#'lmao you're so stupid if you think [x] is always true' killing you with my mind daggers I gave specific context one sentence ago
annabelle--cane · 1 year
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when people online discard parts of what I say in order to read into my words as maliciously as possible and then use that incorrect reading to make sensitive and pointed personal attacks
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boyy-wonder-grayson · 4 years
Request: hi! could you do something with #46, #50, and #58 where you’re part of the batfam and the boys are all concerned about the relationship you’re in(being the only sister for the sake of the story) but dick is the most concerned so you argue about whether this guy is right for you and you confess you true feelings for him in the end? i’m so sorry if this is a lot 
Parings: Dick Grayson x  Reader.
Word count: 1940
Warnings: some swearing, mentios of abuse
A/n:  hey guys! i’m not sure how i feel about this one but hopefully the person who requested it will like lmao, anyway sorry for any mistakes and always thanks for reading :)
Based on prompts from this list!
46. Does he loves you the way you deserve?
50. What are we fighting for?
58. I'm forever yours whether you have me or not
Y/n groaned when her body collided with the wet floor. She tried to stand up but moving was too much of an effort, so she stood there listening the cries of the others trying to reach for her. Seconds later Jason was kneeling on her side, tearing her mask off of her face to see if she was okay.
"What the fuck happened to you?" He asked looking for any sign of injures on her face and found nothing more than a few scratches. 
"Nothing,I'm fine. Just help me up" y/n said groaning once again when Jason help her stand up. She was not dangerou hurt, just a few scratches here and there but the force of the fall knocked the wind out of her lungs. 
"Seriously tho, you've been off lately" Tim, who arrived just short after Jason, pressed making the girl rolled her eyes. 
"It's nothing Tim, I said I'm fine" she insisted but the boys knew her better that she thought.
"Is it about Toby? Because you know I can give some piece of min-" 
"Just drop it okay!? Nothing happened I was just distracted and I fell, period" she said glaring at both of them, signaling that she was done with the interrogation.
"Okay, don't get your panties on a twist sis" Jason replied trying to cut some of the tension off.
After a successful - apart from her minor accident - mission the team returned to home longing for some sleep. Y/n walked into the manor feeling a little better than before, but her back was still killing her. Sleep was going to be a bitch tonight. She made her way into her room looking for some fresh clothes to change after taking a shower. She grabbed her phone ready to look for something music to play while showering when she saw that she had five new texts messages and a few missed calls from none other than Tony. She sighed knowing what the texts would probably be about but opened them nonetheless.
'where the fuck are you? I've been trying to call you all night!"
"Seriously y/n answer me right now, you bitch"
"Are you with him? I'm sure you are you fucking bitch"
And the next messages were more or less the same. Every night was something like this. She would go on patrol only to come back home to missed calls and abusive text messages from her boyfriend. Of course she did not tell him what her nightlife was like. Scared to put an innocent person in danger, she kept her secret identity to herself. But as the time passed it was getting harder not to just tell Tony the truth. Tony was a sweet guy, she really liked him at first, but even since he met the boys he's been a little...weird. he became possessive over her, insinuating things that never happened, and he had a special hatred for Dick, for some reason. It didn't help that y/n was closer to Dick than the others. 
But things have been out of control ever since Tony saw them interact together one time over dinner. For Dick and Y/n it was normal to joke around and be touchy with each other,but Tony didn't like that one bit. 
That day was the first time they fought. And god it was awful. She tried to reassure him that they were just messing around like they always did,but Tony was so angry that he could care less about what she had to say.
She didn't bother answering the texts knowing that it would end in a fight, instead she took a long shower and when she was done she got into bed ready to sleep the pain off.
A soft knock on her bedroom door startled her. She was about to fall asleep when Dick entered the room quietly.
"Hey y/n, you up?" He asked softly.
"Well, I am now" she chuckled making the boy smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry, I was just checking in. Tim told me what happened." He said sitting at the foot of her bed.
"I'm fine Dick, just got distracted that's all" she didn't want to tell him about what she was distracted enough to get her ass kicked in the battlefield. She just wanted to sleep it off,like the always did.
Dick hummed in response not really sharing what was on his mind. 
"So...if that's all I'm going to sleep now" she said turning around so her back was now facing Dick.
The brown haired boy didn't moved nor did he answer her. He remained sat and waited a while before speaking again.
"Does he loves you?" He asked in a small voice. Y/n tense up after hearing those words, this was not the first time they have discussed this and to be fair she was tired of it. 
"Dick, we've talked about this…" she said not looking at him.
"Yeah,but does he loves you the way you deserve?" He pressed making the girl pinched the bridge of her nose "I've seen the way you act together, he doesn't care about you y/n, you deserve better than this."
"And what  do you know about love huh? No offense Grayson but I haven't seen you with anyone for a long time. So you coming here and telling me how am i supposed to handle my relationship it's out of place, really." y/n scoffed.
"I'm just trying to make you understand! You're so much better than this! I know how often you and Tony fight,I know you've been distracted these past few weeks because you think it's your fault that you guys fight every day!" He said getting closer to her. " But it's not, he's just an asshole."
"You know nothing about my relationship Dick. You don't get a say in how I feel or what I'm doing. So shut up and please leave. I'm tired and I want to sleep."
Dick sighed, frustrated with this whole situation. He was trying to look for her, but they were not going to see eye to eye anytime soon.
Y/n didn't sleep that night. She spent the night tossing and turning in her bed trying to find a position that would help her sleep,but after five a.m she gave up. It was useless trying to sleep. She grabbed her phone and unplugged it from the charger. She changed her pajamas for some sweats and a hoodie and grabbed her headphones. If she couldn't sleep then she was going to go for a run. 
The cold air of Gotham hit her skin and she welcomed the sensation. She run at least for an hour before coming back to the manor. Before she set a foot on the front porch her cellphone rang indicating that she had an incoming call from Tony. She sighed answering the phone. 
"What the fuck are you doing? Why didn't you answer my calls or my texts. Do you think I'm joking or something?" He screamed at the other side of the line.
"I'm sorry I came late from work and I just passed out on the couch. I saw the texts this morning" she lied, trying to avoid a fight but she was too naive to think that this time it would be different.
"Yeah right, I'm sure you were fucking that guy you call your friend. Honestly how stupid do you think I am?"
"Very" y/n answered without realizing what she said. She cursed under her breath when she heard Tony go off at her on the phone. She blocked it all out. But this time she did not waited for him to stop calling her name's and insulting her family, this time she stood up for herself.
"You know what Tony? Fuck you. I'm tired of you treating me like shit for nothing. I'm deserve more than this, and you deserve to fucking end up alone. I'm done with your bullshit and you. We're done" she hung up not waiting for an answer and entered the house fuming. She was angry, she was furious. She spent so much time trying holding herself back that she was going to explode.
"Hey y/n can we talk?" Dick appeared in the kitchen just after she entered.
"What do you want Dick? Are you coming to tell me I told you so? Are you here to tell me how much I wasted my time with Tony? Because you know what you were right! I wasted a fucking year of my life with an asshole that the only thing he did was tell me I was a shitty girlfriend when I was out every night trying to keep this fucking city safe!" The girl cried out in frustration, tears were welling up in her eyes.
"That's not what I want-" he was interrupted mid sentence when she laughed at him. A bitter laugh that made Dick frowned in concern.
"Oh right, you're above all that right? You're  Dick Grayson! The guy who has it all figured it out. C'mon Dick just say it, I know you're dying to say 'i told you so'" y/n was fuming. She knew deep down that it wasn't fair to lash out at Dick but she couldn't stop. Dick tried to remained calm but the more she talked the more frustrated he got. Before he realized it they were participating in a screaming match. Trying to get the other to shut up.
"Stop y/n! Stop it" he said grabbing her shoulders to try to calm her down. When she took a look as Dick's face she saw the worry and the hurt in his eyes and couldn't help but start full on crying.
"Hey, it's fine" Dick said pulling her closer to his body. Caressing her back to try an sooth her.
"Why are we fighting for?" Y/n asked in between sobs.
Dick just pulled her even closer to him. She rested her head on his chest. "Because we're both too stubborn to see what's going on" he said softly.
Y/n looked up at him. Her red puffy eyes were still wet from the tears and her stained cheeks were tinted with red. She didn't like to cry in front of others but she's been holding herself for far too long. She was confused about what Dick said.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"I mean...I loved you for the past few years. But I was afraid to say something, and the Tony happened and well... here we are" Dick said scratching the back of his neck.
Y/n breath hitched. She couldn't believe that Dick had just said that he loved her. She looked at him for a moment before kissing him. He was shocked at first but reciprocate the kiss immediately. The kiss was sweet and full of all the unsaid things they kept to themselves all this years. Dick pulled away from the kiss first and rested his forehead on hers.
"I love you too Dick. I'm sorry it took me so long to figure it out. But I always knew deep down that I did. But from now on, im forever yours whether you have me or not"
Dick smiled and dipped his head to capture her lips once again. Tasting the salt of her tears. 
"Good, cause I'm not planning on letting you go"
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
As always I completely agree with everything you have said so far, you're a gift truly. A few more thoughts if that's cool: Wild idea, how about instead of having Serena go back to Gilead at its bullshitiest, she just doesn't do anything, if they don't want her to move to the good side just yet. Wild, I know. And why won't they just let the show change into handmaids' tale. So many opportunities. It doesn't have to be all about June. There's very little that can be made all about June
(Part 2 oops) made all about June at this point. But man I was cracking up. Man I am cracking up. That post where you were joking 'how's Serena is Serena okay' etc. actually became a reality in this ep. You're obsessed Junie. Honestly if I didn't know the context I would've thought June was Serena's crazy stalker :P How does fred has so much power again? I thought he was demoted? Surely he wouldn't be allowed to make this big of a deal about a single child. Oh wait I just accused tht
           (Part 3 omg) of making sense. "Are you pumped dear?" This show   should consider itself a comedy based on Lydia alone. Also Rita missed June awww! How nice was it to see Rita smile??? I kept thinking Fred has more chemistry with Winslow than with any other woman on the show and then That happened. Just go for it Fred, and then Serena and June can go for it too mhm. It's pretty ridiculous that we're halfway through the season and NOTHING has happened. I would've thought we'd be done with Nichole            
            (Part 4 I need to stop Jesus) stuff at this point but nope it's only properly starting now. If only Serena weren't just so stupid. So, so, so stupid. It would be absolutely wonderful if she were playing a long game but let's be real, she most likely isn't. She's just dumb. WHEN IS ALMA COMING BACK (sorry for the spam :DD)             
firstly, the tags on your replies made me die lol. RELATABLE to real life and everything else constantly. (”oops > omg > i need stop jesus” -- welcome to my life.) you are the true gift!!! :DDD x
i love that wild idea! like, i don’t see the need really to have her go deep bullshit either. like just DO NOTHING. it’s just as bad lbr. but the show seems to think june needs an enemy to directly fight one-on-one. for some reason. i guess they don’t trust that their audience can handle a more abstract evil... or it’s too boring to actually have the men liek fred (who are unquestionably evil) be direct antagonists to june? that gotta make it some catfight. but since it’s the soapmaid’s tale, let’s all sit back and watch serena go Full Bullshit Evil and try kill june for no reason. (that last bit is just a guess lmao)
“ why won't they just let the show change into handmaids' tale. So many opportunities. It doesn't have to be all about June.”
this is a very good question and one that i hear people respond with by saying, “but the book is all june’s pov!!!!” as if that fucking makes a difference. the book also ended where s1 ended. so moot point. this is no longer atwood’s book. they have so many stories they could tell, even with existing characters. i just cannot abide what they’ve done to moira. she’s basically nonexistent. and they’ve dropped emily’s story like a sack of hot potatoes instead of just you know, pulling it along every episode with a little more development. i was afraid emily would suffer The Moira Treatment, and it seems to be coming true. Moira is literally just Luke’s Sassy Sidekick / Gay BFF. how progressive! Moira is a man’s accessory!! and okay, they’re not handmaids anymore, but what about Janine and Alma? Even Ofmatthew. We finally got a little insight into her last week and she’s gone again! Have we even seen any of June’s other Handmaid pals? At all?
“ You're obsessed Junie.”
LMAO! IKR! I was like “Oh, here she goes AGAIN with Mrs. Waterford this, Mrs Waterford that!” Like you can’t even pretend. I get that she’s convinced herself that Serena is her One True Hope (moron) but pestering Lawrence or Fred or whomever (i can’t recall) about Serena is not at all subtle.
I don’t..... I don’t even get where Fred suddenly gets his power from again. He was demoted. And yet he can just set up film sets and do propo videos, and spend all these resources etc etc.... for what? Like it doesn’t even make SENSE. June’s voiceover was all about how they don’t admit these things even happen but here they are shouting to the world “Hey! Our military and police suck! There’s a resistance pocket! People can escape even with babies!!!” gimme a break. and i sorta get why Fred got promoted by the end of 3x06 -- cos Commander Winslow wants a piece of that brown-nosing Waterford tush. ha. serves Fred right to be sexually harassed at work. (WHAT I DON`T UNDERSTAND is why Fred isn`t already a high commander?! Like he was one of the Original 4 SOJ that invented Gilead. Why weren’t Pryce, Lawrence, Waterford, or Putnam NOT High Commanders already???? It was their baby; you think they’d immediate get top dog spot.) But like you said, that’s asking this show to make sense. And it doesn’t care about silly stuff that. it’s clear they just invented this High Commander stuff without really thinking about continuity too carefully.)
“would've thought we'd be done with Nichole”
honestly, that’s what I expected too. I thought for sure it would only take up maybe the first third of the season. then that would get settled and we’d be focusing on this alleged amazing resistance and June: The Ultimate Rebel that we’ve heard so much about lmao... but where is it? it looks pretty sketchy from the two seconds we’ve been given lol. I really didn’t think they’d DRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGGGG serena’s regret out THIS long. and like you said, it’s only really got started! yikes. i don’t mind a slow burn at all, but i’m also not an incredibly patient person when it comes to being bombarded with depressing, miserable characters for 6 weeks. (okay 4 technically).who have not really done much of anything at all except mope, stare into the camera, and give ~inspirational voiceovers. man 3x01 was so promising......
Really, i’d bet my dog on the fact Serena is NOT playing the long game. two weeks ago, i wouldn’t have been so sure. but nah. she’s not secretly on june’s side or interested in being part of the resistance or saving anybody but herself. she’s just a dumbass who can’t see past her own pain cos she has no support system at all. i suspect, and i’m just guessing here, that phone from tuello will come in handy at some point--but not for anything except her saving her own skin. she’s gonna fuck up really badly and then need to be bailed out before gilead/june gets her and kills her lol. i personally think....unfortunately, we’ve seen the last of june and serena having any sort of trust or even mildly positive relationship. it’s gonna be pure conflict from now on. and that fucking sucks. so, i shall live in fanfic world where things aren’t so fucking bleak and depressing.
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