#'not that i'm not incredibly thrilled flattered and delighted but'
gnomeskillet · 1 year
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I paid 5000 gold to have a statue of Astarion put in my camp and I'm absolutely losing my shit. Astarion the Sensuous. My god. I have zero regrets.
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brown-sensation · 7 months
Appleblossom headcanons because I'm delusional~💕:
(These are for my human AU but most can apply for their puppet versions)
•Julie was a cheerleader in high school and was very popular, unfortunately, most people only thought of her as a bimbo :(((
•Wally on the other hand wasn't that popular but was well-liked by everyone. A lot of people had a crush on him~
•Julie's siblings don't like Wally very much 😭 not because they have something against him or anything, they're just super overprotective of Julie! They tolerate him though
•Wally picked up gardening from Julie! Occasionally his plants die though he's gotten so much better at taking care of them. He's patiently waiting for his apple tree to grow
•Julie speaks Spanish fluently. She wanted to learn Spanish when she started dating him. It was a bit hard for her but with the help of Wally she got the hang of it~
•Wally works as an art teacher at an elementary school. He's really good with kids, all the moms love him ;) (not that he cares, he only has eyes for his beloved Julie)
•Julie has a thing for high-heeled shoes!!! She really enjoys the ‘clacking’ sound they make
•Wally sleep talks, boy was Julie not thrilled to be awoken up by Wally's “I'm sleeping” the first time they shared a bed. She's gotten used to it by now~
•Julie is really flirty! She's loud and confident when she flirts with Wally but she also turns into a hot mess whenever he flirts back! He sure knows how to make a girl swoon
•Wally has an ungodly amount of paintings in his home of Julie he painted way before they started dating, he only ever gave her his best work
•Julie is not good at baking, she either tends to spill the batter or burn them. However it's appreciated whenever they DO turn out good, the house smells delightful
•Julie owns a hair salon and works as a hairdresser. She's the one to cut Wally's hair because he doesn't trust anyone else to do it
•Wally is very good at playing baseball, he's usually the pitcher since he has an incredibly good aim. Julie finds it attractive~
•Wally has painted Julie while drunk (hard apple cider), tbh it turned out awful but it's the intention that counts…🫶🏽💕
•Julie stims whenever Wally kisses her, especially on her hand, she's overcome with joy!
•#1 wife guy. You cannot tell me Wally isn't a Malewife
•When Wally first met Julie he was really disappointed to see how close she was with Frank and assumed they were dating. Turns out that was just a front and that she was single (the horrors of comphet)
•I hc their normal or puppet versions to be married! Their human versions are not (currently just dating)
•They occasionally call each other ‘Walliford’ and ‘Juliet’ as a joke
•Wally keeps small lamps inside his home on at all times because he knows Julie is afraid of the dark
•Julie thinks Wally is totally eye candy (she's right 🙏🏽), he knows this but it means so much more when it comes from her. She flatters him too much!
•Wally likes to kiss Julie from her hand all the way up to her shoulder like Morticia and Gomez, with a loud ‘muah’ ofc
•Julie's hair isn't actually her hair (well not all of it), she wears wigs/extensions and copious amounts of hairspray. Her actual hair is less big
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inexplicifics · 1 year
Hi Inex!!
I am beyond thrilled to have a new accidental warlord fic! I'm already falling in love with Aiden and Sasha's dynamic, and with Sasha; as an autistic person, I see so many of my mannerisms and thought patterns in him. Major kudos.
I already said it in an Ao3 comment, but I'll have squealed myself hoarse by the end of the week, I know! I mean everything else I said in that comment, too - you really do sound like someone I'd like to know better. I hope that's not presumptuous.
Incidentally - I read through some of your smaller series at work today. (I get very attached to Coen's speech patterns - can you tell?) Your writing has become something I turn to when my fibromyalgia gets too awful to power through, and I'm eternally grateful for it. Rather like Aiden was grateful for Julek pulling him from the river.
And lastly - you may not understand what this means, but I promise it is a compliment, and meant well - and if you want to understand, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm the host of a plural system. One of our members is Ciri. Your Ciri, to be precise. She's overjoyed to have her memories written so beautifully, especially the bits she's hazy on. If you're ever planning to write her year receiving their medallions, that would be incredibly well received.
Lots of love - Cad
I'm so glad Aleksander resonates with you! He's a dear anxious bean with some interesting neurodivergence going on, and I love him.
I am reasonably friendly but very shy - if you want to come reach out on Discord, or in the messages here on Tumblr, I am happy to chat! I'm just very, very bad at making the first move.
I'm so glad my writing brings you comfort; that is honestly my main goal in putting my work out into the world, and it delights me to achieve it.
And I am very flattered that my writing feels "true" to your Ciri. I do want to do at least one trainee-centered fic at some point, though I'm not sure yet whether it will feature them getting their medallions. I hope you continue to like my work!
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purple-compromise · 3 years
Just finished reading White Nights because of TiWWaN! :) I absolutely loved every second of reading it and the ending left me a mixture of emotions for both the narrator and Nastenka. The way you incorporate it into your writing is absolutely incredible and I cannot thank you enough for introducing me to a new story as well as introduce me to your wonderful writing, I’ve never had more fun or become as invested and intellectually stimulated by a fic before as I have with TiWWaN! 💖
Gosh!!!! I'm so excited that you enjoyed it and thrilled that you read it because of the fic! It's certainly one of my favorite short stories of all time, and I'm delighted to be able to share it... I can't tell you how flattered and happy I am that you enjoy the way I've used it in TiWWaN and that you're enjoying the fic so well! That you feel intellectually simulated is extremely high praise and I just can't even find words to say how that makes me feel ;-; Thank you so, so much!
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 5 years
This Never Happened Before (1/?)
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This fic is based off @kittenears41 fic It's You.
Please read her fic first, it's such a delight as well as check out her other fics because she introduces concepts not commonly used. It's incredible that she allowed me to do this.
This will be multi chap, though I hadn't planned on how long it should be yet. For now here's chap one. I hope I did your fic justice @kittenears41 and will enjoy what I did with it. 😘 This fic is unrelated to my Fluffy Adventures Series but I'll add the link to my Fanfic Masterpost. Title based off the Paul McCartney song of the same name.
Chapter 1: Waiting For Arrival
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This had never happened to you before.
Visions of color, a sea of people, and you moving and drifting against the tide. You had an idea of where you were supposed to be, and who you were going to meet, but it fed the conflagration of your building expectations which had no outlet to be relieved. It was a first; the beginning of everything. Unfamiliar faces were like dashing daydreams ready to be caught as you turned to find a quieter corner; leaving them to find their reality. You never had to sit on questionably clean benches, wait amongst the souls who were indifferent to your current dilemma, and wait with bated breath as a new chapter of your life was ready to be known.
Has this never happened before?
It wasn't all that unpleasant, but rather a thrill you weren't all that familiar. In your mind's eye, you could already see yourself with him; the man of your dreams, ready to delight in his sweetness, and bathing in your combined joy, but you were uncertain if that was how it would go. He should be here any minute now you thought as you glanced at your phone every now and again; you couldn't wait for him to be here. You wanted him to be here.
It was 11 AM this Sunday morning, and you hadn't been waiting long, but if you thought about it, then you sort of had. One day of curiosity, a chance, an online connection had led to this; six months of video chats, phone calls, and text messages which etched and weaved along the landscape of your imagination; allowing a sense of beautiful longevity to form and grow and bloom with affection. Oh, you really couldn't wait. You thought of going to one of the nearby bars, to drink liquid confidence but you knew how he felt about liquor, so you decided to browse one of the gift shops instead.
There was a plethora of tacky souvenirs, but you didn't think that would suit him, and eventually found yourself amongst the book section, staring straight at a historical romance novel. Should you get him a book? No, that wouldn't be enough; with all you knew you still felt unsure. What did you buy for the man who had cured cancer? For a scientist who had won many awards?
You had thought of scientific magazines or electronics he might enjoy, but then you thought of the other side of him; the side you fell in love with. He was a tender soul, albeit a mature one, who enjoyed fine literature as well as a variety of creative activities, who had somehow retained a sliver of innocence which gave him allowances to enjoy what might've been thought of as childish. So, when you saw a teddy bear in his favorite shade of blue, you knew he had to have it; to join the other stuffed animals for the tea parties he carried out in mid-afternoon. Hopefully, he’ll like it. Buying the bear and a candy bar, you decided to sit where you could see the arrivals.
You glanced at the flat screen which displayed the arrival times, though found it'd still be a while. Hmm, waiting for your special someone to arrive, it was one of the hardest things you ever had to do, but you knew it had to happen eventually, especially if there was ever to be more than a screen in between. You two had wanted to meet before, but the timing never worked, plus you had been afraid; anxious over what if’s. Having never met in real life, it took a great deal of faith and trust; both of which you now felt implicitly. Though, you wondered if he was as nervous as you were, perhaps he was.
However, it soon wore off as you looked on your phone, seeing his cute face in the saved pictures he had sent you; it was like you were never alone. This never failed to get you flustered; him being the sweetest man you'd ever had the fortune of spending time with, if only just to talk; if only just to know. And now you were to see him, to hold him, to feel him. 6 months of waiting had led up to this; a wish, a hope for future bliss.
You couldn't contain the flurry, the bubbling excitement and stood back up to pace, though not without a blush on your face. You were about to meet your adorable, lovely sweetheart of a boyfriend, and you yearned for his embrace. You wondered what he smelled like; if he was soft or very strong. No doubt he would be better in person, but would you be what he wanted? A woman nearby wondered where you were going, since you had no luggage, and you happily replied: “To see my cute boyfriend of course.”
It was reassuring to say that to someone; you had wanted to for the longest time. She studied you and teased. “You really like him, don't you? I can see it written all over your face.”
“Like him? I love him. He's my favorite person in all the world. Why,” you felt your cheeks burn, “he makes my heart feel as though it's going to explode. I know it sounds silly, but I can't wait to see him. I really wish he was here.”
Picking off a random piece a lint from her skirt, she seemed to stare past you, but the playfulness in her voice remained. “I wonder how he'd feel if he heard that.”
“Happy most likely. He's really good at being optimistic, as well as a lot of other things.”
You hadn't heard the approaching footsteps or realized who had arrived, but whoever stood behind you started to chuckle, you turned back around. "Hohoho, I-I'm flattered y-you feel that way. It's rather surprising, but y-you're right. I'm glad to have heard it."
You knew he was talking; that his lips moved and words were coming out at the speed of his excitement, but your heart drummed against your ribs, the deafening sound of your affection almost more than you could bear. There he was, in the flesh, more wonderful than you had hoped, in his blue sweater and labcoat; his winning smile too bright for your unworthy eyes. Yet, here you were like a lovestruck teenager, the flutter of butterflies getting into a tizzy in your tummy. You opened your mouth, but no words came out, and you gestured, but it was all just a bundle of confusion. Oh no, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen.
All around, the visions became blurs, and whatever he had been saying, he paused to study you. The lines around his eyes deepened, as well as the creases of his forehead. The brightness of his electric blue eyes softened, and without hesitation, he placed his hands on your shoulders hoping you were alright. From the moment you felt that light squeeze on your shoulder, you knew this was right.
“It's you. You're… you're here.” you managed to whisper.
He nodded. “Mhm, that's right. I'm here.”
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emimayooo · 2 years
I am SO very flattered. Thank you very much!!
Anyway, here goes!
Currently Reading: I'm actually on a break! Last month, I read like I was possessed, so I'm recovering from that. But some stand out reads from that crazy reading month were:
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space by Amanda Leduc. I read this for my current WIP, which is a fairy tale retelling focused on disabled + ND characters. I learnt a lot from this. Very valuable insights.
The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang. This was a shock because I didn't enjoy Hoang's previous books, but this one? I sobbed multiple times. It also made me consider whether I might actually be autistic as well...
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland. The prose is SUBLIME. Finger lickin' good, one might say. Also, this made me understand why people enjoy horror books. It's all about the thrill!
Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb. I initially struggled to get through this, but listening to the audiobook on 1.8x speed while reading helped me lots (I know, very ADHD of me lmao). This was a slow, strangely relaxing read. I am excited to read the sequel.
The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison. Warning: the naming system is horrid. You will get so mixed up and not know who's who. BUT. Still a highly enjoyable read with a charming MC. Maia is a certified delight.
Last Song: Would that I by Hozier.
Last Series: Last series I finished was 'What We Do in the Shadows'. It is so very pansexual and so very funny. I adore it to bits. So hyped for season 4!
Last Movie: Encanto! To this day We Don't Talk About Bruno is stuck in my head.
Sweet, Savory or Spicy: Savoury!
Currently Working On:
'Once Upon a Time' -- a FE3H Dimitri x Byleth fairy tale au.
I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR MORE THAN A *YEAR*. YEAH. Last year I was so frustrated that I could never finish any wips, then I got diagnosed with ADHD, and I was like "Ohhhhhhh." So ever since, I've been completely focused on this one project, which is on its last draft...OR SO I THOUGHT! FOR A SEQUEL/SPIN OFF GAME IS COMING OUT AND THE DEMO HAS ALREADY CONTRADICTED MY PLOT THREADS!!! So I will have to put this on the backburner until I finish the spin-off lmao.
Still, I am incredibly proud of OUAT. My prose and style really evolved with this project, and I'm so excited to share a fairy tale with disabled characters. Also, terrified. Because I don't share the disabilities my characters have. I'm worried about misrepresenting them. Sure, I've done research, but will that be enough? I don't know. Still, I'm glad I tried. I will be open to feedback from my readers. I will be vulnerable with them. I will bare my heart to them by sharing this WIP that represents my heart and hope it be enough.
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adreamingsongbird · 7 years
can you write some fluff for me? i'm so sad today lol rip
hey uh wow same lol but i have this one wip thing that ill never finish from ages ago when a few friends and i were on discord talking about hp aus ft. durmstrang vik and mahoutokoro yuuri??? i hope it cheers you up
{ ao3 }
DurmstrangInstitute is, much like Viktor has repeatedly assured him, beautiful.  The castle itself is larger thanMahoutokoro’s jade palace, though Yuuri personally thinks his own school has amore intricate and lovely design, but the grounds are stunning.  He doesn’tentirely know where they are, precisely, but the mountains and lakes are sopristine, and oh, the green of the trees against the bright blue sky—
“Appreciating theview?” Viktor asks, drifting almost lazily on his broom with a matching lazy,content smile.  Yuuri shifts close enoughto gently bump his shoulder.
“Yes,” he says,“but I wasn’t looking at you, if that’s what you meant.”
Viktorlaughs.  “You wound me, dear,” he says,nudging back.  “Except not really,because I love that look you get on your face when you’re enjoying yourself.  Go on, keep looking around, I’ll keep quiet!”
Suddenlyself-conscious, Yuuri ducks his head as the wind picks up.  “What look?” he asks, squinting against thebreeze.  It’s cold against his face, and belatedly,he’s starting to realize that maybe an extra layer or five might have beenuseful before going flying up here, but… oh well.  It’s too late to go back to Viktor’s room todig through his suitcase now, and a little cold never hurt anyone.
(Besides, it’llbe a great excuse for them to have tea together later, not that they reallyneed one.)
“The one whereyour eyes get all big and shiny and you get that one specific little smile!”Viktor says, leaning forward slightly. He takes one hand from his broom to reach over and touch Yuuri’s lips,just a brush of his gloved fingers, and yet somehow it sends shivers of awholly different kind tingling down his spine. “It’s adorable.  Please, ignore myinterruption.”
Yuuri presseshis lips together and puffs out his cheeks, not sure what to say.  “I’m not adorable.”
“Should I saycharming, lovable, delightful, or scrumptious instead?” Viktor asks.  Yuuri leans to the side and dips into a lazyspiral, curving below and then above him to get a better view of the still,reflective pond they’re flying over.  Hissilvery-golden robes (almost pure gold, except for his abysmal marks last yearafter—well.  Now isn’t a good time todwell on that) billow out behind him like a cloud, and Viktor’s cape fluttersin the wind, too.  
There he is,Viktor Nikiforov in all his pink-cheeked, blue-eyed, silver-haired glory, withthe guts to call Yuuri the charmingone.  He shakes his head, scoffing.
“I can’tbelieve the man almost as beautiful as this landscape is calling me pretty!” he calls, swooping into asharp dive, sharp enough that he can nearly reach out and skim his fingersalong the water.  The surface ripplesfrom the wind of his flight, distorting Viktor’s reflection as he dives after.
Laughing, Yuurileans back and starts to climb again, almost but not quite vertical.  The thrill of the fall settles in his chest,warm and exhilarating, and he can’t help the grin tugging at his cheeks.  “That’s what I said!  I’m sorry, Vitya, but these mountains are ina whole other league entirely!”
“You’re morebeautiful than all the mountains and lakes combined!” Viktor shoots back, hisvoice carried on the wind as he ascends too, zooming after Yuuri withease.  “So it’s only natural that I’d becalling you pretty!”
“Oh, stopthat!” Yuuri complains, ducking his head again to try and hide his blush.  “You big flatterer!”
“It’s notflattery if it’s truth,” Viktor says with a merry smile and a dainty shrug,coming to fly next to him again.  Yuurinudges his broom closer, until they’re side-by-side and close enough to touch,their flight slow as they drift on gentle currents like a wide, sedate river.
“Then I have toamend my statement,” he says, reaching for one of Viktor’s gloved hands.  “If I’m prettier than the mountains andlakes, and that’s an if, mind you, then you’re much, much more beautiful thanthe entire sky, and everything under it.”
“Oh!”  Viktor’s other hand flies up to his mouth,and for a moment Yuuri worries he’ll fall from his broom, so he tightens hisgrip to make sure he doesn’t even though he’s quite aware that Viktor is easilyhis equal in flight skill.  Probably hisbetter, really.  “And who’s the flatterernow?”
Yuuri squeezeshis hand and offers him a genuine, happy smile. “And you’re even cuter when you blush,” he adds, then immediately dropsinto another quick dive and a roll instead of waiting for a response.  Throwing a glance over his shoulder, he seesViktor, flustered and waving a hand in complaint as he follows,protesting.  
“I—what—I’m notblushing!  Yuuri!  It’s the wind!”
A laugh bubblesup in his throat and spills from his mouth, torn from his lips by the rushingwind, and Yuuri pulls himself into a hard, fast corkscrew just for the fun ofit, then shoots upward in a big loop. There isn’t much better than flying above scenery this breathtaking,especially not when one is flying with the most beautiful man in the world.
“You can’t justsay that and rush off!” Viktor is complaining, drawing closer again.  Yuuri just grins, feeling lighter than ever,all stuffed with giddy golden butterflies that thrive on the freedom of beingout here, up here, with just the twoof them.  He hasn’t felt this free in along time.
“I can,” hepoints out.  “I just did.”
“You better notdo it again,” Viktor pouts, eyes twinkling. Joy shines in his face, brighter than the sun, and his wind-mussed hairfloats about so enticingly that Yuuri almost abandons his hold on his broomjust to lean over and run his hands through it. It’s silvery-white in the sunlight, almost like a halo, and it’s kind ofa pity that they’re flying way up here, because that raw delight makes Yuuriwant to grab him and kiss him senseless, which would be a bit of a healthhazard.  So he really should findsomething else to distract himself with.
Besides, Viktorjust issued what clearly is achallenge to do it again, and what kind of boyfriend would he be to let himdown?
So Yuuri justgrins at him, competitive spirit coming out again.  Viktor must be able to see it, because helets out a playful groan.  “Oh no,” hesays.  “Don’t you dare, you—”
“I think youhave a really cute nose,” Yuuri blurts out, then shoots forward as fast as hecan, the wind making his eyes water. Behind him, he hears Viktor let out a shout.
“Catch me ifyou can!” he calls back, because if they make it a chase, he can pretend he’sonly red-cheeked because of the wind and the chill, not from the embarrassmentof just having told Viktor he has a cute nose to his face.  And Viktor isjust as competitive as he is, so he’ll play.
And then it’son, up and down and back and forth and around, through the forests and over theslopes, skimming the lakes and reaching high for the clouds.  It’s a beautiful day, except for the cold,and Yuuri can’t stop laughing as he darts away from Viktor, who stays right onhis tail, always just out of reach.  Theminutes fly by like seconds, until they’re both out of breath, floating above aclifftop meadow.  It’s very green.
“Wow,” Yuuribreathes, leaning forward until he’s almost flat on his broom as he looks down,over the edge of the cliff.  The windpicks up again, blowing his hair back from his face, and he scrunches up hisnose against it, looking at the sharp fall of the cliffside, leaping down tomeet the cold, blue fjord far below.  Alittle waterfall like white lace dances its way down the sheer rock, so distantit could be a thread.
A sudden yelpgrabs his attention, and he whips around just in time to see Viktor go tumblingoff his broom.  Alarm bells explode asYuuri races back toward him, watching as if in slow-motion as he starts tofall, fall, fall…
…and lands witha thump in the grass of the meadow.
Heart poundingin his throat because of how close he is to the cliff’s edge, Yuuri urges hisbroom down, suddenly terrified.  Viktoris face-down.  He’s not moving.  Oh, god, what happened?  How did he fall?  Is he—
“Vitya!” hecries, swooping in low and muttering a curse as he tries to detangle himselfand his robes from the broom.  Dammit, hereally should have tied them up properly earlier!  “Vitya, are you okay?  Oh my god, Vitya—”
Viktor rollsover, his hands covering his face. “Yuuri,” he says, and his voice trembles.  Oh, no, no no no, is he crying?  What happened, what happened, what happened?  “Yuuri, I’m ruined.  My dignity is gone.  It’s all your fault; you did this to me.”
Confusion andguilt rise, and his hands still on the broom. Yuuri sits there in midair, blinking, before he finally tries to findwords.  “I… what?  Sorry, I…”
Viktor moveshis hands aside, and oh, he’s notcrying at all.  He’s laughing.  His face is allpink and there’s a shy smile there as he laughs, and now he’s holding out hisarms, the universal invitation for a hug. “Yuuri!” he exclaims, shaking his head. “I fell because—of all things!—I got distracted by thinking of how cute you looked just now!  Come here, I need at least ten hugs to feelbetter.”
Relief comesfirst, hard-hitting and heady, and it spills out as laughter.  ViktorNikiforov, of all people, fell off his broom because he gotdistracted?  Yuuri can’t help but giggleat him.
And then therest of his sentence clicks into place, and with it, Yuuri flips the switchfrom incredibly amused to awfully flustered in a heartbeat.  “You what?!”he yelps.  How cute he—but he wasn’t evendoing anything—!
Heat floods hischeeks faster than a falling Quidditch star hits the ground, making himinstinctively try to bury his face in his hands, and the next thing he knows,the world is tilting dangerously and then there’s a hard impact against hisshoulder and back and hip and ankle, and he blinks, confused, up at the sky.
“Oh my god,”Viktor says, next to him.  He starts tolaugh all over again, then rolls over and drapes his arm and leg overYuuri.  “And they say love gives us wings,”he sighs mournfully, and the entire situation is so ridiculous that Yuuri justhas to laugh.
He turns and isgreeted by those same sky-blue eyes he was admiring earlier, now sparkling withboth laughter and warmth.  Viktor smilesat him with all the tenderness in the world, and Yuuri presses their foreheadstogether, heart still pounding from the exhilaration of their flight.
“I still thinkyou’re very cute when you blush,” he says, and pecks the tip of Viktor’s (verycute) nose.  Viktor, of course, blushes.
“You’re evencuter when you’re making those faces at the wind,” he says, his hand findingits way into Yuuri’s hair.  The leatherof his glove is slightly cool against Yuuri’s scalp, and when the wind blowsagain, he has to stifle a shiver.
…Viktor’s capeis right there.
Sitting up, heignores Viktor’s soft questioning mewl and reaches for the buckle instead,undoing the clasp as it sits snug across Viktor’s chest.  Viktor makes an odd little choked sound.
“You know,dear, if you plan on undressing me, there might be better places than—”
Blushingharder, Yuuri tugs at the cape.  “I’mstealing this,” he says, tugging at it again, and Viktor stops.  Then he laughs.
“Of course,” hesays.  Then he sits up too, wraps itaround the both of them, and pulls Yuuri close, against his chest.  His arms are warm and snug, wrapped aroundhim as they are, and Yuuri smiles happily, leaning into him.  “What’s mine is yours.  I told you that when you first got here.”
“You’re mine,”Yuuri teases, closing his eyes and tucking his head into the crook of Viktor’sneck, nice and cozy.  The cape blocks thewind very effectively, and Viktor radiates heat.  He could fall asleep like this.
Viktor takes amoment to reply, and Yuuri blinks, opening his eyes just in time to catch hisboyfriend looking down at him with the most gentle, tender expression he’s everseen.
“Yeah,” Viktoragrees warmly.  “I am.”
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