#'no rights for men only the bald treatment'
evanox · 2 years
i can’t believe LL fandom had to go over the “LL team wrote Sage’s response to everything that happened in the timeskip rather realistically and it’s unfair to his character to throw fits about a traumatized person not being the same person you once fell in love with” conversation just so that today i have to read “i wish sage comes back; the real sage not the timeskip sage” with my own eyes
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mask131 · 11 months
November is usually my Shining month, and so I want to bring forward again something I have been repeating for a long time now but that I don't see being picked up a lot by people. A detail that is well-hidden inside the Doctor Sleep movie, but that makes the piece even more infinitely appreciable and shows it was made by true Shining fans.
And this detail is... the ghosts of the Overlook Hotel.
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Now, when this bunch appeared during the final scene some familiar faces could be spotted. Grady of course, the Injured Guest from the "Great party, isn't it?" scene, the Twins, and of course the Woman of Room 217 -sorry, 237. But there are other faces there - seemingly random people in fancy outfit just for the sake of it. People were confused as to who these people were...
But all you have to do is look at the end credits. And you have a big surprise.
The familiar faces are confirmed to be the ghosts we always thought we were, or to correspond to famous ghosts of the original novel. The twins are confirmed as Grady's two daughters, while the woman in the white dress (not on the picture above but you can her in the scene) is Mrs. Grady. Meaning we have the whole Grady family as ghosts. The woman of room 237 is confirmed to be indeed Mrs. Massey, just like in the book ; as for the Injured Guest (only referred to as "injured guest" in the original scripts of The Shining), the sequel decided to make him Horace Derwent. Meaning he likely can switch between a young/attractive and older/more gruesome form, just like Massey's ghost, since in the original movie Derwent was clearly seen though not named in the scene with the man wearing a dog-bear-like costume (the script confirms it is supposed to be a dog costume though).
Alright, but what of the others? Now this is where things get interesting! The bald man to the right of Grady? That's Vito the Chopper. Yes, the Vito the Chopper from the novel by King, the mafia boss who got his head blown off in the Presidential Suite - as for the two men near him, they are his two bodyguards, Victor T. Boorman and Roger Macassi. Also from the book. These three characters are actually an Easter egg for those who read the book (and we know from the original treatment of Kubrick's movie that the criminal paradise-era of the Overlook and the murders at the Presidential Suite were originally supposed to play a big role in the cinema version of the story too).
But things get even better with the last ghost of the group. He doesn't appear in the picture above either, like Mrs. Grady, but you can notice him during the scene, a large man right behind Mrs. Grady when the ghosts first appear (he is played by Marc Farley). And the ghost's name, as revealed in the credits is... James Parris.
Now, fans of the novel might wonder "Wait... Who's that? I don't recall reading about him". And indeed, you did not! At least if you just read the regular version of the novel! James Parris is however a true character of the Shining, a true victim of the Overlook Hotel, a character written about and invented by Stephen King... But he is part of the deleted prologue of the novel, "Before the Play". You know this prologue that was not part of the published novel but was released in various TV magazines several times, and then finally re-added to the main novel in the collector Cemetery Dance edition of "The Shining"? You must have heard of it - even before the Cemetery Dance release the prologue was going around the Internet, published on small fan websites and discreet literature blogs...
And James Parris was, according to the first part of this prologue (detailling the building and creation of the Overlook... and its first victims) the second owner of the Overlook Hotel. A man that was touched by the same obsession and madness for the hotel that had overtaken Watson's grandfather (the actual builder and first owner of the Hotel), and, if I recall well, ended up dying of a heart attack on the hotel's garden-grounds (near the topiary beasts if I recall well, but I am not too sure, I haven't read the prologue in a while).
So all of that to say - not only did they bother placing an Easter Egg for the fans of King who had read the original book ; but they also placed an Easter Egg for those that knew of or had read the Before the Play prologue, which most regular fans of the novel never even heard about! If this isn't commitment to researching your source material, I don't know what is!
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dr-hairblog · 1 year
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Understanding The Process and Benefits of Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has gained significant attention due to the impressive results it provides in the field of hair restoration. Individuals suffering from hair loss are now turning to this option for hair regrowth, seeking a solution that not only restores hair growth but also improves hair density.
Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors such as male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, hair thinning, alopecia, or other underlying hair loss causes. Understanding these causes can be the first step towards seeking the right treatment. However, the advances in medical technology have made it possible for individuals to treat these conditions and regain their natural hair.
A hair transplant is a procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one part of the body to another. It provides a solution for permanent hair growth, addressing the problem of baldness in both men and women. The process involves creating a new hairline, which is designed to match the natural growth pattern of the individual's hair.
The hair transplant procedure in Turkey has been praised for its ability to provide a natural look. This is achieved by ensuring the transplanted hair follicles mimic the natural hair growth pattern, leading to a hairline that blends seamlessly with the existing hair.
For individuals suffering from extensive hair loss, hair restoration through best hair transplant in Turkey can be an effective baldness treatment. It not only stimulates hair growth but also improves hair density, providing a fuller and healthier look.
One of the key benefits of the hair transplant procedure is the potential for hair regrowth. Unlike other hair loss treatments that may provide temporary results, a hair transplant provides a permanent solution. The transplanted hair follicles are resistant to DHT, the hormone responsible for hair thinning and loss, which means the results of the transplant are long-lasting.
In conclusion, hair transplant in Turkey offers a proven solution for those seeking to address their hair loss and baldness issues. It provides a natural look, stimulates hair regrowth, and improves hair density. Despite the cause of your hair loss, whether it's male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness or alopecia, this procedure can provide a lasting solution.
A Comprehensive Guide to Hair Transplant in Turkey: Quality, Success Rate, and Patient Satisfaction
Turkey has emerged as a popular destination for medical tourism. Known for its high-quality healthcare services, it attracts numerous international patients seeking various treatments, including hair transplants. This rise in medical travel to Turkey can be attributed to several factors, such as the country's impressive hair transplant success rate, its commitment to patient satisfaction, and the affordable hair transplant costs in Turkey offered.
When it comes to the quality of hair transplant procedures, Turkey has a reputation for offering excellent services. The country boasts an impressive success rate, with a significant number of patients reporting satisfactory outcomes. Various hair transplant reviews reflect this success, with patients praising the skill and professionalism of the medical teams involved.
The benefits of a hair transplant in Turkey are numerous. One of the primary advantages is the cost. Given the high costs of hair transplant procedures in many other countries, Turkey offers a more affordable alternative without compromising on quality or success rate. This factor alone has led many people to choose medical travel to Turkey for their hair transplant procedures.
Moreover, the level of patient satisfaction in Turkey is high. This satisfaction can be attributed to the professional and personalized care provided by the medical teams, as well as the country's commitment to maintaining high standards in healthcare.
However, like any medical procedure, hair transplants also come with their own drawbacks and alternatives. It's essential for anyone considering this treatment to conduct thorough research and understand the potential risks and maintenance requirements involved. For example, hair transplant maintenance can be a lengthy process that requires commitment from the patient to ensure the best results.
While hair transplant reviews generally paint a positive picture, some patients might find the recovery process challenging or might not achieve the desired results. Hence, exploring hair transplant alternatives can be a prudent step for those who might not be suitable candidates for the procedure or those who prefer a less invasive approach.
In conclusion, Turkey stands out in the field of medical tourism, offering quality hair transplant procedures at affordable costs. With its high success rate and patient satisfaction, it proves to be an excellent choice for those seeking overseas treatment for hair loss. However, it's crucial to consider the potential drawbacks and maintenance requirements associated with hair transplants, and explore alternatives if necessary, to ensure an informed decision.
Unveiling the Intricacies of Hair Transplant Procedures in Turkey
The hair transplant industry in Turkey has grown exponentially over the past decade, making it one of the top destinations worldwide for this sought-after procedure. Two of the most common methods utilized are Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Both transplant techniques have proven to be highly efficient, each with its unique advantages tailored to the patient's individual needs.
Follicular Unit Extraction is a meticulous method that involves harvesting individual hair follicles from the donor area and implanting them into the balding or thinning sections. On the other hand, Follicular Unit Transplantation involves removing a thin strip of hair-bearing skin from the back of the scalp, which is then divided into individual follicular units via microscopic dissection before being transplanted into the recipient area.
Anesthesia is a crucial part of the hair transplant procedure in Turkey, ensuring that patients experience minimal discomfort during the operation. The surgical team, equipped with state-of-the-art surgical instruments, prioritizes patient comfort and safety, making the procedure as painless as possible.
The advent of the robotic hair transplant has revolutionized the industry, enhancing precision and reducing the time taken for each transplant session. This advanced technology ensures that the patient's natural hair growth pattern is maintained, offering an undeniably realistic and satisfying result.
The transplant cost in Turkey varies depending on the complexity of the hair transplant surgery, the number of grafts required, and the specific technique employed. Despite these variables, Turkey remains a cost-effective choice for hair transplant procedures given the high standard of care and postoperative services offered.
To sum up, a hair transplant procedure in Turkey, whether FUE, FUT, or a robotic hair transplant, is a comprehensive process that involves a skilled surgical team, advanced surgical instruments, and a patient-centric approach. The focus is always on ensuring the best possible outcome for the patient, making Turkey a preferred destination for those seeking to address hair loss effectively and efficiently.
The Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has gained worldwide recognition for its high-quality services, affordable costs, and impressive results. One critical aspect of this procedure involves the use of donor hair, which is typically taken from a donor site at the back of the patient's head, where hair growth is most abundant. The donor hair is then transplanted to the recipient site, usually the balding or thinning areas on the scalp.
During the surgical procedure, a hair surgeon meticulously extracts hair grafts from the donor site and plants them onto the recipient site. The objective is to achieve a natural look that complements the patient's hair growth pattern. It's a delicate process that requires precision, expertise, and a deep understanding of aesthetic hair patterns.
Preparing for a hair transplant involves several steps. The hair transplant preparation phase generally includes a thorough consultation with a hair surgeon. During this time, the doctor will provide detailed hair transplant advice, discuss the patient's hair transplant expectations, and explain the entire process, including potential hair transplant side effects.
Once the procedure is complete, the patient's journey towards a fuller head of hair is not over. Post-surgical care, or hair transplant recovery, is a crucial phase of the process. The patient should follow a specific hair transplant follow up regimen to ensure optimal healing and growth. This may include taking prescribed medications, avoiding strenuous activities, and following a recommended hair care routine.
Seeing is believing, and nothing proves the effectiveness of hair transplant in Turkey better than hair transplant before and after pictures. These images showcase the remarkable transformation that patients can achieve with this procedure. However, it's important to remember that results may vary based on the individual's hair characteristics, the extent of their hair loss, and their adherence to post-surgical care guidelines.
The journey to reclaiming a full head of hair may seem daunting, but with the right advice and guidance, it becomes a journey worth embarking on. Hair transplant in Turkey offers individuals battling hair loss a chance to regain their confidence and enjoy a renewed sense of self.
Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery: Understanding Hair Transplant Safety and Efficiency in Turkey
The field of dermatology has seen significant advancements in recent years, particularly in the area of cosmetic surgery. One such procedure that has gained popularity worldwide is hair transplantation. In Turkey, this procedure has become a sought-after solution for many individuals suffering from hair loss. This piece aims to provide you with comprehensive hair transplant information, including pre-operative evaluation, post-operative care, and more vital aspects.
Hair transplantation is a healthcare service that requires careful consultation and planning. The process begins with a thorough pre-operative evaluation. During this phase, the patient's overall health is assessed, their hair loss pattern is evaluated, and a suitable treatment plan is crafted. A dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon specializing in hair transplant will guide the patient through this process.
Post-operative care is crucial to the success and efficiency of the hair transplant. Patients are given post-transplant instructions that they must adhere to strictly. These may include guidelines on washing the scalp, taking prescribed medications, and avoiding certain activities that could jeopardize the results of the surgery.
The recovery time from a hair transplant can vary depending on several factors, including the patient's overall health and the extent of the transplant. However, it is essential for patients to understand that this is not an overnight process, and patience is needed to see the full results of the procedure.
While hair transplant risks and hair transplant complications are minimal, it is crucial to be aware of them. Some potential risks include infection, scarring, unnatural-looking hair, and the possibility of the transplanted hair not growing as expected. It is important to discuss these risks in detail with the surgeon during the consultation phase.
Hair transplant safety is of utmost importance. Precautions are taken to ensure the patient's well-being during and after the procedure. These may include sterilization of surgical instruments, use of local anesthesia, and close monitoring of the patient's vital signs throughout the procedure.
Lastly, the efficiency of hair transplant procedures in Turkey is noteworthy. Many individuals have seen significant improvement in their hair density and appearance post-procedure. However, it is worth mentioning that results may vary from person to person based on factors like their overall health, age, and the extent of hair loss.
In conclusion, understanding hair transplant procedures, from pre-operative evaluation to post-operative care, is crucial for anyone considering this option. The more informed you are, the better you can navigate your hair transplant journey in Turkey.
Unveiling the Authenticity and Reliability of Hair Transplant Methods in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has been a subject of global interest due to the impressive hair transplant results obtained by numerous individuals. The country is renowned for its innovative approaches and technological advancements in this field, which contribute to the high success rates in achieving desirable hair transplant results.
A crucial part of the hair transplant strategy in Turkey is the careful selection of the most suitable hair transplant options for each individual. One of the key factors determining the success of a hair transplant is the accuracy of this selection process. The variety of hair transplant methods available in Turkey ensures that every individual can find a technique that best suits their specific needs and expectations.
The duration of a hair transplant procedure is another important aspect to consider when planning for a hair transplant in Turkey. The time taken for the procedure can vary significantly depending on the chosen hair transplant methods. However, the advanced hair transplant technology used in Turkey enables surgeons to perform the procedures efficiently without compromising on the quality of the transplant results.
Innovation plays a vital role in the hair transplant strategy adopted in Turkey. Continuous research and development efforts are directed towards improving existing hair transplant methods and developing new ones. The use of cutting-edge hair transplant technology is a testament to the commitment of Turkish specialists to innovation in this field.
The reliability of hair transplant procedures in Turkey is reinforced by the authenticity of the methods used. The techniques employed are scientifically proven and have been successfully utilized in numerous procedures. This authenticity provides reassurance to individuals seeking hair transplant in Turkey, as they can trust in the reliability of the procedures and the results they can achieve.
In conclusion, the hair transplant strategy in Turkey is characterized by a strong emphasis on innovation, use of advanced technology, and selection of the most appropriate hair transplant options for individuals. This approach, along with the authenticity and reliability of the hair transplant methods used, contributes to the impressive hair transplant results obtained in Turkey.
Unveiling the Realities of Hair Transplant in Turkey: Facts, Statistics, and Insights
Turkey has become a popular destination for individuals seeking a hair transplant. But before you book your flight, it is important to understand the realities of getting a hair transplant in Turkey.
One of the main reasons people opt for hair transplant in Turkey is the painless procedure. With advanced technologies and techniques, the procedure has been made incredibly comfortable for patients. However, it's crucial to have a hair transplant consultation before making any decisions. The consultation allows you to gather hair transplant details, understand what the procedure entails, and learn about the possible outcomes.
Hair transplant statistics indicate a high success rate in Turkey. These statistics are a reflection of the skilled specialists and advanced technologies used in these procedures. But keep in mind, every individual is unique and results can vary. That's where hair transplant counselling comes into play. Counselling helps you develop a comprehensive understanding of the procedure and manage your expectations.
The decision to undergo a hair transplant should not be taken lightly. It should be based on a thorough hair transplant understanding. This includes knowing about the procedure, the potential risks, and the expected results. To make an informed hair transplant decision, it is advisable to carry out extensive research and seek advice from experts.
Hair transplant prediction is another crucial aspect to consider. It helps you visualize the potential results and prepare for the post-procedure phase. Remember, a hair transplant is not just a physical transformation, but also a psychological one. Therefore, understanding the realities of the procedure can help ease the process.
When it comes to hair transplant facts, it's important to differentiate between myths and realities. Misconceptions can often cloud our judgment, making it essential to seek accurate information. Hair transplant perspectives vary, but the end goal is always the same - to restore confidence and enhance appearance.
Lastly, gaining hair transplant insights is a vital part of the journey. These insights can be gained from previous patients, reputable sources, and medical experts. They can shed light on the realities of a hair transplant, helping you make a well-informed decision.
In conclusion, getting a hair transplant in Turkey involves more than just booking a flight and making an appointment. It requires a deep understanding of the procedure, its outcomes, and the realities involved. By gaining insights, you can make an informed decision and embark on your hair transplant journey with confidence.
Building Trust and Transparency: The Importance of Assurance and Support in Hair Transplant Procedures in Turkey
When considering a hair transplant in Turkey, several factors come into play. It's not just about the procedure itself, but the support and assurance offered by the professionals involved. It's essential to have a hair transplant team that emphasizes trust, empathy, and commitment to ensure you feel comfortable and confident throughout the process.
Hair transplant assurance is a key factor in choosing the right provider. This assurance comes from the knowledge and expertise of the professionals involved. The more experience and understanding they have of the hair transplant process, the more assured you can feel about the outcome. This assurance is also bolstered by the transparency of the clinic, providing clear and honest information about what you can expect from the procedure.
Hair transplant support is another crucial aspect of the process. It involves the care and guidance provided throughout your hair transplant journey, from the initial consultation to the aftercare support. It's the empathy and commitment shown by the team, which can make all the difference in your overall experience. This support is integral in building a strong hair transplant trust between you and the team.
The hair transplant guarantee is an important part of the package. This guarantee shows the integrity of the provider, ensuring that they stand by their work and are committed to delivering the best possible results. This guarantee is also a reflection of the clinic's commitment to you, their patient.
Furthermore, hair transplant confidentiality is vital. Your privacy should always be respected and protected during this personal journey. A strong emphasis on confidentiality reflects the clinic's integrity and respect for their patients, further building the hair transplant trust that is so important in this process.
In conclusion, when considering a hair transplant in Turkey, look for a provider that offers assurance, support, guarantee, and emphasizes on knowledge, transparency, commitment, trust, empathy, integrity, and confidentiality. These factors together will ensure a positive experience and a successful outcome for your hair transplant journey.
Evaluating Your Hair Transplant Experience in Turkey: Suitability, Advantages, Disadvantages, and Key Considerations
Hair transplantation has become a prevalent solution for individuals facing hair loss problems worldwide. Among the many global destinations for this procedure, Turkey stands out due to its hair transplant expertise and renowned excellence in the field. This article seeks to provide an in-depth understanding of the hair transplant experience in Turkey, delving into the suitability, advantages, disadvantages, and key considerations.
Hair transplant suitability is the first aspect to consider. Not everyone is a suitable candidate for hair transplantation. Factors such as the extent of your hair loss, the availability of donor hair, and your overall health condition play a critical role in determining your suitability. Hair transplantation requires a sufficient amount of healthy hair follicles that can be moved to the balding areas. Therefore, a consultation with a professional is necessary to assess your hair transplant suitability.
When it comes to hair transplant advantages, Turkey offers a range of benefits. The country is known for its highly skilled professionals with significant hair transplant expertise. Additionally, the cost of the procedure in Turkey is more affordable compared to other countries, without compromising the quality of care and service. The country also offers a unique blend of tourism and healthcare, allowing patients to combine their medical journey with a vacation.
However, as with any medical procedure, hair transplantation also comes with its own set of disadvantages. Potential risks and complications include infection, scarring, unnatural-looking new hair growth, and the possibility that the transplanted hair doesn't grow as expected. It's essential to discuss these potential hair transplant disadvantages with your specialist to make an informed decision.
Moreover, there are several important hair transplant considerations to keep in mind. These include ensuring you have realistic expectations about the results, understanding the post-operative care requirements, and being prepared for the recovery period. You should also consider the need for potential additional sessions in the future.
Finally, achieving hair transplant excellence requires choosing the right professionals and the best possible care. Turkey's medical tourism industry is regulated by stringent standards, ensuring you receive top-quality treatment. However, it's vital to do your own research, read patient reviews, and ask the right questions to ensure your hair transplant experience in Turkey meets your expectations.
In conclusion, understanding your hair transplant experience in Turkey involves assessing your suitability, weighing the advantages and disadvantages, and considering key factors before making a decision. With the right approach, you can ensure your journey towards hair transplant excellence is a successful one.
Understanding the Costs, Benefits, Drawbacks, and Aftercare of Hair Transplants in Turkey
Hair transplants in Turkey are becoming increasingly popular due to their high success rate and affordability. However, it's essential to have a comprehensive understanding of all aspects involved including the hair transplant costs, benefits, drawbacks, aftercare, and alternatives before making a decision.
The cost of a hair transplant in Turkey can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure and the number of grafts needed. However, it is generally considered more affordable compared to other countries. Despite the cost, the benefits of hair transplantation are numerous. This technique can provide a permanent solution for those dealing with hair loss, offering them the chance to regain a full head of natural-looking hair and improve their self-confidence.
However, like any medical procedure, hair transplants also come with potential drawbacks. Some individuals might experience minor side effects such as scarring, infections, or unnatural-looking hair growth. Therefore, it's essential to understand these possibilities and discuss them with a medical professional before going ahead with the procedure.
After the hair transplant, proper aftercare is crucial to ensure the success of the procedure and minimize any potential side effects. This can include avoiding strenuous activities, following a specific hair care routine, and taking prescribed medications.
Moreover, there are also alternatives to hair transplants that one might consider. Non-surgical solutions such as medications, laser therapy, and scalp micropigmentation can also help combat hair loss. These alternatives might be a good fit for those who are not suitable candidates for a hair transplant or those who prefer a less invasive approach.
To sum up, deciding whether to undergo a hair transplant in Turkey involves considering various factors such as the costs, benefits, and potential drawbacks. It's also essential to have a clear understanding of the aftercare process and to explore all available alternatives. Through careful consideration and consultation with a medical professional, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs and desires.
Unlocking the Potential of Hair Transplant in Turkey: A Comprehensive Look at Scalp Health, Hair Growth, and Baldness Treatment
Turkey has emerged as a leading destination for hair transplant procedures, providing solutions for a myriad of issues such as hair thinning, hair loss, and male and female pattern baldness. The country's medical practitioners are renowned for their expertise in enhancing hair density and restoring natural-looking hairlines, resulting in remarkable hair transplant results that have garnered international acclaim.
One of the critical factors that influence the outcome of a hair transplant is the health of the scalp. A healthy scalp, nourished with the right nutrients, provides an ideal environment for hair growth, making it a crucial component in achieving successful transplant results. The hair transplant procedure in Turkey focuses on ensuring the scalp is in the best possible condition to accept the transplanted hair follicles, leading to a significant increase in hair density.
Hair thinning and hair loss, common issues experienced by both men and women, can have a significant impact on self-esteem and confidence. Male pattern baldness, characterized by a receding hairline and thinning hair on the crown, is a common concern among men. On the other hand, female pattern baldness, which usually results in thinning hair across the scalp, is a common issue among women.
Hair transplant in Turkey offers an effective baldness treatment for both conditions, providing individuals with the opportunity to regain their lost hair and restore their confidence. The procedure involves transplanting healthy hair follicles to areas experiencing thinning or loss, consequently promoting new hair growth and a fuller, healthier-looking hairline.
The hair transplant results in Turkey are impressive, with a high success rate in treating both male and female pattern baldness. Patients have reported significant improvements in hair density and hairline, thus boosting their self-confidence and overall well-being.
In conclusion, the hair transplant procedure in Turkey offers a reliable solution for those grappling with hair thinning, hair loss, and pattern baldness. With a focus on scalp health and hair growth, the country continues to deliver exceptional hair transplant results, making it an ideal destination for individuals seeking to regain their hair's natural density and beauty.
Understanding the Process and Outcomes of Hair Transplant Surgery in Turkey
Hair transplant surgery has become a popular solution for people experiencing hair loss across the globe. Turkey, in particular, has become a go-to destination for this procedure due to its advanced medical techniques and experienced professionals. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on the hair transplant procedure in Turkey, from preparation to recovery and everything in between.
Before undergoing the hair transplant surgery, there's a series of steps involved in the hair transplant preparation. It is essential to have a thorough consultation with the experts to understand your hair condition and the expected outcomes. The preparation phase is crucial as it sets the ground for a successful surgical procedure and ensures that you know what to expect.
Hair transplant surgery itself involves carefully moving hair follicles from one part of the scalp (known as the 'donor site') to the balding or thinning areas (the 'recipient site'). The surgical procedure is meticulously done to ensure that the transplanted hair follicles will grow in the right direction and look as natural as possible.
Once the surgery is completed, the hair transplant recovery process begins. This phase is extremely important as it dictates the overall success of the surgery. Patients are given specific guidelines to follow to ensure that the transplanted hair follicles heal properly and start to grow. The recovery period may vary from person to person, but typically, visible growth can be observed after a few months.
Like any other medical procedure, there can be hair transplant side effects. Some common ones include swelling, numbness, itching, or infection. However, these are usually temporary and manageable with the right care and medications. It's important to remember that any medical procedure comes with potential risks and benefits, so a detailed discussion with the healthcare provider is essential prior to the procedure.
One of the most exciting parts of the entire process is seeing the hair transplant before and after results. These are often showcased to potential patients to give them an idea of what they can expect. It's important to note that results can vary depending on individual circumstances, and the full effects of the transplant may not be visible until a year after the procedure.
In conclusion, setting realistic hair transplant expectations is crucial. While this procedure can significantly improve one's appearance and confidence, it's important to consider all aspects - from preparation to recovery and potential side effects. Consulting with a professional and understanding the process thoroughly can help ensure a successful hair transplant experience in Turkey.
Post-Surgical Care and Alternatives: Essential Aspects of a Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has rapidly earned a reputation as a sought-after destination due to the high-quality services provided. But beyond the actual transplant procedure, there are several other factors that potential patients should consider. These factors include the hair transplant follow-up, post-surgical care, hair transplant advice, and the cost of hair transplant.
The hair transplant follow-up process is a crucial factor that often goes unnoticed. Once the procedure is completed, it's important to have a consistent follow-up schedule with your surgeon. This ensures that the healing process is going smoothly, and any potential issues can be swiftly addressed. Most patients are keen on viewing hair transplant reviews to get a sense of what the follow-up process looks like, and to gauge the level of post-surgical care provided.
Post-surgical care after a hair transplant is another significant aspect that potential patients must understand. This involves understanding how to take care of the transplanted area to avoid infection and ensure optimal growth of the transplanted hair. It's advisable to seek hair transplant advice from professionals to gain a comprehensive understanding of the post-surgical care process.
While hair transplant reviews provide an insight into the experiences of previous patients, they also offer a glimpse into the procedure's effectiveness. The reviews can help potential patients make an informed decision by considering the experiences of others who have undergone the same process.
As much as hair transplants are popular, there are also hair transplant alternatives that individuals can consider. These alternatives may include medications, low-level laser therapy, or even lifestyle changes. It's important to explore these alternatives, discuss them with professionals, and consider their pros and cons before deciding on a hair transplant.
Hair transplant maintenance is also a key aspect to keep in mind when considering this procedure. This involves routine care of the transplanted hair to maintain its health and appearance. Regular washing, avoiding harsh chemical treatments, and maintaining a healthy diet are all part of this maintenance process.
Lastly, the hair transplant costs are a significant factor for most individuals considering this procedure. Turkey is known for providing high-quality services at competitive prices. However, it’s important to factor in all the costs involved, from the procedure to post-surgical care and follow-up visits.
In conclusion, while a hair transplant in Turkey may seem like an attractive option, it's essential to consider all these factors before making a decision. Knowledge about the procedure, post-surgical care, maintenance, and cost can help individuals make an informed decision that suits their needs and expectations.
The Pros and Cons of Undergoing Hair Transplant in Turkey: Suitability, Quality, and Expertise
Hair transplant in Turkey has gained considerable acclaim worldwide due to its high-quality services and expertise in the field. The continuous advancements and innovations have made it a popular choice among individuals seeking solutions for baldness or hair thinning issues.
One of the significant hair transplant benefits in Turkey is the superior quality offered. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and highly skilled professionals, Turkey has been able to deliver remarkable results consistently. A successful hair transplant can provide a natural-looking, fuller hairline, significantly improving one's appearance and boosting self-confidence.
Another advantage of hair transplant in Turkey lies in its suitability for a wide range of individuals. Regardless of the cause or degree of hair loss, there are various procedures available that cater to different needs and expectations. The hair transplant expertise in Turkey is reflected in their ability to assess each case accurately and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.
Despite the many hair transplant advantages, it's essential to be aware of the potential drawbacks as well. One of the hair transplant disadvantages might be the cost. Although it is more affordable compared to many other countries, the procedure may still be a significant investment for some individuals.
Another downside to consider is the recovery time. After a hair transplant, the recovery period can last for a couple of weeks, during which certain activities might need to be limited. It's important to factor in this downtime when considering a hair transplant.
Lastly, while the hair transplant quality in Turkey is generally high, results can vary depending on individual factors such as the extent of hair loss and overall health. Therefore, it's vital to have realistic expectations and understand that while hair transplants can significantly improve hair volume and appearance, they may not fully restore the hair to its original density.
In summary, while there are many hair transplant benefits to anticipate, it's equally important to consider the possible drawbacks. A thorough understanding of the hair transplant advantages and disadvantages will help individuals make an informed decision. The suitability of the procedure, the quality of service, and the level of expertise in Turkey make it a strong contender for those contemplating a hair transplant.
Essential Considerations for a Successful Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has gained worldwide recognition for its excellence in providing natural-looking results. However, just like any other medical procedure, it comes with its own set of considerations and requirements. This article aims to shed light on some of the key aspects of the hair transplant experience, tips to ensure a successful procedure, and potential complications to be cautious of.
Firstly, it's crucial to understand the requirements for a hair transplant. These primarily revolve around the health and age of the potential candidate. It's necessary to have a comprehensive health check-up to ensure that the body is capable of undergoing such a procedure. It's also crucial to have realistic expectations from the surgery, as the results largely depend on the individual's hair type, hair color, and skin color.
One of the most significant hair transplant considerations is choosing the right procedure. There are various methods available, each with their own pros and cons. It's essential to do thorough research and consult with a medical professional who can provide the best advice based on your specific needs and circumstances.
Next, let's talk about the hair transplant experience itself. The process can be quite lengthy, requiring several hours to even a day, depending on the number of hair grafts being transplanted. You can expect some degree of discomfort during the process, but most patients report that the procedure is less painful than they anticipated.
Moving forward, let's delve into some hair transplant tips that can enhance the overall success of your procedure. One crucial tip is to follow all pre and post-operative instructions diligently. This includes avoiding certain medications before surgery, not smoking or drinking alcohol for a certain period, and following a specific hair care routine after the procedure.
Despite the excellence of hair transplant procedures in Turkey, potential complications cannot be completely ruled out. These can include infection, scarring, unnatural-looking hair, and in some cases, the transplanted hair not growing as expected. However, these complications can be significantly reduced by taking the necessary hair transplant precautions, such as choosing a reputable clinic and following all post-operative care instructions.
Lastly, it's important to remember that a hair transplant, while effective, is not a cure for hair loss. It can significantly improve the appearance, but underlying conditions causing hair loss need to be addressed separately.
In conclusion, while embarking on the journey of a hair transplant in Turkey, it's essential to keep these considerations in mind. This will not only help to ensure a successful procedure but also minimize any potential complications.
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cator99 · 6 months
not trying to start shit but if ur comfortable do you mind talking about your gender identity and transition / opinions cause the post about your coworker really got me thinking
Youre not starting shit dw. I think that if a man can blast roids be bald not shave think of femininity as personal humiliation be competitive and openly express attraction to females then I should be able to do all that while rejecting any of the pathologizing that happens based on the fact that I'm doing that while female. Ykwim. I think that the concept of "gender identity" is precisely that disturbing pathologization I'm referring to. When a male looks or lives how I do, it isn't ever seen as indicative of any internal misalignment... but for me it is? Stupid. But the thing is that there absolutely is a misalignment occuring– and I've had to realize it has nothing to do with me. The way I live signifies nothing about holding some sort of allegiance to the males who are generally the only ones utterly unquestioningly afforded the freedom to live this way because for them it is a freedom– and for females, living like this often takes immense amounts of courage. And when one wants OUT of it all... it's easier to approach this painful reality by simply performing mental magic, flipping the narrative and saying "ah! Suddenly my hatred for all of this Woman Stuff makes sense! I should have been a man all along!" That's great but after almost 15 years in this I've realized it is fucking loser shit to think that despising misogynistic expectations and restrictive gender roles makes one a man actually because well um because you said so... because only men crave dignity... because woman equals long hair and shaving legs and makeup and my socially-trained bodily hatred and desire for a life free from demeaning treatment on the basis of my femaleness is totally abnormal no women ever feel like this no women could possibly enjoy the thought having a hairy body or a beard or feel inspired by masculine aesthetics which are largely equated with strength confidence dignity social dominance and being in actual possession of a brain and personality so any desire to embody that and be seen by others as an actual human being instead of a member of the subjugated sex actually make one imbued with Real Maleness... right..... to be honest it just became so embarassing to think that I was a grown adult still acting like this shit made any sense. I don't have a gender identity. When I pass, I take on the status of undercover female. I'm not a male. Have y'all actually met any of them?? Like, for real??? Its like... Jesus christ... LOL. No. I like the way I live. I have sympathy for females lost in the gender sauce but it only goes so far when they're by and large fucking insane and homophobic. And sure I could talk about my transition but I ultimately see it as such a non-thing. I don't think of myself as having transitioned at all, because I was always like this more or less, it's just that now I have a few more hairs on my face and a deeper voice and none of it feels unnatural or strange or "trans" it just is what it is and was always going to be... and that will always be contextualized by my sex– how could I go on denying myself that? And letting it fester like a wound... Oh and also I eventually realized it's just way more dope to be a high-value hairy jacked dyke who accepts myself but keeps doing my thang & not give a fuck than it is to be a desperate delulu self-conscious passing-obsessed little wannabe-man lol
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violetnerves · 5 months
The Rise and Fall of Jenny Hopkins, aged 15: Bully Genderbend Au/Rewrite. Chapter 1, Part 1:
So this is Part 1 of an au/rewrite I've been working on for a bit... And it ended up getting out of hand because I ended up hitting over 12000 words just for Chapter 1 alone.
As a result, I had to split Chapter 1 into 2 parts, and even after that, both parts ended up being over 6000 words. It seems like a lot to me personally, but maybe I'm wrong.
Anyway, here's a summary of the au:
In this Au/rewrite of Bully, Jimmy Hopkins is instead Jenny Hopkins, a 15 year old girl with a history of delinquent behavior. She exhibits some symptoms of Anti-Social personality disorder, even being diagnosed by a therapist with Conduct disorder.
The female cast has been expanded a bit, and some of the existing female members have been fleshed out a bit more, some of the male cast has been given some care too. As a rewrite some things have been changed about the Canon story, partly to fix a few plot holes and issues with the original that may have been caused by the original games rocky development history, though not to the point where it's unrecognizable since I do enjoy the game's original story, despite it's many faults.
Regardless, I hope you enjoy what I've written so far.
Part one of Chapter 1 starts under the divider. I'll also be posting the story on AO3, under the account: BlueEclipse7573
Total word count: 6565
Content warning for violence and strong language. If there's anymore I should list, please let me know!
'Here we go again'
I was laid back in the backseat of my stepfather's rental car, staring up at the roof. It felt as though we'd been driving for days, even though it'd been a 1 hour trip to Bullworth from the hotel at most.
"Jenny..." My mother spoke up, trying to get my attention after i'd decided to just ignore her for the whole trip. "...Please say something," her tone was aggravated at this point, annoyed that she was being given the silent treatment by her own daughter.
Yet again, I didn't want to bother with a response.
It's not like I wanted to be mean to my mom, but it was the nicest thing I figured I could do to protest against getting sent to yet another Boarding school while my mother ran off for the year with yet another one of her flings.
The silence, aside from the noise of the car, would continue on until my new step-father, who was old enough to be her mother's father, decided he was going to parent me despite the fact that I'd only known the old guy since last week, when we'd first me during my mom's wedding.
"Speak to your mother, Jane..."
*'Oh, please'*
"What? Who are you? Mom, this creepy old guy is talking to me, I think he might be one of those 'perverts' you've warned me about," I replied. Granted, the new guy - whatever his name was, mom went through men like one of those revolving doors you see in fancy and expensive hotels, so I never really bothered to catch his name - surprisingly hadn't been creepy around me, at least compared to the other men mom decided to have relations with.
Mom always did have shit taste in men.
Mom groaned, clearly being driven up the wall by my attitude at this point.
"Jenny, please be nice to your new step-father. He's not a 'pervert'."
I sat up.
"Yeah, you might be right, but he's not really doing himself any favors with the whole 'fat, old, and balding child molester' look he's got going on."
The old man sighed, and mom turned her head to look at me, her mouth twisting into a snarl. I wasn't phased, I was used to it at this point. The older woman looked like a clown with how overdone her makeup was, with her dark purple eyeshadow and lips covered in a cheap waxy red lipstick, and with a foundation that barely matched her actual skin color.
She looked so old and trashy with all that crap on her face.
"That's enough! I've had it with you, you little brat. All I want is a little peace and quiet with my new husband, and you insult him!" Mom wailed, setting a manicured hand on the old man's shoulder.
"Now look what you've done, you've upset your mother!" The old man growled. "I've got half-a-mind to beat you..."
I frowned, giving him a clear stink eye.
I knew it. Just another phony. Just like the others.
"I doubt you would, i'm sure you only do that kind of crap to the women dumb enough to marry you."
The two adults gasped.
"I can't believe you, you little monster! We'll deal with you when we get back from our honeymoon... next. year..."
Mom had left it at that, much to my relief.
Getting into arguments with mom never made me feel good, even if I did enjoy pissing off whatever awful man my old woman decided to bring into her, and therefore our lives. I didn't want our relationship to be so bad. She was my mom after all... So why couldn't she just act like it for once?
It was sooner rather than later when the car slowed to a stop, and I looked out toward the large, foreboding entrance to the school I'd be stuck in for an entire school year.
The entrance to the school was a large, old-fashioned, dull red and white stone archway, the red color clearly faded a bit with time and wear. Chipped into the stonework near the top of the structure were the words "BULLWORTH ACADEMY." The dark Iron gate doors were wide open, yet I couldn't help but think they looked the complete opposite of inviting. Like a fancy jail cell.
"Finally..." The old man sighed heavily with relief.
*'Yeah, feelings mutual you shriveled old bastard'*
"Here we are, young lady, Bullworth Academy, just the kind of place a girl like you needs."
I pushed open the car door, grabbing my purse on the way out. I didn't even bother to spare a glance at the two adults behind me in the car.
"Have fun, Jenny! I'll think of you from our cruise ship!"
Mom giggled in response to her new husband's goodbye, but all I could give was an eye roll in response.
"Whatever," I muttered, shutting the back car door behind me.
The car revved, and the vehicle left the property entirely. Against my better judgment, I turned and watched as it drove off the premises.
I couldn't help but wince, accidentally letting the hard, emotional barrier I'd built up over the years crack a little.
"Mom, why'd you marry that phony? What is wrong with you?" I asked no one but myself. A question that already had an answer, and one I'd asked so many times before.
Mom married that old fart for protection, for money, and just because she wanted to. Getting a good husband for herself and a good father never was a factor for her to consider, not with how much of a revolving door her love life was. I hadn't been a priority to her for the last 10 years. It was always going to be just *her* needs.
So what *wasn't* wrong with her?
"I can't believe this..." I said to no one. A lie, really. One I'd said way too many times.
And I'd probably keep saying it for as long as I lived.
I was so caught up in wondering why I still wanted to defend my mom from her own awful decisions that I hadn't noticed the clicking of heels against concrete slowly growing louder.
"You must be the Hopkins girl,"
I jumped and turned, taken aback.
"Huh? Where'd you come from?"
It was a woman who was doing a bad job of looking younger than she actually was. She wore a dark, long-sleeved dress shirt with a matching pencil skirt. Her hair was done up a bit, curled up into rolls at the ends. In general, the woman had a very... old-fashioned look to her, as if the act of stepping out of my stepfather's rental car had sent me back in time a few decades.
"We've been expecting you, welcome to Bullworth Academy... (sigh)," the well-dressed woman said, putting an odd emphasis on the word Bullworth as well as raising and dropping her arms in a slow, dramatic arc as she did.
*'So weird'* I let the thought hover a bit.
"I'm sure you'll be happy here, very happy indeed..." She shrugged, "Anyway, I can't spend my life waiting around for naughty little girls... I've got a *man* to make happy"
*'Yeesh, you already remind me of my mother. That can't be a good sign.'*
"The Headmaster is expecting you Hopkins, in his study,"
"Ok, I'll go see him then," I replied. I then immediately turned and walked in the opposite direction of the school.
"Oh no, no, no, his study is over *there* girl, in the main building?" The over dressed woman adruptly mentioned in a hasty manner. I frowned and turned back to the woman, who pointed a finger towards the largest building on campus.
"Right... my bad ma'am." I tugged on the strap of my purse, silently annoyed that I wasn't able to get away with fleeing and hiding out until the school year ended.
It's not like mom would've noticed if I'd done that anyway.
I walked in through the entrance to the campus, already feeling like a trapped animal despite the gates still being open.
"Don't keep Dr. Crabblesnitch waiting, he's a brilliant man... brilliant..."
The gates behind me closed, and along with it, my one chance at freedom.
The woman took off without me for some reason, and I was left to just look around the area.
In front and to my left and right were two other buildings, both two stories tall.
However, I was stopped in my tracks by a group of three male students, all of whom seemed to be lacking the sweater vests that they should have been wearing. Their dress shirts weren't tucked in and instead left to hang out. They weren't even wearing slacks either. Instead, they all wore denim jeans for pants. Were they even following the dress code for this place?
They crowded around the middle of the two routes to what I could see were the two dorms, separated by gender.
It seemed they immediately noticed me as well, eyeing me down as fresh meat, clearly noticing I wasn't wearing the uniform.
Well, things were already off to a good start. I was still near the frigging entrance!
That *had* to have been a record.
The one in front, a white blond with a pimple problem, but an oddly charming smile approached me. The two behind the blond were backing him up, a dark-skinned black guy with a rather enthusiastic tone of voice yelling excitedly at the blond to "put the new kid in an armbar" and another white guy, except he had brown hair, as well as slightly tanned with a slingshot sticking out of his front pocket. He was quietly looking over the situation, It's like he was scheming hard about something, and I had a feeling it couldn't be anything good.
I was short, even for a girl, standing at barely 4'10. So despite the blond probably being average height for a guy his age, that still meant he had the height advantage. Same for the other two guys, who were a bit shorter than the blond but still obviously taller than me.
But that didn't mean much, in my opinion. I always felt the saying, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" was accurate for a reason.
And if he didn't want to back off, "blondie" here was going to learn why pretty damn quick.
"Hey, new girl, a pretty face like mine is expensive to care for... How about a little dono to help keep it lookin' good?" He stuck out a slightly calloused hand, palm up and in my face. The other two boys behind him chuckled as if the whole thing was just a practical joke to them. One that "I" was the butt of.
I spared a glance at his open hand and then up to the face of the boy it belonged to.
"Wash your face first fucko. You've got the little dipper growing out of your forehead," I mocked, hissing the sentence out spitefully and glaring up at the taller boy. The grip on my purse tightened a bit.
My response made the blond drop his smile. I was white-knuckling the purse strap at that point.
"Eh! Wrong answer!" the blond reached for my bag.
Friggin' idiot.
Before he could react, I grabbed the arm that was reaching out for my bag, tugging him forward. I drew my head back and slammed it on his jaw, sending him falling back as I let go of his arm.
The two boys behind him yelled something out - a name, "Trent" or something - but before they could retaliate against me, I ducked away and sprinted off in the direction of the main building.
On the way, I bumped into a few students, earning a few insults and curses thrown my way. Luck was on my side, though, as a student exited the school building just as I neared the main door. I ran in while the door was still open, and it slammed shut behind me. I let out a breath, stepping forward into the large room.
A few students had taken notice of my adrupt arrival, but only for a few seconds, because they quickly went back to their daily routines just as soon as they had stopped.
*'...I guess that could've gone worse...'* I thought, heading up the stairs and into Dr. Crabblesnitch's office.
The first room I entered into was weirdly dark, with the only bit of light coming from the ceiling of the other room, which looked to be Crabblesnitch's main office. I took a few steps inside until I was in the other room, catching Crabblesnitch's attention soon after.
The light above turned out to be a skylight set into the ceiling, illuminating the room in the sun's natural yellow glow. There wasn't any sign of artificial light in the entire room, which... gave me a few thoughts, the first being of how cool it'd be to take pictures in here. The second thought was of how comforting this place should feel... yet I couldn't help but feel so uncomfortable and tense. That clearly wasn't a good sign.
"Ah, yes, so you must be Miss Hopkins," the older man said, gesturing for me to take a seat on one of the chairs lined up right in front of his desk.
I sighed.
"Uh huh," I said, hoping to get out of this room as soon as possible.
Crabblesnitch's brow furrowed, clearly annoyed with my overtly informal reply.
"What? 'Uh huh', what?"
I grumbled quietly.
"...I meant 'yes sir'..."
"Very good, now let me see..."
I sat down as Dr. Crabblesnitch brought out a folder nearly bursting with papers, which were the documentation of my record from the last 7 schools I'd attended along with some police reports. I thought it was impressive how thick the folder was. Anyone else probably - rightfully so maybe - might've felt a bit of shame looking at it... but not me. You couldn't pay me to care really.
So it wasn't surprising that the papers pretty much smothered Crabblesnitch's desk, covering the fine maple in a sea of white. As well as some red and black, due to the pen ink on the papers.
Crabblesnitch feigned a gasp, dragging his finger over multiple spots on different papers.
"My, my, Miss Hopkins, you've done a lot of naughty things, haven't you? Vandalism, graffiti, bad language, violent conduct, disrespecting staff, a shoplifting charge, and is that..." He motioned to a particularly large bit of red writing. "Arson? Oh, I'm absolutely terrified of *you* Miss Hopkins!" Dr. Crabblesnitch concluded, feigning fear much like that gasp from earlier.
"Aw c'mon, give me a break. That last one was an accident..."
Aside from everything else. Arson was probably the one I *hadn't* meant to do, oddly enough.
Crabblesnitch didn't appear convinced.
"Regardless, I don't think I've ever met a girl like you, never in all my years! You must be the rudest little girl I've ever encountered!" He lowered himself down to meet me eye-to-eye. "Tell me, Jane, why should I waste my precious time on *you*?"
I shrugged in response.
"I dunno."
Dr. Crabblesnitch stood up straight.
"Because it's my calling! It's what I do!" The older man pointed at Jenny. "*You* excel at causing trouble..." He gestured to himself. "And while my expertise is in fixing little boys rather than little girls, I'm sure my methods could work on someone 'butch' such as you, eventually you'll be the respectable young woman that you're meant to be! I have a good feeling about you, Miss Hopkins, I'm sure you and I could grow to be great friends..."
*'Sure, whatever you say.'* was my first thought. Okay, not really. My first thought was actually: *'Did he just call me 'butch'? What does that even mean? That's a name, isn't it?'*
Regardless, I was able to see through this guy like glass. I was sure the Dr's definition of a "respectable woman" was probably a few decades passed.
I was starting to see a pattern...
"Now, you keep that nose clean girl, or I'll scrub it raw myself if I have to!" He turned to the open door of his office. The clacking of heels caught my attention, so I turned to look as well. The lady who'd met up with me and abandoned me at the gate earlier strutted through the door, a serving tray with a tea kettle and a matching tea cup set in her hands. "Ms. Danvers?"
"Yes, Headmaster, and I've got your tea..."
"You are good to me, Ms. Danvers"
"No more than you deserve... Headmaster," Ms. Danvers said demurely, setting the tray down on a nearby table.
*'Ugh, i'm gonna hurl. Might get me in trouble, but that's better than whatever i'm sitting through right now.'* I shifted in my seat a bit, looking away.
"Ms. Danvers, would you kindly take our new friend Miss Hopkins here to the girl's dorm so she can be properly attired?"
"Certainly Headmaster," Ms. Danvers turned in my direction. As she did, her expression instantly changed from pleased to something akin to a disgusted sneer. Like she was addressing a bug she'd accidentally stepped on. "Come along, girl. I haven't got all day,"
I stood up, but before I could finally leave, Crabblesnitch addressed me one last time.
"And remember, young lady, you will have a clean nose, so keep it clean; or we'll do it for you."
As I left Crabblesnitch's office, I pondered at my current situation.
*'So, here I am at the worst school in the country, whose alumi are nothing but arms dealers, serial killers, and corporate lawyers. Real scum. And that out-of-touch old creep thinks he can tame me? We shall see my friend, I only give people what they have coming to them'*
Oh, that's good, that's something I'll have to remember to write into my diary later. I stuffed it in my suitcase for safe keeping, which was *hopefully* put into my dorm room.
Ms. Danvers and I stepped back into the school's main office.
"Go, run along to the Girl's dorm, young Hopkins, i'm far too busy to deal with you." Ms. Danvers abruptly said, much to my confusion and a little bit of anger..
"Weren't you supposed to take me there? Like Dr. Crabblesnitch told you to do?" My mind thought back to those boys from earlier. I didn't doubt that they would try to harass me again, especially after what I'd done to their buddy.
"The girl's dorm is the first building to your right when you enter the school. I'm sure you can find it on your own. You'll have plenty of time to get unpacked as your schedule is still being set up due to your mother's inability to send in your admission slip on time. Now, get a move on, little miss." Ms. Danvers replied, pretty much ignoring the question.
Well, there went my security.
I struggled not to flip off Ms. Danvers on my way out as I left the building. On my way out I saw a group of well dressed guys who all simultaneously radiated an air of smug get into a fight with what I could only guess were a few background characters from the movie Grease.
What the hell was wrong with this place?!
*'Just gotta get to the Girl's dorm, and I can keep my head down till lunch. Seems like a solid enough plan to me.'* it wasn't like I had classes to go to, at least not until tomorrow, or, if I was lucky, the day after maybe; Until then, just keeping a low profile was the best option.
As I made my way down the steps, I noticed two of the bullies from earlier walking my way, the karate obsessed one and slingshot kid. Without hesistation, I began speed walking back to the large circle walkway near the entrance, the middle area separating the two dorms. In my haste, I figured going right was correct, going off of memory of what Ms. Danvers had told me minutes earlier. I mean, shoot, my memory couldn't have been that bad, could it?
*'Ms. Danvers said something about going right, so i'm going right. Screw it'*
It was only when I reached the front of the building that I realized I'd fucked up my directions. I could clearly make out the words, 'BOY'S DORM' above the entrance to the building.
The blond, Trent *if* my memory was correct - considering how I ended up here, I was justified in having my doubts - who had tried to shake me down for money earlier stood in front of the steps leading to the dorm's entrance. His lower lip was swollen and turning a nasty shade of red and purple. He was joined alongside two redheads - auburn on the right and maroonish in front of the two - dressed similarly to him on the stairs leading up to the Boy's Dorm.
"It's her! That's the new girl who did it, Wade! I'm gonna end up relegated to backstage duty for my next play because of her!" Trent motioned at me, then to his throbbing, already starting to redden lower lip as he addressed the leading redhead.
"YOU'RE GONNA GET IT WWIIMMMPPP" the other red haired boy to the left practically shouted out. I wasn't sure if the guy lacked an inside voice or if he was just *really* that mad about what I'd done to his buddie's lip.
"You're dead, new kid, DEAD!" The redhead who'd been referred to as "Wade" shouted, making his way down the steps with his fists up and at the ready.
I backed away and turned, ready to sprint away again. Instead, I found that there were 4 other people behind me. There were the two other boys from earlier, the karate kid and Slingshot blocking off the entrance along with a black haired boy with a hell of a black eye on his right eye in the middle of them, though he looked a bit nervous. I knew he was with them, though, with how similarly he was dressed, with the white school button up with jeans look.
Then there was the last member, and she probably stood out the most, even though she was clearly with them given her outfit. She was a blonde, like Trent; and while that probably didn't necessarily mean they were related, the way she smiled certainly matched the same one he'd had earlier. She had those... weird emo kid hairstrips, the ones with jagged purple and black stripes. Her button-up shirt was open, and under it was a black spaghetti strap undershirt.
Her makeup was all fucked up, streaks of eyeliner haphazardly swiped under her eyes onto her cheeks as well as on her lips, which had some purple lipstick on peeking out from underneath all the mess. It was like she'd done her makeup while she was in the middle of a mental breakdown, just swiping and swiping until she'd finally felt satisfied.
She wore striped arm warmers and even though she wore jeans to match with the other boys, they were noticeably ripped to the point where the right pant leg was just gone, cut off to probably the beginning of her thigh. Underneath that was a pair of thigh-high socks, similar in color to her hair strips and arm warmers. Her shoes were a pair of Chuck Taylor shoes, yet again, the same color scheme to the aforementioned other articles of clothing she had.
She still had the school issued skirt and tie, but even she'd managed to put her own... unique touch on how she'd worn them. The skirt was tattered, not really exposing anything since she wore jeans, but I was surprised she was bold enough to just wear them destroyed like that. Then there was the way she wore the tie, which had me all kinds of confused. She had it in her hair, using it as a hair tie to pull some of her long hair into a side ponytail.
It was kind of difficult not to notice and point out all the oddities of her outfit. It was just... all out there.
She held up a video camera and pointed it at me. Great, so she thinks she's gonna record me getting my ass kicked? Nice, real nice. What a goddamn joke. I was just gonna be a part of something her and her buddies would laugh at later.
"Yeah! Get her! Get the new kid!" the karate obsessed boy jeered.
*'Damn it, mom, why'd it have to be this school?'* I thought as Wade began to get closer and closer.
"You jerks are really pissing me off! That's not something you wanna do, I'm only gonna tell you once! Screw off!" I carried myself and threatened him in the most intimidating way I could. A part of me knew it wouldn't work, though. It rarely ever did.
It wasn't fair. People always just had to pick on me, and for what? For what goddamn reason?! Why was I some kind of target for people to pick on?!
"A bit late for that bitch! Now put up or shut up and i'll beat your ass!"
I grabbed at the strap of my purse, letting it slip off my shoulder and fall to the ground.
What right did these jerks have to push me around? What dumb justification did they have? It was probably some bullshit about them being sad or something, as if that gave them any right...
I scowled, stepping forward towards the taller red-head.
Well, no more. These guys were clearly asking for it, so they were going to get *exactly* what was coming to them. I'd make damn sure of it.
I didn't notice the growing crowd forming behind the bullies blocking my only exit. Mainly students lured by all the commotion going on. I hardly heard the yipping and yelling of the crowd, my anger and frustration causing it all to merge together into some incomprehensible mish-mash of sound.
Wade took a step toward me, getting within a distance where he could hit me; instead, my fist cracked against his face, and the sound of my knuckle hitting spongy skin made an unpleasant sound. The force caused Wade to stumble back. His body barely turned 180 degrees before he fell back. His body hit the stone ground, and, for a moment, it all went quiet aside for the sound of me exhaling angrily.
Trent and Troy looked down at Wade's knocked out body in surprise, then looked up at me. It wasn't long until Trent blurted something out.
"Grab her Ethan!"
Behind me, Ethan grabbed at my arms, clearly trying to restrain me, but I realized he wasn't that much taller than me, so I retaliated by headbutting him. I whipped around, realizing that it was the Kung-fu kid from earlier. I threw a hard punch at his gut, and it was enough to double him over.
With my back turned, Trent took the opportunity to grab what little hair I had on my head and yank me back, followed by him pinning my arms while Troy prepared to punch me in the face.
Bad idea.
I ducked at the last second, and instead of Troy's fist hitting me, he'd accidentally socked Trent in the jaw instead.
Trent let go of me, and I kneed Troy in the crotch. Returning the favor, my fist met the middle of Troy's face. I got a bit of a thrill as I felt some of the bones of his nose crack from the force. He screamed and fell over, his nose already gushing.
I backed away, now facing the rest of the jerks who were stupid enough to mess with me.
2 down... 3 more to go. Trent, black eye kid, and Slingshot.
The three came at me all at once. Black eye kid tried grabbing for me.
"Nobody beats on Tom's frie-AaagGGGHHhhh!"
I kicked the kid, whose name was Tom, apparently, hard in the groin. I slammed my head on the left side of his face, subconsciously hoping to give him another black eye just for being stupid enough to grab me.
Slingshot grabbed me, and I took Tom and shoved him at Slingshot, causing the both of them to topple over. Slingshot kid hit the ground rather hard, and with the weight of Tom, he was knocked out.
Then there were just two, me and Trent.
He caught me off guard. Trent threw a punch at my face, and it connected. I stumbled back, and he hit again. That time it was a kick to my gut.
I found myself stumbling back a bit, but rather than that screwing me over, instead I ducked his punches. Trent was a lot taller than me, and I knew an easy way to use that against him.
I backed off, ducking to avoid both his punches and kicks. This only agitated him further, and he tried to get closer.
Before he knew what I was doing, I charged at him. I ducked, wrapping my arms around his waist and tackling him to the ground. He couldn't even act, freezing up as I laid punches on his face and chest. I was nearly out of breath by the time I was done.
Eventually, Trent stopped resisting altogether, head lolling to the side as the only sound he made was some pained groans.
I stood up, and only then did I notice the crowd blocking the entrance.
Every single one of them was shocked, and for a moment, their reactions had me a bit giddy. Especially the other Bully girl who was dressed weird, who was still filming *everything.* She appeared as if she wasn't sure if she should still film everything or not.
I was tempted to laugh until I heard a familiar voice behind me.
"Y-You! Bitch! Once I'm- I'm done with you! You'll be drinking from a straw!"
Behind me, Wade yelled, and I turned around just as he swung for my face clumsily, as if my earlier punch still had him a bit dazed. I grabbed his arm, forcing him to turn.
A smirk crossed my face knowing what I was about to do.
With Wade's back to me, I grabbed his jeans and gave him a wedgie, causing him to squeal in a high pitch. I kicked him in the lower back for good measure, and the combination of the kick and his dazed state caused Wade to lose his balance, and just like when I'd slugged him in the face earlier, he fell and knocked himself out on the concrete.
And then it was all over.
I turned to Trent, and just to rub salt in the wound, I snorted and spat a wad of snot and spit on him.
"That's what happens when you screw with Jenny Hopkins! Who's your momma! Yeah!" I raised a fist to the air in triumph. Sure, my face kinda hurt and I was sure it'd bruise like hell, but hey! Things were actually going my way for once! I totally taught those jerks a lesson!
The crowd at the entrance began murmuring, and while I didn't catch what everyone was saying, one sentence stood out to me for whatever reason.
"Wow, what an idiot. Russell isn't going to like this." One of the more snobbish, uptight voices in the crowd spoke, giving me pause.
I waved it off, and spat back.
"Pft, who's Russell? I'll kick his ass too!" I said proudly. I'd already beaten all these guys. How could another dude be any more trouble?
My newfound confidence proved to be short-lived, however, as I began to feel the earth shake from beneath me.
An Earthquake? In New England?
No, that couldn't have been it, did they even have earthquakes in New England? What else could it be?
Whatever it was, it couldn't have been anything good, judging by how the crowd that surrounded the entrance to the Boy's Dorm just seconds earlier seemingly vanished without a trace, including the weirdly dressed girl.
A loud, ear shattering bang of wood hitting stone sounded behind me.
I twirled around, my usual squinted eyes now wide open in *bafflement* at the sight of the possible missing link in human evolution that she'd kept hearing about from those Bigfoot hunting shows.
At the top of the steps to the Boy's Dorm, an overly large ogre of a - Adult? Teen? I couldn't tell - student, judging by the uniform, stood as tall as he was wide, his frame taking up the entirety of the double door frame. He took one look at me, and then the group of boys laying prone on the concrete.
If this was a cartoon, I was sure there'd be steam pouring out of his ears. His face was redder than a chili pepper from rage.
He yelled, literally roaring as if he was some kind of beast instead of a man... boy...
*'Fuck my life.'*
The brown haired beast rushed toward me, and for the first time in forever, I was stuck in place and couldn't move.
His fist met my face, nearly knocking me off balance. I felt a hot fluid spray out of my nose from the hit, and my hands clasped my nose immediately after, coming back colored in a dark red that contrasted heavily with the light freckled skin of my hands.
I yelped, stepping back as the beast roared again and beat his chest like a goddamn gorilla. Before he could unleash another blow, however, a voice I didn't recognize yelled from behind me.
"Russell! Russell, no sir! Back off of that girl at once!"
I turned and saw as a thin, young adult woman with yellowish blonde hair ran towards Russel and I, getting in between the two of us. She started grabbing at my shoulders firmly as a way to get ahold of me and away from the much bigger boy in front of us.
My nose blood trailed down my mouth, and I tasted copper - A taste I was all too familiar with - as I looked to the woman who was now focused on Russell.
"That'll be enough of that young man! I know your mother taught you better than to lay your hands on a fellow student like that!" The woman who couldn't have been that much older than me barked to the boy who towered over her. The over developed brute didn't give much of a reaction. In fact, it didn't seem like the kid even had much of anything going on upstairs.
Yet he complied, stomping back into the Boy's Dorm, like a well-fed bear returning to its cave to hibernate for the winter.
I sniffed, looking up at the woman.
A teacher that actually gave a shit for once? It was like I'd found a 4-leaf clover... or something like that.
When the woman turned to me, her face looked like she'd been on the verge of bursting into tears at any moment. Yet when she spoke again, her voice was weak and quiet, but not really wobbly like you'd usually notice from somebody about to cry.
"Oh dear... Your nose is bleeding... I really ought to take you to see the nurse for that, it could be broken..." She pointed at the main school building, to the left door next to the main entrance. "The nurse's office is just right there."
I shook my head.
"N-no, it's fine. I know what a broken nose feels like and what I've got... isn't it." I said, blowing my nose and feeling a bit of blood ooze out. To say I was familiar with having my nose broken would be like asking me if I was familiar with eating. Or breathing. "I just need a napkin or tissue, whichever one I can get a hold of."
The lady still looked a bit worried, but she didn't hesitate to dig into the satchel she had hung on her shoulder. She brought out a small pack of tissues sealed in a plastic wrapping, opening it and offering some of them to me.
"Here, you ought to make your way into the Girl's dorm. It's the building just over there. Mrs. Peabody is inside, and she'll make sure you're taken good care of. She looks after the girls here in Bullworth Academy."
She stuffed the remaining tissues back in her satchel as I tore and stuffed the pieces of it up my nostrils to block the blood flow. I felt and looked dumb, but that was better than getting blood everywhere.
Begrudgingly, I thanked the blonde woman, and in response, she gave me a smile. It was... rather nice. But I didn't give much of a response other than a nod. Adults tended to be two-faced and phony, and for all I knew, this was just gonna be something temporary.
"Oh no need to thank me, miss, I'm just doing my job." she gave me a pat on the back, which simultaneously felt a bit patronizing... but also kinda nice.
Huh, it looked like she really was just a nice lady. At least something was going good for me today.
"My name is Dr. Lamb, i'm Mrs. Peabody's aid as well as the school's guidance counselor. We'll probably be seeing a lot of each other from now on," Dr. Lamb looked around at the bullies who were currently writhing around in pain on the ground. I noticed she had a frown on her face, which made sense given what she had to deal with now... thanks to me no less.
"Go ahead and get yourself settled over in the Girl's Dorm. Mrs. Peabody might be a little strict, but she genuinely does care for the well-being of all the girls here in the Academy. I'll just take these boys over to Nurse McCrae."
I looked around and only then really took in the carnage I'd caused. Trent, Wade, and the rest of their buddies were sprawled out all around us. At least two of them had a bloody nose, and the kid with the thick Brooklyn accent had a tooth knocked out and a small trickle of blood trailing down his lips. Yeesh, I might've headbutted him harder than I thought. Wade's underwear peaked out of the back of his pants as he laid face down, clearly stretched out from the wedgie I'd given him.
I felt like grinning, but I felt that'd probably upset Dr. Lamb. She'd already been so nice to me, fucking up her opinion of me by being my typical snarky bitch self would suck.
"Yeah, I'll just get going... Thanks Dr. Lamb..."
I looked to the Girl's Dorm, only to notice her, the girl from before who'd been recording everything, running back to the scene. I'd been prepared to beat her ass like I'd done to her friends when she just bumped into me, running past *without* apologizing and yelling:
"Guys! Don't worry, I've got my healing crystals!"
A chorus of groans came from the boys lying down, and I stifled a laugh before making my way to the Girl's dorm properly.
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delafiseaseses · 10 days
I just had a Hotline Miami 2 realisation.
So, after Execution is Ambush, right? I'm guessin' a decent amounta ya know The Fans appear in the bar at the starta the intro, but I just realised their actions in the previous scene are analogues to the ending of the level.
Since, in the end of the level, Barnes has remorselessly killed (and is still beating) a Russian Army captive. There's a certain callousness to the way the still alive ones are being held too: Jacket holding that gun right to the crying man's head, Daniels maybe joking maybe not about 'Letting Barnes deal with' the captives to make life easier. The soldiers who have the exact same bald heads and tan skin The Henchman does.
Y'see where I'm goin' with this, right? The Fans in their... fandom of Jacket and the Ghost Wolves were emulating them in Execution in their merciless treatment of The Henchman.
If I was to be extra daring, I could also say that Tony's lack of involvement is something of a mirror to Daniels mild disapproval and point out that the two of them also share the same eyebrow colour and shaved heads.
I might also point out that while the Ghost Wolves were holding 5 (formerly 6) presumably sober men captive The Fans only have 1 and he's high out of his mind, and the man Barnes has killed with his bare hands is a larger 'more powerful' man than The Henchman. Showing their emulation is lesser than their idols.
The positioning of the scenes in this game I'm sure feel random t' some, but I think they've all been placed with very particular purposes.
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coochiequeens · 20 days
Germany WTF?
By Marielena Meder August 24, 2024
A trans-identified member of Germany’s Parliament is calling for parents who do not comply with their child’s “gender transition” to be prosecuted and imprisoned. Markus “Tessa” Ganserer, who represents the Green Party as a “woman,” recently addressed the queer community and also promised that broadly-defined “conversion treatments” would be completely banned.
Contrary to all warnings from therapists, the German federal government passed a law banning conversion therapy in 2020 and included within the legislation the concept of “gender identity.”
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By Marielena Meder August 28, 2024
Germany has begun transferring violent male convicts who “identify” as women into female prisons, despite the fact the nation hasn’t yet formally enacted its gender self-identification law. Among them are dangerous sex offenders and pedophiles.
On April 12, the German Parliament, or Bundestag, passed one of the world’s most far-reaching sex self-determination policies, known as the Self-Determination Act (SBGG). But while the gender identity policies are not set to come into effect until November, correctional institutions are already transferring male criminals into the female prison estate in anticipation of the law.
Women‘s rights organization Initiative Lasst Frauen Sprechen (Let Women Speak) requested figures from all ministries of justice in the federal states in Germany on how many men have been or are currently imprisoned in women’s correctional facilities since 2023. The campaign group also asked for information on the nature of the crimes the men had committed. 
The response from government officials show that males are already being housed in women’s prisons in every federal state, a practice that began months ahead of the German self-identification law coming into force in November. The only federal state that does not house men in women’s prisons is Saarland, because there are no women’s prisons in the region. As a result, trans-identified male criminals in the state may be relocated to female facilities in other federal districts.
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By Marielena Meder August 30, 2024
A podcast episode of Hoss and Hopf had to be deleted by court order because the moderators called a trans-identified man “a man” and used male pronouns to refer to him. The podcasters may be facing potential prison time or a fine of up to €250,000.
In the controversial podcast episode, the hosts discussed the case of Laura Holstein, formerly known as Nicolas. Holstein, a balding male who now identifies as a “woman,” has made multiple headlines over the past few months related to him demanding access to female spaces. Most recently, Holstein, with the support of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, has been pursuing legal action against a female-only gym in Bavaria.
But the Frankfurt am Main Regional Court has now stopped in to order the censorship of the Hoss and Hopf episode related to Holstein. The hosts, Kiarash Hossainpour and Philip Hopf, have also been prohibited from referring to Holstein as a man and using male pronouns for him. 
In a post to social media, Hossainpour posted screenshots of the letter they received from the court. Among the orders made in the document are that the two hosts are prohibited from “distributing, publishing or having third parties distribute or publish” statements that correctly sex Holstein.
Among those statements include that Holstein is a “man who feels [he is] in the wrong body,” and that “he still has his dick.” 
“Our podcast [Hoss and Hopf] was censored: Welcome to Germany. Our podcast episode about the legal drama of a person who was born biologically male but wanted to go to a women’s gym – with the support of the Independent Federal Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination – is now offline,” he wrote.
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helpfullarticle · 5 months
Introduction to Hair Transplant Treatment
Hair loss can be a distressing experience for many individuals, impacting not only their physical appearance but also their self-confidence. Fortunately, advancements in medical technology have made hair transplant treatment a viable solution for restoring a full head of hair. Understanding what this treatment entails and how it can benefit you is the first step towards regaining your confidence and achieving your desired look.
Hair Transplant Brighton - FUE - FUT Surgery- Non-Surgical Treatments. Hair Transplant surgery in Brighton for men and women Professional hair restoration FUE, Brighton Hair Transplant, FUT, and Non surgical treatments in the UK
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Types of Hair Transplant Techniques
Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
FUT, also known as strip harvesting, involves removing a strip of scalp from the donor area and dissecting it into individual follicular units for transplantation. This technique is ideal for individuals with larger areas of baldness.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
FUE is a minimally invasive procedure that involves harvesting individual follicular units directly from the donor area and transplanting them to the recipient site. It leaves minimal scarring and offers a quicker recovery time compared to FUT.
Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)
DHI is an advanced form of FUE that utilizes a specialized tool called a Choi Implanter Pen to implant the grafts directly into the scalp without the need for creating recipient sites beforehand. This technique ensures precision and natural-looking results.
Benefits of Hair Transplant Treatment
Hair transplant treatment offers numerous benefits, including:
Restoration of a natural hairline
Boost in confidence and self-esteem
Permanent solution to hair loss
Finding the Right Hair Transplant Expert
Selecting a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon is crucial for achieving optimal results. Take the time to research clinics, read patient reviews, and schedule consultations to find the right expert for your needs.
Hair Transplant Experts in Brighton
Brighton boasts a selection of reputable hair transplant clinics, each staffed with experienced surgeons who specialize in various techniques. From FUT to DHI, you can find the expertise you need to address your hair loss concerns.
Hair Transplant Experts Across the UK
Beyond Brighton, there are numerous hair transplant clinics across the UK offering top-tier services. Whether you reside in London, Manchester, or Edinburgh, you can access expert care and cutting-edge treatments to restore your hair.
Consultation Process
During your initial consultation with a hair transplant expert, you will undergo a comprehensive evaluation to determine your candidacy for the procedure. This may include assessing your hair loss pattern, scalp condition, and overall health.
Preparing for Hair Transplant Surgery
Before undergoing surgery, your surgeon will provide you with pre-operative instructions to follow. This may involve avoiding certain medications, abstaining from alcohol and smoking, and preparing mentally and emotionally for the procedure ahead.
The Hair Transplant Procedure
The hair transplant procedure typically involves several steps, including administering anesthesia, extracting follicular units from the donor area, and implanting them into the recipient site. Your surgeon will ensure your comfort and safety throughout the process.
Post-Transplant Care and Recovery
Following surgery, you will be given specific instructions for post-operative care to promote healing and optimize results. It's essential to follow these guidelines diligently and attend follow-up appointments to monitor your progress.
Common Concerns and FAQs
Is hair transplant surgery painful?
Most patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure, which is managed with local anesthesia. Some may experience mild soreness and swelling in the days following surgery, but this can be alleviated with pain medication.
What are the risks associated with hair transplant surgery?
While hair transplant surgery is generally safe, there are potential risks and complications, including infection, bleeding, and scarring. However, these risks are rare and can be minimized by choosing a skilled surgeon and following post-operative care instructions.
How much does hair transplant treatment cost?
The cost of hair transplant treatment varies depending on the clinic, the technique used, and the extent of the procedure. During your consultation, your surgeon will provide you with a personalized quote based on your specific needs.
Will my insurance cover hair transplant surgery?
In most cases, hair transplant surgery is considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance. However, some clinics offer financing options to help make treatment more affordable for patients.
How long does it take to see results from hair transplant treatment?
While some initial results may be visible within a few months, it can take up to a year for the full results of hair transplant treatment to become apparent. Patience is key, as the transplanted hair gradually grows and matures over time.
Hair transplant treatment offers a permanent solution to hair loss, restoring not only your hair but also your confidence and self-esteem. By choosing a qualified hair transplant expert and following post-operative care instructions, you can achieve natural-looking results that last a lifetime.
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realasslesbian · 2 years
Not to be an extreme right-wing conspiracy theorist, but it's just funny how we knew from the get-go that COVID-19 vaccination was linked to a higher risk of blood clots and stroke in females (especially females taking The Pill, of which the official medical advice on most types of The Pill specifically state 'do not combine this medication with any other drug, treatment, lifestyle choice, etc that will increase the risk of blood clots and stroke, bc The Pill will amplify the shit out of that risk'). And now we're also finding out that COVID-19 vaccination effects most womens' menstrual cycles. And that young females are generally more susceptible to side effects and vaccine injury from COVID-19 vaccination.
And that's not to say the vaccine wasn't necessary and didn't save lives. But the way in which womens extremely valid and demonstrable health issues were just swept under the rug, and continue to be swept under the rug, says a lot to me about how the medical industry and the entire world in general do not give a singular fuck about women.
I had to read a government propaganda piece from the ABC about how 'oh well yes, the COVID-19 vaccine does effect female menstrual cycles, but only by an average of plus one day in all women'. Like lmao, tf kind of scientific reporting is that? Yeah, a heart attack only increases heart rate by one BPM if you average it out over everyone's heart rates, so no one should worry about a heart attack? Like what even is a bell curve amirite?
And like, I would still want to get vaccinated regardless, because COVID-19 ain't no joke, but I also want to know which vaccine is safest for me as a woman, what I can do as a woman to minimise the risk of vaccine injury, what specific side effects can I expect as a woman, etc, etc, etc. Instead I just gotta play russian roulette because the medical industry can't be assed in providing the same amount of product safety and control for women as they do for men.
Like, can you imagine, if COVID-19 vaccination increased the risk of men having strokes and male baldness and whatever, that the official medical advice would still be 'shut up and get vaccinated'? Can you imagine that entire half of the population would just be expected to 'quietly take one for the team'? Like apparently women are expected to? Lol as if
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grandhotelabyss · 2 years
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Speaking of those who make money online, and at the risk of poor taste, I do finally deserve not only your credit but also your remuneration since everything I wrote a decade ago is coming true. At links in bio, therefore, please find my books for sale, my PayPal, my Substack, and my Amazon wish list. (And here's the girl with cancer's GoFundMe; you will have to find her OnlyFans yourself.) In the meantime, please consider this passage from a short story I published in 2014, a short story about pornography, a professor-zombie, and, also prophetic if more metaphorically treated, the death (and renewed life outside the institutions) of academic literary studies:
Internet pornography was a different matter: in that, he had both a professional and a personal, vested interest. One day, trawling a website that served as a clearinghouse for many varieties of fetish porn video clips, he noticed a new category of fetish promoted by the site amid all the wearingly familiar toe-sucking and ball-busting, squirting and scatology. The category was TERMINAL. Clicking through, he remarked that: Terminal Girls: Their Final Days…Your Finest Pleasures, proclaimed the site’s top banner. The most prominent clips displayed for sale featured girls, usually young, under thirty, at the moment when they first experience a symptom or notice a sign of what they will later learn is a terminal illness. This moment of first discovery, when death makes itself known and inevitable in the middle of what had been an ordinary, invulnerable moment, served as the money shot for this type of porn. Professor Lazarino figured that you’d want to time your orgasm to just the right second when the girl in the video feels the lump in her breast, notices the blemish on her leg, begins to cough blood, starts to slur her speech, realizes she can’t feel her hand. But these were not the only clips on offer, though they were the ones Professor Lazarino most wanted to write about, and the ones that, though his erotic tastes had never inclined that way before, he now made a habit of watching for his own pleasure. Later clips would show the girls getting the doctor’s diagnosis of their fatal condition, their screaming and crying or numbed resignation or cheery over-compensation, and still later clips would depict them in the later stages of futile treatment and progressive decay, and some even followed them to their deathbeds. He wondered if the actresses were really sick or just heavily made up; he had seen amputee and paralysis fetish clips before, so he knew that some women parlayed their debilities into a side job, but would a young woman, bald and bloated and vomiting from chemotherapy or twitching in the last throes of neurological degeneration, consent to be filmed for the solitary sexual pleasure of perverted men? 
—"Terminal Girls"
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There’s something different about his hair? Has SH had a hair transplant?!
In Sam's IG live chat with The Tasting Alliance, his hair looked extremely short for the first time in years, but three days later it looked significantly different, and first impressions count. He underwent a surgical procedure? by a variety of elements. Her bald crown was easy to spot by thinning or loss of hair on the crown, while hair growth on the sides remains constant; accompanied by a receding hairline. Hair loss with ageing is totally normal, but there are many things you can do to combat it. Is this his best way to combat it?
In 2021, he was still showing signs of hair loss. He started to grow his hair out. But toward last spring before his Live talk on IG with The Tasting Alliance, SH swapped the long curls for a much shorter hairstyle.
SH may have used established hair loss treatments like finasteride and minoxidil to make his locks thicker. But come on, do you think he looks like the kind of person who rubs hair loss products into his scalp morning and night?
Recently, SH's hairstyle choice has been a big departure from the trendy cut of the past. What has been done? And it seems doubtful that he would have been able to achieve this look with his previous hair. Although SH was never completely bald, his hair in the front was very thin compared to what it is now. SH's hairline at the right time seems to be the problem as he has more hair at the moment. But with his wet hair it was clear in 2020: MIK1 when his head come out of the water, there was no hiding the fact that his hair loss was continuing and had become more and more apparent.
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Even before his 40s was displaying the early signs of androgenetic alopecia (male pattern hair loss). Now, though, he seems to be sporting a different hairstyle every week! So what’s he done? This short style disguises his receding hairline far more effectively than longer hair did. In fact, it was barely even noticeable.
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So he could surely afford the best hair transplant surgeon. If I had to guess, I’d say he had the procedure at some time between the end of Outlander season 6 and July 2022 during his long summer break holidays.
He could have had a hair transplant. He has hair on the nape and sides, making it an excellent donor area to harvest. Why not just take hair from other areas and move it to where you need it? If you have money and time… He went for it.
Before the alleged transplant? Then he seemed to be holding on nicely, for years with toupée, and hairpiece after the sort of Nw 3A+ (The Norwood scale is the standard measure of hair loss progression in men. Androgenetic alopecia also called male pattern baldness) he was before this video, looks like a good recovery or great maintenance. But I agree that for such a neat hairline he likely has had a transplant as a final touch. If he’s still under pills/topicals the result is not that outstanding, because he only needed to restore the hairline.
But it is required to respect certain deadlines after a hair transplant. Wearing a motorcycle helmet after your hair transplant, it is necessary to wait a while, at least a month and a half so as not to damage the newly implanted follicles so that they can take root correctly and avoid direct sunlight on the operated area. It appears he ignored medical instructions and rode a motorcycle with a helmet on in Venice. CA driving in broad daylight, and it was not the time to wear a helmet, again after surgery.
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He may start razoring his sides and donor area a month after the hair transplant. But, for the new hair, he must wait 6 months to be able to cut it. (Sam cut his hair) But, he cannot observe and understand the recommendations and guidelines, not even himself, by not complying with the procedure. It is part of his behaviour to make fun and evade any guidance.
His hairline is mature, with male pattern baldness. His receding hairline eventually thins out into a noticeable retreating hairline. He will not shape it like a youthful hairline. It doesn't look *so* good. The actual hairline on his forehead has that all-too-perfect Ken doll look. We'll see.
He has short hair, and patients who have had FUE or DHI hair transplants can frequently wear their hair very short, like a grade 1 or 2 cut. But the hair did not increase that much in three days between the live chat on Thursday and Loch Lomond video on Sunday. It would mean that the Live on IG was recorded in advance. It could be after the result of the competition on September 9, with about 20 days of difference for his hair to increase.
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SH in 29.09.2022 (left) SH 02.10.2022 (right)
Many patients may prefer Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) as with DHI, Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) the maximum number of grafts that can be implanted is 4000, whereas the FUE method can cover much larger surface areas. But in SH’s case is a different.
There are several reasons people choose to have DHI hair transplants. DHI direct hair transplants are suitable for both men and women. HI Hair transplants are cosmetic surgical procedures. Some reasons people choose to have DHI hair transplants are: Patients who want to have hair in areas on the scalp that are receding or balding
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I don't know if he still expects a better result than Daman’s magazine cover, but we will see his result when his hair grows back 1 year after surgery, but the recession and thinning in the hairline and temples are the same. His bald spots in the middle and the top of his head disappeared. Perhaps corrective transplants could be considered shortly, but if he has resorted to a treatment to overcome baldness, it directly affects his image.
After a hair transplant, it takes a while before the newly transplanted hair begins to grow. Hair will look improved at around month 6, but it takes around 18 months for a hair transplant to achieve its maximum potential.
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This is very hypothetical and recent, so it is not good to compare or suggest similarities with other people even though they supposedly used the same procedural technique.
But, Many people confuse FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction or Follicular Unit Excision) and DHI (Direct Hair Implantation).
FUT: is also known as strip grafting. The surgeon takes a strip of skin containing the hairs from the donor site. Afterward, he takes the hairs from the extracted skin and cuts the grafts into shape. After which the hairs are placed on the recipient site. Which led to the “hair plugs” look.
FUE: It’s a hair transplantation removes the grafts one by one from the donor area using a micromotor or manual punch. Taking individual hair follicles from your skin and moving them to another part of your body where the hair's thinner or absent. In FUE, a surgeon manually cuts channels in your scalp before implanting hair follicles.
DHI: It’s a modification of the FUE technique, in DHI, the surgeon uses a specialized pen-shaped tool that can do both at the same time. Taking individual hair follicles from your skin and moving them to another part of your body where the hair's thinner or absent, not cutting the scalp before implanting hair follicles.
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After looking at different points, there are two possibilities for Sam's surgical procedure which could be FUE or DHI. It looks like a DHI surgery procedure to stimulate hair growth in bald areas by transferring follicles from other regions of the scalp (usually at the back of the head, at the nape of the neck). It involves the removal of healthy follicles from donor areas on the back and sides of the scalp. These are implanted in the scalp to stimulate growth in bald areas. There is no need to create incisions on the patient's scalp with DHI. The DHI implant better controls the depth, angle, and direction of the implant. The hair follicles will grow and form new hair over time.
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SH in 2021 (above) SH in 2022 (down)
SH’s hair appeared thinnest behind the hairline in 2021 which would be an unusual pattern for androgenetic alopecia. SH experienced hair loss of the frontal scalp. His hairline receded to the point where he lost his hair on the frontal scalp. The hairline, temples, mid scalp, and crown had thinned out significantly.
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For the amount of hair loss he had, at least 1500 grafts would get him where he is with DHI
The FUE technique expects patients to have their heads totally shaved before the system, while the DHI strategy just requires the donor region to be shaved. The DHI technique has a quicker recuperation period and can be performed with less draining compared with the FUE strategy. This gives a huge benefit to female patients.
The expected outcome of these two treatments is that twelve months after the procedure, the complete results start to show. The recuperation period is also comparable and shorter for both treatments. It is a relatively expensive procedure to have hair implants.
DHI is normally preferred to treat smaller, specific sections of hair loss, whereas FUE is better for when there's more significant balding for those seeking hair transplant procedures that look as natural as possible, DHI hair transplant surgery is a convenient option. You won’t lose any hair when the implantation surgery is finished, and your hair will stay on your head permanently. The DHI hair transplant method allows complete control over the angle, depth, and placement of the hair and produces results that look entirely natural is its most significant advantage.
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The DHI hair transplant method permits transplantation without shaving the entire head just the donor region. This angle shows his hair growth in the donor area and shows he didn't shave whole head . His donor hair area is the sides and back of the head. The technique followed SH’s hair direction in the frontal region. In the photos angles, of the result. The photo shows part of the recovery is the Redness of the Scalp around his newly relocated follicles.
SH seems overly proud of his hair. Before his grafts, he had a high natural hairline and some of the styles he was trying to pull off with toupée or wig didn’t work, He looks very desperate and self-conscious, but at least he keeps us amused.
I don't know if SH will confirm that he underwent a hair transplant at one of the top clinics in an attempt to restore his former glory. Perhaps in a post on Twitter, the Scottish actor can say that he was "delighted" with the result for his Outlander fans 🤷‍♂️
It is one thing that he no longer needs to hide his problem and another thing is to confirm it. Sam chose to show off but would like to avoid confirming the truth about his new hair. I don't know if he is a confident enough man to confirm his hair transplant to help others do the same and take the step towards fuller hair.
SH's hair transplant would make a good article for the Scottish media and Sam's friends to write something relevant about him, after all, they are journalists in the light of the news. Who will dare to write an honest article? And not massage Sam's ego by writing irrelevant stuff twice a day to get it out there🤷
#hairtransplant #DHI #FUE #FUT #Damanmagazine
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microhair · 3 days
Scalp Micropigmentation in Liverpool: Is It Worth It? 10 Things You Need to Know
Hair loss can be a difficult challenge, affecting confidence and self-image. While there are many hair restoration options available, scalp micropigmentation (SMP) has emerged as one of the most reliable and long-lasting solutions. If you’re in Liverpool and considering SMP, here are 10 things you need to know before making your decision.
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1. What is Scalp Micropigmentation?
Scalp micropigmentation, often referred to as a "hair tattoo," is a non-invasive treatment that uses micro-needles to deposit pigment into the scalp. This creates the appearance of tiny hair follicles and provides the illusion of fuller, thicker hair.
2. How Does SMP Work?
The process involves multiple sessions, during which a trained practitioner applies pigments to your scalp in layers. The pigment is matched to your hair color and skin tone, ensuring a natural, blended look that mimics real hair follicles.
3. Benefits of Choosing SMP for Hair Loss
SMP offers a range of benefits. It’s a low-maintenance, long-lasting solution that doesn’t require surgery or recovery time. Once completed, the treatment helps restore the appearance of hair density and provides a realistic, clean-cut look for individuals who are balding, thinning, or even suffering from conditions like alopecia.
4. Why Liverpool is a Hotspot for SMP Treatments
Liverpool has become a popular location for scalp micropigmentation due to the presence of highly skilled practitioners and advanced facilities. With reputable clinics like MicroHair® offering cutting-edge SMP treatments, Liverpool is an ideal city for anyone looking to enhance their look through this procedure.
5. What to Expect During an SMP Session
A typical SMP treatment involves 2-3 sessions. Each session lasts a few hours, depending on the area being treated. You can expect some redness after the session, but there’s no downtime, and you’ll be able to resume your daily activities immediately after.
6. Who is a Good Candidate for SMP in Liverpool?
SMP is suitable for both men and women experiencing hair thinning, bald spots, or complete hair loss. It’s also a great option for individuals with alopecia or scars from previous hair transplant surgeries. However, it’s important to consult with a practitioner to determine if you’re a suitable candidate.
7. How SMP Compares to Other Hair Loss Solutions
Unlike hair transplants or topical treatments, SMP offers an immediate visual result without the need for invasive surgery. It’s also more affordable compared to other long-term hair restoration options and delivers a much quicker transformation.
8. Realistic Results: What Clients Can Expect
SMP is designed to look completely natural. The results are subtle but effective, giving the illusion of a fuller head of hair. Most clients find that it not only improves their appearance but also boosts their confidence significantly.
9. How Long Does SMP Last?
One of the biggest advantages of SMP is its longevity. With proper care, the treatment can last up to 5-7 years before a touch-up is required. Regular use of sunscreen and avoiding harsh chemicals can help maintain the vibrancy of the pigment.
10. Finding the Best SMP Practitioner in Liverpool
Choosing the right practitioner is crucial for achieving optimal results. When looking for SMP in Liverpool, seek out clinics with experienced practitioners, a strong portfolio of before-and-after results, and positive client reviews. A highly skilled practitioner will ensure your treatment is tailored to your unique features and delivers the most natural look possible.
If you’re in Liverpool and dealing with hair loss, MicroHair® offers scalp micropigmentation, a proven and effective solution that provides long-lasting, natural-looking results. Whether you’re looking to recreate the look of a buzz cut or fill in thinning areas, SMP at MicroHair® can help you achieve the appearance of fuller hair without the hassle of invasive procedures. When done by a skilled practitioner at MicroHair®, it’s an investment that’s truly worth it.
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renew12345 · 15 days
Hair Transplant in Shimla: RenewYour Confidence with RenewYou Clinic
In recent years, hair loss has become a common concern affecting both men and women. Whether caused by genetics, stress, or other health issues, the impact on one's confidence can be significant. For individuals seeking a permanent solution, hair transplant in Shimla has emerged as a popular and effective option. At RenewYou Clinic, we offer state-of-the-art hair transplant services designed to restore not just your hair but also your self-assurance.
Why Choose Hair Transplant?
Hair transplant is a minimally invasive surgical procedure where hair follicles are taken from a donor area (usually the back of the scalp) and implanted into the balding or thinning areas. It provides a natural-looking and permanent solution, unlike temporary fixes like wigs or hairpieces. Here are some reasons why hair transplant stands out as a popular option:
Permanent Results: Once the transplanted hair starts growing, it remains for life, requiring no special maintenance.
Natural Appearance: The advanced techniques used at RenewYou Clinic ensure that the results look completely natural.
Boosts Confidence: Hair loss can negatively impact self-esteem. A successful hair transplant can restore confidence and improve overall quality of life.
Hair Transplant Services at RenewYou Clinic
At RenewYou, we specialize in providing the latest hair transplant techniques, ensuring both safety and satisfaction. Our experienced surgeons use methods like Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) to deliver personalized solutions based on your unique needs.
1. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):
FUE is a minimally invasive technique where individual hair follicles are extracted and implanted into the thinning areas. This method leaves minimal scarring and offers a quicker recovery time, making it a popular choice for those looking for a less invasive procedure.
2. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):
FUT involves removing a strip of scalp from the donor area, from which individual follicular units are extracted and transplanted. This method is ideal for those needing a higher volume of hair transplants in one session.
Why Shimla for Hair Transplant?
Shimla is a scenic, serene location ideal for recovery after a cosmetic procedure. The cool, fresh air of this hill station not only enhances physical healing but also offers a tranquil atmosphere to relax post-surgery. Being centrally located in Shimla, RenewYou Clinic is easily accessible to locals and visitors from neighboring regions like Chandigarh, Haryana, and Punjab.
Why Choose RenewYou for Hair Transplant in Shimla?
Experienced Team: Our certified surgeons and trained staff are equipped with years of experience in hair restoration.
State-of-the-Art Technology: We use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure precision and safety in every procedure.
Customized Care: At RenewYou, we understand that each patient is unique. We tailor our hair transplant treatments to suit individual needs and expectations.
Affordable Pricing: Compared to clinics in metropolitan cities, hair transplant in Shimla at RenewYou offers excellent services at competitive prices, making quality hair restoration accessible.
The Path to Hair Restoration
Undergoing a hair transplant is a significant decision, and at RenewYou, we ensure that you are well informed and comfortable throughout the process. From the initial consultation to post-transplant care, we guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you achieve the desired results in a safe and supportive environment.
Final Thoughts
If you’re struggling with hair loss and are considering a hair transplant, RenewYou Clinic offers best hair transplant in Shimla. Let us help you regain your confidence and achieve the look you’ve always wanted. With the right treatment and professional care, a fuller head of hair is just a step away.
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drpauls · 2 months
Signs That You Should Consider Hair Loss Treatment in Kolkata
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Hair Loss has now become quite a common problem in both men as well as women. Professional hair treatment in such cases is often the best bet. But are there any ways in which you can recognize the early signs of hair loss?  Some simple things act as a poignant sign that you are facing major hair loss issues and it is time to consider hair loss treatment in Kolkata. 
While losing a few strands here and there might be common, excessive hair shedding or visible thinning needs immediate attention. Here is a guide to help you recognize the early signs of undergoing a hair loss treatment in Kolkata! 
Signs That You Need Hair Treatment In Kolkata
Before you sign up for professional hair treatment in Kolkata, some of the common signs that you need to look out for are:
Excessive Shedding
One of the major reasons why you should consider hair treatment is when there is excessive shedding of your hair. Shedding of a few hair strands every day is common. However, if you notice that every day there are loads of hair that you are losing, it is time to consider professional treatment. 
Usually, you will notice that the accumulated hair will start to clog your drain or even on your hair brush. This can indicate that you are losing out on hair and it is time for professional treatment. 
Receding Hairline 
A common sign that you will notice not only in men but nowadays in women is none other than a receding hairline. This is a classic sign of alopecia and typically begins near the temple region. It proceeds to take the shape of a typical M and then emerges towards the crown area as well.
If receding hairline becomes common then it is time that you need to consult professionals for hair treatment. For women, usually, it is near the center of the scalp that you will notice signs of balding. Hair thinning might also be very common for women.
Scalp Issues
The fact that you need hair treatment at the earliest is not only dependent on how much hair you lose out on. In a lot of cases, major scalp issues might also be a sign that you need to undergo hair treatment.
Redness, scaling, or itching of the scalp can accompany hair loss and might be a sign of scalp conditions. Sometimes there are conditions like psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, or fungal infections that are an indication that you need hair treatment at the earliest. 
Patchy Bald Spots
Finally, another common reason that you should consider hair loss treatment in Kolkata is when you notice there are too many patchy bald spots in your hair. Circular or patchy bald spots, medically termed alopecia areata, can appear anywhere on the scalp or body. 
Usually, you will notice that this kind of patch appears almost suddenly. Ensure that you get in touch with a professional dermatologist at the earliest so that you understand what is going on and they can guide you on the next steps. 
If you are considering professional hair treatment then it is important to get in touch with someone who can guide you throughout - right from the beginning. The best name in this field is none other than Dr Paul's Advanced Hair and Skin Solution. With years of experience in the field along with budget-friendly treatment plans, you will be able to find the ultimate answer to all your hair-related problems. Usually, there are multiple types of hair treatment options available. Depending on what your problem area is, you can choose the variant that suits you the best! 
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Get A Fresh Look with Hair Treatment in Vasundhara Today
Dr. Megha Modi specializes in advanced hair treatments in Vasundhara. Experience effective solutions for all your hair concerns.
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Getting an attractive look is easy when you set your mind to it. The hair treatment in Vasundhara is one such treatment that is helping hundreds of people develop their personality overnight. This is an easy technique of hair regrowth and is fast becoming popular with the people who want new hair on their bald pates.
Why is the hair treatment so popular?
Hair treatment in Vasundhara has many takers because it is easy. The treatment does not cost too much and so everyone can afford it. The need to look good is important and everyone feels that. If one can grow the lost hair easily then why not? This is the mood that is making this hair treatment so popular. There is another reason too.
There is no extensive surgery involved. There is no medications other than the regular pain killers. The process is simple and straightforward, everyone can see how it is done. The best thing is that it takes only one or two hours for the entire thing to be over. You do not have any side effects and you can begin washing your head right after the operation. There is no need to wait for the effect or anything. It is done and that is that.
Who can take up the hair treatment in Vasundhara?
The people who can take up the hair treatment is extensive. Old men who lost their hair can use the treatment to get new hair growth again. Since this is a natural regrowth technique, there is no side effect. The growth occurs on its own and it then makes the person handsome with plenty of hair. Even old women who have lost their hair can undertake this hair treatment. This makes the people regain their lost youth and so people like it very much. The young people who grow prematurely bald too benefit from this treatment. Anyone who needs hair can take this treatment and see the results immediately.
Can the hair treatment go wrong?
It is possible that you go to the wrong place and someone who does not know about the hair treatment does it, then you might end up losing hair instead of gaining it. This is the reason why you must go to a reputed place such as the hair treatment in Vasundhara and you will never need to worry. They will take diligent care of you and make sure you get your hair again. So, make sure you do not go to the wrong place or book your appointment with the wrong agents.
The therapy is new and has extensive applications in many medical fields. However, in the field of hair growth, it is being widely adopted by all the people with enthusiasm. The reason is the enormous success of the treatment and the way it is over in an hour or so. This makes it so popular with the customers. Being scientifically proven, the method helps you get the best value of your money.
Begin your new life with plenty of hair today. Call the dermatologist and book your appointment today. You will be happy for all time.
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hairstyleforteen · 4 months
The 3 Best Hair Products For Fine Hair In Humidity And A Buying Guide
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Moisture, regardless of hair type, is an almost universal catalyst for fresh or uncooperative locks. Even people without friction may fight dry, unmanageable, and fluffy ends during periods of high humidity. Although air loaded with water alone can create lousy hair days, the combination of moisture and other dynamics is often responsible for these unpleasant frizzy or limp and unpleasant effects. Do you know what is the best hair products for fine hair in humidity? If you've got good hair, you know that it can be a blessing and a curse. Your fine strands don't need as much product to coat them on the bright side. Fine hair is often naturally silky and smooth and easy to react to heat. On the other hand, however, the downsides are all too reckless. From tangles to volume lack, fine hair sometimes looks great. You 're not alone when you are frustrated with all the bombshell blowouts you see on the road. But the good news is: you can shape your fine hair with the right routine, care, and products!
What is Fine Hair? 
Fine hair describes your hair's texture, which is classified by its width, diameter, or circumference. If you have fine hair, your individual hair's diameter is smaller, while the diameter of your hair is thicker.
What's The Distinction Between Fine And Thin Hair?
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Do you feel like you're not there much when you run your hands through your hair? Keep this in mind. It doesn't need to mean that you have fine hair — it can only be thin. While the sound is similar, the hair can have different qualities or characteristics. "Fine" hair refers to the strand thickness, as described above, with the texture test. The density of the follicles or how close individual strands are to one another refers to "thin" hair. You can have hair that is both thin and fine or rough and thin.  If the concept is still confusing for you, consider this: when men are balding, the concept used to describe the hair is "thinning" because the hair in the area is less densely populated.
How To Look After Fine Hair
Fine hair can easily be cared for with the right hair type products. It's best to start in the shower as always. To avoid limp strands, wash with a voluminous shampoo every day. This is where it gets challenging when you're ready for the conditioner. While keeping your locks conditioned, overly moisturized hair can, of course, be lifeless and flat. If your roots get greasy quickly, just like fine hair, minimize the amount of packing you use and concentrate on ends rather than your roots. This balance action can also be mastered by a leave-in treatment that helps to repair, restore, and remove your locks. Spray this after your shower, and concentrate again on the ends rather than the roots. Beware after your shower that hair is much more likely to break wet — particularly fine hair! Put moisture out of your hair with a towel instead of rubbing it vigorously. Avoid brushing your hair for the same reason while it's wet. If time permits, allow your hair to dry up to avoid heat damage. Use low temperature when using heat — and do not forget to use a heat-protective first! The old saying, "You're what you eat," also applies to your hair. Be sure to add biotin-rich foods such as nuts, bananas, and egg yolks to your diet. If you don't believe that you get enough biotin from your diet, supplements are also an option.
The Negative Effects Of Humidity
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Here are some of the negative effects of humidity on your hair. This is why you need to find the best hair products for fine hair in humidity.  Environmental Meaning When the heat index climbs, your hair reacts to moisture through molecular changes during these hot, sticky days. Hair is mostly hygroscopic or can exchange molecules of water with moist or dry air. While dry air drives water molecules into the environment from your hair, humidity has the opposite effect on your hair.  The hygroscopic nature of the hair during moisture will quickly absorb airborne moisture, which in turn causes hair swelling-16 percent of a high humidity diameter. This density change may take many unpleasant or unexpected styling problems into account. Moisture Once the moisture affects the hair and causes moisture absorption, individual reactions to this process begin to become apparent. While each hair type responds to humidity vapor effects differently, even several strands of the same head are likely to react unpredictably.  The hair proteins are not uniform and react differently to water molecules in two types: the orthocortex and the paracortex. Incorrect absorption can lead to twisting, bending, or alternatively causing cold-free effects, depending on the type of hair you have. Curls Factor When exposed to moisture, hair naturally curls excessively or is prone to frostiness, even if carefully straightened before it comes outdoors.  Since curly tresses have red cuticles to start with, brushing or touching hair must be avoided or minimized if it is moist, since friction is invoked, which only intensifies flawless locks further. You may find it better not to struggle with curls and allow hair to dry naturally or spin tresses in sultry days. Fine Hair  Flax fine hair is a factor that can make many women feel moist on wet days because of the weight of absorbed follicle moisture. Maintain lightweight styling products during the summer months.  Although limp from the crown, some women are thickened, which may require changes in style when it is moist. If your hair is fine and wavy, it could be your best moist weather option for the hair to be loose and natural. Damaged Warning  Every hair keeps some natural water, even though it feels very dry. But, while healthy hair generally maintains about 15% of the water's weight, it can retain about 30 % of the total moisture-damaged hair. Excessively dry, damaged, and rough hair, due to extremely porous strands, can terribly respond to humidity. How your hair looks depends to a large extent on how well you treat it. Good-looking hair helps to enhance your beauty overall. Therefore, you should care for your hair in every way possible—some ways to do this include regular hair cleaning and treatment.  Furthermore, you can use hair products. There are several products on the market. Choosing the right hair product requires careful consideration. Below are a few things you need to do before you make your purchase.
Key Considerations To Be Made
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Here are some of the key considerations you need to consider before buying the best hair products for fine hair in humidity. Use Before you use any hair product, you must consider why you need the product in question. Many hair products are designed to affect your hair specifically.  Your requirement will determine the product you are buying. For instance, if you have dandruff because of dryness, a product should be used to humidify your skin and prevent dandruff. Many products offer a combination of objectives, which can be a good idea if you're not sure of your needs. Ingredients The ingredients used in the hair product are on the label and should be checked carefully. You have to ensure that the product does not contain any ingredients that could cause any harm or undesirable effect. Alcohol is an example of a product to look for.  It is found in many hair products but causes dryness. It also has a negative effect. Sulfur is another example of an ingredient that can prevent your scalp from being damaged. Price The price tag for the hair product also affects your product selection. Prices vary widely based on factors such as ingredients, quality, brand, and packaging. You have to ensure that your money is of the highest value.  Compare the quality of the product you want to buy with the price to see if it's a lot. You should also use the different offers in the store usually to lower costs. Be careful about offers that sound too good, or products that are simply too cheap. This could indicate poor quality and unsafe products.
The Best Hair Products For Fine Hair In Humidity
It's essential to take care of your fine hair, and this guide will help you! Here are some of the best hair products for fine hair in humidity. SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil
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Get It On Amazon! The advantages of this serum are numerous. You are happy to help reduce frost. Castor oil provides numerous hair and scalp benefits, promotes hair growth, prevents hair loss, prevents skin infections, and, in your case, tames frozen and prevents split ends. You can use it in two ways: a serum that is left to massage the scalp and the hair before styling, or as a hot oil treatment for regeneration. You simply apply it to your hair and scalp, cover it for 5-15 minutes with a plastic cap, and apply moderate heat. After hot oil treatment, you will need to shampoo and style as usual. Many people note great improvements in hair and scalp overall health from less split to thicker, luscious locks. Garnier Fructis Style Sleek and Shine Hairspray
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Get It On Amazon! For just a few stray strands, you can easily match them with a great hairspray. Garnier Fructis is our favorite drugstore find. Their Sleek & Shine spray contains a natural bamboo extract that provides a light, natural holding that creates a barrier between excessive water vapor in the air and hair. Unfortunately, a spray can be a real damper on your look for loose natural hair because it can freeze the hair if you prefer it to flow naturally. Sprays are an excellent choice, but not for loose hair, for updos or half updos. John Frieda Frizz Ease 6 Effects + Serum Extra Strength
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Get It On Amazon! Gross or thick hair can be even more vulnerable than curly hair for that reason — it is drier, and oils have to work harder to get through the hair shaft. The extra strength 6 + serum of the iconic friction-free range of John Frieda is ideal if it is your hair type. This multi-purpose serum, designed especially for thick, coarse hair is formulated with ingredients such as silk proteins and seaweed extract to soothe unruly hair, dry hydrate, smooth flavor, and protects against moisture and thermal damage. You must use a large amount of wet hair to soak it before it can absorb moisture from the air, avoid the roots, and then follow with your regular styling products. This serum can also be used on dry ends if a touch is necessary. Other great John Frieda products, like the Flawlessly Straight Shampoo and Conditioner, Secret Weapon Touch-Up Crème, and Moisture Barrier Hair Spray, are available.
Final Words
Any of these products may be the key to your free frisk success, but it depends on what you already use. Many choose cheap, low-quality products that might seem to work first, but some time later, there are new challenges. Dandruff, accumulation of residues, and disruptions are common side effects of products that solve one problem but eventually create other products. Before addressing frizzy hair directly, make sure you use the right hair and scalp shampoo and conditioner. Read the full article
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