#'blown out of proportion' HON
tuiyla · 1 year
sue me but I support women's wrongs. by which I mean the Dark Willow arc is delicious but she's so wrong
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nationwidenews · 2 years
Ihedioha apologises over 'saboteur' comment, says intention was blown out of proportion
Ihedioha apologises over ‘saboteur’ comment, says intention was blown out of proportion
Former governor of Imo state, Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, CON, has tendered an apology to his supporters, lovers and fans who may have been offended over the use of the word ‘saboteur’ while addressing a gathering of his of his kinsmen, who are predominantly his party members in Accra, Ghana. This is so, he said, because is not in his character to be rude, even as he reiterates his respect for…
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dsmpdaily · 3 years
went on twt for the first time in months. saw a "callout post" on dsmp members. saw smth about being a kpop/horror slasher stannie in their bio. proceeded to laugh for years.
hon u cannot sit there and go "mcyt stans should perish bc their fav cc isn't a perfect angel" and proceed to stan kpop folk. news flash, buddy!!!! all cc's make mistakes!!!! ur purity culture is bullshit for digging up shit the cc did years ago!!! every single person alive makes mistakes!!!! so sorry techno made a bad joke literally 3 years ago or tommy didn't know what (very bad thing) was, but they've learned from it and it should be forgave and forgotten ffs
"this person made a bad joke they didn't know was bad at the time, learned their mistake and apologized, and has never said something like it since so they MUST be cancelled" shut up ur the person no one invited to sleepovers bc you never let anyone have fun
never opening twt again, it's for the better good
yeah idk twt just.. i mean im primarily on bsd twt and cookie run twt now, but no place is without drama unfortunately
yeah i think its so funny when ppl drag mcyt fans but they're kpop stans. like bro you got a kpop dude in your pfp you can't speak!! /lh i suppose
something about that one post that basically is like anitwt 🤝 kpoptwt 🤝 dsmptwt and how we're all just as bad as each other
i know people make threads and preface it with "im not trying to cancel, just trying to educate" and they're genuinely trying to do just that, but it always gets blown out of proportion by people who see the thread & make their own with bad intentions.. just yikes all around
i just don't vibe with it, i go on twitter & post, maybe rt from a mutual or check up on them, and then i log off 👍 but still somehow i see drama like what i was on this site for 5 minutes max
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uhzuku · 3 years
Hey hon, I noticed what’s been going on and it just seems like something blown straight out of proportions over some small messages. Some people can’t take a joke and don’t have the same humor. If they don’t vibe with you & visa versa, I don’t think you should associate with them anymore. It’s just not worth the energy, and some friendships just aren’t meant to be. I’d take some time to cool off!! I know it’s stressful to come under fire (I’ve been there before as a prev bigger blog haha) so I know it’s not fun, but pls take a little break and don’t do anything too rash. Sending you lots of love xx
yeah, im probably taking a bit of time off just to work on my writing and get better mentally after last night’s chaos.
thank you for the kind words🖤
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Honestly I hope Ky doesn’t go to Madrid. That team is so toxic. The players are toxic and treat each other with so little respect. You don’t need to get along with all of your teammates but respect is key. They all try to tear each other down to make themselves feel better and treat others so badly. They look good on the outside and it’s ✨Real✨ but what goes on behind the doors is bad. I get that it was/is Kylians dream to move there but maybe he’ll think about it and takes a closer look
Ok, hon. Sweetie, slow down for a second😅. I know the news today has been less then flattering but I've been hearing that it was Mendy who might have said it (and honestly personally that doesn't make it much better). But outside of this incident, real doesn't seem to have any major issues different from any other team. ....
Hold on a second, I'm just gonna put my real madrid hating heart to the side for one second.
Ugh, here we go.
Look, there is no way this team could have one 3 CL back to back if their relationship was toxic. Sure they haven't had the best of years afterwards but that's probably due to team rebuilding and their biggest star leaving them. They have done remarkably well to pick themselves up all things considered and Kylian probably wants to be part of that.
Psg have had their own issues with team conflict and infighting and a lot of made up stories that were blown out if proportion. At the end of the day only the players really know what's going on inside their club and we fans will never really know everything.
Kylian loves that God forsaken club and while I won't support him when he goes there, I do support his dream to do so.
Besides, most of the players who have left Madrid like our Keylor and James have had nothing but nice things to say about their former teammates. So while the management doesn't seem all that great. One of the biggest redeemable qualities about that team is that they do respect each other. One incident of a team frouth in frustration and anger isn't really gonna change that.
Now, I do hope that both Benzema and Mendy still apologize to Vinicius. And they bury whatever anger that came out during the match. But other than that, I honestly don't see that much of an issue with it. I'm just worried about Vini and how he might react to it and I 100% believe the words were uncalled for, rude and frankly just unprofessional and embarrassing. But that's for them to sort it out.
On another note, I also really hope Kylian doesn't go to Real Madrid!!!! Not because they have poor working relationship but because they are madrid and I hate them.
Besides, yeah we're playing really poor but it's not like they are doing much better either!!!
Stay Kylian!!!!
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burlybanner · 5 years
Notes: New story. Will be putting it in installments, probably once/week. This is more or less to keep me honest with writing it. If I don’t, I won’t finish. I know me far too well. It’s a monster, probably close to NaNoWriMo levels if I’m honest. But it’s a nice monster. Note the tags.
Rating: M (themes/language mostly)
Pairing: Stark Spangled Banner
Special note: an AU of Infundo (post-Infundo Chronicles).
Summary:  They’d always been a triad - sun and moon, encircling a heavenly body...
The question was so out of the blue, so perplexing, so - fuck no, he must be losing his hearing - insane that Tony dropped the spanner. It bounced and clanged angrily across the lab's cement floor causing one bot - U - to chirp softly and pick it up. U tried returning it to its creator by repeating bumping against his leg, but Tony focused on one thing right now. One person.
"Run that by me again?"
"You heard me." Bruce Banner stared at an oil smudge between their feet. It was twisted in an odd shape, reminiscent of pancake-shaped licorice. "I don't think I need to repeat myself."
"Oh hell, no. No." Tony yanked the spanner from U's grip and tapped his shoulder with it while pacing the floor. "You don't drop a bombshell like that without giving a guy a hint. What brought this on?"
"Yeah, honestly."
"It looks comfortably soothing, I’m tired of running, I like who I am...and." He bit down his response, holding it between his teeth, but Tony could see Bruce mentally shifting gears - frustratingly choosing to conceal a portion of truth. A skill Bruce was, unfortunately, still good at doing.
Bruce sighed. "Maybe I'm warming up to full-on pampering from you and Steve. Do I really need to explain myself?"
"All right, fine. I...get it. Sort of." Tony paused mid-pace and gave Bruce the side-eye, but not without sauntering over to his extremely significant other while poking him in his gut (and Tony's finger sunk in a good five inches, before Bruce swatted his hand away).
Like diving into fresh dough, Tony thought wickedly.  
“Stop that.”
"Whatever. I'm just saying, you're what. Three-sixty? Three-seventy?"
Tony tutted his tongue against his teeth, his eyes scanning Bruce from head to toe. He'd overlooked how round and jowly Bruce's cheeks had become and how much more his heavy belly wobbled over his belt like an over-inflated water balloon.
Tony slowly scraped his lower lip with his teeth and let his libido drink in Bruce's delicious form.  His fat had dissolved all his chiseled edges, smoothing them like candle wax, dimpling him in places Tony never expected to notice. Arms, legs, face, chin, chest, neck - even elbows and fingers Pillsburied up into scrumptious fat. Bruce'd blown up like a county fair attraction and Tony couldn't tell where he'd even put on the extra twenty; Bruce’s fat had settled into all his body’s spare nooks and crannies. All that lovely jiggling Jell-o. Waiting for touches, prods, tickles, and gropes—
"Earth to Tony," Bruce muttered, snapping his fingers in Tony's slackened face.
Tony snorted, pretending Bruce hadn't mesmerized him and turned him so the fuck on. Was he becoming more like Cap these days? Wouldn't doubt it. "ANY-hoo," Tony said, grabbing a rolling chair. He took inventory of Bruce more thoroughly by rolling around the scientist, taking a good 360-look while Bruce stared at his circular pattern.
"Are you trying to orbit me?"
Tony laughed. "No. Although that could be an experiment for another day." Tony poked and prodded Bruce’s flab, freely grabbing fistfuls of his favorite butterball and fluffing his ample butt cheeks.
"Tony," Bruce cautioned.
"Sorry. Couldn't resist."
"What are you plotting?"
"Me, plotting? Perish the thought. I'm planning, Banner. I have ideas, I have a million ideas. But we're gonna have to get Cap involved. He'll want to know."
Bruce fidgeted somewhat, which surprised Tony. Didn't seem like something Bruce would be shy about.
"So soon?"
"Well, yah, the sooner the better." Tony narrowed his eyes at him. "What's bugging you, Care Bear?"
"Nothing," Bruce said, but Tony didn't believe him. He let it slide as he rolled back to his desk.
" 'Nothing' for now, babe, but I'll challenge that declaration later." He did a quick calculation in his head and pulled up Jarvis' keyboard. "J, open a new file for me. Call it, 'Operation Supermax.' "
"Don't mock the name, Brucie Bear. It's not like I had time to come up with something better."
"New file created," Jarvis intoned, flooding the room with his soothing AI voice. "Would you like to add to it now, sir?"
Tony grinned at Bruce. "Scan Brucie for me, Jarvis. Put all his current vitals in there. Show us what we're working with."
Jarvis threw up a 3D image of Bruce‘s body and stats. “I will say, I'm quite curious, sirs."
"So‘re we, J. Especially interested in what'll happen after we tell Cap."
Bruce looked less enthused at telling Steve, but whatever. Steve was their partner; not telling him would be ridiculous. "Sure you don't wanna say why you're lookin' grim?"
"I'm not grim," Bruce stated, and Tony waggled his finger at Bruce's lie.
"Not my monkeys, not my circus. But you know Steve'll get it out of you if I can't, Pooh."
"I know."
"Easier to rip off the band-aid."
"I said I knew, didn't I?"
"Fine, fine." Tony toggled a few buttons on his keyboard. "J, call Steve down. We're gonna have a family meeting."
But Steve relayed a message through Jarvis saying he'd meet up after he'd finished his workout.  Bruce had grabbed five pounds' worth of snacks and wanted to wait for Steve in the media room, but Tony cajoled and wheedled him until he caved. Which was why he ended up joining Tony in the exercise room instead, ogling Steve's lifting routine.  Well, “cajoling and wheedling” wasn’t exactly right, to be fair. Watching Steve work out was a damn privilege.
"I feel like a stalker," Bruce muttered, unwrapping one of his remaining chocolate bars. He wasn't not staring, though.
"He probably knows we're here. He says he doesn't, but I think he does. I'm just obeyin' my thirst."
"Quit watching those dumb commercials." Bruce scarfed down his jumbo Snickers bar with two or three grateful grunts and gulped down his soda. And no, Bruce's Adam's Apple bobbing so deliciously up and down did not mesmerize Tony. Certainly not.
"Mmf--and/or, get off social media. Sounds like you’re trying too hard to fit in with the cool kids."
"Heh. You can't tell me Steve doesn't like teasing us right back." Tony pointed his chin at Steve powerlifting weights rivaling Thor's class. "Look at 'im, you can't tell me he's not a thirst trap."
Bruce made a face as he tossed his wrapper and soda can in the trash. "Definitely too much social media."
Tony's eye lingered over Bruce's dwindling dragon hoard of snacks, which teased a lecherous smile from his lips. "You startin' early, or what?"
"Gotta keep up my strength."
"Mhm." Tony went into his head, thinking about how Steve'd go bonkers. In a good way. Probably in a good way. "You know Steve'll have his own ideas. You gonna let him go hog wild?"
"Oh, hardy-har." Bruce tore into a packet of mini donuts. "Yeah, okay, fine," he grunted. A smattering of donut crumbs sprayed from his full mouth before he put a hand to his lips to stop them. "You figured out why I'm apprehensive. Don't rub it in."
"I'm not tryin' to, Brucie. In fact, I think you're blowing this up way out of proportion." And don't think Tony didn't recognize the pun, even if Bruce didn't. He casually watched Bruce scrape crumbs from his shirt. "Don't you think he cares enough that h--"
"Oh, hey, fellas!"
Steve finally noticed them salivating in front of the spy window. Which was what Tony called it. Really, it was a breezeway with a window to the exercise rooms so folks could check for occupied training floors. But Tony mostly used it to indulge his naturally nosy nature.
Steve grabbed a fresh towel and wrapped it around his neck while Tony bit his tongue. Making lewd comments was tempting and although Steve wouldn't have minded, Bruce would get skittish if he ramped up the tension now. And if Bruce bolted, well...kinda made what he was about to do moot.
"What's up?" Steve dabbed sweat from his forehead and plunked next to Bruce on the thirst trap bench. His cheeks reddened when he noticed the mound of opened goodies. "Is it an emergency? Fury call us in?"
"Oh, nothing like that," Tony said. He propped his feet beneath the breezeway window. "Bruce has something he wants to say."
Bruce wiped powdered sugar off his lips while swallowing thickly. "Well, not...exactly."
"Yeah, ya do, exactly," Tony said, nudging Bruce's shoulder. "Boy Scout," he said, calling to Steve. "D'you think you could steel yourself enough to not act like a kid in a candy store?"
"Bruce, hon', it's all good. Steve," he started again. Poor guy already looked five kinds of confused. "It's something that'll affect the three of us but unless Bruce explains with his big boy words I'm not gonna help him."
"Traitor," Bruce huffed.
"Only way to kick you out of the nest."
"What," Steve said, finally getting a word in edgewise, "the hell. Are you two talking about?"
Bruce shot Tony a narrow look before turning to Steve. "It's...it's not enough," he began slowly. "I-I mean, we're fine," he stuttered, gesturing to each of them. "We're great. But I want. I want more. And I'm not sure how you'll take it."
"Just know," Tony interrupted, "I'm on board 100% if you are. But I'm looking at this from a scientific perspective more than--"
"I thought you said I should tell him."
"Well, you're taking too long, Banner. Cut to the chase!"
Steve held up a hand, motioning both to shut their traps. "Thank you," he said once they quieted. "Now. Bruce. Muffin." He stroked Bruce's chubby cheek and Bruce melted like butter in his hand. "Gimme the specifics. Let me decide if I'll be okay or not with whatever it is."
But Tony could see the small trembling smile on Cap's features; Steve was noticeably scared. He made a face, hoping Bruce hurried it up before causing irreparable damage.
"I want," Bruce sighed heavily. His glance went back and forth at the men in his life, then to his hands. "I'm not exactly happy at my current weight."
Steve's lips thinned. He looked like someone had taken his favorite toy away, but the expression fled before Bruce caught it.
Tony noticed, though.
"So you want to lose weight," Steve sighed. He kept his voice level but Tony detected his disappointment. "Well, I understand. It's not like we expected it forever and--"
"No," Bruce interrupted, quieter than before. He wrapped his hand around Steve's, stilling the man's jitters. "You've misunderstood. It's...ah. It's the opposite."
Steve's cheeks flared while Tony choked back laughter from Steve's startled expression.
"W-what? You wanna gain more?"
Bruce slowly nodded. "I know you've always been encouraging, and you seemed satisfied when I tapered off. But I really��like it when you and Tony feed me." Bruce reached for Tony's hand and rubbed his thumb across their knuckles. "I like breakfasts in bed, lazy nights watching B movies, and eating crappy takeout. I like feeling overstuffed, and the headiness the feeling brings me. I think I've gotten as large as I can on my own. So I'll need help from you and Tony to get...um. Larger."
Steve visibly gulped. "Um. H...how much larger are we talkin'--?"
Bruce glanced Tony's way, and Tony encouraged him with a nod. "Um. To a point where I can  stay sedentary. I'm happy at home - I'm happy here. With us. I don't want to run anymore, and I want to feel grounded. Literally. So--"
"He wants to become immobile," Tony explained, butting in again. "Which is no mean feat, with his metabolism. Even with Bed, even with all the snacking and meals he gets, he's probably leveled off. But if we're talkin' immobility, we're probably addin' another three hundred to him, more or less."
Cap let out a shaky sigh. "Whoa..."
Tony shrugged. "Again, more or less. Depends on what 'immobile' means to a guy like Bruce. 'Course you know," Tony said, sobering. "He's wouldn't be totally immobile, not really." His dark eyes roamed Bruce, emphasizing the seriousness of his next words. "The only way that would happen is if we separated him from the Hulk."
"Which I'm not asking for," Bruce quickly piped. "That's not my goal."
"Good. 'Cause that's more than my paygrade. What'dya think, Spangles?" Tony turned to Steve. "You in, or what?"
"I...I'm not even sure." His expression remained pensive before hovering between Tony and Bruce. "I think I want to understand what that means before I agree to it. It'll change our 'rules,' our dynamics, the team--"
"Absolutely," Bruce agreed. "But I guess...I'd like to retire, if that's okay. From the team. I've already spoken with the university--"
"You have?"
Bruce motioned for his boyfriends to calm down.  "I'm not giving up teaching, I'm just switching to an online format. I'll still be an adjunct but I won't teach in person or in front of a classroom. And besides..." He sighed, but a small smile teased his lips. "I won't be mobile enough for a classroom. At least that's what I'm hoping."
Tony shared a look with Steve who looked both mesmerized and stunned. But then Tony noticed something else a sly, (dare he say it), evil mastermind grin on Steve's face rivaling their greatest enemies.
"Steve. Your bad boy expression is showing," Tony muttered.
"I know, I know," Steve breathed. "But I kinda I wanna know how soon we can start."
Part two: https://burlybanner.tumblr.com/post/185854349769/syzygy-2
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braincoins · 6 years
Is it too late for prompt suggestions? I’m always so late with these! Prompt idea. Shiro and Allura are bitter rivals and Shiro gets a concussion. Allura’s the first thing he sees when he wakes up. In the back of his mind he always knew that he’s been secretly in love with her, but has she always been this beautiful? Were her hands always this soft? Did she always smell this good? There are a lot of things he notices about her now that his mind his hazy and his mouth has no filter.
((I tried, hon. It’s so hard for me to think of them as rivals of any type, I’m sorry. v__v; means I won’t get around to your other prompt either, since it plays off that same rivalry thing. I mean, I can kind of see it, them being competitive and that getting blown out of proportion, but try as I might, I can’t seem to write it well. 
*hugs* But just know that I love you and your ideas, okay?))
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Pcy sued so sm acting like this when he was literally in the comeback prior to leaving just makes this even more sick to me like suddenly acting like he doesnt exsist also not to mention how the members dont seem to mention the two either what gives? How can you not mention 3 members on the 10th anniversary? Does that make any sense acting like they will burst into flames if they mention them when fans are around 🥴 just lets those ot6 think they are in the right for bullying chanchenlay
Hey hon, thanks for the ask!
So there are so many things to unpack here, and I will warn everyone who is reading this that what I'm about to say is based on my personal opinion, so don't go around taking it as fact. It will be a long post. Having said that, let's get into it.
As for Chanyeopl sueing (don't know how you spell it lol), yes he did. He did it for defamation, and he was in the right in that from the legal perspective. The court sided with him too. However, that doesn't deny the scandal in its entirety. Now, I personally don't give a rats ass about neither Chen nor Chanyeols so called “scandals”, cause they pertain to very private aspects of their life, so frankly, I dont care. Even if the allegations about Chanyeol were true (which i seriously dont think so), I still wouldnt care cause its his personal relationship situation and I honestly don't think its right to expose that or talk about it publically. Real life sucks, and relatinships are messy. If he did indeed make a mistake in his relationship with his ex, thats for him to figure out and grow from. We are all human beings. I personally do think the girl was indeed his ex-gf, and they broke up badly and so she exaggerated and fabricated things to get back at him. Which, honestly, happens a lot. Yet again, I still don't care cause its his private life, and neither should anyone else. But based off the letter itself, the exaggerations were pretty self explanatory, some of it came out of freaking Wattpad stories. So the fact that this has been blown out of proportion is just dumb to begin with, even if there were a tiny amount of truth to it. He's a grown ass man with a grown ass men's life. I said all this to propose an idea and that is: maybe SM is holding on to the fact that defamation case and the actual situation are two different things? Like I said above? Idk. Cause like you said, it makes absolutely no sense otherwise. They included him in DFTF, he gave out letters and apologies, they publically stated the person (his ex-gf) was sent to prosecution...So whyyyyyy are they hiding him? The problem was solved? I agree with you, it makes no sense. Unless ofcourse, them seperating the case from the situation... which again, considering its his private life... is still an idiotic thing to do as a business company. So in conclusion, no matter how you look at it, IT MAKES NO SENSE.
As for Jongdae, a similar situation applies. Culturally he had a "scandal" cause it was before he got married. Ok fine, it's their culture and so whatever. My culture has similar beliefs too so I can't fault them for the initial reaction (I will absolutely fault them for the unreasonable punishment, hate and requests however...THAT part makes no sense whatsoever and is highly inappropriate). But they solved that problem too? He gave out letters, they gave out a whole ass official statement as a company saying he's not going anywhere... They included him in the seasonal greetings and other merch...that too was solved. So again...WHYYYYY are they hiding him? Unless again, they are separating the public PR situation from the actual private matter? Which again, its a stupid thing to do cause... much like Chanyeol... its no one's business? Especially in a culture/country where the private lives of celebrities are actually legally protected. He too is a grown ass man? Again, makes no sense to me either.
As for the anniversary event, as much as i enjoyed seeing them together... you are right again as it was a mess. The excuse is that they didnt mention or show them cause theyre not active and are in the military. Even Baekhyun didn't get a solo shot in the 10th anniversary VCR. He just appeared briefly with sehun. He too wasn't highlighted. But that still begs the question... its an anniversary event? It's not a comeback? Not talking or showing OLD FOOTAGE of the people who were involved in this group in the past TEN FUCKING YEARS is just idiotic? Them being currently inactive and in the military has no relation to them being involved in Exo for the past 10 years. Had this been a comeback, I would have been like okay fine, theyre inactive... makes sense. But this was a 10 year event... Showing old footage of all of them is not a cultural nor legal problem, regardless of the fact that they are in the military or are in China. It's so STUPID. They should have been in the VCR at LEAST. Again, I don't understand what the hell they were thinking either... makes no sense to me.
In conclusion, I am genuinely confused. Because I thought the scandals were left in the past and the company moved forward, cause that was the impression they gave in the past 2 years. But things have looked...suspicious... especially this year... I'm not gonna lie. Now Lay's situation, contrary to popular belief, is actually political so thats a different animal. Which is why i'm letting that one slide cause governments of two countries who don't like each other at the moment... is a serious issue and crying about a Kpop boy not being able to perform with his group because of serious political unrest... is well, insensitive and idiotic. So Lay's situation is more complicated and makes sense. Although again, he should have been in the VCR at LEAST. The man released a whole ass song dedicated to the nine of them, and SM didn't even bother to put him in the VCR...HUH? But again, politics so whatever. But Chen and Chanyeol? I seriously don't understand that logic. Makes absolutely no sense to me. At least Lay's situation has a legitamate and potentially dangerous excuse... but with ChanChen? There's legit none. And yea, I hate that the dumb ot6 idiots are being validated, and no one is doing anything about it. All it takes for one of them, to just go up and be like yea We Nine Are One... but theyre not doing it for some bizzare reason either.
At this point im just waiting for Chen's discharge, cause I think how that is handled will reveal a lot of things. Both with him and Chanyeol. Maybe all this is just fans and myself blowing things out of proportion, which listen... is actually very likely. There have been recent proof of OT9 sentiments from SM as well... yet people ignore that. So Maybe i'm just thinking too much and everything is very benign. But yea, one more week and we will see whats up.
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fuleao · 5 years
This is the second or third time I've seen you reblog a post by female-husband who is a known terf. I feel like I sent you a message before, i think I need to unfollow because I'm unsure if you're a safe blog or not :/
Hey hon, you keep yourself safe. I would like to say, if this is something you’re going to go around doing, it would be helpful if you could provide some evidence? I took a look at this blog and some googling, and I’m not really coming up with anything. You even said in your previous message that you were warning me about a “crypto terf.” There very well could be transphobic content in there, but I can’t comb through an entire blog. It’s just not realistic.
If it helps at all, this isn’t someone I follow and I don’t really pay much attention to the urls on posts. Maybe some would say it’s irresponsible to do that or not to screen the blog of every OP on a post but that just seems overboard to me. 
I hope it doesn’t feel like I don’t care about your concerns, I just don’t have a lot of info and things can get blown out of proportion on this site. 
Oh also if it’s not clear, transphobes can get the fuck out.
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akeodi · 5 years
Minister of Transportation Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi has lashed out at the Vice Presidential Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Mr. Peter Obi for saying that he (Amaechi) is not politically relevant to discuss whether Igbos should have the Presidency in 2023 or not.
Amaechi who spoke on the sidelines, at an Interactive forum of Maritime Stakeholders in Lagos, on Tuesday,…
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idornaseminary · 7 years
Chapter Ninety-Six: Calix and Beatrice
The Grotto was cold that night. The charmed fire, burning a brilliant yellow, offered something to see by but brought no warmth to Calix’s bones as he sat cross-legged on the bed, a fur blanket pulled tightly around his shoulders. He breathed some heat into his hands, seriously regretting not bringing a jumper or a hoodie with him. Whatever heat he had was ripped away through his thin shirt. As he rubbed his hands together, attempting to bring his frozen fingers back to life, he glanced at his watch.
It’s getting late.
And she’s not here yet?
He was waiting patiently on Beatrice. He hadn’t seen her in a while and she was late for their rendezvous. Quite late. Not that Calix was in any way peeved by her tardiness, she was obviously busy, but he did miss her company. He wanted to spend time with her. She always made him smile.
She had made him smile.
Recently though, it was like she’d grown a little distant. Since the fallen had woken up, since her afternoon with Halina and Doctor Evans, she didn’t speak much to him, especially not about what had transpired between her and Halina. Nevertheless Calix could tell without a single drop of magic that it wasn’t good. Which was why he wanted to spend time with her - he wanted to make sure his girlfriend was okay.
Halina’s heavy case file was opened in front of him, half-covering his half-written essay for Professor Vincent. There was something about the normalcy of the files that bristled with Calix. If the files had belong to anyone else, he wouldn’t have batted an eyelid. He would’ve closed the file, closed the case and walked away. But, these weren’t normal cases. The fallen had been asleep for nearly two months. Strangely worrying, Calix believed the files were simply too normal.
Beatrice stumbled into the room and let out a sigh of relief, a smile playing on her alcohol kissed lips, carefully shutting the door behind her. “I was worried you had gone,” she said, focusing very hard on pronouncing each word correctly so her half-drunken stupor wouldn’t be hopefully as apparent. The carriage ride back up to the castle had left her a bit nauseous and it was a miracle that she made it up the stairs without tripping and tumbling all the way back down.
She slowly approached the bed where Calix sat wrapped in a large black fur pelt, a slight sway in her denim clad hips that her loose green long sleeve top made look as natural as waves on the ocean, her warm brown eyes glistening in the low light of the fire. “Whatcha workin’ on hon?” she asked, plopping down onto the bed with a small bounce, slowly peeling her knee high brown leather boots off, setting them down beside the foot of the bed.
A genuine smile graced Calix’s cold lips when he heard the door open, the sound making him glance up from his work towards the fire-illuminated Somoan. He was delighted to see her, his heart fluttering with excitement, but he had to try hide his worry when she spoke. Calix knew she had been drinking - her articulation was forced, each word deliberated coerced towards a debauched version of her usual lilting speech, trying to hide her tipsiness with over-enunciation. When she fell onto the bed beside him, he could sense the alcohol coursing through her system and taste the bitter, bile-fused liquor in the air between them.
His heart tightened slightly. Regardless, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, drawing her body under the black fur, close to his. Calix just held his breath a little more.
“I’m just looking over some of the case files, sweetheart,” he said slowly, rubbing her arm. “How are you feeling? I haven’t spoken to you in ages.”
Beatrice let out a little squeak as he pulled her under the pelt with him, the heat radiating off his body rolling off in waves that pleasantly warmed her clammy skin. She smiled and carefully lifted his shirt up above his waist, pressing her chilly hands on the small of his back. “I’m good,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder, the sweet scent of butterbeer rolling off her tongue in the tight, enclosed space between them. “Just had a few drinks with ‘Tasha down in Old Aroon is all,” she admitted with a chirp like hiccup that startled her. She swallowed tightly, her tongue feeling awkwardly thick and fuzzy in her mouth, and crawled into Calix’s lap, sitting with a leg on either side of his hips. “How’re you, pele? You seem stressed,” she said, running her fingers through his wavy brown hair which had gotten so long it was almost drooping under its own weight.
Calix watched Beatrice with the stormy eyes of an owl in flight: watched her roaming hand sneak under his shirt and graze across his skin; her legs firmly straddle his waist; and her fingers comb through his hair, as her tipsiness descended into out-right drunkenness. The touch of her warm skin, dragging a mixed response from Calix, let him feel the alcohol that was still flowing fast in her veins and a quick mental estimation told him exactly how much she had drunk.
He slowly put his coarse hand on hers and reluctantly pulled it gently from beneath his shirt, not comfortable with her sudden advance, the increasing tightness in his chest making it difficult to breath: “I’m fine, thanks Bea. Did you say you went drinking with Natasha?”
She shifted out of his lap and sat back, nodding as her eyes narrowed slightly at him. “Yeah. I saw her sitting alone in Rodrick’s Pub, and I decided to join her because she looked sad,” she said simply, setting her hands on her thighs. She tilted her head to the side, another hiccup escaping from her pink lips, and studied him carefully through her long eyelashes, though she found it difficult to discern what the look on his face meant. Is that concern or fear? Couldn’t be worry, could it? “She’s done some bad things, but that doesn’t mean she can’t do good things in the future,” she explained, crossing her arms over her blue jumper clad chest, suddenly feeling like she had to defend her newfound friend.
“She’s done a lot of bad things, sweetheart,” Calix said, a rough edge, sharp as a knife, creeping into his voice. The thought of Beatrice seeing Natasha was crushing. He felt bitterly disappointed to see her pulling away again as a result, more so that she came to see him drunk after all this time without telling him and leaving him in suspense, and fearful that his current opinions of and relationship with Natasha would catalyse something terrible between them. “At the moment, I just don’t trust her fully. And before she can do any good, before I can actually trust her, I’d like to see her at least apologise profusely for what she’s done wrong.”
Beatrice let out a tired sigh and looked down at the files, closing them and pushing them off to the other side of the bed. Whatever this was, it was going to be a while before he returned to his work. She tenderly took his hands in hers and brought her gaze up to meet his, a weak smile on her lips. This didn’t have to get blown out of proportion, this was still easy enough to smooth over. “I’m not asking you to trust her, but she does need some wiggle room to do good in. If she’s just pigeonholed as somebody evil, all she will ever do is evil. She needs room to grow because I know she can do good, she just needs an opportunity to do it. I know what she did to Sam was absolutely despicable, but she can change,” she said, the smell of sugar cane which filled Calix’s aura starting to make her stomach queasy, especially with the change in his attitude.
He watched his files sail across the duvet, his essay cascading over the edge of the world and fluttering to the floor. Calix bit down on his lower lip, squeezing Beatrice’s small hands hard, his teeth leaving painful marks on the soft skin that distracted him partially from the thunderous disagreement that wracked his mind. Beatrice didn’t know of Natasha’s dual threats, her poisonous commentary on Beatrice’s supposed fragility, and Calix, unlike Natasha if she were in his position, had no intention of telling her. Though, he wished at times he had.
“Maybe she can. Maybe she can do good. But, she needs to start doing it fast, Bea. What she did to Sam, what she’s still doing to Sam, isn’t just despicable: it’s abhorrent, it’s abominable and awful and immoral and downright inexcusable. She hasn’t apologised for that. She hasn’t apologised for threatening those I care about. She’s just let him and everyone else suffer, for her pleasure, for two months. So, no - I won’t afford that room until she does something that’s worthy of being given the wiggle room to change my mind. And, more to the point, I don’t want to be having this discussion right now.”
Her heart dropped like a stone in a pond, sinking far below the glittering surface as she stared in disbelief at her boyfriend, her numb hand falling away from his. A strong, polar gust of wind burst the windows open and wrapped its heavy glacial arms around Beatrice’s body, making each bead of cold sweat running down her back feel like a tiny knife burying itself in her skin. She pulled her wand from her sleeve and quickly charmed the doors leading onto the balcony shut, sliding off the bed to go stand by the fire to warm herself.
“You know Muggles believe in this all powerful, ever present God who gave his life to save everyone else’s,” she said, staring down at the pitch black Gladur, having grown used to its inky blackness recently. “I think that would have included ‘Tasha.” She turned on the sock clad heel of her foot, her wind whipped hair bouncing as she looked at Calix. “Just ‘cause people do bad shit doesn't mean they’re unforgivable,” she hissed, nose wrinkling in anger.
“Does that include Enzo too? He did some pretty bad shit, shit you’ve held against him, but he was possessed and incapable of refusal - Natasha does it freely, for sport,” Calix said, casting the black fur aside and reaching across the bed to pick up his crumpled essay. He was beginning to feel fiery anger solicit attention and eruptive release, black humour leaching into his brain and suppressing his patience drop by drop. He swallowed bile and sighed heavily, hoping his vexation would simply go away. He had been looking forward to this night all day - a chance to spend time with the woman he loved after all the shit they had had to endure.
But, there was no talking to Beatrice this evening. The heavy cloud of butterbeer masked her senses, jumping from desire to displeasure in a heartbeat. This was the last thing Calix wanted.
“Look, Bea,” Calix said softly, attempting to diffuse the ticking-bomb, “If Natasha wants to do good and she proves it, then I’ll be the first person to accept her. But, I’m not at that stage yet and neither is she. I don’t want to be argu…”
“Well I don’t either!” she shouted, stamping her foot on the stone floor like a child throwing a temper tantrum. She huffed and tugged on her hair as she angrily combed it off her face, turning her back on him to stare into the fire dying in the hearth, much like their evening. She rubbed her dry eyes tiredly and leaned against the frozen stone wall, unsure if she had enough liquor left coursing through her veins to steel her bravery for one glance. “I just wanted to have a nice evening with you,” she said as she summoned her boots and sank down into one of the leather chairs by the fireplace, tugging them on quickly.
“And I hate to leave it like this, but I think it’s better if I go stay in my room tonight,” she added, walking over to the door, pausing as her fingers touched the lifeless polished brass door knob. Beatrice sighed and swallowed her pride as she looked over her shoulder, wanting one last glimpse of her love before she left for the night. A sad frown tugged at the corners of her mouth and the taste of bitter butterbeer rose up from her stomach where her heart lay in bruised and battered condition. “I’ll see you tomorrow, pele.” She opened the creaky door slowly and stepped out into the hallway, disappearing into the night as her body wandered mindlessly back towards her room in the Gestona common room.
“Bea!” Calix roared, jumping from the bed. He got halfway across the room when she closed the door in his face, leaving him along in the Grotto, with nothing but the fire for company. His shoulders fell as his heart plummeted towards the floor, his night of intimacy vanishing into thin air. He trudged back towards the bed, furious with himself for having lost her to the darkness, when she needed him most.
Stupid fucking idiot! Natasha hasn’t hurt her!
You’re a fucking idiot!
This is how it starts…
Athena and Squibs…
Beatrice and Natasha…
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Sex And The Lawmakers
Mohammed Garba Go­lolo (APC – Bauchi State); Hon. Mark Gbillah (APC – Benue State) and Hon. Samuel Ikon (PDP – Akwa Ibom State), were selected among the House mem­bers for the International Visitors Lead­ership Programme in Cleveland, Ohio, they were expectedly delighted.
Who wouldn’t be? Yes, by their status in the Nigerian society, huge chances are that they would have been to the United States of America once or more times in their lives, and even to other parts of the world. But, this was different: An all-expense paid trip to the US!
After about two weeks of savouring the glitz and glamour of the beauti­ful country and, of course, immersing themselves in learning and training (the primary purpose of the trip), they returned to Abuja and the Green Cham­ber, certainly happy to have been part of the wonderful experience in Cleveland. End of story? Not quite.
They also came back with a bagful of trouble, which they didn’t exactly bar­gain for. Chances are that, if they knew or had any inkling the journey would turn a misadventure, they wouldn’t have thought twice before opting out of the programme. But, man is not God, so can’t tell what lies ahead. How would they have known that the devil lay in wait somewhere in Ohio, waiting to drag them from the top floor of influence to the doorstep of disgrace? Now, they are fighting not to be pulled down. Was it a moment of indiscretion that has led to this hoopla? Are all these a storm in a tea cup? The days and weeks and months ahead will tell.
Anyway, back in the country, the trio are fighting the battle of their lives, to extricate themselves from alleged sex scandal, which they allegedly got entan­gled in in the course of their American sojourn! Which kind trouble be dis?
While Hon. Gololo is being accused of sexually assaulting, albeit attempting to grab (and rape) a housekeeping staff of the hotel they were lodged in, the other two men, Hons. Gbillah and Ikon, were said to have sought the assistance of hotel staffers to get them prostitutes for the night or many nights (it is not stated).
The man who blew the lid in Nige­ria, the United States Ambassador, Mr. James Enwistle, in his strongly worded letter to Speaker Yakubu Dogara, said the lawmakers’ conduct, was unfortu­nate, shameful and regrettable. What he didn’t add was that, were it not for their status and the fact of their being guests of the US government, they prob­ably would have been arrested and pros­ecuted for the alleged sexual indiscre­tion, frowned at by the government. He called on Dogara to order an inquiry into ‘the dishonourable’ conduct of the men.
Media reports have also since sug­gested that a travel ban and cancellation of the visas of the concerned lawmakers may have been effected by the United States government, to register how seri­ously it frowns at the ugly saga.
Of course, Gololo, Gbillah and Ikon, have vehemently denied the allegations. They said they were not only seriously embarrassed, they might be heading for the courts to clear their names of the damaging allegations.
They are right to feel embarrassed. They are not the only ones embarrassed. Nigerians too are. Their constituents, friends and families would be. To be linked to such story, even in a country where such things don’t really mat­ter, and blown to the proportion it has would depress anyone in their shoes.
This is my take on the issue: We have to get to the bottom of the matter to find out what really happened. Were they framed as the lawmakers have alleged? If the answer is yes, the next question would be: Why would they be framed? If this had happened in Nigeria, politi­cal motives would be easy to read to it. Now, two APC lawmakers and one PDP are involved. That’s why no one has talk­ed much about political detractors since the saga broke.
So, if like the lawmakers claimed that they were falsely accused, then the law courts would be the place to go. I hear they are planning to institute suits in Cleveland, to redeem their soiled image. It would be interesting to see how far the case will go. This is not just about the trio alone. It is the whole National Assembly that is on trial. Let them have the courage to pursue the case to its logi­cal conclusion and let the course of jus­tice be served.
But, if in their hearts, they know they ran foul of the 11th commandment: Thou shall not be caught, the sensible thing will be to quietly stop the grand­standing and apologise to their guest (America), constituents and Nigerians for their indiscretion in a foreign land. Nothing is lost in saying you are sorry if you find you have been cornered. They could even blame it on poor, old devil.
However, to insist on one’s right, when you are wrong and later disgraced, when the truth comes out will be double jeopardy and embarrassment.
The puzzle many are finding hard to fix is: Is it possible for an ambassador of the status of Mr. Enwistle, representing a country like America, to make such hefty allegations without concrete facts? What if there are CCTV recordings of what transpired at the hotel? On what grounds would the lawmakers stand? This is the concern many Nigerians have expressed.
Indeed, since Ambassador Enwistle’s letter on the Ohio episode, the nation has lapped onto the salacious story. Little surprise, though. Sex excites, es­pecially when it happens in high places or when it concerns people in top public positions.
Even though in this instance, sex has not taken place, the mere fact of an ac­cusation and allegation has been enough to drive up the adrenaline of discussions, both serious and the ridiculous. Many emergency morality judges and sex ex­perts have suddenly sprung up, pontifi­cating and examining facts and fictions behind the allegations. Indeed, like all such lurid stories, it has been high on drama, high on sensation and suspense. We all are awaiting what would happen next.
Of course, like in subject matters of this nature, where almost everyone is an expert or appears to be one, every per­son is entitled to his opinion.
Truly, I feel for the guys involved in this scandal. If the story turns out to be true, it would surely affect their politi­cal future in a country where politics has turned quite dirty. Their families could be shaken. Even in a country with not much high premium on morality, it still doesn’t sound good in the ears to be told that your spouse or dad solicited assis­tance to get prostitutes, even though many top level Nigerians cutting across professions and tribes would have en­gaged their services at one time or an­other. Here, hypocrisy is the name of the game. It is the man who is caught that is the thief. That’s the way things are here.
But, there is the good side to the Cleve­land saga: Now, some of those randy lawmakers, governors and other top lev­el public officers would watch it before engaging in the revelry of spoilt brats, when they travel out of this shores. Even at home, we hear of wild parties and drunken outings, where young campus ladies are debased for some filthy lucre. The time of reckoning is fast approach­ing for such depraved government offi­cials, feasting on the poverty in the land.
Fundamentally, we must get to the level where young girls and women will not be viewed primarily as sex objects and playthings. We must begin a value-orientation in our country. It’s a duty we owe the fatherland.
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akeodi · 5 years
Ndi-Igbo and 2023 Presidency: Amaechi's statement was misunderstood and blown out of proportion -- Eze
Ndi-Igbo and 2023 Presidency: Amaechi’s statement was misunderstood and blown out of proportion — Eze
…describes Amaechi as a patriotic and an illustrious son of Ndi Igbo whose love for Ndi-Igbo is widely known and celebrated.
Recent derogatory remarks made against the Minister of Transportation, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, by some elements of Igbo extraction has been condemned and described as myopic and self-serving.
Condemning the attack on the Minister, an Igbo nationalist and…
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