#'if your parents didn't hit you why can't you talk back' GO FUCK YOURSELF.
bat-bytes-back · 9 months
hey guys imagine victim blaming and then saying it's because of autism literally couldn't be me (I am holding so much insane rage in my heart oh my god)
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pinkslaystation · 6 months
[Part 2] If I meant something to you.
toxic!Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Here's part 1 hee hee hee hee Here's part 3 You believe Simon's changed his ways after your sister's engagement. After his actions, you still want him, but does he want you? Word Count: 3.6k
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A half naked woman running out of Simon's flat? A surprise indeed it was.
You really thought he reciprocated the same feelings as you did at one point, for once in your life feeling as if someone truly did want you for you, but that fantasy had dried out, and it was clear Simon had no intentions with you.
Your replacement proved it.
Before you began to weep in front of the Brit again, you hurried to your flat door, rummaging through your sweatshirt pockets for your key, wanting to wallow back into a state of depression in the comfort in your own home.
Simon didn't follow you, instead he just leaned against his door frame, sexily might I add, intensely watching you clumsily rip out past receipts and snotty used tissues from your pockets. He wanted to say something, ask you how your day had been, even thought it just turned 9 A.M.
Then it hit you.
You think back to your previous steps. You woke up at 8:30, you read the texts from your sister, made yourself some coffee, which you definitely think had gone off, and left your home, feigning a state of happiness.
You didn't take your keys with you. They sat on your kitchen counter, almost like they were mocking you for being so careless.
Banging your head against the door, you curse, "Fuck's sake...."
You mentally note that this is probably one of the most humiliating scenes you've found yourself in, nearly as bad enough as your 18th birthday, when your parents congratulated your younger brother instead of you accidently.
Simon exhales a puff of smoke towards your direction, you were so fixed on trying to get inside, you didn't catch him lazily eyeing you whilst lighting a cigarette into his mouth.
"You...wanna come inside?" He asks nonchalantly, looking at the sky, avoiding your gaze as if to seem cooler than you.
"Why would I do that? I don't wanna know where that bitch has been..." You scoff, referring to the girl. You want to look away from him, but his blonde chest hair glistens in the sunlight, enticing you to follow his instructions. He's not even all military mode on you but you already find yourself acting submissive around his presence again.
He grunts, thinking about what to say next, "Well for starters, Francesca's no one...and, where else are ya gonna go?" The sarcasm is sharp in his voice.
So you were replaced by a Francesca.
"And listen love, face it, you need something from me, come in so we can talk. Can't guarantee we'll do a lot of talkin' though..." His words trails off, trying to convince you. Boy, is it working...
His eyebrows are raised, and he purposely flexes his still wet pecs.
Fuck it. You think, barging into his room, purposely bumping shoulders.
You finally enter Simon's room for the first time.
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Simon wasn't completely heartless.
Yes, his childhood trauma resulted in his avoidant nature, ignoring his team in order to work alone on the field, disobeying his Captain to do what he'd deemed as best, and even ghosting you ever time you tried reaching out to you. What you didn't know though, was that Simon had given you his previous phone number, one he doesn't use anymore...
Late nights in his hospital bed led him trying to stalk you through Facebook, which no one your age uses by the way (don't tell him that), and every time his searches led him to nothing.
Had he not been so foolish, he would have manned up and straight up demanded you for your number. But he didn't, instead he told you he'd find you if he needed you, which was becoming more and more infrequent.
Yet here he lies, now clad in a loose black top and sweatpants, sitting across from you on his couch in his oddly empty room, hearing you out.
"'Kay so, your sister wants you at her engagement and you need a date, and you have no other friends but me, and you want me to be your fake date." He repeats back to you.
You hum, "For someone that didn't finish secondary school, you're quite smart."
Simon chuckles at the reciprocates banter, "And...what's in it for me?"
You scrunch your nose, "What?"
"What's in it for me." He enunciates his word, as if speaking to a baby, "What do I benefit from this?"
"Are you fuckin' for real, you've basically used me for your own pleasure, and you can't even fake a relationship in front of my family for like a couple of hours?"
You stand up, ready to leave, not willing to be disrespected again.
"Love, listen," Simon pulls on your arms, and you begin to notice the fresh scars decorating his forearms.
"Our relationship...platonic of course, it's like a business. You want something, you gotta work for it."
You're stunned, did he just insinuate that you were merely a business partner to you? Can this man be anymore of an ass, than he already is, reducing your relationship to a step below a 'situation-ship'.
"What possibly could I have that you need?"
"Yeah," he gruffs out, contemplating his decision, "not money 'cos I got more of that than you..."
He sits there in mock confusion, but you had a feeling he knew what he wanted from you the moment you spat out your request at his door earlier.
Before you try cursing him out again, your attention shifts to the ping from your phone, another unfamiliar number, but not from your sister.
10:32 A.M. ####:- Hey kiddo, how's life been treating you. ####:- Finally gotta a job? ####:- Can't wait to see you, your brother's been waiting to introduce you to his new girlfriend, good addition to the family this time I think. ####:- You're getting older now, unmarried and unemployed. Chop Chop.
Great, just a monthly reminder from your father that you've already been replaced by your brother's new fling for the week.
Now you really needed that date.
"I'll fuck you." You state.
Simon stares at your new found dominance, standing up to purposely look down at you and tower over you, disliking the sense of authority shifting between you two.
"Once again, dove."
"Just. Fuck. Me. Simon. Get this shit over with." You command.
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Okay, now you actually felt used. Blackmailed into having sex with Simon, just for him to get what he wants really was the all time low for you. And you've hit rock bottom multiple times.
You wake up light-headed, in Simon's empty bed. The bedside table held a small note in messy handwriting and a singular key.
Headed out to the pub, got a spare key for your room. You better be out of there by the time I get back. Jesus, you got the hint.
You wonder why and where Simon got a spare key from, realising that this situation could have been rectified from the beginning, instead he basically coerced you into sex just to fulfill his needs.
Your mother would die if she knew what your life was like.
Walking back into your room, you shoot a text to Simon, your now fake date, informing him of the fool-proof plan you'd come up with.
As you rest on your couch, thinking about the future ahead of you, and your head unconsciously drifts to that dreaded question:
What if you hurt Simon like he's hurt you?
The next few days was filled with your evenings trying to explain the dynamics of your family to Simon and teaching him more about you.
"And what, they went to the theme park and just left you there? Ain't that borderline abuse?" He questions, a small guilty feeling arising in the pit of your stomach learning about how similar both of yours fucked childhood was like.
You shrug, used to being kicked to the curb. You stop yourself before making some remark that he has no right to act upset about your parents behaviour when he's acting no better.
You tell him your middle name, hell, you tell him the correct spelling of your first name, and you stare at him, embarrassed that this hunk has pounded at your core but doesn't even know the vowels in your name.
"And last week was my birthday if they ask, and you better tell them I celebrated it by going to the cinema with my friends." You inform him, hoping some of this information gets retained into his pea sized head.
Simon cringes, unaware of your birthday, recalling the numerous amount times you'd shot him a smile that day, urging at least one person to wish you a happy birthday. He cocks his head, "What friends?" before correctly himself, "I mean, names wise."
"....you gotta make them up."
Note to self: Make new friends.
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The big day comes and you and Simon had driven to the venue of your sister's engagement party. Extravagant was an understatement. Anyone that would look at this event would assume your parents were millionaires, but they're not considering only 2 out of 3 children received trust funds.
You wore a sleek black dress with a slit by your right leg, and Simon matched with a clean black suit which, by the way, you paid for.
Though you would usually drink in his appearance, his recent brooding behaviour gnawed in your mind, so no matter how many smiles he sent your direction, they couldn't dispel the unease settling in your gut.
The first hour consisted of the pair of you awkwardly standing around, drinking numerous glasses of the finest champagne, with his broad arm hovering over your shoulder.
"Where's the family?" He asks eyeing every guy that even so glances your direction.
You shrug, glancing at your unread messages to your sister.
1:00 P.M. You:- hey :) made it, wru??? You:- looks very grand btw!! 1:29 A.M. You:- hello? where's ma? 1:37 A.M. You:- champagne's tastyyy You:- hi wru 1:59 A.M. You:- bruh did you rly invite me just to ignore me???
Simon winces at your phone, reminding himself to finally get your number so at least someone would reply to your messages.
"You made it!"
You both turn around at the chirpy voice, instantly locking eyes with your sister.
"Hey, you didn't read my texts, been here for an hour now." You question, as you're being pulled into a hug.
"Oh that was you? Sorry, I haven't saved you on my phone," she laughs. You glance at Simon almost offended by that, even though you hadn't saved her number either.
"Introduce me to the big guy!" She nudges you, and Simon interrupts you before you open your mouth.
"Lieutenant Simon Riley, and uh- also boyfriend." He extends his arm, and you can't tell whether he's faking his grin or not.
She drags his forearms, yanking him away from you and ushering him along eagerly., "You need to meet my family, come come!", as they walk off together, and you find yourself standing there, left to socialise with someone else.
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At 3 P.M., you navigate yourself to your family and your 'boyfriend', whom at this point, had really seemed to fit in with the community. Your father hadn't believed that you scored a buff military commander, and if he wasn't unhappily married to your mother, you'd bet 10 quid that he'd be all over Simon.
"Served in Afghanistan huh?" He chuckles boisterously.
"Yes sir." Simon actually looks like he's having fun, displaying the look of admiration for having an almost father-like figure in his life. He begins you question why you dislike your family so much, they're great!
"And you watch football lad?" He pats Simon on his back.
"Avid fan, sir."
Your father shakes Simon's hand, immediately surprised by his firm grip, "Good man. Don't let go of this one, love." He nods towards you, his smile twitching at Simon, who's basically gripping the bones through his wrist.
You force a smile hugging into your boyfriend's side, shouldn't he be saying that to your Simon, rather than you? I mean it's either your biological daughter you've sort of brought up her entire life versus a solider you've known for about an hour.
"Son, take some notes from your sister, no wonder you're single every other day." Your father reprimands your brother, who flinches from the sudden sound of disapproval and grips his girlfriend's forearm tighter. For sure the first time you're actually than him, at finding a better fake partner.
Your mother, on the other hand, was virtually glued to the other side of Simon, gripping his biceps and fawning over his muscles to your brother, who's actually looked like the only one who saw through your facade.
"Wow, you must really enjoy the gym, sweetie." She bags her eyes, disgustingly.
"Yes ma'am."
She addresses you, for what you think was the first time in over a year, and mouths sternly, "I was wrong, I approve."
The entire event was a drag to you, something you weren't used to at all, considering the majority of your childhood was mainly you being left home during such big events, but Simon managed to enjoy the evening whilst successfully lying to your entire family.
"Me and the missus have been together for 10 months now. She's very happy." He raises his glass to you, eliciting a genuine smile from you. It was times like this that you wished that you and Simon just tied the knot and just began dating. However, you couldn't ignore those underlying feelings of a simmering anger, a desire to confront him publicly for using you for so long.
"I am..." It sounds more like a question than a reply, kissing him, in mock affection.
"You need to stay over our place, Simon darling," Your mother gleams, with your father agreeing, "You can stay in the study!"
"You mean my old bedroom?"
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It's midnight, and your family have finally fell asleep in the place you once called home.
You lay next to Simon on your old bed, inspecting your previous room. The walls were no longer painted your favourite colour, but now was coated in a dull grey, your desk now replaced by a vintage looking oak table, definitely all to accommodate your father's taste. Any speck of 'you' had been wiped out from the room, and Simon wonders what young you was like.
"That was very fun...I like 'em, your family." He whispers almost inaudibly, fatigue evident in his words. His arm is draped comfortably around your neck, your head resting in the nook of his armpit.
You hum. The unfamiliar attention Simon had brought up on the two of you exhausted you, though a small part of you liked it, that now your mother actually cared about what you got up with him on a daily basis.
"Simon..." You begin, "What- what are we? If anything..."
You're anticipating his rejection.
"Neighbours..." He mouths silently.
You nod at him, hoisting yourself up on your elbows, although his eyes are closed.
"Simon. It's just that. I know it's all a show...but today it didn't feel like pretend...And when you said you wanted to marry me to my mum, it's just, I don't know, didn't feel fake you know. Felt real..Simon...Simon?"
He snores in response.
Great. You're just confessing to the thin air.
If he doesn't take you out, socialising for almost 9 hours straight will. You pass out next to him, no longer under his arm. Simon lays next to you, watching the slow rise of fall of your chest, after faking a snore.
He stares at the ceiling thinking about the day.
Come morning, and you find yourself sitting at the dining table next to Simon, who'd found himself in a hearty conversation with your parents, sister and future brother in law.
Across from you is your brother, whom you're sure didn't fall for your ruse.
His expression reveals concern as he gazes at you, almost as if he's silently urging you to unravel the tangled web of lies you've woven.
With a swift motion, he picks up his phone, arching an eyebrow in your direction, just as your phone chimes with a notification.
9:12 A.M. ####:- ik you two aren't dating. ####:- better fess up before i do
He smirks at you, your expression mirrors one of close defeat.
9:13 A.M. You:- ik you mad that she cheats on you every friday. You:- better check her private 2nd insta account before i do
Your brother looks up, hesitant to curse you out in front of everyone.
You 1, your brother 0.
Breakfast was served at this time you actually got the same amount of food as your siblings did, although Simon beat all 3 of you for it. Even though your sister was celebrating her engagement, the entire conversation was stuck on you and Simon.
Credits to your parents, because you were actually learning things about Simon, and you wonder if he thinks you're self-obsessed given that you've forced every fact about you down his throat and you haven't even given a minute for him.
"...and my Captain John Price, great guy. She loves him actually." He nudges you, breaking you from your trance.
Everyone on the table turn to you as Simon rubs your knee softly.
"OH. Um, yeah. Mr Price, John, um, great guy, handsome and so hot. Love him. The best really."
As you stumbled over your words, trying to cover up the slip, Simon gave you a reassuring squeeze on your knee. His eyes conveyed a silent message, telling you that it was okay and that they didn't catch you in a lie.
Your brother, however, shot you a knowing look, his expression a mix of amusement and annoyance. It was clear that he had caught onto your the slip up.
"Alright, enough about work," your mother interjected, steering the conversation away from Simon's military life. "Let's talk about something more fun. Like the wedding!"
The topic shifted to your sister's upcoming wedding, and you found yourself for once engaged in a lively discussion with your family about venues, dresses, and guest lists. Simon chimes in, his comments light-hearted and filled with humor.
As the breakfast progressed, you couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt gnawing at you. Your brother's text had reminded you that you were deceiving your family, and although it had started as a harmless ruse, it was beginning to feel like a weight on your shoulders.
After the meal, you and Simon got ready to depart, and as Simon and the rest of your family went to his car, you stood back at the front door, watching how perfect Simon fit in with them.
"It's obvious you don't like him."
You turn to the voice: your brother.
Your groan, "You again? Can't you just leave me alone, God's sake..."
"Aren't you a 'lil worried about how easily he lies though?" he taunts, "how'd you get him here? Money? Or you hold him over a secret? Maybe...sex?"
"What's your problem? Can't you just be happy I'm with someone?" You step back from him.
"Of course I am, if he doesn't like who, who else will, no? I'm just looking out for you bro. It's not gonna last, take it from someone who's in and out of relationships like your guy's in and out of other women."
You squint your eyes at him, confused.
"Grace, Josie, Francesca..." he trails off walking slowly towards the rest of the group. Francesca? That name rings a bell...
"Word of advice, don't leave your phone out in the open, I mean the amount of nudes on there, you'd think his gallery was a porn site! And without a password? Didn't know you were into whores, sis." He cackles.
And here you thought the trip had altered the dynamic.
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The ride home was 2 hours too long and too silent. You contemplated your next move. Do you beat around the bush or straight up ask him if he's still seeing other people behind your back? You know he doesn't owe you anything, he is your FAKE boyfriend, right? But, why did it feel so real?
"So..." he starts.
You rest your head on the window, "So..."
His hand moves to your thigh, squeezing gently before moving towards your core slowly.
"That was fun." He states.
You hum.
"Real cool family, huh."
You hum once again, unsure what to say.
"We should do that again..."
You look at him confused.
"Are you serious? I think they still think that they have 2 kids, they focused on you the entire time-"
"Well, it's not like you put in much effort to talk, love."
That shuts you up.
He sighs at your silence, "Listen, I've been thinking."
You glance at him, hoping he'd kick you out of his car and let you walk the rest of the way home, too ashamed to be in his vicinity.
"Your parents were hinting us to take the next move you know..."
"Neighbours to friends?" You question.
He laughs, "Your family's great, your sister's and her lad, real cute couple you know, I felt at home...so I was thinking...we should try it you know, going out I guess."
You scrunch your face at him, was he really convinced into asking you out because your parents asked him? And here you were, months of trying to hint to wanting more, and the moment your demanding parents butt in, he's just going to do what they say? And the fact that he couldn't even say the word relationship.
Who the fuck does he think he is?
You cross your arms in annoyance. You were tired of being pushed around like a doormat.
Your brother's words ring through your head, as Simon drives.
It's not gonna last, take it from someone who's in and out of relationships like your guy's in and out of other women.
All the signs point towards rejecting his proposal. He doesn't want you, he just wants the safest route. You being in a relationship with him isn't going to stop him fucking other women.
Why would you waste your time with a guy to whom you meant nothing to?
So you decide to give it to him directly.
"Yes. I'll be your girlfriend."
Thank you all so much for the interactions on part 1! Means a lot :D THERE WILL BE A PART 3 LMAOOO i did not intend for this fic to be long but here we are. lemme know you're interested to be tagged in my future posts! tags -> @lilliumrorum, @kxtz3, @poohkie90, @rainlovesyou12, @restrictionsapply, @lunamoonbby, @nigthmar3moon, @thychuvaluswife, @itsnourm, @bubusi11, @owkittie
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bunny-1111 · 1 month
Blow out your candles - Theo Nott x reader
Description: you hate your birthday, your boyfriend Theodore tries to make it the best day for you, but only makes it worse, until...
Word Count: 1.1k
Likes, comments + reblogs appreciated my loves xx
"One more sleep" Theo jestered, throwing an arm around you in the busy hallways of the Hogwarts morning traffic.
"Don't remind me" you muttered, wanting to hide in his chest
"Wait till you see what I got you" he teased, a smirk growing as he watched you
"Hey! I told you nothing, not fair!" you whined
"I can't wait, you're gonna love it, and you're gonna love your birthday baby" a cheshire grin painting his face
"I can wait" you say rolling your eyes, before the conversation could continue he pecked a kiss on your lips, before running off to class.
Now stuck walking by yourself, alone with your thoughts, you were becoming overwhelmed, since you were a child you despised your birthday.
With your parents always away, you spent most of your milestones alone, from as young as four years old, it was your Grandmother that would keep you celebrated, taking the morning to gather and make flower crowns, then spend the rest of the day wearing them. When she died, so did your birthday as far as you were concerned.
As time passed, you grew in age and in contentment. You now preferred your birthday to just pass as any other would, that's how it was supposed to be this year as well, until Pansy opened her stupid mouth a month ago, reminding everyone you would be eighteen soon.
Theodore reminded you everyday since then, he was basically a human countdown for your least favourite day of the year.
Now less than twenty-four hours away, you couldn't bare the thought.
Now, the night before the dreaded day, you hoped, by some miracle, Theodore would fall, hit his head, and forget.
That did not happen, the sun blared into your eyes as your boyfriend ripped open your blinds early birthday morning
"Wake up birthday girl!" he practically yelled
"No" you groaned sinking into your pillows, you hands throwing your blanket over you head, make this go away you thought
Theodore tore your blankets off you, and jumped onto you and began blabbering about the plans of the day, he was so happy your birthday fell on a Saturday, you hated it, if you had class you could avoid all of this.
He moved you to sit upright, and continued talking about a day full of surprises
"I hate surprises" you complain
"Well you love me, so you'll like these ones" he returned, gently caressing your face with his warm hands
"Why can't we just sleep the day away in my bed, that's what I want" you said
"Tough luck, sweetheart, let's go" he smiled prompting you up
In the great hall, your friends waited for you, smiles one their faces, waiting to welcome you. Theodore insisted they go around and give you their presents one by one, followed by stating all the things they love about you.
It was embarrassing to say the least, you felt so out of body.
As the hours passed, Theodore did not talk about anything else, reminded everyone, it was getting progressively unbearable. It never ended, he had something or someone waiting for you everywhere you turned.
You knew how much he cared, how hard he was trying, you loved him, and hated yourself for being so displeased at his actions.
By nighttime, you were counting down the hours till the days end, you entered the common room, a chalkboard centring the space, a big 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' written for everyone to see.
You and your friends sat on the couch, when Theo entered, cake in hand, candles lit, your friends began to sing and clap. One final protest.
No, no, no.
You told him so clearly, no cake, and absolutely no singing. Spare me some fucking dignity you wanted to scream
He just didn't listen, placing the cake close to you, waiting for you to blow out your candles.
You threw your head back, tears stinging your eyes, breath, you reminded yourself. When breathing wasn't working you choose to get up and storm to your dorm, hot, frustrated tears flooding your face.
You ran into bed, and continued crying, perfect, you thought, this is what you wanted, right? To push Theo away, to be alone, to feel like shit, to act like shit, congratulations, you're officially a year older and officially a shitty person.
When time passed, there was only 15 minutes left, a knock on your door.
"Please don't come in" you begged
He of course didn't listen, twisting the doorknob, opening and closing the door behind himself.
Theo carefully approached you
"I'm sorry" he almost whispered rubbing your back, meeting each others sad eyes.
"No, I'm sorry" you sigh
"Can I give you your present?" he asked so politely
you nodded, inhaling a sniffle.
"Close your eyes" he requested, you did
You could hear him reached into his pocket, and place something on your head, reaching up to feel what it was, your heart dropped, immediately opening your eyes, head clocking to your mirror, to be met with a flower crown decorating your hair.
You gasped, turned to him and threw yourself into a hug, he held you tight as you cried "How did you know" you enquired
"I wrote your mother" he shrugged, attempting a smile
"One more thing" he continued, handing you a letter
"What's this?" you questioned
"Trust me, darling, just read it" He said, kissing your forehead.
Birthday Girl. Read the front, opening the parchment you almost choked when you recognised the handwriting, it was from your grandmother.
Hi sweet girl,
I will be long gone by the time you read this, but did you really think I wouldn't be there in some way on your 18th birthday.
I love you endlessly, I am picking flowers for you above, stay gentle, regardless of what this world throws at you, and remember the times in the fields, crafting our crowns, baking your cake, laughing, smiling, don't lose any petals without me!
The things I would do to spend just one more birthday with you, child.
Think of me always, as I do, you.
Love you, my flower girl.
You almost dropped it in shock, eyes rescanning, rereading a hundred times
"i- How" you stuttered out
"You mother saved it, she wasn't going to send it, so I went and got it for you myself" he admitted
"You did this for me" You cried
"I love you" he hushed
"I love you so much" you returned, pulling him into your bed.
Before you both drifted to sleep, you faced him, "Best birthday ever" you whispered, kissing you, he grinned
"I'm so sorry teddy" you repeat
"Enough of that, alright, I know it's hard" he sympathised
"You've changed everything for me, I think I love my birthday again, thank you my darling boy" you cry happy tears
He held you tighter.
As you sleep your birthday off, the smile on your face doesn't leave you.
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requests are open <3
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liasadventuretime · 2 years
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neteyam x reader x ao'nung
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PROMPT ➜ neteyam and y/n had anything but a good relationship, always fighting and bickering over something. but once those lustful eyes and lingering hands started getting noticed, everything changed, but neteyam could possibly have realised everything too late.
TAGS ➜ angst, slight mention of sex, teasing, heavy language
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"you know what, fuck off and leave me alone skxawng" if there's one thing that neteyam can do so well and effortlessly it's annoy you. he enjoys it, you can see it on his face from how hard that motherfucker smiles.
he was "The Mighty Warrior", the best, the smartest, the strongest, the most mature. but when jake and neytiri couldn't see him, he was just another teenage boy, who got more dick than brain. you were incredibly grateful for everything that the sully family did for you, taking care and trying their best to always make you comfortable, since you lost your parents in the same war where neytiri and jake met. one time, you remember well that night, while doing some late night talking with lo'ak, he said that it seemed almost like eywa took something but immediately gave it back to you, "what Eywa gives, Eywa takes". 
but if you knew how much this lil bitch was going to annoy you, you might've as well killed yourself. but you're grateful you didn't because Eywa gave you the mom, the dad, the brother and the two sisters you never knew you needed. you and neteyam used to actually be very close, as children always playing and laughing together, almost made neytiri doubt if Eywa sent you to them for him. but as soon as you two realised that you were both the best, things started to crumble. what was filled with love and laughter, was now filled with bitterness and competitiveness. the first fight of yours, became one of the many. 
but it seemed like everyone noticed it but the two of you. the tension, might as well say sexual tension, was thicker the more you two grew. it could intoxicate the whole room. flirting with eachother with insults, and punches. never realising what you felt , not being capable of explaining the attraction between y'all. so you simply ignored it, and continued bumping heads as long as you could feel his hands on you and as long he could hear you talking, actually insulting, to him. as long as he could look at you being so angry because of something HE said, making YOU feel something, anything, towards him. 
you were fighting once again because of ao'nung, neteyam always making comments about how he holds you, or kiss you while fake moaning with others around. to say the least, it was embarrassing and you were kind of scared ao'nung would take it the wrong way, because you knew damn well you didn't like him. 
"oh yes, ao'nung fuck me harder please i'm such a whore" neteyam said while laughing and getting in front of you to stop you from going away, you raised your head to look at him only to see that fucking stare and smirk he always seemed to have plastered on his face. that face. that handsome and hateful face. lo'ak was on the ground laughing his ass off, enjoying every single one of your fights, but he also stayed there and watched to know who was going to throw the first punch, since none of your arguments has ended without one of you being on top of the other, and not in the way y'all think.
"why don't you like him ? what are you ? jealous because you know he could fuck me but you can't even touch me ?" he suddenly stopped laughing, his grin being replaced with a serious face, making you smirk knowing you hit him where you wanted. even though you hated eachother so much, you were both so jealous. if your jealousy for one another could pay the bills, you'd be the richest in the fucking room, that's something neytiri always said. 
"you're such a slag you would let anyone with a dick and muscles fuck you 'till you're dumb" he whispered in your ear, feeling the smirk on his face without even having to look at his face. your grin dropped immediately, feeling your blood boil and before you even realised it, it was your last fucking straw. 
you punched him right in the jaw, taking him off guard and making him stumble, but you didn't even have to think a second about it before he returned the punch x5 harder but on your nose. lo'ak immediately got up annoyed but also kind of scared one of you would kill the other, it's not like you weren't capable of it. 
" dad ! " he called, when he saw you on top of him but with wrists restrained by one of his hands while trying to dodge your slaps and punches. blood was pouring down your nose, and the bruise was already visible on his face. your nose could probably bleed for maybe another five minutes, but he would have to carry the mark of your punch for the rest of the month. 
"my lord, fuck. DAD ! THEY'RE FIGHTING AGAIN !" he screamed and then sighed, jake immediately ran to the both of you, with the angriest expression on his face , since this was your third fight that week. he pulled the two of you apart. "if i hear you two motherfuckers ever fight again, i'll lock you both in a tent until you'll make peace, understood ?" 
you could barely stand on your feet, neteyam was still holding his jaw and jake was breathing heavily, so you didn't wait a second and you both said "yessir, sorry sir" at the same time, because if he got seriously angry, may the lord have mercy on anyone he comes across. 
neytiri tried to talk to him, and jake tried to talk to you but even after all the promises, you just couldn't avoid him. he was with you always. at home, in the field, in the clan, in picture frames, in dirty dreams, while ao'nung's hand was on your waist, lingering way too much... you just couldn't frame him out. 
it's not like he could do anything about you either. he lost count of how many times his mom tried and convince him of trying to at least not always end up with your hands all over each other, and a few new bruises. he just... can't ? for some reason he couldn't fathom why you couldn't leave his mind. you were imprinted on his eyelids, tattooed in his mind, even while battling, showering or with his hands between his thighs. he was addicted, and whatever you were, you were much stronger than the "herbs" he smokes with you in the nightime, which was the only part of your day where you would rant and talk about anything that came across your mind. 
you didn't like eachother one bit, that's true. but when he had something on his mind or just needed to talk to someone who could understand him, your tent was the first one he visited. with all the pressure and responsibility that you two hold, having someone that can understand you is important. basically every night you either met on the beach or his tent, to just smoke, talk or even cry. you ended each "peace" session with a hug and went back to hating eachother the next morning.
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"hey, are you coming ?" lo'ak said while entering your tent, placing himself next to you while you were rebraiding your hair after your fight with neteyam. you looked confused for a second and asked "coming where ?". you weren't even sure you wanted to go wherever he was going, because you just know neteyam is going to be there. but why let him ruin all your fun ? ao'nung was probably going to be there, so why not ?
lo'ak looked around your tent and took the sandwich that was on the counter next to you, taking a bite off of it. "i was eating that if you don't mind" you said taking the sandwich out of his hands, to cut it in half and give him the other half. he smiled at your gesture, you could hate him all you want but you just had that sweet spot for him. lo'ak was definitely the person you were the closest with, having eachother's backs and protecting one another in any situation. if he wanted to get in trouble, you followed him while complaining because you were actually scared he would get in some serioustrouble.
"i don't know, tsireya just asked some people if they wanted to hang out and talk and shit, we'll see" he said while trying to be so non-chalant that made him look so nervous. you eyed him for a bit, and when he noticed you smiled and hummed.
"what ?" he asked with a confused expression on his face.
"nothing" but your smile only grew more. he knew what you were thinking, but he just wanted you to say to make sure it wasn't that obvious.
"no c'mon, what ? why are you smiling ?"
"you know that you will have to talk to tsireya alone if you want her to like you, right ? like, do you expect me to also be there while you eat her out or what ?" you laughed, while he was trying to hide his blush but it didn't work. 
"YOU'RE GROSS WHAT" he picked up the nearest pillow and threw it at you, but you dodged him before he even threw it. after that, lo'ak tried to not look at you in the eyes while calming down.
"sooo..." he looked at you with a smirk on his face and puppy eyes.
"so what ?" you asked while looking at yourself in the mirror, putting a bandaid on your nose to prevent the scratches from getting infected. is you, being turned because of the memory of him pinning your wrists with one hand to prevent from punching him, that bad ?
"YES !" he jumped up almost scaring you, proceeding to chant and grunt all over your tent. "c'mon, she might already be there, hurry up" you stood up taking his hand and running out of your tent. 
after just five minutes, you saw where tsireya was and immediately went there, lo'ak being way too impatient, but this is the actual first time he has liked someone this seriously, so who were you to tell him to calm down ? 
lo'ak immediately went straight to tsireya, but you decided to look around a bit to see if you could find anyone. well, maybe someone. 
you turned around the fire place, when you accidentally bumped shoulders with someone, but as soon as you realised who you were turning around for to excuse yourself, your heart almost stopped.
he winked at you with a smirk on his face, and immediately walked away. still confused because of your interaction with neteyam, you find ao'nung. he smiles and pats the space between his thighs, you walk there and immediately sat while looking at him. he used to hold you tight and place his chin on your head. even though you didn't like him that way, he was the first guy that held you without hurting you. he was sweet, kind and strong. the perfect man. he cared so much about you, but you both knew you didn't want anything serious, just someone to have a bit of fun with. between his big arms you felt protected, safe from everything and anyone.
his smile could light up a whole room, his back and hands could protect hundreds of villages, his words could heal the deepest wounds, his tears could wipe away continents but he loves so deeply he can get buried inside anyone's heart.
but for some reason…
...you still didn't feel the spark.
the spark, that unfortunately, you could feel with someone else.
whom you didn't realise was looking directly at you with the deadliest stare ever. when you noticed him, you immediately froze. but why ? why were you acting like you just caught ? why do you feel this drowning heavy feeling in your stomach ? why was your heart missing a beat, but you felt that heartbeat somewhere else ? why is it that everytime he makes you cry, another tear rolls down your thigh?
why, why, why ?
he held a cup in his hands, basically chocking it, but didn't get his eyes off of you. his posture rigid, his eyes cold and his arms veiny, probably because of the blood that was boiling in his veins.
then, an idea crossed your mind.
you took ao'nung hand who was, as usual, lingering on your waist and placed it on your thigh rubbing it up and down, making it get more and more near to your inner thigh with every stroke.
his patience was slowly thinning out. he couldn't stand it. you're so beautiful when you tease him, it hurts him so much. he wish it could be him. making you whimper and crave oh so more with those eyes which were veiled with tears, and how could he resist his beautiful girl ? how could he say no to you ? if you ever gave him the chance, he would destroy you.
he would treat you as if you were a princess, caring, protecting, and nurturing you but would fuck you as if you were a whore, biting, marking and making sure the next motherfucker could taste his dick on your clit.
he felt blood rush to his erection, making it more noticeable, but why the fuck did he feel that way ? WHY ? maybe he was jealous because he knew you can tell a joke, but will never tell a lie.
ao'nung has a chance, while neteyam doesn't. which makes him feel sorry for you, because he would make sure that everytime he fucked you, you would come back crawling and begging for more.
more, more, more.
nothing was ever enough. the lustful stares, the lingering eyes, the blush, the smiles you both tried to hide so much, but never worked.
why did he feel jealous every single time you hung out alone with lo'ak, or you laughed at everyone's jokes but his ? why did he get hard everytime you spoke near his ear or accidentally touched him ? why was he so sensitive around you ? every move of yours making his stomach flip ? why were so... you ?
meanwhile, ao'nung carefully moved your hair out of the way, making neteyam hold his cup even more tightly, and whispered in your ear "what are you doing, darling ?"
ao'nung couldn't act like nothing was happening, his smile plastered across his face, making neteyam even more angry and angry by the second. he probably enjoyed the teasing more than you did. you looked at him with those innocents eyes that neteyam couldn't resist, and whispered back
"nothing" and kissed the back of his ear, taking him off guard and making his erection now way too noticeable. that was neteyam's last straw, he could kill someone with his bare hands. but the difficult part was admitting he would've done it because of you.
he sometimes wishes you could die, because not having you makes his heart cry of pain every single day. in his opinion, it's his life's biggest torture. but as someone else would say, his heart and dick were so full of you, he could barely call them his own. the way you looked at him in the eyes while teasing another man, could make any person fall to their knees and beg, beg, beg. which you weirdly enjoyed, it's not like you didn't know the effect you had on people.
it was enough for now, you didn’t wanna take it too far.
you stood up, and lightly kissed ao'nung on the lips and whispered goodnight. neteyam immediately threw away his cup smashing it, and stood up following you, making people watch you and him as you both left making everyone ask themselves what was happening.
before you could enter your tent, you felt a big cold hand grab the back of your neck making you gasp, and making you turn around you and look up to stare directly at neteyam's eyes, the most beatiful and deadliest eyes ever. you could get lost in them, but did he know that ? was it even worth it to think all that stuff about him if he didn't know ? was all the fighting, jealousy and teasing worth it ? why ?
because you were both too proud to admit anything, nonetheless your weird and sick attraction for eachother.
"what the fuck was that kiss ? what the fuck are doing ? are you his whore ? hm ? " he said grinning his teeth and hissing, almost making a nerve on his temple pop, while keeping his hand tight on the back of your neck. the amount of time that you fantasised about his calloused hands roughly all over you. you could just feel his jealousy through every word he spat in your face, and lord why was it so attractive ?
this man was so angry, but so damn attractive and oh did it make you want to let him do anything to you. anything.
you smiled and grinned, knowing what was going thru his mind, and whispered in his ear, feeling his goosebumps and breath he didn't realise he was holding.
"you jealous ?"
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moronkombat · 10 months
You were his little precious, the way he'd gift his little girl with beautiful treasures and spoil her rotten. Fortunately, she didn't turn out to be a spoiled little brat, she turned out to be a very fragile, humble, and innocent daughter of his.
But something bugged Shang Tsung. It distracted him the way your shirt would cling to your curves and how it would emphasize the size of your breasts. He found himself mindlessly daydreaming about pushing you face first into the matress and doing unexplainable things to you. Wait what? He couldn't, not when you were his daughter. His little precious he treasured the most. his bejeweled, kind, and sweetly innocent daughter whom he homeschooled since she was but a little child to protect her from the heartbreak she could experience from the other boys.
No, he was the only male in hee life. And only parent too.
But why? Why, at night, did he imagine himself fucking you so hard you'd forget your own name? Why, on his bed, he'd stroke himself to the sounds of your whimpers and soft moans of sexual frustration from the other room? And why were you here? Looking at him with pink cheeks and messy hair.
The way your pyjamas clung to your body, highlighting the beauty of your hips, your ass, your breasts, every part of your body. He stares at your hands for a moment too, wondering how the soft skin would feel around his cock, how slippery it would feel stained with his cum.
"Father, I- I ask for your assistance." You say, as you enter his room.
"Yes yes ah- what is it my sweet?" Shang Tsung says, getting up from his laying position, acting as if he hadn't been touching himself to the sounds that came from your little mouth.
"I.. I can't seem to let it out, father." You whisper, looking away from him in shame.
"Let what out, my darling?" But he very well knew what you were talking about.
You pulled your shorts down slowly, showing him the wetness that pooled between your thighs.
It was all blurry, next thing you knew the door to his room was locked tight and you were laying on your back, stripped of all your clothing. Pure, naked, wet and ready for your father, Shang Tsung.
This felt so wrong on so many different levels, he raised you, he was your father, both of you were blood related.
But those thoughts seemed to vanish from your and Shang Tsung's heads as you felt two fingers enter your throbbing pussy.
"Ah- father!" You moan as you covered your mouth with your hand.
"Don't worry my sweet. Father is simply... helping you out. That's what fathers and daughters do, right?" He said the final sentence at the same time he pushed another finger in, earning a sound of a whimper from you.
Everything seemed to happen so clearly, that the memory was burnt into your mind.
Shang Tsung curled his fingers up inside you, moving them at a pace, getting faster.
"Oh- father, yes! You're hitting just- shit kerp going- just the right spot!" You moaned, earning a smirk from the sorcerer.
"Are you about to come, my sweet?"
"Yes father! Please please make me cum!"
"I'm never one to deny a request." Shang Tsung said before he sped up his fingers, echoing sounds of wet squelching filling the room. "You're my good little girl, aren't you?" He whispers, his free hand moving a lock of hair from your face.
His words seemed to echo inside your head as you felt yourself tighten around him and finally let go of the frustration built up inside you. Shang Tsung still kept his speed up, making you a bit overstimulated.
All you can remember is that you could feel darkness envelop your eyes and drift you to dream world as you heard your father speak beside you.
"You're the peak of perfection, my sweet."
As you finally fall asleep you felt him kiss your forehead and cover you with a blanket.
-sincerely, 💬
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oh my goobness....this was AMAZING TO READDDDD!!! Thank you so much for writing this for meeeeeee. i drank it alll up. daddy shang aint ever gonna leave his daughter too needy BARK BARK
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
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SUMMARY: You never really liked Mason Mount, even before he came to your club. Turns out, he's a very persuasive man, who will do everything he can to change your mind.
PAIRING: mason mount x ten hag!reader
WARNINGS: mason is a lovesick fool, use of ten hag as a plot device i'm so sorry
AUTHOR'S NOTE: it's been agesssss since i've posted something, so here's this! (something's that's been sitting in my drafts and i didn't dare finish for almost a month!). would reallyyyy love some feedback!
Your eyes go wide at the sight of him, resting calmly over the cap of his car, hands hiding inside his pockets. Mason looks straight out of a movie; one where the protagonist is waiting for his lover outside of their home. You try to not think about that, or about the warm feeling in your chest, as you angrily make your way towards him.
Once you reach him, you're ready to voice your concerns about his presence in your parents' home. "What are you doing here?".
The urgency in your voice only made the Englishman grin harder, if that was even possible.
He shrugs, clearly not preoccupied about the matter. "Came to see a friend, offer her a ride to work". You roll your eyes, annoyed, because obviously, this is Mason. This is the same insufferable guy you've got to know for months now, ever since he signed for Manchester United.
By looking at the watch on your wrist, and knowing your dad's entire routine, you know you two are running out of time.  "C'mon, Mount, you need to leave!", you urge, and he tilts his head in confusion. "What? Why?," as if his entire life, at least, sport related, wasn't threatened by the man about to walk out the door.
"Did you hit yourself on the way here? Did you happen to forget who I live with?".
He shrugs, again, claiming "I don't mind". A second after, "he actually likes me. More than you do, at least". It's not the first snarky remark he throws your way, but it's still too early for you to pretend he hasn't got a special capacity for getting under your skin.
"I'd like to see if he continues to like you when he sees you talking to his daughter in his front yard".
You're right about that.
Yeah, Mason is your dad's new shiny toy, awarding him with being a constant feature in the starting eleven in every United game, but you doubt he'd be alright with whatever he's trying to do. After all, he never liked any of your past boyfriends, or friends who he -somehow- recognized as undeserving of his little girl, his only daughter. "I think he will," Mason says confidently, "I'm actually a great son-in-law, you know?".
You swear it is too early in the morning to have rolled your eyes the number of times you have in his presence, during the past three minutes. You ask, hopeful that the sly remark works to get him off your back. "Has being this cocky actually helped you, in some way?".
When his smile falters, you grin. It's probably the first time he doesn't have something, anything, to hit back, and you consider it a win for your side. "It did," he answers truthfully a beat after, and now his smile is bigger than ever. "Look, you're smiling at me".
You try, hard, to stop your cheeks from going red, but the way you can't really hold his stare any longer is a win for him. He basks in this feeling, knowing himself to be able to make you nervous must be a good sign, right?
At least, he hopes so.
"Okay, stop fucking around or you'll be late," you warn, coming close enough to him to push him off the hood of his car, and towards the driver's door. You try to ignore the way your fingers burn after touching him, deciding not to acknowledge the warning signs that something had changed in the past few weeks. You don’t despise him nearly as much, but you’re not keen on the idea of him knowing about it. Yet.
Mason opens the door of his car, and gets in. You nervously watch back, to the entrance door, after seeing what time it is. 9:13 AM. Your father will be out the door, any second now.
You hope that, the next time you look to the street, the car will be gone, and any trace of the Englishman vanished, like a dream. But instead, when you turn again, the tinted window of his car is down, and he's looking mischievously at you. "Already caring for me? that's new, Ten Hag".
"Go away, Mount".
Hearing the door open, just a few seconds after seeing Mason's car disappear from your street, makes your blood turn cold. The piercing question from your father doesn't make things better. "What are you doing over there?". There’s nothing you could possibly say that will convince your father, and saying the truth isn’t a possibility right now; so, instead, you defuse the question. "Nothing, nothing. Are you ready to leave now?".
The way to Trafford Training Centre is quiet. Your father isn't one to talk much normally, but the silence squishes you until you feel like you're holding your breath. He knows, you're sure, and you’re gonna make Mason pay for it. 
That’s it, if you reach the training ground alive.
"You know, I think Mason is a good kid".
The affirmation is nowhere what you had expected your father to say, so you can’t hide the furrowed brows and defensive tone that comes along with it. "We're in first name base already? Wow, that's new".
The car stops in the red light, and your dad takes the time to turn his head in your direction. He sees your fixed gaze ahead, brows still furrowed, and his head tilts in confusion. "And he's trying really hard to get in your good graces".
"That's not true".
A beat.
"I saw him this morning".
After that, you're left waiting; either, for the disapproving voice in his tone, the yelling, or the pointing out reasons why you shouldn’t be this close to a player, much less someone like him. But instead, he’s silent. And somehow, the silence is scarier.
The air feels thick, and it’s scarily similar to how it feels when a storm is brewing. Hot, too heavy, and like the entire sky is about to fall apart. And a few minutes after, with the car finally parked, and the training center standing tall just a few meters ahead, Erik begins to talk.
“I don’t have a problem with it. Whatever it is”. In other circumstances, you’d laugh at the way he signaled with his hand when saying it, almost like dismissing the entire ordeal, as if he still, so many years after introducing other boyfriends in the past few years -not one that’s worth mentioning, though-, refused to acknowledge that his little girl is not so little anymore.
“I know I always said it’s not a good idea. And I still don’t think it is,” he remarks, but holds a finger up before you can’t argue against what he’s saying, “but, as I said, he’s a good kid. And, most importantly, he’s aware that if he breaks your heart, he won’t play anymore, so-”.
The horror in your eyes must be evident, because he starts laughing before you can tell him off because of his antics. “Dad!”.
“So, you can go out with him. Just don't break his heart, yeah?” You can’t even respond because he gets off the car then, taking his things with him before closing the car door. Yes, you come in together, but since you insist on keeping family business out of the club, Erik begins making his way in alone.  “Could really use my star player having a great season".
In the distance, you can see Mason; he’s smiling widely, with a coffee cup in his hand, and standing just by the door. He opens it, to let your dad in, and you shake your head in feign disapproval.  “Right, Mount?,” Erik calls, alluding to his previous statement; the one he can’t possibly have heard, given how far he was when he said the words. Between the three of you, you’re not the only one that knows that it’s a test, so Mason answers accordingly.
“Yes, sir, of course”.
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joonipertree · 10 months
Dad!gojo with teen daughter
People talk AB dad gojo (as they should) but what about...... Teenage girl dad gojo...idk how to word it.
This started when I realized how it's practically fanon that gojo would be a dad that takes his kids side during parent teacher meetings, full on...like if his kid punched someone...that man is buying the child that can't drive a Lamborghini.
So...imagine Gojos daughter being a teen, she goes to normal school because he REFUSES to get his daughter involved in sorcery till she wants to (pisses off so many elderly fucks)
One day, he gets a call (not you because ofc he's her emergency contact, she wouldn't get chewed out right away) and the school complains that his daughter pushed a guy down the stairs.
He's like hehehehe but in front of the teacher he tries to have a straight face (he realised it's easier to look displeased.)
"As you know, Mr Gojo, it's just not acceptable for violence to occur like this. We take it very seriously and while we aren't ready to expel her yet, suspension is more so on the table. Now, you yourself can do what you must for disciplinary actions but we advise---"
Gojo held up a palm at the principal, looking at the man from above his sunglasses. He blinked sassily before turning towards his pride and joy, who was slumped on the chair and looking at the ceiling.
"Tell me what happened, bubba."
His daughter melted with a sigh of relief and looked at her dad, his piercing blue eyes staring back at him. He much preferred if she had gotten your eyes.
"Dude was tryna look up my skirt so I kicked him."
Satoru's eyes hardened but there was a grin on his face as he ruffled his daughter's hair.
"Good job, honey. What's the school planning on doing about that?"
"Jack shit."
Gojo finally looked back at the principal, glare hard and the smile without any positive connotations to it.
"Well, Mr Gojo," The principal spluttered, "The boy broke an arm! It could've been worse if he hit his head."
"Oh it's going to be worse when I'm done with him. I'm guessing the parents aren't planning to sue cuz they heard my name? Yeah, good for them. Now, just for you not doing shit....I'm gonna make sure that you never work in a school setting ever again. And I'm taking my daughter on an early summer vacation to the Maldives. Don't fuck with my daughter ever again, you hear me?"
And with that, he left with his daughter skipping next to him....clinging to his arm while she stuck her tongue out to her now ex principal.
"Can we get ice cream on our way home?"
"You read my mind, sweet pea."
When you came home to your two delinquents eating ice cream, you asked why their suitcases were packed but didn't have a chance to complain when they lugged you into a cab to go to the airport.
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haesunflower · 1 year
meeting the parents with zb1
genre: fluff
pairing: reader (gn) x all members of zerobaseone
about/tags: zb1 is introduced to your parents for the first time
cursing in some, yujin is here platonically, family dynamics, bullet point reactions
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⠀⠀ kim jiwoong ⠀⠀
is so confident lol and has every right to be
during dinner, one of his hands lays flatly on your leg because you keep nervously fidgeting in your seat
he doesn't get why you're panicking because it's going so well
you're just nervous because you've never introduced anyone to your family, as jiwoong is your first serious adult relationship
while you're washing the dishes with your mom, jiwoong overhears your conversation and finds out he's the first boyfriend you've ever brought home
"but for the record, i think he's perfect for you y/n."
"i didn't want you to meet anyone i'm less than sure of, jiwoong is definitely the one mom"
⠀⠀ zhang hao ⠀⠀
is a fucking nervous wreck
literally can't think straight and scared he'll say something stupid
so at first, he doesn't really talk at all
you softly squeeze his hand from under the dinner table, just to let him know he's supported
your mom ends up really liking him and tells him he has a gentle soul
"that's one of my favorite things about him, mom"
looks at you fondly smiles
across the table, your parents are reminded of a young version of themselves
⠀⠀ sung hanbin ⠀⠀
is so helpful oh my god
literally sets up the table and helps your mom carry the cooler to the garden
even helps figure out how to work the grill with your dad
your parents are impressed to say the least
your mom whispers to you, "you better marry that one"
hanbin is busy sharing a beer with your dad, toasting to the grill that was now working
he looks back at you and gestures for you to come closer to taste the meat that was grilling – makes sure to blow on it so it's not too hot before feeding you
you're chewing happily, and hanbin is smiling at you with his eyes
⠀⠀ seok matthew ⠀⠀
he is quick to become friends with your dad
they bond over conversations of sports teams and weightlifting, and they disappear into their own world
the rest of your family arrives for the pool party
your dad and mom are throwing water balloons at each other when matthew giggles from beside you and says "that'll be us one day y/n"
you're distracted by his sweet words you don't even realize both of you are being pushed in the pool by your younger siblings
matthew pretends to look offended and starts to playfully chase the culprits
you're smiling to yourself because you can't believe how easily he fits into your family
⠀⠀ kim taerae ⠀⠀
your parents already knew taerae
he grew up next door and was also your first boyfriend
it was literally no problem, no issue 100%
when you wake up at noon, taerae is already dressed and helping your mom prepare for dinner
you're just like./??? when did you get here?
your mom calls you lazy and says she is grateful to have a son-in-law like taerae
he smiles widely at the word son-in-law, dimple on full display
you don't say anything, instead you stand next to him to quietly assist him
the whole thing feels domestic, but you're not complaining
it feels right :)
⠀⠀ ricky ⠀⠀
he ordered flowers in advance for your mom & expensive whiskey for your dad
covered up his tattoos and wore his hair down to look less intimidating
even asked you if he should just dye his hair natural color because he was scared your parents would HATE him
you kept assuring him there was nothing to worry about
ricky is perfect so he nailed it obvi! he didn't show an ounce of nervousness and kept his cool the whole time
your dad jokingly asks him if he should also bleach his hair blonde
you all laugh at the dining table as your mom hits your dad playfully
(your dad isn't joking) (in fact asks ricky to bleach it for him)
you wake up the next day to texts from your dad, it's a selfie of him getting his hair done by ricky
⠀⠀ kim gyuvin ⠀⠀
you're scared that your dad will scare the shit outta him
and for the record, he did
"h-hi sir, it's n-nice to meet you sir" while bowing literally too many times
gyuvin feels like his face is frozen in a forced smile as your dad asks him all sorts of questions about him ,,,, it feels like a job interview
he relaxes when you start drawing small circles on the back of his hand
in the end your dad says "okay you pass, you're pretty decent"
gyuvin takes it as a win and just breathes out a sigh of relief
you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and while you're gone, your parents sincerely thank gyuvin for making you happy
gyuvin in return thanks them for raising such a wonderful person, and tells them that "loving y/n is the easiest part of my life"
you didn't actually use the bathroom, you just wanted to know what they'll say without you there :') you're soft now
⠀⠀ park gunwook ⠀⠀
is literally so prepared he STUDIED what your parents like by stalking their facebook and took notes while asking you detailed questions about them
just in case, made a whole speech to answer the question "what do you like about y/n?" (he didn't end up using it but he came prepared!)
lol the usual, everyone loves him
your mom barely acknowledges you during dinner and serves gunwook all the best parts of the steak, literally no one hears you ask for someone to pass the potatoes bc they're so engrossed in conversation with gunwook
gunwook hears you though and happily serves you a heaping, whilst responding to your dad's question with ease
your mom smiles at the interaction
at the end of the night he proudly says "i think your parents like me :D" and he's so cute because he looks so satisfied with himself
⠀⠀ han yujin ⠀⠀
(friendship only)
during your recital, your parents think he's some sorta dancing prodigy
which is true because he only started dancing a year ago
at the lobby, you and your parents bump into yujin and his family, and they commend him for doing so well during his solo
when you get home to check the footage from the recital, you're barely in any of "your videos" because it's 70% yujin -_-
A/N: work is killing me guys, i don't know when i'll be able to sit down and just write huhu
taglist: @aleiamk @dwcljh @honghongbri
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tatesdiary · 2 years
No more
Summary Tate comes up to see you after your dad told him he couldn't be his psychiatrist anymore.
tags you know everything about Tate etc., cursing, you're Bens & Vivien's daughter
word count 675
Tate Langdon x f!reader
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"I don't understand him, you know? Like, I finally got a friend - which they've been pushing me to do - and then he wants to get rid of you?" Huffing you fall back against your pillows, angered at your dad's lack of understanding.
"I mean I kinda brought this onto myself," Tate mumbles, his eyes still a little red from his crying earlier. "No," he flinches at your loud tone and you get up from the bed, instead standing between his legs.
"Just because he couldn't handle that we're in a relationship he's being unprofessional. Wow, you definitely brought that on yourself," the sarcasm in your voice is palpable.
He sighs and leans forward, his head resting on your chest and his arms looping around your waist. You bury a hand in his soft hair, playing with it the way he loves.
"I don't know why you stick with me. You know all the things I did, how can you not hate me?" His voice is shaky and you almost crumble when he looks up with his big doe eyes.
"I don't think it's okay what you did. I told you before. But you have to stop thinking it's all your fault, when this house and the other ghosts had a huge part in it. And you've gotten better, too," he smiles a little and you melt - letting go of him and laying back down. "Come cuddle me. Also, I'll talk to my Dad later."
He nods and kicks his shoes off. When he lays down you take him in your arms, knowing he loves being the little spoon (when you first found out you couldn't hold back cooing at him).
He sniffles a little before his breathing evens out, holding your hand tightly to his chest while sleeping.
When you're sure he's in deep sleep you loosen yourself from him, closing the door and searching for your dad.
You find him still sitting in the chair, seemingly saying goodbye to another patient.
When she's left you speak up, "We have to talk." Is all you say and sit down in the place of one of his patients. He looks surprised but nods and sits down in his leather seat, "What's up?"
"Why'd you send Tate away? He told you a million times he doesn't want to be treated by anyone else and he's obviously been through a lot. Why the fuck would you tell him to leave?"
His expression turns stony and he sighs, "(y/n), you know he's dangerous, he can't stay here. And he talks about you in a way I'm not comfortable with."
You laugh humorlessly, "Oh, so you can't deal with him? A teenager? Isn't that, like, your job? Get your shit together, ever since you cheated on mom and got that girl pregnant you've been letting it out on everyone but yourself." Rolling your eyes you get up, ready to leave. You knew that's not the way to talk to your parent, but he behaved like everything was resolved around him and like his actions didn't hurt anyone.
"Stop believing everything's gonna turn out great. You ruined this family. It's your fault, get it in your head, Jesus. And start treating Tate again, you can't stop me from seeing him anyway."
Sending him a last glare you push yourself up and leave, seeing the very boy you just talked about sheepishly leaning against the railing. With an embarrassed grin you walk over and lean against him, his arms going around your waist.
"It's so sexy when you're mean," he says and you gasp before laughing, hitting his chest weakly. As you're about to answer the door from the living room opens and your dad comes out, stilling when he sees you both.
Before he can start scolding you again you take Tate's hand and pull him back to your room.
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yakumtsaki · 11 months
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-Oh Sunset, I'm so lucky to be in a loving relationship with such a kind, loyal and non-criminally insane person such as yourself!
You're so on the money, buddy, the only thing you missed was 'sexually repelled by cousins'.
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She's right, Ty, and to top it off your last name isn't Union, it's like you're not even trying!
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Bruh.. This chain of interactions from the hugging to the insulting to the making out took place in about 1 minute, I can't believe Stacy and Julian of all couples produced Sunset. Why can't you be more like your parents?? They were my cutest, healthiest couple ever!!
-They only thing they cared about having sex 50 a times a day! Aunt June basically raised me!!
Omg I'm looking at the pics of the spare updates I never posted because I suck and YA SHE DID, that explains so much, June is truly the platonic ideal of the hot-batshit combo.
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Speaking of batshit-
-And hot!
If you say so, Barth is putting the moves on Marla Biggs, whomst we last saw when June (there she is again) used her to dump Erik-
-Yes, and that one wolf whistle from June turned me gay for all eternity, so don't even bother!
-UGH. So I guess I have no choice..
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-..but to sleep with another one of my second cousins! -Oh Barth, I can't believe this is finally happening!!! -I know, Cyan, it took way too long!
We've been here for a week.
-Don't worry, nothing will interrupt this magical moment-WHAT THE FUCK I'M BEING CHEATED ON GOTTA RUN SORRY CYAN CATCH YOU LATER
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Ok apparently I was laughing too hard to take a decent pic, but yes, BARTHOLOMEW CAUGHT HIS COUSIN 'CHEATING' ON HIM AS HE WAS HOOKING UP WITH HIS OTHER COUSIN. I HATE MY GAME.
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I gotta hand it to Ty, he's in it to win it, whatever it is one could possibly 'win' when it comes to Sunset.
-Oh Sunset, you're the queen of my heart! -Gross!🥰
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-Aw baby, I love spending all our awake time woohooing and doing nothing interesting, huhu!🌞 -It really is the best, thanks to your horrific LTW we don't even have to try! It's so awful people are bound to vote for us just to watch the trainwreck!
Ya I wish I had a counter-argument but you two really have this thing figured out, even I wanna watch me have a mental breakdown trying to raise your 6 asshole kids.
-Our kids are not gonna be assholes!🌞
LOL YA OK MEADOW, whatever helps you sleep at night.
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-Meadow and Felina are not the only ones with a perfect relationship! Britannicus and I are also deeply in love!! I'm writing a novel about it as we speak!!!
Jimmy no offense but I literally forgot you live here and I can barely remember who Britannicus is half the time.
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Oh Britannicus here you are, thank God, you're so indispensable to this legacy!
-All you main-houser bitches look down on me but I have a lot to offer!! I'm grandpa Gunther's heir!!!
Of course you are, now give us the pizza so the people who matter don't die.
-I'll show you! I'll show you all!! >:(
Yes yes, it's been lovely catching up-
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-and now it's time to get serious and break Cyan and Barth up! Hit us with your best shot, Marg, we've been on a winning streak lately with those matches, please don't go back to Cyn's leftovers.
-Got you, say no more..
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-Here's Kennedy Cox!
-Well it's very hard to find someone Cyneswith hasn't banged!
Ok ya that's very true but Cyan is understandably like 😬 so let's try this again, here's another dollar.
-Alright, you didn't want Cyneswith leftovers..
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-How about Sandy the Zombie leftovers??
I hope I don't have to explain to you why that's SO MUCH WORSE
-And I hope I don't have to explain to you that you get what you pay for when you give a dollar for a date!
Fucking touche, Marg, get out of here.
And now for another sequence of events so absolutely ridic I'm just gonna describe it with no dialogue:
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So I send Cyan inside to check the college directory thing and see what available bachelors we might booty call up, but there's no one that I like for her so I send her back out to ask Margaret for another dollar date-
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-once outside, we find BRITANNICUS SERENADING BARTHOLOMEW, to which Cyan has no reaction as she's probably too shocked-
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-poor dumbass loved up Jimmy has no clue and is inside getting high-
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-Cyan asks Marg for another date as Barth is performing the Second Cousin Vagina Monologues-
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-Margaret gives us Neon Vest Zomb AGAIN and I'm like wtf-
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-at which point Britannicus, who just one moment ago was serenading Barth, WOLF WHISTLES AT CYAN-
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-I told you! >:D
Ok you know what, at least with this I feel we have peaked and there is simply no way the situation in this house can get more insane and degenerate-
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-Think again!
-I know but there's something almost genetically inherited drawing me to Cyan! -Yes, It's almost like our parents were into each other but there was some invisible force separating them!
-Oh please, it was the extended family mod and we no longer have to function under its oppression!
NOTHING IN THIS HOUSE IS REMOTELY FUNCTIONING. You know what, enjoy this while it lasts because I'm breaking every single one of you mofos up, istg I feel like I'm fighting the Hydra, I chop one semi-incestuous head off and two others pop up. WELL I'LL WIN LIKE HERACLES
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I'd like to end this disgusting update with this image of the rose Ty left for Sunset next to the flaming shitbag Neon Vest Zombie left for Cyan. What is this world coming to that men no longer appreciate you cheating on them with 2 of your cousins during a date?? Chivalry is dead!
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theslvttysimp · 1 year
MC Goes on a Rampage
This may be oddly specific, but this will soothe my soul. I hope this helps to whoever can relate.
Scenario : You are an MC who just got off the phone with your parent in the human world. You don't have the best relationship with them due to their poor choices and never really saw eye to eye with each other. You've had enough of it and you go on a rampage destroying stuff in your room. Your favorite demon comes in to see what's going on. You decide on what parent MC is talking about.
LuciferXmc, MammonXmc
TW: Violence, mental breakdown, throwing items, punching, parental troubles, blood, cursing, glass shattering.
You're sitting on the bed in your room, talking with your parent that's in the human world, trying to keep in somewhat contact with them. You thought moving out of their home when you were of age would fix the relationship with them, but of course it didn't. Your parent is on the phone talking their usual bullshit, lying, putting words in your mouth, guilt tripping, and talking shit about your loved ones.
" You know what?! FUCK YOU!" You shout in to your phone as you hang up. You scream on top of your lungs in anger and throw your phone across the room. As you're scream-crying, you stand up from your bed and go to your dresser. With one clean sweep of the arm you knock over everything that was on it's surface. In a fit of rage, you start punching your closet door, cursing at your parent about how tired you are of their behavior.
~ Lucifer hears screaming coming from your room and barges through your door. He sees you angrily punching your closet door with tears pouring down your face. "MC!! STOP!" Lucifer shouts as he walks to you.
~You ignore his demand and move on to your nightstand, throwing a cup of water that was resting on top, causing it to shatter against the wall. "Why can't they just be a fucking normal parent for once?! Why do they treat me this way?!" you cry as you throw more items. Lucifer eyes widen, finally realizing what your episode is about. He remembers reading in your report history that you had a rocky relationship with one of your parents. " MC! I need you to calm down! You're going to harm yourself, dammit!" He dodges another flying object, just barely missing his head. You didn't mean to almost hit him, of course. He understands you're blind with rage and you're hurting.
~ With you still ignoring his demands, you begin punching and kicking your wall, causing your knuckles to bruise a deep shade of purple. Lucifer decided to grab you buy your arms and make you face him. " MC! I SAID STOP!" he shouts in your face, having a scared yet stern look on his own. You try to loosen from his grip, ultimately failing due to Lucifer's demon strength. "Why can't they just be normal?!" you sob. You go limp in his grip and lean against his chest, gripping his shirt with both of your fists. You bury your face in his chest and being to wail. "I'm so tired of it! Why do they put me through so much!".
~ Lucifer lets out a sigh, thankful you stopped punching the wall and hurting yourself. He walks you over to your bed and you both sit together. He holds you in his arms, rubbing your back as you cry it out. " shhh...shhhhh... it's okay... You're okay." he shushes, trying to calm you down. He lets you cry on him, not caring about the tears and snot on his shirt. When you calm down, he pets your hair gently with his gloved hand. In a quiet, soothing voice Lucifer asks, " What happened, MC? Do you care to discuss it?". You explain to him the phone call you had and the troubles your parent has always put you through, and today it was just too much to handle. You apologize for the mess you made in your room, promising it won't ever happen again.
~ Lucifer has a soft smile on his face, he unwraps his arms that were around you and gently grabs your hands. He softly kisses the bruises on your knuckles. He places his hand on your cheek, wiping a tear away with his thumb. " Promise me you will come to me if you're ever upset. I don't want you hurting yourself. I don't care what time it is, please come to me next time." You nod your head in agreement and hug Lucifer.
~ He helps you clean up the mess in your room. He grabs some ice from the freezer to put on your knuckles to help with the pain and bruising. Though you're calm now, he doesn't want you by yourself for the rest of the day. He has you stay with him in his study, keeping a watchful eye on you. When he sees you become teary eye once more, he invites you to sit on his lap at his desk and has you talk out your feelings to him. No one can deny that this demon has a soft spot for you in his heart.
~ When you get a phone call from your parent, he will be there monitoring the conversation. He will be sitting in the room with you, making sure you don't get overly upset. If he notices you becoming agitated, he will swipe the phone from you and hang up. He doesn't care if your parent gets mad. I guess you can always blame it on poor connection if they ask.
~ As soon as he heard you shout " fuck you", he came busting through your door. " Yo, you good?!" he asks. Once he sees you knock over all the stuff on your dresser, he closes the door behind him and runs to you " H-hey, what the hell ya doin?!". You ignore him and make your way to your nightstand, throwing the glass cup, shattering in to a million pieces on the floor. " Fuck them! I'm fucking tired of it! I'm tired of it!!!" you cry, ripping your posters off the wall.
~"MC!! Calm the hell down!! What's the matter with ya?!" he asks, getting insanely nervous at the rage fit you're in. You turn around and punch a hole in your wall, causing your knuckles to draw some blood.
~Once Mammon sees the hole in the wall and the blood on your knuckles, he runs up to you and pins you to the wall. He gets close to your face and shouts " MC! Snap out've it!". Your arms are to your side, pinning to the wall. You thrash around, trying to break from his grip. In desperation, he grabs your face with both of his hands and makes you look at him. " MC! Stop it, will ya?! Tell me what's wrong!"
~ You give up, becoming weak to your knees. Leaning against the wall, you slide down and sit on the floor, crying the whole way down. He follows you to the floor, on his knees in front of you. " I-I just want them to b-be normal! They talk to me like I'm fucking g-garbage!" you cry, becoming limp against the wall.
~ Mammon's heart sinks to his stomach, " Hey hey hey, it's okay." He says and he pulls you in to a hug, letting you cry in his neck. He keeps a comforting hand on the back of your head, holding it against his neck and starts to rock back and forth slowly in attempt to calm you down. "The great Mammon is here to take care of ya. It's okay, MC." He sits criss-cross on the floor, holding you in his arms. " I gotcha, MC." he says as you cry. Once you have calmed down, grabs your face and looks at you. " Ya feelin' better now? What happened?" he says gently. You explain to him that the phone call you had with your parent didn't end well like usual and today you just became tired.
~ Mammon as a gentle look on his face. " I'm sorry, MC. You don't deserve to be treated like that. Next time ya feel like that, come to The Great Mammon. I promise I'll be there for ya. I don't want my human getting hurt." He pulls you in to a tight hug, relieved that you have finally calmed down. He pulls your legs to his side, making you fully sit on his lap. He rests his head on your shoulder as you return your face to his neck for comfort. He doesn't care how long you both sit there; he feels you're safest in his arms.
~ When Lucifer asks about the hole in the wall, Mammon blames it on himself. He didn't want you getting punished for it. He cleans your whole room for you and wraps your knuckles up in a bandage.
~ He glued to your hip the rest of the day. Even if you have to use the restroom, he will gladly wait outside the door until you're finished. He will also be sleeping in your room tonight as well.
~ When you get a phone call from your parent, he will take the phone and hide it. He's great at hiding things! Why put yourself through the trouble of speaking to them, when you don't have to, and it'll just make you upset?
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starsomens · 1 year
Star hello! Im so sorry about the test love :( there will always be the next one!
how about one where Noah and Y/N have a big argument and hurtful words are tossed, etc. so reader leaves and as reader leaves the house she goes
"Oh and just so you know what I was annoying you about" and she tosses him a test "im pregnant!" and slams the door
now you go 👀
OOOOO I have not done ANY angst here! Here we go!
warnings: language, arguing,
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"you can't keep doing this shit Y/N!" he begins to raise his voice
"Oh my god Noah grow the fuck up! It was goddamn mistake" you said as you slump into one of the kitchen chairs
"It's not a fucking mistake when you do the same shit over and over." he his hand comes down on to the counter "it's so fucking annoying and you wonder why I stay at the studio all fucking day"
"I don't know maybe with some other girls you meet or something" you fire back, not really meaning it but wanting to fire back just as hard
"right, right. Because you're annoying ass has to know what and who I'm with constantly" he turned his back and walked away from you " 'Cause if that's how you feel why the fuck are we even together?" he didn't mean that either, he just wanted to get back at your comment
"Fine." you push yourself out of the chair and head upstairs. Noah following you behind just a few steps away "Y/N what are you do?"
You didn't answer and just started stuffing a backpack you had with your essentials. You grab your charger and push past him and head down the stairs
"Don't just ignore me Y/N, come on" he said trying to reach for your arm. Maybe he was a bit too harsh with his words. He didn't mean any of what he said. You grab your keys and open the door
"I'm going to Y/B/N's, I don't know how long I'll be there but if you really think we shouldn't be together here's your chance to confirm that" you said opening the door.
"Y/N, baby wait I didn't-"
"Oh and if you're wondering what I was so annoying about today," you throw a plastic bag at him, it hits his chest and he catches it before it hits the ground. "I'm pregnant." you slam the door out of frustration. He stood there frozen for way too long just staring at the test in his hand before his legs finally move to go after you.
"Y/N! Wait! Come on let's talk about this!" but he was too late you started the car and backed up out of the drive way and drove down the road "Fuck! Why did I say that?!" he goes back inside and the house is quiet without you there. He takes out one of the tests and just looks at it. He falls on to the couch and really lets it set in
"...I'm gonna be a dad..." he slight chuckle escapes his lips "She's...we're gonna be parents." he pulls out his phone and calls Nick.
"..Nick I fucked up." Noah confesses with a bite to his bottom lip "Could you meet me here when you can?"
"I'll be there in 10"
Make sure about his door no explains what was happening and the newfound news and Nick, being his best friend gave it to him straight
“ yeah, you fucked up”
“ yeah I’m already aware of that. How am I gonna fix that ? she’s pissed off at me.” Nick flicks his forehead and looks at him dead in the eye
” All I’m going to say is you got yourself into this mess. She’s pregnant and the last thing either of you need is for her to be stressed right now. Do you know where her friend lives?”
“ yeah, I’ve picked her up there a couple of times”
“ come on we got a few stops to make before we go and get her” Nick said, grabbing his car keys motioning to the door with his head. It was safe to say Noah had taken some time picking the right things and reciting the right things in his head.
Which was why your best friend had to answer an anxious door bell at around 1:20 am.
“Haven’t you done enough damage?” You friend asked crossing her arms at him, she may like him but whenever he fucks up with you, he also fucks up with her.
“Look i know. I was wrong I just…..I need to talk to her. Please” he really didn’t want to argue and wanted to see you and talk to you. She lets out a huff and calls for you to come over. You come into view with your arms crossed and no emotion on your face. There stood your boyfriend with a large bouquet of flowers, and a stuffed animal in his other hand. with a bag hanging from his hand full of treats he knows you love. You step aside, signaling for him to come. inside. You close the door and your. friend leads into her room to give you both privacy. Noah's sets down the bag on the coffee table and looks at you with his pleading eyes
"I'm...sorry baby." he starts " I didn't mean anything I said. You never annoy me, ever. You're the one person that's constantly checking on me, even when you tell me to take a break I'll still sit there for hours You are never knowing And you know I'm always open to you and you can ask me any question you'd like. There is no one else for me except for you and. now....them." He said as his eyes dart down to your stomach and back up to your eyes.
"Noah.... Maybe you're right. maybe I was being a little too pushy, and I should trust you more knowing that you wouldn't do something like that to me. I was just a little nervous to tell you the news And I didn't know how you'd react hearing it..." you sniff looking away from him
"Oh baby no...don't apologize" he said setting the rest of the stuff down and bringing you into his hold "This was all my fault. I shouldn't have snapped like that you don't deserve that...neither of you" he tested the waters and pulls back to look down at your none existent bump. His thumb grazing over your hips
"Look if you still need time to calm down or just need the space I can come back-" you shake your head and take his hands in yours
"...Lets go home" you gave his hands a squeeze. He grabs your bags and any extra items and didn't let you carry anything even if you offered. Once you were at the car he accommodated your items. He turns to you. He looked like he wanted to say something but opted for just a simple hug and kiss to your lips
"I'm sorry princess. Let's get you both home" he smiles softly and opens the door for you. He gets into the drivers seat and takes you home where you belonged. With him.
「✨Taglist✨」 @lilhobgobbler @cncohshit @vir-tual @tdopomymind @concretenoah @misspygmypie @purple-lili @itsmrsfuentes @fvckmeorchokeme @lust-for-sacher @thescarlettvvitch @cind6547 @ima1986
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ablobwhowrites · 2 years
Well then, lemme just-
You know how some teens try to act all tough and serious so they can look cool and "mature for their age" but in reality are a complete sweetheart (and maybe a scared cat/crybaby too lol) and all of the adults there know this bc they knew/know them since their parents had them? Yeah<3
Reader: Nothing scares me😎, I'm awesome just like that-
Kevin: Oh! Hey Y/N, how are y-
Reader: *high-pitched scream*
When Reader discovered what Bob had done it probably hit them HARD. They thought he was the COOLEST dude on the neighborhood who always gave them free food after hard days at school and would let them hang out at his work when their parents were away, now you are telling them that police discovered that he was a killer?? That gotta be a very hurtful event, especially if you are a kid.
So they kind of created this fake version of themselves to make it seem that they were over it and that it actually didn't affect them, they became this "too cool for school😎" teen who didn't have any feeling besides "chill" and "stoic". Which ends up making some of the people they grew around worried, they know why they became like this but nobody has the guts to confront them about it, knowing how the topic hurts them
Lila: So...do you want to talk about Bob-
Reader: Why would I? I don't care about what happened 😎
Lila: Well then...take your glasses off please?
Reader: 🤏😎....🥺
Bob(after escaping prison) probably wouldn't recognize them at first, only when they start to cry and beg for him not to kill them is when he notices that the teen in front of him is that kid who would always hang around when he was working. At that moment he kinda freezes, he can't believe it! They look so different! He tries to calm them down, telling them that it's only him, Bob! You remember him... right?
They just look so small and sad, there is this voice in the back of his head telling him to hug them and never let go, to comfort them like a parent comforts their child after a bad dream...and that's exactly what he would have done...if they hadn't ran away.
(idk man, just want Bob to be a platonic yandere to this teen who tries to act all tough but is absolutely terrified of him lol.)
(I love when anons or anyone explains and expresses their creativity and I'll make this into head canons with a tad of shitpost)
bob would have books on how to raise a teenager and other stuff. He does go out of his way to get you good animal meat sense you don't really have a wanting for it, which is fine but will the police on his ass and all
Bob does make dad jokes with a mix of cannibal humor in. Plus seeing you try to be cool but in reality a scared little kid makes him feel like a dad trying to raise a toddler who is afraid of their own shadow....he is convinced you are afraid of your own shadow, bob tries to make his house kinda child proof after hearing about how kids (which he kinda feels like you are) get hurt or almost get poisoned by things in the house or around the house so he trys everything to keep you from hurting yourself
He wears glasses....no one can change my mind, and bob does let you make friends. Well after he has you calm down after the fact he is a mass cannibal serial killer in a fucking devil costume, he is not above carrying you plus he wont spoil you a lot just at the beginning so you can at least calm down to know your not going to die....one time you went to go get a drink form the fridge at night and didn't know which fridge bob kept the drink (cause I headcanon he puts his drink and the dead bodies in two separate fridges cause he doesn't want you to get sick or just because your not use to the smell of dead corpses of victims old and new) and you open the wrong fridge and a fresh dead body falls out onto the floor your just use to it and shove the body back into the fridge and forget your drink.
Bob isn't bothered by you being gay or trans, pansexual ect. But he will need to see who your dating cause he wants the best for you....he makes "hi gay I'm dad" joke when you came out because you're his 'kid' and he will try to poke fun at any time he gets the chance, if you want to date two people that's okay but I feel like bob knows we're everyone lives in the town so he will get on his devil costume and go outside to check if your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you and if they are....then oh boy he busting in and kill them.
You guys know when your trying to show your parents something on your phone and they do that looking far away from the screen to see it?....yeah bob has to grab his glasses and does that plus when he's cooking meat he knows how to season and make good ass hamburgers
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joanaa--filipaaa · 17 days
A new beginning - Baji Keisuke & Chifuyu Matsuno
Characters: Baji & Chifuyu of Tokyo Revengers Theme: Sadness, love, affection, anxiety, depression, suicide attempt, sensitive content, new beginning, overcoming.
Word count: 907
Here I am, sitting on the balcony of our building, drowning in my little box of memories, remembering all our moments.
I catch our first photo, when we were 8 years old, making faces at the new camera that his mother had just bought. I remember that that day we had gone to the ice cream store, I bought you, with your allowance, a good strawberry ice cream. You tasted mine and I tasted yours, I can't look at the chocolate ice cream with vanilla without remembering you. I move on to another photo, in this little polaroid we were 9 years old, we were about to enter our new school when my parents had the magnificent idea of taking a picture of us, me crying because I didn't want to go to the shit of that hell, and you were consoling me, saying that regardless of anything you were going to stay with me for all the time, making me feel good.
Another one appears, it was at my 10th birthday party. That photo marked the moment before you sent me with my cake in my own face, me smiling and you already holding the cake, about to get me all dirty, I remember that at that moment I was upset with you, but at this moment I just wanted you to throw my birthday cake in my face again. Another photo is revealed, this one already 13, you in the uniform of the Toman, proud to wear that costume that only brought you problems, and death.
I take the most recent, the one from our last meeting, the one from our first time, the night I gave you a piece of me and you gave me a piece of you, when you made me yours, and I made you mine. Little did I know that this would be the first and last time I would feel you, touch you and kiss you. Already drooling, snot and tears, I tighten our commitment necklace, the one you gave me before you left me.
With your last words in my head, "I'll be fine, just take care of yourself! He thinks that soon we will be together again. I promise you that at night I will make you scream louder, I want all my neighbors to know that you are mine! I love you more than anything Yn, don't forget me… Never." I scream, "I just want you back! I just want you back! I JUST WANT YOU BACK FUCKING BACK! COME BACK TO ME KEISUKE! " " YN! " I hear a familiar voice, but I don't care, I just want to go to my baji's side, I just want to go to his arms.
I run to the edge of the building" Throw yourself down! Go to your boyfriend go! Kill you Yn! Will! Will! Will! " The voices get louder with each passing second, I just want this to end, until a comfort hits me. "Shh, it's okay…"He says grabbing me, pulling me to the ground, far away from the edge, hugging me tightly.
Chi-Chifuyu. I want him.. Back! " "I know, I want him too Yn. But think he's in a better place, I'm sure that right now he's here hugging you, along with me." The boy starts to caress me on my back, making me calmer, only keisuke could calm me down, but now, chifuyu could too, and I'm very grateful for that. "I… I hope he's here now! I wish I could tell you how much I love you! Even after 6 years since that horrible day… I still can't stand the pain! I.. I just wanted to see him one more time… Kiss him just one more time… Play it just one more time.. I'm tired.. "
"He knows that you love him a lot, he also loves you a lot, because he also did that to save you Yn. Now I think it's better to enter.. It's getting cold and a certain girl can get sick! " He says already standing up, taking me along. "Ye-yes"
After calming down, I went to take a relaxing bath, while I dried off, Chiuyu started to make our dinner, until I decided to talk to him about something that was already in my head "Chifuyu?" "Hm?" "Why have you taken care of me since that day?" "Well… Baji, he made me promise one thing. If it ended as it did, I had to take care of you for the rest of my life…" "Ah.. I… I didn't know that…" "Yes.. It was a secret of our own… "I… I would like to live the rest of my life with you chifuyu.. " "Ahh.. Why?! "
"You make me feel safe… As Baji also made me… I feel that being with you is the same as being with baji… " "Oh… Yes Yn, I understand." Chifuyu and I stared at each other and started eating our meal. After we finished, we went to wash the dishes, while he washed, I dried. Our hands would sometimes growl like this, making us blush. Until the specific time our hands touched again, chifuyu grabbed her and looked at me, we stared deeply and then kissed.
Meanwhile, Baji Keisuke sees the loves of their lives start over. Happy and at peace, Baji left for good, thus going to another world, being able to rest, ceasing to wander in the lives of Yn and Chifuyu. Perhaps this is a new beginning, after a long good and depressing chapter has closed.
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yikesharringrove · 1 year
For the longest time, Billy doesn't get why Steve keeps in contact with his parents when Billy was able to live his life without ever talking to his dad after moving out. He's tried exactly two times to see if they could repair their relationship and it's only reinforced that he wants nothing to do with his father. But Steve? He goes to his parent's parties and lets them show him off like some kind of rare dog breed. They call and he comes to stiff, hostiles family dinners and then home again to Billy, exhausted and sad.
Until one day Billy tries to convince him that he doesn't need to do this, that if they make him miserable and he doesn't have to bend over backwards for a scrap of affection and Steve looks at him with heartbreaking, genuine confusion and says "But I owe it to them. It's the least I can do to lay them back. For, y'know. Raising me. And the other stuff."
Steve had tears in his eyes when he closed the apartment door, and Billy knew it was a fucking bad one.
Dinner with the Harringtons was never a fun thing for Steve, but sometimes it was awkward and dull. And sometimes, sometimes it was downright hurtful.
He sat down on the couch next to Billy, curling so his head was on Billy’s lap.
“Baby, please. Next time they call, don’t go. You don't have to go."
Steve sighed, and Billy ran a hand through his hair, stiff with hairspray and neatly styled. So unlike the messy way he's been wearing it for the year they've lived together.
It was nice seeing Steve letting go. Not keeping up with the routines and expectations that were hoisted on him when he was young in a small town, with too-rich parents and too-little self-esteem.
"Bill, you know I do."
"Stevie, take it from me. I think that you'll feel a whole lot better once you're not at their beck and call. They don't care about you. It hurts, but you know it's true."
Steve squeezed his eyes closed, a sure sign he was still holding back tears.
"I can't cut them off, Bill. I can't. Neil, he was, he was so bad, but my parents, they're fine. They're fine, and I still owe them for years of putting up with me."
"You don't owe them shit! Parents are supposed to love their kids. And support them. And make them feel safe. And if you feel like you owe it to them for putting up with you, then they didn't do their one fucking job!"
Steve gently pushed Billy's hand out of his hair, sitting up on the couch to face him.
"It's just not so black and white. My parents didn't treat me like yours did. They paid for anything I wanted, and they let me do what I wanted without a lot of question. They bought my car, and they would've paid for my school, if I had gone."
"Throwing money at you isn't parenting. Loving you, is parenting."
"They love me." Steve's voice shook, and by the miserable look in his eyes, Billy knew even Steve didn't believe the words coming out of his mouth.
"Y'know, you're my family. Right, Stevie? Neil, and my mom. They proved they didn't want me, and they didn't give a rat's ass. You're right, it was easier for me. With my mom, I didn't even have a fucking choice whether I wanted her in my life, or not. But, the way they treat you like some kind of show dog. Like you're an expensive painting they bought in France to impress their friends. They hurt you. And they keep hurting you. And you deserve to be happy."
Billy reached out and laced his fingers with Steve's.
"Don't sell yourself short. I was with you when you cut your dad out. It wasn't easy. And your mom was even worse."
"Don't change the subject." Steve rolled his eyes, which meant he was feeling okay enough to be bitchy. A good sign. "I've said it a hundred times: just because they didn't hit you, doesn't mean they were good.
"Parents insist on bringing their kids into the world, and expect them to kiss the goddamn ground they walk on, just for not leaving them in the woods. They fuck us up, and want us to thank them for giving us a life we never asked for."
"I don't know," Steve said, laying his head back down onto Billy's lap. "The only thing Neil ever did right was have you."
The phone rang on the side table, the brand-new called I.D. displaying Harrington. Steve sighed.
"They're pissed off because I didn't say goodbye to the secretary they conveniently invited to dinner and conveniently sat next to me."
They had a habit of that, inviting some young woman to their dinner parties, as if to entice Steve out of the happy, stable, consistent, (homosexual), relationship he's been in for the past eight years.
Steve stared at the phone, chewing on his bottom lip.
"They'll be even more mad if I don't answer."
"I can't make the choice for you. You know my thoughts. I love you either way."
Steve glanced back to Billy, and picked up the phone.
"Hi-" he was cut off almost immediately. "I know I didn't say goodbye, I had a long drive."
They knew he had a long drive. They knew it was nearly two hours from their place in Hawkins back to Steve and Billy's Chicago apartment. They had nearly times it perfectly to call when Steve would be home.
"Yes, she was very nice." Steve rolled his eyes. "And very pretty. True." Another eye roll. "No, would not like her phone number, Dad."
There was a long pause, and Steve rubbed his eyes, propping the phone between his ear and his shoulder.
"It's been eight years, Dad, and Billy and I are not breaking up. Please stop calling it a phase."
Steven's homosexual phase, they called it.
The few times BIlly's been invited to a dinner party, the Harringtons will be stiffly polite to his face, but Billy wouldn't like to hear what they say about him behind closed doors. Or, maybe he would. Maybe he'd finally give Mr. Harrington the left hook to the jaw he deserves.
Steve looked at Billy, and he reached out to hold Billy's hand. Billy's heart thumped in his chest.
"No, I won't be able to make it next week." He took a shuddering breath. "In fact, I won't be coming around anymore. At least, at least not until you can Mom can show me that you guys actually value me more than-"
Billy could hear the monotone sound of the line going dead.
"He hung up on me," Steve said, his lower lip trembling.
"I'm sorry, Baby." Billy tugged Steve into his arms, reaching around him awkwardly to slam the phone back onto the receiver. "But you are so brave. So brave." He rocked back and forth gently. "You've had a long night. Let's go to bed."
Steve nodded, and they got up to get ready for bed, Steve's hands shaking ever so lightly as he brushed his teeth.
He didn't say anything until the lights were off, and he and Billy were wrapped around one another in bed.
"Thank you, Bill. I couldn't've done that, stood up to him, without you. I love you."
"I love you too. And I love you without expectation."
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Religious Corruption: Our Gentle Sin
Professor!Dave York x Virgin!F!Reader
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Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 12.2k
Warnings: Religion kink, corruption kink, innocence kink, age gap, unbalanced power dynamic, grooming (?), professor/student relationship, blasphemy, vaginal fingering, oral sex (female receiving), panty kink, exhibitionist kink(?), oral sex (make receiving), filthiness with rosary beads, desecration of Holy spaces, daddy kink, baby/little girl pet names, spanking, orgasm denial, loss of virginity, explicit photo without consent, vaginal sex, cum swallowing, mentions of analingus, face sitting, pussy spanking, unprotected sex, angst, heartbreak, controlling parents, arranged marriage, family drama, threats of disownment, derogatory language (whore), children, mentions of pregnancy.
Comments: Now that the truth has come out - you were a conquest for Dave York's corruption kink - it's time to see how the dice fall. Do you go back to what your parents want for your life, or do you let Dave back in?
Co-written with @pedropascalsx
!!Additional Warnings!! - There are themes in this fic that might be disturbing to some. Religion/Power Dynamics/Age Gap - consume at your own risk.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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His calls go straight to voicemail. His texts are rejected. You've turned off the app that allows him to see where you are. You've blocked him. Dave stares at his phone and the ache in his heart is nearly overwhelming. He wants to drive straight to your dorm and beat on the door, demanding that you listen to him but he knows you need space. You need to calm down in order to listen and he needs to organize his own thoughts and figure out how to explain.
Sitting down at his computer, Dave opens up his official school email and starts to type.
I first want to tell you that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you and making you cry. The only time I like seeing tears on your pretty face is when you are overwhelmed. Feeling good and I know you were not feeling good when you left tonight.
You were right. It started out as a conquest. Your virginity was a prize for me to claim. I never have been a moral or righteous man, you have to know this. Why else would corrupting you be so sexy to me? Why would making you break all the promises you made to your parents, to yourself, to God, be such a thrill? I guess you are right. I am evil.
But.....something changed. I know you saw the girls before you. The other 'good girls' that I corrupted. They were....victims of my own sins. They were prizes that were tossed away when the innocence was gone. If you read the book, you saw that I wrote a lot about them and there is very little that has been noted about you since the day I took your virginity. It's- I stopped writing because I - fuck, I don't even know why, really.
I realized yesterday that I had stopped. That it had stopped being a game for me. I brought you home. None of the others were ever allowed to spend the night, to stay with me. I never wanted them here. I kept the journal at home because they were not there and I just- didn't feel the need in writing down everything that I had done with you - to you.
Please talk to me. Please give me a chance to explain in person. To apologize. I owe you an apology, baby girl. I will get down on my fucking knees and beg for forgiveness if you will just talk to me. To let me show you that it's not a game anymore. Honestly it might have never been. I don't know. I just know that I hate myself right now, I hate that I hurt you and I hate that I can't pull you into my arms and hold you.
Talk to me, scream at me, hit me, I don't care. I deserve it. Just....please believe me when I say that I love you.
He stares at the email. Unhappy with how inarticulate he sounds, how badly he conveys his emotions in this. It's hard to try to write what he is feeling when all he wants to do is pull you into his lap and promise you with his kisses that you mean more to him than just a page in a trophy book. That he needs you to be happy. Dropping his head to his hand, Dave rubs his eyes, watery and red, and looks back at the email again. 
He knows you might just bin it. So instead of hitting send, Dave saves it as a draft and closes his laptop. He'll talk to you tomorrow in class.
The second you climbed into the uber you had blocked his number, not wanting to hear his excuses, not wanting to be suckered in by the man you know you love. The man you know could never love you.
You sent an email out to the Faculty supervisor advising that you didn’t feel Dave's class was for you and that you’d be dropping it from your timetable immediately. 
You began sobbing again as your uber pulled up outside your dorm, the driver shot you a reassuring look as you climbed out. 
You took your time approaching your building, not wanting to be back in the cold and lonely dorm room you had rarely stayed in the past few months. Only really staying when Dave had to speak to parents or had a faculty meeting that would be running late. 
It’s weird. That’s the first thought you have as you open the door to your room, it feels like home. But not the one you had made at Dave’s. The one you spent years growing up in, cold and lonely, too scared to make too much noise and too anxious to ever feel comfortable in. 
You trace the crappy wooden desk with your fingers, your bible, rosary and cross tucked neatly in the corner. Gifts from your parents that have since that been used as props in the depravity you played out with him.
‘What did I do?’ you murmur out loud as tears drench your puffy cheeks.
A week. That’s what you gave yourself, a week of no classes, a week of living off sandwiches and only showering when you couldn’t put it off any longer. Lying comfortably in your bed with your phone switched off and making no effort to contact the outside world, apart from when you switched on your laptop in midweek and ordered an insane amount of food from instacart to be dropped off outside your door.
You wondered if he tried to call, you wondered if he’d noticed his number was blocked. And then you started to wonder if he’d simply moved on to the next girl. That particular thought makes bile rise in your throat and threaten to spill out across your bedsheets.
Dave didn't sleep. Tossing and turning all night, he was on his phone every fifteen minutes. Checking to see if you messaged him, if he had missed a call. Several of his own texts pinging back as undeliverable since he was blocked. He had almost gone out to buy another phone to try to talk to you but decided against it. You wanted space and he decided to give it to you even though he hated it. 
He doesn't see the email until he is nearly ready to leave for campus. The Faculty advisor for the freshman class, your class, with an email title containing your name. 
Making him sit down and listen to his heart pounding in his ears as he clicks on the email. Disappointment, heartache and anger at himself swirling in the pit of his stomach as he reads that you are dropping his class, effective immediately. 
Shit. Dave shakes his head and snaps the laptop shut. Needing to talk to you, he stops himself from going to your dorm and beating on your door. He'll give you a week to calm down. You deserve it after what he's done.
A knock at your door pulls you away from the book you’re half paying attention to. ‘That was quick’ you think to yourself, assuming that it must be the driver dropping off the Oreos and Jalapeño Cheddar cheetos you had been craving. You quietly creep towards the door, and peer through the peephole. ‘Fuck,’ you mouth as you slowly move back away from the door.
An entire fucking week. It's how long it's been since you walked out of his house and of his life. 
Dave is fucking miserable. Hating how he keeps looking for you in class, despite knowing that you've dropped it. Deandra tapping on his fucking door during office hours and raising his hopes only have them die a swift death when her overeager and too cheerful face pops in the door. He's come close to canceling classes all week, but he would have to explain that to the department heads and what could he possibly tell them?
He's rearranged his house. Driving the two hours out of town to where he would take you shopping. Far away from the college and anyone either one of you could possibly know. You love window shopping and imagining. A swivel chair, one that hangs off a base and allows you to spin around completely had been your favorite and you often moaned about having enough money to buy it. Telling him in detail exactly where you would put it in his home. It now sits right where you wanted it. To the left of the table where he sits to grade papers. It lets him imagine you sitting there. 
Now, he's caved. Standing in front of your dorm door. Knocking quietly and praying - despite the fact that Dave York doesn't pray - that you will open the door and talk to him. He's not even seen you around campus and he's worried. Unable to ask anyone who knows you without making it seem suspicious, apparently both of you had been very good at keeping your relationship hidden. 
He shuffles slightly, reaching out and knocking just a bit harder, more insistently. Listening for any sounds of movement from within the small space.
You’re not sure if you want to open the door to slap his face or just smash your lips against his. Why is he here? And what more could he possibly want from me? 
You quietly creep back into bed, pulling the covers all the way over your head and fighting to keep the tears threatening to spill down your face at bay. This week has been filled with tears, anger, upset, reasoning and being unable to hide from the fact that you’re completely and utterly in love with a man who set out to ruin you from the second he saw you. 
And now he’s here, just a few feet away.
He makes himself look like an idiot. Several students study him curiously as he stands outside your door but they don't say anything to him. Still he waits, knowing that if he says anything, you won't open the door for him. 
Finally, another person comes up the call, bag in hand. Hustling with the energy of someone who is trying to get things done, they barely glance at him before they check their phone and look at the number on the door and drop the bag on the handle. Stepping back and taking a picture before turning and walking away at the same impatient pace. 
Of course, Dave is curious. Finding Oreos and Cheetos in the bag, he's miffed you aren't eating properly, but he's happy you are at least eating. Instead of staying, making you open the door to him in order to get your food, he gets the message. You don't want to see him. Sighing softly, Dave puts the bag back on the door handle, a little heavier with his own addition and turns to walk away - kicking himself for being responsible for all of this.
You’re not sure how long you stay hidden under your blanket, but the knocking had stopped at least fifteen minutes ago and the chime from the laptop had informed you that your delivery was outside. 
Slowly you sit up, before taking a deep breath and wiping your cheeks with the backs of your hands.
Eventually you take small steps towards your door, peering through the hole and seeing an empty hallway. You open the door and quickly grab the bag hanging from your handle. 
You empty the plastic bag over your bed and raise your eyebrow at a package of sugar cookies that you never ordered, cookies you recognize as being from the grocery store you two would go to out of town. Where he’d hold your hand and insist on paying for whatever ingredients you had loaded into the cart for the meals you’d cook.
You pick up the plastic casing and turn it upright and what you see makes your heart stutter. Your breath hitches and a fresh stream of tears spring to your eyes.
A polaroid clearly taken from his kitchen of the pink velvet swivel chair that you absolutely adored sitting in every time you went to that store. You can feel the plush material on your fingertips now. Two words written in sharpie on the white frame around the photograph ‘Come home.’
Confusion wracks your body, anger slowly joining it, ‘Why is he doing this?’ you murmur, ‘Is this just part of the game he seemingly loves to play?’ 
‘Enough is enough’ you think as you throw the cookies and the photo in your nightstand drawer, you are going to take a shower and you’re going over there to confront him. He will not hurt you anymore.
Dave hates waiting. It’s something he’s always known about himself but he’s learned it’s especially hard now. 
After leaving the cookies and the photo, he had driven home. Changed into comfortable clothes and started waiting. The blinds open and his phone in his hands at all times, he watches for any sign that you are willing to talk to him, to forgive him.
He waits. And waits. The light from the day fades and you don’t come.
The last two weeks had been miserable.
You had felt more determined than ever to go and face Dave, ready to listen to what he had to say and go on from there.
You grabbed your toiletries bag, and some fresh clothes and made your way down to the showers. Taking the time to freshen up, and think through what you were going to say to him. You’d grabbed the same yellow sundress from the first time you’d gone to his house, not realizing until you’d put it on. You fixed your hair and made your way back down to your room.
The sight of your door slightly ajar sent a shiver down your spine, you knew you had locked it before heading to the showers. ‘Dave?’ you questioned quietly before taking a deep inhale and pushing it all the way open. 
“Where on earth have you been?” your father bellowed from across your room, “We haven’t heard from you for over a week. You haven’t attended classes… We were worried sick.” You  had remained entirely still throughout his ranting and raving, him refusing to let you have a single word in as he went off at you. 
Your mother sat silently on the end of your bed just shaking her head at you repeatedly, “Your father is right,” she eventually said, “We didn’t raise you to be like this. We spoke to your advisor and he’s agreed to let us take you home for a few weeks, we have something important to discuss with you.”
“No,” you call out, “I’m not going… I can’t. I have things to do. I have class—.”
“You have to do what me and your mother say,” your father says with a scoff, “You have ten minutes to pack.”
Pleading and begging your Mother fell on uncaring ears, she simply walked to your door and waited on the other-side. Listening to you sob as you threw some things in a bag, including the cookies and photo from Dave. 
You decided you would text him that night, and arrange to meet up when you returned home unaware of the news awaiting you. 
“You want us to what?” you said in utter disbelief, “I barely know him.” 
A chorus of laughter filled the room as you looked across at the face staring back at you, the grin on his face mocking and slightly bored, “You’ve been in my bible study for six months,” he says nonchalantly, “Our parents agree that we would be perfect together.”
“I-uh, I—.” You attempted to get out a sentence but your father quickly cut you off. 
“To the joining of our families,” he said as the room erupted with cheers, and a ring was hastily shoved down your finger. 
In less than twelve hours you’d gone from being comfortably laid up in your college dorm to being dragged home and engaged to a boy you’d barely spoken ten words to. 
Stories were exchanged about how his parents had met at St Brennans just like yours and now you and Joshua. Tears spilled down your cheeks as they celebrated your impending union whilst acting like you weren’t there. Whilst pretending you weren't silently sobbing at the end of the table, because they were snatching your life from you. 
Over the next two weeks you had been taken for a dress fitting, the dress already chosen and approved by your father, you’d sat sheepishly in a cafe whilst they tested cake samples and your stomach threatened to spill its contents everywhere and you’d been given a date. July 1st.
Despite being an adult and able to make decisions for yourself, your parents had decided you still needed to be punished for disappearing for a week, so they took your phone. Locked it away in your father’s office and refused to give it back to you until the day you were going back to St. Brennans. 
Joshua had informed you that he would be driving you both back with a wink and you wanted to scream.
The drive back was as uncomfortable as you expected, Joshua had gotten into the habit of calling you ‘babe’ and it made you cringe internally every time. You couldn’t understand it, he was so comfortable being pushed into a marriage arranged for him, and so receptive to you being his wife without knowing you.
A twang of guilt built up in your stomach as he went on and on about the life he was expecting for you both, clearly excited to follow in his parents footsteps and you hated that you couldn’t relate. 
He thinks you to be this pure and innocent girl, one who lived to serve Christ but the reality simply couldn’t be further away.
Dave sighs, not even bothering to pull out his phone and check to see if you have messaged him. You've completely ignored him, refused to answer your door the six times he has gone back to your dorm to talk to you and managed to avoid him on campus. 
He needs to just accept that you want nothing to do with him and move on, but he's finding it hard to do. Which is wild considering he was already planning on how to end things when he met you. Starting a relationship that had a finite expiration date and now he was the one that was hanging on like a pathetic sap. Secretly, he believes he deserves it. 
The knock on his door makes his traitorous heart gallop in his chest, although he knows it won't be you. It will be Deandra. Coming once again to flirty and very obviously try to get closer to him. It's making him extremely uncomfortable. To the point where office hours are now taken with the door open when a student is in his office and there is a camera set on his bookshelf to record the interactions. He doesn't trust her and he doesn't want her to be able to say that something inappropriate happened when it didn't. Ironic considering what he has done in this office.
You check your emails the second you arrive in your dorm, plugging your phone into the charger and waiting for it to finally switch on for the first time in weeks.
**RE: Meeting with your faculty supervisor.**
You click the email and see the date and time, and groan out loud seeing you have less than 15 minutes to get to her office on campus. 
You slip on your shoes and grab your key, having no choice but to leave your still dead phone on your nightstand charging. 
The halls are busy, most classes having just ended meaning that the halls are filled with your peers spilling out to make their way to their next classes.
“Oop, sorry,” you yelp as you bump into someone, too busy checking the time on your watch to realize where you were.
Dave reaches out, reflexively taking the errants students' shoulders so they don't fall. His own apology dying on his tongue and all he can do is whisper your name. Shocked that you are here, his heart pounding and his mind racing - wondering why you are here now. He had been trying to get away from his office and now you are running into him.
Your hand instinctively comes up to your chest as you steady yourself, “Hi,” you breath out, unable to ignore the warmth that floods you after seeing him for so long, “I have a meeting with my fac—.” You begin to say, about to ask if he’d meet you for a coffee somewhere or maybe you could go for a drive to talk. And that’s when she bounces out from his office, a smug smile spreading across her cheeks as she sees you.
Dave doesn't even notice that you've stopped talking, that your entire body has stiffened. The sound of his office door closing doesn't meet his ears or register at all. 
You're wearing a ring.
You're wearing an engagement ring. It's not a purity ring. It couldn't be a promise ring. It's a solitaire, a pretty ugly one, if he were to say something. Marquis cut and a tiny chip of a diamond, but it's an engagement ring for certain. 
His heart shatters and it's all he can do not to grab your hand and rip it off your finger. To fling it as far away from you as he can. His vision blurring for a dizzying moment before he blinks and looks up at your face.
“Professor York,” you simply say, voice dripping with venom, “Deandra.” You look at him one more time before pushing past them both and making your way to see your advisor. Feeling the familiar sting of tears welling up in your eyes as you continue onwards.
Shit. Dave's eyes slip closed and he realizes what you thought you just walked into. He shakes his head and calls your name, but you don't turn around. Refusing to acknowledge him. Deandra moves up beside him and huffs, making him turn towards her in annoyance at her ruining seeing you again. 
"What?" He demands, refusing to be nice after she had ruined his one chance to talk to you. Before she had come out of his damn office, you had actually seemed happy to see him. 
"I'm just surprised that she's back." Deandra sniffs, staring after you unhappily. 
"Back?" Did you go somewhere? Did something happen to you? Are you okay? The questions swim in his mind but he doesn't ask them. 
"Yeah, her parents pulled her out for two weeks." She supplies smugly, like there's something wrong with you and she's obviously more superior because her parents haven't pulled her out. Dave wishes they would. "Joshua from the bible study group was bragging that he was getting engaged to her when he went home this weekend."
Dave's jaw clenches, fury flooding his entire body. You were being handled. Forced into a marriage your parents arranged for you to marry a good, 'Godly' boy. Something you had worried about to him while you were in his bed and he assured you wouldn't happen.
Your meeting was a disaster, you could barely concentrate as she handed you three weeks of missed assignments, three weeks of homework to catch up and read out a letter from an anonymous member of your bible study group about how disinterested you appeared to be. How your phone would go off and you’d make a lame excuse and practically run out of the building somewhere. 
She gave you some feedback from a few professors who had been pretty complimentary but made the same comments about your head seemingly being elsewhere else. And then she made a standoffish remark about you understanding where they’re coming from. 
You apologized about fifty times before she dismissed you and you carried the stack of paperwork you needed to catch up on. You weren’t to go to class tomorrow she had said but as she wanted you go concentrate on catching up.
The door of your room swings shut behind you as you throw yourself down on your bed, your phone has finally charged enough to switch itself on and you pick it up and start going through your notifications. 
A few missed calls from your parents as expected, some texts from the kids in your bible study group and nothing from Dave. Which should come as no surprise to you seeing as you blocked his number, but still stings.
‘Probably been too busy with Deandra,’ you grit out from behind your teeth.
Maybe marrying Joshua won’t be as bad as you think. Yes, you’ll probably end up living the exact same life as your mother, and you’ll never be truly happy. 
But you can’t hurt the way you’re hurting right now, if you never let anyone as close to you as you let Dave you repeat to yourself. 
You look down at the ugly ring on your finger and you sigh.
Dave's strides down the hall of the dorm room are filled with anger. Some students recognize him, skittering out of the way. Or maybe they just see an angry older adult and decide to vanish, but he quickly makes his way to your room again. You will talk to him. 
This time he doesn't knock. Grabbing the handle and growling when it turns in his hand. Pushing the door open to your room and stepping inside before practically kicking the door shut behind him. Making you jump out of your skin when he startles you.
You’re in the middle of an essay for your English Literature class, and the door flies open scaring you half to death. Dave strides in the room and lets the door slam behind him. 
“If you’re looking for Deandra, you’re in the wrong building,” you spit at him before he can speak.
He ignores the barb, knowing you won't believe him if he tried to tell you that nothing happened with her. Especially because of your jealousy before. "Is this what you want?" He demands, eyes sparkling with anger. "Really want?"
“What are you talking about?” Completely oblivious to the fact he’s seen your ring.
"Joshua." He spits the boy's name with the same venom that you had said Deandra's. Jealousy drips from his tone but he will freely admit that. He'd confess every sin to you if you would let him. "You're going to marry him?"
You feel your chest constrict as you realize he knows, “How did y—,” you begin to say before stopping, “Why do you even care?”
"Why do I care?" Dave repeats your question and chuckles angrily. "Why do you think I care, little girl?" He demands, stepping closer to you and it's still too far away for his liking. "I waited for you to talk to me, and you- you ran off and let mommy and daddy pair you off."
“Fuck you,” you spit back at him, “Some of us don’t have a fucking choice, Dave. You think I wanted to go with them? Have to sit there and listen as they discussed whether I’d ever been kissed before? Discuss my virtue like it’s the only thing that fucking matters? Have to sob silently at the fucking dinner table as they toast crappy champagne and celebration a union that I don’t fucking want. All whilst the man I lo—,” You shake your head at him again. 
“Clearly you’ve found your next participant, so why don’t you run along and find her.”
"I haven't touched Deandra." Dave hisses, scowling at you and the scene that you've painted of what has happened. It pisses him off and hurts him because he knows you were unhappy because of him. "I'm not going to touch Deandra." Or anyone else. He wants to say but you don't want to hear that. You aren't ready to hear it yet.
“Really?” you scoff, “Not as fun when they’re throwing themselves at you. But I'm guessing that’s technically what I did… Took the other months, didn't it? And it took me days.”
"Shut the fuck up." Dave growls, angry that you would talk down about yourself. He wouldn't let anyone say something like that about you, not even yourself. He shakes his head and glares at you. "Don't talk about yourself like that."
“Why not?” you say with a shrug, “Is that not what you would have written about me when you got bored of me and filled in your little diary of conquests.”
"Fuck this." Dave knows he could get slapped but he doesn't give a fuck. Surging forward, he grabs the back of your neck and crushes his lips to your desperately. Pouring every ounce of frustration and love into the kiss.
You hands float midair as he pulls you into him, his mouth covering yours as he kisses you deeper than ever before, part of you wants to push him off and tell him to fuck himself but a bigger part of you doesn’t, so you don’t, you let him kiss you like he needs it to survive. 
You finally pull away and repeat the six words you’ve said numerous times to your parents and hope that this time they don’t get swept away or completely ignore, “I don’t want to marry him.”
"You're not fucking marrying him." Dave promises you, his hand reaching for yours to pull that piece of shit ring off like he had wanted to earlier. Hating how he has to let you go, but this is important. 
He's gentle with your hand, sliding the ring off so he doesn't hurt your finger but once it's off, it clatters to the floor and he's dragging you back to him.
“You need to explain, Dave,” you say as you place your head on his chest, “You need to tell me why you did it.”
He closes his eyes, knowing that he owes you this. He owes you so much but he at least owes you an explanation. He takes a minute so he doesn’t just kiss you again. "Sit down, baby girl." He urges you softly. "I- I'll tell you everything." His hand slides up and down your back slowly before he lets you go.
You sit down on the bottom of your bed and rest your hands in your lap, “Tell me.”
There's symbolism in the way that Dave kneels down in front of you. Not only so he can look you in the eyes, but he is literally kneeling at your feet. Laying his sins bare in front of the woman he has wronged and hoping that she forgives him.
"You- you were right." He starts off, not willing to insult you by denying it. "I started this out with every intention of taking your innocence. Corrupting you."
Your hands tighten together and he hates the way your breathing hitches. "I- It's a thing- a kink, I guess. Taking someone innocent and pure, virginal and turning them into.....a slut." God, it sounds horrible when he says it out loud.
Dave doesn't touch you, sensing you would recoil if he tried right now. "So when you- when you showed me that you had a crush on me, I chose you." He takes a breath. "But baby, I- I need you to know that it didn't- it changed. It completely changed."
You squeeze your eyes closed, his words making you feel a little dizzy, “When did it change?” you ask, “What makes me any different from those other girls?”
He wants to tell you that it's the night he took your virginity, because that's when it started to shift. At least from what he can pinpoint. But you wouldn't believe that. You would think that he was just trying to say that your pussy was too good or something like that. 
"I don't know." He admits quietly. "I- I never went shopping with them. They never spent the night at my house. They didn't know where I live." He had made sure that there wouldn't be any dramatics brought to his home. "I didn't want them with me all the time. I didn't love them."
“You say that like you loved me,” you whisper back, unsure whether you’re reading between the lines, or if he just admitted to loving you.
"I didn't love you, past tense." Dave whispers just as softly. "I do love you. As in, I haven't stopped." He shakes his head and murmurs your name, "I love you."
“I don’t want to be here,” you admit to him, your hand coming up to touch his cheek, “Take me home, Dave.”
He had thought for a second that you would slap him. He would have deserved it. Your hand on his cheek makes him close his eyes, relaxing for the first time since you had fled his house so many weeks ago. Calling it home makes his heart skip a beat. Nodding, he swallows harshly. "Get your stuff, sweetheart. Whatever you want to bring." He won't assume you want him, he won't assume you are going to his home to sleep with him but he wants you to be comfortable.
You pack a few things, mostly just stuffing them on top of the stuff you already had packed from your trip. Dave picks up the pile of paperwork you need to work on and your laptop, as you bend down and collect the ring he had thrown across the room. Setting it on your desk with a little note simply saying, ‘I’m sorry.’
"Let's go, baby girl." Dave is impatient to get you home. Especially when you told him that Joshua was going to drop by to see how your first day back was when he got done with bible study. He wants to be gone because he will hurt the boy's feelings.
You follow him out the door, pulling it shut but not bothering to lock it. You want Joshua to get his ring back and anything of value is coming with you. You walk side by side with him down the hallway, your shoulder lightly brushing against his as you do so.
"I came by your room a lot." Dave admits as the two of you walk towards the exit. "I- I wrote you an email that night. Never sent it, thinking I would talk to you the next day in class. But-" He doesn't finish the statement, knowing you know what happened. He just wants you to know that he hasn't just forgotten you.
“Can I read it?” you ask as he holds open the door for you, “If you still have it?”
"I do." He follows behind you and looks around to make sure that your fiancé isn't nearby as he guides you towards his car. "It's saved as a draft."
You walk silently to his car, ignoring the confused looks from other students as he carries a stack of your things. He opens the trunk and you carefully place your bags in there and make your way to the front. Sliding in the passenger seat and waiting for him to drive you back to his place.
As soon as he has left the campus, Dave is handing you his phone. "Open the emails and go into the drafts." He has nothing to hide from you and it will allow you to read it while he's driving. More importantly, you would see when it was written.
You don’t want him to see you cry, but with every new sentence your heart aches a little harder, you’re still so unbelievably angry with him and you don’t know how long it’ll take for you to let it all go. “Why didn’t you send it? This was written that day, Dave.”
"Would you have read it?" He asks, looking over at you seriously. "Or believed a word I said?"
“I don’t know,” you admit honestly, “maybe, maybe not.” You look out the window as your complex disappears from sight, and you play with your hands in your lap. A small smile briefly landing on your lips as you get a flashback to the first time in his car. “You bought the swivel chair?”
"Stupid, I know." Dave huffs to himself, wishing that he knew what you were thinking right now. "I just- I needed to imagine you there. It- it didn't feel like home anymore."
“Did spending that much money help?” you say with a small giggle, “It's nice that you were thinking of me.”
"It didn't help, but I was hoping that you would come back and enjoy it." He hums, smiling at the sound of your laugh. He hopes that your good mood will help, since he's not done confessing. "There's something else that I need to tell you." He confesses, looking over you briefly before looking back at the road. "About all of this."
“What is it?,” You say glancing over at him, he’s focusing on the road a little too hard. Almost like he can’t bring himself to look at you.
“You remember all the pictures I took to show you what you looked like?” He asks. Of course you remember. After every filthy, depraved thing that he had done to you, he had shown you how beautiful you looked. Cum coating your face, your tits. The first time he filled your pussy with his ‘seed’. His view when you sat on his face. You bouncing on his cock. All snapped to show you how filthy you were. He loved every single one of them.
“Yes,” you sat quietly, “Why?”
Dave is quiet for a second, the words heavy on his tongue. “I kept them.” He confesses, wanting everything to be in the open. He doesn’t want anything else to pop up and it requires him to come clean.
You nod, not entirely surprised if you’re honest and you lightly tap your fingers against your knees, “Has anyone else seen them?”
"Never." Dave growls out, disgusted with the idea of anyone ever seeing you like that. "I never sent them to anyone or showed them to anyone but you. They were- they are in a password protected file on my phone."
“Okay,” you breathe out, “I- I am not surprised that you kept them. It’s okay. Thank you for telling me.”
He's shocked that you aren't upset. Looking over at you to gauge what you are feeling as he drives gives nothing away. "Do you want me to delete them? I will, I'll let you delete them, go through my phone to make sure I don't have them anywhere else."
“Did you take photos of the others?” you ask, that thought threatening to spill tears from you.
"N-no." Dave shakes his head quickly, unsure if you will believe him. "I never- the first time I took a picture like that was because you wanted to see it and I- it was perfect."
“I remember,” you say, and you believe him. He’d always made it clear that he’d never do anything that wasn’t specifically given the green light and you were confident that he would have had those rules with the others, so you don’t think he’d lie. If he had done so, they would have consented. 
“You don’t have to delete them,” you announce, “As long as they’re safe.” 
"Do you want to see them?" He asks softly. "I'll give you the password. So you can check."
“Yes,” you say, sucking in your cheeks, “I would.”
Dave gives you the password to the file after telling you where to go on his phone. He even gives you the code to unlock it since it's gone dark after you read the email, wanting to show you that he has nothing to hide anymore. The password is your birthday.
A small fleeting smile creeps on your face as he tells you the password. “Mhmm,” you hum, and then you slowly start to scroll the hundreds of photos.
Dave sighs softly at how well you are taking this. Silent as you scroll through the photos that had recorded practically every lewd act the two of you had done together. Most of them were taken in his house, but a few in his office. 
While you had been gone, it had been all he had to keep him sane, another the last two pictures in the album were his favorite. The first was a picture of you sprawled on his chest, fast asleep as you curled into him. The other is when he had to slip out of bed to pee and you stole his pillow to cuddle. Both of them made his heart clench although he hadn't realized why at the time. 
“They are great pictures.” Dave murmurs quietly. 
You hum in response, riding out the rest of the car ride in a comfortable silence.
It doesn't take long for Dave to pull into his garage again, happy to be home and he sighs as the garage door closes behind the car. "We're here." Dave murmurs, looking over at you and wondering why you want to be here. You haven't told him anything about what you are feeling or what you want to do beyond wanting to come here.
“We’re here,” you echo as you unbuckle your seatbelt and open the door. You walk around to the trunk and pick up your bags and he grabs your laptop, leaving the stack of papers in his trunk. You wait for him to start walking to the house before following him, unsure what you want to say, unsure what’s about to happen, but feeling glad to be back here.
Once Dave puts everything down on the table, he's running his hands down along his jeans nervously. "Is there anything else you want to know? Questions you have?" He asks softly. He's off balance right now, the dynamic has shifted and right now you have all the power.
“Not right now,” you say. The swivel chair immediately grabs your attention. He had placed it so close to where he marks his papers that he could reach out and touch you without needing to stretch at all. 
“I’m a little hungry,” you admit, still focusing on the chair.
"Food." He can do food. Nodding, he motions towards the chair. "Sit down and I'll make you something to eat, sweetheart." He tells you, turning back towards the fridge and stove. "I'll make you some breakfast." You love eating breakfast anytime of day and it would be easy to throw together.
“That sounds good,” you say, slowly walking towards the chair, brushing your fingertips across the velvet and then slowly lowering yourself down on it. Swiveling it so it’s facing Dave in the kitchen. You sit and watch him cooking, watching the way he’s focused, measuring the ingredients for pancakes so precisely and mouthing the method as he prepares the batter.
You haven't said that you want to be with him and there is a worry that you are stringing him along to make him twist in the wind for awhile before you tell him that he's fucked up too much for you to give him another chance. He tries not to concentrate on that. "Did you- why did you go home?" He asks.
“I didn’t have a choice,” you say honestly, “I was getting ready to come here. My parents had arranged for me to have time off of school. I tried to say no to them.”
Dave shakes his head, annoyed at your parents for meddling in your life. Taking away the minute freedoms you had since attending college. "I'm sorry, baby girl. I know you had to hate that."
“I had this big plan to come here, Dave, I had so much I was going to say to you. To tell you,” you bite down on your lip to suppress a sob, “I was ready to talk to you.”
"You can tell me now." Dave looks up from the pancakes to gaze at you softly. "Everything you wanted to say. I deserve it."
You look up at him and those big puppy dog eyes, “I was going to tell you that I’m more than just a clergyman’s daughter,” you feel the tears you didn’t realize had built up in your ears start to drip down your cheeks, “I was going to yell at you and tell you that I didn’t deserve it. But mostly I just wanted to see if you were truly sorry.”
"You are more than a clergyman's daughter." Dave will admit that easily. "It- there's also a religious aspect to my sexual appetite." He rolls his eyes and gives a slightly self deprecating sigh. "It has to do with that. I deserve to be yelled at. You do deserve better. So much better than me. But baby, I am sorry.
“I know you are,” you reply softly, “I know you’re sorry baby.”
"I- how much of the book did you read?" He asks, wondering what you remember about it.
“Not much,” you shrug, “Figured out pretty quickly what it was. And seeing my name and the amount of days…” You don’t want to finish the sentence, you simply shake your head and shrug again. Blinking away the tears still streaming down your cheeks.
"Are you ashamed?" He asks, knowing that it's a difficult question. "Of sleeping with me?"
“No,” you say as you stand up and take a step towards him, “No. I’m hurt that it happened the way it did, but I'm not ashamed.”
"I meant what I said." He rasps out. "I- it was always your decision. If you had- hadn't wanted to, I wouldn't have-" He shakes his head. "A few days, a few years - you're worth the wait."
“You would have waited a few years?” you say with a raised eyebrow, “Mhm.”
"Before you?" Dave shakes his head, admitting that he wouldn't have waited. He would have moved on. "No, I wouldn't have. But you? Baby girl, you just- you don't understand."
“I do,” you say quietly as you take his face in your hands, “It’s just gonna take a while for things to heal.”
"I know." Dave knows that you don't trust him, you shouldn't trust him. He closes his eyes at the feeling of your hands on him, grounding him and proving that you are real and here. "But you aren't marrying that twerp." He grunts.
“I’m scared,” you admit as you pepper the lightest of kisses on his lips, “I don’t know what’s gonna happen when my parents find out.”
"Fuck them." Dave growls, angry that they would essentially sell their daughter because that's what they were doing. "I won't let them affect you."
“I don’t want to think about it right now,” you mumble, “And I don’t want you to burn my pancakes.”
Dave rolls his eyes and huffs, turning back towards the pancakes to flip them to the other side. "Now who's bossy?" He grumbles.
“I learned from the master,” you say as you take a seat on the counter, “And don’t forget the chocolate chips.”
"The next one will be chocolate chip." Dave promises, moving over to the pantry so he can get the mini chocolate chips to add to the pancakes.
“I’m going to tell my parents tomorrow,” you say as you pop a handful of chocolate chips in your mouth and swallow, “Worst thing they can do is stop paying my tuition and get me kicked out and drag me home right? They can’t force me down the aisle.”
"They can't force you down the aisle if you're already married." Dave murmurs, plating up a pancake and measuring out the batter for the next one. The idea of you marrying that little asshole pisses him off and he won't let that happen. Nor would he let them control your life anymore.
“And who exactly would I be married to?” you ask, not completely believing what you’re hearing.
“Who do you think?” It stings, the knowledge that you had never even given the idea of a future with him. Hypocritical of him, but still.
“I’ve dreamt of it,” you admit, “Those nights when I was snuggled up on your chest listening to you snore. Me and you. Somewhere far from everyone else, a small courthouse. 
“I don’t snore.” Dave lifts a brow at you, smirking slightly when you roll your eyes at him. “Your parents have no control over me. And I don’t give a damn what they will say.”
“Dave,” you snort, “I’m pretty sure there’s a question you’re supposed to ask me, if you’re serious.”
“You want me to ask you now?” He asks, pointing at the pan. “In front of your pancakes?”
“Are you scared I'll say no,” you say before you whisper, “In front of your pancakes?”
“Yes.” Dave concentrates on flipping the pancake a little more than he probably has to. “I’m a lot older than you, I did a lot of things you shouldn’t forgive me for, some would say I groomed you.”
“Mhmm,” you say, “Some would say I waltzed into your bedroom and started to strip in front of you… old man.”
“You did strip in front of me.” Dave can’t help but smirk. “Spread your legs and begged me to fuck you, little girl.”
“I might need a refresher.” You say with a wink, “Hurry up with my pancakes.”
Dave growls and his cock twitches at your playful and bossy command. “So bossy. Going to spank you if you keep it up.”
“I think if anyone deserves a spanking here right now, it’s not me.”
Dave smirks and moves another pancake to the plate. “Are you saying you want to spank me, little girl?”
“If you don’t hurry up with my food, I might have to.” You sit as you reach over and pull the plate towards you.
Chuckling, he shakes his head and turns to get the syrup and the milk out of the fridge. “Eat up, little girl, I’ll make your eggs.”
You’re all snuggled up in the swivel chair, watching Dave mark a few papers before you yawn loudly, and he immediately turns to face you.
“Do you- uh, want to sleep?” Dave asks, setting down his pen and deciding that he is done for the night.
“Sleep sounds good,” you say with another little yawn. “You all done?”
“I can be.” Dave stands and starts shuffling the papers, stacking them on his laptop and turning to you. “Let’s go to bed, sweetheart.”
He stretches out his hand for you to grab, and leads you up the stairs to his bedroom.
Dave turns towards you once you are in the bedroom. Earlier, you had brought your stuff up here and he doesn’t know what you’ve done with it, but he doesn’t see your bag. Reaching up, he cups your cheek gently and leans in to kiss your forehead.
“Goodnight, baby girl.” He murmurs softly and steps back so he can go sleep in the spare room. He’s not going to push you and just having you under his roof is enough right now.
“Where are you going?” You ask clearly confused.
Dave frowns and turns back to you. “I- you want me to sleep here with you?” He asks, feeling like it would be the last thing you would want.
A small laugh slips through your lip, “You think I want to sleep in your bed without you?” You shake your head before running your hands over your hair, “Get into bed, York.”
“Shut up.” Dave blows out a huff and reaches back to shut the door to the bedroom. Just a habit of his.
“You shut up,” you counter back as you pull off your sweater, and start unbuttoning your jeans.
He smirks slightly, happy to see your spunk showing and he starts to undress. His eyes are fixed on you though, watching you like it’s the first time he’s ever seen your body.
You look up and see him staring at you, “Dave,” you murmur as you step out of your jeans, “Are you planning on sleeping in your clothes? Because I'd much prefer it if you didn’t.”
“I’ll get undressed.” Dave promises you. “Just admiring the view. I’ve missed it.”
“Yeah?” you ask softly, knowing it drives him crazy when your voice is dripping with innocence.
He groans, knowing you will see that he’s already half hard when he pushes his jeans down. “Yeah.” He rasps out, tossing his shirt aside and reaching for the button of his jeans. “A lot, baby girl.”
“Show me how much, Dave.” You whisper after you take off your bra and start to push your panties down your legs.
“Jesus.” He exhales roughly, his movements speeding up a hell of a lot more now that he has permission to touch you.
You lay down on the bed and slowly spread your legs, watching him palm himself through his boxers, “I want you to taste me.”
“With fucking pleasure.” Dave groans, quick to push down his boxers and he kneels on the bed. “I’ve missed the taste of your sweet pussy, tasting you cum for me.”
“Shut up and do it then,” you order as his hot breath ghosts over your thighs.
“Bossy.” He nips your thigh before he winks at you and lowers his mouth to your cunt.
“Don’t tease,” you beg as he places his mouth on your soft flesh.
He doesn’t. He gives you exactly what you want. Slow, thorough drags of his tongue through your folds so he can make sure he tastes every inch of your cunt.
Within seconds he has you squirming beneath him, lapping at you like a man starved as you moan his name over and over again, “please Dave,” you start to beg, desperate to feel release for the first time in weeks, feeling no shame in how quickly he has you on the edge.
You are still so sweet, so innocent and it makes his cock throb. Your body rocking down for more of his touch along with the breathless moans of his name. Dave dips his tongue inside you before curling up to suck your clit into his mouth. One hand letting go so he can push three fingers inside your tight little hole.
You gasp at the intrusion, the stretch overwhelming and simply incredible all at once. He curls his fingers up inside of you as his tongue teases against your clit, and you cum hard, taking the both of you by surprise.
Dave groans, pressing into you harder as the slick of you cum coats his fingers, wanting to make it so good for you. Absorbing all your sounds and basking in them.
“Dave,” you whine as his tongue refuses to let up, continuing to lick your bundle of nerves, despite your whimpering.
Dave just hums, eyes flickering up to watch you squirm. Your eyes flutter and are not able to stay open as you try to not push him away.
“It’s too much,” you whimper as he doubles down on his efforts, flicking your clit with his tongue and thrusting his fingers in and out of your heat and pulling your second orgasm from you with a smirk across his face,  “No more, I just want you inside of me.”
Dave grunts, unhappy that he can’t pull orgasms out of you until you’re a mess, completely melted into the bed. But he’s also aware of the fact that he’s getting a second chance right now so he lets go of your clit and kisses it, groaning at how slick his fingers squelch when he pulls them out of your pussy and shuffles to kneel between your thighs. “You want me inside you, little girl?” He asks huskily, wrapping his wet hand around his cock and slowly jerking himself.
“I need you inside of me,” you say as you wet your lips, watching him slowly stroke his cock. “I want to feel you deep inside of me.”
“Fuck.” Dave doesn’t tell you the truth. That if he fucks you again, he’s not letting you go. Instead, he nods, shifting so that he is hovering over you and smirking as he slides the head of his cock around your clit, teasing it until you whine before he lines himself up.
“Don’t tease,” you beg, desperate to feel him inside you again for the first time in weeks. “I need you, Dave. I need this.”
“I’ll always give you what you need, baby girl.” He vows, slowly pushing his hips forward and dropping his head down to hang between his shoulder blades as he groans out your name.
The stretch of him always makes you wince, a little jolt of pain that promises so much more pleasure. One of your hands comes up to touch his face gently gripping his jaw as he fills you to the hilt. “Make me feel good,” you whisper as you pull his face down towards yours, needing to feel his lips on top of yours.
It’s the best order that he could ever be given. Normally, he would take it to heart, snapping his hips into you so brutally the bed would hit the wall. This time is different. This time the tempo of your slow, languid kisses is the same tempo of his hips. In no rush for it to end, Dave makes sure you feel every second of his cock dragging through your walls as he pulls back, only to fill you again just as slowly.
His slow pace is almost dizzying, every drag of his cock notches against that little spot of paradise inside of you, and you feel consumed by him in the best kind of way. All of your senses are occupied by him, the taste of his mouth lingers on your tongue, the warm inviting scent that is so uniquely Dave fills your nostrils, the soft grunts he gifts to you with every loving thrust flow into your ears, his eyes bore into yours and you feel his soft touch everywhere. His lips capture yours again and the second they part you’re spilling the words that have lived on your lips for what feels like forever, “I love you, Dave.”
Dave freezes. He knows you love him, he’s seen it, he’s felt it. But this is the first time he’s heard the words out of your mouth, directed towards him. 
He lowers himself to his elbows, pushing his arms under your back and gathering you close as he pushes deep. “Marry me.” He begs against your lips right before he kisses you with enough passion to steal his own breath.
“Yes.” You say against his plush lips, before you feel your walls begin to contract around him, your orgasm plummeting towards you both as he rocks himself in and out of you.
It’s perfect, you’re perfect. For the first time in weeks, Dave feels completely at peace, even as the demands of his body mount. Kissing and praising you softly while you tremble underneath him. Panting into your mouth when you are urging him to cum.
“Fill me up.” You say as you feel his cock start to throb against your walls. In this moment you know that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, and despite the fact you have a lot to work through, all you feel right now is safe.
“I love you.” Dave groans out, pushing deep and emptying himself into you, physically and spiritually with the most intense orgasm he’s ever had.
“I love you, too.” You say as you press your lips to his, “I really love you.” He moulds his lips to yours again, whilst wrapping his arms around you, his softening cock still comfortably nestled in your heat as he just holds you. Kissing you with as much passion as he can muster as you run one of hands up and down his spine and gently hold the back of his head with the other.
Dave shifts to his side and then his back, bringing you with him as you both roll over and you sprawl out over the top of him. Like his own personal blanket and he doesn’t want you to move.
You nuzzle your face into his neck as he reaches down to bring the blanket up over you both and you hum a sigh of contentment, “You feel like home, Dave York,” you mumble, voice thick with sleep as you drift off comfortably in his arms.
The two of you are tangled together, sleeping peacefully and would have continued to sleep if it weren’t for the sudden and demanding beating on the front door. Making you and Dave both jump and look around for a second before the doorbell starts peeling out incessantly as whoever is at Dave’s door demands to be acknowledged.
“Please don’t tell me you have a secret wife, I don’t know about,” you mumble as you watch him jump out of bed, and then you hear a voice you’d recognise from anywhere.
The banging on the door gets more incessant and your father’s voice bellows out over and over that he knows you’re in there.
“Shit, that’s my parents” you hiss as Dave pulls on his pants, whilst studying your face, “How the fuck did they find me so quickly?”
Dave shakes his head, wondering if they have tracked your phone. He doesn't say it outloud, but he had been tracking you with your permission, but who is to say they didn't do it without you knowing?
"Do you want to stay here?" He asks, knowing he will deny you are here and demand they leave if you want him to.
“Yes,” you answer almost instantly, “I want to stay with you.”
"No baby, I mean do you want to stay up here and I'll get them to leave." Dave clarifies, knowing that you might not be up for a confrontation with your parents.
You nod as the sound of your dad's banging gets louder and louder, “Please.”
Dave nods, leaning down and kisses you quickly before grabbing his jeans and rushing out of the room as he pulls it on. "I'M COMING!" He bellows as he thunders down the stairs and snatches the door open with the angriest scowl he can pull on his face. "What do you want?" He demands harshly, making the man at the door - your father - abruptly step back at his greeting.
“We are here for our daughter,” your dad announces, before straightening his spine and huffing out his chest, “And we aren’t leaving without her.”
"Your daughter?" Dave looks behind him and scoffs. "Don't see anyone but me here." He turns back, his eyes narrowed. "So I suggest you leave."
You hear your father bellow your name again and you sink under the blankets. 
“We have it on good authority that she left with you yesterday,” your dad challenges back, “And we aren’t going anywhere until she’s coming with us.”
"Lower your fucking voice." Dave barks, furious that your father would disturb his neighbors. He shakes his head, knowing that playing dumb won't work, so he switches tactics. "Last time I checked, your daughter is an adult and can go where she pleases, with whom she pleases."
“Our daughter is engag—.” Your dad begins to yell as Dave takes a step towards him. Seizing her opportunity, your mother immediately pushes her way through the small gap Dave leaves in the door. 
She screams your name, the shrillness of her voice sending a shiver throughout your body, “Get downstairs now, do not make me come up there.” 
You groan as you kick the blanket off of you and roll out of bed. Bending down and grabbing Dave’s shirt from yesterday. You hear Dave yell as your father barges his way into his house, and starts bellowing your name. Slipping on his shirt, you slowly make your way down the hall and to the top of the stairs.
Dave huffs, pushing past the older couple to stand at the bottom of the stairs. A silent sentinel between you and your parents. He can see the abject horror on your parents faces and doesn't give a shit as long as you are okay. "You need to leave." He demands again, crossing his arms over his chest.
The sound of your fathers disgust hits your ears like a tonne of bricks falling right in front of you, “You need to leave,” you echo, “Dave’s right.”
"Dave?" Your mother's voice cut through the air like a knife. "Your professor? You call him Dave? You're sleeping with him!" Her face is a mixture of horror and shame, looking at you like you have killed her.
You make your way down the stairs and stand next to Dave, “I am an adult,” you say, your voice shaky as not sounding anywhere as brave as you’re willing it to, “And I want you to leave.”
“You’re a whore,” your father immediately counters back, “Dressed in his clothes… Sleeping in his bed.”
His words feel like a bucket of ice water being dumped on your head, and you look over at Dave, his face contorted in anger and his hands balling up in fists.
You reach over and grab one of his hands, “Get out of our house.”
You are the only thing holding him back from tossing both of your parents out of his house on their asses. He knows you love them still, despite trying to control your life. "We are going to the school." Your father hisses, righteous indignation pouring off of him in stinking waves. 
Dave barks a laugh and shakes his head, smirking angrily at the other man. "No you won't." He sneers. "To tell them that two consenting adults are sleeping together?" He asks, aware that you could possibly be tossed out for violating the morality oaths the school has. Firing him would be more difficult since he has tenure, but not impossible. Still, your parents won't risk others finding out. Their pride was more important than their daughter. 
"You would have to tell them that your daughter isn't pure. That you failed as a Godly example. People would find out, people always talk. Wonder what kind of house you ran." He taunts, moving his hand from under yours and he wraps it around your waist, pulling you against him protectively. "And you will not talk to her again until you apologize for calling her a whore."
Your mother takes a step towards you and shakes her head, “Go upstairs, get dressed and get in the car,” she orders, ignoring Dave and narrowing her eyes on you, “We can tell Joshua and his family that we found you in a hotel, and this little mistake—.”
“No,” you yell back at her, “You can call me a whore. You can get me kicked out of the college I didn’t want to go to in the first place, but you will not call my fiancé a mistake. The only mistake I’ve made was not sticking up to you both sooner. So leave. Go back home and go tell everyone that your perfect little daughter is nothing but a filthy little whore.”
"Fiancé." Your father bellows in anger, puffing up again. "Your fiancé is the boy we picked for you. Not this, this - man!" He scoffs. "He doesn't want you. He wanted to taint you, to get you to sin. Spoil you for your husband. The girl told us about him."
“The girl? What girl?” you ask, “What are you talking about? And again. I am an adult. I don’t need you to pick a boy for me.”
"You are our daughter!" Your mother shrieks, spit flying from her mouth as she screams at you. "We decide what is best for you, you disobedient child!"
"The girl. The one that said she was in Bible study with you." Your father answers, ignoring his wife's outburst.
“Deandra?” You say with a laugh, “The girl that’s been trying to fuck Dave since the first day of class?”
You turn to face you Mom and shake your head, “Yes your daughter, but not your goddamn property. Just leave. Now. I’m not going with you. I’m not marrying Joshua and I’m not spending the rest of my life too scared to speak up anymore.”
Dave is proud of you, immensely proud of you for standing up for yourself. Looking over at you with a smile and nod of encouragement before he looks back at your parents. "You can leave now and we will talk later on when you've calmed down. Or I will call the police and have you arrested." He tells them, his tone flat and serious. "Your choice."
“If you don’t come with us now,” your father says after pulling your mother back to his side, “You will never be welcome in our home again.”
Dave squeezes your hand and you can sense he’s about to snap but before he has a chance you give your dad a little shrug, “I was never really welcome in the first place.”
“You truly are a disappointment,” your father says as he grabs your mom's hand and leads her towards the door, “When he wakes up bored of you and you have nothing and nowhere to go, don’t come running back to us.”
“Jesus.” Dave strides to the door, making sure that your parents are barely on the other side before he slams it and locks it. Turning back to you with a look of compassion and sympathy as you stand there on the last step of the staircase, looking lost. “I’m so sorry, baby girl.” He murmurs, rushing back over to you to pull you into his arms.
The tears that you expect you start welling up in your eyes, don’t come, instead a wave of relief floods through as you nuzzle your face in his neck, “I love you, Dave.“
“I love you.” He wants to assure you that none of what your parents said will come true. To tell you that you have nothing to worry about, but he will do that later. Right now, he just holds you. Needing you close and letting the relief of you staying with him course through his veins. There had been a moment where he thought you would give into them.
You rest your forehead against his relishing in the feeling of his arms wrapped around you, before whispering “Chocolate chip pancakes?”
He chuckles softly, knowing that you need something comforting right now and he will give you whatever you want. “Pancakes sound perfect, sweetheart.” He kisses your forehead and pulls back to look into your eyes. “Extra chocolate chips.”
[Five Years Later]
The sound of your twin daughters giggling happily fills the air as Dave dumps another bucket of sand in front of them, whilst insisting that he’s going to build them a castle fitting for his little princesses. 
A smile spreads across your face as you finally feel ready to reply to the email that has been sitting unanswered in your inbox for days. 
You rest your free hand on your growing bump and the sun immediately reflects off the gorgeous ring on your finger. You open the camera app and snap a photo of the bump housing your unborn son, your ring, the back of your girls heads and a gleaming Dave staring up at you with the most loving smile splashed across his face. 
You attach the photo and simply type back,
I have all the family I could ever need right here with me, so no, no you can’t meet my children. 
I couldn’t protect myself from you both for so many years, but I will make sure I keep them safe from the hatred you spew under the guise of religion.
Despite everything, I wish you both well. 
Looking up at you, Dave is once again struck by how serene you look. Perched on a lounger with your toes in the sand with the umbrella overhead, you are basking in the warm sun without being overheated whilst looking like an angel in your white bikini. His son on display underneath your breasts. 
Five years since that horrible night where your parents disowned you and left you with Dave, he hopes you’ve never regretted a day of it. 
Marrying quietly at the courthouse, the two of you had very deliberately started your life together. Dave taking another position at a different college, one that didn’t hold bitter memories for you. Your own education now firmly in your hands and he had meant what he said when you would do what you wanted. 
The girls were born three years ago, his princesses, and he adored coming home to you and them every night. Now, the next one - your prince -  is on the way to complete your little family.
Dave has everything he’s ever wanted. Almost. He sends you a small, dirty wink before turning his attention back to the girls. Later tonight, he’ll corrupt you just a little bit more.
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