#'break out? of this place? why would anyone want to break out?'
kotoku · 2 days
hiii ! Can I req an aventurine and/or doctor ratio x reader (fic or headcanons is fine) where reader hides how they feel about stuff and they’ve been struggling and one day aventurine walks in on them breaking down? Things have been rough lately lmao, thank you !!
ᴅʀ ʀᴀᴛɪᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀɪɴᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴ ꜱ/ᴏ ᴡʜᴏ'ꜱ ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴅᴏᴡɴ
pairings - aventurine x reader / veritas ratio x reader
content - reader is gender-neutral/ established relationship/ reader has been going through it/ reader ends up having a break down/ angst with comfort/ comfort fic
warnings - a bit of self harm, swearing
⋘ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ... ⋙
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You were never the type of person to show your vulnerable side to people, no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t.
You never wanted anyone to feel the weight of the burden that was placed on your shoulders. The weight that would only continue to build up until you eventually succumbed and suffocated beneath it. It was something only you would have to deal with, and you made sure of that, keeping those you loved at a distance so they’d never see your deteriorating mental state.
So when Aventurine came home early one night to find you a sobbing mess in your shared bedroom, you were terrified. How could you let this happen? How could you do this to him?
You sobbed harder, hands gripping your arms with such strength that would leave bruises later on.
He quickly knelt beside you, hands shaking as he tried racking his brain on what to do. 
Think Aventurine, think.
Gently placing his arms around you, he shakily whispered reassurances.
“I’m here, I’m here.”
“What happened, My Love? You can tell me anything, everything.”
“I’ll always be here by your side, I’ll never leave you.”
Eventually, you had calmed down enough to where your sobs were reduced to sniffles. You couldn’t cry anymore, even if you felt like it. There were no tears left for you to shed, only hiccups and broken sentences. 
“I’m sorry…”
“Why are you apologizing, _____?” 
“Because…” You looked at him with red, puffy eyes. “I… I let this happen. I let you see this side of me that I never wanted anyone to see, you to see.” You looked down at your arms, purple and blue dotting your skin as remnants of where you were gripping. “I never want to place the burden I feel..onto others.”
In the silence, Aventurine could hear his own heart breaking all over again. How hadn’t he noticed your suffering? How could he have let this happen? He enveloped you in a hug, one that wasn’t too tight or loose. He couldn’t let you go, no matter what, he would never let you go.
“_____…” Aventurine felt tears of his own well up in his eyes, head burying into the crook of your neck. “You are never a burden, how could I ever think of you as such..?” You felt your eyes sting, closing them shut as your arms came to rest around his shoulders. 
“I’m sorry for not noticing sooner, for not being there…” You wanted to protest, to tell him that he was wrong, but you only shook your head, voice much too weak to talk. He held you closer, his tears dripping onto your shirt. The two of you stayed that way for a long while, the clock ticking closer to midnight.
Eventually, Aventurine released you from his firm hold, rubbing his eyes as he sniffled. 
You looked up at him with tired eyes. “Yes..Aven?” 
He held out his pinky, signaling for you to interlock your own with his. “Please. Please promise me that..you’ll tell me if there’s something wrong… I’ll be here to listen to your problems, no matter how big or small they may seem… You are so important to me, to others…” You raised your pinky.
“I promise.”
Aventurine smiled, his eyes slightly puffy and wet with unshed tears. “I love you so, so very much, _____.”
You felt your heart swell at his words, a sob stuck in your throat as you brought him into another hug. 
“I love you too, Aven.” 
Just for him, you will try your hardest to never tread alone, for he will always be by your side no matter what.
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Veritas Ratio was never an emotional person, always choosing to remain calm and composed. However, that did not mean he did not care, for he was always expressive in his own ways when it came to you. 
You knew the doctor loved you dearly, so much so that he would do anything for you if it meant you being safe by his side. And yet, he did not know of the burdens that dug into your skin, the fear of showing your vulnerability acting as shackles as it anchored you deeper into dark waters. No matter how hard you tried to swim up for air, you would only get dragged back down, the surface just out of reach for your battered hands. 
Again, and again, and again. A repeating cycle that just became a part of your routine. 
You could handle yourself just fine during the day, but when night came, so did the problems you tried so hard to bury. To avoid disturbing Veritas’s sleep, you would slowly creep out of your shared bedroom into the bathroom, staring lifelessly into the mirror as you let the cold water run in the sink. 
Some nights were rougher than others, the tears that you tried to suppress spilling over to mix with the running tap water, the sound of it silencing your sobs. However, it also silenced the approaching footsteps coming towards the bathroom door that was left ajar, a soft gasp startling you as your eyes darted to the entrance. 
You splashed the cold water into your face, attempting to mask the tears that you were previously shedding. 
“_____, what happened?” 
Your hands gripped the towel that you were drying your face with, tears dotting the corners of your eyes as you inhaled a shaky breath.
“..Nothing..happened. I was just having some difficulty sleeping…” You mustered a smile. Yet it never reached your eyes, he noted with a sigh.
“You don’t have to lie to me, _____.” His arms crossed over his chest, eyes softening as they gazed into your puffy ones. “If there’s something bothering you..I’m here to listen.”
You couldn’t hold your smile anymore, eyes beginning to water as you avoided his gaze. 
“I just… It’s been rough recently.” Tears fell down your face as you thought about all the problems that weighed on your mind. “Work hasn’t been the greatest and all these things are happening– I’m just..a mess.” Staring at yourself in the mirror, you felt a wave of exhaustion hit you once more. “A mess…” 
Veritas tilted your chin so that you were facing him, his eyes full of emotions but concern was prominent. “_____, you don’t need to face these problems alone. As your partner, it is my duty to offer my support and care. You are my utmost priority.” His words filled your heart with so much love for the man, you could feel yourself beginning to cry harder. 
“I love you so much… Thank you..Veri.” 
“Of course, _____. I love you too, never forget that.” 
⋘ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! ⋙
note - i hope these drabbles provide a bit of comfort for you and that things get better for you anon! :) stay safe and healthy everyone.
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edgeray · 1 day
(Arlecchino x GN! Reader)
A/N - Have this Father's Day special oneshot.  Not a request, sorry guys, hope that's okay. Decided to take a break from requests tonight <33. Superhero AU because I've somehow never written enemies to lovers in my fanfiction career ever??? Fake fanfic writer right here🧍. (and no, dragon arlecchino x dragon hunter reader don't count). Hopefully this is good?   enemies to lovers villain arlecchino x hero reader, aka, is it gay to sleep in the same bed as your enemy? Your hero name is Rover, because heheh wuwa reference.  Might make a part 2 if someone wants it.  EDIT at 2AM: GUYS FUCKING SAVE ME I JUST SAW ONE OF THOSE CREEPY AF HOUSE CENTIPEDES WHILE I WAS WRITING AND NOW MY ENTIRE BODY IS TINGLY STOP OMG IDK WHERE IT IS SEND HELP OR ELSE I WILL BURN THE ENTIRE HOUSE DOWN. MAYBE THE POWER OF GAY WILL SCARE IT AWAY Content warnings / info - arlecchino is mean and threatens you, arlecchino's pov, gn! reader, 2.2k words
A knock sounds on the front door, making Arlecchino pause in the midst of her meal. A visitor? Certainly, there’s no one she was expecting today, especially at–Arlecchino glances at the clock– 9:18PM. Anyone who she would allow to visit her would text or call beforehand. Should she just pretend that she's not there? Frowning, she sets down the fork on the table. Damn it, she really should install cameras already but she always pushes it back. 
Cautiously peering through the eye hole, her breath hitches and her eyes widen. If she had a heart, it would have sunk into her stomach. Her hands fly to the door handle, unlocking it and flinging it open. 
At her doorstep, you stand there, blood staining your torn and ripped suit as you clutch your arm. There's a knife lodged in your shoulder, and she could see your face– scratched up and bruised. Your pupils are foggy and your expression seems far away, hardly able to direct your attention onto her. Upon seeing her, an abnormal smile finds your face, then, your knees buckle and you tumble into her arms. She catches you effortlessly, slotting her arms behind your back and tugging you into her chest. You go boneless in her grasp.
“What the hell happened to you, Rover?” She demands through gritted teeth while she glances down at you. She carries you into her house, closing the door with a swift kick, doing her best to haul you into her living room and setting you down to lay on her couch. Your blood seeps into the furniture. You wince at the new movement, sharply inhaling.
“Got… into f-fight. With some, some new guy. Real asshole he was. Fucked… fucked him up pretty good,” you force out in between your labored breathing, before you cough out more blood. Your eyes flit over her form.
“Heh… nice sleepwear,” you remark with a trembling, cunning smile. “Who would have known… the notorious Knave sleeps in Hello Kitty pants… you're a lot less scary now… you know? Nice place as well…” 
Arlecchino proceeds to ignore your comment. “How did you find me? Why did you come here? Do you have a fucking death wish, Rover?” She presses on, her hardened features showing no hint of empathy or concern. 
“I'm… smarter than you think. And… I came because… hell, if I know.” You wetly cough. “Didn't have… anywhere else.” 
The two of you know that she won't kill you, at least not now. For as often you found one another on opposite sides, the two of you have come to understand each other. 
Arlecchino breathes in deeply through her nose, processing her enemy's word. Rover has always been a major hindrance in her plans– a constant rose thorn in her side for years, but she always appreciates your grit and strength. You've battled her tens of times, and each fight she can't deny the exhilaration she feels. She's yet to beat you and the vice versa is the same. A frequent dance between players of different sides, somehow the two of you always found the other in each other's paths. It would be romantic if it wasn't outright irritating.  
Only you could truly challenge you and for that it's why the pitiful state you're in disturbs her to no end. You can't die, not here, not now, not when it's not by her hands. She will pry your last breath with her own hands, she will not allow anyone else to have that honor. She wants to see what kind of expression you'd make when she snuffs out your final bit of life. It would be so easy to end you here. To wrap her claws around your pretty neck, watch your pathetic attempts of struggle, savor the despair in your eyes, oh how easy it would be. 
But if there was anything the Knave was, it was not a freeloader. She will not take other people's efforts and use them to further her own goals, which she will strive for by herself alone. If she killed you here, her own dignity would be singed. 
There will come a day when the Rover is brought down, and the perpetrator will be clear: her. Until then, your survival is of the utmost importance, and next? To pay this scum a lesson of who can touch her angel and it is certainly not him. 
“Who is this new villain that's sprung up?”  She questions as she walks to the bathroom, grabbing her first aid kit, cotton balls, and some alcohol. 
“Get this. The Doctor…” The hero then chuckles weakly. “Massive dick.” 
“I see…” the Knave mutters as she approaches you. “Why did you come to me instead of the hospital?” 
“Closer… easier to hide…”
“He was actively hunting you?” 
“His ‘segments’ are still out there… no doubt wanting to finish the job…”
“His clones.” 
“Why you?” 
“Jealous… of my good looks, maybe…?” 
Arlecchino frowns. So you don't know why. She sits down in between your legs, leaning over you as she observes you, examining any wounds she can see. A couple of cuts on your sleeves and face, a deeper laceration over your sternum, and the knife wound. At least he gave her a little keepsake, though it is just like any cheap, small knife. If he has multiple ‘segments,’ then supplying them with proper weapons would be costly… 
“Can you remove your costume?” Her finger trails over your ribs making you hiss out in agony. 
You shake your hand. “C-can't… can barely lift my arms.” 
The Knave sighs, letting her claws extend out. “I'm going to have to cut it off you.” 
 “Go ahead.”
Deliberately and precisely, she uses one claw to slice open your costume, exposing your chest to her. You flush and squirm slightly before she places the same clawed hand over your stomach, talons pricking your skin. Her fingertips feel impossibly hot, just like her blood flame abilities. Your abdomen muscles flex just from the contact and she can feel it when her frown twitches. 
“Stay still,” she gruffs, piercing red-crossed eyes bores into yours. 
“At least…take me out… to dinner first, Knave,” you snicker. 
“You're insufferable.” 
As she patches you up and tends to the various bruises and cuts you have, a silence forms between the two of you. She notices that throughout the entire interaction, you're peering at her, but not at her hands–her face. 
“Lift your hips. I need to bandage your abdomen.” 
You try to comply, but find yourself barely able to lift it past a little up. You grunt in agony, and then give her puppy eyes. The Knave is a villain. She's able to destroy the city center with the snap of her fingers, has brought down buildings with no effort, and has cremated numerous people. She is either feared by the mass or revered by scums. She would never be defeated by something as commiserable as your pleading expression.
“Do I have to do everything for you? I wonder how I've yet beat you when you're this incompetent injured,” Arlecchino huffs. Her hands grasp your hip, raising your hips until she slides your bottom over her lap, your bent knees on either side of her. The sight resembles something terribly intimate to Arlecchino, and from your flustered appearance, it seems that way to you too.
“Didn't think I would… have the Knave in between… my legs so soon,” you smirk cunningly, wiggling your hips as best as you can to further enunciate your archon-awful humor. One hand of hers finds your thigh before she grips it, claws digging through your costume and nicking into your skin. It's shallow enough to act as a warning but deep enough for you to feel it, a gesture to show that she doesn't appreciate your mouth. 
“Did you forget? We are enemies. Just because I choose not to harm you now does that mean it would be wise to provoke me.”
“Not currently.” 
That much is true. Silence fills between the two of you again. 
“You know… you would be a lot easier to look at without your mask,” you whisper. Arlecchino looks up at you, her stone cold expression betrayed by her eyes, focused intently on you. How you had the audacity to trifle with her, she's uncertain. Perhaps it's just a distraction tactic you’ve turned into a habit, though she's unaware of whether or not you use this with other villains. 
“Are you suggesting I'm rather hard to look at when I do?” She inquires.
“Quite the opposite. You would look even better, though.”
“The reason I wear a mask is the same reason you do.” Though, you don't need to wear yours right now. She already knows where you reside, and your true name. 
“We don't have to wear masks when it's just us, Arlecchino.” The villain shivers at hearing her name come from your lips; it sounds immorally ethereal, wicked to associate something so vile with something as seraphic as your voice. And that voice that's slipped past her rational, calculating thoughts whispers that she'd like to hear you say her name again. It's just as electrifying as when you bellow her villain name in fury. 
She swears that the dead heart inside her chest beats for a moment. 
She comments nothing. She doesn’t enjoy the dalliance your words seem to imply, doesn't like how the air between you becomes thick with something that inspires hunger. She physically turns away from you. 
“I've finished patching you up. Rest is the only thing you can do now. With your regeneration, you should be back to normal conditions.” 
She packs up the various medical items, slotting the items into their respective containers. She's about to get up and put them away when your hand catches her wrist, a frail grip that she can effortlessly wrench herself out. She doesn't however. 
“Do you have… anywhere else for me to rest?”
“I've tended to your wounds and you ask for more? How selfish can you be, Rover?” She frowns. 
“The blood makes it feel… sticky.” 
“You need to wash off the blood.” 
“Well… considering I can't move my arms or legs…”
You're going to make her burst a blood vessel. 
“Know that your death will be excruciating,” she sighs, and you give her a cheeky grin that she wants nothing more than to rip off your face.  
She scoops you up into her strong arms, carrying you as firmly yet tenderly as possible in order to not aggravate your wounds. She takes you upstairs to a hallway, turning to the closest door. She seats you on the edge of the bathtub and turns on the faucet, letting the tub fill with hot water. She exits the room, presumably to grab some extra clothes and towels. She returns with exactly that, setting them down on the sinker counter. 
She picks you up again, seating herself first squarely in the tub before you're placed on her lap, your back towards her. 
“I'm going to have to remove your pants.” 
“Seems unfair if I'm the only one that's going to be naked.”
“Do not make me stain my walls with your blood tonight. I prefer not having to clean up the mess.” 
“You already have to clean up the living room, what's one more?” 
She shuts you up with a loud tearing noise as she slits down the seams until finally you're left exposed to her. You gasp, squeezing your thighs. Arlecchino takes note of this, a small smile disappearing on her lips the moment it appears. Once she peels the pant sleeves off of you, she tosses them carelessly onto the bathroom floor. She retracts her claws to rub off the dried blood on your back, a long exhale escaping her as she gapes wordlessly at all the scars and faded bruises that scatter your back. 
“No bath bomb?” You whine–yes, a full grown hero whining about a bath bomb–which quickly interrupts her stare.
“I'm not wasting one on you,” she says. 
Although Arlecchino can't see it, she knows that you pout.
Thankfully for the rest of the time she cleans the blood off, you hold back on any more suggestive quips. Arlecchino shuts off the faucet and dries you off without another word, dressing you in a satin robe. She turns, quickly removing her own wet clothes and donning proper dry ones. When she returns her gaze on you, you seem oddly flustered–ah, she forgot she had an audience. If you appreciated her bare self, you had said nothing about it.
She hoists you into her arms again, marching down to the room right next to, which is a bedroom, and you’re placed onto the soft bed. You waste no time indulging in the mattress before you stop. 
“Wait, isn't this your bed?” 
“Indeed,” she says nonchalantly after she shuts the lights, sliding under the covers beside you. 
“But, wait, you, don't you, don't you… have anywhere else?” 
“What seems to be the problem?”
“Well… it's just… you're not going to kill me when I'm asleep right?” You chuckle though the unease is evident in your words. Arlecchino grasps your chin, making you face her. Your face is only a hair's breadth away from hers and she feels your hot breath against her lips. 
“Do not mistake me. When I kill you, it'd be when you're awake and beaten by me alone,” she whispers huskily. She lets go of you, and turns to the side, her back facing you. 
She can feel your eyes burrow into her. She pays no mind. 
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shurisgf · 1 day
how do you think armando would react if he is in love with the reader, but she shows no sign of feeling the same way, (he's so devoted when it comes to the reader) And he'd like to know if she feels the same way as him 💗 🛐 ✨
Love you 💗
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ೃ⁀➷ SUMMARY; in which , armando is quite literally obsessed with you and decides to confess. | FEAT. Armando Aretas x POC!fem!reader | TROPE friends to lovers | FORMAT headcannons | GENRE fluff | WARNINGS none | NOTES such a cute request ! i hope i portrayed it well ! 🥹 also idc what yall say , armando IS a lover boy !!!
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“Hermosa, let’s go.” Armando spoke in that calm tone he always did, waiting for you to come out of the bathroom you were getting ready in. “Armando, didn’t I tell you to stop calling me those nicknames when I have no idea what it means?” You shouted through the bathroom door, whilst putting on jewelry and adding last minute touches to your makeup. You could hear his sly chuckle through the bathroom door. “Sorry, cariño,” He chuckled. he could hear your disapproving scoff on the other side of the bathroom door. He’d stood outside of the bathroom for the last 45 minutes, refusing to leave you alone. You and Armando had worked together along with Mike and Marcus in AMMO. Fortunately, all of you had a breakthrough on a case you’d been working for the last 3 months, and the team is going out to celebrate. Armando volunteered to drive you.
He’d been in love with you since the day he joined the team, but because of his cold demeanor and his pride, he never thought of a way to tell you. So he stuck to calling you nicknames in Spanish that you don’t understand, just so he could have a sliver of what it felt like to be with you. It also didn’t’t help that you were incredibly hard to read, and usually Armando could read anyone. That’s what made him so drawn to you in the first place. Little did he know that you felt the same way about him, but you’ve been waiting on him to make the first move.
As you unlocked the bathroom door and stepped out into the hallway where Armando was standing, he couldn’t help but stare at you, up and down, scanning your entire body. It made you feel weak, the way he stared at you so intently made your knees buckle and left you craving for more of him. But your relationship as friends was so great, so why fix something that isn’t broken? “You look beautiful,” Armando spoke softly, finally breaking the tension in the air, causing you to smile and avoid his gaze. You wore a sultry red dress that hugged your curves perfectly and showed just the right amount of cleavage. Your hair was in a slicked bun, and to finalize the look, you had on a red lipstick that made your entire look pop. “Thank you, Armando.” You looked up at him, which made him curse under his breath. “Fuck,” He sighed, “C’mere,” He stood up from his position leaning on the door frame and walked toward you, taking both of your hands in his, as you continued to look up at him nervously. He caressed your arms gently while he thought of the right words to say. “I’m going to tell you something, and you don’t have to feel pressured to say anything back, I know how you are princesa.” He spoke gently, staring into your eyes with a look you’d never seen before. He was always so gentle with you, not wanting to hurt you or put you in harm’s way. “Mhm” You hummed in response. “I’ve loved you since the day I started working in AMMO. I’d never said anything because I didn’t know how you’d react. But seeing you in this gorgeous dress, I realized I had to take a chance and tell you.” You couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. He was saying all of the right words, and this whole time the two of you could have been together. “This isn’t an ultimatum, I’m not rushing you into anything, I just needed to tell you. Of course you don’t have to answer right now, if you need time I’m more than willing to-“ His words were cut off by your lips connecting to his, and instantly he kissed you back. The both of you had been waiting on this moment for years, and now that it was finally here, you weren’t letting it go any time soon. His hands wandered along your body, caressing your back gently, while your hands were all in his hair, messing it up completely. You pulled away gently, and kept your forehead against his lips, where he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, holding you close to him in a tight hug, not wanting to let you go.
“Armando, I love you too.”
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Hermosa — Beautiful.
Cariño — Sweetheart.
Princesa — Princess.
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©2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — SHURI'S GF. Do not modify, repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any work posted on this blog without my permission !
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reallyromealone · 10 hours
Title: accidentally kidnapping the mafia boss
Fandom: haikyuu
Characters: kuroo, bokoto
Fic type: fluff
Pairings: kuroo x reader, akaashi x bokoto
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, slow burn, readers oblivious, choking, threats, bleeding
Notes: want bam
(Name) Hummed as he dragged a cool vintage luggage chest home on his dolly-- an amazing investment he will always treasure-- having seen it on his way home and running to grab his dolly to get it "damn this things heavy..." (Name) Grumbled as he pulled it carefully up the stairs as to not damage the stairs or break the chest though it seemed sturdy.
"Ok... And into my apartment..." (Name) Mumbled unlocking the door and bringing it in excitedly before moving it to the ground "easy..." He whispered to himself and marvelled at the amazing chest "let's see what's inside" grabbing his trusty chain cutters he kept after neighbor put a lock on (name)s mailbox-- he was still mad at that old fart.
Cracking it open he carefully lifted it to see... "Holy fuck that's a person" (name) noticed the stab marks in the side for air as the man was sweating and exhausted "sir?!" He panicked as he noticed bruises "fuck..." The black haired man was disoriented before looking at the man before him and immediately (name) was on the ground with a hand around his throat "who fuck are you?"
"I... Can... Ask the same..." (Name) Wheezed as he gripped the man's tattooed arm desperately to get it off and the man glared but loosened his grip and (name) gasped "where am I?" The man seethed, looking around the room at the tiny apartment "my apartment, I thought this was a cool trunk and took it home... Wasn't expecting you"
"Shit..." The black haired man stood up slowly and hissed in pain, (name) looked alarmed "dude you're bleeding! Let me get my med kit!" (Name) Immediately scurried off to grab said item as kuroo stumbled to the couch, brief thoughts about its comfort as he rested a bit and tried to sort his thoughts. "ok, so I have hello kitty and pokemon gauze, which one you want" (name) asked and kuroo looked confused "what? Regular gauze is lame"
(Name) Helped him remove his sweaty and tattered shirt before beginning to clean his wound "thankfully they missed any important bits, I can stitch you but you may need a shot of vodka or something" (name) teased as he began patching him up the best he could with the finite skills he had, humming softly as he worked. Kuroo was staring at him intently, why was he so calm? He just found a dude in a chest he brought home! "Aaand there!" (Name) Seemed pleased with himself as he patched up the other, a grin on his face "you should rest for a bit, do you have anyone to call?" (Name) Asked while getting up to walk to the kitchen only a few feet away "uh, yeah..." Kuroo was awkward to say the least.
(Name) Put a few rice balls on a plate and a cup before walking back, setting them infront of him. Pulling out his phone he pulled the call screen up and handed it to kuroo "here, to get your strength up"
Kuroo quickly dialed his right hands number, tapping his foot as it rang a few times "speak"
"Bokoto, it's kuroo" the mob boss said simply and bokotos tone changed "where are you?! I have been looking for you for two days!" The owl like man yelled worried and kuroo looked to (name) "what's your address " (name) perked up at the question"(address)!"
"Who was that?"
"My accidental captor, don't worry the kittens as harmful as a daisy"
"That's good, we will be there in 30"
"Excellent, bring me a new shirt"
"On it!"
Hanging up kuroo signed and (name) let out a small laugh "what's so funny?"
"This is such a weird day!"
"Yeah... It is pretty weird" Kuroo chuckled lowly as he looked at the other "you're weirdly calm for finding someone choking you out" (name) shrugged "I would have been pretty hostile if I was stuck in a trunk for god knows how long and in an unknown place" kuroo looked at the bruising around (name)s neck and frowned, he was too cute to have bruises like that... Well at least in the context they existed in.
Kuroo leaned and gently touched (name)s Adams apple, the reddish bruise forming on his neck in the shape of kuroos hand "sorry about this" he whispered and looked into (name)s eyes as the other man looked back at him. The two were close, very close and kuroo decided he wanted to kiss his little kidnapper.
"YO KUROO, ITS ME!" Bokoto called from the apartment door, and kuroo grumbled and pulled away "One minute!" The buff man got up and walked to the door, swinging it open to reveal another buff man. "Whose this?" Bokoto asked seriously as he nodded to the cutie on the couch "oh this is... Fuck I forgot to ask your name" kuroo said to the other who just smiled "I'm (name)! Sorry for accidentally kidnapping you!" Bokoto now understood why kuroo called him a kitten, sweet smile and no regards for the dangerous men in the room that could kill him.
"Would you like something to drink?" (Name) Offered and kuroo wanted to laugh at the absurdity of this all as bokoto shrugged and sat on a chair.
"Accidentally got kidnapped by a twink with a nice ass" bokoto teased as he looked at the man preparing drinks and snacks "better grab him before Akaashi spots him" his husband loved cuties like this, kuroo glaring at the concept of his best friend and right hands husband touching (name).
Wait what.
Why did he care?
And that grin on bokotos face said it all, kuroo was into the dumb pretty boy who came in with snacks and drinks.
Kuroo took a bite from his rice ball with a sigh, this was gonna be troublesome.
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feinv · 2 days
Hi! I have a request/prompt idea if you’re still taking them ☺️🌸 So, consider: John Wick x Winston’s daughter!reader 👀 I think Winston would be supportive knowing his daughter is happy and in good hands, but meanwhile John feels out of his depth knowing he’s actually in love with the actual princess of The Continental - you! 💕
john wick x winstons!daughter. girl…the things i would do to be in her place i’m so sad.
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due to your father being who he is, you practically grew up in the underworld, you knew everyone and everything, and you knew john wick.
he was older than you for at least ten years, always keeping an eye out on you when winston couldn’t, acting like a protector and father figure. but what a surprise it was for him when he realized it wasn’t like that at all. he liked you, and he liked you a lot.
growing up you would always hear, john wick this, john wick that. the baba yaga. the boogeyman. killed three men in a bar with a pencil. you were so terrified to meet him for the first time. and yet, all that didn’t match the kind soul that he actually was.
he was so down to earth and easy going, hearing you out and asking about your interests. winston knew john for more than one decade. he knew what kind of person he was from head to toe, and that is precisely why he was so supportive of whatever you two had going on. he would catch the two of you sneaking glances, john brushing his hands with yours, or guiding you through the continental with a hand on the small of your back, and he would smile to himself. john’s heart was breaking from the fact that a sweet thing like you was involved in this criminal life, but he made a promise to himself that he would protect you from any kind of danger! if anyone could ever treat you right and with respect, ready to selflessly sacrifice themselves for you — it was john.
winston was a good father, and if you wanted to continue your relationship with john, he would be more than willing to stand by you, having his daughter in safe and loving hands, otherwise he wouldn’t force you to be with him out of “fear.” nor would john. if he ever sensed any discomfort from you, he would ask a hundred times if you are okay or if he did something wrong. his intentions were pure! and he wanted to show you that despite who he was and what he was known for, he would do anything in this world for you to prove he can be deserving of your love!
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munsonsmixtapes · 2 days
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Eddie Diaz x fem!reader
summary: Eddie knows you have a boyfriend, but he’s going to do everything in his power to get you to break up with him
Very heavily inspired by “Breakup” by Ashton Irwin
This take place during the beginning of season two
Eddie speaks a little bit of Spanish and I used a translator, so I apologize if any of it is inaccurate!
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) unprotected sex (please don’t do this) fingering, miscommunication, emotional cheating
Eddie was the first to admit that he always wanted what he couldn't have. When he was a kid, it always seemed like the other kids had the cooler toys and clothes and Eddie always felt jealous of them. Even as an adult, there were still things that he wanted that belonged to other people. He just never though that one of those things would have been a person.
The second Eddie laid eyes on you, he knew he was a goner. You flashed that million dollar smile at him at the park when you first met and he swore that his knees were going to give out and he clutched onto the jungle gym that was next to him for support.
The first time you saw each other was at the park when his son, Christopher had fallen off one of the swings and you had rushed to help him up, and when Eddie had gotten there, you had already taken care of it by patching the boy up with a bandaid.
Of course, people were always nice to his son, but you took care of him with such gentleness that it warmed Eddie’s heart. He had to know the name of the woman who single-handedly saved his son from potentially breaking a bone.
As a way to thank you, he invited you and your niece who you had been watching for the day out for ice cream and you both gratefully accepted. You, wanting to get to know the pretty stranger and Caroline just wanting ice cream.
“So, Eddie, what do you do?” You asked him as you both stood in line, waiting for your turn.
“I’m a firefighter.” You didn’t like the images flashing in your brain at his words. Of him showing up at your door in uniform, assuring you that he’d put out the fire and you both knew exactly what he was referring to. And you’d press your lips to his, pulling him inside with the intention of having your way with him.
“Wow, that’s really amazing. You save lives for a living.”
“I mean, technically yes. And what do you do?” He asked, pulling you out of your thoughts and you didn’t know why you were suddenly paranoid that he could read your mind. Your thoughts were perfectly safe there and you could think any dirty thing about him and he’d never know.
“I’m a teacher.” That made a lot of sense in Eddie’s mind and the idea of seeing you with your class was an adorable thought.
“Oh, what grade?”
“Kindergarten.” Eddie thought seemed like the perfect job for you despite only knowing you for about an hour. Just by seeing you take care of Christopher, he could tell that you were a natural with children.
“I can see that,” he nodded in response as you both shuffled forward as you got closest to the register.
“What do you mean?” You wanted to know exactly what he had meant by that.
“Just, the way you were so quick to help Christopher. It makes sense that your career would be based around children.” That warmed your heart hearing those words. You had wanted to be a teacher even when you were a small child and hard worked hard to get exactly where you were. So whenever anyone had complimented you in that area, it showed you that you were exactly where you were supposed to be.
“Well, thank you.”
You both ordered your ice cream and Eddie had insisted on paying for yours even though you tried to tell him that you could pay for your own.
The four of you sat at a table by the door and you watched your niece joke around with Christopher and it warmed your heart since you knew that it was always hard for her to make friends. And Christopher was a sweet boy so you knew that they would make the best of friends, hoping that her mother would be okay with them having a playdate. Because you wanted Claire to have a friend and totally not because you wanted an excuse to see Eddie again.
Once everyone was done with their ice cream, the two of you headed to your vehicles after having exchanging numbers with the sole intention of setting up the playdate and neither of you were debating asking the other to meet up again without the children. Totally not.
The second time you ran into Eddie was at the gym. He had just so happened to be lifting weights in the area that was right across from you, giving you the perfect view of him doing some bicep curls. Whether he was doing it to impress your or not, you didn't know. He was, but he would have told you that he wasn't.
You couldn’t help yourself. Before you could stop it, you were turning off the treadmill and making your way over to him. It was as if you were magnets that were always being pulled towards each other and you hardly minded.
"Hey," you greeted and Eddie was so close to dropping one of the weights on his foot at the sound of your voice, but he caught it in just the knick of time.
"Oh, hi," he said, turning around to face you, placing the weights back on the shelf so he wouldn't risk any injuries. There was no telling what would have happened as long as you were around.
"I didn't know you were a member here," you said as you leaned on the rack and Eddie had to stop himself from letting his eyes rake over your sweaty body, finding himself wanting to lick up every last drop.
"Just joined the other day," he smiled. "Guess it's fate," he gave you a wink and you felt like he was purposely trying to fluster you.
"Guess so," you winked back. "Well, I'll let you get back to your workout. It was nice seeing you again, Eddie." You turned to leave, but Eddie couldn’t let you go so soon.
“Wait!” He called after you and you turned around. “Do you think you could spot me?” He asked, nodding his head towards the bench that had the large weight with the plates on each end and you nodded enthusiastically, willing to do almost anything as an excuse to be around him for longer.
“Sure,” you responded and followed him to the bench. Eddie laid down on it and grabbed hold of the weight, lifting it off of the thing holding it.
He pulled it to his chest and lifted it up and down and you had no trouble watching him, seeing his biceps that were shining in sweat flex making you feel wet between your legs. Making your cheeks go hot. You really couldn’t be thinking that way about him, you really couldn’t. Not when you had a boyfriend.
But you just liked that someone was actually paying attention to you. That for once someone was treating you the way you deserved. And you weren’t going to do anything with Eddie, you just liked that he was nice to you. What was the harm in making a friend?
Eddie turned his head to look at you just for a split second, but he got distracted by you getting down on your knees to tie your shoe. It gave him a perfect opportunity to look at your cleavage that had been caused by your sports bra pushing your tits up.
His distraction caused him to lean a little to the right to get a better look and he ended up almost falling off of the bench, but you were quick to catch him and push him back onto the bench with no problem.
“Oh my god are you okay?”
“I’m good, I’m good,” he nodded.
“What happened?” There was no way in hell he was telling you the truth.
“I don’t know, I just lost the grip of it, but I’m good, I promise.”
“Why don’t we put this up?” You asked and the two of you put the weight back where he belonged and you helped him his feet.
“I-I think I should probably go,” he jerked his thumb towards the exit. He had to get out of there before he hurt himself, or worse, someone else. He couldn’t imagine having his coworkers coming to respond to a call because he couldn’t keep his hormones in check.
“I agree. Get some rest. I’ll see you around, Eddie.”
“Yeah, see you,” he gave you a little wave. God, he was so far gone and didn’t even notice.
With that, you turned on your heel and headed back over to your treadmill and Eddie watched you as you bent down to grab your water bottle, giving him a great view of your ass. The ass that he wanted to grab, giving it a tight squeeze as you let out a yelp.
The third time you ran into each other at the grocery store, Eddie was convinced that it was fate. He saw you in the produce section looking at the containers of strawberries, turning them every which way to make sure that they were all good.
Eddie had every intention of asking you out in that moment, but you turned behind you and waved someone over. A man approached you and you showed him the strawberries and he took them before smiling down at you, pressing a kiss to your lips.
You had a boyfriend. You had a boyfriend and had let Eddie shamelessly flirt with you without even a mention of the man you were in a relationship with. He had been convinced that there was something between the two of you, but clearly there wasn’t.
He backed away so you wouldn’t see him, but couldn’t take his eyes off of you and the man with your lips attached. He backed up so much as he ran into a table that had been stacked with oranges, causing them all to fall to the floor in an avalanche, taking Eddie with it.
You and the man with you turned to see what the cause of the loud crash was and you rushed over, only to see Eddie lying amongst the oranges, groaning in pain.
“Eddie!” You called out and rushed over to him. “Honey, help me get him to his feet.” Both you and your boyfriend helped Eddie to his feet and the man felt like it was his own personal hell.
"Are you okay, man?" Your boyfriend asked as he gave Eddie's back a pat.
"I'm good," Eddie nodded. "I'm good." He was feeling a little lightheaded, but he just needed to get out of there as soon as possible. You looked at his face for any sign of discomfort, but all he could do was look back and forth between you and the man, wondering why you hadn't told him about the guy.
Was it because you were ashamed of him, knowing that he couldn't please you the way that Eddie definitely could? Or was it just because you really didn't owe Eddie anything because all you had been was friendly?
"Well, I'm glad," you smiled. "Oh, Eddie, this is my boyfriend, Mark." You grabbed onto the man's arm and Eddie felt his blood boil. What the fuck kind of name was Mark? And he wasn't even attractive. Okay, maybe he was. Maybe a little too much to the point where Eddie was questioning things about himself.
Mark had dark brown almost black hair, pale skin, and bright blue eyes. The exact opposite of Eddie in every way looks wise and he didn't like just how beautiful he thought the man was.
Eddie put his hand out for Mark to shake, but Mark just stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Oh, so you hadn't introduced the two of them because Mark was an asshole. Now Eddie understood and he didn't think he could fault you for that.
Mark just stared at Eddie with a glare and wondered how you knew the guy. You hadn't mentioned an Eddie and he had met all the teachers at your school at all of the events he had gone to with you, so he definitely wasn't a coworker. And Mark couldn't have cared less that you were friend with men, he just didn't like that you had kept Eddie a secret from him.
"Nice to meet you," Eddie smiled awkwardly as Mark just stood there, not saying a damn word. Eddie then glanced at you and you nudged Mark as if to tell him to say something but he didn't. He had never behaved that way and you wondered what was causing to not want to speak to your friend and you had every intention of calling him out for it as soon as the two of you were alone.
“I know you,” Mark pointed at him. “You’re a firefighter, right?”
“Well, isn’t that cute?” Yeah, this guy was definitely an ass and Eddie was a few seconds from putting him in his place.
“Excuse me?” Eddie asked, crossing his arms over his chest. He was going to say he was a hero or anything, but he didn’t think his job was “cute” by any means. It was hard work and every single day, people’s lives were at stake and he did his best to help save them.
“Running around helping people with their little issues, it’s cute.”
“Little issues?” You asked before Eddie could speak. “Eddie responds to emergencies. He saves lives everyday.”
“And so do I.” Sure, what Mark did certainly wasn’t an easy job, but how was that in any way comparable to being a firefighter? They were two very different things.
“You’re a personal trainer.” Eddie loved seeing you stand up for him, but he almost felt like he shouldn’t have been listening to your argument.
"Well, Eddie, we should probably go. It was nice running into you and I hope that fall didn't hurt you too bad."
"Well, thank you and it was nice running into you too." You grabbed Mark by the arm and pulled him back over to your cart. Eddie knew he should have left, but he couldn't help but watch the two of you argue in hushed tones.
You couldn't believe that he had embarrassed you like that in front of Eddie of all people. The two of you had gotten friendly and now he wasn't going to want to talk to you anymore because your boyfriend was a jerk to him. Just your fucking luck.
You rested your hands on the cart and took a deep breath as you felt Mark stand behind you, resting his hands on your waist as he leaned down and pressed his lips to your temple. You turned around in his arms and and pushed his hands off of you as you glared at him.
"What the fuck was that about?" You whispered and Mark only rolled his eyes.
“I just didn’t want to shake his hand. What’s the big deal?” You moved to the handles of the cart and turned it to head towards the check out even though you hadn’t finished your shopping. You just wanted to get out of there and take Mark home so you didn’t have to see his face for a while.
“You didn’t just not shake his hand, Mark,” you corrected him. “You insulted him to his face. You embarrassed him.”
“Whatever, y/n. You seemed quick to stand up for him too.”
You pulled your cart over to the self check out and began scanning your items, shaking your head at the man next to you. Your relationship was already fizzling out and you were beginning to think that the whole situation was the final nail in the coffin.
Mark was as sweet as could be when you met him but as time went on, he had let the city take over his personality and he had turned into nothing but an LA man, suddenly becoming very obsessed with his health and getting spray tans whenever he could, which there wasn’t anything necessarily wrong with either of those things, but it seemed like those were only two things he ever wanted to talk about.
And now he was just like every other LA douchebag and the urge to breakup with him was strong and if he was going to treat your friends like garbage, then maybe it was best if things just ended.
“You know what?” You asked as you finishing paying and all of your groceries were in the cart.
“What?” He spit, turning to face you and the fact that he was angry was starting to piss you off.
“Maybe it would be best if we just didn’t see each other anymore.” Maybe the grocery store wasn’t the best place to break up with someone, but you just had to rip the band aid off already.
“Baby, no,” he whined and you were all for a man being all pathetic for you, but not in that way. He was behaving like one of your students.
“Yes,” you nodded. “It was a long time coming and you know it. You don’t want to be with me anymore. I see the way you look at other women, Mark. That’s not the way you look at me anymore. So, I’m gonna go.”
“Fine,” he scoffed. “Why don’t you catch a ride with your little side piece?” Side piece? You hadn’t done anything with Eddie except be friendly. If Mark interpreted it any other way, that was on him. If anything, he was the one who was most likely cheating.
“Maybe I will.” You grabbed your cart and stomped out of the store to see Eddie getting into his truck. You raced towards him and parked your cart behind his truck so he couldn’t leave. He shut the door to make his way towards you and the sun shining down on your face gave him a perfect view of the anger on your face.
You felt like you should have been crying because of your breakup, but all you were was mad. You were so angry at Mark for treating Eddie the way he did and for brushing it off like he didn’t do anything wrong. You were mad at yourself for staying with him for so long when he had treated you like nothing but garbage. You had put up with that shit the entire six months of your relationship, but now you were free.
“Don’t ask why, but do you think you could drive me home?” You asked and Eddie nodded furiously. He was afraid that he’d find a way to give you the moon if you had asked for it. He was always so down bad for you that he didn’t know how to be around you without telling you how he felt.
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Of course.” He helped you put your groceries in the spot behind the front bench then helped you get in on your side before heading to his own.
He started up the truck and you felt the need to apologize to him for what Mark had said about his career. What he did was admirable and you felt like he needed to know that. To know just how important his job was.
“I’m sorry for what he said,” you apologized and Eddie just shook his head.
“No need to be sorry. You weren’t the one who said it. And you stuck up for me. That means more to me than an apology.” He turned to you with a smile before turning back to the road. “Now where do you live?”
You gave him your address and you two spent the car ride talking about everything and nothing like old friends, your now ex boyfriend completely forgotten for your potential new one if you played your cards right.
Eddie was nothing like Mark. He was sweet and kind and funny and he actually cared for you. Something that Mark hadn’t done in a long time. Just in the three times you had talked to Eddie, he actually seemed interested in what you had to say and he didn’t pull his phone out of his pocket to scroll through it as if you hadn’t even mattered.
Eddie’s truck pulled into your driveway, but you couldn’t say goodbye. Not yet. Not when you both were having such a good time. It was a nice day and you felt like the both of you should have enjoyed it. So, you both got out of the truck and you pulled him down the path to the lake that was behind your house.
Eddie blindly followed you like a lost puppy and didn’t even care where he was going as long as it was with you. You could have been pulling him to a spot where you were going to kill him and he hardly minded. As long as he was with you, he didn’t care about a damn thing.
You pulled him to a lake and continued to walk until you go to the short dock that led to where the water was just the right height for swimming. He looked around and wondered why you had taken him there when you had groceries to put away, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to question it.
“Where are we?” Eddie asked and you turned around to face him with a roll of your eyes.
“It’s a lake, Eddie. People usually ride boats around on it or they swim. And I thought that we could swim.” You pulled him towards you and he moved to you just like a magnet. You brought your lips to his ear and he swore he was going to cum right there.
“Without our clothes.” Your voice was so sexy that it was unfair. He wanted you whisper the most dirty things to him and he hated that he couldn’t partake in any of that with you because you had a boyfriend. Or at least, he thought you did.
“Break up with him,” he replied, his voice sounding so whiny, so desperate and it was doing wonders for your imagination. He sounded so pathetic and you felt yourself getting wet as you heard it.
“I already did,” you responded before wrapping your arms around his neck while his went to your waist. You pressed your lips to and he was quick to respond to it, slotting his between yours together perfectly.
He began to back you up, not knowing where he was going, but feeling the need to move. You were getting close to the edge of the dock, but neither of you were paying attention until it was too late.
The edge of the dock was slippery from the water and your shoe slid against it, causing you to fall backwards. Eddie reached for your hand in an attempt to save you, but it only made you take him with you as you both plunged into the water.
You both surface pretty quickly and Eddie reached for you, wrapping his arms around you once again as you both laughed at how ridiculous the whole situation was, knowing that you probably should have gotten out, but you stayed there, wrapped up in each other as the sun slowly dried off your upper halves.
“We should probably get out,” he told you. “It’s not good to wear wet clothes for too long.”
“Well, lucky for you I know a place where we don’t need clothes at all,” you started moving towards the shore and Eddie was eating up every single word. He was beginning to think that maybe you were a better flirt than he was.
“And where’s that?” He knew exactly what you were referring to, but just wanted to hear you say it.
“The shower.” The words sounded even hotter coming from your mouth that he had imagined.
“How’s the water pressure?” It wasn’t like you were going to do much showering anyway, but Eddie still felt like he should have asked.
“Really good.”
“I think I should see for myself.”
“Me too. Now c’mon, Diaz," you grabbed onto his hands and pulled him along.
You both got to the shore and practically ran to your house in a hurry, nothing but giggles escaping your lips as you did so. Your wet shoes had slowed you down so it had gotten to the point where Eddie had picked you up in one swift motion and carried you the rest of the way.
You both took off your shoes and Eddie carried you up the stairs to your bathroom and you had assured him that your roommate was going to be gone all day so you could make as much noise as you wanted. Not that her being there would have stopped him anyway. He had dreamed about this for weeks and nothing could have stopped him from living out his fantasy.
Eddie set you down on the floor and you opened the shower door to turn on the water and let the door close as the water heated up. You grabbed him by the shirt and pressed your lips to his in a messy kiss. It was all teeth and tongues, but it wasn’t like you cared. You just needed his lips on you in anyway you could get them.
Eddie brought his hands up to your jaw and tilted your head back for more access and he opened your mouth up by pulling your chin down with his thumbs. He slid his tongue into your mouth and swirled it around your own as your hands slid up the front of his shirt, making contact with his chest. You pushed the shirt up onto his shoulders and he pulled away just long enough for you to take it off before his lips were on yours again.
His hands slid underneath your sweatshirt with every intention to take off your bra, only to find that you weren’t wearing one. He slid your sweatshirt off and your tits were just as perfect as he thought they would be.
“Jodidamente hermosa,” he sighed and you had no idea what he was saying, but loved the way it sounded in his accent.
“What does that mean?” You asked and he just chuckled, pulling you in for another bruising kiss.
“Fucking beautiful,” he replied against your lips and you decided that you needed him right then.
“Tell me more,” you commanded as your hands went to undo his belt. His lips captured yours as he went to unbutton your jeans as he was getting more desperate to be inside you.
“Quítate la ropa,” he said, his voice authoritative and raspy. You had absolutely no clue what he was telling you to do, but you were desperate to listen to him. He brought his lips to your ear for the translation and you thought you were going to melt right there.
“Take your clothes off,” he whispered as you heard your pants unzip and you were quick to take them off before removing your underwear as well.
As soon as Eddie got his own pants off, you opened the shower door and pulled him inside before he pulled the door, closing you both in. The shower was small, but neither of you minded one bit. It only gave you an excuse to be that much closer.
Eddie pressed his lips to yours once more in a rough kiss and you wrapped your arms around his neck while his went to your waist as he pushed you against the wall. He grabbed onto your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist as he slammed his dick into you, causing you to let out a loud moan that was music to his ears.
He thrusted in and out as fast as he could go and you were afraid that you were already coming undone even though you had just gotten things started. Your fingers dug into his shoulders, but that only encouraged him to go harder.
“So fucking tight,” he said. “Guess your boyfriend didn’t take care of you like he should have, huh?” He asked and you just moaned in response.
“No,” you shook your head and Eddie gave you a devilish grin.
“Don’t worry mí amor, that’s my job now.” His hands gripped your waist and he pounded into you the hardest and fastest he could go while simultaneously trying to fit all of himself inside you even though that wasn’t an easy feat.
“Oh, Eddie,” you moaned and he loved the way his name sounded so filth falling from your lips. Almost as if it was a dirty word.
“Look at you,” he said, his voice sounding even more raspy. “Taking me so well and you look so fucking pretty on my cock.”
“I feel pretty,” you responded with a moan and decided that sex was always supposed to feel like that and you had gaslit yourself into thinking otherwise because Mark was so bad at it.
He was a horrible partner in that area especially because he was always so selfish. He’d do whatever he wanted and didn’t even seem to care so you just got good at faking it. But with Eddie, you didn’t have to fake anything.
Your fingers were digging into Eddie’s shoulder so hard that you were convinced you were going to draw blood as he continued to fuck into you, making you feel like you never had before. He was so good at knowing exactly what you liked without even having to ask. And him praising you was driving you wild, making you feel special even though you were sure he said that to all of the women he slept with.
You could feel your vision go hazy as you reached your orgasm and you let out a loud moan as your back arched in absolute pleasure. At that, Eddie began to slow his pumps and he pulled out of you as you collapsed against him.
“C’mon, mí amor, you can’t go dumb on me yet,” he let out laugh and pulled your head away from his shoulder so you would look at him. “How about we take a break and I clean you up, hm?”
"No," you whined, grabbing onto him. "Need you right now," you told him.
"As long as you're sure," Eddie looked at you and you bit your lip as you nodded and all he could think about was the all the ways he could scandalize you. His fingers trailed down your front until they found your cunt. He shoved them inside you and began to pump them in and out of you as you moaned loudly. You turned your back to him so he hand more access and pressed it to his front as your head fell back onto his shoulder.
Eddie watched you come undone from his touch and felt like he was going to cum himself. The sounds you were making and the looks on your face were so hot that he was having trouble controlling himself. He pumped in and out as fast as he could and it was obvious that you were close. Your back arched as you reached your second orgasm and Eddie pulled his fingers out of you before turning you around to face him, pressing his lips to your in a bruising kiss.
Your hands moved to his hair as he deepened the kiss, reaching behind you to turn the water off. You both exited the shower with your lips still attached and you only pulled away to grab a towel for the each of you and you both quickly dried off before he followed you to your bedroom.
You gave him your biggest t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts and told him to get comfortable while you threw your wet clothes into the washer. Eddie threw himself onto your bed and let out a contented sigh that not only had he finally hooked up with you, but that you had invited him to stay instead of kicking him out afterwards.
He turned on the tv as you entered the room, looking like something straight out of his dreams in your over-sized t-shirt. You got into the bed next to him and he took the opportunity to lay on your chest, feeling his eyes get heavy as he snuggled into you.
You carded your hands through his hair and felt your heart warm as you watched Eddie drift off to sleep, feeling lucky to have found a man like him. You had hoped that your hook up hadn't been a one off and that you could do it again, after he wined and dined you, of course. And Eddie had every intention of doing just that.
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womp-womp-waa · 12 hours
It was over. Ashlyn was out of the phantom dimension. It was all over now. She was free.
"Are you happy now?"
Logan's voice interrupted the tranquility of her room. It was silent no music, no voices, no sound, just her breathing. His haunting voice echoed off of the walls, of course something had to break the peace. Turning away from him she tried to find a book to read. She never liked reading, but it's never too late to pick up a hobby, right?
"Awww, come on Ash don't ignore us."
Aiden and Ben were both standing next to eachother. She could not escape them, could she? They were always around her house, they never give her the peace and quiet she needed. Blindly, she grabbed a book. She didn't care what book just give her something to distract herselt with.
"We came here to check up on you. You've just been so distant recently."
"Go away." Was all she muttered in response to Taylor. She opened the book chapter one. Okay, reading is meant to be good for you, right? And it's meant to be relaxing, so if she read she would be relaxed, right? Then she would be left alone, right?
"Don't be rude, carrot"
"Go away" She said it louder this time. She wanted them gone. She needed them gone.
Ashlyn heard them move closer to her. Stop it. Leave. None of you are welcomed here. She wanted to speak, she wanted to yell, but her voice wasn't working.
Their voices started to overlap one another.
"What're you reading?"
"Please don't ignore us."
"Why won't you let us help?"
"You know being inside this much won't help"
"Maybe if you spent more time with us then we wouldn't be-"
She screamed, seemed like her voice finally seemed to work. "AND LEAVE" She needed them gone. Why couldn't they leave?
Suddenly, their worry was replaced with laughter. Cruel. Malicious. Evil. Laughter.
"Awwww you scared, Ash?
"Why are you so surprised?"
"After all it is all your fault."
"Your the reason why we were in that place anyways."
"And your the reason why we're dead."
When she looked up again, they were silent. Standing over her she saw their white, haunted, dead eyes. It was her fault they were gone. She couldn't protect anyone.
Ashlyn could see all of their ugly scars and injuries. Scratches, claw marks, holes. They all started to poor out the crimson blood that she had become all too familiar with over the past year.
It's all your fault
Every single one of them were unique and special in their own way. None of them were similar, that's what made this unlikely group so special to her.
Aiden could always make her smile or laugh. Although, at times he could be unbearably loud for her sensitive ears, he learnt and made an effort. She she learnt as well.
Ben was the first person who she became friends with in their group. He was peaceful, quiet and she knows that it's not his choice but it still meant everything to her.
Logan, who used to be bullied. They let themselves be pushed around by people who didn't understand their worth. And so the group taught them how to fight back, how to stand up for themselves. And seeing that change and witnessing Logan become more confident and comfortable with themselves was magical.
Taylor, one of the sweetest people Ashlyn's ever had the pleasure of meeting (even though she hasn't met that many). Always thinking of others, always buying stuff for people, always being there. She learnt how to dance just for Ashlyn and so she practiced routines with her.
Tyler was the one who people always saw as angry and aggressive. But he was so much more than that. Sure he may have hid behind the aggression, but the amount he cares about people is endless. Tyler cared about his family the most and eventually they all became a part of his family, not that would ever admit it.
They were all so wonderful to be around. They all knew how to make her laugh. They all became eachothers family.
But it was all gone and she will never feel that love again.
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domripley · 1 day
Caught in a Grey Web
pairing: yelena belova x reader
warnings: dark yelena, sir kink, dark au, noncon, noncon anal, ignored safewords, facefucking, face slapping, degradation, yelena is m e a n, gaslighting, manipulation, boot kink, mentions vomiting/throwing up on a strap but does not happen, gagging, cheating
summary: you try and try and try, but yelena never listens.
gif credit | edited by my lovely girlfriend @specialinterestshows 🥰
prompt: “You can take it.”
word count: 5,060
shlyukha - slut | kotenok - kitten | malen'kiy odin - little one
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You took a deep breath, pacing back and forth as you listened to the music blaring on your floor. Most of the team that shared a floor with you were out on a mission, including Yelena. You were thankful for that - her being on the mission gave you time to decide if you want to still be in a relationship with the Russian. You loved her - you really did, but you couldn’t take much more of her any longer. In front of the team, she was laid back and chill, funny and surprisingly very kind. Behind closed doors, it was a different story. She was angry, mean, and when things didn’t go her way between the two of you, she loved to hurt you.
You couldn’t tell anyone, though, being the newest Avenger; and with Yelena’s sister being Natasha, you were stuck. Finally, you came up with a plan: you were just going to tell her that things weren’t working between the two of you. If Yelena were to ask why, you would tell her that you wanted to be just friends so you could focus more on training. Which wasn’t a lie, completely; you wanted to go on more missions with the team.
You turned off the music as soon as you saw the quinjet land, not wanting to make Yelena angrier in case the mission went sour. If it did, you wouldn’t be able to break up with her, knowing that it would set her off. Not only did you not want to do that for yourself, but you also wanted to avoid as much confrontation as possible.
Thirty minutes went by and you watched from a couch as Natasha walked into the room. She gave you a small smile, nodding towards you. You smiled back, trying your best to relax as she continued into her room. Biting the nail on your thumb, you flinched as Yelena finally made her way into the room.
”Babe,” she snapped, causing you to stand up instinctively, “Get into our room, now.”
You did as you were told, rushing to your shared room as Yelena followed suit. Once the two of you were in the room and Yelena had shut and locked it, she turned to you.
“So,” she said quickly, giving you an expectant look.
“So?” you repeated, unsure of what she was trying to get at. You hated when she did this, knowing that you were unaware of what she was meaning.
“I texted you,” Yelena spat. “I want you in our room, naked and waiting for me. Instead, you were out in the common area doing who knows what.”
“I was busy. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to take a nap,” you huffed, trying to push past her - but she wasn’t budging.
“Busy? Busy doing what, shlyukha?” Yelena questioned as she pushed you back towards the bed.
“I’ve been training in the gym. I showered and cooked myself some food today. I’m sorry I didn't do what you asked, but we need to-“ you stopped talking as Yelena wrapped her hand around your throat. Although you were an Avenger, Yelena was a super soldier with ten times more strength than you would ever have in your whole lifetime.
“I’m going to stop you right there, (Your Full Name). All we need to be doing is what I wanted us to do,” Yelena snapped, squeezing your neck a little harder.
“N- No, Yelena, y- you’re hurting me!” you choked out, but she wasn’t having it.
When she finally let go of your neck, you fell on to the bed. Yelena paced back and forth and you knew you had fucked up. You sat up as you watched your girlfriend.
“I have given you a spot on the team, a place to stay other than the shitty apartment you were living in, I make you come, I talked the team out of firing you so many fucking times that I lost count and now you want to break up with me? After everything I have done for you, and this is how you repay me?” Yelena snapped.
You finally let go of the breath you were unaware you were holding once she was done talking. You had never seen Yelena so angry before, even after a mission went horribly wrong. The usually calm and collected Russian you knew in front of the rest of the team was now gone. Although, even after her snapping, all you could think about was how she had convinced the team not to fire you so many times. Did they really not like you? You felt like a fool, thinking back to all those times when your teammates were more of a family to you than anything else. But they all secretly wanted you to leave, and you began to cry.
When Yelena noticed you were crying, she stopped pacing back and forth. Getting close to you, she smiled before leaning down so she was almost touching your face. You turned your head, flinching as she ran her tongue up your cheek, licking away your tears.
“Keep crying, you’re making me so wet,” Yelena hummed. “Now be a good girl and take your clothes off, I’m ready to put this little… argument aside and we can have some fun. Maybe we can watch something after?”
You swallowed your spit, nodding in agreement before pulling your shirt off. You folded it neatly and set it next to you. Yelena watched, not taking her eyes off you once she realized you weren’t wearing a bra.
“Who were you fucking when I was gone?” Yelena accused, crossing her arms over her chest.
“What the fuck, Yelena? No one!” you shouted, unsure of why she was accusing you. At the end of the day, you loved Yelena, even if you thought the two of you were better apart than together. “What are you getting at?”
“I see the way you look at Natasha,” Yelena said, finally taking off her suit. You gave her a weird look, confused as to where she was getting this - getting anything from. It wasn’t making any sense. She had made accusations before, but with Kate. But now Natasha? You looked up to the older Russian, but you would never do anything with her.
“Yelena, what are you trying to get at here?” you snapped back, not wanting to sit there and take it any longer.
You stood up, but Yelena wasn’t having it. Grabbing your neck, she pushed you down onto the floor onto your knees. “No one will never fuck you as good as I do, kotenok. Just remember that when you go fuck others to keep your spot here.”
As soon as her suit was off, Yelena walked away and into the closet. You stayed still, not wanting to get her angrier than what she already was. You began to bite at your nails as you waited, wanting this to be over with as soon as possible. You took a deep breath, jumping as soon as you saw the strapon she was now wearing.
“Yelena, please don’t do this,” you pleaded, “I’m not in the mood anymore, and I would like to sleep.”
“And I would like for you to shut the fuck up,” Yelena snapped, “But don’t you worry, malen'kiy odin, oh no, I’ve got something that will shut you up.”
Yelena grabbed the back of your head as soon as she got closer to you. Gripping the base of the strapon with her free hand, she shoved your head towards it. You kept your mouth closed, shaking your head as she tried to push the toy past your lips. Yelena sighed in frustration; her patience was wearing thin.
“Either you open your mouth and take my fucking cock or I’m going to shove it into your mouth and I really don’t give a fuck if I hurt you,” she threatened, causing you to whimper.
You closed your eyes as you hesitantly opened your mouth, not wanting to find out if Yelena was telling the truth or just bluffing. Without a warning, Yelena pushed the toy all the way into your mouth, causing you to gag as the tip of it hit the back of your throat. You tried to push her away from you as she began to hold you in place with both of her hands - fucking your mouth as fast and rough as she could. You began to cry, unable to handle the way she was doing it. Realizing she wasn’t going to let up, you tried your best to relax your throat as she fucked it, bile fighting to come up, but you weren’t going to let it.
“That’s it, that’s my good, worthless fucktoy,” Yelena moaned, looking down to see the tears running down your face. “Maybe next time I should do your makeup, ruin it before taking pictures, yeah?”
You gagged again, thankful that Yelena pulled out to let you breathe. “Please, Yelena, I-” you began, but she slapped you across the face.
“That’s not what you call me whenever we’re fucking. Correct yourself,” Yelena demanded.
“Please, Sir, I- I don’t think I can take much more of this,” you cried out, unable to stop the tears that were coming out.
Even with how she behaved towards you in private, she had never acted like this before. You hated this and, in the moment, you hated her. If being treated like this was the cost for being an Avenger, you would happily quit and go back to helping your neighborhood. Who would you be leaving? Especially since everyone hated you behind your back.
“You can take it,” Yelena said, running the pads of her thumbs under your eyes. “And you will take it, because I want you to and you do what I want, correct?”
“C- Correct,” you whispered, earning a smile from Yelena.
“Good girl,” she praised, leaning down and kissing you on the lips, “Even after all that fight, you’ll do as I say because I trained you so fucking well. Don’t worry baby, I won’t be angry with you after you take your punishment.”
Yelena grabbed the back of your head once more and this time, when she pushed the strapon inside of your mouth, you almost threw up. She shook her head, pulling the toy out of your mouth, “Absolutely not. You throw up on my cock and we’re going to be having a fucking problem. Understood?”
“Y- Yes, Sir, I understand,” you whimpered. “I’m sorry, please, no more.”
Yelena rolled her eyes, “Fine, I guess we can give that mouth of yours a break.”
“Th- Thank you,” you flinched as Yelena caressed your cheek.
“Oh,” she laughed, “Don’t thank me just yet; we haven’t gotten to your actual punishment.”
“What- But- I thought that was it?” you began, your lip quavering.
Yelena wiped her forehead, laughing at how naive you were acting. “Oh, that was just for arguing with me. The real punishment is to teach you that you’re not leaving me. So get on all fours at the edge of the bed.”
You did as you were told, unsure of what she was planning on doing. You held your breath as Yelena came up behind you. Rubbing the small of your back before lining the tip of the strap against your asshole. You shook your head, crying out, “No, Ye- Sir, you didn’t even prep me! You’re not even using lube, please, you’re going to tear me.”
“Then I suggest you be quiet and relax,” was all Yelena said before she began to try and push it in.
“Red! Red, Sir, red!” you cried out, but Yelena ignored you.
“It’s a punishment, you don’t get to safeword your way out of this,” Yelena snapped, finally getting the toy inside of you. You screamed in pain, unable to relax. “Shut the fuck up, do you want Natasha to barge in here, wondering what the fuck we’re doing?”
“No!” you wailed, causing her to slap your ass.
“Grab the pillow and bite it if you have to. Or do I need to gag you?” Yelena questioned, watching as you grabbed the pillow closest to you. Unfortunately for you, it was hers and it smelled just like her.
“Good girl. Now, I’m going to fuck you roughly and if you don’t come, its okay. But I will be fucking you until I do,” she informed you.
You took a deep breath just as she slammed the rest of it inside of you, fucking you in and out at a bruising pace. You cried silently, trying your best to think of something else as she fucked you, but the pain was so much that you couldn’t think. You felt as if you were being torn in two, and as you felt something warm and wet trickle down your thighs, you knew that you were bleeding. Yelena stayed quiet as she fucked you, focusing on bringing herself over the edge. You closed your eyes, finally being able to focus on something that wasn’t the pain that was shooting through your body. Finally after ten minutes of Yelena fucking your ass non-stop, she came silently. Fucking you through her orgasm, Yelena pulled out of you.
“You’re bleeding a bit, but nothing too serious. You stay here and I’ll go get some stuff to help clean you up, okay?” Yelena said, rubbing your legs as you laid down on your stomach, allowing them to dangle off the bed.
You kept crying silently, unable to move due to the pain you were feeling. You opened your eyes as you heard Yelena come back into the room. To your surprise, she didn’t say anything right away, making her way towards you.
“This is going to sting, but I need to put ointment inside of you,” she warned, voice soft as she put some of the ointment onto her now gloved finger. You cried out as she pushed it inside of you, unsure of how you were able to cry even more, given how much you had already. “I know, baby. It’s okay, you can cry.”
You stopped what you were doing, trying your best to process everything that had just happened. Yelena hurt you and she now had the nerve to tell you that it was okay for you to cry? You didn’t say anything in fear that it would make her angry again; you just laid there and let Yelena clean you up.
Once she was finished, she threw her trash away as you crawled up onto the bed, not bothering to get up and pull down the blanket. Yelena climbed into the bed and kissed the top of your head. “I love you, (Your Full Name). I’ll make sure we can fix any of our issues we’re having, one step at a time.”
“I’m sorry, Yel, I love you too,” you whimpered before drifting off to sleep.
You woke up with a headache and, to your surprise, Yelena wasn’t in bed with you. You yawned, stretching as the pain from last resurfaced, making you whimper. You got up and went to the bathroom. As you were washing your hands, there was a knock on the door. You rushed to get it, unsure who might be knocking. When you opened the door, you were surprised to see that it was both Kate and Peter, both looking concerned.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Kate asked.
Kate’s room was right next to yours, so you figured she might have heard something. Thankfully, Yelena taught you how to lie well and make it believable. Or, at least, to people like Kate and Peter. If it was Natasha, you would be fucked.
“Yeah! Why wouldn’t it be?” you questioned, trying your best not to sound nervous. The last thing you needed was for Kate to not believe you and run off to say something to Yelena. You hated lying to your friends - well, you knew the truth now - teammates. You hated lying to your teammates, but you needed to. For your safety, for your position on the team. You loved saving the world and helping others, and you didn’t want to stop doing it.
“Last night, I heard you crying and screaming. I’ve heard you two before and it never sounded like that. Peter and I were talking and we’re worried about you,” Kate explained, but you shook your head with a smile.
“I understand why you were worried - rightfully so - but I can assure you that I’m okay. We just got really into a CNC scene and I got a bit too loud, that's all!” you lied, thankful that Kate seemed to believe it. Peter stayed silent and you knew he didn’t believe you, but he wasn’t going to push you to say anything.
“Okay,” Peter said.
“Give me thirty minutes and I’ll come work out with you guys, yeah?” you suggested and they both agreed.
As soon as they left, you grabbed clothes and headed into the bathroom. Once you were in the shower, you began to cry. You wanted to leave the tower and go back to your shitty apartment. Maybe you could still be an Avenger? But you didn’t want to be around Yelena or anyone that you now knew hated you behind your back.
When you were done in your shower, you got dressed quickly. Making your way to the gym, you were excited to get your mind off Yelena and what had happened last night. Unfortunately, luck was not on your side when you stepped into the gym and found Yelena training with both Natasha and Steve.
You moved quickly, making your way towards Kate and Peter without acknowledging Yelena. If she wanted to act like the best girlfriend in front of others, you weren’t going to give her any attention.
Training with both Peter and Kate turned out to be a great distraction, even if Yelena constantly looked in your direction. She looked angry each time you didn’t acknowledge her, but soon let it go when Natasha or Steve started talking to her.
“Hey, are you okay?” Kate asked. You gave her a confused look.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you questioned.
“You’re bleeding, it’s all over the back of your shorts,” Kate whispered as soon as she was closer to you. You were thankful that she hadn’t said it loud enough for others to hear.
You began to panic, not realizing the stress of training would irritate your wounds. But Kate handed you her hoodie, she said, “Here take this, you can bring it back to me whenever.”
You wrapped it around your waist - rushing out of the room, not realizing that Yelena was right behind you. Once you got to your room, you began to cry as you took your shorts and underwear off.
“What’s wrong?” Yelena asked as she came into the room.
“You! That’s what’s wrong,” you cried out. “I’m not superhuman, I can't heal overnight like most of you can!”
“What? What are you talking about?” Yelena asked, playing dumb.
“You hurt me really bad and because I was training, I strained myself. I bled through my shorts and Kate saw that,” you cried as Yelena moved closer to you.
“I should have told you that you won’t be able to train for a week or so until that fully heals. I’m sorry, baby,” Yelena frowned.”I’m going to put more ointment in you so it’ll help, okay?”
“N- No, I need to see a doctor.” you whimpered.
Yelena shook her head, “Absolutely not. I’m not risking you telling them I hurt you when this was your fault. I will ask Tony for some medicine for you and you’ll be resting for a week or so until I see it’s fully healed. Okay?”
You nodded, not wanting to fight with her. “Okay.”
Yelena helped put ointment inside of you, but this time it didn’t hurt as much as last night. As soon as she was done, you grabbed a pair of underwear along with a new pair of shorts.
“I love you, (Your Full Name),” Yelena sighed.
“I love you too, Yel. Is it okay if I stay here for a bit? I’m kind of tired, and since I can’t train, I want to take a nap.”
“Of course,” Yelena said. “Would you like me to bring you some lunch? Wanda’s cooking today, but I can always go get you some food?”
“Either or is fine, thank you,” you laid down on the bed.
As soon as Yelena left the room, you drifted off to sleep. You were exhausted and needed to rest as much as your body was going to allow.
You woke up as soon as you hit the floor of your room, unsure what was going on until you opened your eyes. Yelena was in her suit and she was furious.
“Why the fuck is Kate asking questions?” Yelena asked, kicking your leg as you tried to stand up. You cried out in pain as Yelena kicked you once more, this time your stomach. You gripped your stomach, trying to protect yourself as Yelena began to kick you repeatedly without stopping this time.
“I told her we were just doing a scene and I got too loud! I’m sorry, please! Please stop kicking me!” you pleaded.
Yelena stopped, “Spread your legs.”
You hesitantly did as she told you to do, biting your lip as you waited for what Yelena was going to do next. She moved so she was standing right in front of you and just as you closed your eyes, she stomped on your clothed pussy. Keeping her foot on you, she pushed it against you, smirking at how you were whimpering.
“You like when I stomp on your cunt? Fucking pathetic,” she laughed. “Go on, grind against it.”
You started to grind, trying your best to make yourself feel good, but it wasn’t doing anything for you. Yelena grew bored, pulling her foot away from you.
“You need to get Kate to stop asking so many fucking questions. I’ve taught you how to lie good, haven't I?”
You nodded, “You have, and I tried my best. I thought that she believed me. I’m- I’m sorry.”
“If you’re so fucking sorry, get up and go fucking try and convince Kate that nothing is wrong and that you’re fine. Or do I need to start telling people that you’re the one being abusive? The whole team already doesn’t fucking like you, who are they going to believe?” Yelena threatened.
“No, no, no. I’ll make things right, okay?”
You breathed a sigh of relief as she walked out of the room to get ready with the team for a mission, you assumed. Another mission you weren’t needed for. You wiped the tears from your eyes before you made your way into the bathroom to wash up. The last thing you needed was for Kate to find you with your eyes red and puffy; you would never get her to believe you then.
Once you cleaned yourself up, you left the room to go find Kate. You needed to make this right, not wanting the team to fire you over Yelena’s lie. Even though you knew they wanted to fire you anyway.
You looked everywhere in the tower and Kate was nowhere to be found. You weren’t sure if she was on the mission alongside Yelena, but that made no sense, given how your girlfriend was acting.
When you found Peter, you called out to him. “Hey, have you seen Kate?” you asked as Peter turned around to look at you.
“I haven’t, but she’s not on a mission. Have you checked her room?” Peter suggested.
“I have not, I’ll go do that now,” you said.
You made your way to the elevators, bouncing your leg nervously as you waited for it to reach the first floor of the Avengers tower. When you heard the ‘ding’ of the elevator, you rushed inside just as the doors opened. The doors were about to shut when someone stopped them, making you look up. To your surprise, it was Natasha. You would think she would have gone on the mission that Yelena was on, too, but here she was.
“What floor?” you asked as the door shut, and Natasha chuckled.
“The same one as you, I’m assuming,” she said, looking at her phone as you clicked the button for the thirtieth floor. “Listen, whatever my sister is doing to you: I’m sorry.”
You looked at her with surprise written on your face, you stuttered, “W-What? She’s not doing anything to me. What are you talking about?”
Nastasha shook her head, putting her phone in her pocket. “You can’t lie to me; you’re bruised and you barely talk to anyone anymore. Can’t lie, either.”
“I’m- I’m not lying,” you lied, and you knew you weren’t fooling her. Or anyone, for that matter.
“Well,” Natasha commented, pulling her phone out of her pocket, “If you need anything, I will help you, (Your Last Name). With whatever. People on the team like you and enjoy your presence.”
Before you could say anything, the elevator stopped on your shared floor. Natasha walked to her room as you made your way to Kate’s. You were confused, unsure of how to process what Yelena’s own sister had said to you. How did she know? Was that a trap? Did you pass? All of these questions were running through your head. Reaching Kate’s door, you brought your hand up and were just about to knock before you heard Yelena’s voice.
Didn’t she just leave for a mission?
Kate had told you that if you ever needed her or wanted to hang out when she wasn’t on a mission (or vice versa) you could always come in without knocking. You took a deep breath, opening the door slowly. You weren’t sure if you really heard what you did, so you wanted to be as calm as possible. Your eyes widened in shock as you saw Kate on her knees with Yelena standing in front of her, her suit pants around her ankles.
“Be a good girl, little Hawk, and get my cock nice and wet for that pretty little pussy of yours,” Yelena moaned.
You bit your lip, unsure what to do. You wanted to say something, anything - but the words weren’t coming out. Instead, you just sat there and watched as Kate wrapped her lips around the strapon and Yelena allowed her to suck it at her own pace. She never did that with you; always being rough with you and fucking your face even though you had told her early on that you hated it - but she never listened.
”Kate Bishop,” she sighed as Kate picked up her pace.
You had forgotten where you were for a second and then it really hit you. Your best friend was fucking your girlfriend, Yelena. Was this why Yelena had gotten meaner recently? You coughed, finally letting them know that they had been caught.
“(Your Name)! I-” Kate began but Yelena cut her off.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Yelena snapped, moving away from Kate.
“What the fuck are you doing, Yelena?” you asked calmly, not wanting to raise your voice. You didn’t want any of your other teammates to come in and see what was going on.
“We weren’t doing anything, so how about you leave the room? You and I can have a discussion after Kate and I are done talking,” Yelena said, getting far too close for comfort.
“Oh yeah? Then why are your pants around your ankles and why was her mouth on the strapon you’re wearing?” you questioned, refusing to back down. You’d had enough of her shit, and this was the last straw.
“Either you do as I say or you will be off the team faster than you can say ‘please no’,” Yelena smirked.
Your eyes widened - you weren’t expecting Yelena to say that out loud in front of anyone. You looked down at the ground, not saying a word. You turned around and headed out of the room, feeling defeated. You couldn’t believe that Yelena would do that to you, but a part of you wasn’t all that surprised. Yelena was right about one thing: your teammates hated you secretly and this was just the proof you needed. Kate was your best friend on the team, but now you were sure that your friendship had never been real at all. It broke your heart even more than Yelena. You hated feeling this way, but neither of them gave you any choice.
You made your way back to your shared room and as soon as the door was shut, you began packing up your things. You were preparing to leave the tower and quit being an Avenger - as much as you wanted to be one. You couldn’t be here, knowing that Yelena was doing that behind your back, making you go back to your room so she could finish what she had been doing with Kate.
Yelena barged in, slamming the door behind her. “What the fuck was that, (Your Full Name)? Why the fuck would you barge in like that?”
You gave her an odd look, unsure of how to feel about what Yelena was saying. “What the fuck are you talking about? You told me to go and make Kate believe that nothing is wrong between us, but instead, I find her with your strapon down her throat! But I’m the bad guy for barging into her room. You’re such a fucking-”
Yelena slapped you across the face as hard as she could, causing you to fall on the ground. Your vision went blurry as you grip your cheek - the tears pricking the corner of your eyes.
“You’re not going to talk to me like that, malen'kiy odin,” Yelena snapped, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt. “I was trying to prove my point: that no one but me likes you. Did I not prove it to you?”
“You did, pl- please don’t hurt me again,” you pleaded, and Yelena smiled softly.
“Don’t worry, baby,” Yelena said, “I do think you need to make up for this little outburst.”
“What- how?” you asked.
“You’ll let me fuck Kate.”
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gr63wdc · 1 day
💜 and gewis please 🫶🏻
send a heart and a ship for a brief snippet! ↳ 💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss i am noticing a pattern in my gewis writing... breaking news, tumblr user gr63wdc really wants george to win races
The club is loud, overwhelmingly so, packed wall-to-wall. The smell is just as overpowering, but that can’t be helped by the rate of alcohol consumption and sweating. If it were anywhere else, or for anyone else, Lewis would have left hours ago. But of course, he’s here, sitting in the back corner of an overcrowded English club, nursing his non-alcoholic drink.
When George had won Brazil almost two years ago, Lewis was still learning his teammate. Lewis knew better, by then, to immediately open his arms to a teammate, especially one who kept beating him. So they weren’t friends, obviously coworkers, maybe acquaintances, but not friends.
But crossing the finish line, watching George’s car cross it ahead of him, he felt a spark of something he never had before. He’d been proud of a teammate before, although usually paired with varying degrees of jealousy and resentment, but this was different. It was sweeter, softer, fonder. It was after, after getting out of the car, after hugging George, with his hand against George’s helmet, that he understood.
George’s eyes, the only bit of him visible through his open visor, were teary. He was beautiful. It wasn’t the first time Lewis had thought that about his teammate, nor would it be the last. Anyone could see how beautiful George was, even when he used way too much gel in his hair. But Lewis wished that their helmets weren’t in the way, that he could hold his palm against the soft skin of George’s cheek, press their foreheads together, wipe his tears, breathe the same air.
But Lewis wasn’t a god, despite what his fans believed; he couldn’t phase his hands through George’s helmet or pause time in that moment. So instead, he just patted the side of his helmet so that George could fling himself at all his exuberant engineers and mechanics. And life moved on.
If Lewis started noticing George more, staring for just a little longer than before, going out of his way to give George gifts he knew he would enjoy, or spending more time together, that was no one’s business but his own.
That’s why Lewis is still here, in this club that wasn’t his scene even when he was a rookie. George had won again, this time in Silverstone. Lewis wasn’t on the podium with him this time, just one place off; he couldn’t get the car to come alive like George did, disappointed with an almost. But then again, George had much more experience with shit cars than Lewis did.
He turns his head to see George walking toward him, bouncing and joyous. He is flushed, two spots of red high on his cheeks. He is still relatively put together, almost all of the buttons on his shirt accounted for and closed. His smile is wide, pushing everything else away like there is no room for anything that isn’t excitement at seeing Lewis.
He launches into a story about something, maybe to do with the upgrades that are coming in the next few weeks, but Lewis isn’t listening. He watches George’s hand move as he speaks, the way his eyelashes flutter closed when he blinks, the way his lips shape his words.
Lewis closes the distance between them, puts his hand on George’s cheek like he wanted to in Brazil, and kisses him. George is frozen for only a second before he jolts into action, hands gripping tightly to Lewis’s biceps.
Lewis pulls back earlier than he would like to, presses their foreheads together instead. They shouldn’t be making out right now, even if it’s mostly their team; he’d rather they not be caught in the background of someone’s Instagram story.
“Oh,” George says. He moves back a bit more, surprised and wondering. He reaches up to ghost his fingers against his lips, like he checking for an imprint or proof. Lewis wants so badly to kiss him again, but he settles for wrapping his arm around George’s waist and tucking him into his side.
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kibbits · 2 years
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(Not shown: half the dirt fell out of the pot and is hiding under the plant, and I have 2 more spider plants that followed its example)
When you're watering a different plant nowhere near them on your lunch break, and the spider plants use your distraction to try and break out of there
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genshin-projection · 1 month
i don't think i can be normal about Sunday guys
#hsr#hsr spoilers#i haven't even FINISHED it yet but his ideology is so warped. i cheered when i thought Gallagher had killed him for real#im not upset he's alive though i do think it's a bit of a cop-out . but. ouhghhhh something is so wrong with his mind (/positive.)#it's successfully looped back around to loving his character though. when there's a fucked up guy in a story i either#1) get very hostile towards them because i feel like they aren't being portrayed enough like the villain i see them as#or 2) become Obsessed with them forever because they are just so fucking . Wrong. like .#ayato genshin impact falls into both of these categories simultaneously like a fucking electron.#but sunday. he has wholeheartedly landed himself in the second category. i need to dissect him and maybe like. idk. give him a cake (?)??#Come Experience The Joys. Idiot. and also maybe listen to your sister.#honestly i REALLY like robin i think she's super super great and has good ideas#i really really love the like. the.#the contrast between his like. his horrible pessimistic nihilistic ideology. and robins optimistic harmonious one.#like robin seems to kind of... not be able to understand that sometimes nihilism is the only way to survive and that it's a balance#survival is good but hard to break out of... you need to survive enough to be ABLE to live. she seems to idealize living in opposition to it#whereas sunday is like. there are people who can ONLY survive. sometimes living isn't an option because the world is cruel and we don't all#get that choice. sometimes surviving is all you can do. why not embrace that? why not build a place where people can postpone death?#if fulfillment isn't possible... then why not accept placation even if it is a poison to the soul? surely joyful prison is better than death#if all that awaits in the world is suffering then why not let the bird live the rest of its days in its cage... even if it is unfulfilling?#HE'S SO . RHGHHGHGHFHGHHVGJF#he feels like he's on the brink of a misanthropic suicidal breakdown to me. someone fucking help him (but not really)#(i don't think anyone should be subjected to his brain. but i would like to see him get better. actually i think robin is trying for sure)#anyway. very curious how this quest is going to end. i want to rip him limb from limb and then stitch him back together again after#my posts
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I’m just tired ok
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iwoulddieforienzo · 10 months
I never play Genshin with audio on bc I hate Paimon’s voice and she never stops TALKING
This is not helped by the fact that Genshin fully thinks you are a helpless idiot
#GIRLIE. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OVER EXPLAIN FUCKING EVERYTHING#she’s supposed to be an audience surrogate for the questions they may ask but since she asks the most obvious questions known to man#she just seems like an annoying idiot who never shuts up#her characterization is loose and not well established bc she’ll change her personality depending on what questions ‘need’ to be asked#even though the answers are PAINFULLY OBVIOUS#she then overexplains what has already been explained and recaps what has JUST BEEN TOLD#she doesn’t have fun banter with anyone because it’s the same dynamic every! single! time!#she asks stupid questions. the character explains. she continues to ask stupid questions. traveler makes a snarky remark. she gets offended#sometimes if the character has the personality for it they rile her up and she gets annoyed with them#even though 9 times outta 10 they weren’t actually being that annoying and she had to break character for it to happen#(like why would Paimon give a fuck about immortality and why would she get annoyed that the sentient snake doesn’t want her to be her host?#why would Paimon even want to be a host in the first place??)#i KNOOOOW Genshin is the game where everybody is gimmicky and no one has more than 2 personality traits but it’s frustrating#and also the cutscenes that start out of nowhere just to deliver stupidly obvious information… thanks Paimon I didn’t fucking need it#whyyyyy does every story quest have a cutscene every 5 steps that tells you Exactly What Just Happened even though we HAVE EYES#I was genuinely shocked when I played Yelan’s story quest simply because it was the ONE TIME you weren’t outright told all the information#like. the information was still painfully obvious but Paimon wasn’t screaming it in your ear#Paimon is eternally confused. how does she even breathe without someone telling her exactly how to do it?#snack time#genshin impact#tag rant
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Just realized another reason why alicent and myrah would get along is their connection to the faith. Both of them are from places that hold the faith of the seven in high regards (Oldtown and the Vale respectively).
Despite that they get to that place in vastly different ways and it shows itself in different ways, they pray for the same reasons: in the name of keeping hope alive and wanting peace in their lives. It is a form of salvation for them.
It’s been established that Myrah has some fears around marrying and becoming a mother. Honestly, I think the situation Alicent was put in, at 15 mind you, would be a worst case scenario for someone like Myrah. Alicent’s faith comes from a place of repentance and need for survival. While Myrah’s faith comes from a place of fear of losing comfortablity. Myrah was fostered in a family that made her feel respected and wanted. Her fear is losing that by marrying someone awful and being forced to have his kids. She is constantly fighting between the open, and loving family (her parents being in love and equals in the relationship) she’s been raised in versus societal ideals around her.
I think it manifest itself differently between the two, but like Alicent, Myrah is a woman hyper aware of her ‘duty’ as a woman/her role in this realm. She is hyper aware of her status (being lower born), she is hyper aware of what marriage means for her. It is why when aemond and her have their intimacy/pregnancy issues in the beginning of their marriage, she takes it hard. In her mind, she takes it as ‘if I can’t please my husband nor give him a baby.. what am I here for’. Ofc it is wrong bc Aemond adores her regardless. But that is just the mindset around her that creeps in.
Anyway long story short, they’d def take sweet mom - step daughter trips to the sept, especially with the babies
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sheyshen · 2 years
while i’m on the screw major companies kick, i’d like to add in an enthusiastic screw you to amazon, and walmart, but mostly amazon.
two of the major local grocery store companies that are in my town are merging because amazon is driving them out of business. (albertsons and kroger) I have my own personal grievances with albertsons from working at jewel for a few years a few years back, but i’d rather not see them go down because of amazon.
#you wanna knock jewel down a peg because of how they over work their employees and are severely understaffed? go right ahead#also that i'm sure they're still very underpaid because i was all three of those and that's why i quit#for context i worked as a florist there. where when i was hired we were a team of 3 but when one of us left they never hired anyone new#so it was 2 people running an entire department alone#i was working on average 60 hour weeks with no breaks and would have to skip my lunch often cause i had to run home to care for my mom#i was never trained as a designer even though they dangled the option in front of me constantly but just never signed off on it#but i was designing floral arrangements most of the day every day#i was doing manager work while being only an associate in title and they consistently refused to give me a raise so i was stuck at $8 an hou#i was sexually harassed and when reporting it to the store manager he told me that it'd be an anonymous report#and then proceeded to make the person i reported apologize to my face at work while on work hours#so of course now the whole store knew i reported him#i kept bothering both my lead at the time and the store manager to hire at least one more person for our team but neither did so#and when speaking about how i wanted better hours and a raise my lead at the time laughed it off saying she didn't get paid much either#so i ended up quitting#and when the store manager begged me to stay i told him i would if he would give me a good raise and better hours#and when he just went quiet i just said 'then i'm sorry but i'm not changing my mind'#the team next to ours had a really cool lead and he'd help me out now and then. the rest of the store thought he was mean though lol#but like all that? that's stuff i'd rather see jewel get hit because of. not because of amazon of all places
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peachtartss · 2 years
so the consequences of being queer in an arab muslim family that is extremely religious and conservative and homophobic is getting completely disowned and being homeless and poor in a country that is not yours but on the bright side i won’t get hatecrimed wherever i go like i wouldve in my home country or even in my neighborhood back where my parents currently live
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