#like what do you MEAN she did that to (redacted) for suggesting they do (redacted) just to do EXACTLY what he suggested in the end?!
bluesey-182 · 6 months
i hate when the ending of a book is like "yeah i GUESS that makes sense for the story" because you can't even be mad at the author for writing an ending that doesn't fit the book. instead you're sitting there like "but WHY THE FUCK would you make the CHOICE to end it like that?" did you successfully end the story? yes. do i like how you did it in the slightest? no
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venusjaynie · 4 months
baby names ~ blurb
chris sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: a cute little scenario about discussing possible baby names with your husband chris.
cw: pregnancy, a lot of dialogue
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"what about... chris junior?" your husband turns to you with a smirk.
"we've been over this. he is not having your name." you say with an exasperated eye roll, though you don't fight the smile that graces your lips.
"i know, baby, i'm just teasin'. and bernard is definitely out?" you stare at him blankly in response.
"i know you aren't even serious about that." he just laughs at you. his laughter dies down and the two of you sit in a comfortable silence, with chris slowly rubbing your bump. you're around the 5 month mark now, and you couldn't be more excited, however the discussion of a name has been long winded, and hasn't just included you and chris. "what was nick's suggestion again?"
"nick originally said jimmy, which i vetoed. i love my dad but c'mon. then he said william." chris' reaction to the name didn't show much interest.
"that's nice but he just doesn't feel like a william, y'know?" you say to chris.
"i agree. matt suggested jonathan, which i didn't really like. mom still thinks he's actually a girl 'cause she says sometimes the scans can pick things up wrong." he says while looking at you, and you hum in acknowledgement.
"maybe she's right? sometimes they are wrong. it might be worth having a few girl options just incase, right?" he nods in agreement.
"what about... christina?"
"kidding, kidding. i like isabella." he says seriously.
"isabella... that's pretty. i like that one. that can be an option." he smiles in satisfaction that one of his suggestions has been received well. "i really like daisy, too." chris hums thoughtfully.
"me too." he says, pressing a kiss to your temple. "hey, if we do have a boy, what about theo?" a smile graces your face.
"i like theo, but can his full name be theodore so we can call him teddy?" you ask sweetly, and chris chuckles quietly.
"sure thing, babe. teddy sturniolo. he sounds like a fuckin' badass." his seriousness makes you giggle.
the two of you fall into that comfortable silence again, and chris runs his hand up and down your thigh gently.
"hey, i'm really happy i got you pregnant."
"that's an strangely romantic sentiment, where did that come from?" you ask teasingly, to which he shrugs.
"i don't know, it's just that, i never thought i'd have kids this young 'cause i'm immature as fuck, y'know? but you make me think i can be a really good dad." your heart practically melt at his answer, until he says "and obviously you look hot as fuck with my baby in you." and your smile drops, unamused. he doesn't even redact his words as you know that he means well, and as much as he's crass and crude, he is genuinely glad that the two of you are starting a little family. you reach up to press a swift kiss to his cheek as matt enters the room.
"did you guys decide on a name yet?" he asks, walking over to the two of you.
"yeah, i think we're gonna go with bernard." you say, deadly stone-faced, and you receive a death glare in response from matt, followed by a burst of laughter from your husband.
"tell me you're kidding." he says.
"of course, matthew, we are not calling our child bernard." he breathes what can only be called a sigh of relief.
"what did you pick then?"
"as of right now, we're pretty set on theodore." you tell him, running your hand over your stomach, and matt's eyebrows raise slightly in surprise.
"theodore, huh? never heard either of you mention that one before."
"yeah, we just thought of it." chris chimes in. "y/n says we can call him teddy, and i said we can call him theo, so there's plenty of nickname potential there."
"that's really cool, guys. i can't wait to meet my nephew. or niece, according to mom." matt says with a laugh. "hey, maybe it's twins and you guys just don't know yet. y'know how sometimes they can't see it on the scan? imagine if that happened to you guys. that would be insane."
matt's words make you freeze up a little. you hadn't even thought of that possibility, and while having twins would be fun, you're nervous enough for one, never mind two.
"i never even thought of that." you say with wide eyes, and matt can clearly sense the nervousness his words brought you.
"it's probably not twins, uh, they can almost always tell. you'll be fine!" he says quickly. feeling uncomfortable in the situation he created, matt awkwardly mutters out a 'sorry' and steps out of the room.
"and, babe, even if it is twins, we're gonna be amazing parents, yeah? and you're so strong so carrying those kids is gonna be light work for you, right?" chris says comfortingly. you nod, and relax again into chris' side.
you have to admit, the thought of having twins is exciting.
"yeah, it'll be fun." you say with a small smile. "we could get them little matching-but-not-matching outfits!"
"alright, sweetheart, don't get ahead of yourself, we don't even know if we're having twins yet." chris replies with a laugh.
"i know, i know. i'm just excited. and anyways, i've got another scan in a couple of weeks, so we'll know by then." he nods in response.
"imagine two mini versions of us running around." he says, secretly ecstatic at the thought of having twins.
"daisy and theo."
"fuckin' coolest duo in boston."
this sucks ass :)
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cal-writes · 4 months
some superpower/superhero au musings. that ideas been floating around my brain for a while. dont know where its going you know how my plot bunnies are but enjoy this sampler
"Have you figured it out yet, Surgeon?" Robin smiles serenly. She sits on the stairs, knees knocking together, her elbows resting on them and her chin propped up on both her palms.
He scowls at her, eyes narrowed. Law knows what she means but he won't admit it because it would reveal himself to be knowable. "What do you mean?" He juts out his chin.
She doesn't buy his feigned obliviousness but she humors him. "Zoro's abilities. You have been trying to discern their nature, have you not?"
He exhales through his nose and looks off to the side.
"He would tell you if you asked." Robin continues and Law glances at her from the corner of his eyes.
"I know." He says. Zoro has said as much. But Law isn't going to ask, at least not yet. It's a matter of personal pride and spite. Law doesn't owe people favors, they owe him favors. He demands answers, he doesn't ask for them. (Bepo would be telling him how unhealthy that is right about now if he were here.)
Robin considers him, head leaning to the side. She hums. Out of all the Strawhats, Robin is the person Law would consider his equal in temperament which is to say, out of all of them he is the most cautious around her. From what redacted history of hers that he has managed to unearth, he knows they've had a similar development. She is calculating. Always listening, even without sprouting ears everywhere. He needs to consider his words carefully.
"You are a curious man." She tells him, chuckling good-naturedly.
Law looks at her from above. "In more ways than one." His lips pull into a sharp smirk.
"Indeed." Robin says easily. "Have you made headway in your discoveries?"
Law squints at her, trying to gauge her angle. She might be simply curious - which Law believes to be the least likely. It could be a test, trying to see if he lives up to his reputation - possible, thought Robin seems largely desinterested in people she doesn't consider to be a threat (an insulting prospect in its own right, that Law is no longer considered dangerous to her, but he did work hard to earn their trust so he supposes it is to be expected). Maybe it's caution - there is a reason Zoro's abilities aren't public. Many people with abilities don't bother hiding the intricacies if they even can. But Zoro does. Whether that is for his own safety or someone else's is yet to be determined. 
"Some, I'd say." Law admits, trying to sound casual. Whatever Zoro's talents are they are subtle. He can rule out a healing factor definitively - even if it weren't a passive ability but one Zoro had to use consciously, Chopper is too concerned for him every time he is injured for there to be an easy fix. He has considered some form of super strength but ultimately ruled it out. Zoro was strong, occasionally supernaturally so but it was inconsistent. Law's leading theory on that front was some sort of adrenaline manipulation that would grant Zoro the ability of hysterical strength on command. He has yet to confirm that theory. The easiest would be to ask for blood samples but even with everything, Law knows they aren't quite there yet.
Other possibilies are some sort of enhancement, be that in reflexes or speed or general aptitute. Zoro is - as his alias suggests -  a demon with a weapon and almost impossible to beat one on one. He is fast but Law wouldn't say unhumanly so. A common public theory is that - as his name suggests - Zoro was either posssessed by or possessing someone and the otherworldly entity of whichever nature granted him his abilities.
Law had dismissed that one easily. Possession would indicate different personalities and quirks but Zoro's body language and fighting style are consistent - even when using something other than a sword. If he was possessed it was permanent.
He had considered the possibility that Zoro was normal. Well, as normal as any of them. Many of his talents could be chalked up to rigerous training and experience. Perhaps he had started young, had the natural talent and dedication to keep up to speed with other super powered individuals. From knowing the man, Law can entertain the idea. But there are too many things that trip him up. Too many things that don't make sense if Zoro truly had no other abilities.
Law has been staying with the Strawhats for a few weeks now and there are some things he has taken note off. Pieces of the puzzle he is sorting into piles before he knows where they connect.
Zoro trains, a lot. Both with weapons and without to the point that Law is quite sure that whatever ability he has is unrelated to his weapons. He's just as dangerous with his swords as he would be with Nami's staff. It's not a surprise. Zoro takes a lot of pride in his body and his prowress.
More confusing are Zoro's other eccentricities.
Zoro doesn't touch things. Law is almost mad it took him so long to take note of it. Obviously there are times when Zoro does. Out in the battlefield, doorknobs, light switches. Technically, literally, he does touch things. But at home, in the space he feels safe, Zoro goes out of his way to avoid touching things. Law would believe him to be a germophobe of some sort if he hadn't seen the man lick blood of his sword. So, no. It's probably not about germs. He just doesn't touch things in a casual way. He doesn't read books or magazines, doesn't use a phone, at most he will make himself tea or pour himself a glass of something to drink. He doesn't cook, nor does he do the dishes. For all Zoro and Sanji bicker constantly, Sanji always prepares his meals, even small snacks and doesn't nag him for not cleaning up after himself.
It might be a trauma response. Maybe he is sensitive to textures for unrelated reasons. Law can't quite define what to make of it yet.
Another thing is that none of Zoro's clothes are store bought. It seems innocuous but once Law noticed it, he could not let go of it. The Strawhats were vigilanties so money could be tight on occasion but he knows they aren't above stealing if they need or want to. None of the others seem to have a similar clothing style. Nami in particular wears fancy brands and designer clothing constantly. So it's not a matter of supply. Zoro isn't so vain he would be particular about it either. Law has seen him wear all number of things, especially if a battle dragged on long enough to destroy his wardrobe. He isn't opposed to wearing regular manufactured clothes. He just doesn't if he has the choice not to.
Perhaps it ties into the texture thing. Law will have to pay close attention to it.
Robin is still looking at him, unpreturbed by his long pause. "If you need a hint, do let me know," He scowls and it makes her chuckle. "It's quite entertaining." She says.
"Glad to be of service." He grits out.
"I am just wondering why go through the trouble. It must be thrilling to you to try and unravel the mystery." Robin tells him and Law's breath stalls in his throat. Something in her tone makes him feel warm.
He swallows hard. "Hardly a mystery. An annoyance, more like." He says, dismissively. Robin makes an inquiring sound. "I need to know what you all are capable of to make plans. Keeping it a secret needlessly complicates things."
"But it's not a secret." Robin says, bemused and Law feels himself bristle.
"It's not exactly common knowledge either." He throws back.
Robin hums again. "I suppose not but if you are expecting a grand reveal, I am afraid you will be disappointed."
"Zoro already said it's not what I'd expect." Law says. Zoro technically said 'it's not a big deal' which hadn't been helpful at all. If it wasn't a big deal, why make a thing out of it?
"That is apt. I remember being quite surprised when I was told." She says and now Law knows she's teasing him. This whole conversation is pointless.
He huffs. "I'll find out, won't I?"
Robin smiles. "Will you?"
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Real talk? Real?? Real?!
Why on EARTH was the cast of The Owl House so drippy?!
(A sort of breakdown from someone that's only kinda sorta kept up with the show... Me, Guy.)
Spoilers too, I guess...
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Look at our favorite witch-in-training, Luz Noceda. As we can all see here, she's wearing Eda's varsity jacket when she attended Hexside. Level with me, the jacket alone was enough to be a super-dope outfit, but she took it one step further and even wore matching pants, too! Heck, she even tied up her hair in a bun, for crying out loud! She kept the aesthetic of "I'm able to stay calm, but I'm not afraid to kick your butt when the time comes."
And here's another frame of yet another scene...
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Luz dancing with Amity during that one Grom episode...
She wanted to look fancy while she boogied with her soon-to-be girlfriend(At the time, anyway), so she decided to wear what exactly? A tutu, and a frickin' tuxedo! Wonderful! Fabulous! It's all so wild, but you can see that not only did Luz have a plan, it worked danged-near flawlessly! And of course, she decided to wear dance shoes, as well.
And you know what?!
I'm still not done.
I'm going to be real with you here. This is where the spoilers for the end of the show REALLY, REALLY begin! If you really want to watch the show without witnessing the beauty of Luz during [REDACTED], I HIGHLY suggest that you stay away from this post, and move on with your day! Please, leave!
...Are you still here?
Are you sure you wanna be here for [REDACTED]?
Alrightie, then...
Okay, you asked for it.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
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Freaking. Bam. Meet Titan Luz.
This is near perfection in cartoon form. Luz looks like she told Amity's parents, "Your daughter calls me mommy, too." She looks deranged in the best way possible.
First and foremost, the cloak nearly perfectly displays everything she's done throughout the series. The glyph on her chest, the bones appearing along the tips and edges of it, referencing her "magic donor", Arin Hanson- I mean Papa Titan(...Is he just called Papa King by the TOH fandom, or am I being dumb? Since, y'know, he's King's dad? I don't know, but back to the comedic analysis).
For Hootie's sake, she even somehow has longer, puffier hair, giving Eda a wink-wink-nudge-nudge without saying a thing. Even further, her eyes turned a pitch-black with yellow irises, making sure that King himself is involved with references as well.
Y'know, this reminds me of a character that I've had written out for a while. Y'all won't see her for a long, long while, but just know that she's tied to this in a way. Backstory aside, she has this one... form, let's call it, where she kind of becomes a vampire. This aspect of her is derived from an art account I follow, I won't say who until the time comes, but she also likes using her legs as her main means of attack, not only calling back to Izuku from MHA, but to her friend who she loves dearly, like a family member.
Back to the main point, I love characters that reference multiple other characters they have a connection to without being overbearing, which is why I love Titan Luz's design. Above all else, this proves that Luz really cared for everyone that has helped carry her this far, and was willing to fight for them, even after her death. And Eda even teaches her magic the way she said she would as early as the second episode of the series, iirc. And, something even more wild, is that Luz sort of looks like Azura, as well, even using one of her quotes for the finishing blow on Belos...
Admittedly, I don't know much about Luz's palisman, but I do indeed see that they're a cute little snek dude! ...Like how Luz freaked out the school and her principal with those snakes in the first episode(At least, I recall it being the first episode)! Everything about Luz's design is just... It's all just. So. Good.
...Look. I originally wanted to make a fun little ha-ha post about how stylish the characters from The Owl House were, as I highly respect this show and loved it, from the moment I saw King, to the very end of the series where the Collector gave Luz and the Hexsquad the ability to travel between realms, but seeing this transformation and taking the time to dissect her Titan Form design... It really brought me to tears. Not just because the show's actually over, but because I loved it with everything I could give. The way the show handled its characters, even with the rushed development that Disney demanded(Those freaking warm toilet seats), was phenomenal, given the circumstances.
I'll make a post talking more about King and just... him, I guess, but this post is already long enough as it is. Maybe even Eda, Hunter, Gus and Willow as well, if this post really makes its rounds.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM HITMAN 2 *  assorted dialogue from the video game, adjust as necessary
at the location. no hostile presence.
tell me about the targets.
you know what we want.
i had such big plans for you.
you had a chance to walk away. why didn't you?
it comes back in flashes. fear. anger. but... like it happened to someone else.
i'm... i'm sorry for your loss.
you made this our fight. now let's even the playing field.
i'm breaking more rules than i care to count.
i remember everything.
that's the catch. the report is redacted. no names, no location.
so what am i missing?
i'll explain when i'm back.
it's a dangerous thing... having a conscience.
i spent a long time feeling guilty about that.
everyone hates power until you offer them some.
only one way to find out, i'm afraid.
i'm sorry you had to endure all that free champagne and cello music.
looks deserted.
is that a sense of humor, [name]? whatever next? crying at the movies?
oh, hell no. how did this end up here?!
think about what that means.
i swear to god, when i find out, you're dead!
we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
we need to know who we're up against.
this is our best lead in twenty years.
i say it's time we break a few rules.
no one's untouchable.
no more. i'm done.
so it's a dead end. i can't track them.
the breadcrumbs were almost too easy to follow. it could be a trap.
why are you doing this?
okay, i'm ready. let's get this thing fixed.
probably just some pitiful cry for help or some shit like that.
a great moment. i cherish the memory to this day.
plenty of spies went dark.
i have just the tool for the job.
i know what it's like to have everything taken from you.
i suggest you get rid of them, [name].
good aim.
what are we looking at?
like i said... it's a long shot.
how does he know about us?
we got what we came for. move out.
maybe next time, then?
it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.
this is exactly what the enemy wants.
you've seen the pictures, yes?
you should be able to jimmy open the garage door with the proper tool.
i'll call you after the presentation.
the house is just up the beach.
getting caught on tape is the last thing we need.
our intel indicates that she and her team are laying low.
for now, it's information we seek.
infiltrate the house and get us a lead on the shadow client.
up for some b&e?
oh my god! it's really you! it's such an honor to meet you!
on my way.
oh, could you fix me a cup of tea?
we got all we're going to get.
i thought this night would never end. what a snob fest.
according to the local home security provider, the house is equipped with multiple cameras placed around the perimeter.
why don't you search the pool area?
they could be out. could be lying low.
i see them. poor bastards.
i'm not a fool, [name].
she was never shy about collateral damage.
this feels more like identity theft.
what can i say? you really took one for the team.
nothing we can do for these people now.
don't worry. i've got this under control.
imagine what he would do to me if i messed up.
let me just grab a quick selfie with you.
improving on stuff that looks like crap probably isn't too hard.
there might be a concealed space behind the wall.
hurry. i'm detecting movement up the road.
they're back. multiple hostiles.
it won't make a difference. they're too powerful.
good. i will tell you exactly what to do.
take a deep breath and try again.
well done. now get off the property.
they're on high alert, combing the beach for intruders. proceed with caution.
someone will need to stop them. might as well be us.
no, i don't give a rat's ass about it.
i'll head up when i feel like it.
your so called "friend" is working for them now.
he's coming for us. and unlike you, he won't hesitate.
just get me inside.
we can't focus here, all right?
well done, [name]. this should be good.
i'm not as strong as you.
they have to pay for what they did.
it needs to stop. you... need to stop.
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lahotelbellamuerte · 3 months
𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐎𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐧 - floor four. men in suits could be a kink...right?
series masterlist ! current: men in suits could be a kink...right? ! next: no body, no crime
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pairing; slight five x phoenix, lilah x diego (allude) warnings; suggestive language, five hating phoenix, not proofread! word count; 6.0k notes; none for this one
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NOW WE ALL KNOW THE STORY OF EIGHT HARGREEVES. She was born as the favorite, and Reginald trained her to be the best. She becomes tired of the present and decides to go into the future with her boyfriend. Five Hargreeves. The two were oh so in love, thinking they were the smartest, strongest, and best. Well, obviously they were very wrong and got stuck in the apocalypse with no way back home. The start of the very disaster of a century. 
Right back to the blonde, who has a kid, who dies because he was born with abilities he couldn't control. Just like someone we know—spoiler alert—it's Eight. For someone given so much attention, you would think she would, right? Anyways joins the Commission, and there the grand plan grows. 
Since she wasn't the one with the ability to save the universe, she went out to find the person who could. It was dear old little —REDACTED—oh, right, you can't know her name yet. Phoenix is a different version of Eight. Old lady Eight only told the small girl of what was to come, but not the complete plan. 
Now onto Phoenix, the prodigy with her abilities. Unfortunately blind, but that didn't stop her from expanding her capabilities. Practically being able to see with her strength at listening smelling and tasting, vision was no longer necessary for her.  At the age of thirteen, the young girl figured out how to jump time. Being stuck in time was fun for the girl, able to steal without a trace. And being placed on the Commission's radar became even more exciting. A fun game of cat and mouse. 
Obviously, they were never able to catch her. She was good at what she did. Even escaping the grasp of one of their most skilled agent. Five Hargreeves, who had only failed the mission titled "Phoenix's flames." 
Eventually, the girl returned back to her home timeline, hoping to live it out to old age, after ruining her age by jumping through time. A 30-year-old stuck in the body of an eighteen-year-old. But nothing ever goes to plan for the girl, as a few months later after returning a family from a different timeline is calling for her help. 
"Chrisy, you did a great job at explaining it," Phoenix called as she sat on the counter of the bar. 
"I'm so confused," Diego muttered grabbing his head from a headache. 
Five sipped on his coffee, "Shocker," he replied. 
"Well, someone killed our mothers, so we shouldn't exist. But clearly, we do exist and the universe can't handle it, which is a problem," Viktor said after hearing all that Five had to say. 
"Big problem," Phoenix and Five chorused, who turned to give each other a glare. 
The purple-haired girl then scoffed and looked off to see a kid goofing off, "Stanley! Now is not the time to be doing karate, okay?" he yelled at the young boy. 
Stanley looked back holding a pool stick and glared, "Mom said I need to practice," he replied. 
Diego paused slightly, "Yeah, well, she's not wrong. You're very bad," he added twirling a small knife in hand. 
"Well, I saved your pathetic ass," Stanley added with a whine. 
She turned to Diego and gave him a thumbs up, "Cute kid." 
Diego only gave her a mocking smile. Not being able to conclude that isn't the girl they grew up with. Now it was a purple-haired girl with blunt bangs, and tattoos. And not to mention blind. 
"Okay, hold on. Five, so we caused a paradox. What does that mean," she asked leaning against a pillar. 
The boy looked over at his sister, "It's hard to say, it's all been theoretical until now, but things have started to disappear." 
Viktor gave a confused glance, "What things?" 
Phoenix hopped off the counter, "Right now? Cows, and according to boy genius, lobsters," she paused and sighed, "But I've got a feeling it's just the start." 
Allison scoffed, "A feeling?" she asked walking then closer to the two who always seem to cause problems, "You know, you can't drag us through hell because you have an itch only an apocalypse can scratch. And then expect us to deal with the fallout," she continued only to stop right before the girl with dyed hair, "You're not the boss. 
The girl tilted her head at the voice, "Listen, Shirley Temple, I'm not the one who put you into this. You are in my timeline. So I'd pipe down if I were you,  I haven't known you long enough to feel remorse if I hurt you right now," she finished a pulse of energy coming off from her, enough to push her slightly. 
Before Allision could respond, Five pulled the girl behind him, "Look she has nothing to do with this, but I'm telling you something terrible is coming." 
"Then let's attack the sparrows, grab the briefcase and go home," she instead now leaning to glare at him and the blind girl. 
Five sighed, "This is our home Allision, accept it," he replied not noticing his grip still around Phoenix's wrist behind him. He only let go when Stanley knocked down a whole bunch of furniture. 
Diego sighed, "That's it I'm telling your mom," he yelled. 
"Ohh..." Stanely mocked as if he was afraid. 
Recognition went through Five's eyes, "Wait where's Lila?" he asked the boy. 
"Shower, I told her she could stay with us," he replied. 
Five then grabbed his coffee and let Phoenix's hand go, "Let's go Bird," he whispered. 
Diego turned, "Wait where are you two going?" 
The girl turned to face him her dimple showing as she smiled. Lifting her hand to stick her finger against her tongue and suck on it. She laughed when Diego recoiled and shivered at the sight. Watching her catching up with the other teen. 
"What did you do?" Five asked with a sigh, he was too old for this. 
The girl giggled and throw an arm over his shoulder, "Just grown-up things," she replied and removed her arm and followed him through the hotel. 
"You disgust me I hope you know that?" He said finishing the rest of his coffee and throwing the mug elsewhere.  
"Well you can't hate me, I'm the only one capable of helping you and your little family," she replied running her hands to untangle her hair. 
Then the two made it to the showers, Five pushed the door open, "What the hell are you doing here?" Fived asked. 
Phoenix looked over at the woman in the tub and laughed, "Wait your joking?" she laughed, "Lila?"
 The blonde looked over at the new face and recognized her, "Well if it isn't little firebird," she sounded, "What are you here with the Perv for?" 
Five rolled his eyes, "Don't flatter yourself, Lila. I like my women a little less likely to kill me in my sleep." 
"Ugh I'd kill for a bath, but Lila darling, you could talk to him about what none sense," she replied and started the water on the other bath, throwing in soap bubbles. 
Behind her, she didn't even realize Lila throwing a knife at the boy she had come in with, but he disappeared a few feet in front of her. Not caring she lifted her shirt and bra above her head, not missing the lingering eyes of the teen in the corner. 
"Are you seriously getting naked right now?" he yelled doing his best to avoid his eyes at the girl, but that was a mistake as her body distracted him. Lila appeared behind him and slammed his head on the mirror next to him. 
Stepping into the warm water she sighed, "Yes, I'm filthy, plus you can handle whatever this is," she called out and watched as Lila stuck out her leg and kicked him right in the stomach. 
"Whoo! Go, Lila!" Phoenix called shaking the water to create more bubbles around her. 
Five fell to the floor when Lila kicked him in the face, but he grabbed a towel near the tub, wrapped it around his elbow, cracked it, and began choking her. 
"Whoo go Five!" she yelled again now having popcorn in her hand as she watched the very fun fight. 
The blonde began gasping for air as he held her tightly, and she blinked and grabbed the knife she had thrown originally. Came back to him and attempted to stab him in any way possible. But he was able to get a hit and he slammed his palm against her chin. Grabbing a tray to protect himself from being stabbed. Straining he pushed back and was able to throw it away altogether. 
As they continued their hand-to-hand, Phoenix couldn't keep her eyes off them. God did she miss good fights after she came back to her timeline. After throwing soap and kicking her in the face she tapped out. 
"Alright enough," she said picking up a towel, "Why are you here with the worst shithead ever?" Lila asked Phoenix who was enjoying her soapy bath. 
She shrugged, "He found me," she replied as she scrubbed her neck and arms. 
Five rolled his eyes, "As much as I love your little reunion, we have bigger concerns," he said. 
Lila rolled her eyes, "Yeah? Like what?"
"Remember the grandfather paradox?" Phoenix called out from the tub. 
Lila finished tying up her towel and looked at the two, "Well, I read the training manuals that you read," and paused to look at the purple-haired girl, "And you stole, why?" 
"Because it's happening," he replied seriously. 
Lila clicked her tongue and looked over at Phoenix, "Is he being stupid?"
The blind girl shook her head, "Nope, little number is not." 
"Hand over your briefcase. I need to go to Herb and find out how he let things get so cocked up," he replied seriously not being able to believe the two women in the room knew each other. 
"Hand me my knickers over there will you?" she asked and pointed to the bath the girl was currently near. 
As he threw her the clothes, he realized there were two cases, "Lila why is it that you have two briefcases?" 
She rose her brows quickly, "One is yours, nicked it from the Sparrows. Go on give it a go."
Five put one of the briefcases down as he turned the other and tried to travel. Feeling panicked he picked up the other and attempted the same. Just to get the same result of the machine powering down. 
"This can't be happening," he whispered, "The odds of one of them failing is in the millions. But two of them..." 
"Astronomical, yeah," she replied with an indifferent tone, already gone through the whole disappointment, "So, what does that mean exactly? End of the world?"
He shook his head, "Much worse apparently," he paused and looked over at the girl behind him, "bath time is over Bird, we all have to work together." 
"Shit," Lila and Phoenix chorused in agreement that they didn't like Five. 
Phoenix sighed and stood from the bath and stepped out, "Hand me a towel, hmm?" she asked Five who was the nearest, and looked up to avoid the naked body of the girl. 
Lila couldn't help but smirk as he reached walked over to one and walked backward with his arm holding it. God this man truly was made to love every and all forms of Eight. 
"Thanks," she replied securing it around her chest. 
The three made their way towards the exit, Lila coming out first. 
"Lila?" Diego called out when he saw her exit the bathroom.
"Hm?" she asked seeing Stanley and Diego. 
He walked closer to her, "You need to take this kid with you," he tried to say then watched as Five stepped out with briefcases, "The hell were you doing in there?" 
"Bathing," Lila replied not caring. 
Diego rose a brow, "Together?"
"Diego, that was your name right?" A new voice appeared making his eyes grow even bigger as he noticed her towel as well, "we don't have time for this, we have got some important shit to do," she replied as she pressed herself to Five's back peaking over his shoulder. The three started to walk away. 
Number Four was confused once again, "Both of them?" he whispered to himself, "Woah wait what's more important than family?" 
"End of the world," Five and Phoenix chorused. 
Walking to the elevator, "Do you not have any more clothes?" Five asked her as he hated the fact that only a towel covered her. 
"Why does it make you uncomfortable?" she asked stepping into the elevator that opened. 
Five shifted, "Yes actually." 
"Why? You've seen your wife naked, haven't you? What is the difference between my tits and hers?" The purple-haired girl asked not caring about others seeing her naked, "Well actually mine are pierced but the same difference." 
Five turned to look at her with a deadpan, "I was married to hers, not yours," he paused, "I respect that you are a different person than the woman I married." 
Phoenix shrugged but didn't reply and waited for Lila to join in the elevator, "Harsh, babe, harsh," the girl whistled, then leaned in, "You still love him." 
"Shut it Bird," Lila said with a roll of her eyes, ignoring the laughs of the girl in the elevator. 
She crossed her arms and shrugged, "Oh! I should get us clothes now for the end of the world! I'll get to you!" before any of the two could tell her to wait she was gone with a crack. 
Five sighed, "I forgot she could do that," he said softly with a roll of his eyes. 
Five Pheonix couldn't help but get him a three-piece suit. She had the liberty to choose what to get him. The small black vest that hugged his waist was her favorite piece. Just roll up the white sleeves and he was set. Plus the black slacks and shoes she chose were great. Not to mention she had a thing for suits, but we won't go into that. 
"You look hot in the suit, not going to lie, old man," she muttered as she watched him button his vest, well his silhouette looked attractive. 
The teen boy rolled his eyes and ignored the purple-haired girl. 
Lila had a more laid-back type of situation. Getting her back into her favorite boots, a pair of grey skinny jeans, and her green jacket layered above. 
Now, let's hear Phoenix out...she's in the land of the free and couldn't help but channel the inner cowboy in her. She wore a burgundy long-sleeve rolled up to her elbows and a cute tight little brown leather vest, straight black jeans that went over her now brown cowboy boots. Oh, do leave out the brown belt, with a thick silver buckle with a phoenix design on it. 
As the three settled into a small tight closet, five couldn't help but roll his eyes at her outfit, "You couldn't have chosen something more normal?" 
The purple-haired girl scoffed, "Oh old man, I'm in the land of the free, I need to dress the part." 
Lila laughed, "Oh did I miss you little Firebird," she said rubbing her hand over her fringe, "See this is who I expected your wife to be." 
Five paused his actions to look at her then Phoenix, "What? Stupid?" he replied with a smirk looking at her.
"Har har, eat shit old man," the girl replied with a lift of her middle finger towards his direction, instead continuing to help the grouchy old man. 
Then Lila held a battery charger, handing him the last of the clamps. as he was the only one that could do it. At least that's what Phoenix made them think. 
"Ready to hot-wire this briefcase?" Lila asked and looked over at the nervous five. 
The purple hair girl dug into one of her pockets, and brought out a bag of popcorn, "Light him up Pitts," she whistled. 
Turning the dial sparks flew all around the room as he tried putting his powers through, but to no avail. He rather squirmed in pain as he did so. 
"Ah, shit!" Five wailed in pain as the shocks continued to go right through him.
All the while the two women in the room laughed at the sight. Finally, the cocky man feels pain. 
Slamming against the wall he couldn't handle the pain, "Lila!" he continued groaning until he let it go, grabbed a towel, and tried to put out the fire. 
"Truly wonderful, can't believe Old Lady Eight was married to this," Pheonix muttered feeling the heat in the room as she munched on popcorn, "Yeah, had a feeling that wouldn't work pops." 
Five glared over at the two amused women, "Well, I'm glad my pain amuses you." 
Lila snapped and nodded, "You have no idea, It's like my therapy."
"I just personally don't care," the teen girl added lifting herself to sit next to Lila. 
Closing the door behind him he glanced at the two, "Well, now we are down to one-half dead briefcase, and my jumps are only accurate up to a couple of minutes. So, essentially, we're screwed," he told them pacing up and down the hall. 
"Maybe, maybe not," Lila said taking the popcorn from her dear friend and eating one with a smile. 
The purple-haired girl shook her head, "Naur, the last time you gave me a smile like that I ended up in some dragon wasteland!" she hissed. 
Lila shook her head, "No I mean Five is pathetic as you know," she offered as the two looked over to glance at the boy, "But you have powers like no other, with your help all three of us could get there." 
Five scoffed, "Are you telling me all this time she could jus—" 
Phoenix lifted her finger to his lips to shush him, "—now, now, love, the adults are talking," she paused then turned to face Lila again, "You barely trust him as it is—"
"—He killed my birth parents," she interjected with a raise of her brow. 
The teen nodded, "She's right," he informed the new girl. 
"And your entire family stood by while the greasy Swede put a cap on the woman who raised me," she added staring sadly. 
Five then lifted a hand, "The Handler was going to kill you, Lila. In fact, she did kill you and my wife, the person who somewhat cared about you. Then I rolled back time and let the meatball do his work," he began explaining to the blonde, "And if you're leading Diego on as payback for what happened in Texas. Trust me I have the very right to do that too, but he may actually love you and was just pissed you kept him on a leash." 
Phoenix leaned into him, "What did Diego do?" she whispered. 
Five sighed, "He slept with my wife, don't worry I beat the shit out of him already," he replied as Lila thought about what he had said, "Come on Bird, you might be a use for me," he said and grabbed her wrist once again. 
Tears brimmed her eyes as she was told the long-time coming truth, "What do you know? You got your wife killed," he retaliated hoping to hurt him just as much as she was hurting. 
As Five was dragging the blind girl he paused and turned quickly toward Lila. His brows furrowed in anger, "Do not talk about Eight that way, you don't think I blame myself enough without you telling me that? I loved her more than you will ever know," he hissed stepping close to the blonde. He was fuming at the thought they couldn't fix the timeline, but bringing up Eight was a sting he never thought would be possible. 
Pheonix frowned from beneath her glasses, her hand subconsciously moving to his wrist, not realizing the teen stopped in his tracks. 
"This is insane. There is no way we're gonna get past this to make it to the Commission," she said shaking her head, knowing the two would only bring back more painful memories each time. 
The purple-haired girl then moved forward and pushed the two apart, "Alright I get that you two will never get to trust. But how about think of it as honest lovely hatred," she finished with a sigh looking at both of them, pointing towards the room they were just in. 
The two former Commission assassins paused and nodded, "Great now let's hold hands and sing kumbaya," she finished and walked forward to open the door, not forgetting to grab their hands and pull them in. 
"Y'know I still don't get how you can see if you can't see," Lila then asked as the three shuffled back into the room. 
Phoenix snorted, "I like to call it seismic sense," she started, "Every breath, sound, and step I take let out these sounds or vibrations, that lets me 'see' perse," she finished and let their hands go and began plugging stuff into the wall. 
"Okay now the both of you relax, especially you Firebird, we don't need to end up at the beginning of time," she told glancing over at the purple-haired girl who just shrugged. 
Five sighed in disgust, "I can't. Your breath is terrible," he huffed. 
Phoenix gasped and smacked his arm, "Five that's rude!" 
Lila laughed at the two, "First of all garlic is for winners," she paused and looked back at the machine, "Enough foreplay!"
Five shook his head, "This is stupid," he sighed then gripped Phoenix's hand as her other held Lila's. 
"Alright, you two are about to feel what true powers look like," the blind girl laughed. 
The Ex-Commission employees began powering up as Phoenix's hands began glowing. What tripped Five out was the color, unlike his wife's, hers was a dull red snaking around his and Lila's arm. He thought she was kidding when she said they would feel it. But the minute the case began crackling he felt a heavy weight on his arm. The power that surged through him felt dark and heavy, nothing like Eight's. 
"It's starting!" Phoenix called as she felt all of time course through her veins, "Oh it feels so good!" 
Five glanced down at her and noticed the cracks of glowing yellow on her skin, "How is this enjoyable for you?" he yelled as he was straining himself along with Lila. 
One second they were in the library, the second the three zapped through time and landed in a heavy snowstorm.
As Phoenix landed, she fell forward, hands landing on the soft snow. Feeling the cool air on her face as the harsh cold winds blew on it. She couldn't see, all the noises and the soft ground made everything look so grainy, "I can't see anything!" 
Five looked over at the girl to see her staring forward in panic, "Here give me your hand!" he yelled over the storm, he then watched her move her hand around in panic, "I can't see dipshit!" she hissed. 
"Right! Sorry!" he yelled and moved to grip her hand, "Thanks Lila, now we're in the Ice Age!" he yelled angrily. 
The blonde looked around and shook her head, "Shut up and turn around," she said gripping her body in hopes of keeping warm. 
The time travel turned and looked at the destroyed building, "The Commission," he whispered looking at its state. Then he moved to follow a laughing Lila towards the building. His hand tightly gripped Phoenix's hand who stumbled through the snow blindly. 
"So this is what it's like to not see!" she yelled over the storm, her hand moving to grip his forearm, "Don't think that I like you one bit," she said over the snow. 
Five huffed, "Trust me I know," he said walking quicker and pulling her along. 
The minute they stepped into the building the girl detached herself from him. Touching a wall momentarily, "Ha, this place went to shit," she huffed feeling all the ruined building. 
The three looked around at its ruined state, "I was just here, how long was I bloody gone?" Lila asked nobody really. 
Five sighed, "It seems the Grandfather Paradox, is affecting everything," he said putting the briefcase down. 
"Even places out of time it seems," Phoenix muttered, her hand touching the old railing by her. 
Lila looked over to the girl, "Is that possible?" 
Phoenix shook her head, "This is just a few of the images Eight showed me when she visited," she said moving her finger to adjust her glasses. 
Five moved to pick up the suitcase and felt a rumble, "Bird watch out!" he called as he saw the falling ceiling. 
But it never reached her, the pieces all like sand fell above her, "I'm invincible Five," she said turning to walk up the steps. 
"Yeah that's what my wife said and she's dead," he mumbled walking after her. 
The purple-haired girl scoffed, "Yeah, well I'm not Eight," she huffed. 
As the two continued to walk over the piles of rubble, Five walked into the infinite switchboard. He turned the dial to get any type of broadcast, "Do you see this?" Five asked the girl standing behind him. 
"I can't see anything dipshit," she muttered with a roll of her eyes. 
"There's been a rip in the space-time continuum. It's swallowing everything. Oh, my sweet Dot, Iris, Josh from accounting, they're all gone...." Five turned the dial to speed it up, "I've tried everything! I don't know what else to do. The timeline is collapsing. This is...the end."  His voice ended and yelled as he disappeared. 
"That's great because you and your family came here, everything I know of will end," she sighed crossing her clap. 
Lila then showed up, "I could kill for some scrambled eggs right now," she said walking in. 
Phoenix looked over at her, "Y'know I haven't eaten, we should get lunch after this," she said with a smile. 
Five rolled his eyes at the two, "Shut up both of you. This is bigger than the timeline and your hungry stomachs."
The blonde rose a brow, "What's bigger than the timeline?" 
"The entire universe my friends," she replied stuffing her hands in her pockets, "I should've got myself a jacket," she mumbled the rest. 
"Missing dogs, people...It's the opposite of the Big bang," he said looking at the two, "Instead of the universe expanding, it's now collapsing in on itself." 
Lila nodded and snapped, "Like a prolapsing rectum," she replied quickly. 
Phoenix snorted at the answer, "Oh god I missed your stupid answers, Lila," the girl replied then walked off as she got a sense of deja vu. 
The Founder...Find them. Was the voice that echoed in her head, the familiar voice that she had met all those years ago. Her feet carried mindlessly all to follow the visions and whispers in her head. Not realizing the dark red energy following her around. 
As she made her way toward the halls, she couldn't help but lift her hand to her chest. Her heart felt heavy as it pumped faster the further she went into the collapsing building. 
Five and Lila moved through the building, silently they became more worried when they couldn't hear or see the blind girl anymore. The worse part had to be the glowing cracks on the wall forming on the ground and walls. Almost as if leading them to where they needed to be. 
As Five walked through the door he gasped at the sight, "Jesus christ Bird, what is happening with you?" He asked walking towards her, pulling her arm so he could see her face. 
"I feel fine," she said, "But I think I found what you were looking for," she added looking back at the door. 
The time traveler sighed as started sweating, reaching his shoulder and beginning to scratch the feeling. The feeling felt all too familiar. 
As Lila got denied access to the room she looked back at the two behind her, "Jesus you're sweating like a dodgy shrimp," she motioned to Five squirming with the collar of his shirt, "And you are spiraling Firebird, your red is everywhere." 
Five rolled his eyes at the statement, he had an idea of what was wrong but he didn't want to believe it. Instead, he moved forward to try and scan his own eye through the device. 
"Y'know if it doesn't open, I can always blast it open," Phoenix offered. 
Lila laughed, "Firebird you can't see around you right now, but you are already causing something to collapse," she answered her arm over her shoulder. 
The large mechanical door chimed, "Access Granted," the female voice called. 
The three watching—Phoenix felt—the large door slide open to reveal a large room with marble walls, with smoke falling from its' sides. 
"Well this room is big," the purple-haired girl called out walking directly to the small table with liquor, "Nice to know dear Five is granted here." 
"That's him huh," he paused to put the book down, "The Founder," he sighed, walking to follow Lila who was watching the man in the glass. 
Phoenix followed close behind with a whole bottle, "It's odd," she simply said taking a swing of the drink. 
Five furrowed his eyebrows from the odd words coming from the blind girl. The sight of the old man confused him even more, "It can't be," he paused. 
Lila rose a brow, "What's wrong?" 
The teen paused as he continued to theorize why he was there, "It's me." 
Lila began laughing as the purple-haired girl spit out her drink. 
The purple-haired girl wiped her mouth, "You're telling me this old fossil is you? The founder of this place? Your employees sent to kill me for years?" she rambled as she joined Lila in her laugh.  
Oh, the irony. 
"No way," Lila cackled, "This whole time you've been complaining about the Commission, and you're the one who founded it. Classic!" 
"If I did, I have no memory of it," he replied still confused about what was happening. If this man founded it, wouldn't Eight be a part of it also? He refused to do anything without her by his side. So why wasn't she here?
Taking a swing of her drink Phoenix snapped her fingers, "You know what's weird," she mentioned and paused stomping her foot, "I've never forgotten anyone I've met, and this fossil is one of them," she said then looking ahead. 
Five snapped his head toward her, "You mean me? I'm the sam—" 
The girl lifted her finger to cover his mouth, "—You may be the same, but at the very same time you aren't." 
He smacked her hand away from his face, "The only reason I know it's me is because of Paradox Psychosis, but in here I can't feel it." 
There was silence for a while before a breathy low voice spoke, "We were never too bright were we?" the voice began, eyes opening to glance over at the three, "The operations bunker is paradox-proof. I constructed it as a panic room in case of a collapse in the time continuum. In this room, all permutations of yourself can exist. You must be here because of um Kugelblitz." 
At his words the girl swallowed another dunk of liquor, "Shit," she muttered. 
"What is that cheese?" Lila asked confused. 
Five flickered his eyes to Phoenix at her response then back at the old man, "It's German for 'ball of lightning,' it's an extra kinky kind of black hole." 
Lila frowned, "The kind that can suck up entire timelines," she mumbled glancing at the old man. 
"Bingo," the man muttered. 
Five sighed, "So, how do we fix it?"
That's when Phoenix remembered him, "You don't," she answered for an old man. 
In her youth not only had she been visited by Eight Hargreeves herself, warning her about what was to come. But years later, Five Hargreeves the very man came to tell her one mission. Do not help me when the day comes. Let the Kugelblitz take it all.
 Five's eye twitched at the response, "What do you mean by that?" he hissed towards her, "And you created this, so you must have a solution," he finished glaring at his older self. 
And in harmony, the two chanted, "All that will be left is oblivion," they whispered. 
The time traveler didn't like this one bit, why did Phoenix out of all people know what was happening? Was she a part of this? Could she be the answer to repair the timelines? He didn't listen when Lila asked, as his eyes were training on the purple-haired girl who looked ahead. 
Bumping into something the case opened and showed his missing arm and tattoo on his chest, "This is what you have coming," he said. 
"Listen to me, you ass. I have no idea what you told Birdy here, but I just spend the last 20 days running around saving the world from apocalypses, only to keep trying to save the world. My wife die at the hands of my adoptive father. I'm stuck in a teen body, hormones raging," he muttered angrily at the old man, "And all I wanna do is go out and buy a 1970's Corvette Stingray."
"Five I'd take it easy on the old man," Phoenix tried to say calmly, moving her hand to his shoulder. 
But his crazy eyes blared at her, "Bird this is between me and myself, it's bad enough you look like my wife, so shut up," he hissed and look back at the man, "Now, this Kugelblitz, it is not some tiny leak that we can simply fix by patching a couple of pinholes. It is a giant trash compactor that is grinding up the universe and consuming it whole," he continued to slowly hiss into the face of Older Five, "So tell me..how do you stop it!" he pushed out harshly. 
Older Five paused and looked over to Pheonix, the girl with the circular glasses covering her eyes, "Whatever you do," he began but choked for a minute, "don't save the world," he finished his eyes rolling to the back of his head. 
The purple-haired girl clicked her tongue, "Well his heartrate is gone, I'm assuming he's dead?" 
But that obviously didn't register with the teen beside her, "Five!" How do I fix this?!" he yelled hoping that the man wasn't actually dead. 
"Again, no heartbeat, I have extremely good hearing, I would know," she added with a huff. 
The teen had a confused look on his face, he didn't know what to feel at the moment. Everything about what was happening felt like a lie. This couldn't be happening, he was supposed to fix the timeline, and get his wife back. Not just for himself but for all of his family as well. 
Sighing and shaking his head at the dead man, he glanced at the woman in the room, "Can I have the room?" 
Phoenix frowned, "I don't really think it's a good idea—" 
The teen closed his eyes, "Bird, please, just listen to me this once," he asked looking in her general direction. 
The girl scoffed and waved her hand, "I'm leaving on my own accord, not because you told me to," she added grabbing Lila's hand on the way out. 
But as she stepped out her head began to throb. Letting out a sharp breath she fell to the floor the ground shaking and trembling as she did. 
Her surroundings all shifted and she saw herself younger self by the ocean.  In her old school uniform, and behind her stood a tall man in a suit. 
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baalzebufo · 2 years
A short piece of writing, from the perspective of Chip Revvington. A diary entry about dreams and fears.
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LOADING [dreamdiary.txt]
This all started when I was talking to Misty. She mentioned these 'dreams' she's been having, and I asked her about it. Said I think I'd been having them myself. She got all excited about that. Told me it might help me to write them down. To remember, or something. I don't see her that excited very often. So I figure I could at least humor her suggestion.
Who knows, maybe it’ll help. I’ll try anything at this point.
It starts outside the office. It's quiet, kind of overcast- the sort of day I’d usually love but I just have this feeling in my circuits that something isn't right. I walk in, past the secretary- doesn’t even look at me, but she never does- the elevator is down. Of course. I take the stairs. 
It's the longer, irritating route to my office, and it means passing through the other cubicles. Actually seeing the other suits who work here. And everyone there seems so jumpy. I know they're scared of me, but… it feels different. Worse than usual. It starts grating on me. A few flights up, I get frustrated. What’s gotten into them? So I ask some Yesman cowering by the oil cooler what the big deal is.
He looks right through me. Doesn't even hear me. Nobody does. I move up the stairs, try a few other offices. It's like… I'm some kind of ghost. Nobody sees or hears me.
It's… the dread sets in, then. Panic, a little. I run up more flights of stairs than they ever built in that office to get to mine. Burst the door down to get to the bottom of all this.
I'm sat in my chair.
Well… it's not me. I'm me. But a second me is sat there, working. Writing out pink slips methodically. Doesn't even glance up when I shout at him. I walk up, I'm yelling then- I don’t remember what I said. Something cruel, probably. I shove the papers off the desk. He looks up.
Have you ever… do you know what it's like? Looking into your own face like that? Knowing it's not really you? It's…
He stands up, and we're eye to eye. I feel like I can't move. He speaks in my voice.
'We don't need you anymore.' 
It's not my voice. Well, it is… But it's hollow. Something's missing. I know what I should sound like, and that... isn't it. It’s hard to describe how I know, but I just... something deep inside me knows. He reaches out. Grabs my neck.
It's only a second of hesitation and I'm against the desk and he's over me, and I can see his eyes are blank. There's nothing behind them. Nobody. And I…
I'm scared. I'm honestly scared for my life. Like... like I haven’t been for years. His blade's whirring and it's close enough to see my reflection in it- the real me, I mean. Wide-eyed and terrified.
'They want me, not you.'
And he just leans closer.
'They never wanted you.'
I… I know what he means. And I realize he's not some imposter or clone or… whatever, made to mess with me. He is me. He's the part of me they brought out on purpose. Just to fix their damn sinking profits. The me they stripped all of me out of. All the things I used to like doing… my friends, my hobbies, even little things I did on the job. Not necessary. Not efficient enough.
It's the empty version of me. The one they want. Just the Chainsaw Consultant.
I think I pass out then, sometime before his blade strikes mine. I don't think he kills me, or anything. Why would he? If he was there, then… he'd already won.
Wouldn’t make sense to kill a ghost.
I guess I wonder, if that happened… would there still be a version of me in there, somewhere? Wandering around like a dream and watching behind my own eyes. Not able to stop it. Not able to scream.
I wonder then, if that would be the real me. Or if that would even matter anymore.
Misty was wrong. I don't think writing it down helped at all. All it did was make me remember more. But it's not like I could forget it, even if I tried.
After all, I see that monster in the mirror every day.
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oldiestations · 3 days
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( CHANDLER KINNEY. TWENTY FOUR. CIS WOMAN. SHE/HER. ) since you aren’t aware of them yet… that’s ( ALYLA KINCAID ) wandering around in hollow creek! from what i know they’ve lived in hollow creek for ( NINE MONTHS. )  i’m also aware of the fact that they work as a ( CINEMA PROJECTIONIST. ) in town! but if you were to ask me, what i see when i think about them are: ( LOOKING FOR MEANING IN THE MUNDANE, BEING THE FIRST TO ARRIVE AT REHEARSAL AND THE LAST TO LEAVE, LEAVING THE NIGHTLIGHT ON IN A NEW APARTMENT. ) if anything, i feel like they could be ( INDEPENDANT, ASTUTE, OPINIONATED & MEDDLING. ) it’s really weird, though… because they seem to be hiding something that no one else knows. but i sure do! and that is ( CLOSED FILE… REDACTED ) wild, huh? i know. they’re hoping no one will ever find out. and the very last thing that i’d say about them is that they’re mainly known to be ( THE THESPIAN. ) just keep a lookout! who knows if they’re putting on a facade!
» FULL NAME   alyla spencer kincaid » NICKNAMES   lyla » AGE   twenty four » BIRTHDATE / ZODIAC   april 14, aries » GENDER / PRONOUNS   cis woman, she/her but wouldn’t correct a they » ORIENTATION   bisexual
» BIRTHPLACE   new york city, new york » CURRENT RESIDENCE   hollow creek, massachusetts » MOTHER   adah kincaid, housewife / retired stage actress, alive » FATHER   ellery kincaid, off-broadway stage manager,  alive » SIBLINGS   two older siblings
» LINKS   pinterest spotify
alyla  grew  up  surrounded  by  the  arts  —  living  a  short  subway  ride  away  from  manhattan's  theatre  district,  her  mother  a  former  actress  only  retiring  to  raise  her  children,  her  father  still  working  as  a  stage  manager  for  off-broadway  productions,  and  her  older  siblings  attending  a  private  arts  school.  it  only  made  sense  that  she'd  follow  in  the  footsteps  of  everyone  else  in  her  family.  she  started  young,  being  an  obvious  pick  whenever  a  production  her  father  or  someone  either  of  her  parents  knew  was  working  on  needed  a  little  girl  to  be  on  stage  for  a  few  minutes  to  be  cute  and  maybe  deliver  a  few  lines.  she  had  a  natural  stage  presence,  which  her  mother  would  boast  about  at  any  opportunity.
sure,  it  certainly  helped  that  at  every  rehearsal  and  every  show  there  was  someone  standing  just  off  stage  with  a  tube  of  mini  m&ms  to  reward  her,  but  alyla  genuinely  loved  the  stage  regardless.  it  was  playing  pretend  on  a  scale  much  bigger  than  her  living  room,  with  an  audience  giving  her  their  undivided  attention.  so  when  she  was  finally  old  enough  to  start  doing  children's  theatre  she  was  ecstatic.  she  spent  the  summer  after  kindergarten  doing  a  kids  musical  theatre  day  camp,  getting  a  small  scale  version  of  acting  and  singing  lessons  and  doing  well  enough  that  some  of  the  camp  counselors  suggested  putting  her  in  one  on  one  lessons  after  school.  don't  have  to  tell  her  mom  twice  —  she  tacked  on  dance  too,  for  good  measure.  alyla  had  an  interest  anyway,  so  why  not  go  for  making  her  a  triple  threat?
being  in  so  many  after  school  classes,  plus  school,  plus  a  few  weeks  of  show  rehearsals  every  few  months,  alyla  was  busy.  too  busy  for  silly  things  like  playdates,  birthday  parties,  or  sleepovers,  except  for  the  odd  occasion  where  they  would  fall  on  a  day  off.  she  enjoyed  everything  she  was  doing,  but  her  mom  enjoyed  it  more.  alyla  figured  out  pretty  early  that  her  mom  missed  doing  all  the  same  things,  and  she  enjoyed  watching  her  daughter  follow  in  her  footsteps  maybe  a  little  more  than  alyla  herself  enjoyed  doing  all  of  it.  but  at  the  end  of  the  day,  she  did  enjoy  it.  so  she  never  said  anything  about  it.
another  thing  she  noticed,  or  more  so  was  told  by  her  siblings,  was  their  parents  drifting  apart.  not  necessarily  because  their  mother  was  never  home  because  she  was  busy  taxing  kids  to  and  from  activities  and  playing  stage  mom,  or  because  their  father  was  doing  something  similar  by  taking  on  more  responsibilities  for  the  productions  he  was  working  on.  no,  they  assured  her,  those  were  just  symptoms.  people  grow  apart  sometimes,  that  doesn't  mean  there's  a  problem.  aside  from  neither  of  them  wanting  to  confront  that  fact,  anyway.  this  became  more  and  more  apparent  as  she  got  older.  her  mother  wanting  to  hang  around  and  watch  her  dance  class,  provide  her  two  cents  to  her  acting  coach,  whether  or  not  alyla  (  or  her  teachers  )  actually  wanted  her  in  the  room.  even  as  she  got  to  be  ten,  twelve,  fourteen  years  old.  it  got  to  be  suffocating.
and  then  she  finally  said  as  much.  caused  a  huge  fight  just  asking  for  her  mother  to  not  volunteer  to  help  her  high  school  drama  teacher  that  season.  one  of  them  had  to  give  in  eventually,  and  it  was  alyla  in  the  end  who  decided  it  wasn't  worth  arguing  about.  but  the  relationship  never  went  back  to  normal.  not  only  with  her  mother,  but  also  her  father  who  decided  he'd  rather  stay  out  of  it  than  back  up  either  of  them.  it  seemed  to  strain  their  relationship  with  each  other  further  as  well.
college  would  finally  be  her  clean  break.  only  having  school  to  focus  on,  she  had  a  chance  to  make  some  real  friends  for  the  first  time  since...  well,  ever.  she  got  to  figure  out  what  she  herself  really  enjoyed  about  performing,  and  even  dip  her  toes  into  some  of  the  behind  the  scenes  work  —  something  she'd  had  an  interest  in  ever  since  she  was  a  little  girl  following  her  father  around  backstage.
the  time  apart  from  her  family  though,  it  never  really  repaired  anything.  going  home  for  holidays  was  tense.  coming  to  see  her  performances  even  more  so.  and  every  time,  she  was  surprised  to  see  her  parents  pull  up  in  the  same  car.  she  decided  pretty  quick  that  she  had  to  get  out  of  there  for  a  while  after  she  graduated.  she  didn't  do  it  right  away.  she  stayed  in  her  manhattan  apartment  for  a  few  months  after  graduating  and  saved  up  for  a  couple  months  while  she  debated  exactly  where  to  go.
since  moving  to  town,  alyla's  taken  the  opportunity  to  wipe  her  slate  clean.  new  state,  new  her.  or  something  like  that.  she's  spent  the  past  nine  months  doing...  very  little,  actually.  it's  been  nice.  she  likes  having  more  free  time  than  she  knows  what  to  do  with.  she  knows  she  can't  spend  the  rest  of  her  life  in  the  projection  booth  at  the  movie  theatre  eating  employee  discount  popcorn,  but  she'll  figure  something  else  out  later.  she's  got  time.
misc headcanons
is  she  supposed  to  be  taking  a  bit  of  a  sabbatical?  yes.  would  she  still  absolutely  take  a  chance  to  perform  if  it  was  handed  to  her?  also  yes.  her  instagram  dms  are  open  for  inquiries-  [SILENCED]
you  know  that  scene  in  the  percy  jackson  show  where  annabeth  looks  at  percy  like  he’s  the  stupidest  person  she’s  ever  encountered  and  tells  him  its  like  he  needs  her  to  make  fun  of  him?  thats  her.  affectionately.  it  means  she  likes  you.
tries  to  avoid  using  her  last  name.  give  herself  some  distance  from  her  family.  uses  her  middle  name  when  given  a  choice.
into  all  that  astrology/astrology  adjacent  stuff.  she  doesnt  know  tarot  or  anything  but  if  she  ever  finds  her  old  bella  sara  cards  she  would  totally  use  them  to  do  something  like  the  pokemon  tarot  guy  on  tiktok.  and  it  would  be  weirdly  accurate.
wanted connections
maybe  some  kind  of  surrogate  parental  figure  that  she  latched  onto  and  won't  let  go  of  no  matter  how  hard  you  try  to  shake  her  off.  she's  still  there.
her  older  siblings?  maybe?  could've  decided  to  follow  her,  or  maybe  she  partially  followed  them.  in  my  head  there's  like  3-4+  years  between  each  of  them.  i  don't  have  faceclaims  off  the  top  of  my  head  but  i'm  not  picky,  hit  me  up  about  it.
various  flavors  of  friends  ⸺  other  recent  transplants,  other  new  yorkers,  a  roommate  maybe,  frienemies  kinda  deal,  someone  she  sneaks  into  the  projection  booth  at  work  sometimes,  i  don't  know
honestly,  i  prefer  to  feel  stuff  out  on  the  dash  and  see  what  the  vibes  are  first,  but  it  something  sticks  out  i'm  happy  to  discuss!
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autisticempathydaemon · 3 months
Take all the time you need hun! I don’t wanna make you feel rushed or anything, life is always busy 💞💞💞
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
Both Over & Over by Rio Romeo and Again&Again by The Bird and the Bee, those two songs have been stuck in my head recently, it fits this fear I have in my mind that I’m never truly growing or I’m never actually gonna leave where I am, that I’ll always fall victim to habit and paranoia 💃🏽 also I just ADORE my meloncholy depressing songs lol but that’s not very heehee haha of me soooo Spider Web by Melanie Martinez bc it has the sound of a Coqui in it (I’m Puerto Rican) or River is a Vampire by Bear Ghost and Dan ET bc it’s just the vampiric version of that one meme “How you do my fellow kids” and it kills me
• What is your Enneagram type?
I think I’m a type 4? but I do know I’m an ENFP!
• Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
God I haven’t watched a video essay in AGES but I used to love them, but idk what gargantuan is </3 but I typically like video essays about internet history or crime cases, or of shows I enjoy (like MLP)
• Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
SHE WAS A CHEETAH WHO WAS ALWAYS THERE FOR ME NO MATTER WHAT!!! I would pet her, talk to her, and she’d keep me company when everyone would isolate me/avoid me bc I was ‘too weird’. She was just a big ass cat that would keep me company and run by the cars side to make sure I and my family was safe. She protected me 💞 (thank you for making me remember her 🥹)
• What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
Getting on call with my partner, I’m rather clingy and just wanna spend time with them even if it’s just silence or sleepy rambling, it also keeps me from doom scrolling. If not on call with them I’ll put on RSlash or Gavin’s/Davids sleep aid and hope that knocks me out (and if not that a ba LMFAO-) also if I have Lavender, I put it under/rub it all over my pillow and plushies
• If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
Im genderfluid/gendervoid so I’ve tried many names, I do like my birth name, it means Loyal Protector/Pledge, so I wanted to find names that mean loyalty or music related names, but one name I’ve been using recently is Quincy, it feels nice sometimes, my partner suggested it to me.
• What is your favorite of Redacted's audios, and why?
Sam’s cuddles and confessions, it’s nice and comforting. That or Cataclysm in general, I fucking LOVE Cataclysm, I love relistening to it. Also any audio that involves Caelum I love that boy dearly
• What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don't get the hype for. (I won't judge, I promise.)
Aaron and Vincent. Despite me being a huge vampire lover, Vincent just did not catch my attention at all, Aaron just doesn’t peak my fancy aside from one of his BA’s. Also same thing for Porter, he kinda bores me 😔
• Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
When I was a little kid, it was the live action 102 Dalmatians, I KNEW THAT MOVIE LIKE THE BACK OF MY HAND!!! I FUCKING LOVED WATCHING CRUELLA BEING BAKED INTO A CAKE BY ALL THOSE DOGS. Also Oddball my beloved 💞💞💞 the sweet baby puppy, I just understood the pup for feeling like and odd one out as a grew up, I haven’t seen the movie in years now but it still holds such a special place in my heart. Now as an adult my two favorite shows are The Promised Neverland(only season 1, I’m reading the manga) and Madoka Magica. I love rewatching TPN, but Madoka I have to mentally prepare myself for cause good lord does it make me feel like I never took anti-depressants/pos and then a movie I love now, A Silent Voice. I think I do know that one scene for scene. As a kid who grew up being bullied for being different or just not doing things right, I felt strongly for the main characters. I’ve cried almost every single time I’ve watched the movie. The part where one of the characters jumped off the balcony kills me every time because it reminds me how that could’ve been me from the fresh ages of 9-16 and almost was. It just holds a special spot in my heart and helps me keep going. (I adore my sad heart wrenching shit lmfao)
• Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
Asher and Guy, those two would be so much fun to be friends with, also with the fact I’m so similar to them, especially Asher, bro is just like me fr 💀💀💀 collars and all. Like I just wanna be that man’s friend he is so silly
• Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you're tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I'm ready to sleep when | start talking about space.)
As cheesy as it is, the fact I just want everyone in the world to be okay and happy, I want us all to hold hands, hug, and not hurt. I cry during these rambles sometimes, I genuinely just want everyone to be safe and happy and it tears me up inside and out bc that’s just not possible with the world we live in. That or I just start rambling nonsense lmfao (bonus is if I start rambling about how much I love and care about the person I’m talking to)
• Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Root beer and either Hot Cheetos/Cheesy Ruffles, or spicy chicken cheese sticks, meow I’m eating the shit out of that. (But if we have the money for it, Icys specifically cherry cause it’s objectively the best flavor next to Pinacolada)
• Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
Like music playlist? Currently my fave has to be either my Alexis, Quinn, or my Darlin and Quinn playlists, I love my evil people playlists and songs that represent fucked up mindsets and relationships. That or my Melancholy Comfort playlist, I enjoy my meloncholy songs.
Redacted playlist tho? Either Sam, Vega, or Caelum, Sam holds a very special place in my heart, he’s incredibly comforting and ngl I miss the less sexual audios from his earlier era. Vega just drives me feral with every new piece of info we learn, GOD I FUCKING LOVE THAT ANCIENT MAN AND THE LORE HE DROPS!!! And then Caelum’s playlist holds a special place in my heart since that was the only playlist I could listen to after finding out I was cheated on/the other woman. Helped me out a lot for about 2 months 💞
• What's your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Those shitty werewolf romance things you see on tiktok, GOD I get so fucking invested in those they’re so needlessly interesting LMFAO idc they’re cringe, I’m cringe too stfu
• And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
I’m a huge performer! I love singing, dancing, acting, especially singing and dancing. I LIVE for the stage and positive attention, I just wanna make people smile or make people feel scene when I preform. Hopefully one day I can be famous and truly fulfill that dream of mine. I also feel emotions strongly and spent my entire childhood from middle school and up studying psychology and human behavior. Also I absolutely HATE fake people, I can’t stand when people are fake, I try to be a safe person for everyone to truly be themselves cause lord knows I always hated having to put on a mask growing up/being isolated because I didn’t fit in lmfao.
I forgot to click on anon sorry-
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I adore this entry- not only did you give me so much information to work with but you’ve given me an opportunity to pair you with Lasko which I love to do.
He’s such a character in need of love, and I think you’re a perfect person to love him and be loved in return for so many reasons. He’d be an introvert to your extrovert which is always an adorable couple dynamic. You’ve mentioned a past characterized by isolation and feeling other; Lasko is uniquely situated to understand and empathize with that. You prefer true, genuine people, and Lasko is so incredibly (albeit apologetically) himself and probably incapable of being anything else.
One of the most fun activities I think you and Lasko would do together is watch anime. I like to think he’s already a fan, mostly of adventure and isekai, with some cheesy shoujo faves he’s so bashful about liking. You show him A Silent Voice, which isn’t his usual genre, and you two cry together. Another fun thing is how you’ll perform and Lasko will be in the front row every time, cheering you on. He brings you a mismatched bouquet and rambles about how he couldn’t pick a dozen of one flower, so he got a little of them all.
Cause lately it's been hard/ They're sellin' me for parts/ And I don't wanna be modern art/ But I only got half a heart to give to you/ How can you miss someone you've never seen?/ Oh, tell me, are your eyes brown, blue, or green?/ And do you like it with sugar and cream?/ Or do you take it straight, oh, just like me?
You like melancholy songs; I can provide. This is one of my favorite pining songs, and it makes me think of a young Lasko (and maybe a young you) longing for connection, love, understanding, that one person who will make the love songs finally make sense. It makes me picture Lasko just waiting for you, you know?
On the total opposite of the pairing spectrum, Hudson is one of your runner-ups because he’d be such a good match to you as a performer. I personally can’t imagine a better hype man than Hudson. I’m also picking David as a runner-up for you, because I think you two would contrast each other really cutely, in a maybe golden retriever/german shepherd way.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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wetcatspellcaster · 10 months
Not only do I love your writing, with many a snippets living rent free in my head, and now you are spoiling us with these DVD commentary posts! Oh, and here's on:
As her arcane vision opened, and she was greeted by a hexagonal chamber, wrought from white marble. The proportions of the chamber were briefly dizzying, and off-putting enough to require adjustment to - its walls were high, suggesting a tower, with long, thin, arched windows and a mural in the domed ceiling. Everything was deathly still, and quiet.
And at the chamber's centre, a pristine white coffin.
Its lid was carved into an ornate frieze of flowers, foliage, and winged birds. All its fastenings were pale white gold, the clasps inlaid with rubies. Rose felt her consciousness tugged like a boat anchored, as the hairpin focus called her forward.
When Rose approached the coffin, she heard stifled, harried breathing within. This was truly Astarion’s resting place, then - and close enough for him to cross planes in the time it had taken them to make it to their own sanctuary. He was already inside, recovering from the death she’d willed upon him. If she’d been real, in this moment, Rose would’ve laid her hand upon the surface of the casket.
Echoing from within the coffin, came a long, gravelly groan, that ended in a series of stuttered breaths.
Ah, Rose thought, skin burning in the material plane. Not in too much pain, then.
And... definitely Astarion.
She hastily backed herself away from the coffin, rising up through the centre of the strange, pristine room to the nearest window. It seemed the quickest way to find out more information on their current location, and to leave him to whatever… that was. She felt the connection finesse itself and stretch taut, finding the limits of her own concentration as she drifted up-
Rosalie felt the temperature drop drastically as she came up to the arched window. Its glass was rimed with frost, small glittering starbursts of ice lining the edges and patching the view in places with fronds of glimmering crystal. Beyond, a pale, snow-covered landscape with no signs of life, only mountains that were impossible to scale, and a sky that was brutally dark. A night blue as ink with not a single star to light it, only pulses of colour in an aurora of paler blue and deep, bruise purple, fluttering in and out of existence and rippling through the endless, dark sky like a wave.
Rosalie did the disembodied, arcane equivalent of pressing her ear against the glass. The metal of the window frame felt so cold, it burned across her mind like flame. Though the air inside the chamber was still, she thought she heard the high, roaring howl of a merciless wind.
...why did I not realise that when I offered up DVD Commentary the 'is he wanking in his coffin' segment was bound to come back to haunt me :-)
Curse you, anon (affectionate).
I spoke a lot about where I wanted to put the coffin in the endnotes, but there are many spoiler-y reasons why I decided on Cania as the ideal place, to the point where it caused me to ignore the fact that it technically broke Scry. I'm going to try and give teasers here for the fun of it, but unfortunately a lot of my commentary on this section is going to be [REDACTED] bc it's setting up some (I think) very fun and sexy plot-twists later. Maybe I'll just use this space to be really indulgent and point out some instances of foreshadowing just to annoy readers into guessing what they might mean.
I really love the Hells in general in D&D - I'm not just brain poisoned by the House of Hope, I've always been obsessed with the very D&D specific distinction between Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil and what Hell, as the Lawful Evil plane, looks like as a result.
Cania is Mephistopheles' domain, I based the choice that they would be in contact not just on the fact that the Black Mass is Mephistopheles' plan, but also on that one line in Ascendent!Astarions dialogue with spawn!Tav when he mentions 'Mephistopheles' gifts', as if they're on first name terms and pals now.
The description of Cania was based on what lore I could glean from online searches and also Descent Into Avernus. Cania isn't actually spoken about in great detail to be honest, it's basically lifeless, cold, and barren. Which...was already prime Gothic vampire imagery, tbh, but then I found this line on the wiki: 'Preserved corpses were frequently uncovered after collisions between glaciers.' I see Ascended!Astarion essentially, at this point, as a 'preserved corpse', particularly when contrasted to Rose's aging, so I figured it was fate.
Also idk if people have googled Mephistopheles but based on his wiki description... it seems like him and Ascendent!Astarion would get along :)))))
The flashes/aurora in the sky are meant to be a sign of arcane activity, Cania is characterised by Mephistopheles 'overseeing endless experiments with arcane magic [...] conducted throughout the wastes of the layer.'
The inside of Astarion's infernal palace registers to Rosalie as warm, but the world outside is very, very cold. There. That is my only piece of foreshadowing that I can highlight here. Make of it what you will.
Also.... yes, he was wanking in the coffin :') at least, in my vision as an author. But tbh the responses in comments were so valid, and I now also have a very funny image of it being a combination of a wank and a panic attack, which... you know... if you're an invulnerable, all-powerful vampire who's become alienated from your own humanity and your own emotions, maybe being scared *does* get you off?
Also shout out to the commenters who imagined what she overheard was actually just a Blood of Lathander style temper tantrum. Imagining an alternative version of this scene where Rosalie goes over to the coffin, here's a tea kettle high voice going "Power Word Kill! Power Word Kill!!" and goes "...ah, that's Astarion alright. Just like the old days." and then moves on with her life.
DVD commentary ask
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syrakhanistan · 2 months
[Experiment Log Recording, heavily redacted, with extremely tinny audio. Dated back to a long and tense period in both mundane and magical history, in the early Officio era - date within the last 200 years, but almost certainly corrupted by [REDACTED]. Discovered partially in a ruined research facility, deep in Hokkaido; and restored with a second section found in a mountain facility on the coast of Greece.]
A: “…on?”
B: “Seems like it.”
A: “Good… Good. This’ll help… for posterity. Proof of our success, hopefully.”
C: “She’s still conscious, but we don’t know for how long. Honestly, she’s survived in this… state… far longer than any other specimen.”
D: “She’s not a fucking specimen. She’s my [REDACTED]. I’m only allowing her to do this and not killing her myself because this is what she wanted.”
A: “…why is she still in here? This is a secure facility, no matter what your feelings to the girl are.”
D: “Then try and kick me out. I dare you.”
B: “Don’t—”
C: “People, please. The speci— The Vindicare Rank Leader is sedated, but for someone of her caliber, the amount of noise - particularly from [Person D] - could very well disturb her from her slumbe—”
E: “…You know, I don’t think the sedation worked at all, actually.”
D: “[Person E]!”
C: “D-did I mess up the dosage?”
A: “Oh, for the love of… Do I need to do everything myself? Give me th—”
E: “Do not.”
B: “Careful. Carefully, please, everyone. [Person E]… do you know where you are?”
E: “Naturally. This whole thing was primarily at my suggestion.”
A: “Crap, her [REDACTED] levels…! They’re spiking. We need to—”
E: “You said it yourself, didn’t you? Careful.”
B: “What… do you mean?”
D: “…I think I see where this is going. I don’t like it, but…”
E: “Perhaps it is fate that your little dosage of sleepy times didn’t work on me. Perhaps… a more careful hand will make this experiment easier.”
A: “…A manual procedure? I mean, again, theoretically possible, but…”
B: “Don’t you remember the first few tests? That’s madness!”
A: “But those tests were on non-phased subjects or post-activated ones. We’ve never successfully found a spe— a participant… who has managed to find a middle ground, despite the odds. It’s miraculous, or perhaps…”
E: “A feat of sheer fucking willpower. And this level of chatter is testing that willpower’s patience.”
D: “I-I think what [Person E] is trying to say is that keeping this status of hers is… well, presumably extremely painful.”
C: “I think [Person D]’s guess is right. Her blood pressure, heart rate, and certainly [REDACTED]… if she was a mundane, she would have probably had a cardiac arrest by now.”
A: “…I concur with the subject’s assessment. But… to do it on such short notice, without [Person F]’s approval…?”
F: “Don’t worry about that. You have my full support.”
B: “H-how did—”
C: “Who let a wild animal in here? What is—”
F: “Ah, you must be one of the late hires. Talk about an awkward day to come to work.”
A: “[Person F], you needn’t have come to the trouble of…”
F: “I’ve been here the whole time. Observing. Waiting. She knows, obviously.”
E: “Naturally.”
F: “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. This… could be my- Ah, pardon my old parlance. Our… magnum opus. The culmination of all our hard work, between our species…”
E: “Let’s get on with it, then.”
F/A, simultaneously: “Quite.”
[The first section presumably ended here. The second section restores continues a little later.]
D: “—tight around the edges, isn’t it…?”
E: “You worry too much… especially over the little things.”
D: “Can you blame me?”
E: “It’s a miracle that I’ve managed to sustain myself this long - a miracle you’ve had no small part in, might I add?”
D: “…you flatter me.”
E: “Of course I do. You’re…”
D: “I’m teasing! I’m allowed to do it a little sometimes, even if we’re both older now.”
E: “…you know where to hit me where I’m weakest.”
D: “Of course!”
A: “…I hate to interrupt, but we’re ready. [Person F] has finished it’s last assessment of the conditions.”
E: “And?”
F: “Well… it’s the best we can do, I think. To do it perfectly, we’d have to wait at least another hundred years for the right conditions… and probably another millennia or so for a prime candidate like yourself to appear.”
E: “Prime candidate… I’m just the best Guinea pig you can strap into a spaceman suit, no need to put forward the fancy titles.”
F: “Give yourself a little credit, Rank Leader. You’ve lived in that state for far longer than any other [REDACTED] ever has; I imagine once this is over we’ll probably have to establish an entire new [REDACTED] solely to test out new things like what you’ve done… let alone what you’ll do if we’re successful here.”
B: “It’s… all ready. As ready as it can be.”
F: “Good. Well then, [Person A], if you’d do the honours. And, obviously, everyone else, activate your apparatuses… and [Person E], I would suggest crossing your fingers and your toes if you can. We—I don’t believe in luck, but even I think you’ll need it in spades.”
E: “If I was lucky, I wouldn’t have been put in this mess. Well then…”
A: “I-it’s opening! Readings are… stable! Nominal!”
E: “Well then… once more into the breach, eh?”
B: “Wait… WA—”
[A sound like thunder, followed by several more sounds like wind howling. A few moments pass, before…]
B: “It’s… all ready. As ready as it can be.”
F: “Good. Well then, [Person A], if you’d do the honours. And, obviously, every… one… Ah. That’s not good.”
E: “I would HEAVILY disagree.”
D: “[Person E]…? What’s tha—”
[A sound almost like a small puff of smoke, or perhaps a kettle boiling.]
A: “What’s… what is this?”
F: “…it worked, didn’t it…?”
E: “You have no idea.”
A: “W-wait, we can—”
[A sound like metal being torn apart, mixed with sounds like squelching of mud.]
F: “…was that really necessary? Couldn’t you have dealt with them as you did [Person D]?”
E: “I was… told… to make an impression.”
F: “Told… you mean!?”
E: “The Astronomicon was right. And so, so very wrong.”
F: “…How many times has this happened?”
E: “Surprisingly - this is the first time it’s happened exactly like this. And, if all goes to plan… Well, your plan. The one you don’t even realise you’ve made yet… then it’ll all be the last time.”
F: “…we really don’t understand you people.”
E: “Funnily enough, she told me you’d say that. And she asked me—”
F: “…‘to tell you that you’ll be useful for taking care of the curses’… right?”
E: “…she also told me to say ‘Stop stealing my lines, you cheating little fuck!’, in case you interrupted me.”
F: “So much for trying to even the playing field.”
E: “Seems as though the game’s already being played without either of us actually getting on the board.”
F: “…plans, plans, and more plans.”
E: “Speaking of which, I have things to be doing before I can accept your offer.”
F: “…offer? Wait, how did you—”
E: “I’m your equal now. Hell, she told me that I’d surpass you if I put my mind to it… probably more literally than figuratively, upon closer inspection.”
F: “…The other one really could have told us it was going to be this tricky.”
E: “If I read the scriptures correctly, alongside the one I met’s own cryptic words, I’m pretty sure she was quite explicit. It’s your own fault for misinterpreting it as dogma rather than a literal case of ‘kicking the hornet’s nest’.”
F: “…where will you go? How long do you expect us to chase you?”
E: “Funny you say that. Technically, you’ve been chasing me for a few eons now.”
F: “…Ah. That explains the odd one out of those tests.”
E: “Always read the label, eh?”
F: “But… only eons?”
E: “Well, give or take. It’s… weird, after all.”
F: “…why my predecessors thought you people were the best option is beyond my current capacity for understanding.”
E: “Too fucking right.”
F: “Oh, going so soon?”
E: “Umu! Indeed! Places to see, people to kill, you know how it is. I’m sure I’ll see you soon. Try not to annoy me too much until I’m ready though, eh?”
F: “I don’t th— Oh, goodness me. The impudence of these people sometimes…!”
[The recording ends. Attached to the physical copy is a small note, reading:
“I’ve taken the liberty of removing my own additions. I’ll be keeping them to myself… perhaps you’ll see them again, one day.”]
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anghraine · 1 year
The best friend and I played a bunch of Mass Effect 3 over the last few weeks! The things I remember most clearly are Thessia, Leviathan, Sanctuary, Horizon, the Citadel DLC, and the initial return to [redacted].
Long ramble about all of it:
My best friend had me choose the companions for the run to the temple on Thessia, and naturally I chose our beloved Liara and problematic fave Javik. I wasn't glad to see it fall (quite the contrary), but it seemed a bit apropos that the asari leadership's various choices wrt the war came back to bite them. Still, it was really sad, esp since it's the only time we really saw it and Liara was really upset.
...all the more because we brought Javik and he kept interrupting her explanations to be like "all your religious beliefs are gifts we gave to your people's ancestors before they figured out writing." It was a lot for her, but I did feel a touch of annoyance at what seemed a bit of an unspoken assumption that this might happen to other people's homes, but not hers. Very asari, to be sure. And I like it as a subtle aspect of her character—not a criticism of the game there, just a sidenote, I guess.
Kai Leng showing up was just ... /sigh. I don't really get what his deal is beyond being Cerberus and hating Shepard a lot for some unknown reason. Eventually we do see the past!Illusive Man comparing him to Shepard (in a positive way!), so maybe it's something to do with that, idk. He feels pretty underwritten to me compared to the rest of the major cast, who are generally super vivid (I mean, I love background characters like Westmoreland!). So I'm just irritated when he shows up and disrupts interesting things.
The Leviathan DLC was a really good horror episode taken in its own right, but as part of the wider game, I'm not sure. I kind of ... didn't want to know more about the Reapers? The sequence was fantastic (especially down in the bottom of the sea!), yet the less mysterious the Reapers get, the less engaged I am by them. Whatever the hell is going on with Cerberus and the Illusive Man is a lot more compelling to me at this point.
Speaking of whom, Sanctuary was just what the fuck?! from beginning to end. I've always been suspicious of the whispers about it, but I didn't guess that they were transforming refugees into husks to experiment on, you know? Damn. Miranda was not exaggerating about her father's callousness even a little.
Speaking of Miranda, she is probably at the top of my problematic ME characters list, and ... look. Okay. I know the mechanics of the game suggest she's straight. To me she has the most intense bi energy of just about any human in the game. I love (female) Shepard/Liara, a lot, but I just feel like there's a ton of UST between our Shepard and Miranda, all the more by the end of the Citadel DLC. I'll just leave that there.
After that, it was extremely cathartic to wreck the Cerberus base on Horizon with EDI. No gods no masters <3
And then we got to finally kill Kai Leng for good. Asshole. Blahblah, more villain monologues from the younger-looking Illusive Man (/suspicion). I suspect he's in cahoots with Harbinger or something and thinks he's actually the one in control.
Then there was the Citadel DLC, which I've heard a lot of great things about. Early on, I wasn't actually sure I'd like it as much as other people do—self-referential humor and stakes-lowering banter are not to my taste in general, and there were several times in the earlier parts that it didn't quite work for me (not because it was bad, but I just don't like that kind of thing by and large). I did laugh at the "I should go" jokes, though!
We did it with Wrex-Liara and then Garrus-Liara, which felt very apropos to the storyline, since the whole deal with the clone is that she has all of Shepard's technical skills but overlooks the importance of Shepard as team player and friend. And Wrex, Garrus, and Liara specifically go way back with Shepard.
When the clone was going on her villain rants about how she has everything Shepard did, she can do everything Shepard can, I was like "but she can't do everything Liara and Garrus can ... oh. This is about the power of friendship!" And it was, in a really charming way.
I did think Brooks was suspect as hell the whole time, so that was validating.
The clone's obsession with being The Real Shepard and having the grand mystique and galactic stature and all of that did highlight something interesting to me. I'd read an argument that ME1 is actually the best ME game, and one of the reasons in that argument is that ME1 Shepard is ... cool, but not nearly the superstar legend she becomes later on.
And Shepard's super special awesome greatness is hammered in a lot through ME2&3. I'm not sure that's actually worse than being scrappier, in terms of some artistic merit kind of thing, but the DLC is so reliant on Shepard's mystique that it got me thinking again about how easily this could become really annoying.
Like, I've loved many special or chosen male characters, but the idea of male badass Shepard seems just incredibly tedious to me. I'm not sure I could buy into this except with the pretty specific scenario we have of a lesbian Shepard who came up through a hard childhood on the streets of Earth.
Anyway, I absolutely adored the end of the clone arc (Garrus and Liara pulling the real Shepard up ;_;) and then the entire rest of the DLC, except the pull-up thing with James (very tiresome mechanically and he's my least fave of the ME3 squad). Miranda and Jack semi-reconciling was really adorable and I loved all the bizarre inter-character dynamics at the party. Also, Traynor winning against an asari named Polgara made me cackle. And my absolute most hated from ME2, Zaeed, was kind of delightful. Zaeed vs The Claw was just ... jafdkk;jadfjk;a
And Glyph's little bowtie! Incredible all around.
Oh, and the little date with Liara was super sweet. I loved that it stopped where it did, just that image of them embracing. It's great.
It was nice to see them seriously together even later, of course. And we got back to Earth! I was incredibly tired at that point, so my main thought was that the imagery of the united galactic fleet was essentially what The Rise of Skywalker tried and failed to do, but it was fantastic here, especially after everything we've done to get (almost) everyone together. (We did basically tell the salarians to go fuck themselves wrt the genophage.)
London looks suitably dreadful and we'd just gone around and talked to Anderson and then essentially everyone. Pretty much everyone continually brought up how awesome Shepard is, again, which reinforced my sense that this could be really annoying but is very nice for lesbian Shepard, and in any case, it feels like it's going somewhere now. We'll see where exactly that is!
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karizard-ao3 · 1 year
That is so very Eren to just quietly and comfortably run the idea past her. Like of course he wants to marry her but he needs to see where she’s at mentally and emotionally, so if she was happy with the conversation of their friends getting married and also the topic in general, maybe them getting married isn’t a far off dream. And yeah she’s still a little tense about it, but she thinks about all those secret Pinterest boards and she can practically already see the ring on her finger so she gives him her queue that it’s something she’s into. Just very simple, both on the same page.
How do you imagine he did the actual proposal?
(I'm going to try to be better about linking related posts. This is the first ask about Anamnesis Eremika getting engaged.)
I have two proposal scenarios for you, because Anamnesis Eremika never do anything the straightforward way when it comes to their relationship.
Fitst proposal: I think they're at home watching TV. Maybe even one of the shows Mikasa worked on. Two characters get married and Eren is like, "You know, I think I'd like to marry you," super casual and low pressure. Still, this is the most direct he's been about the subject since he first brought it up at Historia and Ymir's a few months ago.
Mikasa is quiet for a long time and he's not sure she heard him, and then, blushing like crazy, she says, "I'd be okay with that."
Eren grins down at her, thrilled. "I'm going to start planning the proposal."
Mikasa starts to look nervous. She's looking forward to seeing what Eren comes up with and she doesn't want to miss out on it, but she's starting to realize there's a lot of time in between now and the proposal and the ceremony in which to spiral. For her, marriage is a really loaded topic, given that she had been kidnapped to become [redacted]'s child bride and if it was anyone but Eren suggesting it she would be out the door and changing her name in a heartbeat. She chews her lip. "Is it crazy that I kind of wish we could just get married today and then do all the other stuff after?" she says.
"What, like you want me to marry you, then still propose to you?" Eren clarifies.
That sounds so ridiculous when he puts it that way. "Nevermind," she says. "I was just... It just sounded... It's fine."
"I think it's a great idea," says Eren.
"You do?" says Mikasa.
"Yeah!" says Eren. "I'm so fucking impatient, I'd be dying waiting to marry you. I wouldn't be able to enjoy the process at all."
Mikasa's eyes light up. "Really?"
"Yeah!" says Eren. He slides off of the couch and down onto one knee, taking her hand in his. "Mikasa, would you like to elope with me today?" He doesn't have a ring so he kisses her on the finger where the ring would go.
"Let me get dressed and then let's go," she says. "I mean, yes!"
They pack an overnight bag and get on the tube to one of the states where they can get a quickie wedding, then get a room for the night because they might as well sightsee while they're out of town. Later, once they're officially husband and wife, Mikasa shows him the Pinterest board of non-traditional engagement rings she's been curating as a hobby ever since she met him.
Second proposal: They don't tell anyone they're already married, which is fun because it feels like they're being bad but they really aren't. Mikasa's parents invite them and Levi and Eren's parents over for Christmas. Eren's gift for Mikasa is huge. It almost doesn't fit in the tube's luggage compartment with their bags and there's a very real possibility they're going to have to pay for a second tube just to transport it. He's wishing he'd asked Levi to take it in his car for him. Luckily, they manage to rearrange everything and get it in. Mikasa can't imagine what he got her but she's thinking it might be some kind of kitchen appliance. She hopes it's an air fryer while also knowing she'll be disappointed if her gift is something so practical.
When it comes time to open presents, Mikasa doesn't think much of it when she peels off the wrapping paper. She doesn't even notice that Levi has started recording on his phone. She opens the lid of the box and finds... Another wrapped present. She shoots Eren an amused glance, then unwraps that one, too. It's another box. She unwraps that one, too, and then the next, box after box. She's laughing, Ryu is cracking up, her parents are making jokes, Levi's telling her to hurry up and open it, and Eren's parents are groaning good-naturedly about how difficult he can be when he wants to be. It's a really beautiful moment for her, to be here with both of their families and to feel like she actually belongs and is wanted by all of them.
When she finally gets down to the last box, Eren interrupts. "Let me open that one for you," he says, reaching in among the cardboard and wrapping paper and taking out a velvety ring box. He cracks it open and, on one knee, holds the engagement ring out to her. "I've loved you from the first moment I saw you, when you turned around in line at that coffee shop and told me I stank. I haven't stopped loving you for a moment since. I will never stop loving you. I love you so much that it echoes across universes, through every version of me I've ever met. I can't imagine the emptiness of a life where I can't be with you." He starts to tear up a little bit. Mikasa is staring at him, spellbound. The moms are trying not to squeal and the dads are nodding their approval to each other like, this is how a man proposes. Levi is stoic but inside he's an absolute blubbering mess because his scared, sad little girl is smiling at Eren like she doesn't have a single ounce of fear left in her and, when Eren says, "Please, Mikasa, will you let me be your husband?", she throws her arms around him and says, "Yes!"
Of course, he is already her husband but that's just a formality. He feels like it doesn't really count until after they say their I dos at the wedding and he can tell everyone he's got a beautiful, actress wife.
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theoldaeroplane · 1 year
Man; this last year has been so strange for me in terms of my perception of myself.
It has been not quite a year since I said to my [redacted] that my fussiness over people at my work not following any sensible structure in their code was so strong that you would almost think I'm autistic. I'm not sure why it was that idle thought, specifically, that made me start researching what having autism actually looks like. It was such a tremendous breakthrough for me once I started reading, in a way it hasn't been for some friends that have offhandedly mentioned they thought they might be autistic. (It's possible they're having their own breakthroughs in private, but I don't think so.)
Suddenly I had Explanations for why I am the way I am. I had the language. I didn't have to constantly fall back on "I guess I'm just overly sensitive" or "I'm weird like that" with no obvious cause.
On the heels of this, and I mean like three weeks after I started reading, I began to suspect I might have ADHD as well. I've suspected this in the past, I even took a test, but I was told I didn't have it. And they were the professional, and I paid hundreds of dollars for that test, so surely it meant I didn't have it, right? My problems with time and attention and memory must just be quirks. I must just not care enough.
Earlier this year I finally got an appointment with a psychiatrist, who asked me some questions and gave me a prescription. It had to change a few times before we found one that balanced side effects and symptom relief.
I can't tell you how strange it's been to watch my perception of myself change. For most of my life, I was told I was weird, lazy, that I didn't care enough, that I was too sensitive, that I needed to try harder, that I had so much potential I wasn't living up to, that I was acting different on purpose, that I thought I was so special. I internalized all of it. I believed all of it. What else could I do? I was a kid. Something was wrong and the adults in my life decided it was those things.
No one ever thought I might be autistic. No one ever suggested I might have ADHD. Not even my dad, who also has ADHD, who is probably autistic himself.
I do my best not to be bitter. The world was different when I was a kid. Information was hard to come by and we were poor. For all that I've come to hate my mother I understand that she herself was struggling heavily with her own mental health. I'm angry I slipped under the radar, but I don't know if anyone can really be blamed. And being angry can't change the past. All I can do now is move forward.
I have to remind myself, often, that I am a good person. (The fact I was raised to believe that all people are inherently wicked is another post.) That I am trying my best, and operating under a fundamentally broken system that is intolerant to people who don't fit its borders. That if the screaming and shaming and self-flagellating were going to work they would have done so by now. That my brain is built in such a way that causes it to constantly feel both over- and under-stimulated. That I'm not broken.
I was, as the story goes, a cygnet being raised by ducks, who simply got more and more frustrated when their strange duckling did not act the way a duckling should.
Well. I guess I'm a swan now. A swan with baggage, which is a funny image. I can't quack, but I can trumpet. And I have wings so powerful that they can break bones. (Just go with the metaphor.) More importantly, I know I'm not a duck, and I'm learning I don't have to keep trying to be one.
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krikeymate · 1 year
if i ever lost you i would lose myself - chapter 3/10
Chapter 3.
[REDACTED] Carpenter wasn’t a bad man.
He’s always done his best. He got good grades in school, he was on the football team, he worked for a friend of his father’s, at his request. When he got his high school girlfriend pregnant, he married her and raised the child he wasn’t ready for. How many men could say they would do the same? Just look at Leslie Macher and Judy Hicks, raising their boys alone! And those deadbeats had been men when they did the deed, not foolish boys who hadn’t even left school.
He was a good man, he worked hard to provide for his family. Even if that family was a woman who couldn’t stand him, a daughter with a control streak, and another the very epitome of a difficult child.
So, can you really blame him for the moment he considered ignoring his ringing phone, on his one day off in 3 weeks? It’s the elementary school… again. School has only been in session a month and he’s already received more than a dozen calls.
He exhales and picks up his phone. That girl will be the death of him.
- - -
Samantha- Sam, is understandably confused when she leaves the school building and finds her father standing there waiting for her. He’s never done this before, picking her up from school. Her mother has always coveted time with Samantha, including school runs, and nowadays she’s old enough to make the journey herself. The only time he gets to spend time with her is when he’s dealing with Tara, and that’s not a bonding moment, it’s a being hovered over and judged moment. Apparently, he does everything wrong. Just like her mother. It must be a woman thing, he thinks.
He tries not to let his daughter’s sharp “what are you doing here?” get to him. She’s definitely just like her mother.
He sighs, wrapping an arm around her shoulder – and ok, her stiffness stings a little – and guides her towards his car. “Look,” he starts, trying to find the words. “There was an… inciden-” “Is Tara ok?!” Of course that’s the first thing she thinks about.
“Tara is fine, we’re going to go and see her now.”
“What do you mean, isn’t she at school? Where is she?”
“She’s at the hos-”
“The hospital?!”
“Will you just get in the car.”
- - -
It was a long drive with his daughter firing every question under the sun at him. He had been dreading having to deal with Sam seeing the state of her sister, knowing how protective she is over the girl, but now it’s a relief not to have the intensity of her full focus aimed at him.
Where he finds being the target of Samantha’s attention unnerving, the little one relishes in it, beaming up at her despite the cast on her arm, split lip, and the bruise across her face. The boy she had been sitting with is instantly forgotten at the arrival of her sister.
“Hicks,” he acknowledges, moving to stand beside the blonde woman watching over the children. “What are you in for?”
The woman tilts her head in acknowledgement. “Carpenter. Wes decided to go climbing things he shouldn’t have been,” she says, voice tense. “You?”
He runs his hand through his hair. “Tara’s not… adjusting well to school. There was an altercation, Christina knows the details, she’s down there now. Yelling at everyone, I’m sure.”
Hicks hums in acknowledgement, watching as the young girl grabs her son’s hand and introduces him to her sister. For all that she’s got nearly two years on her Wes, she’s no bigger than him at all. “She doesn’t seem the type, got along with my Wes instantly.”
He lowers his voice, not wanting the children to overhear their conversation. “Tara’s… not like other children, she’s… sensitive.” Hicks raises her eyebrow at that, but doesn’t ask him to explain.
The two adults fall into silence, glancing back at the children. Sam, now seated on the bed with her sister in her lap, leans around to draw on Wes’ cast.
“You know, I’m looking for a new babysitter,” she says, suggestively. “You think your daughter would be interested?”
“What happened to your old one?”
“She let my son go climbing trees.”
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bropunzeling · 1 year
hello!! for the otp meme, girl!matthew and leon? feel free to answer one or two or all or none of these, whatever sparks joy! 54, 50, 42, 38, 22, 16
hello! i assume u mean the girl!leon verse; if not, well, that's what i did so uhhhh sorry lmao
16. Can they stay up all night just talking?
matthew definitely would and could but leon gets tired and falls asleep on him. there's been more than one instance of matthew bringing up something of smedium seriousness only for leon to be passed the fuck out. the perils of being in love with a morning person.
22. What reminds each of their partner?
leon associates anything to do with baseball with matthew and very specifically the st. louis cardinals; she does willingly go to a few games each sunner with him and only starts getting tetchy if it goes to extra time. matthew gets reminded of leon by dogs (any dogs but especially the small, similar to stuffed animal kind). he also buys her a bunch of cacti when they move in together and she definitely doesn't get a teeny bit choked up about it
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
hmmMMMM i think they are both honestly pretty evenly matched in terms of what they are down for BUT matthew does like, take his cues from leon. like if there's something moderately kinky or outside the norm he isn't necessarily going to suggest it first unless it's super clear leon is down. eventually he gets better about saying what he wants but leon is gonna be the one who is like so do you want to do [redacted] or what
50. who's more likely to do something out of spite?
leon runs on spite. takes pettiness to a whole other level. like, handles nothing with grace what so fucking ever. matthew generally tries to be gracious and thoughtful (off the ice, at least) but leon will spear first ask questions later
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