#'can you edit this that one of the volunteers did' why r u letting the cringe other people working here do a bad jobbbb
ironmanstan · 2 years
Bro is sick and sleeping way too much and cramming in portfolio pieces and yet accepting extra volunteer work
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can I request a David X Michael smut? if you're not comfortable then I totally understand :)
Notes: Ok, so first off: thank you so much for your request🤍. Second: this is my very first time writing a one shot about these boys, so I came up with this because I'm sure David's kink is to watch Michael hunt, so I tried my best. I don't know if this is what you were expecting, but I really really hope you like it 🤞🏻❤️. I accept feedback, writing advices, constructive criticism 😂, and more comments you want to let me know! I'm sorry you had to wait so much, btw, but I'm new on editing long posts on Tumblr.
Word Count: 1461
Warnings: NSFW, cursing, mentions of murder, mentions of blood, blowjob, handjobs, and basically just gay vampires.
Fast Learner (David x Michael)
Tumblr media
They were on their way back to the cave. It had been four months since his turning, so by now the things coming with being a vampire were already accepted by Michael. But the midnight killings were still hard to get used to.
"You were good tonight, Michael." David commented interrupting his moral dilemma and sliding his arm over his shoulders. He tried to smile kindly and accepted the embrace.
"He says that 'cause he wants to get in your pants!" Paul joked from behind.
Everyone laughed and David gave him the finger, only increasing the laughs from the others.
"But he's right, Mike." Dwayne's deep voice added "You were better this time." Michael only nodded.
They quickly walked down the stairs and everyone went separate ways to get ready to catch some rest. Mike had some plans to get clean and prepare to get back home, but before he could totally get away from David's grasp, the blonde applied more force to keep him in place.
"Where you think you're going?" He asked amused.
"The sun's getting out and I still need to go home." He reminded him in an obvious tone. It was hard to maintain his normal life and keep up with his nocturnal schedule.
David's eyebrows raised up "Don't you think you'll need to look more... Normal?" He said grinning referring to his blood-soaked clothes. "Mom Emerson never told you to get clean after going out to play?" He laughed a little.
Mike decided to play clown too "So that's the only reason I'll need to delay my fly back? Get decent to go out?" He snapped back and bit his lip watching the other's mouth. David's eyes sparkled in delight. Straight to the point was his thing. So It didn't took more than three seconds to place Michael between his cold body and the wall with his hungry lips ravishing him.
He kept his fists on Michael's shirt, grinding his hips against the other boy to give his cock some needed friction.
"You really did good out there tonight. Making those pricks scream..." He whispered, lightly brushing the other's lips with his words. He stucked his tongue out and marked a wet path from jaw to cheekbone, then made a trail to the lobe and bit it. "Gave me a memorable show". He would never admit it out loud, but seeing Michael participate so vividly in their huntings always turned him on.
"I think I've learned from the best." Whispered the brunette while sliding his hands from David's waist to his ass. Then he took possession of the exposed neck with his teeth and tried to place a mark. David moaned and took hold of Michael's clothed cock to control his body and switch places. Now with him in between the wall and Mike, their kissing got rapidly messy, with both nibbling and sucking any exposed area. And Michael swore if he wasn't his new self, he would now be hot all over.
"But still you make a mess of yourself" David separated his mouth from the collarboone in mid attack and yanked the blood stained shirt. Michael knew he was right; it was normal to get back from their hunting with some blood on them, but not this much. So he put some inches of separation between them to lift his shirt and tossed it aside.
"Better this way?" He asked smirking.
"Yeah." David breathed taking in sight the defined pecs and strong abdomen. Wasting no more time he took hold of Michael's right hand and pulled it to his bulge. "Your technique at sucking still needs improvement tho."
"And you're volunteering to let me practice?" Mike replied almost in awe.
Michael have him one last hot kiss, roughly biting his mate's lower lip at the end, and began his way down. His cold hands roamed David's belly underneath his shirt, sensually caressing his abdomen. The only thing the newly turned vampire hated about giving David head was the struggle with so many layers of clothes.
"Why don't you ever take this fucking coat off anyway? You're too cold?" Michael grumbled half joking, never taking his hands off.
"You're testing your luck, you know that?" If he was someone else, he would definitely be far gone by now, David thought.
But at least he was doing a great job.
Settling on his knees, he got to his target. He pressed his face to the already fat bulge and wetly kissed the thick layer of fabric. Then he slowly unzipped it and took it out of its confines, earning a low moan and two hands starting to stroke his soft curls.
Before going any further he looked up and saw David's head leaned on the wall with his eyes half closed. He grinned in contentment, feeling a mix of amusement, excitement and happiness realizing the power he had over this creature in vulnerable moments like this.
He took in one hand the cock before him and David inahled a sharp breath when it was softly squeezed at the base. This was followed by a leisure lick from the bottom to the top. As if savouring it for the first time, Michael gave it a couple of more tastes to then take the crown in his mouth, smacking his lips when he pull it out.
"Fuck, Michael" David breathed.
"That can come later" Mike answered and resumed his work putting the crown in his mouth again, this time giving it shelter a few more seconds before taking it deeper in his mouth. To cover the part left behind he moved his hand to massage it in rhythm with his mouth, and with the other hand he fondle his balls to gently roll and weigh them.
David kept moaning in appreciation, putting some pressure on Mike's skull and tugging at some strands to keep control of the pace, bobbing the head at his pleasure.
Without any more control in himself, David cradled the head with his palms pressing both cheeks and began to frantically fuck Michael's mouth.
"Shit. I love you can handle this" he praised while moving his thump to open more the wet cavity. His panting went wild as well as his movements, causing Michael to give up and just relax his throat to take as much as David gave him.
"Michael you keep it like that and I'm coming soon." David said and then stopped his fucking. He whined and pulled out dripping cock. "Get up" he ordered. Michael obligued and tried to gain some balance putting his hands on David's waist.
"You got big hands, babe." David mentioned "Why don't you work them on us." He commanded unbuckling Michael's jeans while Mike himself spitted on his palm to add slickness. When Michael's dick sprung free, he brought their hardnesses together. The touch made them both gasp, but in search for more Mike took both cocks more firmly in his right hand and changed his angle a bit to fit them correctly in the grasp.
Both moaned feeling their swelled dicks move together, and David said, controlling his tone to not sound pleading "Move."
And Michael began the strokes. At first he struggled to keep both cocks in his hand, so he adjusted his fingers to handle them better and began to catch velocity.
Michael started to feel dizzy with pleasure. With the adrenaline from the hunting still flowing through his veins, the sexual act felt even more powerful. So he put his head on David shoulders and moaned louder. "Damnit." He squeezed harder on their cocks.
"Yes. Yes. Just like that, babe." David panted in his ear. He then took hold of his neck with one hand and licked the other to lubricate it before moving it down to help make a better hold on themselves. They both began trusting in matched tempo, seeking their mutual release. They keep thrusting as brutally as they could.
Moments past before Michael whined, signaling his closeness "Oh, god. God, Im gonna come! I'm gonna-" he groaned and lost control of himself, spurting his load, getting both their hands and bellies sticky. The excitement making his body loose made his fangs come out, biting David's shoulder while spasming.
With Michael's hand reflexing involuntarily, and David's hand milking the last of him with hard strokes, David came too, sighing satisfied with relief. After a few recovering moments he noticed Michael's hand had fallen, breaking the contact on the now resting organs, but still felt the fangs cutting through his rough skin. Albeit not hurt, he protested the injury trying to catch his lover's attention clearing his throat. When Michael didn't respond, he tried again taking a deep breath and speaking "I still need to teach you to control those." He then smiled
Michael chuckled.
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loveraids · 6 years
advice for incoming freshmen
hey guys! here’s a list of some tips i made for incoming freshmen. i thought i’d share some advice/knowledge i’ve accumulated over the years too. everything’s under the cut. if you have any questions/concerns, feel free to message me! ☀️ (tw: long post)
1. one of the biggest fears many people have entering high school is not making friends. however, there are MANY opportunities where you can make friends! besides being friendly with who you sit with in class, try joining a sport, club, extra curricular, etc. i’m not saying making friends is the easiest thing in the world- i still struggle with it today. but don’t put yourself down if you’re not immediately friends with everyone in the school in the first week- it’ll take some time to develop. remember that everyone else is just as scared as you are, and they aren’t gonna come out of their shells until you do as well.
2. depending on your school, they may start throwing college shit at u on day one (although unlikely). no matter what, don’t stress right now!! the college process really doesn’t begin until the weeks leading up to the summer of junior year. you have time!! it’s ok to not know what you want to do. college has an “undecided” major for a reason.
3. V O L U N T E E R. i cannot stress this enough. it has soso many benefits and freshman year will most likely be the most time-free year you have. find a position at your local zoo, library, camp, hospital, etc. it’s a great resume booster and can aid you in the college application process (additionally, if you have an honors society that requires volunteer hours, you’ll need them anyways). also, you get to help people !
4. freshman year is going to teach you what real high school work is. you may struggle, and it’s ok! i was one of the “bright” kids that had their grades drop once i entered high school, and yeah, it did a lot to my self esteem. but throughout the years i picked myself up- i embraced help from my peers/teachers, i figured out what method of studying works best (pro tip: studying for math? look over the basic rules and do thousands of practice problems. science that isn’t math based? quizlet and khan academy. history? quizlet.), i learned that it’s OK to get a grade under a 90/A-. it’s going to seem tough at first, but just remember that you’re adjusting to a completely new environment and work ethic. you will get through it!! please shoot me an ask if you ever need help i’ll always answer. (edit: also do ur homework!!! it could be the difference between a B+ and an A-.)
5. imagine the crustiest person in your grade right now. now imagine them trying to hit on a kid that’s four years younger than you. gross, right? that’s exactly what a senior hitting on a freshman is like!! do not do that shit!!! there is NO reason why a senior should be trying to hook up with you when they’re 17-18 and you’re 14-15. that shit is NASTY. do NOT date seniors (even juniors are sketchy).
6. high school is where you will probably encounter alcohol/drugs/sex/etc at some point. do not be pressured!! if you don’t wanna smoke or drink then don’t do it (if you’re with the type of people who pressure, you better run). ive personally never had an experience where i was pressured, and people were usually respectful, but i can’t speak the same for everyone else. wanna get fucked up and party with your friends? be careful! i’m not promoting underage drinking but lets be honest a lot of kids do it. no sense in trying to pretend like that isn’t the real world. if you’re invited to some party by someone you KNOW has a bad rep, then don’t go!! you’ll have more opportunities.
7. if you’re worried about SATs/college admissions exams, you have a year. kids in my school are kinda crazy and were studying freshman year which made NO sense to me. end of sophomore year/beginning of junior year is usually adequate (plus- the main rule with SATs/ACTs is that you should take the test NO MORE than three times- that’s three chances!! i personally did well on my SAT, so if u have any questions feel free to ask me.
8. back to the point of pressure - if you’re going to a gifted and talented program/school, you will most likely feel academic pressure. with so many bright and smart peers, your standards will end up being much higher than the general population. i’m speaking from experience.
9. student government is usually a popularity contest. if you don’t win, don’t beat yourself up. if you do, congrats!
10. take pictures! save holiday cards! make memories!! i sincerely regret not taking photos (with me in them!!) during my freshman and sophomore years. there are a lot of great memories that i didn’t record because i was too embarrassed to get in front of a camera. i’ve learned that i’d rather cringe at a photo i look bad in in the privacy of my own phone, rather than not have a picture at all.
11. start developing good studying habits right away. what motivated me was getting cute/colorful pens, highlighters, erasers, post-its, etc., and making my notes look really pretty. i have my own personal post-it collection now. if you find ways to make studying even remotely fun/interesting, it will be extremely beneficial in the long run. i remember the summer before my junior year, i was excited to go back literally because i wanted to use my new pens.
12. this is a future piece of advice, but i would say there’s a 99% chance that you will be friends with mostly different people by senior year. you might have a core few, or a bestie, but myself and many others know that there are people who we were best friends with freshman year that don’t say hi to us in the halls senior year.
13. listen, there are gonna be some snake ass bitches. there’s no avoiding it. just don’t pay attention to them!! they get off on thinking they’re better than you. the best way to no longer deal with someone you don’t like is to just not associate with them. i’m obviously over simplifying these situations, but its usually not that deep. if it’s to the point where it’s causing you a great amount of stress, then it may be something you need to talk to a guidance counselor about.
14. please. do. not. run. and scream. in. the. halls. who do u think u are?? it’s 8 AM i don’t want to hear your screeching voice as you run into 7 people!!!!!
15. the freshmen are usually the joke of the school. you’ll hear you guys referred to as gremlins in some way, shape, or form. just deal with it, you’ll understand when you’re no longer freshmen (unless someone’s being unnecessarily mean!!).
16. make friends with your teachers!!!!!!!!! stay after class to have a little conversation with them. email them after school. bring them gifts on major holidays. IT WILL PAY OFF. letters of recommendation? done! need a teacher to sign off on something? done! minorly messed up in class? they’ll let it go bc they like you! this will also probably result in an increase in your character/participation grades.
17. make a travel pack that you keep in your bag - a few small bills,  pads/tampons (for those who need), pen, pencil, bobby pins, nail file, hair elastic, gum/mints, small perfume, band-aids, charger, etc.
18. thrift books sells books for really cheap!! also, ALWAYS check other places before ordering from normal bookstores (i’m looking at u barnes & noble)- they’re most likely cheaper.
19. i’m not gonna be one of those people who is like “school is the best!! it can be great for anyone if you just try!!” bc that shit aint true. it might suck ass for some of you. just know that high school isn’t your life. some people act like your life ends after high school. we’re 14-18 years old and still have so much to learn and see. if you set up a countdown to the end of high school your first day of freshman year, so be it.
20. your teachers are people too. they’re not there for you to use and abuse. they have families, problems, LIVES. they also have 3289472 students besides yourself, and assuming they should put you above the rest will only end up in disappointment.
21. social media is not all that matters. esp in this day and age, people will definitely be using snapchat and instagram (and hey! tumblr too). but don’t think you need social media to fit in. one of the most popular girls in my school literally made her instagram just the other day. to reiterate: it’s not that deep!!
22. you’re gonna change a lot (which is ok!!). freshman year i only wore hot topic and watched supernatural & doctor who. now, i just watch cooking vids and fawn over shawn mendes. it’s ok to change!! even just though freshman year you’ll change. i know i got like. super gay
23. if you find yourself having free time (or having study hall), do your homework!!! once you get home you’ll probably get distracted/lazy. what i used to do was go to my local library after school and get all my homework done so that i wouldn’t leave my school mindset and not wanna do anything. even if you don’t get everything done, you’ll thank yourself later.
24. there’s a difference between “forming your own opinion” on someone and completely ignoring their reputation/what your friends say. i can’t tell you how many people have gotten burned by the SAME guy in my school because none of them even kept in mind the warnings they had heard about him. it’s ok to give people a chance, but remember that most people’s reputations hold some truth (but not everyone!).
25. this seems pretty obvious but like. be nice. don’t talk mad shit about people you don’t know. rumors fly FAST in high school. what’s even worse is when they’re not true. fact check your shit if you ARE gonna gossip.
26. ok last point (for now). everything is gonna be new. there’s no getting around it. you WILL feel out of place. you’ll most likely be anxious. but everything will end up ok (cheesy, i know). the first week of high school is one the scariest weeks you’ll have in high school. things need time to settle. you’ll make friends, you’ll find things you like, you’ll be happy!! enter high school with a growth mindset. it may not seem like it, but your attitude WILL impact how things turn out.
overall, you guys will be fine. good luck to all of you !! if you have any questions or need advice on a specific thing, please feel free to send me an ask!! i’m always here. love u bbies
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cruciferousjex · 6 years
please note I did not write this, the original can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/8savdc/udnthecorner_exposes_the_trump_administrations/?st=JIQQXMGM&sh=c633165c
A brief, research backed exposé.
I wanted to bring to your attention some very disturbing facts regarding the missing kids covered in the news as late. I will be contacting many investigative journalists but I hope that you will take up this story because it is a very big one and needs to be known... i hope that you, as a fellow human, will find the time to devote to this story and I will help you every step of the way, if you ask it.
Please look into this.
First off... I don't care what side of the aisle you identify with; red, blue, purple, rainbow...whatever.
We are all, at the end of the day, one human species. A core feature of our humanity is our offspring and, as human beings, we should all labor to protect the weakest among us.
With the recent report of immigrant children being separated from parents, I have really started to become suspicious (moreso than before). Whereas this practice is not new*, it should be EXTREMELY alarming to consider the implications of what exactly is occuring.
It is not solely immigrant children that are going missing...
I am exhausted, mentally and physically, due to nearly 8 hours of constant research so I cannot compile a complete list of all the things I've read, plus my computer and phone both seem to keep freezing up.
The bottom line is this:
DynCorp a la Cerberus Capital, the PMSC of choice for this administration (Feinberg appointment as head of Intelligence Advisory) is and HAS BEEN the corporation hired to manage Child Protective Services.
Let this sink in...
The private mercenary group who was caught in Bosnia prostituing children, the PMSC that brought you underage boys to dance for DynCorp employees, the people who were caught killing civilians un-impeded in Iraq... The organization who used labor slaves from war-ravaged areas is now the agency tasked with keeping track of thousands of undocumented children...
They are awarded contracts in all branches of the military as well as the Dept of Health & hospitals and the SSA...**
What better way to make sure the populace at large is kept blinded of the fact that these children, as well as many other thousands in the CPS system, than to have unstoppaple access to all databases that could potentially track them?
I'm aware that, following Bosnia, new ownership was found; however, this does not mean that those practices were condemned or even punished...at all. And they apparently still seem to have an issue with high-level execs continuing to perpetuate pedophilia...
No DynCorp employee has ever been criminally prosecuted for any of these crimes. While most recently in April of 2017 the Vice President of Business Development for DynCorp, James Grazioplene, was arrested for molesting children in the 1980s, this was during his term as an officer in the United States Army.***
Now... Let's add to this fact that Trump had to choose between DeVos' brother, Eric Prince (Blackwater/Academi/the list goes on...) And Feinberg (Cerberus Capital/DynCorp/Computer Sciences Corporation)... He chose the guy with a company that is well-versed in human trafficking instead of Blackwater, who just harvested organs and made millions off of Afghani heroin.
So my point is... We have hundreds of thousands of immigrant kids, separated from their families, by an agency that had NO OBLIGATION to tell family members where they are, run by an organization of mercenaries that specialize in child rape, under a president who so publicly decried child sex trafficking that he hired the leader of a well-known, corrupt contractor and signed an executive order that has NO SPECIFIC POLICY on trafficking via PMSC's....
And if that's not enough to satiate your need for proof.... Trafficking has increased under this administration. ****
****https://humantraffickinghotline.org/states (see numbers by year)
DynCorp international was awarded a contract for Puerto Rico...
And at least one DOE teacher caught trafficking...
Rep. Cynthia McKinney on cspan in 2005 questioning why DynCorp was granted further government contracts. She was voted out shortly after this.
Rep. Nancy Schafer exposed "legal kidnapping" perpetuated by the CPS. She was found dead shortly after a highly public campaign for accountability and transparency regarding CPS.
Other various articles AND books covering the blatant disregard for the lives and bodies of literal children by DynCorp. Proven, documented cases of human slavery as perpetuated by this PMSC.
And there is so much more info out there that I could provide, but I know that this is far more than anyone else will look at.
Please, cover this story. We are talking about potentially thousands of children that could be forced into the most physically and emotionally damaging situations that you or I could conceive of...
Thank you for your time.
Edit: Yes, I am aware that there is a need for further investigation. I'm not a reporter, just a parent with deep concerns regarding these children and a little bit of spare time between work/school/kids/volunteering.
I apologize if my little bit of research doesn't satisfy you but there is something here. Hence me trying to find a journalist as they will have more time and resources to devote to this issue.
My intention here is coming from a genuine concern for the children and I apologize for not having the time to fully source everything. I'm working from a shitty phone with limited time/resources.
Again, thank you for taking time to read and I encourage all of you to look past superficial and pre-scripted narratives and dive into these connections on your own.
SOURCE: https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/8savdc/udnthecorner_exposes_the_trump_administrations/?st=JIQQXMGM&sh=c633165c
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