#'being free in a lot of ways for the first time' 🥲🥲🥲 oh pain
yrsonpurpose · 4 months
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It's so interesting to try and add to this story and not tarnish the wonderful work that's been done.
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lunercoaster · 6 months
Get DRs off of the Pedestal
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I’ve been pretty desperate to shift lately. I think I’ve forgotten they’re other realities. They’re real. They have problems. Just like this one.
And every version of myself, Is still myself. And I have problems, No matter where I go.
So, Here are some bad or annoying things that will be there.
School work. Oh my God. The work load is insane. Especially with all the training they have you do. You don’t have a lot of free time on school days. But, You find the time.
My (Adoptive) Father, Aizawa, Can be TERRIFYING when he’s angry. Trust. Dont get him Mad.
Dealing with my Nightmare quirk. A drawback for it is terrible nightmares every night. And in some cases my quirk can activate and put them into the real world. One of two ways to get rid of it would be realizing it’s an actual nightmare. Which is hard even for me. (More detailed than that, if you want more details about my quirks, lemme know!)
My Backstory and Connection to AFO/The League. Enough said. ☠️
Work Studies and Internships. I do both of them with Mirko, And she’s fucken fast. She does not stop. When we’re sparing, she leaves SO MANY BRUISES. Girls gotta take it down a notch. 😭🙏
Villains are fucken terrifying. Like, These are people who are aiming to hurt you.
Seeing my Family or Friends get hurt. Like the USJ. Seeing my Father like that is…Painful.
Getting hurt myself. Not fun.
Rick and Morty ~
Rick being an asshole.
Morty being weird. ☠️
Just being in the wrong place, wrong time.
Rick Prime and my ties to him.
Basically being an errand dog for Rick. 😭
The Smith Family Drama.
End of the world, Multiple times, then restarting in a new reality.
Welcome to the Game
Being hunted by Lucas and the Noir,
Finding out Adam is a terrible person.
Then finding out Tanner is bad. ☠️🙏
Clint being up my ass to help him find Amelia. Like, We got time bro. 😩
The Blue Blood Killer. ☠️
Being forced to help Adam find the BBK.
Detroit : Become Human ~
Arresting Deviants. 🥲
Running. I hate running.
The brink of civilization collapsing.
Detroit. Just. Detroit.
Hank being a drunk bastard. 🙄
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(This isn’t all of my DRs. Just the first that came to mind. Everything is always more complicated than it seems, so it’s more detailed and personal. Any questions, Feel free to ask!)
(Also MHA is more detailed because that’s the DR I’m focused on rn lol. I feel most connected to that one at the moment. Still miss my Dad 😭🤞)
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Tsuki! What about a thing like telling them that you hate them as a prank (or any other prank) with Inumaki and Dominique x fem or gn reader? (ofc separated) Cause they are my favourites 🥲❤️
You can answer this whenever u want! Feel free to ignore it too! Have a nice day <3
Thank you for requesting my dear!!
I hope I got request right and this is of your liking! I hope you don't mind the pranks I chose? I am somewhat good with pranks, but describing them and plotting them is kinda hard ! I rather wing it in the moment!
Please let me know what you think!
Tsuki's note: on this little piece, this is all set on a moment of peace, before all the sad of canon. A little ooc on Domi's part, probably.
Today you were pranked by inumaki. He did the classic prank of turning the salt shaker upside down. Normally, you would have shaken it off, but he has been messing with you a lot recently.
The past week was full of pranks on you - specifically you - so you decided a little revenge was in order.
Alas, you were scared of accidently pranking Panda and Maki while at it. So you gave up on doing practical pranks, when it occurred to you:
You could prank him by giving the silence treatment with a sparkle of drama.
That is what you did. The plan was for the next three days you wouldn't acknowledge his presence or texts to you. Unless conversation was necessary, of course, like in a mission.
Time to put the plan in action! The first day, as you walked into the classroom you a general good morning. Boy, you were anxious about this. You took your seat behind Maki.
On the first break of the day, you invited Maki to go fetch some food. She was on-board with it and Inumaki invited himself along.
But you didn't spare a single glance at his direction. You walked besides Maki chatting with her cheerfully and normally, ignoring Inumaki's little protests of poking your arm:
Inumaki: Tuna, Tuna!
He soon puffed his cheeks when you gave no attention, so he tried Maki:
Maki: what?
Inumaki: Tuna Tuna!
Maki: I am not ignoring you, say what you want to say at once!
Inumaki: ....
When you return to class this kept going. You didn't look at his direction the whole day, he poked you, he texted you - texted your name five times in a row- you managed to succefully ignore him.
In the end of the day you headed to your room, as usual. On your way there Panda caught up to you and asked why you were ignoring Inumaki. Guess it was a little obvious huh?
Y/n: well, he have been a pain lately so I thought of coming with a come back.
Panda: oh, so you are being petty.
Y/n: Yeah, I mean, I had to change clothes so many times yesterday!
Panda: hmm... I won't disagree with you, he sometimes goes a little far, but be careful about this.
You grumbled you knew you shouldn't drag this long. Just been one day. It won't cause much harm right? The next day started with training exercise.
You were paired with Panda today, so at least an awkward situation was avoided. But during the resting breaks, Inumaki would come around to poke you and try to get your attention. You kept ignoring him. He puffed his cheeks again and sat in front of you holding out your cheeks between his hands:
Inumaki: Tuna Tuna!
Y/n: .....
Inumaki: Tuna Mayo!
You just blinked. He suddenly got his face closer to yours and when he did that you got up quickly, feeling your cheeks burn. All you did was walk away from him, you couldn't see it, but he was pouting and his eyes were screaming confusing.
You took a few deep breaths trying to calm down your heart. He got too close, too close. After a few minutes taking a deep breath you returned to your training session. Inumaki stopped poking you at every chance he got.
So you decided to take a look at him, he was looking down, hands on his pocket and his eyes looked so sad.
You sighed. Maybe it was time to stop this soon. Since you came this far, why not end it tomorrow like nothing happened? While you thought this over your phone buzzed, a text message:
Inumaki: y/n, are you mad at me?
You ponder whether to reply or not. You decided to answer once you got to your room. On your way there you got another message:
Inumaki: are you upset? Was it the pranks?
You kept walking. You reached your room and let out a long sigh. Another buzz:
Inumaki: please, talk to me. Please?
Your heart was breaking. But he did deserved it, he was annoying the whole week! You scratched your head and decides to go for a shower, while you are at it, think what to do.
After you got dressed, you saw a few more messages:
Inumaki: I am sorry I made you upset.
Inumaki: can I see you now?
Inumaki: maybe later? But today?
When you were about to type something you heard a knock in the door. Since nothing was said on the other end you thought you could be Inumaki. So you decided to open it:
Y/n: yes?
Inumaki: !! Tuna, Tuna!
He was pointing at himself and you. You knew what he meant, so took a deep breath and invited him in. Surprisingly he refused:
Inumaki: Okaka... Tuna..
He showed you his phone, the messages he sent earlier on the screen:
Y/n: I read them. Look... are you sure you don't want to come in?
Inumaki: Okaka
Y/n: ok... well...
You got fidgety and looked at the floor when you started to explain your idea. He was quiet the whole time, but his eyes showed a million emotions: confusion, anger, relief, sadness and happiness. By the end of your explanation he pinched your cheeks:
Inumaki: Okaka! Tuna Tuna!
Y/n: I know, it was mean, but you were also mean!
Inumaki: shake, Tuna Tuna, shake!
Y/n: Yeah, I could have said something, I am sorry. Hey, why do I have to apologize alone?
Inumaki: ..... shake shake.
He typed on his phone again. When he showed you the text it read:
" I am sorry for pranking you so much. I just wanted to have a little attention from you. "
You gasped like a fish. The tips of his ears got red and he began to type again:
" please don't leave me hanging again. It gets lonely when you don't yell at me. "
You smiled and giggled. That made his eyes shine with happiness:
Y/n: right, I won't do that again, but you should avoid making me change so much. Do you know how much laundry I got?
He giggled. That was a rare occurrence, but whenever it happened it sounded so soft and sweet. He held his hands up as if telling you sorry and that he surrenders.
You hugged him at this moment. At first he didn't really know what to do with his hands, but he soon hugged you back:
Inumaki: Shake shake!
You giggled again. When you broke away, you could feel your cheeks turning red, but this time you didn't hide or run. Instead you just grinned at him. His ears got a shade darker and he patted your head:
Inumaki: Shake shake!
Y/n: oh yeah, it's late... good night! I am sorry again..
You couldn't see because of his high collar, but he smiled at you. For a fraction of time, he lowered the collar and gave kiss on your forehead. He left you stunned there while he waved bye at you and ran back to his dorm. You felt like an idiot just standing there.
In the next day, it was all back to normal. It didn't go unnoticed by Panda:
Panda: I see you are done with your little game.
Y/n: Yeah, I told you, it was just for a little bit!
Panda: If I were you, I would check everything twice for now on.
Y/n: He wouldn't prank me again.... would he?
The Panda just shrugged. You blinked at him and turned around to look at Inumaki, he noticed you looking and waved at you. You waved back and smiled.
For now, you wanted to believe he would not prank you that much. Then it hitted you something he said and you didn't ask about:
"  I wanted your attention"
From this moment onward you started to hope you'd get pranked more often. But your classmate decided to tune it down for a bit, the pranks got more harmless with you and less often.
Instead he started to poke you more and offer food to you. You were torn between which kind of attention you liked more, the pranks or the poking. The only thing you were sure of is that you would never give him the cold shoulder again, you couldn't even dare to imagine not having his cute giggles around you.
Dominique x reader
You can't lie you loved when Domi sat with you to chat. No matter the topic you always loved it. Or almost always. Today you got a little upset by how she was rambling about Noé spending more time with Vanitas than her.
You do understand that they are childhood friends, thus she worries about him a lot, which is natural but still sting a little bit.
But not matter! Tomorrow you were two were going shopping and out for tea later! Ah to eat those sweets. You were so excited you could barely sleep.
When the day finally started you, you got ready to go, your best clothes, your hair on point, you looked like deity! Soon enough you were together, the day was going just fine until you sat to eat your sweet dessert.
On the first bite - a spoon full - you felt a salty taste instead of the sweet one. You got up and started reaching for water, in front of you Domi was laughing. Oh, she did this.
She explained she decided to mess with you a little since you seemed upset lately. But that little prank made you even more upset, so on your way back you brainstormed ways to prank her. 
You decided to pull a prank, on which you would suddenly throw her on a lake and make a run for it. For this, you cooked up a whole day with her that ended with walk on around the lake.
The day came around, you got ready like before, looking gorgeous and Domi herself was looking amazing. You went through your day just fine, walked a bit around town, stopped on a few shops she wanted to check, went to a Cafe to drink coffee and eat some macaroons and finally the walk in the park.
Domi was mesmerized by the view, the lake had a bridge with flowers on the side and the trees made a tunnel over the bridge. Beautiful.
While she enjoyed the view, you snaked your arms around her waste and in one fell swoop you got her in your arms. She looked surprised and so beautiful, it felt so right to hold her that it almost made you not throw her at the lake. Almost.
You smiled at her, walked to the edge and just - plop. The lake wasn't very deep, so you could see her face going from dazed to confused to angry. You ran for your life when she got up. You were laughing your butt off.
When she caught up to you, you thought she was going to kill you, but for your surprise, she hugged you and shook her head. Yeah shook her head, as her hair is long, all that water got to you.
You were wet now, not like her, but still wet. You both laughed it off. She wiped her face on your clothes, lord, even with messed up clothes and dripping wet she looked divine.
You felt your cheeks heat up, so hid your face with your sleeve. Domi removed your arm from your face, she looked at you in your eyes and brushed your hair from your face:
Domi: tell me, y/n, why did you do this?
Y/n: oh, I just wanted to get back at you for the other day. You know the salty dessert.
Domi: oh, that.
She giggled. You couldn't help and say what was on your mind:
Y/n: I... I also wanted to have a moment of us.
Domi: of us? You mean just you and I?
You nodded. You felt your face flush:
Y/n: just a memory of us.
She looked surprised, a little sad and happy at the same time:
Domi: a memory with me? I-I... why me?
Y/n: I wanted ... I wanted to have a special thing - our thing.
She looked surprised at your answer and slowly her cheeks flared up:
Domi: w-well I am feeling a little cold! Shall we return?
She didn'twait for your reply, but you were glad to have spent some time with her. She grabbed your hand and held to it until you had to part ways.
On that moment she turned around, smiled and kissed your cheek. After that she ran off, leaving you just standing there. But that is ok, after all you got to hold her hand and get a kiss right?
From this day onward Domi seemed more invested on doing specific activities with you. Something she only did with you, like a walk on that lake, holding your hand that according to her, it was to be sure you wouldn't throw her in the water again.
But her red cheeks couldn't lie to you - The way she walked closer, with a calm and serene expression told you - told you it was all but a excuse.
You couldn't help but wonder when would be the next time you would hold her like that again. But for now, these little time of yours was all you needed.
It didn't sting when she talked about Noé anymore, because now, you two had your thing too and it was enough for the time being.
Thank you for reading!
I feel like I made Domi ooc. She feels ooc. I am sorry about it ><
I hope you enjoyed what I had to offer!
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