#'mary' was such a masterpiece and this book was on a really solid 4 star trajectory until THAT ending
bluesey-182 · 6 months
i hate when the ending of a book is like "yeah i GUESS that makes sense for the story" because you can't even be mad at the author for writing an ending that doesn't fit the book. instead you're sitting there like "but WHY THE FUCK would you make the CHOICE to end it like that?" did you successfully end the story? yes. do i like how you did it in the slightest? no
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greensparty · 3 years
Album Reviews: Snail Mail / Aimee Mann
This week I got to review new albums from two extremely awesome indie rock ladies!
Snail Mail Valentine
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At age 22, Lindsey Jordan is one of the most talented musicians to emerge out of the last five years. The Maryland native began her solo project as Snail Mail and it evolved into a band. Their 2018 debut Lush is in my record collection. I included it on my Best Albums of 2018 and on my Best Albums of the 2010s list. The group toured with Alvvays in 2018 and I’m kicking myself for having missed that show. After becoming a fan of Lush, I went on Bandcamp and bought Snail Mail’s 2016 EP Habit, which is also a blast of shoegaze indie pop. The new follow up is one of the most eagerly anticipated of the year. That album Valentine drops today from Matador Records.
This is Indie Rock Gold! My God - if you just listened to this and knew nothing about the singer, you’d swear it’s someone much older or an older album from the 90s. Like a band that was playing between The Jesus and Mary Chain and Dinosaur Jr. on a music festival bill in 1993. She is wise beyond her years and the term “Sophomore Slump” is a billion miles from being anywhere close to this album. It’s going to take some more listens to really assess how it stacks up to Lush, but it’s definitely a solid album start to finish. 
For info on Snail Mail: https://www.snailmail.band/
4 out of 5 stars
Aimee Mann Queens of the Summer Hotel
There’s not many musicians that I was a fan of in 1985 and am still a fan of the work they are putting out today (though Bruce Springsteen comes to mind), but Aimee Mann is definitely one of them. I first discovered her when she was the singer for the Boston band ‘Til Tuesday in the 80s. As a little kid, I saw the music video for “Voices Carry” countless times on V66. When I was making my documentary Life on the V: The Story of V66, there is a segment about ‘Til Tuesday’s popularity on the channel and I was thrilled we got to interview the band’s keyboard player Joey Pesce. Mann was clearly the star of the band and when they broke up in the late 80s, she launched a solo career. She has said that her solo music, which is more folk-pop, is closer to her true self than the new wave pop of ‘Til Tuesday. Her solo albums Whatever, I’m With Stupid and Bachelor No. 2 or the Last Remains of the Dodo were all excellent. That was clearly the Golden Age of her solo work. In Jan. 1999, I saw her performing with her husband Michael Penn at the Largo in L.A. Later that year, I attended the Lilith Fair and Mann performed on a side stage. She was easily the best performance I saw at the festival and she was kind enough to pose for a pic with me at her signing afterwards.
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me with Mann in 1999
I couldn’t believe that just a few months later she was nominated for an Academy Award for “Save Me” from Paul Thomas Anderson’s masterpiece Magnolia, which featured tons of Mann’s music (similar to Simon and Garfunkel’s songs in The Graduate). PTA, who is both a fan and close friend of Mann’s, has said that he was inspired by many of Mann’s songs and attempted to adapt them for Magnolia, i.e. Claudia’s line “Now that I’ve met would you object to never seeing me again” is a direct lift from Mann’s song “Deathly”. There’s even a scene where the entire cast sings along to Mann’s “Wise Up”. Magic! That soundtrack is easily one of the greatest movie soundtrack albums ever! Mann has also been a pop culture Zelig popping up in so many things over her career: a duet with Rush on “Time Stands Still”, playing a nihilist in The Big Lebowski, performing at the Bronze on an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and as herself on a Portlandia sketch. Now she has a new album Queens of the Summer Hotel being released today on her indie label SuperEgo Records.
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In 2018, Mann was writing songs for a stage adaptation of Girl Interrupted (the book that was later turned into a movie with Winona Ryder). Mann has had her own struggles with mental illness (see her Grammy-winning album Mental Illness) and completely took to the material. The project was put on hold, but this new album is all songs she had written for the show. There is definitely something very musical-theater about this album, more so than others. The thing about Mann’s music is you can’t just put it on while doing other things. You have to listen and truly absorb it. She is such a clever and talented wordsmith, but you have to make the effort. Countless publications have named her one of the greatest living songwriters and they are all right! After her aforementioned Golden Era of 1993-2000, she has put out a number of albums that are by no means bad, its just that some of them felt like lesser versions of her better albums. This one is definitely more ambitious in scope. I think this is an album that is going to hit me after a few more listens. But the real MVP here is her songwriting craft. She’s so introspective and descriptive, its almost like she could easily be a novelist or a screenwriter. She is one of the great storytellers of out time! Amen!
For info on Aimee Mann: https://aimeemann.com/
3.5 out of 5 stars
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johnnysprucesworld · 7 years
10 – Iron Man
Here we have the one that started it all, IRON MAN. Before this, Comic Book movies from Marvel, aside from Blade, were very laughable. So laughable that I must admit, I didn’t even see this in the theater until the FAMOUS end credits appeared on the internet and got my ass all excited again.
With the most perfect casting in history (Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark) and a really great origin story, this movie has earned its place among the best comic book movies of all time.
9 – X-Men: Days of Future Past
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Let’s be honest here. X-Men movies haven’t always been the best. The first three movies were good, only because we had never seen our favorite mutants on television, but as far as the test of time goes, they failed. They really weren’t like anything we had read in the comics and come on…. the cinematic version of the Juggernaut was embarrassing.
And then X-Men: First Class came out and it was really good, despite not following the comics. But it was good. And then this movie came out. Oh MY GOD! It was super good. X-Men in the 70’s! X-Men in the future! Two cuts of this movie that are equally good! Mutants die, tears are shed, and Storm had an awesome death! Plus, how could you not feel for Kitty, who had the weight of saving the world on her shoulders.
And for the ladies, Hugh Jackman bared some cheeks. Lol.
8 – Captain America: Winter Soldier
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Holy, Cap! This was an Oscar worthy movie that Hollywood snubbed, because after all… it’s just a comic book movie. FUCK YOU, Hollywood! This was the Russo Brothers masterpiece that pit Captain America as a man on the run from his country in a homage to those 1970’s government conspiracy flicks. And boy did it deliver.
And everyone. Go back and check out that scene with Cap in the elevator with all those SHIELD soldiers. Awesome!
7 – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
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My personal favorite comic book movie of all time is Vol. 1 of this trilogy. Now Vol. 2 is right up there behind its predecessor on my personal favorites list.
First, the movie delivers laughs after laugh. From Groot’s opening dance routine to Yondu’s Mary Poppins homage to Mantis and all her quirks, this film never… and I mean never, had a dull moment.
Second, the soundtrack. The first movie brought back the point on how important a soundtrack can be for a film and this movie just added to that point. Every single song fit the scene and during the credits, the music kept you entertained in-between those five ends credit scenes. In the words of David Hasselhoff, “WE ARE GROOT.”
And finally, this was also a touching film about relationships…. like Peter’s between his father and him… or Rocket’s between him and the crew… or Gamora’s between her and Nebula…. and even Yondu’s with Peter or his former Ravenger buddies. This film was more than laughs and good music. This film was a beautiful representation on the importance of the relationship you have with the ones who matter most.
6 – Captain America: Civil War
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This wasn’t a masterpiece as much as it was the perfect summer blockbuster movie. And damn, did this movie deliver the blockbusters!
We got our very first “true” MCU Spider-Man which caused many fanboys like myself to nerdgasm. Tom Holland perfectly nailed not only Spider-man, but the awkward teenager that is Peter Parker. And the exchange between Spidey and Cap… classic.
Also, the Black Panther made his MCU debut and what a debut it was. He was regal as well as bad ass and many fans such as myself can’t wait for his movie. Oh. And then there’s Ant-man’s BIG Surprise that you have to see for yourself.
All in all, this movie promised and it delivered.
5 – Logan
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Finally FOX! This is what a Wolverine movie should have always been like —- R-Rated and a masterpiece. While not following the comic book story, “Old Man Logan”, this movie does borrow a bit, placing Logan in a future where most mutants, including the X-Men are long dead. Not only is Logan burdened with an aged and weak Prof. X who can no longer control his powers, but he also has to get his “Daughter” Laura to Canada where a mutant paradise is awaiting her, away from the clutches of an evil organization bent on using young mutants as their personal weapons.
This movie is dark, it’s deep, and holds no claws back.
4 – Deadpool
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Thank you, Ryan Reynolds and whoever leaked the Deadpool test footage, because out of that, we got the R-Rated Comic Book movie that every diehard Geek like myself has always prayed to the “One-Above-All” for, Deadpool.
From the hilarious opening credits set to Julie Newton’s Angel of the Morning to Deadpool’s little hand to the battle on a SHIELD Helicarrier, this movie had it all. Come on, the movie even had Hydra Agent Bob. Oh. And Angel Dust even made Colossus blush.
And in honor of Ryan Reynolds, here’s his favorite photo of himself followed by the leak test footage that got this movie made.
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  3 – Guardians of the Galaxy
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I’m not going to lie. This is my favorite movie of all time and I’m so proud to admit that. Before this movie was released, many people were saying this was going to be Marvel’s first big flop, but low and behold, it became one of Marvel’s most successful movies ever.
Things I loved about this move? Let’s see…..
A) Peter Quill’s musical introduction. Come on! Who starts off a movie like this? Well James Gunn did and it was amazing!
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B) The exchange between Quill and Korath. Peter (With confidence): There’s another name you may know me by. —- I’m Star-Lord. Korath (Confused): Who? Lol. Cracks me up every time.
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C) And there’s this moment:
And D) There’s so many great moments in this movie, I’d run out of the Alphabet before I could list them all so….
2 – The Avengers
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This movie. Man, you fans have no idea how much of a pipe dream a movie like this seemed to long time fans like myself. Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, comic book movies were on the same level as crap. I’m serious. Bat-Man and Robin anyone? But then came Iron Man and all of a sudden, the impossible dream seemed very possible.
Now this team wasn’t the same as the original Avengers, which had no Cap, Black Widow, or Hawkeye, but as far as the reality went, it was more than perfect. Every single character was introduced organically and they meshed with each other perfectly. Who could forget the Hulk versus Thor or Black Widow’s Horror Movie inspired experience with the Hulk, or the Hulk smashing that puny God Loki, or….. basically, the Hulk was awesome… as were all of the cast.
Was this Marvel’s best movie? Hells yeah!
Honorable Mentions:
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         Ant-Man                          Man of Steel                Spider-Man 2                   Watchmen
1 – The Dark Knight
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And finally, the comic book inspired movie that’s more than just a comic book movie. It’s a masterpiece. Thank you, Christopher Nolan and thank you, Heath Ledger…. may you rest in peace.
This movie was hands down, the best Batman movie ever. Cristian Bale was a perfect Batman trying to take down the Joker, played by Ledger in the role he was born to play (He also won an Oscar for this role.) Batman gave all he had to take the Joker down and the Joker begged for more every step of the way, but in the end, everyone loss… including poor Harvey Dent.
5 stars, 10 out of 10. That’s how good this movie was.
Top 10 Comic Book Movies 10 - Iron Man Here we have the one that started it all, IRON MAN. Before this, Comic Book movies from Marvel, aside from Blade, were very laughable.
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