000 dinars (half of his wealth), 500 horses and a trade caravan of 700 camels with goods on them when the Prophet (pbuh) was alive.
He freed many slaves throughout his life. He said to Umm Salama, one of the wives of the Prophet, “Will the abundance of my wealth cause my destruction? I am worried about it.”
He died at the age of 75. His janazah prayer was led by Hz. Uthman. He is one of the ten Companions who were given the glad tiding of Paradise when they were alive. (see Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 25; Musnad, 1/193)
The other Companion behind whom the Prophet performed a prayer was Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.
When the Messenger of Allah was ill, he would go to the mosque only when adhan was called and lead the prayer.
Three days before his death, his illness got verse. Therefore, he could no longer go to the mosque. He said,
"Tell Abu Bakr to lead the prayer to the believers." (Ibn Sad, Tabaqat, 2/217)
Thus, he left the imamate to Hz. Abu Bakr. When the Prophet was alive, Hz. Abu Bakr led seventeen prayers.
On Monday, during the morning prayer, the Prophet drew the curtain on the door of Hz. Aisha’s room and looked at the congregation in the mosque. The congregation was performing the prayer behind Hz. Abu Bakr. When he saw the ranks of the believers, he smiled. Hz. Abu Bakr thought the Prophet wanted to lead the prayer and moved back a bit on his heels. The congregation became very pleased and almost stopped the prayer.
The Prophet (pbuh) made a sign with his hand meaning "Stand where you are and complete the prayer." He followed Hz. Abu Bakr and performed the prayer behind him.
Hz. Abu Bakr Siddiq (r.a) (571-634) is the first free man who believed after Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) started to convey the religion of Islam, the first one of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs and the first of the ten people given the glad tiding of Paradise. He is the great Companion that was also known by the nicknames Jamiul-Quran, as-Siddiq and al-Atiq. He is mentioned in the Quran because he was together with the Messenger of Allah during the Migration:
“…they two were in the cave…” (at-Tawba, 9/40)
After believing in the Messenger of Allah, Hz. Abu Bakr started to invite people to Islam; most of the first Muslims who contributed a lot to the spread of Islam like Uthman b. Affan, Zubayr b. Awwam, Abdurrahman b. Awf, Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas and Talha b. Ubaydullah became Muslims upon his invitation. Hz. Abu Bakr was always with the Messenger of Allah throughout his life; they established a great friendship when they were children. The Messenger of Allah preferred his view related to many issues. The Prophet consulted his Companions related to general and particular issues; he consulted especially Hz. Abu Bakr regarding some issues. (Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddima, 206)
Although Hz. Abu Bakr’s caliphate was rather short (two years and three months), the Islamic state developed greatly during his caliphate. Hz. Abu Bakr became ill due to the disease he caught in the month of Jumadal-Akhir in 13 H; he wanted Hz. Umar to lead the prayer on behalf of him. He consulted the Companions and told them that he regarded Hz. Umar appropriate for the caliphate. He answered the criticisms like Hz. Umar’s being stern and harsh and dictated the decree of caliphate to Hz. Uthman.
Hz. Abu Bakr also died at the age of sixty-three like the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), whom he loved very much. As he willed, he was buried next to the Messenger of Allah, at his shoulder level. Thus, the friendship of those two great people continued in the grave too.
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quranicclasses4 · 5 years
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Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ sent the beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ full of mercy and kindness for all the worlds. As He عَزَّ وَجَلَّ says in Quran:
وَ مَاۤ اَرْسَلْنٰكَ اِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعٰلَمِیْنَ(۱۰۷)
“And We did not send you (O beloved Prophet) but as a mercy for all the worlds.”
(Al ambiaa, 107)
Therefore all the creation is having benefit of his mercy and kindness.
Kindness for the Believers
Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ describes the greatness of his prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ and his kindness for his followers in these words:
لَقَدْ جَآءَكُمْ رَسُوْلٌ مِّنْ اَنْفُسِكُمْ عَزِیْزٌ عَلَیْهِ مَا عَنِتُّمْ حَرِیْصٌ عَلَیْكُمْ بِالْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ رَءُوْفٌ رَّحِیْمٌ(۱۲۸)
“Indeed there has come to you a Messenger from among yourselves, heavy upon him is your suffering, most concerned is he about your wellbeing, for the Muslims (he is) most kind, most merciful.”
(Al tauba, 128)
Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ describes that the sufferings of ummah were heavy upon the prophet and he صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ used to do Dua for his ummah to come on righteous path during day and night.  The kindness for ummah can be easily noted by studying following Ahadith:
'Ata' b. Abi Rabah reported that he heard 'Aisha, the wife of the beloved Rasool of Allah, as saying: On any day when there was windstorm or dark cloud (its effects) could be read on the face of the Messenger of Allah صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ and he moved forward and backward (in a state of anxiety); and when it rained, he was delighted and it (the state of restlessness) disappeared. 'A'isha said: I asked him the reason of this anxiety and he said: “I was afraid that it might be a calamity that might fall upon my Ummah, and when he saw rainfall he said: It is the mercy (of Allah).”
It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ say I would not stay behind (when) an expedition (for Jihad was being mobilized) if it were going to be too hard upon the believers.
Narrated Aisha رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہَا: Once in the middle of the night Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ went out and prayed in the mosque and some men prayed with him. The next morning the people spoke about it and so more people gathered and prayed with him (in the second night). They circulated the news in the morning, and so, on the third night the number of people increased greatly. Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ came out and they prayed behind him. On the fourth night the mosque was overwhelmed by the people till it could not accommodate them. Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ came out only for the Fajr prayer and when he finished the prayer, he faced the people and recited "Tashah-hud" (I testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is His Rasool), and then said, "Amma ba'du. Verily your presence (in the mosque at night) was not hidden from me, but I was afraid that this prayer might be made compulsory and you might not be able to carry it out." Similarly there are many other deeds which he did not do continuously only for the fear that these may not become obligatory for his followers. Such as use of Miswak before every prayer and such other good deeds.
Narrated `Aisha رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ: Whenever Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was given the choice of one of two matters he would choose the easier of the two as long as it was not sinful to do so, but if it was sinful, he would not approach it. Allah's Rasool never took revenge over anybody for his own sake but (he did) only when Allah's legal bindings were outraged, in which case he would take revenge for Allah's sake." Jabir bin. Abdullah رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ reported Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ as saying: My example and your example is that of a person who lit the fire and insects and moths began to fall in it and he would be making efforts to take them out, and I am going to hold you back from fire, but you are slipping from my hand.
On the day of judgment people will go to the Prophets for their intercession and all the Prophets will say go to any other. When people will go to the last Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ, he will do intercession of people before Allah Almighty. He will make Dua to Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ for the forgiveness of his ummah repeatedly.
Kindness for Disbelievers
The kindness of beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ is described in the Holy Quran in these words:
وَ مَا كَانَ اللّٰهُ لِیُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَ اَنْتَ فِیْهِمْؕ-وَ مَا كَانَ اللّٰهُ مُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَ هُمْ یَسْتَغْفِرُوْنَ(۳۳)
And it is not befitting to Allah to punish them while you O beloved Prophet (Mohammed) are in their midst; and Allah is not going to punish them while they are seeking forgiveness.
(Al anfaal, 33)
The disbelievers of the ummah of other Prophets were punished and ruined in this world but it is the kindness and mercy of our beloved Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ on disbelievers of his ummah that they will not be punished in this world even till the Day of Judgment. The Holy Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was most kind and he bore the hardships given by disbelievers with patience. The companions asked him to imprecate for disbelievers but he did pray for them as narrated Abu Huraira رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ:
Tufail bin `Amr رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ came to the Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ and said, "The Daus (nation) have perished as they disobeyed and refused to accept Islam. So invoke to Allah against them." But the Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said: "O Allah! Give guidance to the Daus (tribe) and bring them (to Islam)!" Narrated Asma' bint Abu Bakr: My mother came to me during the apparent lifetime of Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ and she was a pagan. I said to Allah's Rasool (seeking his verdict), "My mother has come to me and she desires to receive a reward from me, shall I keep good relations with her?" The Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said, "Yes, keep good relation with her."
Kindness for Women
Before Islam, the women were most humiliated and they were bearing the extreme cruelty of men. The women were like non-living or like animals and they were traded like other material things. The men kept women like their property and they were not given the rights like human being. But on the advent of Islam this behavior was changed. Women are given their proper rights equal to men and they are honored with respect. The beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was most kind with women as he صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said. It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ that:
The Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said: "The best of you is the one who is best to his wife, and I am the best of you to my wives."
He صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ advised his companions to treat them kindly in these words:
Narrated Abu Huraira رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ: Allah’s Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said, "Treat women nicely, for a women is created from a rib, and the most curved portion of the rib is its upper portion, so, if you should try to straighten it, it will break, but if you leave it as it is, it will remain crooked. So treat women nicely." The kindness of Holy Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ for women can be understood by the following Hadith
Narrated `Abdullah bin 'Abi Qatada رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ: My father said, "The Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said, “When I stand for prayer, I intend to prolong it but on hearing the cries of a child, I cut it short, as I dislike troubling the child's mother.”
Kindness for Orphans, Poor and Widows
Holy Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was most kind for orphans and poor. He صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was kind with orphans and widows and also ordered others to be kind with them. Anas رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ narrated that the Messenger of Allah صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said: O 'Aisha! Do not turn away the needy even if with a piece of date. O 'Aisha! Love the needy and be near them, for indeed Allah will make you near on the Day of Judgment."
Kindness for Kids
Beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was very kind to the children. People brought their children for Duas to him and he صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ took them into his blessed lap. Narrated Um Qais bint Mihsin رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہ: I brought my young son, who had not started eating (ordinary food) to Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ who took him and made him sit in his lap. The child urinated on the garment of the Prophet, so he asked for water and poured it over the soiled (area) and did not wash it. The Holy Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ loves children as narrated `Aisha رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہَا: A person came to the Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ and said, "You (people) kiss the boys! We don't kiss them." The Prophet said, "I cannot put mercy in your heart after Allah has taken it away from it."
Narrated Abu Huraira رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہُ: Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ kissed Al-Hasan bin `Ali while Al-Aqra' bin H`Abis at-Tamim was sitting beside him. Al-Aqra said, "I have ten children and I have never kissed anyone of them," Allah's Messenger صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ cast a look at him and said;
"Whoever is not merciful to others will not be treated mercifully."
Holy Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ gave the new fruits of season firstly to children and also played with them. His rule of battle include that no children, old man or woman will be killed.
Kindness for Slaves
Holy Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ told that to free a slave is a reason for the escape from jahhanam. Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar رَضِیَ اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَنْہُ: A man came to the Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ and asked: Messenger of Allah! How often shall I forgive a servant? He gave no reply, so the man repeated what he had said, but he still kept silence. When he asked a third time, he replied: “Forgive him seventy times daily.” Respected scholars say here the word “seventy” means too many times so in other words always forgive them. He صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was most kind with his slaves.
Kindness for Animals
The kindness of beloved Prophet صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was also for animals. It has been narrated by Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ said: “When you travel (through a land) where there is plenty of vegetation, you should (go slow and) give the camels a chance to enjoy the benefit of the earth. When you travel (through a land) where there is scarcity of vegetation, you should hasten with them (so that you may be able to cross that land while your animals are still in a good condition of health). When you make a halt for the night, avoid (doing so on) the road, for the tracks are the pathways of wild beasts or the abode of noxious little animals.”
Kindness for Birds
The kindness of beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ was also for the birds and insects. He صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ ordered his companions not to injure or harm the birds or insects. These are the few examples of his great mercy. The life of beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ is full of mercy he was so kind to the people even the slaves used to call him for their help and he صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ would go to help them.
Dear Islamic brothers if you wanted to learn more about this topic please visit our website and read the book “Seerat e Mustafa” and “Seerat e Rasool e Arabi”. May Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ enable us to follow the Sunnah of the beloved Rasool صَلَّی اللہُ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ وَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ!
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basicsofislam · 6 years
The second greatest person of Islam after the Prophet is Hz. Abu Bakr (r.a.). He was an example of self-sacrifice and a symbol of loyalty. His life is full of examples of high ethics, virtues and humanity.  
Hz. Abu Bakr (r.a.) was a luminous person in those times of savagery when the sun of prophethood had not illuminated the world yet. He had never worshipped any idols that were lifeless and unconscious and that could not help or harm anybody or themselves. He did not practice the customs of Jahiliyya Era like drinking alcohol and gambling. He was a person that was loved and respected by everybody in Makkah. He was rich and estimable. He was a tradesman. He liked helping the poor.
Hz. Abu Bakr was a cultured and investigative person who went to various countries on business. He knew and felt that the period he lived in was undergoing a decline in terms of humanistic values.  
Hz. Abu Bakr was in a period of expectation. He was waiting for a savior who would save the humanity from savagery. In fact, there were some incidents heralding the light of guidance and indicating its approach that could be seen by careful and thoughtful people. Serious people like Hz. Abu Bakr and those who believed in the religion of oneness dating back to Hz. Ibrahim (pbuh) were waiting and longing for this light.
One of those people was Quss b Saida. He was a poet and an orator. He believed in oneness of Allah and life after death. Once, he addressed a group of people including  Hz. Abu Bakr and the Prophet as follows:  
“I swear that there is a religion in the presence of Allah that is more beloved to Him than the religion that you follow. There is a prophet of Allah who is about to appear and his arrival is very soon. His shadow is right on top of your heads. How happy is the person who puts his faith in him! Shame on the unfortunate person who will oppose and rebel against him!“
The most sincere friend of Hz. Abu Bakr, who would attain this religion, informed by Quss b Saida, was Hz. Muhammad (pbuh). Hz. Abu Bakr felt at peace the most when he was with him; he preferred talking to him and relied on him the most. Whenever he left Makkah for a while for trade, the first person he would visit when he returned was Hz. Muhammad.
Once, Hz. Abu Bakr saw in his dream that the moon had descended to Mecca. It then split into segments and spread to the homes in the city. Afterwards, he saw the reassembling of the pieces and the entering of the moon into its own home. This dream made him very excited. He asked some scholars of the People of the Book living in Makkah about his dream. They told him that the prophet expected to come would emerge from Makkah soon, that he would be one of those who followed him and that he would be his deputy when he was alive.
Hz. Abu Bakr was a few years younger than the Prophet. His father's name was Uthman but he was known as “Abu Quhafa“. His mother's name was Umm al-Khayr, which means “the mother of all good deeds“. His wife's name was Zaynab and she was known as Umm Rumman. Abu Bakr had been married to Qutayla before her. After the death of Umm Rumman, he got married to Asma bint Umays.
Hz. Abu Bakr had six children, three girls and three boys: Their names were Aisha, Abdullah, Asma, Abdurrahman, Umm Kulthum and Mu­hammad.
* * *
Everybody was talking about the news that Hz. Muhammad was given the duty of prophethood. Even some Christians and Jews who read in their books that a new prophet would come were astounded. The polytheists said, “Is it possible for the prophthood to come to an orphan and helpless person? Would it not have been better if it had come to a notable person from our tribe?“ Thus, they opposed his prophethood.
Especially the polytheists could not stand it when the Prophet criticized and spoke ill of their idols.
Meanwhile, Hz. Abu Bakr was in Yemen on business. He was unaware of this event in Makkah. When he returned, the notables of Quraysh like Abu Jahl and Utba bin Muayt surrounded him because they knew that he was the closest friend of Hz. Muhammad. If it were not for Abu Bakr, they would use force in order to silence the Prophet.
Hz. Abu Bakr said, “What is the matter? Did anything happen while I was away?“
They said, “Yes, there is some very important news. Muhammad, the orphan of Abu Talib, claimed that he was a prophet.“
Abu Bakr said, “Did he tell that himself?“
They said, “Yes he did; and he always speaks ill of our idols.“
Abu Bakr said, “He said it himself. If he said so, he told the truth. Do you know where he is now?“
They said, “Yes, he is in his house now.“
Hazrat Abu Bakr immediately went to the home of the Prophet. He wanted to hear it from the Prophet himself. For, he knew that Hz. Muhammad had never told a lie. Therefore, people called him “Muhammad al-Amin“ (Muhammad the Trustworthy).      
Hz. Abu Bakr went to the presence of the Prophet in excitement. When the Prophet opened the door, he was smiling. For, he knew that the only person to believe him would be Abu Bakr.
Abu Bakr asked,“ O Aba’l Qasim! Is it true that you claim to be a prophet?“
The Prophet said, “Yes. O Abu Bakr! I am a messenger who has been sent to you and all humanity by the Lord of the Realms. I invite humanity to believe in the one true God (Allah) and to give up worshipping idols.“
Upon this invitation, Hz. Abu Bakr did not hesitate even for a second. He said,
“I testify that Muhammad is a messenger of Allah, who is one.“ Thus, Hz. Abu Bakr attained the honor of being the first Muslim among men.
As Hazrat Aisha put it, no event in the world made our Prophet happier than Hazrat Abu Bakr, a reliable, respectable and notable person of his tribe, accepting Islam.
Our Master (PBUH) considered Abu Bakr’s not showing any sign of hesitation in the face of this invitation as a huge virtue by saying:
This incident alone is enough to express the honor and virtue of Hz. Abu Bakr. As a matter of fact, the Prophet stated the following later:
“Everyone whom I invited to Islam, with the exception of Abu Bakr, paused, hesitated, or was astonished. However, when I explained Islam to him, he neither paused nor hesitated.“ [ al-Bidaya, 3: 30; Sirah, 1: 269. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr opened his heart and mind, which were already ready, to Islam. He gave himself wholly to the grace and abundance of the divine truths that he had been seeking and expecting. He never stayed away from the Messenger of Allah and was looking forward to listening to the new divine revelations. As he filled his heart with the pre-eternal and post-eternal truths, he could not stand still; he wanted to declare it to the universe and desired the others to attain this divine grace and salvation.
When Abu Bakr accepted Islam, he had a wealth of 40,000 dirhams with him. He gave it to the Prophet to be spent for the cause of Islam. On the one hand, Hz. Abu Bakr was conveying the message of Islam to people with his ability of persuasion and proving; on the other hand, he was helping the poor Muslims. Most of the notables of Makkah attained the honor of becoming Muslims thanks to him.  
Some of those people are as follows:
Hz. Uthman (r.a.), Talha bin Ubaydullah (r.a.), Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas (r.a.), Abu Ubayda bin Jarrah (r.a.), Zubayr bin Awwam (r.a.), Abdurrahman bin Awf (r.a.).
These people are six of the 10 people who were promised Paradise when they were alive. Besides, Uthman bin Maz’un (r.a.), Abu Sala­ma (r.a.), Arkam bin Abi Arkam (r.a.) also became Muslims thanks to him.
The cause of Islam started to eliminate the darkness in the horizon of Makkah gradually with the help and efforts of Hz. Abu Bakr. New people started to be fascinated by the divine light day by day. On the other hand, the polytheists were doing their best in order to dissuade those Muslims. As Islam spread, they increased their measures and started to use material force when they saw that trying to persuade them and mocking them failed to dissuade them. They started to beat the Muslims until they fainted and to torture them.  
With the efforts of Hz. Abu Bakr the number of the people that followed the lofty cause of the Prophet reached 38. The Muslims started to gather in the house of Arkam secretly in order to strengthen their belief and worship easily.
Once, they gathered in this house, which was secure to enter and exit. Hz. Abu Bakr was also among them. They asked permission from the Messenger of Allah in order to declare the cause of oneness to the polytheists. First, the Messenger of Allah said their number was not enough but he gave permission due to the insistence of Hz. Abu Bakr. They went to the Kaaba altogether. Abu Bakr (r.a.) stood up and started to address the polytheists who were there:
“I praise Allah, who is one. Belief in Allah is endless happiness; denial and worshipping idols are a disaster. Give up this meaningless custom of Jahiliyyah and accept the call of the Messenger of Allah.“
The polytheists were surprised first. Then, they came to themselves and attacked the Muslims. They got Hz. Abu Bakr to the ground and started to hit him with the things they found. Utba bin Rabia, a ferocious polytheist, made his face blood by hitting him with his shoes with nails. The relatives of Abu Bakr hurried and managed to save him.
Hz. Abu Bakr fainted. He lay in an unconscious state until the evening. When he opened his eyes and looked around, he asked, “What happened to the Messenger of Allah?“ He asked about the Messenger of Allah even when he was half-unconscious. His mother asked, “Would you like to eat something?“ He answered in the same way: “Where is the Messenger of Allah? How is he?“ When his mother said she did not know about him, he said, “Mum! Go to Umm Jamil, the daughter of Khattab and ask him how the Messenger of Allah is.“ Despite the news from Umm Jamil that the Messenger of Allah was fine, his heart was restless. He wanted to see the Messenger of Allah himself. He vowed that he would not eat anything before seeing him. They said he could not go out like that. However, he definitely wanted to go and see the Messenger of Allah. He would not feel all right if he did not see the Messenger of Allah. When there were very few people around, they took his arm and took him to Arkam’s house. When he saw the Messenger of Allah, he said, “O Messenger of Allah! May my mother and father be sacrificed for you!“ and started to cry. The Messenger of Allah hugged and kissed him. He also started to cry when he saw his state. [ Insanu’l-Uyun, 1: 475; al-Bidaya,3: 30. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr was “the most beloved person“ in the eye of the Prophet due to his submission, loyalty and self-sacrifice. The Prophet often visited him in his house and consulted him; he asked his ideas about spreading Islam and conveying the message of Islam. This friendship continued until the Messenger of Allah died. He did not leave the Prophet even for a moment.  It continued during wars and the Migration. He married his daughter Aisha off to the Messenger of Allah, strengthening this friendship.
Life started to be unbearable for the new Muslims in Makkah. The pressure of the polytheists increased day by day; their torture continued without stopping. A group of Muslims migrated to Abyssinia with the permission of the Prophet in order to save their religion and lives. When the divine permission was given, the remaining Muslims started to migrate to Madinah in convoys. However, Hz. Abu Bakr had not been given permission to migrate yet. When Hz. Abu Bakr, who was always with him asked the Messenger of Allah about his situation, he said, “O Abu Bakr! Do not hurry! Maybe Allah will give you a friend to migrate together with.“ Abu Bakr understood that he was going to be together with the Messenger of Allah in the Migration, too. There were only Hz. Ali, Hz. Abu Bakr and the Prophet left in Makkah as Muslims.
The polytheists were disturbed by the migration of the Muslims. They did not want to allow the Messenger of Allah to migrate. They gathered immediately. They decided to kill the Messenger of Allah.
However, Allah Almighty informed the Prophet about the situation through Jibril. He appointed Hz. Abu Bakr as the person to accompany him.
The Prophet went Hz. Abu Bakr’s house immediately. They met at the door. Hz. Abu Bakr was excited. He said,
“O Messenger of Allah! May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! What is the matter?“ The Messenger of Allah said that Allah allowed him to migrate to Madinah and that he would go with him. Abu Bakr wept for joy because of attaining the honor of migrating with the Messenger of Allah.
The Prophet asked Hz. Ali to sleep in his bed and he set off with Hz. Abu Bakr secretly. They started to walk toward the mount of Thawr. Hz. Abu Bakr was excited. He was worried that the Prophet would be harmed. The polytheists might have noticed them and been following them. Hz. Abu Bakr forgot about himself; he was thinking about the Messenger of Allah only. He sometimes walked in front of him and sometimes behind him. He sometimes walked on the right and sometimes on the left of the Prophet in order to protect him from possible attacks.  
They arrived at the Cave of Thawr late at night. The cave was desolate. It was full of insects. First, Hazrat Abu Bakr entered the cave. He checked the cave and blocked the holes in the cave with pieces of fabric he tore off his garment. When the pieces were not enough, he blocked the last hole by putting his foot on it. Then, the Prophet entered the cave and sat next to him. The Messenger of Allah put his head on the knees of Abu Bakr and fell asleep.
After a while, Hazrat Abu Bakr felt a great pain in his foot that he had put on the hole. He felt terrible. However, he did not move so as not to wake the Messenger of Allah up. He was in so much pain that tears fell down her face. When a few tears hit the face of the Messenger of Allah, he woke up and asked,
“What is the matter, O Abu Bakr?“
Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “O Messenger of Allah! May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! Something bit my foot.“
The Messenger of Allah, who was the cure for all troubles whether material or spiritual, rubbed the place that was bitten with his spit. The pain was eliminated immediately. The Prophet was moved by the self-sacrifice of Hz. Abu Bakr and prayed Allah as follows:
“O Allah! Make Abu Bakr be together with me on the Day of Judgment.“
When the polytheists could not find the Messenger of Allah in his house, they got furious and did not know what to do. They promised great rewards to those who would find and bring the Messenger of Allah. Toward the morning, trackers set off in order to find the Prophet and take him to Makkah. As a matter of fact, they found his trace. They even came to the entrance to the cave. Hz. Abu Bakr got excited when he heard the footstep the polytheists. The Messenger of Allah kept calm. He said to Abu Bakr:
“O Abu Bakr! Do not worry! Allah is with us. If Allah is the third person near two people, nobody can do anything to them.“
Thereupon, Abu Bakr calmed down. As a matter of fact, while the polytheists were talking, they saw a spider web and a pigeon at the entrance of the cave; so they left without entering the cave.  
The Quran elevated the fame of Hz. Abu Bakr forever while mentioning this incidence in verse 40 of the chapter of at-Tawba. The following is stated in that verse:  
“If ye help not (your Leader) (it is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him; when the unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one companion: they two were in the cave, and he said to his companion “Have no Fear, for Allah is with us“: then Allah sent down His peace upon him, and strengthened him with forces which ye saw not, and humbled to the depths the word of the Unbelievers. But the word of Allah is exalted to the heights: for Allah is Exalted in might, Wise.“
The Messenger of Allah stayed in the cave for three days with Hz. Abu Bakr, who was a symbol of loyalty and self-sacrifice until he felt secure from the danger of the enemy. During these three days, Asma, the daughter of Abu Bakr brought them food and his son, Abdullah, informed them about the news in Makkah. They came at night and left the cave before the sun rose.  
Three days later, they left the cave and set off for Madinah for “the Migration“, which started a new era in the history of Islam. After a dangerous journey, they arrived in Madinah. The Muslims who had migrated beforehand and the people of Madinah filled the streets to welcome these unique guests joyfully. [ al-Bidaya wa’n-Nihaya, 3: 177-180; Tabaqat, 3: 172; Usdu’l-Ghaba, 3: 209-210; Muslim, Fadailu’s-Sahaba, 1; Sirah, 2: 128. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr continued being close to the Messenger of Allah after migrating to Madinah, too. Nothing else could be expected from a person who devoted all of his property to Islam.
Loyalty means to act like the person one loves and follows, to devote all of his being to him and to virtually disappear in him. That is the secret that elevates Hz. Abu Bakr to an unreachable degree. The quality that enabled him to be called “Sıddiq“ (truthful, loyal) was his unique loyalty and adherence to the Messenger of Allah. He believed in everything that the Messenger of Allah said no matter how unbelievable it was.  
This quality of Abu Bakr was proved when he believed in the Messenger of Allah as soon as he heard his prophethood and when he affirmed the miracle of Ascension (Miraj).
One night, the Messenger of Allah went to Masjid al-Aqsa (in Jerusalem) from Makkah with Jibril and then to the high realms with the permission of Allah; he returned the same night. The next day, he informed the polytheists about this unique miracle but they did not believe in him. Furthermore, some new Muslims found it hard to believe in it. Those Muslims went to Hz. Abu Bakr immediately. They said,
“Are you aware of the news regarding your friend? He says that last night he went to Masjid al-Aqsa, prayed there, talked to the previous prophets, ascended to the sky and returned.“
Hazrat Abu Bakr wanted to be sure of something. He asked,
“Did you hear this from him?“
They replied, “Yes, we directly heard it from him.“
Hazrat Abu Bakr responded without hesitation:
“If he said so, it is definitely true. I believe in Him and everything he brings from Allah.“  
Afterwards, he got up and went straight to the Prophet (PBUH) to listen to the Ascension from him. When the Messenger of Allah told him about this great miracle, Hz. Abu Bakr said,
“I swear by Allah that you tell the truth. For, you are the Messenger of Allah. I testify this again.“
Upon this, the Prophet complimented him by saying,
“O Abu Bakr, you are Siddiq (the Truthful) in any case.“ From that day forward, Hazrat Abu Bakr was referred to as “Siddiq.“ [ Sirah, 2: 39; Insanu’l-Uyun, 2: 92; Tabaqat, 1: 213-216. ]
* * *
During the illness of the Messenger of Allah, the Companions visited him frequently. During one of these visits when Abu Bakr was present, the Prophet (pbuh) said,
“Allah Almighty left His slave free to prefer the world or the hereafter. The slave preferred the hereafter.“
Nobody understood what that statement mean. Only Hz. Abu Bakr understood that he indicated his death. He started to cry and said,
“O Messenger of Allah! May our fathers, mothers, children, property and lives be sacrificed for you!“
The Prophet was moved by this foresight and sensitivity of Hz. Abu Bakr and said,
“O Abu Bakr! Do not cry! If I had a friend except Allah, I would have Abu Bakr. Islamic brotherhood and love are superior to personal friendship. Then, he said, “Close all the doors opened for people except the door of Abu Bakr in the mosque.“ [ Bukhari, Fadailu’l-Ashab: 3; Muslim, Fadailu’s-Sahaba: 2-3; Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 15; Usdu’l-Ghaba, 3: 216; Sire, 4: 299; Insanu’l-Uyun, 3: 458. ]
A few days after this talk, the Prophet (pbuh) became too ill to lead the prayer. He said,
“Tell Hz. Abu Bakr to lead the prayer.“
Thereupon, Hz. Abu Bakr led prayers 17 times. Once, he led the morning prayer when the Prophet was among the congregation.
* * *
When the Messenger of Allah died, Abu Bakr (r.a.) was somewhere else. People had gathered and were crying.  When Abu Bakr (r.a.) heard the news and entered the room where the Messenger of Allah was. Then, he spoke as follows in surrender and reliance:
“We are slaves of Allah and will return to Him. O Messenger of Allah! May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! You were beautiful when you were alive and you are beautiful when you are dead. Allah Almighty will not give you any other grief apart from the severity of death. You have already passed the test of death predestined for you.“
However, the munafiqs did not give up their acts of hypocrisy and troublemaking even during the death of the Messenger of Allah
They tried to undermine the spirituality of the Muslims by saying, “If Muhammad had been a prophet, he would not have died.“
Hz. Umar could not put up with their talk anymore; he drew his sword and shouted:  
“The Messenger of Allah did not die. I will kill anyone who says so with my sword.“
Meanwhile, Hz. Abu Bakr arrived and made the following speech due to the statement Hz. Umar made in sorrow:
“Allah told His Messenger that he would die when he was alive. Yes, the Messenger of Allah died. Only Allah is eternal.“ Then, he read verse 144 of the chapter of Aal-i Imran:
“Muhammad is no more than an Messenger: many were the Messengers that passed away before Him. If he died or was slain, will ye then turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; but Allah (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve him) with gratitude.“
He continued as follows:
“Allah’s religion will live.  Allah’s cause has been completed. Allah will help those who follow His religion and try to elevate it. We have the book of Allah with us. It is luminous light and cure. It includes the things that Allah rendered halal and haram.“ [ Bukhari, Janaiz: 123; Ibn Majah, Janaiz: 65, Tabaqat, 2: 265-267; Sirah, 4: 305; Insanu’l-Uyun, 3: 474. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr was chosen the Caliph of the Messenger of Allah unanimously after the talks of the notables of the Companions. For, everybody knew that he was the right hand of the Prophet and appreciated him. One day after Abu Bakr (r.a.) was chosen as the caliph, he made the following historical speech on the pulpit of the mosque:
“O people. I was entrusted as your ruler, although I am not better than any of you. However, we were taught the Quran and the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. If we have any knowledge, it originates from them. The caliphate is no easy duty. I had to undertake this heavy burden that I have no strength for. I wish a stronger person had been chosen. I advise you to fear Allah.
O people! Obey me and support me if I fulfill my duty properly.  Correct me when you see me going astray. Honesty is a trust; Lying is treason. The weak among you are powerful in my eyes until I get them their due. Obey me as I obey Allah and His Messenger. Do not obey me if I disobey Allah and His Messenger. I ask Allah to forgive me and you.“ [ Tabaqat, 3: 182-183; Sirah, 4: 311; Insanu’l-Uyun, 3: 483; Hayatu’s-Sahaba, 3: 317. ]
After becoming the Caliph, Hz. Abu Bakr started to fulfill meticulously the duties incumbent on him and as a necessity of his loyalty to the Prophet. The first thing he did was to send the army of Usama to Damascus, which the Prophet planned to do but died before sending it. Some notables of the Companions asked Abu Bakr to postpone sending the army due to the problem of false prophets. He answered them as follows:
“I swear by Allah that I will fulfill the order of the Messenger of Allah even if I know that tigers and wolves will come to Madinah and pull me to pieces. For the Messenger of Allah said, ‘Send the army of Usama in any case.“
Hz. Umar found Usama too young and offered him to appoint an older commander. Abu Bakr said,
“O son of Khattab! How can I change Usama considering that the Messenger of Allah appointed him as the commander?“ [ al-Bidaya, 6: 305; al-Kamil fi’t-Tarikh Translation, 2: 307; Hayatu’s-Sahaba, 1: 314-318. ]
The army of Usama set off upon the instruction of Abu Bakr. They did not encounter Byzantines. However, on the way back to Madinah, they defeated a group from Huzaa tribe. Thus, the order of the Messenger of Allah was fulfilled and a big trouble that occurred was eliminated.
Hz. Abu Bakr became the head of the state and the vicegerent of the Messenger of Allah. His daughter Aisha, who was the wife of the Messenger of Allah, stated the following about the caliphate of her father:
“This duty was so hard that it would break mountains into pieces if it fell on them. However, Hz. Abu Bakr fulfilled this hard duty perfectly with the help of Allah and the support of the believers. He consulted the Companions he regarded necessary to talk to related to the issues about which there was no clear evidence in the Quran.“
* * *
Hz. Abu Bakr was a very good administrator. He appointed people with knowledge and ability as administrators. For instance, he appointed Abu Ubayda bin Jarrah, whom the Prophet called “the trustworthy person of the ummah“ as an administrator for financial issues. He appointed Hz. Umar, who was a symbol of justice, as the person in charge of legal issues and Zayd bin Thabit, one of the scribes of revelation, as the person in charge of registration and correspondence.  
Hz. Abu Bakr walked around the streets at night in order to check the state of the people he was in charge of and helped the poor and helpless people. Salih al-Ghifari narrates the following reminiscence about the issue:  
“Hz. Umar undertook the duty of caring an old blind woman. He took food and drinks to the woman himself. Once, he saw that somebody else had taken care of the woman before him. The next day, he took food and drinks to the woman earlier, hid in a place and started to wait. He saw Abu Bakr, the leader of the believers, coming. He stood up and said,  
“Oh! It was you, the leader of the believers!“ [ Hayatu’s-Sahaba, 2: 42. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr gave written and oral advice to governors and army commanders. Once he gave Ikrima the following advice:
“Do what you have said you will do. When you make a promise, keep it. Do not be afraid of warning people but be careful about what to say. Do not punish a criminal more than he deserves. Do not delay the punishment of a person who deserves it.“
After he was chosen as the Caliph, he did not want to get a salary from the Treasury. He wanted to make his living through trade.
Once, he was going to the market for trade after he was chosen as the Caliph. He met Hz. Umar on the way. Hz. Umar offered him to put him on a salary from the Treasury.  Hz. Abu Bakr, “I fear that I will not deserve that money.“However, Hz. Umar said his time would be enough only for the affairs of the state and that he would not have enough time for trade. He persuaded Abu Bakr to get a salary enough for his livelihood from the Treasury.  Hz. Abu Bakr got salaries from the Treasury for two years for his caliphate of two years. However, when he died he wrote in his will that this money should be returned to the Treasury from his inheritance. [ Hayatu’s-Sahaba, 2: 148 ]
* * *
The services done during the caliphate of Hz. Abu Bakr are as follows in brief:
Before the death of the Prophet (pbuh), some false prophets emerged in Yamama, Yemen and other places. They wanted to dominate their tribes. They took action in order to benefit from the death of the Messenger of Allah. Hz. Abu Bakr sent armies under the command of Khlid bin Walid (r.a.), Ikrima bin Abi Jahl (r.a.), Muhajir bin Abi Umayya (r.a.) and Amr bin As (r.a.) to suppress them. Thus, these troubles were eliminated.  
When the Messenger of Allah died, some Arab tribes exited from the religion of Islam. Jews, Christians and munafiqs took action. As Hz. Aish (r.a.) put it, Muslims became like a herd of sheep that scattered due to rain on a winter night. As Abu Hurayra put it, “If it were not for Abu Bakr (r.a.), Muslims would be destroyed after the death of the Messenger of Allah.“ However, with the help of Allah Almighty, Hz. Abu Bakr saved Muslims from these dangerous situations thanks to the skills and abilities Allah Almighty granted him.
Another important service of Hz. Abu Bakr was bringing all of the verses of the Quran together and compiling them in one binding. When a verse was revealed both in the period of Makkah and Madinah, the Prophet summoned one of the revelation scribes and dictated the verse immediately. Thus, the verses that were revealed at various times and places were written on pieces of paper, tanned leather, white, flat stones, scapulas of camels and palm leaves. The Prophet made the revelation scribe read the verse that he wrote in order to check it; if there was anything extra, he would remove it; if there was anything missing, he would add it. Thus, the Quran was written correctly and completely when the Prophet was alive. However, the written copies were not stored in a certain place. The Companions who wanted the copies took them home. The need to bring all of the verses together did not arise because the Prophet was alive and there were a lot of hafizes (the people who memorized the whole Quran). However, when a lot of hafizes were martyred during the Battle of Yamama, this need arose.
The first person to see this need (bringing all of the written verses of the Quran together) was Hz. Umar’. After the Battle of Yamama, he became worried that the number of hafizes would decrease and the copies of the verses would be lost. He talked to Hz. Abu Bakr about it. He offered to bring together all of the copies of the verses of the Quran, which were in different places. At first, Hz. Abu Bakr hesitated because the Prophet had not done so when he was alive. However, he accepted it due to the importance of the issue. They negotiated and decided to bring together all of the copies of the verses of the Quran.
The duty of collecting and compiling the verses of the Quran was given to Zayd bin Thabit, one of the scribes of revelation. Hz. Zayd was in his 20's then. However, he was one of the Companions that had memorized the whole Quran and that could read it very well.
As soon as Hz. Zayd undertook this holy duty, he took action. He made an announcement and asked those who had verses written on anything to bring to him with two witnesses testifying that they had been written in the presence of the Messenger of Allah. All of the Companions did their best to fulfill this duty. They brought the verses to Hz. Zayd with two witnesses testifying that they had been written in the presence of the Messenger of Allah. Hz. Zayd arranged those verses in the form of chapters.  
In about a year, all of the written verses of the Quran which had been in different places were brought together and compiled. Abu Bakr (r.a.) ordered Hz. Zayd to establish a committee consisting of the scholars of the Companions. The compiled verses of the Quran were read in their presence. All of them agreed that they were correct and in order.  
Hz. Abu Bakr kept the compiled Quran with him until he died. After his death, it was entrusted to Hz. Umar then to Hz. Umar’s daughter, Hz. Hafsa, who was also one of the wives of the Prophet. [ Bukhari, Fadailu’l -Qur’an: 2. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr prepared armies in order to make the needy hearts to meet Islam. He sent an army under the command of Khalid bin Walid to Iraq. This army gained victories after one another and conquered an important part of Iraq. He planted the flag of oneness there.  
After the conquest of Iraq, Hz. Abu Bakr sent Hz. Khalid bin Walid to Damascus. However, he died before receiving the news of the conquest of Damascus. When Abu Bakr died, it was the 13th year of the Migration. May Allah be pleased with him!
* * *
Hz. Abu Bakr was a person of taqwa. He always avoided haram and doubtful things.  
Once, his servant brought him some food. Hz. Abu Bakr was very hungry; so he ate it without asking the servant where he brought it from. Then, he asked the servant about the food.  
He said, “During the Era of Jahiliyya, I wrote a ruqya (talisman) for a woman and she promised me to pay for it later. That was what I brought you.“ Abu Bakr got very angry. He put his fingers down his throat vomited the morsel out. Those near him said, “You put yourself through a great deal of trouble for one morsel.“ he said,
‘If I had to die trying to get this morsel out I would do so; for, I heard the Messenger of Allah say, ‘He whose body is nourished by Haram is bound to burn in hellfire.'“ [ Hilya, 1: 31 ]
* * *
Hz. Abu Bakr was a superior person in terms of worshipping. Once, the Companions were around the Prophet (pbuh). He asked the Companions a question:  
“Who amongst you is observing fast today?“
Abu Bakr said, “I am. O Messenger of Allah!“
The Prophet asked again, “Who amongst you has joined a funeral today?
Abu Bakr said, “I have. O Messenger of Allah!“
The Prophet asked again, “Who amongst you has served food to the needy today?
Abu Bakr said, “I have. O Messenger of Allah!“
The Prophet asked again, “Who amongst you has visited a sick person today?
Abu Bakr said, “I have.“ The Messenger of Allah smiled and said,
“A person who has these qualities enters Paradise.“ [ Muslim, Fadailu’s-Sahaba: 12. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr read the Quran beautifully. He read the Quran so movingly that both he himself and listeners cried when he read it. In the first years of Islam, the women, children and slaves of the polytheists gathered around him to listen to the Quran. However, the polytheists prevented them from listening lest they should be Muslims.  
He was the most knowledgeable one among the Companions in terms of understanding the Quran and knowing the Sunnah. For, he was together with the Messenger of Allah throughout his life; he aimed to learn Islam and the Quran from the Prophet with all of his feelings and abilities. Therefore, the Messenger of Allah gave him the authority to issue fatwas even when he was alive. Hz. Abu Bakr knew the best what verse was sent down when and upon what incident.
Once Hz. Abu Bakr saw that some Companions misunderstood the following verse: “O ye who believe! Guard your own souls: if ye follow (right) guidance, no hurt can come to you from those who stray…“ (al-Maida, 105) He intervened and said,  
“You misunderstand this verse. I heard the Messenger of Allah say the following after reading this verse: ‘If people overlook the oppression of an oppressor and do not prevent him, all of them will be punished.’“ [ Tirmidhi, Zuhd: 60; Musnad, 1: 2. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr was a very rich person. He was also very generous. He was so generous that he sometimes spent all his wealth in the way of Allah. Hz. Umar narrates the following reminiscence regarding the issue:
“Once, the Messenger of Allah ordered us to donate for the cause of Islam. I was well off then. I thought, 'I can be superior to Abu Bakr this time.' I brought half of my wealth to the Messenger of Allah. The Messenger of Allah said,
‘What did you leave to your family?’ Umar said,
‘As much as I have brought here.’
After a while, Abu Bakr brought his wealth. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) asked him,  
‘O Abu Bakr! What did you leave to your family?’ Hz. Abu Bakr said,
‘I left the love of Allah and His Messenger to them.’
Thereupon, I said, ‘I can never be superior to Abu Bakr in charity.'“ [ Usdu’l-Ghaba, 3: 218; Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 16; Hilya, 1: 32. [ ]
The Prophet (pbuh) praised his generosity and self-sacrifice several times. Once, he said, “The most generous person among people in my eye is Abu Bakr in terms of his property and friendship.“
He also said, “There is nobody we have not been able to pay in return for their charity except Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr is so generous that his reward can only be given by Allah on the Day of Judgment.“ [ Usdu’l-Ghaba, 3: 218; Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 16; Hilya, 1: 32. [ ]
There are several hadiths of the Prophet about Hz. Abu Bakr expressing his appreciation and praise. Some of them are as follows:
“The most virtuous person apart from prophets is Abu Bakr.“ [ Faydul-Qadir, 1: 90. ]
Ibn Umar (r.a.) narrates:
“Once, the Prophet (pbuh) left his house and entered the mosque. Hz. Abu Bakr was on his right and Hz. Umar was on his left. He held the hands of both of them and said,
“We will be resurrected like this on the Day of Judgment.“ 
The following is stated in another hadith:
“If anyone gives sadaqah for the sake of Allah, he will be invited to enter Paradise with these words: 'O beloved servant of Allah. Come here. There is great goodness and abundance at this door.' Those who perform prayers a lot will be invited to enter by the gate of prayer; those who take part in jihad will be invited to enter by the gate of Jihad; those who give charity a lot will be invited to enter by the gate of charity; and those who observe fast will be invited to enter by the gate ar-Rayyan.“
Hz. Abu Bakr was there. He asked,
“May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! O Messenger of Allah! Can a person be invited by all doors?“ The Prophet (pbuh) said,
“Yes, it is possible. I hope you will be one of them.“ [ Muslim, Zakat: 86; Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 16. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr reported 142 hadiths from the Prophet. The reason why he did not report more hadiths is the fact that he lived only two years after the death of the Prophet. Besides, his engagement in state affairs prevented him from reporting more hadiths.  
One of the hadiths he reported is as follows:
“I advise you to be honest. Stick to honesty. For, honesty and goodness are together and both of them are in Paradise. Beware of telling lies. For, lying is together with evil; and both of them are in Hell. Ask forgiveness and health from Allah. Nothing better than forgiveness and health except belief has been given to anybody. Do not be jealous of one another. Do not nurture enmity toward one another. O slaves of Allah! Be brothers.“[ Musnad, 1: 3, 5. ]
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quranreadalong · 6 years
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The next surah is about Mohammed’s sex life, I regret to tell you, and so now is as good a time as any to discuss Mohammed’s many wives and sex slaves. Islam allows men to have four wives at any one time, but as we will see in the next surah, this does not apply to Mohammed, who can have as many wives as he wants. Straight men really be like that.
These will be brief biographies of his wives... but even so, I need multiple posts to discuss all of them. The man had a damn collection.
KHADIJA: A wealthy businesswoman who inherited money from her deceased husband’s estate and used it to grow her caravan, Khadija bint Khuwaylid was Mohammed’s first and only wife back when he was semi-normal in the pre-Islamic days. She was the mother of his only surviving children, and is therefore the ancestor to every person who claims descent from Mohammed himself. Despite that, frustratingly little is said of Khadija in reputable sources. We can put together a very basic outline of her life: she was born into a merchant family of the Banu Asad clan of the Quraysh. She was married twice before she met Mohammed, with both of her husbands being traders who died young. Between those two husbands, she had at least three and possibly up to five surviving children. Very little is said about them.
According to Ibn Ishaq’s sira, Mohammed was one of Khadija’s merchant contractors, hired to travel with the caravan to and from Syria. Upon his return, al-Tabari says that “he brought Khadijah her property, which she sold for twice the price or nearly so”. Khadija was impressed by his skills and proposed to him. Mohammed was unmarried at the time and accepted her proposal. Most sources say she was older than he was, though the actual age difference between the two varies from source to source.
The two seem to have had a fairly normal life until shortly before 610 AD, at which point Mo became increasingly withdrawn and reclusive. They had several children, some of whom died in childhood, as was typical for the era. Their surviving children were all girls--four daughters named Zaynab, Roqaya, Umm Kulthum, and Fatima. If you guessed that virtually nothing is said about Mohammed’s own goddamn children in reputable sources, you are correct! All we can say for sure is that all four ended up becoming Muslims, though the eldest stayed with her polytheistic husband in Mecca; he was later kidnapped by Mo’s goons in Medina and Zaynab was “encouraged” to go join her dad. All of them seem to have died of disease fairly young, in their twenties and thirties. Fatima is the only one who outlived Mohammed, but barely. We'll see more of Fatima later.
Khadija herself was, according to the biographies anyway, the first person Mohammed told about his whole angel-visiting adventures. The biographies state that Khadija had a cousin named Waraqa, who had converted to Christianity some years prior. He assured her that what Mohammed was talking about was similar to the message of Moses and said that he was a prophet. Waraqa conveniently dies and disappears from the story thereafter, and Gabriel ghosts on Mo for a while. Hmm.
The Prophet (ﷺ) then described whatever he had seen. Waraqa said, "This is the same Angel (Gabriel) who was sent to Moses. I wish I were young." He added some other statement. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) asked, "Will these people drive me out?" Waraqa said, "Yes, for nobody brought the like of what you have brought, but was treated with hostility. If I were to remain alive till your day (when you start preaching). then I would support you strongly." But a short while later Waraqa died and the Divine Inspiration was paused (stopped) for a while so that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) was very much grieved.
Regardless, Khadija seems to have believed Mohammed. And she stuck by her poor demented man’s side for around nine years after the prophet business started. According to most accounts, she, Ali (Mohammed’s younger cousin, who lived with them), and their adopted son Zayd (whose story we will be seeing this surah) were the first Muslims, other than Mohammed. Al-Tabari relates a story of a man stating:
I was a merchant, and I came during the pilgrimage and stayed with (Mohammed’s uncle) al-'Abbas. While we were with him, a man came out to pray and stood facing the Ka'bah. Then a woman came out and stood praying with him, followed by a youth who stood praying with him. I said, "'Abbas, what is this religion? I do not know what this religion is."
He answered, "This is Muhammad b. 'Abdallah, who claims that God has sent him as His Messenger with this (religion), and that the treasures of Chusroes and Caesar (Persian and Byzantine kings) will be given to him by conquest. This woman is his wife Khadijah bt. Khuwaylid, who has believed in him, and this youth is his cousin 'Ali b. Abi Talib, who has believed in him."
(Give yourself a pat on the back if you can spot the continuity error in this story.)
Again, surprisingly little is said about Khadija thereafter, even from not-entirely-reputable sources. It’s said that she was charitable. There’s a mention of how her relatives gave her supplies to get around that sketchy-sounding failed “boycott” of the Banu Hashim that we talked about. Then she dies in the year 619 AD. That’s literally all that is said about her in the early biographies and histories. It’s especially frustrating because we’re told over and over that Khadija was respected by the Quraysh, so you’d think she played an important role in the early years of Islam, right? Being a brand ambassador of sorts? But it never really says that.
Part of the problem with Khadija is that she kicked the bucket before the migration to Medina--and as we’ve seen before, there’s just a lot more written about the Medina days than the Mecca days. So Khadija ends up disappearing from the story a bit, even though she was clearly either the most prominent or one of the most prominent of Mohammed’s wives. But even after her death, she remained Mohammed’s favorite wife, in addition to Aisha (who was jealous of Mo’s devotion to her memory). Mo seems to have had a decreased sperm count or something in his older days, so he only conceived one other child that we know of, and that child died. Khadija’s status as the mother of his only adult children permanently put her above the other women.
SAUDA: After Khadija died, Mohammed needed someone to take care of his daughters. Enter Sauda. Again there is little said about her in the reputable sources, but what we can put together is this: Sauda was from the Banu Amir ibn Luayy clan of the Quraysh and was married to a guy named as-Sakran ibn Amr, who was a merchant and the brother of a Qurayshi leader named Suhayl ibn Amr. They had one child. The family converted to Islam fairly early on, though the exact time and circumstances are unknown, and the details of Sakran’s later life are a bit sketchy (some sources say he died of illness, others say he left Islam). They lived together in the Muslim trading community in Abyssinia for a while, then Sauda and her son returned to Mecca. Upon her return, she sought Mohammed’s blessing for another marriage. He offered to marry her himself, as Khadija had been dead for about a year. Sauda accepted and became his daughters’ caretaker. That was her primary role in Casa Mohammed.
Aisha did like Sauda, for those keeping track, even though she repeatedly called her a fattie. And yes, that will also be relevant this surah. She didn’t leave much of a definitive mark on Islamic history beyond that incident. Presumably she was quite close to Mohammed’s daughters, since she took care of them, but there isn’t much said about their relationship.
In Mohammed’s last years of life, Sauda allowed him to stop performing his “husbandly duties” with her, knowing that he was not attracted to her. She donated her allotted time with Mohammed to Aisha instead. This is often presented as Sauda’s way of ensuring he did not divorce her.
Little is said about her later life, but she probably outlived Mohammed by at least a few years. Al-Tabari says her son died during the Islamic army’s invasions of Persia.
AISHA: Ah, Aisha, the one that makes everyone uncomfortable. Aisha was the younger daughter of Abu Bakr, who was a wealthy merchant from the Banu Taym clan of the Quraysh. Abu Bakr was well-known, influential, and respected in his community, and his conversion to Islam was a very big deal. (The exact timing of his conversion is uncertain--it was early, for sure, but early Muslims’ desperate attempts to say that he converted before Ali or any other man are probably bullshit.) He was the biggest sucker Mohammed picked up in those early years. Mo thought it would be a good idea to tie himself to his new lackey as tightly as possible, and there was no better way to do it than marry his daughter.
Even though many people really wish it weren’t true, Aisha was by unanimous agreement (prior to the 20th century, when Muslims realized ppl were making fun of them for it) six to seven years old at the time of the marriage. They were technically married before Sauda came into the picture, though they did not start living together as man and child wife until she was nine, by which point they’d moved to Medina. Evidently Mo, being a gentleman, waited for her to start her period before taking her into his bed. Now that’s classy.
While the marriage was obviously a political thing combined with deeply questionable morality, Mohammed would later tell Aisha that Allah himself wanted them to get married.
the Prophet (ﷺ) said to her, "You have been shown to me twice in my dream. I saw you pictured on a piece of silk and some-one said (to me). 'This is your wife.' When I uncovered the picture, I saw that it was yours. I said, 'If this is from Allah, it will be done."
As Mohammed’s youngest wife and prime grooming victim, Aisha would quickly establish herself as The Favorite, to the point that his other wives felt neglected. Aisha was often childish and petty as a kid, but Mohammed indulged her (given that she was, you know, a child). Her antics seemed to amuse him. We’ve already seen some of Aisha’s trials and tribulations in her teenage years, like The Slander, but through it all she remained his favorite wife; he died by her side.
Aisha is a complicated character, and modern Muslims’ reluctance to talk about her (beyond saying she narrated a lot of ahadith) due to the child bride issue doesn’t help anyone understand her any better. Remember, she was only eighteen when Mo died. Her father had just become the leader of their community, and not everyone was happy about it. In the ensuing decades, the Muslims would encounter tensions and civil strife that pit the core members of the Qurayshi Muslims against one another.
Since Mohammed was the sun that the Muslims’ world revolved around, those who knew him best automatically had a great deal of power, and Aisha knew that people would want to know as many personal details as possible about her deceased husband. Details that only she knew. And she would use that opportunity to shape her own legacy. Whenever there was a question about the proper Islamic way of doing things, or whether something was or was not permissible, Aisha could just say “well, when the Prophet was with me, he’d do it this way”, and several debates were ended on the basis of her testimony. Was everything she said true? Honestly, probably not (more on that later), but the girl knew how to play the game.
When this project is over, I’m gonna have an epilogue where I go over this, but for now let it suffice to say that Aisha’s most controversial moment came after the death of the caliph Uthman. The fallout of his assassination, and differing opinions over what to do about it, provoked a political crisis. Some decisions she made resulted in sectarian issues that persist to this day. If you want my personal opinion: given that she was forced to marry a cult leader as a child (and her dad was kind of a dick to her too, even beyond that), prevented from marrying thereafter, called a whore and belittled as a teenager, and roped into the political conflicts of a rapidly expanding imperial state, she did pretty damn alright for herself.
Regardless, after the whole Uthman fiasco, Aisha kind of fades from the record (along with every other woman tbh). She lived for quite a while, dying in the 670s AD, but her adventuring days were long behind her.
HAFSA: Umar’s eldest daughter; Hafsa was already married to some irrelevant guy as a teenager and was left widowed when he died. Her father offered her to both Abu Bakr and Uthman, but they turned him down, knowing that Mohammed wanted her for himself. Shortly thereafter, around the year 624 AD, Mohammed suggested the marriage. Umar accepted the match and they were wed when she was roughly 19 years old. Like Aisha, this was almost certainly a political move--Umar was Bro #2, and Mohammed wanted to bring him into the family. (Bro #3, Uthman, would go on to marry two of Mohammed’s own daughters.)
Hafsa’s most notable contribution in Islamic history is usually said to be her involvement in the collection of the Quran. But the ahadith actually flesh out her character to a surprising extent. To me, it seems like she had a sort of bitchy friendship with Aisha, with Hafsa irritated by her younger sister-wife’s status as The Favorite but still drawn to her, as the two were the youngest of Mohammed’s early wives. Their interactions always make me laugh. Here, for example, is a story from when Mohammed was dying:
[Aisha said:] Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) in his last illness said, "Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer." I said, "If Abu Bakr stood in your place, he would not be able to make the people hear him owing to his weeping. So please order `Umar to lead the prayer." He said, "Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer." I said to Hafsa, "Say to him, 'Abu Bakr is a softhearted man and if he stood in your place he would not be able to make the people hear him owing to his weeping. So order `Umar to lead the people in the prayer.' " Hafsa did so but Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Keep quiet. Verily you are the companions of (Prophet) Joseph (referring to those ladies from the Joseph story). Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in the prayer." Hafsa said to me, "I never got any good from you."
Here’s another good one. Umar was his usual dickish self to his poor daughter and reminded Hafsa that Mohammed liked Aisha better than her, so I dunno, maybe living with Mohammed instead of her father wasn’t such a terrible trade-off. We’ll see more of Hafsa in a later surah and find out why Mohammed briefly divorced her. She outlived Mohammed and died around age 50.
ZAYNAB 1: This woman was named Zaynab bint Khuzayma and basically nothing is known about her because she died of disease barely a year after Mohammed married her. She was probably around 30 years old and had been previously married to a man who was unlucky enough to die at Badr. Other biographies say he instead died at Uhud. No one can agree on who the guy even was, though usually he's said to have been one of Mohammed's many cousins. Zaynab 1′s one notable detail mentioned in some biographies is that she gave food to a poor beggar once. Other than that, there’s nothing much to say. 
UMM SALAMA: Real name Hind bint Abi Umayya, Umm Salama’s father had been a wealthy merchant and one of the leaders of Mecca, and her first husband was one of Mohammed’s cousins via his aunt. (One of her father's other wives was also an aunt of Mohammed, showing how all the important Qurayshi families were connected to each other.) As such, she was an upper-class woman.
She and her husband converted to Islam early on and were some of the first to move to Abyssinia, where the Muslims lived in a merchant community along the coast across the sea from Arabia. When they returned home, they moved to Medina with the other Muslims (a hadith mentioned by Ibn Ishaq says that Umm Salama was originally caught in a scuffle between her clan and her husband’s clan and prevented from leaving, but then they let her go), but Umm Salama’s husband later died of wounds he’d incurred at Uhud. As she was from an important family, the widow of his cousin, and a mother of young children, Mohammed offered to marry her.
There are some ahadith that, taken together, suggest that Umm Salama was one of Mohammed’s most respected wives, especially after his death. That is not particularly surprising given her pedigree and her family’s status. In particular, she is assigned the role of Ali’s primary supporter among Mohammed’s widows in the mess that unfolded after Uthman’s death, with Aisha leading the wives in the other camp. (We’ll get to that eventually.) There are stories that indicate that she was quite close to both Fatima and Ali and that she defended Ali against accusations of incompetence and inadequacy. A few Shia traditions also have her weeping in the aftermath of the Battle of Karbala, which resulted in the death of Fatima and Ali’s son Hussein. Beyond these two incidents, little is said of her later days (are you detecting a theme yet?), though she evidently lived into her 80s.
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mdtanbirrahman · 4 years
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Best post ever i saw in my life😎 PROPHET' S BIOGRAPHY M U H A M M A D (S. A. W) ▪Name : Muhammad (SAW) ▪Father : Abdullah ▪Mother : Aminah ▪Date of Birth : 12th Rabi Al - Awwal ▪Date of Death : 08 Jun 632 11 after Hijra ▪Age : 63 yrs ▪Place of Birth : Makkah ▪Place of Death : Madinah ▪Residence : Makkah then moved to Madina ▪Profession : Prophet and businessman ▪Age : 63 years ▪Lived in Makkah : 50 years ▪Nabowat Age : 40 years ▪Lived in Madinah ; 13 years ▪Yrs of Preaching : 23 years ▪Merchant : 26 years 583–609 CE ▪Preacher : 23 years 609–632 CE End of Worldly Life : 08 June 632. (11th after Hijra) ☆ A C T I O N S ☆ 1) Virtue 2) Preaching 3) Jihad in Islam ☆ B E H A V I O U R ☆ 1) Peace and Justice 2) Loving every body 3) Liking of Muslims 4) Philanthropic 5) Respectful of any organ (animals?) WIVES & MARRIED PERIOD 1) Khadija bint Khuwaylid 595–619 (2) Sawda bint Zamʿa 619–632 (3) Aisha bint Abi Bakr 619–632 (4) Hafsa bint Umar 624–632 (5) Zaynab bint Khuzayma 625–627 (6) Hind bint Abi Umayya 625–632 (7) Zaynab bint Jahsh 627–632 (8) Juwayriyya bint al-Harith 628–632 (9) Ramla bint Abi Sufyan 628–632 (10) Rayhana bint Zayd 629–631 (11) Safiyya bint Huyayy 629–632 (12) Maymunah bint al-Harith 630–632 (13) Maria al-Qibtiyya 630–632 C H I L D R E N ★ Boys : (1) Al-Qassem (2) Abdullah (3) Ibrahim ★ Girls : (1) Zaynab (2) Ruqayyah (3) Ummu Kalthoom (4) Fatima The Man Called MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) 10 Miracles Everyone Must Know About Prophet MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) 1) Do you know that > "Flies, insects, ants and mosquitoes" never land on his body let alone of bitting him ? (S.A.W) 2) Do you know that > He did not "yawn" in his life time ? (S.A.W) 3) Do you know that > Both "Domestic and wild Animals" were never for a second angry with him ? (S.A.W) 4) Do you know that > During his "sleep" he heard all "conversations ? (S.A.W) 5) Do you know that > He could see every thing both in *"front" and at the "back" at the same time without turning ? (S.A.W) 6) Do you know that > He was always "one foot taller" than any body that came "near" him ? (at Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sm. ﻣُﺤَﻤَّﺪٌ ﺭَّﺳُﻮْﻝُ ﺍﻟﻠّٰﻪِؕ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_kpXoqFmUoAviJKEmntVsVSLZHBlgPVhiRgpQ0/?igshid=5qjo2uk09l51
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khadim-alzahra · 7 years
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One day late but needed to be posted, this shows you the root of today's crimes, Ziad was a filth and he inherited these crimes from his predecessor, not Mu'awyiah even, before than, likes of Abū Bakr, 'Umar, 'Aisha, and those who ascribe lies to the Prophet, Abū Hurarah and Anas. If you read their history you will discover all these crimes and much more, for what Ziād did is a fraction of what they did. This was translated from book Taqeem al-Shī'ā: *** Fourth of the Month of Ramadan: Event On the year 53 AH, fourth of the Month of Ramadan, Ziad, son of his Father (as he is famously called) died in the City of Kufa (Tarikh Dimshq, V.19, P.204). He was known as Ziad b. Abih, Ziad b. Umahi, Ziad b. ‘Obeid, or Ziad b. Sumayah. Amongst these titles the first one is established as the most used during that time and even in the books of history and Abih, means his father and when someone’s father isn’t known (which is in this case) he is ascribed to son of ‘his Father’. He was also called by the name of Ziad b. Abi Sufyan since he followed Mu’awyiah and admitted to the adultery committed by his mother and called himself a brother of Mu’awyiah. His mother, Sumayah, who at first was a maid to the doctor known as al-Harith b. Kaldah. al-Harith b. Kaldah would instruct her to tend to the grasslands and sheep. Her filth and lustful self pushed her to perform many obscene actions whilst in the desert lands and al-Harith had no choice but to keep her away from him. Following, she accompanied a man by the name of ‘Obeid al-Ra’ah (the caretaker of the grasslands, gardens, sheep) al-Thaqafi. Her stay with ‘Obeid pushed her to become a well known prostitute in that area calling forth men by the use of the red flag (which was used as an indication for zinah (adultery) during that time). It is said that even ‘Obeid was disgusted and that the family of ‘Obeid felt like shame was brought upon the family. See below for part II #Fact #History #Kabul #Karrada #Iraq #Bloodshed #ImamAli #Ahlulbayt #CrimesAgainstHumanity #HumanRights
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lifeofresulullah · 1 year
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Battle of Uhud and Afterwards
The Battle of Sons of Mustaliq
(The month of Shaban in the 5th Year of the Migration)
Harith b. Abi Dirar, the leader of Sons of Mustaliq clan of the Khuzaa tribe, gathered a few Arab tribes and prepared to walk against Muslims in Madinah.
That news reached Madinah. The Prophet wanted to find out whether it was true or not. Therefore, the Prophet appointed Burayda b. Husayb, a Companion, to go to the land of Sons of Mustaliq and find out about the situation.  
Before leaving Madinah, Burayda asked the Prophet if he could tell lies so as not to make them suspicious and so as to protect himself. The Messenger of God allowed him to do so when it was necessary.
Burayda went to the land of Sons of Mustaliq. He acted as if he was one of them. He said, “I am together with you. I hear that you gathered against the Prophet. I want to join you with the people who follow me from my tribe. I want to cooperate with you until we eliminate all of them!”
Harith b. Abi Dirar, the leader of the Sons of Mustaliq said, “We are getting ready for it. Hurry up to join us!”
Burayda said, “I will mount my horse now and come back with a lot of people from my tribe.” Then, he left their land.
Burayda went to Madinah at once and told the Messenger of God about the situation.
The Islamic Army Moves
It was the second Monday of the month of Shaban.
The Messenger of God appointed Zayd bin Haritha as his deputy and set off from Madinah with seven hundred people. Besides, Hazrat Aisha and Umm Salama, two of the wives of the Prophet joined the army, too.
It was strange that the munafiqs were not as interested in any other expeditions as they were in this one. Most of them joined the Islamic army. Their aim was to benefit from the booty and to cause mischief among Muslims by watching for an opportunity.
The End of Sons of Mustaliq
While moving toward the Muraysi Water, the Islamic army captured one of the spies of the enemy. When he rejected to be a Muslim, he was killed.
When Sons of Mustaliq heard about it, they were very scared; many people that they had gathered left them.
The Messenger of God reached the Muraysi Water with his army. He set up a tent made of leather. Then, he arranged his army to fight. He gave the standard of the muhajirs to Hazrat Abu Bakr and the standard of the Ansar to  Sa’d b. Ubada. He told Hazrat Umar to call out to them as,  “Say, ‘La ilaha illallah!’ and save your lives and property.”
Sons of Mustaliq did not accept the offer; besides, they started the battle by shooting arrows at the mujahids.
Thereupon, the mujahids started to shoot arrows at them. Then, the Prophet ordered his army to attack them suddenly. As a result of the attack, ten people from Sons of Mustaliq were killed and the others were held captives.
Only one mujahid from the Islamic army was killed by mistake by a Muslim who thought that he was an enemy soldier.
There were about two hundred captives from Sons of Mustaliq. Many camels, cattle and sheep were captured as booty. The booty was brought together and distributed in due form. The captives were distributed among the mujahids.
This battle was called the Battle of Muraysi because it took place near Muraysi Water.
A Plot of Munafiqs
After the Victory of Muraysi, the Prophet found it appropriate to stay and rest there for a few days. As we have mentioned before, many munafiqs had joined this expedition. According to some resources, munafiqs had never shown so much interest in any other expedition. Their interest in the expedition was not without any reason. On the one hand, they wanted to have some of the bounties; on the other hand, they wanted to set Muslims, who were increasing in number and gaining strength, against one another by making use of the slightest opportunity…
During their stay there, a quarrel took place between Sinan b. Wabar al-Juhani, who was the ally of Sons of Amr from the tribe of Khazraj and Jahjah, the stableman that Hazrat Umar hired from Sons of Ghifar, because they mistook their buckets near the well. Jahjah hit Sinan’s face with slaps and fists; Sinan’s face was in blood. Sinan yelled, “O Ansar! Where are you? Help!”
Meanwhile, Jahjah shouted, “O Muhajirs! Where are you?”
When Muhajirs and Ansar heard them, they rushed to the well. They drew their swords. They nearly fought. Some of the notables of Muhajirs and Ansar intervened and soothed them.  
Meanwhile, the Messenger of God arrived and said, “Is the cause of the people of Jahiliyya pursued here? Why are you screaming and yelling? What is the matter?”
When the Companions said that a muhajir had slapped a person from Ansar, the Prophet said, “Give up the customs of Jahiliyya; it is a filth and evil. A person who pursues the customs of Jahiliyya throws himself into Hell.”
Thereupon, Sinan gave up seeking his right from Jahjah.
Abdullah b. Ubay Aggravates the Situation
Meanwhile, Abdullah b. Ubay b. Sa­lul, the leader of the munafiqs, came forward because it was an unmissable opportunity for him. He wanted to sow discord among Muslims. He called out, “O Ansar! Those muhajirs gained strength and fame thanks to you; now they are insulting us.”
Then, he turned to his tribe in a devilish manner and added, “You brought them to your city; you gave them goods and you went into partnership with them. You yourselves caused this contempt. When we return to Madinah, the honored and strong ones (he meant himself and his tribe) will expel the mean and weak ones (he meant the Prophet and the muhajirs) from the city.” Then, he talked a lot of nonsense.
Hazrat Zayd b. Arqam, a young Companion who was present, opposed Abdullah b. Ubay and said, “I swear by God that you are the mean and cursed one in your tribe. Muhammad (pbuh) was made honorable by God.”
When the leader of the munafiqs heard it, he changed his attitude and said, “O my brother’s son! Keep quiet! I swear by God that I was joking!” Thus, he showed his hypocrisy.
Zayd b. Arqam did not keep quiet. He told the Prophet whatever he heard from Abdullah b. Ubay. The color of the face of the Prophet changed. There were people like Hazrat Abu Bakr, Uthman, Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas, Muhammad b. Mas­lama from Muhajirs and Ansar near the Prophet. However, he wanted to investigate the issue. He said to Zayd, “I hope you do not say so because of your hatred and enmity against Ibn Ubay.”
Zayd said, “No! I swear by God that I heard them from him.”
The Messenger of God asked again, “You may have misheard.”
Zayd swore by God for the second time that he heard those words exactly from the leader of the munafiqs.
It was heard by the people in the army that Abdullah b. Ubay uttered those words. Some of the Ansar condemned Zayd b. Arqam by saying to him, “You uttered unjust words about the leader of your tribe.”
Zayd said to them, “I swear by God that I heard them from him! If I heard those from my own father, I would never hesitate to tell the Messenger of God about it. I hope that God will send revelation to his Prophet and tell him who is lying and that the Messenger of God will confirm what I say.”
Then he prayed, “O God! Send Your Messenger Your revelation that will confirm what I say!”
Meanwhile, Hazrat Umar said, “O Messenger of God! Allow me to kill that munafiq. If you do not find it appropriate for one of the muhajirs to kill him, order Sa’d b. Muadh or Muhammad b. Maslama to kill him!”
The Messenger of God did not like that offer and he gave the following answer: “If I allow him to be killed, many notables of Madinah will feel scared and worried. Besides, those who do not know the inside story will start to say, ‘Muhammad is killing his friends’. Then, what will happen?”
The Messenger of God ordered the mujahids to set off to Madinah though it was the hottest hour of the day. In fact, he had never set off during the hottest hour of the day before.
Abdullah b. Ubay Denies What He Has Said
The Messenger of God summoned Abdullah b. Ubay and asked him,
“Did you utter the words that I heard?”
The leader of the munafiqs denied what he had said: “No! I swear by God, who sent down the Book to you that I did not utter any of those words. Zayd is definitely a liar!”
They Ask the Prophet Why They Set Off When it is Very Hot
Muslims were very surprised when the Prophet decided to set off during the hottest hour of the day.
Usayd b. Khudayr, who was one of the notables of Ansar, said, “O Messenger of God! It is not appropriate to set off at this hour. You never used to set off at this hour.”
The Messenger of God said, “Did you not hear what your man said?”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “What man, O Messenger of God?”
The Prophet said, “Abdullah b. Ubay…”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “What did he say?”
The Prophet said,“He said, ‘When we return to Madinah, the honored and strong ones will expel the mean and weak ones from the city’.”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “O Messenger of God! If you want, you can expel him from Madinah! I swear by God that he is the one that is mean and weak and you are the one that is honored and strong! O Messenger of God! Treat him leniently and compassionately! I swear by God that when God sent you to us, his tribe was preparing to crown him. He thinks you removed his sultanate!”
The Prophet did not want the mujahids to be kept busy with what Abdullah b. Ubay said. Therefore, they went on travelling until the next morning. The mujahids got very tired. When the sun started to affect them, they stopped. Since they were very tired, they immediately slept.
Thus, the Prophet did not let the rumor prevail in the army.
What the Strong Storm Meant
When the Messenger of God was about to leave from the place called Baqa with his army, a strong storm broke. The mujahids felt scared. They were worried that Uyayna b. Hisn, the leader of the Ghatafan tribe would attack Madinah. The treaty they had signed with him had ended.
The Messenger of God said, “Uyayna b. Hisn will not harm you. Do not feel scared. This storm is blowing due to the death of a big unbeliever!”
What the Messenger of God said was right. When they arrived in Madinah, they found out that Rufa’a b. Zayd b. Ta­but, one of the notables of the Jews who supported the munafiqs, had died.[20]He was one of the ferocious enemies of the Prophet and Islam.
The Offer of Abdullah
It was the irony of the fate… Abdullah b. Ubay was the leader of the munafiqs whereas his son Abdullah was a sincere Muslim who practiced Islam seriously and piously. When he heard what his fathers had said, he went to the presence of the Prophet.
He said, “O Messenger of God! I heard the incidence between you and my father. I heard that you wanted to kill him. If you really want to do it, order me to do it and I will bring his head to you. All of the people of Khazraj know that I love my father a lot. If you let somebody else kill him, I might be an enemy of that person and might kill that believer in return for an unbeliever and go to Hell!”
The belief of the Companions was strong; a Companion wanted to cut off the head of his father, who had insulted the Messenger of God and Muslims!
The Messenger of God consoled him with the answer he gave: “O Ab­dullah! I did not want to kill your father; I did not appoint anybody to kill him. We will treat him well as long as he lives with us!”
Abdullah Confronts his Father
The Islamic army was approaching Madinah.
Abdullah dismounted his horse in the valley called Aqiq. He stood in front of his father. He made his camel sit. Then he said to his father, “I will not let you go unless you say majesty and power belong to God and His messenger!”
The leader of the munafiqs was astonished. The one that uttered those words was Abdullah, his son. Ubay, who pretended to believe in God, could not know what belief could make man do. He said to his son, “You say you will not let me go to Madinah among so many people here. Is that right?”
Abdullah said, “Yes. I will not let you go today until I teach you who is mean and who is honorable among the people here. If you do not say and accept that majesty and honor belong to God and His Messenger here, I will kill you!”
When the leader of the munafiqs saw that Abdullah was serious and determined, he had to say, “I witness that majesty and power belong to God, His messenger and believers.”
When the Messenger of God was informed about the incident, he said to Abdullah, “May God reward you due to His Messenger and believers” and ordered him to release his father.
Returning to Madinah
The Messenger of God returned to Madinah with his army after twenty-eight days, when the crescent of Ramadan was seen.
A Separate Chapter is Sent down about the Munafiqs
After those incidents, a separate chapter was sent down about Abdullah b. Ubay b. Salul, the leader of the munafiqs and the other munafiqs. The following was stated about the characteristics of the munafiqs in the chapter:
“When the Hypocrites come to thee, they say “We bear witness that thou art indeed the Messenger of God.” Yea, God knoweth that thou art indeed His Messenger, and God beareth witness that the Hypocrites are indeed liars.
They have made their oaths a screen (for their misdeeds): thus they obstruct (men) from the Path of God: truly evil are their deeds.
That is because they believed, then they rejected Faith: so a seal was set on their hearts: therefore they understand not.
When thou lookest at them, their exteriors please thee; and when they speak, thou listenest to their words. They are as (worthless as hollow) pieces of timber propped up, (unable to stand on their own). They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemies; so beware of them. The curse of God be on them! How are they deluded (away from the Truth)!”
In the verses that followed, what Abdullah b. Ubay had uttered was mentioned and the following was added:
“They are the ones who say, “Spend nothing on those who are with God’s Messenger, to the end that they may disperse (and quit Madinah). But to God belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth; but the Hypocrites understand not.
They say, "If we return to Madinah, surely the more honourable (element) will expel there from the meaner.” But honour belongs to God and His Messenger, and to the Believers; but the Hypocrites know not.”
God Confirmed What Zayd Had Said
When those verses were sent down and when it was stated that the munafiqs were liars, the Messenger of God called Zayd, held his ear and said, “Here is the young man who fulfilled his duty in the way of God through his ear!” Then, he said, “O Zayd! God confirmed what you had said!”
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lifeofresulullah · 2 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: The Battle of Uhud and Afterwards
The Battle of Sons of Mustaliq
(The month of Shaban in the 5th Year of the Migration)
Harith b. Abi Dirar, the leader of Sons of Mustaliq clan of the Khuzaa tribe, gathered a few Arab tribes and prepared to walk against Muslims in Madinah.
That news reached Madinah. The Prophet wanted to find out whether it was true or not. Therefore, the Prophet appointed Burayda b. Husayb, a Companion, to go to the land of Sons of Mustaliq and find out about the situation.  
Before leaving Madinah, Burayda asked the Prophet if he could tell lies so as not to make them suspicious and so as to protect himself. The Messenger of God allowed him to do so when it was necessary.
Burayda went to the land of Sons of Mustaliq. He acted as if he was one of them. He said, “I am together with you. I hear that you gathered against the Prophet. I want to join you with the people who follow me from my tribe. I want to cooperate with you until we eliminate all of them!”
Harith b. Abi Dirar, the leader of the Sons of Mustaliq said, “We are getting ready for it. Hurry up to join us!”
Burayda said, “I will mount my horse now and come back with a lot of people from my tribe.” Then, he left their land.
Burayda went to Madinah at once and told the Messenger of God about the situation.
The Islamic Army Moves
It was the second Monday of the month of Shaban.
The Messenger of God appointed Zayd bin Haritha as his deputy and set off from Madinah with seven hundred people. Besides, Hazrat Aisha and Umm Salama, two of the wives of the Prophet joined the army, too.
It was strange that the munafiqs were not as interested in any other expeditions as they were in this one. Most of them joined the Islamic army. Their aim was to benefit from the booty and to cause mischief among Muslims by watching for an opportunity.
The End of Sons of Mustaliq
While moving toward the Muraysi Water, the Islamic army captured one of the spies of the enemy. When he rejected to be a Muslim, he was killed.
When Sons of Mustaliq heard about it, they were very scared; many people that they had gathered left them.
The Messenger of God reached the Muraysi Water with his army. He set up a tent made of leather. Then, he arranged his army to fight. He gave the standard of the muhajirs to Hazrat Abu Bakr and the standard of the Ansar to  Sa’d b. Ubada. He told Hazrat Umar to call out to them as,  “Say, ‘La ilaha illallah!’ and save your lives and property.”
Sons of Mustaliq did not accept the offer; besides, they started the battle by shooting arrows at the mujahids.
Thereupon, the mujahids started to shoot arrows at them. Then, the Prophet ordered his army to attack them suddenly. As a result of the attack, ten people from Sons of Mustaliq were killed and the others were held captives.
Only one mujahid from the Islamic army was killed by mistake by a Muslim who thought that he was an enemy soldier.
There were about two hundred captives from Sons of Mustaliq. Many camels, cattle and sheep were captured as booty. The booty was brought together and distributed in due form. The captives were distributed among the mujahids.
This battle was called the Battle of Muraysi because it took place near Muraysi Water.
A Plot of Munafiqs
After the Victory of Muraysi, the Prophet found it appropriate to stay and rest there for a few days. As we have mentioned before, many munafiqs had joined this expedition. According to some resources, munafiqs had never shown so much interest in any other expedition. Their interest in the expedition was not without any reason. On the one hand, they wanted to have some of the bounties; on the other hand, they wanted to set Muslims, who were increasing in number and gaining strength, against one another by making use of the slightest opportunity…
During their stay there, a quarrel took place between Sinan b. Wabar al-Juhani, who was the ally of Sons of Amr from the tribe of Khazraj and Jahjah, the stableman that Hazrat Umar hired from Sons of Ghifar, because they mistook their buckets near the well. Jahjah hit Sinan’s face with slaps and fists; Sinan’s face was in blood. Sinan yelled, “O Ansar! Where are you? Help!”
Meanwhile, Jahjah shouted, “O Muhajirs! Where are you?”
When Muhajirs and Ansar heard them, they rushed to the well. They drew their swords. They nearly fought. Some of the notables of Muhajirs and Ansar intervened and soothed them.  
Meanwhile, the Messenger of God arrived and said, “Is the cause of the people of Jahiliyya pursued here? Why are you screaming and yelling? What is the matter?”
When the Companions said that a muhajir had slapped a person from Ansar, the Prophet said, “Give up the customs of Jahiliyya; it is a filth and evil. A person who pursues the customs of Jahiliyya throws himself into Hell.”
Thereupon, Sinan gave up seeking his right from Jahjah.
Abdullah b. Ubay Aggravates the Situation
Meanwhile, Abdullah b. Ubay b. Sa­lul, the leader of the munafiqs, came forward because it was an unmissable opportunity for him. He wanted to sow discord among Muslims. He called out, “O Ansar! Those muhajirs gained strength and fame thanks to you; now they are insulting us.”
Then, he turned to his tribe in a devilish manner and added, “You brought them to your city; you gave them goods and you went into partnership with them. You yourselves caused this contempt. When we return to Madinah, the honored and strong ones (he meant himself and his tribe) will expel the mean and weak ones (he meant the Prophet and the muhajirs) from the city.” Then, he talked a lot of nonsense.
Hazrat Zayd b. Arqam, a young Companion who was present, opposed Abdullah b. Ubay and said, “I swear by God that you are the mean and cursed one in your tribe. Muhammad (pbuh) was made honorable by God.”
When the leader of the munafiqs heard it, he changed his attitude and said, “O my brother’s son! Keep quiet! I swear by God that I was joking!” Thus, he showed his hypocrisy.
Zayd b. Arqam did not keep quiet. He told the Prophet whatever he heard from Abdullah b. Ubay. The color of the face of the Prophet changed. There were people like Hazrat Abu Bakr, Uthman, Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas, Muhammad b. Mas­lama from Muhajirs and Ansar near the Prophet. However, he wanted to investigate the issue. He said to Zayd, “I hope you do not say so because of your hatred and enmity against Ibn Ubay.”
Zayd said, “No! I swear by God that I heard them from him.”
The Messenger of God asked again, “You may have misheard.”
Zayd swore by God for the second time that he heard those words exactly from the leader of the munafiqs.
It was heard by the people in the army that Abdullah b. Ubay uttered those words. Some of the Ansar condemned Zayd b. Arqam by saying to him, “You uttered unjust words about the leader of your tribe.”
Zayd said to them, “I swear by God that I heard them from him! If I heard those from my own father, I would never hesitate to tell the Messenger of God about it. I hope that God will send revelation to his Prophet and tell him who is lying and that the Messenger of God will confirm what I say.”
Then he prayed, “O God! Send Your Messenger Your revelation that will confirm what I say!”
Meanwhile, Hazrat Umar said, “O Messenger of God! Allow me to kill that munafiq. If you do not find it appropriate for one of the muhajirs to kill him, order Sa’d b. Muadh or Muhammad b. Maslama to kill him!”
The Messenger of God did not like that offer and he gave the following answer: “If I allow him to be killed, many notables of Madinah will feel scared and worried. Besides, those who do not know the inside story will start to say, ‘Muhammad is killing his friends’. Then, what will happen?”
The Messenger of God ordered the mujahids to set off to Madinah though it was the hottest hour of the day. In fact, he had never set off during the hottest hour of the day before.
Abdullah b. Ubay Denies What He Has Said
The Messenger of God summoned Abdullah b. Ubay and asked him,
“Did you utter the words that I heard?”
The leader of the munafiqs denied what he had said: “No! I swear by God, who sent down the Book to you that I did not utter any of those words. Zayd is definitely a liar!”
They Ask the Prophet Why They Set Off When it is Very Hot
Muslims were very surprised when the Prophet decided to set off during the hottest hour of the day.
Usayd b. Khudayr, who was one of the notables of Ansar, said, “O Messenger of God! It is not appropriate to set off at this hour. You never used to set off at this hour.”
The Messenger of God said, “Did you not hear what your man said?”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “What man, O Messenger of God?”
The Prophet said, “Abdullah b. Ubay…”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “What did he say?”
The Prophet said,“He said, ‘When we return to Madinah, the honored and strong ones will expel the mean and weak ones from the city’.”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “O Messenger of God! If you want, you can expel him from Madinah! I swear by God that he is the one that is mean and weak and you are the one that is honored and strong! O Messenger of God! Treat him leniently and compassionately! I swear by God that when God sent you to us, his tribe was preparing to crown him. He thinks you removed his sultanate!”[19]
The Prophet did not want the mujahids to be kept busy with what Abdullah b. Ubay said. Therefore, they went on travelling until the next morning. The mujahids got very tired. When the sun started to affect them, they stopped. Since they were very tired, they immediately slept.
Thus, the Prophet did not let the rumor prevail in the army.
What the Strong Storm Meant
When the Messenger of God was about to leave from the place called Baqa with his army, a strong storm broke. The mujahids felt scared. They were worried that Uyayna b. Hisn, the leader of the Ghatafan tribe would attack Madinah. The treaty they had signed with him had ended.
The Messenger of God said, “Uyayna b. Hisn will not harm you. Do not feel scared. This storm is blowing due to the death of a big unbeliever!”
What the Messenger of God said was right. When they arrived in Madinah, they found out that Rufa’a b. Zayd b. Ta­but, one of the notables of the Jews who supported the munafiqs, had died.[20]He was one of the ferocious enemies of the Prophet and Islam.
The Offer of Abdullah
It was the irony of the fate… Abdullah b. Ubay was the leader of the munafiqs whereas his son Abdullah was a sincere Muslim who practiced Islam seriously and piously. When he heard what his fathers had said, he went to the presence of the Prophet.
He said, “O Messenger of God! I heard the incidence between you and my father. I heard that you wanted to kill him. If you really want to do it, order me to do it and I will bring his head to you. All of the people of Khazraj know that I love my father a lot. If you let somebody else kill him, I might be an enemy of that person and might kill that believer in return for an unbeliever and go to Hell!”
The belief of the Companions was strong; a Companion wanted to cut off the head of his father, who had insulted the Messenger of God and Muslims!
The Messenger of God consoled him with the answer he gave: “O Ab­dullah! I did not want to kill your father; I did not appoint anybody to kill him. We will treat him well as long as he lives with us!”
Abdullah Confronts his Father
The Islamic army was approaching Madinah.
Abdullah dismounted his horse in the valley called Aqiq. He stood in front of his father. He made his camel sit. Then he said to his father, “I will not let you go unless you say majesty and power belong to God and His messenger!”
The leader of the munafiqs was astonished. The one that uttered those words was Abdullah, his son. Ubay, who pretended to believe in God, could not know what belief could make man do. He said to his son, “You say you will not let me go to Madinah among so many people here. Is that right?”
Abdullah said, “Yes. I will not let you go today until I teach you who is mean and who is honorable among the people here. If you do not say and accept that majesty and honor belong to God and His Messenger here, I will kill you!”
When the leader of the munafiqs saw that Abdullah was serious and determined, he had to say, “I witness that majesty and power belong to God, His messenger and believers.”
When the Messenger of God was informed about the incident, he said to Abdullah, “May God reward you due to His Messenger and believers” and ordered him to release his father.
Returning to Madinah
The Messenger of God returned to Madinah with his army after twenty-eight days, when the crescent of Ramadan was seen.
A Separate Chapter is Sent down about the Munafiqs
After those incidents, a separate chapter was sent down about Abdullah b. Ubay b. Salul, the leader of the munafiqs and the other munafiqs. The following was stated about the characteristics of the munafiqs in the chapter:
“When the Hypocrites come to thee, they say “We bear witness that thou art indeed the Messenger of God.” Yea, God knoweth that thou art indeed His Messenger, and God beareth witness that the Hypocrites are indeed liars.
They have made their oaths a screen (for their misdeeds): thus they obstruct (men) from the Path of God: truly evil are their deeds.
That is because they believed, then they rejected Faith: so a seal was set on their hearts: therefore they understand not.
When thou lookest at them, their exteriors please thee; and when they speak, thou listenest to their words. They are as (worthless as hollow) pieces of timber propped up, (unable to stand on their own). They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemies; so beware of them. The curse of God be on them! How are they deluded (away from the Truth)!”
In the verses that followed, what Abdullah b. Ubay had uttered was mentioned and the following was added:
“They are the ones who say, “Spend nothing on those who are with God’s Messenger, to the end that they may disperse (and quit Madinah). But to God belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth; but the Hypocrites understand not.
They say, "If we return to Madinah, surely the more honourable (element) will expel there from the meaner.” But honour belongs to God and His Messenger, and to the Believers; but the Hypocrites know not.”
God Confirmed What Zayd Had Said
When those verses were sent down and when it was stated that the munafiqs were liars, the Messenger of God called Zayd, held his ear and said, “Here is the young man who fulfilled his duty in the way of God through his ear!” Then, he said, “O Zayd! God confirmed what you had said!”
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lifeofresulullah · 2 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh):  The Miracles of The Prophet Muhammad  (PBUH)
The Miracles Shown on Animals
Stones, trees, the moon and the sun know the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and testify His prophethood by presenting a miracle of Him; in the same way, the world of animals is interested in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and they justified his cause with the miracles that they were involved in. There are many miracles reported in reliable sources. We will quote a few of them here:
Cave Guardians
This is the miracle of the pigeon and spider which comes to us from many different and reliable ways. It is the miracle in which the two pigeons waited in front of the cave where the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his loyal friend Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) sheltered like two guardians in order to be safe from the pursuit of polytheists and the spider covering the entrance of the cave with a wonderful thick net. When one of the prominent figures of Quraish polytheists, Ubayy Ibn Khalaf was proposed by his friends with an offer “Let us enter the cave”, He answered them: “How can we enter? I see a web; it looks as if it was made before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. There are two pigeons standing there. If there was somebody there, would they stand there?”
Blessed Pigeons
Just like the guardian pigeons of the cave we have mentioned above, Imam Jalil Ibn Wahab narrates that in the conquest of Mecca, pigeons shaded over the head of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Similarly, according to what is narrated by authentic hadith resources, Hazrat Aisha narrates: there was a domestic animal in our house like a pigeon. When the Prophet Muhammad (PUBH) was at home, it stood without moving. And when the Apostle of Allah left home, the bird started to move constantly. It means, the bird was listening to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and waiting in silence in His presence seriously.
The Talking Wolf
This is a famous wolf event which is narrated to us from five or six different sources based on the famous companions of the prophet. Various narrators likeAbu Sa‘id al-Khudri, Salama b. al-Akwa‘, Ibn Abi Wahab, and Abu Hurayra, and the shepherd Uhban who witnessed this event narrate it as follows:
A wolf seized one of the goats from the herd of a shepherd; the shepherd saved the goat from the wolf. The wolf said to the shepherd:
“Do you not fear God? You have deprived me of my sustenance!” The shepherd muttered to himself:
“How strange! Can wolves speak?” The wolf said to him:
‘Your state is strange; beyond the hill is someone calling you to Paradise. He is a Messenger of God; yet you do not know him!’
The companions who narrated it to us informed that the wolf talked. In the narration of Abu Hurayra, one of those companions, the following is stated: ’s riwayah as follows: “The shepherd said to the wolf:
‘I will go and see him, but who will look after my goats?’ The wolf replied:
‘I will look after them.’
So, the shepherd handed over the herd to the wolf and went to see the Noble Messenger (pbuh), believed in him, and returned to his herd. The shepherd found the wolf; not a goat had been lost. So, he slaughtered one goat and gave it to the wolf, for it had become his teacher.”
 According to another narration, one of the chiefs of Quraysh, Abu Sufyan, and Safwan saw a wolf pursuing a gazelle into the enclosure of the Kaa‘ba. The wolf returned and they were astonished. The wolf spoke, telling them about the prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH). Abu Sufyan said to Safwan:
“Do not tell anyone of this; I am frightened everyone will join him and Makkah will be emptied.”
The Miracles shown on Camels
This is the event of the camel, which was unanimously related through some chains of transmission by famous Companions such as Abu Hurayra, Tha‘laba b. Malik, Jabir b. ‘Abd Allah, ‘Abd Allah b. Ja‘far, and ‘Abd Allah b. Abi Awfa and the companions at the start of the chains:
A camel approached God’s Messenger (pbuh), prostrated before him and sat next to him. According to some different resources, the camel had been angered in a garden, and attacked anyone who approached it.
The Messenger put a bridle on it, and the camel said to him: “They made me do the heaviest work and now they want to slaughter me. That is why I went wild.” The Messenger asked its owner if this was true. “Yes,” he replied.
God’s Noble Messenger (pbuh) had a camel called ‘Adba’. After the Prophet died, out of its grief, the camel neither ate nor drank till it died. A number of important authorities including Abu Ishaq Isfarani related that it had talked to the Prophet about a certain story.
In another instance, in an authentic narration, Jabir b. ‘Abdullah’s camel became exhausted on a journey and could no longer continue. God’s Messenger gave it a slight prod. Such joy and nimbleness did the camel receive from that prod of the Prophet that due to its speed it could not be caught up with, nor could its reins be seized.
Miracles shown on Blessed Horses
Bukhari and other hadith imams report the following :
It was rumored one night that the enemy was attacking outside Madinah. Brave horsemen went out to investigate. On the way, they saw someone coming. They looked and saw that it was the Noble Messenger (pbuh). He settled the folk by telling them, “there is nothing to fear.” He had mounted on Abu Talha’s famous horse, as his sacred courage impelled him to, and had gone before everyone else to investigate; then, he returned. He told Abu Talha: “Your horse is extremely swift and unfaltering.” However, previously it had been extremely slow. After that night, there was no horse to catch up with it.
It is related in an authentic narration that while on a journey, at the time for prayer, the Noble Messenger (pbuh) told his horse to stop. It stopped, and until he had finished praying, the horse did not move at all.
The Lion that Recognized the Apostle of Allah
Safina, the servant of the Noble Prophet (pbuh), was commanded by him to go to the Governor of Yemen, Mu‘adh b. Jabal. He set off and on the way encountered a lion. When Safina said to the lion, “I am the servant of God’s Messenger!”, it left without doing anything or molesting him. According to another narration, Safina lost his way when returning and met a lion, which showed him the way.
Some animals which testified the cause of the Prophet Muhammad (PUBH) and obeyed Him.
It is narrated from Umar (RA): “A Bedouin came to the Noble Messenger (pbuh). He was holding a lizard. He said: ‘If this reptile testifies to you, I shall believe in you; otherwise I will not.’ God’s Messenger asked the lizard, and it testified to his prophethood clearly.”
The Mother of Believers, Umm Salama relates: “A gazelle spoke with the Noble Messenger (pbuh), and testified to his prophethood.”
Thus, there are numerous examples similar to these in reliable sources. We described a few that are famous and certain. And to those who do not recognize and obey the Noble Messenger (pbuh), we say this:
O man! Take a lesson from these! The lion and the wolf recognized and obeyed him; you, then, should try not to fall lower than an animal!
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lifeofresulullah · 3 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Battle of Uhud and Afterwards
The Battle of Sons of Mustaliq
THE BATTLE OF SONS OF MUSTALIQ(The month of Shaban in the 5th Year of the Migration)
Harith b. Abi Dirar, the leader of Sons of Mustaliq clan of the Khuzaa tribe, gathered a few Arab tribes and prepared to walk against Muslims in Madinah.
That news reached Madinah. The Prophet wanted to find out whether it was true or not. Therefore, the Prophet appointed Burayda b. Husayb, a Companion, to go to the land of Sons of Mustaliq and find out about the situation.  
Before leaving Madinah, Burayda asked the Prophet if he could tell lies so as not to make them suspicious and so as to protect himself. The Messenger of God allowed him to do so when it was necessary.
Burayda went to the land of Sons of Mustaliq. He acted as if he was one of them. He said, “I am together with you. I hear that you gathered against the Prophet. I want to join you with the people who follow me from my tribe. I want to cooperate with you until we eliminate all of them!”
Harith b. Abi Dirar, the leader of the Sons of Mustaliq said, “We are getting ready for it. Hurry up to join us!”
Burayda said, “I will mount my horse now and come back with a lot of people from my tribe.” Then, he left their land.
Burayda went to Madinah at once and told the Messenger of God about the situation.
The Islamic Army Moves
It was the second Monday of the month of Shaban.
The Messenger of God appointed Zayd bin Haritha as his deputy and set off from Madinah with seven hundred people. Besides, Hazrat Aisha and Umm Salama, two of the wives of the Prophet joined the army, too.
It was strange that the munafiqs were not as interested in any other expeditions as they were in this one. Most of them joined the Islamic army. Their aim was to benefit from the booty and to cause mischief among Muslims by watching for an opportunity.
The End of Sons of Mustaliq
While moving toward the Muraysi Water, the Islamic army captured one of the spies of the enemy. When he rejected to be a Muslim, he was killed.
When Sons of Mustaliq heard about it, they were very scared; many people that they had gathered left them.
The Messenger of God reached the Muraysi Water with his army. He set up a tent made of leather. Then, he arranged his army to fight. He gave the standard of the muhajirs to Hazrat Abu Bakr and the standard of the Ansar to  Sa’d b. Ubada. He told Hazrat Umar to call out to them as,  “Say, ‘La ilaha illallah!’ and save your lives and property.”
Sons of Mustaliq did not accept the offer; besides, they started the battle by shooting arrows at the mujahids.
Thereupon, the mujahids started to shoot arrows at them. Then, the Prophet ordered his army to attack them suddenly. As a result of the attack, ten people from Sons of Mustaliq were killed and the others were held captives.
Only one mujahid from the Islamic army was killed by mistake by a Muslim who thought that he was an enemy soldier.
There were about two hundred captives from Sons of Mustaliq. Many camels, cattle and sheep were captured as booty. The booty was brought together and distributed in due form. The captives were distributed among the mujahids.
This battle was called the Battle of Muraysi because it took place near Muraysi Water.
A Plot of Munafiqs
After the Victory of Muraysi, the Prophet found it appropriate to stay and rest there for a few days. As we have mentioned before, many munafiqs had joined this expedition. According to some resources, munafiqs had never shown so much interest in any other expedition. Their interest in the expedition was not without any reason. On the one hand, they wanted to have some of the bounties; on the other hand, they wanted to set Muslims, who were increasing in number and gaining strength, against one another by making use of the slightest opportunity...
During their stay there, a quarrel took place between Sinan b. Wabar al-Juhani, who was the ally of Sons of Amr from the tribe of Khazraj and Jahjah, the stableman that Hazrat Umar hired from Sons of Ghifar, because they mistook their buckets near the well. Jahjah hit Sinan’s face with slaps and fists; Sinan’s face was in blood. Sinan yelled, “O Ansar! Where are you? Help!”
Meanwhile, Jahjah shouted, “O Muhajirs! Where are you?”
When Muhajirs and Ansar heard them, they rushed to the well. They drew their swords. They nearly fought. Some of the notables of Muhajirs and Ansar intervened and soothed them.  
Meanwhile, the Messenger of God arrived and said, “Is the cause of the people of Jahiliyya pursued here? Why are you screaming and yelling? What is the matter?”
When the Companions said that a muhajir had slapped a person from Ansar, the Prophet said, “Give up the customs of Jahiliyya; it is a filth and evil. A person who pursues the customs of Jahiliyya throws himself into Hell.”
Thereupon, Sinan gave up seeking his right from Jahjah.
Abdullah b. Ubay Aggravates the Situation
Meanwhile, Abdullah b. Ubay b. Sa­lul, the leader of the munafiqs, came forward because it was an unmissable opportunity for him. He wanted to sow discord among Muslims. He called out, “O Ansar! Those muhajirs gained strength and fame thanks to you; now they are insulting us.”
Then, he turned to his tribe in a devilish manner and added, “You brought them to your city; you gave them goods and you went into partnership with them. You yourselves caused this contempt. When we return to Madinah, the honored and strong ones (he meant himself and his tribe) will expel the mean and weak ones (he meant the Prophet and the muhajirs) from the city.” Then, he talked a lot of nonsense.
Hazrat Zayd b. Arqam, a young Companion who was present, opposed Abdullah b. Ubay and said, “I swear by God that you are the mean and cursed one in your tribe. Muhammad (pbuh) was made honorable by God.”
When the leader of the munafiqs heard it, he changed his attitude and said, “O my brother’s son! Keep quiet! I swear by God that I was joking!” Thus, he showed his hypocrisy.
Zayd b. Arqam did not keep quiet. He told the Prophet whatever he heard from Abdullah b. Ubay. The color of the face of the Prophet changed. There were people like Hazrat Abu Bakr, Uthman, Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas, Muhammad b. Mas­lama from Muhajirs and Ansar near the Prophet. However, he wanted to investigate the issue. He said to Zayd, “I hope you do not say so because of your hatred and enmity against Ibn Ubay.”
Zayd said, “No! I swear by God that I heard them from him.”
The Messenger of God asked again, “You may have misheard.”
Zayd swore by God for the second time that he heard those words exactly from the leader of the munafiqs.
It was heard by the people in the army that Abdullah b. Ubay uttered those words. Some of the Ansar condemned Zayd b. Arqam by saying to him, “You uttered unjust words about the leader of your tribe.”
Zayd said to them, “I swear by God that I heard them from him! If I heard those from my own father, I would never hesitate to tell the Messenger of God about it. I hope that God will send revelation to his Prophet and tell him who is lying and that the Messenger of God will confirm what I say.”
Then he prayed, “O God! Send Your Messenger Your revelation that will confirm what I say!”
Meanwhile, Hazrat Umar said, “O Messenger of God! Allow me to kill that munafiq. If you do not find it appropriate for one of the muhajirs to kill him, order Sa’d b. Muadh or Muhammad b. Maslama to kill him!”
The Messenger of God did not like that offer and he gave the following answer: “If I allow him to be killed, many notables of Madinah will feel scared and worried. Besides, those who do not know the inside story will start to say, ‘Muhammad is killing his friends’. Then, what will happen?”
The Messenger of God ordered the mujahids to set off to Madinah though it was the hottest hour of the day. In fact, he had never set off during the hottest hour of the day before.
Abdullah b. Ubay Denies What He Has Said
The Messenger of God summoned Abdullah b. Ubay and asked him,
“Did you utter the words that I heard?”
The leader of the munafiqs denied what he had said: “No! I swear by God, who sent down the Book to you that I did not utter any of those words. Zayd is definitely a liar!”
They Ask the Prophet Why They Set Off When it is Very Hot
Muslims were very surprised when the Prophet decided to set off during the hottest hour of the day.
Usayd b. Khudayr, who was one of the notables of Ansar, said, “O Messenger of God! It is not appropriate to set off at this hour. You never used to set off at this hour.”
The Messenger of God said, “Did you not hear what your man said?”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “What man, O Messenger of God?”
The Prophet said, “Abdullah b. Ubay...”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “What did he say?”
The Prophet said,“He said, ‘When we return to Madinah, the honored and strong ones will expel the mean and weak ones from the city’.”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “O Messenger of God! If you want, you can expel him from Madinah! I swear by God that he is the one that is mean and weak and you are the one that is honored and strong! O Messenger of God! Treat him leniently and compassionately! I swear by God that when God sent you to us, his tribe was preparing to crown him. He thinks you removed his sultanate!”
The Prophet did not want the mujahids to be kept busy with what Abdullah b. Ubay said. Therefore, they went on travelling until the next morning. The mujahids got very tired. When the sun started to affect them, they stopped. Since they were very tired, they immediately slept.
Thus, the Prophet did not let the rumor prevail in the army.
What the Strong Storm Meant
When the Messenger of God was about to leave from the place called Baqa with his army, a strong storm broke. The mujahids felt scared. They were worried that Uyayna b. Hisn, the leader of the Ghatafan tribe would attack Madinah. The treaty they had signed with him had ended.
The Messenger of God said, “Uyayna b. Hisn will not harm you. Do not feel scared. This storm is blowing due to the death of a big unbeliever!”
What the Messenger of God said was right. When they arrived in Madinah, they found out that Rufa’a b. Zayd b. Ta­but, one of the notables of the Jews who supported the munafiqs, had died. He was one of the ferocious enemies of the Prophet and Islam.
The Offer of Abdullah
It was the irony of the fate... Abdullah b. Ubay was the leader of the munafiqs whereas his son Abdullah was a sincere Muslim who practiced Islam seriously and piously. When he heard what his fathers had said, he went to the presence of the Prophet.
He said, “O Messenger of God! I heard the incidence between you and my father. I heard that you wanted to kill him. If you really want to do it, order me to do it and I will bring his head to you. All of the people of Khazraj know that I love my father a lot. If you let somebody else kill him, I might be an enemy of that person and might kill that believer in return for an unbeliever and go to Hell!”
The belief of the Companions was strong; a Companion wanted to cut off the head of his father, who had insulted the Messenger of God and Muslims!
The Messenger of God consoled him with the answer he gave: “O Ab­dullah! I did not want to kill your father; I did not appoint anybody to kill him. We will treat him well as long as he lives with us!”
Abdullah Confronts his Father
The Islamic army was approaching Madinah.
Abdullah dismounted his horse in the valley called Aqiq. He stood in front of his father. He made his camel sit. Then he said to his father, “I will not let you go unless you say majesty and power belong to God and His messenger!”
The leader of the munafiqs was astonished. The one that uttered those words was Abdullah, his son. Ubay, who pretended to believe in God, could not know what belief could make man do. He said to his son, “You say you will not let me go to Madinah among so many people here. Is that right?”
Abdullah said, “Yes. I will not let you go today until I teach you who is mean and who is honorable among the people here. If you do not say and accept that majesty and honor belong to God and His Messenger here, I will kill you!”
When the leader of the munafiqs saw that Abdullah was serious and determined, he had to say, “I witness that majesty and power belong to God, His messenger and believers.”
When the Messenger of God was informed about the incident, he said to Abdullah, “May God reward you due to His Messenger and believers” and ordered him to release his father.
Returning to Madinah
The Messenger of God returned to Madinah with his army after twenty-eight days, when the crescent of Ramadan was seen.
A Separate Chapter is Sent down about the Munafiqs
After those incidents, a separate chapter was sent down about Abdullah b. Ubay b. Salul, the leader of the munafiqs and the other munafiqs. The following was stated about the characteristics of the munafiqs in the chapter:
“When the Hypocrites come to thee, they say "We bear witness that thou art indeed the Messenger of God." Yea, God knoweth that thou art indeed His Messenger, and God beareth witness that the Hypocrites are indeed liars.
They have made their oaths a screen (for their misdeeds): thus they obstruct (men) from the Path of God: truly evil are their deeds.
That is because they believed, then they rejected Faith: so a seal was set on their hearts: therefore they understand not.
When thou lookest at them, their exteriors please thee; and when they speak, thou listenest to their words. They are as (worthless as hollow) pieces of timber propped up, (unable to stand on their own). They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemies; so beware of them. The curse of God be on them! How are they deluded (away from the Truth)!”
In the verses that followed, what Abdullah b. Ubay had uttered was mentioned and the following was added:
“They are the ones who say, "Spend nothing on those who are with God's Messenger, to the end that they may disperse (and quit Madinah). But to God belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth; but the Hypocrites understand not.
They say, "If we return to Madinah, surely the more honourable (element) will expel there from the meaner." But honour belongs to God and His Messenger, and to the Believers; but the Hypocrites know not.”
God Confirmed What Zayd Had Said
When those verses were sent down and when it was stated that the munafiqs were liars, the Messenger of God called Zayd, held his ear and said, “Here is the young man who fulfilled his duty in the way of God through his ear!” Then, he said, “O Zayd! God confirmed what you had said!”
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lifeofresulullah · 4 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Conquest of Makkah and Afterwards
The Conquest of Makkah: Part 9
Abu Quhafa Becomes a Muslim
A person who attains happiness wants his beloved ones to share the same happiness. This feeling is inherent in man.
Hazrat Abu Bakr attained this happiness by being a Muslim. However, his father Abu Quhafa was deprived of this happiness. His son wanted his father to share the same peace and happiness with him. Therefore, he held his father’s hand and took him to the Prophet.
The respectable Prophet, who had expressed perfection of his ethics by saying “My Lord taught me good manners. That is why I have the best manners!”, became very sorry when he saw that Abu Bakr brought his old father to his presence. He showed his kindness and modesty by saying, “It would have been better if you had not brought him here; we would have visited him in his house.”
Hazrat Abu Bakr, who was educated by the Prophet, who was educated by divine manners, said, “O Messenger of God! It is more appropriate for him to visit you than your visiting him.”
After this short conversation, the Messenger of God put his blessed hands on the chest of Abu Quhafa and wiped his chest. Then, he said, “O Abu Quahafa! Become a Muslim.”
Abu Quahafa, who was addressed like that, became a Muslim at once and made his son happy.
Those who had been Ordered to be Killed Become Muslims
When Utba bint Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, one of the fiercest enemies of Islam was forgiven, those who had been ordered to be killed wherever they were seen started to become hopeful. They also became Muslims and were forgiven by the Messenger of God. Among those people were  Ikrima b. Abi Jahl, Abdullah b. Abi Sarh (he had converted from Islam), Safwan b. Umayya, Suhayl b. Amr, Wahshi, who had murdered Hazrat Hamza, Abdullah b. Zabari, the poet, Harith b. Hisham and Anas b. Zunaym.
Is it possible to see another person who treated his most ferocious enemies so kindly, who showed mercy on them, forgave them, opened his heart to them and accepted them to his rank in the world history?
The Bedouin Shakes
Makkah had been conquered.
Faces and hearts were joyful. There was an exceptional atmosphere of festival in the city.
Meanwhile, a Bedouin approached the Prophet. He was shaking and shivering because of the nervousness and fear of being in the presence of a prophet.
When the Messenger of God noticed the situation, he said, “What are you doing? Come to your senses! I am not a king; I am the son of a Qurayshi woman who lived on dried pieces of meat under the sun.”
With those words, the Prophet set a unique example of modesty. When he was left free to choose between becoming a prophet who is a king and a prophet who is a servant, he chose to be a prophet who is a servant.
Modesty was always prevalent in his heart.
When the Bedouin heard those words from the Messenger of God, he felt relieved and stopped shaking.
An Example of Justice
Makkah had been conquered but the Messenger of God had not left this holy land yet.  
A woman from Sons of Mahzum called Fatima bint Aswad committed theft. She was a respectable, noble woman and the Qurayshis respected her.  
The Prophet was informed about the situation. They knew that the hand of a person who stole would be cut off. However, they were thinking about it and asking one another, “How could the hand of a woman of high rank be cut off?”
The family of Fatima was looking for a gleam of hope to save Fatima’s hand. They wanted someone to go to the Prophet and be an intercessor. However, nobody dared it.
Eventually, Usama b. Zayd undertook this duty. Usama was loved by the Prophet a lot. He probably accepted to talk to the Prophet about the issue by trusting his love.  
When Usama asked the Messenger of God to forgive the woman, the color of the face of the Messenger of God changed and he said,
“Are you talking to me about forgiving a penalty that God imposed in order to stop bad deeds?”
Usama felt sorry and said, “O Messenger of God! Ask God to forgive me for this behavior of mine.”
After teaching Usama a lesson, the Messenger of God stood up in the evening, praised God and addressed the people around as follows:
“Those before you were destroyed because of the following attitudes:
When a person of high status stole, they let him go, and when a person of low status stole, they enforced the sentence on to him.
I swear by God, in whose hand is the existence of Muhammad, if Fatima, Muhammad's daughter, stole, I would cut her hand off”:
Then, he ordered the hand of the woman be cut off. The hand of the woman was cut off.
The woman repented and then got married. She often visited Hazrat Aisha after that.
With this attitude, the Prophet set a unique example of justice, which is indispensable for the continuation of a nation.
The Places around Makkah are Cleaned of Idols
After cleaning the Kaaba and Makkah from the idols, the Prophet wanted to eliminate the idols around the city.
He sent Khalid b. Walid with a group of thirty people to demolish the idol Uzza, which was in Nahla. Upon this order, Khalid demolished Uzza, which was regarded as the greatest idol among the Qurayshis.
The Prophet sent Sa’d b. Zayd al-Ashhal in order to demolish Manat, the idol on the mount of Mushallal. It was the idol of Aws and Khazraj tribes. Upon the order of the Prophet Sa’d b. Zayd went there with the Muslims near him, demolished Manat and returned.
Another famous idol of the polytheists was Suwa. It was in a place about three miles away from Makkah. The Messenger of God sent Amr b. As to demolish that idol, which was the idol of the Sons of Kinana, Huzays and Muzaynas. Amr fulfilled his duty and returned to Makkah.
With the conquest of Makkah, both the inside of Makkah and the places around it were cleaned of idols; the hearts of the Qurayshis were also cleaned of polytheism and became spotless with the light of oneness.
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lifeofresulullah · 4 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: The Battle of Uhud and Afterwards
The Battle of Sons of Mustaliq
(The month of Shaban in the 5th Year of the Migration)
Harith b. Abi Dirar, the leader of Sons of Mustaliq clan of the Khuzaa tribe, gathered a few Arab tribes and prepared to walk against Muslims in Madinah.
That news reached Madinah. The Prophet wanted to find out whether it was true or not. Therefore, the Prophet appointed Burayda b. Husayb, a Companion, to go to the land of Sons of Mustaliq and find out about the situation.  
Before leaving Madinah, Burayda asked the Prophet if he could tell lies so as not to make them suspicious and so as to protect himself. The Messenger of God allowed him to do so when it was necessary.
Burayda went to the land of Sons of Mustaliq. He acted as if he was one of them. He said, “I am together with you. I hear that you gathered against the Prophet. I want to join you with the people who follow me from my tribe. I want to cooperate with you until we eliminate all of them!”
Harith b. Abi Dirar, the leader of the Sons of Mustaliq said, “We are getting ready for it. Hurry up to join us!”
Burayda said, “I will mount my horse now and come back with a lot of people from my tribe.” Then, he left their land.
Burayda went to Madinah at once and told the Messenger of God about the situation.
The Islamic Army Moves
It was the second Monday of the month of Shaban.
The Messenger of God appointed Zayd bin Haritha as his deputy and set off from Madinah with seven hundred people. Besides, Hazrat Aisha and Umm Salama, two of the wives of the Prophet joined the army, too.
It was strange that the munafiqs were not as interested in any other expeditions as they were in this one. Most of them joined the Islamic army. Their aim was to benefit from the booty and to cause mischief among Muslims by watching for an opportunity.
The End of Sons of Mustaliq
While moving toward the Muraysi Water, the Islamic army captured one of the spies of the enemy. When he rejected to be a Muslim, he was killed.
When Sons of Mustaliq heard about it, they were very scared; many people that they had gathered left them.
The Messenger of God reached the Muraysi Water with his army. He set up a tent made of leather. Then, he arranged his army to fight. He gave the standard of the muhajirs to Hazrat Abu Bakr and the standard of the Ansar to  Sa’d b. Ubada. He told Hazrat Umar to call out to them as,  “Say, ‘La ilaha illallah!’ and save your lives and property.”
Sons of Mustaliq did not accept the offer; besides, they started the battle by shooting arrows at the mujahids.
Thereupon, the mujahids started to shoot arrows at them. Then, the Prophet ordered his army to attack them suddenly. As a result of the attack, ten people from Sons of Mustaliq were killed and the others were held captives.
Only one mujahid from the Islamic army was killed by mistake by a Muslim who thought that he was an enemy soldier.
There were about two hundred captives from Sons of Mustaliq. Many camels, cattle and sheep were captured as booty. The booty was brought together and distributed in due form. The captives were distributed among the mujahids.
This battle was called the Battle of Muraysi because it took place near Muraysi Water.
A Plot of Munafiqs
After the Victory of Muraysi, the Prophet found it appropriate to stay and rest there for a few days. As we have mentioned before, many munafiqs had joined this expedition. According to some resources, munafiqs had never shown so much interest in any other expedition. Their interest in the expedition was not without any reason. On the one hand, they wanted to have some of the bounties; on the other hand, they wanted to set Muslims, who were increasing in number and gaining strength, against one another by making use of the slightest opportunity...
During their stay there, a quarrel took place between Sinan b. Wabar al-Juhani, who was the ally of Sons of Amr from the tribe of Khazraj and Jahjah, the stableman that Hazrat Umar hired from Sons of Ghifar, because they mistook their buckets near the well. Jahjah hit Sinan’s face with slaps and fists; Sinan’s face was in blood. Sinan yelled, “O Ansar! Where are you? Help!”
Meanwhile, Jahjah shouted, “O Muhajirs! Where are you?”
When Muhajirs and Ansar heard them, they rushed to the well. They drew their swords. They nearly fought. Some of the notables of Muhajirs and Ansar intervened and soothed them.  
Meanwhile, the Messenger of God arrived and said, “Is the cause of the people of Jahiliyya pursued here? Why are you screaming and yelling? What is the matter?”
When the Companions said that a muhajir had slapped a person from Ansar, the Prophet said, “Give up the customs of Jahiliyya; it is a filth and evil. A person who pursues the customs of Jahiliyya throws himself into Hell.”
Thereupon, Sinan gave up seeking his right from Jahjah.
Abdullah b. Ubay Aggravates the Situation
Meanwhile, Abdullah b. Ubay b. Sa­lul, the leader of the munafiqs, came forward because it was an unmissable opportunity for him. He wanted to sow discord among Muslims. He called out, “O Ansar! Those muhajirs gained strength and fame thanks to you; now they are insulting us.”
Then, he turned to his tribe in a devilish manner and added, “You brought them to your city; you gave them goods and you went into partnership with them. You yourselves caused this contempt. When we return to Madinah, the honored and strong ones (he meant himself and his tribe) will expel the mean and weak ones (he meant the Prophet and the muhajirs) from the city.” Then, he talked a lot of nonsense.
Hazrat Zayd b. Arqam, a young Companion who was present, opposed Abdullah b. Ubay and said, “I swear by God that you are the mean and cursed one in your tribe. Muhammad (pbuh) was made honorable by God.”
When the leader of the munafiqs heard it, he changed his attitude and said, “O my brother’s son! Keep quiet! I swear by God that I was joking!” Thus, he showed his hypocrisy.
Zayd b. Arqam did not keep quiet. He told the Prophet whatever he heard from Abdullah b. Ubay. The color of the face of the Prophet changed. There were people like Hazrat Abu Bakr, Uthman, Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas, Muhammad b. Mas­lama from Muhajirs and Ansar near the Prophet. However, he wanted to investigate the issue. He said to Zayd, “I hope you do not say so because of your hatred and enmity against Ibn Ubay.”
Zayd said, “No! I swear by God that I heard them from him.”
The Messenger of God asked again, “You may have misheard.”
Zayd swore by God for the second time that he heard those words exactly from the leader of the munafiqs.
It was heard by the people in the army that Abdullah b. Ubay uttered those words. Some of the Ansar condemned Zayd b. Arqam by saying to him, “You uttered unjust words about the leader of your tribe.”
Zayd said to them, “I swear by God that I heard them from him! If I heard those from my own father, I would never hesitate to tell the Messenger of God about it. I hope that God will send revelation to his Prophet and tell him who is lying and that the Messenger of God will confirm what I say.”
Then he prayed, “O God! Send Your Messenger Your revelation that will confirm what I say!”
Meanwhile, Hazrat Umar said, “O Messenger of God! Allow me to kill that munafiq. If you do not find it appropriate for one of the muhajirs to kill him, order Sa’d b. Muadh or Muhammad b. Maslama to kill him!”
The Messenger of God did not like that offer and he gave the following answer: “If I allow him to be killed, many notables of Madinah will feel scared and worried. Besides, those who do not know the inside story will start to say, ‘Muhammad is killing his friends’. Then, what will happen?”
The Messenger of God ordered the mujahids to set off to Madinah though it was the hottest hour of the day. In fact, he had never set off during the hottest hour of the day before.
Abdullah b. Ubay Denies What He Has Said
The Messenger of God summoned Abdullah b. Ubay and asked him,
“Did you utter the words that I heard?”
The leader of the munafiqs denied what he had said: “No! I swear by God, who sent down the Book to you that I did not utter any of those words. Zayd is definitely a liar!”
They Ask the Prophet Why They Set Off When it is Very Hot
Muslims were very surprised when the Prophet decided to set off during the hottest hour of the day.
Usayd b. Khudayr, who was one of the notables of Ansar, said, “O Messenger of God! It is not appropriate to set off at this hour. You never used to set off at this hour.”
The Messenger of God said, “Did you not hear what your man said?”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “What man, O Messenger of God?”
The Prophet said, “Abdullah b. Ubay...”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “What did he say?”
The Prophet said,“He said, ‘When we return to Madinah, the honored and strong ones will expel the mean and weak ones from the city’.”
Usayd b. Khudayr said, “O Messenger of God! If you want, you can expel him from Madinah! I swear by God that he is the one that is mean and weak and you are the one that is honored and strong! O Messenger of God! Treat him leniently and compassionately! I swear by God that when God sent you to us, his tribe was preparing to crown him. He thinks you removed his sultanate!”[19]
The Prophet did not want the mujahids to be kept busy with what Abdullah b. Ubay said. Therefore, they went on travelling until the next morning. The mujahids got very tired. When the sun started to affect them, they stopped. Since they were very tired, they immediately slept.
Thus, the Prophet did not let the rumor prevail in the army.
What the Strong Storm Meant
When the Messenger of God was about to leave from the place called Baqa with his army, a strong storm broke. The mujahids felt scared. They were worried that Uyayna b. Hisn, the leader of the Ghatafan tribe would attack Madinah. The treaty they had signed with him had ended.
The Messenger of God said, “Uyayna b. Hisn will not harm you. Do not feel scared. This storm is blowing due to the death of a big unbeliever!”
What the Messenger of God said was right. When they arrived in Madinah, they found out that Rufa’a b. Zayd b. Ta­but, one of the notables of the Jews who supported the munafiqs, had died.[20]He was one of the ferocious enemies of the Prophet and Islam.
The Offer of Abdullah
It was the irony of the fate... Abdullah b. Ubay was the leader of the munafiqs whereas his son Abdullah was a sincere Muslim who practiced Islam seriously and piously. When he heard what his fathers had said, he went to the presence of the Prophet.
He said, “O Messenger of God! I heard the incidence between you and my father. I heard that you wanted to kill him. If you really want to do it, order me to do it and I will bring his head to you. All of the people of Khazraj know that I love my father a lot. If you let somebody else kill him, I might be an enemy of that person and might kill that believer in return for an unbeliever and go to Hell!”
The belief of the Companions was strong; a Companion wanted to cut off the head of his father, who had insulted the Messenger of God and Muslims!
The Messenger of God consoled him with the answer he gave: “O Ab­dullah! I did not want to kill your father; I did not appoint anybody to kill him. We will treat him well as long as he lives with us!”
Abdullah Confronts his Father
The Islamic army was approaching Madinah.
Abdullah dismounted his horse in the valley called Aqiq. He stood in front of his father. He made his camel sit. Then he said to his father, “I will not let you go unless you say majesty and power belong to God and His messenger!”
The leader of the munafiqs was astonished. The one that uttered those words was Abdullah, his son. Ubay, who pretended to believe in God, could not know what belief could make man do. He said to his son, “You say you will not let me go to Madinah among so many people here. Is that right?”
Abdullah said, “Yes. I will not let you go today until I teach you who is mean and who is honorable among the people here. If you do not say and accept that majesty and honor belong to God and His Messenger here, I will kill you!”
When the leader of the munafiqs saw that Abdullah was serious and determined, he had to say, “I witness that majesty and power belong to God, His messenger and believers.”
When the Messenger of God was informed about the incident, he said to Abdullah, “May God reward you due to His Messenger and believers” and ordered him to release his father.
Returning to Madinah
The Messenger of God returned to Madinah with his army after twenty-eight days, when the crescent of Ramadan was seen.
A Separate Chapter is Sent down about the Munafiqs
After those incidents, a separate chapter was sent down about Abdullah b. Ubay b. Salul, the leader of the munafiqs and the other munafiqs. The following was stated about the characteristics of the munafiqs in the chapter:
“When the Hypocrites come to thee, they say "We bear witness that thou art indeed the Messenger of God." Yea, God knoweth that thou art indeed His Messenger, and God beareth witness that the Hypocrites are indeed liars.
They have made their oaths a screen (for their misdeeds): thus they obstruct (men) from the Path of God: truly evil are their deeds.
That is because they believed, then they rejected Faith: so a seal was set on their hearts: therefore they understand not.
When thou lookest at them, their exteriors please thee; and when they speak, thou listenest to their words. They are as (worthless as hollow) pieces of timber propped up, (unable to stand on their own). They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemies; so beware of them. The curse of God be on them! How are they deluded (away from the Truth)!”
In the verses that followed, what Abdullah b. Ubay had uttered was mentioned and the following was added:
“They are the ones who say, "Spend nothing on those who are with God's Messenger, to the end that they may disperse (and quit Madinah). But to God belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth; but the Hypocrites understand not.
They say, "If we return to Madinah, surely the more honourable (element) will expel there from the meaner." But honour belongs to God and His Messenger, and to the Believers; but the Hypocrites know not.”
God Confirmed What Zayd Had Said
When those verses were sent down and when it was stated that the munafiqs were liars, the Messenger of God called Zayd, held his ear and said, “Here is the young man who fulfilled his duty in the way of God through his ear!” Then, he said, “O Zayd! God confirmed what you had said!”
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lifeofresulullah · 5 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: The Conquest of Makkah and Afterwards
The Conquest of Makkah: Part 9
The Duties of Siqaya and Hijaba are left to the Same People
The Messenger of God stated during the Sermon of the Conquest that all of the transactions, tasks, and cases of the Era of Jahiliyya except the services of Siqaya and Hijaba had been abolished.
Siqaya, which was the duty of giving water to hajjis, belonged to Abbas, the uncle of the Prophet.
Hijaba, which was the duty of serving the Kaaba, belonged to Uthman b. Talha.
Abbas applied to the Prophet and asked the Prophet to give both duties to him. However, the Messenger of God regarded it appropriate for him to maintain the duty of Siqaya only as he did it before the conquest.
The Messenger of God was holding the key to the Kaaba. Many Muslims were expecting to have this honorable duty. However, the Prophet summoned Uthman b. Tal­ha and recited the following verse: “God doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due; and when ye judge between people that ye judge with justice.” Then he said, “O Uthman! Here is your key. Take it. Today is the day of goodness and keeping promises.” Then, he gave the key to the Kaaba to Uthman.
When Uthman b. Talha took the key and started to walk, the Messenger of God said to him, “Did what I once told you not happen?”
Uthman b. Talha remembered the incident and conversation between him and the Messenger of God and confirmed him:
“Yes, I witness that you are definitely the Messenger of God.”
The incident and the conversation that the Prophet wanted to remind had taken place as follows:
It was before the Migration. Uthman b. Talha had not become a Muslim yet. Once the Prophet wanted to enter the Kaaba but Uthman b. Talha prevented him. Let alone preventing, Talha treated the Prophet rudely and unpleasantly. The Messenger of God did not get furious; as if he had seen the victory of Islam in the future, he calmly and leniently said, “O Uthman! One day will come, I hope you will find me having this key and the power of being able to give it to anybody I wish.” Uthman b. Talha said, “It means the Quraysh will have been eliminated then.” The Prophet said, “No, O Uthman! The Quraysh will attain real power and honor then.”
Makkans Pay Allegiance to the Prophet
After declaring a general amnesty, the Messenger of God went up the Safa Hill and accepted the allegiance of the Qurayshis. Many years ago, he had declared his prophethood there but he was rejected then. Now, he was accepting the allegiance to Islam from the same people on the same hill.
The allegiance of men to Islam and jihad witnessing that there was no god but Allah and that Muhammad (pbuh) was His Messenger was followed by the allegiance of women.
The Allegiance of Women
The women also paid allegiance to the Prophet by promising not to associate any partners with God, not to steal, not to kill their daughters, not to fornicate and to protect their chastity.”
Among the leaders of the women who paid allegiance were famous women like Um­muhan, Hazrat Ali’s daughter, Umm Habiba, As b. Umayy’s daughter, Attab Ibn Asid’s aunts, Arwa, Abu As’ daughter Atika, Harith b. Hisham’s daughter and Abu Jahl’s son Ikrima’s wife Um­m Ha­kim and Khalid b. Walid’s sister Fatima. Hind, Abu Sufyan’s wife, about whom the Messenger of God said, “Kill her wherever you see her”, was also among them. She disguised herself and joined the women so that she would not be recognized. She regretted what she had done against the Prophet and Muslims in the past. Despite what she had done, the Messenger of God forgave Hind, who had become a Muslim, and accepted her allegiance.  
Abu Quhafa Becomes a Muslim
A person who attains happiness wants his beloved ones to share the same happiness. This feeling is inherent in man.
Hazrat Abu Bakr attained this happiness by being a Muslim. However, his father Abu Quhafa was deprived of this happiness. His son wanted his father to share the same peace and happiness with him. Therefore, he held his father’s hand and took him to the Prophet.
The respectable Prophet, who had expressed perfection of his ethics by saying “My Lord taught me good manners. That is why I have the best manners!”, became very sorry when he saw that Abu Bakr brought his old father to his presence. He showed his kindness and modesty by saying, “It would have been better if you had not brought him here; we would have visited him in his house.”
Hazrat Abu Bakr, who was educated by the Prophet, who was educated by divine manners, said, “O Messenger of God! It is more appropriate for him to visit you than your visiting him.”
After this short conversation, the Messenger of God put his blessed hands on the chest of Abu Quhafa and wiped his chest. Then, he said, “O Abu Quahafa! Become a Muslim.”
Abu Quahafa, who was addressed like that, became a Muslim at once and made his son happy.
Those who had been Ordered to be Killed Become Muslims
When Utba bint Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, one of the fiercest enemies of Islam was forgiven, those who had been ordered to be killed wherever they were seen started to become hopeful. They also became Muslims and were forgiven by the Messenger of God. Among those people were  Ikrima b. Abi Jahl, Abdullah b. Abi Sarh (he had converted from Islam), Safwan b. Umayya, Suhayl b. Amr, Wahshi, who had murdered Hazrat Hamza, Abdullah b. Zabari, the poet, Harith b. Hisham and Anas b. Zunaym.
Is it possible to see another person who treated his most ferocious enemies so kindly, who showed mercy on them, forgave them, opened his heart to them and accepted them to his rank in world history?
The Bedouin Shakes
Makkah had been conquered.
Faces and hearts were joyful. There was an exceptional atmosphere of the festival in the city.
Meanwhile, a Bedouin approached the Prophet. He was shaking and shivering because of the nervousness and fear of being in the presence of a prophet.
When the Messenger of God noticed the situation, he said, “What are you doing? Come to your senses! I am not a king; I am the son of a Qurayshi woman who lived on dried pieces of meat under the sun.”
With those words, the Prophet set a unique example of modesty. When he was left free to choose between becoming a prophet who is a king and a prophet who is a servant, he chose to be a prophet who is a servant.
Modesty was always prevalent in his heart.
When the Bedouin heard those words from the Messenger of God, he felt relieved and stopped shaking.
An Example of Justice
Makkah had been conquered but the Messenger of God had not left this holy land yet.  
A woman from Sons of Mahzum called Fatima bint Aswad committed theft. She was a respectable, noblewoman and the Qurayshis respected her.  
The Prophet was informed about the situation. They knew that the hand of a person who stole would be cut off. However, they were thinking about it and asking one another, “How could the hand of a woman of high rank be cut off?”
The family of Fatima was looking for a gleam of hope to save Fatima’s hand. They wanted someone to go to the Prophet and be an intercessor. However, nobody dared it.
Eventually, Usama b. Zayd undertook this duty. Usama was loved by the Prophet a lot. He probably accepted to talk to the Prophet about the issue by trusting his love.  
When Usama asked the Messenger of God to forgive the woman, the color of the face of the Messenger of God changed and he said,
“Are you talking to me about forgiving a penalty that God imposed in order to stop bad deeds?”
Usama felt sorry and said, “O Messenger of God! Ask God to forgive me for this behavior of mine.”
After teaching Usama a lesson, the Messenger of God stood up in the evening, praised God and addressed the people around as follows:
“Those before you were destroyed because of the following attitudes:
When a person of high status stole, they let him go, and when a person of low status stole, they enforced the sentence on to him.
I swear by God, in whose hand is the existence of Muhammad, if Fatima, Muhammad's daughter, stole, I would cut her hand off”:
Then, he ordered the hand of the woman to be cut off. The hand of the woman was cut off.
The woman repented and then got married. She often visited Hazrat Aisha after that.
With this attitude, the Prophet set a unique example of justice, which is indispensable for the continuation of a nation.
The Places around Makkah are Cleaned of Idols
After cleaning the Kaaba and Makkah from the idols, the Prophet wanted to eliminate the idols around the city.
He sent Khalid b. Walid with a group of thirty people to demolish the idol Uzza, which was in Nahla. Upon this order, Khalid demolished Uzza, which was regarded as the greatest idol among the Qurayshis.
The Prophet sent Sa’d b. Zayd al-Ashhal in order to demolish Manat, the idol on the mount of Mushallal. It was the idol of Aws and Khazraj tribes. Upon the order of the Prophet, Sa’d b. Zayd went there with the Muslims near him, demolished Manat and returned.
Another famous idol of the polytheists was Suwa. It was in a place about three miles away from Makkah. The Messenger of God sent Amr b. As to demolish that idol, which was the idol of the Sons of Kinana, Huzays, and Muzaynas. Amr fulfilled his duty and returned to Makkah.
With the conquest of Makkah, both the inside of Makkah and the places around it were cleaned of idols; the hearts of the Qurayshis were also cleaned of polytheism and became spotless with the light of oneness.
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lifeofresulullah · 5 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: The Battle of Khandaq and Afterwards
The Battle of Khandaq: Part 3
Sons of Qurayza Violates the Treaty
The Messenger of God was in the leather tent. Hazrat Abu Bakr was with him. The Muslims were watching the enemy and guarding. Meanwhile, Hazrat Umar came to the presence of Hazrat Umar.
He said, “O Messenger of God’ According to what I have heard Sons of Qurayza Jews violated the treaty and decided to help the enemy.”
This unexpected news distressed the Prophet. In fact, he had made an agreement with Ka’b Ibn Asad, the leader of that tribe; therefore, he was sure that they would be loyal to the treaty.
The Prophet who was distressed uttered the following words:
“Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal-wakil [For us God sufficeth, and He is the best disposer of affairs].”
Sons of Qurayza were a big Jewish tribe and they lived in the strong fortresses outside the city of Madinah. They had signed a treaty with the Messenger of God. According to the treaty, they would defend Madinah together when there was an external danger for the city. Besides, they would not do any military moves without informing the Prophet about it. They would not help the Qurayshi polytheists and those who helped them.
Thereupon, the Prophet sent Zubayr b. Awwam to the land of Sons of Qurayza Jews in order to verify the news.  Zubayr saw that Sons of Qurayza were repairing their fortresses and conducting military drills. He returned to the Prophet. Thereupon, the Messenger of God said,
“Each Prophet has an apostle, and my apostle is Zubayr!”
What Hazrat Umar had said was true. Hu­yayy b. Ahtab, the leader of Sons of Nadr Jews had persuaded Ka’b b. Asad. Thereupon, Ka’b violated the treaty.
The Prophet Sends a Delegate
The Messenger of God sent Sa’d b. Muadh the leader of the Aws tribe and  Sa’d b. Ubada, the leader of the Khazraj tribe, Abdullah b. Rawaha and Hawwat b. Jubayr to investigate the situation again and to give Sons of Qurayza advice and the Prophet said to them,
“Go and investigate whether the news that has reached us is true or not. If it is true, tell me about it using implied words so that people will not understand it. I will understand it. Do not express it clearly lest people should feel scared and weak. If they have not violated the treaty, you can express it openly.”
Those distinguished Companions went to the land of Sons of Qurayza. They mentioned that it was a bad thing to violate the treaty and gave them some advice. However, they did not heed what the Companions said and declared openly that they had violated the treaty. They even acted so arrogantly as to talk against the Messenger of God.
The Muslim delegates were very disturbed about the situation. Sa’d b. Muadh, who had been an ally of Sons of Qurayza for a long time talked furiously and said, “I pray God not to kill me before I fight you!”
Then, the Muslim delegates returned and told the Prophet about the situation in an implied way. The Prophet said to them, “Keep the news as a secret! Tell it to only those who are aware of the situation. War consists of precautions and tricks!”
Madinah had been surrounded by enemies. God Almighty expressed the situation as follows: in the Quran:
“They came on you from above you and from below you, and behold the eyes became dim and the hearts gaped up to the throats, and ye imagined various (vain) thoughts about God.”
Sons of Qurayza’s Attempts to Attack Madinah
Meanwhile, Sons of Qurayza sent Huyayy b. Ahtab to the Qurayshis and asked for one hundred people from polytheists and one hundred people from Ghatafan in order to attack Madinah at night.
They would meet those forces and attack the women and children in the castle and fortresses of Madinah together.
This news caused panic among Muslims. The Messenger of God sent Zayd b. Haritha with three hundred soldiers and Salama b. Aslam with two hundred soldiers to Madinah in order to protect the city at night. Those forces would patrol during the night.
Meanwhile, Sons of Qurayza Jews made a few attempts of attacks but they could not succeed and had to return.
Hazrat Safiyya Kills a Jew
It was during the second attempt of the attack by Sons of Qurayza.
About ten Jews shot arrows at Hassan b. Thabit’s manor, in which Safiyya, the aunt of the Prophet was; they even tried to enter the manor. One of them reached the door of the manor and wanted to enter. There were many other women and children in the manor along with Safiyya.
When Safiyya saw that a Jew was wandering around the manor, she wrapped a turban around her head so that it would not be known that she was a woman. He took a piece of long wood and went out of the manor. She opened the gate slowly. She approached the man from behind and hit the man with the wood and killed him. Then, she cut off his head and threw it against Jews.
Thereupon, the other Jews became scared; they said, “We were informed that Muslims left the women and children alone but it was wrong.” Then, they left that place and returned.
The Prophet Himself Guards the Narrow Pass
The Messenger of God, who sent five hundred mujahids to Madinah and protected the city, waited at the narrowest part of the trench at night lest the enemy should pass through that place.
Hazrat Aisha said,
“When the Messenger of God (pbuh) went to the ditch to guard and returned, he was trembling due to the cold. He came to me and got a bit warm. He said, ‘I do not fear that the polytheists can pass anywhere but this place! I wish somebody from the Muslims waited there instead of me’ Meanwhile, I heard the sound of a weapon and an iron tool.  
The Messenger of God (pbuh) called out, ‘Who is that?’
‘Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas...’
The Messenger of God said, ‘I entrust this passage to you. Guard this place’.
Then, he slept
Munafiqs Leave the Trench
The munafiqs constantly said, “It is not reasonable to leave our wives and children alone and wait here miserably.” They tried to cause mischief. Some of them went to the presence of the Messenger of God and said to him, “Our houses are outside Madinah; the walls are low and open to the attack of the enemy and thieves.” They asked for permission to leave the trench. The Prophet allowed some of them to leave.
In fact, the aim of the munafiqs was to demoralize the Muslims by leaving the army at a critical point. It was a strategy that they always applied.
As a matter of fact, when Sa’d b. Muadh saw that some munafiqs asked for permission, he could not help saying,
“O Messenger of God! Do not allow them. Whenever we suffer a misfortune or we are in trouble, they always act like that!”
Then, he went to the group of munafiqs who asked for permission and said to them, “Will you always do something like that? Whenever we suffer a misfortune or we are in trouble, you always act like that!”
God Almighty stated that they were not sincere when they asked permission with the following verse:
“Behold! A party among them said: "Ye men of Yathrib! Ye cannot stand (the attack)! Therefore go back!" and a band of them ask for leave of the Prophet, saying "Truly our houses are bare and exposed", though they were not exposed: they intended nothing but to run away!”
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