#'fun and enjoyable to watch' is really a decent bar to clear considering this show's track record with love interests
eugeniedanglars · 5 months
with the hiatus and the discourse and the annoying fans it becomes so easy to lose sight of the simple fact that buck and tommy are incredibly fun to watch onscreen together
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bearpillowmonster · 3 years
Neo: The World Ends With You
I'm invested in the original game and its characters, I'm invested in this game and its characters. I've had a lot of time for the original game to marinate and I can say that I enjoy pretty much every character and their arc and while I don't exactly feel the same with this one, that's not disappointing to me and this was my most anticipated game of 2021 so I mean that. This is a sequel, I expected as much and it didn't let me down, it's even better than I thought.
This is a NONSPOILER review because I think it's best experienced by actually experiencing it so I'll keep a lot of character, story, and even gameplay details out other than how the very VERY beginning of the game starts out with Rindo and Fret.
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Let me give credit where credit is due, Rindo is voiced by Paul Castro Jr. who is a new voice actor and I was honestly impressed by his voice more than anyone else in the game, I love his voice and while Rindo has some pretty big shoes to fill as the main, I think he does it. Rindo seems to act pretty accordingly to the situation he's put in. He's not as edgy as Neku but he has enough push to him to where he would be considered the "negative" of the group but I would rather call it "rational" because he brings up some valid points, stuff that I myself was asking. Putting yourself in his shoes, that seems pretty accurate.
Fret on the other hand is a bit of the opposite, an optimist if you will. He's not really a "bad" character, just in comparison to the others, he's not my favorite. I think that there needs to be someone in his position who tries to uplift the team, but he's just a little annoying about it sometimes. Also get ready to hear "Galaxy Brain, ACTIVATE!!" literally hundreds of times, as much as he talks, you'd think he'd add more variety.
I'm not going to complain about certain gameplay elements or limitations that carried over from the last game except one. The camera. It's fixed to where you have no control over it in the city areas and therefore can't get a proper look at everything, whether that works in its favor, I'm not sure because you get used to it but it's just a small peeve you start out with.
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The combat is pretty loyal to the first game which is surprising. I personally didn't like the original gameplay because it was so limited on the DS, a lot of room for error, but having it on console expands the system and lets you use buttons rather than mashing a touch screen, improving on almost, if not all, gameplay fronts. However, because it's based on a game from 2007, the system may seem a little outdated to some, it's really up to you, it made a fan out of me, making it more fun.
I played the original in bites, not because of lack of enjoyment but because I felt like it was a game I could only get into for so long at a time but with this game it's the complete opposite. Maybe it was the DS hardware that hampered the original but I say it's a decent success on this game's part. I also felt that Persona 5 seemed a bit formulaic in its story context and gameplay layout with each castle but this game, while having patterns, it changes before you get the chance to really catch on. I could predict P5 but I couldn't predict this, each day was a mystery, I knew you'd fight people but I didn't always know who or when which is crazy considering that P5 had all the choices!
A small improvement that I'll suggest for combat is having short rhythm based moves or even QTEs, like how in the original Shiki had the directional pad moves which were annoying but still varied from the rest of the gameplay. There are definitely new things that you can do, but there are a few aspects worth complaining about. You can unlock certain abilities and once you enable them, you can't disable them. The only one that it personally applies with is the ability to enable individual health bars for enemies, rather than an overall one. Which sounds good but-
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I personally don't like that it's always floating above their heads, if it was on the side screen, that'd be one thing but constantly above their heads? No deal. I actually had to go back and load up an old save to get rid of it. But with unlocking certain abilities comes with quality of life aspects so if you're not in love with the gameplay at first, give it a little bit because you might be able to unlock whatever piece you're missing.
There's also "soundsurfing" that adds to your groove meter that you can use when running around and it said that you press (in my case "X" on PS4) to the beat of the song which is a cool concept but it really isn't clear how to use it because I try matching the beat and I get nothing and have more success just button mashing. The groove meter can drop when it's not supposed to, like when you literally can't attack during the buffering of a special or switching between battles in a chain (The "Get Ready" screen) And if you're in a proper boss battle, you HAVE to fight, it's like a trainer battle in Pokémon which is especially annoying when you accidentally press "retry". It has no reason to be there when I already know that I'm not prepared for the boss and can't back out.
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Do the trailers spoil it?
Originally, I only saw the first and or second trailer and knew I wanted it so there was no reason to see any more but it was kind of overwhelming with all the characters they were showing off in just a single trailer. I don't think they needed to go that far but I understand why they did. I understand why they showed a lot of things that they did but I think it's a bit easier to SWALLOW when it's introduced in-game. I even found myself doing all the side-quests and being engaged in the side-stuff in-game. But I knew about people pointing out spoilers so after I finished it, I went back and looked at the other trailers and OH BOY. The final trailer shows some stuff and I'm SO glad I didn't watch it. They straight up show some out of context death scenes as well as different alliances and betrayals, not to mention parts of the freaking ending. The launch trailer is no better, it's just like that trailer but cut down. You may not have context but you can draw some hefty conclusions and that alone makes me question, why? I'm not sure if there are many reveals that they DIDN'T tease, it's like they went out of their way to hit every single one. Whether it's Square or Nintendo, they need to figure out how to cut a trailer, heck, hire me, I at least have the editing skills and know what's interesting enough to show and what's too spoilery not to show, come on!
Is it newcomer friendly?
I heard a lot of things like "it drops you in without mercy so pay very close attention" (in terms of story, that is) so only people who played the original game will be able to get it. But I beg to differ, I think it does a pretty good job of filling you in while putting you in the shoes of a new player (both in the game and out) AND keeping the mystery of whatever happened since the last game coming in small pieces. Most of the dialogue text boxes are voice acted so it's not really a slog to read. To prove my point further, the premise starts out very similar so it should be easy to clue in what exactly happened in the last game. Of course you're going to get more enjoyment out of it if you played the original but I don't think you'd be totally lost if you started with this one and played to right before the ending because then it kinda has to do stuff without preface, so you're going to be confused by much of the emotional weight that it carries. But it still gives you plenty of time to catch up on the original, whether through the game, videos, or lore, this game has you ask the questions, so fill in the blank. It has a nice length to it so you'll have until the ending to figure it out. Also, Final Remix teased stuff that this game makes clarity on but I wouldn't call FR mandatory. (Except maybe no numbers on the hand? Maybe even I missed something there.)
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littlestarofthewest · 4 years
God your writing is incredible. Would you consider possibly writing male reader/deputy arthur, maybe featuring a pair of handcuffs or something of the sort?
Thank you for the praise, love! :) I actually squealed back when I first read this request because I have a thing for Arthur with his little star. I hope you don’t mind I made him sheriff instead of a deputy. I kept the handcuffs though :D
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Title: Behind Bars | Word Count: 4444 | Rating: Explicit (18+!!!)
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x male reader
Tags: handjob, blowjob, anal sex (what can I say, they’re going to town)
You always love coming to a new town. There's new people, new shops, and new opportunities, and all of it is just up for grabs if you know how to do it.
Tonight, it's too late to do much, so you decide to head for the saloon and get a feeling for the locals. After hitching your horse outside, you walk in as inconspicuous as possible. You only use one of the double doors, barely pushing it, your head drawn low but with most of your face still visible.
Over the years, you learned a thing or two about earning people's trust. Acting like a withered traveler who's only looking for work and a hot meal is often the best way to go. Just like you planned, a few eyes turn your way, but the people immediately lose interest.
You approach the bartender and ask for some drink and food before settling down in a corner. You determine that there might be even a few prospects for some naughty fun later on, once the decent guests go home, and the rest have some drinks in them.
After finishing your meal, you get yourself a beer, trying to decide which guy to hit on when the doors of the saloon open. The newcomer is tall, with broad shoulders, his hat covering his face. On his way to the bar, a few people nod or give him a small wave, so he must be one of the locals.
The stranger heads right for the bar, and as he leans on it, you get a nice look at his backside. His jeans sit tight in all the right places, and his shirt clings to him in a way that makes you think about scratching your nails down his whole back. 
Without even thinking about it, you make your way to the bar, flanking the stranger to get a better look at him. He pushed his hat up, and while he looks a little weathered, you can't deny that you find him attractive. He's got full lips and a sharp cut jaw that's covered with a nice stubble. You surely wouldn't mind rubbing your face against his while doing some other enjoyable things.
Somehow, the other guys you considered before seem out of the question now. You want this one. At first, you try to come up with a line that could start a conversation with him, but then the stranger does you a big favor. He moves away from the bar, coming your way, and you step in his path in precisely the right moment.
You both collide, and out of surprise, the stranger drops his bottle while you cling to the bar to keep upright. "I'm so sorry," you mumble, your eyes drawn to the shards on the floor, "I didn't see you there."
"It's alright," the stranger says in a calm, deep voice, "it's just a beer."
The game you're playing is always risky. Instead of some fun behind the saloon, it's easy to end up with a black eye. It seems you got extra lucky today.
"Let me buy you a new one," you say, looking at the stranger for the first time. "Please?"
"Sure, if you want to."
"Of course, it's my fault after all," you say while waving the bartender over. "Please, join me."
You order a new beer for the stranger, and he accepts it with a nod before leaning against the bar next to you. "You're not from here."
It's not a question, but you still feel like the stranger is fishing for more information.
"No, I just got into town," you say honestly, right before launching into your perfectly crafted lie. "The farm I've been working on for years got sold when the owner died. Since then, I've been traveling around, looking for work."
The stranger takes a big swig of his beer before stepping back and looking you up and down like a horse he'd like to buy at the stables. 
"I know most of the farmers around here. I could ask around if someone needs a hand."
"That would be great," you say with a smile, but it's hard to stay in the role of poor farmhand with the stranger's eyes still on you.
"What are you good at?" the stranger asks. "Gotta sell you somehow, after all."
You know that he's asking because of the work, but the way he looks at you implies so much more. Maybe it's time for you to go on the offensive.
"Lots of things, actually," you say, holding the stranger's gaze. "I'm most handy with a good tool, and I sure know how to ride."
A small smile plays around the stranger's lips, and he holds out his hand to you. "Arthur Callahan."
"Y/N," you say, holding his hand way longer than necessary. Arthur has a warm, firm handshake, and you wouldn't mind having those hands on you.
"Tell you what," Arthur says, "we meet back here tomorrow, and I'll let you know if somebody needs help."
"Thank you so much, that's great."
Arthur nods, taking another swig of his beer before eyeing you up and down again. "Now that business is out of the way, how about we move on to pleasure?"
A tingling feeling rushes all over your body. You had a feeling that Arthur wasn't the type to play around, but it's been a while since you've met someone who cut to the chase like that.
"Pleasure sounds great," you say. "What do you have in mind?"
"We could go out back, and you show me how good you really are with a tool."
You take a sip from your drink before walking past Arthur, your shoulder brushing against his. "Come on then."
By the steps behind you, you can tell that Arthur is following you immediately, and your heart beats faster. You've rarely gotten lucky so quickly, and Arthur surely is a treat compared to your usual partners.
Outside, you walk around the saloon, and Arthur's hand ends up warm on your back. You make it into the nearby trees before he turns you around and you don't waste time either, taking your first taste of Arthur's lips.
It's been a while since you had some fun, and you don't mind Arthur's hands roaming over your body. He's not shy to grab you wherever he wants, and you make good on your promise. Going down on your knees, you open Arthur's pants and pull out his cock, pleased with what you find.
Arthur leans back against the tree with a groan when you take your first taste, licking along his length. With your hand massaging his balls, you suck him into your mouth, your tongue teasing him with little twists. 
At first, Arthur lets you do the work, moaning quietly with his eyes closed, but you can sense his desperation. He puts his hand on the back of your head but makes a little circle with his thumb to reassure you that he won't push you.
Not that he has to. You know you're good with your mouth, and having a guy squirm and moan because of you, gets you harder than anything else. Arthur does a great job with that. Harsh breaths make their way out of him, and when you swallow him down all the way, his fingers scrape along your neck.
"Goddammit, boy," he groans, holding you in place while his hips buck.
His grip isn't so tight that you couldn't escape, but being put in your place like this has you moan around Arthur's cock, your own dick twitching in your pants. Arthur runs his fingers along your neck now, almost soothing, drawing back a little.
"Got something for you," he says, giving you a way to escape.
There have been guys where you picked that option, but right now, you want all of Arthur, so you push forward. You take him deep into your throat, and Arthur curses, his fingers clawing against your skin as he comes. You eagerly swallow, and Arthur leans back against the tree with a deep sigh.
"Alright," he says, looking down at you when you give him free, "you do know how to handle a tool."
"Told you," you say with a grin. 
Arthur puts himself away while you get to your feet, thinking that you're done, but suddenly Arthur pulls you into another kiss. He turns you both around, pushing you against the tree, and his hand finds its way to the bulge in your pants.
"I think I can find some work for you," he says with a grin, and you wish you could talk back, but his touch feels too good.
Arthur takes care of your pants, and seconds later, you're in his tight grip. He's even pushier than before, giving you barely an inch to move while stroking your cock. Usually, you're not much of a pushover, so it's even more intriguing how Arthur handles you.
He leans in close to bite and kiss along your neck, his hand always in motion. It surprises you that he actually takes the time after he already got off. You had a few guys who couldn't get away fast enough once they were done.
Arthur is the complete opposite. He takes his sweet time teasing you, and you feel like he enjoys watching you squirm as much as you do. You moan against his lips, loving that he kisses you at all, and soon, you claw your fingers into his shirt while you roll your hips to get more friction.
Finally, Arthur's done with the teasing. He strokes you with a clear goal in mind, and you don't care to hold back any longer. You let your arousal take over, drifting quickly to the point of no return until you have to lean back against the tree behind you when your hips stutter, and you come in Arthur's hand.
He leans in to kiss you, still carefully petting you until you come down from your high.
"You're pretty handy with a tool yourself," you say, and Arthur chuckles.
"See you tomorrow then," he says before giving you another quick kiss. You feel like he'll definitely have some work for you, one way or the other.
After being with Arthur, you wouldn't have minded a good night's sleep, but a man has to eat, after all, so you find yourself at the back of a huge farmhouse a few hours later. You heard some guys at the saloon talking about the wealthy owners who once again left for the city to meet up with other rich people and congratulate each other on their wealth.
Judging by the house, there's a good chance there might be some money in it for you, maybe also some jewelry to fence. You're about to crack open the back door when something hard digs into your back. A gun.
"I'm sorry, darling," a familiar deep voice says. "I can't let you do this. Turn around."
You do as you're told and find Arthur pointing a gun at you. You're about to offer him a part of the loot when your eyes fall on a shiny little item at his chest. A sheriff's star.
"You in law enforcement?" you ask in surprise. "Who would have thought."
"I'm not surprised you're here," Arthur says. "I've rarely seen someone who had 'thief' written all over them like you did."
That surprises you even more. You've never met any police who suspected you right away. Usually, you pride yourself on looking innocent.
"Technically, I didn't steal anything," you say, making Arthur chuckle.
"Besides my patience," he grunts. "Are you coming along peacefully, or do I need to restrain you?"
You think back to earlier when Arthur held you against the tree, and his behavior makes even more sense. As sheriff, he must be used to giving orders and keeping people in check. You sure wouldn't mind being handled with the same authority now.
"I don't think I'll be going with you," you say, unable to hide a smile. "I guess you have to restrain me."
Arthur sighs and rolls his eyes, but then he pulls out a pair of handcuffs. "You better not try anything. I wouldn't want to shoot someone as skilled as you."
You hold out your arms to Arthur with a smile, letting him put on the handcuffs. He pulls you along and helps you up on your horse, holding on to your ass way longer than he'd have to without trying to hide it. With Arthur pulling along your horse, you make it back to the town, and he walks you into one of the jail cells.
Out of the handcuffs, you settle down on the hard bench in the cell while Arthur disappears into another room. Taking a deep breath, you consider your options. Arthur's not the type to be messed with, so talking yourself out of this won't work. 
The same goes for brute force. You're pretty good in a fight, but Arthur's a mountain of a man, holstering two weapons he's probably well versed in using. You can't see yourself overpowering him.
Not that you necessarily have to. Although Arthur has brought you in, you don't think that he's going to give you much trouble over a tiny robbery. He'll probably let you rot in the cell for a bit before giving you a stern talking to and sending you on your way. 
Arthur comes back with a bottle of whiskey and settles down on a creaky chair, putting his feet up on his desk. He takes a swig from the bottle before pulling down his hat over his face, crossing his arms, and ready to settle down for a nap.
You should probably do the same, but instead, you watch Arthur. He has the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, and your eyes follow the veins that run along Arthur's arms. You can't help but wonder what it would be like if he held you down or lifted you up.
The way he sits there is too inviting. You imagine walking over to him and pushing down his long legs so you could crawl on his lap and steal the hat before kissing him, not to mention taking a little ride.
With a sigh and tightening pants, you head to the end of your cell, leaning against the bars. "So, you just gonna sit there, huh?"
Arthur pushes up his hat, watching you for a moment. "Please tell me you're not one of the chatty ones who beg for a gag."
"I can be quite loud," you say with a smile, "and I am good at begging. Unless you keep me quiet. I like that, too."
"Just sit your ass down and take your punishment like a man," Arthur growls.
"Oh, I'd love to take it from you," you say, and when Arthur rolls his eyes, you grab the bars of the cell. "Come on, we both know you can't leave while you have a prisoner, and I'm not going to shut up until you make me. Might as well continue where we left off, have some fun."
Arthur's eyes travel over your body, and heat takes hold of you. You just took a shot in the dark, but he's actually considering your words. After a moment, he walks over to you, handing you the whiskey. You look at him while you drink, your lips tightly wrapped around the bottle. 
"Just to be clear, you're not getting out," Arthur says. "We can have some fun, but it's no payment for your release. I don't do that."
Of course, you wouldn't mind getting out of here, but you understand what he means. You're not interested in offering sexual favors for your freedom, either. 
"Just some fun," you say, handing back the bottle, "and then I'll sit here and repent."
Arthur's gaze clearly states that he doesn't believe in your penance, but he still nods. "Turn around."
You have no idea what he's going to do, but that's even more of a thrill. You do as he says and can hear him put the whiskey bottle back onto the desk. After that, there are more sounds, but you're not sure what Arthur's doing.
He comes back to you, always out of your field of vision, and you jump a little when he speaks close to your ear. "Put up your arms."
Again, you follow up immediately, and Arthur holds your hands against the bars of the cell before putting the handcuffs back on you. He hangs them up in a way that makes it impossible for you to bring your arms back down.
"Comfortable?" he asks, and you know he's giving you an out if you're not into that kind of thing.
You've never done something like this before, but then again, you've never met someone like Arthur. A tingling feeling washes in waves all over your body, and you're eager to see what else he has in store for you.
"I'm good," you say, much more confident than you feel.
Starting from your hands, Arthur explores your body. He opens up your shirt and runs his hands all over you with a firm touch. Goosebumps erupt on your skin, and Arthur reaches around you to open your pants.
"Are you ready to do some penance?" he asks, his lips brushing against your ear, his voice sinking deep into your bones and setting you alight from inside.
"God, yes," you say, unable to play it cool. "Please punish me, sheriff."
Arthur leans his head against the back of yours for a moment as his hands push down your pants. His fingers dig into the soft flesh of your ass, and he groans in satisfaction.
You wish you weren't so eager, but you can't help but push back, the cold bars digging into your skin as a starch contrast to Arthur's warm hands. He lets go of you for a moment, before pushing your cheeks apart and his fingers find their way to your hole.
Arthur's coated his fingers with something oily and rubs circles into your skin while his other hand rests flat on your chest. You let yourself enjoy the touch, and Arthur soon pushes a finger into you, opening you up a little. When he's satisfied with how your muscles loosen up for him, he retreats his hands, and a few seconds later, his hot cock is pressing against your entrance.
"Relax, darling," he says, and you only notice now how tense you are, too eager for Arthur to take you.
You let out all the pent up air from your lungs, and Arthur pushes into you, making you moan. You always love to be claimed and spread open, and Arthur fills you up in the best of ways. He bottoms out, pressing himself against you as much as the bars of the cell allow it. 
He trails soft kisses over your neck and rolls his hips, giving you a first taste of what's to come. His hands are back on your body, touching every inch of your skin that he can reach except for your dick, and you have a feeling that's intentional. 
Arthur lets you move instead, waiting for you to show him how rough you want this to go. The problem is that you're way too thirsty for some action, and you move as far away as you can before slamming yourself back against him. Whenever his cock thrusts back into you, you let out eager gasps and moans, begging him to go harder.
"You sure want to redeem yourself," Arthur groans.
"Please, more," you say, reminding him that you're not above begging.
Arthur's hand travels up your chest, his fingers going around your throat. There's no pressure behind it, but the mere touch has you arch your back as much as possible, the muscles in your arms straining from being held up. 
Finally, Arthur moves with more purpose, grinding deep into you until you're completely ready to take all of him. Then he goes faster and harder, his fingers closing a little more around your throat. Your cock twitches, leaking with precome, and you're not sure how much more you can take before begging for release.
Arthur hits deep into your core, moaning, and grunting as he takes his own pleasure from using your body. Every sound of him hits you like a whip, wanting for you to do even better. You push back hard against the bars with a whine, and Arthur finally has some mercy on you.
He reaches around and grabs your dick tight, stroking you with purpose. Your whole body tenses again, pushing against all the restrictions, and Arthur bites along your neck before his lips come to rest against your ear again, his hot breath washing over you.
"You're gonna be a good boy for me now and come on my cock," he growls, his fingers closing even tighter both around your dick and your throat.
There's nothing you can do to hold back. As soon as Arthur thrusts into you again, you cry out, your orgasm shooting through you as if you've been struck by lightning. While your muscles tense around Arthur's cock, your dick pulses in his hand, your come trickling to the ground.
While you still catch your breath, Arthur pulls out of you, but his hand is still on your throat as he rubs his cock between your cheeks. You squeeze them tight to give him more friction, and with a few satisfied groans, Arthur follows you over the edge, painting your ass with his come.
He takes a moment to rest his head against you before letting go of you and reaching up to undo the handcuffs. You move your arms and rub your wrists to get some blood flow back while Arthur tucks himself away.
"That sure was fun," you say, and Arthur chuckles.
"I hope you don't get bruises from those bars," he says, peaking at your ass.
You can't help but grin. "So worth it."
Arthur shakes his head but smiles. He gets the bottle of whiskey again and a bandana from his desk so you can clean yourself up. When you're all dressed, he hands you the bottle, leaning against the bars.
"Can I trust that you behave yourself now?"
"God, yes," you say, and take a drink. "You wore me out, sheriff. I'm gonna sleep like a baby now."
Arthur laughs as he takes the bottle from you. "Good. See you tomorrow then."
He walks over into the other room, probably lying down, and you settle down on the small cot in your cell. It's anything but comfortable, but you're so tired, you're out like a light in seconds.
"Rise and shine, darling," a deep voice says close to your ear, and you roll over, trying to make out your surroundings.
Arthur is standing in front of you, blocking the morning sun coming in through the window behind him.
"Morning," you mumble, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and sitting up.
"I fear I can't offer you breakfast, but you're free to go," Arthur says before heading out the door and sitting down at his desk.
You take your time getting up and are still stretching your body after following him outside. Arthur's eyes rest on you the whole time, and for the first time in your life, you actually want to stay in jail.
"Are you sure? I did try to rob that fancy place," you say. "Might be tempted to do it again."
A small smile plays around Arthur's lips. "We both know you're not that stupid."
"I might be," you say before walking over to Arthur's desk and leaning against it. Again, you're tempted to crawl into his lap right then and there. "Considering the following punishment."
Arthur studies you for a moment, then he gets up and puts a hand on your back. "Come with me."
You're intrigued, and even when Arthur leads you to the steps to the basement, you go with him without question. Downstairs is another cell, only dimly lit from the light above. When you approach, a man stumbles to the front.
"Are you alright? I heard horrible sounds yesterday," he exclaims, out of breath as if he's been running for miles. "Did he hurt you?"
Arthur can't hold in a chuckle, and when you look at the man in the cell, a weird suspicion arises in your mind.
"Sheriff Callahan?" you ask, and the man's eyes widen.
"Yes, that's me!"
"Come on," Arthur says, patting your back, and you both head back up the stairs, ignoring the sheriff.
"So, I guess you're not the real sheriff," you say, watching Arthur as he leans against his desk. "Care to explain?"
"My gang and I are working a few jobs around here, and since the sheriff was new in town, it seemed a good idea to replace him," Arthur says as if that's the most normal thing to do. "You're free to go, but I have to ask you to move on. We don't want any trouble that could bring some actual law out here."
"Why are you telling me this?"
Arthur shrugs. "You seem like a smart feller. I'm sure you'll know what's best for you to do."
Although Arthur acts all friendly, you know exactly what he's saying. If you dare to make trouble for them, he'll take measures to stop you. Coming from someone who's been holding the sheriff downstairs, you'd have to be pretty stupid not to heed his warning.
The thing is, Arthur's talk about a gang is interesting. You thought for a while that you'd be better off with some backup, and the idea of staying with Arthur is even more tempting.
"Any chance your gang could use another man?" you ask, bringing out your best smile.
Arthur raises a brow at you. "Depends if he's got something good to offer."
"I'm quite handy with a tool, and I can ride."
"I'm interested," Arthur says, his eyes trained at you as intense as yesterday.
You grab him by the collar, push him over to his chair, and finally crawl on top of him. "I could be your deputy, sheriff, and you could teach me a little something about the law. I think I need another lecture on those handcuffs."
Arthur puts a hand on your neck, drawing you in. "Tempting offer," he says before pulling you in for a kiss.
You feel sorry for the things Sheriff Callahan is going to hear now.
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dossi-io · 3 years
Yugyeom - Point of View (Debut EP) ┃Review
With his debut project Yugyeom takes his first steps under AOMG’s wing but does little to separate himself from the current landscape of K-R&B artists.
The content of this article is also available in video format, embedded at the bottom of this article.
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For those of you who are into K-pop, the name Yugyeom will probably be quite familiar. Most got to know him as the main dancer in the incredibly successful group GOT7. In January of this year, the group’s seven year contract with JYP Entertainment ended. No contracts were renewed, which naturally led to the group parting ways with the company. During February, AOMG announced that Jugyeom had signed with the label on social media. This announcement was accompanied by a dance video performance of Yugyeom dancing his ass off to Travis and Thugger’s banger; FRANCHISE.
Now, four months later, he’s not only making his debut as a full on solo artist, but also an AOMG one. Before checking the project out, I was not very familiar with either Yugyeom or GOT7’s music, so I went into this with zero expectations.
Point of View
Point of View is a 7-track EP with a runtime of 24 minutes. The subject matter here revolves around love, but there’s no real substance to the lyrics. The primary focus was obviously the sound and vibe of each track. You can tell that there was some effort put into organizing a tracklist with a varied selection of sounds. You’ll hear a decent mix of tracks ranging from moody and trapsoul inspired music, to ballads and even some party bops.
The project quite clearly shows that Yugyeom is not the strongest vocalist. Both his bright tone and vocal inflections feel rather generic, closely resembling the likes of DEAN or Red House. It can be quite nasally at times, which might bother some, but I didn’t mind it. His performance on the entire project is rather simple, but is decent enough to get the job done.
The EP kicks things off with the track “I Want U Around”, featuring DeVita. If you’re a regular listener of modern R&B, you’re bound to have heard similar sounding tracks to this one. It’s your simple, run of the mill, moody trapsoul inspired track. For frequent R&B listeners like me, I find it important to distinguish yourself from the vast sea of talented R&B artists nowadays. While both of them had some decent performances on the track, with DeVita’ vocals obviously stealing the show, there is still a bit of their very own characteristics missing.
I think DeVita was on the right path when she started messing around with harmonies, during the latter part of her verse. She also had a few cool vocal runs going on. My main gripe was that, just as it was beginning to get interesting, her verse got cut off. The track was a solid one, but I’m not too crazy about it. I can however appreciate the importance of this track, in terms of impact on DeVita’s career. This is quite the amazing boost for someone this early on in their career. If you’re interested in learning all about DeVita, I did an in-depth video covering her story. Linked here.
“Running Through The Rain”, is the second track and turned out to be my favorite one. This is one of those tracks that despite Yugyeom not having killer vocals, his vocals are still decent enough to make quite the catchy track. This track had me boppin my head along all throughout it. Despite the extremely dull and bare bone hook, I was still finding enjoyment due to other aspects of the track keeping me engaged. When it comes to the production, GRAY really did his thing here. I think he showcases why he’s been able to remain relevant in the industry for close to a decade now. There’s an expertise to how he keeps the instrumental interesting. It comes down to his beat structure, which combats the simplicity to become noticeably monotonous. The sound selection with it’s blend of trendy synth sounds, guitars and percussion, mixes neatly together with Yugyeom’s vocals. The talkbox vocals really took the track to another level.
“All Your Fault”, is the title track and seems to be a fan favorite. It starts off with some clean strummed guitar hits. Throughout the track, the guitar licks and improvised playing add so much to the complete package. These guitar elements are obviously quite restrained in this pop-format and aim to be more subtle. Yugyeom begins to use a bit more harmonies in the background. Even while simple, they add some much needed qualities to his vocals. Building upon this there’s some well matched set of drums and percussion. The trap hi-hats are mixed very well, making sure not to take focus away from the other elements of the track, which can be a weakness when using busy trap hi-hats. GRAY’s feature on the track added a nice contrast to YUGYEOM. With all of this combined, we have yet another example of a well arranged track.
“All About You”, switches things up with some different energy. The booming 808s and the dancehall inspired drum pattern really begs the listener to get up and move. Having this lively blend of genres and a solid verse from Loco is a great way to vary the energy level of the tracklist. I found the live performance of this song on ELLE STAGE to be quite impressive, due to how closely he sounded to the recorded version.
“Love The Way”, is another fun energetic track bringing the party vibes, produced by Cha Cha Malone. This one just has that sound that will find its way to plenty of summer party playlists. Featuring both punchnello and Jay Park, I’m sure plenty of AOMG fans will mess with this. It’s a cool party record but besides that there’s not much else going on.
“Fallin In Love”, is for sure the weakest track here. I don’t think this type of production from Cha Cha suits Yugyeom that well. It highlights his shortcomings as a vocalist a bit too much, in my opinion.
Why does this not work? Well, on this track Cha Cha provides a very straightforward and super simplistic beat. With such a beat it allows a listener’s utmost focus to be put on the vocals. This works great with an artist who, either has strong vocals, an interesting approach to a track or an interesting tone. You can hear this formula working beautifully on tracks like “Lust” by Hoody, for example. The uninteresting beat and vocals just lead to something a bit too basic and plain, for my tastes. On a positive note though, props for once again adding a track with a different sound to the rest of the tracklist.
The project ends with the track; “When U Fall”. This one didn’t really connect with me, for pretty similar reasons as the previous track. The monotonous nature of the instrumental results in quite a dull and uninspired song. Even the four bars that make up the bridge feel rushed and half-hearted. I can’t feel the passion here, which for me is essential for a convincing love ballad. Instead it just feels too artificial.
Closing thoughts
With this project Yugyeom does little to separate himself from the current landscape of K-R&B artists. I think ‘Point of View’ is a decent EP, and for the most part an enjoyable listen. Knowing his background as a GOT7 member it becomes quite clear that having to carry a track all by himself is a bit awkward. Thankfully the features help out a lot with this issue, besides “Running Through The Rain” the weakest tracks are the ones where he’s by himself.
The writing of the hooks on the project feels very novice, leaving a lot to be desired. Pretty much all of them are basic and repetitive to the point that any listener should have no issue singing along during their initial listen. In combination with these dull hooks, the vocal performances, while passable, can get stale quickly. The tracks that work tend to do so, due to decent beat structure, features or switch-ups to keep things engaging.
Working on his vocals, approach to hooks, and more interesting things going on vocally, like harmonies could go a long way for Yugyeom. Working on these aspects I believe will help him avoid sounding as monotonous as in this EP. According to Jay Park, he’s already working hard on his vocals, which sounds promising.
There’s one important thing to consider regarding this EP. It marks the start of a new chapter in Yugyeom’s career, so most importantly it’s a stepping stone. If he works on his vocals, paired with his amazing talents as a dancer he’ll become a force to be reckoned with.
Listen to the project here https://aomgofficial.lnk.to/PointOfViewU
Thanks for reading or watching this review.
Gif from ‘I Want U Around’ MV: @moxiepoints​
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Michael in the Mainstream: Peter Pan
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I think I should come out and say it: I’m not the biggest fan of classic Disney films. I mean, obviously I appreciate them for what they did for the company, I would never deny their artistic merit, and it’s not even that I think they’re bad per se, it’s just that I am most definitely a Renaissance man. The Disney Renaissance is what I grew up watching, and the decade before and the decades after it are where I find most of my favorite Disney films. All that being said, though, there were always a few exceptions: growing up I loved Pinocchio, I’ve always been very fond of Sleeping Beauty (I still call it one of my favorites), and then there was the subject of this review, Peter Pan.
Peter Pan is the sort of movie I have very mixed feelings on nowadays, as it has a lot of strong elements as well as some… unfortunately glaring weaknesses. Would I say it’s a bad movie? No, I don’t think this movie is, on the whole, bad, and I think it is rather fun and enjoyable for the most part… but it’s not a film I’d ever be able to say is one of my favorites ever again after having watched it as an adult. I think there is sort of an irony to that, all things considered.
Let’s look at what this film does right first. As is pretty typical of the Disney classics, the villain really steals the show here. Captain Hook is just an absolute delight, a true ham for the ages who manages to be gut-bustingly hilarious and truly threatening whenever the scene calls for it. What really helps is that Hook, despite his unsavory qualities, actually ends up being rather sympathetic due to his animosity towards Peter Pan being extremely warranted and his general ineffective qualities and the constant slapstick aimed at him. You almost want to give the poor guy a hug with all the crap he gets put through. To not much lesser extent there is his sycophantic sidekick Smee, an absolutely goofy delight of a man who slavishly helps his Captain and usually bumbles whilst doing it, leading to ever more hilarity. These two really make the film, and every scene with them is delightful.
Then of course there is the stunning, iconic little fairy that is Tinkerbell. While she would not get much expansion or development until decades later, Tinkerbell cemented herself as one of the faces of Disney with this film, where she plays a cranky, sassy, silent sidekick to Peter. While the audience doesn’t understand her, the animation does a good job at helping show what sort of emotions she’s feeling at any given time. The animation in general is fantastic in this film, but really that’s just par for the course for old school Disney animation. 
But, see, that’s about all the praise I can give to the characters in this film. The rest of the cast is rather bland, with Wendy and her brothers getting hit especially bad; not a one of them is interesting or memorable, which is a real shame especially in Wendy’s case, as since she has the same actress as Alice from Alice in Wonderland (Kathryn Beaumont) I’d expect a bit more personality from her performance. 
The Lost Boys too are a pretty shabby bunch; perhaps it’s just the fact I’m such a big fan of Hook and the colorful cast of Lost Boys there (particularly the inimitable Rufio), but these Lost Boys just don’t do much to stick out besides where different costumes. And while the eponymous character is memorable in his own right, he’s rather arrogant, childish, and rude… which is probably the point, considering he is an unaging magical child. I still find him rather unsympathetic and more than a bit unpleasant, but unlike the other characters there’s at least something of a reason to it. And to be perfectly frank, after reading about the tragedy that befell his voice actor Bobby Driscoll, I feel a lot more inclined to give the character a break.
And then we come to the elephant in the room, and no, I am certainly not giving these characters a break. The big, red, racist elephant… I am, of course, referring to the Indian tribe of Neverland. Frankly, these guys are the reason why I wanted to talk about this movie, because it gives me the opportunity to talk about some of the absurd racial caricatures of Disney’s early years.
Now, these caricatures rely mainly on stereotyping, and with stereotyping you’re obviously going to slap elements onto a given character so the audience “gets” what you’re going for. Si and Am from Lady and the Tramp, the crows from Dumbo, characters like that are all examples, as despite being animals they feature traits that heavily imply the races they are mimicking. And yes, it is easy to see them as racially insensitive… but it’s easy to defend them, too. For instance, there are plenty of black people who defend the crows in Dumbo, and plenty of Asians like Si and Am. Obviously no one can tell you what to get offended by, so if you find those characters insensitive, that’s totally fine, and it’s hard to say that they aren’t, but at the very least them being animals with stereotypes slapped on them are a bit easy to swallow, and I can s ee why people like them. Like yes, Si and Am are clearly aping those good ol’ “Yellow Peril” stereotypes, and sure, maybe those crows are a bit iffy, but it’s easier to enjoy the characters for what they are because the characters themselves are not really trying to make any sort of commentary on the race they’re representing stereotypes from. They’re just evoking it, however tastelessly. 
But the Neverland Indian tribe are humans, and that does kind of make things a bit more uncomfortable, as they are ostensibly supposed to be like you and I. But between their exaggerated skin color, voices, and overall aesthetic, it’s hard to take them seriously. Only Tiger Lily really escapes this, as she is about the only Indian treated with any sort of dignity. All this being said, however, I have something of an ironic fondness for these awful characters. For one, as terrible and insensitive as they are, they manage to clear the incredibly low bar of not being portrayed negatively; the tribe is portrayed as good people. And as mentioned before, they are so deeply caricatured with all the ridiculous stereotypes of the time that they are just impossible for me to take seriously; the characters manage to cross the line twice, turning their insensitive designs into a laugh riot of “what the hell were these animators thinking?”
So in the end, Peter Pan is a bit of a mixed bag, but it’s one I think skews closer to the good end of that than the bad one. Classical animation fans and Disney buffs will at least appreciate this movie, and I do think there is some value in watching it even now, though it’s probably best to have a talk with any youngsters about the insensitivity of the stereotypical Indian tribe. When the movie is good, it’s very good, and it has a lot of fun and creativity in it, and even if the title character is a bit of a brat, it’s hard not to like him a little, especially if you’ve read up on the tragic story of his voice actor. All in all, this is a decent film with some good qualities, though I don’t think it’s really one you need to trip over yourself to watch.
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bdo-nara-kali · 5 years
The Heist
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Nara would receive word of her next job as she had the previous two-by way of Patrigio. In the letter, Tius promised her there would be no need for disguises and acting this time around. Instead, he hinted that she best pack lightly as she'd need to move silently. The time to meet him? Just before midnight. The place? In Heidel. More specifically, the alley where he'd found her on the quest to retrieve his compass. At the bottom, the payment promised to be rewarding, as usual.
If she were to proceed and accept, she'd find him waiting for her, just where he'd promised he'd be. The man wore his usual cloak, coat, and hat to conceal a fair deal of his person. Beside his feet sat a leather backpack. He stood, arms crossed, waiting and listening to the sounds of the city. A cat screeched somewhere in the distance. A fight? A cat in heat screaming for a mate? He hadn't the faintest clue as he knew nothing of cats. Tius found himself to be more of a dog person. Typically, the city was quiet this time of night. Maybe there'd be the clop of hooves down the cobble roads and byways. Maybe there'd be the quiet creaking open and clunking shut of a door; the sound promising a secret, midnight rendezvous. Maybe there'd be the shouting of a plump mother, furious with a child for being back so late and breaking curfew. But in that little alley with the lone figure resting against some abandoned barrel, all remained silent.
She seemed to materialize out of the shadows, not a footstep heard as Nara emerged from around the corner of the building Tius rested against, a leather satchel at her side the only addition to her typical attire. The hint of red could be seen from a lock of her hear that peeked out from under the shadow of her drawn hood, matte red lips curved at the corners in that cheshire cat grin she wore in greeting.
"Missed me?" she cooed, sweet as honey.
Tius looks up, throwing his hood back to mirror the smile given to him. "Always," he responds. He inspects her, appraising her, eyes wandering her form and eyeing that leather satchel before he nods. "Walk with me," he asks of her before turning on a heel to head deeper down the alleyway.
Where they were, the homes weren't too shabby. Not luxurious but not run down shacks either. Further down though, one could clearly see a definite shift in quality. Tius guides his coworker in that direction. The tracts of land increased in size so that now each appeared to take up an acre, the homes became mansions, and where once there was no walls to bar the entry of unwelcome visitors there now towered gates that jutted out of the ground and far above any denizen that deigned to stroll past. The quartermaster stops at one home and drops to a knee, moving to lace up a boot (or pretending to).
"Our target is two houses down, on the right. You'll know it from the gargoyles that sit on the gate. There's two, each flanking the entrance. I'm going to need you to get inside the fence then inside the manor." From inside his boot he pulls out a parchment of paper and stands to his full height, unrolling it.
As they walked, Nara's confident strides kept her at even pace with her companion, the pair making their way with purpose to their destination. As they traveled she made note of the various differences in the properties they passed, even marking one or two mentally she had knocked off before in the dead of night with no one the wiser, a smirk quirking her lips momentarily. When they at last came to a stop, she watched Tius stoop and took the opportunity to do a quick, nonchalant sweep of the area they found themselves in before turning her attention back to Tius as he stood, listening intently to his words as her green eyes fell upon the parchment he held, interest clearly peaked.
The man before her unrolls the parchment and moves to stand at her side. He holds it open with one hand and uses another one to indicate the points of interest. A gloved finger points at what appears to be the entrance and a box that looks like a toll booth of sorts. "There will be four guards. The first one will be at the entrance to the manor in a small guardhouse. The second will be patrolling the grounds; he moves about randomly from what I've seen. The other two are inside. It's a two story house so I can only assume they each take one floor to patrol. Or maybe they sweep and patrol the floors together, I can't be sure. I only know there's two. You can try to avoid them or kill them, it makes no matter." He offers the map to her then, "you can try going through the front if you like and deal with the first guard. Or you can go around back. They've been renovating the fencing but haven't gotten to the back yet. There's one spot in the corner where it's all rusted away. I'm sure it's not too hard to get in from there."
Nara hummed softly to herself, gaze shifting between the map and the actual obstacles before her within view, making mental notes to herself. Excitement danced in those green eyes of hers and although her face kept a calm, neutral expression for the time being, it was clear she not only took a great deal of pride and care in her work but also a great deal of enjoyment. Perhaps it was the thrill of it that had her so eager or maybe it was simply the prospect of more coin filling her pockets, but whatever the reason, she seemed to come alive when faced with such a challenge as this.  "And what's your part to play?" she implored, looking back at him with a lofted brow.
Tius looks back the way they came, as if curious to see if anyone walks their way. No one did. He looks back to her, watching her face, "I'll be going to the stables to grab two horses to bring back here, in the event we need to get away quickly which we'll probably need to be doing anyway. I'll be waiting outside, holding the horses and keeping a lookout in case anyone comes by. Stealthily sneaking around isn't really my forte anyways. But if you enter a snag, you get out. I don't need you getting hurt and if you can't get what I'm sending you in for that's fine. There's always alternatives. But that brings us to why we're really here. I need you to find the library. Inside, you'll find some dusty old tome. It's pretty big and pretty thick. Ponderous old thing titled, 'Calpheon City: A History and Accompanying Maps.' It's the First Edition. The next thing should be in the library as well. An old lockbox, not too big." Tius holds his hands out, indicating for her the size, maybe equivalent to that of a shoebox. "That's it. Get in, grab those two things, and get out."
Perusing her pouty lips thoughtfully, she dipped her chin once. "Straightforward and simple. Shame you'll be missing out on the fun." she flashed him a grin to show she was teasing him and turned back to once more scrutinize what's ahead of her before lowering her gaze to the map in her hands. A brief moment of concentration and she nonchalantly tossed the map aside. With the sketch memorized in detail, she didn't need anything unnecessary adding to her load. She quickly gave herself a once over, ensuring everything was strapped down and secure before straightening and lifting the stretchy material of her collar to cover the lower portion of her face, "Shouldn't take longer than seven minutes...ten tops...." she muttered to herself.
Before he could comment on her own self assuredness, Nara all but dematerialized before him, her abilities as a Kunoichi a boon to her natural speed and agility as she set off to do a quick sweep of her own of the fence that proved to be the first obstacle in her task. With footsteps so light, she didn't make a sound, not a shift of grass or a rustle of clothing could be heard, like a shadow zipping about with practiced ease. With her focus set, all else was pushed from her mind as she sought out her entry point, leaving her companion in the dust.
Indeed, before Tius could say anything she'd disappeared. He simply stood there with his mouth open, words stolen from him. Then he sighs and shakes his head, making a mental note of that trick of hers before he jogs off the way he came to reach the stables in some decent time.
The fence she inspects proves to be wrought iron, slatted, and painted black with heavy prongs at the top. As Tius hinted, pretty new. That is, unless, she decides to check the back section of the property. There, too, it would be as he said. Perhaps twenty feet of the fencing had yet to be replaced. Much of it was rusting away from years upon years of weathering. Some of the bottom of part of it even appeared to be disintegrating, the brown metal that had once been part of a proud and heavy gating having fallen to the soil in small flakes, destroyed by time. If she were to inspect the front, she'd see a man protected by a single gatehouse, small in size. There were windows on all sides, one of them open to allow in the cool night air. He appears to be leaning back in a chair, whittling away at a piece of wood in his hands.
When she came to the section of fence in disrepair, she pinpointed her way of entry and made note of the guard.  She had two options before her at this point, one- to risk alerting the guard by the possibility of unintentionally making noise as she moved in through the damaged fencing - or two, make her way over the newer portion of the fence and risk being spotted as she made her way over the top. She considered the guard a moment longer, making note of his build and age before deciding on a course of action.
The guard within the gatehouse seems to be in his late 20s and of a medium sized build. Nara would not be able to see any weapons from her vantage point, though whether or not that entailed he had none or she simply couldn't see them is anyone's guess. From what the Kunoichi could see, he wore a leather, studded jerkin.
Reaching into a belt pocket she withdrew a iron ball and placed it into a well worn leather sling, judging the distance with an expert eye. With swift aim, she gave the sling a swift twirl and let loose, the iron ball sailing with exceptional marksmanship like a bullet zipping in through the open window to strike the man with a sharp crack against the side of his head, dropping him like a rock- out cold. Had she slung it harder, it probably would have slain the poor man. With the guard knocked out and with not a sound to alert a soul in the vicinity to her presence, she silently slipped through the damaged portion of the fence, keeping her keen senses peeled for anything around her that could pose a threat. Like smoke, she moved in the shadows, confident in her abilities as an assassin she moved swiftly, doing a quick circuit of the building, making note of windows and doors and any places that seemed weak as well as any guards moving about inside.
The man is knocked cold without so much as a whimper. He'll feel that in the morning. Fortunately, he remains in his chair, appearing to be asleep on the job.
Once Nara entered the manor grounds, she'd note the wide array of vegetation. Hedges, flowers, and the like. A true and rich garden. As for the manor itself, all the large bay windows and small bedroom windows appear to be closed shut. Not a soul would be seen inside and all the lights were off. There were three sets of doors. One at the front of the house, which appeared great in scope-there'd be no opening that without alerting everyone. The second set of doors stood 100 meters ahead of her. More of a single door, really. Both latter sets of doors were likely locked, though she could attempt to pick them. One spot of interest appeared to be a scaffolding supporting a series of spiraling, white roses. It appeared to lead up to the second story, the top of the scaffolding ending just under a window. A second, and last, spot of interest would be the third set of double doors pressed to the side of the manor, evidently an entrance to the basement from outside.
Going through her options in her head, she opted for the scaffolding and nimbly darted up it with all the grace of an expert cat burglar, not making a sound and proving light enough to not disturb the structure or roses that climbed up it. Using her flexibility and athletic ability, she lifted herself to the window and paused, peering inside. Once a beat passed and all seemed silent and well, she set to work, testing the windows frame with careful fingertips, all the while keeping her eyes and ears peeled for movement and noise.
Surprisingly, the frame on this window proves to be unlocked. She would be able to lift it with ease. Inside the room, all was dark. Nara would not be able to decipher what would be in there until she stepped inside. From around the corner however, below her, footsteps began to sound out. The thick crunch of boots on foliage and grass grew louder and louder as it approaches. In moments, whoever it was would round the corner. More likely than not, it must be the guard who wanders the grounds.
Hearing the footsteps coming, Nara silently lifted the window just enough to squeeze under, much like a cat would with a small space despite the brief snag on her butt. She moved like liquid, fluid and silent, lowering the sil back into place and paused to watch the guard pass by beneath her. Satisfied, she turned back to her task, keeping to the shadows and surveyed the room and inched her way towards a dark corner, pausing to listen.
Whoever patrolled below her failed to notice any presence of an intruder. Their footsteps fade into the distance.
Within the room, all remains silent as well. As her eyes adjust to the darkness she’d probably realize it’s a bedroom. Specifically, a girl’s room. The walls are pink, there is a little table where a supposed tea party took place (the stuffed animal attendants still in place.) In the corner across from her own, the sneaking shadow would see the little girl fast asleep, clutching a stuffed pig. Ten feet away, a door hugged the portal of the room (decorated in gold paper stars), probably an exit to the hallway of the manor.
For a moment, Nara watched the girl slumber, feeling a softness overcome her features before she shook it away and refocused on the task at hand. Careful not to wake the child, she slipped sneakily out into the hall and got her bearings. The decor of the place was elegant and spotless and she decided it was best to leave it that way as she made her way towards the library, all the while being mindful of the guards within the home.
If she decided to exit out into the hallway, she'd notice the home to be a little lighter. Every twenty meters, a candle lit the hallway and the rest of the rooms. The wall sconces, as small a detail they were, were elaborate; trimmed with silver. To her left, there stood a pair of large double doors, just as elaborate and expertly handcrafted as everything else in the house. To her right, there was one more door, smaller, looking like the one she just exited. But further down, there was simply an open doorway from which a low light shimmers out of (by the looks of it, the dances of flames on logs -a fireplace). If Nara were to look below, she'd see a third guard, absentmindedly staring outside the window into the yard, hand on the pommel of his blade.
Nara considered the man below a moment in silence before creeping over towards the closest door. From experience, libraries tended to have a distinctive smell to them- that of ink, musty pages, and leather bindings- that was rather hard to miss. And so, all she had to do was cleverly follow her nose. Inspecting the first door, she paused to listen against its flat surface, letting her nose work in her favor as well.
The first set of doors to her left certainly seemed to offer faint scents but none of them would be the odor of ink, musty pages, and leather bindings. The only scents and sounds proved to be a heavy snoring paired with the overpowering smell of sex and cheap perfume. Or was it cologne? Well, whatever it was, it certainly wasn't books. From beneath the smaller door to her right, no particular scents would waft to meet her nose if she decided to inspect it. No sounds either.
Content what she sought wasn't in either rooms, she moved back to the stairwell and peeked down between the rails to catch a glance at the guard previously zoned out at the window to see if she could pinpoint where he was now.
Nara catches him right as he steps away, stepping off and out of view onto (if she could hear) tiled floors. The location of the second guard in the house remains unknown. On the first floor below, she now stares down at a parlor. Off to the side, there appears to be a dining room. All other areas of the house remain obscured from her vantage point save for the one room which lacks doors at the opposite end of the hallway, the fire still presumably going considering the light it gives off.
Nara paused to consider her next move. After a moment, she set off stealthily down the stairs, keeping an eye out for any movement on her decent down and paused again, back pressed to the wall as she waited for motion beyond the door way ahead of her where the fire crackled and popped and if no one was within view and she use a small mirror to check around the corner into the room behind her, looking for her target.
As she descends down the stairs, Nara wouldn't be able to see any movement. All was silent again save for the crackling of the fire. No footsteps, no cries of alarm, nothing. From the vantage point of the mirror, the burglar would see exactly what she came here for. A library looms, large and impressive, just beyond the doorway. No signs of movement appear to be inside. Several rows of books and bookshelves flank the entrance, leading forward to a grand fireplace. Before the fireplace sat two chairs with large backs, embossed in leather. Above the fireplace, sitting on a mantle, would be a lockbox. More like than not, one of the two targets Nara sought. The second target, 'Calpheon City: A History and Accompanying Maps', well, Nara would need to comb the room for that.
Brows knitted in concentration as she quickly examined what she could see from her current spot before slipping into the library. She clung to the shadows, sharp eyes, every moving about her, searching, as she ghosted her way along the packed book shelves. Her internal clock was ticking, she always did her best to avoid being inside a property for longer than ten minutes as the odds of being caught only increased the longer one was inside. It was best to get this over with as soon as possible.
Only a few minutes have passed since she's entered the property. As her eyes searched for the item, they would fall on an outstanding sight. An old tome, thick and ponderous. It seems more aged than half the other pieces of literature in the library. If she deigns to remove it, Nara would be able to read the title. Yes, it was her target. But, with another minute passing, Nara may be able to hear a new sound. The boots clacking towards the library on tiles, now wooden panels, would be able to reach her ears.
With the book secured, she stowed it away in her satchel, ears perked at the sound of approaching footsteps. Pinpointing the direction they were approaching from, she moved to keep ahead of the patrolling guard, her own movements soundless like mist in the air. She circled about, one of the shelves, aiming to come up behind the patrolling guard, a blow dart suddenly in her hands. The poison on her tiny darts would be enough to instantly drop a fully grown man, putting him into a deep sleep that would last no more than an hour with some mild nausea for a side effect rather than killing them and when stealth was top priority, she preferred to avoid fighting- especially in tight spaces such as this. Better her prey not know what hit them and come too when she is long gone. Clean and simple.
The moment she disappears behind one of the shelves, the man steps into the room. He doesn't seem to have noticed anything at all. His eyes scan the room as he continues inside, maintaining his dull, nightly routine. He groans and stretches, lifting his head to the ceiling, yawning, and fanning his arms out with the effort.
As the man stretched, he would feel the faint prick of something hitting the back of his exposed neck. Perhaps it was a pesky mosquito or something... From behind him, Nara watched with satisfaction as the man slumped, appearing close enough to catch him as his knees buckled so his body hitting the floor wouldn't make noise to give her away. She situated him against a bookshelf, the man appearing as though he were napping  before she moved on, the lockbox too tantalizing to ignore.
The man does a little jump, frowning and quickly swatting at the back of his neck before he falls to darkness. A fortunate thing indeed, her catching of the man, for it would have alerted his companion not too far away. As for the lockbox, it remains just where she saw it originally. It would not open if she tries to do so and there doesn't appear to be a key in sight. It would be light to carry, perhaps only a few pounds, five at most.
Slipping the box into her satchel and considering her task complete, she made to exit the library, quiet and cautious, keeping an eye out for the second guard. She made her way towards the darkest corner near a window and waited, listening, eyes scanning for movement.
The second guard was nowhere to be seen. Nara was secure, for the nonce. All inside the house appears to be quiet. Not even a mouse stirs. Only the crackle from the fire exists to verify that Nara simply hadn't gone deaf. As for outside, who could say. There seems to be a stirring from upstairs then, albeit a light stirring. At the same time, there’s a whistle from outside. A few seconds pass. Then another whistle followed by a confused grumble. Despite Nara being inside, she could hear all of that. Whoever it was must be close.
Nara froze, listening intently to every single sound, no matter how insignificant it might have seemed. She didn't get to where she was today in skill level by being careless and dismissive. The faint sounds above her from upstairs, the whistling from outside... it was time to go. She waited a few more seconds, her internal clock ticking, having stayed longer than she had wanted, waiting to see if she had been discovered before making her next move.
In those brief moments Nara waits, there would be no indication she’s been found out just yet. The whistles and grumbles from outside have dissipated for the moment. From upstairs, there still seems to be a quiet shuffling and unlocking of a door.
Time was up.  With careful haste and silent steps, she made for a window towards the back of the house, aiming to utilize the shadows of night to cover her escape. Being ever mindful of the movements around her, the stealthy thief soon found her intended exit and set about quietly cracking the window, just enough to slip out and into the darkness.
As Nara leaves the house behind her, she may he able to see the shadow of the guard patrolling the grounds disappear slowly around the corner closest to her, moving to patrol the front of the house. Perfect timing and a close thing. She’d be able to leave with her two pieces of loot through the decaying fence in the back or, if she decided she’d want to tangle with the last guard outside she’d just missed, she could leave through the front. By now, Tius should have returned with the horses.
Deciding on the side of caution, Nara opted for the fence, returning the way she had come. Slipping through the damaged portion of the fence easily, she resumed clinging to the shadows, figuring it was better safe than sorry as she made her escape. It wouldn't do to get careless now. Getting in was always the easy part, getting out, not so much. She made her way back to rendezvous with Tius.
All remains silent as she allows the shadows to consume her. No alarms are raised. Tius waves at her as she approaches, obviously pleased with her catch. “I’m impressed. And not a soul to the wiser.”
He offers to take the lockbox and book from her, items he would stow in large saddlebags that hugged his own black horse which he proceeds to pat on the neck. Then, he turns back to her, a white smile on his lips. “Shall we go?”
Nara's smile was more than pleased with her success, nodding to him once the goods she handed over were safely stored away. "lets get the hell out of here. I could use a drink." she quipped, moving to swing herself up with fluid grace upon her mount.
“Agr-“ Tius starts only to be cut off by a hoarse shout. A hundred meters away, the guard patrolling the grounds had apparently stumbled upon  his KOd comrade in the guardhouse. “Ride, ride!” Tius calls to Nara before mounting up and sending the horse and himself barreling down that alley. “Velia!” He calls back to her, “we ride for Velia!”
Surprisingly, a bubble of laughter sounded as Nara urged her mount into a full o bolt down the road, clearly enjoying herself. The sound of hooves pounding the dirt was thunderous and as Tius shouted, she nodded her understanding, their mounts racing off and leaving the property far behind them as the grounds stirred to life. It was always that thrill- that exhilaration that came from a job executed with perfection, that Nara relished. It gave her a high like nothing else... except perhaps sex with a skilled partner. After tonight, a potent drink was what she needed to put the icing on her cake. A good lay would be a bonus cherry on top.
While Nara enjoys herself, Tius would be less than pleased. He’d much rather the entire thing went without them being caught, but so long as they got out of the city, it would be fine. A plan ran through his head, one that he’s practiced numerous times before. The smuggler didn’t yell back to her anymore, not wanting to draw more attention than they already were, racing down cobblestone streets. Soon enough, they slip out of Heidel with a cacophony of hoofbeats, heading north to Velia. Tius’ heart beat fast and his hair blew behind them as that trusty, swift steed did its job.
With their destination already marked, Nara went ahead and steered her mount wayward, branching off and away from Tius and taking a different route. The spectacle of two individuals hauling ass was already drawing attention but individuals riding hard through the area weren't so uncommon to get from one town to another. They knew where to meet up once they got to Velia. Taking an alternate route at the fork in the road, Nara rode an alternative road, taking the round about way to the port town.
An hour later, Nara settled Flynn in his stable and set out to meet up with Tius, figuring he was probably wondering where she had gotten to by this time. Such jobs were always risky and laying low afterwards was a must. The trick was to be inconspicuous and casual, a calm composure often cast a shadow of doubt in those with uncertain minds. With no descriptions, any pursuers would have no idea who or what they were even looking for and that worked in their favor.
Tius truly hasn’t a clue where Nara is off to as she branches off from him. Concern furrowing his brow, he’s about to follow her, but rides on.
By the time Nara arrives in Velia, Tius has stored his own horse away and tended for it. If she wanders the town long enough, she’d be able to spot him by the wharf, leaning up against a lamp post, a large backpack in front of his legs. His fingers drum against his arms as he waits, watching the sea. The sun wouldn’t rise for hours to come, fortunate for them. A sailboat with grey sails sits in the harbor, bobbing patiently.
Nara all but sneaks up on him, tapping him on the shoulder with a cheeky grin, "Miss me?" she cooed sweetly, long lashes fluttering. Her hood was down now, her face revealed as the sea breeze gentle rustled her flame colored hair, the fading sunlight dancing upon the strands. Her green eyes were alight from the earlier thrill and she seemed to still be riding the high from all the excitement. "Had to make sure we weren't followed." she added as an explanation for poofing on him earlier.
He nearly jumps at that, spinning around in his boots. “Oh, it’s you,” he says, mirroring her grin. He eyes her features as she speaks, giving an understanding nod. “I was worried for a moment. Thought you ran out on me. Can’t have my favorite partner in crime bailing on me,” he laughs. Then he motions to the boat in the harbor. “We’ll be going to Iliya to wait this out for a bit. Got a hideout there. Plus, there’s a little tavern, The Drunken Sturgeon. Has good food and drink-the best chowder in the world. But if I’m being honest, all I could use is a rum right now and I bet you could use a drink to.” With that he gestures again to invite her with him. Tius grabs the bag at his feet and sashays off to the boat.
Hurrying after him, she chirruped playfully, "Don't have to tell me twice! Last one there is buying!" With a laugh she ran off, seeming almost like a teenager than a grown woman, her lithe frame agile and sure footed as she danced about the docks towards their ride out of the harbor, crimson hair catching on the wind flashing the colors of the sunset. A drink was too good to pass up and she wanted to see this hide away Tius spoke of.
“Shi-“ he gasps, not expecting that in the slightest (though he really should have.) The moment she bounces ahead of him he already knows he lost. Jogging up behind her, bag jangling heavily and awkward in his hand, he grunted with a stumble before picking himself back up. Red faced, he meets Nara at the boat, well and truly beaten. “Just wanted to lose is all. After all, a gentleman always buys a lady her drinks,” he comments as he clambers aboard. He sets the bag aside in a secure location then makes to offer her a hand aboard, “and helps her up.”
Nara's chiming laughter was almost contagious, crimson lips graced with a dazzling smile, clearly in the best of moods. She gave him a playful hip bump at his remark about letting her wind, tossing him a cheeky wink, "I won't tell if you don't." clearly playing along. She graciously accepted his hand in helping her aboard, finding his larger, sea calloused ones pleasantly warm and strong as he easily lifted her on deck.
Tius moves about the ship, making the proper preparations to set sail for Iliya. Just with one man, things were difficult, but he did it all the same, years of experience aiding him as he went about his work. In five minutes, both him and Nara are shoved off, sails billowing in the wind and carrying them ever more  northward.
Nara watched him go about his tasks as though it were second nature, intrigued and impressed. She observed with the intention of learning, eyeing all he did and making mental notes of it all, eventually moving to shadow him, making her interest in his work known. As they sailed, the breeze picked up, a cooling refresher from the nights hard work, brisk and invigorating. There was just something about the ocean that sparked Nara's thirst for adventure.
“Feel free to roam the ship,” Tius calls out. Around them, salt and spray exploded upwards while Tius navigates his way through the inlets and rocky outcropping that surrounds the bay. The sea seems quiet. Perhaps somewhere the manta rays were catching their evening meal, but for the most part, the sea remains still. Farther out, they’d be able to see the backs of baby whales for the briefest of moments before they dove deeper. As for ships, none appear on the horizon. They were alone, the ocean their oyster.
Nara leaned against the railing  on the ship's port side, simply enjoying the sea breeze in her hair, the rays of early morning light kissing her face as the ship rode the waves with ease. She inhaled deep the scents around her and smiled to herself as she watched the sea life from her vantage point, enjoying the trip. It was shaping up to be a beautiful day.
Tius shields his eyes from the low light of the sun peeking up over the ocean. As the minutes pass and as they sail past a half dozen other small isles, their destination comes into view. Tius shouts out to Nara, “ever been to Iliya?” His hands grip the helm and he turns them, swinging Iliya full into view as they pass a tree covered island.
Nara shakes her head as the island comes into view, responding to Tius' call, "Can't say I ever have. I admit, I'm not familiar with many islands, I don't go out onto the water much." It was a sad truth, she didn't get to venture out on the water as much as she would like to. It what made trips like this all the more enjoyable for the Kunoichi.
“Well, you’re in for a treat of sorts. It’s not some tropical paradise but it is cozy.” perfect spot for Tius. Although his other hideout on Lima where he was the only resident was even more cozy. “Maybe we can take you out for a spin on the water some more then, hm?” He suggests, their large grey sails bringing them ever closer to Iliya’s docks in the early morning hours. He hops from his position, rushing to take down the sails as he didn't expect Nara to know how to do so. The smuggler rathered they coast into port rather than slam headlong into the docks.
The prospect of venturing out onto the water more often seemed to perk Nara up, her smile hinting she would certainly not object to him taking her sailing again. Thankfully she had a fairly sturdy set of sea legs on her, her near perfect balance and nimble footing a huge advantage aboard a ship of any size.  "Sounds like just what I need about now, a little slice of heaven with a cold drink in my hand." she chuckled.
As Tius left the helm to bring them into docks safely, Nara regarded the small isle again, her eyes glimmering with mischief, "I bet this water would be fantastic for skinny dipping! I'll have to work on my tan." she laughed, attention shifting to observe Tius as he worked the rigging.
She wouldn't be able to see it, but a blush reaches his face at the mention of skinny dipping. He doesn't comment on it, instead continuing his work until the sails are down and they're rolling into Iliya's miniscule harbor. "Can be a little cold this time of year, but it is getting warmer," he nods knowingly before leaping from the deck to the gangway below, bringing his bag with him and aiding the dockworkers and helping direct them in "parking" his boat. "Well, we're here! Tavern shouldn't be very busy this time of day. Most of them are sleeping or either out on the waters, getting ready to bring in their catch. Ever been fishing?"
Nara laughed lightly, "Me? Fishing? Goodness no, I don't have the patience for it." she flashed him a grin as she joined him on the docks, "Tried as a kid but boredom meant i would end up swimming instead." She took in her surroundings appreciatively, "It's nice here. A girl could get use to a place like this. Well, lead the way to that drink!"
Tius can't help the chuckle that comes to his lips as he stands by her side. "Mhm, cozy like I said. Not many people. Perhaps one hundred people live here? There's a garrison on the opposite end that makes up almost half of that maybe." The sailor begins to work his way forward, adjusting his coat and unbuttoning the top of it in the growing warmth. They walk past some fish left to dry, the pungent stench wafting into the air. Tius glances at the rack and accompanying rods before moving on. "You're right. You're nowhere near patient enough to fish. Leave it to the grown ups," he teases-a surprising gesture for Tius. Before she can reply to his face he's moved around her but she'd probably catch the cheeky little grin he wore as he climbs up the rickety steps to the village that looked over the bay.
Nara rolled her eyes playfully, "Right, old man. Keep it up and see where it gets you." she teased back, trailing behind him as they moved further into the port town, the weather beaten wood of the docks creaking beneath their weight as they went. Waves lapped at the support pillars and kissed the shoreline, fishermen out in their boats in hopes of a bountiful haul, a few merchants at their stalls greeting the pair as they passed. Nara's confident sauntering pace combined with her attire drew more than a few interested gazes but her attention was elsewhere, taking in her new surroundings as their destination loomed ahead.
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topwebstore · 3 years
Blaupunkt SBWL03 Soundbar Review: Great Sound, But A Little Hard To Recommend
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Budget TVs today come with a host of options like HDMI ARC, 4K HDR playback and some smart capabilities. One of the compromises made to keep the price of these TVs low is the quality of audio output. Most budget TVs today pack in 20W of sound output which sound average at best. It gets the job done for everyday TV viewing but for an immersive gaming or movie watching experience, you need a dedicated sound system. The lacklustre sound experience from TV speakers has given birth to soundbars. In the past few years, advances in technology have made it so that soundbars can offer stiff competition to entry-level home theatres with advantages such as ease of setup and installation along with good sound output. We have seen soundbars priced around Rs 5,000 to Rs 7,000 offer good sound output in the entry-level segment. But to get an immersive experience a consumer would need to spend about Rs 20,000. Today we have with us the Blaupunkt SBWL-03 Soundbar. It is priced at Rs 13,990 and brings with it connectivity like HDMI ARC, Bluetooth, optical, 3.5mm and USB. it also comes with a wireless subwoofer. Is it a worthy entry-level soundbar?
Blaupunkt SBWL-03 Soundbar key specifications at a glance
- Soundbar and Subwoofer Weight: 8.5 kg. - Subwoofer: Yes. - Audio Inputs:  HDMI ARC, Optical In, USB, Bluetooth and AUX-In. - Soundbar Dimension: LxWxH = 48.5 x 10.4 x 32.2 cm. - HDMI Input: 0. - HDMI Output (Audio Return Channel): 1. - Soundbar Speaker Driver: 2.75-inch x 2. - Subwoofer Speaker Driver: 8-inch. - Power output: 250W. - Price: Rs 13,990.
What’s in the box of the Blaupunkt SBWL-03 Soundbar
In the box, you get the soundbar, subwoofer and 2 aux cables (one 3.5mm at both ends and the other, RCA to 3.5mm). You also get the remote control and manual. The power cables are attached to the Subwoofer and the soundbar.
Blaupunkt SBWL-03 Soundbar Build And Design
The Blaupunkt SBWL-03 has a simple traditional soundbar design. It’s made of plastic with a glossy finish on the top of the soundbar. The front has a textured wavy plastic design and some may like it as it will stand out in a traditional home entertainment setup. Below the logo of the soundbar, we have an LED indicator to show you the sound preset, the current source, etc. I wish this were a little dimmer or would automatically go off after some time as its constant visibility can get distracting, especially if you watch content in a pitch dark room. The power button also doubles up as a source select button which is nice in case you lose the remote control. The soundbar itself is very light and is almost as long as a 50-inch TV making it ideal for 50 to 65-inch setups. The power cord is attached to the soundbar and is not user-replaceable. On the right of the soundbar, we have the physical controls which include a volume rocker and a power button. The buttons have a distinct click to them when pressed and honestly feel a little cheap. There are no rubber feet at the bottom of the soundbar to help hold it in place on a table and this is a bummer. Moving over to the subwoofer, it is tall and slim with the duct on the upper side of the subwoofer. It has a matte finish which I like and when light shines on the subwoofer, it looks a little textured which is nice. The subwoofer has no connectivity options except for the power cable which is attached and not user-replaceable. The soundbar and subwoofer connect wirelessly to each other when switched on. Overall, even though the soundbar is light, it is decently built. It doesn’t have rubber feet to hold it in place on the table which is a downer. The subwoofer feels well built.
Blaupunkt SBWL-03 Soundbar Ports And Connectivity
Speaking of connectivity options, the speaker has one HDMI ARC port, one Optical in, one USB port, Bluetooth and one AUX-In. The USB port is one the side while the rest of the connectivity options are at the back in a little cavity. There is no HDMI passthrough on the bar, but I think at this price point, asking for HDMI passthrough is wishful thinking. The soundbar also comes with a remote control in the box.
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A good thing is that the soundbar comes with 2 AUX cables, one 3.5mm at both ends and the other 2.1 aux cable (RCA to AUX) in the box ensuring you are ready for some form of connectivity when you unbox the speaker. For optical and HDMI ARC connectivity, you will have to fend for a cable yourself.
Blaupunkt SBWL-03 Remote Control
Speaking of the remote control, it is all plastic and feels quite cheap. The buttons are rubbery and have a fairly decent grip to them but it is hard to imagine this remote control surviving more than a few drops, considering its plastic construction. It runs on two AAA batteries and offers playback controls for Bluetooth and USB connectivity, four different EQ presets, treble, bass and volume controls and the ability to change inputs. Whatever you do on the remote control is reflected on the LED display on the soundbar.
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Blaupunkt SBWL-03 Setup 
Setting up the soundbar is extremely easy. Place the soundbar under the TV, place the subwoofer in a corner (the soundbar and the sub shouldn’t be more than 30 feet apart), connect both to a power supply, and connect it to your TV and you are good to go. The setup shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes. There is a blue light that blinks at the back of the subwoofer when powered on for the first time and becomes a constant blue light when the soundbar is switched on.
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Blaupunkt SBWL-03 Performance
This is where it gets tricky, so let’s get the good stuff out of the way. The soundbar can get loud, really loud. On the display, the volume can go up to 32 at its maximum and I was more than happy leaving it between 15 and 25 depending on the input method used to get an enjoyable experience. However, only the line in (aux port) and the Optical connection gave a consistently good performance with HDMI and Bluetooth giving issues.
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When connected to the TV via HDMI, there was a constant audio drop, until the audio wasn’t audible anymore. I checked and changed the cables as well to eliminate a cable issue and my very own YAMAHA YAS-209 did not show these problems with the same cables connected. For about 10-15 min the audio will play fine from the ARC and then all of a sudden the audio will start to drop and sometimes vanish all of a sudden as well. There was no listening session where this did not happen. With optical, there were times when there was a noticeable lip-sync issue at times. The only input that worked flawlessly was the line in. I connected the Blaupunkt SBWL-03 to an LG B9 OLED with all the sources - HDMI ARC, Optical, Line-in and Bluetooth. When connected with line-in and optical I managed to watch some news, Young Sheldon, Mad Max, play a few games like Marvel’s Spider-Man and The Last of Us II. From just this one source (line-in) I can tell you that if the other input sources worked flawlessly, it would be easy to recommend this soundbar. The vocals and dialogue are clean and clear, the bangs from the sub are decent and the volume can get pretty loud. There is good channel separation as well be it with objects moving on-screen or when different characters are talking from different corners of the room. In the optical connection, I did face a sync issue sometimes between the audio playing and lips moving on the screen with the optical connection and this can get quite distracting. In a game like The Last of Us 2 where enemies are calling out to each other, there was distinct channel separation. Even in Mad Max, when the cars in the desert zoom from one side of the screen to the other, there is good separation. There is enough bass thump and roar when the engines of the cars fire up.
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Even for music, be it rock, classical or Bollywood dance numbers, the soundbar is fun when listening to music. Bluetooth connection does degrade the audio quality when compared to AUX, and that’s a known thing for all soundbars. But with more and more smartphones getting rid of the 3.5mm port, soundbars need to up their Bluetooth connectivity game. Also, when connected via Bluetooth there is a slight hum that comes from the subwoofer. It is evident at low volumes removing you from the listening experience. The hum wasn't there always but appeared often enough for me to highlight it as an issue. Overall, I actually enjoyed the sound output considering the price range we are talking about. Alas, the buggy performance with ARC and optical makes it really hard to recommend this soundbar.
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Bottom line
The buggy performance of the HDMI ARC, Optical and Bluetooth connectivity of the soundbar makes it hard to recommend. The soundbar launched at Rs 13,990 but as of writing this review, it is available on Amazon for Rs 15,234. At that price, it is even harder to recommend especially when the likes of the JBL Bar 2.1 are available at about 20k, offering better value for money proposition with the same connectivity options. We also have the Sony HT-S20R that gives users a 5.1 setup for Rs 18,000. Source link Read the full article
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This might seem like a very weird question, but if you haven’t mentioned it before- Who are your top 5 or 10 Least favourite rogues + favourite rogues and why? Hope you don’t mind me asking
I CAN ABSOLUTELY DO THAT FRIEND.  I’m only going to do a top 5 least favorite because I like most rogues, but I will do a top 10 favorites.
Top 5 Least Favorite
5. Dollmaker-Dollmaker is creepy, and not the kind of creepy I like where it makes a compelling character.  No, he’s just creepy and uncomfortable and I don’t like it.
4. The Joker-Joker is a very compelling and interesting as a concept and if you list off his personality on paper he’s a decent character.  But he’s usually utilized poorly, and overused to the point of annoyance.
3. Professor Pyg-Nope.  No.  Nah.  No.
2. Lyle Bolton-You all know why I hate Bolton, I don’t think I need to explain that.
1. Dr. Hugo Strange-Look, you all know my problems with Strange, you all know why I hate him, I don’t want to repeat myself.
Top 10 Favorite
10. Pamela Isley-I absolutely love Ivy and how gray her morality is.  She has points but she’s going about these points the wrong way.  She complains about no one listening and then doesn’t listen herself.  Usually, I’d hate a character who is so hypocritical but her conviction really makes you grasp her side and see her anger, while acknowledging that she is still, on some level, wrong.
9. Maximillian Zeus-I find nothing more amusing than Maxie, and nothing more enjoyable.  Maxie is one of the few characters in a fictional world who grasps the gods of a pagan mythology perfectly, while also not believing in the same ideals.  Maxie is far, far kinder than Zeus in the actual mythology, but he’s still uncaring about humanity as a whole and has a superiority.  The only thing you notice is that he considers people he respects as fellow gods and legendary heroes, and that’s kinda the biggest honor he can bestow.  It’s fascinating to get into his head and look at how he sees the world.
8. Drury Walker-Look, I was introduced to Drury in probably the worst way, through The Batman where he’s just a dweeby nerd who gets special powers from a fluke.  But I love Drury in the comics.  Drury in the comics is so enjoyable.  He’s a gun for hire, ingenious, but clearly has had to build himself from nothing and doesn’t trust the establishment.  I also thoroughly enjoy that he will literally do anything for money and is so open about it he’ll literally switch sides if he’s offered more cash.  He’s not loyal to anyone but himself and has no shame in showing that off.
7. Waylon Jones-Firstly, I fucking love this crocodile man and he is beautiful fuck what anyone else says.  Secondly, Waylon has got to be the most enjoyable example of prejudice shown in an extreme light.  Usually I take issue with these “monster prejudice” stories but they did really well with Waylon in the comics.  It’s really clear from how he talks and interacts with other characters that he was not born acting like a monster, but is reacting to how he was treated.  When he realized no one would see him as anything but a monster, he gave up and became the monster.
6. Garfield Lynns-I like Garfield for many of the same reasons I like Drury.  It’s so obvious Garfield has no loyalty, that he does not care, that he is brilliant and has no shame in his skills or lack of loyalty.  I find these characters enjoyable for their sheer lack of fucks to give.  It’s so obvious characters like this have been told they won’t amount to anything and just being even moderately well known is enough for them.
5. Edward Nygma- Okay so Edward Nygma barely cracks my top 5 but he is still there so fight me.  Edward is bar none one of the most amazing shows of an intelligent, curious character who radiates charisma.  He is absolutely the most fun to watch just because of how happy he is to be doing ANYTHING.  He has so much energy and he’s so entertaining I just can’t help but crack a smile whenever I see his stupid face.
4. Mary Dahl-Mary Dahl is so enjoyable I can barely put it into words.  She just has this energy, how she switches so quickly from this dead-serious and almost furious irritation to her excitable childish nature.  She so obviously loves twisting everyone’s expectations around and scaring the shit out of people.  AND I LOVE IT.
3. Bane-Okat no joke, I wanna know if a single person exists who does not love comic Bane.  Comic Bane is intelligent, he’s strategic, he’s sarcastic, and he’s ruthless, but he acknowledges that he is not infallible, he struggles with addiction, he’s unsure of himself, he refuses to take credit for the good he does do because he doesn’t see himself as worthy of praise.  He is just a character with so much depth and nuance and just-I love this man guys, he is the actual best.
2. Lonnie Machin-Now I used to hate Lonnie but recently he’s shot up my list of favorite characters because I’ve begun heavily identifying with him.  And this isn’t because he’s perfectly relatable, he’s kinda a jerk sometimes, but there’s something about having a villain around your age who has the same problems with society that you have.  Lonnie is so adamant about fighting for people who have nothing and who are thought of as nothing and it’s so inspiring to see a kid stand up for people, and stand up for himself, and get people to notice problems with the world he lives in.  Does he pull this off?  No, not really, he’s kind of over the top with it, but his heart is in the right place and I like that.
1. Jonathan Crane-Okay, you guys have aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall heard me ramble about Jon and his character so I won’t waste your time here.  You know why I love this walking trainwreck.  He’s great, and he also needs to sleep.
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charllieeldridge · 5 years
10 Best Beaches in Bali: A Guide to Swimming, Surfing and Sunbathing
“Paradise” is a word that often gets tossed around when describing Bali, and for good reason. This famous island in Indonesia is known for its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and vast selection of beaches. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the best beaches in Bali.
While Bali may look small on the map, this unassuming island packs a lot in and it’s definitely one of the top places to visit in the country. In addition to its many excellent beaches, the island also has volcanoes, lakes, hot springs, forests, waterfalls, and more. With a few days here, you can take in a little bit of everything. 
Bali is one of those places in Indonesia (and the world) that has a tendency to suck people in. I can speak from experience at the magnetic power this place has.
After visiting twice for a few weeks each time, I decided to apply for a program to live there for a year while learning the language and culture. It was one of the best decisions I ever made and I’ll always have a special place in my heart for Bali.
If you’re ready to start planning your own dream trip to the Island of the Gods, read on to find the right Bali beach (or five) for you!
Goats On The Road note to readers: regardless of whether a beach is supposed to be good for swimming in Bali, tidal changes, storms, and currents can arise, making the sea dangerous. For your safety, always seek local advice, check the flag status before jumping in the water, and be aware of changes in the tides.
1. Seminyak Beach
Good beach for swimming, boogie-boarding, or beginner/intermediate surfing
We’re kicking off our list of the best beaches in Bali with one of my personal favorites — Seminyak. Also known as Double Six, this is one of the most happening spots on the island. 
There’s a lot to love about this trendy Bali beach town. There’s plenty of space here to just lay your towel down in the sand, and it’s not hard to find sun loungers and umbrellas if you want a bit more comfort. 
Seminyak Beach has waves, but they’re not huge. This makes it a fine spot for swimming, boogie-boarding, or beginner-intermediate level surfing. There are plenty of places that rent surfboards and even a few surf schools if you need some guidance. 
Another reason to love the Seminyak area is the abundance of great restaurants, accommodation options and beach clubs. Grab a colorful beanbag at the beachside La Plancha or head up to the Double 6 Rooftop for some incredible views. There’s nothing quite like a sunset cocktail and seafood dinner on Seminyak Beach.
If you’re planning to spend New Year’s Eve in Bali, Seminyak is an excellent choice. Your options here range from a NYE gala party at places like Cocoon Beach Club to just making your own party on the beach with a cheap bottle of rum and coconut. I went with the latter and we had an absolute blast watching the fireworks with a huge crowd of revelers. 
This stretch of beach is located about a 30-minute drive from the airport, just north of the busier Kuta/Legian area. Click here for directions to Double Six, and Seminyak Beach is just north of there. Technically, Seminyak beach stretches all the way up to the super trendy Ku De Ta club. If you’re hoping to snap a photo enjoying a tropical cocktail in an infinity pool on a Bali beach, this is the place to go! Click here to get directions.
2. Uluwatu Beach (one of the best beaches in Bali for surfing)
Known for great surfing 
Bali has long been a top destination for surfers thanks to places like Uluwatu Beach. Located at the far southern end of the island on the Bukit peninsula, this is a legendary surfing spot. It should be noted that while many know it as Uluwatu Beach, it’s technically called Suluban.
This area of Bukit is called Uluwatu in reference to the famous cliffside temple. Visiting Uluwatu Temple and seeing the kecak performance there at sunset is an absolute must in Bali — just watch out for those cheeky monkeys who love to snatch sunglasses and phones!
People come from all over the world to ride the waves at this surfing mecca. You’ll have to work hard for them, though! In order to access Uluwatu and many other beaches on the peninsula, you have to walk down a long and steep staircase. This is definitely not the best Bali beach for those with mobility issues or people traveling with young children. 
For surfers, it’s definitely well worth the effort to get down to Uluwatu Beach. Seeing as how I can’t surf to save my life, I’m going to send you to this excellent and detailed post from Surf Indonesia about all the waves you can ride here. 
Those who are not surfing should plan to visit Uluwatu Beach at low tide. It’s not exactly the best place for sunbathing, but it’s a beautiful spot to explore when the waves aren’t crashing. Be sure to check the tide chart before heading down here so you can time your visit accordingly. 
There are quite a few restaurants and bars perched along the cliffside here. Take a seat and enjoy the views of surfers carving up waves down below, perhaps while sipping a cold Bintang or getting a massage. Single Fin is one of the top spots in Bali to watch the sunset, and it’s also one of the best parties on the island every Sunday night! Click here for directions to Uluwatu Beach.
3. Virgin Beach
One of the best beaches in Bali for swimming
This next one takes a while to reach, but it’s worth the effort. Pasir Putih is located on the northeast coast and is definitely one of the best beaches in Bali to visit. 
Also known as the Virgin Beach, this gorgeous stretch of white sand is rare in this part of the island. Most of the beaches in East Bali are black, volcanic sand and aren’t exactly the best for lounging on. 
There’s not a whole lot going on here, but that’s the beauty of the place. There are a few simple warung (local restaurants) on the beach that will let you use their chairs if you order something. These places may not look like much, but they cook up some amazing grilled fish and they are super friendly.
This part of the island doesn’t get waves, so this isn’t the place for boogie-boarding or surfing. It is, however, a great spot to do a bit of snorkeling. You can bring your own or rent one from one of the restaurants.
The closest town with tourist facilities to the Virgin Beach is Candidasa. From here it’s only about a 20-minute drive. If you’re travelling to Virgin Beach from towns in the south or Ubud, it will take a few hours. It’s worth it to make the trek, especially if you combine a stop here with a visit to one of the water palaces. Click here to get directions to this awesome Bali beach.
  4. Nusa Lembongan Beach
A good place for snorkelling, scuba diving, and surfing and swimming 
For the next Bali beach on our list, we’re actually traveling off the main island. You see, there are three smaller islands just off the southwest coast that are still considered part of Bali!
These are known as the Nusa Islands (Lembongan, Ceningan, and Penida) and they are easily visited on a day trip. On Nusa Lembongan, you’ll find quite a few beaches to choose from. The main beach is Jungutbatu, which is where you’ll find a wide range of accommodation, restaurants, and bars.
Actually, the Nusa Islands are known for excellent snorkeling, diving, and surfing. You can actually base yourself in Candidasa and go on dive excursions from there. Check out our article here to learn about diving around the Nusa Islands from Candidasa.
Nusa Lembongan is home to several dive shops and surfing schools to get you set up. The surf breaks here are better suited for more experienced riders, as they all break over coral reefs. 
There are many other beautiful beaches worth exploring on Lembongan. With a rented scooter, you can easily visit Mushroom Beach, Sandy Bay, Dream Beach, Coconut Beach (which is one of the best beaches in Bali for families), and more. There’s enough to see and do here to warrant spending a few nights on the island, and it’s far more enjoyable once all the day-trippers have left anyways!
5. Canggu Beach
A good beach for surfing, watching sunset and having a drink
Another Bali beach that’s wildly popular with surfers is Canggu. It’s located north of Seminyak and is also easily reached from the airport. This area has been developing rapidly over the past few years and Canggu is now a hot spot for digital nomads and yogis.
Canggu is actually home to a few different beaches. From south to north, there’s Berawa, Neyelan, Batu Bolong, Echo Beach, and finally Pererenan. Each beach has its own unique vibe and offers different things.
The beaches here have dark grey or black sand and these aren’t the best beaches in Bali for swimming, as the waves can be really rough. As such, you’ll find the Canggu beaches far less crowded than the ones further south.
Berawa has a few restaurants and bars, and you can also rent boards and loungers here for a reasonable price. This is a great beach to go to if you just want to enjoy some surfing or boogie-boarding without the crowds and touts. 
When you look up “Canggu Beach” on Google Maps, it takes you to Batu Bolong. There’s a lot more action here, thanks in large part to Old Man’s. This is one of the coolest bars in all of Bali and the perfect place to party after a big day out on the water. 
Just to be clear, you don’t have to be a surfer to enjoy Canggu. I can’t stand on a surfboard to save my life and I always have a good time hitting Canggu Beach. It’s especially fun to visit around sunset to watch the surfers riding their last waves as the sun dips behind the horizon. A day at the beach followed by dinner and drinks in Canggu is a great addition to any Bali itinerary.
Take a video tour of Canggu in our “Streets, Beats & Eats” show.
6. Bingin Beach
Next on our list of the best beaches in Bali is Bingin. This is another beach located below the towering cliffs of the Bukit peninsula. Once again, you’ll need to put forth a decent amount of effort to reach this stunning Bali beach!
Bingin truly is a hidden gem, in that it’s honestly a bit hard to find. You zig-zag your way down a maze of narrow alleyways passing several different guesthouses and warung before you finally find the motorbike parking area. Cars can’t make it back here, so you’re either on two wheels or on foot. 
Eventually, you finally reach the winding staircase that takes you down to the beach. The fact that it’s so hard to reach turns off a lot of people, which is great for those looking to experience a Bali beach without hordes of hard-partying tourists.
Even though it’s tiny and tough to get to, Bingin is still home to quite a few guesthouses, restaurants, and surf shops. They definitely cater to surfers, as the challenging waves here are what spurred the development of a tourism industry in the first place. For more advanced surfers looking for a more traditional option for a Bali beach, Bingin is an excellent choice.
So is it worth the effort to reach Bingin if you’re not a surfer? Absolutely! When you come here at low tide it’s really beautiful to walk around and take photos. Be sure to stick around for the postcard-worthy sunset. Then sit down for some grilled seafood and a drink with your toes in the sand before making your way back up. Or just go ahead and stay here! This is definitely a cool home base to have for a few nights in Bali. Find Bingin on the map here.
7. Sanur Beach
Good beach for swimming, relaxing, walking
This next Bali beach holds a special place in my heart. Sanur is a sleepy fishing town on the southeast coast of Bali and it’s where I lived for most of my year on the island. 
Despite having a very substantial tourism scene, Sanur remains at its heart a traditional Balinese village. Traffic comes to a standstill here quite often when processions go through the streets, and there’s a massive performance and parade for the Balinese New Year.
Every summer, the town hosts a traditional kite festival. If it is “real Bali” that you seek (whatever that means), Sanur is a great choice.
While many decry Sanur as being too boring – its nickname is actually “Snore” – I find that to be far from the truth. Sure, there are no gnarly waves or rowdy beach clubs here, but that’s precisely why I and many others love it.
The beaches here are nice, the water is calm, and there are several places with sun loungers and umbrellas available. There’s a long path along the beach that makes for the perfect place to go for a leisurely stroll in the morning or evening. It’s one of the few places in Bali where you can enjoy a walk without fear of being run over by a motorbike.
While surfing isn’t really possible over here, you can still go jet-skiing, SUPing, snorkeling, or diving from Sanur beach. There are also a few excellent yoga studios on the beachfront.
One of the best ways to experience Sanur is on a bike tour. The folks at Sanur Cycle Tours are good friends of mine and they run some amazing bike trips around the area. I took quite a few and my personal favorite was their Jurassic Park tour that visits an abandoned amusement park.
There are actually a few different beaches in town. Sanur Beach is the most central (click here for directions), and other beaches in the area include Sindhu, Karang, and Mertasari. There are tons of options for places to stay, shop, eat, and drink here, making Sanur a very convenient base.
8. Jimbaran Beach
A good beach for swimming and dining
This next Bali beach is definitely the easiest one to reach from the airport. In fact, Jimbaran Beach starts just south of the runway. You can be chilling on the beach with a cold one in hand in no time!
This beach is part of the narrow isthmus that connects the mainland to the Bukit peninsula. As such, it’s a very convenient place to base yourself for exploration of South Bali. With a scooter, you can be in either Kuta or Nusa Dua in under half an hour.
Most of the access points for the various beaches in Bukit can be reached in under an hour, but you still get the amenities of the mainland. There are plenty of options in Jimbaran for accommodation, dining, shopping, and nightlife. 
Jimbaran Beach is a pretty mellow place in terms of both the ocean and the vibes. There aren’t big waves here at all, so this definitely isn’t high on the radar of surfers. If you’re a total beginner, though, this is a good place to try it out. Most people are content with just lounging on the beach here, so it’s one of the more laid back places on this list.
The highlight of Jimbaran is definitely the nightly seafood market here. There are several excellent restaurants right on the beach, where you can take your pick from a variety of fresh seafood and have it cooked up to your liking. Wandering bands stroll the beach and take requests, making this one of the best beaches in Bali for a romantic dinner. 
9. Lovina Beach
If you really want to escape the crowds, one of the best beaches in Bali to visit is Lovina. It’s located on the far north coast of the island, which feels worlds apart from the chaos of the south.
The name Lovina actually refers to a stretch of seven different villages along the northern coast of Bali. Beaches here are generally black sand and the water is very calm — this isn’t the Bali beach for you if you’re chasing waves. There is, however, some quality snorkeling and diving on tap up here.
Lovina’s biggest claim to fame is the dolphins that inhabit the waters around town. There’s even a statue of the aquatic mammals on the main beach. Basically everyone in Lovina can set you up on an early morning tour in search of dolphins. 
From the airport, it’s about a 2.5-3-hour drive to reach Lovina Beach. If you end up renting a scooter/car or just hiring a driver, it’s worth it to add stops at the Jatiluwih rice terraces, Ulun Danu Beratan temple, and maybe even the Aling-Aling waterfall on your way. 
Since it’s such a long trip, I don’t really recommend coming all the way here just for the afternoon. Lovina Beach is actually a great place to spend a few nights. There are plenty of options for accommodation here and the prices are very reasonable. Plus, it’s nice to experience a more authentic Bali beach town that’s devoid of McDonald’s and Starbucks. 
If you end up staying a few nights in Lovina, I highly recommend taking the short trip inland one afternoon to go to the Banjar hot springs. These pools full of natural hot spring water are a great place to relax for a couple of hours. It’s just a 20-30 minute drive from Lovina to get there. Find Lovina on the map here.
10. Nusa Dua Beach
One of the best beaches in Bali for swimming
Last but not least is Bali’s most luxurious beach, Nusa Dua. Located down on the northeast corner of the Bukit peninsula this area is known for its swanky resorts, upmarket shopping, and world-class golf course. In short, this is where the fabulous people stay!
Nusa Dua is very much a tourist enclave, as it’s actually a gated zone where you have to pass through security. While it may seem very exclusive, most of the beach is still public here. Even if you’re not staying at a 5-star hotel, it’s well worth it to visit Nusa Dua for an afternoon. This is one of the nicest beaches in Bali.
The beach in Nusa Dua is white sand and the water is great for swimming. If your idea of a perfect day at the beach involves a sun lounger, a few adult beverages, and a good book, this is the Bali beach for you. 
There are a few things to do here. One of the highlights of visiting Nusa Dua is seeing the famous Waterblow. This is a point on the coast where waves crash into a rock formation in dramatic fashion. It’s also a very popular spot for photo ops, so you have to pay a small entrance fee to access the path.
Just because you’re at the beach doesn’t mean you can’t get a little culture. Nusa Dua is also home to a very underappreciated museum. The Pasifika Museum is a fantastic art museum that’s well worth getting out of the sun for a couple of hours to see. You can find Nusa Dua on the map here. 
Ready for the Best Beaches in Bali?
As you can see, Bali is home to several fantastic beaches, each unique in their own way. Before we end this guide to the top beaches in Bali, I should take a moment to mention why one didn’t make the cut. 
Noticeably missing from my list is Kuta Beach, which is the main tourist hub in Bali. This is far and away the most popular, crowded, and developed beach on the island.
It transformed from a tiny fishing town to a booming tourist destination in under 30 years, and the negative effects of this breakneck development are all too clear. As such, I can’t in good conscience recommend visiting Kuta Beach.
First of all, Kuta is plagued by traffic jams, scam artists, and petty crooks. The beach is overcrowded and not that nice, and the touts here are incessant. You are much better off spending your precious vacation days at any of the other Bali beaches on this list. Trust me.
The many other small beach towns on the island can use your support as well, and it’s much easier to directly support locals once you get out of the Kuta bubble.
My best advice is to rent a scooter or a car, or just hire the amazing local drivers and do a loop of the island to visit as many of the amazing beaches as you can!
Have you been beach hopping in Bali? Which beach was your favorite? Leave a comment below and let us know! 
Note: Images in this article are courtesy of Shutterstock.com.
The post 10 Best Beaches in Bali: A Guide to Swimming, Surfing and Sunbathing appeared first on Goats On The Road.
10 Best Beaches in Bali: A Guide to Swimming, Surfing and Sunbathing published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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