#'anyone' meaning Wayne and Steve and Dustin's mom to name a few
missingexaltation · 2 years
Another AU Fic idea:
Some time after season 4 (where everyone's alive and whole, damn it), Eddie finally gets his own place. Nothing wrong with staying with Wayne but he's finally outta school and loves the independence. Wayne also gets to have a bedroom again, so good for him.
Only he's gotta pay for everything now. (AND a whole shitload of one off purchases that he never thought about, like forks and pots and pans, what the FUCK, capitalism??).
So naturally, during his first month as an actual grown up, in his grown up house, amongst other things his razor breaks. And money is kinda tight for a guy on minimum wage and barely any furniture, so he thinks 'fuck it'. It can wait until next payday. He can cope.
Only a couple of days later, his face itches so bad, and in all honesty he looks like a bum. The guys at work find it hilarious, he's the baby there after all, and they think he's trying to grow it on purpose to look older. He doesn't want to admit that he's fucking broke, and even considers asking Rick to let him deal again for a bit, for some easy cash. (He doesn't because he promised Wayne, but it's really fucking tempting).
His scruff is growing in patchy, some bits quicker than others and it's looks a lot of a mess. He's got a knife that's vaguely sharp so he tries that, but no. Ouch. Despite his skilled guitarist's fingers he's still a bit of a klutz and nearly slices his cheek open. Still, it's less than a week till payday. He can cope.
A couple of days later, and while the itching has subsided, he's still weirded out each time he see himself in the mirror. It's not a metal look at all, he looks WAY older than he actually is. It's less patchy though, so there's that. Once he trims it a bit, it looks a lot better. Passable. Only a few days to go.
Wayne swings by that night, bringing take out for them both. He offers to chip in some cash, after he's stopped laughing his ass off. Eddie refuses it on principle, but sulks his way through his food until Wayne apologises for bruising his ego. He doesn't mention that he looks fucking amazing compared to a couple of days ago, mollified by Wayne's apologies nonetheless.
He still has zero cash, and skips breakfast, annihilating a couple of cupcakes that his boss brought in for the team, skips dinner, and gets second helpings of Mrs Jones' pecan pie at band practise (Gawd bless Gareth's mom). He's not sure how he's gonna get through the final day as he's already a hungry hungry hippo, but then when he wakes up the greatest thing happens.
Steve is back from his awful family vacation and calls him up, desperate to be around ANYONE that he's not related to.
He promises to bring food and gossip galore with him, and Eddie's day just got a million times better. He's whistling at work, begs a couple of candy bars from his coworkers, and by the time Steve arrives at his new abode that night, Eddie's climbing the walls ready for a full meal.
He's forgotten about the razor.
When he opens the door, Steve just gapes at him, before turning bright red and blinking really hard. It takes longer than it should for Eddie to remember, but suddenly the last week or so has been totally worth it, because Steve Harrington is kissing him and losing his goddammed mind over the shitty beard.
Holy fuck.
It's not until Steve pulls back that he seems to register who he's kissing, but he just shrugs it off and hands over the food. Eddie gets fed, gets the Harrington family gossip, and...gets the Steve staying the next few nights.
(He still shaves it off at the first opportunity because holy fuck it's annoying to keep it looking decent).
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electrosuite · 2 years
howdy al! i wanted to request a brother!steve harrington.
kinda like a part 2 to the fic where eddie comes back after four years. but i wanted it to be right after y/n gives birth and she's in the hospital and some of the kids come to see, accompanied by steve and robin.
steve is y/n's big brother (by a year) and convinces her to move back in after she’d been unofficially living with eddie. he offers so he can help her raise his niece and she agrees
warnings: mentions of pregnancy & birth
word count: 1.5k
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Six hours had passed since you gave birth to your daughter Rose. And she looked just like Eddie, the father and love of your life.
This was what you were most nervous about after finding out you were pregnant the day of his funeral. Giving birth and raising your daughter without him. Having to go through it mostly alone terrified you.
But you were incredibly thankful for Wayne Munson, Eddie’s uncle. He let you stay living with him when you wanted to and told you that he would be happy to help with anything you needed during the day before he went to work.
Before Eddie died, you’d been staying with him more than you were home. Sleeping next to him with his arm around you most nights made you feel more at home than you ever had, and before you knew it, that was gone.
Rose had the same curly dark brown hair as her dad, and a lot of it. Really the only feature that she had of yours were your eyes.
And for six hours, you were completely alone in your hospital room. The only company you’d had was Rose, who had been in your arms for the last twenty minutes. That was, at least, until a small crowd of your closest friends burst through the door.
Steve, your older brother, Robin, one of his best friends, Dustin, his other best friend, and Lucas, who was everyone’s friend.
You looked over and smiled at the sight of them, Dustin holding a group of balloons with the word ‘Congratulations’ written across them.
“Hi, guys,” you greeted quietly, trying not to upset your daughter. They all rushed over to see the baby, all of them grinning at the sight of her.
“What’s her name?” Lucas asked.
“Well, I wanted to name her something to honor Eddie. Guns N’ Roses was his favorite band so I went with Rose. It’s a common enough name that I doubt anyone would know the meaning, but I always will.”
After a few seconds of silence, Robin asked a question that stunned you and Steve.
“Can I hold her?”
You both looked at her with expressions of confusion.
“Really? I thought you didn’t like babies,” you responded.
She shrugged. “I have exceptions.”
“Okay. I’d love to have my arms free for a minute.”
You handed Rose over to her gently, reminding her to support the head. Once she had her situated, she walked over to the pull out couch a few feet from the bed, all of her attention now on your child.
Steve pulled the recliner over so he could sit next to you, Dustin and Lucas walking over next to Robin.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, clasping his hands in his lap and crossing his left leg over his right.
You and Steve had always been extremely close, much more than any other siblings that you knew. Your parents were gone a lot, your dad on business trips and your mom tagging along because she didn’t trust him.
So there were a lot of spans of time, ranging between two days and two weeks, that you were either home alone together taking care of each other or at your grandparents’ houses. Those times allowed you to form an unbreakable bond. And even though you didn’t see each other every day anymore, you talked on the phone a lot when you were apart.
“Exhausted. And I’m still pretty swollen and my back hurts, but other than that, peachy.” He smirked, chuckling to himself. “I just wish he was here.”
He instantly knew you were talking about Eddie.
“Yeah. Me too.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t call you when my water broke. I know you would’ve liked to be here.”
He shrugged. “I’m here now.”
“Steve,” said Robin, who walked up behind him. “Wanna hold your neice?”
He nodded enthusiastically, straightening up in the chair but keeping his legs crossed.
She slowly handed the baby over and you could see instant joy in his eyes. They lit up like a Christmas tree and you could tell he was getting emotional.
“You okay?” you asked.
He nodded. “I just didn’t expect to be an uncle so soon.”
“Trust me, I didn’t either.”
Steve looked at Robin again. “Why don’t you take them to get something to eat, I need to talk to Y/N about something.”
She nodded, glancing at Dustin and Lucas. “Let’s go get food.”
They nodded, following her out of the room and to the cafeteria.
“What’s up?” you asked, loosely crossing your arms.
“You should move back in.”
You raised your eyebrows and scoffed, remembering how much your parents disapproved of you dating Eddie, much less having his child. They told you that if you went through with it, they would only do the bare minimum of helping you raise the baby.
“Yeah, as if Mom and Dad would let me.”
“I already talked to them. They said you could.”
“They said that?”
He nodded. “They just said that they wouldn’t help that much.”
“Wow. I’m surprised they agreed to that. The last thing they said to me was that they spent years hearing two babies crying through the night and they weren’t gonna do it again.”
“Yeah, I’m surprised too. But that’s what I’m here for. I want to help.”
Your eyebrows contorted into an expression saying ‘Really?’
“Have you ever even held a baby before today?”
“No, but neither have you.”
You sighed. “No, I’m not gonna ask you to help me. She’s my kid, I can do it.”
“You’re not asking. I’m offering.”
“Y/N, you’re all alone. Without Mom and Dad, you’re doing this by yourself.”
“Eddie’s uncle said he can help during the day.”
“Okay, well what happens when night comes? You’re not gonna get any sleep doing this alone.” You sighed again. “The whole reason I’m asking you to move back in is so I can help. I’ve told you your whole life that I’m here to help. So let me help. You’d do the same for me.”
You were silent for a moment, thinking about it.
“Okay. Okay, fine.”
He smirked and nodded. “Great.”
“You do know you’re gonna have to change diapers, right?”
“Yep, I know. But it’ll be worth it.”
Rose wrapped her left hand around Steve’s pointer finger and you swear he could’ve melted on the spot at how tiny she was.
“I love you,” you said, a genuine smile on your face.
“I love you, too.”
Going home the next day, you were ambushed at the door, your mom demanding to see the baby. She gushed over her for a few minutes but stood firm about not helping.
Teaching Steve to change a diaper was like teaching a germaphobe to touch dirt. He was trying his absolute best to keep his hands clean, but you kept telling him he could just wash them afterwards.
She loved yanking on his hair. She’d reach up when he least suspected it, grab a handful of it, then pull, seemingly as hard as she could. And when he’d say ‘Ow’ or groan from the pain, she only laughed.
Once she was able to hold her head up, he’d wear the baby sling that you got for your baby shower on his chest and put her in it with her facing away from him so he could keep her close while he was watching her.
When you got home from work one day, he was standing in the kitchen doing dishes with her strapped to his chest, bouncing and dancing to the music that was playing — specifically Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears.
When he splashed a tiny amount of suds onto her nose, she laughed loudly.
You chuckled, walking into the kitchen and leaning down against the island onto your elbows.
“What are you laughing at?” he asked, turning to look at you for a moment.
“Just how much of a damn dork you are.”
“She’s having a great time.”
“I can see that.” She wiped the suds off of her nose and reached up without looking, smearing them on his cheek.
That night, as you and Steve gathered around for Jeopardy!, Rose crawled over to sit beside him on the couch. His arm was laid across the back of the couch, leaving a perfect baby-sized opening. You were more than glad that she loved him, and you knew they’d be close as she grew up.
“Hey,” you said, getting his attention.
“Hm?” he looked over at you, crunching on his snack of popcorn.
“Do you remember that day in that RV when you were talking to Nancy about having six kids?”
“You’re gonna make a great dad.”
He looked down at his niece leaning against his side.
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
He nodded. “Thank you. Right back at you. Not about you being a dad. You’re a great mom.
“I got it,” you chuckled. “Thank you.”
Within a few minutes, you and Rose had dozed off, Steve answering the game show’s questions to himself.
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